Reality T

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Alternatives Space

Every theory represents an aspect of a multi Faceted reality. If you believe that the fundamental
thing is a particle, then it conforms to that belief. If you believe it to be an electromagnetic wave,
then it conforms to it. The reality is the way you look at it.

Alternatives space is an information field that contains all infinite possible variations of the
current reality, of the present, past and the future. This is what Neville meant by Creation is
Finished. THat creation is 'stored' in the alternatives space.

Our life simply is movement through this alternative space. All the variations of past, and the
future exist, and we move through a line through them, called the Life Line. This is basically the
script of your life.

If the alternatives space can be thought of as all the points in a Coordinates plane, then the life
line is simply a function, a line, that maps a certain point, to a particular time point, spanning
over the range of our birth till death. ANd maybe extends beyond that.

Life as we experience is simply a section of this alternatives space being materialized. What
section being materialized is dependent on what we choose , and how to exactly do that, we’ll
cover in the later parts.

When a particular sector, or portion of the alternatives space is 'chosen', consciously, or

unconsciously, then it is materialized. The process behind choosing that will be discussed later

Imagine a water pipe, with a donut shaped cooling crystal ring outside it, that moves along the
length of the pipe. Wherever the ring passes, the water at the center of the ring crystallizes in
the pipe, forming a disc of ice. It would seem as if the disc of ice is moving throughout the pipe,
but in reality, new portions of the pipe crystallize while the older portions liquify back again.

Note that everything is just water. It just exists in a different way, and this is how materialization
happens. A particular part of the alternatives space (The pipe) crystallizes to form a dic (The
physical reality). Even though it seems as if the disc is moving, everything is constant, as it is
we, the consciousness that's moving (The cooling ring).

Why this is exactly so, the way the materialization happens, we don't know.

Another analogy is the formation of waves in a sea. The sea is the alternatives space, and the
wave can be thought of the physical reality. You might know that the wave itself is not moving,
it's just that the waviness of the surface moves from one point to another, the water remains in
the same place. It's not that a mass of water is moving across the sea, more of the energy of the
wave is moving.
Material manifestation moves through space and time, and the alternative remains as it is.

Life can be thought of as a film roll, where each slide of the roll is a particular point in the
alternatives space, being connected casualty to each other. When you unroll the film, you'll see
all the things that happened to you, and will happen to you, in a single line, and here, time is
static. Things of the past don't disappear, and the things of the future exist now, in the
alternatives space.

Your life is simply the materialization of the points that intersect between your life line, and the
alternatives space (the coordinate region, like the points in a XY plane).

You could say that the 'thought energy' 'lights up' a certain sector, or a certain area of the
alternatives space, which then goes on to become material.

Everyone has their own life line and when you meet someone, your life line and their life line
intersect, intersect at a particular point in the alternatives space. If you want to meet them in a
different way, or you want to change them, this would be achieved when you change your life
line, so that this life line intersects their life line in which they are the way you want them to be.

Attitudes, beliefs, and intentions are the ones which make the realization of a particular sector
possible. It's not only your direct actions, but your thoughts and feelings also. When you change
your state, you switch to a different life line, and you start experiencing events according to that
life line. Its as simple as that. The practical ways of how this is done is not discussed here, but
only the overview. In order to change the situations in your life, change the life lines, not the
existing 'reflection'. There's no changing the reality, just choosing a different one. Just choose a
different script, different life line.

Still, It doesn't matter if you agree on this theory, or not, only the practical implications
that come with this.

Take anything that tries to trap you in, evokes certain emotions out of you, and makes you forget
who you were for a few instants, or a period of time. This could be situations such as anger,
jealousy, or anything. Social media, news, anything that seeps and lives off your energy. These
are what we call Pendulums.

