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Terrors Beneath Deepfrost Citadel

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Magno Simões
This document provides background information for a Dungeons & Dragons campaign set in and around Deepfrost Citadel. It describes how the citadel and town of Hermilthan came to be after a mining expedition discovered riches in the Black Mines beneath the mountain. However, an unknown evil was unleashed from the depths, decimating the miners. Now, Deepfrost Citadel stands empty and adventurers are drawn to uncover its secrets and face the dangers that remain below.


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Terrors Beneath Deepfrost Citadel

Uploaded by

Magno Simões
This document provides background information for a Dungeons & Dragons campaign set in and around Deepfrost Citadel. It describes how the citadel and town of Hermilthan came to be after a mining expedition discovered riches in the Black Mines beneath the mountain. However, an unknown evil was unleashed from the depths, decimating the miners. Now, Deepfrost Citadel stands empty and adventurers are drawn to uncover its secrets and face the dangers that remain below.


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Credits Sources

Inspiration story, dungeon lay-out, NPCs and lore based Non-homebrew items and monsters taken from the
on the game “Decked Out 2” (as built on Hermitcraft following books:
Season 9 by TangoTek) as well as Hermitcraft Baldur’s Gate: Descent Into Avernus (2019).
members itself Wizards of the Coast. (From now on referred to as
This module follows the Dungeons and Dragons 5th BGDIA)
edition ruleset and ranges from levels 3-7 Basic Rules (2017). Wizards of the Coast. (BR)
Candlekeep Mysteries (2021). Wizards of the Coast.
Campaign story created by capriciouswriter207 (CM)
Dungeon Masters Guide (2014). Wizards of the
PDF version created using The Homebrewery Coast. (DMG)
Monster Manual (2014). Wizards of the Coast. (MM)
Maps created by capriciouswriter207 using inkarnate
(they can be found here) Mordenkainen Presents: Monster of the Multiverse
(2022). Wizards of the Coast. (MotM)
Cover image taken from GoodTimesWithScar (2023, Out of the Abyss (2015). Wizards of the Coast.
September 18) I WON Week One Of Decked Out - A (OotA)
Minecraft Movie (screenshot from 00:09) Rise of Tiamat (2014). Wizards of the Coast. (RoT)
Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything (2020). Wizards of
Other images the Coast. (TCE)
Tomb of Annihilation (2017). Wizards of the Coast.
Screenshot taken from TangoTek (2023, September 8) (ToA)
How to Play Decked Out 2! The Wild Beyond The Witchlight (2021). Wizards of

Deepfrost Citadel, screenshot from 00:19 (pg. 92)

the Coast. (WbtW)
Xanathar’s Guide to Everything (2017). Wizards of
The Frozen Crypt, screenshot from 00:21 (pg. 41) the Coast. (XGE)
The Black Mines, screenshot from 00:25 (pg. 65)

Screenshots taken from TangoTek2 (2023, February 7)

Hermitcraft - BDubs Boat Tour, Traps, and Oreos! Terrors Beneath Deepfrost Citadel is unofficial Fan
Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not
Kuo-toa Ship, screenshot from 00:08:26 (pg. 60) approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the
Mushroom Forest, screenshot from 03:11:40 (pg. materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast.
54) ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents 3 Chapter 4. The Caves of
Introduction 4 Carnage 47
The story of Thaddeus Holsten 4 Running this chapter 47
Adventure structure 5 Threats in the Caves 47
Running the adventure 6 Important NPCs 49
Caves of Carnage Features 49
Chapter 1. Hermilthan 9 What comes next? 64
Using this chapter 9 Chapter 5. The Black Mines 65
Missing townsfolk 9 Running this chapter 65
Beliefs about Deepfrost Citadel 9 Threats in the Mines 66
Important NPCs 10 Black Mines Features 69
Town Locations 10 Top Floor 69
Developments 15 Middle Floor 72
The Siege of Hermilthan 18 Bottom Floor 75
What comes next? 78
Chapter 2. Deepfrost Citadel 21 79
Chapter 6. The Burning Dark
A foreign influence 21 Running this chapter 79
Running this chapter 22 Threats in the Burning Dark 79
Important NPCs 22 It ends…? 87
The road to Deepfrost Citadel 22
Deepfrost Citadel Features 22 Chapter 7. Flee with extra
1st Floor 23 Flee! 88
2nd Floor 25
The Tower 29 Overview 88
What comes next? 32 Aftermath 91
Chapter 3. The Frozen Crypt 33 Appendix A. Magic Items 93
Running this chapter 33 Appendix B. Creatures 97
Threats in the Crypt 33
Frozen Crypt features 35
What comes next? 46
dventurer Thaddeus Holsten struck gold - succeeded where no-one else did and discovered the

both literally and figuratively - when he expansive ore veins. This discovery came at a grave
discovered the vast riches underneath an cost: Thaddeus and Melena were the only survivors of
icy mountain during an expedition with his this harrowing journey. The others perished during the
friends. Within a short period of time, the journey down. Upon their return to the surface, they
Black Mines were founded. People from all vowed to honor their fallen friends.
over the world flocked to the mountain to Thaddeus and Melena quit the adventurer lifestyle
find work in these mines and hopefully receive a portion and set up a mining operation instead. The Black Mines,
of the wealth they dug up. he called them, named after the blackstone that
Atop the mountain, Deepfrost Citadel rose - a persisted through the tunnels. The prospect of work and
testament to the might and wealth of Thaddeus Holsten, more wealth than anyone had ever seen in their lives
who called this castle his ‘humble abode’. A town called drove people to the site, and in no time these people
Hermilthan sprung up at the foot of the mountain, near established a town at the foot of the mountain.
the mines’ entrance, and its people flourished.
Ever prosperous, the miners were made to expand
the mines further and further, deeper and wider, until Deepfrost Citadel
they dug too deep. An unknowable, evil force crawled With his newly acquired wealth, Thaddeus built his new
through the breach and attacked all that lived. The hope atop the mountain: a dark castle he dubbed
miners hoped to lure ravagers - savage beasts from the ‘Deepfrost Citadel’, from where he could enjoy his
caves above - into the mines to deal with the threat, but wealth and the unusual treasures he’d found during his
they too were felled. adventures. Beneath the Citadel, in the middle of frosty
The miners fled. Some through the caves, others via tunnels, he built a crypt. He constructed empty tombs
the tunnels to the entrance. Still, they were decimated for his fallen friends - whose corpses they unfortunately
and only a few made it out. The survivors barricaded the had to leave behind - and promised prominent members
tunnel and had it collapse before all the beasts and the of Hermilthan’s society and miners would be buried
terrors they unwittingly released could escape to the here, though he would not allow visitors to “disturb the
surface and ravage Hermilthan. Thaddeus Holsten, who deceased”.
learned what was going on, was said to have entered the The crypt served a dual purpose: to honor those who
mines to put a stop to the terror, but vanished without a passed away and to be a hidden entrance to the mines.
trace. Deepfrost Citadel stands empty, a grim reminder It did not immediately connect to the mines, but rather
of what had happened. connected to the caves, from where Thaddeus built an
Hermilthan still exists. Instead of exporting ores and entry from the caves into the mines. Afraid of attracting
riches, they pivoted to the export of wood and wool. adventurers and to discourage thieves, he refused to
Though some would rather forget the tragedy, the clear out any threats in the caves. He was strong
legend of the Black Mines and Deepfrost Citadel enough to overcome them should he have to face them
persists. It draws adventurers to this site of danger and himself on his way into the mines.
despair - to uncover lost riches, to slay the beasts, and
(potentially) to solve the mystery of the disappearance of
Thaddeus Holsten. Dangers from below
One fact remains certain, no matter how many
adventurers walk through the doors of Deepfrost The mines kept expanding, and miners dug deeper and
Citadel: those who enter, never return. deeper until they uncovered a strange location. Few
brave miners ventured in, to explore this strange city-
like location. By the time they realized what they had
The story of Thaddeus discovered, it was already too late. The Warden had
located them and chased the miners out of its home,
Holsten into the mines themselves. All the while behind him, the
strange organism - similar to the Warden’s skin -
The beginnings expanded and crawled into the mines, consuming the
Long ago, the half-elf adventurer Thaddeus Holsten led fallen.
an adventuring group with his close friends: the water Most of the miners perished, but some survived.
genasi Melena, the werewolf Rolf Derrilt, human Faena These survivors scattered - some ran for the mining
Simms, and tiefling Tenacity. Together, they delved entrance, while others fled up Thaddeus’ personal
under the icy mountain, drawn in by rumors of vast entrance and exit. Those who traveled through the
riches being hidden within. These adventurers caves attracted ravagers to attack the warden, but
they died just as easily as the miners did. Those who that did, did not attack, but rather seemed to welcome
rushed through the tunnel to the surface called for the him. At the site where he sealed the Burning Dark,
destruction of the mine entrance. Despite pushback Thaddeus chose to use one last spell scroll to teleport
from the uninformed Hermilthians, the miners blew up into the Burning Dark so he wouldn’t disturb the
the mine entrance and closed it off. protections he and Melena put in place.
When Thaddeus Holsten learned what happened, he Trapped in the unsettling city with labyrinthine walls,
and Melena descended into this strange city below the his mind had fully slipped away, his partially-corrupted
mines, which they called the Burning Dark: a terrifying body now puppeteered by the sculk. Drawn to the
mass of sculk and uncanny creatures in an unsettling source of all sculk, he is sat there, where sculk gathers
landscape, led by their horrific Warden. This unnatural, around him into a new body, to begin the process of
strength-sapping moldy moss came alive and started to making him serve as the Burning Dark’s next Warden.
spread into the mines. Thaddeus and Melena decided to Thaddeus Holsten, famous adventurer, was no more.
seal the Burning Dark with magic. Thaddeus kept the Now, the newly appointed Warden waited for the day
key, while Melena split the metaphorical lock - the seal - the seal would be broken, so the sculk can be unleashed
into three and scattered the pieces across the mines. upon the world.
Unfortunately, the Warden found and attacked them
viciously. Melena used the last of her energy to
obliterate the creature, severely weakening her. Adventure structure
Thaddeus, unwilling to let another friend die, carried Terrors Beneath Deepfrost Citadel presents an epic
her back to the Citadel. journey, spanning from the frigid hallways of Deepfrost
Citadel to the scorching depths of the Burning Dark.
Sculk corrupts The adventure was designed for a party of four to five
characters. Characters of level 3 can jump right into this
In the Citadel, Thaddeus used every resource at his adventure and will be level 7 at the end.
disposal to help Melena. Her weakened state was not Chapter 1 lays the groundwork of the main settlement
only the result of destroying the Warden, but also of the characters will have access to. They can explore
sculk corruption - a small patch that grew and grew and Hermilthan and gather knowledge and supplies before
slowly turned her into one of those mindless creatures. and during the adventure. As there are opportunities for
Thaddeus fumbled to try to understand the sculk and the characters to return to town as they explore, they
have it relinquish Melena, but it was difficult to bargain can see how their choices and adventures beneath
with it. Deepfrost Citadel affect this town.
This prolonged exposure to the sculk corrupted
Thaddeus as well. Slowly, his mind deteriorated and In chapter 2 (designed for characters of level 3), the
fought against the sculk’s intrusive thoughts. In an doors of Deepfrost Citadel open themselves up for any
attempt to destroy what he’d brought into his home, he brave souls who wander in. The characters learn about
attempted to burn everything to the ground. However, the chokehold one old portrait has on the citadel and
the sculk persisted. As a reaction, he then used magic to must navigate these halls without succumbing to this
coat the room in eternal deepfrost, which did destroy it. maddening call.
Yet, he could not bring it in himself to destroy Melena.
Still, these intrusive thoughts persisted, called him Chapter 3 (designed for characters of level 4) sees the
down to the warmth of the Burning Dark. Unable to characters travel into the Frozen Crypt. They meet
resist the call, Thaddeus absconded with Melena’s near- some frosty enemies in the ice tunnels, and strange and
fully corrupted body, though he left the key he’d used to undead citizens in the crypt itself. From there, they
seal the Burning Dark on his desk. When Thaddeus must avoid the blinding gaze of the wanderer while they
arrived in the caves, he decided that Melena could not find a way down below and perhaps glean some lore
suffer any more. He built her a sarcophagus, placed her from the frozen tombs.
inside and, with the use of a powerful spell scroll,
ensured any sculk inside would be coated with a layer of Chapter 4 (designed for characters of level 5) describes
cold, killing it. He did not think about the traces of sculk the Caves of Carnage, a dangerous set of tunnels and
he left behind himself - just as he was unwilling to caves with many opportunities waiting. The characters
acknowledge he himself had begun to transform - and can explore the map, from the lava fields to the
continued his journey down. mushroom forest to the lake, as they try to find their
He entered the Black Mines weary and exhausted. He way to the Black Mines. These caves are filled with
came across the new denizens of the mines - creatures friends and foes alike, and they will find more instances
made of this sculk, looking like humanoids or worse, of the sculk, that has only been hinted at until now.
some stuck repeating what the miners had been doing
before tragedy stuck. They paid him no attention - those
Chapter 5 (designed for characters of level 6) allows the levels the characters spend time on. The longer the
characters to explore the Black Mines: a maze of characters stay on one level, the more the environment
corridors and floors which doubles as the final resting changes to become more dangerous and hazardous.
place of many miners. These claustrophobic hallways Pathways may be blocked off, paths may be more
are overgrown with the sculk, flourishing in these difficult to traverse, and perhaps the denizens of each
tunnels. The Black Mines harbor both the creatures level grow more hostile.
born from the sculk, as well as the means to descend Hazard is a cumulative effect; the more rooms the
into the Burning Dark. characters explore, the more hazard they generate. This
starts off as a potential nuisance to the players. For
In chapter 6 (designed for characters of level 7), the example, the tunnel they previously took appears to be
characters will finally set foot in the Burning Dark, blocked off now and they need to find another way
where the mystery of Thaddeus Holsten’s around it. This can incentivize exploration and
disappearance may be solved and a cure for the sculk potentially allow for more hazard to be generated.
corruption might be found. But in truth lies danger and If you plan to run chapter 7, hazard is a must. As the
the characters must destroy the evil they find here characters race to reach the surface again and escape
before it consumes them. the dungeon levels below Deepfrost Citadel, the paths
Chapter 7 outlines a thrilling way to end the module,
they choose in a blind panic may be blocked or are more
where all the hazard generated in the dungeon works difficult to traverse because of hazard, which can cost
against the characters as they race to escape the them precious time or increases a DC that would’ve
different levels with their lives. otherwise been more manageable. It makes for a much
more thrilling experience.
The Frozen Crypt, the Caves of Carnage, and the
Running the adventure Black Mines are all affected by hazard. Each of these
chapters outlines how hazard manifests on that level
When a name is written in bold text, it denotes that you and what changes as the characters explore.
might want to grab that stat block, in case the creature
needs to make some rolls. Most creatures are taken
from official sources and books, and these will be Sculk
denoted by their acronyms behind the bold text, Within the Burning Dark resides the source of the sculk,
following example: an alien organism few have experienced and lived to tell
magma mephit (BR, pg. 331) the tale. Nobody knows where it comes from, how it
manifested, or what it wants - those who finally
understand its goals are already being assimilated.
When a text sits in this type of box, it means that it can be
Knowledge about the sculk comes from interactions
read aloud or paraphrased for your players. with the sculk itself, which proves to be a dangerous
source to glimpse information from.
Most akin to an eldritch abomination, this moss-like
organism is extremely tough to destroy. They thrive in
Relevant rules warm and hot environments, but cannot stand the cold
and are not capable of surviving in extremely cold
Parts of this adventure take place in a frigid temperatures. Sculk isn’t completely mindless, but it
environment, specifically in the three earliest chapters, does work towards one goal: consume everything.
and extreme cold, frigid water, and slippery ice will be Spread everywhere. It tears at and covers the flesh and
relevant in these chapters. bones from all sorts of creatures, consuming the
Characters will also come across pockets (or unfortunate souls to grow stronger and expand their
sometimes rivers) of lava. influence. The bodies then become vessels for this evil,
A lake sits on the map for the caves of carnage, which and might be trapped performing the latest work before
could lead to suffocation and/or underwater combat. they were killed. The souls linger across the surface of
The sculk itself is dangerous and characters are the sculk in the form of soul echoes: dancing lights
always at risk of being corrupted. If characters drink or across its surface that shed no light and attempt to flee
interact with water tainted by sculk, they are also their confinement forevermore.
afflicted with sight rot. Creatures that interact with sculk, or stay for a
prolonged amount of time near sculk, can be corrupted
by it.
An optional but recommended rule is hazard. Hazard
dynamically changes the landscape of the different
When a creature risks being corrupted, it must make a Ending corruption
DC 20 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the Removing the levels of exhaustion from a creature does
creature becomes corrupted. not cure it. Only a wish spell or divine intervention is
capable of such a thing.
Signs of corruption Sculk and the effects of this corruption are
When a creature becomes corrupted, they are riddled vanquished from the world if the source of the sculk in
with physical signs and changes that show how far the Burning Dark is destroyed. When the corruption
along the corruption is in that creature. These signs ends, all signs of corruption - physical and mental -
become more and more obvious as their corruption disappear instantly and completely from all corrupted
level increases, as shown in the Physical signs of beings. Any sculk creatures instantly die.
corruption table. These signs cannot be removed by
magic or otherwise until the creature is no longer
corrupted and the source has been destroyed. The Adventure hooks
environment of some levels and some enemies in this You characters may need a reason to travel to Deepfrost
adventure can afflict the characters with corruption. Citadel and Hermilthan. Below are a couple of
Corruption adventure hooks that could encourage your characters
level Physical signs of corruption to engage a little more with the world - or implore them
1 A strange rash appears where the creature to come up with adventure hooks themselves.
Going for gold. Deepfrost Citadel is a notorious location
touched the sculk.
2 Pulsing dark blue veins spread across the
- there is no mercenary or adventurer who hasn’t heard
creature’s skin.
of this location. Everyone is familiar with the tale of
3 From the veins, small patches of sculk appears on
Thaddeus Holsten discovering the location and making
the creature’s skin.
a fortune. Even though the operation has been shut
4 Soul echoes appear on the sculk whenever the
down and Thaddeus Holsten disappeared, it is easy to
character kills a creature. The sculk patches
assume that some of those treasures might still be
already present grow as well.
present in Deepfrost Citadel and below. Why wouldn’t
5 The sculk covers a large percentage of the
you take a look in that citadel and see if you can find
creature’s body.
some spare gold and platinum pieces that might just
6 The creature dies and becomes a Sculk Thrall.
disappear into your pockets?
When a creature suffers from corruption, their mind In the footsteps of Thaddeus Holsten. Thaddeus
is also affected. As the corruption proceeds and grows, Holsten, a famed adventurer you’ve looked up to all of
their mind’s defenses are lowered to the sculk’s your life, disappeared a while ago. It has been a while,
influence. They start to yearn to delve deeper into the but that doesn’t deter you. What’s a few decades in the
mountain, to continue on no matter the cost. They might life of this celebrity? There is no way that he is dead;
even become a little more reckless and prone to anger perhaps he’s in trouble. And if you can help out this
and despair, as well as feeling strangely at ease in areas person, then maybe your name will be remembered as
where a lot of sculk is present. They might become the hero who saved Thaddeus Holsten from certain
uncomfortable in cold environments and more at ease doom.
in warm environments. All of these symptoms grow Tragedy at the Black Mines. Perhaps you had some
alongside the physical signs of corruption. A corrupted family members who used to work in these mines.
character’s player can roleplay these symptoms in Perhaps the news has reached your ears some other
whatever way they want, though the DM can gently way. In either case, the tragedy of the Black Mines
remind them how the character is supposed to feel concerns you more than treasure or the life of Thaddeus
about sculk at the various stages. These symptoms Holsten, who might as well be dead. What you care
persist until the creature is no longer corrupted. about are those strange creatures the people had
spoken of that came up. It’d be a good idea to check to
see if the town is truly safe, or if this is another tragedy
Sculk Spell Components waiting to happen.
One ounce of sculk can be substituted for 500 gp worth
of any material component needed to cast a spell. When
sculk is used as a replacement component in this way, List of named NPCs
the creature that casts the spell must succeed on a DC The module contains a plethora of NPCs. In the
20 Charisma saving throw or gain 1 level of corruption. following list, you will find all named NPCs in
The creature also becomes corrupted on a failed saving alphabetical order.
throw, if it isn’t already.
Name Role
Xanthos Barian co-owner of Horsehead Provisions
Varin Bell lumberjack (representative)
Barthes Debnar deep gnome spores druid
Colt Farandras lumberjack, keeper of the Farandras shrine
Marlon Joybringer innkeeper of the Hidden Stache
Carter Grummins Hermilthan’s local troublemaker
Thaddeus Holsten adventurer, founder of the Black Mines, Lord of Deepfrost Citadel; Warden of the Burning Dark
Jonas Hyffal regular human (later ghost), traveling with Calliope Zemnas
Salaena Mirrialdestin traveling druid, mentor of Geranwyn
Dorias Miro the mad satyr scientist in the lab
Hal Terris co-owner of Horsehead Provisions
Geranwyn Thomiscia traveling druid, apprentice of Salaena Mirrialdestin
Soren Tidrostir sorcerer from Hermilthan
Simeon Veinbreaker sculk-corrupted blacksmith
Exander Veldt Hermilthan’s townmaster
Garrett Wells traveling knight, mounted expedition into Deepfrost Citadel
Calliope Zemnas undead person, traveling with Jonas Hyffal

Chapter 1. Hermilthan
t the foot of a lone icy mountain sits a Salaena’s visions must be hidden within and she has

quaint little town called Hermilthan. Once, decided to follow him.
the families of these people had been drawn Carter Grummins is a young human man who grew
to the Black Mines for work and even a up in Hermilthan and who was too young to remember
sliver of the riches they might mine out. the tragedy first-hand. None of his family was hurt and
Since the Black Mines have been shut he now works as a lumberjack. However, he believes his
down, most of the population has left, life lacks excitement. He has often looked towards
leaving some of the homes abandoned and in disrepair. Deepfrost Citadel and scaled the mountain, yet had
The people who still live here - about a hundred or so - never ventured inside. When he learned that Garrett
make the most of their situation, having shifted their was willing to pay for people to join him in his quest, he
main export from valuable ores to wood. Three decades did not hesitate.
have passed since the tragedy of the Black Mines, and Soren Tidrostir, a half-elven sorcerer, has lived in
most inhabitants still remember that day. That tragedy Hermilthan for a long time, even if his potent magical
and Deepfrost Citadel itself cast an inevitable shadow abilities are rather new. His life’s companion is a
on the town that serves as a stark reminder of what they beautiful cat named Jellie and he counts Carter as one
have lost. of his best friends. When Carter spun a story of gold and
Three paths run into this town; one coming from the renown, Soren could not wait to accept this offer. If
south, which serves as the main access point to the going into Deepfrost Citadel is what it takes to become
outside world. A road going west leads to the former famous and find some magical secrets, he’s going to
entrance of the Black Mines. The road going north follow this knight without question.
snakes up the mountain in switchbacks until it reaches A week ago, at first light, Garrett led this party on the
the front gates of Deepfrost Citadel. path north, towards Deepfrost Citadel. None of the
Hermilthians have heard from them since, and everyone
assumes they all perished.
Using this chapter
This chapter serves as an overview of the main town,
Hermilthan. It is possible that your characters will Beliefs about Deepfrost
spend all of one session (or one hour) here, or that they Citadel
emerge from the dungeon several times to resupply and Deepfrost Citadel is as mysterious to the people of
catch up with the latest gossip. Hermilthan as other dangerous forces of nature are.
The six most prominent locations are listed below, as Due to its close proximity and the aforementioned
well as the most important NPCs. If your characters tragedy, some inhabitants have developed superstitions
decide to return to Hermilthan at any point during the and beliefs that relate to the Citadel, the mine entrance,
campaign, you can use the ‘developments’ section to and everything in between. Beneath, you’ll find such
flesh out how the town has changed in their absence stories they might tell the characters, or you can come
and how their actions may have shaped these changes. up with your own.
Missing townsfolk When the miners dug too deep, they exposed a portal
to the hells. To open up the mines is to allow the
A week before the party’s arrival, the latest expedition denizens from the hells easy access to the surface
left for Deepfrost Citadel. A knight by the name of world to wreak havoc.
Garrett Wells has learned about its legend and has So long as the candles at the Farandras shrine burn,
come specifically to put restless spirits to rest. Speaking the tormented souls of the deceased miners know
with the townsfolk to acquaint himself with the location peace.
and those he might come across, he has paid three To disturb the mine entrance is to meddle with the
others to follow him and promised them a cut of the ghosts of the miners.
treasure they find. Thaddeus Holsten hated that he owed a percentage
Geranwyn Thomiscia is a young elven druid who of the profit from his ore extraction to the old miner’s
arrived in town a few months ago following her mentor, exchange and that he had to pay workers. He knew
Salaena Mirrialdestin, after she received visions of what lay below and pushed his miners too far to
grave danger festering beneath Hermilthan. Their focus ensure the mines would fall, leaving him with all the
is on nature and either eradicating the source of evil or wealth for himself.
preparing nature to withstand it. However, Salaena has Thaddeus Holsten still lives at Deepfrost Citadel and
no interest in going to Deepfrost Citadel. A conversation has become a vampire.
with Garrett convinced Geranwyn that the source of
Thaddeus Holsten ran away because he is a coward
and did not want to face the consequences of his The common room is illuminated by a fireplace, casting its
greed. light on the grim-looking stonework. A young-looking man
Deepfrost Citadel is alive and literally eats the people with dark hair and a majestic mustache stands behind the
that go inside. bar and is wiping a glass. In one table to the back sit two
customers, who are enjoying some ale or cider. All eyes fall
on you as you enter.

Important NPCs
The town of Hermilthan is inhabited by a bunch of The bartender and proprietor of the Hidden Stache is a
people from all walks of life, who are trying to survive stout halfling by the name of Marlon Joybringer. Though
and live outside of tragedy. Below, you’ll find a list of the appearing youthful, his age has been expertly hidden by
most important NPCs that are currently in town. the same magic that granted him the mustache. He
arrived like many before him, to see some profit from
Name Role these mines. He quickly discovered he wasn’t cut out to
Xanthos Barian co-owner of Horsehead Provisions be a miner and established the inn instead, giving it its
Varin Bell lumberjack (representative) current name based on a friend’s suggestion. Marlon
Colt Farandras lumberjack, keeper of the Farandras has been running this inn ever since.
shrine If questioned, Marlon can provide some backstory
Marlon Joybringer innkeeper of the Hidden Stache about the town. He has spoken with Thaddeus Holsten
Salaena traveling druid, mentor of Geranwyn and Melena a few times, at the beginning of this town’s
Mirrialdestin history, and knows their stories well. He does not know
Hal Terris co-owner of Horsehead Provisions what happened to Thaddeus Holsten after the mines
Simeon Veinbreaker sculk-corrupted blacksmith were compromised and, like most Hermilthians,
Exander Veldt Hermilthan’s townmaster assumes the former adventurer fled the area. He can
Unless specified otherwise, they all use the also provide information about the other townsfolk and
stat block (BR, pg. 163). visitors.
commoner If the characters express interest in going to the
mines, Marlon will direct them to the old miner’s
exchange instead and strongly discourage them from
Town Locations making that journey. He firmly believes the entrance is
Hermilthan itself is a small town, and everything lies haunted and holds the superstition that, should the
within walking distance. The mine entrance, located mine entrance be cleared, the evil below will escape and
outside of town, is about half an hour’s travel away from attack Hermilthan.
the town. Table for two
Varin Bell, a human man, arrived a few months before
1. The Hidden Stache the tragedy happened. Along with the locals, he
This modest inn is the only remaining inn of established the Arbor Association and helped to
Hermilthan. Rooms here have either one or two beds. facilitate the switch from mining to the lumber industry.
Two rooms have been rented out: one to Salaena He is the officially elected spokesperson for all the
Mirrialdestin and Geranwyn Thomiscia, and another to lumberjacks in town. He is dedicated to his work and
Garrett Wells. None of them are present when the makes it his business to keep close communication with
characters arrive, and Garrett’s room has been all those who work under him, and bring their concerns
preemptively cleaned. In the evening, the characters and ideas to the townmaster.
might find the other inhabitants and visitors to this Colt Farandras, a half-elf man (using the acolyte stat
town. block (BR, pg. 162)), was a young boy when his parents
took him to Hermilthan. His family funded building the
local shrine and gave it their name. Colt and his family
On the north side of the river stands a three-story building are also responsible for the shrine’s upkeep. His parents
that looks like it was built to last, made out of blackstone perished in the mines, having been visiting to find more
and rough-hewn timber. Outside, an old weathered sign materials to replace the more brittle materials used in
the shrine. Colt earns his living as a lumberjack these
swings in the wind, depicting the fading image of a glorious
days, but also ensures the shrine is in good shape.
black mustache.
The friends are seated at their usual table, and drink
a mug of ale. A third mug stands untouched. They toast
to a good friend of theirs: Soren Tidrostir, a naive
sorcerer who got roped into joining a knight to explore
Deepfrost Citadel. Believing any journey into Deepfrost treasure in the area and in separate operations that are
Citadel to be a death sentence, Varin and Colt are in the not a part of the Black Mines. Here, the independent
middle of discussing the logistics of taking care of miners and prospectors used to have their finds
Soren’s cat when the characters approach. weighed, measured, and paid out.
If asked, they share stories about Soren and his friend After the Black Mines were compromised, the idea of
Carter Grummins, whom they believe convinced Soren finding or mining for treasure in the environs of
to follow the knight Garrett Wells into the Citadel. If the Hermilthan declined in appeal. Few prospectors still
characters express interest in going to Deepfrost scoured the area, but not nearly enough to keep the
Citadel, the friends will not shy away from showing their miner’s exchange profitable. The building has been
thoughts. Colt calls them foolish for believing they could abandoned since then and none of the Hermilthians, not
survive when others could not. If they happen to survive, even the children, would set foot inside.
he does ask them to please return with Soren or with a
token of his as proof of his death. When the characters Common Room (1st floor)
return with Soren or with proof, Colt will award the
party with 50 gp total. The front door creaks open and nearly falls out of its hinges
as it opens. You walk into a dark and dusty environment, the

2. Old Miner’s Exchange areas near the windows covered under a thin layer of snow
and ice. Two rows of desks line the walls, the spaces
The Black Mines weren’t the only source of income for between littered with papers and tools. In the far end stands
the town. Many prospectors came to town not just to
join the workforce, but to independently try to find some a door and a staircase going up.

On this floor, multiple records are spread out from gossip - which they consider another product in their
times when independent prospectors came in. After the stock and are willing to part with for a bit of coin.
mine entrance was blown up, people vacated this Horsehead Provisions stocks almost all common
building. Only receipts of finds and some tools to goods and adventuring gear. However, they do not sell
measure and weigh the found treasure remain. None of any weapons or armor. Interested parties are directed
these tools have any value. to the smithy, if they also seem willing to buy from
Horsehead Provisions.
All new faces that walk into their store are assumed
Guild leader’s room (1st floor) to be adventurers who are willing to venture into
Deepfrost Citadel. Unlike other Hermilthians, they do
An old desk remains in the middle of the room, its drawers
not react negatively or try to persuade them not to go.
having been pulled out and scattered on the ground. A
They sell their products at a 10% to 20% markup to
bookcase against the wall contains a few books, destroyed
adventurers, operating under the belief that any
by time and the cold weather. Wind howls through the adventurers will not survive going into Deepfrost
broken glass panes from the window. Citadel. Hal and Xanthos might as well relieve these
adventurers of the money they soon won’t be needing
This room is where the guild leader worked. A DC 12 anymore.
Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals the guild
leader’s journal, which details all the treasure brought Resupply
in and potential treasure and ore locations as told by the Horsehead Provisions is well-supplied. You can decide
prospectors. The characters will also find retellings of whether or not such a resupply has occurred while the
the reports from miners, claiming they don’t feel party is exploring the different levels in the mountain. If
comfortable digging too deep, claiming the lower levels the party returns for more supplies after the first time,
of the mines give off this dark, eerie vibe and that some Hal and Xanthos are pleasantly surprised to see they
believe something might lie below that should be left have survived and returned to town, congratulating
alone. The guild leader dismisses these worries as them on this extraordinary feat. They might even be
miner superstition. persuaded to offer a discount to well-paying returning
customers, especially if they’ve survived Deepfrost
Storage Room (2nd floor) Citadel.
Crates upon crates are stacked against the wall, some towers
leaning precariously while others have already fallen. Most of 4. Farandras Shrine
the crates have been broken open. A hole in the roof allows
At the northern edge of town stands a square, ornate shrine
snow to flutter inside.
built from beautiful blackstone and other stone materials. A
set of candles placed at the base illuminate the black
Valuable ores found by prospectors were stored here stonework and provide an oasis of calm and serenity. When
until the Black Mines operation purchased them for
export. Since the collapse, the crates that would hold you approach, you can read names chiseled into the walls.

these valuable ores have all been ransacked and taken

by various individuals. The characters might find some If the characters haven’t met Salaena yet, also read
leftover ores and treasure after a successful DC 16 aloud the following:
Intelligence (Investigation) check.
As you approach, a brown-haired elf in druidic attire stands

3. Horsehead Provisions near the shrine and is sobbing. A purple-skinned tiefling

standing next to her is trying to speak with her and console
Horsehead Provisions is the biggest and only trading her.
post and shop in Hermilthan, founded by two good
friends: the humans Hal Terris and Xanthos Barian.
Unlike most, they came to Hermilthan specifically to The Farandras shrine was built during the early days of
establish a trading post in town, named after an inside Hermilthan and named after the family who largely
joke. They remained in business after the Black Mines funded its construction. They wanted a place where they
were lost and became the main store for the town. They could safely worship their gods and thus had this
are nice and friendly, though they are also realistic. neutral place of worship built. The Farandras family
Because everyone comes here for food and other was preoccupied with its upkeep. Unfortunately, the
supplies, they also have a good grasp on rumors and parents found their untimely deaths in the mines.

Since then, their son Colt Farandras has been If Geranwyn’s druid emblem is returned to Salaena,
responsible for the upkeep and keeps the place she will be grateful and pay them 50 gp. If Geranwyn is
immaculate. returned alive and well, Salaena will be more generous
The shrine doubles as a monument that and hand the characters 150 gp and offer the characters
commemorates those who perished during the tragedy. her services, should the characters ever need them.
The names of the victims have been carved into the
walls. Colt adds a new name every time one of the
townspeople who were in Hermilthan when the mines A grieving dwarf
were breached passes away. At all times, the candles in If the characters have already met Salaena and haven’t
front of the monuments are lit. They are often replaced, visited the smithy yet, another scene plays out when
but according to local superstition, at least one candle they pass it for the second time.
must always burn to grant peace to the souls of A dwarven man, Simeon Veinbreaker, lights one of
deceased miners. the candles again (which had gone out) and stands up,
taking a moment to remember his fallen friends. When
spoken to, Simeon is willing to recount the events of
The missing druid what happened, but uses a lot of evasive language and
When the characters approach for the first time, they barely goes into detail; it still hurts to speak about. If
find an elven druid, sobbing. This woman is Salaena characters press or pry too much without regard for his
Mirrialdestin, a traveling druid (BR, pg. 398) who has sorrow, he refuses to elaborate. A successful DC 18
been feeling a disturbance below the ground and has Wisdom (Insight) check might reveal that even after
come to find its source. This has led her to Hermilthan. thirty years, he still suffers from survivor’s guilt.
She’s been here for a few months, communing with Something else might have happened that he is not
nature and preparing it to withstand whatever is willing to share with anyone - something which he has
growing below the ground. barely come to terms with himself.
She did not come alone. Her apprentice, a young elf
named Geranwyn Thomiscia, has joined Salaena in her
journey, to learn from her. She has been more 5. The Smithy
frequently in contact with the inhabitants of Hermilthan
and has learned from them what the townsfolk believe Thick, black smoke rises from the chimney of this building.
about Deepfrost Citadel. She has started to believe that The double doors are opened and when you look inside, you
whatever Salaena was sensing is located below see a plethora of tools, armor and weapons on racks that
Deepfrost Citadel, a location that Salaena has been
persuaded not to go to. Geranwyn is braver than line the walls. In the middle of the room, currently working

