OpenText Archiving and Document Access For SAP Solutions 10.5 Release Notes
OpenText Archiving and Document Access For SAP Solutions 10.5 Release Notes
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Release Notes Revision History ................................................................................................ 5
2 About OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions .................................... 8
2.1 What is OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions? .................................. 8
2.2 What's new in this release? ....................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Discontinued and Deprecated Features .................................................................................... 9
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
4.4.6 Web Browsers for the OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP
Solutions Web User Interfaces ................................................................................... 24
4.4.7 WebDAV Storage Interface for SAP NetWeaver Information Lifecycle
Management ............................................................................................................... 24
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
7.9 Business Content Window....................................................................................................... 51
7.10 Other Restrictions ....................................................................................................... 52
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
1 Introduction
These Release Notes provide an overview of OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP
Solutions 10.5.0, including new features, delivery information, and supported platforms. OpenText
recommends that you read these Release Notes in conjunction with the documentation included with
the software package. If any conflicts exist, the Release Notes supersede the other documentation.
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
1.06 2014-08-01 5.3 Added new patch requirements:
• Update 2014.1 for Archive Server
• Update 2014.06 and pat105000160
for Content Server 10.5
• Service Pack 2 Update 2014.06
and pat100001621 for Content
Server 10.0.
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
1.16 2016-11-21 4.4.1 Supported Added SAP NetWeaver 7.5 / EhP 8 for
SAP Business
ERP 6.0 support
Suite Applications
5.1.6 CRM
1.17 2017-11-21 4.4.3 Required Added SAP GUI for Windows 7.50
SAP Support
Packages and
4.4.5 Supported
1.18 2017-11-22 4.4.3 Required Added support information for SAP GUI
SAP Support
for Windows
Packages and
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
2 About OpenText Archiving and Document Access for
SAP Solutions
This section provides an overview of OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions
The OpenText solution is seamlessly integrated with the SAP system: retrieval, access, and document
display all take place directly from within the SAP application. The centralized storage and
management of the documents simplifies and speeds up retrieval. Fast access to the documents
guarantees rapid processing of e.g. inquiries and complaints.
No matter where your employees are currently working: anyone with the appropriate authorization can
access the required documents at any time, worldwide.
Please pay attention to the licensing restrictions outlined in chapter 3.2
Note on the End User License Agreement.
Archive Server
Simplified deployment, Improved Single File Backup, Configuration of Storage Systems, Updated
Archive Monitoring Web Client.
Document Pipelines
Simplified installation.
Enterprise Scan
Improved usability, Full support for PDF Import; Improved support for Citrix and Terminal Server;
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
Improved documentation and capabilities for scripting; Side-by-side viewing for easier document
Thumbnail view supports rendering of MS office documents (in combination with Web Viewer).
DesktopLink supports ArchiveLink enhancement with table TOAAT as described in SAP OSS Note
For further new features please look at the respective release notes.
• There are no ABAP Add-Ons of OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions
10.5.0 OTEXBAS and OTEXERP anymore for the following SAP ERP Releases:
• SAP R/3 4.7 (SAP Basis 620)
• SAP ECC 5.0 ( SAP NetWeaver 2004/SAP Basis 640)
Please refer to the Installation and Upgrade Guide of of OpenText Archiving and Document
Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 and to the sections of these release notes about upgrade for
more details.
• There is no ABAP Add-On OTEXCRM anymore for the following SAP CRM Releases:
• SAP CRM 5.0
• SAP CRM 2007
Please refer to the Installation and Upgrade Guide of of OpenText Archiving and Document
Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 and to the sections of these release notes about upgrade for
more details.
• There are no ABAP Add-Ons of OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 OTEXRL
anymore for the following SAP ERP Releases:
• SAP R/3 4.7 (SAP Basis 620)
• SAP ECC 5.0 ( SAP NetWeaver 2004/SAP Basis 640)
Please refer to the Installation and Upgrade Guide of of OpenText Extended ECM for SAP
Solutions 10.5.0 and to the sections of the related release notes about upgrade for more
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
3 Packaging and Documentation
Downloads and documentation for OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions are
available in the OpenText Knowledge Center (
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
Document Pipeline Perl 10.5.0 Yes
1Please read the Content Server licensing 10.5 FAQ in the OpenText Knowledge Center to learn
about Content Server 10.5 license key/file.
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
Imaging Reviews and Notes 10.5.0 Yes
For detailed information about the packaging and delivery of individual components of OpenText
Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions please have a look at the individual release notes.