Arguing with your loved ones, getting irritated, feeling hopeless, and so many more, are all
examples of what a pendulum is. By nature, pendulums are destructive. Once you are caught
up in that, it evokes certain moods, feelings, and thoughts, and if you don't control this, results in
a materialization of a sector that corresponds to these evoked feelings.
Pendulums can be said only to exist, in order to seep out energy from you. It can also be
thought of as any structure that limits you. Religions, Jobs, war etc. The actual definition of what
a Pendulum is not so clear to me, just be reading Vadim's words, but the way I understand it,
anything that I don't want to get caught up in, anything that provokes negative reactions and
moods, and anything that limits your freedom by putting you in a box of restrictions.

Pendulums have a great influence over us, and the point of discussing them is to increase the
awareness of their existence, and thereby reducing or eliminating their influence.

If you're manifesting something, and something knocks you off track, makes you doubt, and
causes stress, then you got caught up in a pendulum. (This is how I understand it at least.) If
you have feelings of hate towards something, then you are being influenced by a pendulum. I
hope it makes sense. Sometimes when you are caught up in it, it seems that what you're doing
is out of your own will, but it's not, you're being influenced by its strings. Superiority complex,
inferiority complex, fear, shame, guilt, these are all pendulums. The warrior complex, where I
must struggle through pain, I need to fight for my freedom, the world is against me, and such.
This is a pendulum. Your boss or coworker irritates you, neighbors making noise in the middle of
the night.

One more important thing to note here is that, all the more you try to avoid a pendulum, the
more you seem to get sucked up into it. If you try to fight the pendulum, then you'll get caught up
in it. The only way to escape the influences of a pendulum is to be indifferent, to not let it affect

Its like when you read about some horrible incident, for example. If you just pass it by, not letting
it affect you, then that pendulum doesn't have any effect on you. But if you react, and you feel
certain feelings, then you are very well caught up in it, and your 'layer of the world' will start to
take the hues of your feelings. It will start becoming more like the way you feel.

Pendulums exist whether you like them or not, but what you can control is the way you relate to
it. Simply don't get involved with that. The truth about denial is to accept something's existence,
and simply be indifferent to that. If you try to push it away, then it will come to you. That is why
often the things that you don't want to happen happens. You try to push them away actively, you
get caught up in that pendulum giving it energy, and letting it provoke you, and that manifests in
your reality

Note that there's no forcing here. You don't force yourself to ignore something. That is what
pushing it away exactly means. Everytime you're caught up, simply remember that you are
caught up by that, and detach yourself from your feelings. Make this a habit, to remember
whenever you realize that you've been caught up by it.

Another way the author suggests to deal with people, is to find out what they want/ lack, and
visualize them having that. These are the two ways in which you can deal with pendulums.
The key is to be emotionally detached when dealing with a pendulum. Remain observant, but
don't engage in the game.

The author also suggests something that's interesting: When you've met with a problem, and
you don't know how to solve it, instead of straining to find a solution, simply let go and relax. The
solution already exists in the alternatives space, and it will come to you naturally, if you hold the
intent of solving the problem, while letting go of it.

It's impossible to be fully free from the influence of all pendulums. But by this awareness, you'll
find that you'll have much more clarity and freedom, now that you aren't caught up in
meaningless energy sinks.

The Wave of Fortune

Sometimes, you are met with the wave of fortune. This carries you through a different set of life
lines full of happy circumstances, for a period of time. It is in a way similar to a wave of
misfortune, in that it doesn't have any personal care about what you think is good and bad for

You are met with a certain incident that makes you happy, and that 'colors' your layer of the
world, and the upcoming incidents line up with making you happier. The same happens with the
case of bad luck. The reason that such waves exist is that you let your mind be influenced
heavily by the reflection.

Our minds are filled with chatter, and if left untamed, these often turn negative, maybe due to
the influence of pendulums. Negative emotions seem to dominate our mind. You are conditioned
to believe that bad is more likely to happen, and you have to fight for good things, and it's more
unlikely. That is the reason, that these waves seem to come out of nowhere, and we don't seem
to have any control over them, you don't control what you think and feel, and they end up being
the result of your reactions to the external. Naturally, there's a need to have greater control over
you mind and thoughts.

