Final Lesson Plan - MS Powerpoint
Final Lesson Plan - MS Powerpoint
Prepared by:
Checked by:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Daily Routine
a. Greetings
b. Classroom Management
c. Prayer
d. Checking of Attendance
e. Checking of Assignment
f. Energizer
3. Motivation
Jumble Words!
Instructions: Your goal in Jumble is to form words by rearranging the given letters.
Rearrange the letters until you discover valid words.
1. Ribbon
2. Home
3. Presentation
1. Full-screen mode
2. Show tab only
3. Always share Ribbon
4. Hide Quick Access Toolbar
The Backstage View
Backstage view gives you various options for saving, opening,
printing, and sharing your presentations. To access Backstage view,
click the File tab on the Ribbon.
a. Back to PowerPoint - you can use the arrow to close Backstage
view and return to PowerPoint.
b. Info - the Info pane will appear whenever you access
Backstage view. It contains information about the current
c. New - from here, you can create a new blank presentation or
choose from a large selection of templates.
d. Open - from here, you can open recent presentations, as well
as presentations saved to your OneDrive or on your computer.
e. Save and Save As - use Save and Save As to save your
presentation to your computer or to your OneDrive.
f. Print - from the Print pane, you can change the print settings
and print your presentation. You can also see a preview of your
g. Share - From here, you can invite people to view and
collaborate on your presentation. You can also share your
presentation by emailing it as an attachment.
h. Export - you can choose to export your workbook in another
format, such as PDF/XPS or PowerPoint 97-2003.
i. Close - click here to close the current presentation.
j. Account - from the Account pane, you can access your
Microsoft account information, modify your theme, and
background, and sign out of your account.
k. Options - here, you can change various PowerPoint options,
settings, and language preferences.
3. Application
After the discussion the students will have an individual activity based on
the Microsoft PowerPoint. The teacher will give an activity to the students and
the activity name is “Why You Should Know You”. After finishing the activity
every student will explain their own activity.
Content 10 points
Language Usage 10 points
Delivery 15 points
Presentation 15 points
Total: 50 points
4. Generalization
• In overall discussion, the teacher conducts a quick closing activity by
asking students to share one interesting fact they learned about the
Microsoft PowerPoint. Summarize the key points discussed during the
lesson and emphasize the importance of Excel in various industries.
Multiple Choice: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter that
best describes the answer. Encircle your answer and you have five (5) minutes to finish
answering all the questions.
a. Follow-up Assignment
Direction: Create a three (3) minutes video while doing your activity. Submission is
on Tuesday, December 19, 2023, until 11:59 p.m. only.
Advance Assignment
Direction: Advanced study the Google Sheet.
Bpayne. (2013, July 24). Getting to know PowerPoint. Pressbooks.
PowerPoint 2016: Getting Started with PowerPoint. (n.d.).