APEAPCET2024 Syllabus Engineering
APEAPCET2024 Syllabus Engineering
a) Functions: Types of functions – Definitions - Inverse functions & Theorems - Domain, Range
and Inverse.
b) Mathematical Induction: Principles of Mathematical Induction & Theorems – Applications
of Mathematical Induction – Problems on divisibility.
c) Matrices: Types of matrices - Scalar multiple of a matrix and multiplication of matrices -
Transpose of a matrix – Determinants - properties of determinants - Adjoint and Inverse of a
matrix – Consistency and inconsistency of system of simultaneous equations - Rank of a
matrix - Solution of simultaneous linear equations.
d) Complex Numbers: Complex number as an ordered pair of real numbers- fundamental
operations - Representation of complex numbers in the form a+ib - Modulus and amplitude of
complex numbers–Illustrations - Geometrical and Polar Representation of complex numbers in
Argand plane-Argand diagram.
e) De Moivre’s Theorem: De Moivre’s theorem- Integral and Rational indices - nth roots of
unity- Geometrical Interpretations–Illustrations.
f) Quadratic Expressions: Quadratic expressions, equations in one variable - Sign of quadratic
expressions – Change in signs – Maximum and minimum values - Quadratic Inequations.
g) Theory of Equations: The relation between the roots and coefficients in an equation - Solving
an equations when two or more roots of it are connected by certain relation - Equation with
real coefficients, occurrence of complex roots in conjugate pairs and its consequences,
Transformation of equations- Reciprocal equations.
h) Permutations and Combinations: Fundamental Principle of counting – linear and circular
permutations- Permutations of ‘n’ dissimilar things taken ‘r’ at a time - Permutations when
repetitions allowed - Circular permutations - Permutations with constraint repetitions -
Combinations-definitions, certain theorems.
i) Binomial Theorem: Binomial theorem for positive integral index, Binomial theorem for
rational Index - Approximations using Binomial theorem
j) Partial fractions: Partial fractions of f(x)/g(x) when g(x) contains non –repeated linear factors
- Partial fractions of f(x)/g(x) where both f(x) and g(x) are polynomials and when g(x) contains
repeated and/or non-repeated linear factors - Partial fractions of f(x)/g(x) when g(x) contains
irreducible factors.
a) Trigonometric Ratios upto Transformations: Trigonometric ratios – Variation - Graphs and
Periodicity of Trigonometric functions - Trigonometric ratios of Compound angles -
Trigonometric ratios of multiple and sub- multiple angles - Transformations - Sum and Product
b) Trigonometric Equations: General solutions of Trigonometric Equations – Simple
Trigonometric Equations – Solutions.
c) Inverse Trigonometric Functions: To reduce a Trigonometric function into a bijective
function – Graphs of Inverse Trigonometric functions – Properties of Inverse Trigonometric
d) Hyperbolic Functions: Definition of Hyperbolic Function – Graphs - Definition of Inverse
Hyperbolic Functions – Graphs - Addition formulae of Hyperbolic Functions.
e) Properties of Triangles: Relation between sides and angles of a Triangle - Sine, Cosine,
Tangent and Projection rules- Half angle formulae and areas of a triangle – Incircle and
Excircles of a Triangle.
a) Addition of Vectors: Vectors as a triad of real numbers - Classification of vectors - Addition
of vectors - Scalar multiplication - Angle between two non-zero vectors - Linear combination
of vectors - Components of a vector in three dimensions - Vector equations of line and plane
including their Cartesian equivalent forms.
b) Product of Vectors: Scalar or dot product of two vectors - Geometrical Interpretations -
orthogonal projections - Properties of dot product - Expression of dot product in i, j, k system -
Angle between two vectors - Geometrical Vector methods – Vector equations of plane in
normal form-Angle between two planes- Vector product of two vectors and properties- Vector
product in i, j, k system- Vector Areas – Scalar triple product – Vector equation of a plane –
different forms, skew lines, shortest distance – plane, condition for coplanarity etc. – vector
triple product – results.
a) Measures of Dispersion - Range - Mean deviation - Variance and standard deviation of
ungrouped/grouped data, coefficient of variation and analysis of frequency distributions with
equal means but different variances.
b) Probability: Random experiments and events - Classical definition of probability, Axiomatic
approach and addition theorem of probability - Independent and dependent events - conditional
probability- multiplication theorem and Baye’s theorem.
c) Random Variables and Probability Distributions: Random Variables - Theoretical discrete
distributions – Binomial and Poisson Distributions.
a) Locus: Definition of locus –Illustrations-To find equations of locus-Problems connected to it.