For information and restrictions concerning the OpenText Enterprise Library Services and the
OpenText Imaging Clients, see the OpenText Enterprise Library Services and OpenText Imaging
Release Notes. These Release Notes come with the installation package or you can find them in the
OpenText Knowledge Center (
These third party components are not covered by OpenText software
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
maintenance. These components are provided for installation convenience. Should
you need support for these components, please contact their respective software
Note: SAP Archiving and Document Access by OpenText 10.5 will be available for SAP
customers after having done the Premium Qualification certification. Planned release date is
end of June 2014.
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
• OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions
• SAP Document Access by OpenText
• SAP Extended Enterprise Content Management (ECM) by OpenText
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
3.4 Documentation Errata
Installation and Upgrade Guide: OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions
In chapter 1 - What is OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions?
an additional section is needed that lists more details about the content of the SAP (ABAP) packages:
Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions consists of the following SAP packages:
o Client independent objects and code for sample DocuLink projects, which are not
only SAP ERP specific but can also be used for base examples
o Allows use of SAP CRM link range in Content Management node type in DocuLink
o Client independent objects and code for a sample DocuLink project in SAP CRM
Enter the path and file name of the mapping configuration file sap_OverlayForm.ixbxml.
This file is contained in a ZIP archive file located in the patches area of OpenText Knowledge Center:
Forms Management (All Versions) - mapping configuration file sap_OverlayForm.ixbxml
Note that though located in a folder for ADA version 10.5.1, the file is valid for all versions.
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
3.5 Language Support
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions is currently localized in the following
languages. Future releases may add additional languages.
The most recent language packages and setups related to
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions
10.5 will be made available in the Open Text Knowledge Center
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
4 Supported Environments and Compatibility
This section provides details on supported platforms and version information.
The Release Notes for OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 are
updated continually. The latest version and further technical information are available in the OpenText
Knowledge Center (
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 is the successor of OpenText
Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.0.0.
Only the products and versions specified in the Release Notes are
supported. Other versions have not been tested and are therefore not
officially supported for this version. The Release Notes contain the
definitive list of supported versions. Any other versions mentioned in the
product documentation are superseded by the versions specified in the
Release Notes.
You may find the specific compatibility matrix for ECM Suite for SAP® here.
For information and restrictions concerning other OpenText products, see the corresponding Release
Notes in the OpenText Knowledge Center.
For information and restrictions concerning operating systems and database systems please have a
look at the release notes of OpenText Content Suite Platform 10.5.0.
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
Components such as OpenText Archive Server may support more platforms than the Content Suite
Platform as a whole.
The ISO image for OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 is available
for Windows 2012, Windows 2008R2, Red Hat Linux 6, and Solaris 10.
Exception: The “Document Properties Synchronization Module” is only available for a Windows
Please take into consideration your intended deployment scenario. Often not all components are
installed on the same machine and thus different client operating systems might be used for the
installation of the complete solution.
Citrix Support
To find out which OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions components support
Citrix, please refer to their respective release notes.
• OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 only supports
version 6.0 of SAP ERP (ECC).
• OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 only supports
version 7.0 of SAP CRM.
• OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 only supports
version 7.0 of SAP SRM.
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
4.4.1 Supported SAP Business Suite Applications
The following table shows the SAP application versions and by which OpenText software components
they are supported.
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
OpenText Software SAP AS SAP NetWeaver EhP 1 – 2 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0
Component ABAP 7.1 7.0 EhP 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.3
SAP NetWeaver 7.40
SAP NetWeaver 7.50
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 supports the KPro (Knowledge
Provider) infrastructure. The underlying OpenText Archiving and Storage Service respectively
OpenText Archive can be used to store KPro / SAP DMS documents and/or can be used as a content
cache server.
In the case of pure data and document archiving Open Text
Archiving for SAP Solutions respectively SAP Archiving by
OpenText supports the SAP NetWeaver releases 7.0 to 7.4
inclusive. This applies to all SAP solutions running that version of
SAP NetWeaver e.g. Banking Services and other IS solutions.
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
SAP CRM CRM 7.0 39 CRM 7.0 SP Stack 02 SAPKA70103
(ECMLink) (SAP_BASIS 701 03 SAPKB70103
SAP_ABA 701 03 SAPKU70002
WEBCUIF 700 02)
EhP1 for 42 EhP1 for SRM 7.0 SP Stack 03 See SAP OSS Note
SRM 7.0 1494683 - SAP SRM 7.0
Enh.Pk.1 SP Stacks -
Release & Information
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
SAP Software Component Version Recommended Minimum Patch Level
7.30 6
7.40 3
SAP GUI for Windows
SAP Software Version SAP GUI SAP GUI SAP NetWeaver SAP GUI for
Component for for HTML Business Client JAVA
Windows (NWBC)
SAP 7.0 7.30, 7.40, Integrated 3.02, 3.5, 4.0 7.20 for
Basis/NetWeaver 7.50 Stand-Alone, 5.0 MAC OS X
Stand-Alone v10.5.7 and
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
1 SAP support for SAP GUI for JAVA 7.20 ended 31.01.2013. Regarding the common requirements of
SAP GUI for Java 7.20 please refer to the related SAP documentation. Regarding known
restrictions/behaviour related to OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions please
have a look at chapter 7.3.5 of these release notes.
