The Warrior Ethos Combat Skills
The Warrior Ethos Combat Skills
The Warrior Ethos and
Soldier Combat Skills
DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Headquarters Department of the Army
Duty, honor, country: Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can
be, and what you will be. They are your rallying point to build courage when courage seems to fail, to
regain faith when there seems to be little cause for faith, to create hope when hope becomes forlorn.
--- General Douglas MacArthur, on receiving the Sylvanus Thayer Medal at the US Military Academy, 12
May, 1962
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Contents Chapter 4
ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ........................................................................... 4-1
Section I. DESERT................................................................................................... 4-1
Types .................................................................................................................. 4-1
Preparation ......................................................................................................... 4-2
Section II. JUNGLE.................................................................................................. 4-5
Types .................................................................................................................. 4-5
Preparation ......................................................................................................... 4-7
Section III. ARCTIC.................................................................................................. 4-9
Types .................................................................................................................. 4-9
Preparation ......................................................................................................... 4-9
COVER, CONCEALMENT, AND CAMOUFLAGE .................................................. 5-1
Section I. COVER .................................................................................................... 5-1
Natural Cover ..................................................................................................... 5-2 Man-Made
Cover................................................................................................ 5-2
Section II. CONCEALMENT .................................................................................... 5-4
Natural Concealment.......................................................................................... 5-4 Actions as
Concealment..................................................................................... 5-4
Section III. CAMOUFLAGE ..................................................................................... 5-5
Movement........................................................................................................... 5-5
Positions ............................................................................................................. 5-5 Outlines and
Shadows........................................................................................ 5-5
Shine................................................................................................................... 5-5
Shape ................................................................................................................. 5-5
Colors ................................................................................................................. 5-6
Dispersion........................................................................................................... 5-6
Preparation ......................................................................................................... 5-6 Individual
Techniques......................................................................................... 5-7
FIGHTING POSITIONS ............................................................................................ 6-1
Cover .................................................................................................................. 6-1
Concealment ...................................................................................................... 6-3
Camouflage ........................................................................................................ 6-3 Sectors and Fields of
Fire................................................................................... 6-3 Hasty and Deliberate Fighting
Positions ............................................................ 6-4 Two-Man Fighting
Position ................................................................................. 6-6 One-Man Fighting
Position............................................................................... 6-17 Close Combat Missile Fighting
Positions ......................................................... 6-20 Range
Cards .................................................................................................... 6-22
MOVEMENT ............................................................................................................. 7-1
Individual Movement Techniques....................................................................... 7-1 Immediate Actions
while Moving ........................................................................ 7-5 Fire and
Movement............................................................................................. 7-8 Movement on
Vehicles ....................................................................................... 7-9
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
13 August 2013
TC 3-21.75 iii
Chapter 8
URBAN AREAS ........................................................................................................ 8-1
Section I. MOVEMENT TECHNIQUES....................................................................8-1
Avoiding Open Areas .......................................................................................... 8-1 Moving Parallel to
Buildings................................................................................8-1 Moving Past
Windows.........................................................................................8-2 Crossing a
Wall...................................................................................................8-3 Moving Around
Corners ...................................................................................... 8-4 Moving Within a
Section II. OTHER PROCEDURES .........................................................................8-6
Entering a Building..............................................................................................8-6 Clearing a
Room ............................................................................................... 8-10
Section III. FIGHTING POSITIONS........................................................................8-12
Hasty Fighting Position ..................................................................................... 8-13 Prepared Fighting
'EVERY SOLDIER IS A SENSOR' ........................................................................... 9-1
Definition ............................................................................................................. 9-1
Resources ........................................................................................................... 9-1 Forms of
Questioning..........................................................................................9-3 Report
Levels......................................................................................................9-3 SALUTE
Format..................................................................................................9-4 Handling and Reporting of the
Enemy................................................................9-5 Operations
Security ............................................................................................9-7 Observation
Techniques ..................................................................................... 9-8 Limited Visibility
Observation..............................................................................9-9 Range
COMBAT MARKSMANSHIP .................................................................................. 10-1
Safety ................................................................................................................ 10-1 Administrative
Weapons ........................................................................................................... 10-2 Fire
Control ..................................................................................................... 10-14 Combat
Zero ................................................................................................... 10-16 Mechanical
Zero..............................................................................................10-16 Battlesight
Zero...............................................................................................10-17 Shot
Groups....................................................................................................10-19 Borelight
Zero..................................................................................................10-21 Misfire Procedures and
Immediate Action......................................................10-31 Reflexive
Fire .................................................................................................. 10-33
COMMUNICATIONS ............................................................................................... 11-1
Section I. MEANS OF COMMUNICATIONS..........................................................11-1
Messengers....................................................................................................... 11-1
Wire ................................................................................................................... 11-1 Visual
Sound ................................................................................................................ 11-3
Radio ................................................................................................................. 11-3
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Section II. RADIOTELEPHONE PROCEDURES.................................................. 11-4
Rules................................................................................................................. 11-4 Types of
Nets ................................................................................................... 11-4 Precedence of
Reports..................................................................................... 11-4 Message
Format............................................................................................... 11-5 Common
Messages.......................................................................................... 11-5
Prowords........................................................................................................... 11-6 Operation on a
Net ........................................................................................... 11-8
Section III. COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY........................................................ 11-8
Classifications................................................................................................... 11-8 Signal Operating
Instructions ........................................................................... 11-9 Automated Net Control
Device......................................................................... 11-9
Section IV. EQUIPMENT ..................................................................................... 11-11
Radios............................................................................................................. 11-11
Wire ................................................................................................................ 11-14 Telephone
Equipment .................................................................................... 11-14
SURVIVAL, EVASION, RESISTANCE, AND ESCAPE......................................... 12-1
Survival ............................................................................................................. 12-1
Evasion ............................................................................................................. 12-4
Resistance........................................................................................................ 12-6
Escape.............................................................................................................. 12-8
Section I. CHEMICAL WEAPONS ........................................................................ 13-1
Types ................................................................................................................ 13-1
Detection........................................................................................................... 13-4 Protective
Actions............................................................................................. 13-8 Protective
Equipment ....................................................................................... 13-8 Mission-Oriented Protective
Posture.............................................................. 13-10
Decontamination............................................................................................. 13-10
Section II. BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS.................................................................. 13-14
Types .............................................................................................................. 13-14
Detection......................................................................................................... 13-14
Decontamination............................................................................................. 13-14
Protection........................................................................................................ 13-14
Section III. RADIOLOGICAL WEAPONS............................................................ 13-15
Types .............................................................................................................. 13-15
Detection......................................................................................................... 13-16
Decontamination............................................................................................. 13-16
Protection........................................................................................................ 13-16
Section IV. NUCLEAR WEAPONS ..................................................................... 13-17
Characteristics................................................................................................ 13-17
Detection......................................................................................................... 13-18
Decontamination............................................................................................. 13-19
Protection........................................................................................................ 13-20
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 15
Appendix A
Glossary References Index
Figure 1-1. Army Values......................................................................................................................1-2
Figure1-2. Warriordrills.....................................................................................................................1-4
Figure 2-1. Example personal predeployment checklist. ....................................................................2-2
Figure 3-1. Assessment.......................................................................................................................3-3
Figure 3-2. Airway blocked by tongue. ................................................................................................ 3-4
Figure 3-3. Airway opened by extending neck. ................................................................................... 3-4
Figure 3-4. Jaw-thrust technique.........................................................................................................3-5
Figure 3-5. Head-tilt/chin-lift technique................................................................................................3-5
Figure 3-6. Check for breathing...........................................................................................................3-6
Figure 3-7. Rescue breathing..............................................................................................................3-7
Figure 3-8. Placement of fingers to detect pulse.................................................................................3-8
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 v
Chapter 14
MINES, DEMOLITIONS, AND BREACHING PROCEDURES...............................14-1
Section I. MINES .................................................................................................... 14-1
Antipersonnel Mines .........................................................................................14-2 M21 Antitank
Mine ............................................................................................ 14-7
Section II. DEMOLITION FIRING SYSTEMS ........................................................ 14-8
Booster Assemblies .......................................................................................... 14-8
Misfires ............................................................................................................ 14-13
Section III. OBSTACLES ..................................................................................... 14-14
Breach and Cross a Minefield.........................................................................14-14 Breach and Cross a
Wire Obstacle.................................................................14-17
UXO AND IEDS....................................................................................................... 15-1
Section I. UNEXPLODED ORDNANCE.................................................................15-1
Dropped Ordnance ...........................................................................................15-1 Projected
Ordnance .......................................................................................... 15-6 Thrown Ordnance (Hand
Grenades) ................................................................ 15-7
Section II. IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICES .................................................15-9
Types ................................................................................................................15-9
Identification .................................................................................................... 15-10
Components .................................................................................................... 15-10
Examples ........................................................................................................15-12 Actions on Finding
UXO..................................................................................15-15 Actions on Finding
CHECKLISTS AND MEMORY AIDS ....................................................................... A-1
..................................................................................................................... Glossary-
1 ................................................................................................................. References-
1 ........................................................................................................................... Index-1
Figure 3-9. Abdominal thrust on unresponsive casualty................................................................... 3-10
Figure 3-10. Hand placement for chest thrust................................................................................... 3-11
Figure 3-11. Breastbone depressed 1 1/2 to 2 inches...................................................................... 3-11
Figure 3-12. Opening of casualty’s mouth, tongue-jaw lift................................................................ 3-12
Figure 3-13. Opening of casualty’s mouth, crossed-finger method. ................................................. 3-12
Figure 3-14. Use of finger to dislodge a foreign body....................................................................... 3-13
Figure 3-15. Emergency bandage. ................................................................................................... 3-14
Figure 3-16. Application of pad to wound. ........................................................................................ 3-15
Figure 3-17. Insertion of bandage into pressure bar......................................................................... 3-15
Figure 3-18. Tightening of bandage.................................................................................................. 3-15
Figure 3-19. Pressure of bar into bandage. ...................................................................................... 3-15
Figure 3-20. Wrapping of bandage over pressure bar..................................................................... 3-16
Figure 3-21. Securing of bandage. .................................................................................................. 3-16
Figure 3-22. Grasping of dressing tails with both hands................................................................... 3-16
Figure 3-23. Pulling open of dressing. ............................................................................................. 3-17
Figure 3-24. Placement of dressing directly on wound..................................................................... 3-17
Figure 3-25. Wrapping of dressing tail around injured part............................................................... 3-17
Figure 3-26. Tails tied into nonslip knot. ........................................................................................... 3-17
Figure 3-27. Application of direct manual pressure. ......................................................................... 3-17
Figure 3-28. Elevation of injured limb. .............................................................................................. 3-18
Figure 3-29. Wad of padding on top of field dressing. ...................................................................... 3-19
Figure 3-30. Improvised dressing over wad of padding.................................................................... 3-19
Figure 3-31. Ends of improvised dressing wrapped tightly around limb. .......................................... 3-19
Figure 3-32. Ends of improvised dressing tied together in nonslip knot. .......................................... 3-19
Figure 3-33. Digital pressure (fingers, thumbs, or hands). ............................................................... 3-20
Figure 3-34. Band pulled tight........................................................................................................... 3-22
Figure 3-35. Improved first aid kit. .................................................................................................... 3-23
Figure 3-36. Tourniquet above knee................................................................................................. 3-24
Figure 3-37. Rigid object on top of half knot. .................................................................................... 3-24
Figure 3-38. Tourniquet knotted over rigid object and twisted.......................................................... 3-25
Figure 3-39. Free ends tied on side of limb. ..................................................................................... 3-25
Figure 3-40. Fireman’s carry. ............................................................................................................ 3-30
Figure 3-41. Alternate fireman’s carry............................................................................................... 3-32
Figure 3-42. Supporting carry. .......................................................................................................... 3-33
Figure 3-43. Neck drag. .................................................................................................................... 3-34
Figure 3-44. Cradle drop drag........................................................................................................... 3-35
Figure 3-45. Two-man support carry................................................................................................. 3-36
Figure 3-46. Two-man fore-and-aft carry. ......................................................................................... 3-37
Figure 3-47. Two-hand seat carry..................................................................................................... 3-37
Figure 3-48. Rules for avoiding illness in the field. ........................................................................... 3-39
Figure 3-49. Care of the feet. ............................................................................................................ 3-40
Figure 5-1. Natural cover. ................................................................................................................... 5-1
vi TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Figure 7-5. Reaction to ground flares. ................................................................................................ 7-7
Figure 7-6. Reaction to aerial flares.................................................................................................... 7-8
Figure 7-7. Mounting and riding arrangements................................................................................. 7-10
Figure 8-1. Soldier moving past windows. .......................................................................................... 8-2
Figure 8-2. Soldier passing basement windows. ................................................................................ 8-3
Figure 8-3. Soldier crossing a wall...................................................................................................... 8-3
Figure 8-4. Correct technique for looking around a corner. ................................................................ 8-4
Figure 8-5. Pie-ing a corner. ............................................................................................................... 8-4
Figure 8-6. Movement within a building. ............................................................................................. 8-5
Figure 8-7. Lower-level entry technique with support bar................................................................... 8-7
Figure 8-8. Lower-level entry technique without support bar.............................................................. 8-7
Figure 8-9. Lower-level entry two-man pull technique. ....................................................................... 8-8
Figure 8-10. Lower-level entry one-man lift technique........................................................................ 8-8
Figure 8-11. M433 HEDP grenade. .................................................................................................. 8-10
Figure 8-12. Some considerations for selecting and occupying individual fighting positions ........... 8-12
Figure 8-13. Soldier firing left or right handed................................................................................... 8-13
Figure 8-14. Soldier firing around a corner. ...................................................................................... 8-14
Figure 8-15. Soldier firing from peak of a roof. ................................................................................. 8-15
Figure 8-16. Emplacement of machine gun in a doorway. ............................................................... 8-17
Figure 9-1. Potential indicators. .......................................................................................................... 9-2
Figure 9-2. Example captured document tag...................................................................................... 9-6
Figure 9-3. Rapid/slow-scan pattern. .................................................................................................. 9-8
Figure 9-4. Detailed search................................................................................................................. 9-9
Figure 9-5. Typical scanning pattern................................................................................................. 9-10
Figure 9-6. Off-center viewing........................................................................................................... 9-11
Figure 9-7. AN/PVS-7 and AN/PVS-14............................................................................................. 9-12
Figure 9-8. AN/PAS-13, V1, V2, and V3. .......................................................................................... 9-13
Figure 9-9. AN/PAQ-4-series and the AN/PEQ-2A........................................................................... 9-13
Figure 9-10. Mil-relation formula. ...................................................................................................... 9-16
Figure 10-1. M9 pistol. ...................................................................................................................... 10-3
Figure 10-2. M16A2 rifle.................................................................................................................... 10-4
Figure 10-3. M4 carbine. ................................................................................................................... 10-5
Figure 10-4. M203 grenade launcher................................................................................................ 10-6
Figure 10-5. M249 squad automatic weapon (SAW)........................................................................ 10-7
Figure 10-6. M240B machine gun..................................................................................................... 10-8
Figure 10-7. M2 .50 caliber machine gun with M3 tripod mount....................................................... 10-9
Figure 10-8. MK 19 grenade machine gun, Mod 3. ........................................................................ 10-10
Figure 10-9. Improved M72 LAW.................................................................................................... 10-11
Figure 10-10. M136 AT4. ................................................................................................................ 10-12
Figure 10-11. M141 BDM................................................................................................................ 10-13
Figure 10-12. Javelin....................................................................................................................... 10-14
Figure 10-13. M16A2/A3 rifle mechanical zero............................................................................... 10-17
viii TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Table 3-1. First aid...............................................................................................................................3-2
Table 5-1. Application of camouflage face paint to skin......................................................................5-9
Table 6-1. Characteristics of individual fighting positions. ..................................................................6-5
Table 6-2. Construction of two-man fighting position. ......................................................................... 6-7
Table 6-3. Specifications for built-down overhead cover. .................................................................6-16
Table 9-1. SALUTE format line by line. ............................................................................................... 9-5
Table 9-2. Appearance of a body using appearance-of-objects method. ......................................... 9-16
Table 11-1. Comparison of communication methods........................................................................11-2
Table 13-1. MOPP levels.................................................................................................................13-10
Table 13-2. Decontamination levels and techniques.......................................................................13-12
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 xi
This training circular provides all Soldiers the doctrinal basis for the Warrior Ethos, Warrior Tasks, and
other combat-critical tasks. It also updates weapon, equipment, and munitions information. This FM is
not intended to serve as a stand-alone publication. It should be used with other Army publications that
contain more in-depth information.
The target audience for this publication includes individual Soldiers and noncommissioned officers
throughout the Army.
This book applies to the Active Army, the Army National Guard (ARNG)/National Guard of the United
States (ARNGUS), and the U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) unless otherwise stated.
The proponent for this publication is the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). The
preparing agency is the U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence (MCoE). Send comments and
recommendations by any means, U.S. mail, e-mail, fax, or telephone, using the format of DA Form 2028,
Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms. Point of contact information is as follows.
Phone: Fax:
U.S. Mail:
COM 706-545-7114 or DSN 835-7114
COM 706-545-8511 or DSN 835-8511 Commanding General, MCoE
Directorate of Training and Doctrine (DOTD) Doctrine and Collective Training Division ATTN: ATZB-TDD
Fort Benning, GA 31905-5410
Uniforms shown in this training circular were drawn without camouflage for clarity of the illustration.
Unless this publication states otherwise, masculine nouns and pronouns may refer to either men or
xii TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Modern combat is chaotic, intense, and shockingly destructive. In your first battle, you will experience
the confusing and often terrifying sights, sounds, smells, and dangers of the battlefield—but you must
learn to survive and win despite them.
1. You could face a fierce and relentless enemy.
2. You could be surrounded by destruction and death.
3. Your leaders and fellow soldiers may shout urgent commands and warnings.
4. Rounds might impact near you.
5. The air could be filled with the smell of explosives and propellant.
6. You might hear the screams of a wounded comrade.
However, even in all this confusion and fear, remember that you are not alone. You are part of a well-
trained team, backed by the most powerful combined arms force, and the most modern technology in
the world. You must keep faith with your fellow Soldiers, remember your training, and do your duty to
the best of your ability. If you do, and you uphold your Warrior Ethos, you can win and return home with
This is the Soldier’s TC. It tells the Soldier how to perform the combat skills needed to survive on the
battlefield. All Soldiers, across all branches and components, must learn these basic skills.
Noncommissioned officers (NCOs) must ensure that their Soldiers receive training on--and know—these
vital combat skills.
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 xiii
Chapter 1
to duty that may involve putting your life on the line, even when survival is in question, for a cause
greater than yourself. As a Soldier, you must motivate yourself to rise above the worst battle conditions
—no matter what it takes, or how long it takes. That is the heart of the Warrior Ethos, which is the
foundation for your commitment to victory in times of peace and war. While always exemplifying the
four parts of Warrior Ethos, you must have absolute faith in yourself and your team, as they are trained
and equipped to destroy the enemy in close combat. Warrior drills are a set of nine battle drills,
consisting of individual tasks that develop and manifest the Warrior Ethos in Soldiers.
1-1. This complex operational environment offers no relief or rest from contact with the enemy across
the spectrum of conflict. No matter what combat conditions you find yourself in, you must turn your
personal Warrior Ethos into your commitment to win. In the combat environment of today, unlike
conflicts of the past, there is little distinction between the forward and rear areas. Battlefields of the
Global War on Terrorism, and battles to be fought in the US Army’s future, are and will be asymmetrical,
violent, unpredictable, and multidimensional. Today’s conflicts are fought throughout the whole
spectrum of the battlespace by all Soldiers, regardless of military occupational specialty (MOS). Every
Soldier must think as a Warrior first; a professional Soldier, trained, ready, and able to enter combat;
ready to fight--and win--against any enemy, any time, any place.
1-2. US Army Values reminds us and displays to the rest of the world—the civilian governments we
serve, the nation we protect, other nations, and even our enemies—who we are and what we stand for
(Figure 1-1). The trust you have for your fellow Soldiers, and the trust the American people have in you,
depends on how well you live up to the Army Values. After all, these values are the fundamental building
blocks that enable you to understand right from wrong in any situation. Army Values are consistent and
support one another; you cannot follow one value and ignore the others. Figure 1-1 shows the Army
Values, which form the acrostic LDRSHIP.
Loyalty Duty
Respect Selfless Service
Honor Integrity
Bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution, the Army, your unit, and other Soldiers.
Fulfill your obligations.
Treat people with dignity as they should be treated.
Put the welfare of the nation, the Army, and your subordinates before your own.
Personal Courage (Physical or Moral)
Face fear, danger, or adversity.
Live up to all the Army Values.
Do what's right, legally and morally.
Figure 1-1. Army Values. TC 3-21.75
13 August 2013
1-3. Performance in combat, the greatest challenge, requires a basis, such as Army Values, for motivation
and will. In these values are rooted the basis for the character and self-discipline that generates the will
to succeed and the motivation to persevere. From this motivation derived through tough realistic
training and the skills acquired, which will make you successful, a Soldier who "walks the walk."
1-4. Army Values, including policies and procedures, form the foundation on which the Army’s
institutional culture stands. However, written values are useless unless practiced. You must act correctly
with character, complete understanding, and sound motivation. Your trusted leaders will aid you in
adopting such values by making sure their core experiences validate them. By this method, strategic
leadership embues Army Values into all Soldiers.
1-5. The conduct of armed hostilities on land is regulated by FM 27-10 and the Law of Land Warfare.
Their purpose is to diminish the evils of war by protecting combatants and noncombatants from
unnecessary suffering, and by safeguarding certain fundamental human rights of those who fall into the
hands of the enemy, particularly enemy prisoners of war (EPWs), detainees, wounded and sick, and
civilians. Every Soldier adheres to these laws, and ensures that his subordinates adhere to them as well,
during the conduct of their duties. Soldiers must also seek clarification from their superiors of any
unclear or apparently illegal order. Soldiers need to understand that the law of land warfare not only
applies to states, but also to individuals, particularly all members of the armed forces.
1-6. The Warrior Culture, a shared set of important beliefs, values, and assumptions, is crucial and
perishable. Therefore, the Army must continually affirm, develop, and sustain it, as it maintains the
nation’s existence. Its martial ethic connects American warriors of today with those whose previous
sacrifices allowed our nation to persevere. You, the individual Soldier, are the foundation for the Warrior
Culture. As in larger institutions, the Armed Forces’ use culture, in this case Warrior Culture, to let
people know they are part of something bigger than just themselves; they have responsibilities not only
to the people around them, but also to those who have gone before and to those who will come after
them. The Warrior Culture is a part of who you are, and a custom you can take pride in. Personal
courage, loyalty to comrades, and dedication to duty are attributes integral to putting your life on the
1-7. A battle drill--
• Is a collective action, executed by a platoon or smaller element, without the application of a deliberate
decision-making process. The action is vital to success in combat or critical to preserve life. The drill is
initiated on a cue, such as an enemy action or your leader’s order, and is a trained response to the that
stimulus. It requires minimum leader orders to accomplish, and is standard throughout the Army. A drill
has the following advantages:
-- It is based on unit missions and the specific tasks, standards, and performance measures required to
support mission proficiency.
-- It builds from simple to complex, but focuses on the basics.
-- It links how-to-train and how-to-fight at small-unit level.
-- It provides an agenda for continuous coaching and analyzing.
-- It develops leaders, and builds teamwork and cohesion under stress.
-- It enhances the chance for individual and unit survival on the battlefield.
1-8. The Warrior drills--
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 1-3
Chapter 1
Are a set of core battle drills for small units from active and reserve component organizations
across the Army, regardless of branch.
Describe a training method for small units. This method requires training individual, leader, and
collective tasks before the conduct of critical wartime missions.
Provide a foundation for the development of specific objectives for combat. The expanded list of Warrior
Drills helps place the individual Soldiers’ tasks (as well as the team) in sufficient context to identify
meaningful consequences of individual behavior.
Have individual tasks that develop and manifest the Warrior Ethos. A barrier, for example, is an element
that impedes a response or behavior. Barrier control can focus on points that are most sensitive to the
behavior of individuals such as choices, actions, and interactions; and on those with the most serious
consequences such as effects on other individuals and success of the mission.
Create opportunities to develop the Warrior Ethos. The nine drills follow:
1. React to Contact (visual, improvised explosive device [IED], direct fire). 2. React to Ambush (Near).
3. React to Ambush (Far).
4. React to Indirect Fire.
5. React to a Chemical Attack.
6. Break Contact.
7. Dismount a Vehicle.
8. Evacuate Wounded Personnel from Vehicle. 9. Establish Security at the Halt.
Figure 1-2. Warrior drills.
TC 3-21.75
13 August 2013
2-3. Your personal weapon is vital to you in combat. Take care of it, and it will do the same for you.
Seems obvious, right? Apparently not. Multiple reports from the opening days of Operation Iraqi
Freedom revealed that faulty weapons training and maintenance were the main causes of US casualties
and captures: "These malfunctions may have resulted from inadequate individual maintenance and the
environment." Soldiers had trouble firing their personal and crew-served weapons, and the main reason
cited was poor preventive maintenance. Few things will end a firefight faster and more badly than a
weapon that will not shoot! The complex M16A2 rifle needs cleaning and proper lubrication at least
once a day in order to properly function. Follow these procedures and those in the technical manual
2-4. Use only the cleaning supplies listed in the Expendable and Durable Items List in the back of the TM.
Abrasives and Harsh Chemicals
2-5. Avoid using abrasive materials such as steel wool or commercial scrubbing pads, and harsh
chemicals not intended for use on your weapon. This can ruin the finish of the weapon. It can also
remove rifling and damage internal parts, either of which can make your weapon inaccurate and
ineffective during the mission.
2-6. Never clean your weapon under running water, which can force moisture into tight places, resulting
in corrosion.
2-7. In the field, clean your weapon often, at least daily. Even just taking every chance to wipe the
weapon’s exterior with a clean cloth will help ensure operability.
2-8. Do any cleaning that involves disassembly at your level in an enclosed area. Blowing sand and other
debris can not only affect your weapon, it can also cause you to lose the parts of the weapon. For parts
that must be disassembled beyond your level, such as the trigger assembly, just blow out the dirt or
Magazines and Ammunition
2-9. Clean your magazines, but avoid using any lubrication in them or on ammunition. Unload and wipe
off your ammunition daily, then disassemble and run a rag through the magazine to prevent jamming.
2-10. Lubrication reduces friction between metal parts.
2-11. You may only use authorized, standard military lubricant for small arms such as cleaner lubricant
preservative (CLP). Also, lubricate only internal parts.
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 2-3
Chapter 2
Moving Parts
2-12. Pay special attention to moving parts like the bolt carrier. Wipe the outside of the weapon dry.
Covers and Caps
2-13. Use rifle covers and muzzle caps to keep blowing debris and dust out of the muzzle and ejection
port area. Cover mounted machine guns when possible. Keep your rifle's ejection port cover closed and
a magazine inserted.
Humid Environments
2-14. Keep in mind that, in more humid environments such as jungles and swamps, you will need to use
more lubrication, more often, on all metal parts. Temperature and other extreme weather conditions
also factor in.
Desert Environments
2-15. Corrosion poses little threat in thedesert. Avoid using too much lubrication, because it attracts
Note: Maintain all issued equipment and clothing based on the specific care and maintenance
instructions provided.
2-4 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 3
Combat Casualty Care and Preventive Medicine
Combat casualty care is the treatment administered to a wounded Soldier after he has been moved out
of an engagement area or the enemy has been suppressed. This level of care can help save life and limb
until medical personnel arrive. Soldiers might have to depend upon their own first-aid knowledge and
skills to save themselves (self-aid) or another Soldier (buddy aid or combat lifesaver skills). This
knowledge and training can possibly save a life, prevent permanent disability, or reduce long periods of
hospitalization. The only requirement is to know what to do--and what not to do--in certain instances.
Personal hygiene and preventive medicine are simple, common-sense measures that each Soldier can
perform to protect his health and that of others. Taking these measures can greatly reduce time lost due
to disease and nonbattle injury.
The Army warfighter doctrine, developed for a widely dispersed and rapidly moving battlefield,
recognizes that battlefield constraints limit the number of trained medical personnel available to provide
immediate, far-forward care. This section defines combat lifesaver, provides life-saving measures (first
aid) techniques, and discusses casualty evacuation.
3-1. The role of the combat lifesaver was developed to increase far-forward care to combat Soldiers. At
least one member--though ideally every member of each squad, team, and crew--should be a trained
combat lifesaver. The leader is seldom a combat lifesaver, since he will have less time to perform those
duties than would another member of his unit.
3-2. So what exactly is a combat lifesaver? He is a nonmedical combat Soldier. His secondary mission is to
help the combat medic provide basic emergency care to injured members of his squad, team, or crew,
and to aid in evacuating them, mission permitting. He complements, rather than replaces, the combat
medic. He receives training in enhanced first aid and selected medical procedures such as initiating
intravenous infusions. Combat lifesaver training bridges the first aid training (self-aid or buddy aid, or
SABA) given to all Soldiers in basic training, and the more advanced medical training given to Medical
Specialists (MOS 91W), also known as combat medics.
3-3. The Academy of Health Sciences developed the Combat Lifesaver Course as part of its continuing
effort to provide health service support to the Army. The current edition of the Combat Lifesaver Course
lasts three days. The first day tests the buddy-aid tasks, and the other two days teach and test specific
medical tasks.
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3-4. When a Soldier is wounded, he must receive first aid immediately. Most injured or ill Soldiers can
return to their units to fight or support. This is mainly, because they receive appropriate and timely first
aid, followed by the best possible medical care. To help ensure this happens, every Soldier should have
combat lifesaver training on basic life-saving procedures (Table 3-1).
1 Check for BREATHING
2 Check for BLEEDING
3 Check for SHOCK
Table 3-1. First aid.
Lack of oxygen, due either to a compromised airway or inadequate breathing, can cause brain damage or
death in just a few minutes.
Life can continue only with sufficient blood to carry oxygen to tissues.
Unless shock is prevented, first aid performed, and medical treatment provided, death may result, even
with an otherwise nonfatal injury.
3-5. Check first to see if the casualty's heart is beating, then to see if he is breathing. This paragraph
discusses what to do in each possible situation.
React to Stoppage of Heartbeat
3-6. If a casualty’s heart stops beating, you must immediately seek medical help. Seconds count!
Stoppage of the heart is soon followed by cessation of respiration, unless that has already happened.
Remain calm, but think first, and act quickly. When a casualty’s heart stops, he has no pulse. He is
unconscious and limp, and his pupils are open wide. When evaluating a casualty, or when performing the
preliminary steps of rescue breathing, feel for a pulse. If you do not detect a pulse, seek medical help.
Open Airway and Restore Breathing
3-7. All humans need oxygen to live. Oxygen breathed into the lungs gets into the bloodstream. The
heart pumps the blood, which carries the oxygen throughout the body to the cells, which require a
constant supply of oxygen. Without a constant supply of oxygen to the cells in the brain, we can suffer
permanent brain damage, paralysis, or death.
Assess and Position Casualty
To assess the casualty, do the following:
2. 3.
Check for responsiveness (A, Figure 3-1). Establish whether the casualty is conscious by gently shaking
him and asking, "Are you OK?"
Call for help, if appropriate (B, Figure 3-1).
Position the unconscious casualty so that he is lying on his back and on a firm surface (C, Figure 3-1).
If the casualty is lying on his chest (prone), cautiously roll him as a unit, so that his body does not twist.
Twisting him could complicate a back, neck, or spinal injury.
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4. 5.
6. 7.
Straighten his legs. Take the arm nearest to you, and move it so that it is straight and above
his head. Repeat for the other arm.
Kneel beside the casualty with your knees near his shoulders. Leave room to roll his body (B, Figure 3-1).
Place one hand behind his head and neck for support. With your other hand, grasp him under his far arm
(C, Figure 3-1).
Roll him towards you with a steady, even pull. Keep his head and neck in line with his back. Return his
arms to his side. Straighten his legs, and reposition yourself so that you are kneeling at the level of his
If you suspect a neck injury, and you are planning to use the jaw-thrust technique, then kneel at the
casualty’s head while looking towards his feet.
Figure 3-1. Assessment.
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Open Airway of Unconscious or Nonbreathing Casualty
3-9. The tongue is the single most common airway obstruction (Figure 3-2). In most cases, just using the
head-tilt/chin-lift technique can clear the airway. This pulls the tongue away from the air passage (Figure
Figure 3-2. Airway blocked by tongue.
Figure 3-3. Airway opened by extending neck.
3-10. Call for help, and then position the casualty. Move (roll) him onto his back (C, Figure 3-1). Perform
a finger sweep. If you see foreign material or vomit in the casualty's mouth, promptly remove it, but
avoid spending much time doing so. Open the airway using the jaw-thrust or head-tilt/chin-lift
Although the head-tilt/chin-lift technique is an important procedure in opening the airway, take extreme
care with it, because using too much force while performing this maneuver can cause more spinal injury.
In a casualty with a suspected neck injury or severe head trauma, the safest approach to opening the
airway is the jaw-thrust technique because, in most cases, you can do it without extending the casualty's
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Check for Breathing while Maintaining Airway
3-13. After opening the casualty's airway, you must keep it open. Often this is enough to let the casualty
breathe properly. Failure to maintain the open airway will keep the casualty from receiving sufficient
oxygen. While maintaining an open airway, check for breathing by observing the casualty’s chest, and
then, within a period of three to five seconds (Figure 3-6)--
1. Look for his chest to rise and fall.
2. Listen for sound of breathing by placing your ear near his mouth.
3. Feel for the flow of air on your cheek.
4. Perform rescue breathing if he fails to resume breathing spontaneously.
Note: If the casualty resumes breathing, monitor and maintain the open airway. Ensure he is transported
to a medical treatment facility as soon as possible. Although the casualty might be trying to breathe, his
airway might still be obstructed. If so, open his airway (remove the obstruction) and keep the airway
open (maintain his airway).
Figure 3-6. Check for breathing.
Perform Rescue Breathing or Artificial Respiration
3-14. If the casualty fails to promptly resume adequate spontaneous breathing after the airway is open,
you must start rescue breathing (artificial respiration, or mouth-to-mouth). Remain calm, but think and
act quickly. The sooner you start rescue breathing, the more likely you are to restore his breathing. If you
are not sure if the casualty is breathing, give him artificial respiration anyway. It cannot hurt him. If he is
breathing, you can see and feel his chest move and, if you put your hand or ear close to his mouth and
nose, you can hear him expelling air. The preferred method of rescue breathing is mouth-to-mouth, but
you cannot always use it. For example, if the casualty has a severe jaw fracture or mouth wound, or if his
jaws are tightly closed by spasms, you should use the mouth-to-nose method instead.
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6. Maintain the airway by keeping your other hand on the casualty’s forehead. Allow 5 to 10 seconds to
determine if there is a pulse.
7. If you see signs of circulation and you find a pulse, and the casualty has started breathing—
a. Stop and allow the casualty to breathe on his own. If possible, keep him warm and comfortable.
b. If you find a pulse, and the casualty is unable to breathe, continue rescue breathing until told to cease
by medical personnel.
c. If you fail to find a pulse, seek medical personnel for help as soon as possible.
Figure 3-8. Placement of fingers to detect pulse.
Use Mouth-to-Nose Method
3-18. Use this method if you cannot perform mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing. Normally, the reason
you cannot is that the casualty has a severe jaw fracture or mouth wound, or, because his jaws are
tightly closed by spasms. The mouth-to-nose method is the same as the mouth-to-mouth method,
except that you blow into the nose while you hold the lips closed, keeping one hand at the chin. Then,
you remove your mouth to let the casualty exhale passively. You might have to separate the casualty’s
lips to allow the air to escape during exhalation.
React to Airway Obstructions
3-19. For oxygen to flow to and from the lungs, the upper airway must be unobstructed. Upper airway
obstruction can cause either partial or complete airway blockage. Upper airway obstructions often occur
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
The casualty’s tongue falls back into his throat while he is unconscious. His tongue falls back and
obstructs the airway.
He was unable to swallow an obstruction.
He regurgitated the contents of his stomach, and they blocked his airway He has suffered blood clots due
to head and facial injuries.
Note: For an injured or unconscious casualty, correctly position him, and then create and maintain an
open airway.
Determine Degree of Obstruction
3-20. The airway may be partially or completely obstructed. Partial
3-21. The person might still have an air exchange. If he has enough, then he can cough forcefully, even
though he might wheeze between coughs. Instead of interfering, encourage him to cough up the object
on his own. If he is not getting enough air, his coughing will be weak, and he might be making a high-
pitched noise between coughs. He might also show signs of shock. Help him and treat him as though he
had a complete obstruction.
3-22. A complete obstruction (no air exchange) is indicated if the casualty cannot speak, breathe, or
cough at all. He might clutch his neck and move erratically. In an unconscious casualty, a complete
obstruction is also indicated if, after opening his airway, you cannot ventilate him.
Open Obstructed Airway, Casualty Lying Down or Unresponsive
3-23. Sometimes you must expel an airway obstruction in a casualty who is lying down, who becomes
unconscious, or who is found unconscious (cause unknown; Figure 3-9):
1. If a conscious casualty, who is choking, becomes unresponsive-- a. Call for help.
b. Open the airway.
c. Perform a finger sweep.
d. Try rescue breathing. If an airway blockage prevents this, e. Remove the airway obstruction.
