Deleuze Matma 1
Deleuze Matma 1
Deleuze Matma 1
Aden Evens
Published online: 09 Jun 2010.
To cite this article: Aden Evens (2000) MATH ANXIETY, Angelaki: Journal of the
Theoretical Humanities, 5:3, 105-115
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journa l of the the oretical humani tie s
v olum e 5 n umber 3 dece mber 200 0
ISSN 0969-725X print/ISSN 1469-2899 online/00/030105-11 © 2000 Taylor & Francis Ltd and the Editors of Angelaki
DOI: 10.1080/0969725002003478 8
math anxiety
cooperatively, dissolve into clear and distinct that give them meaning in the world. Sense is
elements. They drag otherwise unrelated people, thus produced after the fact, and ontogenesis
places, and objects into the mix. Use your shoe describes the generation of objects but not their
for a pillow. Freeze your compact discs. Hire a relations. This standard metaphysics often
philosopher to reorganize your company. Maybe explains genesis as a spontaneous modal flip
dogs are good at sexing chicks. Your problem (from possible to actual), and sense as an extra-
happens as solutions are attempted and neous imposition of a human perspective on a
discarded, feeding into the problem to alter its fully formed pre-existent object. By contrast,
parameters; new obstacles and new paths may Deleuze’s account holds that genesis is not a
crop up at any time, any place. Think laterally, sudden change of modes, but a process of deter-
act locally. mination, beginning not from a previous deter-
When rain drips onto a leaf, the paths it takes mined state (the possible), but from the
across that uneven surface are solutions to a undetermined. This process is a puzzle being fit
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Why does he call this puzzle – that ties together meaningfully as a means of working out
together its elements into the continuity of a a problem. One cannot say in advance what will
sensible solution – an “Idea”? Platonic Ideas take shape, which forces will be significant,
gather a number of objects under a common which events will stand out, who will play a
term, such as “beautiful” or “virtuous.” The pivotal role. Guests arrive at a cocktail party with
participants in an Idea share that Idea in all sorts of history, tendencies, characters, but
common, though there is nothing else in particu- with no set plan. The situation itself is a problem.
lar that they need share. That is, participation in What is going to happen? Whom will Ed talk to?
the Idea is irreducible. Still, participation in an Is it going to get political again? Are there
Idea is not haphazard, for it makes sense: the set enough hors d’oeuvres? And if the host poses
of participants in an Idea forms a sensible contin- these problems to herself, she may be mostly
uum. For example, the Idea of human phenotype ineffectual as the problem of the party will
is irreducible: there are no necessary and suffi- undoubtedly find its own solution, agreeable or
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cient elements that make a body human. But otherwise. Over the course of the evening, the
there are plenty of characteristics of human guests permute their arrangements according to
bodies, and these characteristics vary continu- the problematic dynamic determined by their
ously–height, density, skin color, eye color, shape singular personalities, their prior relationships,
of head, etc. The Idea of the body yields a conti- the availability of alcohol, the style of music and
nuity, a mass of individual bodies that range locations of the loudspeakers, and who-knows-
continuously in a variety of ways. what else. The result is a complex continuity of
Kant, as well, uses Ideas to make sense of movement that constitutes the only sense of the
things, to determine continuities, but unlike cocktail party and is unified only by the problem
Plato, he does not begin with ready-made things that inheres in the color of each tie, the strength
which must be parceled out, sorted into the of each drink, and the wit in every quip.