2 maintenance came to an end on January 1, 2014. See SAP OSS Note 1029940
Regarding the use of SAP NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC) please read the following and related
Depending on the specific scenario how SAP NWBC is used (SAP GUI or SAP GUI for HTML) please
also note the requirements or restrictions of OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP
Solutions 10.5.0 as mentioned in its documentation or in these release notes.
4.4.6 Web Browsers for the OpenText Archiving and Document Access for
SAP Solutions Web User Interfaces
The OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions Web User Interface and the OpenText ArchiveLink PLUS -
Search Web User Interface are based on Web Dynpro ABAP. Therefore the same limitations are valid
as for Web Dynpro ABAP. As a minimum Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 is supported. Please see
SAP/OSS note 1098009 for more details, especially regarding the usage of MS IE 8.0 or Firefox 3.x.
Use of MS IE 9.0 or newer is also supported. Please have a look at the Product Availability Matrix
(PAM)2 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0, SAP EhP1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0, SAP EhP2 for SAP NetWeaver
7.0, SAP EHP1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.3 or SAP NetWeaver 7.4 to find out which Web browser
version is supported and which patch levels are required.
2The most recent version of SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Product Availability Matrix (PAM) can be
downloaded from the SAP Service Marketplace (SMP).
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
SAP Integration scenarios BC-ILM 2.0 and BC-ILM 3.0 operate with WebDAV Storage Interface for
SAP NetWeaver Information Lifecycle Management.
Also consider the software requirements mentioned in SUPPORTED SAP Systems on page 18.
Please make sure BEFORE installation that in table TAORA and IAORA
are entries maintained for TABART ‘USER’ and ‘USER1’ which link to a
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
5.1.2 BC Set Activation
The OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions - Installation and Upgrade guide
(ER-IGD) Version 10.5.0 lists SAP notes which have to be applied to avoid issues with the activation
of Business Configuration (BC) sets. If you still experience errors when activating BC sets, even if you
did as described, customizing transports are available in the OpenText Knowledge Center
( which correlate to the settings activated with the BC sets.
1128338 CALL_BROWSER does not launch a new window to open the URL, even when the
NEW_WINDOW parameter is passed to the function module. Instead an existing window
is made use to open the URL. However, as of OSS Note 1177636, the behaviour of
CALL_BROWSER is changed to also allow opening URL's on other platforms than
Windows. And then the settings of the MS Internet Explorer govern the behaviour,
whether a new window is opened.
1713851 This note prevents a dump screen when one tries to open a document, gets a SAP
Security dialog, and presses the “Deny” button.
1833702 Check this note, if errors occur when calculating Archive URL’s. The note fixes issues of
function SCMS_LOCATION_GET, which is used in function SCMS_URL_GENERATE.
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
degree of usage. A user type, for example full, professional, or occasional, has to be assigned to
every user. You create roles using authorization object J_6NLC_TYP to assign the license type to
users. The complete list of license types is available in the F4 help of field /OTX/CLTYP of
authorization object J_6NLC_TYP.
E.g. OpenText Document Access - Occasional User (ID = ODOCF) is the type to indicate, that
Document Access is used occasionally (i.e. one day per week or less).
Please read the OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions - Scenario guide
(ER100500-CCS) for detailed information about the OpenText License Report.
The (optional) Add-On package for software component OTEXERP is installable on SAP systems with
enhancement packages for SAP ERP 6.0. No additional ACP package is needed.
Therefore the same version and compatibility restrictions apply as for OpenText Extended ECM for
SAP Solutions 10.5.0.
Please refer to the chapter about ARCHIVELINK FULL TEXT SEARCH in the OPENTEXT ARCHIVING AND
of OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions 10.5.0.
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
5.1.8 ArchiveLink Plus: Business Content Window
The ABAP functionality is included in the Add-On OTEXRL of OpenText Extended ECM for SAP
Solutions 10.5.0 and also requires other components of OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions
Therefore the same version and compatibility restrictions apply as for OpenText Extended ECM for
SAP Solutions 10.5.0.
documentation of OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions 10.5.0.
