Introduction To Solution Architecture
Introduction To Solution Architecture
ISBN-13: 9781797567617
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Introduction to Solution Architecture
Chapter 1. Introduction, Purpose and Scope ................................ .................................................
................................ ................. 16
1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
1.2 Who This Book Is Aimed At ................................................................................................................................................................... 18
1.3 Terminology ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 19
1.4 Structure and Contents of This Book .................................................................................................................................................... 19
1.5 Checklists ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Chapter 2. Solution Architecture and Solution Design ................................ .................................... 25
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 25
2.2 Solution Architecture – A Lesson From History................................................................................................................................ 29
2.3 Evolution of Solution Architecture and Solution Architect Role ................................................................................................... 30
2.4 What Is a Solution?.................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
2.4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
2.4.2 Scope of Complete Solution ............................................................................................................................................................................ 33
2.4.3 Solutions and Organisation Change .............................................................................................................................................................. 40
2.4.4 Solution Components and Organisation Change ........................................................................................................................................ 41
2.4.5 Solution Decomposition .................................................................................................................................................................................. 42
2.4.6 Solution Cost ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 44
2.4.7 Solution Options, Boundaries and Constraints ........................................................................................................................................... 48
2.5 Getting the Solution Design Right ......................................................................................................................................................... 50
2.6 The Solution Delivery Process in Context ........................................................................................................................................... 50
Chapter 3. Business Strategy, Architecture Strategy and Solution Design and Delivery .............. 57
3.1 Why Solutions Fail .................................................................................................................................................................................... 57
3.1.1 The Business Value of Solution Architecture ............................................................................................................................................... 71
3.2 Solution Architecture and Risk Management ..................................................................................................................................... 71
3.3 Architecture Disciplines, Context and Interactions .......................................................................................................................... 75
3.3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 75
3.3.2 Run the Business and Change the Business .................................................................................................................................................. 80
3.3.3 IT Architecture Principles ............................................................................................................................................................................... 81
3.3.4 Problems with IT Architecture Operation.................................................................................................................................................... 83
3.3.5 Shadow IT .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 86
Chapter 4. Solution Architecture Engagement and the Solution Design Process ......................... 91
4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 91
4.2 Problem and Solution Knowledge and Complexity .......................................................................................................................... 95
4.2.1 Problem and Solution Knowledge ................................................................................................................................................................. 95
4.2.2 Solution Complexity....................................................................................................................................................................................... 100
4.3 Solution Design, Delivery and Operation Context .......................................................................................................................... 112
4.4 Solution Architecture Interface with the Business Analysis Function, Requirements Gathering and Process Analysis 124
4.4.1 Requirements Engineering ............................................................................................................................................................................ 129
4.4.2 Business Processes .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 134 Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN)................................................................................................................................. 151
4.5 Solution Architecture Engagement Process ...................................................................................................................................... 158
4.6 Solution Architecture Engagements .................................................................................................................................................... 161
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Chapter 5. Solution Architecture and Digital Transformation ....................................................
................................ .................... 391
5.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 391
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5.2 Digital Strategy in Business and Information Technology Context ............................................................................................ 396
5.3 Digital Target Architecture ................................................................................................................................................................... 399
5.4 Digital and Solution Architecture ........................................................................................................................................................ 415
5.4.1 Digital Solution Integration........................................................................................................................................................................... 416
5.4.2 Range of Solutions Within Digital Transformation .................................................................................................................................. 417
5.4.3 Digital Design Principles ............................................................................................................................................................................... 418
5.4.4 Digital Solution Architecture Interactions With Other Architecture Functions .................................................................................. 420
Chapter 6. Agile Solution Design and Delivery ................................ ............................................
................................ ............ 422
6.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 422
6.2 Agile Approach to Solution Delivery .................................................................................................................................................. 423
6.3 Using Agile Solution Delivery Effectively .......................................................................................................................................... 426
6.4 Agile Solution Delivery Pillar One - Solution Delivery Selection and Validation ................................................................... 427
6.5 Agile Solution Delivery Pillar Two - Control Components of Agile Process ............................................................................ 431
6.6 Agile Solution Delivery Pillar Three - Agile Tools and Techniques ............................................................................................ 434
6.7 Agile Solution Delivery Pillar Four - Agile Solution Delivery Phases ......................................................................................... 435
6.7.1 Agile Solution Delivery Phase 1 - Pre-Project Phase ................................................................................................................................. 437
6.7.2 Agile Solution Delivery Phase 2 - Feasibility Analysis and Study Phase ................................................................................................ 438
6.7.3 Agile Solution Delivery Phase 3 - Business Study Phase........................................................................................................................... 439
6.7.4 Agile Solution Delivery Phase 4 - Functional Model Iteration Phase ..................................................................................................... 441
6.7.5 Agile Solution Delivery Phase 5 - Design and Build Iteration Phase ...................................................................................................... 442
6.7.6 Agile Solution Delivery Phase 6 - Implementation Phase ........................................................................................................................ 444
6.7.7 Agile Solution Delivery Phase 7 - Post-Project Phase ............................................................................................................................... 445
Chapter 7. Solution Architecture and Solution Acquisition ................................ ........................ 447
7.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 447
7.1.1 Service Planning and Initiation/Transfer Approach ................................................................................................................................. 452 Activities for Initiation/Transition and Service Delivery Phases .................................................................................................... 454 Activities for Ongoing Phases............................................................................................................................................................... 459
7.1.2 Supplier Assessment and Validation............................................................................................................................................................ 466
Chapter 8. The Solution Architecture Function ................................ ...........................................
................................ ........... 472
8.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 472
8.2 Solution Architecture Skills, Capabilities and Experience ............................................................................................................. 472
8.2.1 Technical Skills ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 474
8.2.2 Analytical Thinking and Resolution Identification ................................................................................................................................... 476
8.2.3 Behavioural Characteristics ........................................................................................................................................................................... 478
8.2.4 Business Knowledge ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 480
8.2.5 Collaboration Skills ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 483
8.2.6 Communication Skills .................................................................................................................................................................................... 485
8.2.7 Tools and Techniques .................................................................................................................................................................................... 486
8.3 Solution Architecture Function............................................................................................................................................................ 487
8.3.1 Solution Architecture Function Context ..................................................................................................................................................... 487
8.3.2 Solution Architecture Function Structure................................................................................................................................................... 489
8.3.3 Solution Architecture Centre of Excellence ................................................................................................................................................ 492
8.3.4 Some Solution Architecture Function Issues.............................................................................................................................................. 504 Conway’s Law.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 505 Cognitive Diversity................................................................................................................................................................................. 506
8.3.5 Solution Architecture Tools .......................................................................................................................................................................... 511 Solution Architecture Design Tools .................................................................................................................................................... 512 Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM) ........................................................................................ 516 Solution Survey and Feasibility Study ................................................................................................................................ 517 Structured Analysis ............................................................................................................................................................... 518 Structured Design .................................................................................................................................................................. 518
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Chapter 9. Solution Archit ................................................................
ecture and Innovation ................................ ........................................
................................ ........ 534
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List of Tables
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List of Figures
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Figure 61 – Maximising the Solution Knowns and Minimising the Unknowns ......................................................................................................... 99
Figure 62 – Solution Option Definition Steps .................................................................................................................................................................. 99
Figure 63 – Solution Design Complexity Heatmap ....................................................................................................................................................... 100
Figure 64 – The Waterbed Analogy of Necessary Solution Complexity .................................................................................................................... 102
Figure 65 – Accumulating Solution Complexity ............................................................................................................................................................ 103
Figure 66 – Simple and Complex Problems and Solutions........................................................................................................................................... 103
Figure 67 – Solution Complexity and Time to Deliver ................................................................................................................................................. 104
Figure 68 – Non-Linear Nature of Solution Delivery Complexity .............................................................................................................................. 107
Figure 69 – Adjusted Complexity Curve ......................................................................................................................................................................... 107
Figure 70 – Sample Solution Complexity Score on Solution Complexity Curve ...................................................................................................... 110
Figure 71 – Sample Solution Complexity Dashboard.................................................................................................................................................... 111
Figure 72 – Solution Complexity Dashboard With Not Applicable Complexity Factors ........................................................................................ 112
Figure 73 – Iterated Solution Delivery Phases ................................................................................................................................................................ 113
Figure 74 – Expanded Set of Solution Delivery Steps .................................................................................................................................................... 114
Figure 75 – Solution Delivery Process with Solution Delivery Phase and Role Dimensions .................................................................................. 115
Figure 76 – Progress of Solution Delivery Through Phases and Roles ....................................................................................................................... 123
Figure 77 – Foundational Solution Delivery Activities ................................................................................................................................................. 124
Figure 78 – Sparse Business Stakeholder Requirements and the Complete Set of Solution Requirements .......................................................... 127
Figure 79 – Mapping the Requirements Space to the Solution Space ......................................................................................................................... 129
Figure 80 – Wider Requirements Engineering Landscape ........................................................................................................................................... 130
Figure 81 – Hierarchy of Information Technology, Business Processes and Value Achieved ................................................................................ 135
Figure 82 – Lessons Learned from Large Solutions Implementations ........................................................................................................................ 137
Figure 83 – Process Optimisation Through Compression of Steps and Collapse of Handoffs............................................................................... 138
Figure 84 – Generic Representation of a Process ........................................................................................................................................................... 140
Figure 85 – Process Decomposition ................................................................................................................................................................................. 141
Figure 86 – Process Decomposition Example................................................................................................................................................................. 141
Figure 87 – Identification of Fundamental Business Process Activity Sets ................................................................................................................ 142
Figure 88 – Activity Linkage within Processes ............................................................................................................................................................... 143
Figure 89 – Process Inputs, Rules, Actions, Decisions and Results ............................................................................................................................. 143
Figure 90 – Process Groups ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 144
Figure 91 – Business Process Analysis High-Level Steps .............................................................................................................................................. 146
Figure 92 – Process Analysis Information Structure ..................................................................................................................................................... 147
Figure 93 – Business Process Design Success Factors ................................................................................................................................................... 148
Figure 94 – Business Process Design Standards and Approaches – Part 1 ................................................................................................................ 150
Figure 95 – Business Process Design Standards and Approaches – Part 2 ................................................................................................................ 150
Figure 96 – BPMN Pools and Lanes ................................................................................................................................................................................. 152
Figure 97 – BPMN Structure ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 152
Figure 98 – BPMN Flow Objects ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 153
Figure 99 – Modifying BPMN ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 154
Figure 100 – BPMN Event Modification ......................................................................................................................................................................... 156
Figure 101 – Solution Architecture Engagement Models ............................................................................................................................................. 159
Figure 102 – Mapping Business Need to Engagement Types....................................................................................................................................... 160
Figure 103 – Generalised Business Engagement Structure........................................................................................................................................... 161
Figure 104 – Creating Customised Set of Activities, Roles and Deliverables............................................................................................................. 162
Figure 105 – Possible Factors Driving the Need for a Business Engagement ............................................................................................................ 163
Figure 106 – Business Engagement Change Domains .................................................................................................................................................. 164
Figure 107 – Architecture Engagement Extended Factors ........................................................................................................................................... 165
Figure 108 – Core and Extended Engagement Teams................................................................................................................................................... 166
Figure 109 – Business Engagement High Level Activities and Their Logical Sequence .......................................................................................... 167
Figure 110 – Business Engagement Activity Sequencing .............................................................................................................................................. 168
Figure 111 – Steps Within Business Engagement Activity 0. Define And Agree Engagement Scope ................................................................... 169
Figure 112 – Sample Table of Contents for Architecture Engagement Main Deliverable ....................................................................................... 174
Figure 113 – Steps Within Business Engagement Activity 1. Information Collection And Assessment .............................................................. 175
Figure 114 – What Customers Want ............................................................................................................................................................................... 178
Figure 115 – Data Relationship Diagram ........................................................................................................................................................................ 180
Figure 116 – Business Solution Classification ................................................................................................................................................................ 182
Figure 117 – Steps Within Business Engagement Activity 2. Define Vision, Business Principles And System Principles ................................ 183
Figure 118 – Business Model Canvass ............................................................................................................................................................................. 186
Figure 119 – Principles, Limitations and Assumptions Across Core Business Domains. ....................................................................................... 188
Figure 120 – Steps Within Business Engagement Activity 3. Document Business Processes, Entity Model, Capacity Planning And Solution
Approach .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 191
Figure 121 – Right-to-Left BPI and Left-to-Right BPR ................................................................................................................................................. 192
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Figure 308 – Finding The Right Balance Of Cognitive Diversity ................................................................................................................................ 511
Figure 309 – SSADM Design Approach .......................................................................................................................................................................... 517
Figure 310 – Archimate Structure .................................................................................................................................................................................... 519
Figure 311 – Archimate Strategy Layer Elements .......................................................................................................................................................... 520
Figure 312 – Archimate Business Layer Elements ......................................................................................................................................................... 521
Figure 313 – Archimate Application Layer Elements.................................................................................................................................................... 522
Figure 314 – Archimate Technology Layer Elements.................................................................................................................................................... 524
Figure 315 – Archimate Physical Layer Elements .......................................................................................................................................................... 525
Figure 316 – Archimate Motivation Aspect Elements .................................................................................................................................................. 526
Figure 317 – Archimate Representation of the Solution on a Page ............................................................................................................................. 527
Figure 318 – Archimate Representation of Sample Data Integration and Exchange Options ................................................................................ 527
Figure 319 – Archimate Representation of Solution Data Landscape ........................................................................................................................ 528
Figure 320 – Innovation Formula..................................................................................................................................................................................... 534
Figure 321 – Complete Innovation Process .................................................................................................................................................................... 535
Figure 322 – Types of Innovation ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 535
Figure 323 – Innovation Value Equation ........................................................................................................................................................................ 536
Figure 324 – Being Good At Innovation Means Being Good At Change .................................................................................................................. 536
Figure 325 – Solution Architecture and Innovation ...................................................................................................................................................... 537
Figure 326 – Sample Technology Radar .......................................................................................................................................................................... 538
Figure 327 – Profile Of Investment In Innovation Across Innovation Areas............................................................................................................ 539
Figure 328 – Profile Of Return on Investment In Innovation Across Innovation Areas ........................................................................................ 539
Figure 329 – Comparison of Investment and Return on Investment In Innovation Across Innovation Areas................................................... 540
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Introduction to Solution Architecture
1.1 Introduction
This book describes solution architecture as a value-adding information technology consulting service. Solution architecture
is concerned with the design and definition of (information technology) solutions so they can be subsequently implemented,
used, operated and supported securely and efficiently. The solution exists to operate business processes in order to achieve
business objectives, meet a business need and deliver business value. Solution architecture is concerned with engaging with
the originating business function looking for the solution to create a solution vision and design a solution that meet their
needs, subject to a range of constraints such as cost and affordability, time to deliver and organisational standards. The
solution must exist as a coherent whole.
Solutions must be designed consistently across the solution landscape and make optimum use of appropriate technologies.
Solution architecture must focus on creating usable and useful solutions. Solution architecture must have a standard reliable
approach to business engagements and the design of solution that emerge from them.
Solution architecture must work collaboratively with other information technology functions – other architecture roles,
business analysis and service management – to ensure continuity along the solution delivery journey.
• Having a depth and breadth of solution delivery and technical experience to be able to identify solution design options
• Being able to understand the detail of the solution while maintaining a view of the wider (and higher) context of the
business need for the solution and being able to explain both these views of sets of information
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• Being able to communicate effectively with all parties – technical and business – involved in the solution design and
delivery journey, assist with decision-making, be realistic and make appropriate compromises and design choices in
order to create the best solution design
• Being able to apply technology appropriately and with selective innovation (and the desire to constantly acquire new
knowledge and ways of applying technology)
• Being involved in the solution delivery journey along its entire length
A solution is almost never just a custom-developed software component. The complete span of a solution consists of many
components that must be designed and delivered in order to create a usable and operable solution. These solution
components can consist acquired or developed software, new and changed existing business processes, data migrations and
new data loads, organisation changes, infrastructure, service management processes, maintenance and support services, initial
period of hypercare and others.
• The need for solution architecture to concern itself with the full breadth and depth of the solution
• The way in which solution architecture can contribute to ensuring the success of solution delivery
• Solution architecture is or has the potential to be a value-adding information technology consulting service
• That solution architecture should be involved during the solution delivery journey
• The need for solution architecture to have skills in other information technology areas such as data architecture, security
and external solution component acquisition
• The importance for solution architecture to work closely with other information technology functions such as business
analysis, solution delivery, other information technology architecture functions and service management
• The need for solution architecture to be able to engage flexibly and in different ways with the business function where the
need for a solution originates to offer consulting and value-adding services to the business organisation
• The way in which the solution architecture function can structure itself to be able to provide such value
• The need for solution architecture to be aware of and be able to respond to information technology and business trends
and changes
• To express a complete end-to-end solution design approach, from initial idea to steady state solution operation
• To describe the wider context of solution architecture and solution design within the information technology function
and the business, including how solution architecture can assist with addressing the issue of solution delivery failure
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• To describe the importance of solution architecture in the successful delivery of operable, useful, usable, maintainable
and supportable solutions
• To detail a set of solution architecture engagements where the solution architect can work with the business in a variety
of ways to create designs to resolve problems or address challenges of opportunities
• To examine specific solution architecture areas of concern such as data architecture, security or digital transformation
• To define the concept of a Solution Architecture Centre of Excellence and to describe its possible structure and operation
• To identify existing well-defined and well-proven frameworks, standards and approaches that can be successfully applied
to solution architecture
The book is not about specific technologies that are included in solutions. There are simply too many technologies to cover
across the span of an information technology solution. Those technologies are constantly changing. The way in which those
technologies are implemented and deployed is also changing. An increasing number of the application components of
solutions consists of acquired products or services rather than developed software. The span of any book on solution
architecture can be located along two dimensions: its technology and solution emphasis ranging from narrow to broad and its
engagement emphasis from an internally-focussed technical approach to a wider consulting one. This book is very definitely
located in the domain that is the combination of broad solution and consulting areas.
• Existing solution architects who want to have a more theoretical and a broader understanding of their role
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• Existing or new managers of solution architecture functions who want to create a high-performing practice within their
organisations and who want to articulate the benefits and value solution architect can contribute both to the information
technology function and the wider business and the potential it can offer to the business organisation
• Mangers of information technology functions who want to understand what solution architecture is, where it fits into the
wider architecture context and disciplines and solution delivery and operation and the value it can contribute to both the
information technology function and the wider business
• Other information technology architects who want to understand how the architecture disciplines can work together to
deliver value
• Business analysts and managers of business analysis functions who want to understand how they can work more closely
with the solution architecture function in order to provide the business with a better overall solution analysis, design and
delivery service
• Other information technology personnel who are interested in moving into solution architecture and who want to
understand what it is
• Consulting organisations and individuals who want to develop and offer value-adding solution architecture services
• Students who are interested in understanding the principles of solution architecture and solution design from a business-
oriented viewpoint
1.3 Terminology
In this book, solution architecture means the function and the process that creates solution designs. Solution designs are the
specification for solutions. These designs can be at various levels of detail.
The phrases solution architect and solution designer have the same meaning. This is the role that creates solution designs and
participates in business engagements that resolve problems or address challenges and opportunities.
I have numbered the chapters and sections of this book to allow them to be referred easily. While this may seem cumbersome
it makes for easy identification of and cross-referencing between sections and avoids duplication of information.
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• Solution Architecture and Solution Chapter 2 on page 25 - Summarises the capabilities of solution
Design architecture and provides a context for solution design
o Evolution of Solution Section 2.3 on page 30 - Briefly provides background information to the
Architecture and Solution evolution of the solution architect role
Architect Role
o What Is a Solution Section 2.4 on page 33 - Defines what exact a complete solution consists
of, the true cost of a solution, the solution boundaries and options and
the underlying need for organisational change
o Getting the Solution Design Section 2.5 on page 50 - What is involved in getting the solution design
Right right
o The Solution Delivery Process Section 2.6 on page 50 - What is involved in delivering the solution
in Context
• Business Strategy, Architecture Strategy Chapter 3 on page 57 - Contains details on where solution architecture
and Solution Design And Delivery fits into the organisation's over strategy
o Why Solutions Fail Section 3.1 on page 57 - Describes how the delivery of solutions fail and
how solution architecture can mitigate against solution failure
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o Solution Architecture and Risk Section 3.2 on page 71 - Describes how solution architecture can address
Management solution delivery risks
o Architecture Disciplines, Section 3.3 on page 75 - Provides information on the interfaces and
Context and Interactions interactions between solution architecture and the other IT architecture
disciplines, defines solution architecture principles, identifies the
problems that can exist with IT architecture operation and describes how
these problems can contribute to the growth of Shadow IT
• Solution Architecture Engagement And Chapter 4 on page 91 - Details the various approaches to creating
The Solution Design Process solution designs and describes a number of engagement processes to suit
different sets of circumstances
o Problem and Solution Section 4.2 on page 95 - Describes the concepts of problems and solution
Knowledge and Complexity knowledge and the concept of necessary and unnecessary complexity
o Solution Design, Delivery and Section 4.3 on page 112 - Outlines the general approach to delivering
Operation Context solutions
o Solution Architecture Interface Section 4.4 on page 124 - Identifies the importance of the solution
With The Business Analysis architecture function working closely with the business analysis function,
Function problems with traditional requirements gathering and describes the
importance of business processes in solution design
o Solution Architecture Section 4.5 on page 158 - Discusses the need for different ways the
Engagement Process solution architecture function can engage with the business organisation
to design solutions
Business Engagement Section 4.6.1 on page 161 - Details a business consulting service the
solution architecture function can offer in advance of any formal solution
design engagement
Early Engagement Section 4.6.4 on page 235 - Describes a process for helping the business
organisation put a structure on an ill-defined problematic situation and
determining solution options
Rapid Solution Design Section 4.6.5 on page 257 - Describes a process for creating a high-level
Option Engagement solution design quickly to assist with effective decision making
Structured Solution Section 4.6.6 on page 276 - Details a formal and structured solution
Design Engagement design process
o Solution Architecture and Section 4.7 on page 311 - Discusses the importance of solution usability
Solution Experience and in the solution design process
o Data Architectural Aspects of Section 4.8 on page 321 - Details the need to include data architecture
Solution Architecture and especially data integration, transfers and interfaces in the solution
design process and defines a detailed approach to perform this work
o Security and Privacy Section 4.9 on page 352 - Discusses the need to include security and
privacy in the solution design from the start of the process
o Solution Architecture and Section 4.10 on page 377 - Outlines the various artefacts that can be
Design Artefacts produced during the various solution design engagements and processes
o Solution Assessment and Section 4.11 on page 381 - Describes the need to and a framework for
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• Solution Architecture and Digital Chapter 5 on page 391 - Describes the contribution solution architecture
Transformation can make to designing solutions that achieve digital transformation
• Agile Solution Design and Delivery Chapter 6 on page 422 - Outlines an iterative and flexible approach to
solution design and delivery
• Solution Architecture and Solution Chapter 7 on page 447 - Details the approach to the procurement of
Acquisition packaged solution components
• The Solution Architecture Function Chapter 8 on page 472 - Contains information on the structure of the
solution architecture function, defines a solution architecture capability
model, introduces the concept of the Solution Architecture of Excellence
and highlights potential issues that can arise with the solution
architecture function
o Solution Architecture Skills, Section 8.2 on page 472 - Describes a set of skills that are required for a
Capabilities and Experience solution architect and defines a capability model
o Solution Architecture Function Section 8.3 on page 487 - Discusses the structure of the solution
architecture function
o Solution Architecture Tools Section 8.3.5 on page 511 - Outlines various tools and techniques that can
be used by solution architects
• Solution Architecture and Innovation Chapter 9 on page 534 - Describes how the solution architecture function
can assist the organisation with solution and technology innovation
1.5 Checklists
This book contains a lot of information in the form of tables and lists. While densely-presented material in this format may be
more difficult to read than narrative text, this information can be applied in the form of checklists. These can be used during
different stages of the business engagement and solution design processes. The following table lists some of these checklists.
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Section 4.4.2 Lessons Learned from System List of lessons learned when implementing large
Implementation systems
Causes Of Waste Causes of waste in business process design and
Business Process Design Success Factors List of factors that lead to successful business
process design
Business Process Design Standards and List of standards to use when designing business
Approaches processes
Section Factors Driving the Need for a Business List of reasons that give rise to the need for a
Engagement solution architecture engagement with the
Architecture Engagement Extended List of factors that govern the scope of the
Factors solution architecture engagement with the
Section on page 167 Business Engagement High Level List of stages in the solution architecture
Activities engagement with the business
Section on page Business Vision Factors List of factors to be considered when developing
183 the initial business vision
Section on page Business Domain Principles List of current and target application and
188 system, business process, organisation and
structure and locations and offices principles
Section on page Cost Estimation Process List of steps involved in creating a solution cost
199 estimate
Section on page Factors Affecting Application And Data List of factors to use when analysing and
209 Organisation defining the business application and data
Section on page Product and Service Evaluation And List of factors to use when evaluating products
213 Selection and services
Section on page Activities to Design Infrastructure Model List of steps to perform when designing the
221 Architecture business infrastructure architecture
Section 4.6.2 on page 226 Steps in Solution Design Process List of steps to following in the solution design
Section on page 251 Resolution Options List of options to evaluate the available
resolution options
Solution Quality Factors List of solution quality and operational factors
Section 4.6.5 on page 257 Rapid Solution Design Steps List of steps to follow when creating an initial
high-level solution design
Section 4.6.6 on page 276 Solution Design Activities Across List of steps to follow and information to gather
Solution Views when creating a detailed solution design
Section 4.7 on page 311 Solution Usability Factors List of factors to consider when assessing the
usability of a solution
Solution Usability Standards List of standards and methodologies developed
for solution usability
Section 4.8.1 on page 321 Solution Data Management Framework List of data management framework
components that can be used to validate the data
aspects of a solution
Section 4.8.2 on page 326 Components in Solution Data Landscape List of possible component types and their
interactions in a solution data landscape
Section 4.8.4 on page 337 Data Lifecycle Stages Set of stages in the data lifecycle
Section 4.8.5 on page 339 Data Integration Types and Solution List of data integration option, components and
Components interactions
Section 4.9.1 on page 352 Solution Security Controls List of security controls to use the check the
security of a solution
Security Standards List of security standards and frameworks
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Section on page 366 Privacy and Personal Data Related List of data privacy processes that apply to
Processes and Impact on Solution Design personal data and how they will impact solution
Section 4.10 on page 377 Solution Design Table of Contents Table of contents of a solution design artefact
Section 4.11.1 on page 381 Solution Benefits Review Checklist Checklist of potential solution benefits
Section 4.11.2 on page 383 Solution Design Review Checklist Checklist of design factors to be used in solution
design reviews
Section 5.3 on page 399 Digital Target Architecture Components List of components of a digital reference
Section 5.4.3 on page 418 Digital Solution Common Characteristics Set of principles to consider when designing
and Principles solutions with a digital focus
Section 6.3 on page 426 Agile Solution Design and Delivery List of solution design principles to apply when
Principles using an agile approach
Section 6.4 on page 427 Agile Approach Suitability Checklist Checklist of questions to assess if a solution is
suitable for an agile process
Key Principles of Iterative Agile Set of principles to apply when using an agile
Approach solution design and delivery approach
Section 6.5 on page 431 Control Components of Agile Process Set of controls to use when following an agile
solution design and delivery approach
Section 6.7.2 on page 438 Agile Feasibility Analysis and Study Checklists on the initial study and feasibility
Checklists plan
Section 7.1 on page 447 Solution Architecture and Solution List of standards and methodologies that can be
Acquisition Approaches applied for solution procurement
Aspects of a Solution or Service List of characteristics of a solution or service
being procured
Section 7.1.1 on page 452 Sourcing Phases and Activities Set of activities to be performed when sourcing a
Section on page 454 Solution Architecture Activities During Set of activities to be performed when
Initiation/Transition and Service transitioning to a newly acquired product or
Delivery Phases service
Section on page 459 Solution Architecture Activities During Set of activities to be performed during the life
Ongoing Service Phase of an acquired product or service
Section 7.1.2 on page 466 Service Organisation Controls Structure Set of controls to be applied to an organisation
providing a service
Section 8.2 on page 472 Solution Architect Skills, Capabilities and Checklist of solution architecture skills and
Experience capabilities
Section 8.3.2 on page 489 Solution Architecture Function Structure Set of capabilities of a solution architecture
Section 8.3.3 on page 492 Solution Architecture Centre Of Set of capabilities of a solution architecture
Excellence (SACOE) Functions centre of excellence
Solution Architecture Knowledge and Checklist for assessing the skills, experience,
Skills knowledge and capabilities of solution architects
Section on page 512 Solution Architecture Design Tools List of architecture design tools
Section on page 528 IT Architecture Frameworks, List of architecture standards, methodologies
Methodologies and Description and design languages
Chapter 9 on page 534 Areas To Look For Innovation List of potential areas where to look for and
apply innovation
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Introduction to Solution Architecture
2.1 Introduction
Solution architecture and design is concerned with the definition and description of new (Information Technology) solution
designs to resolve problems or address opportunities through engagement with the business. The solution may or may not
include a technology component. For example, the optimum solution could involve just business process and organisation
Generally there are many potential resolutions to a problem with varying degrees of suitability and cost. All solutions are
subject to constraints. The solution constraints need to be included in the solution design process.