correct Ideas. Kant makes a great leap when he The problematic Idea, says Deleuze, provides
focuses on the process by which continuities a “systematic unity” (169) to its cases of solution;
form. The understanding makes sense of the but the unity that the puzzle gives to its pieces is
world by fitting it into concepts and their rela- never final nor is the fit ever exact. Instead of a
tions. Concepts alone are inadequate to make single big picture on its surface, the puzzle is
sense of anything; they form isolated cases that always broken by unaligned edges and sudden
offer no reason for their existence. Only by relat- changes of color from piece to piece. That is why
ing concepts in the problematic Idea do they bear the usual methods of investigating continuity are
relations that make sense of them, for they flawed. One attempts to start with the completed
become not isolated instances but cases of solu- puzzle and work backwards, taking it apart into
tion, responses to a problem that determines its pieces to determine what it’s made of and how
their histories and gives them a sufficient reason. it’s put together. But this method is doomed to
Whereas concepts are determinate things, fail, for breaking the puzzle into pieces yields
comprising specific qualities, the manifold of only smaller puzzles but hides the process of
intuition that we must make sense of is wholly determination by which those pieces take shape.
indeterminate, a vague jumble with no particular The philosophical investigation of sense generally
characteristics, nothing accessible to the under- starts with one determined state of affairs and
standing. The process by which the world is attempts to trace it back to another determined
divided into concepts is thus a process of deter- state of affairs whence it came, searching for the
mination, from the undetermined to the determi- reasons for things among those very things.
nate or from manifold to concept. Ontogenesis is thought to proceed from determi-
In Kant, the Idea still gives rise to continuity, nation to determination, thus ignoring the
but it is no longer, as in Plato, the continuity of process by which things become determined. If
a common quality. The complex continuity we start with the continuous number line made
generated by the problematic Idea brings things of points, we can break that line down into
math anxiety
Fig. 1. A sequence of points, s0, s1, etc., that approaches the point P. Note that no matter how small an interval we
consider around P, at some point in the sequence of sn , all further points in the sequence will be contained in that
smaller and smaller continuous pieces, but we close to the center of the interval, since no matter
will never discover what makes the line or those how small we make the interval, the tail of the
pieces continuous, no matter how small the parts line is still contained in it. The fundamental
get. Working backwards from continuity to its concept of calculus, the concept of the limit, is
cause will not succeed. Instead, we must discover defined in just such finitist terms. A sequence of
an ideal cause of continuity, and examine how terms is said to approach a limit when it can be
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that cause can generate the continuity alongside shown that no matter how small an interval you
the continuous things. We must acknowledge choose around that limit, there is some point in
that things and their senses come to be simulta- the sequence after which every term is contained
neously and interdependently. As that ideal cause within that interval (Figure 1). So, in proving
of continuity, the problematic Idea that draws something about limit points, we only ever
things together into sense, Deleuze proposes the consider intervals of finitely small size, for one
mathematical differential, dx. can of course always find a smaller interval.
I did mention at the outset that this was a Likewise, in proofs using the differential, we
math problem. A math problem, even a calculus never actually involve the infinite; rather, we use
problem, seems at first to be a rather poor exam- variables, which are manipulated as arbitrarily
ple of a problem. The math problems one finds small (but still finitely small) numbers. The
at the end of the chapter in math textbooks just important point here is that as long as our
sit there, seemingly indifferent to whether or not symbolism reduces the limit, and by reference
they are solved. (No doubt, because they have the differential as well, to finite quantities and
already been solved.) Indeed, most of us feel variables that represent such quantities, the limit
little compulsion to attempt a solution. They are and the differential become just more quantities,
not very problematic problems. Fermat’s Last a finite value that is special only in that it is
Theorem, on the other hand, certainly was a unspecified or unknown. Without the power of
problem: it begged to be solved.2 Deleuze discov- problem, the differential loses its unique
ers in archaic interpretations of the differential a dynamic, and we lose sight of its unique powers.
problematic power, the power to problematize. The limit is Lesson One in a modern calculus
How does the differential, dx, cause problems? class. This lesson teaches the mathematical
In the modern calculus, the differential is ill- formalisms that correspond to the notion of
suited to be the ideal cause of continuity, because “arbitrarily small.” So, one learns which symbols
it is understood on a finitist model, or, at best, as to use and what rules govern the manipulation of
an infinitesimal. In other words, the modern those symbols, or what constitutes legitimate
interpretation of the differential makes it out to proof in the domain of the arbitrarily small.