If you import an upgrade into an SAP system with OpenText Archiving
and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 and the data of the
respective upgrade packages is not read (upgrade phase IS_SELECT),
the OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0
add-on (i.e. OTEXBAS, OTEXERP, OTEXCRM) will no longer work after
the upgrade procedure. Since the status of the system is then
inconsistent, OpenText can no longer accept any liability. Please note,
that as listed in Table 7-2 of the OPENTEXT ARCHIVING AND DOCUMENT
IGD) VERSION 10.5.0, the existing Add-ons are kept ("KEEP" in upgrade
phase IS_SELECT).
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
• User exits
Due to the support of Unicode systems, DocuLink was modified
significantly in earlier versions. Therefore, user exits from
DocuLink versions = 2.6 are no longer supported. Projects using
such user exits must be revised. Furthermore user exits from
DocuLink versions > 2.6 may have been modified; projects using
such user exits must be adapted to the new interfaces. Be aware
that, as a rule, user exits are generally not released for
implementation in projects created by customers or partners!
• Please get in contact with an OpenText consultant or with SAP/OpenText Support when
considering upgrading.
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
• Before executing an upgrade on a productive system please consider to do the same
upgrade on a dedicated test and/or quality assurance system. It is also highly recommended
to do a database backup before the upgrade.
• If an SAP release upgrade or an update with enhancement packages is planned and if
OpenText Add-on packages are already installed on the source release, please note, that
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 does not provide any
exchange upgrade packages. I.e. when upgrading from SAP Releases R/3 4.7 or ECC 5.0 to
ERP 6.0 or higher please consider to do the exchange upgrade with older OpenText versions
(like 9.8 or 10.0) and then to do a plain installation of version 10.5.0 on the target release.
Please check in the OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions -
Installation and Upgrade guide (ER-IGD) Version 10.5.0 when a so called "KEEP" with vendor
keys has to be done to preserve the functionality.
If you follow an upgrade via several versions of OTEXBAS,
OTEXERP or OTEXCRM, that no support packages or hot fix
transports need to be applied until the final target version is
reached. The add-on OTEXBAS 10.5.0 contains the bug fixes
contained in OTEXBAS 10.0 SP1, and SP2.
EFM 2.5
If OpenText Employee File Management 2.5 is installed on the SAP system and you plan to do an
upgrade of the OTEXBAS Add-On, this can only be accomplished by installing the upgrade add-on
OTEXEIM 3.0 (EFM 3.0) together with add-on OTEXBAS 9.8 in transaction SAINT. The upgrade add-
on of EFM 3.0 already contains the requirement to be installed combined with the upgrade add-on of
OTEXBAS 9.8 in its package parameters.
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
5.2.3 OpenText Vendor Keys
When to use exchange packages?
As SAP Basis 620 and 640 are discontinued in version 10.5.0 there are no exchange upgrade
packages. Therefore when upgrading from those releases, please consider to do an upgrade to ERP
6.0 or higher with the exchange packages of version 10.0 and then to do an update to 10.5.0 on the
target release.
You already have installed Add-On packages OTEXBAS, OTEXERP or OTEXCRM of version 10.5.0
on an SAP System with SAP NetWeaver 7.0, EhP1 or EhP2 for SAP NetWeaver or EhP 1 for SAP
Netweaver 7.3. I.e. OTEXBAS 1050_700, OTEXERP 1050_600 or OTEXCRM 1050_700 are already
installed. Furthermore you have to upgrade to a new SAP Release which still is based on SAP NW
7.0, EhP1 for NW 7.0, EhP2 for NW 7.0, EhP1 for NW 7.3 or NW 7.40. Then the Add-on exchange
package cannot be used. Instead in the upgrade phase IS_SELECT please choose a "KEEP"
upgrade. In this case the upgrade tool asks you for a vendor key.
Please have a look in the OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions - Installation
and Upgrade guide (ER-IGD) Version 10.5.0 for more details about the different installation and
upgrade packages.
Regarding the vendor keys SAP indicates that installations and upgrades are done with different
tools, therefore different keys are required. The list below contains the possible keys for every target
release, depending on upgrade or EhP installation process. For 701 there are 2 possible keys
depending on the source release. SAP recommends to simply try both of them. Furthermore SAP
recommends using the latest versions of SAPUP or SAPehpi , which can be downloaded from the
SAP Service Marketplace.