Here comes the concept of mental diet. Again, there's no forcing here, and you simply decide
not to engage with any negative thoughts. You are being mindful of the thoughts that arise, and
this is often hard at the start. If you catch yourself reacting negatively to a situation,
dissatisfaction, irritation, etc, then you need to replace them with something that's positive. The
exact way to do this is through using Amalgam Technique, which we'll see later on.

If you do engage with these thoughts, then expect them being reflected in your life. Just don't
engage with anything undesirable emotionally, and replace the thoughts with your Amalgams.
When you attribute too much importance to something, then it creates an excess potential. Due
to the presence of this, circumstances line up in a way in order to reduce this, and always in a
way you would not like. It's the same principle as Neville, where he says that if you are in the
place of desire, then that is what manifests. The stronger you are in desire, the worse the
situation becomes. And you desire something strongly, because you have attached excessive
importance to that.

If you give excess importance to your goals, or your work, then you'll notice that the results or
whatever that you desire does not come to you. The harder you work, the worse it seems to get.
In other words, it's about getting too attached, and letting it affect your moods and feelings
excessively. Often, people are in a state of desperation, and this brings about feelings of
powerlessness. This might most likely be the reason why you wont get your SP, you attach too
much importance to that.

The solution then, is to be detached. But that detachment doesn't mean being passive, just not
being attached and letting it affect you.

All kinds of feelings, like inferiority complex, vanity, contempt, hate, and such create excess
potentials, and forces act in such a way to reduce the potential, which worsens the

Do not try to fight the obstacles, reduce their importance. This is the key.

The Alternatives Flow

We will be in a position, not to ask for what you want, not to demand it, and not to struggle for it,
but to simply go ahead and get it.

The idea is to not passively go with the flow of life, nor fight the flow. The needy ask, the
indignant demand, but they are passive. The fighter fights the flow, but then again, struggles
and doesn't get what he wants.

Once you set up the direction of the flow (by consciously choosing what you want), just simply
go with the alternatives flow, while making changes if needed here and there.

Once you are free from the influences of the pendulums and the artificial problems, your mind is
free and you have more energy. Now, you can simply just decide to go with the flow of life, living
consciously. Sometimes, the situation might turn unfavorable, for a period, but then you just
have to trust, and let go.
Everything can be done a lot more simply. Yield to simplicity and let go of your need to control
the world.

The author also suggests that guiding signs will arise, randomly seeming small and insignificant.
Phrases like 'take your umbrella, it might rain', turns out to be true. But I think this is too much to
look out for, but you might want to read the topic from the book.

Inner, intuitive feelings are also often correct, especially when you are aware of these laws and
the truths. I have found this to be true in many instances. Feelings or inner discomfort, or a
subtle knowing that something is going to happen. These are signs, and the first response is to
deny them and fight them, in order to convince yourself, but you know what to do. Accept, let go
of importance, replace it. It might sometimes be hard, and we'll see about dealing with that later,
but this is just to bring awareness to this idea.

To truly go with the flow, you need to let go of the need and desire to control it. You need to
loosen your grip, and give it more freedom. If you try to control it too much, then it will turn out to
be undesirable. It is futile, and even dangerous to try top control the world, but often the mind
tries to do this exactly. This creates excess potential, the need to control the outcomes or
situations, and it backfires. You need to let go and go with the flow of alternatives. Forcing
something, is also a form of trying to control.

Just simply accept the fact that life wont always go by the path you think it will, and there will be
deviation. This by itself will reduce much of your worries. The mind's desire to control everything
ends up making you fight the flow. The greatest error of the mind is that it tries to control the
flow itself, not its movement along the flow.

Release your grip, and give up on your desire to control. Exercise detachment, and you'll often
have more control over the course of events.