2. If a casualty is unresponsive when you find him (cause unknown)-- a. Assess or evaluate the situation.
b. Call for help.
c. Position the casualty on his back.
d. Open the airway.
e. Establish breathlessness.
f. Try to perform rescue breathing. If still unable to ventilate the casualty, g. Perform six to ten manual
(abdominal or chest) thrusts.
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Figure 3-9. Abdominal thrust on unresponsive casualty.
To perform the abdominal thrusts--
a. Kneel astride the casualty’s thighs.
b. Place the heel of one hand against the casualty’s abdomen, in the midline slightly above
the navel, but well below the tip of the breastbone.
c. Place your other hand on top of the first one.
d. Point your fingers toward the casualty’s head.
e. Use your body weight to press into the casualty’s abdomen with a quick, forward and upward thrust.
f. Deliver each thrust quickly and distinctly.
g. Repeat the sequence of abdominal thrusts, finger sweep, and rescue breathing (try to
ventilate) as long as necessary to remove the object from the obstructed airway.
h. If the casualty’s chest rises, check for a pulse.
To perform chest thrusts--
a. b. c. d. e.
Place the unresponsive casualty on his back, face up, and open his mouth.
Kneel close to his side.
Locate the lower edge of his ribs with your fingers.
Run your fingers up along the rib cage to the notch (A, Figure 3-10).
Place your middle finger on the notch, and your index finger next to your middle finger, on the lower
edge of his breastbone.
Place the heel of your other hand on the lower half of his breastbone, next to your two fingers (B, Figure
Chapter 3
5. If you still cannot administer rescue breathing due to an airway obstruction, remove the obstruction:
a. Place the casualty on his back, face up.
b. Turn him all at once (avoid twisting his body).
c. Call for help.
d. Perform finger sweep.
e. Keep him face up.
f. Use the tongue-jaw lift to open his mouth.
g. Open his mouth by grasping both his tongue and lower jaw between your thumb and
fingers, and lift (tongue-jaw lift; Figure 3-12).
h. If you cannot open his mouth, cross your fingers and thumb (crossed-finger method), and push his
teeth apart. To do this, press your thumb against his upper teeth, and your finger against his lower teeth
(Figure 3-13).
Figure 3-12. Opening of casualty’s mouth, Figure 3-13. Opening of casualty’s mouth, tongue-jaw lift.
crossed-finger method.
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Insert the index finger of your other hand down along the inside of his cheek to the base of his tongue.
Use a hooking motion from the side of the mouth toward the center to dislodge the foreign body (Figure
Chapter 3
Entrance and Exit Wounds
3-26. Before applying the dressing, carefully examine the casualty to determine if there is more than one
wound. A missile may have entered at one point and exited at another point. An exit wound is usually
larger than its entrance wound.
If the missile lodges in the body (fails to exit), DO NOT try to remove it, and DO NOT probe the wound.
Apply a dressing. If an object is extending from (impaled in) the wound, leave it. DO NOT try to remove
it. Instead, take the following steps to prevent further injury:
1. In order to prevent the object from embedding more deeply, or from worsening the wound, use
dressings or other clean, bulky materials to build up the area around the object.
2. Apply a supporting bandage over the bulky materials to hold them in place.
Monitor the casualty continually for development of conditions that may require you to perform basic
life-saving measures such as clearing his airway and performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
Check all open (or penetrating) wounds for a point of entry and exit, with first aid measures applied
Emergency Trauma Dressing
3-27. Remove the emergency bandage from the wounded Soldier’s pouch (Figure 3-15). (Do not use the
one in your pouch.)
Figure 3-15. Emergency bandage.
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Figure 3-20. Figure 3-21. Wrapping of bandage over pressure bar. Securing of bandage.
Field Dressing
3-29. Remove the casualty’s field dressing from the wrapper, and grasp the tails of the dressing with both
hands (Figure 3-22).
Figure 3-22. Grasping of dressing tails with both hands. WARNING
Do not touch the white (sterile) side of the dressing.
Do not allow that side of the dressing to touch any surface other than the wound.
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Manual Pressure
3-32. If bleeding continues after you apply the sterile field dressing, apply direct pressure to the dressing
for five to ten minutes (Figure 3-27). If the casualty is conscious and can follow instructions, you can ask
him to do this himself. Elevate an injured limb slightly above the level of the heart to reduce the bleeding
(Figure 3-28).
Figure 3-28. Elevation of injured limb.
Elevate a suspected fractured limb only after properly splinting it.
3-33. If the bleeding stops, check for shock, and then give first aid for that as needed. If the bleeding
continues, apply a pressure dressing.
Pressure Dressing
3-34. If bleeding continues after you apply a field dressing, direct pressure, and elevation, then you must
apply a pressure dressing. This helps the blood clot, and it compresses the open blood vessel. Place a
wad of padding on top of the field dressing directly over the wound (Figure3-29). Keep the injured
extremity elevated.
Note: Improvise bandages from strips of cloth such as tee shirts, socks, or other garments.
3-35. Place an improvised dressing (or cravat, if available) over the wad of padding (Figure 3-30). Wrap
the ends tightly around the injured limb, covering the original field dressing (Figure 3-31).
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Figure 3-33. Digital pressure (fingers, thumbs, or hands).
3-39. A tourniquet is a constricting band placed around an arm or leg to control bleeding. A Soldier
whose arm or leg has been completely amputated might not be bleeding when first discovered, but you
should apply a tourniquet anyway. The body initially stops bleeding by contracting or clotting the blood
vessels. However, when the vessels relax, or if a clot is knocked loose when the casualty is moved, the
bleeding can restart. Bleeding from a major artery of the thigh, lower leg, or arm, and bleeding from
multiple arteries, both of which occur in a traumatic amputation, might be more than you can control
with manual pressure. If even under firm hand pressure the dressing gets soaked with blood, and if the
wound continues to bleed, then you must apply a tourniquet.
Continually monitor the casualty for the development of any conditions that could require basic life-
saving measures such as clearing his airway, performing mouth-to-mouth breathing, preventing shock, or
controlling bleeding.
Locate points of entry and exit on all open and penetrating wounds, and treat the casualty accordingly.
3-40. Avoid using a tourniquet unless a pressure dressing fails to stop the bleeding, or unless an arm or
leg has been cut off. Tourniquets can injure blood vessels and nerves. Also, if left in place too long, a
tourniquet can actually cause the loss of an arm or leg. However, that said, once you apply a tourniquet,
you have to leave it in place and get the casualty to the nearest MTF ASAP. Never loosen or release a
tourniquet yourself after you have applied one, because that could cause severe bleeding and lead to
Combat Application Tourniquet
Combat Casualty Care and Preventive Medicine
Use a tourniquet only on an arm or leg and if the casualty is in danger of bleeding to death.
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1. 2.
3. 4. 5. 6.
The C-A-T is packaged for one-handed use. Slide the wounded extremity through the loop of the C-A-T
tape (1, Figure 3-34).
Position the C-A-T 2 inches above a bleeding site that is above the knee or elbow. Pull the free running
end of the tape tight, and fasten it securely back on itself (2, Figure 3-34).
Do not affix the band past the windlass clip (3, Figure 3-34).
Twist the windlass rod until the bleeding stops (4, Figure 3-34).
Lock the rod in place with the windlass clip (5, Figure 3-34).
For small extremities, continue to wind the tape around the extremity and over the windlass rod (6,
Figure 3-34).
Grasp the windlass strap, pull it tight, and adhere it to the hook-pile tape on the windlass clip (7, Figure
3-34). The C-A-T is now ready for transport.
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Figure 3-34. Band pulled tight.
The one-handed method for upper extremities may not be completely effective on lower extremities.
Ensure everyone receives familiarization and training on both methods of application.
3-41. The improved first-aid kit (IFAK) allows self-aid and buddy aid (SABA) interventions for extremity
hemorrhages and airway compromises (Figure 3-35). The pouch and insert are both Class II items.
Expendables are Class VIII.
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3-42. In the absence of a specially designed tourniquet, you can make one from any strong, pliable
material such as gauze or muslin bandages, clothing, or cravats. Use your improvised tourniquet with a
rigid, stick-like object. To minimize skin damage, the improvised tourniquet must be at least 2 inches
Combat Casualty Care and Preventive Medicine
Improvised Tourniquet
Figure 3-35. Improved first aid kit.
The tourniquet must be easily identified or easily seen. Do not use wire, shoestring, or anything else that
could cut into flesh, for a tourniquet band.
3-43. To position the makeshift tourniquet, place it around the limb, between the wound and the body
trunk, or between the wound and the heart. Never place it directly over a wound, a fracture, or joint. For
maximum effectiveness, place it on the upper arm or above the knee on the thigh (Figure 3-36).
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Figure 3-36. Tourniquet above knee.
3-44. Pad the tourniquet well. If possible, place it over a smoothed sleeve or trouser leg to keep the skin
from being pinched or twisted. If the tourniquet is long enough, wrap it around the limb several times,
keeping the material as flat as possible. Damaging the skin may deprive the surgeon of skin required to
cover an amputation. Protecting the skin also reduces the casualty's pain.
3-45. To apply the tourniquet, tie a half knot, which is the same as the first part of tying a shoe lace.
Place a stick, or other rigid object, on top of the half knot (Figure 3-37).
Figure 3-37. Rigid object on top of half knot.
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3-48. You can use other means to secure the stick. Just make sure the material remains wound around
the stick, and that no further injury is possible. If possible, save and transport any severed (amputated)
limbs or body parts with (but out of sight of) the casualty. Never cover the tourniquet. Leave it in full
view. If the limb is missing (total amputation), apply a dressing to the stump. All wounds should have a
dressing to protect the wound from contamination. Mark the casualty’s forehead with a "T" and the time
to show that he has a tourniquet. If necessary, use the casualty’s blood to make this mark. Check and
treat for shock, and then seek medical aid.
Do not remove a tourniquet yourself. Only trained medical personnel may adjust or otherwise remove or
release the tourniquet, and then only in the appropriate setting.
3-49. The term shock means various things. In medicine, it means a collapse of the body’s cardiovascular
system, including an inadequate supply of blood to the body’s tissues. Shock stuns and weakens the
body. When the normal blood flow in the body is upset, death can result. Early recognition and proper
first aid may save the casualty’s life.
Causes and Effects of Shock
3-50. The three basic effects of shock are--
• Heart is damaged and fails to pump.
• Blood loss (heavy bleeding) depletes fluids in vascular system.
• Blood vessels dilate (open wider), dropping blood pressure to dangerous level.
3-51. Shock might be caused by--
• Dehydration.
• Allergic reaction to foods, drugs, insect stings, and snakebites.
• Significant loss of blood.
• Reaction to sight of wound, blood, or other traumatic scene.
• Traumatic injuries.
-- Burns.
-- Gunshot or shrapnel wounds.
-- Crush injuries.
-- Blows to the body, which can break bones or damage internal organs. -- Head injuries.
-- Penetrating wounds such as from knife, bayonet, or missile.
Signs and Symptoms of Shock
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Examine the casualty to see if he has any of the following signs and symptoms:
Sweaty but cool (clammy) skin.
Weak and rapid pulse.
(Too) rapid breathing.
Pale or chalky skin tone.
Cyanosis (blue) or blotchy skin, especially around the mouth and lips.
• Restlessness or nervousness.
• Thirst.
• Significant loss of blood.
• Confusion or disorientation.
• Nausea, vomiting, or both.
First-Aid Measures for Shock
3-53. First-aid procedures for shock in the field are the same ones performed to prevent it. When
treating a casualty, always assume the casualty is in shock, or will be shortly. Waiting until the signs of
shock are visible could jeopardize the casualty’s life.
Casualty Position
3-54. Never move the casualty, or his limbs, if you suspect he has fractures, and they have not yet been
splinted. If you have cover and the situation permits, move the casualty to cover. Lay him on his back. A
casualty in shock from a chest wound, or who is having trouble breathing, might breathe easier sitting
up. If so, let him sit up, but monitor him carefully, in case his condition worsens. Elevate his feet higher
than the level of his heart. Support his feet with a stable object, such as a field pack or rolled up clothing,
to keep them from slipping off.
1. Do not elevate legs if the casualty has an unsplinted broken leg, head injury, or abdominal injury.
2. Check casualty for leg fracture(s), and splint them, if needed, before you elevate his feet. For a
casualty with an abdominal wound, place his knees in an upright (flexed) position.
3-55. Loosen clothing at the neck, waist, or wherever it might be binding.
Do not loosen or remove protective clothing in a chemical environment.
3-56. Prevent the casualty from chilling or overheating. The key is to maintain normal body
temperature. In cold weather, place a blanket or like item over and under him to keep him warm and
prevent chilling. However, if a tourniquet has been applied, leave it exposed (if possible). In hot weather,
place the casualty in the shade and protect him from becoming chilled; however, avoid the excessive use
of blankets or other coverings. Calm the casualty. Throughout the entire procedure of providing first aid
for a casualty, you should reassure the casualty and keep him calm. This can be done by being
authoritative (taking charge) and by showing self-confidence. Assure the casualty that you are there to
help him. Seek medical aid.
Food and Drink
3-57. When providing first aid for shock, never give the casualty food or drink. If you must leave the
casualty, or if he is unconscious, turn his head to the side to prevent him from choking if he vomits.
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Casualty Evaluation
3-58. Continue to evaluate the casualty until medical personnel arrives or the casualty is transported to
an MTF.
3-59. Medical evacuation of the sick and wounded (with en route medical care) is the responsibility of
medical personnel who have been provided special training and equipment. Therefore, wait for some
means of medical evacuation to be provided unless a good reason for you to transport a casualty arises.
When the situation is urgent and you are unable to obtain medical assistance or know that no medical
evacuation assets are available, you will have to transport the casualty. For this reason, you must know
how to transport him without increasing the seriousness of his condition.
3-60. Transport by litter is safer and more comfortable for a casualty than manual carries. It is also easier
for you as the bearer(s). However, manual transportation might be the only feasible method, due to the
terrain or combat situation. You might have to do it to save a life. As soon as you can, transfer the
casualty to a litter as soon as you find or can improvise one.
3-61. When you carry a casualty manually, you must handle him carefully and correctly to prevent more
serious or possibly fatal injuries. Situation permitting, organize the transport of the casualty, and avoid
rushing. Perform each movement as deliberately and gently as possible. Avoid moving a casualty until
the type and extent of his injuries are evaluated, and the required first aid administered. Sometimes, you
will have to move the casualty immediately, for example, when he is trapped in a burning vehicle.
Manual carries are tiring, and can increase the severity of the casualty’s injury, but might be required to
save his life. Two-man carries are preferred, because they provide more comfort to the casualty, are less
likely to aggravate his injuries, and are less tiring for the bearers. How far you can carry a casualty
depends on many factors, such as--
• Nature of the casualty’s injuries.
• Your (the bearer's or bearers') strength and endurance.
• Weight of the casualty.
• Obstacles encountered during transport (natural or manmade).
• Type of terrain.
3-62. Use these carries when only one bearer is available to transport the casualty:
Fireman’s Carry
3-63. This is one of the easiest ways for one person to carry another. After an unconscious or disabled
casualty has been properly positioned (rolled onto his abdomen), raise him from the ground, and then
support him and place him in the carrying position (Figure 3-40). Here's what you do:
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B. C. D.
Position the casualty by rolling him onto his abdomen and straddle him. Extend your hands under his
chest and lock them together (A, Figure 3-40).
Lift him to his knees as you move backward (B, Figure 3-40).
Continue to move backward, straightening his legs and locking his knees (C, Figure 3-40). Walk forward,
bringing him to a standing position. Tilt him slightly backward to keep his knees from buckling (D, Figure
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G. H.
I. J.
Keep supporting him with one arm, and then free your other arm, quickly grasp his wrist, and raise his
arm high. Immediately pass your head under his raised arm, releasing the arm as you pass under it (E,
Figure 3-40).
Move swiftly to face the casualty and secure your arms around his waist. Immediately place
your foot between his feet, and spread them apart about 6 to 8 inches (F, Figure 3-40).
Grasp the casualty’s wrist, and raise his arm high over your head (G, Figure 3-40).
Bend down and pull the casualty’s arm over and down on your shoulder, bringing his body
across your shoulders. At the same time, pass your arm between his legs (H, Figure 3-40).
Grasp the casualty’s wrist with one hand, and place your other hand on your knee for support (I, Figure
Rise with the casualty positioned correctly. Your other hand should be free (J, Figure 3-40).
Combat Casualty Care and Preventive Medicine
Chapter 3
Figure 3-40. Fireman’s carry.
3-30 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Neck Drag
3-66. This method (Figure 3-43) is useful in combat, because you can carry the casualty as he creeps
behind a low wall or shrubbery, under a vehicle, or through a culvert. If the casualty is conscious, let him
clasp his hands together around your neck. To do this, first tie his hands together at the wrists, and then
straddle him. You should be kneeling, facing the casualty. Second, loop his tied hands over and around
your neck. Third, crawl forward and drag the casualty with you. If he is unconscious, protect his head
from the ground.
Avoid using this carry if the casualty has a broken arm.
Combat Casualty Care and Preventive Medicine
Figure 3-42. Supporting carry.
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Chapter 3
Cradle-Drop Drag
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Figure 3-43. Neck drag.
3-67. Use this method to move a casualty up or down steps. Kneel at the casualty’s head (with him on his
back). Slide your hands, with palms up, under the casualty’s shoulders. Get a firm hold under his armpits
(A, Figure 3-44). Rise partially while supporting the casualty’s head on one of your forearms (B, Figure 3-
44). You may bring your elbows together and let the casualty’s head rest on both of your forearms. Rise
and drag the casualty backward so he is in a semi-seated position (C, Figure 3-44).
Chapter 3
3-68. Use these when you can. They are more comfortable to the casualty, less likely to aggravate his
injuries, and less tiring for you.
Two-Man Support Carry
3-69. Use this method to transport either conscious or unconscious casualties. If the casualty is taller
than you (the bearers), you might have to lift his legs and let them rest on your forearms. Help him to his
feet, and then support him with your arms around his waist (A, Figure 3-45). Then, grasp the casualty’s
wrists and draw his arms around your necks (B, Figure 3-45).
Two-Man Fore-and-Aft Carry
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Figure 3-45. Two-man support carry.
3-70. You can use this to transport a casualty for a long distance, say, over 300 meters. The taller of you
(the two bearers) should position yourself at the casualty’s head.
3-71. The shorter of you spreads the casualty’s legs and kneels between them, with your back to the
casualty. Position your hands behind the casualty’s knees. The taller of you kneels at the casualty’s head,
slides your hands under his arms and across his chest, and locks your hands together (A, Figure 3-46).
Both of you should rise together, lifting the casualty (B, Figure 3-46). If you alter this carry so that both of
you are facing the casualty, you can use it to place him on a litter.
Chapter 3
3-73. Two men can support or carry a casualty without equipment for only short distances. By using
available materials to improvise equipment, two or more rescuers can transport the casualty over
greater distances.
1. Sometimes, a casualty must be moved without a standard litter. The distance might be too great for a
manual carry, or the casualty might have an injury, such as a fractured neck, back, hip, or thigh, that
manual transportation would aggravate. If this happens, improvise a litter from materials at hand.
Construct it well to avoid dropping or further injuring the casualty. An improvised litter is an emergency
measure only. Replace it with a standard litter as soon as you can.
2. You can improvise many types of litters, depending on the materials available. You can make a
satisfactory litter by securing poles inside such items as ponchos, tarps, jackets, or shirts. You can
improvise poles from strong branches, tent supports, skis, lengths of pipe, or other objects. If nothing is
available to use as a pole, then roll a poncho or similar item from both sides toward the center, so you
can grip the roll(s) and carry the casualty. You can use most any flat-surfaced object as long as it is the
right size, for example, doors, boards, window shutters, benches, ladders, cots, or chairs. Try to find
something to pad the litter for the casualty’s comfort. You can use either the two-man fore-and-aft carry
(Figure 3-46) or the two-hand seat carry (Figure 3-47) to place the casualty on a litter.
3. Use either two or four service members (head/foot) to lift a litter. Everybody should raise the litter at
the same time to keep the casualty as level as possible.
Unless there is an immediate life-threatening situation (such as fire or explosion), NEVER move a
casualty who has a suspected back or neck injury. Instead, seek medical personnel for guidance on how
to transport him.
Use caution when transporting on a sloping incline/hill.
Personal hygiene and cleanliness practices (Figure3-48) safeguard your health and that of others.
Specifically, they--
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Protect against disease-causing germs that are present in all environments. Keep disease-causing germs
from spreading.
Promote health among Soldiers.
Improve morale.
Chapter 3
Figure 3-49. Care of the feet.
3-76. For proper development, strength, and survival, your body requires proteins, fats, and
carbohydrates. It also requires minerals, vitamins, and water. Issued rations have those essential food
substances in the right amounts and proper balance. So, primarily eat those rations. When feasible, heat
your meals. This will make them taste better and will reduce the energy required to digest them. Avoid
overindulging in sweets, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, and other non-issued rations. They have little
nutritional value, and are often harmful. Eat food only from approved sources. Drink water only from
approved sources, or treat it with water purification tablets. To do this--
1. Fill your canteen with water, keeping trash and other objects out. 2. Add one purification tablet to a
quart of clear water or
3. Add two tablets to a quart of cloudy or very cold water.
4. In the absence of purification tablets, boil water for 5 minutes.
5. Replace the cap loosely.
6. Wait 5 minutes.
7. Shake the canteen well, and let some of the water to leak out. 8. Tighten the cap.
9. Wait 20 more minutes before drinking the water.
3-77. To maintain mental health and self confidence--
3-78. The way you think affects the way you act. If you know your job, you will probably act quickly and
effectively. If you are uncertain or doubtful of your ability to do your job, you may hesitate and make
3-40 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
wrong decisions. Positive thinking is a necessity. You must enter combat with absolute confidence in your
ability to do your job. Keep in mind that--
• Fear is a basic human emotion. It is mental and physical. In itself, fear is not shameful,
if controlled. It can even help you, by making you more alert and more able to do your job. For example,
a fear-induced adrenaline rush might help you respond and defend yourself or your comrades quickly
during an unpredicted event or combat situation. Therefore, fear can help you--use it to your advantage.
• Avoid letting your imagination and fear run wild. Remember, you are not alone. You are part of a team.
Other Soldiers are nearby, even though you cannot always see them. Everyone must help each other and
depend on each other.
• Worry undermines the body, dulls the mind, and slows thinking and learning. It adds to confusion,
magnifies troubles, and causes you to imagine things that really do not exist. If you are worried about
something, talk to your leader about it. He might be able to help solve the problem.
• You might have to fight in any part of the world and in all types of terrain. Therefore, adjust your mind
to accept conditions as they are. If mentally prepared for it, you should be able to fight under almost any
3-79. Exercise your muscles and joints to maintain your physical fitness and good health. Without
exercise, you might lack the physical stamina and ability to fight. Physical fitness includes a healthy body,
the capacity for skillful and sustained performance, the ability to recover from exertion rapidly, the
desire to complete a designated task, and the confidence to face any possible event. Your own safety,
health, and life may depend on your physical fitness. During lulls in combat, counteract inactivity by
exercising. This helps keep your muscles and body functions ready for the next period of combat. It also
helps pass the time.
3-80. Your body needs regular periods of rest to restore physical and mental vigor. When you are tired,
your body functions are sluggish, and your ability to react is slower than normal, which makes you more
susceptible to sickness, and to making errors that could endanger you or others. For the best health, you
should get 6 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each day. As that is seldom possible in combat, use rest
periods and off-duty time to rest or sleep. Never be ashamed to say that you are tired or sleepy.
However, never sleep on duty.
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Combat Casualty Care and Preventive Medicine
Chapter 4
4-4. Sand dune deserts are extensive flat areas covered with sand or gravel. "Flat" is a relative term, as
some areas may contain sand dunes that are over 1,000 feet (300 meters) high and 10 to 15 miles (16 to
24 kilometers) long. Traffic ability in such terrain will depend on the windward or leeward slope of the
dunes and the texture of the sand. However, other areas may be flat for 10,000 feet (3,000 meters) and
more. Plant life may vary from none to scrub over 7 feet (2 meters) high. Examples of this type of desert
include the edges of the Sahara, the empty quarter of the Arabian Desert, areas of California and New
Mexico, and the Kalahari in South Africa.
4-5. Salt marshes are flat, desolate areas sometimes studded with clumps of grass, but devoid of other
vegetation. They occur in arid areas where rainwater has collected, evaporated, and left large deposits of
alkali salts and water with a high salt concentration. The water is so salty it is undrinkable. A crust that
may be 1 to 12 inches (2.5 to 30 centimeters) thick forms over the saltwater. Arid areas may contain salt
marshes as many as hundreds of kilometers square. These areas usually support many insects, most of
which bite. Avoid salt marshes, as this type of terrain is highly corrosive to boots, clothing, and skin. A
good example salt marsh is the Shatt al Arab waterway along the Iran-Iraq border.
4-6. All arid areas contain broken or highly dissected terrain. Rainstorms that erode soft sand and carve
out canyons form this terrain. A wadi may range from 10 feet (3 meters) wide and 7 feet (2 meters) deep
to several hundred meters wide and deep. The direction a wadi takes varies as much as its width and
depth. It twists and turns in a maze-like pattern. A wadi will give you good cover and concealment, but
be cautious when deciding to try to move through it, because it is very difficult terrain to negotiate.
4-7. Surviving in an arid area depends on what you know and how prepared you are for the
environmental conditions.
4-8. In
a desert area, you must consider--
• Low rainfall.
• Intense sunlight and heat.
• Wide temperature range.
• Sparse vegetation.
• High mineral content near ground surface.
• Sandstorms.
• Mirages.
Low Rainfall
4-9. Low rainfall is the most obvious environmental factor in an arid area. Some desert areas receive less
than 4 inches (10 centimeters) of rain annually. When they do, it comes as brief torrents that quickly run
off the ground surface.
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Chapter 4
nights are usually clear, with excellent visibility, because daytime winds die down and haze and glare
disappear. You can see lights, red flashlights, and blackout lights at great distances. Sound carries very far
as well. Conversely, during nights with little moonlight, visibility is extremely poor. Traveling is extremely
hazardous. You must avoid getting lost, falling into ravines, or stumbling into enemy positions.
Movement during such a night is practical only if you have a means to determine direction and have
spent the day resting; observing and memorizing the terrain; and selecting your route.
4-16. Since the early days of World War II, when the US Army was preparing to fight in North Africa, the
subject of Soldier and water in the desert has generated considerable interest and confusion. At one
time, the US Army thought it could condition men to do with less water by progressively reducing their
water supplies during training. This practice of water discipline has caused hundreds of heat casualties. A
key factor in desert survival is understanding the relationship between physical activity, air temperature,
and water consumption. The body requires a certain amount of water for a certain level of activity at a
certain temperature. For example, a person performing hard work in the sun at 109o F (43o C) requires
19 liters (5 gallons) of water daily. Lack of the required amount of water causes a rapid decline in an
individual’s ability to make decisions and to perform tasks efficiently. Your body’s normal temperature is
98.6o F (36.9o C). Your body gets rid of excess heat (cools off) by sweating. The warmer your body
becomes—whether caused by work, exercises, or air temperature—the more you sweat. The more you
sweat the more moisture you lose. Sweating is the principal cause of water loss. If you stop sweating
during periods of high-air temperature, heavy work, or exercise, you will quickly develop heat stroke and
require immediate medical attention. Understanding how the air temperature and your physical activity
affect your water requirements allows you to take measures to get the most from your water supply.
These measures are--
• Find shade and get out of the sun!
• Place something between you and the hot ground.
• Limit your movements!
• Conserve your sweat. Wear your complete uniform to include T-shirt. Roll the sleeves down,
cover your head, and protect your neck with a scarf or similar item. These steps will protect your body
from hot-blowing winds and the direct rays of the sun. Your clothing will absorb your sweat, keeping it
against your skin so that you gain its full cooling effect.
4-17. Thirst is not a reliable guide for your need for water. A person who uses thirst as a guide will drink
only two thirds of his daily water requirement. Drinking water at regular intervals helps your body
remain cool and decreases sweating. Even when your water supply is low, sipping water constantly will
keep your body cooler and reduce water loss through sweating. Conserve your fluids by reducing activity
during the heat of day if possible. To prevent this voluntary dehydration, use the following guide:
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Environmental Conditions
• Below 100o F (38o C), drink 0.5 liter of water every hour.
• Above 100o F (38o C), drink 1 liter of water every hour.
4-18. Several hazards are unique to the desert environment. These include insects, snakes, thorny plants
and cacti, contaminated water, sunburn, eye irritation, and climatic stress. Insects of almost every type
abound in the desert. Man, as a source of water and food, attracts lice, mites, wasps, and flies. Insects
are extremely unpleasant and may carry diseases. Old buildings, ruins, and caves are favorite habitats of
spiders, scorpions, centipedes, lice, and mites. These areas provide protection from the elements and
attract other wildlife. Therefore, take extra care when staying in these areas. Wear gloves at all times in
the desert. Do not place your hands anywhere without first looking to see what is there. Visually inspect
an area before sitting or lying down. When you get up, shake out and inspect your boots and clothing. All
desert areas have snakes. They inhabit ruins, native villages, garbage dumps, caves, and natural rock
outcroppings that offer shade. Never go barefoot or walk through these areas without carefully
inspecting them for snakes. Pay attention to where you place your feet and hands. Most snakebites
result from stepping on or handling snakes. Avoid them. Once you see a snake, give it a wide berth.
Section II. JUNGLE
The jungle comprises a substantial portion of the earth’s land mass. Jungle environments consist of tall
grasslands; mountains; swamps; blue and brown water; and single/double-canopy vegetation. Jungle
environments are prominent in South America, Asia, and Africa. High temperatures, heavy rainfall, and
oppressive humidity characterize equatorial and subtropical regions, except at high altitudes. At low
altitudes, temperature variation is seldom less than 50o F (10o C) and is often more than 95o F (35o C).
At altitudes over 4,921 feet (1,500 meters), ice often forms at night. The rain has a cooling effect, but
stops when the temperature soars. Rainfall is heavy, often with thunder and lightning. Sudden rain beats
on the tree canopy, turning trickles into raging torrents and causing rivers to rise. Just as suddenly, the
rain stops. Violent storms may occur, usually toward the end of the summer months. The dry season has
rain once a day and the monsoon has continuous rain. In Southeast Asia, winds from the Indian Ocean
bring the monsoon but the area is dry when the wind blows from the landmass of China. Tropical day
and night are of equal length. Darkness falls quickly and daybreak is just as sudden. Leaders must
consider several jungle subtypes and other factors when performing duty and surviving in the jungle:
4-19. There is no standard type of jungle. Jungle can consist of any combination of the following terrain
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Chapter 4
• Rain forests.
• Secondary jungles.
• Semi-evergreen seasonal and monsoon forests.
• Scrub and thorn forests.
• Savannas.
• Saltwater swamps.
• Freshwater swamps.
4-20. The climate varies little in rain forests. You find these forests across the equator in the Amazon and
Congo basins, parts of Indonesia, and several Pacific islands. Up to 144 inches (365.8 centimeters) of rain
falls throughout the year. Temperatures range from about 90o F (32o C) in the day to 70o F (21o C) at
night. There are five layers of vegetation in this jungle. Sometimes still untouched by humans, jungle
trees rise from buttress roots to heights of 198 feet (60 meters). Below them, smaller trees produce a
canopy so thick that little light reaches the jungle floor. Seedlings struggle to reach light, and masses of
vines twine their way to the sun. Ferns, mosses, and herbaceous plants push through a thick carpet of
leaves, and fungi adorn leaves and fallen trees. The darkness of the jungle floor limits growth, which aids
in movement. Little undergrowth is present to hamper movement, but dense growth limits visibility to
about 55 yards (50 meters). You can easily lose your sense of direction in a tropical rain forest, and
aircraft have a hard time seeing you.
4-21. Secondary jungle is very similar to rain forest. Prolific growth, where sunlight penetrates to the
jungle floor, typifies this type of forest. Such growth happens mainly along riverbanks, on jungle fringes,
and where Soldiers have cleared rain forested areas. When abandoned, tangled masses of vegetation
quickly reclaim these cultivated areas. You can often find cultivated food plants among secondary
4-22. The characteristics of the American and African semi-evergreen seasonal forests correspond with
those of the Asian monsoon forests:
• Their trees fall into two stories of tree strata. -- Upper story 60 to 79 feet (18 to 24 meters) -- Lower
story 23 to 43 feet (7 to 13 meters)
• The diameter of the trees averages 2 feet (0.5 meter).
• Their leaves fall during a seasonal drought.
4-23. Except for the sago, nipa, and coconut palms, the same edible plants grow in these areas as in the
tropical rain forests. You find these forests in portions of Columbia and Venezuela and the Amazon basin
in South America; in southeast coastal Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique in Africa; in northeastern India,
much of Burma, Thailand, Indochina, Java, and parts of other Indonesian islands in Asia.
4-24. Tropical scrub and thorn forests exist on the West coast of Mexico, on the Yucatan peninsula, in
Venezuela, and in Brazil; on the Northwest coast and central parts of Africa; and (in Asia) in Turkistan and
India. Food plants are scarce during the dry season, and more abundant during the rainy season. The
chief characteristics of tropical scrub and thorn forests include—
4-6 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 4
Game Trails
4-31. You may find game trails you can follow. Stay alert and move slowly and steadily through dense
forest or jungle. Stop periodically to listen and reorient on your objective. Many jungle and forest
animals follow game trails. These trails wind and cross, but frequently lead to water or clearings. Use
these trails if they lead in your desired direction of travel. However, they may also be favorite enemy
points for ambushes and booby traps.
4-32. Use a machete to cut through dense vegetation, but avoid cutting too much, or you will tire quickly.
If using a machete, stroke upward when cutting vines to reduce noise, because sound carries long
distances in the jungle.
4-33. Use a stick to part the vegetation and to help dislodge biting ants, spiders, or snakes. Never grasp
brush or vines when climbing slopes, because they may have irritating spines, sharp thorns, biting
insects, and snakes.
Power and Telephone Lines
4-34. In many countries, electric and telephone lines run for miles through sparsely inhabited areas.
Usually, the right-of-way is clear enough to allow easy travel. When traveling along these lines, be careful
as you approach a transformer and relay stations, because they may be guarded.
4-35. Although water is abundant in most tropical environments, you may have trouble finding it, and
when you do, it may not be safe to drink. Vines, roots, palm trees, and condensation are just a few of the
many sources of water. You can sometimes follow animals to water. Often you can get nearly clear water
from muddy streams or lakes by digging a hole in sandy soil about 3 feet (1 meter) from the bank. Water
will then seep into the hole. Remember, you must purify any water you get this way.
4-36. The proportion of poisonous plants in tropical regions is no greater than in any other area of the
world. However, it may appear that most plants in the tropics are poisonous, due to preconceived
notions and the density of plant growth in some tropical areas.
4-8 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Environmental Conditions
Cold regions include arctic and subarctic areas, and areas immediately adjoining them. About 48 percent
of the Northern hemisphere’s total land mass is a cold region, due to the influence and range of air
temperatures. Ocean currents affect cold weather and cause large areas normally included in the
temperate zone to fall within the cold regions during winter periods. Elevation also has a marked effect
on defining cold regions. Within the cold weather regions, you may face two types of cold weather
environments—wet or dry. Knowing which environment your area of operation (AO) falls in will affect
planning and execution of a cold weather operation.
4-37. The two types of arctic climates are wet-cold and dry-cold.
4-38. Wet-cold weather conditions exist when the average temperature in a 24-hour period is 14o F (-
10o C) or above. Characteristics of this condition include freezing temperatures at night and slightly
warmer temperatures during the day. Although temperatures in a wet-cold environment are warmer
than those in a dry-cold environment, the terrain is usually very sloppy due to slush and mud. Protect
yourself from the wet ground, freezing rain, and wet snow.
4-39. Dry-cold weather conditions exist when the average temperature in a 24-hour period remains
below 14o F (-10o C). Even though these temperatures are much lower than normal, you can avoid
freezing and thawing. In temperatures down to -76o F (-60o C), wear extra layers of inner clothing. Wind
and low temperatures are an extremely hazardous combination.
4-40. Success in the arctic begins with preparedness:
4-41. Wind chill increases the hazards in cold regions. It is the effect of moving air on exposed flesh. For
example, with a 15 knot (27.8 kmph) wind and a temperature of -14o F (-10o C), the equivalent wind
chill temperature is -9o F (-23 degrees C). Remember, even when no wind is blowing, your own
movement, such as during skiing, running, creates "apparent" wind, will create the equivalent wind by
skiing, running, being towed on skis behind a vehicle, or working around aircraft that produce
4-42. Soldiers will find it almost impossible to travel in deep snow without snowshoes or skis. Traveling
by foot leaves a well-marked trail for pursuers to follow. If you must travel in deep snow, avoid snow-
covered streams. The snow, which acts as an insulator, may have prevented ice from forming over the
water. In hilly terrain, avoid areas where avalanches appear possible. On ridges, snow gathers on the lee
side in overhanging piles called cornices. These often extend far out from the ridge and may break loose
if stepped on.
