English 10 - Q2 - Module 3 - Formulating Claims of Fact Policy and Value
English 10 - Q2 - Module 3 - Formulating Claims of Fact Policy and Value
Quarter 2 – Module 3:
Formulating Claims of Fact, Policy, and Value
Welcome to the English 10 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Formulating Claims
of Fact, Policy, and Value!
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators from public
institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping the learners meet the standards
set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and economic
constraints in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent learning
activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help learners acquire the
needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of the
As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You also
need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their own
learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do the
tasks included in the module.
In our lives, there will be a time that we need to justify our statement; when we justify it, this
statement becomes a claim. But there are different types of claims and in this lesson, we will
explore on what types you are expressing when you do so.
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for guided
and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process the
contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
What I Need to Know
This module will assist you in making the learners formulate claims of fact,
policy and value.
You guide the learners as they identify, construct and appreciate the
importance of claiming fact, policy and value.
Answers are written at the back of this module. Inculcate to the learners the
value of honesty while answering this module.
What I Know
Draw if the statement is related to claims of fact, policy and value and if
___ 1. The central argument or thesis statement of the text is what the writers try to
prove in the text by providing details, explanations, and other types of
___ 2. It is a single statement.
___ 3. This can be based on preference such as likes/dislikes (good or bad).
___ 4. Sometimes, it indicates that an action must be taken in specific policies.
___ 5. This is a statement of something that has existed (past), exists (present) or
will exist (future).
___ 6. This can be in a form of question.
___ 7. This can be supported with facts.
___ 8. It is a statement that can be used as the base of an argument.
___ 9. You can use any topic to write about.
___ 10. This claim can be proven and verified.
___ 11. It is a sentence that criticizes an issue.
___ 12. You can write your own idea based from the given topic.
___ 13. This can be expressed in a single sentence.
___ 14. This requires learners to think through and recall the concepts taught
___ 15. You can split ideas.
Formulating Claims of Fact, Policy, and
3 Value
Learning to formulate claims of fact, policy and value can help you to come up
with a good statement for argument. As you go along with this module, you will
understand the three types of claims.
These will be helpful in accomplishing the tasks as you associate things that
you learned from the previous.
What’s In
Identify whether the statement claims FACT, POLICY or VALUE. Write your
answers on your activity sheet.
1. Excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to many illnesses.
2. Honesty is the best policy.
3. Television news casting influences the way Filipinos think about social and
political issues.
4. The spread of Corona virus has put the lives of many people into danger.
5. To attract more students, schools must conduct a survey on the preferred
learning set up of the students.
6. The existence of the Corona virus has prevented people to live the way they
used to.
7. An improved sewer system would solve the flood drainage problems in the
West part of Lubao.
8. Philippines should strictly implement health protocols in order to lessen the
number of infected from Corona virus.
9. Because of lockdown, obesity can be one of our problems.
10. Crime rate has reduced during the time of pandemic.
11. Public schools efficiently implemented the distance learning modalities for
different types of learners.
12. Google meet and Facebook messenger provide easy access to students.
13. Nowadays, cell phones are helpful to students.
14. The right thing to do is to support this year's new normal education.
15. Keeping yourselves updated is your responsibility.
1. What statement is indicating preference such as likes/dislikes?
2. Which type of claim is expressed in your answer in question number 1?
3. What type of claim is stated by student 1?
What Is It
Discussion of Activity 1
Let’s dig deeper for you to understand well the three types of claims.
a single statement.
The topic of an
CLAIMS argument
Not a question
Phrased against the
status quo.
The central argument
or thesis statement of
CLAIM CLAIM the text. It is what the
CLAIM writers try to prove in
OF VALUE the text by providing
details, explanations,
and other types of
This is a
statement of Claim of policy A claim of value
something that indicates that an is based on
has existed action must be preference such
(past), exists taken in specific as likes/dislikes
(present) or will policies. (good or bad)
exist (future)
Examples of statements claiming fact
1. CORONA VIRUS has greatly affected the Philippine education system.
Statement no. 1 is an example of claim of fact because it is true that
corona virus caused changes to our education system.
2. Inter-Agency Task Force has implemented specific rules for proper health
precautionary measures against COVID 19.
Statement no. 2 is an example of fact because IATF has formulated health
precautionary measures in preventing the COVID 19.
2. To attract more students, private schools must lessen the tuition fee for this
school year.
Statement no. 2 is an example of claim of policy because of the
recommended action of lessening tuition fee.
2. Providing students with devices that they can use in their classes is better
than allowing them to use their cell phones in class.