Salaena, however, and when the opportunity presented on a sword, stands a dwarf with a majestic brown beard. His

itself to follow a group of people into Deepfrost Citadel focus is razor-sharp and he does not notice your arrival.
(and be paid for it as well), she took it. She left with
Garret Wells, Soren Tidrostir and Carter Grummins a The dwarf behind the forge is the town’s blacksmith by
week ago and hasn’t returned yet. the name of Simeon Veinbreaker. He uses the veteran
Exander Veldt - a kind tiefling man and the town’s stat block (BR, pg. 403) - instead of the swords, he uses
elected townmaster - saw Salaena mourn her young a war pick as his weapon. Simeon used to work in the
companion at the shrine. He had approached to try to mines and was among the miners who breached the
comfort her, but he wasn’t successful. In this state, Burning Dark. He miraculously managed to escape the
Salaena blames him for the state of the town and for not clutches of the Warden and retreated to the surface,
stepping in to stop not only Geranwyn, but two young being one of the first to warn Hermilthan about the
Hermilthians from walking into a death trap. threat. This journey, however, has left him scarred in
Salaena will be happy to have outsiders at her side - ways that he only entrusted Colt Farandras with - a
unless they insult her, her mission, or her apprentice’s strange rash on his arm where the warden grazed him.
behavior, she will remain civil and kind. She strongly Unbeknownst to either Colt or Simeon, he has been
advises them not to go into Deepfrost Citadel, parroting corrupted. His life in Hermilthan has slowed the spread,
what any of the townsfolk can tell the characters about though his work in the smithy and proximity to heat
that location. If she has calmed down and thinks more does mean the corruption has slowly but steadily grown
clearly, she might harbor hope that the characters can over the years - though not to the point where it is
bring back her a token to remember Geranwyn by, if her hurting him. He does only wear long-sleeved shirts
young apprentice is not in a state to return herself. nowadays, even while working.
Salaena refuses to take one step closer to Deepfrost Simeon has been struggling with survivor’s guilt ever
Citadel, but perhaps - if the characters venture there - since his escape and wants to repay the community for
they might take time out of their day to look for her. everything they’ve done. So he picked up a new
profession as the town’s blacksmith. He sells all
common weaponry and armor, as well as some tools knight into Deepfrost Citadel weighs heavily upon him.
and other ironworks, to Hermilthiand and passing He believed that his people knew that the Citadel was
adventurers alike. He prices all of these items normally deadly and that they were smart enough not to go there.
and greets any newcomers jovially, though the sorrow The added stress that a visiting druid’s apprentice has
never truly leaves his eyes. A DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) gone with them - especially since they were the first
check reveals that he treats them well because he visitors in a long time that did not come to break into
believes they will die. the castle atop the mountain - is close to breaking him
emotionally. However, when the characters arrive and
they first meet the townmaster, Exander sees a chance
Local troublemaker to inform them of what has happened, to fill the gaps in
If the characters inquire about local news, or ask about their knowledge, and to formally ask them to return to
the adventurer that traveled into Deepfrost Citadel a town with the missing members of this group, if they
week ago, Simeon can elaborate a little. He has happen to live through the ordeal. It would truly help
witnessed the conversation between the knight and with morale.
Carter Grummins, a local troublemaker - whom Simeon
believes is only a troublemaker because he has grown
bored of Hermilthan. He has attempted to talk Carter Artifact run
out of it, but it only seemed to make him want to do it One of Exander’s favorite pastimes is recording
more. anything of note inside of Hermilthan as well as inside
Simeon feels responsible for Carter’s trek into of Deepfrost Citadel and the mountain. This began as a
Deepfrost Citadel - and for Soren’s, too, since Carter child, when he heard Thaddeus slip that he’d found
likely convinced Soren to come along. He knows he some interesting items on the different levels of the
cannot deter the characters from entering Deepfrost mountain. Ever since then, Exander has attempted to
Citadel and will not try to talk them out of it or shame pry more information out of the adventurer - such as
them for it. Instead, he asks that they keep an eye out “why didn’t you pick them all up?” - but received nothing
for Carter (and the other members of this expedition) more and he disappeared soon after.
and try to ensure he returns home safely. He knows The knowledge of artifacts within the mountain is
some adventurers are more motivated by money and tantalizing, even after three decades. It is enough of a
offers them 50gp for safely returning Carter to him. temptation to approach any adventurers that pass
If the characters return without Carter, but with one through and ask whether they’d like to earn some more
of his belongings, Simeon will thank them and still money on the side and retrieve these artifacts for him.
grant them 25gp for their effort - and perhaps even a It’s completely optional, of course, but if they’d like to
discount on his merchandise. earn a little more coin, this might be an easy way to do
6. The Townmaster’s Hall For every artifact recovered from Deepfrost Citadel,
Exander will reward the characters with 50gp.
For every artifact recovered from the Frozen Crypt,
Only a weathered sign on the side of the wall betrays that
he will reward them with 100gp.
this building is, in fact, the townmaster’s hall. This single-
For every artifact recovered from the Caves of
story building has seen better times, but you see the signs
Carnage, he will reward them with 150gp.
that someone’s attempts to keep this building in the best For every artifact recovered from the Black Mines,
shape possible, with obvious repairs and a patchwork of roof he will reward them with 200gp.
tiles and wooden planks that cover up any holes. Still, this is
He will also take any other magical item offered to
not what you think of when someone directs you to the
him, offering the same prices based on the level they
townmaster’s hall.
were found at. The characters can also keep these
artifacts, which are often magical in nature. It is up to
This is where the townmaster can usually be found the characters to decide if they relinquish these artifacts
during the day. Currently, a tiefling by the name of for coins.
Exander Veldt is the townmaster and has been re-
elected five times. He holds the safety of his people as
the highest ideal and often looks to collaborate with the The Black Mines entrance
people to make their lives a little better. A little bit of a If the characters decide to visit the entrance to the Black
derp and a goof, he nonetheless has his heart in the Mines, they will need to make a half an hour journey
right place and attempts to ensure that every voice is through the woods. This journey is an uneventful,
heard. though perhaps unsettling one. When the journey
Lately, he has been in a worse mood than usual. The comes to an end, read the following:
fact that two of their own have decided to accompany a
Carnage yet before clearing this tunnel. It could provide
As the mountain comes closer, you can see the trees do not a shortcut, and potentially have a negative impact on
reach its foot. A small clearing with a few frozen tables and Hermilthan, and the creatures that can pour out of the
other supplies that have never been picked up lie on the tunnel can result in a TPK if they are not careful.
ground. Ahead, what you assume to be the entrance to the During the first long rest after the tunnels are cleared,
the siege of Hermilthan starts. If the characters decide
Black Mines is blocked off by rubble, debris and rocks. What
to take a long rest in Hermilthan, they can help defend
lies closer to the entrance is covered by a layer of
the town. If the characters decide to take a long rest
undisturbed snow.
elsewhere during the first night after they cleared the
tunnels, Hermilthan is overrun.
At this site, people decided to completely bar the
entrance into the mines by blowing it up. Afterward,
they did not bother to clean up the environment and left Developments
it as is: the last remains of what was once a profitable
mining operation. None of the Hermilthians have been Deepfrost Citadel Explored
back since, and those who were too young to remember After the characters have completed “chapter 2.
the tragedy turn around when faced with this eerie Deepfrost Citadel” and have chosen to return to
silence. Hermilthan, they will find it has not changed. Every
A DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals that friendly NPC they meet will be pleasantly surprised or
most of the snow in the area is undisturbed, as though overjoyed that adventurers set for Deepfrost Citadel live
the wildlife that they’ve been hearing on their approach to tell the tale.
has not dared to come any closer. If Soren Tidrostir has been saved, he will reunite with
A DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals a Colt Farandras and Varin Bell, and share his tale with
crude carving into one of the trees near the road; no them. The characters can collect their reward, as well.
insight needed that this was a quick way for a miner to Druids’ Reunion. If Geranwyn Thomiscia has been
show those outside what they had faced. It has a large rescued, she will be reunited with Salaena
body and elongated arms, a mouth that spans the entire Mirrialdestin. The druid will keep her promise and pay
face and two horns or antennae. It does not resemble the reward. The pair also offers their services to the
anything the characters have ever heard about, and it is party whenever they are in town and need them. They
strange to know that whatever came crawling out of the remain in town and make further preparations to shield
depths could be something completely now. the town and surrounding nature from harm.
If the characters approach the mine entrance and If Geranwyn did not make it out of Deepfrost Citadel
come within twenty feet of it, two specters (BR, pg. 346) alive, Salaena will leave Hermilthan within a few days.
will materialize and immediately attack the characters, The Dwarf’s Inquiry. Whether Geranwyn and/or
telling them to go away and not to disturb the mines. Soren have been returned or not, Simeon Veinbreaker
They fight to the death. approaches the characters and asks about Carter. He
Treasure. After the fight with the specters, they can shares with them a common rumor from the times
find a bag of holding that has a few beads of before the tragedy: that Thaddeus Holsten had a secret
nourishment and beads of refreshment stashed in them. way to go to and from the Black Mines via Deepfrost
A still-functioning lantern also lies among the rubble, Citadel, considering some miners often saw him
but has no oil. The mines are inaccessible from this speaking with the foremen but nobody ever saw him
side. enter or exit the Black Mines entrance at the foot of the
Black Mines Entrance Simeon is pragmatic and knows that Carter most
The tunnel leads into the Black Mines, specifically into likely perished, and that - if either Geranwyn or Soren
the black mines exit room (area M3). It takes the full or both survived - the survival of the characters was
party a successful DC 15 group Strength (Athletics) pure luck. Still, he does not want to give up on the youth
check to clear the rubble in about six hours. If they don’t and hopes that neither will the party. If necessary, he’ll
succeed on this check, it instead takes twice as long. In offer a greater reward of 100 gp for their future efforts.
Greater Artifact Run. Exander Veldt’s confidence has
either case, the characters can clear the rubble enough grown by the safe return of these adventurers and seeks
to reach the Black Mines, though they can still see that to take some magic items off of their hands. He has
the tunnel is rather unstable from the previous forced heard the rumors about the secret entrance from
collapse. Deepfrost Citadel into Black Mines and suggests there
Whenever the characters use the Black Mines tunnel, may be more valuable artifacts found in the spaces
there is a 20 percent chance that it will collapse again between the two locations. The mountain itself is
and become unusable. I would highly suggest you rumored to have been subjected to many previous
discourage characters who haven’t visited the Caves of
explorations, where these artifacts and magic items (and the potential magic items they’ve sold to him
have been left behind, forgotten or were dropped by already), he cautiously asks them to descend into the
unfortunate adventurers. Once again, Exander will offer Caves of Carnage as well and retrieve some artifacts.
to take some of the magic items the party doesn’t need Despite his eagerness to acquire these artifacts, he also
off of their hands for gold pieces. heard stories of the danger waiting in these caves. He
can warn the characters about ravagers, the mighty
beasts that were supposed to fight off the threats that
The Frozen Crypt Silenced breached into the Black Mines, and cautions them that
After the characters have cleared the Frozen Crypt, they these caves are extremely dangerous to traverse. Still,
can return to Hermilthan to resupply, catch their Exander offers to buy the magic items the characters
breaths and catch up with the goings-on of the town. don’t use.
They can collect their reward from Simeon Veinbreaker
if they bring Carter’s red parka back to town, and see The Caves of Carnage
some new scenes.
Vigil at Farandras Shrine. Should the characters visit Conquered
the Farandras shrine, they can notice Colt Farandras After returning from the caves of Carnage, the
just finished carving two new names into the stone, to characters find the town preparing for winter. The
add to the list of casualties: Soren Tidrostir and Carter hearth in the Hidden Stache burns brighter and people
Grummins. He is willing to speak with the characters, wear warmer clothes. Horsehead Provisions offers
though after a while, he’d want to be left alone. He’ll more warm supplies for colder days and has discounts
react saddened to the news of Carter. He does invite for any gear that is ostensibly better for warmer
them over to attend a vigil later this evening, to honor temperatures. The druids, if they are still around, also
the recently deceased. prepare the environment for winter and can’t seem to
The vigil itself is a rather sober ceremony, where the come any closer to the source of the supposed
remaining townsfolk (both named NPCs and others) corruption of the land.
come together around the Farandras Shrine, where New Friends. After four days, Calliope Zemnas and
both Colt Farandras and Exander Veldt say a few Jonas Hyffal - if they are alive - find their way back to the
words. The people will light some candles and surface and find a place to wind down and prepare for
reminisce, to remember those they had to let go, now their next adventure, taking a room at the Hidden
also including Soren Tidrostir and Carter Grummins. Stache. The innkeeper, Marion Joybringer, will be
The characters can speak with townsfolk at any time, visibly nervous about a zombie and a ghost renting a
though they’ll be asked to be quiet during the ceremony. room, but was too polite to turn them down and now
They are happy to answer questions to the best of their has two new patrons. Most Hermilthians are a little on
abilities, but some may be too taken by emotions to guard around them, but as long as the newcomers don’t
answer. do anything bad, they won’t interfere. If Geranwyn
If the druids are still around, they attend this vigil as Thomiscia is alive, she will be one of the few to
well. approach the duo and befriend them.
Druids in action. If the druids are still around, the The first time Calliope and Jonas see the characters,
characters can see the positive influence the two have they once again thank them for their help. They share
on nature in and around this town. They are always that they plan to return down below, to see what else
friendly and offer to help if they need it. They both have they might be able to find, but they will want to prepare
Cure Wounds and Lesser Restoration prepared. a bit longer and stock up on some supplies as they do
Salaena herself also has Revivify prepared and has so. And enjoy being able to see the sky for a little while.
enough materials for one casting of the spell. Druidic Investigation. If Geranwyn has an opportunity
When approached, Geranwyn can speak with the to speak with the characters, she will announce she’s
characters about her latest conspiracy theories. She still gone to the Black Mines entrance to see if she can
believes the evil lies beneath Deepfrost Citadel, and she determine whether or not that tragedy has something to
is curious about everything the characters have come do with the visions of darkness that her mentor Salaena
across. She suggests that what Salaena is worried was suffering from. Her own investigation has brought
about is deeply invasive and will attempt to supplant to light that it might, and that whatever was hiding on
everything else it comes into contact with. She is too the other side might be responsible. She’ll urge them
afraid to join the characters in their quest - the situation not to go - and, if she can’t convince them, to be cautious
at Deepfrost Citadel has properly spooked her - but she while they traverse there, for she senses great evil
does wish them a lot of luck. awaits in the Black Mines.
Superior Artifact Run. With the return of the Corrupted Nature. At this point, one or more
characters, Exander Veldt will approach them again. characters might be corrupted by the sculk, by one way
Pleased with the progress the characters have made or another. Their visible corrupted sculk veins and
patches will elicit some strange looks from items the characters have been finding, but not all,
Hermilthians. Most of them are unfamiliar with might have belonged to Hermimthians who might have
corruption at all and might suspect it is some sort of escaped the Black Mines via the caves. In all likelihood,
strange disease and none of them want to accidentally only a few had the opportunity to flee, and not all of
catch their sickness - though it doesn’t impact their those thought to bring their belongings with them. He
politeness and friendliness towards the affected understands that adventurers and mercenaries are often
character(s). driven by gold, which is why he opened with the offer to
If specifically Colt Farandras spots them, he will buy them, instead of tugging at their heartstrings and
attempt to approach them in private - or, if that doesn’t asking them to return what once rightfully belonged to
work, to visit them in their rooms. If Simeon Hermilthians. Exander would be just as happy to take
Veinbreaker spots them, he’ll implore the party to speak these items off of them once they no longer needed
with Colt for ‘urgent matters’. them to protect themselves from the dangers of the
As soon as Colt is able to speak with them, he will Black Mines, at the same prices he previously set.
correctly diagnose the characters with ‘corruption’. He’s Exander can also warn the characters to be extremely
only ever seen this in the miners who escaped the cautious, because he’s afraid the things that killed his
tragedy and most of those who escaped died outright, miners haven’t been eradicated properly.
only knowing of one such survivor. This survivor is the Clearing the Black Mines Entrance. If the characters
town’s blacksmith, Simeon Veinbreaker, though Colt want to go to the Black Mines through the official
will not disclose this information without Simeon’s entrance, they can do so. If the characters have gone to
express permission. He can share with the characters inspect the entrance before, they will not encounter the
that this corrupted individual seems to be doing fine so specters again - if not, they will have to fight these
far, though distance hasn’t cured this disease. He has specters before they can excavate the tunnel.
the permission of this person to kill them should the During the first long rest after the tunnels are cleared,
symptoms grow stronger at any point in their life. the siege of Hermilthan starts. If the characters decide
He has no idea how to stop the corruption or how to to take a long rest in Hermilthan, they can help defend
cure it, but he can share that the cold seemed to either the town. If the characters decide to take a long rest
have made this disease dormant or made its progress elsewhere during the first night after they cleared the
slow down significantly. If asked, he can let the tunnels, Hermilthan is overrun.
characters know that the answer to their disease and
the corruption may be found within the Black Mines and
below, but does warn them about a potential The Black Mines Cleared
aggravation of symptoms in close proximity to this While the characters are exploring the Black Mines,
corruption and that it might claim them, just as it had they have a chance to return to the surface more
claimed many miners before. frequently. If they excavate that tunnel, the characters
Veinbreaker Corruption. If the characters confront
Simeon about his own corruption, or if they ask enough can return more easily. However, clearing that tunnel
questions, Simeon will show them his left arm; some comes with a cost: once the tunnels are opened, the
dark patches of sculk and veins reaching to and up his sculk creatures are free to start climbing out of the
hands, which is why he always wears gloves and long- Black Mines and to go into Hermilthan. The events that
sleeved shirts these days. He is the most adamant about happened during the siege are listed in “Siege of
the characters not going back, though he knows he can’t Hermilthan”. This section deals with the state of
stop them if that’s what they want to do. Should they Hermilthan if the tunnels remain untouched and the
want to go back, he hopes that they will find a solution. siege has not been triggered. It also presents this town
Beyond feeling a strange yearning to go to the Black as though the Burning Dark has been unlocked.
Artifacts Acquired. Exander Veldt will still be pleased
Mines, the corruption hasn’t bothered him, but he would with the progress the characters are making, willing to
love to be rid of it if at all possible. pay for the magic items the characters do not need.
For the purposes of corruption, Simeon is at When he hears that they might be going to the Burning
corruption level 3. He has intrusive thoughts about Dark, he will strongly advise them not to go there. As far
returning to the Black Mines and joining his fallen as he (and every other Hermilthian) is concerned, that
friends, but always believed that was his own survivor’s place is the root of all evil, since that is where the sculk
guilt trying to make him feel bad. He’s always ensured came from that destroyed the Black Mines. He’ll still
he was too busy to actually go back, needing to take his take their artifacts if they find some down there, but
mind off of what happened. Exander very clearly believes that the characters will
Supreme Artifact Run. As the characters prepare to
breach or return to the Black Mines, the townmaster perish if they do so. He will attempt to talk them out of
Exander Veldt approaches them once again, this time this if given the chance.
Call of the Dark. At some point, Simeon might seek
with a graver expression on his face. He finally explains out the characters to speak with them. He doesn’t know
what this artifact collecting is all about: some of the
what happened below the surface unless the characters group Strength check gives these fortifications an AC of
tell him, but the pull to go deeper has grown ever since 16 and 40 hp. A failed save gives these fortifications an
the Burning Dark was unlocked. He is afraid that he AC of 11 and 20 hp. Any other preparations that
won’t be able to resist the urge and that he might characters make in anticipation of the siege is always
disappear. Simeon prematurely asks the characters to welcome as well.
end his life if they see him down there, on the
assumption that he might still look like himself but no
longer can think rationally. Combatants
Colt Farandras will also approach the characters at A few of the residents are able-bodied and ready to fight
some point, if they don’t come to him. He shares the off the sculk creatures or to help the party in another
worries that Simeon has already shared with him and way. Everyone else hunkers down and waits for the
voices some hope that a cure could be found in the siege to pass.
Burning Dark. If there is no cure, they might at least Simeon Veinbreaker. Simeon is familiar with these
find something that could help them find a cure for their creatures and more than willing to stand on the
problem. He wouldn’t normally recommend them to go frontline with the heroes and to soak up some damage.
below the Black Mines, but if that was where He acts on initiative count 10 and uses the veteran stat
information could be found, it could be the characters’ block. The party controls his actions. He does want for
best bet for finding answers. someone else to be helped or healed before he receives
any aid.
Colt Farandras. Colt, who uses the acolyte stat block,
The Siege of Hermilthan can aid in a small way and acts on initiative count 5. He
This event is triggered during the first long rest after the uses his first turn to cast bless on the party. They decide
tunnels into the Black Mines have been cleared. The who gets the bonus from this spell. The other turns, Colt
sculk had not been looking for a direct way out, but with attempts to stay out of harm’s way and casts sacred
the tunnel accessible to the creatures again, it has flame on a target of the party’s choice. If a creature is
decided to move part of their forces. They march out within melee distance, he takes the Dodge action
through the tunnels, into the icy cold of the surface instead.
Lumberjacks. A group of six lumberjacks, led by
world, with a singular road leading to the first signs of Varin Bell, are at the characters’ disposal. They have an
civilization since it consumed the miners. AC of 12 and act on initiative count 0. On their turn,
They march onto Hermilthan, ready for their next they act as a collective and gang up on one creature,
meal. The sculk creatures arrive at the edge of town in giving each other advantage on the attack. Make one roll
the evening. What happens next, depends on whether for the whole group against the creature. If they beat the
the characters are present in Hermilthan for this siege creature’s AC, it takes 27 (6d6 +6) slashing damage. If
or not. they don’t beat the AC, the creature still takes 9 (2d6
+2) slashing damage.
The characters are present A creature can also attack the group. If they beat the
AC, one of the lumberjacks is killed. Once three
If one or more characters are corrupted with sculk, have lumberjacks are dead, the group deals 13 (3d6 +3)
the one with the highest corruption level feel that more damage on a hit instead, and 5 (1d6 +1) on a miss.
is coming as the first few walk into the sunlight. They Whenever a lumberjack dies, roll a d6. On a 1, Varin
have half an hour to prepare before the sculk creatures Bell is the lumberjack who dies.
arrive. If nobody is corrupted, the person with the Exander Veldt. The townmaster stays with the rest of
highest passive perception can see them advance from his people in the Hidden Stache (if that is where they
the north and break through the tree line. In this case, are) and acts on initiative count 20. His presence keeps
the time to prepare is cut down to ten minutes as the the townsfolk calm for as long as the siege lasts. During
sculk creatures amble closer. his turn, he can spend an action to refortify one of the
If the characters are at a loss how to defend the town, fortifications or he can usher some folks to the higher
Exander Veldt will suggest everyone hunker down in floors of the inn, towards safety.
the Hidden Stache, to protect the people in one central Once per combat, he can rally everyone within 30 ft.
place and to fortify it from the inside. This section of himself who can hear him, speaking inspiring words
assumes this inn is the main location of the siege, but in the process. Everyone in that radius gains 10
the bulk of the siege can happen elsewhere, too, temporary hit points. If he dies and people see this
depending on the choice the characters have made. happen, the lumberjacks have disadvantage on their
Once all people have made it into the Hidden Stache, attacks and creatures targeted by Colt’s sacred flame
they and the characters can block the door, hammer have advantage on their saving throw.
some planks against the windows, or do anything else Druids. If the druids Salaena Mirrialdestin and
they might believe to be helpful. A successful DC 15 Geranwyn Thomiscia are still around, they will help and
act on initiative count 0, having cast barkskin on For example, on the sixth round of overall combat -
themselves prior to combat starting. During combat, presuming all creatures are still alive and remained
they can cast one of the following spells per turn: outside for the duration - the ten sculk thralls from the
first wave take 1d12 point of cold damage. The
At will: produce flame, shillelagh creatures from the second wave, that joined on the third
3/day: healing word (2nd level), entangle round, take 1d8 points of cold damage. The creatures
1/day: lesser restoration from the third wave take 1d4 points of cold damage.
The target of the spell is designated by the party. The sculk shrieker from the fourth wave hasn’t joined
Alternatively, the party can choose to have the druids combat yet and isn’t affected by any cold damage yet.
physically attack a creature with their quarterstaff. If it would take too long for the final creatures to die
Jonas Hyffal and Calliope Zemnas. If enough time has
of cold damage and it looks like the characters have
passed for the zombie and the ghost to have arrived at decisively won, you can narrate how the sculk creatures
Hermilthan, Jonas Hyffal and Calliope Zemnas are shrivel and wither in the cold.
willing to help. They will stay with the townsfolk to keep
them calm and to fight off any creatures that come too Immediate aftermath
close. They do not have actions, but they do have three When all of the creatures are dead - either because the
reactions. As a reaction, they can take the damage that characters and their allies have killed them, or because
any sculk creature wants to inflict on the townsfolk, they died from exposure to the cold - peace returns to
casting themselves as a shield. They take the damage Hermilthan, but the quiet doesn’t quite come. The
accordingly. surviving lumberjacks and Simeon go around to ensure
that no stragglers are still alive, while the druids and
Horde of enemies Colt ensure the townsfolk and their defenders are not
This siege will be an atypical version of combat. dying from their wounds. Exander keeps the people in
Depending on the choices of the characters, they are the Hidden Stache until he has confirmation it is safe
defending inside a building or outside, but they must for them to return to their homes.
still deal with more creatures than they otherwise would The deceased are brought to a central, safe space,
want to deal with. These enemies arrive on the scene in where Colt can prepare for their funerals. If Colt has
four separate waves. Each new wave appears after two died, Varin will prepare instead. If Varin also passed
completed rounds of combat. away, the job falls to a dwarven woman.
Exander Veldt ensures that everyone is safely back in
During the first wave (on the first round of combat), their homes for the night. The lumberjacks and Simeon,
ten sculk thralls advance towards the characters or if alive, decide to patrol throughout the night, to ensure
towards the noise. that no other sculk creatures sneak up on them in the
During the second wave (on the third round of middle of the night. If Exander passed away and Varin
combat), four sculk thralls and two sculk brutes is alive, Varin volunteers to take over as townmaster
come to accompany them. until a new election can be held.
During the third wave (on the fifth round of combat), If the majority of people have survived, the party are
two sculk brutes and one sculk catalyst join the hailed as heroes, though it contrasts with the potential
fight. losses the townsfolk have suffered. They can enjoy
During the fourth and final wave (on the seventh discounts in every shop in Hermilthan, including the
round of combat), a sculk shrieker arrives. inn, and all townsfolk have a positive opinion about
them. Exander Veldt can be more easily persuaded to
The weather and location plays in the character’s keep the tunnel open until the characters are finished
advantage. For every round that the sculk creatures with their business in the Black Mines and the Burning
start their turn in the cold (i.e. when they are outside) Dark.
they take a certain amount of damage, as outlined by the If half or more of the townsfolk died, the survivors
table below. This damage starts on their second round acknowledge the efforts of the party, but are also
of combat and accumulates for as long as they remain distraught by the losses they have suffered. Exander
outside. Veldt needs more convincing to keep the tunnel open.
Some townsfolk have a positive opinion of them, while
Round Damage die others believe them to be the reason those things
attacked and act negatively around the party.
3 1d8
4 1d10
5+ 1d12

The characters are not present from all social life, holing up inside his house and
refusing all contact with the outside world.
Without the characters present - without even properly Marlon Joybringer has stepped up as the community
knowing this could happen - the town of Hermilthan is leader after Varin’s death and Exander’s absence.
unprepared. A keen-eyed Hermilthian notices the Rather, everyone was looking for a guiding voice and all
movements between the trees, giving the townsfolk ten eyes have landed onto Marlon. He feels largely
minutes to attempt to prepare. The following events are unqualified for the job and tries to keep everyone as
suggestions for what might have transpired, and you are happy and good as possible, but he already is starting to
free to change and add and delete any that do not fit feel the pressure that comes with being a leader in
your game. times of despair. On the fifth day after the siege, he will
have the tunnel into the Black Mines collapsed again,
Deceased this time ensuring absolutely nothing can escape
During the siege, about half of Hermilthan’s population through.
perished, and Xanthos Barian was part of that unlucky If the druids were still in town, Geranwyn Thomiscia
half. The other half survived based on pure luck and the survived the assault. She elects to stay in town for as
swift intervention of the town’s defensive forces. The long as she and her healing abilities are needed, but as
whole community is shaken by the mass loss of life, and soon as she believes she has run out of usefulness, she
many still grapple with how to move on. will leave.
Simeon Veinbreaker also did not make it. Colt Farandras was attacked as well, but he
Eyewitnesses claim that, while Simeon was fighting one miraculously survived. He continued to help people
of the bigger ones, it ate him. The sculk that had been where he could, ignoring what was festering beneath his
present on Simeon from the tragedy at the Black Mines skin. For as long as he can, he tries to hide what he is
started to grow and consume him, and before anyone becoming, but the call of the sculk is stronger than he
knew it, Simeon was consumed and had become one of could have imagined. On the dawn of the third day after
them. Sharing their vulnerabilities, he died from the siege, he will descend into the Black Mines and go
exposure to the cold as one of the sculk creatures. to the western mining cavern (area M27). If the Burning
Varin Bell, along with some lumberjacks, also Dark has been unlocked by then, he will instead go to
perished during the siege. He gathered up some the landing (area B1).
lumberjacks in town and encouraged them to defend If the characters have told any of the Hermilthians
their homes. His final act was to pull a creature off of a that they were going to enter the Black Mines via the
friend and hack into it in a desperate attempt not to lose abandoned mineshaft, the news spreads like wildfire
said friend. However, the creature struck Varin down as and everyone will assume they succeeded in clearing
it was dying. Mortally wounded, he was brought away to out the rubble - and clearing the path for the sculk as
be healed, but he passed away before dawn. well. People will have a generally negative attitude
If the druids were present, then Salaena Mirrialdestin towards the characters and may either refuse business
would be caught off guard and also perished. or hike the prices.
In either case - whether the characters were present
or not -, the sculk has been communicating everything
Survivors that happened to those who remained in the Black
Jonas Hyffal and Calliope Zemnas, upon seeing the Mines. They have determined it is too cold to launch
horde come closer, decide to leave for their own safety. another attack, and they do not attempt to come for a
They’ve known too much defeat lately, with Jonas losing second round.
his life and recently becoming undead, and do not want
to lose what little life they do have left and run when a
fight inevitably breaks out.
Xanthos Barian died during the siege, but Hal Terris
survived. Horsehead Provisions is now solely run by
Hal, who is more distracted and who is significantly
easier to haggle with. He appears to have lost his wit
and is more downtrodden and outright more sorrowful.
After ten in-game days, he closes up shop to leave
Hermilthan and start anew elsewhere.
Exander Veldt survives the siege, but barely, as the
creature died of frostbite before it could deal the killing
blow. Haunted by the events that have left his people
dead, he cannot help but to blame himself and retreats

Chapter 2. Deepfrost Citadel
eepfrost Citadel sits atop the icy mountain - a mindless husks. The result was all the same; caught

most ostentatious castle that served more to unawares, they were taken and were made to do the
be imposing than to be comfortably lived in. portrait’s will until their bodies could no longer sustain
Yet, this was where Thaddeus Holsten lived. themselves and they passed away.
Though the adventurer has disappeared, the When Garrett Wells and his expedition arrived, the
citadel itself has not grown silent. Adventurers portrait did as it had done countless times before. It
from far and wide congregate and enter compelled Soren Tidrostir to gaze into its eyes and, in
through the gates in search for even a fraction of the the subsequent altercation with the rest of the group,
riches that had previously been unearthed. broke the knight’s mind as well. Carter Grummins fled
The citadel, however, has been more lively than they to the basement and became the first to successfully
could have imagined, as the halls are patrolled by escape the citadel, albeit gravely wounded. Geranwyn
previous adventurers. These have been driven mad, Thomiscia fended off the threat and locked herself into
enthralled by the living portrait that hangs in Thaddeus’ one of the rooms, protecting her little pocket of safety
bedroom. Without the master of the house present (and with thorns, vines and briars. It protected her from the
tainted by the sculk), the portrait has grown in power knight and sorcerer, though it offered no reprieve from
and extended its consciousness to the citadel itself. It the portrait’s whispers in her ears. It patiently spoke as
has limited the space where this steady stream of though she was a willing participant in the
adventurers can roam, to funnel them to meet the conversations, wondering when she’ll finally visit it and
portrait in person. Every new sweet face is welcomed in look into its eyes…
the citadel with open gates, only to be locked in when
they are too far down, for nobody escapes the grasp and
the attention of this living portrait. Roleplaying the portrait
The portrait did not gain life before the sculk attached
A foreign influence to it; it had been an ornament in the home of an
arrogant noble and later a willing friend of Thaddeus
After destroying his laboratory to rid himself of sculk Holsten. Its worldview has been limited to Deepfrost
and fleeing with Melena’s body, Thaddeus Holsten had Citadel and the corrupted lens through which it now
believed he had gotten rid of it all. Instead, a then- views this home. Whatever name it once had has been
negligible amount had been left behind on the living erased, though an insistent party might learn the
portrait, once created with magical brushes and paints portrait considers itself a benevolent master, taking the
to make it come alive. As a rescue from an arrogant same title Thaddeus Holsten once held in the castle.
noble, it does not resemble Thaddeus in any way - the One of the sculk’s goals has always been to draw
hair is too brown and the eyes too wide. Yet, this people in and consume everything else. These goals,
portrait had become a strange companion that only a mixed with the inherent loneliness of a portrait trapped
few knew about. in a cold bedroom, informs its choices and actions. It
Too cold to thrive in the citadel, the sliver of sculk wants to meet people face to face so it can look into
instead hunkered down and clung to the only life-force it their painted eyes and compel them to surrender their
could find: the back of the portrait. It was too weak to minds. As of late, its power has grown large enough to
impose its will on the portrait, yet it did influence this crack minds without needing to look at them, though it
construct. It began to develop its capabilities far beyond vastly prefers to lay eyes on his future thralls.
what it had originally thought capable of, slowly driven Once it has its thralls, it barely knows how to take
mad by the sculk and the isolation. Then one day, the care of them. It does not allow them to sustain
portrait ordered the citadel to come alive - and the themselves - to eat or drink or do whatever else they
citadel obliged. need to stay alive. Its thralls end up dying, much to the
Over the years, its influence over the citadel grew. portrait’s disappointment. Fortunately, a steady stream
With that influence came boredom. Control over the of adventurers coming to Deepfrost Citadel breaks that
citadel was not enough, and that crushing loneliness loneliness and begins this cycle horrible anew.
could be fixed by a steady stream of overly confident Since its merge with Deepfrost Citadel, it is aware of
visitors. It was all too easy to underestimate a portrait, the whereabouts of the characters and what they are up
after all, and those who stood before it were caught by to. It is not interested in direct interference - everyone is
its penetrating gaze. Their minds were gone or mangled free to do within these halls whatever they want, except
before they could even react, turning on their friends or for going off of the beaten path that goes directly to
mindlessly wandering the halls. Some were simply where the portrait resides. Despite this, it will
caught in their final moments before the portrait encourage any visitors to come and see it soon.
imposed its will onto them, while others became
Above all, it tries to lure the characters with patience Name Role
and understanding, fueled by the loneliness it has been Geranwyn traveling druid, apprentice of Salaena
experiencing. It speaks with a lower, calming, soothing Thomiscia Mirrialdestin
voice that attempts to lull the characters into a false Soren Tidrostir sorcerer from Hermilthan
sense of security and tries to convey that after a Garrett Wells traveling knight, mounted this expedition
conversation face-to-face, the cruel world out there into Deepfrost Citadel
won’t hurt them anymore. It won’t be too pushy with its
rhetoric - it knows they cannot leave the citadel and
they’ll have to face it sooner or later. The longer The road to Deepfrost
someone spends in these halls, the more exposed they
are to its influence and the easier it will be to take their Citadel
minds in a moment of vulnerability. Those who want to go to Deepfrost Citadel need to
The portrait might show its true colors when climb the frozen mountain. A small road, nowadays only
speaking about certain topics. After finding Soren or used by the adventurers drawn to the front gates,
Garrett, the portrait can claim he went mad later, not ambles up the mountain in hairpin bends, slowly
denying that it had taken Soren’s mind a week ago. It snaking up. At some point, the Citadel comes into view -
won’t mourn the death of its newest thralls, for it imposing, almighty, towering over the characters.
expects the characters to take their places soon.
Cast in the shadow of the Citadel, your gaze is drawn ever

Whispers of madness up. Eight blackstone towers rise into the air and seem to
scrape the clouds, tearing into them as they drift by. These
Throughout the citadel, that sickly sweet and towers frame a low structure in its middle that holds the
comforting voice can appear to provide context, twist
the truth to its favor and encourage characters to visit it biggest tower. The sight alone is imposing and a shiver

in the highest room of the central towers. These can creeps up your spine. The thought enters your mind: the
serve as a reminder of what entity is in charge of the gates of this enormous citadel have allowed many
citadel, to give the place an eerie vibe and familiarize adventurers to enter, and nobody has ever come out - not
the players with this area’s boss. Narratively, the even Thaddeus Holsten. Are you going to be the next, or will
portrait is trying to gauge the characters’ reactions and your exploration end in riches and victory and a sound
will interact with them freely, so long as its goals are return?
Feel free to make the journey as long or as short as you
Running this chapter wish. If you wish to summarize this, the journey passes
In this chapter, the characters can explore the areas of without issue and the characters easily make it to the
Deepfrost Citadel that the portrait allows them to front gates.
explore. Through exploration, they can learn what
happened to Wells’ expedition and what might happen Deepfrost Citadel
to themselves if they linger. They’ll also find hints of
what happened to Thaddeus Holsten and Melena, as Features
well as a way forward into solving this mystery. Deepfrost Citadel is a gothic architectural marvel,
though the menacing outside easily outshines the lavish
Character Advancement inside chambers. Once a sprawling maze of corridors,
the living portrait has moved a few rooms around and
This chapter is meant for characters of level 3. The collapsed all hallways that would distract the visitor
characters will level up when they defeat the living from immediately coming to it, making a more
portrait and descend into the Frozen Crypt. streamlined path to the middle tower.
Ceilings. The ceilings are 20 ft. high.
Important NPCs Doors. Unless specified, all doors are wooden doors
Only few important NPCs dwell within Deepfrost with iron banding. If they are locked, it takes a DC 20
Citadel. Below, you’ll find a short list of these NPCs. Strength (Athletics) check to break through them or a
DC 15 Thieves Tools’ check to unlock them.
Floors. Most floors are either tiled with a darker
stone that has been mined from the Black Mines, or are
dark oak wooden planks.


Light. All rooms are brightly lit by torches that have 1st Floor
been lit by a Continual Flame-spell.
Walls. All walls are made from the blackstone from D1. Gates
the Black Mines and are cold to the touch.
A long walkway, with dark-blue tiles, reaches forward,
punctuated one either side by pincers made of ice. Even
during this time of day, the shadows of the towers cast this
walkway in darkness. When you are as close to the massive
dark wooden gates as fifty feet, the gates swing open with a
loud creaking, a warm current welcoming you inside.


The gates open on their own accord. The spirit within The characters can sneak around him to the second
the living portrait has grown enough power to have its floor. The knight will remain in this area and will not
consciousness extended to the citadel itself, literally notice the characters unless they pass right in front of
opening the gate for new adventurers as it senses them him - either on the first floor or on the northern balcony.
approach the Citadel. If the characters fail a DC 10 Dexterity (Stealth) check,
When the characters are about to pass through the Wells will notice them and fight.
gates, also read the following: Treasure. The knight is not carrying his expedition
supplies. He does carry a greatsword and wears both
A whisper creeps from the back of your mind to the excellent plate armor and the Knight’s Helm.
forefront, its direction indiscernible, as though it came from
deep within you. The voice is alien, sickly sweet and D3. Chapel
soothing. You figure it should feel invasive and unsettling,
but it’s not. It’s comforting and calming. The flames of the brazier bathe the destroyed pews and altar
“My, my, my… such sweet faces… won’t you come in? Visit in soft light, which reflects off of the statue in the back,
me, at the top of the tower? I’d love to have a chat with which seems to hold its hand up to the newest visitors.
you…” Despite the destruction, this room feels distinctly serene in a
way the rest of the citadel does not.

When they enter the entrance hall, the gates behind This chapel once served to provide religious services of
them close. Nothing will be able to open them again any kind to the inhabitants of the citadel. However, as
until the portrait has been defeated. Any attempts to things grew bad, one follower of Kelemvor prayed to
open the gates again are countered by whispers and a their god for protection - and the god responded. This
voice genuinely wondering why the characters would space has been under the protection of Kelemvor ever
leave without visiting it. since and wards the influence of the portrait.
Statue of a Saint. This statue has been here since
D2. Foyer Deepfrost Citadel was constructed, ever holding out its
hand. A text carved into the stone at its feet is revealed
The hallway is well-lit, flames burning in braziers and the on a DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check, saying:
inanimate armors standing still as you pass by. A set of ‘return my symbol to me’. On the altar lies destroyed
heavy doors in the walls swing open for you as you approach papers and parchment that hold the doctrines of
them. Kelemvor, the god of death. The identity can be
A double staircase with the finest red carpets curl from uncovered - through these pages or by the statue itself -
on a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Religion) check. A
your left and right to an upper balcony. A large ornate brass
successful check also reveals that Kelemvor’s main
chandelier in the middle of the ceiling illuminates the room
symbol is an upright skeletal arm holding balanced
and casts the areas underneath the balconies in shadows.
scales. To complete this puzzle, they must find a set of
Two normal doors lead to the left and right, and another set scales and place it in the statue’s hand. One such set
of double doors lead straight ahead. can be found in the kitchen (area D6).
In the middle of the room stands a knight in full plate Treasure. Once the statue holds the scales, it swings
armor, with his back turned towards you. The tip of his open into a secret compartment that holds a pouch with
greatsword rests on the ground, the hilt presumably clasped 23 cp, 46sp and 86 gp. It also holds an uncommon
Amulet of the Devout and a spell scroll of Remove
in his hands in front of his chest. He mutters words under
his breath in Common.

This knight (BR, pg. 163) is Garrett Wells, his mind D4. Servants’ Quarters
having been taken by the portrait. He is mindlessly
reciting the oaths he took in life and says nothing Four doors stand in the wall leading to the left, and another

beyond these words, looping in on themselves on your right, where the hallway continues around a corner.

He has not noticed the characters. If he becomes Each of the rooms belonged to one of the people who
aware of their presence, he will attack. He cannot be lived and worked here. There is one bed and one
reasoned with and fights to the death. As he fights, he cabinet per room. These rooms do not have any
continues to calmly recite his oaths, unresponsive to treasure in them, just personal belongings. The
what the characters say. southernmost room has a decayed corpse in it, the
pungent smell wafting out of the room as soon as
the door is opened. A DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check The cabinets do not hold anything of value beyond the
reveals this corpse has been here for a lot longer than a pots and pans and spices. The spices look okay, but as
week and must belong to an adventurer who came a soon as they leave the kitchen or dining hall, time will
long time ago. catch up with them and they will rot, too.
Backpack. Inside a backpack set against the wall, it The flying dagger (BGDIA, pg. 30) lying on the
holds standard adventuring gear: a mess kit, a bedroll, a counter next to the dead quail awakens when someone
pouch with 17 gp, a simple rapier, studded leather comes within five feet of it. It will fight the party
armor, and five rations that have gone bad. A note on relentlessly and only stops when it is destroyed.
the bed itself is old and the message barely readable,
but the text says: ‘serve the Master’. D7. Storeroom

D5. Dining Hall The walls are lined with racks and cabinets and crates, filled
to the brim with all kinds of meats, vegetables and other
The scent of freshly-cooked chicken and other aromas hit foodstuffs that have long since spoiled.
your nose, even before you open the double doors. When
they do open, the sight welcomes you to take a seat at the
The truth about this location is not masked in any way -
lavish dinner table. Multiple meals await on the table and
though perhaps the malodorous scent might have even
the plates - some of which have been partially eaten already -
been enhanced.
and expensive-looking bottles of wine accompany the food. Among these foodstuffs lies one item that hasn’t
An open flame roars in the fireplace to your right and almost spoiled yet and could pique the character’s attention: a
makes the space feel cozy. To your left and in the far end of Multi-Grain Waffle.
the room, simple wooden doors give you access to other
parts of the citadel.
D8. Central Tower

This dining hall has a much cozier set-up than the rest The inside of this cold tower is barely illuminated. The floor
of the citadel and feels more inviting. The portrait has stretches the entirety of the tower, yet nothing stands inside.
covered the space in strong illusions, masking the odor The stairs on your left lead down and are cast in darkness,
of rotting food as well as the absence of warmth. All this even more than the rest of the room. On your right, the
serves the purpose to confuse any visitors who come in stairs lead up to a pinprick of light.
and throw them off guard.
Dinner’s served. Should the characters want to avail
themselves of the food, they must make a DC 12 This tower is the only connection the portrait allows
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for the next between the floors of the citadel where it allows its
hour, as the food they consume has rotted away decades visitors to go. With the enhanced shadows and light, it
prior. They can repeat the saving throw every ten attempts to draw the characters away from the
minutes. On a success, they are no longer poisoned. basement (area D20) and up to the higher levels of the
tower, where it can be found.
If a character does try to go down the stairs, call for a
D6. Kitchen DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the
This text presumes the characters enter via the dining character is compelled to climb the stairs to the second
hall: floor as the portrait whispers in their ears and guides
them away. Upon arrival on the second floor, the
influence ends. On a success, they only hear the voice of
When you open the door, you are greeted with a kitchen in
the portrait in their ear, strongly advising them not to go
use. A dead quail lies untouched on a table in the middle of
downstairs, as well as an uneasy feeling coming over
this room, and clean pots and pans. One door to your right them.
and one to your left lead deeper into the citadel.