b) Transformation of Axes: Transformation of Axes – Rules, derivations and illustrations –
Rotation of Axes – Derivations – Illustrations.
c) The Straight Line: Revision of fundamental results - Straight line - Normal form –
Illustrations - Straight line - Symmetric form - Straight line - Reduction into various forms -
Intersection of two Straight Lines - Family of straight lines - Concurrent lines - Condition for
Concurrent lines - Angle between two lines - Length of perpendicular from a point to a Line -
Distance between two parallel lines - Concurrent lines - properties related to a triangle.
d) Pair of Straight lines: Equations of pair of lines passing through origin - angle between a pair
of lines - Condition for perpendicular and coincident lines, bisectors of angles - Pair of
bisectors of angles - Pair of lines - second degree general equation - Conditions for parallel
lines - distance between them, Point of intersection of pair of lines - Homogenising a second
degree equation with a first degree equation in x and y.
e) Circle : Equation of circle -standard form-centre and radius - Equation of a circle with a given
line segment as diameter & equation of circle through three non collinear points - parametric
equations of a circle - Position of a point in the plane of a circle – power of a point-definition
of tangent-length of tangent - Position of a straight line in the plane of a circle-conditions for a
line to be tangent – chord joining two points on a circle – equation of the tangent at a point on
the circle- point of contact-equation of normal-Chord of contact-pole and polar-conjugate
points and conjugate lines- equation of chord with given middle point, Relative position of two
circles- circles touching each other externally, internally common tangents –centers of
similitude- equation of pair of tangents from an external point.
f) System of circles: Angle between two intersecting circles –condition for orthogonality -
Radical axis of two circles- properties- Common chord and common tangent of two circles –
radical centre - Intersection of a line and a Circle.
g) Parabola: Conic sections –Parabola- equation of parabola in standard form-different forms of
parabola- parametric equations, Equations of tangent and normal at a point on the parabola
(Cartesian and Parametric)- conditions for straight line to be a tangent.
h) Ellipse: Equation of ellipse in standard form- Parametric equations, Equation of tangent and
normal at a point on the ellipse (Cartesian and parametric)- condition for a straight line to be a
i) Hyperbola: Equation of hyperbola in standard form- Parametric equations - Equations of
tangent and normal at a point on the hyperbola (Cartesian and parametric) - conditions for a
straight line to be tangent-Asymptotes.
j) Three Dimensional Coordinates: Coordinates - Section formulae - Centroid of a triangle and
k) Direction Cosines and Direction Ratios: Direction Cosines –Direction Ratios.
l) Plane: Cartesian equation of a Plane –Simple Illustrations.
a) Limits and Continuity: Intervals and neighborhoods – Limits - Standard Limits–Continuity.
b) Differentiation: Derivative of a function - Elementary Properties - Trigonometric, Inverse
Trigonometric, Hyperbolic, Inverse Hyperbolic Function – Derivatives - Methods of
Differentiation – Second Order Derivatives.
c) Applications of Derivatives: Errors & Approximations - Geometrical Interpretation of a
derivative - Equations of tangents and normal to a curve – Lengths of Tangent, Normal,
Subtangent and subnormal - Angles between two curves and condition for orthogonality of
curves – Derivative as a rate of change – Rolle’s theorem and Lagrange’s Mean value theorem -
Increasing and decreasing functions - Maxima and Minima.
d) Integration: Integration as the inverse process of differentiation- Standard forms -properties of
integrals - Method of substitution- integration of Algebraic, exponential, logarithmic,
trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions - Integration by parts – Integration by the
method of substitution – Integration of algebraic and trigonometric functions – Integration by
parts – Integration of exponential, logarithmic and inverse trigonometric functions – Integration
- Partial fractions method – Reduction formulae.
e) Definite Integrals: Definite Integral as the limit of sum, Interpretation of Definite Integral as
an area. Fundamental theorem of Integral Calculus. Properties, Reduction formulae,
Application of Definite integral to areas.
f) Differential equations: Formation of differential equation-Degree and order of an ordinary
differential equation - Solving differential equation by i) Variables separable method, ii)
Homogeneous differential equation, iii) Non Homogeneous differential equation iv) Linear
differential equations
1. PHYSICAL WORLD: What is physics? Scope and excitement of physics. Physics, technology
and society, Fundamental forces in nature, Nature of physical laws
3. MOTION IN A STRAIGHT LINE: Position, path length and displacement, average velocity
and average speed, instantaneous velocity and speed, acceleration, kinematic equations for
uniformly accelerated motion, relative velocity.
