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Article Writing Class 12 Format, Topics, Examples, Samples

The document contains 6 questions asking the student to write articles on various topics related to civic sense, cultural programs, television watching hazards, youth roles, crime rates, and pollution reduction. For question 1, the student writes an article as Shamini discussing how lack of civic sense has become a problem in India and how teaching civic values at a young age can help address this. For question 2, the student writes as Varshini about a cultural program their school arranged on service and sacrifice.

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Article Writing Class 12 Format, Topics, Examples, Samples

The document contains 6 questions asking the student to write articles on various topics related to civic sense, cultural programs, television watching hazards, youth roles, crime rates, and pollution reduction. For question 1, the student writes an article as Shamini discussing how lack of civic sense has become a problem in India and how teaching civic values at a young age can help address this. For question 2, the student writes as Varshini about a cultural program their school arranged on service and sacrifice.

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Article Writing Class 12 Format, Topics,

Examples, Samples
Question 1:

Last week as you were coming back from school you happened to see a huge plastic bag full
of leftovers of food being flung into the middle of the road from a speeding car. You wondered
how people can be so devoid of civic sense. Write an article in 125-150 words on why we lack
civic sense and how civic sense can be inculcated in children at a very young age. You are

Lack of Civic Sense


In the society, people of different types and different opinions live. They do not think for the
betterment of the society. They only think about themselves. They have become selfish and
narrow in their thought. In India, people hardly follow any rules. They have no respect for public
property. On railway platform, they do not follow any instructions. They spit anywhere or at any
place. They do not care for what they are doing. They even throw away the polythenes, water
bottle etc. on the platform. They lack civic sense. Inculcating a civic sense is the need of hour.
Parents must inculcate civic sense among children at an early age. The values of cleanliness,
discipline and tolerance must be inculcated among them. Parents must encourage their children
to keep their surroundings clean. All these things must be taught at an early age. They are the
future of the nation and they must take the responsibility of a responsible citizen.

Question 2:

You are Varshini. This year your school arranged a special cultural programme on the theme
‘Service and Sacrifice’ in commemoration of the International Year of Volunteers. Write an
article about this cultural programme for your school magazine in about 200 words.

Service and Sacrifice

(by Varshini)
‘Service before self’, keeping this motto in mind, ABC School, Vikaspuri organised a cultural
programme in commemoration of the International Year of Volunteers. The programme
commenced with a prayer service followed by a special presentation by the Scouts and Guides
Cell of the school. The one-hour dance drama, ‘Service and Sacrifice’ depicted beautifully how
volunteers and cadets from the NCC deal with exigencies, risking their own lives.

In a heart-wrenching situation, a few people buried under the debris of a shattered building
were rescued by the volunteers, who, unmindful of their own wounds and injuries, spared no
efforts in saving their lives.

In an another situation, the panic-stricken people trapped on the twenty-second floor of a sky-
scraper, were saved by the fire personnel. These and many more. The special light and sound
effects and realistic sets added great colour to the programme.

The expressions showing tense moments, hustle-bustle, anxiety and panic were brought out
beautifully by the young and talented cadets of the school.

The audience sat spellbound as they were greatly touched by the pathos created by different
traumatic situations coupled with the noble sacrifice of the volunteers. They gave a standing
ovation to the participants reflecting their pleasure and appreciation.

Eminent journalists were the special guests. Speaking on the occasion, they expressed immense
satisfaction and pleasure at witnessing such a meaningful programme. Congratulating the
participants on their brilliant performance, she cited many more

examples from her life highlighting the importance of duty before self.

Finally, Dr B.P. Singhal, the Principal proposed the vote of thanks. The evening became a
memorable event for everybody.

Question 3:

Write an article in 20 words on the following topic to be published in your school magazine.
You are Mumtaz/Mohd. Azam of XII Std., Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan, Delhi. Recently you read
in the newspaper an incident in which the children tried to imitate the stunts shown on
television and embraced death. You have decided to write an article on the hazards of
television watching for kids and how the parents could guide them to watch the programmes
in an effective way.
Hazards of Television Watching for Kids

Recently I read in the newspaper an incident in which the children of Meerut tried to imitate
the stunts shown on television and embraced death. The young kids feel thrilled and excited on
watching the amazing stunts on television. They blindly imitate these screen heroes and while
trying to emulate their actions, they hurt themselves : disastrously. The injuries prove fatal
because no safeguards have been undertaken. The enthusiastic kids forget that these stunts are
performed by specialists under well- controlled conditions.