701 1848589
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
OTEXBAS Upgrade 731 1884141
701 1101221
701 807655
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
OTEXCRM EHP install 740 723336
When upgrading from DocuLink version <= 6.0 or when upgrading from non-unicode to unicode
Consider recovering and/or erase deleted records table entries before upgrading from non-unicode to
unicode. (See "Maintenance of deleted records" in transaction J6NA table /IXOS/DC_TBRB) This may
only be interesting, if customers like to keep this "recycle bin" data.
5.3 Patches
The following patches must be applied to OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP
Solutions 10.5.0 (and/or OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions 10.5.0, respectively). OpenText
also recommends that you check the OpenText Knowledge Center (
for any patches or documentation updates that may have been posted after this release.
• ECMLink 10.5
• Hotfix 1 for SAP
• D6VK901039 (workbench transport)
• Q6VK900063 (customizing transport – apply on each SAP client)
• ECMLink 10.5.0 (Content Server 10.5 module)
• pat105000237(4) (cumulative patch)
• ECMLink 10.0.4 (Content Server 10.0 module)
• pat100001734(4) (cumulative patch)
• Archive Server 10.5
• Update 2014.1(4)
• Content Server 10.5
• Update 2014.06(4)
• pat105000160(4)
4This patch, or patch bundle, is not on the OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP
Solutions media but is available on OpenText Knowledge Center.
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
• Content Server 10.0
• Service Pack 2 Update 2014.06(4)
• pat100001621(4)
• Directory Services 10.5
• Patch 2
• Hotfix 1-3 for Patch 2
• Document Pipeline 10.5 (Windows only)
• DPC-1050-001
• Imaging Enterprise Scan 10.5 (Windows only)
• ESC-1050-001
• Template Workspaces 10.5
Archive Server 10.5.0 Patch Collection 2014_01 is mandatory.
The Archiving and Document Access ISO image provides Microsoft redistribution
files for Imaging Enterprise Scan (location: //Clients/Enterprise Scan/redist).
Unfortunately, these files are not up to date. Instead, one should take the Microsoft
redistribution files provided for Imaging Windows Viewer and DesktopLink (location:
//Clients/Windows Viewer and DesktopLink/redist).
Customer Advisory
OpenText™ official patch pat105000014 that you downloaded from the
Knowledge Center or took from the Archiving and Document Access or
Extended ECM 10.5 media has been repackaged.
OpenText official patch pat105000014 fixes several issues in the Office Editor 10.5
The patch that you downloaded or took from the Archiving and Document Access or
Extended ECM 10.5 media was malformed and may fail to deploy.
The patch has been repackaged to resolve this issue. The fixes included in the
patch have not changed.
The original patch pat105000014 file has been removed from our Web site and is no
longer available. The repackaged patch file is now available and can be downloaded
from our Web site at the link below:
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
If you have not applied the original patch pat105000014 file, do not apply it. If you
have applied it, download the repackaged patch file and reapply it.
6 Fixed Issues
This section provides information about past issues that have been fixed in this release.
Version 10.5.0 includes all fixes of support packages 1 and 2 of previous version 10.0.0.
Check this list for further fixes:
Issue Description
SAPRM-4742, Rendition Management Hotfix 2013_02: New function module in Rendition Server
SAPRM-4744, Connector, index table for document download, fixes regarding GUID in streaming
LLSAPS-3339 function, revision of DocuLink projects RSUMONITOR and RS_TRFC_ST
LLSAPS-3316, WebDynpro hitlist: Dump, if table field of the attribute object contains char "/"
LLSAPS-3372 AL PLUS: ArchiveLink attributes for file properties are not prefilled for all documents
LLSAPS-3349 Workflows: Authorization checks are not correctly executed for workflow profiles
which have names with more then 12 characters
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
LLSAPS-3279, Webdynpro selects data wrong, uses wrong( to many) selection fields in
LLSAPS-3370 Unable to execute the customization in SPRO "Maintain deletion workflow options"
LLSAPS-3382, Problem with the INPLACE display of documents in DocuLink in SAP WebGUI
LLSAPS-3376 WF: standard check for records fails, if technical user does not have authorization
for AL authorization object S_WFAR_OBJ
LLSAPS-3369 Multiple workflows - inconsistent fields displayed in SAP GUI vs. Web UI
LLSAPS-3343 Erroneous error handling of delete workflow when Archive server is not available
LLSAPS-3332 ArchiveLink Attributes file upload - does not recognize generic document class
LLSAPS-3379 Workflows: Displaying Doculink tree from workflows (button 'Personnel file') started
in older project versions might cause shortdumps
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
7 Known Issues
• Restrictions on behalf of non-OpenText products are not listed
here. See the respective Release Notes of those products for
further information.