4. MOTION IN A PLANE: Scalars and vectors, position and displacement vectors, equality of
vectors, multiplication of vectors by real numbers, addition and subtraction of vectors - graphical
method, resolution of vectors, vector addition - analytical method, motion in a plane, position vector
and displacement, velocity, acceleration, motion in a plane with constant acceleration, relative
velocity in two dimensions, projectile motion, equation of path of a projectile, time of maximum
height, maximum height of a projectile, horizontal range of projectile, uniform circular motion.
5. LAWS OF MOTION: Aristotle’s fallacy, Laws of inertia, Newton’s first law of motion,
Newton’s second law of motion- momentum, impulse, Newton’s third law of motion, conservation
of momentum,Equilibrium of a particle, Common forces in mechanics, friction, types of friction,
static, kinetic and rolling frictions, Circular motion, Motion of a car on a level road, Motion of a car
on a banked road, solving problems in mechanics.
6. WORK, ENERGY AND POWER: The Scalar Product, Notions of work and kinetic energy,
The work-energy theorem, Work, Kinetic energy, Work done by a variable force, The work-energy
theorem for a variable force, The concept of Potential Energy, The conservation of Mechanical
Energy, The Potential Energy of a spring, Various forms of energy, Heat, Chemical Energy,
Electrical Energy, The Equivalence of Mass and Energy, Nuclear Energy, The Principle of
Conservation of Energy, Power, Collisions, Elastic and Inelastic Collisions, Collisions in one
dimension, Coefficient of Restitution and its determination, Collisions in Two Dimensions.
9. GRAVITATION: Kepler’s laws, Universal law of gravitation, central forces, the gravitational
constant, Acceleration due to gravity of the earth, Acceleration due to gravity below and above the
surface of earth, Gravitational potential energy, Escape speed, Orbital Speed, Earth satellites,
Energy of an orbiting satellite, Geostationary and polar satellites, Weightlessness.
10. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS: Elastic behavior of solids, Stress and strain,
Hooke’s law, Stress-strain curve, Elastic moduli, Young’s Modulus, Determination of Young’s
Modulus of the Material of a Wire, Shear Modulus, Bulk Modulus, Poisson’s ratio, Elastic potential
energy in a stretched wire, Applications of elastic behavior of materials.
14. KINETIC THEORY: Molecular nature of matter, Behaviour of gases, Boyle’s Law, Charles’
Law, Kinetic theory of an ideal gas, Pressure of an Ideal Gas, Kinetic interpretation of temperature,
Law of equipartition of energy, Specific heat capacity, Monatomic Gases, Diatomic Gases,
Polyatomic Gases, Specific Heat Capacity of Solids, Specific Heat Capacity of Water, Mean free
15. WAVES: Transverse and longitudinal waves, wave displacement relation in a progressive
wave, amplitude and phase, wavelength and angular wave number, period, angular frequency and
frequency, the speed of a travelling wave, speed of a transverse wave on stretched string, speed of a
longitudinal wave (speed of sound), the principle of superposition of waves, reflection of waves,
standing waves and normal modes, beats, Doppler effect – source moving & Observer stationary,
observer moving and source stationary, both observer and source are moving, applications of
Doppler effect.
16. RAY OPTICS AND OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS: Reflection of Light by Spherical Mirrors,
Sign convention, Focal length of spherical mirror, Mirror equation, refraction, total internal
reflection, total internal reflection in nature and its technological applications, refraction at spherical
surfaces and by lenses, power of a lens, combination of thin lenses in contact, refraction through a
prism, dispersion by a prism, natural phenomena due to sunlight – Rainbow, Scattering of light,
optical instruments, the eye, the simple and compound microscopes, refracting telescope and
Cassegrain reflecting telescope.
17. WAVE OPTICS: Huygens principle, refraction and reflection of plane waves using Huygens
principle, refraction in a rarer medium (at the denser medium boundary), reflection of a plane wave
by a plane surface, the Doppler effect, coherent and incoherent addition of waves, interference of
light waves and Young‘s experiment, Diffraction, Single slit, resolving power of optical
instruments, the validaity of ray optics, Polarization by scattering, Polarisation by reflection, plane
polarized light, polaroids
18. ELECTRIC CHARGES AND FIELDS: Electric charge, conductors and insulators, charging
by induction, basic properties of electric charges, additivity of charges, conservation of charge,
quantization of charge, Coulomb’s law, forces between multiple charges, electric field, electric field
due to a system of charges, physical significance of electric field, electric field lines, electric flux,
electric dipole, the field of an electric dipole for points on the axial line and on the equatorial plane,
physical significance of dipoles, dipole in a uniform external field, continuous charge distribution,
Gauss’s law, Applications of Gauss’s Law infinitely long straight uniformly charged wire, infinite
plane sheet , field due to uniformly charged thin spherical shell.