These resolutions can be standard solutions where the knowledge – problem knowledge and solution knowledge - required to
create the design is known and available or new and innovative where there are knowledge gaps that must be identified and
Solution architecture requires a (changing) combination of technical, leadership, interpersonal skills, experience, analysis,
appropriate creativity, reflection and intuition applied in a structured manner to derive the most suitable solution.
Solution architecture involves a number of overlapping foundational capabilities, sets of knowledge and areas of interaction
and involvement with other areas of the organisation.
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Figure 3 – Overlapping Solution Architecture Capabilities and Areas of Solution Involvement and Knowledge
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1. External – making the skills and capabilities of the function known to the
wider business, handling requests from business functions for consulting and
solution design engagements, managing the progress and the quality of the
work done and any deliverables created, handling and resolving issues and
establishing and maintaining relationships. The management can also advertise
the work of the function and conduct regular showcase events where new
technologies and technical capabilities that might be of potential use are
demonstrated to the business.
Other Information Technology Functions – developing and maintaining
relationships with information technology management, other architecture
functions, business analysis, solution delivery and service management.
Specific Solution Information The solution business stakeholders will provide details on some of the solution
Gathering, Requirements
Requirements requirements. The solution architect must be able to work with the business analysis
Specification And Business function define the full set of solution requirements, including operational and
Processes quality ones. The solution architect must understand the underlying existing and
new business processes that the solution aims to enable and operate.
Solution Design And The solution architect must be able to specify the design of the complete solution
Specification that includes all the areas that must be worked on to create a full operable, usable,
maintainable and supportable solution. The solution architect must have the
necessary technical skills to define the technology aspects of the solution in
sufficient detail to allow the design to be implemented.
Data, Security And Integration Data across all its dimensions of generation, transportation, processing and
retention breathes life into the solution. The solution architect must specify the
solution data landscape in sufficient detail to ensure that the solution can work and
handle the required data interactions and volumes. The solution and its data must
be secure across all its components. The solution will be required to integrate with
other components, other systems and solutions and other entities. The solution
architect must understand and describe this integration environment.
Solution Delivery And The solution architecture function must provide solution leadership and solution
Implementation Including subject matter expertise as the solution and its individual components are
Testing, Infrastructure And implemented and integrated. This includes working to define the necessary
Communications, Acquisition infrastructure and acquire the necessary external products and services.
Service Management, Transition The solution must be transitioned to production. The necessary service
To Production management processes must be put in place to allow this. The solution architecture
function must work with service management early during solution design to
ensure this work is understood and specified.
Ongoing Enhancement And After the solution is operational, it will be subject to ongoing requests for
Change enhancements and fixes. The solution architecture function can provide solution
leadership and solution subject matter expertise to assist with this.
Table 2 – Overlapping Solution Architecture Capabilities and Areas of Solution Involvement and Knowledge
Solution architecture needs to be an operational and transactional function within information technology. It needs to be
capable to doing work and achieving results and value to the organisation. It is a doing as well as a thinking function.
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Solutions are designed, delivered and operated on these foundational pillars. Chapter 8 on page 472 looks at the structure of
the solution architecture function and the capabilities of a solution architect in more detail needed to achieve this.
The purpose of the solution architecture deliverable – the solution design – is to enable the solution to be implemented and
operated. The design is a specification of an IT-oriented solution whose purpose is to realise a defined set of end states and
generate a set of outputs. The solution is intended to operate in a defined environment. The solution is designed to satisfy a
set of requirements and to meet a set of expectations. The solution and its design are subject to a variety of environment-
specific constraints and limitations.
The means by which the design is arrived at is not necessarily straightforward and linear. The design process may involve
different engagements with the business and business stakeholders as the problem being resolved or the challenge being
addressed is expanded on, clarified and ultimately defined to a sufficiently detailed extent that it can be passed to delivery.
Solutions are typically described and defined in the context of individual solution delivery projects. That is, solutions are
implemented individually by separate projects or as a collection of solutions implemented as a programme. The solution is
intrinsically concerned with solving one problem.
The high-level context of an individual solution design incorporates the aspects of:
• The functionality of the solution – what is how and how the functionality is to be delivered and operated, how it is
implemented and subsequently supported and maintained
• How the solution appears to users, how users access and interact with and use it
• The operating landscape of the solution in terms of the business processes, organisation structures and users (and its
external users, if relevant)
However, the solution architecture practice or function within an organisation must be able to co-ordinate and manage the
creation of multiple solutions designs that work in an integrated business and information technology organisation context.
The individual solution designs create by the members of the solution architecture team must maximise the use of
organisation technical resources and comply with organisation standards. One of the key roles of the solution architecture
function and the individual solution architects is to avoid the creation of multiple point solutions with little commonality and
reuse that increase long-term information technology costs for the organisation.
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The theory and practice of project management is mature, well-proven and clearly defined. The benefits of project
management are understood and appreciated. The necessary costs of a project management overhead to a delivery project are
accepted. Likewise, business analysis is reasonably well-defined, though not to the same extent as project management.
Business analysts tend to be siloed into the requirements gathering phase of solution delivery. Solution architecture is as not
well-defined or understood as these other practices.
The project is the temporary engagement to get the solution operational. The solution will endure long after its delivery
project has come to an end. The solution will continue to be used and to incur ongoing costs in terms of its operation,
support and maintenance. Problems with and inefficiencies in the solution will have long-term consequences.
In Book 1, Chapter 2 of The Fundamental Principles Of Architecture 1, Vitruvius gives the core principles of architecture
He then expands on each of these principles to describe a more detailed framework and set of values for architectural designs.
This expansion can be described as follows:
Ten Books on Architecture Marcus Vitruvius Pollio,
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These principles are just as relevant and today and applicable to the design of information technology solutions.
The overall solution must be designed in the context of its components. Each component needs to be designed within the
overall solution setting. The overall design must be described in a number of different views. The approach to creating a
design involves both the application of thought, principles and standards and the application of creativity. The components of
the design must fit and worth together. The design must be appropriate to its intended usage. Finally, the design must be
created to be implemented cost effectively, optimising resource usage and available component reuse.
These are values that can be employed today. Much of this book can be said to follow from and expand on them.
The role of the solution architect is one that evolved as IT architecture changed from the early 1990s onwards. It continues to
evolve in the light of the major technology deployment changes that have occurred since then: from mainframe to client
server to N-tier models to web-based models to service orientation, XaaS patterns and digital transformation.
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Prior to the advent of client/server architecture and subsequent N-tier, distributed, service oriented, public-facing solution
and cloud architectures and the solutions deployed on them, there was effectively only one mainframe-based IT architecture
that evolved from or were similar to IBM System/360 and System/370 hardware (and from these all the way to the current
zEnterprise systems) and the various operating systems (OS/VS1, MVS/370, VM/SP, MVS/XA, VM/XA, MVS/ESA VM/ESA
up to the current zOS operating system) that ran on this hardware and provided the core work management, data
management and communications management facilities.
Figure 6 – High-
High-Level Logical Mainframe IT Architecture
In the context of this computing model, the platform was the IT architecture. The platform was homogenous, monolithic and
centralised. The IT architecture was effectively given and unvarying. All of the IT landscape was under the control of the
central platform. There was a master/slave relationship between the mainframe and attached components. The issues
regarding the design of solutions related to implementation factors such as batch or online processing or a combination of
both in a suite of applications, choice of development language (from a limited set), use of transaction processing facility as an
application development and deployment framework, the method of data storage and the functionality to be delivered.
In parallel to the relative lack of complexity in the IT landscape, concepts such as workflow and business process management
and design were very new and seldom applied.
In this context, the core solution design role was performed by the systems analysis function that was involved in the analysis,
design and assisted with the subsequent implementation and transfer to operation of information system solutions. The
systems analyst was both business-facing, working with the business function to understand their requirements and IT-
facing, designing IT solutions and working with developers to implement them and participating in their development and
testing. The work of the systems analyst was divided into two parts: systems analysis and systems design. Systems analysis
involves gathering information on how the work targeted for the proposed solution is being performed, what problems occur
and the options for the resolution. Systems design involves design the solution to replace or complement the existing work
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processes. The Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM) briefly described in section on page
516 was typically used in systems analysis.
The move from a centralised mainframe platform to one incorporating distributed and heterogeneous system components
requiring application and data integration gave rise to the need for a solution architect role to design solutions that
incorporated multiple components across this more diverse IT topography.
The systems analyst role split into separate roles: the business analysis that performed the business facing role and the
solution architect that performed the solution design role. While the systems analyst role continues in many incarnations it
does not have the same broad spread of activities that it had in the past.
The loss of the systems analyst role as a function that worked across analysing business requirements, designing solutions to
meet those requirements and subsequently on the development and implementation of those solutions means that this broad
view is all too frequently absent from the current analysis and design processes. The platform nature of the mainframe-based
IT architecture for which solutions were designed and on which they were deployed and operated allowed for one role to
encompass the full scope of the solution journey. The complexity and heterogeneity of current IT architectures means that
this is more difficult.
The existence of separate functions means that there are handoffs between functions of information related to solution design
rather than the previous continuity. This issue is discussed more in section 2.6 on page 50.
The functional specification artefact that was produced by the systems analyst that specified the detailed design and operation
of the solution has now also almost disappeared from the current solution design process and the associated set of artefacts
now produced.
The current process frequently involves multiple handoffs and associated artefacts are passed between the separate roles, from
the business requirements specification produced by the business analyst to the solution design produced by the solution
architect to the technical design produced by the technical architect or the technical team lead.
The topic of the interface between the business analysis and solution architecture functions is covered in more detail in
section 4.4 on page 124.
The concept of the platform as the IT architecture for the organisation is discussed further in Chapter 5 on page 391 where
the future of solution architecture in the context of organisation digital transformation is examined. The question of whether
the digital framework to support the digital organisation represents a new platform that reduces or removes the need for
solution architecture is considered.
The monolithic centralised IT architecture meant that changes and new solutions were introduced slowly and expensively. It
was inflexible in responding quickly to business needs. The only data that was available was that obtained or presented
through reports.
This monolithic IT architecture has been replaced in many organisations by monolithic applications – large, apparently all-
encompassing systems such as ERP – that have the same characteristics of being inflexible, unyielding, slow and expensive to
change as large centralised systems.
This monumental approach to IT systems and the design of solutions that operate within this uniform and rigid context has
led in the past and continues to lead to the growth of Shadow IT. This is addressed further in section 3.3.5 on page 86.
The digital platform referred to in Chapter 5 on page 391 needs to avoid becoming another such monolithic information
technology system.
The solution architecture function could look to restore the depth and breadth of the systems analyst role in the way it
approaches being involved both in working with the business to define a solution and in subsequent solution delivery.
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2.4.1 Introduction
An (Information Technology) solution is a Resolver, a Provider or an Enabler. It fixes an existing set of problems. It
provides a new set of functions. It enables the consumers of the solutions to work in different ways to operate business
processes and provide new products and services or to provide existing products and services differently or take advantage of
a new opportunity.
The need for a solution arises because of one (or more) of the following occurs:
An originator will identify the need for a solution. Solution architecture must then work with the originator to provide a
usable response to the solution need. The resulting business solutions should be must haves rather than nice to haves in terms
of functionality and the requirements that are delivered.
The complete solution required is rarely, if ever, just a collection of software components. The whole solution comprises the
entire set of components needed to operate the business processes associated with delivering the service for which the
solution has been designed. Ultimately, a successful solution requires the interoperation of all these components and that the
components are properly designed and implemented.
Any complete solution will consist of zero or more instances of the following components types:
The affected applications will need to be identified and the nature of the changes required will
need to be described.
These will need to be tested during their implementation and the results of the testing actioned as
New Custom New software components will need to be developed.
Applications The list of these components will need to be identified.
This may include the development of prototypes to validate their functionality and/or their
appearance and navigation.
These will need to be tested during their implementation and the results of the testing actioned as
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The volume of data to be stored and the types of storage required to deliver the required access
times will need to be quantified.
Acquired, New software products that are intended to be installed on the organisation’s information
Configured and technology infrastructure will need to be acquired and then configured or customised.
Software Products The products required by the solution will need to be ascertained and the nature of the
configuration or customisation will need to be defined.
These will need to be tested during their implementation and the results of the testing actioned as
System Data may be supplied to or exchanged between solution components. These integrations, transfers
Integrations/ Data or exchanges can take many forms, from file transfer to messages exchanged using a message
Transfers/ queueing facility to data supplied by an application programming interface to data exchanged via
Exchanges a mailbox to email integration.
The precise method by which the data integrations, data transformations, transfers or exchanges
take place should be listed. The content and format of the data being exchanged, the protocols to
be used and the security to be applied should be defined.
If the infrastructural applications required to perform the data integrations, transfers or exchanges
are new then they should be listed as a member of Acquired and Customised Software Products.
Solution data stores are typically operational and do not store historical time-oriented data. The
reporting and analysis component may require a data warehouse.
The definition of reporting and analysis is frequently either an afterthought in solution design,
dropped from solution delivery because of schedule and cost pressures or is specified in a non-
integrated way using solution-specific tools.
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This may also require additional security infrastructure to support these new accesses.
Sets of Installation Some of the solution components may require externally provided installation and
and implementation services to install, configure or customise these components.
Cutover/ Transfer The solution will need to be transitioned to support. The support function will need to be trained
to Production And in providing first line support. Second and third level support arrangements will need to be put in
Support place for the operational solution components.
The operational and organisational readiness for the solution may need to be assessed and any
issues resolved so the organisation is prepared and capable of taking on the solution.
There may be an operational acceptance testing phase where the operability and supportability of
the solution is verified and any issues identified during such testing are addressed.
Operational Processes may need to be defined relating to the operation of the solution and housekeeping
Functions and functions to be performed. These functions may need to be configured and tested. These can
Processes include:
• Monitoring, alerting and event management including the configuration of alerts and rules
for the handling
• Backup and recovery
• Business continuity and availability
• Capacity planning and management
Parallel Runs The existing and new solutions may need to be run in parallel for an interval. The results of the
parallel runs may need to be compared.
Enhanced After the solution has gone live, an initial period of enhanced support or hypercare may be needed
Support/ where problems receive special attention to ensure they are resolved quickly. This may require
Hypercare special arrangements with suppliers.
Sets of The components of the solution will need to be supported and maintained. Agreements may need
Maintenance, to be put in place with suppliers of these services.
Management and
Support Services
Application Elements of the solution may be hosted externally or provided entirely as an outsourced service.
Hosting and These elements will need to be established. Infrastructure may be needed to enable secure
Management communications and the exchange of data between these external components.
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This is just one view of the components of a solution. Other categorisations and breakdowns are possible. Testing could be
specified as a separate component rather than being allocated as an activity associated with each applicable component. This
is the itemisation approach used in this book as a way of defining the scope of a solution.
So, while not all solutions will have all these component types, all solutions will have at least some of them. Each of these
component types and the individual components within each type give rise to work and cost. Omitting them from the
solution scope (and therefore from the solution design) does not mean that they are not required or should not or will not be
part of the solution as ultimately implemented. In some cases, their omission can be regarded as a form of strategic
misrepresentation where the person or group responsible for the solution does not want to represent the actual solution scope
or cost or resources or time required, at least during the initial solution approval and agreement stages. This, the design work
of the solution architect is not allowed to encompass the complete solution.
The solution design therefore needs to include the full scope of the solution. It does not have to include all the components in
a fully defined state. But it needs to include them to such an extent and level of detail so they are known about and included in
subsequent time and resource planning and cost estimates.
One further advantage of this complete, end-to-end view is that the solution as a whole is visible to all. Where the solution is
broken down into individual components, the individuals involved just see and focus on their areas of expertise. The
individuals design the components as isolated items. The can lead to poor overall performance, throughput, operation,
usability and consumer experience. No one is responsible for the integrity of the solution in its entirety. This end-to-end view
means that the solution is designed and implemented as a whole from the start. The impact of a decision to delay or remove
functionality from a component can be seen in terms of the effect it has on the entire solution. The solution is considered as
the sum of its components operating together. The solution is viewed as an organised set of interconnected components.2
The end-to-end entire solution view is similar to the concepts of internal and external integrity introduced in The Power of Product
Integrity Kim B. Clark and Takahiro Fujimoto . External integrity means that the
entirety of the solution represents a balance of form, function, usability and reliability that consumers want. Internal integrity means that
the solution’s components operate together as a complete whole.
Product integrity has both an internal and an external dimension. Internal integrity refers to the consistency between a
product’s function and its structure: the parts fit smoothly, the components match and work well together, the layout
maximizes the available space. Organizationally, internal integrity is achieved mainly through cross-functional coordination
within the company and with suppliers.
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Omitting solution elements such as, for example, process and organisation changes from the solution design does not remove
them from the scope of the solution that is ultimately required. They are still needed in order to create a fully operational
solution. They do not go away just because they have been ignored. More likely, they will be added later during solution
delivery, either explicitly or implicitly as a form of shadow project work or as a change request, where they will add ostensibly
unforeseen (but not unforeseeable) cost, time and resources to the project. In reality, this is not a change but the correction of
an omission.
Figure 8 – Scope
Scope of Partial and Incomplete Solution
An all too frequent occurrence is the descoping of the solution and its components during its implementation project.
Because of pressures on budget, schedule or resources, components of the solution or functionality within components are
removed from its scope in order to reduce those pressures. This descoping removes functionality that is needed for the
solution to work fully. The implementation of these components is deferred to (a sometimes non-specific or even non-
existent) future stage. The result is a partially completed solution with manual workarounds and its associated inefficiencies
and extra cost and with a backlog of rework. For example, the delivery of reporting and analysis facilities and the associated
data infrastructure is one that is commonly deferred.
Solution delivery too often takes a middle- to--middle rather than an end
middle -to end--to
to--end view of what needs to be implemented in
order to create a fully operational solution. Solution delivery assumes that the components outside the middle-to-middle
solution delivery scope will be implemented by others. These components can be regarded as solution negative externalities3.
These are costs that the solution delivery imposes on others because of the limited solution scope it chooses to implement.
External integrity refers to the consistency between a product’s performance and customers’ expectations. ... external
integrity is critical to a new product’s competitiveness. Yet for the most part, external integrity is an underexploited
opportunity. Companies assign responsibility for anticipating what customers will want to one or more functional groups
(the product planners in marketing, for example, or the testers in product engineering). But they give little or no attention
to integrating a clear sense of customer expectations into the work of the product development organization as a whole.
The article is derived from a larger publication Product Development in the World Auto Industry, KIM B. CLARK, W. BRUCE
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Be aware of and beware of solution externalities. These are hidden solution delivery costs and responsibilities.
The relative size and contribution to the overall project scope of each of the solution component types will depend on the
profile of the project. So, the impact of the omission of some components will therefore depend, at least indirectly, on their
The omission of components from the solution design can be viewed as red flags, indicating the potential for future problems.
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The solution can only really be regarded as delivered and operational when all the required components have been delivered
successfully and that they work. The solution is only complete when all its constituent components are operational. The
implementation of the individual components must converge at some point during the solution delivery phases.
Once this convergence of solution components is understood then informed decisions can be made about the staging of the
components and their constituent elements along the following lines:
It is an inconvenient truth that complete and accurate information is rarely available. So, decisions such as the scheduling of
solution component delivery and functionality to be included within solution components within a phased delivery be made
on the available information.
The topic of solution delivery are discussed further in section 4.3 on page 112 and Chapter 6 on page 422.
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Every solution involves internal organisation change. These changes typically occur across one or more of six core domains.
These six core change domains are divided into two groups: those relating to the business and those relating to information
• Business-
Business-O riented Change Areas
• Location and Offices – existing and new locations and facilities of the organisation, their types and functions and
the principles that govern the selection of new locations
• Business Processes – current and future business process definitions, requirements, characteristics, performance
• Organisation and Structure – organisation resources and arrangement, business unit, function and team structures
and composition, relationships, reporting and management, roles and skills
• Technology
Tech nology-
nology-O riented Change Areas
• Technology, Infrastructure and Communications – current and future technical infrastructure including security,
constraints, standards, technology trends, characteristics, performance requirements
• Applications and Systems – current and future applications and systems, characteristics, constraints, assumptions,
requirements, design principles, interface standards, connectivity to business processes
• Information and Data – data and information architecture, data integration, master and reference data, data access
and management, data security and privacy
These six core change domains affect the organisation or business function where the solution will be operated. There is a
seventh change domain for changes that occur outside the organisation such as the external business landscape that the
solution must react to or solution users who are located outside the organisation.
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While the organisation generally has control around internal changes and the reaction to them, externally-facing changes and
the response to them are more difficult to anticipate, control and manage.
The topic of the organisation changes cause by the introduction of solutions is covered in more detail in section on
page 253.
The generic component types of which every solution is composed can be allocated across these six change domains.
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This mapping can be used to identify the business domains that will be most affected by the solution based on its profile in
terms of its number and complexity of its constituent components in each of the component categories.
Within these component types, there can be multiple lower levels. In the following example, Level 0 represents the entire
solution. Level 1 is the business change domain. Level 3 is the solution component type. Level 4 represents the individual
components within each component type. Level 4 represents a more detailed level of solution design granularity where the
items contained within each individual component are identified.
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The level 4 breakdown for these would be the individual business processes affected.
The component type Organisational Changes is at level 2. The level 3 detail breakdown could be:
• Personnel Changes
• Organisation Structure Changes
• Location and Office Changes
In this example, level 4 could list the individual personnel and organisation changes.
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The greater the level of detail that is contained in the solution design allows greater certainty about the design and its cost and
resource and time requirements. As the design is elaborated more detail can be added. Initially, the solution design to level 3
is generally sufficient to understand the full scope of the solution and thus the accuracy of the implementation cost, time and
resource estimate.
This level approach is similar to and can be used to create a solution delivery work breakdown structure that can in turn be
used for project planning and its related estimation and resource planning. This means that the solution delivery plan is
explicitly linked to the solution design structure.
Each of the components of the solution will give rise to a cost, either directly or indirectly. The real solution delivery costs are
the costs of all the components required to make the solution operational and to keep it operational thereafter.
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Fi gure 18 – Solution Components Contributing to Solution Delivery and Operation Costs
Throughout the lifetime of the solution, these components will give rise to costs and resource requirements. If the true
lifetime costs of the solution are to be known, then the true solution scope must be accepted.
Depending on the duration of the life of the solution, its operating costs can be or the order 1-3 times the cost of acquisition.
The total cost of ownership of the solution – the sum of the initial and ongoing costs – needs to be less than the benefits the
organisation derives from the solution – either through savings, cost avoidance, additional revenue generated or compliance
with regulations. If the cost estimates are incorrect then the cost benefit justification for the solution will also be flawed.
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Getting the solution design right and getting the right solution implemented contributes both to the success of the solution
delivery project and the long-term cost-effectiveness of the operation of the solution.
Each solution component contributes to the overall lifetime cost profile of the solution. Over time, these costs can be
substantial. The following diagram shows a sample cost profile of the components of a solution over its life.
A sufficiently detailed solution design that includes all of the components of the solution will allow the cost of the solution
delivery project to be estimated. It provides complete visibility of the solution costs. If all the components of the required
solution are known, then the solution implementation and operational cost can be quantified accurately.
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The absence of knowledge about the full scope of the solution will mean that the cost, resource and time estimates for the
delivery of the solution will not be accurate or reliable.
Solution delivery success is commonly assessed with respect to the money, resource and time allocated to the project and how
the project performed against these assigned resource budgets. This is discussed in section 3.1 on page 57. If the solution
design is incomplete or if the estimates omit elements of the solution design in order to make the project costs appear lower,
then the solution delivery project will be deemed to have failed to some extent. In reality, this failure is largely artificial. The
project resource requirements were knowable but either this knowledge was not acquired or allowed to be acquired during
the design process or it was excluded from the estimation process.
There are many reasons for poor solution delivery resources estimates. Many of these relate to using incomplete information
to create those estimates, either deliberately or by not using enough rigour in the estimation process.
Sources of Good Solution Delivery Estimates Sources of Poor Solution Delivery Estimates
Effective Risk and Uncertainty Analysis Contracts Not In Place With Suppliers
Identification of a Range of Confidence Levels Omitted Solution Components
Identification of a Range of Confidence Levels Multiple Business Functions Affected
Trained and Experienced Designers and Analysts Multiple Undefined Interfaces
Adequate Contingency and Management Reserves Underestimated Organisation Change Costs
Detailed, Stable, Agreed Scope Ineffective Risk and Uncertainty Analysis
Agreed Assumptions Strategic Misrepresentation
Unfamiliar Technology or First-Time Use
Problems Getting Access to Data
Unreasonable Project Baseline
Unrealistic or Unreliable Data
Unrealistic Assumptions
Over optimism
No or Limited Comparison Data Available
New Processes
Untrained and Inexperienced Designers and Analysts
Project Instability
Complex Project or Technology
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Sources of Good Solution Delivery Estimates Sources of Poor Solution Delivery Estimates
Unrealistic Project Savings and Benefit
Some of these reasons are related to the subject of solution complexity. Identifying and quantifying solution complexity is
discussed further in section 4.2.2 on page 100.