• Some entries have an internal reference number (Reference
139941, for example). This number refers to an internal
information system and allows OpenText to provide you with
even faster high quality support.
• Entries with an icon refer to an SAP (OSS) note.
Issue Description
SAP It is recommended to use SAP GUI for Windows 7.30 patch level 6 or higher. This
Note 1774514, solves known issues with drag-and-drop.
SAP Note
1832794 SAP standard transaction OAWD or the SAP GOS toolbar function “Store business
document” use a text-edit-control to create a field into which documents can be
dropped which have been dragged from the Windows file explorer. With SAP GUI
for Windows 7.30 patch level 2 and less this feature is not working due to some
unreadable text added to the retrieved file names: see also SAP Note 1774514.
With SAP GUI for Windows 7.30 patch level 3 this issue is fixed at least if only one
file is dragged and dropped at a time. The action still may fail, if more than one file
was selected. The issue is addressed in SAP Note 1832794.
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
7.2 Accessibility
Issue Description
When a user needs full accessible mode within a print lists, OpenText recommends using document
display within the SAP GUI using the SAP Document Viewer.
User exits
Issue Description
Transporting projects
When you transport DocuLink projects into an SAP system where DocuLink is already
installed, an internal error may occur when executing a DocuLink transaction, due to
caching problems. In this case, try exiting and restarting the transaction. If it fails again,
execute /$sync.
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
Transporting projects of version 10.0.0 and 10.5.0
It is not possible to delete SAP print lists in DocuLink, as DocuLink does not allow SAP
tables to be edited (in this case, TOADL).
Unexpected result when hit list flag is applied to the root node
There is an unexpected behaviour when a hit list is invoked from a first-level node under
the root node; this only happens when the hit list flag is applied to the root node. After
entering an invalid selection, the resulting hit list is empty (standard behaviour). If,
however, you now go back and enter a valid selection, the resulting hit list is still empty.
You have to click (Refresh) to get the correct results.
Permanent workaround:
2. Create an additional static node under the root node and select under Selection
type option 2 or 3.
3. Remove the hit list flag from the root node and apply it to the new static node.
4. Apply the option Open nodes automatically to the new static node.
5. Move the respective first-level node from the root node one level below under
the new static node.
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
DocuLink Web User Interface
The DocuLink Web User Interface is implemented based on the ABAP Web Dynpro
Framework. Not all features of DocuLink are supported in this visualization. For an
overview of supported functionality in the projects themselves, see the OpenText
DocuLink for SAP Solutions – Customizing and Administration Guide. The following
features are not supported for DocuLink projects that are accessed using the DocuLink
Web User Interface:
With SAP EhP1 for SAP Basis 7.0 (NW 7.0 EhP1) SAP offers a Web Dynpro rendering
called Light Speed. A known issue is, that in DocuLink Web UI with tree view the root
node is focused instead of the expanded tree node. The only known measure so far to
resolve this issue is to add an empty URL parameter sap-wd-lightspeed (i.e. add &sap-
wd-lightspeed= to the URL) to switch off Lightspeed rendering.
If the values for a field are restricted by input in a selection screen, the restriction may be
ignored by a dynamic node where an output mask is defined. In this case, the restriction
defined by the output mask overrules the one in the selection screen.
When you perform actions on CM documents that are displayed in a hit list, no logging
information is stored for these actions.
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
Displaying documents from a logical system
The user that is used to access the logical system must be of the user type Dialog. Users
of type Communication cannot display documents and input screens, although they
have permission to retrieve data.
$EX_FI an optional example DocuLink project which may be downloaded from the KC
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
7.3.1 Table and Field Restrictions
Issue Description
Storing documents
Documents should be stored using ArchiveLink link tables (TOA0x). It is not recommended to use the
same table for archive ID, document ID and attributes.
Tables containing archive ID and document ID must not have a key field filled automatically (for
example by means of a number range) if they are used for manual archiving (not applicable to
If automatic filling of fields via doctool R3Insert is used, an RFC destination <SY-HOST>_<SY-
MANDT> is created with user SAPCPIC and password ADMIN. The customer can create this RFC
destination. The user can be edited.
Table size
Only tables with a maximum width of 4,160 bytes are supported for hit lists.
If you create or change records in the database, the maximum width of fields in the view is 132
Only node type texts with a maximum length of 500 characters can be displayed correctly.
Check tables
A maximum of 4 fields may be linked via check tables to execute a foreign key check against these
check tables.
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
Check tables for COLD records
When inserting COLD records, possibly available check tables are ignored. This includes the client
specified when importing data, which means that it is not checked whether the client exists. If not, the
import will fail without an error message and the entries are written into the table with a non-existing
Insertion of COLD records will succeed only for tables with names <= 25 characters.