2nd Floor
The kitchen looks like it has been in use recently,
though that is not the case. Once again, the portrait D9. Throne Room
attempts to confuse the characters by presenting a
scene that should be impossible, weakening their An ornate mauve carpet lies in the middle of this
mental defenses and (hopefully) making them more ostentatious room, while a chandelier overhead shines
susceptible to his influence. brightly. You look directly at a golden throne, and four brass
A set of scales necessary for the statue in the chapel
(area D3) can be found here. humanoid statues set into the walls watch you silently.


The eyes of the statues follow the characters and turn One of the portrait’s surviving thralls from another
their heads to see what they are doing. They cannot group had been sent to deal with Geranwyn Thomiscia.
move anything else and serve only as an example of the However, the young druid defended herself well and
portrait’s powers over the castle as well as to increase strangled the thrall, leaving the corpse out on the
how creepy this is. The throne itself is an illusion as per balcony. It is no longer a threat and carries nothing of
a permanent Major Image spell and can be discerned by value.
a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check. The balconies and wrap-around offer easy access to
all locations on the second floor, barring the areas that
have been cut off by the portrait through cave-ins and by
D10. Balconies shifting the rooms to different locations.
The briars and vines block the door to what was once
A beautiful wooden floor welcomes you onto the second
Melena’s room (area D13) and seems to be an
floor balcony. Behind you, you see another balcony, wrapping
around the back of this space. Massive double doors are
intangible mess.
centrally placed in the walls, as well as other, normal wooden
doors. To the left, a door is completely covered in briars and
vines, blocking the entrance.


D11. Treasure Room Though the door is opened, Soren is deeply
distracted, reading one of the tomes. The characters can
This open hall has a long scarlet rug that reaches to the sneak up on him with a successful DC 11 Dexterity
back, where two statues of strong warriors stand guard. Six (Stealth) check.
ornate pedestals stand against the wall and each holds a Once Soren notices the characters, he will turn to
specific item: a simple rope; a sharp-looking and dangerous violence immediately. His aim is not to kill the
characters, but to knock them out for his master to
dagger; a single white rose that remains fresh and smells
corrupt. A swarm of animated books (CM, pg. 19) will
delightful; a brilliant golden necklace with a red gem set into
it; a single bottle filled with a pale gray smoke that still swirls
join the fight as well.
inside; and a mighty greataxe that emanates great power.

Soren Tidrostir
Thaddeus Holsten liked to put his treasures on display.
This is one of those rooms, which is also the only one Medium Humanoid (Sorcerer, Half-Elf ), Chaotic Neutral

that is currently available to wandering adventurers. Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)
The treasures don’t appear to be protected by anything Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6)
non-magical. The Detect Magic spell reveals all these Speed 30ft.
items are magical in nature - as are the statues.
Treasure. The items on the pedestals are a Rope of STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Climbing, a Frosted Dagger, a white Chromatic Rose, a 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 16 (+3)
Necklace of Adaptation, an Eversmoking Bottle, and an
Axe of the Screamin’ Void. Skills Deception +4, Persuasion +4
Trap. The statues guard the treasures so long as they
Senses passive Perception 11
can see these treasures. When someone tries to take Languages Common, Elven
one of the treasures, they will have to make a DC 15 Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they take 2d6 Proficiency Bonus +2

lightning damage as two streaks of lightning -

originating from one statue each - race toward them Twisted Mind. Soren has advantage on saving throws against
every round. The treasures can be taken safely if the being charmed or frightened.

statues’ vision is obscured or if the statues are Spellcasting. Soren is a 4th-level sorcerer. His spellcasting
destroyed. The statues have an AC of 17 and 20 HP. ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell
attacks). Soren knows the following spells:

D12. Library Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, friends, shocking grasp
A calm fireplace quietly burns in the background, 1st level (4 slots): chaos bolt, charm person, mage armor,
casting shadows from the two vermillion fauteuils shield
behind them. The heads of a boar and a deer are 2nd level (3 slots): blur, scorching ray

mounted on the wall and let out wails of pain. The walls Wild Magic Surge. Soren’s spellcasting unleashes surges of
are lined with bookshelves, upon which hundreds of untamed magic. Whenever Soren casts a leveled spell, roll on
books and tomes and scrolls rest. Standing near one of the Wild Magic Surge table to create a magical effect. If that
the bookcases, in the middle of what appears to be a effect is a spell, and if it normally requires concentration, it
swarm of flying books, is a brown-haired half-elf doesn’t require concentration in this case; the spell lasts for its
muttering some arcane words to himself. full duration.
Soren Tidrostir (App. B), after hearing the whispers Actions
and visiting the portrait in the tower, returned to his
friends to attempt to make them see the truth. He Multiattack. Soren makes two melee attacks.
caught Garrett Wells, who immediately driven mad
himself, but Soren couldn’t catch Geranwyn or Carter. Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or

Since then, he’s been holed up in the library for its range 20/60 ft., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.

upkeep, and to find interesting spell scrolls for his new

master. If Soren dies, the swarm of animated books fall to the
In this madness, the library has been twisted and had ground and are no longer animated. The animal heads
to suffer all the wild magic cooped up inside the on the wall will revert to their original inanimate state.
sorcerer. In this state, Soren has already inadvertently If Soren is reincarnated due to a roll on the Wild
animated the animal heads mounted on the walls and a Magic Surge table, he is freed from the influence of the
couple of books that he cannot keep in check, no matter portrait and will be confused about what happened. It
how much he tries to stop them. takes him a minute to fully understand what he’s done
and what he unleashed. He can share the tale about the She has managed to survive this long without
portrait in the tower and will sufficiently warn the party starving herself by eating goodberries, though her
about the dangers that await upstairs. Beyond that, it water reserves are running dangerously low at this
would be great if he could return home as well, either point.
with or without the party. He refuses to return to the The whispers do not bombard her, but they do
tower with the portrait, but a DC 18 Charisma regularly remind her that this siege can end if she
(Persuasion) check could convince him to come along comes to see him at the top floor. She doesn’t know
either way. who this person is, but she does not want to meet
Treasure. The room contains a multitude of spell him at all. Sometimes, they have kept her awake at
scrolls, some unusable. Between those that are still night.
usable, they can find a spell scroll of Invisibility, a spell She would love to leave this citadel as quickly as
scroll of Ice Knife and a spell scroll of Heat Metal. possible.
Soren himself has discarded everything he had on him Though Geranwyn is a capable druid, her time in the
while he was still sane, but he does have his staff, citadel has taken its toll and she wants to leave and
dagger and the Hood of Aw’Yah. return to Hermilthan and her mentor Salaena. She will
aid the characters throughout their journey and stay
D13. Melena’s Room close to them. She uses the druid stat block, but instead
The bedroom is blocked by a writhing mass of thorns, of Longstrider and Speak with Animals, she has
vines, and briars that seems to have grown through the prepared Goodberry and Cure Wounds.
wooden planks. To gain access to the room, the If the characters have dealt with Soren in the library
characters must first deal with this. The plants have 12 (D12) and tell her of his demise, Geranwyn will express
AC, 20 HP, are immune to psychic damage, and her sorrow for the loss of such a well-intentioned man.
vulnerable to fire damage. Once they have been Treasure. An ornate mirror and brush on the desk are
destroyed, the door can freely be opened and the worth 100 gp total, but everything else is unusable and
characters can hear something moving around on the worthless.
Read this when the characters first enter the room: D14. Greenhouse

You walk into another room in disrepair. The bed and couch Opening the door, you first notice the warmth inside. All
have both been torn by time, rotten and disturbed. Despite around the walls, all sorts of weird and exotic plants grow in
the weight of time, the cabinet and writing desk have both the dirt. Two small moving heaps of twigs and small
stubbornly survived until this point, though a breeze could branches are cleaning the dirty floor to the best of their
easily knock them both into a million splinters. ability, while a bigger one is watering a large, writhing plant
Before you can react, you see a flame originating from a in the corner.
red-haired elven woman rushing toward you.
Beyond treasures, Thaddeus Holsten also collects all
Geranwyn Thomiscia, the missing druid of the party, kinds of strange flora from his travels. He had them
has heard something outside of the door destroying her brought to Deepfrost Citadel, to this magically-protected
defenses and is ready to hit the first character to enter room that would serve as a miniature greenhouse.
with a prepared Produce Flame spell, though she will Since his disappearance, it has continued to thrive,
realize they are not thralls and apologize profusely to though not without minor changes.
the pearson whom she’d scorched. Two twig blights (BR, pg. 157) and one needle blight
Geranwyn can share the following information: (MM, pg. 32) amble about in the room, tending to the
plants. They have come to life due to the presence of the
She decided to join this expedition because she portrait and its branching powers. They will not attack
believed the source of nature being off-balance could unless they are attacked first and instead continue to
be found within these walls. Instead, she found tend to the plants. If they are attacked, however, they
herself trapped in a living citadel that likely has will fight back. The ruckus awakens a mantrap (ToA,
nothing to do with the situation. pg. 227) in the northwestern corner, which uses its
She witnessed Soren and Garrett going insane and pollen to draw people in and then tries to engulf
knows that Carter ran into the throne room. She whichever character fails the save. The blights
hunkered down in this bedroom and created a surrender and scuttle away when the mantrap is
protective barrier for herself. defeated, and the mantrap fights until it is destroyed.
Treasure. In the cabinet, two regular potions of
healing can be found.


D15. Laboratory D17. Thaddeus’ Bedroom
The blackened door almost falls off of its hinges as you push The room is well-kept, despite the passage of time. Not even
it - a miracle that it doesn’t disintegrate at your touch. The a thin layer of dust lies on the floor, natural light filtering into
inside is not much better - scorched stones, burned furniture the first windows you’ve seen since you entered Deepfrost
and lost research surrounds you. A thin layer of ash covers Citadel. A nice rug lies into the middle of the room and the
the floor, and yet some embers still smolder. bed has been made, a wooden chest standing next to it. The
head of a young blue dragon has been mounted to the wall

Once a laboratory, Thaddeus Holsten did not spend a and regards you hungrily. But your eyes are drawn to the
lot of time in this room. Most notably, this was where he portrait hanging on the wall in a golden frame.
brought his wounded friend and attempted to find a way A broad shouldered man with wide eyes and dark hair has
to save her, though he was not successful. Because of been painted. Yet, when you enter, the man in the portrait
the sculk, he opted to burn the whole room instead and seems to perk up and lean in a little closer. A creepy grin
destroy the sculk along with it - to follow it up with a curls across his face.
blast of ice, when fire proved unsuccessful. The
combination had been effective, though everything he “Ah, such sweet, sweet faces… in the flesh, for the first

had stored here was destroyed. Due to the destruction time. I’m so glad you’ve made it.”

in this room, its entire surface is considered difficult

terrain. The portrait has been attempting to thaw the The portrait is the sole inhabitant of this room.
room out, revealing all that the ice once had covered, Thaddeus Holsten had originally brought it with him
almost reigniting the flames that once burned here. from his previous home and it had been a good
Secrets. Glass pieces lie about on the table, along conversational partner. However, the influence of the
with a journal the flames have destroyed. With a sculk has tainted it. Over the years, without Thaddeus to
successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check, the keep it company and the boredom settling in, the
characters can read but a small fragment of the journal. portrait expanded its influence over the citadel until it
It shares the frustrations of its author, Thaddeus, who extended everywhere. It would not allow visitors to
can’t seem to find a solution for their problems leave, for it could help them and he’d have a cure for
regarding Melena’s sculk corruption. that incessant loneliness - but whoever it influenced
On the desk lies a broken “skadoodler” of Thaddeus’ would eventually pass away. The constant stream of
own design. A successful DC 20 Intelligence visitors does keep it occupied and happy, and now the
(Investigation) check reveals this was a machine next batch of adventurers have come to confront it.
developed specifically for the removal of harmful The portrait would rather the characters stand there
substances, though any indication about which harmful and give in to its influence willingly. In the likely case
substances it would’ve removed, have been eradicated. that the characters resist, combat breaks out. The living
It is broken beyond repair. portrait (App. B) and its allies will fight until they are
destroyed. For this fight, it calls upon the rug of
smothering (BR, pg. 264) in this room and a suit of
The Tower animated armor from area D16. They fight until they
are destroyed, or until the living portrait has been
D16. Landing
If you want to make things more interesting or if you
At the top of the stairs, you are greeted by natural sunlight
want to switch out one of the enemies, the dragon head
pouring into the room. A small landing with simple armor,
provides a nice alternative. On initiative count 1, the
standing guard at the door. As you step off of the stairs, the
dragon head breathes lightning in a 5 ft. wide line. Each
heavy wooden door swings open and from inside, a familiar creature in that line must make a DC 15 Dexterity
voice beckons you. saving throw, taking 2d10 lightning damage on a failed
“No time to dally. I would love to see you…” save, or half as much on a successful one. It has an AC
of 12 and 18 HP. It will continue to do this until it is
The armor in this room is actually a suit of animated destroyed, or until the living portrait has been
armor (BR, pg. 116). It does not awaken or attack until
Thaddeus Holsten. The portrait knows a lot about
the players have entered the bedroom (area D17) and Thaddeus. It knows he and Melena lived in this citadel,
have spoken with the living portrait. that they built a crypt under the citadel, that they
returned after an alleged attack on the mines. Melena
got hurt and Thaddeus tried everything to help, but
failed and set the lab on fire before frosting it over.
Thaddeus left with Melena’s body, but the portrait
Living Portrait Innate Spellcasting. The portrait’s innate spellcasting ability is
Medium Construct, Neutral Evil Charisma (spell save DC 15). The portrait can innately cast the
following spells, requiring no material components:
Armor Class 5 (natural armor)
Hit Points 27 (6d8) 2/day each: calm emotions, crown of madness, sleep
Speed 0ft.
Call of Madness (recharge 6). The portrait targets one creature it
1 (-5) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) can see within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 15
Wisdom saving throw or be magically charmed by the portrait
Skills Perception +12, Persuasion +8 until the portrait is destroyed or until it is on a different plane of
Damage Immunities poison, psychic existence from the target.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, The charmed target is under the portrait’s control and can’t
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained take reactions, and the portrait and the target can
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 22 communicate telepathically with each other over any distance.
Languages Common, Sylvan, Deep Speech The charmed target can repeat the saving throw whenever it
Challenge 4 (1100 XP) takes damage, ending the effect on itself on a success. No
Proficiency Bonus +2 more than once every 24 hours, the target can repeat the saving
throw when it is at least 1 mile away from the portrait.
Antimagic Susceptibility. The portrait is incapacitated while in
the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic, the Reactions
portrait must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against Compel Sympathy. The portrait wards itself against an incoming
the caster’s spell save DC or become unconscious for 1 minute. attack. Any creature who targets the warded creature with an
Constructed Nature. An animated object doesn’t require air, attack or a harmful spell must first make a DC 15 Wisdom
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature must choose a new
food, drink, or sleep. The magic that animates an object is
dispelled when the construct drops to 0 hit points. An target or lose the attack or spell. This doesn’t protect the
portraits from area effects, such as the explosion of the fireball
animated object reduced to 0 hit points becomes inanimate
and is too damaged to be of much use or value to anyone. spell.

doesn’t know what happened afterwards. However, the On later pages, he laments the tragedy that had
portrait doesn’t believe this knowledge is as important claimed many of the miners and attempted to claim
as trying to reel the characters in. Melena as well. Where his entries were once riddled
Treasure. Besides the bed stands a pair of Papa’s with overly flowery language, they now were shorter
Slippers. The chest contains 347 gp, 663 sp, 145 cp, and to the point. The very last entry reads that he “can’t
and two potions of greater healing. On the desk lies risk infection”.
Thaddeus’ journal and the Master’s Key. The Master’s Key. This simple steel key is cold to the
The journal. The journal of Thaddeus Holsten lies on touch and doesn’t feel quite right to whoever is holding
the desk. It contains a dramatic retelling of the events it. In actuality, this key is one of the main instruments
that caused him to found the Black Mines, embellishing needed to unlock the Burning Dark. Having been in
his own actions and having nothing but good to say Thaddeus’ possession at the time that he came into
about his deceased friends. The journal details the contact with sculk, it had been affected by this
construction of the Crypt in the frozen tunnels, to serve substance as well. It is not conscious, but attunement
as a gateway through the Caves of Carnage to go into does bring with it a strong desire to delve deeper
the Black Mines themselves. He speaks very highly of underneath the citadel and to unlock the Burning Dark.
this very rewarding enterprise and mentions the many
riches he will earn in the future. They can also learn the
passphrase “Rest, frosty” written in the margin of this D18. Washroom
journal, as well as a reminder to always visit the crypt’s
library. A wooden tub stands in the middle of this well-illuminated

Through these pages, on a successful DC 15 room.

Intelligence (Investigation) check, at the DM’s
discretion, the characters can learn about ‘annoying ice This room has nothing of interest.
creatures that keep attacking him’ (ice mephits) and the
spirits of the dead from the Frozen Crypt, the patrolling
ravagers and ‘dangerous lake-dwellers’ (kuo-toa) from
the Caves of Carnage, and the dangers of the sculk of
the Black Mines.
D19. Closet
No light shines in this room, apart from what filters through
from behind you. Two metal bars are set into the walls on
either side of you, and old clothes lie in a pile in a corner.

This room has nothing of interest.

D20. Tower Basement
The darkness grips you even more the further you descend.
Yet, the sight of a torch eternally burning does not alleviate
any discomfort you may have stepping into this room. The
circular space is rather bare, with only a few destroyed
chests off to the side, a square wooden platform held up by
chains in the middle and a lever to the back of the room that
seems to be able to operate the platform. Blood is splattered
across the floor and on the wood of the platform. Beyond
that, the room is filled with an eerie silence.

The room has quite an eerie feel to it, only illuminated

by the torches in the room. With a successful DC 13
Wisdom (Medicine) check, someone can determine the
trail of blood is about a week old.
The wreckage of the chests do not have any treasure
in them. They used to contain some tools and warm
gloves and boots, used for the descent into the frozen
tunnels below.
Elevator. The platform is an elevator that, when the
lever in the southeastern corner is activated, leads into
area F1 of “chapter 3. The Frozen Crypt”. Thaddeus
Holsten used this elevator to easily go into the Frozen
Crypt from his citadel, and also the way Carter
Grummins escaped the portrait’s clutches. After he had
been wounded, he found this room and desperate for an
escape, he took his chance, leaving only a bloody trail.
If the characters attempt to use this elevator and the
portrait is still alive, it has frozen the lever in place. It
will refuse to let another escape its clutches again and
will ask innocently to come and see it first. No matter
what the characters do, the lever will not budge. If the
portrait has been defeated, the lever will work and allow
the elevator to lower.
What comes next?
After the portrait has been defeated, the characters can
freely use the elevator to descend into the depths below
Deepfrost Citadel and continue their journey into the
Frozen Crypt.
Alternatively, the characters can choose to escort
Geranwyn (and possibly Soren) back to Hermilthan.
There, they can take a day to recover, stock up and learn
from the townsfolk about the Frozen Crypt.


Chapter 3. The Frozen Crypt
irectly beneath Deepfrost Citadel, a series of undead wandered whose only goal is to fulfill this

interconnected icy tunnels are located. Within unfinished business: to descend under Deepfrost
these tunnels, Thaddeus Holsten constructed Citadel and go deeper and deeper. The person Carter
a crypt to honor his deceased friends, Grummins once was has perished, and only the
prominent Hermilthians, and other wanderer remains.
noteworthy people. Shortly after construction As his name suggests, the wanderer does not remain
had finished, Thaddeus realized the tunnels in one place as he aimlessly searches for something that
were not as friendly or abandoned as they had first can help fulfill his goal. When the party first enters the
appeared. Creatures stumbled their way into the caves level, the wanderer is in the library (area F26) and
and the crypt, where the souls of those who had passed remains there until one of two things happens:
away rose up to defend their last resting place. the characters find Carter’s camp (area F3)
Thaddeus himself never cared much for this strife, for the characters cross the River of Souls (area F9)
the spirits would rest once again if the threats from the
tunnels did not enter. Instead, he helped some of the If either of these happens, the wanderer slowly
souls move back on, to peace, but he never could ambles around the dungeon. Every two to three rooms
convince the echoes of his friends to leave. the characters enter (regardless of if they’ve already
Since Thaddeus’ disappearance, the tunnels have been there or not) the wanderer gets to enter another
changed. Passages have opened up and closed off as room. Roll a d4 and assign a cardinal direction to each
time went on. Some creatures are trapped within these number. The result of this roll dictates in which
walls, but they know not to disturb the denizens of the direction the wanderer moves. If there is no adjacent
crypt. The spirits have since then grown quiet, with the room or passage in the direction of the rolled results,
exception of Thaddeus’ old adventuring party, who wait you can check clockwise for the first room he can enter.
patiently for the next intruders. As he wanders, the other denizens of the tunnels and
Recently, this stalemate has been upset by an the crypt allow him to pass. He cannot traverse through
unexpected new arrival: an undead adventurer, forever hazards.
mindlessly searching for ways down, forever ready to Whenever the wanderer is in a room adjacent to the
tear anything that moves apart for answers. party, paraphrase the following:
Running this chapter The sound of footsteps echoes through a room adjacent to

This chapter kickstarts the party’s journey into the you. Slow, almost methodical. A bright light seems to sway

dungeon proper, traversing icy and snowy tunnels with from left to right with every step. You’re unsure about what it
a mostly slippery underground, where some of the walls could be or what its intentions are.
are so thin you can look through them. In contrast,
though the walls of the crypt are made of study-looking The wanderer attacks on sight. If the characters want to
stone, brittle and look like they could collapse at any sneak past him, they need to succeed on a DC 10
second. The characters may find more hints to the fates Dexterity (Stealth) check.
of those who escaped the Black Mines as well as a If the characters avoid him throughout the dungeon,
potential insight into Thaddeus’ past. he shows up in the room with the Kneeling Man (area
F23) as the characters return the statue’s instrument to
Character advancement it for a final confrontation.
This chapter is meant for characters of level 4. The
characters level up when they unlock the entrance to Hazard
the Caves of Carnage and have defeated the wanderer. Monsters are not the only threats in the dungeon. The
tunnels and crypt are dangerous in their own right and
Threats in the Crypt might cut off what you believed to be an easy way out.
The longer you stay, the more the landscape changes to
The wanderer reflect how long you’ve been here.
For every four (new) areas the characters explore,
After his daring escape from Deepfrost Citadel, Carter hazard is generated and changes the terrain. Previously
Grummins found his way into the Frozen Crypt level, accessible passageways can be blocked off or are more
but unfortunately did not survive the cold. Due to the difficult to traverse. They could be a nuisance for as
harrowing experience in the citadel, he rose as an long as the characters explore, but this remains
even when they leave - either to go deeper or to return to without issue. Add hazard H4 to the map for a visual
the surface. representation.
When hazard is generated, roll a d10 to determine in H5 - Circular Room: West. The ceiling collapses,
what section of the level the hazard is activated. blocking off this pathway. It takes the party two hours to
Tunnels. If the characters are in the tunnels, a 1-7 safely clear out the rubble and make it accessible again.
triggers a hazard in the tunnels, while an 8-10 triggers a Add hazard H5 to the map for a visual representation.
hazard in the crypt. Roll on the appropriate table to see H6 - Circular Room: North. The ceiling has cracked
what hazard has been activated, re-rolling any results open, and water flows into the area. Wherever the water
that have already been triggered. flows is considered difficult terrain. Add hazard H6 to
Crypt. If the characters are in the crypt, a 1-7 triggers the map for a visual representation.
a hazard in the crypt, while an 8-10 triggers a hazard in H7 - River Passage. The floor gives way, revealing a
the tunnels. Roll on the appropriate table to see what deep pit of about twenty feet deep with debris at the
hazard has been activated, re-rolling any results that bottom. If the characters want to jump across, they must
have already been triggered. make a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. On a
failure, the characters take 2d6 bludgeoning damage
from the fall and 2d6 piercing damage from the debris.
Tunnel Hazards On a success, they jump across without issue. Add
d12 Tunnel Hazards hazard H4 to the map for a visual representation.
1 H1 - Entrance Passage H8 - Open Passage. The left-hand tunnel connecting
2 H2 - Flooded Tunnel Passage areas F6 and F7 is littered with sharp crystals on the
3 H3 - Camp Passage floor for its length and becomes difficult terrain. When a
4 H4 - Circular Room: South creature moves into or within the area, it takes 1d4
5 H5 - Circular Room: West piercing damage and 1d4 cold damage for every 5 feet it
6 H6 - Circular Room: North travels. Add hazard H8 to the map for a visual
7 H7 - River Passage representation.
8 H8 - Open Passage H9 - Ravine to Crypt Passage. The ceiling collapses,
9 H9 - Ravine to Crypt Passage blocking off this pathway. It takes the party two hours to
10 H10 - Collapsed Bridge safely clear out the rubble and make it accessible again.
11 H11 - Docks Passage Add hazard H9 to the map for a visual representation.
12 H12 - Stairs to the library H10 - Collapsed Bridge. The bridge across the River
H1 - Entrance Passage. The ceiling collapses,
of Souls has collapsed. To jump across the river, the
blocking off this pathway. It takes the party two hours to characters must make a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics)
safely clear out the rubble and make it accessible again. check. On a failure, the character falls into the waters of
Add hazard H1 to the map for a visual representation. the river and feels its effects. On a success, they make it
H2 - Flooded Tunnel Passage. The tunnel next to the
across safely. Add hazard H10 to the map for a visual
flooded tunnel (room F2) disappears completely - it representation.
H11 - Docks Passage. The beginning of the tunnel
appears as though there has never been a passage at all. that leads directly to room F13 is littered with sharp
Detect magic reveals that the path still exists, but is now crystals on the floor and becomes difficult terrain. When
closed off by strong abjuration magic. If anyone a creature moves into or within the area, it takes 1d4
attempts to pass through, they must make a DC 19 piercing damage and 1d4 cold damage for every 5 feet it
Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d6 travels. Add hazard H8 to the map for a visual
bludgeoning damage as they walk into a solid wall. On a representation.
success, they do not take the damage, but instead feel H12 - Stairs to the Library. The ceiling collapses,
their body lock up, unable to pass through. Add hazards blocking off this pathway. It takes the party two hours to
H2a and H2b to the map for a visual representation. safely clear out the rubble and make it accessible again.
H3 - Camp Passage. The wall collapses, blocking off
this pathway. It takes the party two hours to safely clear Add hazard H12 to the map for a visual representation.
out the rubble and make it accessible again. Add hazard
H3 to the map for a visual representation.
H4 - Circular Room: South. The floor gives way,
revealing a deep pit of about twenty feet deep with
debris at the bottom. If the characters want to jump
across, they must make a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics)
check. On a failure, the characters take 2d6
bludgeoning damage from the fall and 2d6 piercing
damage from the debris. On a success, they jump across


Crypt Hazards
Frozen Crypt features
d8 Crypt Hazards
The tunnels east of the crypt gently slope upward, while
1 H13 - Western Staircase
the others remain on the same level. Recent cave-ins
2 H14 - First Townmaster: West
have blocked off some of the paths that would’ve led
3 H15 - First Townmaster: East
elsewhere, and some tunnels might even be at risk of
H16 - Twin Tombs Passage
H17 - Lava Room passage
collapsing as the party passes by.
6 H18 - Kneeling Man: West Berries. Strange red bloodberry bushes grow
7 H19 - Kneeling Man: East throughout the tunnels. They taste like goodberries, but
8 roll again have an odd lingering metallic aftertaste. Whoever
H13 - Western Staircase. The ceiling collapses,
consumes one bloodberry gains three hit points. For
blocking off this pathway. It takes the party two hours to every berry they eat after the first, the character must
safely clear out the rubble and make it accessible again. succeed a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. The DC
Add hazard H13 to the map for a visual representation. goes up for every new bloodberry eaten. On a success,
H14 - First Townmaster: West. The party’s presence
they only feel light melancholy seeping into their bones.
has angered the spirits of the crypt. The ceiling and On a failure, that melancholy sets deeper within their
floor have risen up, making it difficult to pass through psyche. They are poisoned for ten minutes. While they
this doorway. With a successful DC 18 Dexterity are poisoned, they have disadvantage on Charisma
(Acrobatics) check, a character can squeeze through the checks and saving throws. It is safe to consume one
opening. Add hazard H14 to the map for a visual berry every day. Each bush produces 1d6 berries.
Ceilings. Ceilings in the tunnels are 18 feet high.
representation. Ceilings in the crypt are 15 feet high.
H15 - First Townmaster: East. The party’s presence
Floor. The floors of the tunnels are a mixture of snow
has angered the spirits of the crypt. The ceiling and and slippery ice. All of the tunnels are difficult terrain.
floor have risen up, making it difficult to pass through The floors of the crypt are made from ornamental
this doorway. With a successful DC 18 Dexterity purple tiles that have been worn down as time passed.
(Acrobatics) check, a character can squeeze through the Hazard. The longer the party stays on this level, the
opening. Add hazard H15 to the map for a visual more hazard they generate. The read-aloud texts and
representation. rooms are written and described as though hazard
H16 - Twin Tombs Passage. The wall collapses,
blocking off this pathway. It takes the party two hours to hasn’t been generated yet.
Light. The icy tunnels and walls of the crypt are
safely clear out the rubble and make it accessible again. illuminated by luminescent lichen, shedding a dim light
Add hazard H16 to the map for a visual representation. in the entirety of the map. The lava in area F17 sheds a
H17 - Lava Room passage. The doorway disappears
completely - it appears as though there has never been a bright light.
River of Souls. The waters running through the icy
passage at all. Detect magic reveals that the path still tunnels are as frigid as the environment and are
exists, but is now closed off by strong abjuration magic. drenched with the souls of those who passed away in
If anyone attempts to pass through, they must make a the mines - hence its unofficial moniker of ‘the River of
DC 19 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they take Souls’. Anyone who comes into contact with it feels the
2d6 bludgeoning damage as they walk into a solid wall. lethargy seep into their bones. If they drink from it,
On a success, they do not take the damage, but instead wade through, or fall in, they must make a DC 14
feel their body lock up, unable to pass through. Add Wisdom saving throw. On a success, they only feel
hazard H17 to the map for a visual representation. slightly lethargic. On a failure, they are affected as
H18 - Kneeling Man: West. The party’s presence has
angered the spirits of the crypt. The ceiling and floor though by the Slow spell. They can make a saving throw
have risen up, making it difficult to pass through this to shake off the effect every minute.
Tombs. Within the crypt, the dead are restless. A
doorway. With a successful DC 18 Acrobatics character must succeed on a DC 20 Strength (Athletics)
(Dexterity) check, a character can squeeze through the check to be able to push the top slab off of a tomb or
opening. Add hazard H18 to the map for a visual sarcophagus. Once they disturb the dead’s rest, either a
representation. skeleton (BR, pg. 152) or a ghost (BR, pg. 129) rises.
H19 - Kneeling Man: East. The ceiling has cracked
open, and water flows into the area. Wherever the water They are relentless and fight until they are destroyed.
flows is considered difficult terrain. Add hazard H19 to Unless specified, the tombs and sarcophagi have no
the map for a visual representation. treasure in them.


F1. Elevator Landing The elevator opens into an unassuming tunnel that can
acquaint the characters with the cold temperature and
the slippery ice beneath their feet. Ice has frosted over
The elevator churns and groans as it goes down. From the
the platform on which the elevator lands and has been
darkness, you descend into the dim light of a frigid
recently disturbed. There are two ways to go: directly to
environment. The few specks of light shed by the icy walls of the north, to the higher of the two hallways; and directly
the tunnels and the silence give it an eerie vibe. With a loud to the east, to the lower of the two. Neither path seems
clang, the elevator comes to a halt. more appealing or dangerous than the other.


A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check - or a blanket. Characters who move the blanket or who
character with a passive Perception of 12 or higher - succeed in a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check
reveals that some blood has stained the walls and discover this journal.
floors. The trail continues to the east, following the Carter’s journal. The first few pages discuss his life
southern tunnel. prior to being approached by Wells, riddled with
complaints about his boring lifestyle. He discusses how
Simeon Veinbreaker has tried to talk him out of it, but
F2. Flooded Tunnel that Carter will go anyway. The next entry is written in
frantic handwriting and details how Soren went mad
This tunnel branches off into two separated passages. On after briefly leaving the group to go on a solo adventure
the right, the tunnel slopes up slightly and moves through a and attacked them. Carter and Geranwyn fought Wells,
narrow passage with a low ceiling. On the left, the tunnel is a but Carter was hit and fled, finding the elevator in the
basement and now being stuck here. He can’t treat his
little wider and deeper. Sharp rocks protrude from the
wounds, and wishes he had heeded Simeon’s words
ground and ceiling, and a layer of water obscures the
and that he was back in Hermilthan. The last few
deepest section.
entries showcase how slowed he’d become, how the
cold is getting to him, and how he will die and nobody
If the characters choose to traverse the small pool of will know. In his last entry, Carter asks anyone who
water, they must make a DC 13 Dexterity (Acrobatics) passes by to tell Simeon that Carter had been stupid
check. On a success, they cross the pool without issue. and writes down his own name, asking to be
On a failure, the character stumbles and is hit by the remembered.
sharp rocks for 2d4 piercing damage. Despite the grim prospects of Carter, there is no
Flooded section. The water in the flooded section corpse to be seen.
trickles down from the north and comes directly from Treasure. Carter’s backpack contains a spell scroll of
the River of Souls, running to the south underneath the Shatter (previously taken from Deepfrost Citadel’s
narrow passage on the right. Its deepest point lies two library), two days’ worth of rations that are safe to eat,
feet deep. The usual effects from the River of Souls and a coin pouch with 35 sp and 16 gp.
apply to those who come into contact with it. F4. Circular Room

F3. Camp The tunnel opens into a big circular room with entrances in
each of the cardinal directions, broken off pieces of ice on
A rock jutting out in the middle of the wall splits the tunnel the ground and heaps of snow having built up near the
into two. To the left, a splash of red catches your attention. A walls. The walls are thinner here, looking out over the
berry bush grows out of the walls, its vibrant green and red tunnels behind them that follow the curvature of this room.
contrasting with the icy blues and whites of the direct The middle of this room is indicated by a large compass-like
surroundings. carving in the middle. The needle points to the north-
northwest, beyond the room you are standing in.

If the character investigate the berries or approach the

camp to the point where they may see it, also read the Hidden within the snow lies the only security measure
following: Thaddeus Holsten has installed in the tunnels. Three
snowmen (App. B) hide among the snowy patches.
When someone walks into the room, they reveal
In an alcove, previously hidden from view, sits a little camp.
themselves, but wait expectantly. If the characters do
A bedroll has been rolled out on the ground and looks like it
not say the passphrase “Rest, frosty” before leaving, the
had been slept in. Sticks and stones have been arranged for snowmen fight the intruders to the death. They will
a campfire that was never lit, an unused tinderbox lying next pursue the characters into other areas. The snowmen
to it. A backpack, half-rummaged through, sits to the back of can be avoided by following the outer hallways instead,
the alcove. and not stepping into the room with the snow.
Compass The needle on the compass points to the

This is the camp Carter Grummins made when he chest in the pond (area F5), to confuse and lead
couldn’t move further, setting it up near the berry bush potential dungeon delvers and thieves to the trap
for an easy supply of food. Sapped of his energy and awaiting them there.
Remains. A DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check
fading fast, he wrote some notes in his journal before he reveals that some of the smashed pieces of ice on the
finally passed away and became the wanderer. The ground are a bit darker in coloration. When their
journal is hidden underneath a portion of the bedroll’s attention is drawn to it, they can see these are actually
the remains of bats. A DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) Chest in the pond. The pond is about thirty feet deep
check will tell the characters these bats seemed to have and allows enough space for one person to comfortably
been frozen mid-flight and then shattered. swim down. This is not connected to the River of Souls,
and its effects do not apply to the water in this pond.
Within the pond sits a chest that weighs about 50
Snowman pounds. It is filled with treasure, including an
Medium Construct, Unaligned assortment of gemstones worth a total of 550 gp and
diamonds worth up to 350 gp. The chest is unlocked.
Armor Class 8 Rune rock. The runes carved into the rock are written
Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10)
in the crude written version of Deep Speech that is
Speed 10 ft.
difficult to read. The most a character who speaks Deep
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Speech (or casts Comprehend Languages or similar
magic to read the text) can make out is “spread the
15 (+2) 6 (-2) 14 (+2) 1 (-5) 6 (-2) 1 (-5)
souls, spread the sculk” scrawled over and over again.
Damage Vulnerabilities fire Anything else carved into the rock is intelligible. Any
Damage Immunities cold, poison spell that allows you to read language grants access to
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from this knowledge.
nonmagical attacks Trap. If anyone enters the pond, it triggers the trap
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, and the water’s surface instantly freezes over, trapping
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned the person that dove inside. If anyone tries to break the
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive
newly frozen over pond, they need to succeed a DC 21
Perception 8
Strength (Athletics) check or make a successful attack
Languages —
Challenge 3 (700 xp) roll. The ice has an AC of 15, 35 HP and is immune to
Proficiency Bonus +2 poison and psychic damage, but is vulnerable to
bludgeoning, piercing, and thunder damage.
If anyone else enters the pond after the trap has been
Cold Absorption. Whenever the snowman is subjected to cold
damage, it takes no damage and instead regains a number of triggered, the pond does not freeze over again.
hit points equal to the cold damage dealt.

Immutable Form. The snowman is immune to any spell or F6. River Crossing
effect that would alter its form.
A calm stream crosses the middle of this room, flowing from
Melt. While in an area of extreme heat, the snowman loses 1d6
hit points at the start of each of its turns. east to west. A berry bush stands off to the side, with its
tantalizing red berries. At the far end of this cavern, two
Unusual Nature. The snowman doesn’t require air, food, drink,
ways lead deeper into this ravel of tunnels.
or sleep.