As stated above, there will always be many possible solution options to a business requirement or problem. All solutions are
subject to sets of constraints that will limit and restrict the ultimate solution design options. The solution architect must be
aware of these constraints and must clearly and plainly state them in any solution design artefacts so their part in the solution
design process and the effects they have on the solution design options are explicitly understood by all. These constraints
form boundaries to the solution design that is created during the design process.
Enterprise Architecture (and the related IT architecture disciplines of Security Architecture and Data Architecture) defines
the technical boundaries of the solution.
Solution Architecture then defines the scope boundary of the solution based on business and implementation constraints.
One of the objectives (and challenges) of solution architecture is to take an often fragmented and incomplete set of
requirements and to create an integrated and coherent solution based on these, filling-in the blanks during the solution
design process. The topic of requirements and the sparsity of business-provided requirements is detailed in section 4.4 on
page 124.
Constraints can be defined as Core – these are concerned with essential solution attributes - or Extended – these are
concerned with solution implementation and operation.
In simple terms, the Core constraints can be grouped into four sets:
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Table 7 – Solution
Solution Design Constraints
The solution should be designed according to common principles developed and maintained by the solution architecture
function. Section 5.4.3 on page 418 lists principles that can be applied when designing digital solutions. These can be applied
more generally. Section 4.11.2 on page 383 lists the principles that can be applied when reviewing a solution for completeness.
The solution should be designed with these review principles in mind.
The solution will have quality requirements and characteristics. These are described on section on page 251.
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• Understanding the core underlying problem, challenge or opportunity so the principles of the solution addresses what is
really needed are understood and that the wrong problem is not being solved
• Identifying all the components of the solution that have to be in place for the solution to operate, including options to
bypass components during the initial implementation in order to get the solution operational more quickly but that are
implemented later
However, getting the design right is one part of answer. The second part is getting the solution implemented successfully.
This means avoiding making incorrect decisions on solution delivery phasing, resource allocation, the removal of necessary
components to meet constraints, making unnecessary changes or leaving the design ambiguous so sub-optimal decisions are
The convergence of all these solution dynamics can be very difficult. Section 3.1 on page 57 examines why solution delivery
failure occurs so frequently.
The solution delivery journey, from initial concept to operational, usable and used solution, is often difficult. It can involve
ups and downs, compromises and concessions until an operational solution steady state has been accomplished.
The solution architect must persevere during this process, focussing on the objective of creating a complete design and then
subsequently assisting with its implementation.
One objective of the IT function is to act as a lens, focussing business needs onto solutions whose components are acquired or
developed, implemented and transitioned to operations. The solution design process must assist in maintaining this focus.
The solution architecture function needs to have the capability to achieve this. Solution architecture is (or should be – see
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section 3.3.5 on page 86 for information on Shadow IT) the primary means by which new solutions are introduced into the
organisation. The selected solutions, either internal or external, must comply with the organisation’s overall IT architecture
Achieving the objective of the IT function focussing business needs onto solution requires that the IT function be the trusted
advisor to the business.
The end-to-end solution delivery process involves multiple partially overlapping individual journeys across different
disciplines. Each of these journeys does not span the entire length of the journey from initial concept or identification of the
need for a solution to that solution being completely operational and used.
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The solution delivery journey can be viewed as an iceberg with many overlapping activities hidden below the apparently
simple requirement to move from the set of solutions required to operate the organisation and achieve the business objectives
to those solutions being operational, usable and in use. There evolution of the solution concept can occur earlier than shown
in this diagram – see section 4.6.4 on page 235 for more information on an early engagement process and section 4.6.5 on
page 257 for a rapid solution concept definition engagement.
The aim of the solution design process is to create solution designs that meet the needs of the solution user population. The
solution design process is one part of the overall solution delivery process.
The solution journey therefore both starts with and ends with the solution consumer.
The high-level sets of steps for each of these journeys are listed below.
Discipline Journey
Journey Step
Business Architecture Business Strategy
Business Objectives
Business Operating Model
Business Processes
Required Operational Business Systems
Business Planning Business Concept
Initial Discovery
Requirements Elicitation
Decision to Proceed
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Discipline Journey
Journey Step
Business Analysis Requirements Elicitation
Requirements Analysis, Consolidation and Documentation
Process Analysis and Definition
Requirements Management
Solution Design Solution Architecture - Business, Application, Data, Security, Infrastructure
Solution Design
Solution Specification and Change Management
Project Management Initiate
Solution Development Setup and Prepare
Develop and Build
Package and Deploy
Product Configuration Setup and Prepare
and Customisation Configure and Customise Test
Package and Deploy
Data Management Data Migration and Load Planning
Data Migration and Data Load
Final Data Migration and Load
Service Management Service Design
Service Transition
Service Operation
Continual Service Improvement
Table 8 – High-
High-Level Steps of Individual Discipline Solution Delivery Journeys
Not all disciplines are involved in the delivery of all solutions. For example, the involvement of the Business Architecture area
tends to intermittent and based on specific engagements. Most organisations will not have a Business Architecture function
or capability. Where the need for such an engagement arises, it tends to be outsourced to a consulting service provider. Most
of the other disciplines will be involved in most solutions. This list of disciplines is high-level and does not explicitly reference
ones such as testing, infrastructure, security, procurement, product configuration and others.
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For a wide variety of reasons, solutions often fail to achieve the benefits expected or promised (see section 3.1 on page 57 for
more information on solution delivery failures).
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One of the reasons for this failure is that there are multiple handoffs between isolated and insulated teams during the solution
delivery process. This leads to an accumulation of information losses that means that what get implemented is not what is
needed to allow the benefits to be realised.
All too often the work done on the solution is passed from one architecture discipline to the next with a poor and imperfect
handoff. Each discipline operates in an isolated silo. The implementation of the solution is not seen as a continuum. There is
no end-to-end view across all disciplines. Even the project management discipline which is tasked with the delivery of the
solution does not see the complete span of the solution.
The siloed arrangement within the solution delivery journey is replicated within the communications between the individual
IT architecture functions as discussed on page 79.
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• Closed, internally focussed groups with their own culture and language that discourage outsider involvement
• Individuals with the siloed functions see themselves as belonging to and identify with the group rather than the wider
• The siloes do not see themselves as responsible for organisational problems and failure to perform and deliver
• The silos measure their performance and set performance expectations using internal metrics that reinforce siloed
• Top-down management structure with control-based behaviours and attitudes to team members
The topic of the solution architecture function and the issues that can arise with a poorly structured function is addressed in
section 8.3.4 on page 504.
Every organisation will have a solution delivery project management process such PRINCE2, PMBOK or another. The
solution architect must work within this framework and be supported by it. Section 3.1 on page 57 contains more information
on the issues that arise during solution delivery and how solution architecture can work to address these.
Section 4.3 on page 112 describes solution design in a wider solution delivery context. Chapter 6 on page 422 contains details
on the application of an agile delivery method to solution design and subsequent implementation.
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This information provides a solution architecture perspective on why solution delivery fails. Getting the architecture and
design right puts the solution delivery project on a solid foundation and maximises the likelihood of success. The delivery
estimates use a realistic solution scope with all factors included. Getting the solution architecture and design wrong puts the
solution delivery project on an unstable foundation and negatively impacts on the deliverability of the solution and the
probability of success of the solution delivery project.
It is a reasonable statement that in the minds of many people failure is synonymous with information technology projects.
While this perception is an exaggeration, the outcomes of many IT solution delivery projects represent failures to at least
some extent.
It is also often true that solution delivery failure is attributed to project management failure such as the quality, skill and
experience of the project manager or the misapplication or lack of application of a project management methodology.
However, the most effective project management will not make an undeliverable, unworkable, unusable solution deliverable,
workable or usable.
The solution architect should concern himself or herself with the ultimate success of the project to deliver the designed
solution. There are several organisation characteristics that negatively affect this:
• As described in section 2.6 on page 50 the solution delivery process can be siloed with multiple hand-offs, including that
from solution architecture to project management and solution delivery
• The solution design produced by the solution architect does not or is not allowed to include the full scope of the solution
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The goal of the solution delivery project is to successfully implement the right solution. This is a combination getting the
solution design right and then implementing this design successfully. The two areas are connected: the right solution design
includes identifying all the solution components that comprise solution delivery. The delivery project can then implement
There is little, if any, merit in initiating a delivery project to implement a solution if the scope of that solution is not well-
defined. Any scope definition work needs to be moved to a separate activity focussed on just that purpose so that when
solution implementation starts, its scale and extent are well-defined and accepted or the uncertainly of the solution design
needs to be accepted and embedded into the delivery project such as in an agile process. The topic of agile solution delivery is
discussed further in Chapter 6 on page 422.
It is a continuing truth that the combination of the successful delivery of the right solution still occurs infrequently.
Figure 33 – Right Solution Delivered Successfully is in the Minority of all Solution Delivery Outcomes
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This section is not intended to be a comprehensive review of project management literature. It is intended to illustrate how
good solution design contributes to solution delivery success and reduces the prospects of solution delivery failure.
Section 4.4.2 on page 134 which describes the importance of business processes (and organisation change) to solution success
can be referred to when reading this section. The solution ultimately exists to implement the business process.
Also, the problem of Shadow IT referred to 3.3.5 on page 86 can be viewed as another form of solution delivery failure where
the business function sources the solution externally rather than from the internal IT function and without the knowledge or
involvement of the IT function. Secondly, many business-acquired solutions whose delivery was challenged do not appear in
any project failure statistics.
Over two decades has passed since the first Standish Group CHAOS report4 on the state of delivery of information
technology projects was published. The results from this study are well known and often quoted:
… staggering 31.1% of projects will be cancelled before they ever get completed. Further results indicate 52.7%
of projects will cost 189% of their original estimates.
On the success side, the average is only 16.2% for software projects that are completed on- time and on-budget.
Solution delivery success and failure are not binary options: there is a domain of outcomes between complete success and
complete failure. There are many reasons why the implementation of a solution may be regarded as less than successful.
These reasons are not exclusive: the delivery of a solution can demonstrate more than one of these characteristics. Also, they
are not binary factors: each of these solution deficiency issues can be more or less serious, representing a greater or lesser level
of solution delivery non-performance with respect to that factor.
1. Success - The project is completed on time and on budget, offering all features and functions as initially specified.
2. Challenged –The project is completed and operational but over budget and over the time estimate and offers fewer
features and functions than originally specified.
3. Impaired - The project is cancelled at some point during the development cycle
The following diagram shows a simple model of solution success and failure.
See The CHAOS Report 1994:
There have been many comments on this and subsequent reports questioning their categorisation of project success and
failure and the calculation of the proportion of projects that fall into each category. For example, see:
• How Large Are Software Cost Overruns? A Review of the 1994 CHAOS Report -
• The Rise and Fall of the Chaos Report Figures -
However, for the purpose of this analysis, the Standish Group numbers are assumed to be valid.
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These are not point reasons for solution delivery challenge or failure. Each of these reasons can occupy a band of impacts of
just how challenged the delivery was from Low to Very High.
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Not All Specified Business Benefits And Low to Medium Some of the expected benefits have not been
Savings Not Delivered realised.
Functionality Delivered Does Not Meet Medium to Very High Some of the functionality contained in the solution
Business Requirements does not work exactly as the solution consumer
expected or wanted.
At its simplest, the challenged domain includes solutions that are characterised by less for more of:
• Cost More – the original budget was exceeded or other unanticipated costs arose
• More Time – the original schedule was exceeded which means the business were late in having access to the solution
• Delivered Less – the original scope was reduced, making the solution less usable or requiring additional unplanned for
effort or the solution takes longer to use or the solution does not meet the expectations of the target solution consumers
• Achieved Less – the solution does not deliver the expected benefits and savings or the solution is less widely used that
expected or planned
Lost functionality is only really an issue if its absence leads to a problem in terms of work not done or work done elsewhere
that takes more time or costs most. Loss of unnecessary functionality is not a problem. This relates to unnecessary solution
complexity described in section 4.2.2 on page 100.
So-called challenged projects can be characterised as delivering less – less functionality, fewer benefits, less usability, less
usefulness – for more – more time and more money. The degree of the combination of how much less for how much more
can be regarded as the total operational solution deficit.
There is no easy formula to determine the total solution deficit, such as:
1 ! "#$% &%#'ℎ
*+ ,- . / 0 *+ ,- . / 0
1 *+ ,- . / 0
12 3 # 4# 5 6% %7# 8 '% &%#'ℎ
Such attempts at creating an arithmetic of solution delivery failure are, at best, superficial and simplistic.
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So, solution delivery success means avoiding these less for more characteristics. One way this can be achieved is to know as
much as possible of what is needed up-front, so the real effort, time and cost can be quantified.
Since the original Standish Group CHAOS report, there have been several follow-up Standish reports5, each reporting
different levels of project success, challenge or impairment. The following summarises the results of their analyses from 1994
to 2015.
For example, see the CHAOS Report 2015:
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According to these Standish Group figures, between 1994 and 2015, the relative proportions of projects that succeeded and
those that failed have effectively been transposed. Successful projects increased in proportion from 16% to 36% while failed
projects fell from 31% to 19%.
The information from the Standish Group is presented here without detailed analysis. This is beyond the scope of this book.
It is not clear if project success is assessed against the original project timescale, budget and functionality or against a
replanned project with the original scope having been changed.
Also, the degree by which a project is challenged can be very small or very large due to one of more factors with varying
degrees of severity as discussed above.
There have been other more recent analyses of project failure that generate similar outcomes6. The analysis by Brenda in 1999
Whittaker was based on a survey of 176 projects in Canada. It defined project failure as:
Project failure was defined in three ways: overrunning its budget by 30 per cent or more; overrunning its
schedule by 30 per cent or more; or failing to demonstrate the planned benefits. Of these, failure by
overrunning schedule was by far the most common. A total of 87 per cent of failed projects exceeded their
initial schedule estimates by 30 per cent or more. This compares to 56 per cent of failed projects that exceeded
their estimated budget by the same amount, and 45 per cent of failed projects which failed to produce the
expected benefits
It identified a hierarchy of project failure causes based on three core sets of reasons:
The following table summarises the hierarchy of causes identified in this paper:
For some examples, see:
• Lessons for IT Project Manager Efficacy: A Review of the Literature Associated with Project Success Chuck Millhollan, Michelle
Kaarst-Brown -
• What went wrong? Unsuccessful information technology projects Brenda Whittaker (1999) Information Management &
Computer Security. Vol. 7, No. 1 pp. 23-29.
• Six Reasons for Software Project Failure Barry Boehm, (2002) IEEE Software, September/October, pp. 97.
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Table 11 – Causes of Project Failure from What went wrong? Unsuccessful information technology projects
The paper by Barry Boehm lists the following six reasons for project failure:
1. Incomplete requirements
2. Lack of user involvement
3. Lack of resources
4. Unrealistic expectations
5. Lack of executive support
6. Changing requirements and specifications
The more recent work by Alexander Budzier and Bent Flyvbjerg7 of the BT Centre for Major Programme Management at the
Saïd Business School in the University of Oxford8 which has an academic rather than a commercial basis shows comparable
results. This analysis differs from the Standish Group as it looks at variance from planned budget and schedule and analyses
the proportion by which the actual varies from the initially planned or budgeted time or amount: (Actual Budget/Schedule –
Forecast Budget/Schedule) Forecast Budget/Schedule.
Our first statistical approximation of the collected sample has shown that on average ICT projects perform
reasonably well – +27% cost overrun, +55% schedule overrun in three out of four projects. Apart from the risk
of getting the budget cut a very high risk exists that a project turns into a Black Swan. One in six projects (17%)
with cost overruns of nearly +200% and schedule slippage of nearly 70%.
The Budzier and Flyvbjerg analysis was produced in 2011. It states that 75% of projects experienced significant budget and
schedule overruns. The Standish Group proportion of challenged projects for 2011 was just 39%.
The Budzier and Flyvbjerg analysis does not include details on the benefits shortfall of these projects that experienced cost
and budget overruns.
• Double Whammy – How ICT Projects are Fooled by Randomness and Screwed by Political Intent -
• Why Your IT Project May Be Riskier Than You Think -
• Outside
Quality Control and Due Diligence in Project Management: Getting Decisions Right by Taking the Outs ide View -
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The CHAOS reports include a top ten factors that they say can be used to assess the likelihood of the success or failure of a
project. These factors have changed over time. Each of these success factors is assigned a score with the total summing to 100.
Their weightings and titles have changed over time. I have grouped similar success factors over time in the following table
and so any errors in this grouping are mine.
To assess the probability that the project will be a success, the project is scored with respect to the success factors. The higher
the score, the greater will be the chance of success. The lower the score, the greater will be the chance of some of project
According to the Standish Group, the two most important success factors that are common to all their analyses are:
• User Involvement
• Executive Management Support/ Executive Sponsorship
It is interesting to note that the design of the solution is not explicitly mentioned in any of these factors. It may be subsumed
into those factors that related to requirements and objectives.
Other overlapping important success factors that have been assigned different names over time are:
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The analyses performed by Budzier and Flyvbjerg identified seven organisational challenges (these are no scored) that exist
before a project starts (what they call organisational a priori challenges) that are associated with troubled projects. These are:
These studies all tend to focus on the narrow aspects of software projects rather than on the wider aspects of a complete
solution encompassing all the components of the types listed in section 2.4.2, including but not limited to developed or
acquired and customised software.
These also tend to focus on project management failures as the root cause of the project failure. They do not consider the
wider aspects such as the incompleteness of the solution design targeted for delivery by the project or the fundamental
undeliverability of the solution as a cause. They start with the assumption that the project has been given a fundamentally
sound and deliverable solution design and scope and that it is the delivery that goes wrong.
Again, the fundamental issue of the implementability of the solution is not explicitly considered.
An effective solution architecture function and a good solution design process that produces detailed, high-quality solution
designs and identifies the complete scope of the solution will address many of these challenges and increase the likelihood of
successful solution delivery and use. Good solution design means being aware of all the options and selecting the most
appropriate one subject to all constraints. It means avoiding all the conscious and unconscious biases that lead to bad
A solution design process that identifies the end-to-end scope of the solution means the solution delivery project starts with
an awareness of the effort, risks, scope and costs involved. The following table summarises how a solution design process can
maximise the Standish Group solution delivery success factors. Again, I have grouped similar success factors.
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Table 14 – Solution Architecture Contribution to the Standish Group Solution Delivery Success Factors
The following table summarises how a solution design process can address the organisational challenges expressed by Budzier
and Flyvbjerg.
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Good solution design is not the answer to all project failures and challenges. It can only go so far. It cannot protect the
organisation against other causes. Many of the reasons why solution delivery fails, either fully or partially, are due to
circumstances such as organisation or individual cognitive or other biases and other influences such as groupthink. Good
solution design cannot stop these. It may reduce their possibility or lessen their impact. Being aware of these biases and other
influences can alleviate their consequences.
• Cognitive Bias – Poor or inaccurate judgements, illogical interpretations and decisions, characterised by patterns of
• Strategic Misrepresentation – Deliberate misrepresentation in budgeting caused by distorted incentives
• Planning Fallacy – Systematic tendency to underestimate how long it will take to complete a task even when there is past
experience of similar tasks over-running
• Optimism Bias – Systematic tendency to be overly optimistic about the outcome of actions
• Focalism – Systematic tendency to become inwardly focussed and to lose situational awareness and appreciation of
wider context and display characteristics of cognitive tunnelling during times of stress
• Groupthink – The need for agreement, accord and compliance within the group results in a flawed, illogical and
inhibited decision-making processes and decisions
These factors can manifest themselves at times of solution delivery stress where the delivery project is experiencing pressure
and strain due to previous poor decisions.
There are many classifications and types of cognitive bias. They can be very difficult to avoid because of their embedded
nature in people’s personalities and their emotional and irrational basis. Cognitive biases are very real and can have damaging
effects. They can be grouped in a number of categories:
• Decision-
Decision-Making and Behavioural Biases - affecting belief formation and business decisions
• Probability and Belief Biases - affecting way in which information is gathered and assessed
• Attributional Biases - affecting the determination what was responsible for an event or action
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• Anchoring – Relying too heavily on one piece of information when making a decision
• Attention Bias – Assigning greater weight to apparently dominant factors
• Bandwagon – Believing things because many others, believe the same
• Blind Spot – Seeing oneself as less biased than others
• Confirmation Bias – Interpreting information so as to that confirms preconceptions
• Exposure Effect – Greater preferences just because of familiarity
• Focusing Effect – Placing too much importance on one aspect
• Hyperbolic Discounting – Strong preference for immediate payoffs relative to later ones
• Information Bias – Looking for information even when it cannot affect action
• Irrational Escalation – Justifying increased investment based on the cumulative prior investment despite new evidence
suggesting that the decision was wrong
• Negativity Bias – Paying more attention and giving more weight to the negative rather than the positive
• Omission Bias – Viewing a harmful action as worse than an equally harmful omission or inaction
• Semmelweis Effect – Rejecting new evidence that contradicts an established paradigm
• Sunk Cost Effect – Assigning a higher value to disposal/loss compared with cost of acquisition
• Wishful Thinking – Making decisions based to what is pleasing to imagine instead basing decisions on evidence and
• Zero-
Zero- Risk Bias – Looking to reduce a small risk to zero rather than a greater reduction of a larger risk
• Ambiguity Effect – Selecting an option for which the probability of a favourable outcome is known over an option for
which the probability of a favourable outcome is unknown
• Attentional Bias – Failure to examine all possible outcomes when making a judgment
• Availability Cascade – Belief gaining plausibility through increasing repetition
• Clustering – Perceiving patterns where none exist
• Optimism Bias – Judging future events in a more positive light than is warranted by actual experience
• Ostrich Effect – Avoidance of risk or the negative by pretending they do not exist
• Overconfidence Effect – Excessive or inflated belief one's performance, ability
• Serial Position Effect – Assigning greater weight to initial or recent events more than subsequent or later events
• Subadditivity Effect – Assigning a lower probability to the whole than the probabilities of the parts
• Subjective Validation – Considering information to be correct if it has any personal meaning or significance
• Valence Effect – Overestimating the likelihood of positive rather than negative outcomes
• Dunning–
Dunning –Kruger Effect – Where skilled underrate their abilities and unskilled overrate their abilities
• False Consensus Effect – Overestimation of agreement
• System Justification – Defending the status quo
Strategic misrepresentation is the deliberate misrepresentation in planning and budgeting caused by issues such as distorted
incentives. It is often a response to how organisations structure rewards and motivate individuals and groups. It is
characterised by:
• Deliberately underestimating costs to gain acceptance with understanding that costs will increase
• Not willing to face reality of high costs
• Overstatement or understatement of requirements
• Inclusion of ideology into planning
The underlying rewards system and processes need to be redesigned to eliminate this.
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Groupthink is the need for agreement, accord and compliance within the group. It results in a flawed, illogical and inhibited
decision-making processes and decisions. It happens when the group becomes dominated by small number of or single
individual who forces their beliefs on the group. There is a tendency for consensus and agreement and the desire to minimise
contention which means alternatives are not fully evaluated. The group isolates itself from information on alternatives.
Disagreement and dissent within the group are quashed or concealed through self-censorship
Having written all of the above regarding the causes of solution delivery failures and challenges, there is one school of thought
that states that this concern with and focus on delivering information technology solutions on time and on budget is wrong.
It states that the more important objective is to deliver solutions that enable the organisation to transform its operations.
Some organisations have excelled at transformation and at creating entire new industries. Information technology systems are
of necessity new, untried and will involve trial-and-error to get right.
This provocative view is worth considering. But most solutions are delivered by more conventional organisations that have an
existing set of operations and an existing heterogeneous information technology landscape that needs to be maintained and
kept usable while new solutions are implemented. These organisations have limited resources that must be spent wisely. They
have a limited capacity to handle change and so must select their changes carefully. They have a limited time in which to
accomplish these changes. Finally, solution conception and design are the areas where new, untested and unproven ideas are
explored. Solution delivery should be a more matter-of-fact and routine process unless, in the case of an agile approach, there
is an element of discovery in this. Once the solution design is known, its implementation should have limited tentative,
explorational and experimental characteristics unless it is a pure research and development initiative. Some of the underlying
technologies may be new but this novelty can be allowed for. The complete solution is always much more than the sum of its
pure technology components.
Solution delivery failure is at least partially a failure of understanding the actual scope of the solution and failure to put
structures in place to achieve that delivery.
It is not really possible to create a plan to implement a solution if the complete scope of the work required in not known,
understood and accepted.
Similarly, the best project management practices will not make a poor solution design implementable, operable, usable,
supportable and maintainable. At best it will make the process for realising the deficiencies of the solution design and the
need for their remediation slightly less painful and unpleasant.
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The corollary to the previous section on solution delivery failure is what causes or influences solution delivery success.
The 2009 paper Business Value of Solution Architecture 9 attempted to answer this question. The authors note:
In the literature, project management, analysis & design and software development and testing, attract a lot of
attention and many methods and approaches have been devised for these activities.
None of these approaches recognizes explicitly the role of solution architecture, …
The paper examined 49 custom software delivery projects. About half of the projects related to software being developed for
companies in the financial sector. The remaining applied to other types such as industrial and public sector. There were a
range of project types from transformation, merger and acquisition, single function integration and lifetime extension.
Some of the authors’ key conclusions regarding the business benefits of solution architecture are:
The presence of an architecture governance process is significantly correlated with a lower expected value of
budget overrun, compared to a situation where there is no architecture governance process in the customer's
organization present. The difference in expected value is 19%.
The presence of an architect during the calculation of the technical price is significantly correlated with a lower
variance of the actual project budget, compared to a situation when there is no architect present during
technical price calculation. The difference in the standard deviation of the project budget overrun percentage is
21% (13% versus 34%)
The presence of a high-quality project architecture correlates with a decrease in time overrun of the project,
compared to a situation where there is a medium or poor quality project architecture present. The difference in
overrun is 55% (71% overrun versus 16% overrun).
So, the involvement of high-quality solution architects in the solution design and delivery process resulted in:
The results of the analysis in this paper demonstrate that a high-performing solution architecture function can produce
significant business value.
Raymond Slot, Guido Dedene, and Rik Maes,
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The previous section on solution delivery failures analysed some of the reasons for these failures and described how an end-
to-end approach to solution design will mitigate against the causes of failure.
A comprehensive view of the real scope of a solution that addresses all its components contributes to the management of risks
during solution delivery.
There are many risks that arise when implementing new solutions, especially ones that are large, complex and that touch
many parts of the organisation, as well as digital solutions that touch parties external to the organisation, such as:
• Product customisation
• Product functionality
• Product quality
• Vendor capability
• Solution complexity
• Solution delivery team
• Management
Risks are uncertain events that may occur with a probability that may or may not be known. If they occur, they will have
negative effect on the solution.