Dynamic nodes will not work with cluster tables like BSEG. SAP does not support the SELECT
DISTINCT statement correctly. Duplicates are not eliminated. Therefore the performance will be poor.
Enter an attribute object in the field Value restriction at the dynamic node type.
String, Sstring or Rawstring data types are not supported in tables used by DocuLink views.
Dynamic node types do not support selection fields with the data type packed (P) or float (F) as
COLLECT (non-info) fields.
When an output mask is defined for the COLLECT field of a dynamic node type, only selection fields
with the data types CHAR and DATE are supported.
When using the F4 help to enter authorization fields for authorization checks at the attribute object,
wildcards may be ignored. Restrict the amount of hits within the search help screen instead.
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
7.3.2 Visualization
Issue Description
• SAP note 1128338 - CALL_BROWSER does not open URL in new window
When several documents are selected and you click on Display, not all selected
documents may be displayed. This is due to a synchronization problem between
the SAP GUI and the applications opened to display the documents. We
recommend displaying documents one at a time.
When displaying screens as pop ups, the pop ups may not be displayed correctly
after scrolling down in one of them. If a seemingly empty popup appears, try
scrolling upwards to display the “missing” fields. This is an SAP problem and
depends on the patch level of the SAP system and on the used SAP GUI.
The DocuLink thumbnail view uses Microsoft's ActiveX controls for the embedded
display of MS Office documents. They are not available as a 64-bit version.
Therefore they are not supported when using the 64-bit versions of MS IE 8.0 or
MS IE 9.0.
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
7.3.3 SAP GUI for HTML
Customizing via the J6NP transaction is not supported in the SAP GUI for HTML.
Not all common SAP GUI features like integration of desktop programs or certain controls are
supported: e.g. DesktopLink, EnterpriseScan.
When using ITS, if the Screen as Popup option is activated in the header of a view you must use the
Refresh function to get the selection screen when you open a node that has been assigned for such
use. To avoid this effect and get the selection screen directly, do not use the Screen as Popup option.
In order to display columns in a hit list correctly, a fixed font has to be set in the corresponding ITS
CSS file columntreedhtml.css.
Checkbox alignment
Checkboxes are automatically aligned to the left in the SAP GUI for HTML.
FAX documents can only be displayed inplace using the OpenText Imaging: Windows Viewer.
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
Displaying multi-value properties in IXOS Records
IXOS Records with multi-value properties cannot be displayed correctly in OpenText DocuLink for
SAP Solutions. Only one value of the property is displayed.
SAP records with float values are not exported, as no data type for such values exists in Livelink ECM
– PDMS Context Server.
Timestamps in IXOS Records cannot be used in queries to retrieve data from a Livelink ECM – PDMS
Context Server, as no unique data type exists for timestamps in SAP systems. The only exception is
the creation date for IXOS records.
When exporting SAP records with timestamps, the SAP timestamps cannot be mapped to the PDMS
Context Server data type DATETIME. Instead, use a string or decimal type that corresponds to the
SAP data dictionary type used for the timestamp. (However, time zone conversion and date/time
formatting is not available for these types.)
Properties in IXOS Records for which no values have been set yet are displayed with initial values in
the SAP system. You cannot specify queries in SAP to select all records where properties are unset.
Relations in Queries
In queries to retrieve data from a Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server, you cannot use ECR
relations. Use the required IXOS Record type directly.
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
Special characters in Administration for ECR Context Server
In the Administration for ECR Context Server settings in DocuLink, special characters are not
supported for the following parameters:
If the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server = 6.0D is used, characters supported by ISO-8859-1 are
also supported for these parameters.
New standard data model in the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server 6.0E for the Livelink BAI
During data export from an SAP system to a PDMS Context Server using the Livelink BAI
functionality, exported ArchiveLink documents are reclassified (specialized) from the general
ixos.dms:Entity type to the special ixos.bai:Document type. Therefore, some prerequisites must be
Support of a two layer data model in Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server 6.0E
The standard data model for PDMS Context Server 6.0E has been changed to a two layer model. For
the BAI service, you must apply patch CR60-052 to the PDMS Context Server, and patch PD095-013
to the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler.
The BAI user requires the write properties and ACL write permissions for ArchiveLink documents
archived to the ixos.dms:Entity. An ACL mapping configuration must be specified on the PDMS
Context Server (e.g. for the DMSALDefaultUser user for ArchiveLink documents without SecKeys).