20. CURRENT ELECTRICITY: Electric current, electric current in conductors, Ohm’s law, drift
of electrons and the origin of resistivity, mobility, limitations of Ohm’s law, resistivity of various
materials, colour code of resistors, Temperature dependence of resistivity, electrical energy, power.
Combination of Resistors, Series and Parallel, Cells, EMF, internal resistance, cells in series and in
parallel, Kirchhoff’s rules, Wheatstone Bridge, Meter Bridge, Potentiometer.
21. MOVING CHARGES AND MAGNETISM: Magnetic force, sources and fields, magnetic
field, Lorentz force, magnetic force on a current carrying conductor, motion in a magnetic field,
helical motion of charged particles, motion in combined electric and magnetic fields, , velocity
selector, cyclotron, magnetic field due to a current element, Biot – Savart’s law, Magnetic field on
the axis of a circular current loop, Ampere’s circuital law, the solenoid and the toroid, force
between two parallel current carrying conductors, the ampere (UNIT), torque on current loop,
magnetic dipole, torque on a rectangular current loop in a uniform magnetic field, circular current
loop as a magnetic dipole, the magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron, the Moving Coil
Galvanometer; conversion into ammeter and voltmeter.
22. MAGNETISM AND MATTER: The bar magnet, the magnetic field lines, bar magnet as an
equivalent solenoid, The dipole in a uniform magnetic field, the electrostatic analog, Magnetism
and Gauss’s Law, The Earth’s magnetism, magnetic declination and dip, magnetization and
magnetic intensity,magnetic properties of materials – Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism and
Ferromagnetism, permanent magnets and electromagnets.
26. DUAL NATURE OF RADIATION AND MATTER: Electron emission, Photoelectric Effect,
Hertz’s observations, Hallwachs and Lenard’s observations, experimental study of photoelectric
effect, effect of intensity of light on photocurrent, effect of potential on photoelectric current, effect
of frequency of incident radiation on stopping potential, Photoelectric effect and Wave theory of
Light, Einstein’s Photoelectric equation, Energy Quantum of Radiation, particle nature of light, the
photon, wave nature of matter, photocell, Davisson and Germer Experiment
27. ATOMS: Alpha particle scattering and Rutherford’s nuclear model of atom, alpha particle
trajectory, electron orbits, atomic spectra, spectral series, Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, energy
levels, Franck – Hertz experiment, the line spectra of the hydrogen atom, deBroglie’s explanation of
Bohr’s second postulate of quantization.
28. NUCLEI: Atomic masses and composition of nucleus, discovery of neutron, size of the
nucleus, Mass - Energy, Nuclear Binding Energy, Binding energy of Nuecleon and its variation
with Mass Number,Nuclear Force, Radioactivity - Law of radioactive decay, half life and mean life
of a Radioactive material, Alpha decay, Beta decay and Gamma decay, Nuclear Energy, Fission,
Nuclear reactor, nuclear fusion, energy generation in stars, controlled thermonuclear fusion.
Unit-1: ATOMIC STRUCTURE: Sub Atomic particles, Atomic models, Developments to the
Bohr’s model of atom; Wave nature of electromagnetic radiation; Particle nature of
electromagnetic radiation, Planck’ s quantum theory; Evidence for the quantized electronic Energy
levels : Atomic spectra, Bohr’s model for Hydrogen atom; Explanation of line spectrum of
hydrogen; Limitations of Bohr’s model; Quantum mechanical considerations of sub atomic
particles; Dual behaviour of matter; Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle; Quantum mechanical
model of an atom. Important features of Quantum mechanical model of atom; Orbitals and
quantum numbers; Shapes of atomic orbitals; Energies of orbitals; Filling of orbitals in atoms.
Aufbau Principle, Pauli’s exclusion Principle and Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity;
Electronic configurations of atoms; Stability of half-filled and completely filled orbitals.
Unit-8: HYDROGEN AND ITS COMPOUNDS: Position of hydrogen in the periodic table;
Dihydrogen-Occurrence and Isotopes; Preparation and properties of dihydrogen, uses of H2,
Hydrides: Ionic, covalent, and non-stoichiometric hydrides; Water: Physical properties; structure
of water, ice. Chemical properties of water; hard and soft water, Temporary and permanent
hardness of water; Hydrogen Peroxide: Preparation, properties, structure, storage and uses. Heavy
Water; Hydrogen as a fuel.