Sustainable Horticulture Practices: An Environmental-Friendly Approaches
Sustainable Horticulture Practices: An Environmental-Friendly Approaches
Suneel Kumar Keywords: Sustainable horticulture, ecologically friendly, organic farming, integrated pest management,
Research Scholar, Department of Soil water conservation, biodiversity
Science and Agricultural Chemistry,
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of
Agriculture and Technology, Meerut, Introduction
Uttar Pradesh, India
Sustainable horticulture practices are crucial for reducing the environmental effects of
Ankit Rai conventional horticultural techniques while preserving ecological balance and long-term
Research Scholar, Department of
Entomology, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel agricultural yield. Adopting environmentally friendly methods in horticulture is becoming
University of Agriculture and increasingly important as the need for sustainable development and environmental stewardship
Technology, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh,
India is recognized on a worldwide scale. In order to achieve sustainable food production systems,
this review article seeks to provide a thorough overview of environmentally friendly
Ravi Kumar
Research Scholar, Department of Plant approaches in sustainable horticulture practices. Conventional horticulture techniques
Pathology, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel frequently use a lot of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, and extensive irrigation, which causes
University of Agriculture and
Technology, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh,
soil degradation, water pollution, and biodiversity loss. Sustainable horticulture practices, in
India contrast, place a higher priority on the preservation of natural resources, the promotion of
Shubham Yadav
ecosystem health, and the reduction of harmful environmental effects. In recent years, a
Research Scholar, Department of Fruit number of crucial strategies have evolved to deal with these difficulties. One of the key tenets
Science, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
University of Agriculture and
of sustainable horticulture is organic farming. Organic farming encourages biodiversity,
Technology, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, improves soil fertility, and decreases pesticide residues in products by forgoing the use of
synthetic pesticides and putting an emphasis on soil health management (Zaller et al., 2019) [1].
Amit Kumar The use of biological control agents, crop rotation, and monitoring techniques are all important
Research Scholar, Department of Fruit components of the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach, which combines them with
Science, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
University of Agriculture and other pest control methods to lessen the need for chemical pesticides and reduce any
Technology, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, unfavorable effects on non-target organisms (Gontijo et al., 2018) [4]. Given the mounting
demands on water resources, water conservation is a crucial component of sustainable
horticulture practices. Water wastage is decreased and water use efficiency is increased
through efficient irrigation techniques like drip irrigation and precision irrigation (Chaves et
al., 2019) [3]. Sustainable water management in horticulture is further aided by the use of
Corresponding Author:
Krishna Kaushik reclaimed water, rainwater harvesting, and water-saving devices. For horticulture to be
Research Scholar, Department of sustainable over the long run, maintaining healthy soil is essential. Long-term production and
Floriculture and Landscape
Architecture, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel ecosystem functioning is supported by techniques such as cover cropping, mulching,
University of Agriculture and composting, and vermicomposting. These techniques also increase nutrient availability and
Technology, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh,
India decrease soil erosion (Borrelli et al., 2019) [2].
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Another crucial component of sustainable horticulture IPM improves natural pest control processes by encouraging
practices is the improvement of biodiversity. Natural pest the presence and activity of beneficial organisms. A more
control, pollination services, and ecosystem resilience are all sustainable and self-regulating pest management system can
improved by preserving and establishing habitats for be developed by releasing or preserving biological control
beneficial creatures, implementing agroforestry systems, and agents through habitat modification, selective planting, and
encouraging biodiversity protection (Torné-Noguera et al., the availability of alternative food sources (Gontijo et al.,
2018) [33]. 2018) [4]. By fostering unfavorable conditions for pests and
boosting plant health and resistance, cultural practices play a
Sustainable Horticulture Practices significant part in IPM. Crop rotation, using resistant types,
These are following practices apply in sustainable maintaining good hygiene, and timing of planting are a few
horticulture. cultural practices that break the life cycles of pests and lessen
pest load. In IPM, physical exclusion or removal of pests from
Organic Farming in Horticulture the crop environment is the goal of physical control
Growing fruits, vegetables, flowers, and other horticultural approaches. Examples include the use of pest-removal
crops using natural methods and materials is emphasized in machinery and the use of barriers, traps, netting, and traps.
organic farming, a style of horticulture that is environmentally These techniques have the potential to be quite powerful,
friendly. Through this method, artificial pesticides, fertilizers, especially when combined with other IPM tactics. Chemical
and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are avoided, control is the last line of defense in IPM and is only employed
supporting sustainable agriculture systems that are good for when absolutely necessary. Based on pest monitoring and
the environment and human health. An overview of organic threshold levels, selected and targeted pesticide treatments are
horticulture farming, along with arguments in favor of it, are conducted as necessary. IPM encourages the use of low-risk
provided in this section. Organic farming prioritizes pesticides since they have fewer negative effects on the
preserving biodiversity, and soil health, and reducing its environment and non-target creatures.