Solution architecture can assist with solution delivery risk management in two ways:
1. Passively – by defining all the components of the overall solution so their risks and by defining individual components
that have a low risk
2. Actively – by assisting with assessing the solution risks across all its components
The risks associated with a product or hosted or outsourced service will generally (but not always) be lower than a
development option. Product vendors tend to be specialists with more experience. The product already exists and is readily
available. It is in use by other customers and proven (or should be). These customers can be consulted. The vendor is
responsible for product support. The product is enhanced and maintained by the vendor and new functionality is typically
provided as part of maintenance and support agreement.
A product can always be changed and enhanced to suit the exact requirements of the organisation. The extent of the changes
applied affects the overall solution risk along the scale, from low to very high:
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More complex changes involve reimplementation and testing after the product has been upgraded or new releases of the
underlying base product have been applied. This is especially true of hosted or cloud-based multi-tenant solutions. Also, the
scheduling of changes on these platforms may be outside the control of the organisation. These involve cost and risk
throughout the life of the solution and delay subsequent upgrades.
There is a range of risks associated with the standard functionality provided (or supposed to be provided) by a product:
There are product technology risks associated with its underlying technology:
There are risks associated with vendor and their ability to supply and support the product:
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• The vendor’s direction with respect to the development of the product is undefined or uncertain
• The vendor’s ability to support and develop the product are unclear
• The technical quality of the product is poor
• The vendor may not have sufficient implementation skills
• The quality of the vendor’s training and documentation is poor
• The vendor’s contract may impose onerous or unsatisfactory conditions
The solution architect should take a proactive to identifying risks during the solution design process and also during
subsequent solution delivery. Solution design risks can be avoided or mitigated through greater solution knowledge (see
section 4.2.1 on page 95). This involves:
• Identifying the known solution design risks and their potential impact on solution delivery, implementation and
• Assessing the probability that each risk will occur – beware of assigning pseudo-scientific evaluations of risk probability
• Estimating the potential negative impact if the event associated with the risk occurs
• Calculating a risk reserve that should be included in the solution delivery resource estimates to allow for risk
• Highlighting the high-priority risks and leading the development of plans to handle then
• Ensuring the that risks are recognised and managed
Risks are associated with the solution knowledge unknowns, both the known unknowns and the unknown unknowns.
The assessment of the impact and probability of occurrence of risks can be subjective. One person’s view of a risk, probability
of its occurrence and estimate of impact will be different from another’s.
Solution components will have options. Each option will have a different set of risks. These will need to be balanced against
the cost of these options. Solution architects need to be proactive in identifying risks and need to show leadership in how they
are evaluated and managed.
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3.3 Architecture
Architecture Disciplines, Context
Context and Interactions
3.3.1 Introduction
There are multiple overlapping logical information technology architecture disciplines that comprise the full spectrum of IT
architecture. Not all organisations will have all roles. Also, these roles can be combined.
• Enterprise Architecture – this defines, maintains, manages and updates the overall set of information technology
standards, policies, principles and direction within which the organisation’s IT systems are sourced, implemented and
• Business Architecture – this is concerned with a structured approach to analysing the operation of an existing business
function or entire organisation with a view to improving its operations or developing a new business function, with a
strong focus on processes and technology.
• Information and Data Architecture – the defines the organisation’s standards for the management of data and data-
related technologies across the organisation across data types and sources including data management and governance,
data quality, data operations and reference and master data management and through its lifecycle.
• Technical Architecture – this is concerned with translating functional solution design architectures into technology-
specific detailed implementation-oriented specifications and solution delivery documentation so the software
components of a solution can be built, acting as a bridge between solution architecture and the delivery function and
designing new delivery approaches.
• Application Architecture – this is concerned with defining and managing the organisation’s portfolio of information
technology applications, their integrations, interactions and data exchanges between applications and the flow of data
into and out of applications. It aims to ensure that the application portfolio meets the current and planned future needs
of the organisation.
• Technology Infrastructure
Infrastructure Architecture – this defines and manages the organisation information technology
infrastructure across the computing, storage and communications landscape. It ensures that the infrastructure is able to
meet the current and planned future needs of the organisation.
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• Service Architecture – this is concerned with defining and maintaining the organisation’s service management and
service operations framework for the operational information technology applications and infrastructure including
support, new releases and changes, capacity and performance, events and alerts, service levels, continuity, resilience and
• Security Architecture – this defines, maintains, enforces and manages the architecture and set of facilities and tools to
protect and defend the organisation’s information technology hardware, software and data assets from attacks, threats
and vulnerabilities that can lead to theft, damage and disruption, both from within and from outside the organisation.
• Solution Architecture – this is concerned with the definition and description of new (Information Technology) solution
designs to resolve problems or address opportunities.
These information technology architecture disciplines all have one factor in common: they are concerned (or need to be
concerned) with providing the business with an operational, functional information technology unit that provides a set of
usable business applications and related supporting applications and processes that enable the business to work.
The IT architecture disciplines should and can contribute to the success of the business in two ways:
1. By taking the needs of the business for business systems and supporting and enabling technologies into an information
technology infrastructure and a portfolio of business solutions
2. By identifying potential uses for new technologies to enable the business to operate more effectively
The topic of solution architecture’s potential to contribute to information technology and business innovation is covered in
Chapter 9 on page 534.
IT architecture in general should both enable the business respond to and realise changes in response to external and internal
pressures and should identify business opportunities in technology trends and occasions for changes and greater efficiencies.
IT architecture needs to be able to contribute to the development of business strategy and to be trusted to be able to make a
contribution. That trust has to be proven and earned.
The IT architecture functions need to be involved along the entire business application portfolio solution journey.
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The separate IT architecture disciplines are (or should be) involved in the spectrum of activities concerned with the
translation of business strategy and objectives into an integrated portfolio of IT solutions. All too commonly, the complex
and fragmented operational IT architecture disciplines and their multiple separate views and handoffs between them
contribute to the problems between business and IT.
Design guidance will be needed throughout the solution delivery and implementation process. The solution architect should
take on the role of solution subject matter expert and provide this solution leadership.
The IT architecture disciplines need to work with one another in order to provide an effective service to the IT function and
to the wider business organisation. The business organisation needs a portfolio of business applications as well as a set of
infrastructural applications to support its business operations. The IT architecture disciplines play a crucial role in
guaranteeing that this happens effectively, efficiently and in a timely and cost-effective manner.
In particular, the solution architecture function needs to interact with the other IT architecture disciplines in order to deliver
complete solution designs:
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• Enterprise Architecture – to ensure that solutions being designed comply with the overall information technology
standards and framework and to contribute to the development of these standards
• Business Architecture – to ensure that the solutions meet the needs identified during the business architecture
engagement, if solutions are being designed within that context
• Information and Data Architecture – to ensure that the data structures, flows and integrations comply with
organisation data standards and that data structures and content are reused to avoid proliferation of master and
reference data
• Application Architecture
Architecture – to ensure that the software components of the overall solution, either developed or acquired
and configured and customised, are designed to comply with the organisation’s application and integration standards
• Technical Architecture – to assist with the translation of software components of the overall solution into technical
specifications for development
• Security Architecture – to ensure that the overall solution and its components and interactions comply with the
organisation’s security standards
• Infrastructure Architecture – to ensure that the infrastructural components – hardware, communications and
infrastructural software elements - of the overall solution fit with the organisation’s infrastructure and that infrastructure
components are reused and standardised as much as possible
• Service Architecture – to ensure that the solution design includes and complies with service management standards
Additionally, the solution architecture function must interface directly with the business and with the business analysis
function during the solution design process.
The solution architecture function is the glue that joins all these elements together – business, business analysis, other IT
architecture disciplines and the teams involved in the delivery of the various solution components – to create usable and used
solutions designs that are translated into operable and usable solutions.
Solution architecture both works directly with the business organisation and the business analysis function to understand the
requirements for and the background of the desired solution. Solution architecture then incorporates the standards developed
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by the other architecture areas into the solution design. Solution architecture subsequently works with the solution delivery
and implementation teams as the solution design is translated into reality.
All too frequently, the information technology architecture disciplines operate in a self-contained, disintegrated and siloed
manner with no overall management, separate and inconsistent approaches to work and limited communications between
one another. The individual architecture practices throw work over the wall at one another with poor handoffs and no overall
There is deficient or absent cooperation between the architecture areas. Frequently there are adversarial relationships between
disciplines that are characterised by infighting. This leads to an overall lack of efficiency and effectiveness across the IT
architectures. In turn, this contributes to poor perception of the IT function by business.
Unfortunately, the siloed operations within the IT architecture disciplines is regularly replicated in the overall solution
delivery process, as discussed in section 2.6.
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Figure 46 – Nesting of Siloed Operations Within Solution Delivery and Within IT Architecture Disciplines
This nesting of functions whose operations are separated from one another contributes to complexity in solution delivery and
to increased chance of solution failure.
Organisations in general and the information technology function in particular need to be good at two general sets of skills,
each divided into a doing and a managing the doing portion.
• Change the Business (CTB) – changing existing operations to survive, compete, grow or expand
o Doing – Change the Business
o Managing The Doing – Change The Business
Not all these activities are of equal weight or importance to the IT function. Run The Business work will always dominate IT
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Figure 47 – Balance Between Run the Business and Change the Business Activities
These information technology architecture disciplines have both RTB and CTB dimensions to a greater or lesser extent.
The actual or perceived organisation run/change profile and what it really is may be different. There may be unnoticed latent
demand for solutions that is not recognised or is ignored. This can be one source of shadow IT described in section 3.3.5 on
page 86.
Solution architecture and the solution designs it develops and creates generally introduce changes to existing processes,
organisation structures, solutions, applications, technology, infrastructure and structures. These solutions are a way of
introducing innovation and change into the organisation. The solution architecture function resides largely in the Change the
Business portion of the IT function.
The extent of the need for an effective solution architecture function depends on the size of the Change the Business
workload. The solution architecture can deliver value after solutions have been implemented when those solutions need to be
enhanced and modified. If the organisation does not envisage the need for many new solutions or changes to existing
solutions, the need for and the corresponding size of the solution architecture function will be small.
The organisation needs to be honest about its need for solution architecture.
The IT architecture disciplines in general and solution architecture in particular should define a set of overlapping and
sometimes contradictory principles that underpins its operation.
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• Focus On Generating Business Value Quickly – speed of delivery of solutions to allow the business respond to changes
and to take advantage of new opportunities quickly is important. Subject to the constraints of knowing the scope of the
solution, enable the business stakeholders make informed decisions on the options to achieve results quickly,
understanding the consequences and implications.
• It Is All About The User Experience – there can be two types of solution consumer: the internal organisation user and
the external organisation customer user. The latter may experience the solution directly or indirectly by interacting with
internal users. Solutions exist to be usable, useful and to be used. People are always part of the operation and use of any
solution. Solution usability contributes to the long-term success of a solution. Users experience the complete operational
solution across its entire scope and experience its functional and quality properties and the underlying business
• Always Look for Innovation – the solution architect should always take the larger architectural view of any solution and
seek to improve and add value through appropriate innovation.
• Speed of Delivery Is Important – the solution architect should structure the solution design to allow components be
implemented in parallel. The solution architect should structure and schedule the design work to optimise the use of the
delivery teams, keeping the delivery engine occupied and optimally engaged.
• Appropriate and Necessary Detail and Complexity Only – necessary complexity is good. Unnecessary complexity is
not. This has two applications: including only necessary and useful detail during the solution concept and exploration
stage and removing unnecessary complexity from the ultimate solution design.
• Simplify, Simplify,
Simplify, Simplify – keep solution designs as simple as possible. Question solution designs and eliminate
redundant or superfluous elements. Use common standards and infrastructural application components as much as is
• Data Breathes Life Into Systems – remember that the movement of data – data input, data processing and
transformation, data outputs, data access, data reporting and analysis and data integrations – are at the heart of business
applications. Data breathes life into solutions. Data quality, speed and ease of data access and data throughput have to be
central to any solution design.
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• Embed Security As Standard – security cannot be an afterthought, considered after the solution has been designed and
retrofitted to the solution environment. Security needs to be embedded in all components of the solution and at all stages
in the processing pipeline, especially at the periphery. There needs to be a common set of security standards and
associated hardware and software infrastructure to support solution security across the entire landscape.
• Live With Mixed Technical Environment – while an entirely homogenous hardware and software environment is a
desirable target, it is very difficult, expensive and time-consuming to achieve. All but the youngest organisations will have
a legacy of mixed information technology solutions. While it is possible to reduce the amount of heterogeneity in the
information landscape, its complete elimination is not realistic or achievable. The benefits of simplicity in the
information technology environment are long-term and largely of direct benefit to the IT function in terms of reduced
support and operating costs. The wider business organisation will see those benefits only indirectly. Too much effort
spent on simplification of the information technology environment means fewer resources are available to work on
business solutions. The IT function should not let itself become obsessed with simplification at the expense of other
business-oriented work. Environment simplification can be contributed to by investment in infrastructural solutions –
such as data interface, data integration and exchange – that can be used commonly across multiple solutions.
The unhappy reality is that the operation and interoperation of the set of IT architecture disciplines and the groups that
perform those functions can be characterised by many of the following failings, flaws and deficiencies.
• All To
Too Frequently Inwardly Focussed, Staffed By IT Personnel, Focussed On IT Rather Than On the Business –
the architecture functions, including business architecture (which is not a widely practiced discipline), even though they
provide a service to the business do not second business representatives to them to gain business experience and
• Demonstrates
Demonstrates Aspects of Groupthink and Focalism – groupthink and focalism occur where the group becomes
inwardly focussed and does not learn or believe that it can learn from anyone outside the group. The group becomes
dominated by small number or a single individual who force their beliefs on the group. This leads to decisions being
made not based on wider concerns and information. The result is cognitive tunnelling where the group disregards
external evidence and pursues its own initiatives irrespective of the damage they cause or the resources they waste.
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• Too Remote From Business Concerns and Not Business Oriented and Focussed – the IT architecture disciplines do
not ground their work in the context of business needs and business operations. Their work is internally focussed on
technologies rather than addressing the wants of the business.
• Concerned With Documenting Current IT IT Technology State, Standards and Processes in Detail Rather Than
Looking to the Future – IT architecture, especially enterprise architecture, is overly concerned with detailing and
recording the current IT systems and platforms rather than looking to define a target future state that addresses more
effectively business needs. The current state needs only enough information to allow its deficiencies and problems to be
identified. It is only important insofar as it contributes value to the future.
• Too Dogmatic, Rigid and Inflexible – the IT disciplines do not respond and react flexibly to business needs. They
concentrate on the internals of their practices.
• Focused on
on Compliance, Control and Governance and Adherence to Rules – the IT architecture practices value
compliance with their internal rules and on governance standards to the detriment of service delivery.
• Obsessed w ith Architecture Frameworks, Reference Models and Patterns – IT architecture, especially enterprise
architecture, looks at architecture frameworks as ends in themselves rather than as a means of adding value and
delivering a service. The merit and value of architecture patterns and their applicability to real world business concerns
and issues tend to be overestimated.
• Overly Controlling – the IT architecture disciplines seek to impose controls that they view as important and relevant
but which are driven only by internal concerns.
• Reactive – the IT architecture disciplines react to business needs and business changes rather than seeking to be
proactive in identifying problems and opportunities, either internally with their own operations or externally with the
business, especially in the value that can be derived from exploiting new technologies.
• Work Not Linked To Performance Metrics – the IT architecture functions do not measure the value of the work they
do and the results, if any, they achieve and the outcomes they generate. There is no assessment or evaluation framework
with constituent performance or results indicators that links the costs of the IT architecture functions to the value
• Speaks the Language of Technology Rather Than Business – the IT architecture disciplines communicate with the
business using the language of IT. They do not speak to the business in their own language or see to express themselves
in that way.
• Communicates To the Business Badly, If At All – the IT architecture functions do not regularly communicate what
they do, what their role in the overall organisation it and what benefits and values they provide to the organisation.
• Not Concerned With Delivery – the IT architecture disciplines do not relate their work to the delivery of operable,
usable, efficient, effective solutions and services to the business.
• Does Not Measure Its Delivery In Terms of Business Benefits Realised – the IT architecture functions do not
understand the benefits that are realised from the work they do and the contribution they make either to the IT function
or the overall business organisation. They do not have a benefits realisation measurement structure or framework.
These failings within the IT architecture functions lead to failings in the relationship the business organisation has with the IT
function. IT architecture does not provide technology leadership to either the IT function or the business organisation. The
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business does not seek out the services of the IT architecture disciplines for advice or technology consulting services. The
business organisation wants a flexible IT function that enables it respond quickly to business needs and changes. The IT
function responds slowly and provides a poor overall service to the business.
The consequence of these failings is that the business organisation bypasses the IT function and acquires information
technology solutions and services directly from external service providers. Given the increasingly pervasive availability of
externally hosted solutions requiring no central information technology infrastructure, this has become a very easy and
progressively more common route for the business to take.
The business organisation also bypasses the internal IT function by outsourcing the provision of IT services to external
service providers.
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3.3.5 Shadow IT
This bypassing of the IT function by the business organisation for IT solutions leads to the growth of Shadow IT –
information technology assets – applications, data and infrastructure - that are outside the control of the IT function. In the
medium term, Shadow IT poses substantial risks for the organisation is terms of security of data and applications, lack of
compliance with the relevant required regulatory standards, larger than anticipated costs because of the use of subscription-
based payments and because costs are not controlled and the use of service providers that may not continue in business,
leaving the organisation without the contracted service.
However, the business organisation tolerates these risks in order to get the services and solutions it requires from external
sources when it comes up against the barriers imposed by the internal IT function.
The size of and the growth of Shadow IT within organisation is a symptom of an IT function that the business organisation
does not trust or rely on or feels it is able to depend on to provide the right set of solutions within the right time.
Because Shadow IT is just that, in the shadows and not exposed to detailed analysis, its size is difficult to quantify.
In 2017, the Everest Group estimated that Shadow IT represented 50% of more of the total IT spending of large
In 2013, CEB Global (now part of the Gartner Group) estimated that the proportion of IT spending outside the IT function
was of the order of 40%.11 In the same CEB survey, the IT function estimated that this proportion of the IT spend was only
Cisco published in 2015 an analysis of cloud application usage that indicated that IT departments estimated their
organisations were using 51 cloud services on average while in reality 730 cloud services were being used, a difference of 15
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times.12 Cisco also estimates that the difference between the IT department’s understanding and the reality in terms of usage
of cloud services grew from a multiplier of 7 to 10 to 15 in one year. This demonstrates what was written earlier about the
easy availability of cloud-based solutions.
In 2015, Logicalis conducted a survey of over 400 global CIOs. 90% said there were sometimes bypassed the business. 31% of
CIOs said they were routinely bypassed when the business was making IT buying decisions.13
CipherCloud published a report on cloud adoption14 in which they identified issues with the use of unsanctioned cloud
Our study found that enterprises vastly underestimate the extent of Shadow IT cloud applications used by their
organizations. Various media sources claim 10% to 50% of cloud applications are not visible to IT. Our
statistics show that on average 86% of cloud applications are unsanctioned. For example, a major US enterprise
estimated 10–15 file sharing applications were in use, but discovered almost 70.
The CipherCloud report also identifies a lack of knowledge of the extent of such Shadow IT usage in organisations:
We all know that the use of Shadow IT within businesses is exploding, but few enterprises have been able to
accurately assess the extent of the problem. Self-reported surveys of the percent of enterprises using cloud
services range from as low as 19%1 to 50%—clearly ignoring Shadow IT. Other surveys have shown as many as
80%1 of end-users admitting to using unsanctioned applications, but without any measurements of actual
The Cloud Security Alliance published a report15 in January 2015 on the adoption of cloud applications by organisations. In
this report, they noted:
Employees are more empowered than ever before to find and use cloud applications, often with limited or no
involvement from the IT department, creating what’s called “shadow IT.” Despite the benefits of cloud
computing, companies face numerous challenges including the security and compliance of corporate data,
managing employee-led cloud usage, and even the development of necessary skills needed in the cloud era. By
understanding the cloud adoption practices and potential risks, companies can better position themselves to be
successful in their transition to the cloud.
The concerns raised by survey respondents in relation to cloud applications and Shadow IT were:
Cloud Adoption & Risk Report in North America & Europe - 2014 Trends Published by CipherCloud in February 2015
Cloud Adoption Practices & Priorities Survey Report Published by the Cloud Security Alliance.
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They also identified a lack of knowledge about the use of cloud applications:
Only 8 percent of companies know the scope of shadow IT at their organizations, and an overwhelming
majority (72 percent) of companies surveyed said they did not know the scope of shadow IT but wanted to
know. This number is even higher for enterprises with more than 5,000 employees at 80 percent. Globally, 71
percent of respondents were somewhat to very concerned over shadow IT. There are some stark geographic
differences, with 85 percent of APAC respondents concerned versus just 66 percent and 68 percent of their
Americas and European counterparts, respectively.
This range of survey and other information illustrates the scope and concerns about Shadow IT, especially in the era of cloud
The extent of the problem of Shadow IT and the bypassing of the internal IT function may be masked by IT outsourcing
which may be notionally counted as a central IT spend. Some IT outsourcing activities are caused by the business
organisation bypassing the IT function when acquiring IT services.
Shadow IT has existed since there was a centralised IT function. The original PC was effectively a form of Shadow IT, reacting
against the inflexibility, slowness and lack of access to information by providing end-user direct access to information
processing facilities.
Shadow IT in the form of end-user computing (EUC) – applications typically developed using tools such as Excel and Access
– existed long before cloud applications became pervasively available and still continues to exist. These applications are
typically developed without any formal analysis, design and testing. They evolve from the simple to the complex and become
important to the daily operations of a business function or an organisation. They are contributed to by many people over
time. They are not formally supported or documented. The well-proven risks that are associated with these EUC applications
are now being transferred to cloud-based Shadow IT applications.
There are many reports of substantial losses being attributed to EUC applications, especially Excel. The following table lists a
small number of these.
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J.P. Morgan Chase, one of the world’s most mighty banking and
financial services firms, is one organization that has learned the risks
of Excel the hard way. In an incident that drew worldwide attention,
J.P. Morgan lost billions of dollars in the so called “London Whale”
incident. The London Whale was a trader based in J.P. Morgan’s
London Chief Investment Office (CIO). He had earned his nickname
because of the magnitude of the trading bets he was making. It is said
that his bets were so large his actions alone could move a market.
Despite his undeniable power, things went seriously wrong between
Apr and Jun 2012 and a poorly positioned trade resulted in losses that
eventually totalled up into the billions of dollars.
According to available reports, the part of the CIO office involved was
responsible for managing the bank’s financial risk using complex
financial hedging strategies in the derivatives markets. To support the
operations J.P. Morgan had developed a “Synthetic Credit Value at
Risk (VaR) Model” that helped them understand the level of risk they
were exposed to and hence make decisions about what trades they
should be making and when.
The tool had been developed in-house in 2011 and was built using a
series of Excel spreadsheets. According to J.P. Morgan’s own report to
their shareholders that was published following the disaster, the
spreadsheets “had to be completed manually, by a process of copying
and pasting data from one spreadsheet to another”. To pick what
appears to be an appropriate word in this particular case: YIKES!
Immediately any serious user of Excel would know that relying on
copy and paste is risky business. One minor slip and the data you
have isn’t what you thought it was. One accidental move and you can
wipe out the embedded formulas without realizing what you’ve done.
Relying on copy and paste in a tool that supported billion dollar
transactions seems unfathomable to me. Feb. 3, 2011 – The Securities and Exchange Commission today $232 million
011/2011-37.htm charged three AXA Rosenberg entities with securities fraud for
concealing a significant error in the computer code of the quantitative
investment model that they use to manage client assets. The error
caused $217 million in investor losses.
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Many companies have suffered and continue to suffer very substantial financial losses due to errors and misuse of computer
applications, mainly Excel-based, developed by end users.
Chartis Research16 produced in July 201617 an analysis of the risks of such EUC applications to financial services
organisations in which they stated:
Chartis estimates that the current End User Computing (EUC) Value at Risk (VaR) for the largest 50 FIs
(Financial Institutions) is $12.1 billion (bn) (at a confidence interval of 97.5%, over a one-year period). The
estimated annual average VaR for large FIs is $285 million (m) per institution. The results of our methodology
applied to publicly disclosed loss events gave an estimate of the VaR that large FIs are exposed to, though it
does not take into account secondary effects such as regulatory fines, reputational damage, loss of customers
etc. Chartis believes there is a strong qualitative argument that the potential secondary impact of EUC risk is
significantly larger than the direct losses covered in this paper.
The problem of the business bypassing the central IT function is getting worse. The failure of IT architecture to engage with
business requirements is one cause of this. This leads to a fragmented IT solution landscape that is characterised by problems
such as:
• High variability and lack of standardisation across business units, driven by changes in business strategy, governance,
organisation and process
• Inconsistent data definitions, multiple databases, releases and configurations which result in duplication of licenses,
duplicate and inconsistent information, complexity in testing, no single version of the truth and no control of master and
reference data
• Multiple vendors, multiple instances and versions which add complexity in procurement, development and release
management, resulting in higher costs and longer time to market
• Multiple operating environments, multiple hardware vendors and types, leading to higher maintenance and personnel
costs, greater instability and time-to-fix
• No control of costs
It may simply a matter of time before a similar set of stories regarding EUC applications starts to emerge for cloud-based
The EUC Shadow IT problem has not been resolved. So, the cloud application Shadow IT may not also be resolved easily.
The solution architecture function can at least seek to minimise both its use and the likelihood and impact of problems by
engaging with the business function earlier to identify the need for solutions.
Quantification of End User Computing Risk in Financial Services
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4.1 Introduction
This chapter contains details on solution architecture and the solution design processes across a range of business
engagement types. It discusses how solution architecture fits into the overall organisation and the information technology
function. It discusses the topics of:
• How the solution architecture function needs to interface with the business analysis function, especially in relation to
requirements gathering and business process analysis
• The ways in which the solution architecture function can engage with the business to design solutions to resolve
problems or address opportunities, including describing a number of detailed engagement processes that can be used at
different stages of solution design
• The importance of solution usability and the solution consumers’ experience of the solution
• The need to take data architecture view of the solution from the initial stages of solution design and the approaches and
frameworks that can be used to make this easier
• The artefacts that can be created during the various engagement and design processes
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Solution architecture and solution design needs to operate in a wider organisational context. At this high level, this context is:
This is a generic representation. It will be different for individual organisations and businesses, such as those operating in the
public and private sectors. The organisation defines its strategy, informed by external factors such as its operating
environment, business pressures, drivers for change and the legal and regulatory framework to which it is subject. The
organisation then defines its structure and processes to achieve the strategy. The organisation then creates its overall
information technology strategy with the help of the IT function. The organisation strategy and IT strategy need to be
synchronised so the latter assists with the achievement of the former. The IT strategy leads the design, delivery and operation
of the portfolio of solutions needed to run the organisation. These solutions must harmonise with the organisation structure
and the operational business processes.
The Solution Architecture and Design function needs to be involved both in the design of the required business solutions and
in making certain that the solutions are what the business really needs to operate the business processes.