You can easily start having lucid dreams by starting to question yourself randomly throughout
the day 'Am I dreaming?', or 'Is this real?'. If you do this for a while, then you are likely to do this
when you're in a dream, and you'll become aware that its a dream

The author also suggests sleeping facing north, for some reason.

The author also says that the dreams that we have are simply our minds traveling through the
alternatives space. It actually goes and experiences these all alternate possible variations,
dreams are not the product of our imagination. OUr mind is not capable of generating something
that's entirely new. The mind genuinely sees these.

Also, dreams are not to be interpreted as signs, they are more random and depend upon our
intent in the dream, which is shaped by the image of the dream itself.
Dreaming is the soul's travel through the alternatives space, where anything is possible.

There is Inner Intention, and Outer Intention. Inner intention is the resolve, or the inner decision
to be in a way, or act in a way. When you decide to go to a shop, it's your inner intention. Inner
intention by itself does not relate to manifesting, it simply relates to taking action, to act in a way.
This is what people make use of when they're trying to do something, to directly influence the
reality, to change it.

Then there outer intention, the one which is responsible for choosing the life lines in the
alternatives space. Inner intention has direct control and influence over you, and outer intention
has influence over the external. Outer intention does not transform or change anything, it just
simply shifts life lines to whatever is intended. This is the difference between trying to walk
through a closed door, vs choosing a reality where the door is open.

When choosing outer intention, you simply let the things come to you, not you to them. You
change the life lines, not try to change the scene in the current life line, which may or may not
be possible.

Outer intention happens when there is a unity between the 'Heart' and the mind. (Subconscious
and the conscious mind). That is why our fears manifest, because we feel them. This is why our
day dreams don't manifest, because we only think of them from the mind, not from the heart,
you don't Feel it to be true.

It is not possible to directly control the outer intention, but we surely can influence that. And the
previous steps were to eliminate the excess potentials, and avoid getting caught up in

Outer intention often happens irrespective of what the inner intention (Our personal thoughts),
so inner intention should be focused on influencing outer intention. In order to do this, you need
to be aware, awake, and remember that this can be done. This might be tricky in situations
where you tend to get caught up in. You do this through detachment, but not getting affected by
the situation, then you would have greater control. If you are in the emotional currents, trying to
change anything from that often leads to the negative response.

Mindfulness is a crucial practice that can be used to be more conscious and aware. This helps
you become aware whenever you are caught up in something.

Our common sense is the thing that prevents us from aligning our outer intent with our inner
intention. Doubts arise, and old conditioned beliefs come back again. This is where mindfulness
comes of great help. It helps you in catching yourself thinking along in terms of common sense,
and help you regain the desired position
Here is a pretty subtle thing to understand. Outer intention is the decision to have something,
and at the same time, abandonment of the need to achieve that. You act from a place of no
desire, and then it's simply claiming it to be yours.

Desire always creates excess potential. Outer intention is simply the decision to have, to
choose, to claim something. For this to happen, you need to reduce the importance of the
desire, and abandon the attachment to your goals.

TO reduce the importance: Come to terms with the possibility of defeat right away. When
you're truly okay with not having the thing you desire, then the importance fades away, and you
can operate in a much better state.

But don't completely rely on your outer intention, in the sense, ignoring your responsibilities and

A slide is a distorted picture of reality. You will always perceive reality in a distorted way, due to
the presence of beliefs and biases. This is what a slide represents. It's like having a slide in front
of a light source, which then projects whatever the slide contains, into the screen.

When you have a slide, then your world, to you at least, behaves as if it is just the way the slide
is. If you think you are unattractive, then you'll find that reality supports that assumption. If you
think nothing will go wrong, then reality will support that.

This is also the reason that, if you see someone accusing you of something, then it is more
likely that they are accusing themselves of that thing, which makes them think that everyone
else is like that.

What serves the basis of a slide? Importance again. Such a bias exists, because you've been
giving it importance. If the slide being that you're unattractive exists, because you care about it.
As the negative slide loses importance, it loses its power.