negative effects on the environment. Organic farmers use a IPM techniques have many advantages for horticulture. They
variety of methods, such as crop rotation, composting, green lower the need for pesticides, slow the emergence of pesticide
manure, and the employment of helpful insects for pest resistance in pests, safeguard natural predators and allies, and
management, as opposed to relying on synthetic pesticides. lessen adverse effects on unintended creatures and the
These methods help to boost microbial activity, reduce soil environment. Research has shown that IPM is successful at
erosion, improve water and nutrient retention, and improve lowering pesticide residues in crops, promoting biodiversity,
soil fertility (Reganold et al., 2010) [8]. Reducing the use of and raising crop yield in general (Gontijo et al., 2018; Parrella
synthetic pesticides and fertilizers helps to conserve et al., 2009) [4, 9].
ecosystems and lessen soil and water contamination, which is
one of the main advantages of organic farming in horticulture. Water Conservation in Horticulture
According to research (Zaller et al., 2019) [1], organic farming As water shortages and effective water resource management
practices can dramatically reduce pesticide residues in crops become more crucial, conserving water is a key component of
and surrounding surroundings. In comparison to sustainable gardening practices. A summary of water
conventionally farmed produce, organic fruits and vegetables conservation techniques used in horticulture, along with
have been discovered to have higher concentrations of several arguments in favor of them, are given in this section.
essential nutrients and antioxidants (Baranski et al., 2014) [5]. Drip irrigation is a very effective method of water
By supplying habitat for beneficial creatures like pollinators conservation in horticulture. In contrast to conventional
and natural adversaries of pests, organic farming in irrigation techniques, it minimizes evaporation and runoff by
horticulture aids biodiversity preservation. By enabling the delivering water directly to the root zone of plants. According
presence of various plant species, it strengthens and balances to Chaves et al. (2019) [3], drip irrigation systems can
the ecosystem. According to studies (Bommarco et al., 2013; conserve up to 50% of water while maintaining ideal plant
Hole et al., 2005) [6, 7], organic farming has a good effect on hydration. In addition to reducing weed growth and fungal
birds, beneficial insects, and pollinators. This highlights the infections linked to too much moisture on plant foliage,
potential for organic horticulture to support wildlife accurate water application control also inhibits the growth of
conservation. weeds.
Precision irrigation, is another water conservation strategy,
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) which uses cutting-edge technology to deliver water
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a crucial method in according to the individual requirements of plants. In order to
horticulture that combines a number of tactics to control pests schedule irrigation more effectively and avoid overwatering,
efficiently while reducing the use of chemical pesticides and weather information, soil moisture sensors, and computerized
their negative effects on the environment. IPM practices control systems are used. Precision irrigation maximizes
combine biological, cultural, physical, and chemical water use efficiency and minimizes water waste by only
management techniques to keep pest populations below giving water when and where it is required (Chaves et al.,
harmful levels while fostering ecological balance and 2019) [3].
lowering hazards to human health. A summary of IPM Recycled water is becoming more and more popular in
techniques used in horticulture, along with arguments in favor horticulture as a sustainable water supply. It is possible to
of them, are given in this section. repurpose treated wastewater, gray water, or rainfall
The use of natural enemies including predators, parasitoids, collection for irrigation. Recycling water is an important
and viruses to manage pest populations is known as biological resource for plant nutrition since it reduces the nutrient load in
control, and it is one of the main tenets of IPM in horticulture. wastewater and conserves freshwater resources. To guarantee
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the safety and purity of recycled water for horticultural biodiversity, and maximize nutrient uptake by diversifying
applications, however, thorough monitoring and the right crop species (Borrelli et al., 2019) [2].
treatment are required (Chaves et al., 2019) [3]. Covering the Planning for nitrogen management and soil testing are
soil's surface with organic or synthetic materials is the essential parts of managing soil health in horticulture. Regular
practice of mulching, which effectively conserves water. soil testing enables farmers to evaluate the condition of the
Mulch preserves soil moisture levels, inhibits weed soil's nutrients and modify fertilizer treatments accordingly,
development, and lowers soil evaporation. As they ensuring that crops have the best possible access to nutrients
decompose over time, organic mulches like straw, wood while reducing nutrient losses and environmental effects.
chips, or compost help enhance the structure and fertility of
the soil (Borrelli et al., 2019) [2]. Mulching also aids in Biodiversity Enhancement in Horticulture
regulating soil temperature by reducing excessive swings that Enhancing biodiversity is a crucial component of sustainable
could stress plants and raise their water requirements. Another horticultural practices since it fosters ecological resilience,
method of water conservation in horticulture is cover improves ecosystem services, and boosts the overall health
cropping. To safeguard and enhance the health of the soil, and productivity of horticultural systems. The strategies for
cover crops are cultivated in between harvest cycles or horticultural biodiversity enhancement are discussed in this
alongside the primary crops. Cover crops provide a dense part, along with the advantages they offer and the evidence
layer of protection that lowers evaporation, increases water for their efficacy.
