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Analysis Factors of Consumer Purchasing Decision o

The document analyzes factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions on tuber snacks in Padang City, Indonesia. It studies how culture, social, personal, psychological, product, price, promotion, and distribution factors affect purchases. The analysis found that culture, product, promotion, and distribution have a significant effect on decisions, while social, personal, and psychological factors do not.

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Analysis Factors of Consumer Purchasing Decision o

The document analyzes factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions on tuber snacks in Padang City, Indonesia. It studies how culture, social, personal, psychological, product, price, promotion, and distribution factors affect purchases. The analysis found that culture, product, promotion, and distribution have a significant effect on decisions, while social, personal, and psychological factors do not.

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Analysis factors of consumer purchasing decision on snack from tubers in

Padang City

Conference Paper · January 2019

DOI: 10.2991/piceeba2-18.2019.65


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3 authors, including:

Yasri Yasri
Universitas Negeri Padang


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Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 64
2nd Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and Accounting (PICEEBA-2 2018)

Analysis Factors of Consumer Purchasing Decision on Snack from Tubers in

Padang City

Ayu Dwi Oktaviani 1 Yasri2 Erni Masdupi3

Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang and Indonesia,  iu_oktaviani@yahoo.com
Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang and Indonesia,  yasri33@fe.unp.ac.id
Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang and Indonesia,  emasdupi@gmail.com

This study aims to analyze the factors that influence snack from tubers purchase decision in
Padang City. The population in this study is all consumers who purchase snack from tubers.
The number of samples in this study was 200 respondents. Data analysis technique used is
multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the analysis show that culture, product,
promotion, and distribution have an effect on purchasing decisions. Social, personal,
psychological, and price have no significant effect on purchasing decisions on consumers of
snack from tubers in Padang City.
Keywords: culture, social, personal, psychological, product, price, promotion, distribution,
purchasing decision.

Padang City West Sumatra is a center for producing bengkuang, so Padang is known as the city of
Bengkuang. Bengkuang is a plant that belongs to the tubers. Not only bengkuang, other plants from
the tubers such as sweet potatoes, cassava, taro and potatoes also include agricultural produce in the
Padang City.
Tubers are one type of diversity in the world of plants that have a use value. These tubers are
carbohydrate sources, especially starch and are a source of taste and aroma because they contain
aleoresin which can be used as an industrial base material to produce commercial products including
food, cosmetics and medicines (Arif and Silawati, 2004).
According to Kotler and Keller (2009: 166) there are several factors that influence a person in
buying or using a product, including cultural, social, psychological, personal, product, price,
promotion and distribution factors. All factors interact and influence consumers in making
purchasing decisions.
According to research Jyoti Rana and Justin Paul (2017) review and discuss the factors that
influence changes in consumer behavior towards organic food. This study concludes the findings
from various studies conducted in various countries and analyzes these factors and provides
suggestions for further research. Where these factors consist of health awareness and hope of welfare,
quality and safety, environmentally friendly and consumeristic, willlingness to pay, prices and
certification, a unique lifestyle fasion trend, social awareness.
Oliver's (2010) research results show that social factors and cultural factors influence purchasing
decisions. Then Hung (2011) research results show that purchasing decisions can be influenced by
perceptions and social factors. While the results of Paul's research (2012) show that purchasing
decisions can be influenced by demographics such as location, age, gender, education, occupation,
and family. In addition, it is also influenced by the availability of products and benefits. Jayakusuma,
Herdi (2010) conducted a study on the analysis of factors that influence consumers in the sariwangi
teabag purchase decision, from this study, it was found that the factors that influence purchasing
decisions include psychological factors, product factors, social factors, distribution factors, price
factors , promotion factors and individual factors.
In r food industry, not only the products produced must be considered. Before making a purchase
decision there is a process in which consumers take various considerations. one of the important

Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). 777
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 64

activities of consumer behavior is the purchasing decision process which consists of five stages of the
consumer decision process in making purchases: (1) Introduction to Needs, (2) Information Search, (3)
Alternative Evaluation, (4) Purchasing and (5) Results. Purchasing decision is one of consumer
behavior which has indicators of buying, using, spending and evaluating (Sumarwan, 2002).
The increasingly intense business competition in the world of snack foods from tubers requires
businesses to be smart to find the right strategy in marketing their products. Consumer buying
interest must be increased form motivation. Strong desire and motivation will cause a buyer to
actualize their needs. Therefore, businesses are required to compete competitively in terms of creating
and maintaining loyal buyers.
Based on the phenomena that have been explained, it is obtained an illustration of how important
it is for businesses to find out the factors that determine consumers in purchasing snack from tubers
in the city of Padang. Thus the author conducted research with the title “Analysis factors of consumer
purchasing decision on snack from tubers in Padang City.
Buying decision
According to Sumarwan, et al (2010) purchasing decisions are the desire of consumers to realize
their desire or desire for a product by carrying out certain activities. Furthermore Umar (2008)
revealed purchasing decisions as actions that encourage individuals or consumers to buy a product or
service. According to Kotler (2010) purchasing decisions are real actions taken by consumers to buy
products or services needed. The purchase decision according to Peter and Oslon in Hasan (2014: 690)
is consumer decision making which is an integration process that combines knowledge to evaluate
various alternative behaviors, and chooses one of them. Furthermore, according to Schiffman (2009:
112), purchasing decisions are the selection of two or more alternative purchase decision choices,
meaning that someone can make a decision, there must be several alternative choices.
Cultural factors have a broad and profound influence on consumer behavior, where culture
according to Kotler and Keller (2009: 214) is the most basic determinant of desire and behavior.
Culture is all values, thoughts, symbols that influence the behavior, attitudes, beliefs and habits of a
person and society of Sumarwan (2002).
Social factors that influence purchasing behavior, such as: (1) Reference groups according to Kotler
and Keller (2009: 214) a person is all groups of money having a direct influence (face to face) or not
directly on the attitude or behavior of the person; (2) Families according to Kotler and Keller (2009:
214) are the most important consumer purchasing organizations in the community and family
members present the main reference groups that are most influential; (3) Roles and status, according
to Kotler and Keller (2009: 214) People participate in many groups, families, clubs, and organizations.
Groups often become important sources of information in helping to define behavioral norms.
Purchasing decisions are also influenced by personal characteristics. These characteristics include
age and stages in the life cycle, occupations of economic conditions, lifestyle and personality and self-
concept of Setiadi's buyers (2003: 43).
Psychological factors such as: (1) motivation according to Kotler (2008: 172) namely the need to be
a motive when the need reaches a strong level of intensity; (2) Perception is a process where people
choose, organize, and interpret information to form a picture of the world which means Kotler and
Armstrong (2008: 174); Consumer learning is a change in behavior that occurs as a result of past
experiences. Consumers get various experiences in purchasing products and brands of products that
they like. Consumers will adjust their behavior with past experience Setiadi (2003); (4) Belief is a
descriptive mind that someone has about something Kotler and Armstrong (2008: 176).
Kotler (2012: 180) argues that products are all that can be offered to the market to attract attention,
acquisition, use or consumption that can satisfy a desire or need. Whereas according to Private (2007:

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 64

85) Product is everything that can meet and satisfy human needs and desires, both tangible or
tangible or untouchable or services or services.
According to Kotler and Keller (2007: 77) states that price is one of the marketing elements that
generate income other elements generate costs, prices are perhaps the most easily adapted element of
marketing programs product characteristics, channels, even promotion requires more time .
According to Blackwell (2001), these objectives can include increasing sales, maintaining market share,
maintaining price stability, achieving maximum profit and so on.
Lamb (2001) argues that promotion is the communication of marketers who inform, persuade, and
remind prospective buyers of a product in order to influence their opinions or obtain a response.
Promotion According to Indriyo Gitosudarmo (2008), promotion is an activity aimed at
influencing consumers so that they can become familiar with the products offered by the company to
them and then they become happy and then buy the product Danang Sunyoto (2012: 155). The tools
that can be used to promote a product can be selected in several ways, namely advertising, sales
promotion, publicity, personal selling which is called the promotional mix.
Distribution is interdependent organizations covered by processes that make products or services
available for use or consumption. They are pathways that are followed by products or services after
production, which culminate in the buyer and use by Kotler's (2008) end users.