be an arbitrarily small quantity. In modern calcu- Lesson Two makes use of Lesson One to show
lus, when we use the differential (say, to prove how to take a derivative. Though we are intro-
something or to take a derivative), what we do is duced to it by means of the limit or differential
to demonstrate that something-or-other is true at its core, the derivative is no sooner learned
for an arbitrarily small quantity. Usually, it is a than the differential is discarded, and even its
question of intervals: a line “approaches” a point symbol, dx, is often omitted. Calculating deriva-
when, no matter how tiny an interval around the tives becomes a matter of the rote manipulation
point you take, it still encloses the end of the of symbols, and the intimate relationship
line. That line, we reason, must get arbitrarily between the derivative and the differential is
forgotten, a distant murky memory that won’t be
on the exam. If the differential still appears in
certain formulas, it is only an annoying vestige of
the higher mathematics that birthed it.
So, let me remind you of the relationship
between limits and derivatives. Derivatives are
first introduced by posing this problem: given a
curve that represents some function, called the
primitive function, and a point on that curve,
what is the slope of the tangent to the curve at
that point? (See Figure 2.) Well, why do we care?
First, we must define some terms (and these are
paraphrases with attendant inaccuracies). The
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math anxiety
But finding the slope of the line tangent to a which simplifies to
curve turns out not to be such a simple matter.
Since the tangent touches the curve without cross- lim f(x+D x)- f(x)
D xÞ0
D x
ing it (nearby), it only touches it in one point
(locally). But it takes two points to define a line provides the general formula for the derivative of
and determine its characteristics such as slope. f(x) (see Figure 5).
Given two points, it is easy to find the slope of the Here, D x represents a finitely small quantity, a
line that runs through them: it is just the differ- finite and measurable distance, that is allowed to
ence between the y values divided by the differ- approach zero. So it comes as no surprise that the
ence between the x values. If the two points are differential, dx, which is defined as D x “on its
(x1,y1) and (x2,y2), then the slope of the line they way to 0,” should also be regarded in modern
define is (y1–y2)/(x1–x2) (see Figure 4). calculus in finite terms. In school, we begin with
discrete whole numbers:
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0, 1, 2, 3, and so on.
Eventually, we fill in
the gaps between these
numbers using ratios
of them to produce ratio-
nal numbers (fractions).
Then, we fill gaps be-
tween rationals by taking
Fig. 4. The slope of this line is (y1–y2 )/(x1–x2). sequences of rational
numbers such that the numbers in the sequence
Since we know the function, and can calculate get closer and closer together – in other words,
it at any point, we know at least one point on the
line in question, the point of tangency; but how
do we calculate the slope with only one point
specified? The method is to choose a second
point on the curve some distance away, and
calculate the slope of the line that runs through
both of those points. This yields an approxima-
tion of the slope of the tangent. The closer the
second point is to the point of tangency, the
closer will be the approximation of the slope of
the tangent.3 To find the slope of the tangent at
a point, we must take the limit – as the “other”
point approaches the point of tangency – of the
slope of the line between the two points. Instead
of x1 and x2, we can represent the two x coordi-
nates as x (the x-value of the point of tangency)
and x+D x (the x-value of a point D x away from
x), and allow D x to approach 0. The two points
are (x, f(x)) and (x+ D x, f(x+ D x)). The slope is
the difference between the y values ( f(x) and Fig. 5. Finding the slope of the tangent: a line drawn
between two points on a curve. As D x gets smaller, the
f(x+ D x)) divided by the difference between the x lower point gets closer to the upper point, and the line
values (x and x+ D x). Taking the limit, gets closer to being tangent. The formula for the deriv-
ative is the slope of this line as D x approaches 0:
we take a limit – and this produces irrational precedes numbers and intervals of finitely small
numbers, completely filling out the number line. size, but the differential relation, dy/dx, precedes
Finally, this concept of an arbitrarily small inter- the “primitive” function whose slope it is said to
val, or limit, is applied not just to the numbers represent. In calculus class we are presented with
but to their relations, functions, where it a function and told to differentiate it, to take the
becomes the differential. Instead of producing derivative or produce the differential relation. In
the differential from the number line in this Deleuze’s rereading of the calculus, the primitive
manner by an operation on arbitrarily small function does not precede the differential rela-
intervals, Deleuze reverses the usual priority to tion, but is only the ultimate result or byproduct
start with the differential and to generate number of the progressive determination of that relation.