The following diagram illustrates in more detail the components and their linkages needed to make sure than the business
gets solutions that meet their needs to achieve business and information technology alignment
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1. Business Strategy – the business or organisation must create an overall strategy for its operations defining what it does
and what it seeks to achieve. The business strategy provides the context in which all other activities take place.
2. Business Objectives – the business strategy is translated into a number of objectives that must be achieved in order to
realise the business strategy.
3. Business Structure and Operational Model – an organisational structure and operating needs to be defined in order to
achieve the defined set of objectives.
4. Business Processes – the operational business processes needed to actualise the achievement of the defined objectives
must be defined and implemented.
5. Business IT Strategy – the organisation needs to define an overall information technology strategy that encompasses the
solutions, systems and applications needed to operate the business processes.
6. IT Function Strategy – the organisation’s information technology function must define its own strategy to achieve the
wider organisation’s business IT strategy. This must include the information technology function structures and business
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7. Enterprise Architecture – the enterprise architecture and other IT architecture functions must define the information
technology standards and frameworks within which solutions, systems and applications will operate.
8. Required Operational Business Solutions – the business solutions and systems needed to implement and
operationalise the business processes must be identified.
9. Business
Business Solution Analysis and Design/Selection
Design/Selection – the required business solutions must be defined and designed.
10. Solution Implementation and Delivery – the designed solutions must be implemented and transitioned to an
operational state.
11. Management and Operations – the delivered solutions must be brought under the control of the operations function.
12. Required Structure, Capabilities and Resources – the information technology function must define and implement its
own structure and acquire the necessary capabilities and resources to implement its own strategy in order in turn to
implement the organisation’s IT strategy.
13. Required Operational Processes – the information technology function must define and implement its internal
14. Required Support Business Solutions – the information technology function must define solutions and systems needed
to implement and operationalise the business processes
15. Support Solution Analysis and Design/Selection – the solutions required to support the operation of the information
technology function
An effective solution architecture function and solution design process is needed to ensure the needs of the business are
responded to by the IT function in terms of providing a portfolio of usable and useful solutions.
As mentioned above, there are three interrelated strategies using the organisation change domain model discussed earlier:
1. Business Strategy
• Defines the strategic goals, imperatives and initiatives to direct the business
• Business strategy is the principal driver of IT strategy
• IT strategy is developed to support the business strategy
• IT can also provide opportunities to reshape the business strategy
2. Organisation IT Strategy
• Defines the strategic direction of information technology within the organisation required to support and achieve
business strategy.
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One aspect of the solution design process is the acquisition of knowledge: knowledge about the problem being solved and
knowledge about the solution options. This knowledge is an input to the solution design process.
The purpose of gathering knowledge is to gain insight and make decisions. You need a systematic, structured and measurable
approach to decision making. Decision making that follows a systematic approach is more productive and results in better
You need to avoid factors that cause ineffective decision making such as:
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The amount of already known knowledge about the problem being resolved through the design of a solution and the amount
of knowledge that must be acquired governs the complexity of the solution design process.
The solution design process acquires and uses knowledge about the problem and the solution to create one or more
implementable and usable solution options.
Solutions can, simplistically, grouped into one of four categories based on a combination of the amount of problem
knowledge known and the amount of solution knowledge known.
This leads to four very broad categories of problem and solution knowledge and the associated solution design complexity:
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Introduction to Solution Architecture
1. New Or Unquantified Problem/No Problem Knowledge With No Existing Solution Knowledge – where the
existing knowledge both about the problem and its resolution are low
3. New Or Unquantified Problem/No Problem Knowledge Where Existing Solution Knowledge Can Be Adapted –
where the knowledge about the problem is low but where there is existing solution knowledge based on the resolution of
generally similar problems
4. Known Or Quantified Problem With Existing Solution Knowledge – where the existing knowledge about the
problem and its resolution are both high
The category of problem and resolution knowledge can be used to determine the approach to defining a resolution and an
associated implementing solution.
There are four broad categories of resolution determination approach linked to the categories of knowledge:
1. Invent or Derive New Knowledge To Create New Solution For New Problem – where the existing knowledge both
about the problem and its resolution are low, the solution approach will involve inventing or deriving new solution
design knowledge to the new problem.
2. Develop New Knowledge To Create New Solution For Known Problem – where the problem is largely known but
the resolution options are not, new solution knowledge must be developed to create a new solution design for a known
3. Adapt Or Apply Existing Solutions or Knowledge For New Problem – where the knowledge about the problem is low
but where there is existing solution knowledge based on the resolution of generally similar problems, the solution
approach will involve adapting or applying existing solution design knowledge to the new problem.
4. Adapt Or Apply Existing Solutions or Knowledge For Known Problem – where the existing knowledge about the
problem and its resolution are both high, the solution approach will involve adapting or applying existing solution design
knowledge to the problem.
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Introduction to Solution Architecture
Understanding the extent of the problem and solution knowledge at the start of the solution design process allows you
understand the likely effort that will be involved in the process and the likely complexity of the work.
Solution unknowns – gaps in knowledge about either the problem or the solution - are the source of potential problems
during solution delivery, from estimation of cost, resources and time required to the performance of the work. One goal of
solution design is to minimise or even eliminate the number of surprises and unforeseen circumstances and events that occur
after the design is complete. It is concerned with removing the as much of the uncertainty from the solution design as is
possible, subject to time and resource constraints.
Potential knowledge – both about the problem and the set of solution options – must be converted into actual knowledge.
Simplistically, potential knowledge is the knowledge that can be known. Known Knowns represent knowledge that can be and
is known – potential converted to actual. Known Unknowns represent knowledge that we know that we do not know –
potential that can at some future stage be converted to actual. In terms of solution design and ultimately the delivery of the
solution, Unknown Unknowns represent a problem. They are knowledge of the problem and the solution that we do not
know about.
The solution design process is concerned with maximising the Known Knowns and minimising the other areas of unknown
knowledge through exploration, investigation and analysis. It is about taming the solution knowledge dragons. The more that
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Introduction to Solution Architecture
is known about the solution design the fewer the problems relating to scope and changes and associated cost, time and
resource increase will occur later in solution implementation.
Greater certainty about the problem being resolved and the design of the solution required to resolve it leads to more
exactness in the estimate of resources, time and cost required to implement the solution.
The need to acquire knowledge and thus remove uncertainty cannot be used as an excuse for lack of progress towards
creating a solution design. The rapid solution design engagement process described in section4.6.5 on page 257 can be used to
create broad solution concept options quickly.
The high-level set of steps to identify solution options and to create a conceptual architecture is illustrated below.
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Introduction to Solution Architecture
The likely complexity of the solution design process is partially related to the state of the problem and solution knowledge.
This can be represented as a solution design complexity heatmap.
The red areas indicate areas of potentially high complexity. The green areas indicate areas of potentially low complexity.
However, the problem/solution knowledge gap is just one aspect of complexity in the solution design process and in the
solution design created.
The solution is likely to be complex system if the problem to be resolved or the way which the problem can be resolved
comprises many components that can interact with one other in many different ways. Having many components in itself does
not lead to complexity. The complexity of the solution arises when those components have many relationships, dependencies
and interactions. 18
The eponymous Gall’s Law should be borne in mind. See page 52 of SYSTEMANTICS: How Systems Really
Really Work and How They Fail
ISBN 978-0812906745 by John Gall:
A Complex System That Works Is Invariably Found To Have Evolved From A Simple System That Works.
A Complex System Designed From Scratch Never Works And Cannot Be Patched Up To Make It Work.
You Have To Start Over, Beginning With A Working Simple System.
Gall’s short book is an entertaining read if somewhat cynical and facetious. This law is not necessarily a formal statement
about complexity but it is worth remembering.
Complexity arises and needs to be addressed and managed in a number of areas in the solution design process:
1. The complexity of the solution required to resolve the problem, its number of components and its interactions – the
solution’s intrinsic complexity
2. Complexity in arriving at the solution design option or options based on the amount of knowledge required and the
knowability of this knowledge
3. Complexity in the way the solution is interacted with and the ways in which the solution can or will be used – this can be
regarded as uncontrollable usage complexity
Complexity can be very enticing. Complexity makes solutions interesting and captivating. Solution architects must work hard
to avoid the fascination of complexity.
Usage complexity can be reduced by actions such as limiting the number of users and reducing the available functionality to
limit the actions that solution users can perform.
Usage complexity can arise in situations where there is substantial latent demand for the solution. This is demand that does
not currently manifest itself but becomes apparent when the solution is made available.
Such latent demand frequently occurs when solutions are implemented that are deployed to a user population outside the
organisation. The internal organisation user population is reasonably easy to know and control. It is considerably more
difficult to control external users. There can be uncertainty and unpredictability about their interactions with the solution.
The solution designer needs to ensure that the designed solution is only as complex as it needs to be to resolve the problem
and not any more complex but not any less19. Complexity and richness of features can be very seductive. Simplification and
removing unnecessary complexity in the solution design is one of the tasks of the solution designer.20 Necessary complexity is
what remains when unnecessary complexity has been removed. Necessary complexity can only be removed when the solution
functionality that leads to that complexity is explicitly removed.
The analogy of a waterbed can be used when discussing necessary and unnecessary complexity. Water is incompressible so
pressing down on one part of the waterbed will cause it to rise elsewhere. So, as with the waterbed, attempts to eliminate
There is a strong theoretical basis to the concept of solution complexity. In his book An Introduction
Introduction to Cybernetics, W Ross Ahsby introduced his Law Of Requisite Variety (page 206). Essentially the system
as a regulator requires an equivalent amount of variety (processing functionality) as the information or signals it must handle. That is, the
solution must as a complex as the streams of information, inputs and actions it is designed to handle. This is further elaborated by Roger C.
Conant and W. Ross Ashby in their Good Regulator theorem - - which states that
"every good regulator of a system must be a model of that system ". That is, there should be a mapping from the states of the system
being handled to the states of the solution that handles that system. When applied to solution architecture, this approach views the solution
as a receiver and processor of signals – data exchanges, integrations, inputs and requests for functions to be performed. The solution must
have sufficient complexity to handle and process the range of signals it is expected to accommodate. From this it can be inferred that
complexity can be avoided by simplifying the amount of processing expected to be performed by the system.
The often-quoted figures from Jim Johnson of the Standish Group on product features not used is worth considering. See. ROI: It's your
job. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Extreme Programming and Flexible Processes in Software Engineering
(XP 2002), Alghero, Sardinia, Italy. He claimed that 46% of product features implemented were never used.
Never 45%
Rarely 19%
Sometimes 16%
Often 13%
Always 7%
The analysis was based on just four internally developed software solutions and so the analysis may not be widely applicable. However, it
represents a warning to always question and avoid complexity.
necessary complexity in one area of the solution will cause additional compensating complexity to occur or be needed
There is a related area of complexity in the wider solution delivery process. This relates to the complexity of the project to
implement the solution. A complex solution design will invariably lead to a complex solution delivery process. This
complexity can be further increased by delivery factors such as:
These factors can be outside the core solution design. But they can be included in or at least adverted to in the solution
Factors that are commonly included in an assessment of the complexity of the solution delivery projects such as:
• Amount of work performed by and expected throughput of the system – number of transactions, complexity of
• Number of people that will use the solution
• Security, performance, reliability and availability requirements
• Volume of data to be migrated or initially loaded to make the solution usable
• Volume of data to be stored and processed
• Complexity in the data structures and the relationships between data elements
are not purely delivery related. These can and should be included in the solution design.
Complexity accumulates and is magnified across these contributing factors. The complexity adds to the riskiness associated
with solution implementation. Taking an end-to-end solution delivery view means that the complexity that has accumulated
across the entire path and its consequent risks can be understood.
Knowing the likely complexity of the solution allows an informed decision to be made on the solution design effort and the
number and skills and experience levels of the resources required. Solutions of low complexity require few resources and can
be assigned to solution designers who are starting to gain experience. Highly complex solutions, even after unnecessary
complexity has been removed, involve greater risk along the solution design and implementation journey. This complexity
needs to be understood and managed.
However, estimating the complexity requires some initial assessment of the both the state of problem and solution knowledge
and of the number and complexity of the components and their interactions of the solution.
In general, complex problems require complex solutions. Simple solutions will not work. Similarly, simple problems do not
require and should not be given complex solutions.
A further aspect of complex solutions is that they can take a long time to implement. Frequently solutions need to be
deployed, operable and usable quickly to take advantage of a changing business environment.
Complexity is the enemy of speed and dynamism. Reducing complexity reduces the time to get the solution operational.
However, speed and dynamism of solution delivery are themselves not without major risks:
• Higher operational costs due to manual workaround, poorly integrated solution components, poor data quality
• Unstable solution that is prone to errors and failures, leading to poor user experience, reputational damage and the
possible rejection of the solution
• Necessary components missing – the solution as implemented does not include functionality that is needed to make the
solution usable
• Cannot scale to handle volumes – the solution worked for small volumes of activity and data but cannot scale in a
production environment leading to delays, higher support costs, manual effort and rejection of the solution
• Insecure – the solution has security gaps and flaws
• Not accepted by target user population – the solution is rejected by the users for who it is intended
• Wrong solution – the solution is simply not what is needed or envisaged
• Cost of rework - the solution problems must be resolved through rework, requiring more time and cost
There is no simple answer to the question of what complexity is necessary. There is no magic bullet to kill the problem. It
requires analysis and thought. If the scope of the required solution is not understood then the risks cannot be understood.
Getting the solution wrong can be expensive.
Solution complexity is frequently assessed as a weighting factor, when creating solution delivery estimates. The overall
weighting is calculated based on scores assigned to individual factors such as:
Individual factor scores are assigned in a range of 1 to 10 on the scale where 1 represents Simple/Few/Low/Yes/Not
Applicable to 10 representing Complex/Large/High/No .
The Reverse Weighting column indicates that the score is reversed: 10 means a very low contribution to the overall
complexity and 1 means a very high complexity score. For example, the complexity factor Number of separate suppliers
involved in the delivery of the product(s) is rated from 1 to 10 where 1 means a single supplier and 10 means a very large
number of suppliers. Where the rating of the complexity factor Maturity of the product(s) which has a reverse rating flag is
1, it means it is an immature product and a score of 10 means it is very mature.
It is also used to identify high-risk solution delivery projects that require a higher degree of governance.
These are not so much solution complexity factors as solution implementation and organisation and project complexity
Using an approach such as this can give a false sense of comfort that the solution complexity has been understood, captured
and catered for and a misleading rigour to the complexity score. Solution delivery complexity is non-linear rather than linear.
A higher complexity score indicates that the solution delivery is much more complex. A score of the 75th percentile does not
mean the solution delivery complexity is 50% greater than that of a 50th percentile score. It is more likely to be 70% more
complex. The reasoning here is that the amount by which the estimated resources should be increased to cater for solution
complexity must start to taper off. There is only so much complexity that the delivery of a solution can handle and only so
many resources that can be added to the solution delivery resources before the project cannot absorb any more.
Figure 68 – Non-
Non-Linear Nature of Solution Delivery Complexity
However, the exact nature of the non-linearity is not obvious. In reality the complexity curve will be like:
A notional reduction in complexity will not lead to a reduction in the effort and resources required to deliver the solution.
The solution will always require a basic amount of resources to implement. Complexity adds to these.
The applicability of the weightings assigned to the complexity factors is unvalidated. The values assigned to the weights are
similarly not formally established. Also, complexity factors and weightings are interrelated and this relationship is not
represented in the overall complexity score. For example, the experience of the project manager assigned to a small project is
much less important that that person’s experience if the project is very large.
In some cases, these complexity factors reflect the solution implementation causes of failure listed in section 3.1 on page 57.
The following table contains an example of the application of this complexity model.
The example solution delivery has a weighted score of 317.75. Based on the assumption that complexity is non-linear and a
higher than average complexity score indicates a proportionally higher complexity, this project would be assigned a
complexity uplift of 1.23 to the initial project resource estimates. This assumes that the resource estimates did not already,
either implicitly or explicitly, account for solution delivery complexity.
The following shows where this complexity score is located on the proposed non-linear solution complexity curve.
Using this approach, the following complexity score would lead to the following resource uplifts.
Complexity Possible
Score Resource Uplift
300 1.06
350 1.44
400 1.73
450 1.89
500 1.97
This is not a precise complexity determination method. It illustrates a type of approach regularly used but one which has
flaws, such as:
• The values assigned to the weights that reflect the importance of a complexity factor are not formally derived.
• The same weighting is applied to all complexity factors with the same importance.
• The validity of the complexity factors and their contribution to the overall complexity of the solution has not been
• The complexity scores assigned to each complexity factor are subjective and do not have a defined objectively defined
• In deriving the final complexity score, each individual weighted score is added without any account being taken of the
spread of scores. A low overall score could be the result of the sum of a small number of very high-risk factors combined
with a large number of very low risk factors. The small number of high-risk factors would indicate the solution delivery
had some inherent major risks that would be masked in the final score.
• Not all factors apply to all solutions. Assigning these factors a zero score would falsely underestimate the complexity of
the solution measured against the applicable complexity factors.
It could be possible to create a solution complexity dashboard along the following lines. This example contains the following
numbered sections:
Number Description
1 This shows the complexity factor groups.
2 This shows the individual complexity factors.
3 This allows individual complexity factors to be included or excluded from the derivation of the overall
solution complexity.
4 This indicates if the score for the factor is reversed.
5 This is the weighting applied to the factor based on the scale of VL, L, M, H and VH.
6 This allows the individual complexity factor to be assigned a value.
7 This is the weighted score of the complexity factor.
8 The shows the relative value of the group of complexity factors.
9 This shows the overall complexity score against the available score.
10 This shows the estimated uplift that should be applied to the estimated based on the derived complexity of
the solution.
11 This shows the number and percentage of solution complexity factors across the different weightings. It also
shows the scores and their percentage of the overall score for each weighting category.
12 This shows the overall solution complexity score.
13 This charts the range of scores assigned to complexity factor based on their weighting where green indicates
a low score and red a high score. In this example, there is a disproportionate number of factors with a
weighting of very high assigned a high score.
14 This shows where the overall solution complexity lies on the solution complexity curve.
The following diagram shows this sample complexity dashboard with some of the factors excluded.
The solution architect cannot design solution in isolation without being aware of the implications of its subsequent delivery.
Inherent unnecessary complexity must be avoided. The solution architect does not have control of the wider environment in
which the solution will be delivered and that may be a source of additional complexity. But the solution architect can try to
influence this by indicating where solution delivery problems may arise due to complexity so mitigation actions can be taken.
The complexity factors can be used to assess and select solution options. The goal is, as always, no surprises.
Every organisation will have a solution delivery process based on project management standards such as PRINCE221 or
PMBOK22 or a local variant of one of these. This process may be based on a locally developed variant of one of these
standards. Note that the project management process does not necessarily imply a specific approach to the implementation of
solution components, such as agile or waterfall. Chapter 6 on page 422 discusses the topic of solution delivery and the use of
agile delivery processes in more detail.
The solution design process works within the wider organisational and operational solution delivery and operation context.
The objective of solution architecture and of the solution design process is to create deliverable designs that are implemented,
become operational and generate the expected business benefits and value.
Unless there is a strong solution delivery process with associated effective governance, there is little merit in having an
effective solution design process.
The core dimension of any solution delivery process is the set of phases that are followed sequentially from start to end. These
phases typically take the form of the following:
• Concept
• Initiate
• Plan
• Design
• Build
• Test
• Deploy
• Operate
These phases are not necessarily sequential. However, ultimately, the solution delivery process must deliver an operational
solution. The phases can be iterated.
This high-level set of solution delivery stages could be expanded to include a more detailed set of steps.
These solution delivery steps are not necessarily sequential and linear. They can be reordered, repeated in greater levels of
detail and performed in parallel. They represent activities to be performed and work to be done. How and when this happens
can be defined during detailed delivery planning.
There may (and should) be gates at the end of each of these stages where the validity of the solution progressing to the next
stage should be assessed and a decision made. Even if the solution is sufficiently worthwhile to progress, the quality of the
work may not be sufficient to merit its advancement until it is reworked to an appropriate standard. The gate and review
process ensures that the solution delivery work remains on track.
This generic solution delivery process can be expanded to add a second dimension of the solution delivery role involved in
solution delivery stages. The following shows this expanded solution delivery process with a view of the possible artefacts that
could be created as the solution delivery process proceeds. The precise set of artefacts to be produced based on work done and
outcomes and results achieved, whether the artefacts are actually produced and when and who produces them will vary across
Figure 75 – Solution Delivery Process with Solution Delivery Phase and Role Dimensions
The possible list of artefacts to be created is listed in the table below. This is a very comprehensive (and time consuming to
produce) set of artefacts. It includes both documentation and other items such as environments that are delivered during the
solution delivery process. Documentation artefacts are designed to serve three main functions:
1. To contain a record that the work that generated the artefact was done to a sufficient rigour and level of detail
2. To create a set of information that can be passed to subsequent delivery stages and other members of the solution
delivery team
3. To create a store of solution delivery knowledge that can be used in subsequent work such as support, solution
enhancement and evolution and other solution design work
All of these artefacts proceed from the solution architecture work at the start of solution delivery and from the solution design
created and revised throughout the delivery effort. The solution design must be able to support the creation of these artefacts.
It must provide a sufficiently firm foundation to enable this to happen. Solution architecture must be involved throughput the
solution delivery process. The siloed nature of solution delivery with multiple handoffs described in section 2.6 on page 50
must be avoided.
Document artefacts must serve a purpose. There is no merit in creating large volumes of documentation unless they service a
function. These are logical artefacts are can be combined. Behind each of these artefacts is a substantial set of work. The
artefacts can be repeated for different component of the solution.
The approach to solution delivery and the set of artefacts to be created must be agreed during the planning stages.
These are specific solution delivery artefacts. In addition, there will be other artefacts created during the delivery project
relating to its management such as status reports, communications, documentation from meetings, changes requests and
record of change management activities.
The solution delivery process starts in the top left of this view and moves out through the project phases and down through
the delivery roles as the project proceeds. Section 4.6.3 on page 234 locates different solution design engagement types within
this overall solution delivery process framework.
The solution architecture function needs to be involved at the earliest stage of solution design when the concept of the
solution is being explored. At this early exploration and investigation point, the solution architecture function needs to have
the tools, techniques and experience to offer consulting services to the business function. The solution idea needs to be
examined and validated quickly and to just a sufficient level of detail as to allow an educated decision to be made to continue
or not
However, for this approach to solution engagement to be effective the solution architecture must be enabled to operate in this
way. The business must accept and trust that the solution architecture function has the necessary capabilities. The governance
of the overall solution delivery process must support this mode of operation.
The foundational activities that lead to successful solution delivery project occur in the top left quadrant of the solution
delivery domain.
Focussing on these solution delivery stages and activities will ensure that the solution delivery foundations are sound.
In the traditional solution design and delivery journey, requirements are gathered by the business analysis function during
requirements gathering workshops organised with business representatives. Analysis is used to gather information and
requirements. Analysis does not solve problems or deliver solutions. It is an important step in solution design. The analysis
function interfaces between the business and the solution architecture function.
In many cases the requirements gathered by business analysts are handed-off to the solution architecture function as
described in section 2.6 on page 50. This frequent lack of continuity in the solution design journey can contribute to solution
A detailed discussion of requirements gathering and management and the role of business analysis are not within the scope of
this book.
The ideal set of solution requirements should have three essential characteristics:
1. They should be well-formed – SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Traceable). They should have the
following features
• Complete
• Correct
• Feasible
• Implementation Independent
• Necessary
• Singular
• Traceable
• Unambiguous
• Verifiable
• Complete
o Embodies a complete set of needs and constraints from stakeholders, external interfacing systems and
enabling and supporting systems
o Contains a complete set of business processes
• Consistent
3. The solution design should be complete and consistent with respect to stakeholders’ expectations and should describe a
realistic and feasible solution that meets the stakeholders expectations and constraints
• Complete
• Consistent
o The requirements can be fulfilled by a solution that can be acquired or developed within implementation
constraints such as cost, schedule, technical, legal and regulatory
• Bounded
o The solution does not go beyond what is necessary to satisfy solution consumer needs
Because business stakeholder requirements both flow directly into solution design and frequently represent only a subset of
the actual solution requirements, the requirements gathering activities need to be fully integrated within the solution design
process and not be a parallel or external activity.
As discussed in section 2.3 on page 30 the business analyst role evolved (or more correctly devolved) from the earlier systems
analyst role.
There are a number of myths about requirements and the requirements gathering process:
• Requirements gathered from business users and business stakeholders through requirements gathering meetings and
workshops define the scope and functionality of the solution
• Requirements change
It is unreasonable to expect that business stakeholders in a potential solution can articulate a set of complete, fully-developed
and consistent requirements through part-time involvement in a few requirements gathering exercises.
• Overall Business and Solution Requirements – these are underpinning requirements that describe the need for and
drivers of the requirements, the objectives that must be achieved, the key stakeholders that must be and the benefits that
must be realised
• Functional Requirements – these describe what the solution must do, what processing it will perform, what results it
will generate
• Operational and Quality Requirements – these describe properties and attributes the solution and its operation must
have. They can include areas such as:
• Design Constraint Requirements – the solution may be constrained to operate in a specific environment or use certain
tools or products
• Implementation Requirements – these relate to constraints how the solution must be delivered in terms of time, cost,
resources, available personnel and levels of skills and experience and facilities needed during solution implementation
• Delivery Requirements – these relate to how the solution must be implemented and how it must operate in the current
existing solution landscape – what integrations must be implemented, what data must be reused
It is not requirements that change during solution delivery. It is that latent requirements that were not identified or were
ignored become apparent or unavoidable during implementation. Undiscovered and unarticulated requirements then impact
solution components leading to additional downstream changes which affect the implementation project
Even with an effective elicitation approach, requirements elicited from business stakeholders tend to be:
The requirements are representations of specific points of functionality that rarely aggregate into a defined solution. The
reality is that what is gathered during requirements workshops, meetings, interviews, questionnaires and other activities are
not solution requirements but business stakeholder requirements. These must be translated into solution requirements which
is turn must be translated into a realistic and implementation solution design. These business stakeholder requirements are
one source of solution requirements.
Figure 78 – Sparse Business Stakeholder Requirements and the Complete Set of Solution Requirements
This diagram shows the three types of requirements that arise during the process:
1. Business stakeholder requirements and the associated functionality required to deliver them that were identified during
requirements gathering that are included in the solution design.
2. Business stakeholder requirements that were identified during requirements gathering that are omitted from the solution
design after review and evaluation of solution implementation options.
3. Additional solution requirements identified during the Solution Requirements Collection and Specification (see section
4.6.2 on page 226) stage of the solution design process where all the solution components are identified. These
requirements are not expressed by business stakeholders during any requirements gathering process.
Business stakeholder requirements can be excluded from the complete solution design because they cannot be implemented
or are too expensive or time consuming to deliver for the benefits they provide. This needs to be done after discussions with
and the agreement of the business stakeholders.