It is upto parents to educate their children about the harmful effects of aping these super-
human tricks and feats of bravery. They must draw the attention of the children to the
mandatory warning displayed at the beginning of the advertisement/stunt. The parents should
not snub their wards. They should channelise and harness the abundant energy of the kids by
giving them effective guidance. The kids should be encouraged to indulge in healthy competitive
games of physical and mental skill under strict parental supervision. This would help in proper
development of the personality of the kids and ensure freedom from the dangers of mindless
imitation of stunts.

Question 4:

Write an article in 200 words on ‘The Role of Youth in National Development’ to be published
in your school magazine. You are Mumtaz/Mohd. Azam of XII Std., Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan,

The Role of Youth in National Development

(by Mumtaz)

Youths are the assets and hope of a nation. The future of a nation depends on its youth. They
can play a very constructive role in the progress, uplift and development of a nation. The role of
youth has become more important today as the modem era is becoming fast-paced, complex
and complicated. The advent of computers and modem technology has brought a revolution in
the field of information. Modem educated youth can help in national development by attending
to the ills and shortcomings in various sectors. They can help the villagers shed their shackles of
ignorance, illiteracy and superstition by acquainting them with true facts. New scientific
techniques can help in raising the yield of crops. The problem of unemployment or
underemployment can be overcome by establishing small scale industries. They can guide the
rural youth about cheap raw material and profitable disposal of finished products. The youth
can help in checking population growth by adopting family planning and presenting living
examples to others. They can play a vital role in making India a great democratic, progressive
and prosperous country steeped in old cultural values but equipped with modern scientific
outlook. Last but not the least, they can play a vital role in transforming the moral fabric of
society by curbing the vices of selfishness and greed and imbibing the spirit of self-sacrifice,
sympathy and mutual confidence.

Question 5:

Write an article in 200 words on ‘The increasing crime rate in today’s society and ways to curb

The Increasing Crime Rate in Today’s Society

Modem society has advanced in science, technology and information. Prosperity has increased
manifold. But progress and affluence have their negative aspect too. Crimes such as burglary,
kidnapping, robbery, violence, assault, sexual harassment, rapes, threats, verbal abuse have
become the bane of today’s society. Most of the deadly and dangerous crimes are organised
and executed by professional criminals. The lords of the underworld run a parallel government.
Government machinery and police are ineffective against their machinations. They extort
money by coercion and suffer no qualms of conscience to kill a victim if the demand is not
fulfilled. On a lower-level, the small-time urchins and pick-pockets grow up to be henchmen of
the bosses and indulge in crimes against women and society. Despite the growth of private
guards and ever-increasing number of civil police, the rate of crime is increasing day by day. This
is quite a shocking trend. Healthy and active cooperation of the people, police and political
leaders can control the situation. Political leaders having finks with the underworld should be
identified and pressurised to yield to public opinion. In case, they do not redress the grievances
of the people, they should be forced to resign and not elected again. The police must shake up
its lethargy. Instead of harassing the person who lodges the F.I.R. (First Information Report),
steps should be taken to apprehend the criminal and curb the crime. The general public needs
enlightenment. The people should be conscious of their rights and duties. Only by observing a
civic code of conduct, the elders can inspire the youth to combat crime.

Question 6:

Owning a car has become a status symbol these days. However, increase in the number of
cars has added to various types of pollution and other problems. Write an article in not more
than 200 words highlighting the urgent need for reducing these man-made problems, giving
suitable suggestions. You are Vinod/Vidhi.

Reducing Pollution

by Vinod

Delhi has become one of the most polluted cities in the country closely followed by Kolkata,
Chennai and Mumbai. This is because of the millions of vehicles that ply on the roads of Delhi.
Owning a car has become a status symbol. As a result the number of cars on the roads has
become manifold. This has resulted in numerous problems. The primary one is of traffic
congestion, traffic snarls and traffic-jams. Driving on the roads of Delhi has become a nightmare
and a health hazard.

Vehicles emit fumes and poisonous gases which is a serious health hazard. Delhi has witnessed
an increasing number of deaths among young children due to respiratory diseases caused
presumably due to pollution. Man-made traffic hazards are creating havoc for the populace. The
number of fatal accidents has also increased alarmingly.

The Delhi Government has taken measures to bring down the pollution level such as use of CNG
buses and autorickshaws. The need of the hour is to support the government with public
cooperation. Carpools should become the norm rather than the exception. Improved public
transport system, use of lead free fuel and catalytic 1 converters will go a long way in easing the
situation and creating a healthy city. Every open space should be covered with green trees to
create lungs in the city and help in bringing back its glory.

Question 7:

You are Abhishek / Anubha studying in Plato Public School, New Delhi. While commuting for
your school everyday you find many of your school boys and girls taking free lift from the
passing cars, which you don’t like. Write an article in about 200 words on ‘The Evils of Hitch-
hiking for publication in your school magazine.

