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MCQ Class 7 Reproduction in Plants

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MCQ Class 7 Reproduction in Plants

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1 Wind pollinated flowers face

a) upwards
b) down
c) left
d) rightAnswe

2 When ovule and nucleus of pollen grain have joined together, we say that ovule
has been
a) pollinated
b) reproduced
c) fertilized
d) infected

3 In most species of plants, this food store is present in

a) Radicle
a) Plomule
b) Cotyledon
c) Zygote

4 Eggs in carpel are known as

a) Stigma
b) Style
c) Ovary
d) Ovule
Answer D

5 Only those plants and animals will remain on earth and survive, that
a) grow
b) eat
c) reproduce
d) sleep

6 Miniature plants contains one or two seed leaves called

a) Radicle
b) Plomule
c) Cotyledon
d) Zygote
Answer C
7 Part of flower that protects flower in bud form is
a) Sepals
b) Petals
c) Carpels
d) Stamens
Answer A
8 Fertilization occurs
a) after pollination
b) before pollination
c) with pollination
d) before reproduction
Answer A
Color of sepals is mostly
a) yellow
b) green
c) orange
d) red
Answer B
Pollen grains of bird pollinated flowers
a) stick to their feathers
b) hang with the feathers
c) penetrate in the feathers
d) stick with the skin

Flowers which pollinate by means of insects have

a) bright colored petals and attractive scent
b) dull colored petals and attractive scent
c) bright colored petals and bad small
d) dull colored petals and bad smell
Answer A
MCQ. Transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of same flower, or to
stigma of another flower on same plant is known as
a) Self reproduction
b) Cross reproduction
c) Self pollination
d) Cross pollination
Answer C
MCQ. Male reproductive part of a flower contains two round shaped
structures at their tip, these structures are known as
a) Anthers
b) Filaments
c) Stamens
d) Carpels
Answer A
MCQ. As embryo grows, ovule turns into a
a) fruit
b) flower
c) seed
d) ovary
e) Answer C
MCQ. There are two types of flower in a plant, namely
a) unisexual and tri-sexual flowers
b) unisexual and bi-sexual flowers
c) bisexual and tri-sexual flowers
d) unisexual and homosexual flowers

First part to come out of seed is the

a) radicle
b) plomule
c) stem
d) cotyledon
Answer A
MCQ. When seed is sown into soil, first thing it does is
a) take up water
b) take up oxygen
c) burst apart
d) split in two parts
e) Answer A
MCQ. Insect pollinated flowers face
a) upwards
b) down
c) left
d) right
Answer A
MCQ. A part of plant that keeps on growing over soil making small plants by
penetrating roots in soil and growing shoots towards light is known as
a) Tuber
b) Bud
c) Runner
d) Bulb
Answer C
MCQ. Stigma of wind pollinated flower is
a) sticky
b) feathery
c) plain
d) dry
Answer B

A part of plant that is same like vegetable or fruit itself is known as

a) Tuber
b) Bud
c) Runner
d) Bulb
e) Answer A
MCQ. Ball formed is known as
a) Zygote
b) Embryo
c) Endosperm
d) Seed
Answer B
MCQ. Petals of bird pollinated flowers have
a) less nectar but large amount of scent
b) large amount of nectar and scent
c) less nectar and scent
d) large amount of nectar but little scent
Answer D
MCQ. After landing on stigma, pollen grains
a) burst and form a tube
b) ripe and fall
c) burst and spread more small pollens
d) split and spread
e) Answer A
MCQ. Flowers pollinated by birds have
a) tube shaped flower
b) bowl shaped flower
c) bulb shaped flower
d) plate shaped flower

Some plants have seeds with hooks for

a) pollination
b) fertilization
c) dispersion
d) Reproduction
Answer C
MCQ. Surface of stigma is often
a) hairy
b) greasy
c) sticky
d) dry
e) Answer C
MCQ. If plants and animals did not reproduce, they would eventually get
a) sick
b) born
c) changes
d) extinct
Answer D
MCQ. After root has grown downwards, a small shoot grows up towards light,
this shoot is known as
a) radicle
b) plomule
c) stem
d) cotyledon
e) Answer B
MCQ. Pollen grains formed by bird pollinated flower are
a) lightweight and sticky
b) lightweight and slippery
c) huge and sticky
d) huge and slippery