This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the purchase decision of snack from tubers in
Padang City. Population in this study is all consumers who purchase snack from tubers in Padang
City. Sampling technique was using purposive sampling method which included in non-probability
sampling in the consumer population as many as 200 respondents. Instrument in this study is a
questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis.

Analysis of the data used in research to be able to answer the problems and hypotheses
proposed is the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable both simultaneously and
partially by multiple linear regression analysis. the results of the linear analysis are as follows:
Table 1 Results of Multiple Regression Analysis
coeficient T
Independent variables Sig.
partial calculate
Culture 0.239 18.053 0.000 Significant
Social 0.029 .548 0.585 Not significant
Personal 0.013 1.945 0.053 Not significant
Psychological 0.002 .265 0.791 Not significant
Product 0.497 5.619 0.000 Significant
Price 0.027 1.010 0.314 Not significant
Promotion 0.104 3.391 0.001 Significant
Distribution 0.215 4.162 0.000 Significant
R-Square 0,994
Costanta (α) -0,299
F calculate 4,097
F sig 0,000
Source: primary data processed 2018

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 64

Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis in the table above can be
presented as follows:

Y = -0,299 + 0,239X1 + 0,029X2 + 0,013X3 + 0,002X4 + 0,497X5 + 0,027X6+ 0,104X7+ 0,215X8

Hypothesis testing
First Hypothesis
The results of the hypothesis testing of cultural variables on purchasing decisions show a t count
of 18,053 with a significance level of 0.000. The significance value is smaller than the α value of 5%
(0.05) so that indicates that the cultural variables have a significant effect on purchasing decisions on
consumers of tubers in Padang City.
Second Hypothesis
The results of the hypothesis testing of social variables on purchasing decisions show a t count of
0.548 with a significance level of 0.585. The significance value is higher than the α value of 5% (0.05)
so it shows that social variables have no significant effect on purchasing decisions on consumers of
tubers products in Padang City.
Third Hypothesis
The results of the hypothesis testing of personal variables on purchasing decisions show that the
value of t count is 1.945 with a significance level of 0.053. The significance value is higher than the α
value of 5% (0.05) so that it shows that personal variables have no significant effect on purchasing
decisions on consumers of tubers products in Padang City.
Fourth Hypothesis
Hypothesis test results of psychological variables on purchasing decisions show t count of 0.265
with a significance level of 0.791. The significance value is higher than the α value of 5% (0.05), thus
indicating that psychological variables have no significant effect on purchasing decisions on
consumers of tubers products in Padang City.
Fifth Hypothesis
The results of the hypothesis testing of the product variable on the purchase decision shows the t
count of 5.619 with a significance level of 0.000. The significance value is smaller than the α value of
5% (0.05) so that indicates that the product variable has a significant effect on purchasing decisions on
consumers of tubers in Padang City.
Sixth Hypothesis
Hypothesis test results of the price variable on the purchase decision shows the value of tcount is
1.010 with a significance level of 0.314. The significance value is higher than the α value of 5% (0.05)
so it shows that the price variable has no significant effect on purchasing decisions on consumers of
tubers products in Padang City.
Seventh Hypothesis
Hypothesis test results of the promotion variable on the purchase decision shows the value of t
count of 3.391 with a significance level of 0.000. The significance value is smaller than the α value of
5% (0.05) so that shows that the promotion variable has a significant effect on purchasing decisions on
consumers of tubers in Padang City.
Eight Hypothesis
Hypothesis test results of the distribution variable on the purchase decision shows the value of t
count of 4.162 with a significance level of 0.000. The significance value is smaller than the α value of
5% (0.05) so that shows that the distribution variable has a significant effect on purchasing decisions
on consumers of tubers in Padang City.
Based on the results of multiple linear regression tests, partially that has a positive and significant
effect on purchasing decisions on consumers of tubers products in the city of Padang are cultural,
product, promotion, and distribution variables while social, personal, psychological, and price have
no effect on purchasing decisions. in tubers in Padang City.