Requirements gathering should not be part of any solution delivery project but be the subject of an analysis and solution
architecture and design exercise prior to any delivery project. The project to deliver the solution cannot be estimated until the
solution design is complete, unless a more agile approach is being followed where uncertainty is tolerated and resolved during
The solution design is always much greater than the sum of the functionality implied by the elicited business stakeholder
requirements. Business stakeholder requirements are just one input into a fully developed solution design. The generalised
solution design process described in section 4.6.2 on page 226 has business requirements being gather in the context of a
Conceptual Solution Architecture (CSA). This can be created using elements of the rapid solution design process outlined in
section 4.6.5 on page 257. The CSA is essentially a solution hypothesis that can be validated, refined, modified, expanded on
or even rejected during consultations with the business.
The CSA focusses on the core functional and system components of the solution. The CSA provides a framework for
identifying solution requirements across the solution landscape. It also assists with compiling business stakeholder
requirements as requirements can be elicited within the context of the complete end-to-end solution concept.
This structured approach to gathering requirements in the context of indicative solution architecture yields greater results
than standalone requirements gathering. The analysis and architecture functions need to work together to transform business
stakeholder requirements into solution requirements. Architecture synthesises and actualises overall solution design and
options from business stakeholder requirements and other constraints.
Taking this approach means the solution implementability, operability, usability, maintainability and supportability can be
quantified in advance. It is only after the solution design is defined and agreed that the implementation project can be started.
Rather than operating separately, the business analysis and solution architecture functions need to work together during the
solution design process. The interface between the two functions must become a collaboration.
The solution does not deliver requirements. The solution encompasses multiple interoperating elements that provide
functionality that enable business processes that allow requirements to be complied with.
The solution has functional (and other) requirements that must be delivered in order to be deemed to be complete. As stated
above, the requirements identified during any business requirements elicitation process will only ever be a sparse and
fragmented representation of what the full set of solution requirements that constitute a complete solution
One of the objectives of the solution design process is to minimise the Solution Space – the size and complexity of the
solution and therefore its cost, time, resources and risk to implement - while maximising the size of Requirements Spaces
encompassed by that solution. There will be two Requirements Spaces – that contained in the business stakeholder
requirements and that contained in the wider solution requirements not explicitly defined as requirements by the business
Decisions must be made on what can be included and what cannot be included in the solution. The delivery can be phased
and prioritised to maintain solution implementation momentum. Solution design is concerned with finding an optimal
Solution Space. There may be many Solution Space options. The solution architect needs to focus on finding the most viable
ones quickly and the deciding on the one(s) to pursue.
This relates to the Bounded attribute of a requirement described at the start of this section.
It is outside the scope of this book to describe in detail the area of requirements engineering. It is mentioned briefly here to
provide background information on the topic, given the traditional importance of requirements elicitation in the solution
design process.
There is a large amount of material available on the subject of requirements engineering. For example, there have been several
revisions of ISO/IEEE standards that have evolved and developed overtime:
• IEEE Standard 830-1998 IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications23
• ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148:2011 Systems and Software Engineering – Life Cycle Processes – Requirements Engineering24
• IEEE 29148-2018 - ISO/IEC/IEEE Approved Draft International Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Life
Cycle Processes --Requirements Engineering25
The ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148 standard is intended to describe the processes and artefacts for the engineering of requirements for
systems, software products and services throughout their life cycles. It defines what a good requirement should look like and
lists their attributes and characteristics of requirements.
The wider requirements engineering standards landscape consists of an array of complex interrelated standards:
• ISO/IEC TR 24766:2009 Information Technology — Systems And Software Engineering — Guide For Requirements
Engineering Tool Capabilities26
• IEEE 1220 (ISO/IEC 26702) Systems Engineering — Application And Management Of The Systems Engineering
• ISO/IEC 25010:2011 Systems And Software Engineering — Systems And Software Quality Requirements And Evaluation
(SQuaRE) — System And Software Quality Models28
• ISO/IEC 25030:2007 Software Engineering — Software Product Quality Requirements And Evaluation (SQuaRE) —
Quality Requirements29
• ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015 Systems And Software Engineering — System Life Cycle Processes31
• ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207:2017 Systems And Software Engineering — Software Life Cycle Processes32
• Business Purpose
• Business Scope
• Business Overview
• Stakeholders
• Business Environment
• Goal And Objective
• Business Model
• Information Environment
• Business Processes
• Business Operational Policies And Rules
• Business Operational Constraints
• Business Operation Modes
• Business Operational Quality
• Business Structure
• User Requirements
• Operational Concept
• System Purpose
• System Scope
• System Overview
o System Context
o System Functions
o User Characteristics
• Functional Requirements
• Usability Requirements
• Performance Requirements
• System Interfaces
• System Operations
o Human System Integration Requirements
o Maintainability
o Reliability
• System Modes And States
• Physical Characteristics
o Physical Requirements
o Adaptability Requirements
• Environmental Conditions
• System Security
• Information Management
• Policies And Regulations
• System Life Cycle Sustainment
• Packaging, Handling, Shipping And Transportation
• Verification
• Assumptions And Dependencies
• Purpose
• Scope
• Product Perspective
o System Interfaces
o User Interfaces
o Hardware Interfaces
o Software Interfaces
o Communications Interfaces
o Memory Constraints
o Operations
o Site Adaptation Requirements
• Product Functions
• Product Functions
• Product Functions
• Assumptions And Dependencies
• Apportioning Of Requirements
• Specific Requirements
• External Interfaces
• Functions
• Usability Requirements
• Performance Requirements
• Logical Database Requirements
• Design Constraints
• Standards Compliance
• Software System Attributes
• Verification
• Supporting Information
• Scope
o Scope
o Document Overview
o System Overview
• Referenced Documents
• Current System Or Situation
o Background, Objectives, And Scope
o Operational Policies And Constraints
o Description Of The Current System Or Situation
o Modes Of Operation For The Current System Or Situation
o User Classes And Other Involved Personnel
Organisational Structure
Profiles Of User Classes
Interactions Among User Classes
Other Involved Personnel
o Support Environment
• Justification For And Nature Of Changes
o Justification For Changes
o Description Of Desired Changes
o Priorities Among Changes
o Changes Considered But Not Included
o Assumptions And Constraints
• Concepts For The Proposed System
o Background, Objectives, And Scope
o Operational Policies And Constraints
o Description Of The Proposed System
o Modes Of Operation
o User Classes And Other Involved Personnel
Organisational Structure
Profiles Of User Classes
Interactions Among User Classes
Other Involved Personnel
o Support Environment
• Operational Scenarios
• Summary Of Impacts
o Operational Impacts
o Organisational Impacts
o Impacts During Development
• Analysis Of The Proposed System
o Benefits
o Disadvantages And Limitations
o Alternatives Considered
• Purpose
• Scope
• Strategic Plan
• Effectiveness
• Overall Operation
o Context
o Systems
o Organisational Unit
• Governance
o Governance Policies
o Organisation
o Investment Plan
o Information Asset Management
o Security
o Business Continuity Plan
o Compliance
These deliverables are very detailed, comprehensive and time-consuming to produce. The extent and level of detail is
appropriate only to large and complex software product solutions. It is also not always possible to create these deliverables at
the requirements gathering phase. Most organisations simply do not have the resources to adopt and put into practise these
Elements of them could be incorporated into standard requirements artefacts produced during most solution delivery
These represent a highly complex set of standards that have a limited applicability to the business world. They may have some
relevance to organisations developing very complicated automation and process control systems and software products for
certain (highly regulated) industries and applications such as airlines and aerospace, petro-chemical, pharmaceutical, power
stations, medical devices and military. Outside these particular areas, they are of limited if any value and use. Understanding,
applying and keeping current with these standards represents a substantial overhead for any organisation whose effort would
have to be justified.
Finally, these standards focus largely on the software development process. A business or any other information technology
solution consists of much more than just software.
In common with many other information technology practice areas, there has been an initiative to create a Body of
Knowledge, in this case the REBOK (Requirements Engineering Body Of Knowledge). This has been led by JISA (Japan
Information Technology Services Association)33. Some time ago, JISA initiated a RE WG (Requirements Engineering
Working Group) that has evolved to create the REBOK. Unfortunately, the REBOK is currently only available in Japanese34.
4.4.2 Business
Busin ess Processes
As discussed in section 4.1 on page 91, solutions exist to allow business processes to operate. The business organisation
develops, implements and operates business processes. Solutions enable these business processes. So, solutions should be
designed with respect to the processes they will implement. Similarly, the business must take account of the capabilities of
software components, especially acquired products, either on-premises or hosted, when designing processes. While products
See: and
can be customised to suits the needs of the business such customisation is risky (see section 3.2 on page 71), it is almost
always better to adapt processes to the capability of the product.
• New business processes may need to be defined that describe how the business function should use the solution
• Existing business processes may need to be changed
• Both the new and existing processes should be optimised in a way that the number of activities and the number of roles
involved (and their associated handoffs) are kept to a minimum
• Decisions may be made about the scope of solution, the components to be implemented and the functionality provided
by those components that necessitate work being done outside the scope of the solution, such as manual workarounds
You cannot ignore the process dimension when defining the full set of components that comprise the solution.
There is a hierarchy from information technology infrastructure, platforms, the solutions implemented on those platforms,
the functionality those solutions deliver, business processes that use those functions and the results, outcomes achieved and
value generated for the organisation.
Figure 81 – Hierarchy of
of Information Technology, Business Processes and Value Achieved
The solutions enable business processes to operate. So, the solution design must be aware of the business processes whose
execution it has to enable.
Business process analysis and design is typically performed by business analysts or business process analysts within the
business analysis function. It is common for the business process analysis function to be separate from the business analysis
function. This splitting of functions that are important to the complete design of the overall solution leads to further loss of
information and detail.
The business function looking for the solution must define or be guided and directed through and assisted with the definition
of the new business processes and the changes to existing business processes that the solution and its components will
operate. This is one of the reasons why the rapid solution design process described in section 4.6.5 on page 257 has as one of
its core elements the identification of the inventory of business processes enabled and impacted by the solution. This provides
a context for subsequent detailed process design work. It means the solution design work does not get bogged down in
process details before the overall background is understood and before identifying what the affected processes are and how
they relate to one another
As with business analysis and requirements engineering, a full description of business process analysis approaches and
techniques is outside the scope of this book. However, given the importance of business processes to the solution design
process, I have included some relevant details on the topic here.
Neither the solution architecture nor the business analysis functions should develop business processes. They can help with
their design or redesign. But the business must originate and own the business processes.
The topic of business processes and that of organisational change are linked. Business change, especially when associated with
new solutions, can be inevitable. An organisational change process addresses an essential element of business change
associated with the implementation of new solution - the people working in the organisation. Effective deployment of
solutions and realisation of business results requires active management of the people issues. The organisational change
process starts with understanding the objective of and reason for the business changes and the role that other causes of and
enablers of change in the technology and process areas play.
The failure to manage the business change and human side of solution delivery is a major contributor to the reasons solutions
and initiatives fail. Organisation managers can be all too commonly focussed on tactical and operational issues and do not
have the time to consider organisational changes in the necessary detail.
In an unpublished survey conducted by ARIS, now part of Software AG35 on what lessons were learned from the
implementation of large information technology solutions, the following results were obtained:
Lesson Importance
Pay More Attention To Process Optimisation 80%
Align Systematically To Organisation Goals 65%
Pay More Attention To Understanding The Subject Area Spanned 60%
Implementation Of A Management Information System As Part Of Scope 55%
Outsource Project Management Of The Project To A Third Party 50%
Increase Investment In Training 45%
Greater Employees Involvement 35%
Enforce Changes More Courageously 35%
Identify And Capture Proof Of Benefits And Saving As Part Of Scope 30%
Avoid Big-Bang Implementations 20%
The need for business process optimisation was assigned the highest importance. The principles for process optimisation
Process optimisation is similar to identifying and eliminating unnecessary complexity in solution design that is discussed in
section 4.2 on page 95.
One dimension of optimisation is the elimination of waste within processes. The original concept of process waste came from
the Lean Manufacturing.
8. Wrong Product
Product - manufacturing goods or services that do not meet customer demand or specifications
9. People Unmatched to Role - waste of unused human talent/underutilising capabilities and skills and allocating tasks to
people with insufficient training to do the work
10. Inadequate Performance Measurement - working to the wrong performance metrics or to no metrics
11. Uninvolved Personnel - not using staff fully by not allowing them to contribute ideas and suggestions and be part of
participative management
The identification of waste in business processes can be applied as listed in the following table.
A business process can be defined as the set of activities that is triggered by one or more events or statuses, requiring one or
more inputs and performed in structured outcome-dependent order or sequence to generate one or more outputs or results
and influence one or more outcomes.
The individual activities within the process concerned with making decisions and generating outputs. The process is the self-
contained unit that completes a given task. The process can consist of sub-processes and/or activities. The process and its
constituent activities, stages and steps can be decomposed into a number of levels of detail, down to the individual atomic
Process analysis and design is concerned with optimising an existing or new process and focussing on efficiency and adding
value. The process is primarily concerned with its results and outputs.
A process activity and sequence view is useful for identifying opportunities for efficiencies, resource optimisation, monitoring
progress, collecting volumetric information and detecting problems, duplicated effort, bottlenecks, resource constraints and
non value-adding activities such as waste and the opportunity for process compression/collapse described earlier.
An organisation can be viewed as an assembly of processes that co-ordinate activities to design, develop, produce, market, sell
and deliver products and services to its consumers and provide subsequent support and other services. These are the core
value-adding activities. There are many supporting processes and activities. Core value-adding processes and their activities
are grouped into primary process groups. Each primary process group contains one or more value-adding process activity
sets as well as management and supporting processes.
The process activity set is the set of activities performed to respond to a business event. These can be sub-divided until the
Fundamental Business Process Activity Set level is reached.
Processes can be analysed and decomposed to varying levels of detail and granularity.
The decomposition of the sample customer process for buying a product or service described section on page 272
could be represented as follows:
The Fundamental Business Process Activity Set can be viewed as the lowest level of business activity that is performed by a
single person within the organisation either entirely manually or with system support and Is generally performed by that
person within a single session. These Fundamental Business Process Activity Sets are at the core of business analysis and
design in the context of solution architecture and design. You should identify the minimum set of Fundamental Business
Process Activity Sets that comprise the business process. The Fundamental Business Process Activity Sets for this buying a
product or service example can be viewed as:
Each of these process activity sets will consist of multiple tasks and steps. Handle Customer Call and Generate Order could
include the following steps
• Respond to Customer
• Identify Product/Service Bundle
• Check Availability
• Take and Validate Customer Details
• Agree Price
• Process Payment/Agree Credit
• Handle Exceptions
• Agree Delivery/Provision Schedule
This decomposition and level of detail may not be required at this stage. We just need to know that it has to be and can be
done later.
Activities within processes can be linked by routers that direct flow and maintain order based on the values of output(s) and
the status of outcome(s).
Decisions are the results of (activities and tasks within) business processes. Business processes define the paths to these
results. A business rule defines how inputs are processed to perform actions and make decisions. Business rules (should)
describe and contain the intelligence and decision making of the organisation. The linkage between process inputs, business
rules, actions, decisions and results is shown below.
Processes generate results by applying business rules. These results can be actions performed or decisions made.
Processes do not achieve outcomes. An outcome is the desired consequence of a successfully executed process. Examples of
outcomes include:
• Increased sales
• Higher sales conversion rate
• Increased revenue
• Increased profit
• Improved cashflow
• Improved customer satisfaction
The process can influence the achievement of these outcomes through characteristics such as stream-lined operation, speed
and accuracy of response, better process consumer experience and flexibility.
When recognising the processes impacted by a solution, these will occur in three groups:
1. Primary
2. Support
3. Management
Primary processes are end-to-end, cross-functional processes which directly deliver value. They represent the essential
activities an organisation performs to fulfil its business objectives. These primary processes make up the value chain where
each step adds value to the preceding step as measured by its contribution to the creation or delivery of a product or service,
ultimately delivering value to the organisation. Primary processes can move across business functions, across departments or
even between organisations (such as business partners) and provide a complete end-to-end view of value creation.
All too commonly, the organisation sees its structure vertically and in a compartmentalised view and does not take a cross-
functional view of the end-to-end process that cross these vertical functions. This absence of a cross-functional view leads to
inefficient processes with additional non-value adding steps, unnecessary handoffs and delays while work move between
vertical functions. This is very similar to the issue of silos within solution delivery described in section 2.6 on page 50.
Changing business process operations to take a cross-functional view eliminates waste and inefficiencies associated with work
moving through these organisational silos.
Support processes assist primary processes by performing activities such as managing resources and/or infrastructure
required by primary processes. The differentiator between primary and support processes is that support processes do not
directly deliver value. This does not mean that they are unimportant to an organisation. Support processes include
information technology management, facilities or capacity management and human resource management. Support
processes are generally associated with functional areas but can and often do cross functional boundaries.
Management processes are used to measure, monitor and control business activities and the performance of primary and
support processes. They ensure that a primary or supporting process meets operational, financial, regulatory and legal targets.
Again, they do not directly add value. They are necessary in order to ensure the organisation operates effectively and
efficiently. They can identify process bottlenecks and constraints and the need or opportunity for process improvement.
Many organisations do not have well defined management processes. Effective process management requires measurement
and the ability to analyse the process measures collected. Business process measurement and monitoring provides critical
feedback on process design, performance and compliance. It is necessary to measure process performance in terms of a
variety of possible metrics related to how well the process meets its stated goals.
The following table lists the sample primary and support processes for buying a product or service described on page 273:
The design of the solution may need to encompass the design of the processes that the solution will impact or enable or
require. Very frequently, the process design work associated with the design of a new solution is the first time the entire end-
to-end business process will have been documented or attempted to be documented. The business analysis function will assist
the business function in doing this work as part of the inclusive solution design work.
Focus on the design of how end-to-end work occurs in order to deliver value. Document the sequence of activities, including
the design of what work is performed, at what time, in what location, by what process actors using what rules.
Step Description
Describe Current Process Describe the current process landscape in enough detail to allow business rules to be
Landscape understood and for issues, problems and improvements to be identified.
Describe Current Process Where appropriate (when current processes are being redesigned), describe the
Performance and Value effort, resources, cost, duration, errors, rework and value generated for the current
Generated processes.
Identify and Design the Core Identify and (re)design the theoretical minimum set of core processes required to
Process Landscape achieve the required outcomes and results assuming there are no constraints.
Define Throughput Requirements Define the performance and through required for the process operation – effort,
and Performance Measurement resources, costs, error, quality, rework – and define the measurement framework to
Framework create the data to assess this.
Verify Core Process Landscape Verify that the (re)designed set of core processes will achieve the defined set of
performance and throughput requirements.
This shows information being collected for current and new processes. If existing processes are not being analysed them this
side of the analysis can be omitted. The details of this information structure are listed in the table below.
1.Delivery processes
2.Management and support processes that are concerned with the
internal management and operation of the business function
Process Definitions Create high-level descriptions for the major process groups and key
processes within each group.
Pre-Conditions Detail what must have happened before the process can start.
Pre-Requisites What must be in place before the process can start.
Inputs What the process needs to operate.
Dependencies What the process is dependent on.
Process Triggers Detail what causes each of the key processes to be initiated.
Processing What the process does.
Process Outcomes/ Results Detail the outcomes, deliverables and results of the key processes.
Process Conceptual Conceptual representations are actor/entity-based pictures that
Representation communicate at a high level how a business process works.
Process Flow These are standard business process flows, typically represented as
Representation cross-functional diagrams.
Timelines What are the expected process times.
Roles and Responsibilities Who is involved in the process.
The factors that increase the success of business process design and redesign are:
Factor Description
Focus On The Process Make the beneficiaries of the process the centre of process change and process
Beneficiaries value.
Emphasise The Process And Not The process drives value achieved. Technology and organisation are enablers of
Its Constraints process operations. Value is derived from process improvement and optimisation.
Do not embed constraints into the process from the start.
Examine Process Delivery First Get the process activities needed to achieve the process goals first. Then examine
and Then Process Performance and optimise process performance.
Factor Description
Extend Process Examination To Your processes may interact with other external processes. Consider extending your
External Processes analysis to these to understand the complete process.
Examine The Entire Process The process consists of the activities, the organisation functions that operate the
Landscape processes, the source of the process initiation and technology. Look at all these
Create A Top-Down Process Create a vision for process excellence based on service, performance, delivery and
Vision achievement of goals unconstrained by limitations.
Do Not Accept Current Beliefs Document the existing rules, assumptions, principles and constraints that underpin
the current process operation. Do not accept these when redesigning processes.
Look At What Others Have Learn from the experiences and achievements of other organisations in achieving
Achieved process change to benefit from them.
The objective of this work is to define what the organisation wants the process to be and answers the what, when, where, who
and how questions of how end-to-end work is executed. This contributes to the solution design.
The process design work should ensure that the proper management controls and metrics are in place for compliance and
performance measurement of process operation.
Understanding the process typically involves process modelling and an assessment of the environmental factors which enable
and constrain the process. A model is rarely a complete and full representation of the actual process. The objective is to create
a representation of the process that describes it accurately and sufficiently for the task at hand to assist with:
The To-Be model is an expression of the desired target process state and specifies the requirements for the supporting
resources that enable effective business operations. There is a range of process design, modelling and notational standards
and techniques – see section on page 518 for information on the Archimate language and section on page 151
for an outline of the BPMN standard. These process modelling approaches provide a language for describing and
communicating as-is and to-be process information. Like all new languages they must be learned and understood.
• A common symbology, language and technique which facilitate communication and understanding
• Standards-based models provide common and consistently defined processes definitions which eases the process of
design, analysis and measurement and facilitates model reuse
• An ability to leverage modelling tools based on common standards and notations
• An ability to import and export models created in various tools for reuse in other tools
• Some tool vendors are leveraging standards and notations for developing the ability to be exported from a modelling
notation to an execution language (for example BPMN to BPEL – WS-BPEL)
Process Design Standard and Process Design Standard and Approach Area
Approach Group
Process Simplification Ensure Work Is Process Focussed
Reduce Or Eliminate Handoffs
Reduce Work Fragmentation
Reduce Complexity Where Possible
Reduce The Requirement For Reconciliation
Reduce The Need For Controls
Reduce The Requirement For Co-ordination
Process Efficiency And Reduce Or Eliminate Non-Value Adding Activity
Effectiveness Reduce Movement of Work
Reduce Searching For Information
Match Process Costs With Value Generated
Process Quality Reduce Or Eliminate Variability
Focus On Getting The Right Result
Reduce Or Eliminate Rework
Process Design Standard and Process Design Standard and Approach Area
Approach Group
Reduce Or Eliminate The Requirement For Review
Process People And Organisation Devolve Decision Making Authority
Structure Teams By Process and Required Skills
Process Workflow Introduce Parallel Processing Where Possible
Reduce Or Eliminate Breaks In Workflow
Have A Workflow Status Dashboard
Separate Simple Cases From Complex Cases
Reduce The Requirement For Reconciliation
Allow Multiple Workflow Versions In Parallel
Process Improvement Enable Process Improvement
Provide Analysis Of Process Performance
Encourage Process Feedback From Users
Process Technology Link Systems To Organisation And Work Structures
Collect Process Information And Build Knowledge Database
Reduce Or Eliminate Manual Data Entry
Reduce Or Eliminate Variation
Automate Work As Much As Possible
Automate Controls As Much As Possible
Process Location Locate Work Appropriately
Centralise Or Decentralise As Appropriate
BPMN36 is a reasonably widely used and supported standard for business process modelling. One advantage of using BPMN
is that you can output BPMN to Business Process Execution Language (BPEL – WS-BPEL37). This is a standard executable
language for specifying interactions with Web Services.
Like Archimate (see section on page 518), BPMN is an inflected language where a basis set of code symbols are
modified by the addition of extra codes to indicate a specific purpose or meaning.
BPMN can be used to show cross-functional process flow. The Pool represents major participants in a process with separate
pools for different organisations or major business units. The Lane is contained within pools. You organise and categorise
process activities within a pool according to function or role. All BPMN diagram elements are placed within swim lanes and
See and for more details on BPMN.
See and for more details on BPEL
Sub-Process A set of self-contained activities collapsed within process representation for ease of
Intermediate Represents something that happens between the start and end events
Exclusive Where the sequence slow can take only one of two or more alternative paths
Inclusive Where the sequence slow can take one, more than one or all of two or more
alternative paths and results from paths must be subsequently merged
The following shows how the task symbol is modified to change its behaviour
The following table shows the BPMN graphic symbols for combinations of task type and loop type.
Business Rule
Table 30 – BPMN Graphics for Combinations of Task Type and Loop Type
Embedded Sub-
Sub- Embedded Embedded Sub-
Sub- Embedded Called
Process Transaction Sub-
Sub- Process Triggered Sub-
Process by Event
No Event Specified
Compensation (Backout
of Transaction)
Embedded Sub-
Sub- Embedded Embedded Sub-
Sub- Embedded Called
Process Transaction Sub-
Sub- Process Triggered Sub-
Process by Event
Multiple in Parallel
Multiple in Parallel
Compensation (Backout
of Transaction)
Gateways in BPMN control the execution of the process. They represent decisions/branching (exclusive, inclusive, and
complex), merging, forking and joining. Parallel gateways synchronise/combine and create parallel flows. Event-based
gateways represent a branching point in the process where the alternative paths that follow the gateway are based on events
that occur.
Inclusive (AND)
Exclusive (OR)
Exclusive Event
BPMN allows the modelling of items (physical or information items) that are created, manipulated and used during the
execution of a process such as data inputs, data outputs, persistent data stores and collections of data.
Data Collection
Data Input
Data Output
Data Store
As a process representation language BPMN offers the opportunity for great rigour and exactness. However, that level of
detailed information has to be captured about the process. This can be time-consuming and complex. Also, the language has
to be understood by all those participating in the process design activity. This includes business participants whose
involvement is most likely temporary and part time. It is not reasonable to expect them to learn full BPMN language.
The rigour of BPMN is necessary when you are publishing process to a BPEL where it will be executed. For simple process
analysis, definition and description, the full BPMN language is perhaps less useful.
The solution architecture function needs to have a number of engagement models and approaches available in its toolbox to
assist the business with designing solutions to meet its needs. The purposes of having defined engagement models are:
• They provide certainty about the purpose, scope, duration and outputs for the business
• Having separate engagement models provides the flexibility to allow the needs of the business to be met at any stage of
the solution journey
• They increase the confidence of the business that the solution architecture function will provide a quality service
These engagements can occur at different stages in the solution design journey, from the business looking for a concept to be
explored or the business looking for a consulting exercise on the solution needs of a business function or for a solution to be
designed to different levels of detail to understand its likely delivery cost, time and resources.
The following sections describe in detail a number of different engagement types. These can occur in the context of a solution
delivery project or can occur separately from or prior to any decision to implement the solution design.
• Business Engagement – this is a formal business consulting assignment designed to take place before the idea of
implementing one or more new solutions has been formalised. It aims to take a broad business concern, opportunity or
problem and define new business structures and associated information technology and business processes to realise a
potential resolution. This engagement is designed to take place before any formal solution delivery project is initiated.