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 4-9
Chapter 4
4-43. Many sources of water exist in the arctic and subarctic. Your location and the season of the year
will determine where and how you obtain water. Water sources in arctic and subarctic regions are more
sanitary than in other regions due to the climatic and environmental conditions. However, always purify
water before drinking it. During the summer months, the best natural sources of water are freshwater
lakes, streams, ponds, rivers, and springs. Water from ponds or lakes may be slightly stagnant but still
usable. Running water in streams, rivers, and bubbling springs is usually fresh and suitable for drinking.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 5
5-1. Natural cover includes logs, trees, stumps, rocks, and ravines; whereas, man-made cover includes
fighting positions, trenches, walls, rubble, and craters. To get protection from enemy fire in the offense
or when moving, use routes that put cover between you and the enemy. For example, use ravines,
gullies, hills, wooded areas, walls, and any other cover that will keep the enemy from seeing and firing at
you (Figure 5-2). Avoid open areas. Never skyline yourself on a hilltop or ridge. Any cover--even the
smallest depression or fold in the ground--can help protect you from direct and indirect enemy fire.
Figure 5-2. Cover along a wall.
5-2. Man-made cover includes fighting positions and protective equipment.
5-3. See Chapter 6 for a detailed discussion of fighting positions (Figure 5-3).
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Figure 5-3. Man-made cover.
5-4. Man-made cover can also be an article of protective equipment that can be worn such as body
armor and helmet (Figure 5-4). Body armor is protective equipment that works as a form of armor to
minimize injury from fragmentation and bullets. The interceptor body armor (IBA) system has an outer
tactical vest (OTV) which is lined with finely woven Kevlar that will stop a 9-mm round and other slower
moving fragments. It also has removable neck, throat, shoulder, and groin protection. Two small-arms
protective inserts may also be added to the front and back of the vest, with each plate designed to stop
7.62-mm rounds. The plates are constructed of boron carbide ceramic with a shield backing that breaks
down projectiles and halts their momentum. The vest also meets stringent performance specifications
related to flexibility and heat stress requirements. The advanced combat helmet (ACH) provides
protection against fragmentation and bullets, as well as heat and flame in a balanced and stable
Figure 5-4. Body armor and helmet.
5-5. The M20 simplified collective protection equipment (SCPE) is an inflatable shelter that provides
cover against chemical/biological warfare agents and radioactive particles (Figure 5-5). The SCPE
provides a clean-air environment in a structure where you can perform your duties, without wearing
individual protective equipment.
Cover, Concealment, and Camouflage
Figure 5-5. Protective cover against chemical/biological warfare agents.
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 5-3
Chapter 5
Concealment is anything that hides you from enemy observation (Figure 5-6). Concealment does not
protect you from enemy fire. Do not think that you are protected from the enemy’s fire just, because you
are concealed. Concealment, like cover, can also be natural or Soldier made. (Chapter 6 discusses
techniques for concealing fighting positions.)
Figure 5-6. Concealment.
5-6. Natural concealment includes bushes, grass, and shadows. If possible, natural concealment should
not be disturbed. Man-made concealment includes Army combat uniforms (ACUs), camouflage nets,
face paint, and natural materials that have been moved from their original location. Man-made
concealment must blend into natural concealment provided by the terrain.
5-7. Light, noise, and movement discipline, and the use of camouflage, contributes to concealment. Light
discipline is controlling the use of lights at night by such things as not smoking in the open, not walking
around with a flashlight on, and not using vehicle headlights. Noise discipline is taking action to deflect
sounds generated by your unit (such as operating equipment) away from the enemy and, when possible,
using methods to communicate that do not generate sounds (arm-and-hand signals). Movement
discipline includes not moving about fighting positions unless necessary and not moving on routes that
lack cover and concealment. In the defense, build a well-camouflaged fighting position and avoid moving
about. In the offense, conceal yourself and your equipment with camouflage, and move in woods or on
terrain that gives concealment. Darkness cannot hide you from enemy observation in either offense or
defense situations. The enemy’s night vision devices (NVD) and other detection means allow them to
find you in both daylight and darkness.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 5
5-13. If your skin, uniform, or equipment colors stand out against the background, the enemy can
obviously detect you more easily than he could otherwise. For example, ACUs stand out against a
backdrop of snow-covered terrain. Once again, camouflage yourself and your equipment to blend with
the surroundings (Figure 5-7).
Figure 5-7. Soldier in arctic camouflage.
5-14. This means spreading Soldiers, vehicles, and equipment over a wide area. The enemy can detect a
bunch of Soldiers more easily than they can detect a lone Soldier. Spread out. Unit SOP or unit leaders
vary distances between you and your fellow Soldiers depending on the terrain, degree of visibility, and
enemy situation.
5-15. Before camouflaging, study the terrain and vegetation of the area in which you are operating. Next,
pick and use the camouflage material that best blends with the area (Figures 5-8). When moving from
one area to another, change camouflage as needed to blend with the surroundings. Take grass, leaves,
brush, and other material from your location and apply it to your uniform and equipment, and put face
paint on your skin.
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Chapter 5
Figure 5-9. Camouflaged helmet.
5-17. The ACU has a jacket, trousers, and patrol cap in a new universal camouflage pattern. However, it
may be necessary to add more camouflage to make the uniform blend better with the surroundings. To
do this, put mud on the uniform or attach leaves, grass, or small branches to it. Too much camouflage,
however, may draw attention. When operating on snow-covered ground wear overwhites (if issued) to
help blend with the snow. If overwhites are not issued, use white cloth, such as white bed sheets, to get
the same effect.
5-18. Exposed skin reflects light and may draw the enemy’s attention. Even very dark skin, because of its
natural oil, will reflect light. The advanced camouflage face paint in compact form comes both with and
without insect repellent. The active ingredient of the repellant is N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide (commonly
known as DEET). The camouflage face paint provides visual and near-IR camouflage protection. The
version with DEET also repels insects for eight hours. Both are furnished in compact form, and contain a
full-sized, unbreakable, stainless steel mirror. Both compacts contain five compartments of pigmented
formulations (green, loam, sand, white, and black). The compacts provide sufficient material for 20
applications of green, loam, and sand, and 10 applications of black and white. The compact is suitable for
multi-terrain environmental conditions from arctic to desert. Face paints with insect repellent are
supplied in a tan colored compact, while the non-repellent face paints are furnished in an olive drab
compact for quick identification (Figure 5-10). When applying camouflage to your skin, work with a
buddy (in pairs) and help each other. Apply a two-color combination of camouflage pigment in an
irregular pattern. Do not apply camouflage paint if there is a chance of frostbite. The pigment may
prevent other Soldiers from recognizing the whitish discoloration, the first symptoms of the skin freezing.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 6
Fighting Positions
Whether your unit is in a defensive perimeter or on an ambush line, you must seek cover from fire, and
concealment from observation. From the time you prepare and occupy a fighting position, you should
continue to improve it. How far you get depends on how much time you have, regardless of whether it is
a hasty position or a well-prepared one with overhead cover (OHC). This chapter discusses--
• Cover and concealment.
• Sectors and fields of fire.
• Hasty and deliberate fighting positions.
6-1. To get this protection in the defense, build a fighting position to add to the natural cover afforded by
the terrain (Figure 6-1). The cover of your fighting position will protect you from small arms fire and
indirect fire fragments, and place a greater thickness of shielding material or earth between you and the
blast wave of nuclear explosions.
Figure 6-1. Man-made cover.
6-2. Three different types of cover—overhead, frontal, and flank/rear cover—are used to make fighting
positions. In addition, positions can be connected by tunnels and trenches. These allow Soldiers to move
between positions for engagements or resupply, while remaining protected. (Chapter 5 discussed cover
in general.)
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 6-1
Chapter 6
6-3. Your completed position should have OHC, which enhances survivability by protecting you from
indirect fire and fragmentation.
6-4. Your position needs frontal cover to protect you from small arms fire to the front. Frontal cover
allows you to fire to the oblique, as well as to hide your muzzle flash.
6-5. When used with frontal and overhead cover, flank and rear cover protects you from direct enemy
and friendly fire (Figure 6-2). Natural frontal cover such as rocks, trees, logs, and rubble is best, because
it is hard for the enemy to detect. When natural cover is unavailable, use the dirt you remove to
construct the fighting position. You can improve the effectiveness of dirt as a cover by putting it in
sandbags. Fill them only three-quarters full.
Figure 6-2. Cover.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
6-6. If your position can be detected, it can be hit by enemy fire. Therefore, your position must be so well
hidden that the enemy will have a hard time detecting it, even after he reaches hand-grenade range.
(Chapter 5 discussed cover in general.)
6-7. Natural, undisturbed concealment is better than man-made concealment. While digging your
position, try not to disturb the natural concealment around it. Put the unused dirt from the hole behind
the position and camouflage it. Camouflage material that does not have to be replaced (rocks, logs, live
bushes, and grass) is best. Avoid using so much camouflage that your position looks different from its
surroundings. Natural, undisturbed concealment materials--
• Are already prepared.
• Seldom attract enemy attention.
• Need no replacement.
6-8. Your position must be concealed from enemy aircraft as well as from ground troops. If the position is
under a bush or tree, or in a building, it is less visible from above. Spread leaves, straw, or grass on the
floor of the hole to keep freshly dug earth from contrasting with the ground around it. Man-made
concealment must blend with its surroundings so that it cannot be detected, and must be replaced if it
changes color or dries out.
5-20. When building a fighting position, camouflage it and the dirt taken from it. Camouflage the dirt
used as frontal, flank, rear, and overhead cover (OHC). Also, camouflage the bottom of the hole to
prevent detection from the air. If necessary, take excess dirt away from the position (to the rear).
• Too much camouflage material may actually disclose a position. Get your camouflage material from a
wide area. An area stripped of all or most of its vegetation may draw attention. Do not wait until the
position is complete to camouflage it. Camouflage the position as you build.
• Hide mirrors, food containers, and white underwear and towels. Do not remove your shirt in the open.
Your skin may shine and be seen. Never use fires where there is a chance that the flame will be seen or
the smoke will be smelled by the enemy. Also, cover up tracks and other signs of movement. When
camouflage is complete, inspect the position from the enemy’s side. This should be done from about 38
feet (35 meters) forward of the position. Then check the camouflage periodically to ensure it is natural-
looking and conceals the position. When the camouflage no longer works, change and improve it.
6-9. Although a fighting position should provide maximum protection for you and your equipment, the
primary consideration is always given to sectors of fire and effective weapons employment. Weapons
systems are sited where natural or existing positions are available, or where terrain will provide the most
protection while maintaining the ability to engage the enemy. You should always consider how best to
use available terrain, and how you can modify it to provide the best sectors of fire, while maximizing the
capabilities of your weapon system.
Fighting Positions
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 6-3
Chapter 6
6-10. A sector of fire is the area into which you must observe and fire. When your leader assigns you a
fighting position, he should also assign you a primary and secondary sector of fire. The primary sector of
fire is to the oblique of your position, and the secondary sector of fire is to the front.
6-11. To be able to see and fire into your sectors of fire, you might have to "clear a field" of vegetation
and other obstructions. Fields of fire are within the range of your weapons. A field of fire to the oblique
lets you hit the attackers from an unexpected angle. It also lets you support the positions next to you.
When you
fire to the must pass
oblique, your fire interlocks with that of other positions, creating a wall of fire that the enemy through.
When clearing a field of fire--
Avoid disclosing your position by careless or excessive clearing.
Leave a thin, natural screen of vegetation to hide your position.
In sparsely wooded areas, cut off lower branches of large, scattered trees.
Clear underbrush only where it blocks your view.
Remove cut brush, limbs, and weeds so the enemy will not spot them.
Cover cuts on trees and bushes forward of your position with mud, dirt, or snow. Leave no trails as clues
for the enemy.
6-12. The two types of fighting position are hasty and deliberate. Which you construct depends on time
and equipment available, and the required level of protection. Fighting positions are designed and
constructed to protect you and your weapon system. Table 6-1 shows the characteristics and planning
considerations for fighting positions.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Fighting Positions
Table 6-1. Characteristics of individual fighting positions.
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 6-5
Chapter 6
6-13. Hasty fighting positions, used when there is little time for preparation, should be behind whatever
cover is available. However, the term hasty does not mean that there is no digging. If a natural hole or
ditch is available, use it. This position should give frontal cover from enemy direct fire but allow firing to
the front and the oblique. When there is little or no natural cover, hasty positions provide as much
protection as possible. A shell crater, which is 2 to 3 feet (0.61 to 1 meter) wide, offers immediate cover
(except for overhead) and concealment. Digging a steep face on the side toward the enemy creates a
hasty fighting position. A small crater position in a suitable location can later develop into a deliberate
position. A skirmisher’s trench is a shallow position that provides a hasty prone fighting position. When
you need immediate shelter from enemy fire, and there are no defilade firing positions available, lie
prone or on your side, scrape the soil with an entrenching tool, and pile the soil in a low parapet
between yourself and the enemy. In all but the hardest ground, you can use this technique to quickly
form a shallow, body-length pit. Orient the trench so it is oblique to enemy fire. This keeps your
silhouette low, and offers some protection from small-caliber fire.
6-14. The prone position is a further refinement of the skirmisher’s trench. It serves as a good firing
position and provides you with better protection against the direct fire weapons than the crater position
or the skirmisher’s trench. Hasty positions are further developed into deliberate positions that provide
as much protection as possible. The hole should be about 18 inches (46 centimeters) deep and use the
dirt from the hole to build cover around the edge of the position (Figure 6-3).
Figure 6-3. Prone position (hasty).
6-15. Deliberate fighting positions are modified hasty positions prepared during periods of relaxed
enemy pressure. Your leader will assign the sectors of fire for your position's weapon system before
preparation begins. Small holes are dug for automatic rifle bipod legs, so the rifle is as close to ground
level as possible. Continued improvements are made to strengthen the position during the period of
occupation. Improvements include adding OHC, digging grenade sumps, adding trenches to adjacent
positions, and maintaining camouflage.
6-16. Prepare a two-man position in four stages. Your leader must inspect the position at each stage
before you may move to the next stage (Table 6-2).
6-6 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 6
9. Clear primary and secondary fields of fire.
Keep in mind that the widths of all the fighting positions are only an approximate distance. This is due to
the individual Soldier's equipment such as the IBA and the modular lightweight load-carrying equipment.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Figure 6-4. Establishment of sectors and building method.
Stage 2
6-20. Place supports for OHC stringers and construct parapet retaining walls (Figure6-6 and Figure 6-7):
13 August 2013
TC 3-21.75 6-9
1. 2.
3. 4.
Emplace OHC supports to front and rear of position.
Ensure you have at least 12 inches (30 centimeters). which is about 1-helmet length distance from the
edge of the hole to the beginning of the supports needed for the OHC.
If you plan to use logs or cut timber, secure them in place with strong stakes from 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7
centimeters) in diameter and 18 inches (46 centimeters) long. Short U-shaped pickets will work.
Dig in about half the height.
a. Front retaining wall--At least 10 inches (25 centimeters) high.
(two filled sandbags) deep, and two M16s long.
b. Rear retaining wall--At least 10 inches (25 centimeters) high, and one M16 long.
c. Flank retaining walls--At least 10 inches (25 centimeters) high, and one M16 long.
Start digging hole; use soil to fill sandbags for walls.
Fighting Positions
Figure 6-5. Two-man fighting position (Stage 1).
Chapter 6
Figure 6-6. Placement of OHC supports and construction of retaining walls.
Figure 6-7. Two-man fighting position (Stage 2).
6-10 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Fighting Positions
Stage 3
6-21. Dig position and place stringers for OHC (Figure 6-8, Figure 6-9, and Figure 6-10):
Figure 6-8. Digging of position (side view).
Figure 6-9. Placement of stringers for OHC.
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 6-11
Chapter 6
1. 2. 3. 4.
Figure 6-10. Two-man fighting position (Stage 3).
Ensure maximum depth is armpit deep (if soil conditions permit).
Use spoil from hole to fill parapets in the order of front, flanks, and rear.
Dig walls vertically.
If site soil properties cause unstable soil conditions, construct revetments (Figure 6-11) and consider
sloping walls.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Figure 6-11. Revetment construction.
Fighting Positions
5. For sloped walls, first dig a vertical hole, and then slope walls at 1::4 ratio (move 12 inches [30
centimeters] horizontally for each 4 feet [1.22 meters] vertically).
6. Dig two grenade sumps in the floor (one on each end). If the enemy throws a grenade into the hole,
kick or throw it into one of the sumps. The sump will absorb most of the blast. The rest of the blast will
be directed straight up and out of the hole. Dig the grenade sumps as wide as the entrenching tool
blade; at least as deep as an entrenching tool and as long as the position floor is wide (Figure 6-12).
7. Dig a storage compartment in the bottom of the back wall; the size of the compartment depends on
the amount of equipment and ammunition to be stored (Figure 6-13).
Figure 6-12. Grenade sumps. Figure 6-13. Storage compartments.
13 August 2013
TC 3-21.75 6-13
Install revetments to prevent wall collapse/cave-in:
a. Required in unstable soil conditions.
b. Use plywood or sheeting material and pickets to revet walls.
c. Tie back pickets and posts.
d. Emplace OHC stringers:
e. Use 2x4s, 4x4s, or pickets ("U" facing down).
f. Make OHC stringers standard length, which is 8 feet (2.4 meters). This is long enough to
allow sufficient length in case walls slope.
g. Use "L" for stringer length and "H" for stringer spacing.
Remove the second layer of sandbags in the front and rear retaining walls to make room for the
stringers. Place the same sandbags on top of the stringers once you have the stringers properly
Chapter 6
Stage 4
Install OHC and camouflage (Figure 6-14 and Figure 6-15):
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
Install overhead cover
Use plywood, sheeting mats as a dustproof layer (could be boxes, plastic panel, or interlocked
U-shaped pickets). Standard dustproof layer is 4’x4’ sheets of 3⁄4-inch plywood centered over dug
Nail plywood dustproof layer to stringers.
Use at least 18 inches (46 centimeters) of sand-filled sandbags for overhead burst protection (four
layers). At a minimum, these sandbags must cover an area that extends to the sandbags used for the
front and rear retaining walls.
Use plastic or a poncho for waterproofing layer.
Fill center cavity with soil from dug hold and surrounding soil.
Use surrounding topsoil and camouflage screen systems.
Use soil from hole to fill sandbags, OHC cavity, and blend in with surroundings.
Figure 6-14. Installation of overhead cover.
Fighting Positions
Figure 6-15. Two-man fighting position with built-up OHC (Stage 4).
Built-Down Overhead Cover
6-23. This should not exceed 12 inches (30 centimeters). This lowers the profile of the fighting position,
which aids in avoiding detection. Unlike a built-up OHC, a built-down OHC has the following traits (Table
6-3, Figure 6-16, and Figure 6-17):
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 6-15
Chapter 6
Table 6-3. Specifications for built-down overhead cover.
Maximum 12 inches (30 centimeters) High
• You can build parapets up to 30 centimeters. Taper the overhead portions and parapets above the
ground surface to conform to the natural lay of the ground.
Minimum Three M16s Long
• This gives you adequate fighting space between the end walls of the fighting position and the overhead
cover. This takes 2.5 hours longer to dig in normal soil conditions.
Firing Platform for Elbows
• You must construct a firing platform in the natural terrain upon which to rest your elbows. The firing
platform will allow the use of the natural ground surface as a grazing fire platform.
Figure 6-16. Two-man fighting position with built-down OHC (top view).
6-16 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Fighting Positions
Figure 6-17. Two-man fighting position with built-down OHC (side view).
6-24. Sometimes you may have to build and occupy a one-man fighting position, for example, an
ammunition bearer in a machine gun team. Except for its size, a one-man position is built the same way
as a two-man fighting position. The hole of a one-man position is only large enough for you and your
equipment. It does not have the security of a two-person position; therefore, it must allow a Soldier to
shoot to the front or oblique from behind frontal cover.
6-25. Construct fighting positions for machine guns so the gun fires to the front or oblique. However, the
primary sector of fire is usually oblique so the gun can fire across your unit is front. Two Soldiers (gunner
and assistant gunner) are required to Soldier the weapon system. Therefore, the hole is shaped so both
the gunner and assistant gunner can get to the gun and fire it from either side of the frontal protection.
The gun’s height is reduced by digging the tripod platform down as much as possible. However, the
platform is dug to keep the gun traversable across the entire sector of fire. The tripod is used on the side
with the primary sector of fire, and the bipod legs are used on the side with the secondary sector. When
changing from primary to secondary sectors, the machine gun is moved but the tripod stays in place.
With a three-Soldier crew for a machine gun, the (ammunition bearer) digs a one-Soldier fighting
position to the flank. From this position, the Soldier can see and shoot to the front and oblique. The
ammunition bearer’s position is connected to the gun position by a crawl trench so the bearer can
transport ammunition or replace one of the gunners.
6-26. When a machine gun has only one sector of fire, dig only half of the position. With a three-man
crew, the third Soldier (the ammunition bearer) digs a one-man fighting position. A one-man position is
built the same as a two-man fighting position. The hole of a one-man position is only large enough for
you and your equipment. Usually, his position is on the same side of the machine gun as its FPL or PDF.
From that position, he can observe and fire into the machine gun’s secondary sector and, at the same
time, see the gunner and assistant gunner. The ammunition bearer’s position is connected to the
machine gun position by a crawl trench so that he can bring ammunition to the gun or replace the
gunner or the assistant gunner.
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 6-17
Chapter 6
Stage 1
6-27. Establish sectors (primary and secondary) of fire, and then outline position (Figure 6-18):
1. Check fields of fire from prone.
2. Assign sector of fire (primary and secondary) and final protective line (FPL) or principal
direction of fire (PDF).
3. Emplace aiming stakes.
4. Decide whether to build OHC up or down, based on potential enemy observation of position.
5. Trace position outline to include location of two distinct firing platforms.
6. Mark position of the tripod legs where the gun can be laid on the FPL or PDF.
7. Clear primary and secondary fields of fire.
The FPL is a line on which the gun fires grazing fire across the unit is front. Grazing fire is fired 1 meter
above the ground. When an FPL is not assigned, a PDF is assigned. A PDF is a direction toward which the
gun must be pointed when not firing at targets in other parts of its sector.
Stage 2
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Figure 6-18. Position with firing platforms.
6-28. Dig firing platforms and emplace supports for OHC stringers, and then construct the parapet
retaining walls:
1. 2. 3. 4.
Emplace OHC supports to front and rear of position.
Center OHC in position, and place supports as you did for Stage 2, two-man fighting position.
Construct the same as you did for Stage 2, two-man fighting position.
Dig firing platforms 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 centimeters) deep and then position machine gun to cover
primary sector of fire.
Use soil to fill sandbags for walls.
Stage 3
6-29. Dig position and build parapets, and then place stringers for the OHC (Figure 6-19):
1. Dig the position to a maximum armpit depth around the firing platform.
2. Use soil from hole to fill parapets in order of front, flanks, and rear.
3. Dig grenade sumps and slope floor toward them.
Stage 4
4. Install revetment if needed.
5. Follow same steps as for two-man fighting position.
6. Place stringers for OHC.
7. Follow same steps established for two-man fighting position.
8. Make stringers at least 8 feet (2.44 meters) long.
Figure 6-19. Grenade sump locations.
6-30. Install overhead cover (OHC) and camouflage (Figure 6-20):
13 August 2013
TC 3-21.75 6-19
2. 3. 4.
For a machine gun position, build the OHC the same as you would for a two-man fighting position.
Use surrounding topsoil and camouflage screen systems.
Ensure no enemy observation within 115 feet (35 meters) of position.
Use soil from hole to fill sandbags and OHC cavity, or to spread around and blend position in with
surrounding ground.
Fighting Positions
Chapter 6
Figure 6-20. Machine gun fighting position with OHC.
6-31. The following paragraphs discuss close combat missile fighting positions for the AT4 and Javelin:
6-32. The AT4 is fired from the fighting positions previously described. However, backblast may cause
friendly casualties of Soldiers in the position’s backblast area. You should ensure that any walls, parapets,
large trees, or other objects to the rear will not deflect the backblast. When the AT4 is fired from a two-
Soldier position, you must ensure the backblast area is clear. The front edge of a fighting position is a
good elbow rest to help you steady the weapon and gain accuracy. Stability is better if your body is
leaning against the position’s front or side wall.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 6
When a Javelin is fired, the muzzle end extends 6 inches (15 centimeters) beyond the front of the
position, and the rear launcher extends out over the rear of the position. As the missile leaves the
launcher, stabilizing fins unfold. You must keep the weapon at least 6 inches (15 centimeters) above the
ground when firing to leave room for the fins. OHC that would allow firing from beneath it is usually built
if the backblast area is clear.
6-34. A range card, a rough plan of the terrain around a weapon position, is a sketch of the assigned
sector that a direct fire weapon system is intended to cover. Range cards are prepared immediately upon
arrival in a position, regardless of the length of stay, and updated as necessary. Two copies of the range
card are prepared. One copy stays at your position and the other is sent to the platoon headquarters.
6-35. A range card is comprised of the following.
Sectors of Fire--A sector of fire is an area to be covered by fire that is assigned to an individual, a
weapon, or a unit. You are normally assigned a primary and secondary sector of fire. Fire into your
secondary sector of fire only if your primary sector has no targets, or if ordered to do so. Your gun’s
primary sector includes a FPL and a PDF.
Principal Direction of Fire --A PDF is a direction of fire assigned priority to cover an area that has good
fields of fire or has a likely dismounted avenue of approach. The gun is positioned to fire directly down
this approach rather than across the platoon’s front. It also provides mutual support to an adjacent unit.
Machine guns are sighted using the PDF if an FPL has not been assigned. If a PDF is assigned and other
targets are not being engaged, machine guns remain on the PDF.
Final Protective Line--An FPL is a predetermined line along which grazing fire is placed to stop an enemy
assault. Where terrain allows, your leader assigns an FPL to your weapon. An FPL becomes the machine
gun's part of the unit is final protective fires. The FPL will be assigned to you only if your leader
determines there is a good distance of grazing fire. If there is, the FPL will then dictate the location of the
primary sector. The FPL will become the primary sector limit (right or left) closest to friendly troops.
When not firing at other targets, you will lay your gun on the FPL or PDF.
Dead Space--Dead space is an area that direct fire weapons cannot hit. The area behind houses and hills,
within orchards or defilades for example, is dead space. The extent of grazing fire and dead space may
be determined in two ways. In the preferred method, the machine gun is adjusted for elevation and
direction. Your assistant gunner walks along the FPL while you aim through the sights. In places where
his waist (midsection) falls below your point of aim, dead space exists. Arm-and-hand signals must be
used to control the Soldier who is walking and to obtain an accurate account of the dead space and its
location. Another method is to observe the flight of tracer ammunition from a position behind and to the
flank of the weapon.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
To prepare this range card--
1. 2.
3. 4. 5.
Orient the card so both the primary and secondary sectors of fire (if assigned) can fit on it.
Draw a rough sketch of the terrain to the front of your position. Include any prominent natural and man-
made features that could be likely targets.
Draw your position at the bottom of the sketch. Do not put in the weapon symbol at this time. Fill in the
marginal data to include--
Gun number (or squad).
Chapter 6
Primary Direction of Fire
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
To prepare your range card when assigned a PDF instead of an FPL (Figure 6-23):
1. 2.
Sketch in the limits of the primary sector of fire as assigned by your leader (sector should not
exceed 875 mils, the maximum traverse of the tripod-mounted machine gun).
Sketch in the symbol for an automatic weapon oriented on the most dangerous target within your sector
(as designated by your leader). The PDF will be target number one in your sector. All other targets will be
numbered in priority.
Sketch in your secondary sector of fire (as assigned) and label targets within the secondary sector with
the range in meters from your gun to each target. Use the bipod when it is necessary to fire into your
secondary sector. The secondary sector is drawn using a broken line. Sketch in aiming stakes, if used.
Figure 6-22. Primary sector with an FPL.
Data Section
Figure 6-23. Complete sketch with PDF.
6-39. The data section (Figure 6-24) of the range card lists the data necessary to engage targets identified
in the sketch. The sketch does not have to be to scale, but the data must be accurate. The data section of
the card can be placed on the reverse side or below the sketch if there is room. (Figure 6-25 shows an
example completed data section.) Draw a data section block (if you do not have a printed card) with the
following items:
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 6-25
Fighting Positions
Chapter 6
Figure 6-24. Data section.
1. Center the traversing hand wheel.
2. Lay the gun for direction.
3. When assigned an FPL, lock the traversing slide on the extreme left or right of the bar,
depending on which side of your primary sector the FPL is on.
4. Align the barrel on the FPL by moving the tripod legs. Do not enter a direction in the data section for
the FPL.
5. When assigned a PDF, align your gun on the primary sector by traversing the slide to one side and then
move the tripod to align the barrel on your sector limit. Align the PDF by traversing the slide until your
gun is aimed at the center of the target.
6. Fix the tripod legs in place by digging in or sandbagging them. Once you emplace the tripod to fire into
the primary sector, leave it there--do not move it.
Read Direction to Target
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8.
9. 10. 11.
Lay your gun on the center of the target.
Read the direction directly off the traversing bar at the left edge of the traversing bar slide.
Enter the reading under the direction column of your range card data section.
Determine the left or right reading based on the direction of the barrel, just the opposite of the slide.
Lay your gun on the base of the target by rotating the elevating handwheel.
Read the number, including a plus or minus sign, except for "0" above the first visible line on the
elevating scale. The sketch reads "–50."
Read the number on the elevating handwheel that is in line with the indicator. The sketch reads "3."
Enter this reading under the ELEVATION column of your range card data section. Separate the two
numbers with a solidus, also known as a slash ("/"). Always enter the reading from the upper elevating
bar first. The sketch reads "–50/3."
Enter the range to each target under the appropriate column in the data section.
Enter your ammunition type under the appropriate column in the data section.
Describe each target under the appropriate column in the data section.
Chapter 6
Target Reference Points
Figure 6-26. Example completed range card.
6-41. TRPs are natural or man-made features within your sector that you can use to quickly locate targets
(Figure 6-27). TRPs are used mainly to control direct fire weapons. However, TRPs should appear on the
company target list.
Maximum Engagement Line
6-42. The maximum engagement line (MEL) is a line beyond which you cannot engage a target. This line
may be closer than the maximum engagement range of your weapon. Both the terrain and the
maximum engagement range of your weapon will determine the path of the MEL.
6-28 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
6-43. Draw the weapon symbol in the center of the small circle.
Sector Limits
6-44. Draw two lines from the position of the weapons system extending left and right to show the limits
of the sector. The area between the left and right limits depicts your sector of fire or area of
responsibility. Number the left limit as No. 1, number the right limit No. 2, and place a circle around each
number. Record the azimuth and distance of each limit in the data section. Determine the value of each
circle by finding a terrain feature farthest from the position and within the weapon system’s capability.
Determine the distance to the terrain feature. Round off the distance to the next even hundredth, if
necessary. Determine the maximum number of circles that will divide evenly into the distance. The result
is the value of each circle. Draw the terrain feature on the appropriate circle on the range card. Clearly
mark the increment for each circle across the area where DATA SECTION is written. For example, suppose
you use a hilltop at 2,565 yards (2,345 meters). Round the distance to 2,625 yards (2,400 meters) and
divide by 8. The result is 300, so now each circle has a value of 300 meters.
Reference Points
Draw all reference points (RP) and TRPs in the sector. Mark each with a circled number beginning with 1.
Draw hilltop as RP1, a road junction as RP2, and road junction RP3. Sometimes, a TRP and RP are the
same point such as in the previous example. When this happens, mark the TRP with the first designated
number in the upper right quadrant, and mark the RP in the lower left quadrant of the cross. This occurs
when a TRP is used for target acquisition and range determination.
Road Junction--For a road junction, first determine the range to the junction, then draw the junction,
and then draw the connecting roads from the road junction.
Dead Space--Show dead space as an irregular circle with diagonal lines inside. Any object that prohibits
observation or coverage with direct fire will have the circle and diagonal lines extend out to the farthest
MEL. If you can engage the area beyond the dead space, then close the circle.
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Fighting Positions
Chapter 6
Figure 6-27. Reference points and target reference points.
6-30 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 6
Weapon Reference Point
6-46. Show the WRP as a line with a series of arrows, extending from a known terrain feature, and
pointing in the direction of the weapon system symbol (Figure 6-29). Number this feature last. The WRP
location is given a six-digit grid. When there is no terrain feature to be designated as the WRP, show the
weapon’s location as an eight-digit grid coordinate in the Remarks block of the range card. Complete the
data section as follows:
Figure 6-29. Weapon reference point.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Position Identification--List primary, alternate, or supplementary positions. Alternate and supplemental
positions must be clearly identified.
Date--Show date and time the range card was completed. Range cards, like fighting positions, are
constantly updated. The date and time are vital in determining current data.
Weapon--The weapon block indicates weapon type.
Each Circle Equals ____ Meters--Write in the distance, in meters, between circles.
NO (Number)--Start with L and R limits, then list TRPs and RPs in numerical order. Direction/Deflection--
The direction is listed in degrees. The deflection is listed in mils. Elevation--The elevation is listed in mils.
Range--This is the distance, in meters, from weapon system position to L and R limits and TRPs
and RPs.
Ammunition--List types of ammunition used.
Description--List the name of the object (for example, farmhouse, wood line, or hilltop).
Remarks--Enter the WRP data. As a minimum, WRP data describes the WRP and gives its six-digit or eight
digit grid coordinate, magnetic azimuth, and distance to the position. Complete the marginal information
at the top of the card.
Unit Description--Enter unit description such as squad, platoon, or company. Never indicate a unit higher
than company.
Magnetic North--Orient the range card with the terrain, and draw the direction of the magnetic North
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 6-33
Fighting Positions
Chapter 7 Movement
Normally, you will spend more time moving than fighting. The fundamentals of movement discussed in
this chapter provide techniques that all Soldiers must learn. Even seasoned troops should practice these
techniques regularly, until they become second nature.
7-1. Your leaders base their selection of a particular movement technique by traveling, traveling
overwatch, or bounding overwatch on the likelihood of enemy contact and the requirement for speed.
However, your unit is ability to move depends on your movement skills and those of your fellow Soldiers.
Use the following techniques to avoid being seen or heard:
• Stop, look, listen, and smell (SLLS) before moving. Look for your next position before leaving a position.
• Look for covered and concealed routes on which to move.
• Change direction slightly from time-to-time when moving through tall grass.
• Stop, look, and listen when birds or animals are alarmed (the enemy may be nearby).
• Smell for odors such as petroleum, smoke, and food; they are additional signs of the enemy’s
• Cross roads and trails at places that have the most cover and concealment (large culverts, low
spots, curves, or bridges).
• Avoid steep slopes and places with loose dirt or stones.
• Avoid cleared, open areas and tops of hills and ridges. Walking at the top of a hill or ridge will skyline
you against the sun or moon, enabling the enemy to see you.
7-2. In addition to walking, you may move in one of three other methods known as individual movement
techniques (IMT) — low crawl, high crawl, or rush.
Low Crawl
7-3. The low crawl gives you the lowest silhouette. Use it to cross places where the cover and/or
concealment are very low and enemy fire or observation prevents you from getting up. Keep your body
flat against the ground. With your firing hand, grasp your weapon sling at the upper sling swivel. Let the
front hand guard rest on your forearm (keeping the muzzle off the ground), and let the weapon butt drag
on the ground. To move, push your arms forward and pull your firing side leg forward. Then pull with
your arms and push with your leg. Continue this throughout the move (Figure 7-1).
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Chapter 7
High Crawl
7-4. The high crawl lets you move faster than the low crawl and still gives you a low silhouette. Use this
crawl when there is good cover and concealment but enemy fire prevents you from getting up. Keep
your body off the ground and resting on your forearms and lower legs. Cradle your weapon in your arms
and keep its muzzle off the ground. Keep your knees well behind your buttocks so your body will stay
low. To move, alternately advance your right elbow and left knee, then your left elbow and right knee
(Figure 7-1).
Figure 7-1. Low and high crawl.
7-5. When you are ready to stop moving:
• Plant both of your feet.
• Drop to your knees (at the same time slide a hand to the butt of your rifle).
• Fall forward, breaking the fall with the butt of the rifle.
• Go to a prone firing position.
7-6. If you have been firing from one position for some time, the enemy may have spotted you and
may be waiting for you to come up from behind cover. So, before rushing forward, roll or crawl a short
distance from your position. By coming up from another spot, you may fool an enemy who is aiming at
one spot and waiting for you to rise. When the route to your next position is through an open area, use
the 3 to 5 second rush. When necessary, hit the ground, roll right or left, and then rush again.
7-7. The rush is the fastest way to move from one position to another (Figure 7-2). Each rush should last
from 3 to 5 seconds. Rushes are kept short to prevent enemy machine gunners or riflemen from tracking
you. However, do not stop and hit the ground in the open just, because 5 seconds have passed. Always
try to hit the ground behind some cover. Before moving, pick out your next covered and concealed
position and the best route to it. Make your move from the prone position as follows:
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Slowly raise your head and pick your next position and the route to it. Slowly lower your head.