Actions The stream that flows through this room is the calmer
Multiattack. The snowman makes two melee attacks. precursor to the River of Souls in area F9. One can
easily step through the waters and not be swept away,
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. though they would be affected by its waters.
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage plus 7 (2d6) cold Someone can also try to jump across with a DC 12
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or Strength (Athletics)
Snowball. Ranged Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, range 60 ft., one check. On a success, they are able to jump across. On a
target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) cold damage. fail, the slippery ice will not prevent them from jumping,
but they do fall into the stream and are affected by the
F5. Pond F7. Open cavern
In the middle of this smaller cavern stands a rock of sorts,
The open space reaches higher than you’ve seen in these
covered with strange scrawlings that almost look like
tunnels. A berry bush in the far end of the room is the only
symbols and runes. To the east of this rock sits a little pond
interesting point and one way to the north leads further up.
in which something shimmers and calls your attention.
There are ways out in the north, west and south.
The ceiling in this room is fifty feet high. This room has
nothing of interest.
F8. Ravine check, is swept away by the water into the small lake in
area F10.
If the characters decide to jump across they must
This room appears to be ruptured. Its walls are jagged with
make a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or Strength
pointy spikes and cracks in the walls. One of the cracks has
(Athletics) check. On a success, they make it to the other
spilled over to the floor, breaking it open and creating a side. On a failure, they fall into the River of Souls, are
ravine that runs across the length of this cavern. To your left, swept away with a speed of 20ft per round and are
in the back of the room, the walls seem to have cracked affected by its waters.
open and reveal an interior of sorts. The small branch going southward can be waded
through and doesn’t need to be jumped over, though the
Deadly quintet. A group of five ice mephits (BR, pg. effects of the River of Souls still apply.
331 ) live in this room. They don’t often get visitors and
will jump at the chance to entertain themselves by F10. Docks
attacking these people - preferably by shoving them into
the ravine and then attacking from higher up. The
mephits will cease their attacks when two of them have In the middle of the room sits a small lake, around which a

died or all of them have lost half of their HP. When they set of docks have been constructed. The water is deep and

flee, they refuse to enter the crypt. dark, to the point where you cannot see the bottom of it.
Ravine. Someone can jump across with a DC 15 Frozen barrels and crates are located to the sides. A set of
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or Strength (Athletics) icy rocks climb up to twenty feet in the air to the cave wall.
check. On a success, they make it to the other side. On a The tunnels continue northward, through two passageways.
failure, they fall 30 feet into the ravine and take 3d6
bludgeoning damage from the fall. Without external Thaddeus Holsten had the idea of creating a more
help, the characters must succeed on a DC 20 Strength direct entrance into his mines and started to excavate in
(Athletics) check to climb out of the ravine. The walls of this side cavern. He had the area dug up with explosives
the ravine have sharp edges, so the character takes 2d4 and other means, but one such explosion hit an ice wall
piercing damage if they grasp the walls with their hands and partially redirected the River of Souls, flooding the
as they climb out. hole. After this incident, Thaddeus deemed the site
useless and installed a secret staircase directly into the
F9. River of Souls crypt instead. Since then, the River of Souls has filled
the hole to the brim with water. Some of the explosives
The following text assumes the players arrive from the still lay around, though most of these explosives have
pond (area F5): frosted over and have been rendered useless.
Home of the Toad. Nowadays, the hole is the home of
As you enter the cavern, your gaze is immediately drawn to a rather passive ice toad (RoT, pg. 90). It rests directly
under the waters’ surface and needs a DC 10 Wisdom
the sky. You know you are traversing a series of tunnels, yet
(Perception) check to be spotted. It does not attack, but
when you look up, you can see the persistent darkness of the
will retaliate when it is threatened. It will stop fighting
night sky with stars glistening. They illuminate the path
and will retreat deeper into the hole when it is reduced
forward; to an old-looking entrance, a stone wall set into the to a quarter of its health or lower.
icy cavern walls and an ornate, ominous blackstone archway Icy rocks. The icy rocks can be climbed and form a
that both beckons you to approach and begs you to stay out. pathway to room F10a. Someone must succeed on a
A fast-running stream cuts this cavern in half, leaving you DC 17 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to safely reach the
stranded on one side. Two bare trees made out of icicles top. If someone takes their time to study the rocks and
makes a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check, the
stand on either side of this river, with a smaller stream
DC for the Acrobatics check is reduced to 12.
rushing southward. A simple, yet creaky and old wooden
To find the secret room, someone must either
rope bridge connects the two sides with one another. A
succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check if they
passage leads further west. try to look from the ground, or a DC 13 Wisdom
(Perception) check if they have successfully climbed the
This cavern provides the characters access to the crypt rocks. On a success, they can see the inaccuracies in the
through its front gates. The stream in this room is the ice and open the hidden door.
River of Souls at its wildest, and effects of the waters Treasure. The toad has unwittingly gathered a lot of
apply here. It is not safe to wade through the river here; resources below the waves, resting on a gentle slope,
anyone who falls in or fails a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) including a small locked lockbox that holds 94 gp, a
destroyed spell scroll, and a particularly nice-looking
rock that once belonged to the ooze in area F19. If the
characters succeed in a DC 17 Intelligence can cross safely. On a failure, they fall prone and take
(Investigation) check, they can find two still-functional 2d4 piercing damage from the dripstone.
bombs. If they beat a DC of 22, they also find two sticks Trap. When the characters make it halfway through
of dynamite. the room, or enter the room and attempt to leave it, the
trapper (MotM, pg. 245) on the ceiling releases its grip
and falls onto one of the characters. It knows about the
F10a. Hidden Room yeti that lives in area F13 and is waiting for the creature
to enter this area. It has been surviving off of bats and
This small, hidden room has a weird scent to it that you
other smaller creatures and has been waiting for a
can’t immediately place. You find the remnants of a nest,
larger meal. It ignores the wanderer; it already has been
with bones picked clean. A pristine set of boots, untouched
hurt by the creature and barely survived. When the
by time, sits to the side. characters enter this room, it finally takes its chance.
It immediately uses its smother ability on one of the
To find this secret room, a character must either characters, dealing that damage. After a round of
succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check if they combat and taking over 20 points of damage, it realizes
try to look from the ground in area F10, or a DC 13 the characters pose a threat to its existence and
Wisdom (Perception) check if they have successfully releases the character it has smothered. Then, it will
climbed the rocks in that same area. On a success, they use its actions to Dash and to climb onto the ceiling, out
can see the inaccuracies in the ice and open the hidden of reach of the characters.
This room was once the secret home of another F12. Dead End
creature, but it has since been abandoned. The scent
gives no hints to the type of creature that once might
have resided here, but it does vaguely smell like death. The tunnel leads into a dead end, the walls crystalline. The
Scent of death. If the characters spend more than biggest berry bush you’ve seen so far sits at the very end, the
four hours in this room, the scent of death clings to their berries as red as blood, almost begging to be plucked and
clothes. The characters have disadvantage on Charisma eaten.
checks against non-undead creatures, and non-undead
creatures will not be as receptive to their words. They Beyond the abundance of berries, there is nothing of
do gain advantage on Charisma checks when they interest in this area.
interact with undead creatures and they may not be
targeted, as the scent tricks their minds into believing
the characters may be dead, too. The scent disappears F13. Yeti’s Lair
after a long rest.
Treasure. The boots are a pair of Boots of Striding
and Springing. The tunnel opens up into a larger, oval cavern. To the right,
Wanderer-proof. The wanderer cannot enter this you can see an opening in the wall and from where a
room. staircase descends. To the back, in a bit of a nook, lies a nest
of dead twigs and broken-off pieces of crates. But the
creature in front of you takes all of your attention; a tall
F11. Dripstone Pond towering creature turns its head, its white fur almost
blending in with the icy walls. With a mighty roar, it charges
The sound of dripping water as it hits the surface echoes
toward you.
through this cavern. Stalagmites and stalactites grow freely
in and above the pond, leaving little space for anything to
move around. A berry bush grows off to the side, and narrow This dead end room is the home to a displaced yeti (BR,
pg. 160). It has come here through ice tunnels that have
natural walkways line this pond.
long since collapsed and has not yet been able to find its
way home. Instead, it has languished in this area and
The water in this pond is not connected to the River of has been surviving off of bats and fish. It does not like
Souls. The narrow walkways on the side of the pond intruders and will fight anything that enters its lair. It
appear to be the safest route across, but are covered in will fight to the death, but will not chase characters
extremely slippery ice. down the stairs.
If the characters choose to cross the walkways, they Staircase. Once hidden behind a wall of ice, now
need to make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. If they more visible, a curious staircase descends into the
choose to wade through the pond, they need to make a lower levels of the crypt and provides a shortcut to the
DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. On a success, they
crypt’s library (area F26) unless hazard has closed off F15. The First Townmaster
this pathway.
An ornate sarcophagus stands in the middle of the room,
F14. Entrance to the Crypt the top relief depicting a human resting on their back,
holding onto a sword. A plaque on the side identifies them
The text assumes the characters first enter from area
F9: as “Gissar Veldt, the first townmaster”.

To the south, two doorways lead onto the balcony. To

The atmosphere thickens when you step into the crypt. The
the west, north and east, another passageway gives
ceaseless creaking of the ice stops when your footsteps start
access to deeper parts of the crypt.
to echo in the empty halls. Still, the ice protrudes and
This old buried townmaster, Gissar Veldt, is an
invades into the crypt, breaking the limestone walls and tiled ancestor of Exander Veldt. After their death, they were
floors. Two stairs lead up onto a balcony with four entrances buried here, as per Thaddeus’ promise. The
into the higher level of the crypt. To the back of the room, sarcophagus looks well-kept. A DC 16 Intelligence
two doorways lead downward. (Investigation) check reveals that this sarcophagus
And you could swear you can see a flicker of a ghost hasn’t been touched by time at all, as not even a thin
layer of dust has fallen on top of the sarcophagus, even
briefly walk atop the balcony.
if the crypt’s floor and other features are covered in
For the first time, the characters do not have to contend F16. Miner Tombs
with slippery ice and difficult terrain, but the
temperature is still freezing cold.
The ghost that walks across the balcony does not Two walls of this room are lined with tombs and sarcophagi,
notice the characters. It is merely intended to set the the names unreadable. A third wall, on your left, has broken
tone of the location the characters have just entered. apart on the top and light from the room on the other side
They have left the creatures and hazards of the tunnels spills into this room. In the southeastern corner, a patch of
behind them, and are now faced with a brand new set of
challenges. brown mold has grown. Even though you stand in the
doorway, it appears to be much colder inside this room.

The Frozen Crypt

The broken section of the wall can be used to access the complete this puzzle, the characters must bathe both
lava room (area F17) and is 15 ft tall in this area. A tombs in bright light from any source, magical or non-
character needs to succeed a DC 15 Dexterity magical. If the characters succeed, the walls in the
(Acrobatics) or Strength (Athletics) check to northeastern corner of this room retract and reveal area
successfully climb this wall. 18a.
Trap. A patch of brown mold rows in the corner. It is
the cause of the extreme cold inside of the room and
covers a 10 by 10 feet square in that corner. Whenever F18a. Warmer Room
a character comes within 5 feet of it, they must make a
DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they The walls, floor and ceiling are all made out of perfectly

take 11 (2d10) cold damage, or half as much if they chiseled ice in a way that almost feels unreal. Stepping into

succeeded. the room, you feel the temperature change to something

It is immune to fire damage, but any cold damage more pleasant. In the far corner lies a leather-bound book.
immediately destroys it. Any source of fire that comes
within 5 feet of a patch of this mold causes it to expand This room does not adhere to the frigid temperatures
toward the fire and creates a new 10-foot-square, of found everywhere else on this level, with the exception
which the source of the fire is the center point. of the lava room (area F17) - instead, the temperature is
Treasure. In the corner where the mold grows, lies an
ornate necklace with a bird totem on the ground. This is in a normal range. This has no repercussions for the
a Death Loop. characters, but this sudden increase in temperature is
noteworthy and a way to spook the characters.
Treasure. The book in the corner is a Tome of the
F17. Lava Room Hills.
Wanderer-proof. The wanderer cannot enter this
Three tombs stand on the eastern wall of this room, its
blackstone glistening in the bright light of the lava. Two
pockets of lava - captured in two square holes in the ground F19. Friendly Ooze
- bubble and boil but don’t seem to cause harm to the
interior. More tombs line the two walls of this sideroom that doesn’t
have a doorway in it, an empty jar standing nearby. Your

Three miners who passed away before the Black Mines gaze is drawn to what sits in the corner of that room. A dark
were compromised, are buried here. The lava was an blue-ish formless blob sits there, seemingly with stars
addition by Thaddeus Holsten, as these pockets of lava dancing across it. Though it has no head, it seems to stare
had been found, his motives unknown. Due to the lava, at you curiously.
it is actually quite warm in this room.
This blue ooze is a denizen of the crypt that has made
F18. Entombed Foremen its home in this side room. It has a limited amount of
intelligence, which it can use to communicate simple
ideas with those around him. It does not know how it
In this sideroom, two blackstone tombs are set into the
got in the crypt, or how it received its intelligence, but
walls. Their names are written in two different scripts, and
considers this little nook its home. It can communicate
below that another brief text in that same script. with other intelligent creatures with its limited
The two people entombed here are two foremen who It will not attack the party unless it is provoked.
passed away on the job, before the Black Mines were Provoking it could mean any harmful action, attempting
struck by tragedy. One of the tombs belongs to the to steal from it, or generally showing hostility towards it.
dwarf Arken Veinbreaker, Simeon’s deceased brother, It will defend itself and attempts to flee after losing a
and the half-drow Corinne Japhalaste. These tombs are quarter of its health (using the ochre jelly stat block
a bit more ornate than the others the characters have (BR, pg. 146)), but only if absolutely necessary.
encountered (with the exception of those in areas F15 Stolen treasure. The ooze has lost a nice stone to a
and F22) and might be a signal to the higher status of particularly evil ice toad that “resides in the wide water”
the entombed. (the pond in the docks, area F10). If the characters
Puzzle. The text on Arken’s tomb is written in retrieve the stone for it, it will be grateful and allow
Dwarvish, the one on Corinne’s tomb in Elven. Both say them to take a bit of its slime and put it in a jar, which
the same thing. The first line has their name, the will create a Jar of Speedy Slime.
following say: through the darkness into the light. To
Thaddeus Holsten. If the characters speak about yet feeling the need to spread out and lay down its
Thaddeus Holsten - and/or if the characters are kind tendrils wherever it can. It must create more, must
enough - the ooze mentions another humanoid that induct and consume more creatures to fulfill this goal. It
used to pass by often, but who doesn’t show up much curses the cold and speaks reverently of fire and
anymore. The ooze can share that this man always warmth. It almost feels like it knows it is being read and
traveled ‘downstairs’ first, and then walked up with a welcomes any reader into ‘the burning dark’, beckoning
straight piece of wood in his hands. The ooze does not them to come.
know the purpose of this piece of wood. The last time, Those who are able to understand the words must
Thaddeus also carried another humanoid woman in his make a DC 20 Charisma saving throw. On a failure,
arms. they take one point of corruption.
F20. Twin Tombs F22. Friends of the Master
Two free-standing tombs are separated by a thin wall. When The room creates a dead end. In the middle stands an
you look to your right, into a far hallway, a mote of light bobs ornate tomb, and in two of the three walls stand two more
for a second before it vanishes. tombs. The final wall holds a table with a horned skull and a
pair of darkened goggles on display. This part of the crypt

This room has nothing of interest. seems to be more in disrepair than others. In the back of the
The mote of light appears somewhere around the room, beyond the middle tomb, three motes of light seem to
entrance to area F22 and is one of the three will-o’- dance and beckon you closer.
wisps that reside there.
Each of the tombs has a plaque on them with a name
F21. Altar to Oblivion and a short commemorative text. The northern tomb
belongs to Tenacity, the western tomb to Rolfe Derrilt,
This text supposes the characters enter from area F15: and the middle tomb to Faena Simms. These three
were members of Thaddeus and Melena’s original
adventuring party who perished in this mountain before
An altar in the middle of this room stands on a raised
the mines were established.
platform. On top of it lies an opened book, though its pages
The three motes of light dancing are three will-o’-
wisps (BR, pg. 355) that reside in this room. The
are empty. On its right and left, following the pattern on the
floor, are entryways into a much larger room, and doorways restless spirits of Tenacity, Rolfe, and Faena have
on the left and right lead elsewhere in the crypt. traveled from where they originally died to where their
tombs have been constructed, to haunt anyone who
A DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals jagged enters. The upkeep in this room isn’t as great as in
inscriptions in the stone slabs behind the altar. It is other parts of the crypt, mostly because of the will-o’-
another crude text written in Deep Speech, which wisps haunting the room, which they do not leave. They
communicates its readers to “face oblivion”. will attempt to lure the characters closer to the back of
Treatise of Wholeness. The book has hidden its text
the room to attack them, but if the characters seem
from anyone who would want to read it. An illusion is resistant, they float closer to launch the attack instead.
keeping these pages blank. Something that dispels Once in combat, they fight until they are dead or until
magic or an effect that sees invisibility can reveal the the characters have retreated far enough out of the
knowledge from the pages, which are also written in room that they don’t pursue.
Treasure. On the table lies Tenacity’s skull, as well as
Deep Speech. a pair of Shades of the Dog that used to belong to Rolfe.
When someone touches the book, a voice in the back In the corner where the will-o’-wisps dwell
of their mind asks them if they would give something up (northwestern corner), the characters can find a potion
to read these pages. If the character chooses not to of greater healing.
accept the offer, nothing happens. If they choose to take
the deal, however, they lose a happy memory of a
defining moment of the player’s or DM’s choice. Once F23. Kneeling Man
the deal has been made, they can read the pages of the
It looks like it was penned by something that has It almost feels like you’ve left the crypt behind, if the cold
never held a quill before, but which writes in perfect that caresses your exposed cheeks didn’t remind you of your
handwriting, close to typewriting. It follows a stream of current location. Large pillars run the length of this tall
consciousness about hunger, needing to eat, but greater
leaves only the faded red parka that Carter had been
room, high-up torches leaving the space cold by illuminating wearing.
it. A pool of water rests in the middle of the room, framed by
a dark border. To the very back stands an imposing 20 foot
tall statue of a kneeling knight. He seems to look downward,
with one hand outstretched as though it just handed
The Wanderer
Medium Undead, Neutral Evil
something over or is to be given something.
Armor Class 11 (natural armor)
Hit Points 68 (9d8 + 27)
The statue of the kneeling man guards the entrances to Speed 30 ft.
the Caves of Carnage. An inscription on a wall in
Common reads: ‘hand me my instrument’. This STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
instrument can be found hidden by a puzzle in the 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 7 (-2)
library (area F26). The doorways and the statue itself
are impervious to magical and non-magical damage, Saving Throws Int +2, Wis +3
and the hidden doors only open when the kneeling man Damage Immunities cold
is satisfied. Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, exhaustion,
To go deeper. Once the kneeling man has been given frightened, paralyzed, poisoned
his instrument, the way to the Caves of Carnage is Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
cleared. Read the following aloud: Languages —
Challenge 5 (1800 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +3
You place it in the statue’s hand, which seems to fit perfectly.
It closes the hand around the instrument and as it does, the Blinding Light. The wanderer sheds bright light in a 20-foot
walls on either side of the statue start to shake. The walls radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. As a bonus
slide to the side, revealing a pair of identical staircases action, the wanderer can target one creature in its bright light
that it can see and force it to succeed on a DC 13 Constitution
leading downward. saving throw or be blinded until the start of the wanderer’s next
The staircase to the left ends up in the Lava Fields (area Icy Doom. Any creature killed by the wanderer freezes for 9
C1), while the staircase to the right ends up in the Pillar days, during which time it can’t be thawed, harmed by fire,
Roundabout (area C2). animated, or raised from the dead.
If the characters haven’t killed the Wanderer yet, it
walks into this room right as the mechanism is Unusual Nature. The wanderer doesn’t require air, food, drink,
triggered. If the characters haven’t encountered the or sleep.
Wanderer yet, read the following: Actions
Multiattack. The wanderer makes two attacks.
When the room settles down again, you hear the uncanny
sound of footsteps behind you. An unnatural bright light Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
peeks over your shoulder. Walking through the doorway Hit: 6 (1d8 + 1) bludgeoning damage plus 11 (3d6) cold
comes a person, the hood of his red parka pulled over his
head. Where you expect to see a face you instead see that Cold Ray. Ranged Spell Attack: +3 to hit, range 60 ft., one target.
bright light, emitted from that hole. It walks over to you and Hit: 13 (2d10 + 2) cold damage.
reaches out a hand.

The wanderer App. B ), for better or for worse, was F24. Lower Tombs West
caught trying to find a way downward, into the Burning
Dark. This desire is a left-over from Carter Grummins’
attempt to flee the horrors of Deepfrost Citadel by going Two tombs are set into the wall, their plaques unreadable. In
deeper. He barely understands what he is doing and the corner that connects these walls sits a dwarven skeleton,
why - nothing is left of Carter’s personality - and cannot their back against the wall, holding onto a simple pickaxe.
be reasoned with. The wanderer attacks
indiscriminately and until he has been killed. The skeleton belongs to a dwarf who used to work in
When the wanderer dies, he seems to completely the Black Mines and who made it to the Frozen Crypt.
freeze over and breaks into a million pieces of ice, its Unsure where to go next (and to hide from the spirits of
light forever dimmed, its wandering come to an end. It


the dead), they retreated to the library
for warmth. However, they found death
near these tombs instead.
If the characters attempt to take the
pickaxe, the skeleton (BR, pg. 152) ani-
mates and attacks. They use a pickaxe
instead of a shortsword, and they don’t
have a shortbow. If a character tells them
in Dwarvish to stop or surrender, they
listen. If the characters still attempt to
take the pickaxe, the skeleton becomes
hostile again and cannot be told to stop
Treasure. The pickaxe is An Old
Friend’s Pickaxe.
F25. Lower Tombs East
Two tombs stand in this room, the cobwebs gathering
between them.

This room has nothing of interest. make any sense; they were placed for aesthetic
purposes, not to actually be used.
Booklet. The booklet on the table is a storybook,
F26. Library recounting many brave tales. The pages that lie exposed
tell the tale of a brave knight who brought a pair of
Your gaze is first drawn to the many red candles floating in
giants to their knees, only by playing a tune on a flute.
the air, bathing this room in warm, magical light. Secondly, Fireplace of transmogrification. This fireplace is a
you notice the room feels impossibly warm, even though the fireplace of transmogrification; any item that is placed
fireplace is not working. A beautiful wooden floor creaks inside will instantly burn and, in a few seconds, be
under your feet and all of the walls are lined with shelves and reconstituted into a different item from the ashes. Above
books, holding all sorts of books and other weird items. To the fireplace, it reads in Draconic: ‘an eye for an ear, a
song for a spell’, hinting at its purpose. The detect
the left-hand wall stands a broken piano and a closet that
magic-spell reveals strong transmutation magic coats
has a lute on top of it. On the right, another cabinet and
the fireplace.
bookcases stand against the wall, where one of the shelves
When a musical instrument is placed inside, a
has a viol. magical implement (wand, alchemy set, etc.) will appear
In the middle of the room stands a grand round table with in its place. When a magical implement is placed inside,
four chairs. On the table sits a small, unassuming booklet, a a musical instrument will appear in its place. When one
broken alchemy set, and an intricately carved wooden horn. of the blank books is placed inside, it transforms into an
empty scroll. Writing instruments become reading
This magical room served as a retreat for Thaddeus, instruments and vice versa. Undamaged items will
who asked a mage to create this room for him, in case come out undamaged, while damaged items will still be
he wanted to leave Deepfrost Citadel for a little more damaged upon transmogrification. If magic items of a
privacy. Thaddeus always briefly spent time in this rarity of uncommon or higher are placed inside, nothing
room, because this was where he always came to happens.
Secret Entrance. The closet on the left contains a
retrieve the instrument the Kneeling Man required. secret walkway that leads into the yeti’s lair (area F13),
Most of the books displayed have no value and barely unless hazard has blocked it off.


Wand closet. The closet on the right contains a treasure
trove of wands, which is the main magical implement
Thaddeus had chosen to be turned into the flute the
Kneeling Man requires. About a hundred common
wands of all makes and sizes are stocked in here. A DC
19 Intelligence (Investigation) check yields the
discovery of an uncommon Wand of the Warmage.

What comes next?

After the statue of the kneeling man has received his
instrument and the wanderer has been defeated, the
party can choose where to go next. They can return to
Hermilthan to rest up, stock up, and share the news of
Carter Grummins with the townsfolk. From there, they
may learn about the treacherous caves of carnage.
Alternatively, the party can decide to push through
and delve deeper into the mountain, to experience the
Caves of Carnage for themselves.


Chapter 4. The Caves of Carnage
he Caves of Carnage cannot be called

Keys to the Black Mines
uninhabitable: many life forms call these
wide caverns and tunnels their home. To reach the Black Mines, the characters first need to
However, the denizens of these caves are find the doorway. There, they’ll find that the door opens
not all peaceful or friendly. Predators stalk when two identical keys are used simultaneously.
these halls and present a danger to all who However, the keys are no longer in their keyholes. The
want to traverse them. door had locked behind Thaddeus, as it always does,
Thaddeus Holsten used these tunnels as an extra but he never returned and the denizens of the caves
safety measure when going down to the Black Mines took the keys. Only two such keys exist, though I’ve
from Deepfrost Citadel. Due to the danger presented by listed five different locations where the characters can
the caves’ inhabitants themselves, he only ever bothered find them:
securing the door into the Black Mines with a two-key Pale Tomb (area C5)
system, at which both keys needed to be turned Mushroom Forest (area C11)
simultaneously before access was granted. Kuo-toa Ship (area C15)
When Thaddeus Holsten passed through during his Spider Den (area C16)
final descent, he stopped. He didn’t want to drag the Ravager Nest (area C17)
body of his good friend Melena all the way to the
Burning Dark, especially considering that was where The DM decides where the two keys are located.
she became infected with the sculk that made her Whenever these keys are mentioned, they are denoted
perish - and that now seemed to take over. In a by “Black Mines Key.” at the front of the paragraph.
desperate bid to save his friend’s memory, Thaddeus This only applies to the key locations you - the DM -
ended her suffering and constructed a tomb for her. As have chosen, which can be any of these five spots, or
he descended into the Black Mines, he left the keys in any other that you can come with. Through exploration
their respective keyholes. The doors closed behind him and potentially as quest rewards, the characters can
as usual, and the keys were stolen from their keyholes. earn these keys and progress to the Black Mines.
Life in the caves has endured since then. Most It is not advised to have the keys be in both the
notably, the sculk that still burgeoned within Melena’s ravager nest and the mushroom forest. Similarly, it
body grew and overtook the tomb itself, laced with might not be advised to have the keys be in both the
powerful magic to keep everything else out - and kuo-toa ship and the pale tomb.
consequently, everything inside trapped. However, a
kuo-toa archpriestess discovered the tomb and became
corrupted in the process by small traces that Thaddeus Character advancement
had unknowingly left behind. Now worshiping an entity This chapter is meant for characters of level 5. The
they call ‘Skoolak’, they continue to live on a ship in the characters advance to level 6 as soon as they unlock the
middle of the lake and the priestess demands a steady entrance into the Black Mines.
stream of sacrifice for their new god - which pisses off
their old god, a lone sahuagin, immensely.
Beyond the kuo-toa in the lake, more threats await in
the caves. The spiders have built a considerable den, Threats in the Caves
while the ravagers are lords of the tunnels and
frequently get into conflict with the local myconid circle. Ravagers
The caves are the stomping ground of vicious beasts
called ravagers. They have made their nest in a dead-
Running this chapter end space within the caves and have free reign of most
This chapter offers a little more freedom. The of the map. They are said to wander and roam the
characters must still traverse half the map and explore caves, and the following locations foresee a run-in with
it all to reach their destination. During these a ravager:
explorations, they can run into creatures and items Lava Fields (area C1)
infected with sculk and learn a little more about its Pillar Roundabout (area C2)
effects on living creatures through interactions. Bridge Room (area C4)
Melena’s tomb might even provide some extra insights Dripstone Cavern (area C7)
into what happened to her and Thaddeus Holsten. Mushroom Forest (area C11)
If the characters have already recently encountered
one of these beasts, or if you don’t want them to be in
the area when the characters pass through at any point, as the characters struggle against the stream. Add
that is okay. I do encourage you to describe the signs of hazard H3 to the map for a visual representation.
a ravager having been in that area and having caused H4 - Wild Chains. The lava in the pool below the
havoc if they are absent for whatever reason. However, chains is unruly, its heat radiating more wildly and
as ravagers are territorial creatures, it is advised to affecting the chains as well. The DC for the Dexterity
either let characters know they are nearby, to allow (Acrobatics) check or Strength (Athletics) check is
them to try to sneak by, or to have them confront these increased from 14 to 18. Add hazard H4 to the map for
beasts as they come across them. a visual representation.
When the ravagers die in these areas, another one H5 - Axolotl Pond. The axolotls in the pond bite at the
will start roaming around in that area after 1d4 days, ankles of everyone who passes by and climb out to do
unless the ravager’s nest (area C17) has been cleared. the biting. The characters must succeed on a DC 15
Dexterity saving throw or be bot for 2d4 points of
piercing damage. If the characters decide to fight the
Hazard axolotls, use the cat stat block (giving them a swim
No matter how far away from the Frozen Crypt the speed equal to their walking speed and a bite attack that
characters go, they must still contend with hazard and does 2d4 points of piercing damage (BR, pg. 121)) and
the dangers of a shifting environment. For every four put as many on the map as there are characters. If these
(new) areas the characters explore, hazard is generated axolotls are dead, it takes 2d6 days for the pond to be
and changes the terrain. Previously accessible repopulated with axolotls. Add hazard H5 to the map for
passageways are blocked off or have become more a visual representation.
H6 - Mushroom Forest Spores. Dangerous dark
difficult to traverse. These hazards remain active even spores hang in the air in the mushroom forest. Any
when the characters leave the caves. flesh-and-blood creature that passes through the cloud
When hazard is generated, roll a d10 to determine must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a
which hazard is triggered. successful save, the creature can’t be infected by these
d10 Cave Hazards spores for 24 hours. On a failed save, the creature
1 H1 - Arrows from Nowhere becomes poisoned and must succeed on a DC 20
2 H2 - Cave-in Charisma saving throw or become corrupted. If the
3 H3 - Flowing Water character is already corrupted, nothing happens. Any
4 H4 - Wild Chains creature that is already corrupted can harmlessly pass
5 H5 - Axolotl Pond these spore clouds and is unaffected. Add hazard H6 to
6 H6 - Mushroom Forest Spores the map for a visual representation.
7 H7 - Lava Pit in Pale Tomb H7 - Lava Pit in Pale Tomb. The ground splits open,
8 H8 - Wither Rose Trail creating a lava pool near the widest set of stairs in the
9 H9 - Dripleaf Trail pale tomb area. A creature can jump across or make
10 H10 - Lakeshore Lethargy either a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or DC 15
Strength (Athletics) check to not fall into the lava below.
H1 - Arrows from Nowhere. The caves dislike these It takes another DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or
people traversing their grounds without thought. DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check to attempt to climb
Whenever a creature enters this hallway, the walls out of the lava pit. Add hazard H7 to the map for a visual
themselves seem to launch razor sharp pieces of stone representation.
at anyone passing through. A character must make a H8 - Wither Rose Trail. More flowers have sprouted
DC 15 Dexterity saving throw to successfully pass on the wither rose trail, making the route more difficult.
through the hallway without being hit. On a failure, they The DC for the Constitution saving throw to traverse the
take 12 (3d6) piercing damage as the rocks dig into roses is increased from 15 to 20. Add hazard H8 to the
them. Add hazard H1 to the map for a visual map for a visual representation.
representation. H9 - Dripleaf Trail. The debris on the sides of the
H2 - Cave-in. The ceiling collapses, and debris covers dripleaf trail has fallen, which makes the route more
this pathway. It takes the party two hours to safely clear difficult. The DC for the Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to
out the rubble and make it accessible again. cross the dripleaf is increased from 15 to 20. Add
Alternatively, the characters can make a DC 18 hazard H9 to the map for a visual representation.
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to climb over the debris. H10 - Lakeshore Lethargy. Strange mists hang in the
On a failure, they lose their footing and take 2d4 air on the lakeside shore. The characters must succeed
bludgeoning damage as they slip back down. Add a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be under the
hazard H2 to the map for a visual representation. effects of the Slow spell for its duration. Add hazard
H3 - Flowing Water. The pillar in the middle of this H10 to the map for a visual representation.
space has cracked open, releasing water into the area.
Wherever the water flows is considered difficult terrain
Important NPCs Crypt), they end up in this area.
Lava. This area is littered with lava the characters can
There aren’t many humanoids in the Caves of Carnage - fall into. If the characters have to jump across some lava
yet, some of them are present when the characters go and they are not in combat, they must succeed on a DC
out to explore. Below, you’ll find a short list of these 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Strength (Athletics) check
NPCs. or make contact with the lava. For particularly small
crossings that they can easily step or jump across, this
Name Role
can be handwaved away. In more stressful situations or
Barthes deep gnome spores druid
in combat, the DC can be adjusted to be higher.
Ravager. A ravager (App. B) hangs out in this area. It
Jonas Hyffal regular human (later ghost), traveling with
knows the cavern extremely well and is smart enough to
Calliope Zemnas
avoid the lava pockets and streams. Still, it can be
Dorias Miro the mad satyr scientist in the lab
affected by lava and can get hurt by it. When it spots the
Calliope undead person, traveling with Jonas Hyffal
characters, it will attack and fight until death.
Alternatively, the party could find parts of a ravager,
lying on the edge of one of the lava pools. This one had
Caves of Carnage back luck and perished in the lava.
If spoken to (as per the Speak with Animals spell), the
Features ravager reveals that the characters are encroaching on
The caves of carnage are not known under this name by their territory. It can be persuaded not to attack with a
everything that calls these caves its home. However, successful DC 17 Charisma (Persuasion) check. It will
after decades and centuries of tormenting any allow them to pass safely once. If the characters pass
adventurers with what lies down here, it has gained a through again and it is still there, it will attack the
reputation, even though very few know its location. Most characters and fight to the death.
of the caves are wide and spacious enough not to cause
claustrophobic adventurers to feel trapped, even though
they are underground. Ravager
Ceilings. The ceilings are all a minimum of 30 ft.
Large Beast, Unaligned

high. Armor Class 16 (natural armor)

Floor. The floors are made of packed dirt and darker Hit Points 68 (8d12 + 16)
stone. Speed 30 ft.
Hazard. The longer the party stays on this level, the
more hazard they generate. The read-aloud texts and STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
rooms are written and described as though hazard 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 19 (+4) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 5 (-3)
hasn’t been generated yet.
Light. The caves and tunnels are illuminated by Senses passive Perception 11
luminescent lichen, shedding a dim light in the entirety Languages —
of the map. Lava, where it appears, sheds a bright light. Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Walls. The walls are rough stone and dirt materials.

Proficiency Bonus +2

In the Lava Fields (area C1), the walls are sharp and
extremely hot. In the Mushroom Forest (area C11), they Actions
are covered by moss and fungi. Multiattack. The ravager makes two attacks: one bite-attack
and one gore-attack.
C1. Lava Fields Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage.
The first thing you hear is the bubbling of something hot.
When you turn around the corner, the heat almost assaults Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) piercing damage. If the ravager moved at
you. The caves in front of you have several pockets and pits least 20 feet straight toward the target immediately before the
with lava, with sharp and hot lava rocks and stone on the hit, the target takes an extra 9 (2d8) piercing damage, and the
ground. Tones of red, orange and black dominate the space target must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be
right in front of you. knocked prone if it is a creature.

If the characters have taken the staircase on the left in

the room with the Kneeling Man (area F23, Frozen
C2. Pillar Roundabout
The cave becomes a little taller as it widens. Rock formations
Walking down, nothing but silence awaits you around the stand across the rooms, and a wooden bridge spans the
corner. A darker space awaits, with a large pillar of natural room. An overlook also stands in the wall, safely boarded up
stone standing in the middle of it. On your left, a bright and with a wooden fence.
colorful and nearly otherworldly scene draws you in, while
right ahead bright oranges and general warmth welcomes
The room with the bridge is an important hub in the
you. middle of the map, connecting to most other important
areas - or connecting to those areas that connect with
Ravager. A ravager hangs out in this area. When it spots these important areas. In the east, a smaller tunnel
the characters, it will attack and fight until death. If leads to the Axolotl Pond (area C9). To the west, it
spoken to (as per the Speak with Animals spell), the connects with the Chain Pit (area C3). To the south, it
ravager reveals that the characters are encroaching on connects to the Crossroads (area C6).
their territory. It can be persuaded not to attack with a Bridge. A bridge spans across the room, about fifteen
successful DC 17 Charisma (Persuasion) check. It will feet above the floor of the cave. Crafty and creative
allow them to pass safely once. If the characters pass characters might be able to get on top of it from the
through again and it is still there, it will attack the ground.
characters and fight to the death. Overlook. The overlook from area C12 looks out over
If the characters retreat toward the spider den (the the bridge room and is slightly higher than the bridge
pathway between the one to the lava fields and the one itself. Characters who want to climb this wall can do so
to the mushroom forest), the ravager will not follow with a successful DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check.
them. Ravager. A ravager hangs out in this area. When it
spots the characters, it will attack and fight until death.
If spoken to (as per the Speak with Animals spell), the
C3. Chain Pit ravager reveals that the characters are encroaching on
their territory. It can be persuaded not to attack with a
successful DC 17 Charisma (Persuasion) check. It will
In front of you stands a narrower hallway than before, where
allow them to pass safely once.
the floor has fallen away and reveals a lava pit below. Across
If the characters pass through again and it is still
this pit, a strong pair of chains has been strung. It looks like
there, it will attack the characters and fight to the death.
they could be used to cross the pit. It will also attack immediately if the characters decide
to go toward the Axolotl Pond (area C9) - if the
The chains that connect both sides can be used to persuasion check was high enough, it might perhaps
successfully go to the other side. A character can make issue a warning not to go any further down that path
a DC 14 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or Strength before it attacks.
(Athletics) check, or anything they can come up with, to
cross the chains. If a character falls, they fall into the C5. Pale Tomb
lava below. The walls on either side of the pit can be
used to climb out - at the DM’s discretion, this can also
have a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check associated with The ground underneath your feet turns to fine, pale sand,
it. and the walls also turn a little lighter. Some lava bubbles in a
Wall to the pale tomb. A wall has come into ruin, now small pool, but your eyes are drawn to the first large scale
revealing a more direct route to the pale tomb. When a man-made structure you see. A porch area, constructed with
character succeeds on a DC 13 Strength (Athletics) mud and sandstone, on which a pale tomb stands. The lid
check, they can climb across the rubble and enter the had been blasted apart, and you can see the remains of an
Pale Tomb (area C5). elven body, partially consumed by this strange dark
organism with one flickering dot of light on it. Treasure lies
C4. Bridge Room to the side, some of it tainted by the same organism.

The following text supposes that the characters come

from the Lava Fields, through the cave tunnel that has This is the tomb of Melena, as constructed by Thaddeus
hazard H2 in it: Holsten when he last passed by here. Thaddeus Holsten
dragged Melena’s suffering body with him in his descent
into the Burning Dark. As he entered the Caves of
Carnage, an untainted part of his mind convinced him
not to let Melena suffer anymore. Unwilling to return to
the deadly cold of the Frozen Crypt for a proper burial, C6. Crossroads
he decided to build her a tomb right here.
To safeguard her body from the dangers of the caves, As an offshoot of the bridge room, this area does not
he cast a protection spell on the tomb itself before he really have any interesting features in and of itself.
continued his way. With this act, he locked in the bits of Lava parkour. One trail leads to the Dripstone Cavern
sculk that still clung to Melena, hoping it wouldn’t hurt (area C7). Lava bubbles in a pit, where four different
anyone else. Thaddeus didn’t think about the residues small lava rocks in the middle remain unaffected by the
that he left behind, which grew freely and became the heat. One can jump across from one platform to
main source of infection and corruption for everything another. One platform can support one player character.
else in these caves - most notably of all the kuo-toa (area They can make one DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check
C15). or Strength (Athletics) check for all the jumps they
Black Mines Key. If you decided to have one of the make to get across. On a failed check, they fall into the
keys to the black mines be located here, it is a part of lava. They can easily climb atop one of the platforms or
the treasure pile. on the sides of the lava pool.
Tomb. The tomb itself is protected by a permanent Wither rose trail. Beautiful black roses grow among
wall of force spell. A dispel magic spell won’t work on the moss on this short trail that leads to the lake (area
this spell. C14). However, these roses have been tainted by the
If the characters cast speak with dead on Melena and corruption and sap the life energy of all who pass
they ask the right questions, Melena might be able to through. The characters must succeed on a DC 15
share the following information with the party: Constitution saving throw or gain a level of exhaustion
and take 2d10 necrotic damage. On a failed save, they
She is Melena, a member of Thaddeus Holsten’s must also succeed on a DC 20 Charisma saving throw
party alongside Tenacity, Rolfe Derrilt and Faena or become corrupted, if they aren’t already.
Simms (area F22).
The party members passed away in the Caves of
Carnage. C7. Dripstone Cavern
Thaddeus Holsten mercy killed her because she was
corrupted with sculk. The cavern opens up into a space packed with stalagmites
She does not mind being corrupted, and invites any made of dripstone, originating from a ravine that goes as
character to try it out.
Thaddeus Holsten is going to the Burning Dark, deep as 40 ft. A precarious path alongside the stalagmites

located below the Black Mines. makes this cavern crossable, though difficult to do so.