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 64

The Influence of Culture on Purchase Decisions

Based on the hypothesis test, it is known that the value of sig α = 0.000 (see table 1). The
hypothesis that has been submitted is accepted. Culture has a significant effect on purchasing
decisions of consumers of snacks from tubers in Padang City. Based on the results of the analysis
shows that culture has a positive and significant effect on the decision to purchase snacks from tubers
in Padang City. The higher culture in consuming snacks from tuber products will increase consumer
purchasing decisions of snacks from tubers in Padang City. Cultural variables have a significant effect
on purchasing decisions, meaning that culture gives contribution to purchasing decisions.
The positive regression coefficient size of the cultural variable shows that there is a direct
relationship from the cultural variable with the purchase decision variable, if the stronger the culture
in consuming tubers is the higher the decision to purchase tubers in Padang City. This means in the
community snacks from tubers have been able to meet consumer expectations, where the norms
contained in snacks from tubers are one of the typical snacks in the city of Padang.
According to Kotler and Keller (2009: 214) Culture is the most basic determinant of desire and
behavior. Culture is all values, thoughts, symbols that influence the behavior, attitudes, beliefs and
habits of a person and society of Sumarwan (2002). Cultural factors such as culture, sub-culture, and
social class have an influence on consumer behavior in deciding to buy a product.
Culture is all values, thoughts, symbols that influence the behavior, attitudes, beliefs and habits of
a person and society of Sumarwan (2002). Cultural factors such as culture, sub-culture, and social
class have an influence on consumer behavior in deciding to buy a product. Culture as one of the
factors that influence purchasing decisions (Rambi, 2015), but cannot be controlled by marketers
(Sethi, 2014). In line with Durmaz's research research (2014) and Susanto (2016), it was found that
cultural factors influence consumer purchasing decisions. Then Akpan's research (2016) explained
that culture influences purchasing decisions and also age and gain influences the quality of products
The Influence of Social on Purchase Decisions
Based on the research hypothesis test, it is known that the value of sig α = 0.585 (see table 1). The
hypothesis that has been submitted is rejected. Social does not affect the purchasing decision of
consumers of snacks from tubers in the city of Padang. Based on the results of the study it can be seen
that social variables have a positive and insignificant effect on purchasing decisions. This means that
the high and low decision to purchase snacks from tubers in Padang City is not affected by social
variables. This proves that social variables seen from the family as references, colleagues as references,
members in a community, and creating self-identity are not factors that can cause the decision to
purchase snacks from tubers in Padang City.
Based on the results of the study it can be seen that social variables have a positive and
insignificant effect on purchasing decisions. This means that the high and low decision to purchase
tubers in Padang City is not affected by social variables. This proves that social variables seen from
the family as references, colleagues as references, members in a community, and creating self-identity
are not factors that can cause the decision to purchase snack from tubers in Padang City.
This is in line with Destian (2017) which conducts research on the influence of documentary
behavior (cultural, social, personal and psychological factors) on online purchasing decisions on the
site modification.com in Bandung, where the results are obtained that cultural and psychological
factors influence purchasing decisions, but social and personal factors do not affect online purchasing
decisions on the modification.com site.
Kotler and Keller (2009: 214) is a division of society that is relatively homogeneous and permanent,
and hierarchically arranged and its members adhere to the same values ​ ​ of interest and behavior.
Like reference groups, families, roles and status. but in this study social factors did not determine
consumer purchasing decisions.
Papafotikas Research (2014) also found that social factors such as the social environment did not
significantly influence purchasing decisions. Susanto's research (2016) also resulted in social not