• Draw your arms into your body (keeping your elbows in).
• Pull your right leg forward.
• Raise your body by straightening your arms.
• Get up quickly.
• Rush to the next position.
Movement With Stealth
Figure 7-2. Rush.
7-8. Moving with stealth means moving quietly, slowly, and carefully. This requires great patience. To
move with stealth, use the following techniques:
• Ensure your footing is sure and solid by keeping your body’s weight on the foot on the ground while
• Raise the moving leg high to clear brush or grass.
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Chapter 7
• Gently let the moving foot down toe first, with your body’s weight on the rear leg.
• Lower the heel of the moving foot after the toe is in a solid place.
• Shift your body’s weight and balance the forward foot before moving the rear foot.
• Take short steps to help maintain balance.
7-9. At night, and when moving through dense vegetation, avoid making noise. Hold your weapon with
one hand, and keep the other hand forward, feeling for obstructions. When going into a prone position,
use the following techniques:
• Hold your rifle with one hand and crouch slowly.
• Feel for the ground with your free hand to make sure it is clear of mines, tripwires, and other hazards.
• Lower your knees, one at a time, until your body’s weight is on both knees and your free hand.
• Shift your weight to your free hand and opposite knee.
• Raise your free leg up and back, and lower it gently to that side.
• Move the other leg into position the same way.
• Roll quietly into a prone position.
7-10. Use the following techniques when crawling:
• Crawl on your hands and knees.
• Hold your rifle in your firing hand.
• Use your nonfiring hand to feel for and make clear spots for your hands and knees.
• Move your hands and knees to those spots, and put them down softly.
7-11. Movement formations are used for control, security, and flexibility. These formations are the actual
arrangements for you and your fellow Soldiers in relation to each other.
7-12. Every squad and Soldier has a standard position. You must be able to see your fire team leader. Fire
team leaders must be able to see their squad leaders. Leaders control their units using arm-and-hand
7-13. Formations also provide 360-degree security and allow the weight of their firepower to the flanks
or front in anticipation of enemy contact.
7-14. Formations do not demand parade ground precision. Your leaders must retain the flexibility
needed to vary their formations to the situation. The use of formations allows you to execute battle drills
more quickly and gives the assurance that your leaders and buddy team members are in their expected
positions and performing the right tasks. You will usually move as a member of a squad/team. Small
teams, such as Infantry fire teams, normally move in a wedge formation. Each Soldier in the team has a
set position in the wedge, determined by the type of weapon he carries. That position, however, may be
changed by the team leader to meet the situation. The normal distance between Soldiers is 10 meters.
When enemy contact is possible, the distance between teams should be about 50 meters. In very open
terrain such as the desert, the interval may increase. The distance between individuals and teams is
determined by how much command and control the squad leader can still exercise over his teams and
the team members (Figure 7-3).
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Figure 7-3. Fire team wedge.
7-15. You may have to make a temporary change in the wedge formation when moving through close
terrain. The Soldiers in the sides of the wedge close into a single file when moving in thick brush or
through a narrow pass. After passing through such an area, they should spread out, forming the wedge
again. You should not wait for orders to change the formation or the interval. You should change
automatically and stay in visual contact with the other team members and the team leader. The team
leader leads by setting the example. His standing order is, FOLLOW ME AND DO AS I DO. When he moves
to the left, you should move to the left. When he gets down, you should get down. When visibility is
limited, control during movement may become difficult. To aid control, for example, the helmet
camouflage band has two, 1-inch horizontal strips of luminous tape sewn on it. Unit SOPs normally
address the configuration of the luminous strips.
7-16. This section furnishes guidance for the immediate actions you should take when reacting to enemy
indirect fire and flares. These Warrior Drills are actions every Soldier and small unit should train for
7-17. If you come under indirect fire while moving, immediately seek cover and follow the commands
and actions of your leader. He will tell you to run out of the impact area in a certain direction or will tell
you to follow him (Figure 7-4). If you cannot see your leader, but can see other team members, follow
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 7-5
Chapter 7
them. If alone, or if you cannot see your leader or the other team members, run out of the area in a
direction away from the incoming fire.
Figure 7-4. Following of team leader from impact area.
7-18. It is hard to move quickly on rough terrain, but the terrain may provide good cover. In such terrain,
it may be best to take cover and wait for the fires to cease. After they stop, move out of the area quickly.
7-19. The enemy puts out ground flares as warning devices. He sets them off himself or attaches
tripwires to them for you to trip on and set off. He usually puts the flares in places he can watch (Figure
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Figure 7-5. Reaction to ground flares.
7-20. If you are caught in the light of a ground flare, flip up your NVD and move quickly out of the lighted
area. The enemy will know where the ground flare is and will be ready to fire into that area. Move well
away from the lighted area. While moving out of the area, look for other team members. Try to follow or
join them to keep the team together.
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Chapter 7
7-21. The enemy uses aerial flares to light up vital areas. They can be set off like ground flares; fired from
hand projectors, grenade launchers, mortars, and artillery; or dropped from aircraft. If you hear the firing
of an aerial flare while you are moving, flip up your NVD and hit the ground (behind cover if possible)
while the flare is rising and before it bursts and illuminates. If moving where it is easy to blend with the
background, such as in a forest, and you are caught in the light of an aerial flare, freeze in place until the
flare burns out.
7-22. If you are caught in the light of an aerial flare while moving in an open area, immediately crouch
low or lie down. If you are crossing an obstacle, such as a barbed-wire fence or a wall, and are caught in
the light of an aerial flare, crouch low and stay down until the flare burns out. The sudden light of a
bursting flare may temporarily wash out your NVD, blinding both you and the enemy. When the enemy
uses a flare to spot you, he spoils his own night vision. To protect your night vision, flip up your NVD and
close one eye while the flare is burning. When the flare burns out, the eye that was closed will still have
its night vision and you can place your NVD back into operation (Figure 7-6).
Figure 7-6. Reaction to aerial flares.
7-23. When a unit makes contact with the enemy, it normally starts firing at and moving toward the
enemy. Sometimes the unit may move away from the enemy. This technique is called fire and movement
7-8 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
one element maneuvers (or moves) while another provides a base of fire. It is conducted to both close
with and destroy the enemy, or to move away from the enemy to break contact with him.
7-24. The firing and moving takes place at the same time. There is a fire element and a movement
element. These elements may be buddy teams, fire teams, or squads. Regardless of the size of the
elements, the action is still fire and movement.
• The fire element covers firing at and suppressing the enemy. This helps keep the enemy from firing
back at the movement element.
• The movement element moves either to close with the enemy or to reach a better position from which
to fire at him. The movement element should not move until the fire element is firing.
7-25. Depending on the distance to the enemy position and on the available cover, the fire element and
the movement element switch roles as needed to keep moving. Before the movement element moves
beyond the supporting range of the fire element (the distance in which the weapons of the fire element
can fire and support the movement element), it should take a position from which it can fire at the
enemy. The movement element then becomes the next fire element and the fire element becomes the
next movement element. If your team makes contact, your team leader should tell you to fire or to
move. He should also tell you where to fire from, what to fire at, or where to move. When moving, use
the low crawl, high crawl, or rush IMTs.
7-26. Soldiers can ride on the outside of armored vehicles; however, this is not done routinely. Therefore,
as long as tanks and Infantry are moving in the same direction and contact is not likely, Soldiers may ride
on tanks.
7-27. The following must be considered before Soldiers mount or ride on an armored vehicle.
• When mounting an armored vehicle, Soldiers must always approach the vehicle from the front to get
permission from the vehicle commander to mount. They then mount the side of the vehicle away from
the coaxial machine gun and in view of the driver. Maintain three points of contact and only use fixed
objects as foot and handholds. Do not use gun or optic system.
• If the vehicle has a stabilization system, the squad leader obtains verification from the vehicle
commander that it is OFF before the vehicle starts to move.
• The Infantry must dismount as soon as possible when tanks come under fire or when targets appear
that require the tank gunner to traverse the turret quickly to fire.
• All Soldiers must be alert for obstacles that can cause the tank to turn suddenly and for trees that can
knock riders off the tank.
7-28. The following information applies to specific vehicles.
• The Ml tank is not designed to carry riders easily. Riders must NOT move to the rear deck. Engine
operating temperatures make this area unsafe for riders (Figure 7-7).
• One Infantry squad can ride on the turret. The Soldiers must mount in such a way that their legs
cannot become entangled between the turret and the hull by an unexpected turret movement. Rope
and equipment straps may be used as a field-expedient Infantry rail to provide secure handholds.
Soldiers may use a snap link to assist in securing themselves to the turret.
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Chapter 7
Everyone must be to the rear of the smoke grenade launchers. This automatically keeps everyone clear
of the coaxial machine gun and laser range finder.
The Infantry must always be prepared for sudden turret movement.
Leaders should caution Soldiers about sitting on the turret blowout panels, because 250 pounds of
pressure will prevent the panels from working properly. If there is an explosion in the ammunition rack,
these panels blow outward to lessen the blast effect in the crew compartment. If enemy contact is
made, the tank should stop in a covered and concealed position, and allow the Infantry time to dismount
and move away from the tank. This action needs to be rehearsed before movement.
The Infantry should not ride with anything more than their battle gear. Excess gear should be
transported elsewhere.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Figure 7-7. Mounting and riding arrangements.
Chapter 8
8-3. Windows present another hazard to the Soldier. The most common mistakes are exposing the head
in a first-floor window and not being aware of basement windows. When using the correct technique for
passing a first-floor window, you must stay below the window level and near the side of the building
(Figure 8-1). Ensure you do not silhouette yourself in the window. An enemy gunner inside the building
would have to expose himself to covering fires if he tries to engage you.
Figure 8-1. Soldier moving past windows.
8-4. The same techniques used in passing first-floor windows are used when passing basement windows.
You should not walk or run pass a basement window, as this will present a good target for an enemy
gunner inside the building. Ensure you stay close to the wall of the building and step or jump pass the
window without exposing your legs (Figure 8-2).
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 8
This section discusses how to enter a building, clear a room, and use fighting positions.
8-11. When entering buildings, exposure time must be minimized. Before moving toward the building,
you must select the entry point. When moving to the entry point use smoke to conceal your advance.
You must avoid using windows and doors except as a last resort. Consider the use of demolitions,
shoulder-launched munitions (SLMs), close combat missiles (CCMs), tank rounds, and other means to
make new entrances. If the situation permits, you should precede your entry with a grenade, enter
immediately after the grenade explodes, and be covered by one of your buddies. Entry should be made
at the highest level possible.
8-12. Entering a building from any level other than the ground floor is difficult. However, clearing a
building from the top down is best, because assaulting and defending are easier from upper floors.
Gravity and the building’s floor plan help when Soldiers throw hand grenades and move between floors.
An enemy forced to the top of a building may be cornered and fight desperately, or escape over the roof.
An enemy who is forced down to ground level may withdraw from the building, exposing himself to
friendly fires from the outside. Soldiers can use several means, including ladders, drainpipes, vines,
helicopters, or the roofs and windows of adjacent buildings, to reach the top floor or roof of a building.
One Soldier can climb onto the shoulders of another and reach high enough to pull himself up. Ladders
are the fastest way to reach upper levels. If portable ladders are unavailable, Soldiers can construct them
from materials available through supply channels. They can also build ladders using resources available
in the urban area. For example, they can use the lumber from inside the walls of buildings. Although
ladders do not permit access to the top of some buildings, they do offer security and safety through
speed. Soldiers can use ladders to conduct an exterior assault of an upper level, provided exposure to
enemy fire can be minimized.
8-13. When you must scale a wall during exposure to enemy fire, use all available concealment. Use
smoke and other diversions to improve your chance of success. When using smoke for concealment,
plan for wind direction. Use suppressive fire, shouting, and distractions from other positions to divert the
enemy’s attention. You are vulnerable to enemy fire when scaling an outside wall. Ideally, move from
building to building and climb buildings only under cover of friendly fire. Properly positioned friendly
weapons can suppress and eliminate enemy fire. If you must scale a wall with a rope, avoid silhouetting
yourself in windows of uncleared rooms, and avoid exposing yourself to enemy fires from lower
windows. Climb with your weapon slung over your firing shoulder so you can bring it quickly to a firing
position. If the rules of engagement (ROE, which are the rules governing the use of force) permit, engage
the objective window and any lower level windows in your path with grenades (hand or launcher) before
you ascend. Enter the objective window with a low silhouette. You can enter head first, but the best way
is to hook a leg over the window sill and enter sideways, straddling the ledge.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 8
Figure 8-9. Lower-level entry two-man pull technique.
Figure 8-10. Lower-level entry one-man lift technique.
8-15. Blow or cut breach holes through walls to allow you to enter a building. Such entrances are safer
than doors, because doors are easily booby trapped, and should be avoided, unless you conduct an
explosive breach on the door.
• Throw a grenade through the breach before entering. Use available cover, such as the lower corner of
the building, for protection from fragments.
• Use stun and concussion grenades when engaging through thin walls.
8-16. When a door is your only way into a building, beware of booby traps and fire from enemy soldiers
inside the room. You can breach (force open) a locked door using one of four breaching methods:
• Mechanical. • Ballistic.
• Explosive.
• Thermal.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
8-17. If none of these methods is available, you may kick the door open. This is worst method, since it is
difficult and tiring. Also, it rarely works the first time, giving any enemy inside ample time to shoot you
through the door.
• When opening an unlocked door by hand, make sure you and the rest of the assault team avoid
exposing themselves to enemy fire through the door. To reduce exposure, stay close to one side of the
• ROE permitting, once you get the door open, toss in a hand grenade. Once it explodes, enter and clear
the room.
8-18. Combat in urban areas often requires extensive use of hand grenades. Unless the ROE or orders
prevent it, use grenades before assaulting defended areas, moving through breaches, or entering
unsecured areas. Effective grenade use in urban areas may require throwing overhand or underhand,
with either the left or right hand.
To achieve aboveground detonation or near-impact detonation, remove the grenade’s safety pin, release
the safety lever, count "One thousand one, one thousand two," and throw the grenade. This is called
cooking-off. Cooking off takes about 2 seconds of the grenade’s 4- to 5-second delay, and it allows the
grenade to detonate above ground or shortly after impact with the target.
Urban Areas
8-19. Three types of hand grenades can be used when assaulting an urban objective: stun, concussion,
and fragmentation. The type of construction materials used in the objective building influence the type
of grenades that can be used.
M84 Stun Hand Grenade--This grenade is a flash-bang distraction device that produces a brilliant flash
and a loud bang to briefly surprise and distract an enemy force. The M84 is often used under precision
conditions and when the ROE demand use of a nonlethal grenade. The use of stun hand grenades under
high intensity conditions is usually limited to situations where fragmentation and concussion grenades
pose a risk to friendly troops or the structural integrity of the building.
Concussion Grenade--The concussion grenade causes injury or death to persons in a room by blast
overpressure and propelling debris within the room. While the concussion grenade does not discard a
dangerous fragmentation from its body, the force of the explosion can create debris fallout that may
penetrate thin walls.
Fragmentation Grenade--The fragmentation grenade produces substantial overpressure when used
inside buildings, and coupled with the shrapnel effects, can be extremely dangerous to friendly Soldiers.
If the walls of a building are made of thin material, such as sheetrock or thin plywood, you should either
lie flat on the floor with your helmet towards the area of detonation, or move away from any wall that
might be penetrated by grenade fragments.
High-Explosive, Dual-Purpose Grenade--The best round for engaging an urban threat is the M433 high-
explosive, dual-purpose cartridge (TM 3-22.31 and Figure 8-11).
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Chapter 8
Figure 8-11. M433 HEDP grenade.
8-20. It is easier to fire a grenade into an upper-story window using an M203 grenade launcher than it is
to do throw it by hand.
• When someone must throw a hand grenade into an upper-story opening, he stands close to the
building, using it for cover. He should only do this if the window opening has no glass or screening.
• He allows the grenade to cook off for at least 2 seconds, and then steps out far enough to lob the
grenade into the upper-story opening. He keeps his weapon in his non-throwing hand, to use if needed.
He never lays down his weapon, either outside or inside the building.
• The team must locate the nearest cover, in case the grenade falls back outside with them, instead of
landing inside the building.
• Once a Soldier throws a grenade into the building, and it detonates, the team must move swiftly to
enter the building or room.
8-21. This paragraph discusses how to enter and clear a room:
1. Designates the assault team and identifies the location of the entry point for the team.
2. Positions the follow-on assault team to provide overwatch and supporting fires for the initial assault
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
Moves as near the entry point as possible, using available cover and concealment.
If a supporting element is to perform an explosive or ballistic breach, remains in a covered position until
after the breach. If necessary, provides overwatch and fire support for the breaching element.
Before moving to the entry point, team members signal each other that they are ready.
Avoids using verbal signals, which could alert the enemy.
To reduce exposure to fire, moves quickly from cover to the entry point.
Enters through the breach and, unless someone throws a grenade before the team enters, [the team]
avoids stopping outside of the point of entry.
Urban Areas
9. Has the option of throwing a grenade into the room before entry. Grenade type (fragmentation,
concussion, or stun type) depends on the ROE and the building structure.
10. If stealth is moot (not a factor), sounds off when he throws grenade, for example, Frag out,
Concussion out, or Stun out.
11. Ifstealthisafactor,usesvisualsignalswhenhethrowsagrenade.
12. On the signal to go, or immediately after the grenade detonates, moves through the entry point and
quickly takes up positions inside the room. These positions must allow the team to completely dominate
the room and eliminate the threat. Unless restricted or impeded, team members stop moving only after
they clear the door and reach their designated point of domination. In addition to dominating the room,
all team members identify possible loopholes and mouseholes in the ceiling, walls, and floor.
Note: Where enemy forces may be concentrated and the presence of noncombatants is unlikely, the
assault team can precede their entry by throwing a fragmentation or concussion grenade (structure
dependent) into the room, followed by aimed, automatic small-arms fire by the number-one Soldier as
he enters.
13. Enters the room and eliminates the immediate threat. Goes left or right, normally along the path of
least resistance, toward one of two corners. When using a doorway as the point of entry, determines the
path of least resistance based on the way the door opens.
• If it opens outward, he moves toward the hinged side.
• If it opens inward, he moves away from the hinges.
14. On entering, gauges the size of the room, the enemy situation, and any furniture or other obstacles
to help him determine his direction of movement.
15. Avoidsplanningwheretomoveuntiltheexactlayoutoftheroomisknown.Then,each Soldier goes in the
opposite direction from the Soldier in front of him. Every team member must know the sectors and
duties of each position.
16. AsthefirstSoldiergoesthroughtheentrypoint,hecanusuallyseeintothefarcornerofthe room. He
eliminates any immediate threat and, if possible, continues to move along the wall to the first corner.
There he assumes a dominating position facing into the room.
17. EntersaboutthesametimeasSoldierNo.1,butaspreviouslystated,movesintheopposite direction,
following the wall and staying out of the center. He clears the entry point, the immediate threat area,
and his corner, and then moves to a dominating position on his side of the room.
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TC 3-21.75 8-11
Chapter 8
18. MovesoppositeSoldierNo.2(teamleader),atleast1meterfromtheentrypoint,andthento a position that
dominates his sector.
19. MovesoppositeSoldierNo.3,andthentoapositionthatdominateshissector.
20. Ensures movement does not mask anyone's fire. On order, any member of the assault team may
move deeper into the room, overwatched by the other team members. Once the team clears the room,
the team leader signals to the squad leader that the room has been cleared. The squad leader marks the
room IAW unit SOP. The squad leader determines whether his squad can continue to clear through the
building. The squad reorganizes as necessary. Leaders redistribute the ammunition. The squad leader
reports to the platoon leader when the room
is clear.
How do you find and use a fighting position properly? You have to know this: whether you are attacking
or defending, your success depends on your ability to place accurate fire on the enemy--with the least
exposure to return fire (Figure 8-12).
Points of Domination
If the path of least resistance takes the first Soldier to the left, then all points of domination mirror
those in the diagrams. Points of domination should be away from doors and windows to keep team
members from silhouetting themselves.
• Make maximum use of available cover and concealment.
• Avoid firing over cover; when possible, fire around it.
• Avoid silhouetting against light-colored buildings, the skyline, and so on.
• Carefully select a new fighting position before leaving an old one.
• Avoid setting a pattern. Fire from both barricaded and non-barricaded windows.
• Keep exposure time to a minimum.
• Begin improving your hasty position immediately after occupation.
• Use construction material that is readily available in an urban area.
• Remember: positions that provide cover at ground level may not provide cover on higher floors.
Figure 8-12. Some considerations for selecting and occupying individual fighting positions
8-12 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 8
• Another common mistake when firing around corners is firing from the standing position. If the Soldier
exposes himself at the height the enemy expects, then he risks exposing the entire length of his body as
a target for the enemy (Figure 8-14).
Figure 8-14. Soldier firing around a corner.
8-24. When firing from behind walls, you must fire around cover and not over it.
8-25. In an urban area, windows provide convenient firing ports. Avoid firing from the standing position,
which would expose most of your body to return fire from the enemy, and which could silhouette you
against a light-colored interior background. This is an obvious sign of your position, especially at night
when the muzzle flash can be easily observed. To fire from a window properly, remain well back in the
room to hide the flash, and kneel to limit exposure and avoid silhouetting yourself.
8-26. You may fire through a hole created in the wall and avoid windows. You must stay well back from
the loophole so the muzzle of the weapon does not protrude beyond the wall, and the muzzle flash is
8-27. The peak of a roof provides a vantage point that increases field of vision and the ranges at which
you can engage targets (Figure 8-15). A chimney, smokestack, or any other object protruding from the
roof of a building should be used to reduce the size of the target exposed.
8-14 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Figure 8-15. Soldier firing from peak of a roof.
8-28. When subjected to enemy fire and none of the positions mentioned above are available, you must
try to expose as little of yourself as possible. You can reduce your exposure to the enemy by lying in the
prone position as close to a building as possible, on the same side of the open area as the enemy. In
order to engage you, the enemy must then lean out the window and expose himself to return fire.
8-29. When no cover is available, you can reduce your exposure by firing from the prone position, by
firing from shadows, and by presenting no silhouette against buildings.
8-30. A prepared firing position is one built or improved to allow you to engage a particular area, avenue
of approach, or enemy position, while reducing your exposure to return fire. Examples of prepared
positions include barricaded windows, fortified loopholes, and sniper, antiarmor, and machine gun
8-31. The natural firing port provided by windows can be improved by barricading the window, leaving a
small hole for you to use. Materials torn from the interior walls of the building or any other available
material may be used for barricading.
8-32. Barricade all windows, whether you intend to use them as firing ports or not. Keep the enemy
guessing. Avoid making neat, square, or rectangular holes, which clearly identify your firing positions to
the enemy. For example, a barricaded window should not have a neat, regular firing port. The window
should remain in its original condition so that your position is hard to detect. Firing from the bottom of
the window gives you the advantage of the wall because the firing port is less obvious to the enemy.
Sandbags are used to reinforce the wall below the window and to increase protection. All glass must be
removed from the window to prevent injury. Lace curtains permit you to see out and prevent the enemy
from seeing in. Wet blankets should be placed under weapons to reduce dust. Wire mesh over the
window keeps the enemy from throwing in hand grenades.
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 8-15
Urban Areas
Chapter 8
8-33. Although windows usually are good fighting positions, they do not always allow you to engage
targets in your sector. To avoid establishing a pattern of always firing from windows, alternate positions,
for example, fire through a rubbled outer wall, from an interior room, or from a prepared loophole. The
prepared loophole involves cutting or blowing a small hole into the wall to allow you to observe and
engage targets in your sector. Use sandbags to reinforce the walls below, around, and above the
Protection--Two layers of sandbags are placed on the floor to protect you from an explosion on a lower
floor (if the position is on the second floor or higher). Construct a wall of sandbags, rubble, and furniture
to the rear of the position as protection from explosions in the room. A table, bedstead, or other
available material can provide OHC for the position. This cover prevents injury from falling debris or
explosions above your position.
Camouflage--Hide the position in plain sight by knocking other holes in the wall, making it difficult for
the enemy to determine which hole the fire is coming from. Remove exterior siding in several places to
make loopholes less noticeable. Due to the angled firing position associated with loopholes, you can use
the same loophole for both primary and supplementary positions. This allows you to shift your fire easily
onto a sector that was not previously covered by small arms fire.
Backblast--SLM and CCMs crews may be hampered in choosing firing positions due to the backblast of
their weapons. They may not have enough time to knock out walls in buildings and clear backblast areas.
They should select positions that allow the backblast to escape such as corner windows where the round
fired goes out one window and the backblast escapes from another. When conducting defensive
operations the corner of a building can be improved with sandbags to create a firing position.
Shoulder-Launched Munitions and Close Combat Missiles--Various principles of employing SLM and
CCMs weapons have universal applications. These include using available cover, providing mutual
support, and allowing for backblast. However, urban areas require additional considerations. Soldiers
must select numerous alternate positions, particularly in structures without cover from small-arms fire.
Soldiers must position their weapons in the shadows and within the building.
-- A gunner firing an AT4 or Javelin from the top of a building can use a chimney for cover, if available. He
should reinforce his position by placing sandbags to the rear so they do not interfere with the backblast.
-- When selecting firing positions for his SLM or CCM, he uses rubble, corners of buildings, or destroyed
vehicles as cover. He moves his weapon along rooftops to find better angles for engaging enemy vehicles.
On tall buildings, he can use the building itself as overhead cover. He must select a position where
backblast will not damage or collapse the building, or injure him.
-- The machine gunner can emplace his weapon almost anywhere. In the attack, windows and doors
offer ready-made firing ports (Figure 8-16). For this reason, avoid windows and doors, which the enemy
normally has under observation and fire. Use any opening created in walls during the fighting. Small
explosive charges can create loopholes for machine gun positions. Regardless of the openings used,
ensure machine guns are inside the building and that they remain in the shadows.
When firing within an enclosure, ensure that it measures at least 10 feet by 15 feet (150 square feet); is
clear of debris and other loose objects; and has windows, doors, or holes in the walls where the
backblast can escape.
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Urban Areas
Figure 8-16. Emplacement of machine gun in a doorway.
-- Upon occupying a building, board up all windows and doors. Leave small gaps between the boards so
you can use windows and doors as alternate positions.
-- Use loopholes extensively in the defense. Avoid constructing them in any logical pattern, or all at floor
or tabletop levels. Varying height and location makes them hard to pinpoint and identify. Make dummy
loopholes and knock off shingles to aid in the deception. Construct loopholes behind shrubbery, under
doorjambs, and under the eaves of a building, because these are hard to detect. In the defense, as in the
offense, you can construct a firing position to use the building for OHC.
-- You can increase your fields of fire by locating the machine gun in the corner of the building or in the
cellar. To add cover and concealment, integrate available materials, such as desks, overstuffed chairs,
couches, and other items of furniture, into the construction of bunkers.
-- Grazing fire is ideal, but sometimes impractical or impossible. Where destroyed vehicles, rubble, and
other obstructions restrict the fields of grazing fire, elevate the gun to allow you to fire over obstacles.
You might have to fire from second or third story loopholes. You can build a firing platform under the
roof, and then construct a loophole. Again, conceal the exact location of the position. Camouflage the
position by removing patches of shingles over the entire roof.
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 8-17
Chapter 9
'Every Soldier is a Sensor'
Every Soldier, as a part of a small unit, can provide useful information and is an essential component to
the commanders achieving situational understanding. This task is critical, because the environment in
which Soldiers operate is characterized by violence, uncertainty, complexity, and asymmetric methods by
the enemy. The increased situational awareness that you must develop through personal contact and
observation is a critical element of the friendly force’s ability to more fully understand the operational
environment. Your life and the lives of your fellow Soldiers could depend on reporting what you see,
hear, and smell.
9-1. The 'Every Soldier is a Sensor' (ES2) concept ensures that Soldiers are trained to actively observe for
details for the commander’s critical information requirement (CCIR) while in an AO. It also ensures they
can provide concise, accurate reports. Leaders will know how to collect, process, and disseminate
information in their unit to generate timely intelligence. They should establish a regular feedback and
assessment mechanism for improvement in implementing ES2. Every Soldier develops a special level of
exposure to events occurring in the AO and can collect information by observing and interacting with the
environment. Intelligence collection and development is everyone’s responsibility. Leaders and Soldiers
should fight for knowledge in order to gain and maintain greater situational understanding.
9-2. As Soldiers develop the special level of exposure to the events occurring in their operating
environment, they should keep in mind certain potential indicators as shown in Figure 9-1, page 9-2.
These indicators are information on the intention or capability of a potential enemy that commanders
need to make decisions. You will serve as the commander’s "eyes and ears" when--
• Performing traditional offensive or defensive missions.
• Patrolling in a stability and reconstruction or civil support operation.
• Manning a checkpoint or a roadblock.
• Occupying an observation post.
• Passing through areas in convoys.
• Observing and reporting elements of the environment.
• Observing and reporting activities of the populace in the area of operations.
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 9-1
Chapter 9
SIGHT Look for--
SOUND Listen for--
TOUCH Feel for--
SMELL Smell for--
• Running engines or track sounds
• Voices
• Metallic sounds
• Gunfire, by weapon type
• Unusual calm or silence
• Dismounted movement
• Aircraft
• Warm coals and other materials in a fire
• Fresh tracks
• Age of food or trash
• Vehicle exhaust
• Burning petroleum products
• Food cooking
• Aged food in trash
• Human waste
Armed Elements Homes and Buildings
Infrastructure People
Locations of factional forces, mine fields, and potential threats.
Condition of roofs, doors, windows, lights, power lines, water, sanitation, roads, bridges, crops, and
Functioning stores, service stations, and so on.
Numbers, gender, age, residence or DPRE status, apparent health, clothing, daily activities, and
Has anything changed? For example, are there new locks on buildings? Are windows boarded up or
previously boarded up windows now open, indicating a change in how a building is expected to be used?
Have buildings been defaced with graffiti?
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
• Enemy personnel, vehicles, and aircraft
• Sudden or unusual movement
• New local inhabitants
• Smoke or dust
• Unusual movement of farm or wild animals
• Unusual activity--or lack of activity--by local inhabitants, especially at times or places that are normally
inactive or active
• Vehicle or personnel tracks
• Movement of local inhabitants along uncleared routes, areas, or paths
• Signs that the enemy has occupied the area
• Evidence of changing trends in threats
• Recently cut foliage
• Muzzle flashes, lights, fires,
or reflections
• Unusual amount (too much or too little) of trash
Figure 9-1. Potential indicators.
9-3. Commanders get information from many sources, but you are his best source. You can in turn collect
information from the following sources:
Enemy prisoners of war (EPWs)/detainees are an immediate source of information. Turn captured
Soldiers over to your leader quickly. Also, tell him anything you learn from them.
Captured enemy documents (CEDs) may contain valuable information about present or future
enemy operations. Give such documents to your leader quickly.
Captured enemy equipment (CEEs) eliminates an immediate threat. Give such equipment to your leader
Enemy activity (the things the enemy is doing) often indicates what the enemy plans to do. Report
everything you see the enemy do. Some things that may not seem important to you may be important to
your commander.
Tactical questioning, observation, and interaction with displaced persons, refugees, or evacuees (DPRE),
during the conduct of missions, can yield important information.
Local civilians, however often have the most information about the enemy, terrain, and weather in a
particular area. Report any information gained from civilians. However, you cannot be sure
and the conduct of operations (i.e., social behaviors, customs, and courtesies). You must also be aware of
the following safety and cultural considerations:
Various AOs will have different social and regional considerations that can affect communications
• Know the threat level and force protection (FP) measures in your AO.
• Know local customs and courtesies.
• Avoid using body language that locals might find rude.
• Approach people in normal surroundings to avoid suspicion.
• Behave in a friendly and polite manner.
• Remove sunglasses when speaking to those people with whom you are trying to create a
favorable impression.
• Know as much as possible about the local culture, including a few phrases in the local
• If security conditions permit, position your weapon in the least intimidating position as
9-6. All information collected by patrols, or via other contact with the local population, is reported
through your chain of command to the unit S-2. The S-2 is responsible for transmitting the information
through intelligence channels to the supported military intelligence elements, according to unit
intelligence tasks and the OPORD for the current mission. Therefore, if everyone is involved in the
collection of combat information, then everyone must be aware of the priority intelligence requirements
(PIR). All Soldiers who have contact with the local population and routinely travel within the area must
know the CCIR, and their responsibility to observe and report. The four levels of mission reports follow:
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 9-3
'Every Soldier is a Sensor'
which side the civilians are trying to help, so be careful when acting on information obtained from them.
If possible, try to confirm the information by some other means.
9-4. Questioning may be achieved by tactical or direct methods. The following paragraphs detail both
Tactical Questioning--Tactical questioning is the initial questioning for information of immediate value.
When the term applies to the interaction with the local population, it is not really questioning but is
more conversational in nature. The task can be designed to build rapport as much, and collect
information and understand the environment. You will conduct tactical questioning based on your unit is
SOPs, ROE, and the order for that mission. Your leaders must include specific guidance for tactical
questioning in the operation order (OPORD) for appropriate missions. Information reported because of
tactical questioning is passed up through your chain of command to the battalion/brigade intelligence
officers (S-2) and assistant chief of staff for intelligence (G-2), which forms a vital part of future planning
and operations. Additionally, you are not allowed to attempt any interrogation approach techniques in
the course of tactical questioning.
Direct Questioning--Direct questioning is an efficient method of asking precise questions according to a
standard pattern. The goal is to obtain the maximum amount of intelligence information in the least
amount of time. Direct questions must clearly indicate the topic being questioned as they require an
effective narrative response (i.e., be brief, simple, but specific). Clearly define each subject using a logical
sequence. Basic questions are used to discourage "yes" or "no" answers. Direct questioning is the only
technique authorized for ES2 tactical questioning. Soldiers who are not trained and certified
interrogators are forbidden to attempt to apply any interrogation approach techniques. When it is clear
that the person being questioned has no further information, or does not wish to cooperate further,
tactical questioning must stop.
Chapter 9
9-7. Information of critical tactical value is reported immediately to the S-2 section, while you are still out
on patrol. These reports are sent via channels prescribed in the unit SOP. The size, activity, location,
uniform, time, equipment (SALUTE) format is an example of Level I reporting.
9-8. Immediately upon return to base, the patrol will conduct an after action review (AAR) and write a
patrol report. The format may be modified to more thoroughly capture mission-specific information. This
report is passed along to the S-2 section prior to a formal debriefing. Your leaders must report as
completely and accurately as possible since this report will form the basis of the debriefing by the S-2
9-9. After receiving the initial patrol report, the S-2 section will debrief your patrol for further details and
address PIR and CCIR not already covered in the patrol report.
9-10. Follow-up reporting is submitted as needed after the unit S-2 section performs the debriefing.
Note: Any patrols or activities should be preceded by a prebriefing, which is a consolidated summary of
the AOs historical activities.
9-11. These four levels help the unit S-2 section record and disseminate both important and subtle
details of for use in all-source analysis, future planning, and passing on to higher S-2/G-2. This
information helps them analyze a broad range of information and disseminate it back to your level and
higher. Report all information about the enemy to your leader quickly, accurately, and completely. Such
reports should answer the questions who, what, and where after when. Use the SALUTE format when
reporting. Make notes and draw sketches to help you remember details. Table 9-1 shows how to use the
SALUTE format.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
'Every Soldier is a Sensor'
Table 9-1. SALUTE format line by line.
1 (S)ize/Who Expressed as a quantity and echelon or size. For example, report "10 enemy Infantrymen"
(not "a rifle squad").
Line No.
Type Info
If multiple units are involved in the activity you are reporting, you can make multiple entries.
Relate this line to the PIR being reported. Make it a concise bullet statement. Report what you saw the
enemy doing, for example, "emplacing mines in the road."
This is generally a grid coordinate, and should include the 100,000-meter grid zone designator. The entry
can also be an address, if appropriate, but still should include an eight-digit grid coordinate. If the
reported activity involves movement, for example, advance or withdrawal, then the entry for location
will include "from" and "to" entries. The route used goes under "Equipment/How."
Identify who is performing the activity described in the "Activity/What" entry. Include the complete
designation of a military unit, and give the name and other identifying information or features of civilians
or insurgent groups.
For future events, give the DTG for when the activity will initiate. Report ongoing events as such.
Report the time you saw the enemy activity, not the time you report it. Always report local or Zulu (Z)
Clarify, complete, and expand on previous entries. Include information about equipment involved,
tactics used, and any other essential elements of information (EEI) not already reported in the previous
9-12. The following paragraphs detail adequate protocol for handling enemy documents, EPWs, and
9-13. A CED is defined as any piece of recorded information obtained from the threat. CEDs are generally
created by the enemy, but they can also be US or multinational forces documents that were once in the
hands of the enemy. CEDs can provide crucial information related to answering the commander’s PIR or
even be exploited to put together smaller pieces of an overall situation.
9-14. Every confiscated or impounded CED must be tagged and logged before being transferred through
the appropriate channels. The tag contains the specifics of the item, and the log is a simple transmittal
document used to track the transfer of CEDs between elements. Your leaders are responsible for creating
the initial CED log.