A monster lives in the Burning Dark (referring to the

Warden). If someone falls into the ravine, they take the fall
That monster destroyed the Black Mines. damage according to how deep they’ve fallen, including
The Black Mines are opened when two keys are 2d6 piercing damage from landing on stalagmites that
turned simultaneously at the door. are not as tall as those around it.
Sculk corruption cannot be cured. In the middle of the dripstone cavern lives a roper
Treasure. A pile of treasure, brought by kuo-toa that
(BR, pg. 342). Presented with an easy dinner, it will
believe the half-corrupted corpse to be their new god, attack the characters. If the characters leave the area
lies in a corner as some sort of tribute. The treasure pile without killing the roper, it will not pursue them. If the
contains an assortment of gems and jewelry that totals characters fight the roper, it will fight until it is dead.
Ravager. A ravager wanders around in the section of
about 150 gp, a few spare coins (which totals 3 gp, 15 this space that doesn’t have as many dripstone. When it
sp, and 46 cp), offerings of fish and other lake items, as spots the characters, it will attack and fight until death.
well as the Chisel of the Undead Sculptress. Any If spoken to (as per the speak with animals spell), the
organic materials have been overtaken by the sculk. ravager reveals that the characters are encroaching on
A character who carries corrupted treasure with them their territory. It can be persuaded not to attack with a
for a while must succeed on a DC 20 Charisma saving successful DC 17 Charisma (Persuasion) check. It will
throw or become corrupted, if they aren’t already. allow them to pass safely once. If the characters pass
Wall to the chain pit. A wall has come into ruin, now
revealing a more direct route to the chain pit. When a through again and it is still there, it will attack the
character succeeds on a DC 13 Strength (Athletics) characters and fight to the death.
check, they can climb across the rubble and enter the
chain pit (area C3). C8. Door to the Black Mines
Set into the cave wall is a heavy, ornate oxidized copper door


Overlook. The characters are able to see into the lake
that starkly contrasts the general darkness of the area, though the northern beach (area C14a) lies just
environment. A little further away stands a copper pole that out of reach. Perceptive characters might be able to
stands at five feet tall and has a small-sized cube on top of hear someone shuffling around on there. That someone
it, outfitted with two keyholes. is Calliope Zemnas, working on fixing herself.
This ornate copper door is the main entrance into the C11. Mushroom Forest
Black Mines. Thaddeus originally built this to only be
able to be unlocked by a set of two keys, which he would You step into a world you may have never thought possible.
have possession of. He would keep these keys in their
respective keyholes, protected by magic. He never spent For a second, you might even think you’re dreaming or

too much time downstairs anyway, so he would always crossed into a whole new realm. Bright blues, yellows and

come back to the keys still being where he’d left them: reds nearly overwhelm you, with mushrooms and other
in their keyholes. In the meantime, the door would be fungi growing twice, thrice, much taller than you, nearly as
closed to ensure no dangerous creatures would be able big as the trees outside of Hermilthan. Spores hang in the
to enter the mines. A lever on the other side of the door air as the ground slopes down, toward some sort of geode,
would be able to open it back up. while a small stream with the brightest bluest water
Pair of Keys. To open the door, you need the keys. meanders down.
The door has a strong antimagic field around it, to
disallow enemy spellcasters from blasting it open or And biting sounds and feelings of distress assault you,

using knock. These two keys are hidden somewhere in coming from closer down.

the dungeon - some of which may already be discovered,

based on what your characters have gotten up to in the The mushroom forest is a world of wonder, and should
caves. be described as such. As soon as they step into the
mushroom forest, they’ve already breathed in the spores
or are under its influence. It doesn’t have an effect on
C9. Axolotl Pond the characters just yet, but it could be used to
communicate with the myconids in the area.
As you’re crossing from one part of the caves into the next, Dripleaf trail. A narrow path leads to the lake (area
you are greeted by a gaping hole in the wall on one side, and C14), but it has fallen thirty feet below. In its stead,
a pond on the other. Small creatures dance and play in the large dripleaves have grown, providing a path to
parkour over to get to the lake and back. On the floor
murky waters and chirp at the characters.
already lies a deceased ravager who didn’t survive the
jumps. On a successful DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics)
The pond is inhabited by a group of axolotls. Until their check, the characters can cross the dripleaf in one go.
hazard is triggered, they are harmless creatures who do One leaf can hold one person for one round before it
not do anything to harm or hinder the characters. collapses under the weight. It takes three rounds for the
dripleaf to return to its usual state. If the characters fall,
they take the fall damage and can make a DC 15
C10. Lake Overlook Strength (Athletics) check to climb out at either end.
Myconids. The mushroom forest is one of the main
Crossing the bridge, you come into a widening tunnel. dwelling places of a thriving myconid circle, the
Through a hole in the wall, with a wooden fence preventing entrance to their grove carefully hidden out of sight by
someone from just running off, you can see the glistening mushrooms. A character with a passive perception of 18
or higher - or anyone who succeeds on a DC 18 Wisdom
lake and the ship that lies in the middle of it, stuck on the
(Perception) check - can find the entrance to the circle.
rocks. Up ahead, the bright color and strange scents of fungi
See “Myconid Circle” for more information.
Spores. The spores in the area are harmless, unless
draws you in. Beyond that, a hatch is set into the floor of this
cave. hazard has been triggered.
Ravager. A young ravager (App. B) has stumbled into
It is possible for the characters to go into the mushroom the mushroom forest and has found a group of myconid
forest (area C11) from here, about twenty feet below the sprouts (MM, pg. 230) accompanied by a myconid adult
floor of this area. On a successful DC 11 Dexterity (MM, pg. 232) which has already been destroyed and
saving throw, they do not take any damage as they mauled. The sprouts have released the distress spores,
descend down the steep wall. which is what the characters felt when they just arrived.
Hatch. The hatch leads characters into the iron golem When the characters stumble upon the scene, the
lab (area C18). young ravager has just bitten down on another sprout,
Young ravager
Medium Beast, Unaligned
Mushroom Forest
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 34 (4d12 + 8)
Speed 30 ft.

some already dead. Three more are currently alive. The

characters can join the fight, if they want to. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA

If the ravager is damaged by the characters, it will 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 5 (-3)

shift its attention to them. If it has lost half its hit points Senses passive Perception 10
or more, it will attempt to retreat back to area C16, Languages —
going through area C9. The myconid sprouts dash away Challenge 2 (450 XP)
from the threat, risking opportunity attacks in the Proficiency Bonus +2
process. They flee until the ravager is dead or no longer
a threat. Actions
If one or more myconid sprouts survive, they will
release rapport spores to be able to communicate with Multiattack. The ravager makes two attacks: one bite-attack
the characters. They were exploring the mushroom and one gore-attack.
forest when this beast attacked them. They thank the
characters and stay around until more myconids come. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
After two minutes, two myconid adults and a miner 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
spore servant (App. B) will arrive to act on the distress Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
spores that have reached them. If one or more sprouts Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage. If the ravager moved at least
are still alive, they will relay the heroics of the 20 feet straight toward the target immediately before the hit,
characters fighting the ravager and the myconid adults the target takes an extra 6 (1d8) piercing damage, and the
will invite them back to the circle, as their sovereign target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be
would like a word with them. knocked prone if it is a creature.


Myconid Circle
Hidden behind some mushrooms, a tunnel leads into a
separate safe area, where the myconid circle lives. If the
characters have been invited to see their sovereign, they
can freely walk around the area as long as they don’t
appear violent towards myconids and don’t try to steal Miner Spore Servant
from them. If the characters have not been invited back, Medium Plant, Unaligned
they are met with distrust. Armor Class 10 (natural armor)
Features Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed 20 ft.
This grove has some additional features to the rest of
the caves, listed below: STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Fungal growth. In the little cove the myconids call 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 2 (-4) 6 (-2) 1 (-5)
home, a multitude of fungi and mushrooms in all colors
and sizes grow, giving this space an alien feel. Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, frightened, paralyzed
Quiet communications. Myconids use rapport spores Senses blindsight 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive
to speak with one another - rather, to telepathically Perception 8
communicate. As a result, the grove is quiet, even Languages —
though it appears to be bustling with myconids. Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Guardians of Mold. The myconids are well-protected
Proficiency Bonus +2

in their grove. With many miner spore servants around

as well as cultivating some awakened zurkhwoods Actions
(OotA, pg. 230), they are able to protect themselves
should a rogue young ravager or another threat wander Miner’s Pick. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5ft., one
into their home. target. Hit: 3 (1d4 +1) piercing damage.

C11a. Entrance
Pushing between the fungi and mushrooms, you enter into a
space more beautiful and bizarre than the mushroom forest
you just left. Only fungi, as far as the eye can see, with a little
pool in the middle. But first, you see one myconid standing
in front of you, tilting its head to take a better look at you.

One myconid adul stands guard while

two miner spore servants (App. B) and
an awakened zurkhwood are nearby.
The myconid at the entrance issues
a warning to leave immediately, if the
characters aren’t invited in or are not
accompanied by myconids. If the
characters don’t respond, the myconid
adult warns the rest of the circle and
orders the spore servants and the
zurkhwood to attack. The spore ser-
vants fight to the death, the adult flees
when it is at half hit points or more.
C11b. Deep Gnome Druid Treasure. Barthes has a quarterstaff, a mossy Cloak
of Many Fashions, a Pocket Watch of Shreeping, and an
On a ledge, overlooking the whole area, sits a deep gnome assortment of food that lasts about two days. He’s been
with a mossy cape as well as an outfit with moss patches. living with the myconids long enough that he has no
His red bandana stands out among everything else. He need for money anymore and doesn’t have any.
If the characters successfully complete the
seems to be content to be where he is.
sovereign’s quest for them, Barthes offers up the Pocket
Watch of Shreeping as an additional reward.
If this deep gnome has spotted the characters and they
haven’t attacked or killed myconids, he approaches C11c. The Sovereign
them for a friendly conversation. He introduces himself
as Barthes Debnar, an inhabitant of the Underdark, who Most of the myconids - more than you’ve ever seen in your
lost his way home and has been taken in by the life - are in the central area, all surrounding the tallest
myconids after proving himself. He doesn’t often go out myconid among all. Their songs and murmurs draw you in
these days, but is happy to speak and is very curious and direct your attention to the tallest myconid, whom you
about their adventures thus far. A conversation with can assume is the sovereign who wanted a word with you.
Barthes might reveal the following:
Barthes is a deep gnome coming from an Underdark The myconid sovereign Nashal (MM, pg. 232) sits
city with an unpronounceable name (he struggles surrounded by four myconid adults and with two
with it himself) awakened zurkhwoods nearby. It is waiting for the
He’s been away from home longer than he can characters to approach before it starts to communicate
remember with them.
He almost got his face eaten by a ravager, but it With the rapport spores, Nashal will thank them for
didn’t finish the job and the myconids found him and their help against the ravagers. Its tone is mournful,
took him in though less so if one or more of the sprouts survived the
He helped them when they needed it and they attack of the young ravager. It will give an explanation
accepted him into their circle about the caves, specifically about their places in it. The
The myconids defend him, and he defends them tunnels of the caves are the territory of the ravagers:
It has been a long time since he’s had the chance to savage beasts that do not tolerate any other life forms in
use his voice instead of rapport spores - which is why their hallways, while the myconids are content living
his volume is a little off and he sometimes shouts their relatively simple lives in their little colony. As of
and sometimes whispers late, the ravagers have been a little more adventurous
The rapport spores are suffused in the circle and in and have been crossing the borders of their own
the mushroom forest, but not anywhere else territory more often, as evidenced by the young ravager
The miner spore servants are the corpses of poor assaulting the adventurous sprouts and other ravagers
people who came from the mines and did not survive having crashed through their territory. In the process,
- either because of ravagers, or the hostile many other myconids have been lost in this struggle.
environment in the caves Considering the party acted up against the beast and
Something bad must’ve happened down there, but easily killed it or scared it off, Nashal asks that the
he’s not aware of what that might be characters take care of the ravagers one way or another.
There’s fish people in the lake, they’re very scary, It would prefer the threat eliminated, but if the
don’t come too close characters ensure that the ravagers do not kill the
The ravagers are monsters and must be destroyed, myconids, it would be great. Whether the characters ask
whatever the cost (mostly subjective - it is true, but for a reward or not, Nashal offers them the chance to
colored by his negative experience with them) take the belongings of the miner spore servants with
They live in a hole near where the axolotls live them.
He’s recently heard people speaking in Common Sovereign Nashal can also share more information
near the lake, but never went to investigate because about the caves themselves. It has not been outside of
whenever he does go out, he doesn’t leave the this protective cove often, but it knows through the
mushroom forest many reports from its myconids and the shared
If the characters walk around unauthorized and the knowledge of its family:
myconids have alerted everyone that there are The ravagers live in a separate cave that can be
intruders, Barthes Debnar will attack the ones found across from the axolotl pond.
threatening his home. He uses the druid stat block and They regularly have young, but the adults themselves
as soon as he was warned, has pre-cast barkskin onto die often as well, most often to the lava in the lava
himself. He recklessly throws himself into the fight, fields and to the dripstone cavern.
without regard for his own safety.
The ravager spore servant was found on the edge of C13. Crystal Cavern
the mushroom forest. Sovereign Nashal believed it
was a good idea to keep it around as a spore servant
in the forest, for their protection. You are drawn in by the beautiful purple shine of the

The dripleaf trail is the most direct route to the lake, amethyst walls that seem to reflect off of the water. Crystals
though one must be careful crossing it, for the leaves growing from the walls and floors shine in the light cast onto
are only able to hold one humanoid for one turn them, carrying a symphony of calming sounds whenever a
before they collapse. drop of water hits its surface.
Sometimes, strange sounds can be heard from the
lake overlook area. Noise echoes into the mushroom This cavern is a dead end. Anyone who succeeds a DC
forest, what - when shared with the characters - 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check can determine these
sounds like metal hitting metal. crystals have magical properties.
The last time myconids went to the lakeside was Amethyst. Five ounces of amethyst crystals can serve
before the dripleaf trail existed and the ground was as a substitute for 100 gp’s worth of material
flat. Even then, they heard about and noticed a group components. If the spell consumes the material
of fish-people living in the big ship in the lake. The component, the crystals turn to dust as the spell is cast.
myconids never wanted to go any closer because the
fish-people tend to attack and capture anyone they
come across. C14. Lake
A long time ago, miners came from further down
below. The myconids don’t know what exactly
happened, but they saw no wounds on their bodies In the middle of this tall cavern sits a deep lake, of which you
and sovereign Nashal raised them as spore servants can hardly see the lake floor through the murky waters. In
to help out. the middle of this lake sits an impossible ship, held in place

Black Mines Key. If you decide that the myconids

by sharp rocks. Something seems to move on top of it. The

have one of the keys into the Black Mines, it is part of lake ripples, and you’re uncertain what could lurk beneath it.

the treasure pile.

Treasure. The items that belonged to the miners are The southeastern portion of the map is dominated by a
simple working tools (two sets of mason’s tools, one set small lake, where a shipwreck dominates the view. This
of smith’s tools), some amulets and jewelry that totals shipwreck is the home of the kuo-toa and the lake itself
about 50 gp, some raw materials and minerals they’d is nevers still, teeming with life. All the beaches and
been mining before they fled, a torn blanket, a handful lakefronts are made out of a darker stone that can be a
of normal candles, a piece of chalk, a set of dice, and a little slippery at the very edge of the water.
small notebook in which one person kept a tally of Crossing the lake. There are several ways to traverse
everything they’d mined out during their career, calling the lake, most of which are only limited by the creativity
themselves a ‘diligent worker’ in the same breath. They of your players. However they choose to traverse this
also briefly expressed concerns for digging deeper, but lake, if they do so in a way that they are touching the
as long as they were getting paid, they saw no problem water (such as swimming, or using a boat), they will
actually digging deeper. draw the attention of One Eyed Willie.
One Eyed Willie. This lake is the home of One Eyed
Willie, a lone and lost sahuagin. For as long as he has
C12. Bridge Overlook been stranded in this lake, he has been the subject of
kuo-toa worship and had become their god. It has
Walking through this tunnel, You eventually reach the end. sustained him for the longest time, but the kuo-toa have
There, a flimsy wooden fence keeps you from falling into a recently switched to a new deity. Bitter and vengeful,
large cavern, where you can see a bridge running about One Eyed Willie has been attacking kuo-toa to scare
them into submission again. He does not want to
fifteen feet above the ground.
completely destroy the commune on the ship, but
occasionally kills one or two to remind them of his
This overlook watches out over the bridge room (area existence and to make them fear him more than their
C4), which is accessible for the characters. It lies about new god, which hasn’t worked out yet so far.
twenty feet below them if they climb over the fence. On Whenever the characters are traversing the lake,
a successful DC 11 Dexterity saving throw, they do not there is a 25% chance that One Eyed Willie will notice
take any damage as they descend down the steep stone them and attack. He will fight for as long as he can, and
wall. will start to retreat when he’s been reduced to a quarter
of his original hit points and won’t bother the characters


again. If he dies, the body sinks to the bottom of the When the character enter the beach at the same time,
lake. add the following:
Trident of returning. Whenever Willie makes a
ranged attack with the trident, it magically returns to his
hand, whether it has hit its target or not. The person stops in the middle of the process and turns
their head to you. “Are you going to keep staring or actually
have a conversation with me?”
One Eyed Willie
Medium Humanoid (Sahuagin), Chaotic Evil
The person on the beach is Calliope Zemnas, an undead
woman who is in fact stitching her arm back onto her
Armor Class 16 (breastplate)
Hit Points 76 (9d10 + 27) body. She appreciates any help that anyone might offer,
Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft. but she can do it herself. Once she’s finished with her
arm, she will give the party her full attention. She will
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA also have a conversation with them while she’s doing it,
19 (+4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) as well, though her main focus would be.
During the ensuing conversation, she can explain
Saving Throws Str +7, Con 6 what has recently happened to her. She and a friend of
Skills Athletics +7, Intimidation +4 hers, a human man named Jonas Hyffal, traveled away
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10 from home to explore the caves in this mountain.
Languages Sahuagin However, they got lost and somehow found themselves
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
at the edge of the lake, where they were assaulted by the
Proficiency Bonus +3
kuo-toa, fish people. They took Jonas and left Calliope
when they thought they had killed her. It is easy to
Blood Frenzy. One Eyed Willie has advantage on melee attack confuse the living with the dead, after all, and all
rolls against any creature that doesn’t have all its hit points. Calliope did was go unconscious and the kuo-toa
Limited Amphibiousness. One Eyed Willie can breathe air and believed they had murdered her. Instead, they
water, but he needs to be submerged at least once every 4 unintentionally inconvenienced her by cutting her arm
hours to avoid suffocating. off, which she now needed to reattach.
She believed she saw some movement on the ship
One-eyed scoundrel. One Eyed Willie has disadvantage on and suspects that is where they took Jonas. When asked
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. what the kuo-toa want with Jonas, she cannot answer
Actions their question, though she believes they unwittingly
encroached on their territory and paid the price for it.
Multiattack. One Eyed Willie makes three attacks: one with his She warns them about the kuo-toa: they may be simple
bite and two with his claws or trident. fish, but when there are multiple of them, they could
easily overwhelm them - and they may have more
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
specialized fighters among them. She cannot offer a
9 (1d10 + 4) piercing damage.
reward, but if they want to help, they are always
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. welcome to do so. She will be working on a plan in the
Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage. meantime, because she’s not leaving this place without
Trident. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
If the characters decide to intervene, Calliope will
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage,
allow the characters to make use of her foldable boat,
or 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage if used with two hands to
make a melee attack. which she expects them to return at the end of this side-
If the characters antagonize her, she will attempt to
leave as quickly as possible, not truly wanting to fight.
C14a. Northern Shore She uses the zombie stat block (BR, pg. 161), but has
If the characters are looking at this larger beach for the straight 10s for her ability scores.
first time - whether they set foot on it or not - you can
read the following: C14b. Side Cave
Set into the wall is a small cove, where the water
A redheaded humanoid leans against the cave wall, fiddling trickles down and a space is hidden behind a wall that’s
with something. When you look a little more closely, you can jutted out. It is completely dark in this little nook of the
see that they appear to be stitching their arm back onto her cavern, which makes it difficult to see. Those who have
darkvision or create a light source will see a dead deep
upper arm.
gnome in this little alcove. A successful DC 14 Wisdom
(Medicine) check reveals that this body has been dead
for a few days, though everyone can see that the deep C15. Kuo-Toa Ship
gnome’s head and face has been eaten from, with In the middle of the lake, shipwrecked on the rocks, sits
chunks of flesh and skin missing completely and rotting. a ship. It is unknown how this ship got here and who its
Due to this, it is hard to identify them. original passengers were, but since then, a community
On the ceiling in this little hidden place hangs a of kuo-toa have come together to live on this structure.
darkmantle (BR, pg. 269), waiting for a meal. It will
take its shot as soon as the characters step underneath At first, their archpriestess worshiped One Eyed Willie
it and will fight to the death. and as a result, every kuo-toa on the ship worshiped
Treasure. The deep gnome had a bedroll, mess kit, him. That only changed when some kuo-toa scouts
cartographer’s tools, a set of fine clothes, and a pouch discovered the pale tomb.
with 13 gp, 23 sp and 11 cp in it. Needing to see this for herself, the archpriestess left
the ship and visited the pale tomb. There, she found the
sarcophagus of Melena, as well as the bit of sculk that
C14c. Eastern Shore was left nearby. When she came into contact with it, it
This is a small smoothened beach that is slippery all instantly infected her and festered within her. The
around, though the first thing anyone approaching archpriestess immediately believed it to be a divine sign
would notice is the stench of rotting fish. On the shore and started to worship it and Melena as their god. She
lie a couple of deceased kuo-toa, rotting and decaying. forced all of her people to undergo the corruption
This is where One Eyed Willie takes his kills. process as well, to be a step closer to their new god,
There is a 50% chance that Willie is dragging a dubbed “Skoolak” after misinterpreting the
freshly murdered kuo-toa onto the shore and notices the pronunciation of ‘sculk’.
characters as they are passing by. Combat ensues as Since then, treasures are left at the tomb as offerings
described earlier. to their god, and blood sacrifices on the ship are also
made in its honor. To be able to do this, however, they
often need fresh blood. They have taken the human
C14d. Western Shore Jonas Hyffal captive as a sacrifice for their god, and have
Another piece of shoreline with a bit of an alcove, this already enacted that sacrifice. Now, only Jonas’ ghost is
one does not contain anything. Instead, this is an easy incarcerated as the kuo-toa try to figure out their next
way to go toward the entrance to the Black Mines (area steps now they have a ghost.
C8) from the lakeside. Beyond this passageway, you The ship also has the following features:
can’t find anything of interest here. Ceilings. The ceilings are 8 feet high with 6-foot-high
C14e. Hidden Cove Doors. The ship’s doors are made of wood and have
Beyond the shoreline, hidden behind a piece of wall, lies AC 15, 18 hit points, and immunity to poison and
a small hidden chamber, tucked away from the rest of psychic damage. A lock can be picked with a successful
the world. Once, this place was used by creatures that DC 15 Dexterity check made using thieves’ tools, or the
lived here and coveted treasure. They have long since door can be forced open with a successful DC 20
been ousted, now used by the kuo-toa archpriest. In her Strength (Athletics) check.
corrupted state, however, she has found the treasure Light. Hanging lanterns cast bright light throughout
and kept it for herself. the ship.
Trap. The place is trapped. A character with a passive Rigging. Rigging on the ship can be climbed without
Perception of 16 or higher, or any character who an ability check.
succeeds in a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check, can
see the tripwire across the ground and perhaps even C15a. Deck
spot the net that’s hanging overhead. When it is
triggered, the characters must make a DC 15 Dexterity Climbing the ladder, you enter onto a slippery deck. In the
saving throw or be caught in the net and flung thirty feet
into the air. middle stands a mast, its sails torn to shreds. As soon as

This trap alerts the kuo-toa when it has been you set foot onto the creaky wooden floor, five pairs of fish

triggered. Within two minutes of the trap being eyes sharply turn to you. These fish people - these kuo-toa -
triggered, one kuo-toa whip (MM, pg. 200) and four kuo- stare and glare, strange patches of some dark moss clinging
toa (MM, pg. 199) arrive to take their new prisoners to to their skin in places. Immediately, they start brandishing
the ship. They fight to the death. their weapons.
Treasure. The treasure contains an assortment of
jewelry that equals a worth of about 516 gp as well as a The deck of the ship is a mostly open space, with the
Hypnotic Bandana. possibility of hiding behind the mast. The helm stands
about ten feet higher than the rest of the ship. complete right arm and right half of her face, her eye on
Four kuo-toa (MM, pg. 199) are currently on the deck, that side a hole where a bright electric blue dot dances.
and one more at the helm. They have been corrupted by Similar, yet smaller and less intensely bright blue dots
the sculk, but are only in the beginning stages, as seem to shift and move around, reflecting all the lives
evident by the small patches and veins across their skin. she’s already taken and all the echoes she’s absorbed
As soon as they see intruders, they will attack and onto the sculk on her body. The characters can
attempt to capture them. They will fight to the death. definitely tell this isn’t quite right, especially if they’ve
The sound of fighting alerts the kuo-toa archpriestess seen the other kuo-toa not being as corrupted - and it
(MM, pg. 200) who is sitting in the captain’s cabin. She could also present an opportunity to show how bad it
joins the fight after the first round of combat and will could become for some already potentially corrupted
call upon everything she has at her disposal to destroy characters.
her enemies. She will also fight to the death. Black Mines Key. If you decide to place one of the
keys to the Black Mines in this area, this key hangs on a
string around the archpriestess’ neck, used more
C15b. Captain’s Cabin decoratively than anything else.
Treasure. Among the bottles stand a few potions: two
This tight, crammed space was once the captain’s cabin. A
potions of greater healing and one potion of superior
desk stands in the middle and dominates the room, and a
healing, one potion of water breathing, one potion of
cabinet to the side has all shapes and sorts of bottles on the climbing and one bottle with one dose of oil of
top of it. slipperiness.
The corrupted kuo-toa archpriestess works from here. C15c. Gun Deck
If a fight breaks out on the deck, she will join that fight.
Unlike the other kuo-toa, most of her chest area has This low, enclosed space has a couple of more kuo-toa
been completely claimed by the sculk, as well as her present in there, all with various of these patches of moss
covering them. They stand at the ready to attack. In the
Kuo-Toa Ship middle stands a small cell where a ghost calmly floats in
One kuo-toa whip (MM, pg. 200) and two kuo-toa
monitors (MM, pg. 198) are standing at the ready after Jonas Hyffal
hearing the commotion upstairs. They are ready to fight Medium Undead, Chaotic Good
as soon as a non-kuo-toa comes into view, which
includes attempting to take the treasure from the Armor Class 11
captain’s cabin. As they fight, they will fight to the death Hit Points 45 (10d8)
and do not consider surrender at all. Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover)
Behind them sits a small cell, where they have been
trying to figure out what to do with their prisoner. Jonas STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Hyffal, as a human, had been sacrificed to Skoolak by 7 (-2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 17 (+3)
the archpriestess. However, he almost immediately rose
as a ghost. He doesn’t necessarily have unfinished Skills Acrobatics +4, Perception +4, Performance +6
Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning, thunder; bludgeoning,
business, but he just wanted to hang out among the piercing, and slashing from non-magical attacks
living a little longer and doesn’t want to leave his Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison
companion Calliope all alone out here. The kuo-toa are Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
intimidating and strange, though, to the point that Jonas grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
has cooperated and is willingly staying in the cell. Senses passive Perception 14
Initially, Jonas Hyffal (App. B) stays out of the fight Languages Common, Undercommon
and only watches until the threat is gone. If the Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
characters mention Calliope or say that she has sent the Proficiency Bonus +3

characters to fetch him - or if the characters otherwise

inspire Jonas to help out - he joins the fight. Ethereal Sight. Jonas can see 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane
Cannon. These cannons are still fully operational and when he is on the Material Plane, and vice versa.
can be used by characters who wish to use them. It
takes an action to load the cannon and another to fire it. Incorporeal Movement. Jonas can move through other creatures

You can use the cannon stats from the Siege Equipment and objects as if they were difficult terrain. He takes 5 (1d10)
force damage if he ends its turn inside an object.
section in the Dungeon Master’s Guide, page 255.
Once the threat is averted, Jonas thanks the Actions
characters for their help. He can tell them that he was
sacrificed by the archpriestess and that he felt a weird Withering Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) necrotic damage.
sensation, almost as though his soul was being sucked
towards her. As he didn’t want that to happen, he Cacophony (Recharge 4–6). Each creature in a 15-foot cube
refused - apparently, that was enough for his ghost to originating from Jonas must make a DC 12 Constitution saving
stay around. They promptly imprisoned him again and throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 9 (2d8) thunder
he didn’t dare make much of a move afterward. Jonas damage and is pushed up to 10 feet away from Jonas. On a
had actually felt quite safe in the meantime, as they successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and
didn’t exactly harm him while they discussed his fate isn’t pushed.

like that. Bonus Actions

He expresses that the kuo-toa might or might not
have treasure sitting in the storage or the hold. He has Inspire (2/Day). Jonas targets one ally that can hear him within
no idea, but they could still have some stuff in there. He 30 feet of him. That ally gains one Bardic Inspiration die (a d6),
will stay with the characters until they have returned to be used within the next 10 minutes to add the number rolled

him to Calliope. to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw they makes.

Taunt (2/Day). Joe Hills targets one creature within 30 feet of

him. If the target can hear Jonas, the target must succeed on a
C15d. Storage DC 12 Charisma saving throw or have disadvantage on ability
checks, attack rolls, and saving throws until the start of Jonas’s
Descending down the short stairs, you stand ankle-deep into next turn.
the cold lake water. Crates have been broken open and lids
thrown about.
C15e. Breached Hold
Inventory. The ship holds some items from the standard Through a hole in the ship wall, the hold has filled with lake
adventuring gear as detailed in the Player’s Handbook, water. Light only filters in through this hole and through the
though it doesn’t contain any edibles like rations. You
can cater it to the needs of your party, or randomly fill doors you walked through. At the water line, algae and other

these chests. The idea is that anything of value was plants have started to grow.-

either given to the pale tomb (area C5) or was located in

the hidden cove (area C14e).
The water rises to about two feet high. A Small or C17. Ravager Nest
smaller creature can comfortably fit through the hole in
the side and swim out into the lake.
Treasure. A Butcher’s Apron floats on the water.
The scent of decay and shit reaches your nose before you
can even see what you’re walking into. The sounds of
lumbering beasts also reach you before you are able to find
C16. Spider Den them. Mounds of dirt and filth lay across the floor, as well as
the remains of what must have once been people. The gray
The space darkens as you continue upward, all of the natural of the ravagers stands out against the murky browns of the
lights from bioluminescent lichen and other sources dirt ground and the mound, and their groans don’t sound
dropping away. Still, as your eyes adjust to his darkness, you friendly.
start to see rock formations in the middle of this space, silk
webs having been spun between them. Silvery cocoons of
Two ravagers and three young ravagers are currently
various shapes and sizes - one that once must have been a located in this space. If the characters decided to
large beast - stand against the walls, and you can hear this intervene in the mushroom forest (area C11) and let the
den’s inhabitants skittering around. young ravager there run away, it sits in the back of this
space, still nursing its wounds. All ravagers immediately
To the east, the pathway slopes down into the pillar notice the characters unless they succeed on a DC 11
roundabout (area C2). To the west, a passageway runs Dexterity (Stealth) check.
Black Mines Key. If you decide to have one of the keys
about twenty feet below the den and goes to the to the Black Mines be located in this area, it is part of
dripstone cavern (area C7). A rough cliff face covered in the treasure found by the characters.
vines can be used to climb down to the western Fight. This encounter can also turn into a fight.
passage. In stressful situations, it takes a DC 13 During the first round of combat, the young will flee to
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or Strength (Athletics) the back while the two adults charge at the characters.
check to successfully climb these vines. Only when both adults are either dead or at a quarter of
The rock formations are about ten feet tall each. The their hit points do the young charge forward to attack
southernmost rock formation has a piece jutting out of the characters as well. The injured one from the
five feet tall that can be used as some sort of stairs on mushroom forest, if it is still alive, does not join this
top of it. charge and instead cowers. The attacking creatures
Two giant spiders (BR, pg. 136) as well as eight giant fight to the death.
wolf spiders (BR, pg. 137) live in this den. They live off
Parlay. Characters who decide to use the speak with
of adventurers and denizens of these caves - such as animals-spell to parlay with them, they can figure out
ravagers - and will not pass up on a new snack if it their intentions. One of the adults takes the word,
walks into their home. They will fight to the death. declares that ‘evil’ has come to the caves and they can’t
Should the spiders win, the characters will be webbed find a safer space to move away to. This ‘evil’ is
up into a cocoon to be eaten later, as they recently also something they can only describe as a dark moss (the
ensnared an adult ravager, which now is dead. The sculk). They do conflate the myconids with the sculk
spiders do not repopulate, but they regain their health and have attacked more fiercely when confronted with
since the last battle if the characters also do. them.
Black Mines Key. If you decide to have one of the keys When the characters attempt to persuade them to be
to the Black Mines be located in this area, it is lying on nicer to the myconids, or to do anything else, the
the ground somewhere. character who has been speaking must make a DC 17
Treasure. If the characters loot the previous victims of Charisma (Persuasion) check. If the young ravager from
the spiders, they can find a total of 37 gp, another 18 the mushroom forest is still alive, the DC is lowered to
gp’s worth of jewels and gemstones, as well as a +1 13. On a success, the ravagers concede and
glaive and a Horn of the G.O.A.T. begrudgingly agree to the terms posited by the party.
Webs. Between the four rock formations in the middle
of this cave. A character that starts their turn in the They’ll allow the characters to leave with their lives, but
webs or that enters them during its turn must make a not with possible loot from this area.
Treasure. Ravagers are omnivores and leave little
DC 12 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the behind of their victims. What is left behind is 45 gp, 26
character is restrained as long as they remain in the sp and 47 cp in a small pouch tossed to the side, a
webs or until they break free, which is possible either by climber’s kit, a set of manacles, and a hooded lantern.
succeeding in a DC 12 Strength check or by destroying
these webs. The webs have 10 AC, 5 hp, vulnerability to
fire damage, but immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and
psychic damage.
C18. Iron Golem Lab party. He does not store his coins in the bag of holding;
his small hoard of 348 gp is hidden and spread out
across all of the books in this space.
A ladder leads you down into the bowels of the caves, into a
If the characters defeat the golem and Dorias, they
room of sorts that looks like a room. A square space, where
can take the bag of holding itself and do with its
one wall is lined with bookcases filled with books, and
another has a display of all kinds of flowers and plants native
contents as they please.
and non-native to this area. What catches your eyes the most
is the giant pot of lava, bubbling inside, and lava still flowing What comes next?
in through pipes yet never overflowing. Your view of this pot With the two keys collected, the characters can return
is obstructed by a large metal creature with a humanoid to area C8 and unlock the Black Mines.
shape, and a medium-sized green-furred satyr, horns curling From there, they can decide to either descend deeper
to the back and one half of his face covered in the same into the mountain and go to the site of tragedy itself, or
they can decide to return to Hermilthan to restock and
metal plating as the creature he seems to be working on.
resupply. If they do decide to recover in Hermilthan, you
Neither has noticed your arrival.
can take a look at the developments section in chapter 1
to see what has changed since the characters first
The metal creature is a deactivated iron golem (BR, pg. entered the Caves of Carnage.
317) named Rusty, and the satyr is Dorias Miro, a Whatever they may decide to do, the characters
researcher and scientist who founded his lab under progress to level 6 and the story continues.
these caves. Obsessed with constructs, his main goal is
to create one that can live freely without having to obey
the commands of a master. Unfortunately, his research
hasn’t been too conclusive and has only yielded failures
so far. His obsession has led him away from his people
and his research is the reason why his skin and fur are
green, and that half of his face has melted off, now
replaced with the metal plating and a bionic sort of eye.
Dorias is not happy with this interruption, but is
willing to strike a bargain with the characters. He does
not want to leave his latest prototype behind, especially
now he has confirmation that other sentient humanoids
are walking around here. Instead, he asks the
characters that they recover something for him. He’s
heard of some sort of substance that may allow his
creations so that he may continue his experimentations
and hopefully progress with his research. This
substance is the sculk that the characters might have
already come into contact with.
When the characters return (empty-handed or not)
the iron golem is no longer deactivated, though it is still
a construct that takes orders from Dorias. If the
characters return without what Dorias has asked of
them, the paranoia kicks in and he demands that they
leave, believing them to be spies sent to sabotage him
and his research. If the characters don’t immediately
leave, he orders the golem to attack. The golem, due to
its size, cannot follow any characters fleeing up the
ladder. Dorias does not join the fight himself, but he
uses the master sage (CM, pg. 9) stat block and will
defend himself when threatened. The golem deactivates
when Dorias tells him to deactivate, or when Dorias is
either unconscious or dead.
Treasure. If the characters return with some sculk,
Dorias will thank them profusely and allow them to
have what they want from his bag of holding. He has
almost all kinds of +1 weaponry and tools stuffed in
there, as well as other things that could be useful to the
The Black Mines

Chapter 5. The Black Mines

he Black Mines; a destination that has been person, while Melena chose to separate the seal into

hanging above the characters’ heads this three pieces, scattered across the Black Mines. These
entire time. The one place that has shaped pieces retained their power and were only capable of
their adventure and the lives of the many receiving the key once all were reunited.
people they have come across. This was Upon his final return, Thaddeus elected to teleport
where it all started when Thaddeus into the Burning Dark instead of finding the pieces of
Holsten opened it up. This was where it all the seal. He hadn’t brought his key and with what little
ended when the miners dug deeper than they ever had sanity he had left, he didn’t want to return to the surface
done before and opened up a direct route to the Burning either. So he teleported and left the Black Mines behind
Dark. him, doomed it to fester and rot for as long as it existed.
Once, people walked through these halls. Once, Unable to retreat back into the Burning Dark, barely
workers from all ages, species and sizes took up work enough warmth and fresh nutrients to accommodate for
for the opportunity of a sliver of the wealth they a climb into the Caves of Carnage or to the Black Mines
extracted. Wealth, stuck in the walls; all kinds of entrance, the sculk continues to exist in this tense
gemstones and precious metals, in the strangest status quo.
formation one had ever seen. One cave might be where
they extracted some lapis lazuli, while another provided
diamonds. It might have been the first sign that Running this chapter
something was afoot in the area, but as long as these This chapter explores the Black Mines: a dark
riches made it to the surface, nobody thought much of it. environment with little light beyond what the characters
Of course, disaster struck. With the Burning Dark bring in - the final level to go through before the
breached, the sculk and all its denizens escaped to take characters can descend into the Burning Dark.
what they can take and leave little else. Those few who Exploration of this location will familiarize the
could flee either died from exposure to the sculk or characters with the threats presented by the sculk and
perished in the caves. the creature borne from it. Hidden messages and pieces
Thaddeus Holsten and Melena returned to seal it of parchment can offer insights into different people
away. With a magical seal, they blocked the tunnel that who used to work here as well as the different monsters
had given the sculk access to the Black Mines. roaming the halls.
Thaddeus Holsten elected to keep the key on his
The Seal of the Burning Dark throw occurs every time a character spends more than
24 consecutive hours in this area. This timer resets
To unlock the Burning Dark, the characters will need to every time they leave the Black Mines.
reassemble the seal that Melena had split up. The Beyond the spores, the sculk has also grown and
proximity of one piece to another will allow anyone to taken over the bodies of all those who perished at their
place them next to one another and wait for the two Warden’s hands. Multiple of these sculk creatures thrive
pieces to meld together again. in these hallways. Though slightly sentient, the sculk
The pieces can be found in the following locations: itself is not conventionally intelligent and many of these
Iron Ore Room (area M8) creatures are stuck with the core memories of these
Flooded Lapis Ore Room (area M18) bodies, acting out their jobs or wandering around. Down
Lower Eastern Mining Cavern (area M22) here, the sculk is also covered with many tiny soul
echoes. shimmering and blinking dots of light across
Once all three pieces are recollected that way, the the dark organism, these are the souls of those who
characters have to go to the magic circle still etched into perished, their bodies consumed for their strength and
the ground in the western mining cavern (area M27). their souls unable to escape the grasp of the sculk.
There, the key can be inserted and turned, clearing the Forever flickering across it in many futile attempts to
way to the Burning Dark for the characters. escape.
If a character is attuned to the Master’s Key, they can Most of these creatures are simple sculk thralls (App.
make an Intelligence check to sense where the pieces of B). They are most likely to be acting out their jobs and
the seal have been hidden. A successful DC 18 can be circumnavigated. A successful Stealth check can
Intelligence check reveals the general direction of all convince the thralls to ignore the characters, even if
three pieces. Between a 17 and a 13, they learn the they come within blindsight range. If they are explicitly
general direction of two pieces. Between a 12 and an 8, explained to have been holding weapons and become
the general direction of one piece is revealed. None of aggressive, they will drop their tools and attack without
this information includes on which floor the revealed anything on them.
pieces can be found.
Sculk Thrall
Character advancement Medium Aberration, Neutral Evil

The characters advance to level 7 when they unlock the Armor Class 11
seal and gain entry to the Burning Dark. Hit Points 23 (3d10 +6)
Speed 20 ft.