The Evils of Hitch-Hiking

(by Anubha)
Hitch-hiking may seem to be a thrilling adventure at first, but the habit of taking free lifts from
the passing cars is fraught with dangerous consequences. In their zeal to enjoy the fun of a free
ride the young school boys and girls do not know who the persons offering them lift are.
Everyday we read so many cases of kidnapping, molestation, sexual abuse, rape and murder.
Gone are the days when face used to be an index of the mind. Now one may smile and smile
and yet be a villain. You can never be sure of the intentions of these Samaritans who may prove
ugly customers and ruin young promising careers forever. I think this practice of seeking free lift
should be discouraged by all the elders and well-wishers by educating the youth about the
moral, physical and ethical aspects.

Many boys and young girls have been duped and ill-treated by anti-social elements by offering
them free lifts, outings and entertainments. Although most of the victims bear the trauma
silently, some of them are bold enough to inform the police and local authorities. This acts as an
eye-opener to others and also helps the authorities to curb crimes by nabbing the anti-social

Question 8:

You are Saurabh /Surabhi. Your school has been invited to participate in an inter-school on-
the-spot writing competition, organised by the Lions Club of your area. Based on your past
performance in such competitions you once again get selected for this proposed competition.
The organisers of this competition have given only one topic to write about: My Dreams of
the Next Millennium. Write an article in about 200 words on this topic.

My Dreams of the Next Millennium

(by Surabhi)

The next millennium is going to be a purely scientific age. It will be a world ruled over by the
technocrats. The previous three centuries of the second millennium have witnessed breath
taking developments in the field of industry, agriculture and war-weapons.

The next millennium will see information technology reaching the peak. Domestic robots will
replace human domestic servants. People will enjoy synthetic food and drinks. Trips to Moon
and Mars will become so common that these space stations will be considered as picnic spots.
In the next millennium India will become a super power. It will be the greatest country of the
world not only in sheer numbers but also in the field of science and technology. It will become
financially, scientifically as well as militarily strong and politically dominant. No nation of the
world would dare to disrespect India or Indians. We will feel proud of being Indians.

Bio-technology will develop. The discovery of G-nome will help to understand the codes of
genes properly. Grains and fruit will have enriched properties by further experiments in bio-
sciences. Strains of high yielding varieties of rice, wheat, maize may be developed which will
ensure complete freedom from drought and hunger. The harnessing of modem science may
herald the era of instant food available in the form of tablets and capsules.

Question 9:

Writ.e an article for your school magazine justifying the need of education for girls in the
country for national development. (word limit: 200 words)

Education of Girls for National Development

The girl child is an ignored species in our male dominated society which still practises gender
bias. There is an apparent discrimination in the upbringing and education of the girls in the rural
areas, middle classes and the lower classes of the society. Female education is relegated to the
background and all the family funds and resources are lavished on the upbringing and education
of the sons.

The myopic parents, teachers and social reformers forget the need and importance of the
education of girls. If we educate a boy, we educate a person. On the other hand, if we educate a
girl, we educate a family. A girl acts as a bridge between two families. An educated girl can
become independent and self-sufficient. She can contribute to the welfare of the family and
society. The rise in the standard of living is possible when women supplement the incomes of
the males. National development is impossible without the whole hearted contribution and
active participation of women. We have seen the fate of some of the policies and schemes such
as adult education and family planning foisted from above. They have failed miserably because
women were not involved in them whole-heartedly. Hence we must educate girls if we want our
nation to progress, and match the developed countries in all the spheres.

Question 10:

Kavita had a discussion with her friend on Information Technology. After getting from her a lot
of ideas, she decides to write an article on Information Technology for her school magazine in
about 200 words. Imagine you are Kavita. Write the article.

Information Technology

(by Kavita)

Science has made our lives more comfortable. Modem technology has contributed towards the
progress of society. Gone are the days of rubber and pencil, nib and pen. Children need not
strain their heads for memorising dirty maths tables or go on cramming formulae or facts. In
short the memory of students need not be overloaded. Science has done wonders for us. Today
we have access to knowledge contained in books in any language, experiments or research
going on in various countries. Newspapers, magazines and periodicals are becoming obsolete.
Information technology has been revolutionised with the invention of computers. It has opened
a new window on the world. Computer based information technology has increased efficiency
and human capacity to work. One person can do the work of fifty persons and that too more
efficiently and precisely. Computer technology may be used for storing, transferring and
improving knowledge. The inter-linking of computers through worldwide network like Internet
provides instantaneous knowledge and service. Electronic mail (E-mail) and electronic
commerce (E-commerce) have come in vogue. Computer has indeed opened new vistas for
humanity. The future of information technology is bright.

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