9-15. While the information required is formatted, any durable field expedient material can be used as a
CED tag if an official tag is unavailable. Ensure that the writing is protected from the elements by
covering it with plastic or transparent tape. The importance of the tag is that it is complete and attached
to the CED it
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 9-5
Chapter 9
represents. The following information, at a minimum, should be recorded on a CED tag. Instructions for
filling out the tag follow (Figure 9-2):
Nationality--Detail the country of origin of the unit that captured the enemy document.
Date-Time Group--Include date and time of capture.
Place--Include a six-to eight-digit grid coordinate and describe the location where the document
was captured.
Identity--Define where the CED came from, its owner, and so on.
Circumstances--Describe how the CED was obtained.
Description--Briefly describe the CED. Enough information should be annotated for quick recognition.
Figure 9-2. Example captured document tag.
9-16. EPWs/detainees are a good source of information. They must be handled without breaking
international law and without losing a chance to gain intelligence. Treat EPWs humanely. Do not harm
them, either physically or mentally. The senior Soldier present is responsible for their care. If EPWs
cannot be evacuated in a reasonable time, give them food, water, and first aid. Do not give them
cigarettes, candy, or other comfort items. EPWs who receive favors or are mistreated are poor
interrogation subjects. In handling EPWs/detainees, follow the procedure of search, segregate, silence,
speed, safeguard, and tag (the 5 Ss and T). It implies the legal obligation that each Soldier has to treat an
individual in custody of, or under the protection of, US Soldiers humanely. The 5 Ss and T are conducted
as follows:
Search--This indicates a thorough search of the person for weapons and documents. You must search
and record the EPWs/detainees equipment and documents separately. Record the description of
weapons, special equipment, documents, identification cards, and personal affects on the capture tag.
Silence--Do not allow the EPWs/detainees to communicate with one another, either verbally or with
gestures. Keep an eye open for potential troublemakers, both talkers or quiet types, and be prepared to
separate them.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 9
• Destroy all maps or important documents if capture is imminent.
• Avoid discussing military operations in public areas.
• Discuss military operations only with those persons having a need to know the information.
• Remind fellow Soldiers of their OPSEC responsibilities.
9-19. During all types of operations, you will be looking for the enemy. However, there will be times
when you will be posted in an OP to watch for enemy activity. An OP is a position from which you watch
an assigned sector of observation and report all activity seen or heard in your sector.
9-20. In daylight, use the visual search technique to search terrain. You must visually locate and
distinguish enemy activity from the surrounding terrain features by using the following scanning
Rapid Scan--This is used to detect obvious signs of enemy activity. It is usually the first method you
will use (Figure 9-3). To conduct a rapid scan--
• Search a strip of terrain about 100 meters deep, from left-to-right, pausing at short intervals.
• Search another 100-meter strip farther out, from right-to-left, overlapping the first strip scanned,
pausing at short intervals.
• Continue this method until the entire sector of fire has been searched.
Slow Scan--The slow scan search technique uses the same process as the rapid scan but much more
deliberately, which means a slower, side-to-side movement and more frequent pauses (Figure 9-5).
Figure 9-3. Rapid/slow-scan pattern.
Detailed Search--If you find no targets using either the rapid or slow scan techniques, make a careful,
detailed search of the target area using M22 binoculars. The detailed search is like the slow scan, but
searching smaller areas with frequent pauses and almost incremental movement. The detailed search,
even more than the rapid or slow scan, depends on breaking a larger sector into smaller sectors to
ensure everything is covered in detail and no possible enemy positions are overlooked (Figure 9-4). You
must pay attention to the following:
-- Likely enemy positions and suspected vehicle/dismounted avenues of approach.
-- Target signatures, such as road junctions, hills, and lone buildings, located near prominent terrain
-- Areas with cover and concealment, such as tree lines and draws.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 9
Night Observation Techniques
9-23. The following paragraphs detail night observation techniques:
Dark Adaptation Technique--First, let your eyes become adjusted to the darkness. Do so by staying either
in a dark area for about 30 minutes, or in a red-light area for about 20 minutes followed by about 10
minutes in a dark area. The red-light method may save time by allowing you to get orders, check
equipment, or do some other job before moving into darkness.
Night Vision Scans--Dark adaptation is only the first step toward making the greatest use of night vision.
Scanning enables you to overcome many of the physiological limitations of your eyes (Figure 9-5). It can
also reduce confusing visual illusions or your eyes playing tricks on you. This technique involves looking
from right to left or left to right using a slow, regular scanning movement. At night, it is essential to avoid
looking directly at a faintly visible object when trying to confirm its presence.
Figure 9-5. Typical scanning pattern.
Off-Center Vision--The technique of viewing an object using central vision is ineffective at night. Again,
this is due to the night blind spot that exists during low illumination (Figure 9-6). You must learn to use
off-center vision. This technique requires viewing an object by looking 10 degrees above, below, or to
either side of it rather than directly at it. Additionally, diamond viewing is very similar in that you move
your eyes just slightly, a few degrees, in a diamond pattern around the object you wish to see. However,
the image of an object bleaches out and becomes a solid tone when viewed longer than 2 or 3 seconds.
You do not have to move your head to use your peripheral vision. By shifting your eyes from one off-
center point to another, you can continue to pick-up the object in your peripheral field of vision.
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Chapter 9
Thermal Imaging Devices
TC 3-21.75
13 August 2013
Figure 9-7. AN/PVS-7 and AN/PVS-14.
9-25. The second type of device that uses IR light is the thermal imaging device (Figure 9-8). This type of
device detects electromagnetic radiation (heat) from humans and man-made objects, and translates that
heat into an electronic image. Thermal imagers operate the same regardless of the level of ambient light.
Thermal weapon sights (TWSs) operate in the middle to far IR ranges. These sights detect IR light emitted
from friction, from combustion, or from any objects that are radiating natural thermal energy. Since the
TWS and other thermal devices operate within the middle/far IR range, they cannot be used with image
intensifiers. Thermal devices can be mounted on a weapon or handheld. The TWS works well day or
night. It has excellent target acquisition capabilities, even through fog, haze, and conventional battlefield
AN/PAS-13(V1) light weapon thermal sight (LWTS).
-- M16- and M4-series rifles and carbines
-- M136 (AT4) light antiarmor weapon
AN/PAS-13(V2) medium weapon thermal sight (MWTS) -- M249 machine gun
-- M240B series medium machine gun AN/PAS-13(V3) heavy weapon thermal sight (HWTS) -- M24 Sniper
-- M107 Sniper rifle
-- M2 (50 Cal.) HB machine gun
-- MK 19 machine gun
Aiming Lasers
9-26. Aiming lasers--both the AN/PAQ-4-series and the AN/PEQ-2A (Figure 9-9)--also operate in the
electromagnetic spectrum, specifically in the near IR range. [These lasers] are seen through image-
intensification devices. The aiming lasers cannot be used in conjunction with the TWS, because the latter
operates in the middle to far IR spectrum.
'Every Soldier is a Sensor'
Figure 9-8. AN/PAS-13, V1, V2, and V3.
Figure 9-9. AN/PAQ-4-series and the AN/PEQ-2A.
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 9-13
Chapter 9
9-27. You must make the proper adjustments to the image intensifiers in order to get the best possible
picture. The aiming lasers cannot be seen with the unaided eye; they can only be seen with image
intensification devices. You must know how these devices work to maximize the quality of what is being
viewed by making the proper adjustments to these devices.
9-28. The NVDs have a 40-degree field of view (FOV) leaving the average shooter to miss easy targets of
opportunity, more commonly the 50-meter left or right target. You must train to aggressively scan your
sector of fire for targets. Target detection at night is only as good as you practice. Regular blinking during
scanning, which must be reinforced during training, relieves some of the eyestrain from trying to spot far
targets. After you have mastered the art of scanning, you will find that targets are easier to detect by
acknowledging the flicker or movement of a target.
9-29. Once a target has been located, you must be aware of the placement of the aiming laser. Laser
awareness is necessary. If you activate your laser and it is pointing over the target into the sky, you will
waste valuable time trying to locate exactly where your laser is pointing. Also, it increases your chances
of being detected and fired upon by the enemy. When engaging a target, aim the laser at the ground just
in front of the target, walk the aiming laser along the ground and up the target until you are center mass,
and then engage the target. Walking your laser to the target is a quick and operationally secure means of
engaging the enemy with your aiming laser.
IR Discipline
9-30. Once a target has been located and engaged with the aiming laser, the laser must be deactivated.
On the range, IR discipline means actively scanning with the laser off. Once a target is located, walk the
laser to the target and engage. After the target has been engaged, the laser goes off.
9-31. You must often estimate ranges. You must accurately determine distance and prepare
topographical sketches or range cards. Your estimates will be easier to make and more accurate if you
know various range-estimation techniques.
9-32. Three factors affect range estimates:
Nature of the Object
Outline............................... An object of regular outline, such as a house, appears closer than one of
irregular outline, such as a clump of trees.
Contrast............................. A target that contrasts with its background appears to be closer than it
actually is.
Exposure ........................... A partly exposed target appears more distant than it actually is.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Nature of Terrain
Contoured terrain .............. Smooth terrain...................
Downhill............................. Uphill .................................
Light Conditions
Sun behind observer ......... Sun behind object .............
Looking across contoured terrain makes an object seem farther.
Looking across smooth terrain, such as sand, water, or snow, makes a distant object seem nearer.
Looking downhill at an object makes it seem farther. Looking uphill at an object makes it seem nearer.
A front-lit object seems nearer.
A back-lit object seems farther away.
9-33. Methods of range estimation include--
• The 100-meter unit-of-measure method.
• The appearance-of-objects method.
• The flash-and-sound method.
• The mil-relation method.
• A combination of these.
100-Meter-Unit-of-Measure Method--
9-34. Picture a distance of 100 meters on the ground. For ranges up to 500 meters, count the number of
100-meter lengths between the two points you want to measure. Beyond 500 meters, pick a point
halfway to the target, count the number of 100-meter lengths to the halfway point, and then double that
number to get the range to the target. The accuracy of the 100-meter method depends on how much
ground is visible. This is most true at long ranges. If a target is at a range of 500 meters or more, and you
can only see part of the ground between yourself and the target, it is hard to use this method with
accuracy. If you know the apparent size and detail of troops and equipment at known ranges, then you
can compare those characteristics to similar objects at unknown ranges. When the characteristics match,
the range does also.
Appearance-of-Object Method
9-35. To use the appearance-of-objects method, you must be familiar with characteristic details of
objects as they appear at various ranges. As you must be able to see those details to make the method
work, anything that limits visibility (such as weather, smoke, or darkness) will limit the effectiveness of
this method. If you know the apparent size and detail of troops and equipment at known ranges, then
you can compare those characteristics to similar objects at unknown ranges. When the characteristics
match, the range does also. Table 9-2 shows what is visible on the human body at specific ranges.
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 9-15
'Every Soldier is a Sensor'
Chapter 9
Table 9-2. Appearance of a body using appearance-of-objects method.
RANGE (in meters)
Clear in all detail such as equipment, skin color
Clear body outline, face color good, remaining detail blurred
Body outline clear, other details blurred
Body tapered, head indistinct from body
Body a wedge shape, with no head apparent
Solid wedge shape (body outline)
Flash-and-Sound Method
9-36. This method is best at night. Sound travels through air at 1,100 feet (300 meters) per second. That
makes it possible to estimate distance if you can both see and hear a sound-producing action. When you
see the flash or smoke of a weapon, or the dust it raises, immediately start counting. Stop counting when
you hear the sound associated with the action. The number at which you stop should be multiplied by
three. This gives you the approximate distance to the weapon in hundreds of meters. If you stop at one,
the distance is about 300 meters. If you stop at three, the distance is about 900 meters. When you must
count higher than nine, start over with one each time you hit nine. Counting higher numbers throws the
timing off.
Mil-Relation Formula
9-37. This is the easiest and best way to estimate range. At 1,000 meters, a 1-mil angle equals 1 meter
(wide or high). To estimate the range to a target, divide the estimated height of the target in meters
(obtained using the reticle in the M22 binoculars) by the size of the target in mils. Multiply by 1,000 to
get the range in meters (Figure 9-10).
estimated height (meters) size of target in mils
x 1,000 = estimated range (meters)
Combination of Methods
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Figure 9-10. Mil-relation formula.
9-38. Battlefield conditions are not always ideal for estimating ranges. If the terrain limits the use of the
100-meter unit-of-measure method, and poor visibility limits the use of the appearance-of-objects
method, you may have to use a combination of methods. For example, if you cannot see all of the terrain
out to the target, you can still estimate distance from the apparent size and detail of the target itself. A
haze may obscure the target details, but you may still be able to judge its size or use the 100-meter
method. By using either one or both of the methods, you should arrive at a figure close to the true
Combat Marksmanship
Caliber ............................................................................................... 9 mm
Unloaded ...................................................................................... 2.1 lb Fully
loaded .................................................................................. 2.6 lb
Maximum effective range .................................................................. 50 meters
Figure 10-1. M9 pistol.
10-7. A lightweight, air-cooled, gas-operated, magazine-fed rifle designed for either burst or
semiautomatic fire through use of a selector lever. There are three models:
10-8. The M16A2 incorporates improvements in iron sight, pistol grip, stock, and overall combat
effectiveness (Figure 10-2). Accuracy is enhanced by an improved muzzle compensator, a three-round
burst control, and a heavier barrel; and by using the heavier NATO-standard ammunition, which is also
fired by the squad automatic weapon (SAW).
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 10-3
Chapter 10
Weight...................................................................................... Maximum effective range
Area target........................................................................... Point
target ..........................................................................
Rate of fire
5.56 mm
8.8 lb (with sling and one loaded magazine)
800 meters 550 meters
45 rounds per min 90 rounds per min
Burst ....................................................................................
Figure 10-2. M16A2 rifle.
on a picatinny rail (for better mounting of optics).
10-10. The M16A4 is identical to the M16A3, except for the removable carrying handle mounted on a
picatinny rail. It has a maximum effective range of 600 meters for area targets. Like the M4-series
weapons, the M16-series rifles use ball, tracer, dummy, blank, and short-range training ammunition
(SRTA) manufactured to US and NATO specifications.
The M16A3 is identical to the M16A2, except the A3 has a removable carrying handle mounted
10-4 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Combat Marksmanship
10-11. The M4 is a compact version of the M16A2 rifle, with collapsible stock, flat-top upper receiver
accessory rail, and detachable handle/rear aperture site assembly (Figure 10-3). This rifle enables a
Soldier operating in close quarters to engage targets at extended ranges with accurate, lethal fire. It
achieves more than 85 percent commonality with the M16A2 rifle.
Caliber...................................................................................5.56 mm
Weight ...................................................................................7.5 lb (loaded weight with sling and one
Maximum effective range
Area target ........................................................................600 meters Point
target........................................................................500 meters
Rate of fire
Semiautomatic ..................................................................45 rounds per minute
Burst..................................................................................90 rounds per minute
Figure 10-3. M4 carbine.
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 10-5
Chapter 10
10-12. The M203A1 grenade launcher is a single-shot weapon designed for use with the M4 series
carbine. It fires a 40-mm grenade (Figure 10-4). Both have a leaf sight and quadrant sight. The M203 fires
high-explosive (HE), high-explosive dual-purpose (HEDP) round, buckshot, illumination, signal, CS (riot
control), and training practice (TP) ammunition. Two M203s are issued per Infantry squad.
Maximum effective range
Area target ............................................................................ Point
target ...........................................................................
Rate of fire .................................................................................
Figure 10-4. M203 grenade launcher.
40 mm
3.0 lb (empty) 3.6 lb (loaded)
350 meters 150 meters
5 to 7 rounds per minute
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Chapter 10
10-14. A medium, belt-fed, air-cooled, gas-operated, crew-served, fully automatic weapon that fires from
the open bolt position (Figure 10-6). Ammunition is fed into the weapon from a 100-round bandoleer
containing ball and tracer (4:1 mix) ammunition with disintegrating metallic split-link belt. Other types of
ammunition available include armor-piercing, blank, and dummy rounds. It can be mounted on a bipod,
tripod, aircraft, or vehicle. A spare barrel is issued with each M240B, and barrels can be changed quickly
as the weapon has a fixed head space. It is being issued to Infantry, armor, combat engineer, special
force/rangers, and selected field artillery units that require medium support fires.
Maximum effective range
Area target .................................................
Point target ................................................
Rate of fire Sustained...................................................
Rapid .........................................................
Cyclic .........................................................
7.62 mm 27.6 lb
Tripod ................ 1,100 m Bipod .................... 800 m
Tripod ................... 800 m Bipod .................... 600 m
100 rounds per minute
6- to 9-round bursts
4 to 5 seconds between bursts Barrel change every 10 minutes
200 rounds per minute
10- to 13-round bursts
2 to 3 seconds between bursts Barrel change every 2 minute
650 to 950 rounds per minute Continuous bursts
Barrel change every minute
TC 3-21.75
13 August 2013
Figure 10-6. M240B machine gun.
Combat Marksmanship
10-15. A heavy (barrel), recoil operated, air-cooled, crew-served, and transportable fully automatic
weapon with adjustable headspace (Figure 10-7). A disintegrating metallic link belt is used to feed the
ammunition into the weapon. This gun may be mounted on ground mounts and most vehicles as an
antipersonnel and antiaircraft/light armor weapon. The gun is equipped with leaf-type rear sight, flash
suppressor and a spare barrel assembly. Associated components are the M63 antiaircraft mount and the
M3 tripod mount.
Caliber ............................................................... .50
Ammunition.......................................................12.7x99-mm NATO
Weight ............................................................... 84 lb (44 lb for tripod) Maximum effective range
Antiaircraft mount ....................................... 1,400 meters Tripod mount ..............................................
2,000 meters
Rate of fire
Cyclic.......................................................... 400 to 500 rounds per minute
Figure 10-7. M2 .50 caliber machine gun with M3 tripod mount.
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 10-9
Chapter 10
10-16. A self-powered, air-cooled, belt-fed, blowback-operated weapon designed to deliver decisive
firepower against enemy personnel and lightly armored vehicles (Figure 10-8). A disintegrating metallic
link belt feeds either HE or HEDP ammunition through the left side of the weapon. It replaces the M2
heavy machine guns in selected units, and will be the main suppressive weapon for combat support and
combat service support units. The MK 19 Mod 3 can be mounted on the HMMWV M113 family of
vehicles, on 5-ton trucks, and on some M88A1 recovery vehicles.
Caliber.......................................................................... 40 mm
Weight.......................................................................... 72.5 lb Maximum effective range
Area target ............................................................ 2,212 meters Point
target ........................................................... 1,500 meters
Rate of fire
Sustained.............................................................. 40 rounds per minute
Rapid..................................................................... 60 rounds per minute
Cyclic .................................................................... 325 to 375 rounds per minute
Figure 10-8. MK 19 grenade machine gun, Mod 3.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 10
M136 AT4
10-18. The M136 AT4 is a lightweight, self-contained antiarmor weapon (Figure10-10). It is man-portable
and fires (only) from the right shoulder. The M136 AT4 is used primarily by Infantry forces to engage and
defeat armor threats. The weapon accurately delivers a high-explosive antitank (HEAT) warhead with
excellent penetration capability (more than 15 inches of homogenous armor) and lethal after-armor
effects. The weapon has a free-flight, fin-stabilized, rocket-type cartridge packed in an expendable, one-
piece, fiberglass-wrapped tube.
Caliber............................................................................................................ 84 mm
Weight............................................................................................................ 4 lb Maximum effective
range............................................................................... 300
Minimum arming range .................................................................................. 15 meters
Figure 10-10. M136 AT4.
Both the high penetration (HP) and reduced sensitivity (RS) versions of the AT4 Confined Space (CS)
weapon offer improved safety. Unlike the original AT4, these models can be fired safely from within a
room or other protected enclosure. They also have much less backblast and launch signature. Both the
AT4 CS-HP and CS-RS consist of shock resistant, fiberglass-reinforced launching tubes fitted with firing
mechanisms, popup sights, carrying slings, protective covers, and bumpers.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 10
10-20. The Javelin is the first fire-and-forget, crew-served antitank missile (Figure10-12). Its fire-and-
forget guidance mode enables gunners to fire and then immediately take cover. This greatly increases
survivability. The Javelin’s two major components are a reusable command launch unit (CLU) and a
missile sealed in a disposable launch tube assembly. The CLU’s integrated daysight/nightsight allows
target engagements in adverse weather and in countermeasure environments. The CLU may also be
used by itself for battlefield surveillance and reconnaissance. Special features include a selectable top-
attack or direct-fire mode (for targets under cover or for use in urban terrain against bunkers and
buildings), target lock-on before launch, and a very limited backblast. These features allow gunners to
fire safely from within enclosures and covered fighting positions. The Javelin can also be installed on
tracked, wheeled, or amphibious vehicles.
Caliber............................................................................................ Weight
(missile+CLU).................................................................... Maximum effective
Minimum effective engagement range
Direct attack............................................................................. Top
attack ................................................................................
Minimum enclosure
Length .........................................................................................
Figure 10-12. Javelin.
10-21. Fire control includes all actions in planning, preparing, and applying fire on a target. Your leader
selects and designates targets. He also designates the midpoint and flanks or ends of a target, unless
they are obvious for you to identify. When firing, you should continue to fire until the target is
neutralized or until signaled to do otherwise by your leader. The noise and confusion of battle will limit
the use of some methods of control, so he will use the method, or combination of methods, that does
the job.
126 mm 49.5 lb
2,000 meters (direct and top-attack)
65 meters 150 meters
15 feet 12 feet 7 feet
10-14 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 10
10-30. The following paragraphs discuss threat-based fire control measures:
Engagement Priorities
10-31. Engagement priorities are the target types, identified by your leader, that offer the greatest payoff
or present the greatest threat. He then establishes these as a unit engagement priority. Your leader
refines these priorities within your unit, such as employing the best weapons for targets, as well as fire
Range Selection
10-32. Range selection is a means by which your leader will use their estimate of the situation to specify
the range and ammunition for the engagement. Range selection is dependent on the anticipated
engagement range. Terrain, visibility, weather, and light conditions affect range selection, and the
amount and type of ammunition.
Weapons Control Status
10-33. The three levels of weapons control status outline the conditions, based on target identification
criteria, under which friendly elements may engage. Your leader will set and adjust the weapons control
status based on the friendly and enemy situation, and the clarity of the situation. The three levels, in
descending order of restriction, follow:
Rules of Engagement
Engage only if engaged or ordered to engage.
Only engage targets that are positively identified as enemy. Engage any targets that are not positively
identified as friendly.
10-34. ROE are the commander’s rules for use of force and specify the circumstances and limitations in
which you may use your weapon. They include definitions of combatant and noncombatant elements,
and prescribe the treatment of noncombatants. Factors influencing ROE are national command policy,
the mission, operational environment, and the law of war.
10-35. Combat readiness makes it essential for you to zero your individual weapon whenever it is issued.
Additionally, each rifle in the unit arms room, even if unassigned, should be zeroed by the last Soldier it
was assigned to. For more detailed information see FM 3-22.9.
Note: Only the M16/M4-series weapons will be discussed for zeroing procedures and aided-vision device
combinations. For other weapons such as M249 SAW and the M240B, see the appropriate FMs.
10-36. Mechanical zero is the process of alignment of the weapons sighting systems to a common start
point. Conduct the following procedures for these specific weapons:
10-16 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
10-37. Numbers in parentheses refer to the callouts in Figure 10-13.
1. Adjust the front sight post (1) up or down until the base of the front sight post is flush with the front
sight post housing (2).
2. Adjust the elevation knob (3) counterclockwise, as viewed from above, until the rear sight assembly
(4) rests flush with the carrying handle and the 8/3 marking is aligned with the index line on the left side
of the carrying handle.
3. Position the apertures (5) so the unmarked aperture is up and the 0 to 200 meter aperture is down.
Rotate the windage knob (6) to align the index mark on the 0 to 200 meter aperture with the long center
index line on the rear sight assembly.
Figure 10-13. M16A2/A3 rifle mechanical zero.
10-38. Numbers in parentheses refer to the callouts in Figure 10-14.
1. Adjust the front sight post (1) up or down until the base of the front sight post is flush with the front
sight post housing (2).
2. Adjust the elevation knob (3) counterclockwise, when viewed from above, until the rear sight
assembly (4) rests flush with the detachable carrying handle and the 6/3 marking is aligned with the
index line (5) on the left side of the carrying handle.
3. Position the apertures (6) so the unmarked aperture is up and the 0 to 200 meter aperture is down.
Rotate the windage knob (7) to align the index mark (8) on the 0 to 200 meter aperture with the long
center index line on the rear sight assembly.
Combat Marksmanship
Figure 10-14. M16A4 and M4 carbine rifle mechanical zero.
10-39. Battlesight zero is the alignment of the sights with the weapon’s barrel given standard issue
ammunition. It provides the highest probability of hitting most high-priority combat targets with
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 10-17
Chapter 10
adjustment to the aiming point 300 meter sight setting as on the M16A2/3/4 and M4 series weapons.
For each of the following weapons, ensure the rear sights are set for battlesight zero (25-meter zero):
Numbers in parentheses refer to the callouts in Figure 10-15.
1. Adjust the elevation knob (1) counterclockwise, as viewed from above, until the rear sight assembly
(2) rests flush with the carrying handle and the 8/3 marking is aligned with the index line (3) on the left
side of the carrying handle. Then, turn the elevation knob one more click clockwise.
2. Position the apertures (4) so the unmarked aperture is up and the 0 to 200 meter aperture is down.
Rotate the windage knob (5) to align the index mark on the 0 to 200 meter aperture with the long center
index line on the rear sight assembly.
Figure 10-15. M16A2/A3 rifle battlesight zero.
Numbers in parentheses refer to the callouts in Figure 10-16.
Adjust the elevation knob (1) counterclockwise, when viewed from above, until the rear sight assembly
(2) rests flush with the detachable carrying handle and the 6/3 marking is aligned with the index line (3)
on the left side of the detachable carrying handle. To finish the procedure, adjust the elevation knob two
clicks clockwise so the index line on the left side of the detachable carrying handle is aligned with the "Z"
on the elevation knob.
Position the apertures (4) so the unmarked aperture is up and the 0 to 200 meter aperture is down.
Rotate the windage knob (5) to align the index mark on the 0 to 200 meter aperture with the long center
index line (6) on the rear sight assembly.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Figure 10-16. M16A4 rifle battlesight zero.
10-42. Numbers in parentheses refer to the callouts in Figure 10-17.
1. Adjust the elevation knob (1) counterclockwise, when viewed from above, until the rear sight
assembly (2) rests flush with the detachable carrying handle and the 6/3 marking is aligned with the
index line (3) on the left side of the detachable carrying handle. The elevation knob remains flush.
2. Position the apertures (4) so the unmarked aperture is up and the 0 to 200 meter aperture is down.
Rotate the windage knob (5) to align the index mark (6) on the 0 to 200 meter aperture with the long
center index line on the rear sight assembly.
Figure 10-17. M4 rifle battlesight zero.
10-43. To ensure proper and accurate shot group marking--
Combat Marksmanship
13 August 2013
TC 3-21.75 10-19
2. 3.
Apply the four fundamentals of marksmanship deliberately and consistently. Establish a steady position
allowing observation of the target. Aim the rifle at the target by aligning the sight system, and fire your
rifle without disturbing this alignment by improper breathing or during trigger squeeze.
Initially, you should fire two individual shot groups before you consider changing the sight. Fire each shot
at the same aiming point (center mass of the target) from a supported firing position. You will fire a
three-round shot group at the 25-meter zero target.
You will triangulate each shot group and put the number "1" in the center of the first shot group and a
number "2" on the second. Group the two shot groups and mark the center of the two shot groups with
an X. If the two shot groups fall within a 4-centimeter circle then determine what sight adjustments need
to be made, then identify the closest horizontal and vertical lines to the X, and then read the 25-meter
zero target to determine the proper sight adjustments to make. A proper zero is achieved if five out of six
rounds fall within the 4-centimeter circle (Figure 10-18).
Chapter 10
Figure 10-18. Final shot group results.
The M16A2 zero target squares are .96 centimeter in size while the M4 zero target squares are 1.3
centimeters in size. Two single shots on a 25-meter zero target that are 2 centimeters apart does not
equate to two squares from each other on the M4 zero target.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
10-44. The borelight is an accurate means of zeroing weapons and most aided-vision equipment without
the use of ammunition. Time and effort must be applied to ensure a precise boresight, which will in turn
save time and ammunition. Both the M16A2 and the M4/MWS can be zeroed using the borelight and
each of the following five aided vision devices:
• Backup iron sight (which can also be boresighted).
• AN/PAQ-4B/C.
• AN/PEQ-2A.
• AN/PAS-13.
• M68 CCO.
Note: Precisely boresighting a laser allows direct engagement of targets without a 25-meter zero. If a
borelight is unavailable, you must use a 25-meter zero to zero the device. All optics must be 25-meter
zeroed. A borelight only aids in zeroing.
Combat Marksmanship
1. Make sure the weapon is CLEAR and on SAFE before using the borelight.
2. Ensure the bolt is locked in the forward position.
3. When rotating the borelight to zero it, ensure the mandrel is turning counter clockwise (from the
gunners point of view) to avoid loosening the borelight from the mandrel.
10-45. Boresighting is a simple procedure if the steps are strictly followed. The visible laser of the
borelight must be aligned with the barrel of your assigned weapon. Then, using a 10-meter boresight
target, the weapon can be boresighted with any optic, laser, or iron sight.
10-46. Before you boresight your weapon, the borelight must first be zeroed to the weapon. To zero the
borelight to the weapon, align the visible laser with the barrel of the weapon. Stabilizing the weapon is
crucial. The weapon can be stabilized in a rifle box rest or in a field location by laying two rucksacks side
by side. Lay the weapon on the rucksacks and then lay another rucksack on top of the weapon to
stabilize it.
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 10-21
Chapter 10
Avoid overadjusting the laser or pointing it at other Soldiers or reflective material.
10-47. The weapon need not be perfectly level with the ground during boresighting Conduct the
following steps to zero the borelight:
1. 2.
3. 4.
Attach the 5.56-mm mandrel to the borelight.
Insert the mandrel into the muzzle of the weapon. The borelight is seated properly
when the mandrel cannot be moved any further into the muzzle and the mandrel spins freely. Stabilize
the weapon so it will not move.
Measure 10 meters with the 10-meter cord that comes with the borelight or pace off
eleven paces.
The zeroing mark is a small dot drawn on a piece of paper, tree bark, or the borelight RP on the 10-meter
boresight target (Figure 10-19).
Figure 10-19. Example zeroing mark.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
5. Rotate the borelight until the battery compartment is facing upward and the adjusters are on the
bottom (Figure 10-20). This position of the borelight, and where the visible laser
is pointing, is the start point.
Figure 10-20. Borelight in the start point position.
6. Rotate the borelight until the battery compartment is down and the adjusters are on top to allow for
easy access to the adjusters (Figure 10-21). This position of the borelight, and where the visible laser is
pointing, is identified as the half-turn position.
Figure 10-21. Borelight in the half-turn position.
Note: Use the commands START POINT and HALF TURN to ensure clear communication between you and
your buddy/assistant at the boresight target.
Combat Marksmanship
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 10-23
Chapter 10
7. The RP is about halfway between the start point and the half-turn point (Figure 10-22).
Figure 10-22. Examples of start point, half-turn, and reference point.
8. Turn the borelight on and spin it until it is in the start point position. Place the zeroing mark
about 10 meters from the end of the barrel so that the visible laser strikes the zeroing mark.
9. Slowly rotate the borelight 180 degrees while watching the visible laser made by the borelight. If the
visible laser stops on the zeroing mark, the borelight is zeroed to the
10. If the borelight does not stop on the zeroing mark, elevation and windage adjustments must be
made to the borelight.
11. Fromthestartpoint,realignthezeroingmarkwiththevisiblelaser,rotatetheborelight180 degrees to the
half-turn position, and identify the RP. Using the adjusters on the borelight, move the visible laser to the
RP. Rotate the borelight back to the start point; move the zeroing mark to the visible laser. If the visible
laser cannot be located when you spin the borelight to the half-turn position, start this procedure at 2
meters instead of 10 meters. When the visible laser is adjusted to the RP at 2 meters, then start the
procedure again at 10 meters.
12. Repeat Step 11 above until the visible laser spins on itself.
Note: Every barrel is different; therefore, steps (8) through (10) must be performed with every weapon
to ensure that the borelight is zeroed to that barrel. If the borelight is zeroed, then go directly to the
boresighting procedures.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
10-48. During boresighting, your weapon should be in the "bolt forward" position and must not be
canted left or right. As a firer, you will need a target holder in order to properly boresight a weapon. The
duties follow:
1. The firer’s primary duty is to zero the borelight and make all adjustments on the aided-vision device
being used.
2. The target holder secures the 10-meter, (1-centimeter square grid) boresight target (Figure 10-23)
straight up and down 10 meters from the borelight, and directs the firer in making necessary
adjustments to the aiming device. The target holder must wear NVGs when boresighting IR aiming lasers.
Figure 10-23. Blank 10-meter boresight target and offset symbols.
10-49. The backup iron sight (BIS) can be boresighted to a new user to expedite 25-meter zeroing (Figure
10-24). To boresight using the BIS, align the iron sights with the (Canadian bull) on the 10-meter
boresight target. Adjust the windage and elevation of the iron sights until the borelight is centered with
the circle on the boresight target.
10-50. The BIS is adjusted for a 300-meter battlefield zero to provide backup in the event an optic or
laser device fails to function. The BIS is zeroed on the M4/M4A1 target on the backside of the M16A2
zero targets. The 25-meter zeroing procedures are the same as for conventional rear sight assembly on
the M16-/M4-series weapons.
Combat Marksmanship
Figure 10-24. Backup iron sight.
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 10-25
Chapter 10
10-51. The M68 CCO is a reflex (nontelescopic) sight (Figure 10-25). It uses a red-aiming reference
(collimated dot) and is designed for the sighting with both eyes open. Position your head so that one eye
can focus on the red dot and the other eye can scan downrange. Place the red dot on the center of mass
of the target and engage. With your nonfiring eye closed, look through the M68 to ensure you can see
the red dot clearly. Place the red dot center mass of the target, and then engage. If you zero your
weapon with the one-eye-open method, then you must engage targets using this method for zero
accuracy. The dot follows the horizontal and vertical movement of your eye while remaining fixed on the
target. No centering or focusing is required. The more accurately you boresight the M68 to your weapon,
the closer it will be to a battlesight zero.
Figure 10-25. M68 close combat optic.
25-Meter Zero Procedure with Borelight
1. Select the proper 10-meter boresight target for your weapon and M68 configuration. With the help of
an assistant, place the boresight target 10 meters in front of the weapon.
2. Turn the M68 to the desired setting (position number 4). Assume a stable supported firing position
behind your weapon, and look through the M68. Aim the red dot of the M68 on the crosshair of the 10-
meter boresight target. Adjust the M68 until the borelight's visible laser centers on the borelight circle
on the 10-meter boresight target.
3. Turn the borelight off. Move your weapon off the crosshair, realign the red dot of the M68 on the
crosshair, and turn the borelight back on. If the borelight is on the circle and the red dot of the M68 is on
the crosshair, your weapon system is now boresighted.
Note: The M68 is parallax free beyond 50 meters. Boresight at 10 meters. In order to get a solid
boresight, acquire the same sight picture and cheek-to-stock weld position each time.
4. Turn the laser off. To avoid damaging the borelight device, carefully remove it, and the mandrel, from
the weapon.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 10
Ensure you zero both FOVs.
1. Use the same procedures and standards as with iron sights (Figure 10-26).
2. At the 25-meter range, each increment of azimuth or elevation setting moves the strike of the round
as follows:
-- 1 1/4 centimeters for medium TWS on wide FOV. -- 3/4 centimeter for MTWS on narrow FOV.
-- 3/4 centimeter for heavy TWS on WFOV.
-- 1/4 centimeter for HTWS on NFOV.
3. Retighten the rail grabber after you fire the first three rounds.
Figure 10-26. Example TWS zeroing adjustments.
1. Select the proper 10-meter boresight target for the weapon-to-AN/PAQ-4B/C configuration and, with
the help of an assistant, place the boresight target 10 meters in front your weapon.
2. Install the borelight filter and turn on the AN/PAQ-4B/C. Align the 10-meter boresight target with the
visible laser of the borelight.
3. Adjust the adjusters on the AN/PAQ-4B/C until the IR laser is centered on the crosshair located on the
10-meter boresight target.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
-- --
-- --
Keep the boresight target and zeroing mark stable during the boresight procedure.
Do not turn the adjustment screws too much or they will break. Regardless of the mounting location, the
adjuster that is on top or bottom will always be the adjuster for elevation and the one on the side will be
the windage adjuster.
Elevation adjustment screw—one click at 25 meters = 1 centimeter. Windage adjustment screw—one
click at 25 meters = 1 centimeter.
Chapter 10
1. Select the proper 10-meter boresight target for the weapon and AN/PEQ-2A configuration and, with
the help of an assistant, place the boresight target 10 meters in front your weapon.
2. Install the filter on the aiming laser and turn on the AN/PEQ-2A. Align the 10-meter boresight target
with the visible laser of the borelight.