Threats in the Mines STR

19 (+4)
11 (+0)
14 (+2)
2 (-4)
3 (-4)
1 (-5)
Sculk Damage Vulnerabilities cold
This strange moldy mossy organism grows everywhere Damage Immunities fire, necrotic, poison
in the Dark Mines, having escaped their containment Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, exhaustion, frightened
within the Burning Dark. It clings to the walls and floor Senses blindsight 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive
and has partially consumed it, veins reaching and perception 6

connecting several patches with one another. In the Languages —

Challenge 3 (700 XP)
main hallway, even crystals seem to grow from the Proficiency Bonus +2
sculk, and what could approximate spores float into the
air. Silence reigns, as it waits for its next victim.
Two threats are presented by the sculk, one more Blind Senses. The sculk thrall can’t use its blindsight while

immediate, which comes in the form of creatures, and deafened.

one that is more continuous, which comes from the Keen Hearing. The sculk thrall has advantage on Wisdom
spores in the air. (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.
Sculk is dangerous. In the past, the characters have
only come across this in small amounts that only under Immutable Form. The sculk thrall is immune to any spell or
specific circumstances could corrupt them. In the Black effect that would alter its form.

Mines, the characters will find more sculk than they Actions
have ever seen in their lives. Anyone who spends more
than 24 hours in such close proximity to the sculk must Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
make a DC 20 Charisma saving throw or gain one level Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
of corruption. If a creature hasn’t been corrupted yet,
failing this saving throw will corrupt them. This saving
The second most common kind of creature is a sculk Lastly, a sculk shrieker (App. B) creeps around in the
brute (App. B). Though likely to be stuck mining Black Mines. A thin body of sculk, barely a spine, held
forevermore, the sculk has overtaken these corpses as aloft by six spindly bone-white legs. It doesn’t have a
well as the drills they were operating, melding them discernible head, but it is always moving, even if only
together. They are likely to be using their drill to mine slowly at times. It is capable of letting out a deafening
out a tunnel or to attack a person, a loud noise coming shriek upon spotting intruders, as well as casting
from them in the process. complete areas into darkness and confusing whoever it
is facing.
Sculk Brute
Medium Aberration, Neutral Evil Hazard
Armor Class 12 Though the sculk presents a great threat to the mines, it
Hit Points 42 (5d10 +15) is also quite the hazardous location as well. For every
Speed 30 ft. four (new) areas the characters explore, hazard is
generated and changes the terrain. Previously
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA accessible passageways are blocked off or have become
20 (+5) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 7 (-2) 1 (-5) more difficult to traverse. These hazards remain active
even when the characters leave the caves.
Damage Vulnerabilities cold When hazard is generated, roll a d12 to determine
Damage Immunities fire, necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, exhaustion, frightened
which hazard is triggered.
Senses blindsight 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive d12 Mines Hazards
perception 8
1 H1 - Ladder Down
Languages —
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) 2 H2 - Workshop Pit
Proficiency Bonus +3 3 H3 - Iron Room Stairs
4 H4 - Top Floor Eastern Hallway Collapse
5 H5 - Top Floor Intersection Sculk
Blind Senses. The sculk brute can’t use its blindsight while
6 H6 - Middle Floor Access
7 H7 - Middle Floor Gold Room Blue Flames
Keen Hearing. The sculk brute has advantage on Wisdom 8 H8 - Middle Floor Hallway Sculk
(Perception) checks that rely on hearing. 9 H9 - Bottom Floor Blue Flames
10 H10 - Bottom Floor Access
Immutable Form. The sculk brute is immune to any spell or 11 H11 - Bottom Floor Corner Sculk
effect that would alter its form. 12 H12 - Bottom Floor Hallway Sculk
Actions H1 - Ladder Down. The unstable environment around
Multi-Attack. The sculk brute makes two Drill attacks. this ladder has finally collapsed, destroying the ladder
and blocking the entrance on the top floor. Add hazard
Drill. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature. H1a and hazard H1b to the maps for a visual
Hit: 12 (2d6 +5) piercing damage. If the creature is Large or
H2 - Workshop Pit. The floor gives way, revealing a
smaller, the creature must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving
throw or be knocked prone. If the target is inorganic material,
deep pit of about twenty feet deep with debris at the
the brute deals an extra 7 (2d6) piercing damage.
bottom. If the characters want to jump across, they must
Reactions make a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. On a
failure, the characters take 2d6 bludgeoning damage
Unyielding. When the brute is subjected to an effect that would
from the fall and 2d6 piercing damage from the debris.
move it, knock it prone, or both, it can use its reaction to be
On a success, they jump across without issue. Add
neither moved nor knocked prone.
hazard H2 to the map for a visual representation.
H3 - Iron Room Stairs. The ceiling collapses and this
The next two kinds are not as numerous, but are not to stairway is blocked off. It takes the party two hours to
be underestimated. A sculk catalyst (App. B) is not a safely clear out the rubble and make it accessible again.
corpse that is being puppeteered, but rather a clump of Add hazard H3a and Hazard H3b to the maps for a
sculk that gained enough sentience. It uses its four visual representation.
appendages to move around quickly and is a little more H4 - Top Floor Eastern Hallway Collapse. The ceiling
difficult to fool or sneak around than the others. They collapses and this path is blocked off. It takes the party
have a few special abilities, which include being able to two hours to safely clear out the rubble and make it
corrupt a creature they repeatedly attack as well as accessible again. Add hazard H4 to the map for a visual
something that can drain their target’s strength. representation.
Sculk Catalyst Sculk Shrieker
Medium Aberration, Neutral Evil Large Aberration, Neutral Evil

Armor Class 15 Armor Class 17

Hit Points 45 (6d10 +12) Hit Points 67 (9d10 +18)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.

13 (+1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 1 (-5) 17 (+3) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 19 (+4) 1 (-5)

Damage Vulnerabilities cold Skills Perception +7

Damage Immunities fire, necrotic, poison Damage Vulnerabilities cold
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, exhaustion, frightened Damage Immunities fire, necrotic, poison
Senses blindsight 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, exhaustion, frightened
perception 11 Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive
Languages — perception 17
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Languages —
Proficiency Bonus +3 Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +3
Blind Senses. The sculk catalyst can’t use its blindsight while
deafened. Blind Senses. The sculk shrieker can’t use its blindsight while
Charge. If the sculk catalyst moves at least 10 feet straight
toward a target and then hits it with a slam attack on the same Keen Hearing. The sculk shrieker has advantage on Wisdom
turn, the target takes an extra 6 (2d4) piercing damage. If the (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.
target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 11 Strength
saving throw or be pushed up to 10 feet away and knocked Magic Resistance. The sculk shrieker has advantage on saving
prone. throws against spells and other magical effects.

Keen Hearing. The sculk catalyst has advantage on Wisdom Immutable Form. The sculk shrieker is immune to any spell or
(Perception) checks that rely on hearing. effect that would alter its form.

Immutable Form. The sculk catalyst is immune to any spell or Innate Spellcasting. The sculk shrieker’s spellcasting ability is
effect that would alter its form. Wisdom (spell save DC 15). The shrieker can innately cast the
following spells, requiring no material components:
At will: detect thoughts, web
Multi-Attack. The sculk catalyst makes two Claw attacks or two 1/day: confusion, darkness
Slam attacks. If possible, it makes a Sap Strength attack.
Spider Climb. The sculk shrieker can climb difficult surfaces,
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an
Hit: 11 (2d8 +2) slashing damage. ability check.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Actions
Hit: 9 (2d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage and 7 (2d6) psychic
damage. Multi-attack. The sculk shrieker makes two Slam attacks. If
possible, it makes a Deafening Shriek attack.
Spread the Sculk. If the two attacks both hit the same target, it
must make a DC 14 Charisma saving throw. On a failure, it Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature.
gains a level of corruption. If the target hasn’t been corrupted Hit: 9 (2d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
yet, this corrupts them.
Deafening shriek (Recharge 5-6). The sculk shrieker lets out a
Sap Strength (Recharge 5-6). Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, blood curdling cry. Each creature within 30 ft. of the shrieker
range 30 ft., one creature. Hit: 13 (2d8 +4) necrotic damage. must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save,
The target’s hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal the creature takes 3d8 thunder damage and is deafened as the
to the necrotic damage taken, and the sculk catalyst regains hit cry, echoed against the walls, is reverberated back to the target.
points equal to that amount. The reduction lasts until the On a success, the creature takes half damage instead and is
target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces not deafened.
its hit point maximum to 0. A humanoid slain this way rises
within 4 (1d4 +1) days as a sculk thrall. Bonus Actions
Call to Arms (1/day). The sculk shrieker calls for reinforcements.
After 1d3 rounds, 2 sculk thralls and one sculk brute answer
the call and join the fight. They will continue the fight, even if
the shrieker is dead.


H5 - Top Floor Intersection Sculk. The floor is passes through this area must make a DC 20
completely covered in a quite active patch of sculk, and Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature
some strange spores hang in the air. Anyone who becomes poisoned and must succeed on a DC 20
passes through this area must make a DC 20 Charisma saving throw or gain one level of corruption.
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature If the creature isn’t corrupted by sculk already, it
becomes poisoned and must succeed on a DC 20 becomes corrupted when it fails the saving throw. Add
Charisma saving throw or gain one level of corruption. hazard H12 to the map for a visual representation.
If the creature isn’t corrupted by sculk already, it
becomes corrupted when it fails the saving throw. Add
hazard H5 to the map for a visual representation. Black Mines Features
H6 - Middle Floor Access. The ceiling collapses and The Black Mines have changed a lot since someone last
this stairway is blocked off. It takes the party two hours set foot in this place. Dark hallways stretching for
to safely clear out the rubble and make it accessible seemingly miles, ores in the walls untouched for
again. Add hazard H6 to the map for a visual decades. Life still crawls around the mines, in the form
representation. of sculk, always looking for anything that disturbs its
H7 - Middle Floor Gold Room Blue Flames. Blue peace and for chances to leave, to grow and expand
flames emerge from the ground, seemingly out of beyond the limits of this abandoned location.
nowhere. A character must succeed on a DC 15
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or Strength (Athletics) Bridge. The bridges in the main halls are made of
check to successfully jump across. On a failed save, they blackstone and other stone materials, and they are held
take 4d6 fire damage and land prone on the other side up by strong iron chains.
of the flames. Add hazard H7 to the map for a visual Ceilings. The ceilings in the halls are 20 feet tall. The
representation. main hall is about 80 feet tall.
H8 - Middle Floor Hallway Sculk. The floor is Floor. Underneath all the sculk that covers it, the
completely covered in a quite active patch of sculk, and floors are a mixture of blackstone, regular stone and
some strange spores hang in the air. Anyone who some packed dirt. Minecart tracks run across the length
passes through this area must make a DC 20 of the hallways and bridges.
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature Hazard. The longer the party stays on this level, the
becomes poisoned and must succeed on a DC 20 more hazard they generate. The read-aloud texts and
Charisma saving throw or gain one level of corruption. rooms are written and described as though hazard
If the creature isn’t corrupted by sculk already, it hasn’t been generated yet.
becomes corrupted when it fails the saving throw. Add Light. The main hall is illuminated by the bright light
hazard H8 to the map for a visual representation. of the lava at the bottom. Adjacent tunnels are cast in
H9 - Bottom Floor Blue Flames. Blue flames emerge dim light. Any other locations, hallways or rooms or
from the ground, seemingly out of nowhere. A character otherwise, sit in complete darkness.
must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check Sculk. The whole level is covered in sculk, either by
or Strength (Athletics) check to successfully jump large patches or veins of this alien organism, or by
across. On a failed save, they take 4d6 fire damage and spores hanging in the air. There is nowhere to hide from
land prone on the other side of the flames. Add hazard this organism within the Black Mines. Characters who
H9 to the map for a visual representation. spend 24 consecutive hours in the Black Mines must
H10 - Bottom Floor Access. The ceiling collapses and succeed on a DC 20 Charisma saving throw or gain a
this stairway is blocked off. It takes the party two hours level of corruption. If the creature isn’t corrupted
to safely clear out the rubble and make it accessible already, this will corrupt them.
again. Add hazard H10 to the map for a visual Walls. The walls are rough stone and dirt materials,
representation. clearly mined out by a multitude of capable hands, if
H11 - Bottom Floor Corner Sculk. The floor is they are not made out of blackstone slabs. Most walls
completely covered in a quite active patch of sculk, and are covered by patches of sculk.
some strange spores hang in the air. Anyone who
passes through this area must make a DC 20
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature Top Floor
becomes poisoned and must succeed on a DC 20
Charisma saving throw or gain one level of corruption. M1. Entrance Hall
If the creature isn’t corrupted by sculk already, it
becomes corrupted when it fails the saving throw. Add From the dimly-lit staircase, you enter a dark place. The
hazard H11 to the map for a visual representation. sculk, more numerous than you’ve seen before, permeates
H12 - Bottom Floor Hallway Sculk. The floor is the area. Patches of this strange mold clings to the walls and
completely covered in a quite active patch of sculk, and floors and ceilings cover a single lantern standing on a lamp
some strange spores hang in the air. Anyone who
Note. On the table lies a note, written with a tidy hand. A
post. Within this darkness, you can see the flickers of echoes
message in Common berates the recipient - most likely
across the sculk, electric blue dots that dart around. Beyond
the person who worked in this workshop - to keep his
the darkness, the silence itself seems to weigh on you, tools in a more organized manner and to keep this place
almost waiting for you to make a mistake. Even then, a as clean as they possibly could, and that tidiness is the
banner still hanging above the ground identifies the tunnels key to a better workflow. The note is signed by the
ahead as the Black Mines. cleaning lady Pellas Mogge.
Treasure. Among the many sets of mason’s tools and

This is the area the characters arrive in if they’ve come other equipment, the characters can find a Pearl of
from the Caves of Carnage. Characters with darkvision Cleansing.
can see as they normally can, but it is completely dark.
Sculk. In the middle of the room sits a patch of sculk. M3. Black Mines Exit
If a character walks over that patch, one sculk thrall The text assumes that the party comes from area M2:
emerges from the patch and attacks. It will fight until it
is dead. The chamber has several ores poking out through the walls
of this side room. A separate, straight tunnel leads away
M2. Workshop from the Mines, while another way leads into what appears
to be a well-lit area.
A creaky wooden floor welcomes you to an unusual part of
this environment; cabinets lining two sides of the sculk-
ridden walls, all filled with all sorts of smaller tools and Black Mines Exit. The exit to the south leads the
characters to the outside world and, eventually, to
equipment, as well as a small note that has been placed very
Hermilthan. The tunnel seems clear on this side, but as
noticeably on the one table.
they walk, the characters find the cave-in. It takes the
full party a successful DC 15 group Strength (Athletics)
A small workshop, meant for repairs of the bigger tools, check to clear the rubble in about six hours. If they don’t
sits near the entrance of the Black Mines since that was succeed on this check, it instead takes twice as long. In
the only place where there still was some space for it. either case, the characters can clear the rubble enough
to reach the Black Mines Entrance, though they can still
see that the tunnel is rather unstable from the previous
forced collapse. separate bridges branching off to the right and left. It stops

Whenever the characters use the Black Mines tunnel, at some sort of platform, at the back of the hall. The walls

there is a 20 percent chance that it will collapse again are covered in sculk, some strange fungi appearing to grow
and become unusable. overtop of it in some spaces. Below, lava bubbles and boils
During the first long rest after the tunnels are cleared, and the bridges on lower levels are visible.
the siege of Hermilthan starts. If the characters decide
to take a long rest in Hermilthan, they can help defend On this floor, the laval below provides bright light for
the town. If the characters decide to take a long rest the characters.
elsewhere during the first night after they cleared the Lower floors. It is possible to jump down to the
tunnels, Hermilthan is overrun. bridges on the floor below. There is 20 ft. space
between the bridges. If they jump, the characters take
M4. Ore Storage fall damage and have a chance of setting off a shrieker,
if one is near where they land, unless the character
The rails stop in this room. To the left, common ores are explicitly asks to try to land quietly and succeeds in a
separated into four stalls and presumably stored here. To the DC 10 Dexterity (Stealth) check. If the characters want
right, chests and crates are stacked against the wall, which to jump on a five feet wide piece of bridge in the middle
of combat, they must succeed in a DC 8 Dexterity
might also be full of these ores. A strange shape moves
(Acrobatics) check or miss the jump and fall into lava
around in the middle of the room.
instead. In any case, they will land in the middle section
of the main hall (area M12).
The strange shape ambling around in the hall is a sculk Shriekers. Two shriekers (BR, pg. 309) grow against
thrall. It can easily be distracted and drawn into another the walls on this floor; one to the right of the bridge that
room. Its blindsight may pick up on other life forms, but leads into the barracks (area M11) and one to the south
it is not smart enough to immediately realize this is a of the mid-mine drop (area M7). They have grown
potential threat. If a character fails a DC 6 Dexterity accustomed to the light from the lava, though any other
(Stealth) check, the sculk thrall realizes the party is light source will disturb them. The shriekers have the
present and attacks. It will fight until it is dead. following modifications:
Treasure. Some of these ores are still quite valuable.
With a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) their creature type is Aberration instead of Plant;
check, the party can find up to 300 gp’s worth of raw their passive Perception is 8 instead of 6;
ores. On a failed check, they can still find about 50 to their “shriek” reaction lasts 1d4 turns.
100 gp’s worth of raw ores among the crates. When the shriekers notice a character, they will use
their ‘shriek’ reaction. For each turn that it shrieks, it
M5. Crossroads has a 25% chance of calling 1d4 sculk thralls to the
The text assumes the characters are coming from the characters’ current location, which will emerge from the
east: hallways on the side. The thralls are not smart enough
to try to push the characters off the bridge, but they will
The wood of the persisting rail tracks creak beneath your
fight to the death. The shriekers can also be killed.
feet, what little light shines on the dull iron glistens. You
come to a crossroads of sorts, with one track running
M7. Mid-Mine Drop
perpendicular to the one you are walking on now, each At the end of the main hall stands a square, fenced off from
disappearing to deeper levels. Just ahead of you, the hallway the rest of the main hallway. Four panels with a simple
opens up. pattern connect with one another.

The way to the south leads to the bottom level, passing This retractable platform was once used as a way to
by the foreman’s office (area M20). The way to the north magically make minecarts travel up and down the
leads to the middle level. levels. The magic has long since waned, however, and
M6. Main Hall - Top the panels have been stuck together ever since.
The panels can be forced apart with a successful DC
Unlike the other rooms, this one is brightly lit from below. 20 Strength (Athletics) check. On higher floors, the next
platform is 20 feet below. The platform on the lowest
Stone bridges, held up with chains of iron, span the area.
level leads into a ten-foot deep, lightless pit, where the
The bridge runs in its length from east to west, with four
sculk has been growing and thriving.
M8. Iron Ore Room
This long, narrow cavern has walls covered in sculk and what
You hear noise in the small cavern before you can look into appears to be copper ore. A staircase in the corner leads
it. Wherever the walls are not covered with sculk, all sorts of downstairs, and beyond the corner stands a sculk creature,
iron ores can be seen within them, and off to the side stands its back turned to the party, drilling into the wall. At its feet
a table with supplies. A wooden beam in the middle seems lay pieces of loose ore.
to hold up the ceiling. Four sculky humanoids are in this
area; three bear pickaxes and chip away at the walls, while a
In the far back, a sculk brute appears to be continuing
fourth figure appears to use a drill to piercing a hole in the
to mine, too occupied with its work to notice the
wall. characters. If a character fails a DC 8 Dexterity (Stealth)
check, the sculk brute realizes the party is present and
Four sculk creatures are in this room: three sculk attacks. It takes about two rounds for the sculk thralls
thralls and one sculk brute, with the drill. However,
in the lower lapis ore room to notice a fight has broken
they appear to be preoccupied by their ‘work’. If the out and will arrive as back-up. The sculk creature fights
characters are just passing through without drawing the until it is dead.
Treasure. The copper ore at its feet amounts to 50
sculk’s attention, they can bypass the creatures gp’s worth of copper ore.
altogether. If they do anything to disturb the
environment or the worker’s peace, or if a character
fails a DC 8 Dexterity (Stealth) check, the sculk M11. Barracks
creatures realize the party is present and they attack.
The wooden beam in the middle of the room has an This room appears to be a little more homey than the
AC of 14, 20 hp and is immune to psychic and poison others. Beds and bedrolls lie around, and in the back of the
damage. If it is reduced to 0 hp, it will collapse. Every room stand a few bunk beds. A small table with a wall lamp
creature in a 10 ft. radius of the wooden beam needs to
make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or take 4d6 stands off to the side, along with some broken crates and a

bludgeoning damage as the ceiling comes down on small scroll of paper that lies crumpled on the ground.

them, being knocked prone and caught under the

rubble. A successful DC 17 Strength (Athletics) check This dead-end room is the barracks, where workers
frees the creature. could opt to sleep or take a break from their work. They
If the staircase hasn’t been blocked and the fight has slept and relaxed here, as well as being additional
taken two rounds, the sculk thrall from the tool storage storage for some more personal items.
(area M15) notices the fight and arrives as back-up. Note. The crumpled paper on the ground is a letter of
Treasure. The table with supplies holds one of the complaint. Penned by a miner who identifies
seal fragments, pulsing with a low icy blue energy themselves as ‘Ivar Kyll’, they have written this letter as
around it. The characters can steal the seal fragment a way to let management know why they should not
with a successful DC 8 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) continue to dig any deeper than they already have. They
check. The room also holds about 200 gp’s worth of claim that most miners already have a bad feeling on
loose iron ore. the lowest floor. With the countless ores in the walls, it
might be beneficial to keep expanding horizontally
M9. Upper Lapis Ore Room
instead of vertically, where bad things might happen,
citing the many accidents involving the lava lakes they
The hallways end into a side cavern, carved out by miners hit upon going deeper. This reads like a disgruntled
miner who has attempted to share his side multiple
over the years. Two sculk creatures stand off to the sides,
times, but whose worries have been shrugged off as
going through the motion of mining out deep dark blue ores
superstition and not to be taken seriously.
that protrude from the walls, though they hold no tools.
Treasure. There are more than enough bedrolls for
anyone. The crates hold currently worthless trinkets
Beyond the two sculk thralls in the widened corner, and personal belongings, as well as the Bionic Eye of
there is one more that patrols the northern hallway. If a Doom.
character fails a DC 6 Dexterity (Stealth) check, the
patrolling sculk thrall realizes the party is present and Middle Floor
attacks. A fight also draws out the two thralls that
appear to be mining without tools. M12. Main Hall - Middle
The main hall cuts through the whole level.
M10. Copper Ore Room Platform. The most eastern bridge connects to a
platform that overlooks and has a staircase leading to
the eastern mining cavern (area M21). Almost
everything in that area is visible from this platform. M13. Gold Ore Extraction Room
Lower floors. It is possible to jump down to the
bridges on the floor below. There is 20 ft. space Walking into the room, you are faced with an unmoving
between the bridges. If they jump, the characters take conveyor belt that seems to go through the wall into the
fall damage and have a chance of setting off a shrieker, room on the right, clumps of raw gold lying on the belt. The
if one is near where they land, unless the character sound of drilling comes from the left, where a sculk creature
explicitly asks to try to land quietly and succeeds in a is drilling into a singular hole in the wall, without regard
DC 10 Dexterity (Stealth) check. If the characters want whether they’re carving out the gold ores or not.
to jump on a five feet wide piece of bridge in the middle
of combat, they must succeed in a DC 8 Dexterity Technology had advanced to the point that conveyor
(Acrobatics) check or miss the jump and fall into lava belts and other technology, such as drills, can be used.
instead. In any case, they will land in the bottom section The conveyor belt is used to immediately transport the
of the main hall (area M23). raw gold ores to the gold ore smelting room (area M14).
Shriekers. Two shriekers grow against the walls on
this floor; one in the southeastern corner of the hall and A Small or smaller creature can squeeze through the
in between the two most western bridges, clinging to hole without issue.
the north wall. They have grown accustomed to the light In the far back, a sculk brute appears to be continuing
from the lava, though any other light source will disturb to mine, too occupied with its work to notice the
them. The shriekers have certain modifications that are characters. If a character fails a DC 8 Dexterity (Stealth)
detailed in the main hall - top (area M6). check, the sculk brute realizes the party is present and
When the shriekers notice a character, they will use attacks.
their ‘shriek’ reaction. For each turn that it shrieks, it Message. A successful DC 16 Wisdom (Perception)
has a 25% chance of calling 1d4 sculk thralls to the check reveals a message had been scrawled onto the
characters’ current location, and a 10% chance to call a wall, even before it had been covered with sculk. A
sculk brute, which will emerge from the hallways on the successful DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) check lets
sides. The thralls or brute are not smart enough to try to the character know what was written on the wall: a
push the characters off the bridge, but they will fight to hoard reveals its own treasure.
the death. The shriekers can also be killed. Treasure. The characters can take some raw ores
with a successful DC 8 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand)


check. About 200 gp’s worth of loose gold ore is located M16. Outlook
on the conveyor belt. Next to the platform, a blackstone overlook has been
constructed to watch over the cavern below.
M14. Gold Ore Smelting Room
The centerpiece of this space is a large furnace, now cold, This viewing platform has been constructed over the
standing in the back of the room. The conveyor belt seems western mining cavern (area M27) and looks out over
to run through the furnace, or it drops off the ores on one the southern portion. It does not have line of sight on
side and pumps out extremely hot gold on the other end. A the northern part. Whenever something is visible from
the platform, anything that is down there might also
staircase seems to lead downward.
spot the characters on the outlook. The platform stands
about 20 ft. off of the ground.
Once the gold from the other room is transported into
this room, they are slowly going through a fiery hot
furnace that is currently non-functional. Here, smiths M17. Break Room
were tasked with immediately minting coins and
creating golden bars, while other workers took the Though tracks lead into this room, it does not appear to

surplus of what the furnace could handle off of the have been used for mining. Instead of ores, lanterns hang
conveyor belt before the furnace could swallow them. against the wall, little sputtering blue flames inside barely
The staircase leads into the western diamond ore illuminating the space. Two tables stand on either side, with
room (area M26). remnants of others beside them, as well as storage spaces
Deposit of gold. In the corner sits a crate, in which that appear to be completely overgrown with sculk.
some gold bars and other processed ores are located. It
already contains about 350 gp’s worth of gold bars. If Once, this cavern was used as a break room. However,
about 1500 gp’s worth of ores and other treasures and the sculk has consumed much of the wood the tables
coins are in the crate, it reveals a secret nook. and chairs were made off, and only a few pieces of the
Treasure. The crate has about 350 gp’s worth of ores,
while the conveyor belt that rolls towards it from the furniture remained.
furnace has 50 gp’s worth. In the secret nook, one can Three sculk thralls are in this room, as though they
find the Goggles of Symmetry. are on break, too occupied with their break to notice the
characters. If a character fails a DC 6 Dexterity (Stealth)
check, the sculk creatures realize the party is present
M15. Tool Storage and they attack.
Note. One of the tables has a note, written by the
An array of drills are standing in this room, some covered in person who identifies himself as “I, Zachary Daphnos”
sculk and others not, ready to be deployed when needed. in the text. He writes about how he wishes to leave the
More traditional tools, such as pickaxes, are standing in mines, but it’s easy money that he can invest into his
racks against the wall, equally tainted by the sculk. A hole in lifestyle as an inventor. He writes down names of
the wall overlooks a larger cavern that lies below. various contraptions and machines of which the party
doesn’t know what they do, but this Zachary certainly
did. The note closes with a hopeful statement about the
A sculk thrall as inspecting the available tools, too future, knowing that his work in the mines will pay off
occupied with its work to notice the characters. If a eventually, so that he can later be the inventor he always
character fails a DC 6 Dexterity (Stealth) check, the wanted to be.
sculk thrall realizes the party is present and attacks. Treasure. In one of the chests lies a Wand of
If the staircase hasn’t been blocked and the fight has Gorgeousness, as well as some trinkets and personal
taken two rounds, two sculk thralls from the iron ore belongings from the miners that don’t have any value.
room (area M8) notice the fight and arrive as back-up.
Tools. Most of the tools in this area are heavy drills,
mason’s tools and pickaxes. Most of them are covered M18. Flooded Lapis Ore Room
by sculk. If the characters pick up any of it and are
exposed to it for a prolonged period of time, they are at Water seeps from the walls into puddles, the sound of water
risk of being corrupted. dripping down onto stone and other water surfaces. Three
sculky creatures are ambling around in the room; two figures
like you’ve seen before, and one that looks more alien, more
like a cube with four feet and two arms. Below the surface of


side, with a journal lying on top of it as well as a map
the farthest water pool, something pulses with an icy blue and a name plate that reads “Thossar Lanion”. Shelves
energy. line another wall, with small trinkets and belongings on
This room was used to mine some lapis lazuli. However, This office used to belong to the foreman, but has
they must have hit some water reserves. This had been since fallen into disuse and disrepair.
Journal. The journal gives some more information
patched up to the best of their ability, yet water still about Thossar Lanion; according to the dates of these
trickles into the room. It created pools of water that entries, he became the foreman 10 years before the
have been filling up over time, now festering with the tragedy. He meticulously notes down all of his decisions
sculk. and conversations with Thaddeus Holsten regarding the
One sculk catalyst stays in the room, standing close mines, creating a clear paper trail in case of disputes. In
to a wall. Characters need to succeed a DC 11 Dexterity the rare personal note, he laments how the crew does
(Stealth) check or be spotted by this strange creature. If not even try to respect him in front of him, having heard
the water is disturbed or the characters try to take many people call him “washed up”, but he still
something, they must succeed on a DC 11 Dexterity continues to do his job regardless. The last entry seems
(Sleight of Hand) check or be noticed by the sculk to justify the decision to dig deeper and seems to place
catalyst. It will fight to the death. most of the responsibility with Thaddeus and paints
Water. The waters in this room have been tainted by
the sculk and is unsafe to consume, unless targeted with himself as someone who was forced to follow orders.
a Purify Food and Drink spell. If characters drink from The final entry ends with the hope that digging deeper
the water in its tainted form, they are poisoned and wasn’t a bad mistake.
must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or
become infected with sight rot. M21. Eastern Mining Cavern
Treasure. The most western pool of water holds one
of the seal fragments. A large cavern, completely mined out, provides a basis for
the lowest floor; Ores are scattered across the walls, from
diamonds to gold to coal. Along the eastern wall, from the
M19. Lower Lapis Ore Room
south to the north, the terrain rises enough to bring the floor
The tracks lead into a sideroom, where a staircase seems to in the north at the same level as the middle floor, where a
come down into it. A minecart filled with ore stands in the few ladders lead onto platforms or further up. Upon that
middle of the room, and two sculk figures stand to the side, slope stands a crane, extending high above them, with
with pickaxes mindlessly slamming into the wall. A lookout enough space to be able to transport a minecart from the
from this room watches over a large cavern. middle floor to the bottom floor and vice versa. A staircase
leads up to that platform on the middle floor.

Two sculk thralls appear to be mining the ores, too

occupied with their work to notice the characters. If a This location used to be one of the larger mining
character fails a DC 6 Dexterity (Stealth) check, the caverns, because it provides so many ores in such a
sculk thralls realize the party is present and they attack. small space. Now, sculk is growing on the walls and
It takes about two rounds for the sculk brute in the floors, and this has become the prime location for some
copper ore room to notice a fight has broken out and creatures to prowl around. Many smaller forms are
will arrive as back-up. acting out that they work and are too small-minded to
Treasure. The bulk of what is located within the notice or even join a fight. However, other forms are
minecart is just sculk that has grown inside, though the also present and are a little less friendly.
top is still lapis. The characters can grab about 150 gp’s Within the cavern, one sculk brute and three sculk
worth of valuable ores from the cart if they succeed on a thralls walk around, searching for any prey that might
DC 6 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. come their way. They are joined by a sculk shrieker, the
only one in the mines. They are ready to pounce on
anything that makes a sound. To successfully sneak
Bottom Floor around the cavern without being noticed by the sculk
shrieker, they need to succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity
M20. Foreman’s office (Stealth) check. The creatures will attempt to follow the
Going down, you come across a room to the side. The characters if they decide to flee, but they cannot jump
door is closed and inside, a light stubbornly flickers from the broken-off bridge onto the next and they
every now and again. On the inside, the sculk has barely cannot follow up the ladder, either.
penetrated, yet it is starting to reach through the holes There is a 50% chance the creatures from the lower
in the walls and through the rock. A desk stands to the eastern mining cavern (area M22) join the fight within
1d3 rounds if one has broken out.
Treasure. The chests in the northern part contain This small room is brightly illuminated by small pools of
trinkets and other belongings of miners that have long lava, an extremely slow trickle moving in. The western wall of
since lost their value. this room seems to have collapsed prior to your adventures
down here, leaving a small opening through which you can
M23. Main Hall - Bottom see into the rest of the room.

The main hall cuts through the whole floor.

Heat. Only ten feet below, lava boils. As long as the Very recently, with the help of some sculk thralls
characters are in this room on this floor, they are under mindlessly mining into the walls, some lava had
the effects of extreme heat. breached the walls and started to pour into these two
Broken off bridge. A part of the bridge has broken off. rooms. It has also made the walls and ceilings unstable,
A character who succeeds on a DC 15 Strength hence the ceiling collapse that separated the eastern
(Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check can jump and western diamond ore rooms from one another.
from one side to the other. Anyone who fails falls into Through the hole you can see the western diamond
the lava. ore room (area M26) as well as the sculk thrall who
Shriekers. Two shriekers grow against the walls on works there. The characters are safe from this creature.
this floor; one next to the mid-mine drop (area M7) and Treasure. There is about 150 gp’s worth of diamonds
one near the destroyed portion of the bridge. They have on the ground.
grown accustomed to the light from the lava, though any
other light source will disturb them. The shriekers have
certain modifications that are detailed in the main hall - M26. Western Diamond Ore Room
top (area M6). The bigger of the two separated parts, this room has a
When the shriekers notice a character, they will use small table off to the side with some ores already lying
their ‘shriek’ reaction. For each turn that it shrieks, it on it. One sculk creature is slamming their hands
has a 25% chance of calling 1d4 sculk thralls to the against the walls as though it is holding a pickaxe and
characters’ current location, and a 10% chance to call mining it out. Lava pours into the room at an
over the sculk catalyst from the western mining cavern excruciatingly slow rate and a staircase goes up.
(area M27), which will emerge from the hallways on the A sculk thrall is acting out work, too occupied to
sides. The thralls or brute are not smart enough to try to notice the characters. If a character fails a DC 6
push the characters off the bridge, but they will fight to Dexterity (Stealth) check, the sculk thrall realize the
the death. The shriekers can also be killed. party is present and attacks.
Treasure. There also is about 300 gp’s worth of
diamonds on the ground and table. The characters can
M24. Southern Small Storage steal this treasure with a successful DC 6 Dexterity
This is barely big enough to be a supply closet, yet many
(Sleight of Hand) check.
shelves and even a cabinet has been shoved into the
claustrophobic space. M27. Western Mining Cavern
An open space stretches out in what appears to be a large
This is a small supply closet that holds all sorts of tools, tunnel rather than a cavern. Lava pools have bubbles up
trinkets, and other items. from below, breaking the ground and expanding ever
Treasure. Among the supplies in the vault lies an
extract of eyebright, which can help against sight rot. It patiently. Sculk is scattered across the ground and the walls,

is enough for two doses. Any character who succeeds a wooden platform offers more space for miners to do their

on a DC 17 Investigation check can discover the Golden works, and the outlook would give someone a bird’s eye
Eye hidden among them. view of the southern section of the cave. Directly beneath
Trap. The closet is trapped, but not intentionally. this outlook, the vague lines of a circular shape on the
When a character opens the cabinet door, they must ground. The cave wall appears smoother right next to this
succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be hit circle.
with all sorts of junk that had once been pushed inside
the cabinet without a second thought. Rather than digging in the width of the cavern, they
decided to dig in its length. This is where they last came
M25. Eastern Diamond Ore Room to mine out ores, compared to the eastern mining
cavern which existed first. However, it is slightly lower
than the eastern mining cavern and in their efforts of
digging deeper, they already breached several pockets
of lava. They also breached through to the Burning Dark the small lava pool.
from here. One sculk brute drills into the wall, missing all of the
Two sculk brutes and one sculk catalyst amble ores. If a character fails a DC 8 Dexterity (Stealth)
around in the area. They do not appear to be working - check, the sculk thralls realize the party is present and
instead, they appear to be guarding the area, perhaps they attack.
waiting for the opportunity to unlock the Burning Dark Treasure. About 150 gp’s worth of redstone and other
again. They recognize other sculk entities, and red gemstones lie in the crate. A character must
characters of corruption level 3 or higher will also be succeed on a DC 8 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check or
considered sculk and will not be attacked. Characters be noticed by the sculk brute.
who are not corrupted or have corruption level 2 or
lower will be attacked on sight. The sculk creatures will
fight to the death. What comes next?
Farandras at the Gate. If the Siege of Hermilthan has Once the three pieces of the seal are reunited and
passed without the characters being present for it, Colt turned back into a lock, and after the Master’s Key has
Farandras will be present here from the third day since been used to unlock it, the abjurative magic put in place
the siege. He uses the sculk thrall stat block and is the years ago is dispelled and the way to the Burning Dark
middle of a transformation. He acts the same around is revealed and the characters level up to level 7.
the characters as the above described sculk creatures From here, the characters can once again return to
and cannot be reasoned with. the surface and resupply and rest in Hermilthan. If they
Way Below. This is the location where Thaddeus have cleared out the tunnel at the Black Mines exit (area
Holsten and Melena sealed the Burning Dark. They M3), they can use that tunnel as a shortcut. If they
made the abstract more concrete and, as they sealed out cleared the tunnel without using it and have not yet
the enemy, transfigured their abjurative magic into a returned to Hermilthan after taking at least one long
physical lock and key. The key was later taken back to rest since they cleared the tunnel, Hermilthan will have
the surface by Thaddeus Holsten, while Melena been hit by a siege.
transfigured the lock into a seal which she split in three They can also choose to rest elsewhere, or to
and of which she scattered the pieces. Once the pieces continue deeper and to finally see what the Burning
are reunited and are brought into the magic circle, it will Dark is all about (see “6. The Burning Dark”).
be revealed to be a lock. If the key is placed into the lock
and turned, the abjuration magic will be negated and
the protective wall raised by Thaddeus and Melena will
crumble, revealing the way forward into the Burning
Unlocking the Burning Dark makes some noise and
attracts the attention of the sculk creatures in this area.
M28. Northern Small Storage
Many crates and boxes stand in this room, crammed into
this small space.

This is another storage room, where many items once

were stored. You can use this place to add more
supplies or tools to the DM’s discretion, or to have
nothing of interest here.
M29. Redstone Room
In this room, the walls are lined with brilliant red ores, a
pretty shine as the light from the small lava pool in the back
illuminates it. A sculk figure stands next to a crate filled with
these ores, drilling into the wall.