Such a project cannot be defined until the objectives of the project can be defined to a sufficient extent and in sufficient
detail that it can be termed a project. This is a non-traditional solution architecture engagement but one which
potentially offers real value to the organisation. This is described in section 4.6.1 on page 161.
• Solution Design Process – this is a formal process for iteratively creating a solution design that can use elements and
techniques of the following engagement types to progress the design process:
• Early Engagement – this is a consulting-type engagement where the problem to be resolved or the opportunity to
be addressed is uncertain. There is some overlap in this type of engagement and that of the business engagement.
The latter is broader in that it is looking to design the structure of the business function (including any information
technology and solution landscape). The former is more focussed on addressing a specific but currently undefined
potential solution area. This is described in section 4.6.4 on page 235.
• Rapid Solution Design – this is concerned with providing a quick solution scoping result for a reasonably well-
defined solution requirement. This allows for an informed decision to be made quickly to proceed or not to proceed
to a more detailed solution design stage. This is described in section 4.6.5 on page 257.
• Detailed Design – this describes a formal structured approach for defining the detail of a solution. This is described
in section 4.6.6 on page 276.
These different engagements are designed to handle different business requests in terms of how specific and known the
problem or opportunity is and how detailed the response required is.
In terms of the specificity of the business request, the level of detail of the output required and the duration, the engagement
mapping is listed in the table below. Introduction
The business engagement is concerned with analysing the structure and operations of a business function and creating a
target business architecture that includes identifying business solutions.
This is a potentially complex engagement as it may involve the solution architecture function operating outside its traditional
comfort zone.
The objective is to create a realistic, achievable, implementable and operable target business solution architecture to achieve
the desired business solution targets, supported by information gathered and analysed.
This is not an exact engagement with an easily defined and understood extent and duration. It has an essential investigative
and exploratory aspect that means it has to have a necessary latitude. This is not an excuse for excessive analysis without
reaching a conclusion. The goal of this and the other engagements described here is to produce results and answers within a
reasonable time to allow decisions to be made based on evidence.
This engagement is an example of the solution architect offering true business consulting services and being able to offer
value to the business. The engagement can be performed entirely by solution architecture or the solution architecture
function can be part of a wider engagement team. It is intended to describe a structured and focussed engagement. It is suited
to situations where detail and implementation structure and framework are required.
This engagement contains a comprehensive and generalised set of components from which the details and scope of a specific
engagement can be defined. This can be used to create a customised engagement from this menu of options to suit the
specific needs of the business request.
• Generalised Engagement Activities And Their Sequence –complete set of possible activities and their groups and
sequence and flow through the engagement from which the specific engagement can be created
• Generalised Deliverables From Activities – complete set of possible deliverables from the possible set of activities
• Generalised Engagement Roles And Their Involvement In The Creation Of Deliverables During Activities –
identification of possible roles and their involvement in the possible set of activities and the generation of the possible set
of deliverables
These are used to create a customised path through the architecture engagement process involves agreeing activities to be
performed, deliverables from the engagement and participating roles.
Figu re 104 – Creating Customised Set of Activities, Roles and Deliverables
The engagement is a structured approach to analysing the operation of an existing business function with a view to improving
its operations or developing a new business function, with a strong focus on solution, processes and technology.
Business architecture is not specifically concerned with a set of business requirements. It is about a taking a wider, broader
and higher view of the collection of business solutions and organisational changes that are needed deliver business objectives.
The business reasons and circumstances for a business engagement can include one or more of the following factors.
• Globalisation
• Need for Transparency
• Service Focus and Customer Expectations
• Challenging Economic Circumstances
• Acquisition, Consolidation or Divestment of Operations
• Increased Regulation
• Business and Technology Changes and New Opportunities
• Mobile and Social Computing Changes and Opportunities
• Competition
• New Business Models
• Increased Pace of Change
• Problems with Existing Operations
• Inability to Scale Current Operations
• Change to Outsourcing Operations
• Move to Different Jurisdictions
The engagement is about identifying the changes required to the core domains described in section 2.4.3 to respond to the
business changes. It defines a target architecture and a path to transition to or transformation into it across the core business
1. Above The Line - Concerned with the organisation or the business function
2. Below The Line - Concerned with the technology and infrastructure that underpins and enables the operation of the
organisation or the business function
These domains are internal to the organisation and the business function that is the subject of the engagement and, as such,
are within the direct control of the business function.
There are two extended domain areas that also need to be considered:
1. Organisation Operating Environment and Business Landscape – this is external to the organisation. It consists of the
organisation’s customers, partners, suppliers and other external parties. The organisation has limited control over these
external parties. If the organisation is deploying solutions that are to be used by these parties, the organisation will have
limited control over how those solutions are used. This adds to the complexity of the design of such solutions.
2. Overall Organisation Business Strategy – this defines how the organisation as a whole operates and constrains the
options available within the architecture engagement.
The business strategy will be underpinned by a number of factors such as those listed below. These factors will both constrain
and direct the architecture engagement.
The expected scope and goals of the engagement needs to be agreed and understood before commencement. The scope can
change during the engagement.
There will be core and extended teams involved in and participating in the engagement.
• Leader – this role will both manage the engagement and take a lead role in its delivery. This is not a project management
role. It is a consulting position. This person needs to have the skills and experience to represent the work of the team to
the wider set of participants and stakeholders as well as the ability to manage the team that performs the work, provide
leadership and mentoring and to validate the work done, the results generated, the conclusions reached and the
recommendations made. The leader must become a temporary expert in the subject area. The leader must be able to
bridge the business and information technology areas of knowledge and work.
• Core Engagement Team – this consists of both information technology and business participants. Business experts who
understand the operation of the current function, if relevant, and the business problem, challenge or opportunity being
analysed. The team will need to have the required experience in analysis, research and design and in the various
techniques to be used in the engagement.
• Extended Team – Direct Business Participants and Stakeholders – the members of the extended team will be
involved in meetings, workshops, interviews and other information gathering, assessment and validation activities.
• Wider Organisation – Aware Of, Communicated About And Affected By Engagement – the wider organisation will
be aware of the engagement and may have concerns about its scope and impact. This will be especially true if the
engagement is controversial. The work will not take place in isolation. The purpose and scope of the engagement should
be communicated as necessary to the affected or concerned elements of the wider organisation to stop unfounded reports
and stories spreading.
There may be other temporary participants such as developers if prototypes are being developed or specialists for the
provision of specific services or knowledge. Workshops
The engagement will involve a number of workshops. These can an effective and necessary information gathering tool as part
of the architecture engagement. The effectiveness of workshops needs to be optimised with careful preparation, planning and
delivery and post-workshop communications.
Workshops involve the core engagement team presenting to and learning from the extended business team and the wider
organisation. They have two sets of purposes:
2. Secondary – build team, get acceptance and buy-in from extended team and wider organisation, identify potential
organisation and personnel problems and hidden agendas, assist with communication and control the message, assist
with making decisions, uncover conflicts
The menu of activities for the business engagement and their logical sequence is illustrated below.
Figure 109 – Business Engagement High Level Activities and Their Logical Sequence
These activities do not have to be performed sequentially and linearly. The order can be agreed at the start of the engagement
to suit the available resources and time, the scope of the engagement and the level of detail required.
Some of the steps can be iterated and repeated to increasing levels of detail but there should not be too many iterations.
The information gathering and analysis activities need to be time-limited. Activities can occur in parallel by different sub-
teams to optimise elapsed time and the work schedule.
Always check for previously collected information and inventories of material to avoid duplication of effort. Analysis
paralysis needs to be avoided. The purpose is to move to a conclusion and set of solution and architecture options quickly.
The reason for documenting the current state is to provide a basis for, a context and a justification of the definition of the
desired target state and set of solution and architecture options.
Section 4.2.1 on page 95 contains some notes on the decision leadership that the solution architect needs to demonstrate
during the design process.
The next sections describe these activities and their logical steps in more detail. These steps can be combined or expanded as
required depending on the complexity of the engagement and the amount of information and analysis required. In many
cases, these are logical steps. They can be mapped to a different set of physical steps.
The possible steps for activity Define And Agree Engagement Scope are:
Figure 111 – Steps Within Business Engagement Activity 0. Define And Agree Engagement Scope
This step involves preparing for the engagement scoping activity. One-to-one meetings will be held with the engagement
sponsors and the business experts on the problem or issue being investigated. Background research on the topic can be
The key business participants can be identified and their time can be formally allocated to the engagement.
The purpose of this step is to create material to present at the initial mobilisation sessions. This material can then be refined
and updated during the remaining steps in this activity.
The generic approach and its activities and steps should be described. The proposed customisation of the general approach to
suit the specific requirements should be documented.
It is important to be prepared for such meetings. Such preparation demonstrates interest in the topic and generates the
confidence of the business participants. The meetings are more productive. The approach should be reviewed with the
sponsors in advance of the initial mobilisation.
Create an initial schedule for the workshops and information gathering sessions based on the initial understanding of the
central requirements and information required.
You should decide on the approach to capturing and representing visually the information collected at this early stage of the
engagement. A standard approach or approaches means all the information is represented in the same way. You could an
enterprise modelling approach such as Archimate (see section on page 518). This would require all parties involved
in the engagement to understand the Archimate symbol vocabulary.
This step is the start of the continuous communication process during the engagement and so it sets the tone for the
remainder of the engagement.
Ensure that the individuals in the business who sponsoring the engagement and the stakeholders involved in the business area
covered by the engagement are known and agreed and that their participation has been confirmed.
Gather information about the expected scope of, the reason for, the expected schedule of and the required deliverables from
the engagement from the sponsor.
Prepare and review the material to present to the team created in the previous step. This includes:
This is a mobilisation session. It should present a plan for a plan rather than a fully articulated plan.
The engagement is a consulting, exploratory and learning activity. Not everything can or will be known initially.
The business function may have conduced previous similar engagements relating to the problem or issue under
consideration. If it exists, this material should be identified and reviewed. It may inform how the current engagement should
proceed and how problems that previously arose can be addressed. For example, the business may have engaged the services
of an external consultancy to review operations, perform an audit or identify gaps between what is being done and the best
practises implemented by other organisations.
Determine if any of this material is useful and relevant and can be reused or incorporated into the current engagement.
Understand the issues identified during these previous exercises. Review how their recommendations were implemented or
attempted to be implemented, if at all. Identify the reasons, if any, for the partial or incomplete realisation.
Before the formal introductory workshops described later in this activity, conduct informal and preparatory individual
meetings with key business experts and the engagement sponsors and stakeholders.
Understand their vision and objectives for both the engagement that the target architecture that will be produced from it.
Ascertain the key underlying issues they are looking to resolve or the opportunity they are looking to address. Confirm their
level of commitment – how much effort are they and their teams able and willing to devote to the engagement.
Where possible, relevant and useful, walk the floor of the current operation or business function and observe the work being
performed. Understand how work currently gets done if the engagement relates to changing an existing business function or
Document the organisation structure, the key people, their roles, reporting structure, experience, levels of skills.
Understand the state of the current business processes and review any existing process documentation. If there is no
inventory of business processes or the processes are not documented, omit this from the initial information gathering as the
effort could be too substantial at this stage.
Present the previously created draft workshop schedule. Agree the workshop participants. Understand the personalities
involved and any likely objections and resistance to the engagement process and to any recommendations for change that
may come from it as a result of creating a target architecture.
Review the results of the informal meetings and information gathered in the business area and previous engagement. Define
the scope of the introductory workshop(s) for the project team.
The purpose of the introductory workshop is intended to present the engagement to those participants who will be
contributing to information gathering and analysis, issue analysis, research and identification of resolution options.
These introductory workshop(s) need to be prepared carefully to demonstrate professionalism and seriousness of the
The following table contains a list of possible topics to cover in the workshop.
Area Topics
Scope • Business functions involved in the engagement
• Locations and jurisdictions involved in the work delivery
• Sets of products and services being provided
• Business processes, business rules
• Facilities, systems and applications used or that support service delivery
Why The • Why the engagement is taking place, what issues, challenges, needs are driving the
Engagement engagement – poor performance, service, loss of business, new regulations?
• What is likely to happen if no action is taken?
• What benefits are likely to accrue?
Area Topics
Indication Of • What are the likely changes across the core business areas?
Aims • Business aims
• Success factors
Stakeholders • Who needs to be involved?
Measurement • Key performance indicators across dimensions of:
• Service and product delivery – cost, time, quality, volume
• Financial – input costs, cost of product and service delivery, return
• Customer (external party) view – satisfaction, retention
• Organisation – ability to adopt changes and apply new ways of operating
• How will we know if we have been successful?
Future Vision • What does the future look like?
Limitations • What will constrain the range of solution options:
• Cost
• Time
• Resources
• Extent of changes required
• Availability of technology
Obstacles • What are the challenges, problems and issues we need to overcome in order to complete our
methods and achieve the future vision?
The Team And • Who will be involved in doing the work?
Schedule • Who will contribute to the work?
• Who will review the work?
• How will the core and extended teams operate?
• How long will it take?
• What are we going to produce?
Ground Rules • What are the ground rules for the work:
• Agree and document work delivery process including artefact creation and review
• Acquire facilities
This team building and introductory round table session will include:
This step involves creating an initial draft table of contents of the analysis and report that will be generated from the business
architecture engagement.
The table of contents is effectively a high-level work breakdown structure for the set of activities needed to create the
The engagement should aim to generate a comprehensive deliverable that describes where the business function or
organisation wants to be and how this can be achieved. It does not have to be lengthy. It can be supported and supplemented
by the other artefacts created during the engagement.
Figure 112 – Sample Table of Contents for Architecture Engagement Main Deliverable
Chapter Section
Current State • Terms of Reference
• Issues Driving Need for Change
• Current Organisation Area Future State And Structure
• Volumetrics
• Processes, Business Rules, Performance and Service Levels
• Business Case
Future State • Justification for Action
• Target Organisation Area Future State And Structure
• Volumetrics
• Processes, Business Rules, Performance and Service Levels
• Impact of Change
• Assumptions
• Constraints
Supporting Information • Benchmarks and Best Practices
• External and Internal Drivers for Change
• Possible Software Products and Vendors
• Cost and Benefit Analysis
Supporting Information • Implementation Options and Plans
• Pilot, Phases and Releases
• Schedule and Dependencies
• Resources and People Required
The introductory workshops with the business participants are aimed at initiating the project and setting expectations. These
are designed to introduce the engagement based on the scope agreed with the sponsor. There are not detailed information
collection sessions.
The aim is to present an overview of the envisaged end-to-end process and to describe the proposed set of topics to be
covered in subsequent information gathering sessions.
It gives participants the opportunity to comment and contribute. It is important to emphasise that the approach and
workplan may change during the engagement and that the focus needs to be on producing quality deliverables within a
reasonable timescale and not analysing to a minute level of detail.
The intention of the architecture engagement is to produce sufficient information to allow business management to make an
informed decision based on the likely achievable and realistic options.
Based on the feedback from the various team and business introductory workshops, update the expected scope of the
deliverables to be produced.
The possible steps for activity Information Collection And Assessment are:
This step involves gathering information on the structure and operation of existing organisation or function operations
including locations, if this is relevant.
The objective is to have sufficient information on current operations and business processes to understand any performance
and operational issues. The existing business processes should be identified and documented at a high-level, if process
documentation does not already exist. The purpose here is not to create process documentation but to understand the
operation of the processes.
The organisation or function structure, locations and its interactions with internal and external parties should be defined.
Create a model for the existing structure of the function. For each unit within the structure of the function, if relevant, and for
the function itself, identify the following:
• Work allocation and planning systems - How is work allocated, recorded and workload planned for
• Learning management - Examine staff training processes and approaches and how are business processes linked to
training and skills and experience
• Time recording and management
• Performance recognition and reward - How are good staff performance identified, recognised and rewarded and how is
poor performance handled
• Personnel development and talent management - What is the approach to staff development and progression
• Staff communications - Evaluate how staff are communicated with and how information is disseminated
If relevant, document each business or function location that comes under the scope of the engagement. Define the location
type: office, distribution, storage, service, sales. Describe details about the location including size, number of staff, facilities.
Look at the business processes that govern how work is performed and their business rules. This involves documenting
existing business processes and associated rules at a high-level. The detail may (or may not) come later but only if it is
relevant and useful to the engagement. It is also not concerned with redesigning existing processes. This may also come later.
Identify core business processes categories or groups of processes that contribute to the performance of the same types of
work. Document the major processes within each process category or group. This should include:
Review and create an inventory of all systems and applications that are used to perform or support the performance of work
If the business function that is the subject of the architecture engagement is involved in the provision of products and services
to customers or external parties (such as partners, suppliers or regulators), identify some representative customers (or
external parties) that interact with the business function and that agree to be contacted to discuss their interactions and
experiences. For each of these look to gather details on the following:
The purpose here is to understand how the organisation and its products and services are perceived:
The goal is to understand what your customers (external parties) want, how they perceive you and what you are capable of.
Customers (external parties) generally want the organisation to demonstrate a mix of one, two or three core values:
1. Understanding and Closeness (Enhancement) – demonstrate and act on customer knowledge and offer customised
products and services to meet those exact needs
3. Product and Service Innovation and Leadership (Transformational) – offer products and services that are better,
more innovative, technologically advanced than others
Identify the issues customers (external parties) encounter during business interactions:
• Access to information
• Quality of information
• Access to person
• Speed and quality of response
• Provision of response
• Ease of ordering products and services
• Order status
• Product and service delivery
• Product and service utility
• Price, billing
• Accuracy and rework
• Query and error handling and resolution
Use the previously identified process groups to identify the points where these issues and problems arise. Step 1.3 Review Current Industry Best Practices And Technology Changes
The objective of this step is to understand how comparable organisations achieve better performance.
Review best practices within the industry area in which the organisation or business function operates and identify other
organisations that excel in similar areas.
Review what other competing organisations use and how their performance compares.
Review solutions and technologies that are available to support operation and their providers.
Review technology trends affecting these solutions and technologies and the business trends.
• Review organisations that excel in specific areas and that do not necessarily offer similar products and services
• Customer service
• Brand development
• Innovation
• Cost reduction
• Sales
• Similar complexity of operation, products or services
• Supply chain management
• Efficiency, performance, throughput for numbers of staff
• Quality control, errors
• Use of technology
• Use of resources
• Organisation structure
Look for excellence in the previously identified core process categories. Identify how that excellence is achieved and what the
previous state was, if possible. Examine the what – results and outcomes achieved – and the how. Use the information to
identify possible new approaches and options to operate the core processes.
There are many possible source of best practice information such as:
You could consider using services of professional survey organisation if time and budget allow and if the scope of the work
justifies it.
Classify the results of the best practice analysis using the previously identified process categories and other analysis factors:
• Customer service
• Brand development
• Innovation
• Cost reduction
• Sales
• Similar complexity of operation, products or services
• Supply chain management
• Efficiency, performance, throughput for numbers of staff
• Quality control, errors
• Use of technology including externally hosted solutions
• Use of resources
• Organisation structure
Identify those organisations that achieve more and determine the gaps between the two organisations.
Quantify the differences and describe the reasons for the difference.
For the technology trends review, determine what new technologies are available and how commercially available these new
technologies are.
Examine the business system and technology landscape, data and communications infrastructure of the organisation,
including externally used solutions.
• Subject area(s)
• Underlying applications
• Data source(s)
• Data types and formats
• Size, amount of data, number of transactions
• Technology and its currency
• Data quality issues
• Value and utility to the business
• Year of implementation, year of last major upgrade/update
Create logical entity diagram(s) that identify key data topics or classes. Data topics are logical groups of data that relate to the
same subject. Document the high-level contents of each data topic. Identify relationships and linkages between data topics.
This is useful in understanding the data topic landscape and connections.
Create an inventory of solutions and applications that are in use. Describe their technology basis – product/custom-
developed, software used, technical infrastructure.
Detail the core functions provided by the systems and applications. Link the solutions and applications and their functions to
the core process categories and their constituent processes.
Evaluate the technical state of the solutions and applications in terms of:
• Reliability
• Availability
• Compliance with technical standards
• Compliance with data regulations
• Flexibility and ease of modification
• Vendor plans for packaged applications
• Version in use and current versions supported by vendor
• Issues with technical infrastructures - for example, operating system and database versions
• Cost of operations, support and maintenance
• Fitness and appropriateness as a platform for future developments
• Compliance with organisation IT architecture standards
Create a diagram showing the communications infrastructural components, including any network, and their relationships.
Identify major elements of the infrastructure including:
Based on the review of business solutions and applications, create a four-state classification based on two factors:
1. Application Technical State Poor Value to the Business Low = Replace Now - These applications need to be replaced or
retired and their data converted to new platforms.
2. Application Technical State Good Value to the Business Low = Retain or Replace Later - These applications may be
considered for replacement in the future or may be retained depending on the target business architecture, the associated
technology architecture and the systems needs to support its operation.
3. Application Technical State Poor Value to the Business High = Replace Later - These applications should be flagged for
replacement in the future.
4. Application Technical State Good Value to the Business High = Retain - These applications should be retained unless
there are better options readily available that can be implemented easily and quickly with minimum disruption.
In reality, business solutions will not fit neatly into the extreme ends of the two classification ranges and so some judgement
will be required regarding the positioning those applications.
The objective of this step is to evaluate possible options for those business solutions and applications - packaged, in-house or
hosted or custom development – that were flagged for replacement, now or in the future.
This is a high-level evaluation and sense-check that possible solution options including both products and custom
development are likely to meet key requirements. The focus should be on products where possible.
The scope of this step is to not conduct a full procurement process. It is concerned with identifying sources of possible sets of
product information and preparing vendor contact approaches including technical and business questionnaires to
understand the suitability of their products. For public sector organisations, a different and more limited approach to vendor
contacts may apply.
Define the high-level functional requirements based on functionality provided by current solutions targeted for replacement
and likely future business requirements not currently provided.
Define the high-level operational and solution delivery requirements such as capacity, throughput, number of users, volume
of data, availability, resilience and other quality characteristics – see on page 251 for more information on this.
The vendor contact questionnaire should include at least the following points:
• Vendor details – company size, duration in business, product details, numbers of installations of product, maturity of
• Compliance with functional requirements
• Compliance with operational requirements
• Security model
• Product delivery options
• Customer satisfaction scores
• Implementation project resources and timescale
• Service management and support
• Outline financial analysis – initial cost, maintenance, cost of ownership
At the end of this, summarise the information gathered from vendors, comparing solutions across key requirement and
evaluation factors. Business Engagement Activity 2. Define Vision, Business Principles And System
Figure 117 – Steps Within Business Engagement Activity 2. Define Vision, Business Principles And System Principles
The vision is a high-level description of the desired future architecture and operating structure of the organisation or business
function. It is concerned with the desired future state and not, at this stage, how that state can be achieved. It represents an
ideal view of what the future should be. There can be more than one vision or alternative versions of the same vision.
The vision is defined, refined and enhanced iterate using various activities:
• Create initial vision based on information known so far – this forms the basis for discussions
• Tools such as the Business Model Canvas
• Key stakeholder interviews
• Vision workshop
• Rich pictures
The vision is the means for articulating the target of the architecture engagement. It can be used externally (outside the
engagement team) to communicate what the engagement is concerned with and internally (within the team) it can be used to
organise and focus work effort and to define the boundaries of the work.
Create a starting vision based on consolidated information collected and analysed. Separate the What of the vision from the
How of its realisation.
• The business function operating model in terms of its future core business process groups and constituent business
Use scenarios and process journeys to walk through the internal and external operations for key business activities and detail
their flow. Develop inventory of key scenarios and process journeys. The approach breathes life into the operating model and
can be used to determine its validity and to identify potential inconsistencies. Describe alternatives and options where
relevant. Identify differences and divergences in the information collected. Define the choices and decisions to be made to
clarify the vision.
The following table lists some factors to be considered when developing the initial vision:
Factor Questions
Products and Services • What products and services do we supply
• How many types do we supply?
• How are they different from those of other organisations?
• How do we deliver the products and services?
• How do we develop and enhance them?
Customers • Who do we provide products and services to?
• How broad is the range of customers?
• Why do customers acquire our products and services?
Consider using the Business Model Canvass38 approach to describe the vision for the functional business area. This consists of
a structure that expresses the core principles and value proposition of a business in nine elements that are contained in four
1. Infrastructure
o Key Partners - the key partners and suppliers needed to achieve the business model
o Key Activities - the most important activities the business must perform to ensure the business model works
o Key Resources - the most important assets to make the business model work
2. Offering
o Value Propositions - the value, products and services provided to the customer
3. Customers
o Customer Relationships - the customer relationships that need to be created
o Channels - the channels through which the business reaches its customers
o Customer Segments - the types of customers being targeted by the business model
4. Finances
o Cost Structure - the most important costs incurred by the business model
o Revenue Streams - the sources through which the business model gets revenue from customers
The Business Model Canvas was developed by Alexander Osterwalder. The concept was originally published at It followed on from his earlier work
The Business Model Ontology - A Proposition In A Design Science Approach
Identify the key stakeholders who are important to the achievement of the target from the architecture engagement or who
know about the business environment. These can be:
Prepare structured interview notes using previously documented vision factors and tools such as the business model canvas.
Gather information from key stakeholders using structured one-to-one interviews. These will provide hard and soft
Collect information from multiple stakeholders to get different perspectives. Document the information collected and
circulate to the stakeholders for review and comments.
Conduct one or more vision workshops. Their purpose is to present the initial consolidated vision, alternatives, differences
and decisions for review and elaboration.
Again, separate the What of the vision from the How of its actualisation. The How is a constraint that can be addressed later.
At this stage, a detailed analysis and discussion can be counter-productive. The goal is to achieve (some) consensus on the
vision and to create a netted list of disagreements and differences.
Present the information collected using the previous structures and frameworks:
The topic of rich pictures is discussed in section on page 249. They are (more or less) detailed visualisations that
represent information more effectively than lengthy narrative text. Pictures are more easily understood and engaged with and
are better tools to elicit information from people. They assist informed discussions. The show relationships and interactions
between key entities. They provide a more concise illustration of operations.
Evolve and refine rich picture representations of as-in and to-be situations throughout the engagement exercise.
Rich pictures are not systematic views (yet). They do not contain solution and system-related components such as IT
applications, infrastructure and data flows at this stage. These are resolution and implementation-related elements. Resist the
temptation to include systematic parts at the investigation stage and pre-judge options for resolution and transformation. We
are looking at transformation with a small “t” here. Jumping to conclusions at this stage will limit the scope of information
gathered and prejudge resolution options.
Recall that one of the solution component types that comprise the complete solution picture described in section 2.4 on page
33 is Organisational Changes. Any solution will involve some changes to the organisation such as new personnel required to
operate the solution and the associated new or changed business processes, deployed existing personnel, changes in business
function structure and new skills and experience required.