3. Adjust the adjusters on the AN/PEQ-2A until the IR laser centers on the crosshair located on the 10-
meter boresight target.
4. Adjust the illuminator in the same manner.
5. Turn the laser off. To avoid damaging the borelight device, carefully remove the borelight and the
mandrel from the weapon.
-- Each click of elevation and windage is 1 centimeter. For ease, round up one square. However, each
square of the 25-meter zero target is 0.9 centimeter, which affects large adjustments.
-- Do not turn the adjustment screws too much, or they will break. Regardless of the mounting location,
the adjuster that is on top or bottom will always be the adjuster for elevation and the one on the side
will be the windage adjuster.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
If a borelight is unavailable, you must conduct a 25-meter zero:
1. Follow the same standards as you did with iron sights.
2. Preset the adjusters IAW TM 11-5855-308-12&P.
3. Prepare the 25-meter zero target by cutting out a 3x3-centimeter square in the center of the target
and E-type silhouette.
4. Turn the aiming beam on in the low power setting (AIM LO). Install aim point filter to eliminate
excessive blooming. The adjustments for the AN/PEQ-2A (top mounted) follow:
Aiming Point
Elevation Adjustment Screw--One click at 25 m = 1 cm or one square (clockwise = up). Windage
Adjustment Screw--One click at 25 m = 1 cm or one square (clockwise = right).
Target Illuminator
Elevation Adjustment Screw--One click at 25 m = 1 cm or one square (clockwise = down). Windage
Adjustment Screw--One click at 25 m = 1 cm or one square (clockwise = right).
5. Retighten rail grabber and AN/PEQ-2A.
6. Once you have zeroed the aiming beam, rotate the selector knob to the DUAL LO, DUAL LO/HI, or
DUAL HI/HI mode, and observe both aiming and illumination beams. Rotate the illumination beam
adjusters to align the illumination beam with the aiming beam.
To ensure zero retention--
1. Ensure you fully tighten the mounting brackets and the AN/PEQ-2A
thumbscrew prior to zeroing.
2. Remove the TPIAL and rail grabber as a whole assembly, and then place it back
onto the same notch.
Combat Marksmanship
10-57. A misfire is the failure of a chambered round to fire. Ammunition defects and faulty firing
mechanisms can cause misfires.
10-58. A stoppage is a failure of an automatic or semiautomatic firearm to complete the cycle of
operation. You may apply immediate or remedial action to clear the stoppage. Some stoppages cannot
be cleared by immediate or remedial action and may require weapon repair to correct the problem.
Immediate action involves quickly applying a possible correction to reduce a stoppage without looking
for the actual cause. Remedial action is the action taken to reduce a stoppage by looking for the cause
and to try to clear the stoppage once it has been identified. To reduce a stoppage--
M9 Pistol
Immediate Action
10-59. Take immediate action is taken within 15 seconds of a stoppage.
1. Ensure the decocking/safety lever is in the FIRE position.
2. Squeeze the trigger again.
3. If the pistol does not fire, ensure the magazine is fully seated, retract the slide to the rear,
and release.
4. Squeeze the trigger.
5. If the pistol does not fire again, remove the magazine and retract the slide to eject the
chambered cartridge. Insert a new magazine, retract the slide, and release to chamber another
6. Squeeze the trigger.
7. If the pistol still does not fire, perform remedial action.
Remedial Action
10-60. Remedial action is taken to reduce a stoppage by looking for the cause.
1. Clear the pistol.
2. Inspect the pistol for the cause of the stoppage.
3. Correct the cause of the stoppage, load the pistol, and fire.
4. If the pistol fails to fire again, disassemble it for closer inspection, cleaning, and lubrication.
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 10-31
Chapter 10
M16A2/3/4 And M4 Carbine Rifles
Immediate Action
10-61. Use the key word SPORTS to help you remember the steps to apply immediate action:
gently upward on the magazine to ensure it is fully seated and the magazine follower is not jammed.
* If the weapon fails to eject a cartridge, perform remedial action.
the charging handle fully to the rear.
for the ejection of a live round or expended cartridge. * the charging handle (do not ride it forward).
the forward assist assembly to ensure bolt closure. the trigger and try to fire the rifle.
Remedial Action
10-62. To apply the corrective steps for remedial action, first try to place the weapon on SAFE, then
remove the magazine, lock the bolt to the rear, and place the weapon on safe.
M249 SAW and M240B Machine Guns
Immediate Action
10-63. If either weapon stops firing, the same misfire procedures will apply for both. You will use the
keyword POPP, which will help you remember the steps in order. While keeping the weapon on your
shoulder, Pull and lock the charging handle to the rear while Observing the ejection port to see if a
cartridge case, belt link, or round is ejected. Ensure the bolt remains to the rear to prevent double
feeding if a round or cartridge case is not ejected. If a cartridge case, belt link, or round is ejected, Push
the charging handle to its forward position, take aim on the target, and Press the trigger. If the weapon
does not fire, take remedial action. If a cartridge case, belt link, or round is not ejected, take remedial
Remedial Action
10-64. If immediate action does not remedy the problem, the following actions may be necessary to
restore the weapon to operational condition:
10-32 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 10
10-69. Regardless of the ready position used, always assume the correct firing stance to ensure proper
stability and accuracy when engaging targets. Keep your feet about shoulder-width apart. Toes are
pointed straight to the front (direction of movement). The firing side foot is slightly staggered to the rear
of the nonfiring side foot. Knees are slightly bent and the upper body is leaned slightly forward.
Shoulders are square and pulled back, not rolled over or slouched. Keep your head up and both eyes
open. When engaging targets, hold the weapon with the butt of the weapon firmly against your shoulder
and the firing side elbow close against the body.
The two weapon ready positions are the high ready and low ready (Figure 10-28).
Low Ready Position--Place the butt of the weapon firmly in the pocket of your shoulder with the barrel
pointed down at a 45-degree angle. With your nonfiring hand, grasp the handguards toward the front
sling swivel, with your trigger finger outside the trigger well, and the thumb of your firing hand on the
selector lever. To engage a target from this position, bring your weapon up until you achieve the proper
sight picture. This technique is best for moving inside buildings.
High Ready Position--Hold the butt of the weapon under your armpit, with the barrel pointed slightly up
so that the top of the front sight post is just below your line of sight, but within your peripheral vision.
With your nonfiring hand, grasp the handguards toward the front sling swivel. Place your trigger finger
outside the trigger well, and the thumb of your firing hand on the selector lever. To engage a target from
this position, just push the weapon forward as if to bayonet the target and bring the butt stock firmly
against your shoulder as it slides up your body. This technique is best suited for the lineup outside of a
building, room, or bunker entrance.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Figure 10-28. Ready positions.
10-71. The four aiming techniques with iron sights all have their place during combat in urban areas, but
the aimed quick-kill technique is often used in precision room clearing. You need to clearly understand
when, how, and where to use each technique.
Slow Aimed Fire--This technique is the slowest but most accurate. Take a steady position, properly align
your sight picture, and squeeze off rounds. Use this technique only to engage targets beyond 25 meters
when good cover and concealment is available, or when your need for accuracy overrides your need for
Rapid Aimed Fire--This technique uses an imperfect sight picture. Focus on the target and raise your
weapon until the front sight post assembly obscures the target. Elevation is less critical than windage
when using this technique. This aiming technique is extremely effective on targets from 0 to 15 meters
and at a rapid rate of fire.
Aimed Quick Kill--The aimed quick kill technique is the quickest and most accurate method of engaging
targets up to 12 meters and greater. When using this technique, you must aim over the rear sight, down
the length of the carry handle, and place the top 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch of the front sight post assembly on
the target.
Instinctive Fire--This is the least accurate technique and should only be used in emergencies. It relies on
your instinct, experience, and muscle memory. In order to use this technique, first concentrate on the
target and point your weapon in the general direction of the target. While gripping the handguards with
your nonfiring hand, extend your index finger to the front, automatically aiming the weapon on a line
towards the target.
10-72. Short-range engagements fall into two categories based on the mission and hostile threat.
Lethal Shot Placement--The lethal zone of the target is center mass between the waist and the
chest. Shots in this area maximize the hydrostatic shock of the round.
Incapacitating Shot Placement --The only shot placement that guarantees immediate and total
incapacitation is one roughly centered in the face. Shots to the side of the head should be centered
between the crown of the skull and the middle of the ear opening, and from the center of the
cheekbones to the middle of the back of the head.
10-73. Due to the reduced reaction time, imperfect sight picture, and requirement to effectively place
rounds into threat targets, you must fire multiple rounds during each engagement in order to survive.
Multiple shots may be fired using the controlled pair, automatic weapons fire, and the failure drill
Controlled Pair--Fire two rounds rapid succession. When you fire the first, let the shot move the weapon
in its natural arc and do not fight the recoil. Rapidly bring the weapon back on target and fire the second
round. Fire controlled pairs at an individual target until he goes down. When you have multiple targets,
fire a controlled pair at each target, and then reengage any targets left standing.
Automatic Fire--You might need automatic weapons fire to maximize violence of action or when you
need fire superiority to gain a foothold in a room, building, or trench. You should be able to fire six
rounds (two three-round bursts) in the same time it takes to fire a controlled pair. The accuracy of
engaging targets can be equal to that of semiautomatic fire at 10 meters.
Failure Drill--To make sure a target is completely neutralized, you will need to be trained to execute the
failure drill. Fire a controlled pair at the lethal zone of the target, and then fire a single shot to the
incapacitating zone. This increases the probability of hitting the target with the first shot, and allows you
to incapacitate him with the second shot.
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 10-35
Combat Marksmanship
Chapter 11 Communications
Command and control is a vital function on the battlefield. Effective communications are essential to
command and control. Information exchanged by two or more parties must be transmitted, received,
and understood. Without it, units cannot maneuver effectively and leaders cannot command and control
their units, which may result in lives being lost on the battlefield. The user must understand the
equipment and employ it effectively and within its means.
Each of the several means of communication has its own advantages and disadvantages (Table 11-1,
page 11-2).
• Messengers are the most secure means of communication.
• Messengers can hand carry large maps with overlays.
• Messengers can deliver supplies along with messages.
• Messengers are flexible (can travel long/short distances by foot or vehicle).
• Messengers are slow, especially if traveling on foot for a long distance.
• Messengers might be unavailable, depending on manpower requirements (size of element delivering
• Messengers can be captured by enemy.
• Wire reduces radio net traffic.
• Wire reduces electromagnetic signature.
• Wire is secure and direct.
• Wire can be interfaced with a radio.
• Wire has to be carried (lots of it).
• Wire must be guarded.
• Wire is time consuming.
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 11-1
Chapter 11
Table 11-1. Comparison of communication methods.
• Messengers are the most secure means of communication.
• Messengers can hand carry large maps with overlays.
• Messengers can deliver supplies along with messages.
• Messengers are flexible (can travel long/short distances by foot or vehicle).
• Messengers are slow, especially if traveling on foot for a long distance.
• Messengers might be unavailable, depending on manpower requirements (size of element delivering
• Messengers can be captured by enemy.
• Wire reduces radio net traffic.
• Wire reduces electromagnetic
• Wire is secure and direct.
• Wire can be interfaced with a radio.
• Wire has to be carried (lots of it).
• Wire must be guarded.
• Wire is time consuming.
Visual Signals
• Visual signals aid in identifying friendly forces.
• Visual signals allow transmittal of prearranged messages.
• Visual signals are fast.
• Visual signals provide immediate feedback.
• Visual signals can be confusing.
• Visual signals are visible from far
• The enemy might see them, too.
• Sound can be used to attract attention.
• Sound can be used to transmit prearranged messages.
• Sound can be used to spread alarms.
• Everyone can hear it at once.
• Sound provides immediate feedback.
• The enemy hears it also.
• Sound gives away your position.
• Radios are the most frequently used means of communication.
• Radios are fast.
• Radios are light.
• Radios can be interfaced with
telephone wire.
• Radio is the least secure means of communication.
• Radios require batteries.
• Radios must be guarded or monitored.
11-2 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 11
Radio, the least secure means of communication, speeds the exchange of messages and helps avoid
errors. Proper radio procedures must be used to reduce the enemy’s opportunity to hamper radio
communications. Each time you talk over a radio, the sound of your voice travels in all directions. The
enemy can listen to your radio transmissions while you are communicating with other friendly radio
stations. You must always assume that the enemy is listening to get information about you and your unit,
or to locate your position to destroy you with artillery fire.
11-1. Radio procedure rules, listed below, will help you use transmission times efficiently and avoid
violations of communications.
• Prior to operation, assure equipment is properly configured. The TM is a good place to begin. Examples
of items to check include tuning, power settings, and connections.
• Change frequencies and call signs IAW unit signal operating instructions (SOI).
• Use varied transmission schedules and lengths.
• Use established formats to expedite transmissions such as sending reports.
• Encode messages or use secure voice.
• Clarity of radio communications varies widely, so use the phonetic alphabet and numbers.
• Transmit clear, complete, and concise messages. When possible, write them out beforehand.
• Speak clearly, slowly, and in natural phrases as you enunciate each word. If a receiving operator must
write the message, allow time for him to do so.
• Listen before transmitting to avoid interfering with other transmissions.
• Long messages risk becoming garbled and create increased electronic signature. The use of
prowords is essential in reducing transmission time and avoiding confusion.
• Minimize transmission time.
11-2. Stations are grouped into nets according to requirements of the tactical situation. A Net is two or
more stations in communications with each other, operating on the same frequency. Nets can be for
voice and/or data communications. The types of nets follow:
Command Net (Command and control the unit's maneuver).
Intelligence Net (Communicate enemy information and develop situational awareness). Operations and
Intelligence Net
Administration and Logistics Net (Coordinate sustainment assets).
Flash (For initial enemy contact reports).
Immediate (Situations which greatly affect the security of national and allied forces). Priority (Important
message over routine traffic).
Routine (All types of messages that are not urgent).
11-4 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
13 August 2013
TC 3-21.75 11-5
Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Line 6 Line 6 Line 7 Line 8 Line 9 Line 9
Location of pickup site.
Radio frequency, call sign, and suffix.
Number of patients by precedence.
Special equipment required.
Patient type.
Security of pickup sight (wartime).
Number and type of wound, injury, or illness (peacetime). Method of marking pickup site.
Patient nationality and status.
CBRN contamination (wartime).
Terrain description (Peacetime).
Call for Fire--The normal call for fire is sent in three parts, each of which has the following six elements.
The six elements, detailed in the sequence in which they are transmitted, follow: For a more detailed
explanation for calling for fire, see FM 6-30, Chapter 4:
• Observer identification.
• Warning order.
• Target location.
• Target description.
• Method of engagement.
• Method of fire and control.
Heading--A heading consists of the following information:
1. Identity of distant station and self.
2. Transmission instructions (Relay To, Read Back, Do Not Answer). 3. Precedence.
Text--Text is used to--
1. Separate heading from message with Break. 2. State reason for message.
Ending--An ending consists of--
Final Instructions (Correction, I Say Again, More to Follow, Standby, Execute, Wait). OVER or OUT (never
use both together).
11-3. Soldiers should know how to prepare and use the Nine-Line MEDEVAC Request and the call for fire.
Nine-Line MEDEVAC Request--For a more detailed description (Table 4-3, FM 4-02.2):
Chapter 11
11-4. The following paragraphs discuss common, strength, and readability prowords, as well as radio
Common Prowords--Common prowords are those words used on a regular basis while conducting radio
operations. They are NOT interchangeable, as the meanings are specific and clear to the receiver. An
example is "Say Again" versus "Repeat." "Say Again" means to repeat the last transmission, while
"Repeat" refers to fire support, and means to fire the last mission again (Figure 11-1).
Strength and Readability Prowords--Certain strength and readability prowords must be used during radio
Strength Prowords
• Loud.
• Good.
• Weak.
• Very Weak.
• Poor.
Readability Prowords
• Clear.
• Readable.
• Unreadable.
• Distorted.
• With Interference.
• Intermittent.
Radio Checks--Rating signal strength and readability. An example radio check follows:
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Radio Check Roger
What is my strength and readability?
I received your transmission satisfactorily.
Figure 11-1. Common prowords.
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 11-7
Chapter 11
Preliminary Calls
Bulldog 19, this is Bulldog Bulldog 29, this is Bulldog Bulldog 19, this is Bulldog Bulldog 29, this is Bulldog
Bulldog 19, this is Bulldog
Read Back
Bulldog 19, this is Bulldog
Say Again
Bulldog 19, this is Bulldog Bulldog 29, this is Bulldog Bulldog 19, this is Bulldog
Roger versus Wilco
Bulldog 19, this is Bulldog Bulldog 29, this is Bulldog Bulldog 19, this is Bulldog Bulldog 29, this is Bulldog
Bulldog 29, this is Bulldog
29. Over.
19. Over.
29. Message. Over.
19. Send your message. Over.
29. Convoy Romeo 3, correction: Romeo 4 should arrive 1630z. Over. 29. Read back. Convoy has arrived.
Time 1630z. Over.
29. Request a recovery vehicle to grid 329966. Over. 19. Say again, all before grid. Over.
29. I say again. Request a recovery vehicle. Over.
29. Request a recovery vehicle to grid 329966. Over. 19. Roger. Over.
29. MOVE TO GRID 329966. Over.
19. WILCO. Over
19. Roger. Over.
Communications security (COMSEC) consists of measures and controls to deny unauthorized persons
information from telecommunications and ensure authenticity of such telecommunication. COMSEC
material includes--
• Cryptographic security.
• Transmission security.
• Emission security.
• Physical security.
11-5. Classified material, protected against unauthorized access, is information produced and owned by
the US Government. Authorized access to (clearance to view) classified material requires a NEED-TO-
KNOW designation and the appropriate security clearance. Responsibility to protect security of the
material rests with the individual handling it. No person is authorized based solely on their rank, title, or
position. They are only authorized by their classification level. The three levels of security classification
(clearances) follow:
Top Secret--This classification applies to material that could cause exceptionally grave damage to
national security.
Secret--This classification applies to material that could cause serious damage to national security.
Confidential--This classification applies to material that could cause damage to national security.
Note: "For official use only" (FOUO) is a handling instruction, not a classification.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
11-6. The SOI is a COMSEC aid designed to provide transmission security by limiting and impairing enemy
intelligence collection efforts. The SOI is a series of orders issued for technical control and coordination
of a command or activity. It provides guidance needed to ensure the speed, simplicity, and security of
• Training SOI ......... Unclassified or FOUO.
• Operation SOI....... Used only when deployed for mission.
• Exercise SOI ......... Used for field training exercises.
• Call signs.
• Frequencies.
• Pyrotechnics.
• Challenge and password.
11-7. The ANCD (Figures 11-2 and 11-3) is a handheld device that allows users to store/transmit data via
cable and retrieve COMSEC. It is enabled for night viewing. It also features a water resistant case and
sufficient backup memory.
Figure 11-2. Automated net control device.
Figure 11-3. Automated net control device keypad.
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 11-9
Chapter 11
11-8. The main menu has three choices:
• SOI pertains to SOI Information.
• Radio pertains to COMSEC keys/FH data to be loaded into the radio.
• Supervisor pertains to areas performed by the supervisor only.
11-9. To select areas of the main menu--
1. Use the ARROW key function by pressing either the left or right arrow keys, and then press the ENTER
2. Press the corresponding capital letter on the keyboard to take you directly to
a specific topic:
S Signal operating instructions R Radio
U Supervisor
11-10. Call signs have two parts (Figure 11-4):
SOI Radio
• Designation call sign identifies the major unit (corps, division, brigade, or battalion).
• Suffix and expanders identify individuals by position.
Set times (Figure 11-5).
Figure 11-4. Call signs.
• Ten time periods in an SOI, which change by calendar day at a designated time (typically 2400Z).
• Each time period has a different call sign and frequency for each unit.
• ANCD breaks them into 2 SETS: TP: 1-5 and TP: 6-10.
Note: Follow unit SOP for preventive and immediate action measures for capture or compromise of SOI
or systems.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Figure 11-5. Time periods.
This section discusses radio, wire, and telephone equipment.
11-12. Radios are particularly suited for use when you are on-the-move and need a means of
maintaining command and control. Small handheld or backpacked radios that communicate for only
short distances are found at squad and platoon level. As the need grows to talk over greater distances
and to more units, the size and complexity of radios are increased. The enhancement in modern radio
technology is based upon three basic radio systems, each with its own capabilities and characteristics:
improved high frequency radio (IHFR), single-channel ground and airborne radio systems (SINCGARS),
and single-channel tactical satellite communications (SATCOM). A radio set has a transmitter and
receiver. Other items necessary for operation include a battery for a power source, and an antenna for
radiation and reception of radio waves. The transmitter contains an oscillator that generates radio
frequency (RF) energy in the form of alternating current (AC). A transmission line or cable feeds the RF to
the antenna. The antenna converts the AC into electromagnetic energy, which radiates into space. Many
radio antennas can be configured or changed to transmit in all directions or in a narrow direction to help
minimize the enemy’s ability to locate the transmitter. A keying device is used to control the
11-13. See Figure 11-6.
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 11-11
Chapter 11
Figure 11-6. AN/PRC-148 multiband intrateam radio (MBITR).
Actual battery life depends upon radio settings, environmental considerations, and battery age.
Receiver Transmitter Unit (RTU)
Range ....................................... Antennas ..................................
Batteries ...................................
Optimal battery life.................... Weight ...................................... Interoperability ..........................
Transceiver/battery holster System carrying bag
5 kilometers 30-90 MHz
30-512 MHz (reduced gain below 90 MHz)
Rechargeable Lithium-Ion (2) Nonrechargeable (2) and case 10 hrs
2 pounds
11-14. The IC-F43 portable UHF transceiver is a two-way, intersquad, land-mobile radio with squad radio
voice communications and secure protection (Figure 11-7).
Range.................................................................................... Optimal battery
life ................................................................ Weight...................................................................................
2.5 kilometers (2,500 meters) 10 hours
Lessthan1pound AN/PRC-119 SINCGARS
RT 1523A-D (SIP)
Figure 11-7. IC-F43 portable UHF transceiver.
11-15. Running the self-test in the system improvement program (SIP) with COMSEC set to PT will
produce a FAIL5 message. Change COMSEC to CT to clear the error message (Figure 11-8).
11-12 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
RT 1523E
Optimal battery life............................................
Weight ..............................................................
Battery box .......................................................
Dumb handset .................................................. Control knobs
10 to 30 hours 13.7 pounds CY-8523C H-250
Figure 11-8. AN/PRC-119A-D SIP.
11-16. See Figure 11-9 for more information about the advanced system improvement program (ASIP).
Internal battery Optimal battery life Weight
Smart handset New keypad Control knob
33 hours 8 pounds HRCRD
Figure 11-8. AN/PRC-119E advanced system improvement program (ASIP).
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 11-13
Chapter 11
11-17. The decision to establish wire communications depends on the need; time required and available
to install and use; and capability to maintain. The supply of wire on-hand, the expected resupply, and
future needs must also be considered. Wire communications can be used in most terrain and tactical
situations. When in the defense, units normally communicate by wire and messenger instead of by radio.
Your leaders will often have you lay the wire, and install and operate the field phones.
11-18. A surface line is field wire laid DR-8 laid on the ground. Lay surface lines loosely with plenty of
slack. Slack makes installation and maintenance easier. Surface lines take less time and fewer Soldiers to
install. When feasible, dig small trenches for the wire to protect it from shell fragments of artillery or
mortar rounds. Conceal wire routes crossing open areas from enemy observation. Tag all wire lines at
switchboards, and at road, trail, and rail crossings to identify the lines and make repair easier if a line is
cut. An overhead line is field wire laid above the ground. Lay overhead lines near command posts, in
assembly areas, and along roads where heavy vehicular traffic may drive off the road. Also, lay them at
road crossings where trenches cannot be dug, if culverts or bridges are unavailable. Those lines are the
least likely to be damaged by vehicles or weather.
11-19. The telephone set TA-1 is a sound-powered phone with both visual and audible signals. Its range
is 4 miles using WD-1 wire. Telephone set TA-312 is a battery-powered phone. Its range is 14 miles using
WD-1 wire.
11-20. To install the TA-1 telephone--
• Strip away half an inch of insulation from each strand of the WD-1 wire line.
• Press the spring-loaded line binding posts and insert one strand of the wire into each post.
• Adjust the signal volume-control knob to LOUD.
• Press the generator lever several times to call the other operator
• Listen for the buzzer sound.
• Turn the buzzer volume-control knob to obtain the desired volume.
• See if the indicator shows four white luminous markings.
• If so, press the push-to-talk switch to reset the visual indicator.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
To install the TA-312 telephone--
Strip away 1/2 inch of insulation from each strand of the WD-1 wire line.
Press the spring-loaded line binding posts and insert one strand of the wire into each post. Adjust the
buzzer volume-control knob to LOUD.
Turn the INT-EXT switch to INT.
Turn the circuit selector switch to LB.
Insert two BA-30 batteries into the battery compartment (one up and one down).
Seat the handset firmly in the retaining cradle.
Turn the hand crank rapidly a few turns.
Remove the handset from the retaining cradle and wait for the other operator to answer. Press the push-
to-talk switch to talk.
Release the push-to-talk switch to listen.
11-22. The CE-11 reel is a lightweight, portable unit used to lay and pick up short wire lines. It includes
the RL-39 band cable-reeling machine, axle, crank, carrying handles, straps ST-34 and ST-35, and
telephone set TA-1/PT, all of which may be authorized as a unit or listed separately in the TOE. The DR-8
reel cable and the WD-1/TT field wire (400 feet) are always listed separately from the RL-39 and each
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 11-15
Chapter 12
Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape
Continuous operations and fast-moving battles increase your chances of either becoming temporarily
separated from your unit or captured. Whether you are separated from your unit or captured, your top
priority should be rejoining your unit or making it to friendly lines. If you do become isolated, every
Soldier must continue to fight, evade capture, and regain contact with friendly forces. If captured,
detained, or held hostage, individual Soldiers must live, act, and speak in a manner that leaves no doubt
they adhere to the traditions and values of the US Army and the Code of Conduct.
12-1. The acrostic SURVIVAL can help guide your actions in any situation (Figure 12-1 [short list] and
Figure 12-2 [explanations]). Learn what each letter represents, and practice applying these guidelines
when conducting survival training:
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 12-1
Chapter 12
Size up the Situation (Surroundings, Physical Condition, Equipment).
In combat, conceal yourself from the enemy. Security is key. "Size up" the battlespace (situation,
surroundings, physical condition, and equipment). Determine if the enemy is attacking, defending, or
withdrawing. Make your survival plan, considering your basic physical needs—water, food, and shelter.
Surroundings--Figure out what is going on around you and find the rhythm or pattern of your
environment. It includes animal and bird noises, and movements and insect sounds. It may also include
enemy traffic and civilian movements.
Physical Condition--The pressure of the previous battle you were in (or the trauma of being in a survival
situation) may have caused you to overlook wounds you received. Check your wounds and give yourself
first aid. Take care to prevent further bodily harm. For instance, in any climate, drink plenty of water to
prevent dehydration. If you are in a cold or wet climate, put on additional clothing to prevent
Equipment--Perhaps in the heat of battle, you lost or damaged some of your equipment. Check to see
what equipment you have and its condition.
Use All Your Senses: Undue Haste Makes Waste
Evaluate the situation. Note sounds and smells. Note temperature changes. Stay observant and act
carefully. An unplanned action can result in your capture or death. Avoid moving just to do something.
Consider all aspects of your situation before you do anything. Also, if you act in haste, you might forget
or lose some of your equipment. You might also get disoriented and not know which way to go. Plan
your moves. Stay ready to move out quickly, but without endangering yourself, if the enemy is near.
Remember Where You Are
Find out who in your group has a map or compass. Find yourself on a map and continually reorient
yourself on your location and destination. Ensure others do the same. Rely on yourself to keep track of
your route. This will help you make intelligent decisions in a survival or evasion situation. Always try to
determine, as a minimum, how your location relates to--
• Enemy units and controlled areas.
• Friendly units and controlled areas.
• Local water sources (especially important in the desert). • Areas that will provide good cover and
Vanquish Fear and Panic
Fear and panic are your greatest enemies. Uncontrolled, they destroy the ability to make intelligent
decisions, or they cause you to react to feelings and imagination rather than the situation. They will drain
your energy, and lead to other negative emotions. Control them by remaining self-confident and using
what you learned in your survival training.
Americans are unused to making do. This can hold you back in a survival situation. Learn to improvise.
Take a tool designed for a specific purpose and see how many other uses you can find for it. Learn to use
natural objects around you for different needs, for example, use a rock for a hammer. When your survival
kit inevitably wears out, you must use your imagination. In fact, when you can improvise suitable tools,
do so, and save your survival kit items for times when you have no such options.
Value Living
When faced with the stresses, inconveniences, and discomforts of a survival situation, Soldiers must
maintain a high value on living. The experience and knowledge you have gained through life and Army
training will have a bearing on your will to live. Perseverance, a refusal to give in to problems and
obstacles that face you, will give you the mental and physical strength to endure.
Act like the Natives
Locals (indigenous people and animals) have already adapted to an environment that is strange to you.
• Observe daily routines of local people. Where do they get food and water? When and where do they
eat? What time do
they go to bed and get up? The answers to these questions can help you avoid capture.
• Watch animals, who also need food, water, and shelter, to help you find the same.
• Remember that animals may react to you, revealing your presence to the enemy.
• In friendly areas, gain rapport with locals by showing interest in their customs. Studying them helps
you learn to respect
them, allows you to make valuable friends, and, most importantly, helps you adapt to their environment.
All of these will increase your chance of survival.
Live by your Wits, but for Now Learn Basic Skills
Having basic survival and evasion skills will help you live through a combat survival situation. Without
these skills, your chance of survival is slight.
• Learn these skills now—not en route to, or in, battle. Know the environment you are going into and
practice basic skills
geared to the environment. Equipping yourself for the environment beforehand will help determine
whether you survive.
For instance, if you are going to a desert, know how to get--and purify--water.
• Practice basic survival skills during all training programs and exercises. Survival training reduces fear of
the unknown,
gives you self-confidence, and teaches you to live by your wits.
Figure 12-1. SURVIVAL.
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Chapter 12
12-6. Evasion is the action you take to stay out of the enemy’s hands when separated from your unit and
in enemy territory. There are several courses of action you can take to avoid capture and rejoin your unit.
You may stay in your current position and wait for friendly troops to find you, or you may try to move
and find friendly lines. Below are a few guidelines you can follow.
12-7. Planning is essential to achieve successful evasion. Follow these guidelines for successful evasion:
• Keep a positive attitude.
• Use established procedures.
• Follow your EPA (evasion plan of action).
• Be patient.
• Drink water.
• Conserve strength for critical periods.
• Rest and sleep as much as possible.
• Stay out of sight.
12-8. Avoid the following odors (they stand out and may give you away):
• Scented soaps and shampoos.
• Shaving cream, after-shave lotion, or other cosmetics.
• Insect repellent (camouflage stick is least scented).
• Gum and candy (smell is strong or sweet).
• Tobacco (odor is unmistakable).
• Mask scent using crushed grasses, berries, dirt, and charcoal.
12-9. Establish--
Suitable area for recovery. Selected area for evasion.
Neutral or friendly country or area. Designated area for recovery.
Keep the following guidelines in mind concerning shelters:
Use camouflage and concealment.
Locate carefully (BLISS, Figure 12-2).
Choose an area.
-- Least likely to be searched (for example drainages, rough terrain) and blends with the
-- With escape routes (do not corner yourself). -- With observable approaches.
Locate entrances and exits in brush and along ridges, ditches, and rocks to keep from forming paths to
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Remember, a moving object is easy to spot. If travel is necessary--
Mask with natural cover.
Stay off ridgelines and use the military crest (2/3 of the way up) of a hill. Restrict to periods of low light,
bad weather, wind, or reduced enemy activity. Avoid silhouetting.
Do the following at irregular intervals:
-- Stop at a point of concealment.
-- Look for signs of human or animal activity (such as smoke, tracks, roads, troops, vehicles,
aircraft, wire, and buildings). Watch for trip wires or booby traps, and avoid leaving evidence of travel.
Peripheral vision is more effective for recognizing movement at night and twilight.
-- Listen for vehicles, troops, aircraft, weapons, animals, and so forth.
-- Smell for vehicles, troops, animals, fires, and so forth.
Use noise discipline; check clothing and equipment for items that could make noise during
movement and secure them.
Break up the human shape or recognizable lines.
Camouflage evidence of travel. Route selection requires detailed planning and special techniques
(irregular route/zigzag).
Concealing evidence of travel. Using techniques such as: Avoid disturbing vegetation.
Do not break branches, leaves, or grass. Use a walking stick to part vegetation and push it back to its
original position.
Do not grab small trees or brush. (This may scuff the bark or create movement that is easily spotted. In
snow country, this creates a path of snow-less vegetation revealing your route.) Pick firm footing
(carefully place the foot lightly but squarely on the surface to avoid slipping). Try not to--
-- Overturn ground cover, rocks, and sticks.
-- Scuff bark on logs and sticks.
-- Make noise by breaking sticks. (Cloth wrapped around feet helps muffle noise.) -- Mangle grass and
bushes that normally spring back.
Mask unavoidable tracks in soft footing.
-- Place tracks in the shadows of vegetation, downed logs, and snowdrifts.
• Be wary of flash floods in ravines and canyons.
• Conceal with minimal to no preparation.
• Take the radio direction finding threat into account before transmitting from shelter.
• Ensure overhead concealment.
B Blend
L Low silhouette
I Irregular shape
S Small
S Secludedlocation
Figure 12-2. Tool for remembering shelter locations.
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Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape
Chapter 12
-- Move before and during precipitation, allows tracks to fill in.
-- Travel during windy periods.
-- Take advantage of solid surfaces (such as logs and rocks) leaving less evidence of travel.
-- Tie cloth or vegetation to feet, or pat out tracks lightly to speed their breakdown or make
them look old.
• Secure trash or loose equipment and hide or bury discarded items. (Trash or lost equipment identifies
who lost it.)
• If pursued by dogs, concentrate on defeating the handler.
-- Travel downwind of dog/handler, if possible.
-- Travel over rough terrain and/or through dense vegetation to slow the handler. -- Travel downstream
through fast moving water.
-- Zigzag route if possible, consider loop-backs and "J" hooks.
• Penetrate obstacles as follows:
-- Enter deep ditches feet first to avoid injury.
-- Go around chain-link and wire fences. Go under fence if unavoidable, crossing at damaged
areas. Do not touch fence; look for electrical insulators or security devices.
-- Penetrate rail fences, passing under or between lower rails. If this is impractical, go over the
top, presenting as low a silhouette as possible.
-- Cross roads after observation from concealment to determine enemy activity. Cross at points
offering concealment such as bushes, shadows, or bends in the road. Cross in a manner leaving
footprints parallel (cross step sideways) to the road.
12-12. Figure 12-3 shows the Code of Conduct, which prescribes how every Soldier of the US armed
forces must conduct himself when captured (or faced with the possibility of capture).
12-6 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 12
opportunities whenever they arise. The US does not authorize any Military Service member to sign or
enter into any such parole agreement.
Article IV--Officers and NCOs shall continue to carry out their responsibilities and exercise their authority
in captivity. Informing on, or any other action detrimental to a fellow POW, is despicable and expressly
forbidden. POWs especially must avoid helping the enemy to identify fellow POWs who may have
knowledge of value to the enemy and who may be made to suffer coercive interrogation. Strong
leadership is essential to discipline. Without discipline, camp organization, resistance, and even survival
may be impossible. Personal hygiene, camp sanitation, and care of the sick and wounded are imperative.
Wherever located, POWs should organize in a military manner under the senior military POW eligible for
command. The senior POW (whether officer or enlisted) in the POW camp or among a group of POWs
shall assume command according to rank without regard to Military Service.
Article V--When questioned, a POW is required by the Geneva Conventions and the Code of Conduct,
and is permitted by the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), to give name, rank, service number, and
date of birth. The enemy has no right to try to force a POW to provide any additional information.
However, it is unrealistic to expect a POW to remain confined for years reciting only name, rank, service
number, and date of birth. If a POW finds that, under intense coercion, he unwillingly or accidentally
discloses unauthorized information, the Service member should attempt to recover and resist with a
fresh line of mental defense. The best way for a POW to resist is to keep faith with the US, fellow POWs,
and oneself to provide the enemy with as little information as possible.
Article VI--A member of the Armed Forces remains responsible for personal actions at all times. Article VI
is designed to assist members of the Armed Forces to fulfill their responsibilities and survive captivity
with honor. The Code of Conduct does not conflict with the UCMJ, which continues to apply to each
military member during captivity or other hostile detention. Failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct
may subject Service members to applicable disposition under the UCMJ. A member of the Armed Forces
who is captured has a continuing obligation to resist all attempts at indoctrination and must remain loyal
to the US.