infiltration, and increases soil moisture retention. In addition, Enhancing biodiversity in horticulture starts with planting a
cover crops improve soil structure, nitrogen cycling, and variety of plant varieties. Farmers may provide habitat and
organic matter content, which helps to conserve water over food sources for a wide range of creatures, including
the long run (Borrelli et al., 2019) [2]. pollinators, beneficial insects, birds, and other wildlife by
incorporating a mix of crops, flowers, and native plants into
Soil Health Management in Horticulture horticultural landscapes. Diverse plant species help create an
The management of soil health is a key component of environment that is more stable and robust, which lowers the
sustainable horticulture practices since it is essential for danger of pest outbreaks and encourages natural pest control
sustaining long-term production, encouraging plant (Bommarco et al., 2013) [13]. For horticulture to improve
development, and assisting ecosystem function. The benefits biodiversity, native plants and ecosystems must be preserved.
of soil health management techniques used in horticulture, as Native plants offer vital resources for local pollinators and
well as references proving their efficacy, are described in this other species and are well-adapted to the local environment.
section. Farmers can construct corridors and stepping stones for
For horticulture to improve soil health, cover crops are biodiversity, allowing for the movement and connectivity of
frequently utilized. For soil protection and enrichment, cover species, by protecting natural areas, and wetlands, or adding
crops like grasses or legumes are cultivated during fallow native plants in horticultural landscapes (Kremen et al., 2007)
periods or in conjunction with primary crops. According to . Manipulating habitat is another method for enhancing
Borelli et al. (2019) [2], they improve soil structure and water- biodiversity in horticulture. By incorporating various
holding capacity, increase soil organic matter content, ecosystems into and surrounding horticulture systems, such as
encourage nutrient cycling, and minimize soil erosion. hedgerows, wildflower strips, or insectary plants, it is possible
Increased crop yields, less nutrient leaching, and improved to draw predators, pollinators, and beneficial insects. In order
soil biodiversity are all possible outcomes of incorporating to support the presence of beneficial creatures that aid in pest
cover crops into horticulture systems. Another successful management and pollination, these environments offer refuge,
method of managing soil health in horticulture is mulching. nesting locations, and nectar sources (Landis et al., 2000) [19].
Mulch materials, either organic or inorganic, can be applied to Enhancing biodiversity in horticulture is also supported by
the soil surface to control soil temperature, decrease moisture using fewer pesticides and implementing integrated pest
loss due to evaporation, inhibit weed development, and management (IPM) techniques. Farmers can safeguard
improve nutrient cycling. Straw, wood chips, or compost are beneficial insects, such as pollinators and pest-natural
examples of organic mulches that help develop soil organic enemies, by using less broad-spectrum insecticides. The use
matter, enhance soil structure, and promote beneficial soil of beneficial species is encouraged by IPM techniques like
microbial activity (Borrelli et al., 2019) [2]. biological control and cultural management, which lessen the
For recycling organic waste and increasing soil fertility in need for chemical interventions and support a healthier and
horticulture, composting and vermicomposting are effective more diverse environment (Gontijo et al., 2018) [4].
procedures. The process of composting entails the breakdown
of organic materials into a nutrient-rich soil supplement, such Challenges and Barriers to adaptation
as plant remains or food scraps. Earthworms are used in Knowledge and Awareness Gap: Lack of understanding of
vermicomposting to hasten the breakdown of organic matter sustainable horticulture techniques can be a major hindrance.
and create vermicompost of the highest caliber. According to According to Bhattarai et al. (2015) [21], farmers can be
Borrelli et al. (2019) [2] and Choudhury et al. (2017) [15], both underinformed about the advantages, methods, and economic
techniques stimulate microbial activity in the soil, improve viability of sustainable practices. To close this knowledge gap
soil structure, and increase nutrient availability. Crop rotation and encourage the adoption of sustainable practices,
is a well-known method of managing soil health that entails educational programs, training, and extension services are
planting various crop types in a predetermined order. Crop essential.
rotation aids in reducing nutrient imbalances, disrupting pest
and disease cycles, and enhancing soil structure. Horticultural Economic Restraints: Adopting sustainable horticulture
systems can successfully manage pests, improve soil practices is frequently complicated by economic concerns.