from it. That is, he places the differential at the The differential is a problem, and its solution
origin of number, as the power of difference that leads to the primitive function.
deviates from itself to generate the entire number We have thus far been considering just one
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line and eventually the points that populate it. point at a time, though it could have been any
The differential is not a finite distance, not even point. But inasmuch as it generates the primitive
an ever smaller one. If the differential is an infin- function, the differential relation characterizes
itesimal, it is a substantive and positive infinites- not only one point but a whole range of points,
imal; not a finite approach toward zero as modern an entire function. It is not a relation of variables,
calculus would have it, but a movement of zero where one is considered independent (x), and the
away from itself. The differential, dx, is a torsion other dependent (y). The differentials, dx and dy,
that inflects the point, x. It is the instantaneous do not take on single values nor do they vary over
velocity of x, x being only the apparent point of a range of values; they are neither particular nor
departure for a movement that precedes any general, but universal, inasmuch as their relation
departure. establishes an irreducible character that is not
Though we can make some sense of x by constant, but incorporates multiplicity.
itself, as a variable that represents any of certain In other words, the differential relation is not
specifiable values, we can make almost no sense a formula that relates x to y over some range of
of dx by itself. Inasmuch as it is a movement, values for x, though this is how we are taught to
it precedes those coordinates (x and y) that interpret it: in school, the differential relation, or
eventually measure it, an arrow set against the derivative, is just another formula, another func-
void. As Deleuze says, on its own it is “strictly tion akin to the primitive function. Rather, the
nothing” (171). It obtains a value only in differential relation relates x to y not in breadth,
relation. dx, though undetermined, points toward over a range of values, but in depth; it operates
its own determination in relation to another in each point on the function, condensing the
differential, dy. The above formula for the deriv- quality, the character of the entire function into
ative necessarily involves a comparison, change every point. If you are given the value of some
in y versus change in x. Differential calculus is differentiable function at a point, then that’s
keenly interested in this relation, dy/dx, the almost all you know about the function. You
differential rise over the differential run. The have little idea how the function behaves at any
terms of this relation are neither constants nor other point; you know the function only at that
variables, for dx and dy mean nothing outside of one point. However, the existence of a derivative
their relation. They determine their relation reci- means that you can take a limit at that point, and
procally, determining each other in relation as in order to take a limit the function must be rela-
they determine the primitive function that relates tively smooth, not broken up or wildly chaotic.
x to y. The function does not jump around too much in
Deleuze’s reversal of the priority of the differ- the vicinity of that point. Which means that near
ential and the finite numbers that normally the point whose value you know, the function
define it thus carries over from Lesson One to stays relatively close to that value. If you are told
Lesson Two. It is not just that the limit itself that the differentiable function passes through
math anxiety
the point (3,5), then you know that as long as x function is doing at each point. It’s not that the
is close to 3, y will be close to 5.4 You can differential relation represents the slope of the
approximate the function near that one point: function at each point; it’s that by representing
since it stays close to 5 near 3, it must look some- the slope of the function at each point, the differ-
thing like a horizontal line passing through (3,5). ential relation presents or characterizes the whole
However, if you also are given the slope of the function in each of its points.