The same way, a positive slide can be inserted. You start living thinking in a bias, something
positive. That you are naturally attractive, that things will always go right, that you'll never get
into trouble. And reality conforms to that.

You can even make more extreme slides, that life is joyful and such, there's nothing to stop you.
This is Self concept.Once you have successfully integrated the slide as a part of your self
concept, it ceases to exist (As its something that's natural to you, and thus losing importance.)

Don't try to copy someone else. Do what you really want to do.
Something that limits many people is that they feel that they aren't really worthy of that desire.
Say you want to be rich, but are you really comfortable with that idea? Comfortable going to
expensive shops and acting as if you're rich? You might not have money, but you will in the
future, it's just a matter of time. But can you see yourself acting as if your desires are fulfilled?

For the important things in your life, you'll find that it is hard to feel worthy of them, you have
given them excessive importance, it's hard to even think of the fact that it could be yours. Think
about this for any of your desires right now. Can you truly come to terms with the idea that you
deserve whatever that you want? This might be the most common thing that prevents people
from getting their desires.

Give yourself permission to feel worthy of the luxury. There's no one who can take desires away
from you. Pendulums and the external conditioned the idea that we are all not worthy of good
things, that you need to be either chosen, or work extremely hard for something. But what
makes that condition true is your belief in that. Let no one tell you what you are worthy of and

It is essential to give yourself the permission to have.

It is futile to try to convince the heart that you deserve something, the heart, unlike the mind,
doesn't respond to reason. You need to teach it, and you need to expand your comfort zone,
your conception of what is possible for you, and what you are worthy of.

Visualize the slide, systematically, and often, till you feel like its natural to you. We are using
visualization just to simply widen our comfort zone. By experiencing feelings of having your
desire, your comfort zone will expand.

While visualizing, it is important to actively engage yourself in the slide, don't be a passive
observer. Feel the reality of the assumption, a subtle knowing that what you're imagining is true.

When you are about your day, at random times, bring up the slide in your mind's eye and look at
it, from the position of having. Make a habit out of this. A slide will only produce results if it is
reproduced systematically over time.

Another way is to act as if. Throughout your day, take the identity of being the person (or version
of yourself) who has the desire, and act and think from that. If your desire is money, don't
hesitate in going to expensive shops, just to make a list of things that you'd like to buy. Also, be
careful not to be superior, and let this carry you away from the fact that right now, it has not
materialized, but it will soon, it's just a matter of time. Act as if the desire is materialized, and
that it just takes a little bit of time till its visible.

There is no need to be concerned as to how that will come about.

This is your world and there is nothing that is unavailable to you. The world of your
dream should be joyful and at the same time commonplace. When something is yours, it
seems unremarkable, and has an everyday quality to it, so in order to attune yourself to
the life line that corresponds to your dream, you have to feel as if you already have it.
You are consciously playing a game, not kidding yourself

During visualization, if you feel it to be true, your thoughts and feelings and emotions
correspond to the fact that the thing you're experiencing is true. This widens your comfort zone,
and is a direct way of materializing a sector of the alternatives space corresponding to this. This
is one of the most powerful ways, through which you can achieve the unity between the heart
and the mind, and the forces of outer intention start.

You have to live as if it is done, and systematically subject yourself to feeling of having the
desire, until it feels redundant, and you don't have the need, or want to. And all this must be
done from a place of giving it no importance. People generally do exercises and look at the
external and wonder if they did it right. They still have importance attached to it, and operating
within the clutches of the desire.

But then still, the author claims, that this will take much longer than doing visualization as
described in the Transurfing model. He says concentrating your thoughts on a goal will not
move you towards it, unless you are one step away from achieving it. It's like experiencing the
feeling of the wish fulfilled, but returning back to reality where the picture is completely opposite.
In this situation, it might be hard to ignore the current situation, and you might find it hard to
expand your comfort zone. This might end up taking a long time, and requires a lot of faith and a
strong mind.