12-13. Escape is the action you take to get away from the enemy if you are captured. The best time for
escape is right after capture as you will be in a better physical and mental condition. Bad food and bad
treatment during capture add to the already stressful fact of captivity. When detained, you will be given
minimal rations that are barely enough to sustain life and certainly not enough to build up a reserve of
energy. The physical treatment, medical care, and rations of prison life quickly cause physical weakness,
night blindness, and loss of coordination and reasoning power. Once you have escaped, it may not be
easy to contact friendly troops or get back to their lines, even when you know where they are. Learn and
use the information in this chapter to increase your chance of survival on today’s battlefield. For more
information, see FM 3-05.70 and ATP 3-50.3. Other reasons for escaping early include--
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Friendly fire or air strikes may cause enough confusion and disorder to provide a chance
to escape.
The first guards usually have less training in handling prisoners than the next set. You have a
better chance of getting away from the first ones.
You might know something about the area where you were first captured. You might even know the
locations of nearby friendly units.
The way you escape depends on what you can think of to fit the situation. The only general rules are to
escape early and when the enemy is distracted.
Chapter 13
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, or Nuclear Weapons
The threat or use of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) is a possible condition of
future warfare. You could encounter chemical and biological (CB) weapons in the early stages of war to
disrupt US operations and logistics. In many regions where the US is likely to deploy forces, potential
adversaries may use CB weapons. To meet this challenge, you must be properly trained and equipped to
operate effectively and decisively in the face of any CBRN attacks.
A toxic chemical agent is any toxic chemical that, through its chemical action on life processes, can cause
death, temporary incapacitation, or permanent harm to humans. Additionally, you can experience
significant physiological effects. Chemical agents, further divided into chemical warfare (CW) agents, are
classified according to their physical states, physiological actions, and uses. Chemical agents may appear
in the field in the forms of vapors, aerosols, or liquids. The terms persistent and nonpersistent describe
the time chemical agents remain in an area and do not classify the agents technically. The persistent
chemical agents may last anywhere from hours up to days and will necessitate future decontamination
and the wearing of protective equipment in that area; whereas nonpersistent chemical agents will last
for only a matter of minutes to hours, but are usually more lethal. Chemical agents having military
significance are categorized as nerve, blister, blood, incapacitating, or choking agents.
13-1. These chemical agents kill, seriously injure, or incapacitate unprotected personnel when employed
as discussed in the following paragraphs.
13-2. If you are in a contaminated area, protective clothing and a mask are the only sufficient protection
against nerve agents. Nerve agents act quickly: effects can occur seconds, minutes, or hours after
Convulsant Antidote for Nerve Agents
13-3. The CANA is an autoinjector containing 10 milligrams of diazepam for intramuscular administration
to control nerve agent induced seizures (Figure 13-1). Administration of atropine and 2
• Difficulty breathing.
• Drooling.
• Nausea.
• Vomiting.
• Convulsions.
• Dim vision (sometimes).
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Chapter 13
PAM alone often does not prevent the occurrence of severe and long lasting convulsions after nerve
agent exposure. The CANA, designed for buddy aid administration and not self administration, is
intended to terminate the convulsions.
Figure 13-1. CANA. CAUTION
Use the casualty's CANA when providing aid. Do not use your own. If you do, you might not have any
antidote available when you need it.
Antidote Treatment, Nerve Agent, Autoinjector System--When Mark I supplies are exhausted, use the
antidote treatment, nerve agent, autoinjector (ATNAA) system. A single ATNAA delivers both atropine
and two Pam CL. See FM 4-25.11 and FM 4-02.285 for more information.
Self-Aid--If you have symptoms of nerve agent poisoning, inject one NAAK in your thigh. If symptoms
persist, inject a second one. Allow at least 15 minutes between injections, and do not exceed three
NAAK injections. First aid measures include (Figure 13-2)--
-- Atropine.
-- Two PAM nerve agent antidote kits (NAAKs). -- Mark I.
-- Artificial respiration.
-- Protective clothing.
-- Mask.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Figure 13-2. NAAK, Mark I.
Buddy-Aid--If a Soldier is so incapacitated that he cannot treat himself, then a buddy must inject three
NAAKs at once, IAW the instructions in the kit, and without waiting 15 minutes between injections.
Then, he immediately gives artificial respiration. (The maximum number of NAAK injections you
Chapter 13
13-8. See FM 4-02.7, FM 3-11.4, ATP 3-11.37, and TRADOC G2 Handbook No. 1.04 for more information.
• TIMs are produced to prescribed toxicity levels.
• TIMs are administered through inhalation (mostly), ingestion, or absorption.
• MOPP gear may or may not protect against TIMs and other vapor or contact hazards.
• TIMs may be stored or used in any environment and for any tactical purpose, including
industrial, commercial, medical, military, or domestic purposes.
13-9. TIMs may take any of these three forms:
• Chemical (toxic industrial chemicals, or TIC).
• Biological (toxic industrial biological, or TIB).
• Radioactive (toxic industrial radiological, or TIR).
13-10. Some examples of TIM include--
• Fuels.
• Oils.
• Pesticides.
• Radiation sources.
• Arsenic.
• Cyanide.
• Metals such as mercury and thallium.
• Phosgene.
13-11. Your senses may be unable to detect chemicals. Most agents are odorless, colorless, tasteless,
and invisible in battlefield concentrations. However, by using unit-level chemical agent alarms and
detection kits, you can detect chemical agents yourself.
13-12. The M22 ACADA detects and warns of the presence of standard blister and nerve agents (Figure
13-3). The M22 ACADA system is man-portable, operates independently after system startup, and
produces an audible and visual alarm. The M22 system also has a communications interface that
automatically provides battlefield warning and reporting. The system monitors the air in all
environmental conditions, within standard wheeled and tracked vehicles, and within collective
protection shelters.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 13
of the booklet. The paper sheets turn dark green, yellow, or red on contact with liquid V-type nerve
agents, G-type nerve agents, or blister (mustard) agents. Unfortunately, they cannot detect vapors.
Figure 13-5. M8 chemical agent detector paper.
13-15. M9 chemical agent detector paper is the most widely used tool used to detect liquid chemical
agents (Figure 13-6). M9 paper contains a suspension of an agent-sensitive, red indicator dye in a paper
base. It detects and turns pink, red, reddish brown, or red purple when exposed to liquid nerve and
blister agents, but it cannot identify the specific agent. Confirm the results of the M9 paper by using the
M256 kit. Carry one 30-feet long by 2-inch wide roll of M9 paper with adhesive backing. This will make it
easier to wrap a strip of the paper around a sleeve and trouser leg of your protective overgarment. Place
the M9 detector paper on opposite sides of your body. If you are right handed, place a strip of M9 paper
around your right upper arm, left wrist, and right ankle, and vice versa if you are left handed. You should
also attach M9 paper to large pieces of equipment such as shelters or vehicles.
Figure 13-6. M9 chemical agent detector paper. CAUTION
When attaching M9 chemical paper to equipment, first place the equipment in an area free from dirt,
grease, and oil. This is especially important since petroleum products will discolor the paper.
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Chapter 13
13-19. Take these steps to protect against a chemical attack:
• Identify automatic masking criteria.
• Don your protective mask when there is a high probability of a chemical attack, such as when--
-- A chemical alarm sounds.
-- A positive reading is obtained on detector paper.
-- Individuals exhibit symptoms of CB agent poisoning. -- You observe a contamination marker.
-- Your leader tells you to mask.
-- You see personnel wearing protective masks.
• Respond to the commander’s policy of automatic masking.
Note: When chemical weapons have been employed, commanders may modify policy by designating
additional events as automatic masking criteria.
• Don, clear, and check your assigned protective mask to protect yourself from CB contamination.
• Give the alarm by yelling "Gas" and giving the appropriate hand and arm signal.
• Take cover to reduce exposure, using whatever means are readily available.
• Decontaminate exposed skin using the individual decontaminating kit, as necessary.
• Assume MOPP4.
-- Cover all skin (head and shoulders already protected by mask and overgarment). -- Put on the gloves
with liners.
-- Zip and fasten the overgarment jacket.
-- Secure the hood, and then secure the overgarment to increase protection.
-- Put on the overboots.
13-20. Your main protection against a CB attack is your protective mask. The M40A1/A2 series mask
provides respiratory, eye, and face protection against CB agents, radioactive fallout particles, and
battlefield contaminants. The M42A2 combat vehicle crew (CVC) CB mask has the same components as
the M40 A1/A2 (Figure 13-8). In addition, the M42A2 CVC mask has a detachable microphone for wire
communications. The canister on the M42A2 mask is attached to the end of a hose and has an adapter
for connection to a gas particulate filter unit (GPFU).
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Chapter 13
13-24. The chemical protective footwear cover (CPFC) is impermeable and protects your feet from CB
agents, vectors, and radioactive alpha and beta particles for a minimum of 24 hours, as long as it remains
13-25. The chemical protective helmet cover (CPHC) is a one piece configuration made of butyl coated
nylon cloth and gathered at the opening by elastic webbing enclosed in the hem. The cover comes in one
size and is OD green color. The helmet cover protects your helmet from CB contamination and
radioactive alpha and beta particles.
13-26. Mission oriented protective posture (MOPP) is a flexible system of protection against chemical
agents. Your leader will specify the level of MOPP based on the chemical threat, work rate, and
temperature prior to performing a mission. Later, he may direct a change in MOPP according to the
changing situation. The MOPP level determines what equipment you must wear and carry. Your unit may
increase this level as necessary, but they may not decrease it. The standard MOPP levels are shown in
the following chart.
Table 13-1. MOPP levels.
MOPP Ready
Mask Only
Mask Carried JSLIST Ready* Overboots Ready* Gloves Ready* Helmet Cover Ready*
Carried Carried Carried Worn
Avail** Worn Worn Worn Worn Avail** Avail** Worn Worn Worn Avail** Avail** Avail** Avail** Worn
Avail** Avail** Worn Worn Worn
Worn Worn***
* Item must be available to Soldier within two hours, with replacement available within six hours. **
Item must be positioned within arm's reach of the Soldier.
*** Soldier Never "mask only" if a nerve or blister agent has been used in the AO.
13-27. Contamination forces your unit into protective equipment that degrades performance of
individual and collective tasks. Decontamination restores combat power and reduces casualties that may
result from exposure, allowing your unit to sustain combat operations.
1. Decontaminate as soon as possible.
2. Decontaminate only what is necessary.
13-10 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 13
Thorough Clearance
Unrestricted use of resources
Provides probability of long-term MOPP reduction
METT-TC depending on the type of equipment contaminated
When mission allows reconstitution
When mission permits
Decontamination platoon contaminated unit
Supporting strategic resources
Table 13-2. Decontamination levels and techniques.
Best Start Time
Performed By
Skin decontamination Personal wipe down Operator wipe down
Spot decontamination
Saves lives
Stops agent from penetrating
Limits agent spread Limits agent spread
Before 1 minute Within 15 minutes Within 15 minutes Within 15 minutes
Individual Individual or buddy Individual or crew Individual or crew
MOPP gear exchange 2
Vehicle wash down
Provides temporary relief from MOPP4 Limits agent spread
Within 6 hours
Within 1 hour (CARC)
or within 6 hours (non-CARC)
Battalion crew or decontamination platoon
The techniques become less effective the longer they are delayed.
Performance degradation and risk assessment must be considered when exceeding 6 hours.
M291 Skin Decontaminating Kit--The M291 Skin Decontamination Kit has a wallet like carrying pouch
containing six individual decontamination packets, enough to perform three complete skin
decontaminations (Figure 13-9). Instructions for use are marked on the case and packets. Each packet
contains an applicator pad filled with decontamination powder. Each pad provides you with a single step,
nontoxic/nonirritating decontamination application. Decontamination is accomplished by application of
a black decontamination powder contained in the applicator pad. The M291 can be used on the skin,
including the face and around wounds as well as some personal equipment such as your rifle, mask, and
gloves. The M291 allows you to completely decontaminate yourself and equipment skin through physical
removal, absorption, and neutralization of toxic agent with no long term harmful effects.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 13
13-41. The main employment of RDDs is explosives, which can cause serious injuries and property
damage. An explosive RDD, often called "dirty bomb," is any system that uses the explosive force of
detonation to disperse radioactive material. A dirty bomb uses dynamite or other explosives to scatter
radioactive dust, smoke, or other materials in order to cause radioactive contamination.
13-42. A simple explosive RDD, commonly called a pig, has a lead-shielded container with a kilogram of
explosive attached. A pig can easily fit into a backpack. The radioactive materials in an RDD probably
produces too little exposure to cause immediate serious illness, except to those who are very close to
the blast site. However, radioactive dust and smoke, when spread farther away, could endanger health if
inhaled. Terrorist use of RDDs could cause health, environmental, political, social, and economic effects.
It could also cause fear, and could cost much money and time to clean up.
13-43. An atmospheric RDD is any device that converts radioactive materials into a form that is easily
transported by air currents.
13-44. Because you cannot see, smell, feel, or taste radiation, you may not know whether you have been
exposed. Low levels of radiation exposure--like those expected from a dirty bomb--cause no symptoms.
Higher levels may produce symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and swelling and redness of
the skin.
13-45. Decontaminate and treat casualties the same as you would for exposure to nuclear radiation.
Should you know when an incident occurs, take immediate steps to protect yourself:
Cover your nose and mouth with a cloth to reduce the risk of breathing in radioactive dust or smoke.
Don’t touch objects thrown off by an explosion as they might be radioactive.
Quickly go into a building where the walls and windows have not been broken. This area will shield you
from radiation that might be outside.
Once you are inside, take off your outer layer of clothing and seal it in a plastic bag if available. Put the
cloth you used to cover your mouth in the bag as well. Removing outer clothes may get rid of up to 90%
of radioactive dust.
Shower or wash with soap and water. Be sure to wash your hair. Washing will remove any remaining
If the walls and windows of the building are not broken, stay in the building and do not leave. To keep
radioactive dust or powder from getting inside, shut all windows and outside doors.
Turn off fans and heating and air conditioning systems that bring in air from the outside. It is not
necessary to put duct tape or plastic around doors or windows.
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Chapter 13
13-53. An EMP is a massive surge of electrical power. It is created the instant a nuclear detonation
occurs, and it travels at the speed of light in all directions. It can damage solid state components of
electrical equipment, such as radios, radar, computers, vehicles--and weapon systems. You can protect
equipment by disconnecting it from its power source and placing it in or behind some type of shielding
material, such as an armored vehicle or dirt wall, out of the line of sight from the burst. Without
warning, there is no way for you to protect your equipment.
13-54. Radiation is the only direct nuclear effect that lingers after the explosion. As it cannot be detected
by the senses, use radiac equipment to detect its presence (FM 3-11.3).
13-55. The AN/VDR 2 is used to perform ground radiological surveys in vehicles or in the dismounted
mode by individual Soldiers as a handheld instrument (Figure 13-12). The set can also provide a
quantitative measure of radiation to decontaminate personnel, equipment, and supplies. The set
includes an audible and/or visual alarm that is compatible with vehicular nuclear, biological, and
chemical protective systems in armored vehicles and also interfaces with vehicular power systems and
Figure 13-12. Radiac Set AN/VDR 2.
13-18 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, or Nuclear Weapons
13-56. The AN/UDR 13 is a compact, handheld, or pocket carried, tactical device that can measure
prompt gamma/neutron doses from a nuclear event, plus gamma dose and dose rate from nuclear
fallout (Figure 13-13). A push-button pad enables mode selection, functional control, and the setting of
audio and visual alarm thresholds for both dose rate and mission dose. A sleep mode with automatic
wakeup lengthens battery life. The LCD provides data readout and warning and mode messages.
Figure 13-13. Radiac set AN/UDR 13.
13-57. If detection equipment is unavailable and you suspect that you are contaminated, decontaminate
as required. Procedures for decontamination operations can be found in FM 3-11.5. Radiological
contamination can usually be removed by brushing or scraping. When feasible, move out of the
contaminated area.
13-58. If your unit must remain in the contaminated area, you should stay in a dug-in position with OHC.
If you have time, brush or scoop away the top inch of soil from your fighting position to lower the
amount of radiological contamination affecting you. When time does not permit constructing a well
prepared OHC, use a poncho. Stay under cover. When the fallout is over, brush contamination off
yourself and your equipment. Use water to flush away radiological contamination. However, control the
runoff by using drainage ditches that flow into a sump. As soon as mission permits, wash yourself and
your equipment. Remember, you have not destroyed the contamination; you have just moved it. The
runoff will still be hazardous.
13-59. Blasts, and thermal and nuclear radiation causes nuclear casualties. Except for radiation
casualties, treat nuclear casualties the same as conventional casualties. Wounds caused by blast are
similar to other combat wounds. Thermal burns are treated as any other type of burn. The exposure of
the human body to nuclear radiation causes damage to the cells in all parts of the body. This damage is
the cause of "radiation sickness." The severity of this sickness depends on the radiation dose received,
the length of exposure, and the condition of the body at the time. The early symptoms of radiation
sickness will usually appear 1 to 6 hours after exposure. Those symptoms may include headache, nausea,
vomiting, and diarrhea. Early symptoms may then be followed by a latent period in which the symptoms
disappear. There is no first aid for you once you have been exposed to nuclear radiation. The only help is
to get as comfortable as possible while undergoing the early symptoms. If the radiation dose was small,
the symptoms, if any, will probably go away and not recur. If the symptoms recur after a latent period,
you should go to an aid station. A blast can crush sealed or partly sealed objects like food cans, barrels,
fuel tanks, and helicopters. Rubble from buildings being knocked down can bury supplies and
equipment. Heat can ignite dry wood, fuel, tarpaulins, and other flammable material. Light can damage
eyesight. Radiation can contaminate food and water.
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Chapter 13
13-60. An attack occurring without warning is immediately noticeable. The first indication will be very
intense light. Heat and initial radiation come with the light, and the blast follows within seconds. Nuclear
attack indicators are unmistakable. The bright flash, enormous explosion, high winds, and mushroom
shaped cloud clearly indicate a nuclear attack. An enemy attack would normally come without warning.
Initial actions must, therefore, be automatic and instinctive. The best hasty protection against a nuclear
attack is to take cover behind a hill or in a fighting position, culvert, or ditch. Time available to take
protective action will be minimal. When in a fighting position, you can take additional precautions. The
fighting position puts more earth between you and the potential source of radiation. You can curl up on
one side, but the best position is on the back with knees drawn up to the chest. This position may seem
vulnerable, but the arms and legs are more radiation resistant and will protect the head and trunk.
However, if you’re exposed while in the open when a detonation occurs, you should do the following:
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Drop face down immediately, with your feet facing the blast. This will lessen the possibility of heat and
blast injuries to your head, face, and neck. A log, a large rock, or any depression in the earth’s surface
provides some protection.
Close eyes.
Protect exposed skin from heat by putting hands and arms under or near the body and keeping the
helmet on.
Remain facedown until the blast wave passes and debris stops falling.
Remain calm, check for injury, check weapons and equipment for damage, and prepare to continue the
Chapter 14
Mines, Demolitions, and Breaching Procedures
A unit may use mines during security, defensive, and offensive operations in order to reduce the enemy’s
mobility. In such operations, you must emplace the mines and, when required, retrieve them. In order to
breach minefields and wire obstacles; there will be times when you have to physically detect and clear
them. You must be proficient at correctly and safely handling demolition firing systems. This chapter will
help you gain a true appreciation of the requirements and time it takes to perform an actual mine-
warfare mission.
Section I. MINES
This section discusses antipersonnel and antitank mines. Some mines are "smart." That is, they contain
RF receivers, which allow for remote or automatic self-destruction or self-deactivatation via a remote
control unit (RCU), on demand, after a period of time, or at a particular time. The default self-destruct
time, once the mines are dispensed, is four hours.
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 14-1
Chapter 14
14-1. Antipersonnel mines are designed specifically to reroute, block, or protect friendly obstacles These
mines are designed to kill or disable their victims, and are activated by command detonation.
On May 16, 1996, the President of the United States implemented a phased restriction and elimination
of antipersonnel land mines. Implementation began with non-self-destructing mines, but will eventually
include all types of antipersonnel mines. This policy applies to all Infantry units either engaged in or
training for operations worldwide. The use of non-self-destructing antipersonnel land mines is restricted
to specific areas:
• Within internationally recognized national borders.
• In established demilitarized zones such as to defend South Korea.
Mines approved for use must be emplaced in an area with clearly marked perimeters. They must be
monitored by military personnel and protected by adequate means to ensure the exclusion of civilians.
US policy also forbids US forces from using standard or improvised explosive devices as booby traps.
Except for South Korea-based units, and for units deploying to South Korea for training exercises, this
policy forbids training with and employing inert M14 and M16 mines. This applies to units' home
stations as well as at Combat Training Centers, except in the context of countermine or mine removal
• Training with live M14 mines is UNAUTHORIZED!
• Training with live M16 mines is authorized only for Soldiers on South Korean soil.
This policy does not apply to standard use of antivehicular mines. Nor does it apply to training
and using the M18 Claymore mine in the command-detonated mode.
When authorized by the appropriate commander, units may still use self-destructing
antipersonnel mines such as the ADAM.
Authorized units may continue to emplace mixed minefields containing self-destructing antipersonnel
land mines and antivehicular land mines such as MOPMS or Volcano.
The terms mine, antipersonnel obstacle, protective minefield, and minefield do not refer to an obstacle
that contains non-self-destructing antipersonnel land mines or booby traps.
Any references to antipersonnel mines and the employment of minefields should be considered in the
context of this policy.
14-2. The M18A1, also known as the Claymore mine, is a directional, fragmentating (one-time use)
antipersonnel mine (Figure 14-1, Figure 14-2, and Figure 14-3 [page 14-4]). The Claymore weighs 1.6
kilograms (3.5 pounds), 0.68 kilograms (1.5 pounds) of which is C4 (explosive) and steel sphere
projectiles. One Claymore and its accessories are carried in the M7 bandoleer (Figure 14-2). When
detonated, the Claymore projects steel fragments over a 60-degree, fan-shaped pattern about 6 feet (1.8
meters) high and 164 feet (50 meters) wide, at a range of 50 meters. This pattern of distribution is
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
very effective up to 50 meters, moderately effective to 100 meters, and still dangerous out to 250
meters. It has the following features:
• A fixed plastic sight.
• Folding, adjustable legs.
• Two detonator wells.
• Olive-drab plastic case.
Figure 14-1. M18A1 antipersonnel mine.
Mines, Demolitions, and Breaching Procedures
Figure 14-2. M7 bandoleer.
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 14-3
Chapter 14
Figure 14-3. M18A1 antipersonnel mine data.
14-4 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 14
Figure 14-4. M-131 Modular Pack Mine System (MOPMS).
14-6. This mine deploys four trip wires upon ejection. These wires trip a fragmenting kill mechanism
(Figure 14-5).
Figure 14-5. M-131 MOPMS deployed.
14-7. Each dispenser contains seven tubes; three mines are located in each tube. When dispensed, an
explosive propelling charge at the bottom of each tube expels mines through the container roof. Mines
are propelled 115 feet (35 meters) from the container in a 180-degree semicircle (Figure 14-6). The
resulting density is 0.01 mine per square meter. The safety zone around one container is 180 feet (55
meters) to the front and sides and 66 feet (20 meters) to the rear.
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Chapter 14
Figure 14-7. M21 antitank mine and components.
14-10. The M21 is activated by 1.8kilograms (4 pounds) of pressure against a 21-inch (53-centimeter)
long extension rod or, without the rod, by 290 pounds (132 kilograms) of vertical pressure on top of the
M607 fuse. Once the fuse is triggered, it releases a firing pin, which is driven into the M46 detonator,
which in turn sets off a small, black powder charge. This charge blows off the top of the mine, exposing a
convex steel plate. It also drives another firing pin into an M42 primer, which in turn fires the main
charge. The main charge blows the body apart and blasts the steel plate upwards through the belly
armor of the tank. Unlike most antiarmor mines, this one can actually kill a tank, not just disable it. It
uses a Miznay-Schardin plate as a directed-energy warhead; a kill mechanism for belly-kill and track-
breaking capability. The M21 produces a kill against heavy tanks, unless the mine is activated under the
The modernized demolition initiator (MDI) is a suite of initiating components used to activate all
standard military demolitions and explosives (Figure 14-8). The MDI consists of nonelectric blasting cap
assemblies (M11/12/13/14/15/16/18) each with an integral time-delay initiator; a time fuse or shock
tube; and a "J" hook for attachment to a detonating cord. These MDIs will eventually replace all electric
and nonelectric firing systems for conventional forces, while maintaining compatibility with existing Army
Note: Information on the preparation and placement of demolition charges for electric and nonelectric
firing systems separate from MDI is in FM 3-34.214.
14-11. The MDI includes a pair of booster assemblies (M151/M152), consisting of a detonator (det) and
a length of low-strength detonation cord, were added to MDI. Since they contain no sensitive initiating
element, they can be used to safely initiate underground charges. The MDI’s blasting cap assemblies
consist of five high-strength blasting caps and two high strength booster assemblies. These cap
assemblies can be used to prime standard military explosives, or to initiate the shock tube or detonation
cord of other MDI components. MDI also contains an igniter (M81) that can activate either time fuse or
shock tube. With MDI, you can successfully complete demolition missions in a safe, quick, and easy
manner. It is also flexible enough that any unit conducting demolition activities can use it. Timing can be
set to fire immediately or up to a 20-minute delay. It is nonelectrical, so it is impervious to EMP.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
14-12. The two methods of priming explosive charges are nonelectric (MDI) and detonating cord. MDI
priming is safer and more reliable than the current nonelectric cap priming methods. However,
detonating cord is the most preferred method of priming charges since it involves fewer blasting caps
and makes priming and misfire investigation safer.
14-13. MDI blasting caps are factory-crimped to precut lengths of shock tube or time-blasting fuse.
Because the caps are sealed, they are resistant to moisture and will not misfire in damp conditions.
Splicing compromises the integrity of the system, and moisture will greatly reduce reliability. Also, the
human factor in incorrect crimping is removed, making MDI blasting caps extremely reliable.
14-14. Use only high-strength MDI blasting caps (M11, M16, M14, M15, or M18) to prime explosive
charges. M12 and M13 relay-type blasting caps have too little power to reliably detonate most
explosives. Use them only as transmission lines in firing systems. You can use MDI blasting caps with
priming adapters, or you can insert them directly into the explosive charge, and then secure them with
black electrical tape. If you use priming adapters, place them on M11 blasting caps as follows:
Priming Plastic Explosives with Nonelectric MDI--(See Figure 14-9.)
13 August 2013
TC 3-21.75 14-9
1. 2.
Use M2 crimpers or other nonsparking tools to make a hole in one end or on the side (at the midpoint)
of the M112 (C4) demolition block. The hole should be large enough to hold an M11, M16, M14, M18, or
M15 blasting cap.
Insert an M11, M16, M14, M18, or M15 blasting cap into the hole produced by the M2 crimpers.
Mines, Demolitions, and Breaching Procedures
Figure 14-8. MDI components.
Chapter 14
If the blasting cap does not fit, do not force it! Instead, make the hole larger.
3. Anchor the blasting cap in the demolition block by gently squeezing the C4 plastic explosive around
the blasting cap.
4. Use tape to secure the cap in the charge M112.
Figure 14-9. Priming of C4 demolition blocks with MDI.
1. Form either a uli knot, double overhand knot, or triple roll knot as shown in Figure 14-10.
Figure 14-10. Priming of C4 demolition blocks with detonating cord.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
2. Cut an L-shaped portion of the explosive, still leaving it connected to the explosive. Ensure the space is
large enough to insert the knot you formed (Figure 14-11).
3. Place the knot in the L-shaped cut.
4. Push the explosive from the L-shaped cut over the knot. Ensure there is at least 1 centimeter (1/2
inches) of explosive on all sides of the knot.
5. Strengthen the primed area by wrapping it with tape.
Mines, Demolitions, and Breaching Procedures
Figure 14-11.
Priming of C4 with L-shaped charge.
Note: Do not prime plastic explosives by wrapping them with detonating cord, since wraps will not
properly detonate the explosive charge.
1. Turn the end cap of the M81 fuse igniter a half-turn counterclockwise, and remove both the shipping
plug and the shock tube adapter from the igniter (Figure 14-12).
Figure 14-12. Preparation of M81 fuse igniter.
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 14-11
To cut explosives,
use a sharp, nonsparking knife on a nonsparking surface.
Chapter 14
2. Cut off the sealed end of the M14 time-delay fuse (Figure 14-13), and insert it into the end cap of the
M81. Tighten (finger-tight) by turning the end cap clockwise.
Figure 14-13. M81 fuse igniter with the M14 time fuse delay.
3. Attach the blasting-cap end of the M14 time-delay fuse to the existing detonating-cord ring/line main
using either an M9 holder or adhesive tape. If using tape, ensure it is at least 6 inches from the end of
the detonating cord.
a. Attach the M14 blasting cap using the M9 holder (the preferred method).
b. Open both hinged flaps of the M9 holder.
c. Insert the blasting cap into the M9 holder and close the small hinged flap.
d. Form a bight 6 inches from the end of the detonating cord, lay it in the M9 holder, and close the
hinged flap.
e. Secure the detonating cord into the M9 holder (Figure 14-14). Secure the door with adhesive tape.
Figure 14-14. M81 fuse igniter with the M9 holder.
Note: Do not loop more than two shock tubes in the M9 holder.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Construct a nonelectric initiating assembly using the M11 branch line and the M12 transmission line.
a. Place the M11 branch line’s blasting cap under a sandbag near the detonating-cord firing system.
Firing procedure for a nonelectric initiating assembly with MDI.
a. Squeeze the spread legs of the safety cotter pin together.
b. Use the safety pin’s cord to remove the safety cotter pin from the igniter’s body.
c. Grasp the igniter body firmly with one hand, with the pull ring fully accessible to the other
hand. To actuate, sharply pull the igniter’s pull ring. The igniter can burn at extremely
high temperatures.
d. Ensuring that smoke is coming from the fuse (or out of the vent hole in the igniter), remove the igniter
and withdraw to a safe distance or to appropriate cover.
When using MDI in extreme cold temperatures and/or high altitudes, dual prime and dual initiate the
Mines, Demolitions, and Breaching Procedures
b. Attach the M11 branch line to the M12 transmission line by forming a bight at the end of the M11,
laying it in the attached M9 holder on the M12, and closing the hinged flap. Tape and secure the M11
into place. Place the M9 holder, along with the M12, under the same sandbag as the M11 blasting cap.
c. Retrieve the M11 blasting cap from under the sandbag. Attach it to the detonating-cord firing system
using an M9 holder as described above using either the M14 or adhesive tape. Ensure the tape is at least
6 inches from the end of the detonating cord.
d. Secure the transmission line to a nearby anchor point and run the M12 transmission line back to the
initiating point.
5. Cut the sealed end of the M12 transmission line at the initiating point, and attach an M81 fuse igniter
as described above for the M14 time-delay fuse (Figure 14-15).
Figure 14-15. M81 fuse igniter with the M14 time fuse delay.
Note: MDI systems come with short clear plastic tubes used for repair. The shock tube repair procedure
is outlined in TM 9-1375-213-12, Army Demolition.
The most common cause of a misfire in a shock-tube firing system is the initiating element,
usually an M81 igniter. However, the most common failure with the M81 is primer failure to fire. To
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 14-13
Chapter 14
correct this, recock the M81 by pushing in on the pull rod to reengage the firing pin and then actuate
the igniter again. If, after two retries, the M81 does not result in firing, cut the shock tube, replace the
igniter with a new one, and repeat the firing procedure.
14-16. Another misfire mode with the M81 is the primer fires but blows the shock tube out of its
securing mechanism without it firing. (This is usually due to the shock tube not being properly inserted
and secured in the igniter.) To correct this problem, cut about 91 centimeters (3 feet) from the end of the
shock tube, replace it with a new igniter, and repeat the firing procedure.
Note: Your supervisor needs to be involved to identify and correct any additional misfire problems. The
correct procedure to implement for all possible misfires is in FM 3-34.214.
This section discusses how to breach and cross a minefield or wire obstacle.
14-17. In combat, enemy units use obstacles to stop slow or channel their opponent’s movement.
Because of that, you may have to bypass or breach (make a gap through) those obstacles in order to
continue your mission. There are many ways to breach a minefield. One way is to probe for and mark
mines to clear a footpath through the minefield.
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6. 7.
Leave your rifle and LCE with another Soldier in the team.
Leave on your Kevlar helmet and vest to protect you from possible blasts.
Get a wooden stick about 30 centimeters (12 inches) long for a probe and sharpen one of the ends. Do
not use a metal probe.
Place the unsharpened end of the probe in the palm of one hand with your fingers extended and your
thumb holding the probe.
Probe every 5 centimeters (2 inches) across a l-meter front. Push the probe gently into the ground at an
angle less than 45 degrees (Figure 14-16).
Kneel (or lie down) and feel upward and forward with your free hand to find tripwires and pressure
prongs before starting to probe.
Put just enough pressure on the probe to sink it slowly into the ground. If the probe does not go into the
ground, pick or chip the dirt away with the probe and remove it by hand.
Do not use a metal probe.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
13 August 2013
TC 3-21.75
Figure 14-16. Mine probe.
8. Stop probing when the probe hits a solid object.
9. Remove enough dirt from around the object to find out what it is.
10. Clear a lane in depth of 10-meter (33 feet) intervals and ensure the lane overlaps (Figure 14-17).
Mines, Demolitions, and Breaching Procedures
Figure 14-17. Lanes.
Chapter 14
14-18. Remove enough dirt from around it to see what type of mine it is.
1. Mark it and report its exact location to your leader. There are several ways to mark a mine. How it is
marked is not as important as having others understand the marking. A common way to mark a mine is
to tie a piece of paper, cloth, or engineer tape to a stake and put the stake in the ground by the mine
(Figure 14-18).
Figure 14-18. Knot toward mine.
14-19. Once a footpath has been probed and the mines marked, a security team should cross the
minefield to secure the far side (Figure 14-19). After the far side is secure, the rest of the unit should
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Figure 14-19. Marked mines.
14-20. Breaching a wire obstacle may require stealth; for example, when done by a patrol. It may not
require stealth during an attack. Breaches requiring stealth are normally done with wire cutters. Other
breaches are normally done with bangalore torpedoes and breach kits. This paragraph discusses how to
probe for and mark mines, as well as cross minefields:
14-21. This paragraph discusses how to cut and cross wire.
To cut through a wire obstacle with stealth--
1. Cut only the lower strands and leave the top strand in place; this decreases the likelihood that the
enemy will discover the gap.
2. Cut the wire near a picket. To reduce the noise of a cut, have another Soldier wrap cloth around the
wire and hold the wire with both hands. Cut part of the way through the wire between the other
Soldier’s hands and have him bend the wire back and forth until it breaks. If you are alone, wrap cloth
around the wire near a picket, partially cut the wire, and then bend and break the wire.
To breach an obstacle made of concertina:
1. Cut the wire and stake it back to keep the breach open.
2. Stake the wire back far enough to allow room for Soldiers to move through the obstacle.
14-22. A bangalore torpedo comes in a kit that has ten torpedo sections, ten connecting sleeves, and one
nose sleeve (Figure 14-20). Use only the number of torpedo sections and connecting sleeves needed.
Figure 14-20. Bangalore torpedo.
14-23. All torpedo sections have a threaded cap well at each end so they may be assembled in any order.
Use the connecting sleeves to connect the torpedo sections together. To prevent early detonation of the
entire bangalore torpedo, should you actually hit a mine while pushing the bangalore through the
obstacle, attach an improvised (wooden) torpedo section to its end. That section can be made out of any
wooden pole or stick equal to the size of a real torpedo section. Attach the nose sleeve to the end of the
wooden section.
14-24. After the bangalore torpedo has been assembled and pushed through the obstacle, prime it with
either detonation cord or with the MDI nonelectric firing system (Figure 14-21); only the MDI method
will be described. The bangalore torpedo is primed using an M11, M16, M14, or M18 blasting cap. Insert
the blasting cap into the cap well in the end section of the charge and secure it with a priming adapter. If
a priming adapter is unavailable, use tape to hold the blasting cap firmly in place.
Mines, Demolitions, and Breaching Procedures
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 14-17
Chapter 14
Figure 14-21. Priming of bangalore torpedo with MDI.
14-25. Before the bangalore torpedo is fired, ensure you seek available cover (at least 35 meters away)
from the safety danger zone. You will use wire cutters to cut away any wire not cut by the explosion.
14-26. The APOBS is an explosive line charge system that allows safe breaching through complex
antipersonnel obstacles (Figure 14-22). The APOBS is used to conduct deliberate or hasty breaches
through enemy antipersonnel minefields and multistrand wire obstacles. A lightweight 125 pound (57
kilogram) system with delay and command firing modes, it can be carried by two Soldiers with backpacks
and can be deployed within 30 to 120 seconds.
14-27. Once set in place, the APOBS rocket is fired from a 35-meter standoff position, sending the line
charge with fragmentation grenades over the minefield and/or wire obstacle. The grenades neutralize or
clear the mines and sever the wire, effectively clearing a footpath 2 to 3 feet (0.6 to 1 meter) wide by
148 feet (50 yards or 45 meters) long.
14-28. The APOBS has significant advantages over the bangalore torpedo, which weighs 145 kilograms
(320 pounds) more, takes significantly longer to set up, and cannot be deployed from a standoff position.
It also reduces the number of Soldiers required to carry and employ the system from 12 Soldiers to two.
Figure 14-22. MK7 Antipersonnel Obstacle-Breaching System (APOBS).