Redstone ore was mined in this room. Over the years,

the lava from beneath started to push up and created
Chapter 6. The Burning Dark
t is difficult to say what the Burning Dark is - but everything draws them closer to the dome, where

most people who stumble onto this location are their destiny awaits them.
often dead and assimilated before the information
can be spread to other people. What goes into the
Burning Dark usually stays there, and those who Grand finale
do come here are faced with an alien landscape The final battle against the mutated Warden takes place
beyond anything they have ever seen in their lives. inside the dome (area B14). Either the characters fail
This used to be a large cave, inhabited by fire- and die, to become one with the sculk, or they succeed
worshipping people, but it had long been taken over by and destroy the source of the sculk along with its
the sculk. Once, these people taken over by the sculk Warden, ending this threat to society.
must’ve been sentient enough to construct these
suffocating brick walls and empty green homes.
Soulfires burning in the corridors, across the walls, Escape!
shed the whole place in an eerie blue light, along with
the soul echoes that linger still. Lava persists in the However, this could not be the end. This cave and its
area; lakes lay quiet but the passways are full of life. sculky foundations are located directly beneath
In the middle of this cavern - the focal point of this everything else they have encountered throughout the
strange civilization, a large round building, made of a adventure. You could add a thrilling escape sequence to
material that feels alien even to this place. Within this end the adventure, that will either bring the characters
dome hides the secret of the sculk: the source, from to the Black Mines entrance or to the elevator into
which it all is sprung, from which everything else is Deepfrost Citadel (see “7. Flee with extra Flee!”).
born, from where it has coordinated its rise. It takes and
takes and takes without giving back, strangling what life
it can cling to, and force it to carry out its will. The heat Threats in the Burning
is perfect for them; the cold hinders them. And when the
thralls are depleted of their energy and can no longer Dark
function, they move on to the next. Lava Passway
It’s been so long since they’ve had extra energy to
consume. So long since the miners from Hermilthan The lava passway was a piece of ingenious engineering,
breached their home and let them out. either made by the creatures the sculk first corrupted or
The Warden rushed them, slaughtered them. Until it by the sculk itself. It allows them to move lava around
was slaughtered, too. But the Burning Dark needs a designated passways, where it is magically pushed
Warden - the sculk needs something to protect it in case through to be moved to the end as a way of moving
of emergencies. But the process of creating a Warden is resources and generating a primitive form of electricity,
time-consuming, takes a lot of energy. It nearly depleted which was then used throughout the settlement. The
all of their energy to do this - until Thaddeus Holsten lava is contained within the same five by fifteen feet
stumbled into the dome, already corrupted. If he did not invisible box that moves at a speed of 20 ft. per round.
want this to happen, he had no free will left to complain. However, that magical invisible box can move through
Drawn ever closer to the source, he moved forward and creatures, and the lava will rush through anyone who
let the sculk take him. Now melded with this alien remains in the passway.
growth, what was left of Thaddeus Holsten’s mind was Wardens and other sculk creatures are not affected
completely obliterated and taken over by the sculk, by lava. A stream can still push them away and it slows
bleeding into the creature that would become the them down, but they do not take any fire damage related
Warden. Except now, it had recently absorbed a human to lava. Consequently, they do not care if the characters
consciousness, which comes with an intelligence that is stuck in the passway have to deal with that lava as well -
unrivaled with creatures of the Burning Dark. an intruder is still an intruder.
Running this chapter Sculk
This chapter sees the characters explore the warm, Sculk is still present within the Burning Dark, even
ancient city within the Burning Dark. Navigating the more numerous than before. Whereas it has corrupted
labyrinthine streets and roads they can avoid the sculk certain sections of the Black Mines, it is now
and make their way to the middle of the city, where the everywhere. It is the ground they walk upon, it’s in the
most corrupted player is drawn towards. They can air they breathe, it is impossible to avoid it at all. Any
explore the lava lake and one of the abandoned homes, character who spends 6 or more consecutive hours
in the Burning Dark must make a DC 20 Charisma
saving throw or gain one level of corruption. If a Soul Echo
creature hasn’t been corrupted yet, failing this saving Tiny Aberration, Chaotic Evil
throw will corrupt them. This saving throw occurs every
time a character spends 6 or more consecutive hours in Armor Class 18
this area; a character who spends 12 hours in the Hit Points 22 (9d4)
Burning Dark must have made two saving throws. This Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)
timer resets every time they leave the Black Mines.
More creatures also wander around in the Burning STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Dark; more of the same types of enemies that the 1 (-5) 25 (+8) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)
characters have already come across, as well as a new
type. Soul echoes (App. B) represent the souls of those Damage Vulnerabilities cold
Damage Resistances acid, lightning, thunder; bludgeoning,
consumed by the sculk that managed to tear away from piercing, and slashing from non-magical attacks
the organism. Still trapped within this un-life, the soul Damage Immunities fire, necrotic, poison
echoes remain flecks of electric blue light that seek able Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, grappled,
bodies to latch onto and to take over. They are too weak paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained,
to take control, however, and only end up siphoning the unconscious
life force of the living creature that they cling to. Senses darkvision 90 ft., passive perception 12
Furthermore, in the dome in the middle of this city, Languages The languages it knew in life
the Warden (App. B) awaits. This hulking, imposing Challenge 3 (700 XP)

figure is the primary defense the sculk has against Proficiency Bonus +2

intruders that can evade everything else and reach the

source. It has quite the range with its long limbs and its Consume Life. As a bonus action, the soul echo can target one
sonic boom, both devastating in their own right. To fight creature it is attached to that has 0 hit points and is still alive.
this creature in its home is a death sentence for the The target must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw
attackers, for the warden leaves nobody standing and against this magic or die. If the target dies, the soul echo

fights until it is destroyed. regains 10 (3d6) hit points and detaches from the corpse.

Damage Transfer. While it is attached to a creature, the soul

echo takes only half the damage dealt to it, and the creature it
Burning Dark features is attached to takes the other half.

The Burning Dark is an accurate name for this location; Immutable Form. The soul echo is immune to any spell or effect
it is dark, and it is burning. Black and an eerie green-ish that would alter its form.
blue are the colors that are overwhelmingly found here, Actions
alon with the bright yellows and oranges of the lava.
Ceilings. The ceilings in the homes are 15 feet tall.
Siphon Life. Melee Spell Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 9 (2d8) fire damage, and the soul echo attaches
Outside the homes, it is difficult to say how high the to the target. While attached, the soul echo can’t attack, and at
ceiling of the cave is. the start of each of the soul echo’s turns, the target takes 7
Floor. The floor is made off of packed-together sculk (1d10 + 2) necrotic damage. The attached soul echo moves
and some of the stone material that was once the cave with the target whenever the target moves, requiring none of
floor. the soul echo’s movement. The soul echo can detach itself by
Homes. The homes appear to be made out of some spending 5 feet of its movement on its turn. A creature,
sort of wood-like material, but it doesn’t feel like wood. including the target, can use its action to detach a soul echo.
In actuality, they are made of large sculk mushroom
Light. The lava emits a bright light, and the soulfires
each shed 10 ft. of bright light and 10 ft. of dim light.
Beyond these light sources, the dungeon is cast in
Sculk. The whole level is covered in sculk. Prolonged
exposure to the sculk forces a DC 20 Charisma saving
throw, which on a fail gives the characters one level of
corruption and which corrupts them, if they have not yet
been corrupted.
Walls. The outside walls are made out of dark stone
bricks and slabs and are covered in sculk. They are 20
ft. tall.


B1. Landing rounds. The creatures fight to the death, and soulfire
does not hurt them.
The noise of fighting attracts the other creatures - but
You walk down a dark tunnel, covered in sculk. The air is
if the fight ends early, the characters may be able to
thicker than you’re used to, which makes it slightly more
sneak away without being spotted. If all creatures are
difficult to breathe. The tunnel opens up into a large cave, slain, it takes the Burning Dark 2 (1d3) days to
either with a high ceiling or one that is obscured, for you repopulate this section with the same type and number
can’t actually see it. You are met with tall, dark walls. To the of monsters.
left, an elevated platform is located that sits besides a lava Abandoned House. On one side, tucked away to the
pool. In the far right, dominating the odd skyline, stands northeast, stands an abandoned home, made out of
what looks like the curved exterior of a dome. Everywhere green, sculky fungi that resembled a green-ish wood.
The interior is completely bare and the house is missing
you look, you see the sculk in veins and patches, and you
a door. The ceiling is simultaneously the gabled roof of
hear strange sounds emerging from behind the walls.
the place. Soul flames in the corner illuminate the space
and non-hostile soul echoes hang around and wail at
This is where the characters first enter into the Burning any living non-sculk creature that enters. Any characters
Dark. From the moment the characters enter, the timer that enter the house that have a corruption level of 3 or
for the sculk corruption starts (as explained in “threats higher are recognized as sculk and do not elicit such a
in the Burning Dark”) and the characters can start to wail.
explore the level. Characters who are at corruption level Carvings. Certain sections of walls have been carved
three or higher are naturally drawn towards the dome into and are reminiscent of what had been carved into
(area B13) and feel like they want to go there. If nobody the rune rock in the Frozen Crypt (area F5). It is a crude
is at that level, the character with the highest corruption written version of Deep Speech mixed with idioms in
level or the one who is attuned to the Master’s Key will Common that is difficult to read. The most a character
be drawn to the dome instead. who speaks Deep Speech (or casts Comprehend
Anyone who tries to defy the call of the sculk needs to Languages or similar magic to read the text) can make
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or are out is “spread the souls, spread the sculk” scrawled over
magically charmed for ten minutes. While charmed, the and over again. Anything else carved into the rock is
affected creature wants to go to the dome as quickly as intelligible, and the handwriting is extremely erratic.
possible with their group, disregarding other goals. Any spell that allows you to read language grants access
When it takes damage, it can make the saving throw to this knowledge.
again. Soulfire. Multiple blue soulfires cut through the walls
Platform. A set of stairs leads five feet off the ground and passages. A soulfire burns brighter and deals more
onto an elevated fifteen-by-fifteen feet platform. The damage, but it sheds less light than a normal fire. If
characters are unable to look over the walls. A character such a soulfire is only five foot wide, the characters
with a passive Wisdom (Perception) of 17 or higher - or must succeed on a DC 10 Strength or Dexterity check
anyone who succeeds on a DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) or take 6 (1d6 + 2) fire damage and have their feet
check - discovers a button on the ground. Pressing this singed by the flames. If such soulfire is ten foot wide,
button will elevate the platform by 20 ft. and will allow they must succeed on a DC 15 Strength or Dexterity
the characters to get a brief glimpse at the surrounding check or take 6 (1d6 +2) fire damage. In a soulfire
area. It also emits a loud groan as this mechanism corridor - a narrow corridor with a fifteen-foot-long strip
hasn’t been used in a long time, which will attract the of soulfire - the character must succeed on a DC 20
creatures in the eastern portion of the labyrinth (area Strength or Dexterity check to successfully jump across
B2). Pressing the button again will lower the platform, it, or take 11 (2d6 + 4) fire damage. Neither the
accompanied by another groan. character nor anything they are carrying are set ablaze.
Treasure. In the abandoned house sits some treasure.
Most of it is broken beyond repair, but it still includes a
B2. Labyrinth east Gem of Greatness, and two doses of CF-135 have
A winding set of walls and passages make up the survived in a batch of eight, of which the other six have
majority of this section of the map, labyrinthine in been destroyed.
nature. In here, two sculk thralls, one sculk brute and
one soul echo wander around in these alleyways. If the B3. Southern Passway
characters choose to sneak around, the DC is
determined by the passive perceptions of the creatures.
If they walk without sneaking, the creature with the Cutting across the space is an extended straight corridor of

highest passive perception finds them after 4 (1d6) fifteen feet wide. Unlike the surrounding area, the clean tiles
are not covered with sculk at all, and neither are the walls on


gauging the characters and what they are capable of. If
the inside. The wood-like ceiling seems to have been burned one or more characters expresses that they are here to
away in places. destroy the sculk, the avatar gives the characters the
Blessing of the Fire Totem, which grants the characters
This is one of the passways through which lava flows. resistance to normal fire damage, and immunity to fire
The sculk isn’t able to take root in this area because of damage dealt by lava.
the regularly moving lava washing away what little If the characters are hostile towards the avatar or the
attempted to crawl in. The characters can easily avoid totem, the avatar will attack. The totem acts on initiative
the lava by timing their crossing over into another area. count 20 (losing initiative ties). The totem has an AC of
If the characters are caught in a combat that they lead 18, 50 HP, and is immune to poison, fire, and psychic
into a passway, the lava is added to initiative during the damage. On the totem’s turn, it has a 50% chance of
next round. If the characters linger, the DM can put summoning a magma mephit (BR, pg. 331), which
them on a timer by forcing them into turn-based mode shares its initiative with the totem and erupts from the
when the lava first appears in the north. lava lake. After the totem is destroyed, the magma
Ceiling. The wood-like ceiling is weak from the times
mephits die and the avatar loses 1d10 hp every round as
the lava caught onto it and set it ablaze during the years. it dies.
Abandoned House. Off to the side stands an
If more than 200 pounds of weight is ever applied onto abandoned home. The interior is completely bare and
the ceiling in a 10 by 10 feet area, it cannot hold the the house is missing a door, though the back wall has a
weight and collapses onto the lava passway. The debris hole that must simulate a window. The ceiling is
is burned and whatever remains is swiped away by the simultaneously the gabled roof of the place. Soul flames
next bit of lava passing through. in the corner illuminate the space and non-hostile soul
Lava. Every 5 rounds, a telekinetic box moving lava
starts to flow from north to south. It moves at a speed of echoes hang around and wail at any living non-sculk
20 ft. per round and moves at initiative count 10 (losing creature that enters. Any characters that enter the
all initiative ties). Creatures who fall into the lava or house that have a corruption level of 3 or higher are
start their turn there take 44 (8d10) fire damage. On the recognized as sculk and do not elicit such a wail.
lava’s turn, if any creatures are standing inside, must This house can be used as a shortcut into the larger
succeed a DC 15 Strength check or be pushed 10 ft. in area if characters can squeeze themselves through.
the direction of where the lava is flowing. The lava does
not deal any damage to creatures made of sculk. B5. Labyrinth west
A winding set of walls and passages make up the
B4. Lava lake majority of this section of the map, labyrinthine in
nature. In here one sculk brute and two soul echoes
Peering through the opening in the wall, you can see a lake wander around in these alleyways. If the characters
filled with lava, sculky shores surrounding it. In the back choose to sneak around, the DC is determined by the
passive perceptions of the creatures. If they walk
area, beyond the lake, stands a 20 ft. tall pillar, ornately
without sneaking, the creature with the highest passive
carved in odd and strange shapes.
perception finds them after 4 (1d6) rounds. The
creatures fight to the death, and soulfire does not hurt
This lava lake has been present since the sculk arrived. them.
It has taken over the area and no longer expends energy The noise of fighting attracts the other creatures - but
to do the same to the protected pillar. if the fight ends early, the characters may be able to
Totem. The pillar to the side is a totem and is the only sneak away without being spotted. If all creatures are
thing in this area that is not covered by sculk. slain, it takes the Burning Dark 2 (1d3) days to
Constructed by the people that came before, they repopulate this section with the same type and number
imbued it with the power of their god before they of monsters.
perished to the sculk. The totem has been protected Abandoned House. In the corner of the labyrinth
ever since by the dying god, warding off the sculk. Any stands an abandoned house. The interior is completely
writing on the totem is identified as Primordial - rather, bare and the house is missing a door. The ceiling is
Ignan - instead of the Deep Speech the characters might simultaneously the gabled roof of the place, though
expect. there is a hole in the roof on the northeastern corner.
If any character steps within 15 ft. of the totem, it will Soul flames in the corner illuminate the space and non-
activate and summon an avatar, completely made up of hostile soul echoes hang around and wail at any living
lava (using the stat block of a fire elemental myrmidon non-sculk creature that enters. Any characters that
(MotM, pg. 123)). This creature understands Common, enter the house that have a corruption level of 3 or
but does not speak it. It does not immediately attack,
higher are recognized as sculk and do not elicit such a attempted to crawl in. The characters can easily avoid
wail. the lava by timing their crossing over into another area.
Soulfire. Multiple blue soulfires cut through the walls If the characters are caught in a combat that they lead
and passages. A soulfire burns brighter and deals more into a passway, the lava is added to initiative during the
damage, but it sheds less light than a normal fire. If next round. If the characters linger, the DM can put
such a soulfire is only five foot wide, the characters them on a timer by forcing them into turn-based mode
must succeed on a DC 10 Strength or Dexterity check when the lava first appears in the north.
or take 6 (1d6 + 2) fire damage and have their feet Ceiling. The wood-like ceiling is weak from the times
singed by the flames. If such soulfire is ten foot wide, the lava caught onto it and set it ablaze during the years.
they must succeed on a DC 15 Strength or Dexterity If more than 200 pounds of weight is ever applied onto
check or take 6 (1d6 +2) fire damage. In a soulfire the ceiling in a 10 by 10 feet area, it cannot hold the
corridor - a narrow corridor with a fifteen-foot-long strip weight and collapses onto the lava passway. The debris
of soulfire - the character must succeed on a DC 20 is burned and whatever remains is swiped away by the
Strength or Dexterity check to successfully jump across next bit of lava passing through.
it, or take 11 (2d6 + 4) fire damage. Neither the Lava. Every 5 rounds, a telekinetic box moving lava
character nor anything they are carrying are set ablaze. starts to flow from west to east, until it reaches the
middle and is ferried south into the southern passway
(area B3). The lava moves at a speed of 20 ft. per round
B6. Vineyard and moves at initiative count 10 (losing all initiative
ties). Creatures who fall into the lava or start their turn
From the ground, several vines and other plants grow there take 44 (8d10) fire damage. On the lava’s turn, if
upright to the ceiling, without using that keeps them any creatures are standing inside, must succeed a DC
15 Strength check or be pushed 10 ft. in the direction of
straight. Other plants are dotted across the floor, having all
where the lava is flowing. The lava does not deal any
kinds of bright colors that look strange and painful in this
damage to creatures made of sculk.

This yard area does not contain any man-made B8. Passway north - right
structures beyond the walls that surround it. Instead, This is one of the passways through which lava flows.
the space once served as some sort of public park, The sculk isn’t able to take root in this area because of
where flowers, vines and other plants once grew. Now, the regularly moving lava washing away what little
the area is overgrown and the plants have been imbued attempted to crawl in. The characters can easily avoid
with and grown from the sculk. The vines, if assaulted, the lava by timing their crossing over into another area.
will fight back using the stat block of assassin vines If the characters are caught in a combat that they lead
(ToA, pg. 213). There can be three such vines in this into a passway, the lava is added to initiative during the
area. next round. If the characters linger, the DM can put
Abandoned House. Tucked away on the other side of them on a timer by forcing them into turn-based mode
the vineyard stands an abandoned home. The interior is when the lava first appears in the north.
completely bare and the house is missing a door. The Ceiling. The wood-like ceiling is weak from the times
ceiling is simultaneously the gabled roof of the place. the lava caught onto it and set it ablaze during the years.
Soul flames in the corner illuminate the space and non- If more than 200 pounds of weight is ever applied onto
hostile soul echoes hang around and wail at any living the ceiling in a 10 by 10 feet area, it cannot hold the
non-sculk creature that enters. Any characters that weight and collapses onto the lava passway. The debris
enter the house that have a corruption level of 3 or is burned and whatever remains is swiped away by the
higher are recognized as sculk and do not elicit such a next bit of lava passing through.
wail. Lava. Every 5 rounds, a telekinetic box moving lava
Treasure. In the middle of the vineyard sits the Staff starts to flow from east to west, until it reaches the
of the Pink Shepherd, held a few feet off of the ground middle and is ferried south into the southern passway
by a couple of vines that have twisted around it. It takes (area B3). The lava moves at a speed of 20 ft. per round
a DC 16 Strength check to pull it free. A weapon attack and moves at initiative count 10 (losing all initiative
will similarly let the vines let go of the staff. ties). Creatures who fall into the lava or start their turn
there take 44 (8d10) fire damage. On the lava’s turn, if
B7. Passway north - left any creatures are standing inside, must succeed a DC
15 Strength check or be pushed 10 ft. in the direction of
This is one of the passways through which lava flows. where the lava is flowing. The lava does not deal any
The sculk isn’t able to take root in this area because of damage to creatures made of sculk.
the regularly moving lava washing away what little
B9. Altar completely bare - unless specified otherwise - and they
are missing a door. The ceiling is simultaneously the
As soon as you approach, you can feel it in the air. The gabled roof of the place. Soul flames in the corner
solemn atmosphere that comes over you and gently illuminate the space and non-hostile soul echoes hang
wraps itself around you when you stare at this second around and wail at any living non-sculk creature that
raised platform. It isn’t just a platform, though - it feels enters. Any characters that enter the house that have a
different. Sculk has eaten away at its walls and the corruption level of 3 or higher are recognized as sculk
sides, but the center remains untouched. Something and do not elicit such a wail.
small stands in the middle of the circle. Treasure. Within the northern of the two houses sits a
This altar was once used by the original people, to Mug of the Dungeon Master on a small pedestal, as
worship the fire god. Of course, when the sculk arrived, though as a bit of ornamentation.
it tore down everything to do with this deity, just as it
tore down everything else as well. The idol to the fire
god has long since been smothered and smashed, the B12. Plaza
remaining pieces having decayed and rotted away.
Currently, the altar is overrun by sculk on the walls. After narrow hallways, it is almost freeing to step into an
Remnants of ancient magic still protect the center, but
even that magic is waning and could fail. open space. Your gaze is immediately drawn to the large

Blessing of the Fire God. If the characters have

structure in front of you. A dome that reaches high, made

received the Blessing of the Fire God, the altar can out of a strange blue-ish smooth metal none of you are
serve as a safe space to rest for any amount of time familiar with. A door is set into the wall. Some sort of
without being affected by the sculk or being discovered walkway leads to the door, with two statues of a tall creature
by some of the creatures that roam around. with long arms, a giant mouth and no discernible eyes
Treasure. In the middle of the altar, on its side, is The flanking it. You could swear you hear whispers coming from
Slab. inside the dome, barely understandable, beckoning you

B10. Dripstone Garden

The plaza is the only place from where the characters
Tall stalagmites reach for the ceiling, partially covered with can access the dome. Within this dome resides the
sculk veins, pierce through the ground. It is difficult to look source of the sculk; one whose call any corrupted
characters can hear, regardless of corruption level. Any
behind them or to traverse the middle section of this area.
corrupted characters feel a sense of ease come over
them as they stand in front of the dome and feel the
The dripstone had always been here and the sculk need to enter through the door. Anyone who tries to
merely took it over. This is the home of the galeb duhr defy the call of the sculk needs to succeed on a DC 15
(MM, pg. 139), which hides among the dripstone in this Wisdom saving throw or are magically charmed. While
area. It had originally been summoned by the people charmed, the affected creature needs to enter the dome
who used to inhabit this space, but its new connection and expose itself to the source, disregarding other goals.
with sculk has corrupted it and turned this guardian When it takes damage, it can make the saving throw
hostile. As soon as the characters spend more than a again.
minute in this space or otherwise linger, it will attack. It The door slides open when a character is within ten
will fight until it is dead. feet of it.
B11. Neighboring houses B13. Dome
You walk into what could be a nice, yet tiny gated You step into an imposing space, bigger than you expected
community. Lanterns shed an eerie blue light on two homes, on the outside. Your feet carry you in deeper, the floor more
which look better-kept than the ones you had come across of the sculk you’ve been walking on this entire time. In the
before. middle of the space, upon a platform, sits a writhing,
amorphous mass of sculk and bone, pulsing as though it

A sculk catalyst (App. B) hides in the southern house. has a beating heart.
When discovered, it will initiate a fight and will continue Next to this mass, on the ground, stands a person, more
to fight the characters until it is dead. sculk than man. Their pale skin seems to be knitted together
Abandoned Houses. Two abandoned homes are with the sculk, their blond hair now dull. Half of their face
standing in this enclosed space. The interior is
Siege Monster. The warden deals double damage to objects and
The Warden structures.
Large Aberration, Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)

Hit Points 152 (16d10 + 64) Multiattack. The warden makes two Slam attacks. It also makes
Speed 30 ft. a Sonic Boom attack, if possible.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
25 (+7) 8 (-1) 19 (+4) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 6 (-3) Hit: 18 (2d10 + 7) bludgeoning damage.

Sonic Boom (Recharge 5-6). The warden emits a sonically

Damage Vulnerabilities cold charged shriek at one creature within 30 ft. of it. The target
Damage Resistances acid, lightning, poison, thunder; must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, it
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non-magical takes 36 (8d8) necrotic damage and is knocked prone, or half
attacks damage and it isn’t knocked prone on a success.
Damage Immunities fire, necrotic
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, Legendary Actions
petrified, poisoned, unconscious
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive The warden can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
perception 12 options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
Languages — a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) warden regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Proficiency Bonus +4
Move. The warden can move up to its speed without provoking
opportunity attacks.
Immutable Form. The warden is immune to any spell or effect
that would alter its form. Charge (Costs 2 Actions). The warden moves up to its speed
without provoking opportunity attacks, then makes a Slam
Keen Hearing and Smell. The warden has advantage on Wisdom attack.
(Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Roar (Costs 2 Actions). The warden emits a furious roar. Each
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the warden fails a saving throw, creature of the warden’s choice within 30 feet of it must
it can choose to succeed instead. succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become
frightened of the warden until the end of its next turn.
Magic Resistance. The warden has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects. Sonic Boom (Costs 3 Actions). The warden makes a Sonic Boom

they should give into the corruption, to let it take over,

implying all of their worries will go away. With the way
and head are similarly hidden away by the sculk. Soulfire
to the surface now once again opened, it will only be a
seems to burn in the one eye that isn’t covered by sculk, and
matter of time before the whole world will be covered in
a half-corrupted grin spreads across his twisted face.
sculk. The characters shouldn’t waste their time fighting
“What do we have here?” He speaks in Common, but it the inevitable. It will try to draw them in, calling on the
feels like a struggle to pronounce every word correctly. His sculk already festering within their bodies, and the
voice has an otherworldly echo to it. “More have come to characters will feel that tug in the back of their minds.
join.” If the characters decide to attack Thaddeus, he will
fight them as well. If the characters attempt to cast
Lesser Restoration or Remove Curse on Thaddeus, if
The corrupted being at the middle platform is none they give him a dose of CF-135, or if he is within range
other than the half-elf Thaddeus Holsten, who uses the of the Slab, he will be temporarily returned to his
warden stat block (App. B), with the modification that former state. He won’t know what exactly happened, but
he can cast Fire Bolt at will, Darkness and Web twice he will beg the characters to end this un-life he has been
per day, and Hunger of Hadar once per day. The Web forced to lead, as well as begging them to destroy the
spell is reflavored to be sculk veins instead of actual source. When the source is destroyed, Thaddeus
webbing. Holsten will pass away, but not before giving his thanks
Upon first meeting the characters, Thaddeus will to the characters.
attempt a conversation with the characters. His speech The source. This mass of sculk atop the platform is
will be difficult, since part of his vocal chords have been the source of all the sculk the characters have come
corrupted and sculk doesn’t speak. Though he still across in the past, the main intelligence behind
partially looks like Thaddeus, the sculk is firmly in everything. Without the source, the sculk cannot
control. It will attempt to convince the characters that
survive. All remnants of sculk will shrivel up and all Hal Terris and Xanthos Barian will give them a
affected creatures return to their normal states, though permanent discount at Horsehead Provisions.
they may have to scrub the remaining sculk off of their Colt Farandras will pull them aside and also thank
bodies. them for putting the spirits of the miners - who
The source can be destroyed if it is within the radius might’ve been around because of the sculk -to rest.
of the Slab. Alternatively, the characters can decide to The druids are confident that whatever had drawn
slay it themselves. The sculk source has 50 HP, an AC them to Hermilthan has been taken care of and are
of 18, resistance against non-magical bludgeoning, making plans to leave as soon as they can, while
piercing, and slashing damage, vulnerability against staying long enough to say their goodbyes to the
cold damage, and immunity against fire, poison, and party.
psychic damage. After it has taken damage, as a Jonas Hyffal and Calliope Zemnas also make plans
reaction, it can force the character that dealt damage to to leave, ready to explore the surface world as a pair
make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, of undead creatures. Jonas has gotten the hang of
the character either takes (3d6) psychic damage, or is being undead for as much as he is able to, but they
charmed by the source to protect it. While charmed, the won’t leave until they have had a chance to speak
character can repeat the saving throw at the end of each with the characters again. They are curious about
of their turns, or when they take damage. the sculk and will have a substantial conversation
about it, instead of just thanking them.
Marlon Joybringer will offer them free stay at the
It ends…? Hidden Stache for as long as they live or as long as
If the characters fall to the sculk, they will be consumed their restless spirits wander around. He is more than
completely and will be resurrected as sculk thralls with relieved this is finally cleared up, though he regrets
none of the abilities they had in life. With the path to the so many people had to die because of the sculk.
Black Mines open, the sculk can spread and completely Exander Veldt, Varin Bell, or whoever is in charge of
take it over as well, reaching further into the Caves of Hermilthan, will come to the characters and - upon
Carnage and spilling out onto the surface world. While learning what they have achieved - will thank them
it does not like the cold, it can still attempt to corrupt for ridding the world of a great evil that has haunted
other creatures that can bring the sculk to other warm them for so long. The characters are named
places where it cannot yet reach, dooming the world to honorary members of the Hermilthian community.
be corrupted. Finally, the people of Hermilthan are able to heal now
If the characters destroy the source, all fully- the threat that has decimated their workforce years
transformed sculk creatures will immediately perish, as prior has been resolved. The characters are free to take
the intelligence that kept them alive has been destroyed. a well-deserved break after this adventure and to stay in
Thaddeus Holsten perishes along with them. Any Hermilthan for as long as they’d like, until something
creature that has one or more levels of corruption is calls them away to the next adventure.
immediately healed of this affliction, although they will
have to scrape the remnants of the sculk off of them.
The characters are free to return to the surface.
If you want an exciting escape sequence that sees the
characters flee through the Black Mines tunnel or all
the way up to Deepfrost Citadel, you can look into
“chapter 7. Flee with extra Flee!”. If you would like the
campaign without this escape sequence, the characters
simply return to Hermilthan.
In Hermilthan, the current state is highly dependent on
whether or not the siege has happened and if certain
characters have survived or are present. If the following
NPCs are alive and well, this is how the characters will
find them:
Simeon Veinbreaker has his own corruption cured
and will find the characters to personally thank
them, allowing them to take one weapon from the
shop they want.
Chapter 7. Flee with extra Flee!
ilence falls onto you and the space you’re Below, each level describes what the characters

standing in. The world around you seems to might come across on their paths back to the surface, as
hold its breath, but there is only silence as the well as possible complications in case of failure. The
sculk’s alien source mass writhes and standard DC is 16, but this can change based on what
squirms, shriveling away. Whatever influence the characters do to alleviate the pressure or to make it
it exerted over you similarly dissipates as its unintentionally more difficult for themselves. The DM is
desperate clinging onto control while it dies. also highly encouraged to make up their own challenges
The Warden - the monstrous behemoth that merged based on what the characters did or did not interact
with Thaddeus Holsten three decades ago - lies still on with during the adventure. If the characters have dealt
the ground. The sculk of its body melts away and with certain threats or have removed hazards over the
shrivels up, until only the half-devoured body of course of the adventure, remove those from the possible
Thaddeus Holsten remains. list of challenges your party faces. Any sculk hazard has
The remnants of the sculk tremble; that which had become inert due to the destruction of the source and
shaken you to your core now shakes in turn before you. only counts as difficult terrain.
The tremor extends into and beyond this dome, growing Usually, only one character can volunteer to take on
with each passing second, reaching the walls of the the challenge. This character can act as though it is
cave. Ceaselessly, it shakes, dislodges parts of the walls their turn in combat, with an action, bonus actions, and
and ceilings and sculk that is clumped together. The object/environment interaction at their disposal. They
realization dawns on you: you must leave before this make a suggestion and make a roll that the DM believes
mountain - before the Burning Dark - becomes your would suit best, and the DM announces the success or
grave. failure. When the next challenge is presented, it is
highly encouraged for every character to try out a
challenge, and not to allow one person to keep taking on
Overview these challenges for the group. We’d recommend that,
This chapter provides the tools to make the escape from when a character has attempted a challenge, they are
the mountain - and the return back to Hermilthan - a automatically barred from trying the next, to give
thrilling and unforgettable experience. This whole everyone the opportunity to participate.
chapter runs as an extended skill challenge, during Depending on what the characters have done during
which the characters need to accrue more successes the adventure, the tunnel from Hermilthan to the Black
than failures on skill checks. Successes propel them Mines may have been excavated and still be accessible
forward and onto the next challenge, which failures by the time these skill challenges are initiated. You can
either harm or hinder the characters and bring them say that, after a set amount of failures in the Black
one step closer to their demise. Mines and Burning Dark combined, the tunnel has
Hazard fully comes into play in this chapter. collapsed again and the characters must make their way
Inconvenient blockades may be the reason that the up to Deepfrost Citadel. Alternatively, you can allow
characters do not have a clear path forward and may be them to escape via the tunnel, for which challenges have
forced to take another route. Alternatively, they can also been outlined.
attempt to overcome that obstacle themselves and
spend some time figuring out how to best handle the
complications in their path. Some hazards in the Black Escape the Burning Dark
Mines that are caused by the sculk are no longer active, Though the characters cannot see the ceiling, they do
but those locations are now considered difficult terrain. see the shriveled clumps of sculk and loosened rocks
and deepslate as it plummets to the ground. The caves
are still shaking while everything around them is
Structure crumbling and they must find their way back to the
Every level, with the exception of Deepfrost Citadel, acts tunnel that will bring them back to the Black Mines. The
as its own skill challenge. If the characters want to characters start their skill challenge within or just
successfully flee each level, they need to gain five outside the dome (area B13), and it ends when they
successes before they gain three failures. When the approach the tunnel to the Black Mines near the landing
characters succeed in fleeing one level, their accrued (area B1).
successes and failures are reset to zero for the next leg Below are a few scenarios that the characters might
of the overarching skill challenge. Any damage or effects encounter on their way out:
the characters have been afflicted with during this Lava passway. Due to the collapse, the lava passways
challenge does persist, unless they find a way to either have gone haywire. Lava is still being transported, but
heal themselves or find a way to end the effects.
they race past at a much greater speed than before. Navigating the mines. The mines are a series of
Their 20 ft. speed per turn has increased to 60 ft. per tunnels, for which it can be confusing to find the best
turn and the next one comes quicker than before. On a way to their destination. One character can take a
failure, the characters are caught in the lava and take moment to try to figure out the best way, based on
the appropriate amount of fire damage, or they spend hazards triggered and ways trodden. On a failure, they
too much time figuring out its speed and lose time this can make a mistake and lead the characters into not-
way, though they remain unharmed. quite-obvious danger, or they find the way to the next
Navigate the labyrinth. The walls of the labyrinths
were already causing navigational problems for the level after much time has passed.
Collapsed bridges. Some of the chains that are
characters, and it is even worse when passages are holding the bridges into place are collapsing, which
blocked off and create new, unfamiliar paths that have a means parts of the bridges are falling into the lava and
chance of disorienting the characters. On a failure, the possibly other bridges below. On a failure, the
characters have trouble navigating this labyrinth and characters lose time to escape, or - under specific
lose time as they attempt to find their way back. circumstances - they may even fall into the lava below.
Crumbled walls. Some walls have crumbled, debris
Blocked hallways. Some of the walls outside of the
has plummeted from the unseeable ceiling, and it has main halls are crumbling and falling in on themselves,
blocked the way forward. On a failure, the character and debris is blocking the way forward. On a failure, the
loses precious time to escape, or they clear the way and character loses precious time to loosen the debris and
exert themselves to the point that they gain one level of make the hallway passable, or they clear the way and
exhaustion. exert themselves to the point that they gain one level of
Soulfire flames. Soulfire flames still burn brightly and
form a barrier to their escape. The labyrinths and other exhaustion.
Soulfire flames. As a consequence of hazard, soulfire
locations may be littered with these flames, but for the flames may burn in a pathway and form a barrier to
sake of the skill challenge, they come across a ten-foot their escape. On a failure, the characters land in the
wide patch of soulfire that stretches from wall to wall. soulfire and take 11 (2d6 +4) fire damage from the
On a failure, the characters land in the soulfire and take contact with the flames. Alternatively, the ground the
11 (2d6 +4) fire damage from the contact with the flames have been burning on are still hot and is
flames. Alternatively, the ground the flames have been considered difficult terrain, with the possibility of 3 (1d4
burning on are still hot and is considered difficult +1) fire damage from what remains.
terrain, with the possibility of 3 (1d4 +1) fire damage Blocked stairs. Not only hallways can be blocked by
from what remains. debris; in a similar vein, staircases can be destroyed or
At the end of the sequence, the characters have reached littered with debris that make them impassable. On a
the end of the Burning Dark skill challenge. If they failure, the character loses precious time to loosen the
failed more times than they succeeded, they see the debris and make the hallway passable, or they clear the
tunnel collapse in front of them, doomed to die within way and exert themselves to the point that they gain one
the Burning Dark. If they succeeded more than they level of exhaustion.
failed, the same tunnel only collapses once the Haywire lights. The mechanical lights in the
characters have already passed by, blocking off the foreman’s office are going crazy, making the pathway up
Burning Dark forever. The slate is wiped clean, and the there a dangerous endeavor. On a failure, the character
skill challenge starts anew in the Black Mines. In the has a chance of being shocked and taking 13 (2d8 +4)
unlikely case that the amount of successes and failures lightning challenge. Alternatively, the character
is equal, roll a luck check (or have one of your players becomes incapacitated, but can still run and walk with
do so). On a 1 through 9, add another failure. On a 10- the party. They can try to make a Constitution saving
20, add another success. throw after every new challenge to shake it off.
Cracks with lava. On the bottom floor, the ground
cracks open and reveals more pockets of lava.
Escape the Black Mines Alternatively, in higher levels, the natural stone walls
The Black Mines tremble as well, though the tremor is may crack and lava could spill out across the floors. On
lighter here than it was in the Burning Dark. It still feels a failure, the characters are caught in the lava and take
like the structures themselves could collapse at any the appropriate amount of fire damage, or they spend
second, and caution is to be taken. The characters start too much time figuring out how to safely pass it by.
their skill challenge for this level on the western side of At the end of the sequence, the characters have reached
the bottom floor (area M27), and it ends when they the end of the Black Mines skill challenge. If they failed
either reach the tunnel to Hermilthan (area M3) or the more times than they succeeded, both exits - to
stairs to the Caves of Carnage (area M1). Hermilthan and the Caves of Carnage - are blocked off
Below are a few scenarios that the characters might and the characters are stuck in the collapsing mines. If
encounter on their way out: they succeeded more than they failed, the characters
can escape the mines, either via the tunnel (if that is an and make the tunnel passable, or they clear the way and
option the DM provides) or to the Caves of Carnage. exert themselves to the point that they gain one level of
Whatever the case, the characters can’t return to the exhaustion.
Black Mines as the way collapses behind them. The Chains across lava. The lava below the chains is
slate is wiped clean, and the skill challenge starts anew unruly and its heat radiates atop the warm chains. On a
in the Caves of Carnage. In the unlikely case that the failure, the characters risk falling into the lava and
amount of successes and failures is equal, roll a luck taking the appropriate amount of fire damage.
check (or have one of your players do so). On a 1 Alternatively, the heat and stress imposes a level of
through 9, add another failure. On a 10-20, add another exhaustion on the character who leads this challenge.
At the end of the sequence, the characters have reached
the end of the Caves of Carnage skill challenge. If they
Escape the Caves of failed more times than they succeeded, both exits - both
left-side and right-side - are blocked off and the
Carnage characters are stuck in the caves. If they succeeded
The caves feel the reverberation of the collapse below, more than they failed, the characters can escape the
and the tremors don’t seem to stop. With two ways to go caves and go to the Frozen Crypt, the staircase behind
from the entrance to the Black Mines, to two staircases them collapsing as they go. The slate is wiped clean,
to the Frozen Crypt, the characters will need to make a and the skill challenge starts anew in the Frozen Crypt.
decision. They start their skill challenge for this level on In the unlikely case that the amount of successes and
the southwest of the map (area C8), and it ends when failures is equal, roll a luck check (or have one of your
they reach either of the staircases to the Frozen Crypt players do so). On a 1 through 9, add another failure. On
(areas C1 or C2). a 10-20, add another success.
Below are a few scenarios that the characters might
encounter on their way out, depending on the route they
choose: Escape the Frozen Crypt
Beasts. Anywhere on the level, the characters can run
The frozen crypt, the final level to traverse. From the
into an adult ravager, if they haven’t cleared the ravager warmth of the Burning Dark, the characters have
nest. On a failure, the ravager may grow hostile and traveled all the way back to the cold. The ice will make
attack the characters as they pass by. Alternatively, the every location outside of the crypt difficult to traverse,
ravager chases the characters to the next challenge and and the spirits of the dead are not happy with the way
provides a bigger hindrance there. the frozen crypt and the surrounding tunnels shake and
Lava pools. Lava pools have spilled over, making the
tremble. The characters start their skill challenge for
areas where you can pass by them much more this level in the room with the statue of the Kneeling
dangerous to traverse. On a failure, the characters are Man (area F23), and it ends when they escape the level
caught in the lava and take the appropriate amount of via the elevator (area F1).
fire damage, or they spend too much time figuring out Below are a few scenarios that the characters might
how to safely pass it by. encounter on their way out:
Lakeshore mists. At the shores of the lake hangs a Blocked-off section. Either the ceiling collapsed, the
strange mist, which seems to create lethargy in all who wall broke off, or something else happened, but the
pass through. On a failure, the mists still hang around passage the characters attempt to take is blocked off
and the characters might need to find a different way with debris. On a failure, the character loses precious
around. If they do choose to pass through, they must time to loosen the debris and make the section
succeed a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be under passable, or they clear the way and exert themselves to
the effects of the Slow spell for its duration. They can the point that they gain one level of exhaustion.
try to make a Constitution saving throw after every new Crossing the water. The River of Souls may yet claim
challenge to shake it off. another. On a failure to cross the river, the characters
Wither roses. A trail of blackened wither roses stands who leads this challenge touches the water and is
between the characters and their chance to return to the affected by the Slow spell. They can make the
surface. On a failure, the characters can progress appropriate saving throw (DC 15) at the end of each
through, but they need to take it slow and take 7 (2d6) challenge.
necrotic damage. Alternatively, the character who leads Deep pits. The path the characters attempt to take
the charge is affected so much by the withering effect of has fallen away, only to reveal a deep pit. On a failure,
the roses that they gain one level of exhaustion. the character who leads the charge falls down 20 ft. and
Blocked-off section. The ceiling has collapsed and takes the appropriate fall damage. The other characters
blocks off the tunnel into the lava fields off. On a failure,
the character loses precious time to loosen the debris
need to pull them out of the pit, which takes them a Echoes of the dead. The spirits of deceased miners do
while. not like to be disturbed, especially not by tremors or by
Restless spirits. The spirits in the crypt do not like to the adventurers that seem to rush through the tunnels.
be disturbed, especially not by tremors or by the On a failure, the spirits (using the will-o’-wisp stat block)
adventurers that seem to rush through these halls. With grow even more hostile and attack the characters,
nobody else to point the finger at, they target the dealing 9 (2d8) lightning damage. Alternatively, they
characters. On a failure, the spirits (using the will-o’- impose disadvantage on the next skill check made in
wisp stat block) grow even more hostile and attack the this challenge.
characters, dealing 9 (2d8) lightning damage. Debris in the way. Either the ceiling collapsed, the
Alternatively, they impose disadvantage on the next skill wall broke off, or something else happened, but the
check made in this challenge. tunnel the characters attempt to take is blocked off with
Exploding ice. Some thinner, unstable ice walls are debris. On a failure, the character loses precious time to
shattered or are close to shattering when the characters loosen the debris and make the section passable, or
pass by, shards ready to fly in all directions. On a failure, they clear the way and exert themselves to the point that
the characters take 9 (2d8) piercing damage as the they gain one level of exhaustion.
shards fly everywhere and hit the characters while they Minecart in the way. The way is blocked off by a
rush by. minecart, filled with all sorts of goods and wares, stuck
Treacherous ice. The floor beneath the characters’ on the tracks. On a failure, the character loses precious
feet is more slippery than they thought it had been time to loosen the minecart and otherwise pass it by, or
before. On a failure, the characters can still cross this they clear the way and exert themselves to the point that
obstacle, but they have to take their time to be able to go they gain one level of exhaustion.
across this without any issues. Tunnel dwellers. Anywhere within the tunnels, the
characters can run into strange beasts, once mutated by
At the end of the sequence, the characters have reached the sculk, now half-alive and ready for a meal. On a
the end of the Frozen Crypt skill challenge, and the skill failure, the creature may grow hostile and attack the
challenge overall. If they failed more times than they characters as they pass by. Alternatively, the creature
succeeded, the elevator is broken beyond repair, with no chases the characters to the next challenge and
way to escape to the surface and die a slow and cold provides a bigger hindrance there.
death. If they succeeded more than they failed, the
characters can escape the crypt and go to Deepfrost At the end of the sequence, the characters have reached
Citadel, where they can take a breath after the the end of the Black Mines tunnel skill challenge, and
harrowing experience they’ve just survived. In the the skill challenge overall. If they failed more times than
unlikely case that the amount of successes and failures they succeeded, the elevator is broken beyond repair,
is equal, roll a luck check (or have one of your players with no way to escape to the surface and as the tunnel
do so). On a 1 through 9, add another failure. On a 10- collapses on top of them. If they succeeded more than
20, add another success. they failed, the characters can escape through the
tunnel and get to breathe in the fresh cold air as the
tunnel collapses behind them. In the unlikely case that
Alternative Route: the amount of successes and failures is equal, roll a luck
check (or have one of your players do so). On a 1
Black Mines Tunnel through 9, add another failure. On a 10-20, add another
The tunnel between the Black Mines and Hermilthan success.
provides an alternative route to the surface. It is no less
intense than what happens in the Caves of Carnage and
the Frozen Crypt, though this is a shorter route. The Aftermath
characters start their skill challenge for this level after If the characters have accrued more failures than the
they’ve entered the tunnels, and it ends when they reach given subchapter details, they are buried beneath the
the surface and the Black Mines entrance. mountain as it all collapses on them. The world has
Below are a few scenarios that the characters might been rid of the sculk, but the heroes who made this
encounter on their way out: possible have perished.
If the characters safely make it out, they only barely
Navigate the Mines. The tunnel, even before the main
hub, also is a winding way with many different branches make it out alive. Whether they decide to go through the
that are often the same size as the main tunnel, making tunnel or go all the way back to Deepfrost Citadel, they
it difficult to tell which one they need to follow. On a are able to catch their breaths. The elevator in
failure, the characters have trouble navigating this Deepfrost Citadel can still go down, but it shouldn’t be
labyrinth and lose time as they attempt to find their way done with the Frozen Crypt in disarray. Similarly, the
within the tunnels. tunnel to the Black Mines collapses once again, this
time closing it off for good.
The world returns to its natural state regardless of
whether the characters make it out of the mountain or
not. Upon their return to Hermilthan, they will see the
results of their interactions with the townsfolk, as
detailed in the ‘epilogue’ sub-section in “6. The Burning

Deepfrost Citadel


Appendix A. Magic Items
The magic items found in this adventure are presented in alphabetical order.