tangent to the function at that point, then you The differential relation captures the univer-
know how quickly and in what direction the func- sal character of the whole function, and this
tion is moving near that point. Let’s say the slope overall character or shape of the function is a
at the point (3,5) is steep, maybe 100. You can matter of how many times it changes direction,
now take a better guess at the values of nearby how many bumps it has and how regularly they
points. Specifically, you can assume that, at least occur, how often it becomes infinite, and how
near that one point, the function looks like a often it crosses the x-axis. These criteria divide
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steep line passing through (3,5) with a slope of the function into pieces, whose endpoints are
100. If you also know how fast the slope is chang- defined by the critical points that mark the
ing at that point – the slope of the slope or the changes in direction, the local maxima and
value of the second derivative – then you can minima, the zero-crossings, the approach to
make an even better estimate of the behavior of infinity (Figure 6). Deleuze refers to these criti-
the function near that point. The function may cal or distinctive points as singular points, for
be steep, but is it getting steeper, or more shal- their number and relations uniquely determine
low (at that point)? The second derivative the singular character of the function itself. They
answers this question, and gives you an even are points of articulation where the function
better idea of the shape of the function near the alters its behavior: the function gets steeper to
one point you know. Third derivative: the func- the left of a singular point and shallower to the
tion is steep and getting steeper, but how quickly right; or it’s positive on one side and negative on
is it getting steeper? Etc. the other; or it’s curvy and then suddenly flat.
Note that your increasingly refined estimates These singular points break the function into
of the behavior of the function do not rely on the parts and so determine the type or species of
formula for the derivative nor on any formula, function in question. We can judge the kind of
but only on the actual values of the derivatives. function according to the number and arrange-
You are given one point on a function and a ment of its distinctive points. Trigonometric
sequence of numbers representing the values of functions tend to have an infinite number of
the derivatives of the function at that point, and distinctive points with a certain regular recur-
from these numbers, you can reconstruct an rence. (A sine wave has an infinite number of
approximation of the whole function not just at peaks and valleys, an infinity of maxima and
that one point, but also in an area around that minima.) Polynomial functions have a finite
point. Each successive (value of the) derivative at number of distinctive points, one fewer than the
that point provides a more accurate sense of the degree of the polynomial. (Think of the
shape of the whole function. This process of parabola, a binomial, with its single minimum or
successive approximation is not merely heuristic; maximum.) Capturing the character of the prim-
in fact, if you know the values of all the deriva- itive function, the differential also holds the key
tives of a function at a given point, you can to the singular points, for where the primitive
construct a polynomial, another function, that is function has a peak, its tangent will be horizon-
equivalent to the primitive function near that tal, so its slope will be zero; and where it
point. This is the sense in which the differential approaches infinity, its slope too will become
is a universal: the differential packs into each infinite (see Figure 6). By examining the number
point the nature of the entire function, for the and distribution of zeros and infinities in the
differential relation generates not the value of the differential relation, we can determine the
function, but its behavior, its character, what the species of primitive function.
tions that take place in
this instant. Problems
determine themselves
incrementally and always
in relation; the pieces of
the problem don’t fall
into place until they are
already solved, hesitating,
negotiating, calculating in
a game of strategy and
diplomacy with goals to
be determined as the
game is played. Problems
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math anxiety
mines not only the final
outcome but also the nature
of the problem itself.
Qubits can be entangled,
such that they only
operate conjointly, posing
a differential and statisti-
cal problem of reciprocal
determination. Quantum
computers are thus unlike
their classical cousins,
which begin and end with
already determined possi-
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monadic philosophy one out of the other. Leibniz that must be constantly pieced together again,
insists on smooth transformation, for only then that is never the same thing twice or for two
do the differences among monads boil down to different puzzlers. And this makes sense, for
mere shifts of perspective, reconcilable by a sense is not a complacent and comfortable fit, but
continuous movement without a hitch. Every a problematic puzzle that never quits asking. The
argument is resolvable, every point of view best puzzles, the ones that make the most sense,
comprehensible in terms of every other, though are also the hardest problems
vast differences might be crossed before debating and the most compelling. To
parties see eye to eye. The entire function, the solve a problem is to follow the
entire universe is summarized, captured in a differential through its twisted
single, overarching power series; and this one calculus. And you thought you
power series, that covers the whole of existence didn’t like math.
and encompasses every point of view, is God
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