Time until conditions are right for growth, embryo remains

a) wet
b) dry
c) dormant
d) viable
Answer C

MCQ. Task of fruit for seeds is to

a) keep them fresh
b) protect them only
c) disperse them only
d) protect and disperse them
e) Answer D
MCQ. Ovule turns into a
a) fruit
b) flower
c) ball of cells
d) ball of pollen grains
e) Answer C
MCQ. Ball is surrounded by a special tissue known as
a) Zygote
b) Embryo
c) Endosperm
d) Seed
Answer C
MCQ. Asexual reproduction is also known as
a) anti-sexual reproduction
b) unisexual Reproduction
c) vegetative reproduction
d) non-flower reproduction
Correct order of parts of flower in form of ring, one inside other is
a) sepals, stamens, petals, carpels
b) stamens, sepals, petals, carpels
c) carpels, stamens, petals, sepals
d) sepals, petals, stamens, carpels
Answer D
MCQ. There are more chances of survival if
a) Self pollination takes place
b) Cross pollination takes place
c) Inverse pollination takes place
d) Asexual reproduction takes place
Answer B
MCQ. Transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of different flower on
different plant is known as
a) Self reproduction
b) Cross reproduction
c) Self pollination
d) Cross pollination
e) Answer D
MCQ. Pollen grains of wind pollinated flowers are
a) sticky and lightweight
b) lightweight and in a huge quantity
c) lightweight and huge
d) sticky and huge
e) Answer B
MCQ. Process of growth of seed into a plant is known as
a) pollination
b) reproduction
c) germination
d) fertilization

Round structures on tip of male reproductive parts of flower contain

a) Sperms
b) Pollen grains
c) Seeds
d) Beads
Answer B
MCQ. Young plants are more like their parents in
a) Self pollination takes place
b) Cross pollination takes place
c) Inverse pollination takes place
d) Asexual reproduction takes place
Answer A
MCQ. Stalk on which round shaped structures hang is known as
a) Anthers
b) Filaments
c) Stamens
d) Carpels
Answer B
MCQ. Final destination of pollen tube is
a) Style
b) Ovule
c) Pollen grain
d) Flower bottom
Answer B
MCQ. Most of seeds can stay dormant in soil for
a) 50 months
b) 50 days
c) 50 years
d) 50 decades

Flow of seeds far away from their parent plants is known as

a) dispersion
b) pollination
c) fertilization
d) Reproduction
e) Answer A
MCQ. Seed hasn't made any food for itself, till that time it has been fed by two
leaves known as
a) radicle
b) plomule
c) stem
d) cotyledon
Answer D

MCQ. Important contents for seed to germinate are

a) water, air and temperature
b) water and air
c) air and temperature
d) air, humidity and pressure
Answer A
MCQ. A branch of plant that grows and bends downwards towards soil, then it
grows small roots over surface of soil which then penetrate in soil. This kind
of asexual reproduction is known as
a) Tuber
b) Runner
c) Rooting branch
d) Bulb and corms
Answer C
MCQ. Pollen grains of insect pollinated flowers are
a) sticky and lightweight
b) lightweight and in a huge quantity
c) lightweight and huge
d) sticky and huge

When seed gets proper contents it needs to grow into a plant, we call that
seed is ready to
a) pollinate
b) germinate
c) reproduce
d) fertilize
Answer B
MCQ. In asexual reproduction, baby plants are
a) very different from their parent plants
b) exactly same as parent plant
c) 50% like parent plant
d) 80% like parent plant
e) Answer B

MCQ. Miniature root in miniature plant is known as

a) Radicle
b) Plomule
c) Cotyledon
d) Zygote
Answer A
MCQ. Above ovary, there is a narrow stalk which is called
a) Stigma
b) Style
c) Filament
d) Anther
Answer B
MCQ. Nectars in petals produce
a) different smells
b) bad smells
c) irrelative smells
d) attractive scents