Axe of the Screamin’ Void your attunement to it. If you’re targeted by a spell that
ends a curse, your attunement to the eye ends, and it
Weapon (battleaxe), rare (requires attunement)
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made detaches from you.
Corruption. Whenever you make an ability check
with this magic weapon. In addition, while you are related to an ability linked to the bionic eye, you gain a
attuned to this weapon, your hit point maximum level of corruption, as the eldritch knowledge granted to
increases by 1 for each level you have attained. you slowly corrupts your mind. If you are not corrupted
Curse. This axe is cursed, and becoming attuned to it
extends the curse to you. As long as you remain cursed, already, you become corrupted.
you are unwilling to part with the axe, keeping it within
reach at all times. You also have disadvantage on attack Butcher’s Apron
rolls with weapons other than this one, unless no foe is
within 60 feet of you that you can see or hear. Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)
This apron is perpetually covered by blood, even after
Whenever a hostile creature damages you while the being washed off. You gain the following benefits while
axe is in your possession, you must succeed on a DC 15 wearing the apron:
Wisdom saving throw or go berserk. While berserk, you Once per turn when you roll damage for a melee
must use your action each round to attack the creature attack with a weapon, you can reroll the weapon’s
nearest to you with the axe. If you can make extra damage dice. If you do so, you must use the second
attacks as part of the Attack action, you use those extra total. Your weapon attacks that deal slashing damage
attacks, moving to attack the next nearest creature after score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.
you fell your current target. If you have multiple possible
targets, you attack one at random. You are berserk until
you start your turn with no creatures within 60 feet of CF-135
you that you can see or hear. Potion, very rare
Proficiency with a battleaxe allows you to add your When you drink this potion, it removes any
proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you exhaustion you are suffering and cures any disease or
make with it. poison affecting you, except for sculk corruption. For
the next 24 hours, you regain the maximum number of
Bionic Eye of Doom hit points for any Hit Die you spend and you have
advantage on saving throws to resist corruption. The
Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)
This symbiotic eye is carved from a sickly green potion’s crimson liquid regularly pulses with dull light,
gemstone. To attune to this item, you must wear it on mimicking a heartbeat.
your head for the entire attunement period, during
which the eye’s hidden tendrils burrow into your scalp Chisel of the Undead Sculptress
to bond with your skull. Rod, uncommon (requires attunement)
While wearing the eye, you can see normally in You can use an action to present the chisel and
darkness, both magical and non-magical, to a distance command obedience from each creature of your choice
of 120 feet. that you can see within 30 feet of you. Each target must
The eye has 3 charges. As an action, you can activate succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or be
the eye and expend 1 charge. For the next 10 minutes, charmed by you for 1 hour. While charmed in this way,
you have truesight out to 120 feet when you peer the creature regards you as its trusted leader. If harmed
through the eye. by you or your companions, or commanded to do
You also gain the following benefits: something contrary to its nature, a target ceases to be
charmed in this way. The chisel can’t be used again
You have advantage on Intelligence checks to recall until the next dawn.
information about the sinister or tragic history of
your current location. Death Loop
You have advantage on Charisma checks made
against sculk-infected creatures. Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)
While you are attuned, you have advantage on death
Symbiotic Nature. The eye can’t be removed from you saving throws.
while you’re attuned to it, and you can’t voluntarily end
Curse. This hood is cursed, and becoming attuned to it
extends the curse to you. While you are cursed, your
Constitution Score decreases by 2. This curse can be Hood of Aw’Yah
undone by a Remove Curse spell or similar magic. Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)
You gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws while
you wear this hood.
Frosted Dagger Curse. This hood is cursed, and becoming attuned to
Weapon (dagger), uncommon (requires attunement) it extends the curse to you. While cursed, you have
When you hit with an attack using this magic dagger, disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks, as you are
the target takes an extra 1d8 cold damage. prone to burst into uncontrollable fits of giggles at the
Proficiency with a dagger allows you to add your most inopportune moments.
proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you
make with it. Horn of the G.O.A.T.
Wondrous Item, uncommon
Gem of Greatness You must be proficient with wind instruments to use
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a this horn. It has 3 charges. You can use an action to play
sorcerer) it and expend 1 charge to create an eerie, spellbinding
This polished red gem harbors some strange energy, tune. Each creature within 30 feet of you that hears you
steeped in the warped essence of a far off, unknown play must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or
realm. As an action, you can attach the shard to a Tiny become frightened of you for 1 minute. If you wish, all
object (such as a weapon or a piece of jewelry) or detach creatures in the area that aren’t hostile toward you
it. It falls off if your attunement to it ends. You can use automatically succeed on the saving throw. A creature
the shard as a spellcasting focus while you hold or wear that fails the saving throw can repeat it at the end of
it. each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
When you use a Metamagic option on a spell while A creature that succeeds on its saving throw is immune
you are holding or wearing the shard, you can cause a to the effect of the horn for 24 hours. The horn regains
slimy tentacle to rip through the fabric of reality and 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.
strike one creature you can see within 30 feet of you.
The creature must succeed on a Charisma saving throw
against your spell save DC or take 3d6 psychic damage Jar of Speedy Slime
and become frightened of you until the start of your next Wondrous Item, rare
turn. When you apply the slime to your skin, you gain the
effect of the haste spell for a minute (no concentration
required). Once you’ve applied the slime once, it
Goggles of Symmetry becomes non-magical.
Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement by a
Martial Class)
While wearing the goggles, you gain insight into your Hypnotic Bandana
opponents. As a bonus action, you make a Wisdom Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement by a Bard,
(Insight) check against a creature you can see that isn’t Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard)
incapacitated, contested by the target’s Charisma While wearing this bandana, you can use an action to
(Deception) check. If you succeed, you gain a +2 bonus expend 1 of its 10 charges to cast Charm Person,
to attack and damage rolls made against that target. In Command, or Comprehend Languages from it using
addition, you can make one attack as a bonus action on your spell save DC.
each of your turns. If you are wearing the bandana and fail a saving
This benefit lasts for 1 minute or until you throw against an enchantment spell that targets only
successfully use this feature against a different target. you, you can turn your failed save into a successful one.
You can’t use this property of the bandana again until
the next dawn. If you succeed on a save against an
Golden Eye enchantment spell that targets only you, with or without
Armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement) the bandana’s intervention, you can use your reaction to
While holding this shield, you have advantage on expend 1 charge from the bandana and turn the spell
saving throws against spells and other magical effects, back on its caster as if you had cast the spell.
and spell attacks have disadvantage against you. The bandana regains 1d8 + 2 expended charges daily
This beautiful shield is made out of gold, and has the at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a
relief of an opened eye on the front. It is carried in one 1, the bandana becomes non-magical.
hand. Wielding a shield increases your Armor Class by
2. You can benefit from only one shield at a time.
Knight’s Helm An Old Friend’s Pickaxe
Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement by a Weapon (war pick), very rare (requires attunement by a
Martial Class) Dwarf)
This helm has 3 charges. While wearing it, you can You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
use an action and expend 1 charge to cast the Heroism with this magic weapon. It has the thrown property with
spell (save DC 13) from it. The helm regains 1d3 a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet.
charges daily at dawn. When you hit with a ranged attack using this weapon, it
While attuned to it, you are also immune to being deals an extra 1d8 damage or, if the target is a giant,
frightened. 2d8 damage. Immediately after the attack, the weapon
flies back to your hand.
Proficiency with a war pick allows you to add your
The Master’s Key proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you
Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement) make with it.
While attuned to the key, you gain the following
benefits: Papa’s Slippers
Your Intelligence Score increases by 2, to a Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)
maximum of 20. These furry slippers are snug and feel quite warm.
You have advantage on Intelligence checks to recall While you wear them, you gain the following benefits:
information about the sinister or tragic history of
your current location. You have resistance to cold damage.
Curse. This key is cursed, and becoming attuned to it
You ignore difficult terrain created by ice or snow.
extends the curse to you. As long as you remain cursed, You can tolerate temperatures as low as -50 degrees
you are unwilling to part with the key, keeping it within Fahrenheit without any additional protection. If you
reach at all times. wear heavy clothes, you can tolerate temperatures as
Corruption. Whenever you make an ability check
low as -100 degrees Fahrenheit.
related to an ability linked to the key, you must succeed
on a DC 20 Charisma saving throw or gain a level of
corruption, as the eldritch knowledge granted to you Pearl of Cleansing
slowly corrupts your mind. If you are not corrupted Wondrous Item, common
already, you become corrupted. You also have This alien-looking pearl has a smooth surface, not a
disadvantage on Charisma saving throws to resist the speck of dust to be seen. While holding it, you can use
sculk corruption from any source other than the key. an action to cast either the prestidigitation spell or the
mending spell from it.
Mug of the Dungeon Master
Wondrous Item, rare Pocket Watch of Shreeping
When you drink any non-magical drink from this mug Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)
(drink not provided), you feel refreshed and invigorated. On your turn, you can use your action to press a
This removes any exhaustion you are suffering and button on the side of the pocket watch to activate it,
cures any disease or poison affecting you, except for releasing a wave of magical slumber within a 20-foot
sculk corruption. You also gain 4d4 +4 temporary hit radius of you.
points that last until you finish a long rest. Each creature in the area must make a DC 17
Madness. The person who drinks from this mug must Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, any affected
make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be afflicted with creature falls unconscious for 1d10 minutes for its
long-term madness. This cannot be removed except duration, until it takes damage, or someone uses an
with a remove curse spell can. action to shake or slap the creature awake. On a
successful save, any affected creature has disadvantage
on attack rolls, ability checks and saving throws until
Multi-Grain Waffle the end of your next turn.
Wondrous Item, common Undead and creatures immune to being charmed
You gain 2d4 + 2 temporary hit points when you use aren’t affected by this pocket watch.
an action to take a bite out of this waffle. Once this Curse. Whenever a creature uses the pocket watch’s
property has been used, it can’t be used again, and the ability, it is instantly affected as though it failed its
waffle becomes non-magical. saving throw.


The Slab Tome of the Hills
Wondrous item, very rare Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement by a
This smooth, square stone slab can be thrown up to Spellcaster)
30 feet and explodes in a 10-foot-radius sphere of This spellbook, along with anything written on its
magical energy on impact, which destroys the stone. pages, can’t be damaged by fire or immersion in water.
Any active spell of 5th level or lower in the sphere ends. In addition, the spellbook doesn’t deteriorate with age.
Any effect inflicted by a sculk creature are instantly While you are attuned, you can cast the legend lore
eliminated. Sculk creatures within a 10-foot-radius gain spell once per seven days.
disadvantage on all attack rolls, saving throws and
ability checks until the end of their next turn. Their DC
and AC are lowered by 2. Wand of Gorgeousness
Wand, uncommon (requires attunement by a
Shades of the Dog This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can
Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement) use an action to expend 1 of its charges to cast the
While you are attuned, you can cast the
Speak with Purify Food and Drink spell from it, or expend 2
Animals spell once per long rest. You also have charges to cast the Protection from Poison spell.
advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks against beasts to The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at
decipher their intentions. dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20.
On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.
Staff of the Pink Shepherd
Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a Sorcerer,
Warlock, or Wizard)
This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that
grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
it. While holding it, you gain a +2 bonus to Armor Class,
saving throws, and spell attack rolls.
The staff has 20 charges for the following properties.
The staff regains 2d8 + 4 expended charges daily at
dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1,
the staff retains its +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls
but loses all other properties. On a 20, the staff regains
1d8 + 2 charges.
Power Strike. When you hit with a melee attack using
the staff, you can expend 1 charge to deal an extra 1d6
force damage to the target.
Spells. While holding this staff, you can use an action
to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the
following spells from it, using your spell save DC and
spell attack bonus: Cone of Cold (5 charges), Fireball
(5th-level version, 5 charges), Globe of Invulnerability (6
charges), Hold Monster (5 charges), Levitate (2
charges), Lightning Bolt (5th-level version, 5 charges),
Magic Missile (1 charge), Ray of Enfeeblement (1
charge), or Wall of Force (5 charges).
Wild Magic Surge. Whenever you cast a spell with
this staff and expend charges, you roll on the Wild
Magic Surge table. If that effect is a spell, and if it
normally requires concentration, it doesn’t require
concentration in this case; the spell lasts for its full


Appendix B. Creatures
This appendix holds all the new creatures - NPCs and monsters alike - that appear in this adventure in alphabetical
Jonas Hyffal
How does one even describe Jonas Hyffal? As the task, Jonas Hyffal
it seems, is impossible, let’s go with what we know. He’s Medium Undead, Chaotic Good
a human. He’s dead and returned as a ghost. He’s a
poet. He’s traveling with an undead woman. What else Armor Class 11
would you need to know? Hit Points 45 (10d8)
Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover)


7 (-2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 17 (+3)

Skills Acrobatics +4, Perception +4, Performance +6

Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning, thunder; bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing from non-magical attacks
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
Senses passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Undercommon
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +3

Ethereal Sight. Jonas can see 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane
when he is on the Material Plane, and vice versa.

Incorporeal Movement. Jonas can move through other creatures

and objects as if they were difficult terrain. He takes 5 (1d10)
force damage if he ends its turn inside an object.

Withering Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) necrotic damage.

Cacophony (Recharge 4–6). Each creature in a 15-foot cube

originating from Jonas must make a DC 12 Constitution saving
throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 9 (2d8) thunder
damage and is pushed up to 10 feet away from Jonas. On a
successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and
isn’t pushed.

Bonus Actions
Inspire (2/Day). Jonas targets one ally that can hear him within
30 feet of him. That ally gains one Bardic Inspiration die (a d6),
to be used within the next 10 minutes to add the number rolled
to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw they makes.

Taunt (2/Day). Joe Hills targets one creature within 30 feet of

him. If the target can hear Jonas, the target must succeed on a
DC 12 Charisma saving throw or have disadvantage on ability
checks, attack rolls, and saving throws until the start of Jonas’s
next turn.

Living Portrait Living portrait
The only “living” inhabitant of Deepfrost Citadel, this
Medium Construct, Neutral Evil
portrait has been crushed by loneliness - a feeling
Armor Class 5 (natural armor) greatly enhanced by sculk attached to the back of its
Hit Points 27 (6d8) frame. Since then, it has grown its influence to stretch
Speed 0ft. beyond that frame and reach into Deepfrost Citadel
itself, to lure visitors to the lonely tower room so they
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA may succumb to its will.
1 (-5) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 16 (+3)

Skills Perception +12, Persuasion +8

Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 22
Languages Common, Sylvan, Deep Speech
Challenge 4 (1100 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2

Antimagic Susceptibility. The portrait is incapacitated while in

the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic, the
portrait must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against
the caster’s spell save DC or become unconscious for 1

Constructed Nature. An animated object doesn’t require air,

food, drink, or sleep. The magic that animates an object is
dispelled when the construct drops to 0 hit points. An
animated object reduced to 0 hit points becomes inanimate
and is too damaged to be of much use or value to anyone.

Innate Spellcasting. The portrait’s innate spellcasting ability is

Charisma (spell save DC 15). The portrait can innately cast the
following spells, requiring no material components:

2/day each: calm emotions, crown of madness, sleep

Call of Madness (recharge 6). The portrait targets one creature it
can see within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC
15 Wisdom saving throw or be magically charmed by the
portrait until the portrait is destroyed or until it is on a different
plane of existence from the target.
The charmed target is under the portrait’s control and can’t
take reactions, and the portrait and the target can
communicate telepathically with each other over any distance.
The charmed target can repeat the saving throw whenever it
takes damage, ending the effect on itself on a success. No
more than once every 24 hours, the target can repeat the
saving throw when it is at least 1 mile away from the portrait.

Compel Sympathy. The portrait wards itself against an incoming
attack. Any creature who targets the warded creature with an
attack or a harmful spell must first make a DC 15 Wisdom
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature must choose a new
target or lose the attack or spell. This doesn’t protect the
portraits from area effects, such as the explosion of the fireball

Miner Spore Servant One Eyed Willie
A lone sahuagin somehow stumbled into the lake in the
Medium Plant, Unaligned
south of the caves, finding adoration and worship from
Armor Class 10 (natural armor) the local kuo-toa. Once that adoration and worship ran
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) dry and the archpriestess found a new deity to worship,
Speed 20 ft. the sahuagin holds the whole world responsible for
these misdeeds. Killing a few kuo-toa here and there
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA might return their worship to him, and killing everything
12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 2 (-4) 6 (-2) 1 (-5) else could help, too. One such close encounters gave
him a nickname he does not use himself, but which has
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, frightened, paralyzed
Senses blindsight 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive
been circulating, citing the one-eyed sahuagin menace.
Perception 8
Languages —
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2

One Eyed Willie

Actions Medium Humanoid (Sahuagin), Chaotic Evil

Miner’s Pick. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5ft., one Armor Class 16 (breastplate)
target. Hit: 3 (1d4 +1) piercing damage. Hit Points 76 (9d10 + 27)
Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft.

Miner Spore Servant STR

19 (+4)
15 (+2)
16 (+3)
12 (+1)
11 (+0)
12 (+1)
Their names lost, their identity gone. These unfortunate
souls were able to escape the terrors of the Black Saving Throws Str +7, Con 6
Mines, but stumbled upon an equally as dangerous Skills Athletics +7, Intimidation +4
situation. Discovered by the myconids and dragged back Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10
to their sovereign, these unthinking, unfeeling spore Languages Sahuagin
servants can never tell their tales of what had happened Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
to them and their brethren. Proficiency Bonus +3

Blood Frenzy. One Eyed Willie has advantage on melee attack

rolls against any creature that doesn’t have all its hit points.

Limited Amphibiousness. One Eyed Willie can breathe air and

water, but he needs to be submerged at least once every 4
hours to avoid suffocating.

One-eyed scoundrel. One Eyed Willie has disadvantage on

Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Multiattack. One Eyed Willie makes three attacks: one with his
bite and two with his claws or trident.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
9 (1d10 + 4) piercing damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage.

Trident. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. or

range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage,
or 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage if used with two hands to
make a melee attack.

Ravagers Ravager
The beasts of the caves, the main persistent threat in
the north - with a nest in the middle of the map and a Large Beast, Unaligned

widespread net of ravagers patrolling the hallway, it is Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
impossible to go somewhere without running into these Hit Points 68 (8d12 + 16)
large menaces… and nearly impossible to leave without Speed 30 ft.
getting your face chomped off by those large teeth.
20 (+5) 10 (+0) 19 (+4) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 5 (-3)
The standard, adult ravager as it can be encountered in Senses passive Perception 11
the wild. Languages —
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2
Young ravager
The younger ravagers, not quite adults yet. Smaller than Actions
the adults, they nonetheless pose a threat as well and
are not to be underestimated. Multiattack. The ravager makes two attacks: one bite-attack
and one gore-attack.

Ravager spore servant Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
Sometimes, a ravager corpse is found within the 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage.
mushroom forest. For a little more protection around Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
this area, the sovereign can be moved to turn this Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) piercing damage. If the ravager moved at
deceased creature into a spore servant, to be used least 20 feet straight toward the target immediately before the
against its own kind. hit, the target takes an extra 9 (2d8) piercing damage, and the
target must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be
knocked prone if it is a creature.

Ravager Spore Servant Young ravager
Large Plant, Unaligned Medium Beast, Unaligned

Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Armor Class 14 (natural armor)

Hit Points 68 (8d12 + 16) Hit Points 34 (4d12 + 8)
Speed 20 ft. Speed 30 ft.

20 (+5) 10 (+0) 19 (+4) 2 (-4) 6 (-2) 1 (-5) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 5 (-3)

Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, frightened, paralyzed Senses passive Perception 10

Senses blindsight 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Languages —
Perception 8 Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Languages — Proficiency Bonus +2
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2
Actions Multiattack. The ravager makes two attacks: one bite-attack
and one gore-attack.
Multiattack. The ravager makes two attacks: one bite-attack
and one gore-attack. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage. Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage. If the ravager moved at least
Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. 20 feet straight toward the target immediately before the hit,
Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) piercing damage. If the ravager moved at the target takes an extra 6 (1d8) piercing damage, and the
least 20 feet straight toward the target immediately before the target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be
hit, the target takes an extra 9 (2d8) piercing damage, and the knocked prone if it is a creature.
target must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be
knocked prone if it is a creature.

Sculk Sculk Brute
The world below Deepfrost Citadel is infested by the
main environmental threat: the all-encompassing, all- Medium Aberration, Neutral Evil

devouring sculk. It comes in many forms, but the Armor Class 12

characters will have to deal more with the creatures Hit Points 42 (5d10 +15)
that spring forth from this organism. Speed 30 ft.


Sculk Brute 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 7 (-2) 1 (-5)
A little bulkier than the thralls, the brutes had been
carrying drills or other machinery when they were Damage Vulnerabilities cold
turned. Now these tools have been melded to their Damage Immunities fire, necrotic, poison
skins, now weapons to be used against those who would Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, exhaustion, frightened
disturb their peace. Senses blindsight 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive
perception 8
Languages —
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Sculk Catalyst
Proficiency Bonus +3
Perhaps the strangest of the bunch, the sculk catalyst
doesn’t look quite as humanoid as the others. Instead,
they are a bulky cube with appendages it uses to crawl Blind Senses. The sculk brute can’t use its blindsight while
forward. Its strength doesn’t lie with melee attacks, but deafened.

with ranged assaults that have the potential to be Keen Hearing. The sculk brute has advantage on Wisdom
devastating. They are usually the ones who spread the (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.
sculk and when they see something that doesn’t belong,
they are quick to either sap its strength for the sculk, or Immutable Form. The sculk brute is immune to any spell or
to turn them into sculk itself. effect that would alter its form.

Sculk Shrieker Multi-Attack. The sculk brute makes two Drill attacks.
Though more humanoid than a catalyst, this spider-like
creature is bigger than the thralls. With long, spindly Drill. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature.
bone-like limbs, it crawls around the floors, the ceilings Hit: 12 (2d6 +5) piercing damage. If the creature is Large or

and the walls. Once it has detected an intruder, it will smaller, the creature must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving

emit a loud deafening shriek. If that wasn’t enough, it throw or be knocked prone. If the target is inorganic material,
the brute deals an extra 7 (2d6) piercing damage.
can cover the area in a layer of disorienting darkness,
which only further serves to incapacitate the intruders Reactions
and to claim them for the sculk. Unyielding. When the brute is subjected to an effect that would
move it, knock it prone, or both, it can use its reaction to be
neither moved nor knocked prone.
Sculk Thrall
The most basic of sculk lifeforms. These humanoid-
shaped clumps of sculk move around tirelessly,
endlessly attracted to the noises all around them.
Though weaker than their sculky friends, they often are
more numerous than the others and their sheer
numbers can overwhelm even the most abled
Soul Echoes
Tiny fragments of light, floating around aimlessly,
represent the souls of those consumed by the sculk that
managed to tear away from the main body of the
organism. Still trapped within this un-life, the soul
echoes remain flecks of electric blue light that seek able
bodies to latch onto and to take over. They are too weak
to take control, however, and only end up siphoning the
life force of the living creature that they cling to.
Sculk Catalyst Sculk Shrieker
Medium Aberration, Neutral Evil Large Aberration, Neutral Evil

Armor Class 15 Armor Class 17

Hit Points 45 (6d10 +12) Hit Points 67 (9d10 +18)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.

13 (+1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 1 (-5) 17 (+3) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 19 (+4) 1 (-5)

Damage Vulnerabilities cold Skills Perception +7

Damage Immunities fire, necrotic, poison Damage Vulnerabilities cold
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, exhaustion, frightened Damage Immunities fire, necrotic, poison
Senses blindsight 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, exhaustion, frightened
perception 11 Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive
Languages — perception 17
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Languages —
Proficiency Bonus +3 Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +3
Blind Senses. The sculk catalyst can’t use its blindsight while
deafened. Blind Senses. The sculk shrieker can’t use its blindsight while
Charge. If the sculk catalyst moves at least 10 feet straight
toward a target and then hits it with a slam attack on the same Keen Hearing. The sculk shrieker has advantage on Wisdom
turn, the target takes an extra 6 (2d4) piercing damage. If the (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.
target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 11 Strength
saving throw or be pushed up to 10 feet away and knocked Magic Resistance. The sculk shrieker has advantage on saving
prone. throws against spells and other magical effects.

Keen Hearing. The sculk catalyst has advantage on Wisdom Immutable Form. The sculk shrieker is immune to any spell or
(Perception) checks that rely on hearing. effect that would alter its form.

Immutable Form. The sculk catalyst is immune to any spell or Innate Spellcasting. The sculk shrieker’s spellcasting ability is
effect that would alter its form. Wisdom (spell save DC 15). The shrieker can innately cast the
following spells, requiring no material components:
At will: detect thoughts, web
Multi-Attack. The sculk catalyst makes two Claw attacks or two 1/day: confusion, darkness
Slam attacks. If possible, it makes a Sap Strength attack.
Spider Climb. The sculk shrieker can climb difficult surfaces,
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an
Hit: 11 (2d8 +2) slashing damage. ability check.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Actions
Hit: 9 (2d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage and 7 (2d6) psychic
damage. Multi-attack. The sculk shrieker makes two Slam attacks. If
possible, it makes a Deafening Shriek attack.
Spread the Sculk. If the two attacks both hit the same target, it
must make a DC 14 Charisma saving throw. On a failure, it Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature.
gains a level of corruption. If the target hasn’t been corrupted Hit: 9 (2d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
yet, this corrupts them.
Deafening shriek (Recharge 5-6). The sculk shrieker lets out a
Sap Strength (Recharge 5-6). Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, blood curdling cry. Each creature within 30 ft. of the shrieker
range 30 ft., one creature. Hit: 13 (2d8 +4) necrotic damage. must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save,
The target’s hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal the creature takes 3d8 thunder damage and is deafened as the
to the necrotic damage taken, and the sculk catalyst regains hit cry, echoed against the walls, is reverberated back to the target.
points equal to that amount. The reduction lasts until the On a success, the creature takes half damage instead and is
target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces not deafened.
its hit point maximum to 0. A humanoid slain this way rises
within 4 (1d4 +1) days as a sculk thrall. Bonus Actions
Call to Arms (1/day). The sculk shrieker calls for reinforcements.
After 1d3 rounds, 2 sculk thralls and one sculk brute answer
the call and join the fight. They will continue the fight, even if
the shrieker is dead.

Sculk Thrall Soul Echo
Medium Aberration, Neutral Evil Tiny Aberration, Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 11 Armor Class 18

Hit Points 23 (3d10 +6) Hit Points 22 (9d4)
Speed 20 ft. Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)

19 (+4) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 2 (-4) 3 (-4) 1 (-5) 1 (-5) 25 (+8) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)

Damage Vulnerabilities cold Damage Vulnerabilities cold

Damage Immunities fire, necrotic, poison Damage Resistances acid, lightning, thunder; bludgeoning,
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, exhaustion, frightened piercing, and slashing from non-magical attacks
Senses blindsight 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Damage Immunities fire, necrotic, poison
perception 6 Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, grappled,
Languages — paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained,
Challenge 3 (700 XP) unconscious
Proficiency Bonus +2 Senses darkvision 90 ft., passive perception 12
Languages The languages it knew in life
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Blind Senses. The sculk thrall can’t use its blindsight while Proficiency Bonus +2

Keen Hearing. The sculk thrall has advantage on Wisdom Consume Life. As a bonus action, the soul echo can target one
(Perception) checks that rely on hearing. creature it is attached to that has 0 hit points and is still alive.
The target must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw
Immutable Form. The sculk thrall is immune to any spell or against this magic or die. If the target dies, the soul echo
effect that would alter its form. regains 10 (3d6) hit points and detaches from the corpse.
Actions Damage Transfer. While it is attached to a creature, the soul
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. echo takes only half the damage dealt to it, and the creature it
Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage. is attached to takes the other half.

Immutable Form. The soul echo is immune to any spell or effect

that would alter its form.

Siphon Life. Melee Spell Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 9 (2d8) fire damage, and the soul echo attaches
to the target. While attached, the soul echo can’t attack, and at
the start of each of the soul echo’s turns, the target takes 7
(1d10 + 2) necrotic damage. The attached soul echo moves
with the target whenever the target moves, requiring none of
the soul echo’s movement. The soul echo can detach itself by
spending 5 feet of its movement on its turn. A creature,
including the target, can use its action to detach a soul echo.

Siege Monster. The warden deals double damage to objects and
The Warden structures.
Large Aberration, Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)

Hit Points 152 (16d10 + 64) Multiattack. The warden makes two Slam attacks. It also makes
Speed 30 ft. a Sonic Boom attack, if possible.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
25 (+7) 8 (-1) 19 (+4) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 6 (-3) Hit: 18 (2d10 + 7) bludgeoning damage.

Sonic Boom (Recharge 5-6). The warden emits a sonically

Damage Vulnerabilities cold charged shriek at one creature within 30 ft. of it. The target
Damage Resistances acid, lightning, poison, thunder; must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, it
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non-magical takes 36 (8d8) necrotic damage and is knocked prone, or half
attacks damage and it isn’t knocked prone on a success.
Damage Immunities fire, necrotic
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, Legendary Actions
petrified, poisoned, unconscious
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive The warden can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
perception 12 options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
Languages — a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) warden regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Proficiency Bonus +4
Move. The warden can move up to its speed without provoking
opportunity attacks.
Immutable Form. The warden is immune to any spell or effect
that would alter its form. Charge (Costs 2 Actions). The warden moves up to its speed
without provoking opportunity attacks, then makes a Slam
Keen Hearing and Smell. The warden has advantage on Wisdom attack.
(Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Roar (Costs 2 Actions). The warden emits a furious roar. Each
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the warden fails a saving throw, creature of the warden’s choice within 30 feet of it must
it can choose to succeed instead. succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become
frightened of the warden until the end of its next turn.
Magic Resistance. The warden has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects. Sonic Boom (Costs 3 Actions). The warden makes a Sonic Boom

The Warden
This hulking, imposing figure is the primary defense the Grasping roots and vines of sculk erupt in a 20-foot
sculk has against intruders that can evade everything radius centered on a point on the ground that the
else and reach the source. It has quite the range with its warden designates within 120 ft. of it. That area
long limbs and its sonic boom, both devastating in their becomes difficult terrain, and each target there must
own right. To fight this creature in its home is a death succeed on a DC15 Strength saving throw or be
sentence for the attackers, for the warden leaves nobody restrained by the roots and vines. A target can be
standing and fights until it is destroyed completely. freed if it or another target takes an action to make a
DC 15 Strength check and succeeds. The roots and
Lair Actions vines wilt away when the warden uses this lair action
When fighting inside its lair, a warden can invoke the again or when the creature dies.
ambient magic to take lair actions. On initiative count A tremor shakes the lair in a 60-foot radius around
20 (losing initiative ties), the warden takes a lair action the warden. Each target other than the warden on
to cause one of the following effects: the ground in that area must succeed on a DC 15
The sculk source clump pulses with energy, which Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.
reverberates in the space. Each corrupted creature
in a 30 ft. radius centered on the sculk source must
succeed on a DC 14 Charisma saving throw (which
is increased by the amount of levels of corruption a
character has) or be charmed by the sculk and the
warden until the end of their next turn.
This once mass of snow has been brought to life with
magic, now employed by Thaddeus Holsten to guard the
tunnels and not to let anyone through who doesn’t know
the passphrase. Non-magical weapons pass through its
snowy form without dealing any appreciable damage to
it, though heat is its doom.
Medium Construct, Unaligned

Armor Class 8
Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10)
Speed 10 ft.


15 (+2) 6 (-2) 14 (+2) 1 (-5) 6 (-2) 1 (-5)

Damage Vulnerabilities fire

Damage Immunities cold, poison
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive
Perception 8
Languages —
Challenge 3 (700 xp)
Proficiency Bonus +2

Cold Absorption. Whenever the snowman is subjected to cold

damage, it takes no damage and instead regains a number of
hit points equal to the cold damage dealt.

Immutable Form. The snowman is immune to any spell or

effect that would alter its form.

Melt. While in an area of extreme heat, the snowman loses 1d6

hit points at the start of each of its turns.

Unusual Nature. The snowman doesn’t require air, food, drink,

or sleep.

Multiattack. The snowman makes two melee attacks.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage plus 7 (2d6) cold

Snowball. Ranged Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, range 60 ft., one

target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) cold damage.

Soren Tidrostir Soren Tidrostir
The local happy-go-lucky half-elf sorcerer from
Hermilthan had always been happy with his life, even if Medium Humanoid (Sorcerer, Half-Elf ), Chaotic Neutral

it was not all that exciting (safe from his unusual magic Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)
outbursts). A conversation with a good friend made him Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6)
join the adventuring party of a knight set to go into Speed 30ft.
Deepfrost Citadel. Once inside, Soren could not resist
the call and met the living portrait, who took his mind STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
shortly after. 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 16 (+3)
As a thrall, Soren has limited freedoms and wants,
mostly wandering the halls of Deepfrost Citadel and Skills Deception +4, Persuasion +4
attacking anyone that comes into sight. While his mind Senses passive Perception 11
is all gone, he cannot tell friend from foe and anything Languages Common, Elven

that moves is considered a threat. Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Proficiency Bonus +2

Twisted Mind. Soren has advantage on saving throws against

being charmed or frightened.

Spellcasting. Soren is a 4th-level sorcerer. His spellcasting

ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell
attacks). Soren knows the following spells:

Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, friends, shocking grasp

1st level (4 slots): chaos bolt, charm person, mage armor,
2nd level (3 slots): blur, scorching ray

Wild Magic Surge. Soren’s spellcasting unleashes surges of

untamed magic. Whenever Soren casts a leveled spell, roll on
the Wild Magic Surge table to create a magical effect. If that
effect is a spell, and if it normally requires concentration, it
doesn’t require concentration in this case; the spell lasts for its
full duration.

Multiattack. Soren makes two melee attacks.

Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or

range 20/60 ft., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.

The Wanderer The Wanderer
Once, this undead was a young man from Hermilthan.
Medium Undead, Neutral Evil
Once, he didn’t haunt these halls, but instead played
Armor Class 11 (natural armor) harmless pranks on the people of Hermilthan and
Hit Points 68 (9d8 + 27) became known as a local good-natured troublemaker.
Speed 30 ft. However, his boredom led to a journey into Deepfrost
Citadel, which ended in tragedy. Though he could
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA escape its terrors, he fled into the Frozen Crypt where
15 (+2) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) he perished.
Within the icy tunnels, he was resurrected as the
Saving Throws Int +2, Wis +3 Wanderer, to continue the last goal he held in life: to
Damage Immunities cold
escape Deepfrost Citadel and to go deeper. Whatever
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, exhaustion,
may have been left of Carter Grummins has long since
frightened, paralyzed, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 passed away, and all that remains of who he once was,
Languages — is the red parka he donned just before he made this
Challenge 5 (1800 XP) journey.
Proficiency Bonus +3

Blinding Light. The wanderer sheds bright light in a 20-foot

radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. As a bonus
action, the wanderer can target one creature in its bright light
that it can see and force it to succeed on a DC 13 Constitution
saving throw or be blinded until the start of the wanderer’s next

Icy Doom. Any creature killed by the wanderer freezes for 9

days, during which time it can’t be thawed, harmed by fire,
animated, or raised from the dead.

Unusual Nature. The wanderer doesn’t require air, food, drink,

or sleep.

Multiattack. The wanderer makes two attacks.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

Hit: 6 (1d8 + 1) bludgeoning damage plus 11 (3d6) cold

Cold Ray. Ranged Spell Attack: +3 to hit, range 60 ft., one target.
Hit: 13 (2d10 + 2) cold damage.


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