Similar to statement no. 1, the second statement expresses good idea.
What’s More
Independent Activity 1
True or False. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.
Independent Assessment 1
Identify whether the statement claims FACT, POLICY or VALUE. Write your
answer on the blank before each number.
_______1. The existence of nuclear weapons has prevented the outbreak of World
War III.
_______2. People should not go out of their houses if they don’t have any
important business outside.
_______3. It’s sad to hear that despite of what our country is facing, some politicians
took advantage of the situation for their own benefits.
_______4. Parent’s appreciation is needed to boost the self-esteem of their children.
_______5. Educational TV shows are better than TV shows which promote violence.
_______6. School violence is a result of high self-esteem rather than low self-
_______7. People should incorporate more religious values into their lives.
_______8. Everyone needs at least eight hours of sleep.
_______9. Feminism benefits men as much as it benefits women.
_______10. Donating to local charities is more worthy than donating to national
_______11. Racism is a result of economics.
_______12. Parents are morally responsible to safeguard their children’s activity on
the internet.
_______13. People should incorporate more religious values into their lives.
_______14. Breast feeding should be used by parents, rather than bottle feeding.
_______15. The Social Amelioration Program (SAP) of the government eases a bit
the people’s burden due to pandemic.
Independent Activity 2
Write three claims (Fact, Policy and Value). Use the example below as your guide.
Social Media & Sometimes people There should be It’s wrong to use
Bullying use Facebook, criminal charges social media to
Twitter, and other brought against bully people.
social media to people who use
bully one another. social media to
bully other.
1. Resolving
2. Marriage
3. Unity in
4. Students’
5. Parents and
Independent Assessment 2
In each item below, write a sentence of the given topic using the assigned
Topic Claim Statement
Independent Activity 3
Using the given topics below, write a short paragraph using the three types of
claims (Fact, Policy and Value). Be guided by the rubrics below on how you will
receive your scores.
1. Millennial in the New Normal
2. Personal Hygiene
3. Animal Cruelty
Thesis/Focus 2 3 5
Thesis may be obvious Thesis is somewhat Develops fresh insight
or unimaginative. original. that challenges the
reader’s thinking;
Support/ 2 3 5
Reasoning Offers somewhat Offers solid but less Substantial, logical, &
(a) Ideas obvious support that original reasoning. concrete development
(b) Details may be too broad. Assumptions are not of ideas. Assumptions
Details are too always recognized or are made explicit.
general, not made explicit. Details are germane,
interpreted, irrelevant Contains some original, and
to thesis, or appropriate details or convincingly
inappropriately examples. interpreted.
Organization 2 3 5
Some signs of logical Organization supports Fully & imaginatively
organization. May thesis and purpose. supports thesis &
have abrupt or illogical Transitions are mostly purpose. Sequence of
shifts & ineffective flow appropriate. ideas is effective.
of ideas. Sequence of ideas Transitions are
could be improved. effective.
Independent Assessment 3
Write at least three paragraphs about the topic “Filipino Resiliency amidst the
Pandemic “. Use the techniques learned in writing argumentative essay. You may
choose whether the center of argument is fact, policy or value.
Use the rubric below as your guide on how you will be graded.
Thesis/Focus 2 3 5
Thesis may be obvious Thesis is somewhat Develops fresh insight
or unimaginative. original. that challenges the
reader’s thinking
Support/ 2 3 5
Reasoning Offers somewhat Offers solid but less Substantial, logical, &
(a) Ideas obvious support that original reasoning. concrete development
(b) Details may be too broad. Assumptions are not of ideas. Assumptions
Details are too always recognized or are made explicit.
general, not made explicit. Details are germane,
interpreted, irrelevant Contains some original, and
to thesis, or appropriate details or convincingly
inappropriately examples interpreted
Organization 2 3 5
Some signs of logical Organization supports Fully & imaginatively
organization. May thesis and purpose. supports thesis &
have abrupt or illogical Transitions are mostly purpose. Sequence of
shifts & ineffective flow appropriate. ideas is effective.
of ideas. Sequence of ideas Transitions are
could be improved. effective.
What I Can Do
Look around your house. Choose at least three topics and write three
sentences for each type of claims.
_____6. People should incorporate more religious values into their lives.
_____7. Educational TV shows are better that TV shows which promote violence.
_____8. We should have all access to healthcare.
_____9. Law enforcers should be strict in implementing the law.
_____10. All of the students in this class are studying from home.
In each item below, write a sentence of the given topic using the assigned claim.