U.O No.8/3/2023/S.1. 269: No25011/02/2021-AIS-II Dated 13.07.2023 (Pension) On The Subject Cited
U.O No.8/3/2023/S.1. 269: No25011/02/2021-AIS-II Dated 13.07.2023 (Pension) On The Subject Cited
I am
directed to forward herewith MHA letter
No. 15041/01/2020.UTS-I dated 30.10.2023 alongwith DoPT Circular
No25011/02/2021-AIS-IIdated 13.07.2023 (Pension) on the subject cited
above with the request to upload the same on the website of Services
Department, GNCTD
Dlry No.
North Bloçk, New Delhi
Dated the 3- October, 2023
The Chief Secretary, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, New Delhi.
2The Chief Secretary, J&K Administration, Jammu.
3 The Chief Secretary, Govt. of Mizoram, Aizawl.
4. The Chief Secretary, Govt. of
Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar.
5. The Chief Secretary, Govt. of Goa,
6. The Chief Secretary, Govt. of
7. The Chief Puducherry, Puducherry.
Secretary, A&NIAdministration, Port Blair.
8. The Advisor to Administrator, Chandigarh
9. The Advisor to the Hon'ble LG, Ladakh Administration, Chandigarh
10. The Advisor to Administrator, Administration, Leh.
Lakshadweep Administration, Kavaratti
11. The Advisor to Administrator, DNH&DD
Administration, Moti Daman.
Sub: Exercise of one-time option by IAS/IPS
officers of joint AGMUT care for
coverage under the AIl India Services
instead of NPS- reg. (Death-cum-Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958
Iam directed to refer to the
DoP&T's circular dated 13.07.2023 on the subject cited
and to forward herewith a copy of the
same with the request that the above
under the AIS DCRB) Rules, 1958 instead of applications for coverage
joint AGMUT cadre may be forwarded to this NPS in respect of the eligible IAS/IPS officers of
Ministry for
Yours faithfully,
(Rakesh Kumar Singh)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
STG) heee
: Ph. 2309-2688
3/UT- UTS(I)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated 3/07/2023
The Chief Secretaries
AllState Governments and UTS
Subject: Coverage under AII India Services.
of National Pension
Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958, in place Services
AIl India who were
Systenm, of those members of on or
posts/vacancies advertised/notified
recruited against the
before 22.12.2003.
(NPS) vide
Consequent on introduction of National Pension System22.12.2003,
Ministry of Finance Notification No.5/7/2003-£CB&PR dated 1958 and All
All India Services (Death-Cum-Retirement Benefits)were
(Provident Fund) Rules, 1955 amended vide
India Services
Notifications dated 07.02.2004 & 17.05.2004 respectively to mandate
or after
that the members of All India Services (AIS) appointed onof the old
01.01.2004 will be covered under NPS, and that the benefits
Defined Benefit Pension Scheme and GPF will not be available to
2. Subsequently, on the basis of the judgments of various Hon'ble
Courts and Hon'ble CATS allowing benefits of the old Defined
Pension: Scheme to Government servants appointed on or after
01.01.2004 against the posts/vacancies advertised for recruitment prior
to the notification of NPS (|.e. 22.12.2003), representations have been
received in this Department from similarly placed members of AIS
requesting extension of benefit of pension scheme under AIS (DCRB)
Rules, 1958.
3. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Department
of Expenditure and it has been decided that the AIS officers, who
have been appointed against a post/vacancy which was
advertised/notified for recruitment prior to the date of
notification of NPS (..e.. 22.12.2003) and who are covered under
NPS on joining Service on or after 01.01.2004, may be granted
one-time option to be covered under the provisions of old
pension scheme under AlS (DCRB) Rules, 1958.
4.! Further, the members of Service, who prior to joining AIS were
selected in a Central Government service which was covered under CCS
(Pension) Rules, 1972 (now 2021) or any other similar rules, are also
eligible to be covered under the provisions of D/o P&PW 0.M. dated
03.03.2023 and, hence, are eligible to be granted one-time option to be
covered under the' provisions of old penision scheme under AlS (DCRB)
Rules, 1958. "
(Kuldeep ch¡udhàry)
Under Secretary to Government of India
Tel: 011-2309 4714
Copy to:
i. Joint Secretary (Police-), Ministry of Home Affairs, North Block, New
ii. Joint Secretary (UTS-1), Ministry of Home Affairs, North Block, New
ii. Joint Secretary (IFS), Ministry of Environments, Forest & Climate
Change, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, New Delhi
iv. All Central Government Ministries/Departments
v. Office of Controller General Of Accounts, Mahalekha Niyantrak
Bhawan, Ministry. of Finance, GPO Complex, BlQck E, Aviation
Colony, INA Colony, Delhi-110023
vi. Accountant General in the States and UTS
(Kuldeep Chaudhary)
Under Secretary to Government of India