Tip of carpel is known as

a) Stigma
b) Style
c) Filament
d) Anther
Answer A
MCQ. Inside every seed is a miniature plant known as
a) Zygote
b) Embryo
c) Ovule
d) Endosperm
Answer B
MCQ. Outer shell of embryo is known as
a) cotyledon
b) coat
c) testa
d) integument
Answer C
MCQ. Tube formed by pollen grains from stigma to ovaries is called
a) Pollen pipe
b) Pollen tube
c) Male gamete tube
d) Generative tube
e) Answer B
MCQ. To make seeds, a flower must
a) reproduce
b) be pollinated
c) be wilted
d) grow

Part where eggs are found in carpel is known as

a) Stigma
b) Style
c) Ovary
d) Ovule
e) Answer C
MCQ. In sexual reproduction, a male cell joins a female cell and this joining of
two opposite gender cells is called
a) Fertilization
b) Pollination
c) Oscillation
d) Reproduction
e) Answer A
MCQ. When animals eat fruits, seeds are not digested due to
a) hard coat on them
b) indigestion
c) fleshy cover of fruit
d) lack of digestive juices
Answer A
MCQ. Some flowers are constructed so that when insect lands on them, the
a) ovules stick at the wings of the insect
b) pollens stick to the wings of the insect
c) pollens fly by the wind formed by the movement of wings of insect
d) ovaries burst to spread the ovules
Answer B
MCQ. Seeds are made by process known as
a) Asexual Reproduction
b) Sexual reproduction
c) Clone reproduction
d) Grafting

Petals have nectars in their

a) bottom
b) top
c) base
d) tip
Answer C
MCQ. Male reproductive part of flower is known as
a) Carpel
b) Stamen
c) Petal
d) Sepal
Answer B
MCQ. Most of plants reproduce by means of
a) buds
b) crafting
c) seeds
d) sperm
e) Answer C
MCQ. Pollens of plants are mainly carried by two means and those are
a) insects and birds
b) wind and birds
c) insects and wind
d) animals and insects
Answer C
MCQ. Female reproductive part of flower is known as
a) Carpel
b) Stamen
c) Petal
d) Sepal
e) Answer A
Pollen grains in anther are
a) female sex cells
b) male sex cells
c) bisexual cells
d) transsexual cells
Answer B
MCQ. Food store comes from the
a) soil
b) air
c) water
d) parent plant
Answer D
MCQ. Flowers which pollinate by means of wind have
a) bright colored petals and attractive scent
b) dull colored petals and attractive scent
c) bright colored petals and bad small
d) dull colored petals and no smell
e) Answer D
MCQ. Another phrase used for asexual reproduction is
a) anti-sexual reproduction
b) unisexual Reproduction
c) anti-sexual propagation
d) vegetative propagation
Answer D

MCQ. Stigma of insect pollinated flowers is

a) sticky
b) feathery
c) plain
d) dry
wer AAnswer A
in some plants, if a branch of plant is cut and planted in soil, it will grow roots
and form a new plant, this reproduction is known as
a) Tuber
b) Rooting branch
c) Cutting
d) Grafting
Answer C
MCQ. Color of petals is mostly
a) bright
b) dull
c) dark
d) light
e) Answer A
MCQ. Tiny root hairs grow on root of seed which
a) absorbs water and oxygen
b) absorbs water only
c) absorbs mineral salts only
d) absorbs water and mineral salts
Answer D
MCQ. Each ovule contains
a) female sex cells
b) male sex cells
c) bisexual cells
d) transsexual cells
Answer A

MCQ. If a piece of onion is planted in a soil, it will turn into a plant with
multiple onions under it, this asexual reproduction is called
a) Tuber
b) Runner
c) Rooting branch
d) Bulb and corms

If a fruit is formed, ovules turn into

a) Seeds
b) Fruit
c) Female sex cells
d) Male sex cells
Answer A
MCQ. Colors of flowers pollinated by birds is mostly
a) red, orange or yellow
b) green, blue or purple
c) pink, white, black
d) red, purple, white
e) Answer A
MCQ. When embryo starts to grow, endosperm provides it with
a) water
b) oxygen
c) carbon dioxide
d) food
Answer D
Answer D

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