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 64

having a significant effect on purchasing decisions. Not in line with the results of this study, Akar
(2015) and Nawawi (2016) research stated that social influence on purchasing decisions.
The Influence of Personal on Purchase Decisions
Based on the hypothesis test, it is known that the value of sig α = 0.053 (see table 1). The
hypothesis that has been submitted is rejected. The person does not affect the purchase decision of
consumers of snacks from tubers in the city of Padang. Based on the results of the study it can be seen
that personal variables have a positive and insignificant effect on purchasing decisions. This means
that the high and low decision to purchase snacks from tubers in Padang City is not affected by
personal variables. This proves that personal variables seen from the respondent's age, education,
hobbies, and income level are not factors that can cause the decision to purchase snacks from tubers
in Padang City.
These findings prove that the decision to purchase snack from tubers in Padang City is not
influenced by personal factors. Personal variables have no significant effect on purchasing decisions.
This shows that the respondent's age, education, hobbies, and income level did not affect the decision
to give tubers products from the city of Padang. Elements of personal influence cannot influence
consumers in determining purchasing decisions on snacks from tubers in this product for example.
age can be consumed for children and adults so there are no specific criteria for consuming this food
product. Besides, when consuming snack products from tubers, these products do not represent
individual personal elements such as hobby, education, or income level.
Personal characteristics include age and stages in the life cycle, occupations of economic
conditions, lifestyle and personality and self-concept of Setiadi's buyers (2003: 43). some personal
characteristic factors based on the results of this study showed no significant effect on purchasing
Agago's research (2015) explains that consumer buying behavior is influenced by personal factors
such as age, education, income, and consumer work. But research also shows that consumers make
their purchasing decisions on the basis of their evaluation of various other factors related to the
product. This research is not in line with the research of Suroto (2013) and Khuong (2016) states that
personal influence on purchasing decisions.
The Influence of Psychological on Purchase Decisions
Based on the hypothesis test it is known that the value of sig α = 0.791 (see table 1). The hypothesis
that has been submitted is rejected. Psychology does not affect the purchasing decisions of consumers
of snacks from tubers in the city of Padang. Based on the results of the study it can be seen that the
psychological variables do not have a significant effect on the decision to purchase snacks from tubers
in the city of Padang. This means that the high and low decision to purchase snacks from tubers in
Padang City is not affected by psychological variables. This proves that the psychological variables
seen from wanting to get personal satisfaction, needs, and the desire to send gifts are not factors that
can cause the decision to purchase snacks from tubers in Padang City.
These findings prove that consumers' purchasing decisions snack for tubers in Padang City are not
affected by psychological factors. Psychological variables have no significant effect on purchasing
decisions. This shows that despite the desire to get personal satisfaction, needs, and the desire to send
gifts do not affect the decision to provide snack tubers from Padang City.
There are several psychological factors such as motivation, perception, learning, beliefs, attitudes.
Motivation is a force that drives a person from within a person who makes himself do something. The
encouragement is caused by something unmet needs. In line with the results of this study, Susanto's
research (2016) psychology does not affect purchasing decisions. Then Kumar's research (2017)
psychological factors such as psychology of the product that is the color of the product affect the
purchasing decision
The Influence of Products on Purchase Decisions
Based on the results of the hypothesis test it is known that the value of sig α = 0.000 (see table 1).
The hypothesis that has been submitted is accepted. The product affects the purchasing decisions of
consumers of snacks from tubers in the city of Padang. Based on the results of the analysis, the

