Watchlist Application
Watchlist Application
Sentiment based movie rating system is an online system that automatically allows users to
post reviews and stores them to rate movies based on user sentiments. The system analyzes
the stored data to check for user sentiments associated with each comment.
User Experience:
Watch list Application is really easy to use. The website is clear and well-organized, so you
can find what you're looking for quickly. You can filter your search to find exactly what you
need, and there are lots of Trailer and description of movies to help you decide if a movie is
right for you.
You can use Watch list Application on your computer, phone, or tablet, so you can search for
movies wherever you are. The website works well on different devices, and there are lots of
movies available in different country.
In our project, collaborative filtering algorithm is used to predict
user’s movie rating. According to evaluation result, our movie recommender system has
pretty good prediction performance.
Future Directions:
Watchlist Application could get even be er in the future. They might add features like virtual
Reality Goggles, make the website even safer, and work with universities to offer
accommodation on opinions tailored to students' need. By listening to what students want,
Watchlist Application can keep improving and stay the best place for students to find