The alternative, the author suggests, is to visualize the process of getting the goal. That
everything is going right, and it's just a matter of time that it comes to you. The author puts
excessive importance on this method, and I'm not fully understand why exactly this is so, but I
can get an intuitive sense why this is true. This is much easier to maintain, and you don't have
to face the issue of the reason, which denies what you imagine.

I again emphasize, the author puts a lot of importance in this technique, but I haven't myself
tried this. He says, visualizing the end goals serves to help you widen your comfort zone, and
visualizing the process, knowing that you'll get your desire directly influences the circumstances.

If your goal is to be achieved in stages, then the author suggests visualizing the particular
segment in the stage you're in, visualizing the process of achieving that stage, and operating
with a subtle knowing that you're on your way to the end goal. This is the final method of
visualization in the transurfing model.

If you desire to be a great individual in a field of study, then the stages might look like getting
your bachelors, masters, and such. You might break it down further. This immediate step is very
close to your comfort zone, and this is much easier to achieve. Put one foot in front of the other,
and proceed forward.

I'm simply restating the authors words, I personally haven't tested this previous method.

The Heart and Mind

When a wave crashes against a rock, water separates from it, in the form of spray. These liquid
droplets, although still water, can't fathom what it is like to be one with the ocean, although it
essentially is a part of the ocean. Only when the droplet returns back, it can feel its oneness
with everything. The ocean can be thought of the everything there is, and you can be thought of
as the single water droplet that is separated from the ocean.

Pendulums try to break the unity between the heart and the mind, and condition into you that
you are not worthy, and you must always fight. But you already have everything you need, all
you have to do is use it. You are capable of anything, it's just no one has told this yet.

Notice how we are easily persuaded and convinced of some lack about ourself, than something
that's positive? If you don't trust the statement that these have been conditioned into you, and
that you can have anything that you want, then ask yourself how you are more susceptible to
believe and accept anything that limits your freedom. The ones who achieve success, fame and
wealth in abundance are the ones who do not buy into the deception.

At the moments when you catch yourself thinking not along the lines of your desire, simply
insert a slide, and think from the place of having.

Many of us are constrained by the idea that hardwork and pain is necessary to get your goals,
but its simply a faulty notion. You can as we’ll enjoy the work you do, if you simply change your
relation to it.

Always remember to let go of the grip of your control over the flow. When the importance is at
zero, you simply live in accordance with the flow. This is what it means to live in harmony with
the world.

Allow yourself to have from this moment onwards, unconditionally and unreservedly, not
occasionally, but all the time. But don't get in the trap of forcing yourself in this, or forcing
yourself in anything. By trying to release your grip, you tighten it. SImply let go.

Coordinating intention: Perceive whatever that happens as a positive, that in ways you do not
understand right now, it will benefit you. When you live by this, life becomes effortless, and
Just have the belief that everything is going perfectly, even if it doesn't seem like it. Have this,
this is one the most important bias to have. This is the coordination of intention principle.

The Mirror World

The world is simply a mirror of your thoughts. Thus, we come to arrive at certain principles.
● World is like a mirror that reflects your relationship to it
● Reflection is formed in the unity of heart and mind
● There is a delay in the reaction of the mirror
● Mirror cites the content of the relationship, but ignores its orientation (positive or negative
as deemed by you)
● Switch your attention from the reflection to the image.
● Release your grip and allow the world to move with the alternatives flow
● Embrace any reflection as positive.

Bring back the feelings of safety, the feelings of awe, and joy that existed in your childhood.
Simply choose it.

Don't chase or change the reflection.

The Amalgam technique: Have biases, like I'll never get into troubles, Everything will always go
well for me, I'm always attractive, and such. This shapes the general events of your life, and is
very powerful, to just orient it in a particular way. I've done this again and again, and it's so
simple but has a huge effect. Just start living by your assumptions that don't really have a final
end result.