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 64

product has a positive and significant effect on the decision to purchase snacks from tubers in Padang
City. The better snacks from tuber products, the more the decision to buy tubers in Padang City will
increase. Product variables have a significant effect on purchasing decisions, meaning that the
findings indicate that the product gives meaning or contribution to the purchase decision.
The positive regression coefficient of the product variable shows that there is a unidirectional
relationship from the product variable with the purchase decision variable, if the better the tuber
products, the higher the decision to purchase snack from tubers in Padang City.
According to Yasri (2009) Every consumer has its own or different experience after consuming a
product. The more impressive or the more disappointed with a product, the more likely it is that
consumers convey their impressions and disappointments to others. Brata (2017) and Handra (2017)
research results that product quality has a significant effect on purchasing decisions. Widyastuti's
research (2017) resulted that product design had a significant effect on purchasing decisions. Then the
Ullah (2011) study of the factors of products such as Service Providers, integrity, guarantees, and non-
branded products had a significant effect on purchasing decisions. Based on Yasri's research (2015)
product excellence has an effect on the purchase of UMKM products in West Sumatra.
The Influence of Prices on Purchase Decisions
Based on the analysis that has been done is obtained the value of sig α = 0.314 (see table 1). The
hypothesis that has been submitted is rejected. Prices do not affect the purchasing decisions of
consumers of snacks from tubers in the city of Padang. Based on the results of the study it can be seen
that the price variable does not have a significant effect on the decision to purchase snacks from
tubers in the city of Padang. This means that the high and low decision to purchase snacks from
tubers in Padang City is not affected by price variables. This proves that the price variable seen from
affordable prices, price and product suitability, and prices can compete is not a factor that can cause
the decision to purchase snacks from tubers in Padang City.
These findings prove that the decision to purchase snack from tubers in Padang City is not
influenced by price factors. Price variables have no significant effect on purchasing decisions. This
shows that although prices are affordable, prices that are suitable for products, and competitive prices
do not affect the decision to provide tubers from Padang City. Prices of snack products from tubers
are relatively affordable, so consumers do not need to take special actions such as setting aside
income, or waiting for certain moments to buy, causing consumers not to be influenced by the price of
the product in determining the decision to buy snacks from tubers.
Price is the most important thing for consumers and sellers to implement the buying and selling
process to meet needs. This research is in line with Suroto's (2013) research states that prices have no
significant effect on purchasing decisions. According to Yasri (2015) consumers faced by
entrepreneurs are not price sensitive, because of the relatively small price effect. Consumers buy food
produced not because of low prices but factors other than prices. Price is the most important thing for
consumers and sellers to implement the buying and selling process to meet needs. Kotler and
Armstrong (2008: 345) say that price is the amount of money billed for a product and service or the
amount of value exchanged by customers to benefit from owning or using a product or service. Prices
that are in accordance with the wishes of consumers can influence the purchase decision. Not in line
with the research of Alfred (2013) and Salamin (2016) which produces a significant price effect on
purchasing decisions. According to Hustic (2015) the price as a marketing mix element requires
special attention. One reason is that prices, unlike other marketing elements, affect consumer income.
The company must determine the objectives to be achieved before determining prices.
The Influence of Promotion on Purchase Decisions
Based on the analysis is obtained the value of sig α = 0.001 (see table 1). The hypothesis that has
been submitted is accepted. Promotion affects the purchasing decisions of consumers of snacks from
tubers in the city of Padang. Based on the results of the analysis, the promotion has a positive and
significant effect on the decision to purchase snacks from tubers in Padang City. The more effective
the promotion of snacks from tubers, the more purchasing decisions of consumers of snacks from