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Farmers may experience financial hardship due to the up-front access to financial resources, credit, or government
expenditures associated with switching to sustainable incentives.
practices, such as organic certification, the adoption of new
technology, or infrastructural improvements (Ponisio et al., Market Demand and Access: Farmers may be discouraged
2015) [23]. Economic limitations are made worse by limited from implementing sustainable horticulture practices due to a
access to financial resources, credit, or government lack of market demand and restricted access to sustainable
incentives. markets. Farmers can be hesitant to invest in these changes if
the market does not acknowledge and reward the
Market Demand and Access: Farmers may be discouraged environmental advantages of sustainable practices (Meemken
from implementing sustainable horticulture practices due to a et al., 2013) [22]. Forcing the adoption of sustainable practices
lack of market demand and restricted access to sustainable requires bolstering market ties, supporting sustainable
markets. Farmers can be hesitant to invest in these changes if certification programs, and developing market incentives.
the market does not acknowledge and reward the
environmental advantages of sustainable practices (Meemken Technical Complexity: Farmers may find it difficult to
et al., 2013) [22]. To encourage the use of sustainable implement sustainable horticulture practices since they may
practices, it is crucial to promote sustainable certification need specialized knowledge, skills, and technical expertise
programmes, strengthen market ties, and develop market (Bhattarai et al., 2015) [21]. Implementing integrated pest
incentives. management (IPM) practices, for instance, necessitates a
grasp of pest dynamics, monitoring procedures, and alternate
Technical Complexity: Farmers may find it difficult to pest control strategies. Technical difficulties can be overcome
implement some sustainable horticulture practices since they with the use of training programs, extension services, and
may need specialized knowledge, skills, and technical farmer-to-farmer information exchange.
expertise (Bhattarai et al., 2015) [21]. Implementing integrated
pest management (IPM) practices, for instance, necessitates a Policy and Regulation Factors: Adoption of sustainable
grasp of pest dynamics, monitoring procedures, and alternate horticulture methods may be hindered by a lack of
pest control strategies. Technical difficulties can be overcome enforcement, inconsistent legislation, and inadequate
with the use of training programmes, extension services, and governmental support. In order to encourage sustainable
farmer-to-farmer information exchange. practices and foster a positive economic climate, farmers
require supportive policies, incentives, and regulations
Government and Regulatory Factors: The implementation (Meemken et al., 2013) [22]. To overcome these issues,
of sustainable horticultural practices may be hampered by a stakeholders must work together, advocate for policy changes,
lack of proper governmental backing, uneven laws, and lax and ensure that legislation is implemented correctly.
enforcement. According to Meemken et al. (2013) [22], farmers
require supportive laws, incentives, and policies that Practical Implications for Promoting Sustainable
encourage environmentally friendly practices and foster a Horticulture
positive economic climate. The best way to deal with these Promoting sustainable horticulture practices is essential for
issues is through stakeholder cooperation, policy lobbying, achieving environmental sustainability and guaranteeing the
and efficient regulatory execution. agriculture sector's long-term survival. This section discusses
the sources that support the practical implications for
Recommendation on for Future Research improving sustainable horticulture, including methods,
Sustainable horticulture techniques have improved methodologies, and policies. Knowledge transfer and capacity
agricultural sustainability and encouraged environmental care, building: It's crucial to provide farmers with information and
but there are still a number of issues that need more study and training on sustainable horticultural methods. In order to
research. The main suggestions for future horticulture studies spread knowledge and increase farmers' capacity to adopt
are outlined in this part, along with the sources that back them sustainable practices, extension services, training programs,
up. and farmer-to-farmer knowledge exchange platforms can all
be extremely helpful (Dong et al., 2020) [29]. Increased
Long-term Effects of Sustainable Practices: Future studies awareness, comprehension, and implementation of sustainable
should concentrate on evaluating the long-term impacts of practices result from effective knowledge transfer.
sustainable horticulture practices on soil health, biodiversity, Financial and Policy Support: To encourage sustainable
water resources, and ecosystem services. The effectiveness horticulture practices, governments, politicians, and funding
and potential advantages of sustainable practices can be better organizations should offer both financial and policy support.
understood through longitudinal studies that track and analyze To help farmers make the switch to sustainable practices
their effects over protracted time periods (Pretty et al., 2018) involves providing financial incentives, grants, and subsidies
. (Seyyedi et al., 2020) [31]. In addition, it is essential to create
supportive policies that prioritize sustainable agriculture, such
Economic Restraints: Adopting sustainable horticulture as restrictions on the use of pesticides, organic certification,
practices is frequently complicated by economic concerns. and market access.
Farmers may experience financial hardship due to the up-front Market Development and Consumer Awareness: According to
expenditures associated with switching to sustainable Kaufman et al. (2019) [30], increasing consumer knowledge of
practices, such as organic certification, the adoption of new the advantages of sustainably produced horticulture products
technology, or infrastructural improvements (Ponisio et al., for the environment and health is a crucial motivator for
2015) [23]. Economic limitations are made worse by limited promoting sustainable practices. Demand for sustainably
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