The Gatekeeper to Eternity

The first step is to eliminate the influence of pendulums and release excess potentials. Any kind
of situation where you end up being stressed causes excess potential. Work situations,
cramming before an exam, rushing for something important. Be wary of these. You will
inevitably steer off course, but the important thing is to return back to the target side, your goal,
again and again. People who have meditated can relate to this. No judgment while bringing
yourself back, no feelings, just simply bring your attention back to the desired state.

Never put all your eggs in one basket, you'll end up giving it excess importance.

The central instrument of Transurfing is the target slide, visualizing the process of the current
stage, or the end goal. Most important thing to not forget is to not force yourself. Visualization of
the target slide must be done in a way that pleases you the most, in the most effortless way

Practical Stuff
Don't get caught up in the pendulums, everytime you realize that you've been provoked, or
you're starting to get influenced by a pendulum, simply let it go.

Throughout your day, be mindful of what are all the things that you give importance to, the
things that you attach importance to. Try to let go of this importance. Let go of the need to
control, if it is present, and choose to go with the flow.

If you're met with any obstacles, or problems, don't fight with them, or react, simply reduce their
importance, and resolve them, being emotionally detached from it.

Throughout the day, be mindful of your reactions and your thoughts, and try to notice any certain
attitudes (slides), and distortions that you have. If you notice anything, just simply don't engage
in that. DO this without forcing, it must be effortless. Replace the thoughts by some other
thoughts. Become aware of your slides, and be mindful of the chatter in your mind.

Always keep in mind that everything is going just perfectly, even if the reflection may not exactly
be to your liking. Let go of the desire to control and simply intend, and then drop it.

Replace your default state from being neutral, to being joyful. THis might take some time, but
everytime that it occurs to you that you could be much more joyful than you are right now, just
simply choose to be. If you notice any tensions then resolve them. If that is not possible, either
note it down to work on it for a later moment, or start working on it now.

Always be present, in the moment, and dont be lost in your random thoughts throughout the
day. If you notice that your mind has wandered, then simply bring it back to whatever that you're
doing, and be present fully. This combined with the previous point, will have a huge effect on the
quality of your life.

Once you reduce the importance, and don't get influenced by the pendulums, you could just
simply intend, and it will work out. Make sure that it is in your comfort zone and you feel worthy
of it, if you don't, then practice visualization.

Remember that everything can be done a lot more simply, let go of the need to control, and yield
to the world, abandon yourself to the flow, and exercise detachment.
Remember: It's about letting it come to you, not trying to make yourself reach there. To do that,
you need to be in a place of no desire, reduced importance, which can be easily achieved when
you accept the possibility of failure. Never put all your eggs in the same basket, have
alternatives, so that your mind doesn't attach excess importance to something.

Remember: The only person limiting you is yourself. Give yourself the permission to have.

Visualize the target slide often, and act as if the desire is accomplished. Start to live from the
place of having whatever you desire. Due to the above practices, this state is much easier to

Embrace any reflection as positive.

Bring back the feelings of safety, the feelings of awe, and joy that existed in your childhood.
Simply choose it.

Habits and Practices

● Act in the way described above throughout the day
● Journal
○ This is one of the most powerful practices. Use prompts like: How am I feeling
right now. Write down the things that come to your mind, and ask yourself, what's
stopping you from feeling full of joy, and happiness? Probably some issue or stuff
that needs to be done. ONce that is sorted, ask again, what stops you from
feeling delighted, and joyful? Mostly, there won't be any reason, it's just simply
that you aren't choosing to be so.
○ Journalling is, for me atleast, very crucial. By putting your thoughts down, you
can see them from an outside perspective, and you will notice things that you
would have otherwise missed.
● Meditate
○ 20 mins of meditation, and few quick bursts whenever possible throughout the
day. Try to stay in a meditative state throughout the day, and be mindful of your
thoughts, feelings, and reactions.

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