MCQ Class 7 Reproduction in Plants
MCQ Class 7 Reproduction in Plants
2 When ovule and nucleus of pollen grain have joined together, we say that ovule
has been
a) pollinated
b) reproduced
c) fertilized
d) infected
5 Only those plants and animals will remain on earth and survive, that
a) grow
b) eat
c) reproduce
d) sleep
When seed gets proper contents it needs to grow into a plant, we call that
seed is ready to
a) pollinate
b) germinate
c) reproduce
d) fertilize
Answer B
MCQ. In asexual reproduction, baby plants are
a) very different from their parent plants
b) exactly same as parent plant
c) 50% like parent plant
d) 80% like parent plant
e) Answer B
MCQ. If a piece of onion is planted in a soil, it will turn into a plant with
multiple onions under it, this asexual reproduction is called
a) Tuber
b) Runner
c) Rooting branch
d) Bulb and corms