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 64

tubers in Padang City will increase. Promotional variables have a significant effect on purchasing
decisions. That is, promotion gives meaning or contribution to purchasing decisions.
The positive regression coefficient of the promotion variable shows that there is a unidirectional
relationship from the promotion variable with the purchase decision variable, if the better the
promotion of snack from tubers, the higher the decision to purchase tubers in Padang City.
Promotion According to Indriyo Gitosudarmo (2008), promotion is an activity aimed at
influencing consumers so that they can become familiar with the products offered by the company to
them and then they become happy and then buy the product Danang Sunyoto (2012: 155). In line with
the results of this study, promotion influences purchasing decisions. The research of Ali (2018) and
Brata (2017) resulted in a significant influence on the purchase decision promotion. Yasri's research
(2015) promotional advantages have a significant effect on purchases. Onigbinde's research (2015)
concludes that the way products are promoted combined with the integrity of the product brand
encourages consumers to buy it and make repeat purchases, and also increase the product reference
to other products.
The Influence of Distribution on Purchase Decisions
Based on the analysis is obtained the value of sig α = 0.000 (see table 1). The hypothesis that has
been submitted is accepted. Distribution affects the purchasing decisions of consumers of snack from
tubers in the city of Padang. Based on the results of the analysis shows the distribution has a positive
and significant effect on the decision to purchase snack from tubers in Padang City. The better the
distribution of snack from tubers, the more purchasing decisions of consumers of snack from tubers
in the city of Padang. Distribution variables have a significant effect on purchasing decisions. That is,
distribution gives meaning or contribution to purchasing decisions.
The positive regression coefficient size of the distribution variable shows that there is a
unidirectional relationship from the distribution variable with the purchase decision variable, if the
better distribution of snack from tubers, the higher the decision to purchase snack from tubers in
Padang City.
Distribution includes in the process that makes a product or service available for use or
consumption. The results of Yasri's research (2015) show that the creation of distribution advantages
over competitors will be able to build images and simultaneously increase consumer purchases. The
research of Brata (2017) concludes that location variable influencing purchase decision. Rizal's (2017)
and Amelia (2015) research also show location / distribution influencing purchasing decisions.
Cultural, social, personal, psychological, product, price, promotion and distribution influences on
purchasing decisions
Based on the analysis the value of sig α = 0.000 (see table 1) at α = 0.05. Cultural, social, personal,
psychological, product, price, promotion and distribution factors influence the decision to purchase
snacks from tubers in the city of Padang.
The results of multiple linear regression analysis illustrate that culture, social, personal,
psychological, product, price, promotion, and distribution simultaneously have a positive and
significant effect on the decision to purchase snack from tubers in Padang City. This indicates that
consumers of tubers in Padang City tend to pay special attention to culture, social, personal,
psychological, product, price, promotion, and distribution in making decisions on the purchase of
snack from tubers in Padang City, which can be seen in descriptive analysis that responses respond to
cultural, social, product, price, promotion and distribution variables.
Kotler (2009, 19) argues about a good product concept, that consumers like products that offer the
best quality, performance, or innovative features, it can strengthen this research that which is of
particular concern in getting the best product is having quality products that good, affordable prices,
locations or places that are interesting and have innovative features in this case have a high quality
brand image so that the thing that makes consumers make repeated purchases.
The results of research from Yuliati Uci (2011) include 8 factors that influence purchasing decisions,
namely personality factors, price factors, promotion factors, cultural factors, knowledge factors,
location or place factors, experience factors and lifestyle factors. Andryani Meiryanti (2013) found that

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 64

factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions are personal influences (friends, family, stores
have no effect while advertising influences purchasing decisions), the influence of the situation,
consumer resources, and consumer knowledge.

Based on the results of research and discussion on the analysis of factors that influence the
purchase decision of snack from tubers in the city of Padang, the conclusion is that culture, products,
promotion and distribution have an significant effect on purchasing decisions. Social, personal,
psychological, and price influences not significant on purchasing decisions of snack from tuber in
Padang City.
Based on the above conclusions, the researcher suggests the following: (1). The analysis results in
research with cultural, product, promotion and distribution variables are expected to increase the
sales value for snack from tubers business in Padang City and are advised to always maintain
product quality Tuber products in the city of Padang because of good quality will make consumers
make purchases, and the second advice is to always cultivate snack from tubers. Furthermore, it
guarantees the distribution of tubers in the City of Padang, making it easier for consumers to get
snack from tubers. Then provide effective promotion to prospective consumers of snack from tubers
in Padang City; (2). This research only focuses on the analysis that influence purchasing decisions on
consumers of snack from tubers in Padang City which consist of independent variables (culture,
social, personal, psychological, product, price, promotion, and distribution) and dependent variables
(decisions purchase) so that it has not been able to explain comprehensively of all the factors that
influence purchasing decisions, it is suggested to further researchers to examine other variables that
influence the decision to purchase snack from tubers.

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