If documents are archived using ODMA and DesktopLink, the BAI user requires Full Access
permission to the ixos.dms:Entity data record type on the PDMS Context Server, in addition to the
specified ACL mapping configuration. Add the BAI user to the EntityFullAccess group in OpenText
User Management.
For details on ACL mapping configuration, see the “Permissions and ArchiveLink interface” section in
the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler - Customization Guide (CC-CGD).
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
7.3.5 SAP GUI for JAVA for MAC OS X
It is recommended to use the most recent patch level of SAP GUI for JAVA 7.20 on MAC OS X to
avoid unwanted issues with wrong UI rendering (e.g. wrong rendering of background colors in list
The thumbnail view function is not supported with SAP GUI for JAVA on MAC OS X.
Issue Description
Starting with version 10.0.0 the standard behavior of the OpenText imaging integration was
changed in the following way: if a document class is not maintained in table /ixos/oa_doctype
and if there is no special maintenance in /ixos/oa_cust3, then the imaging integration exits to
fall back to the setting of the SAP communication protocols (as maintained in transactions in
oaa3, oag1, etc.) instead of doing a call browser with the standard ArchiveLink URL. In the
case of the DocuLink Web UI the fallback is to call the standard ArchiveLink URL.
The imaging integration transfers document type related descriptions to the Web Viewer. To
support special characters like umlauts (e.g. ä, ö, ü) the Web Viewer must be set to support
UTF-8 URI encoding. Please have a look at the OpenText Imaging Web Viewer Installation
and Configuration Guide at the chapter "Requirements" how to set the URIEncoding="UTF-
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
Archiving via OpenText Imaging: DesktopLink
Sometimes the SAP logon window is opened behind all other windows. In this case, use Alt-Tab to
move the SAP logon window to the front.
The number of files that can be assigned with a single command via OpenText Imaging: DesktopLink
is limited, due to the technical restriction that command line parameters may only contain up to 256
characters. Thus, the precise restriction depends on the length of the file and path names of the
documents to be assigned.
There are known issues with SAP GUI 7.20 on SAP NetWeaver 7.4 systems. Please upgrade to SAP
GUI 7.30.
Issue Description
The annotations functionality for SAP print lists is disabled for print lists displayed without a
page index. For further restrictions see the OpenText Knowledge Center:
If a Java Viewer = 6.0 is displayed inplace in OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions view,
the context menu is not displayed correctly. Thus it is not possible to select a context menu
option (e.g. to create Notes).Using Java Viewer 9.5 inplace, display is not possible at all.
Please use a newer version of Java Viewer (e.g. 10.0) instead or use the old SAP GUI
visual design (option in the SAP Configuration settings), or disable the inplace view for
DocuLink (setting in view header data).
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
203652 Web Viewer (< 9.6.0) inplace in DocuLink view
When the Web Viewer (< 9.6.0) is displayed inplace in a OpenText DocuLink for SAP
Solutions view, notes to the document cannot be displayed or added, as the necessary
protocol is not supported by SAP.
It is recommended to use a newer version of Web Viewer. Or, if possible, use the old SAP
GUI visual design (option in the SAP Configuration settings) or disable the inplace view for
OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions (setting in view header data).
Inplace viewing of TIF documents using the OpenText Imaging: Windows Viewer
TIF documents stored within the SAP Content Management document model cannot be
displayed inplace in the HTML control of OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions using the
OpenText Imaging: Windows Viewer.
Migrating forms maintained in SAP to a Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server is not supported.
Issue Description
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
LLSAPS- License Report PDF Output issue with certain languages (Chinese, Japanese,
3425 Polish)
In transaction /otx/license the PDF output of the license report is started with "Display
Latest License Report (F7)". This output is created using the output device with short
name LOCL which can be created and maintained in transaction SPAD (see SAP online
documentation, e.g. here). Usually the device type SWIN is sufficient. However, in the
case of languages (simplified) Chinese, Japanese or Polish, the PDF output may contain
scrambled characters. In this case the PDF output of the license report will look ok, if the
device type of output device LOCL is changed to a value according to the following table:
Please note, that device type PDFUC is implemented with SAP OSS Note 999712.
Furthermore it is possible, that other device types will also lead to readable results.
As an alternative please also consider to log on in English and then to create the PDF
In future versions/patch levels the PDF output of the OpenText license report will make
use of device type PDFUC whenever available and will fall back to other device types
like e.g. SWIN.
Issue Description
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
7.10 Other Restrictions
Issue Description
The migration report /IXOS/RT_AL_SCENARIO only moves the main component, not
additional components such as notes, annotations, page index or attributes.
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.5.0 Release Notes
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