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 15
Unexploded Ordnance and Improvised Explosive Devices
Unexploded ordnance (UXO) and IEDs pose deadly and pervasive threats to Soldiers and civilians in
operational areas all over the world. Soldiers at all levels must know about these hazards, as well as how
to identify, avoid, and react to them properly. Use the information in this chapter to learn about the UXO
and IED hazards you could face and the procedures you can use to protect yourself.
Being able to recognize a UXO is the first and most important step in reacting to a UXO hazard. There is a
multitude of ordnance used throughout the world, and it comes in all shapes and sizes. This chapter
explains and shows some of the general identifying features of the different types of ordnance, both
foreign and US. To learn more about UXOs. In this chapter, ordnance is divided into four main types:
dropped, projected, thrown, and placed.
15-1. Regardless of its type or purpose, dropped ordnance is dispensed or dropped from an aircraft.
Dropped ordnance is divided into three subgroups: bombs; dispensers, which contain submunitions; and
15-2. Bombs can be general purpose or chemical-agent filled.
General Purpose Bombs
15-3. General purpose bombs come in many shapes and sizes depending on the country that made them
and how they are to be used. Most of these bombs are built the same and consist of a metal container, a
fuse, and stabilizing device. The metal container (called the bomb body) holds an explosive or chemical
filler. The body may be in one or multiple pieces.
Chemical-Agent Filled Bombs
15-4. Chemical-agent filled bombs are built the same as general purpose bombs. They have a chemical
filler in place of an explosive filler. Color codes and markings may be used to identify chemical bombs.
For example, the US and NATO color code for chemical munitions is a gray background with a dark green
band. The former Soviet Union uses a combination of green, red, and blue markings to the nose and tail
sections to indicate chemical agents. Soviet bombs all have a gray background.
15-5. Fuses used to initiate bombs are either mechanical or electrical, and are generally placed in the
bomb's nose or tail section, internally or externally. They may be hidden, as when covered by a fin
assembly. As shipped, fuses are in a safe (unarmed) condition and function only once armed.
Mechanical--Mechanical fusing, whether in the nose or in the tail, is generally armed by some type of
arming vane. The arming vane assembly operates like a propeller to line up all of the fuse parts so the
fuse will become armed.
Electrical--Electrical fuses have an electric charging assembly in place of an arming vane. They are armed
by using power from the aircraft. Just before the pilot releases the bomb, the aircraft supplies
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 15-1
Chapter 15
the required electrical charge to the bomb’s fuse. Action of the fuse may be impact, proximity, or delay.
Impact fuses function when they hit the target. Proximity fuses function when bombs reach a
predetermined height above the target.
Delay--Delay fuses contain an element that delays explosion for a fixed time after impact. To be safe,
personnel should consider that all bombs have the most dangerous kind of fusing, proximity or delay.
Approaching a proximity or delay-fused bomb causes unnecessary risk to personnel and equipment.
Although it should function before it hits the target, proximity fusing may not always do so. Once the
bomb hits the ground, the proximity fuse can still function. It can sense a change in the area around the
bomb and detonate. Delay fusing can be mechanical, electrical, or chemical. Mechanical and electrical-
delay fuses are nothing more than clockwork mechanisms. The chemical-delay fuse uses a chemical
compound inside the fuse to cause a chemical reaction with the firing system. Delay fusing times can
range from minutes to days.
15-6. Dispensers may be classified as another type of dropped ordnance. Like bombs, they are carried by
aircraft. Their payload, however, is smaller ordnance called submunitions. Dispensers come in a variety
of shapes and sizes depending on the payload inside. Some dispensers are reusable, and some are one-
time-use items.
15-7. Submunitions are classified as bomblets, grenades, or mines. They are small explosive-filled or
chemical-filled items designed for saturation coverage of a large area. Each of these delivery systems
disperses its payload of submunitions while still in flight, and the submunitions drop over the target. On
the battlefield, submunitions are widely used in both offensive and defensive missions. Submunitions are
used to destroy an enemy in place (impact) or to slow or prevent enemy movement away from or
through an area (area denial). Impact submunitions go off when they hit the ground.
15-8. Area-denial submunitions, including FASCAM, have a limited active life and self-destruct after their
active life has expired. The ball-type submunitions shown in Figure 15-1 are antipersonnel. They are very
small and are delivered on known concentrations of enemy personnel.
Note: Never approach a dispenser or any part of a dispenser you find on the battlefield. The payload of
submunitions always scatters in the area where the dispenser hit the ground.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 15
15-9. All projected ordnance is fired from some type of launcher or gun tube. Projected ordnance falls
into the following five subgroups:
• Projectiles.
• Mortars.
• Rockets.
• Guided missiles.
• Rifle grenades.
15-10. Projectiles range from 20 millimeters to 16 inches in diameter and from 2 inches to 4 feet in
length. They can be filled with explosives, chemicals (to include riot-control agents such as CS), white
phosphorus (WP), illumination flares, or submunitions. Projectile bodies can be one piece of metal or
multiple sections fastened together.
15-11. Projectiles, like bombs, can have impact or proximity fusing. They can also be fused with time-
delay fusing that functions at a preset time after firing. For safety reasons, all projectiles should be
considered as having proximity fusing. Getting too close to proximity fusing will cause the fuse to
function, and the projectile will blow up. Depending on the type of filler and design of the projectile, the
fuse can be in the nose or base.
15-12. There are two ways projectiles are stabilized— by spin or fin. Spin-stabilized projectiles use
rotating bands near the rear section to stabilize the projectile. Riding along the internal lands and
grooves of the gun tube, these bands create a stabilizing spin as the projectile is fired. Fin-stabilized
projectiles may have either fixed fins or folding fins. Folding fins unfold after the projectile leaves the gun
tube to stabilize the projectile.
15-13. Mortars range from 45 millimeters to 280 millimeters in diameter. Like projectiles, mortar shells
can be filled with explosives, toxic chemicals, WP, or illumination flares. Mortars generally have thinner
metal bodies than projectiles but use the same kind of fusing. Like projectiles, mortars are stabilized in
flight by fin or spin. Most mortars are fin stabilized.
15-14. A rocket may be defined as a self-propelled projectile. Unlike guided missiles, rockets cannot be
controlled in flight. Rockets range in diameter from 37 millimeters to over 380 millimeters. They can
range in length from 1 foot to over 9 feet. There is no standard shape or size for rockets. All rockets
consist of a warhead section, motor section, and fuse. They are stabilized in flight by fins, or canted
nozzles, that are attached to the motor.
15-15. The warhead is the portion of the rocket that produces the desired effect. It can be filled with
explosives, toxic chemicals, WP, submunitions, CS, or illumination flares. The motor propels the rocket to
the target. The fuse is the component that initiates the desired effect at the desired time. Rockets use
the same type of fusing as projectiles and mortars. The fuse may be located in the nose or internally
between the warhead and the motor.
15-16. Generally, the rocket motor will not create an additional hazard, because the motor is usually
burned out shortly after the rocket leaves the launcher.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 15
15-24. The two types of smoke grenades are bursting and burning (Figure 15-7). They may be made of
rubber, metal, or plastic. Bursting-type smoke grenades are filled with WP and blow up when the fuse
functions. These grenades use a burning delay fuse that functions 3 to 5 seconds after the safety lever is
released. Burning-type smoke grenades produce colored smoke and use an instant-action fuse. There is
no delay once the spoon is released. This is the same type of grenade that is used to dispense riot-
control agents such as CS.
15-25. Illumination grenades are used for illuminating, signaling, and as an incendiary agent (Figure 15-
8). The metal body breaks apart after the fuse functions and dispenses an illumination flare. This type of
grenade uses a burning-delay fuse that functions 3 to 5 seconds after the safety lever is released.
TC 3-21.75
13 August 2013
Figure 15-5. Fragmentation grenades.
Figure 15-6. Antitank grenades.
Figure 15-7. Smoke grenades.
Figure 15-8. U.S. illumination grenade.
Chapter 15
Figure 15-9. Vehicle IED capacities and danger zones.
15-30. The following are tell-tale signs of IEDs:
• Wires
• Antennas
• Detcord (usually red in color)
• Parts of ordinance exposed
15-31. The following are components of an IED:
TC 3-21.75
13 August 2013
Main Charge (Explosives) (Figure 15-10).
Casing (material around the explosives; Figure 15-11).
Initiators (command detonated, victim activated, and timer; Figure 15-12).
Chapter 15
Figure 15-12. Initiators (command detonated, victim activated, with timer).
15-32. Figures 15_13 through 15-18, this page through page 15-16, show example IED types and
components. These photos are examples to train Soldiers to recognize components of IEDs. Recognition
is needed when Soldiers conduct operations, such as raids, traffic control points, convoys, and come
across suspicious items.
15-12 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 15
Figure 15-15. Common objects as initiators.
Figure 15-16. Unexploded rounds as initiators.
15-14 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Chapter 15
• Evacuate the area while carefully scanning for other hazards.
• Take protective measures to reduce the hazard to personnel and equipment. Notify local
officials and people in the area.
Nine-Line UXO Incident Report
1. DTG: Date and time UXO was discovered.
2. Reporting Unit or Activity, and UXO Location: Grid coordinates.
3. Contact Method: How EOD team can contact the reporting unit.
4. Discovering Unit POC: MSE, or DSN phone number, and unit frequency or
call sign.
5. Type of UXO: Dropped, projected, thrown, or placed, and number of items discovered.
6. Hazards Caused by UXO: Report the nature of perceived threats such as a possible chemical threat or a
limitation of travel over key routes.
7. Resources Threatened: Report any equipment, facilities, or other assets threatened by the UXO.
8. Impact on Mission: Your current situation and how the UXO affects your status.
9. Protective Measures: Describe what you have done to protect personnel and equipment such as
marking the area and informing local civilians.
Figure 15-19. Nine-Line UXO Incident Report.
TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Follow these basic procedures when IEDs are found:
Maintain 360-degree security. Scan close in, far out, high, and low.
Move away. Plan for 300 meters distance minimum (when possible) and adapt to your METT-TC. Make
maximum use of available cover. Get out of line of sight of IEDs.
Always scan your immediate surroundings for more IEDs. Report additional IEDs to the on-scene
Try to confirm suspect IED. Always use optics. Never risk more than one person. Stay as far back as
possible. When in doubt, back away and avoid touching.
Cordon off the area. Direct people out of the danger area and do not allow anyone to enter besides
those responsible for responding, such as EOD. Question, search, and detain suspects as needed. Check
any and all locations that you move to for other IEDs.
Report the situation to your higher command. Use the IED spot report shown in Figure 15-20.
13 August 2013
TC 3-21.75 A-1
Appendix A Checklists and Memory Aids
This appendix consolidates all of the checklists in this publication. Other definitions Warrior Ethos,
Soldier's Creed, Army Values, and more.
• Antipersonnel land mines, US national policy on
• Army Values
• Camouflage face paint, application to skin
• Code of Conduct
• Communication methods, comparison of
• Decontamination levels and techniques
• First aid
• IED Spot Report
• IED, vehicle, capacities and danger zones
• Illness in the field, rules for avoiding
• Individual fighting positions, characteristics of
• MOPP levels
• Nine-Line UXO Incident Report
• Personal predeployment checklist, example
• Potential indicators
• Prowords
• SALUTE format line by line
• Shelter checklist
• Soldier's Creed
• Survival
• Warrior Ethos
Appendix A
On May 16, 1996, the President of the United States implemented a phased restriction and elimination
of antipersonnel land mines. Implementation began with non-self-destructing mines, but will eventually
include all types of antipersonnel mines. This policy applies to all Infantry units either engaged in or
training for operations worldwide. The use of non-self-destructing antipersonnel land mines is restricted
to specific areas:
• Within internationally recognized national borders.
• In established demilitarized zones such as to defend South Korea.
Mines approved for use must be emplaced in an area with clearly marked perimeters. They must be
monitored by military personnel and protected by adequate means to ensure the exclusion of civilians.
US policy also forbids US forces from using standard or improvised explosive devices as booby traps.
Except for South Korea-based units, and for units deploying to South Korea for training exercises, this
policy forbids training with and employing inert M14 and M16 mines. This applies to units' home
stations as well as at Combat Training Centers, except in the context of countermine or mine removal
• Training with live M14 mines is UNAUTHORIZED!
• Training with live M16 mines is authorized only for Soldiers on South Korean soil.
This policy does not apply to standard use of antivehicular mines. Nor does it apply to training
and using the M18 Claymore mine in the command-detonated mode.
When authorized by the appropriate commander, units may still use self-destructing
antipersonnel mines such as the ADAM.
Authorized units may continue to emplace mixed minefields containing self-destructing antipersonnel
land mines and antivehicular land mines such as MOPMS or Volcano.
The terms mine, antipersonnel obstacle, protective minefield, and minefield do not refer to an obstacle
that contains non-self-destructing antipersonnel land mines or booby traps.
Any references to antipersonnel mines and the employment of minefields should be considered in the
context of this policy.
A-2 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Appendix A
I. I am an American, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to
give my life in their defense.
II. I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my
command while they still have the means to resist.
III. If I am captured, I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and
aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.
IV. If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or
take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades.
If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me, and
will back them up in every way.
V. When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give only name, rank, service
number, and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions
to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal
to my country (and its allies) or harmful to their cause.
VI. I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and
dedicated to the principles that made my country free. I will trust in my God
and in the United States of America.
A-4 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Appendix A
Best Start Time
Performed By
Skin decontamination Personal wipe down
Operator wipe down Spot decontamination
Saves lives
Stops agent from penetrating
Limits agent spread Limits agent spread
Before 1 minute
Within 15 minutes
Within 15 minutes Within 15 minutes
Individual or buddy
Individual or crew Individual or crew
MOPP gear exchange2
Vehicle wash down
Provides temporary relief from MOPP4 Limits agent spread
Within 6 hours
Within 1 hour (CARC) or within 6 hours (nonCARC)
Battalion crew or decontamination platoon
Provides probability of long-term MOPP reduction
When mission allows reconstitution
Decontamination platoon Contaminated unit
Unrestricted use of resources
METT-TC depending on the type of equipment contaminated
When mission permits
Supporting strategic resources
1 The techniques become less effective the longer they are delayed.
2 Performance degradation and risk assessment must be considered when exceeding 6 hours.
1. CheckforBREATHING. 2. CheckforBLEEDING. 3. Check for SHOCK.
A-6 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Appendix A
A-10 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Appendix A
A-12 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Appendix A
A-14 TC 3-21.75 13 August 2013
Appendix A
TC 3-21.75
13 August 2013
I am an American Soldier.
I am a Warrior and a member of a team.
I serve the people of the United States and live the Army Values.
I will always place the mission first.
I will never accept defeat.
I will never quit.
I will never leave a fallen comrade.
I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained, and proficient in my Warrior tasks and drills.
I always maintain my arms, my equipment, and myself.
I am an expert, and I am a professional.
I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close
I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life.
I am an American Soldier.
Size up the situation (surroundings, physical condition, equipment)
Use all your senses. Undue haste makes waste Remember where you are
Vanquish fear and panic
Value living
Act like the natives
Live by your wits, but for now Learn basic skills
I will always place the mission first. I will never accept defeat.
I will never quit.
I will never leave a fallen comrade.
close combat optic
CED captured enemy document
13 August 2013
TC 3-21.75
first sergeant CCO
after-action review CLP
alternating current CLU automatic chemical agent COMSEC
decontaminating apparatus advanced combat helmet Army community service Army combat uniforms
automated net control device
area of operation
Antipersonnel Obstacle Breaching System
Army National Guard
communications security
CPFC chemical protective footwear cover
Army National Guard of the DEERS United States
advanced system improvement DEET
Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
program antitank
antidote treatment, nerve agent, auto injector
N-diethyl-m-toluamide det detonator
bunker defeat munition
battle dress overgarment
backup iron sight
blend, low, silhouette, irregular, EEI shape, small, secluded location
black vinyl overshoe
Celsius (degrees)
convulsant antidote for nerve agents
combat application tourniquet chemical and biological
chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear
commander’s critical information requirements
close combat missiles
CEE captured enemy equipment cleaner lubricant preservative
command launch unit
CPHC chemical protective helmet cover CS confined space
CW chemical warfare CVC combat vehicle crew
DAP decontamination apparatus portable
DED detailed equipment decontamination
DOD Department of Defense DPRE displaced persons, refugees, or
DTD detailed troop decontamination
EEFI essential elements of friendly
essential elements of information EMP electromagnetic pulse
EOD explosive ordnance disposal EPA evasion plan of action
EPW enemy prisoner of war
ES2 'Every Soldier is a Sensor' concept
F Fahrenheit (degrees)
FASCAM family of scatterable mines FOUO for official use only
FOV field of view FP force protection
FPL final protective line
FSG family support group MHz
megahertz millimeter
modular lightweight load- carrying equipment
Modular Pack Mine System
G-2 assistant chief of staff for
intelligence MOPMS
GPFU gas particulate filter unit GVO green vinyl overshoe
HE high explosive
HEAT high explosive antitank HEDP high-explosive dual purpose
HP high penetration HUMINT human intelligence
HWTS heavy weapon thermal sight I
IAW in accordance with IBA interceptor body armor
ICAM improved chemical agent monitor ID identification
IED improvised explosive device IFAK improved first-aid kit
IHFR improved high frequency radio
IMT individual movement technique IR infrared
MOPP mission-oriented protective posture MOS military occupational specialty
mph miles per hour
MTF medical treatment facility
MULO multipurpose vinyl overshoe MWTS medium weapon thermal sight
NAAK nerve agent antidote kit
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NBC nuclear, biological, chemical (obsolete; see CBRN)
NCO noncommissioned officer NSN national stock number
NVD night vision device NVG night vision goggles
OD olive drab OHC overhead cover
OOTW operations other than war OP observation post
OPSEC suit technology OTV
operation order operations security outer tactical vest
JSLIST joint service lightweight integrated KP
kph kilometer per hour PATRIOT
phased array, tracking radar intercept on target
principal direction of fire priority intelligence requirement prisoner of war
radio control unit radiological dispersal device radio frequency
Rules of Engagement reference point
reduced sensitivity
receiver transmitter unit
LAW light antiarmor weapon lb pound
LWTS light weapon thermal sight
m meter max maximum
MBITR multiband intrateam radio
MDI modernized demolition initiator
MEL maximum engagement line METT-TC mission, enemy, terrain, troops,
and equipment, time available, and civil considerations
TC 3-21.75
13 August 2013
S-2 battalion/brigade intelligence officer
SABA self-aid/buddy-aid
SALUTE size, activity, location, uniform,
time, and equipment SATCOM single-channel tactical satellite
SAW squad automatic weapon
SCPE simplified collective protection equipment
SDS Sorbent Decontamination System SERE survival, evasion, resistance, and
SGLI Soldier’s Group Life Insurance
SINCGARS Single-Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System
SIP system improvement program SLLS stop, look, listen, smell
SLM shoulder-launched munition SMAW-D shoulder-launched, multipurpose,
assault- weapon disposable SOI signal operating instructions
SOP standing operating procedures SRTA short-range training ammunition
TIB toxic industrial biological
TIC toxic industrial chemical TIM toxic industrial material
TIR toxic industrial radiological TM technical manual
TOW tube-launched, optically tracked, wire-guided
TP training practice TRP target reference point TWS thermal weapon sight
US United States
USAIS United States Army Infantry
USAR United States Army Reserve
UXO unexploded ordnance W
WBD warrior battle drill WFOV wide field of view
WP white phosphorous WRP weapon reference point
Section II. TERMS
camouflage concealment
steep-walled, eroded valley; same as 'wadi'
protection from identification protection from
observation only
protection from weapons fire, explosions, fragments, flames, CBRN effects, and observation
to allow a weapon to extend beyond the corner of a building
mountain or mountain range
nipa palm
information, needed by the commander to make decisions, on the intention or capability of a potential
an optical phenomenon caused by the refraction of light through heated air rising from a sandy or stony
a creeping, semiaquatic palm whose sap is a source of nipa fruit and of sugar, whose seeds are edible,
and whose long, strong leaves are used in thatching and basketry
13 August 2013
TC 3-21.75
overhead cover
O spoil
protects Soldier from indirect fire
toxic industrial P materials
excavated earth
(TIMs) includes toxic industrial chemical, biological, and radioactive materials; are produced to
prescribed toxicity levels; are administered through inhalation (mostly), ingestion, or absorption; may be
stored or used in any environment for any tactical purpose--medical, industrial, commercial, military, or
domestic. MOPP gear may or may not protect against TIMs.
steep-walled, eroded valley; same as 'arroyo'
four items extracted from the middle of the Soldier's Creed:
1. I will always place the mission first.
2. I will never accept defeat
3. I will never quit
4. I will never leave a fallen
the effect of moving air on exposed flesh
sago palm
savanna skirmisher's trench
enables Soldier to engage enemy within assigned sector of fire while protecting the soldier from direct
aiming a weapon beyond the corner of a building in the direction of travel, without allowing the weapon
to extend beyond the corner, and then side-stepping around the corner in a circular fashion with the
muzzle of the weapon as the pivot point
a tall palm with long leaves that curved backward, inward, or downward, and whose porous trunk is
ground and used to thicken foods and stiffen textiles
a temperate grassland with scattered trees
a shallow ditch used as a hasty fighting position
wadi warrior ethos
wind chill
TC 3-21.75
13 August 2013
These are the sources quoted or paraphrased in this publication. All must be available to the intended
users of this publication.
AR 525-28, Personnel Recovery, 5 March 2010.
ATP 3-11.37, Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical
Reconnaissance and Surveillance, 25 March 2013.
ATP 3-37.34, Survivability Operations, 28 June 2013. ARMY TACTICS, TECHNIQUES, AND PROCEDURES
ATTP 3-06.11, Combined Arms Operations in Urban Terrain, 10 June 2011. ATTP 3-21.9, SBCT Infantry
Rifle Platoon and Squad, 8 December 2010.
FM 2-0, Intelligence, 23 March 2010.
FM 3-05.70, Survival, 17 May 2002.
FM 3-11.3, Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and
Nuclear Contamination Avoidance, 2 February 2006.
FM 3-11.4, Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC)
Protection, 2 June 2003.
FM 3-11.5, Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and
Nuclear Decontamination, 4 April 2006.
FM 3-21.8, The Infantry Platoon and Squad, 28 March 2007.
FM 3-22.9, Rifle Marksmanship M16-/M4-Series Weapons, 12 August 2008.
FM 3-22.27, MK 19, 40-mm Grenade Machine Gun, Mod 3, 28 November 2003.
FM 3-22.37, Javelin--Close Combat Missile System, Medium, 20 March 2008.
FM 3-22.65, Browning Machine Gun, Caliber .50 HB, M2, 3 March 2005.
FM 3-22.68, Crew Served Weapons, 21 July 2006.
FM 3-23.35, Combat Training with Pistols, M9, and M11, 25 June 2003.
FM 3-34.210, Explosive Hazards Operations, 27 March 2007.
FM 3-34.214 , Explosives and Demolitions, 11 July 2007.
FM 4-02.2, Medical Evacuation, 8 May 2007.
FM 4-02.7, Tactics, Techniques and Procedures for Health Service Support in a Chemical, Biological,
Radiological, and Nuclear, 15 July 2009.
FM 4-02.285, Multiservice Tactics, Techniques and Procedures for Treatment of Chemical Agent
Casualties and Conventional Military Chemical Injuries, 18 September 2007.
FM 4-25.11, First Aid, 23 December 2002.
FM 6-22, Army Leadership: Competent, Confident, and Agile, 12 October 2006.
FM 6-30, Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Observed Fire, 16 July 1991.
FM 7-21.13, The Soldier's Guide, 2 February 2004.
FM 8-10-6, Medical Evacuation in a Theater of Operations Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, 14 April
13 August 2013 TC 3-21.75 References-1
Note: FM 8-10-6, Chapters 1-7 and Appendixes A, B, D through F, K, L, and N were superseded by FM 4-
02.2, 8 May 2007.
FM 27-10, The Law of Land Warfare, 15 July 1976. FORMS
DA Form 2028, Recommend Changes to Publications and Blank Forms. DA Form 5517-R, Standard Range
Card (LRA).
DA Form 7425, Readiness and Deployment Checklist.
DD Form 93, Record of Emergency Data.
DD Form 2745, Enemy Prisoner of War (EPW) Capture Tag.
DD Form 2766, Adult Preventive and Chronic Care Flowsheet.
SGLV Form 8286, Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance Election and Certificate. SGLV Form 8286A,
Family Coverage Election.
SH 3-22.9, Sniper Data Book.
STP 7-11B1-SM-TG, Soldier’s Manual and Trainer's Guide MOS 11B Infantry, Skill Level 1, 6 August 2004.
STP 21-1-SMCT, Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks, Skill Level 1, 11 September 2012. TECHNICAL
TM 3-22.31, 40-mm Grenade Launchers, 17 November 2010.
TM 3-23.25, Shoulder-Launched Munitions, 15 September 2010.
TM 9-1345-209-10, Operator's Manual for Modular Pack Mine System (MOPMS) Consisting of Dispenser
and Mine, Ground: M131 (NSN 1345-01-160-8909) Control, Remote, Land Mine System: M71 (1290- 01-
161-3662) and Dispenser and Mine, Ground, Training: M136 (6920-01-162-9380), 31 March 1992.
TM 9-1375-213-12, Operator’s and Unit Maintenance Manual (Including Repair Parts and Special Tools
List): Demolition Materials, 30 March 1973.
TM 9-1375-219-13&P, Operator's, Unit and Direct Support Maintenance Manual for Demolition Kit,
Breaching System, Anti-Personnel Obstacle (APOBS) (DODIC, MN79) (NSN 1375-01-426-1376) and
Dummy Demolition Kit, Breaching System, Anti-Personnel Obstacle (APOBS) (DODIC MN84) (1375- 01-
467-1277), 4 June 2004.
TM 11-5855-301-12&P, Operator’s and Unit Maintenance Manual (Including Repair Parts and Special
Tools List) for Light, Aiming, Infrared AN/PAQ-4B (NSN 5855-01-361-1362) (EIC: N/A) AN/PAQ-4C (5855-
01-398-4315) (EIC: N/A), 15 May 2000.
Some of the documents listed in these references may be downloaded from Army websites. A few
require AKO login:
Air Force Pubs
Army Human Resources Army Forms
Army Knowledge Online Army Publishing Directorate NATO ISAs
Reimer Digital Library
TC 3-21.75
13 August 2013
convulsant antidote for nerve agents (CANA), 13-2 (illus) corners, moving around, 8-4 (illus)
cover, 5-1, 6-2 (illus)
along a wall, 6-1. See also
fighting positions natural, 5-1 (illus)
cradle drop drag, 3-35 (illus) crossed-finger method, 3-13
DA Form 7425, Readiness and Deployment Checklist,
data section, 6-29 through 6-30 (illus)
DD Form 2745, Enemy Prisoner of War (EPW) Capture Tag, 9-7
decontamination, 13-12
levels and techniques, 13-13
demolitions, 14-1, 14-9 desert, 4-1
dislodging of foreign body,
3-13 (illus)
dispersion, 5-7
dressing, 3-17 through 3-19
(illus) drills, 1-4
battle drills, 1-4
warrior drills, 1-5 dropped ordnance, 15-1
electric blasting caps, 15-16 (illus)
elevation of injured limb, 3-18 (illus)
emergency bandage, 3-15 (illus)
emplacement of machine gun in a doorway, 8-18 (illus)
entering a building, 8-6 equipment decontamination
kit, M295, 13-15 (illus) escape, 12-8
establishment of sectors and
building method, 6-9 (illus) evasion, 12-4
Every Soldier is a Sensor, 9-1
face paint, 5-10 (illus)
feet, 3-40 (illus)
fighting positions, 6-1, 8-13
one-man, 6-20
final protective line (FPL),
6-27 (illus)
final shot group results, 10-20
fire and movement, 7-9
fire control, 10-14 fireman’s carry, 3-30 (illus)
alternate, 3-32 (illus)
fire team wedge, 7-5 (illus) firing platforms, 6-21 (illus) first aid, 3-2 (illus)
foreign body, dislodging, 3-13
forms. See form type fragmentation grenades, 15-9
improved M72 LAW, 10-11 (illus)
improvised explosive device (IED), 15-10
actions on finding, 15-18 components, 15-14 (illus) emplaced, with initiator,
5-6 (illus)
transmitters and receivers,
5-15 (illus) individual
fighting position, 6-5 (illus), 8-13 (illus)
movement techniques, 7-1
techniques, 5-8 initiators
command detonated, victim activated, with timer, 15-13 (illus)
common objects as, 15-15 (illus)
modernized demolition initiator, 14-10 (illus)
unexploded rounds as, 15-16 (illus)
injured limb, elevation of, 3-18 (illus)
Javelin, 10-14 (illus) fighting position, 6-25 (illus)
jaw thrust technique, 3-5 (illus) jungle, 4-5
knot toward mine, 14-16 (illus) L
lanes, 14-16 (illus)
Law of Land Warfare, 1-4 legal assistance, 2-1 lifesaving measures (first aid),
limited visibility observation,
low and high crawl, 7-2 (illus) lower-level entry techniques,
8-7 (illus)
M100 Sorbent Decontamination System, 13-15 (illus)
13 August 2013
grenade sump, 6-14 (illus),
6-22 (illus)
ground flares, 7-7 (illus)
handling and reporting of the enemy, 9-6
hasty and deliberate fighting positions, 6-5
hasty fighting position, 8-14 head tilt/chin lift technique,
3-5 (illus) helmet, 5-3 (illus)
IC-F43 portable UHF transceiver, 11-13 (illus)
IED Spot Report, 15-18 (illus) IFAK. See improved
first-aid kit
illness, rules for avoiding, 3-39
illumination grenade, 15-9
immediate action, 10-31
while moving, 7-6 impact area, 7-6 (illus) improved chemical agent
monitor (ICAM), M22, 13-6
improved first-aid kit (IFAK),
3-23 (illus)
TC 3-21.75
M-131 modular pack mine system (MOPMS), 14-6 (illus)
M136 AT4, 10-12 (illus) M141 BDM, 10-13 (illus) M16A2/A3 rifle
battlesight zero, 10-18 (illus)
rifle mechanical zero, 10-17
M16A2 rifle, 10-4 (illus) M16A4 and M4 carbine rifle
mechanical zero, 10-17
M16A4 rifle battlesight zero,
10-18 (illus)
M18A1 antipersonnel mine,
14-3 (illus), 14-4 (illus) M2 .50 caliber machine gun
with M3 tripod mount, 10-9
M203 grenade launcher, 10-6
M21 antitank mine and
components, 14-8 (illus) M22
automatic chemical agent decontaminating apparatus (ACADA), 13-5 (illus)
improved chemical agent monitor (ICAM), 13-6 (illus)
M240B machine gun, 10-8 (illus)
M249 squad automatic weapon (SAW), 10-7 (illus)
M256 chemical agent detector kit, 13-8 (illus)
M291 skin decontaminating kit, 13-15 (illus)
M295 equipment decontamination kit, 13-15 (illus)
M3 tripod mount, 10-9 (illus) M40A1/A2 protective mask,
13-10 (illus)
M42A2 CVC protective mask,
13-10 (illus)
M433 HEDP grenade, 8-10
M4 carbine, 10-5 (illus)
battlesight zero, 10-19
M68 close combat optic, 10-26
13 August 2013
M72 LAW, improved, 10-11 (illus)
M7 bandoleer, 14-3 (illus) M81 fuse igniter
with the M14 time fuse delay, 14-12 (illus), 14-13 (illus)
with the M9 holder, 14-13 illus)
M8 chemical agent detector paper, 13-6 (illus)
chemical agent detector
paper, 13-7 (illus) pistol, 10-3 (illus)
machine gun
emplacement in doorway,
8-18 (illus)
fighting position, 6-23 (illus)
M240B, 10-8 (illus)
M2 .50 caliber, with M3
tripod mount, 10-9 (illus) MK 19 grenade, Mod 3,
10-10 (illus)
main charge (explosives),
15-12 (illus)
man-made cover, 5-2 (illus),
6-1 (illus)
Mark I nerve agent antidote kit
(NAAK), 13-2 (illus) maximum engagement line
(MEL), 6-34 (illus) MBITR. See multiband
intrateam radio
mechanical zero, 10-17 (illus) mental health and morale, 3-41 message format, 11-4 messengers, 11-1
mil-relation formula, 9-17
(illus) mines, 14-1
marked, 14-17 (illus) probe, 14-15 (illus)
misfires, 14-14 procedures, 10-31
mission-oriented protective posture (MOPP), 13-11 (illus)
MK 19 grenade machine gun, Mod 3, 10-10 (illus)
MK7 antipersonnel obstacle-breaching system (APOBS), 14-20 (illus)
TC 3-21.75
modernized demolition initiator (MDI), 14-9 (illus)
Modular Pack Mine System (MOPMS), 14-7 (illus)
movement, 5-5, 8-1. See also camouflage, individual, 7-1 on vehicles, 7-9
multiband intrateam radio (MBITR), AN/PRC-148, 11-12 (illus)
natural cover, 5-1 (illus) neck drag, 3-34 (illus) nerve agent antidote kit
(NAAK), Mark I, 13-2
(illus) net, 11-8
types of, 11-4
Nine-Line UXO Incident Report, 15-17 (illus)
nuclear weapons, 13-20
observation, 9-8 limited visibility, 9-9
obstacles, 14-14
off-center viewing, 9-11 (illus) offset symbols, 10-25 (illus) one-man
fighting position, 6-20
lift technique, 8-8 (illus) open areas, avoiding, 8-1 operational environment, 1-2 operation on a net, 11-8
operations security (OPSEC),
ordnance, dropped, 15-1 outlines and shadows, 5-5 overhead cover, 6-17 (illus)
built down, 6-18 (illus) construction, 6-11 (illus) stringer placement, 6-12
personal predeployment
checklist, 2-2 (illus) personal weapon, 2-3 pie-ing a corner, 8-4 (illus) positions, 5-5. See also
digging (side view), 6-12
potential indicators, 9-2 (illus)
precedence of reports, 11-4 predeployment, 2-1 preparation of M81 fuse
igniter, 14-12 (illus) prepared fighting position,
8-16 pressure
digital, 3-20 (illus)
direct manual, 3-18 (illus) primary sector, 6-27 (illus) priming. See also C4
bangalore torpedo, 14-19 (illus)
principal direction of fire (PDF), 6-28 (illus)
projected ordnance, 15-6 prone position (hasty), 6-6
protective cover, 5-3 (illus) protective masks, 13-10 (illus) prowords, 11-5
pulse, 3-8 (illus)
questioning, forms of, 9-3
radiac sets, 13-21 (illus) radiological weapons, 13-18 radios, 11-3, 11-12 radiotelephone procedures,
11-4 range
card, 6-26, 6-29 through 6-31 (illus)
estimation, 9-15 rapid/slow scan pattern, 9-9
ready positions, 10-35 (illus) reference points, 6-33 (illus),
10-24 (illus)
reflexive fire, 10-34
report levels, 9-4
rescue breathing, 3-7 (illus) resistance, 12-6 revetments, 6-13 (illus) rifle battlesight zero, 10-18
room-clearing techniques, 8-11
rules, 11-4 rush, 7-3 (illus)
safety, 10-1
SALUTE format, 9-5 (illus) SAW. See M249 squad
automatic weapon scanning pattern, 9-11 (illus) search, detailed, 9-9 (illus) sectors and fields of fire, 6-4.
See also fighting positions SERE. See survival, evasion,
resistance, and escape shelter locations, 12-5 (illus) shot group adjustment, 10-29
shot groups, 10-20
signal operating instructions
(SOI), 11-9
skin decontaminating kit,
M291, 13-15 (illus) smoke grenades, 15-9 (illus) soldier in arctic camouflage,
5-6 (illus)
Sorbent Decontamination
System, M100, 13-15 (illus) squad automatic weapon, 10-7
start point, 10-24 (illus) storage compartments, 6-14
strike zone shot group
adjustment, 10-29 (illus) stringer placement, overhead
cover, 6-12 (illus) supporting carry, 3-33 (illus) survival, evasion, resistance,
and escape (SERE), 12-1
target reference points, 6-33 (illus)
telephone equipment, 11-14 thermal weapon sight zeroing
adjustments, 10-28 (illus)
thrown ordnance (hand grenades), 15-8
time periods, 11-11 (illus) tongue jaw lift, 3-13 (illus) tourniquet, 3-24 (illus) two-hand seat carry, 3-38
(illus) two-man
fighting position, 6-7 (illus) through 6-13
fore and aft carry, 3-37 (illus)
pull technique, 8-8 (illus) support carry, 3-36 (illus)
unexploded ordnance (UXO), 15-1
actions, 15-17
initiator, used as, 15-16
nine-line report, 15-17
urban areas, 8-1
vehicle IED capacities and danger zones, 15-11 (illus)
visual signals, 11-3
wall, crossing, 8-3 (illus) warrior culture, 1-4
warrior drills, 1-5 (illus) weapon reference point, 6-35
weapons, 10-2
windows, movement past, 8-2
(illus) wire, 11-1
zeroing mark, 10-22 (illus)
TC 3-21.75
13 August 2013
PIN: 103242-000