The exploratory and consulting nature of the architecture engagement means that organisational changes will have a greater
part in the target architecture than a pure solution design engagement where a solution is being specified. Achieving the
ultimate target architecture is likely to involve some form of organisation change. The required changes may be resisted by
some affected stakeholders and other individuals or the organisation itself may be unable to accommodate change. It is
important to identify potential blockers early in the business architecture engagement and to continue this throughout the
engagement. The recommended actions to address these blockers in order to enable the required change to occur need to be
defined. This may be outside the normal skills and experience of the solution architecture function. The solution architect
should define the options for these changes. Their achievement can be left to others. Step 2.2 Describe Functional Business Area Principles, Assumptions and
This step is concerned with defining the principles, assumptions and limitations for the overall business function and for each
of the core business domains. The use of the words P rinciples, A ssumptions and Limitations is interchangeable. Their
definitive categorisation is not important at this stage. Just capture them for now.
Principles are values, core beliefs, standards, guidelines, rules, regulations, laws and directions that underpin and govern the
overall organisation or business function. Assumptions are used as the basis for decisions. Assumptions need to be validated
because they can be incorrect. Limitations are constraints that narrow the range of resolution options and the scope of actions
that can be taken.
Figure 119 – Principles, Limitations and Assumptions Across Core Business Domains.
There will also be principles, assumptions and limitations for the extended business domains described in section on
page 161 that should be captured.
Principles, assumptions and limitations affect the target vision. Understanding them is important to creating a realistic and
achievable vision that meets the needs of the organisation. Information on principles, assumptions and limitations can be
initially gathered through a focussed and dedicated workshop. They should be refined and expanded on throughout the
The step is concerned with describing the usage of solution, applications and systems, technology and data and not the detail
of their construction and underlying technologies. It is about describing an external rather than internal view.
o Current application and system selection, design, operation principles – rules that define usage and actions
o User interfaces and interaction
o Integration
o Constraints that limit operation and use
o Assumptions on the applications and systems – extendibility, growth, deployment and usage in different
o Who manages and supports
o Current technology and infrastructure organisation, selection, design, operation principles – rules that
define usage and actions
o Security
o Standards and compliance
o Limitations
o Assumptions on technology and infrastructure – suitability, capacity, growth, adaptability
o Who manages and supports
Describe the current and target business process principles, assumptions and limitations using a structure along the following
• Principles
• Assumptions
• Limitations
Describe the current and target organisation and structure principles, assumptions and limitations using a structure along the
following lines:
• Principles
• Assumptions
• Limitations
Describe the current and target locations and offices principles, assumptions and limitations using a structure along the
following lines:
• Principles
• Assumptions
• Limitations
Present the previously defined vision and information collected during business review across the core six business domains:
Use these structures to validate and refine these principles, assumptions and limitations.
The possible steps for activity Document Business Processes, Entity Model, Capacity Planning And Solution Approach
Figure 120 – Steps Within Business Engagement Activity 3. Document Business Processes, Entity Model, Capacity Planning And
Solution Approach
The objective of this step is the design of the target business processes. Processes are important because they reflect and
represent what the organisation does and how it does it. This can be based on the redesign of existing processes to make them
more efficient and effective or it can involve the definition of entirely new business processes that replace existing ones.
The importance of business processes to solution design is discussed in section 4.4.2 on page 134. The information contained
in that section and the approach to business process analysis can be used here.
This step can be quite lengthy, depending on the extent of the engagement and the number and complexity of existing and
new business processes involved. It covers the following work:
Redesign of existing processes is usually termed Business Process Improvement (BPI). This is concerned with designing a
new process to achieve the desired outputs. The focus is on specifying new processes to replace existing ones so less detail on
existing processes needs to be collected.
Design of new business processes is usually termed Business Process Redesign (BPR) . This is concerned with modifying
existing process to identify, reduce or eliminate problems and to improve performance. The focus is on collecting detailed
information on existing processes so they can be improved.
BPI can be viewed as left-to-right business process changes. You are working through the operation of existing processes,
identifying opportunities and options for changes and improvements.
BPR can be viewed as right-to-left process changes. You are starting with a set of outputs, results and deliverables and are
defining the optimum new business process to achieve them.
This section will not cover business process design in detail. The importance of business processes to the design of a complete
solution and the approach to business process analysis are discussed in section 4.4.2 on page 134. That section should be read
in conjunction with this section.
This step in the architecture engagement is not concerned with detailed process analysis and the design of new processes. It is
concerned with documenting processes in sufficient detail to allow problems and resolution to be identified.
Processes should be decomposed to an appropriate level of detail to gather the required information, and no more.
The focus here is to create and agree an inventory of triggers and events to which the business function reacts and responds
and the identification of any new triggers and events required by new/changed processes.
Create and agree an inventory of outputs and results generated in response to triggers and events by process activities.
Identify any new outputs and results required by new/changed processes
Create and agree an inventory of outcomes influenced, achieved or desired in response to triggers and events by process
activities. Identify any new outcomes desired by new/changed processes.
Create and agree an inventory of key process activities. Identify any new activities required by new/changed processes
Decompose large monolithic activities into smaller more granular representations of key process activities
In any organisation and business function, there will be two sets of processes:
2. The processes that relate to management and administration of the doing processes and of the business function
The analysis should focus on the doing processes. The management and support processes can be left to one side for now.
For each of the current key processes, create a process flow description/map at enough detail to ensure it can be understood.
Describe the existing process at sufficient level to allow problems, issues and opportunities for improvement to be identified.
Existing process analysis is more important for BPI than for BPR exercises. Create an inventory of key processes and the
associated issues and opportunities for improvement.
Describe the current and future target process activity performance attributes. Not all process activities will share all
performance attributes. For example, some processes that result in the supply of products may require an inventory level to
be available and some form of re-ordering trigger when the inventory falls below a threshold. Performance attribute is one
that has a cost, direct or indirect. Detail the current and future targeted/desired/expected performance characteristics.
• Exceptions – what exceptions occur to normal, straight-through processing? How are exceptions identified and
• Error Rate – how many errors occur during processing? What are the error types and causes?
• Elapsed Time – what is the elapsed time from process start to end?
• Effort(s) – how much work of what types is required to operate the process?
• Inventory Levels – does the process require any product inventory and, if so, what?
• Service Levels – what service levels, if any, apply to the operation of the process?
• Rules – what rules does the process implement?
• Facilities – what facilities does the process require?
Some of these process attributes may not be known or easily discovered. For example, many organisations do not know the
cost of their processes. Where this information is not available, it should be estimated quickly rather than effort and time
being expended to extract it.
Identify the roles required for the target processes and the associated skills, experience, education, training and competencies
needed to perform them. Include hard and soft skills. This information will be used to design the target organisation
Define the business function location types required to operate the new target processes, if relevant.
Analyse the performance of the existing processes and determine the value they create. Extend the previous business process
flow analysis by adding performance and value dimensions.
Use the list of types of wastes (see section 4.4.2 on page 134) to identify most wasteful processes and process steps and thus
the top opportunities for improvement.
Define the core set of business processes required to achieve the desired results and outputs for the target architecture. At this
stage assume there are no constraints in skills, resources, technology, external interactions or locations. These can be added
later. Create an inventory of these core business processes.
Define the target architecture process model. Define the new/redesigned target processes and process steps. There can be
many options when defining the new/changed processes. These options can involve organisation change such as:
The focus here is on ensuring that processes add value and on reducing unnecessary process cost.
Then extend the definition of the new/redesigned target processes and process steps with details on:
Define the projected performance characteristics of the future process state. Validate the performance by walking through the
There may be more than one set of future state process options. If so, each needs to be considered with respect to
characteristics such as:
• Time to implement
• Likely cost
• Resources required
• Probability of success and risk of failure
• Degree of organisation change and expected amount of disruption caused
• Degree to which the improvement objectives will be achieved
Use these factors to determine the most suitable option or subset of options.
Identify the management processes required to administer, manage and assess the performance of the target future state
processes using the steps:
There will be general management processes across all operational processes and specific management processes for specific
operational processes.
Create an inventory of entities involved the operation of the business function covered by the engagement and how it can
deliver its products and services.
Entities are objects about which data is stored and processed. They are people, functions, events, products and can include:
The conceptual entity model is effectively an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). This results in a picture of data flows and
interactions within the business function.
• Identify the types and groups of entities and the individual entities of each type
• Describe each entity briefly and identify its main characteristic
• Define the interactions and relationships between the entities
• Define the direction and number of interactions and relationships
• Quantify the volumes of interactions
• Identify the major business rules associated with the interactions and relationships
The capacity requirements of a solution affect the design options. Solutions that must handle large volumes of work have very
different design characteristics than those of solutions with much smaller throughput.
Capacity planning covers all aspects of business volumetric information such as:
• Technology
• Personnel
• Location
• Physical product production capacity
• Physical product storage capacity
• Physical product transportation capacity
Capacity and resource requirements can also vary according to various cycles and patterns of usage: daily, weekly, monthly
and seasonally. Solutions should be sized to handle peak workloads. The required elasticity of the solution resources needs to
be identified. This can be an influencing factor when considering a hosted solution or service where resource elasticity is
much less expensive.
Capacity and resource usage information will affect overall system(s) performance and the choice of technology and
ultimately the solution options. It is important that capacity planning information is reasonably accurate and that the
underlying assumptions are understood and documented. The business may not understand technical aspects of capacity
planning and so must be guided to an understanding and must approve the estimates produced.
Technology capacity planning involves understanding the resource requirements of technical infrastructure. Ultimately, this
can be provided internally, by an outsourcing partner, by an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS platform, by a hosted service
provider some other form of XaaS delivery method. Whatever the method, technical resource usage costs and will be charged
Understand or make realistic assumptions about the technology resource requirements of transactions and entity data so the
cost model can be understood.
• Availability
• Response times
• Service levels
• Acceptable failure rate
• Recovery time
High operational requirements – highly available systems with very good and consistent response times – will affect resource
requirements and cost. Therefore, you must understand the resource requirement impact of operational requirements.
Different elements of the overall operation of the business function will have different operational requirements. Externally
facing applications will need to be more highly available than internal systems.
The business may not understand technical aspects of operational requirements and so must be guided to an understanding
of the consequence of their requirements and must approve the estimates produced.
The business function will operate across different locations and location types, such as:
• Call centre
• Service centre
• Front office processing
• Middle office processing
• Back office processing
• Physical product storage and delivery
Each of these will also have different resource requirements and operational characteristics. You should look to create a
resource entity model to understand the structure and volumes of resource consuming entities.
Create a structured capacity planning model that captures inputs in terms of resource types and volumes and defines the rules
used to translate inputs into system resources. Explicitly define assumptions in terms of:
Finally, review and agree the capacity plan with the business stakeholders.
Consider and decide on whether to include a solution product evaluation and determination activity at this stage. You may
want to determine the characteristics of the software and system components of the overall solution in more detail before
seeking to identify possible suitable products or there may be an overriding requirement to identify likely solutions to meet
urgent requirements now.
Agree the approach to solution selection. Decide on whether to perform a parallel product and solution selection exercise.
There is a spectrum of (not necessarily mutually exclusive) options available for acquiring the product and system
components of the overall solution. Separate options can be considered for different components of the overall business
function solution, subject to the integration issues and requirements being understood. These types of options include:
• Change Existing Processes – the way in which the systems are used can be changed
• Change Processes and Update Existing Systems – the business processes can be changed and the existing systems can
be modified to provide new functions
• Acquire Software Product(s) or Services – a product can be acquired and installed on the organisation’s technology
infrastructure to replace or extend the existing systems
• Acquire Hosted/Cloud Solution – a hosted system can be acquired to replace or extend the existing systems
• Develop Customised Solution(s) – the organisation can develop new customised systems
• Outsource Solution – the provision of the solution can be outsourced to a service provider
• Outsource Operations – the entire set of business operations supported by the systems can be outsourced to a service
provider who can use their own systems to deliver the service
One of the objectives of the architecture engagement is to reduce the set of options to a small number that are:
• Practical
• Realistic
• Achievable
• Affordable
• Usable
• Compliant with organisation strategy and principles
• Compliant with organisation’s enterprise architecture
• Compliant with organisation’s appetite for risk
The buy rather than build option affects financial estimates. Remember that the product or service acquisition, either product
installed on premises or provided by a hosted service, cost is just one (small) component of the overall solution acquisition
and implementation cost. The sources for cost estimates for product or service buy include:
Use indicative estimates if available. Do not spend too much time getting detailed costs at this stage. The issue of cost
estimates is described in section 2.4.6 on page 44. There are lots of reasons for poor and inaccurate cost estimates. The topic
of organisation biases and how they affect solution estimates including costs is detailed in section 3.1 on page 57.
There are techniques such as Reference Class Forecasting that can be used to improve accuracy in plans and projections by
basing them on actual performance in a reference class of comparable solutions. Compare the proposed solution with the
reference class distribution to establish the most likely outcome.
Cost estimation can be a painful process. There can be a tendency not to include all cost items. This does not make the costs
go away. Accurate cost analysis and estimation are very important as they affect decision-making. You need to avoid
problems with inaccurate cost forecasting such as:
Create a cost model that can be reviewed and updated during the engagement. The structure and detail of the cost model is as
important as the cost values themselves. A good cost model reflects the source and structure of costs. It allows the costs to be
known and understood. The amounts of each element within the cost model can be changed as more accurate information
becomes known. Completely accurate information may not be available at this stage but the model can be created and
partially populated. Identify the gaps and repeat the analysis when more certain information is available.
The following outlines the phases and steps of a generalised cost estimation process that can be used to create structured and
evidence-based estimates for the system components of the solution.
This generalised process can be used as a structure to create good quality estimates. The steps in this process are:
Assessment Phase
o Risks
o Assumptions
o System quantities for development, test, and production
o Deployment and maintenance plans
o Predecessor or similar legacy systems
o Create a data collection plan with emphasis on collecting current and relevant technical, programmatic,
cost, and risk data.
o Investigate possible data sources
o Collect data and normalise them for cost accounting, inflation, learning, and quantity adjustments
o Analyse the data to look for cost drivers, trends, and outliers compare results against rules of thumb and
standard factors derived from historical data
o Interview data sources and document all relevant information including an assessment of data reliability
and accuracy
o Develop the cost model by estimating each WBS element, using the best methodology from the data
o Include all estimating assumptions in the cost model
o Express costs in constant year currency
o Sum the WBS elements to develop the overall point estimate
o Validate the estimate by looking for errors like double counting and omitting costs
o Compare estimate against the independent cost estimate and examine w here and why there are differences
o Perform cross-checks on cost drivers to see if results are similar
o Update the model as more data become available or as changes occur and compare results against previous
Analysis Phase
o Test the sensitivity of cost elements to changes in estimating input values and key assumptions
o Identify effects of changing the program schedule or quantities on the overall estimate
o Determine which assumptions are key cost drivers and which cost elements are affected most by changes
o Determine the level of cost, schedule, and technical risk associated with each WBS element and discuss with
technical experts
o Analyse each risk for its severity and probability of occurrence
o Develop minimum, most likely, and maximum ranges for each element of risk
o Use an acceptable statistical analysis methodology to develop a confidence interval around the point
o Determine type of risk distributions and reason for their use
o Identify the confidence level of the point estimate
o Identify the amount of contingency funding and add this to the point estimate to determine the risk-
adjusted cost estimate
o Document all steps used to develop the estimate so that it can be recreated quickly by a cost analyst
unfamiliar with the program and produce the same result
o Document the purpose of the estimate, the team that prepared it, and who approved the estimate and on
what date
o Describe the program, including the schedule and technical baseline used to create the estimate
o Present the time-phased life-cycle cost of the program
o Discuss all ground rules and assumptions
o Include auditable and traceable data sources for each cost element
o Document for all data sources how the data were normalised
o Describe the results of the risk, uncertainty, and sensitivity analyses and whether any contingency funds
were identified
o Document how the estimate compares to the funding profile
o Track how this estimate compares to previous estimates, if applicable
Presentation Phase
o Develop a briefing that presents the documented life-cycle cost estimate for management approval,
An explanation of the technical and programmatic baseline and any uncertainties
A comparison to an independent cost estimate (ICE) with explanations of any differences
A comparison of the estimate (life-cycle cost estimate (LCCE) or independent cost estimate to the
Enough detail so the presenter can easily defend the estimate by showing how it is accurate,
complete, and high in quality
o Focus the briefing, in a logical manner, on the largest cost elements and drivers of cost
o Make the content concise and complete so that those who are unfamiliar with it can easily comprehend the
competence that underlies the estimate results
o Have more detailed available to respond to more searching questions
o Act on and document feedback from management
o The cost estimating team should request acceptance of the estimate
Developing a prototype may useful in demonstrating and presenting options or concepts for components of the solution.
They can be of use to validate approaches, demonstrate behaviours or algorithms or prove that a solution component can
handle the required workload or illustrate the potential solution to the business. Prototypes are not intended to be complete
solutions. They are intended to be throwaway developments. They may evolve into production components but where this
happens care needs to be taken.
Prototyping is concerned with producing a working model of elements of the solution more quickly than standard
approaches. Prototypes bypass functionality such as detailed error checking.
Prototyping is most suitable where the requirements or the design of the solution component is not well defined or
understood or when some form of exploratory effort is justified to draw out aspects of the solution.
Prototypes have a cost in terms of resources to implement as well as affecting the engagement schedule.
The possible steps for activity Document Systems, Applications And Functions are:
Figure 132 – Steps Within Business Engagement Activity 4. Document Systems, Applications And Functions
The objective of this activity is to define the set of solutions and applications that comprise the overall solution required as
part of the target business architecture. It may not be possible at this stage to identify the precise set of applications and their
boundaries. The purpose of the applications is to operate the required business processes and support business activities.
Applications can perform multiple functions or a single function. The set of applications can include existing legacy
applications that will be retained.
There may be standard products available for the industry in which the organisation operates that are relevant to the
requirements of the business function within the scope of the business architecture engagement. Review such products and
applications. Review industry-specific standards to determine applicability to the organisation’s requirements. Analyse and
classify the suitability of products and the applicability of the standards as:
• Definitely suitable
• Potentially suitable
• Definitely unsuitable
Create an inventory of standard products and industry-specific standards and their classification.
Review the entire existing suite of applications in use to determine which should be retained and which are candidates for
• Include customisations
• Include reporting and analytics tools
• User productivity
• Reporting and analysis
• Package
• Custom developed
• Information sharing
• Transaction processing
• Definitely retain
• Potentially retain
• Definitely replace
Determine application integration, linkages and interfaces. Identify the external applications that interface with the previously
identified existing suite of applications and the interfaces between the existing applications. Describe the nature of the
interface: frequency, direction, protocol, security, volume, method of interface and exchange. Describe the data that is
exchanged in sufficient detail so the effort to implement with new systems can be accurately estimated. The topic of data
integration is covered in more detail in section 4.8.5 on page 339.
Create inventory of integrations, interfaces and exchanges, completing a set of information along the following lines:
Transfer Protocol Direction Data Data Encryption Batch/ Source Target Frequency
Mechanism Format Content Realtime
File HTTP In CSV Yes Hourly
Mail HTTPS Out XML No Daily
Web FTP Bidirectional JSON Weekly
Message XBRL On
Queueing demand
Replication TLS Proprietary
Proprietary SSH
Analyse business processing applications. Business applications are those that process business transactions. These are central
to the successful operation of the business function and need to be analysed in more detail. For each application, list the key
transactions. List the data entities created or updated by these transactions. List the business processes that use the
transactions within the applications.
The architecture of these systems determines the usefulness of the applications in the future architecture.
Monolithic applications may not be part of the future architecture. The options for their replacement include
Determine data access approach and applications. Analyse these approaches and applications used to provide access to data.
List the data sources. List the data access, extraction and staging approaches.
Determine management approach and applications. List the service management and administration processes and
applications that support the operation and use of the business systems.
The possible steps for activity Define Organisation, Infrastructure And Data are:
Figure 134 – Steps Within Business Engagement Activity 5. Define Organisation, Infrastructure And Data Step 5.1 Define Organisation And Resource Requirements And Structure
Create a high-level future state organisation structure options with details on the roles, staffing levels and locations. Define
the high-level structures for allocation and performing work and making decisions. Define the work groups structure and
their interactions. Define the management, administration and escalation processes. Create a target organisation chart. Define
the differences between the current and future state organisation structures.
Define the target state staffing structures. Map existing roles and structures to the proposed new staffing structure. Create a
high-level plan to transition from the existing to the proposed new staffing structure. Staff transitions and organisation
changes can be problematic – such change can be resisted or its achievement ineffective. Prepare for and address such
resistance to change or reasons why change is not achieved to reduce potential problems.
Review possible resistance to staffing structures and organisation changes. Resistance to change or reasons why change fails
can be explicit or concealed. Explicit resistance or reasons can take forms such as:
Identify hidden resistance factors to change. There are many causes and ways in which organisations and personnel
demonstrate resistance to change:
Section 4.8 on page 321 contains information on a detailed approach to analysing and defining the data aspects of the
architecture of a solution. This section summarises the approach to be taken and the information to be collected in the
context of a business engagement.
Logical application and data distribution and organisation needs to take place before any physical and technical design can
take place. Decide on the optimum location, organisation and distribution of business processing applications and data
elements based on factors such as:
This ensures there is rational basis for options, recommendations and decisions. The following is a set of tasks to perform to
assist with this decision:
Identify the options for the location of work processing and the connections between them. These locations can include some
of all of:
• Sales
• Middle office
• Service
• Support
• Warehouse
• Delivery
• Outsourced service providers and partners
• Other external users
Define the processes, activities within processes and the associated data performed at each location, Identify the allocation of
work and the movement of work between them. Identify the work processing roles in each location. The goal here is to
identify logical and function distribution before defining physical technology design.
Map application and data usage to processing points. Define the systems and applications and the associated data required for
the previously defined processing points. Describe how data is used for processing.
Analyse service level for applications and data. Describe the usage factors that will determine the service level requirements of
the applications and data, such as:
Define options and recommendations for the locations of applications and data based on processing factor and service
requirements. Use the previously gathered information on application options to map specific product and solution options
to application and data requirements. The order of priorities is:
Consider operational systems, administration, support and management systems and reporting/analysis/decision-support
Review the options to minimise risks. Analyse the previously gathered information and options and consider other non-
technical and business options. Consider overall IT architecture principles and standards and organisation IT strategy.
Evaluate the risks. Avoid data redundancy. Consider the operational/non-functional requirements and constraints such as:
• Usable
• Affordable
• Deliverable
• Operable
• Supportable
• Maintainable
• Flexible
• Adaptable
• Capable
• Scalable
• Reliable
• Securable
• Available
• Auditable
• Recoverable
• Stable
• Testable
• Accessible
Create the final application and data organisation options and recommendations. Create formal application and data
model(s) that consolidates previous information showing:
• Locations
• Applications
• Processing
• Data
Technology includes equipment, communications infrastructure and supporting systems needed to allow the
implementation, operation and use of the applications that allow the business processes to function. This includes
communications and security infrastructure to allow access to externally hosted applications and to enable data integration,
transfer and exchange. It also includes any technology required to enable interactions with outsourced service partners and
formal communications with regulators and other such reporting arrangements.
The requirements need to be formally identified and validated to form an input to the technology design activity. These
requirements define the features, functions and capabilities to be provided. They do not specify how they are to be provided.
This comes later. Technology requirements should be defined using categories such as:
Technology requirements are impacted by characteristics such as locations and connectivity, functionality, work teams,
outsourcing and regulation.
• Individual users
• Work groups
• External users
• Office locations
• Centralised application functionality facilities, hosted internally or externally
• Centralised data facilities
• Decision support, reporting, analysis
• Communications and network access and connectivity
• Externally hosted XaaS services and facilities
• Security, identification, authentication, intrusion detection and prevention, load balancing
• Support, service, monitoring
• External mobile access to internally hosted applications
The individual solutions should be able to inherit and reuse much of this infrastructure from existing facilities.
Review the previously created inventory of business processes and their constituent activities and the roles that perform them
at each location. Identify the technology functionality needed to allow the process activities to be performed. Consider the
operational dimension and its impact on technology requirements such as:
• Performance/throughput/workload – capacity planning and management across static and dynamic elements of the
• Availability
• Security
• Reliability Business Engagement Activity 6. Conduct Solution And Product Evaluation And
The possible steps for activity Conduct Solution And Product Evaluation And Selection are:
Figure 135 – Steps Within Business Engagement Activity 6. Conduct Solution And Product Evaluation And Selection Step 6.1 Conduct Solution And Product Evaluation And Selection
The step may take too long in the content of the architecture engagement. Chapter 7 on page 447 covers the topic of solution
architecture and solution component acquisition in more detail and should be read with this section.
The approaches to solution evaluation and selection will differ for public and private sector organisations.
The decision to be made when the engagement is being planned and the initial scoping work is being done is whether to
conduct one or more evaluation and possible selection exercises of possible product or service options, including outsourcing
during the engagement.
Product or service evaluation or selection can take a long time and will therefore affect the duration of the architecture
engagement. Evaluation and selection can consist of one or more of:
• A product to be installed in-house on the organisation’s infrastructure and that may need to be
• A hosted service, effectively a product supplied through an as-a-service model
• A customised development performed by a supplier
• An outsourced service
The organisation may have a preference for one or more of these options. For example, complete service outsourcing may not
be considered. Similarly, the organisation may not be mature in its use of externally hosted XaaS services. The organisation’s
posture with respect to these options must be understood before an evaluation exercise is started. You need to decide what is
and is not acceptable in advance to avoid wasting time.
These are all forms of acquisition of one or more components of the overall solution. These components must fit into the
overall solution landscape and be able to work together to deliver the entire solution.
Determine the rigour and structure of the approach to identifying suitable products and services:
• Formal tender, either one or two stage with a possible first stage pre-qualification process to create a short-list of
suppliers to engage with during the more thorough and time and resource consuming second stage
• Request for solution
• Direct contact with suitable vendors
It is always best to have some form of structured and formal approach to acquisition ensure the most suitable products or
services are successfully identified. Many organisations will have a procurement function and a procurement process that the
architecture engagement can deal with to handle the housekeeping elements of the evaluation and possible selection exercise.
However, the solution architect must take responsibility for the functional and operational characteristics of the product or
Broadly, there are three approaches to product and service evaluation and selection
1. Product Focussed - Focus of identifying the functional product or service and change the business processes to those
contained in the product
2. Process Focussed - Focus on the required business processes and identify those products and services that can allow
them to be implemented
3. Technology Focussed - Focus on technology and infrastructure requirements and constraints and identify products and
services that can comply with them
These approaches are not necessarily mutually exclusive and they can be mixed. However, there should be a preferred or
dominant acquisition focus.
For each of these approaches, you should define and agree the important characteristics and pre-requisites.
The product focussed approach may have the following characteristics and pre-requisites:
The process focussed approach may have the following characteristics and pre-requisites:
• The organisation understands that it wants to implement a process or service that enables its business processes
• The organisation understands that this approach will limit the process or service options
• This approach may mean longer development/customisation and implementation effort, cost and schedule
• The required business processes are understood and have been defined and documented
• The transaction volumes associated with the business processes have been defined
The technology focussed approach may have the following characteristics and pre-requisites:
• The organisation has or is defining a new technical architecture and wants all products and services to comply with these
• The organisation understands that this approach will limit the product and service options
• To select the most appropriate products or service that meets the specified requirements
• To create an evaluation audit trail and set of supporting documentation that will support the evaluation process and final
The output from the process will be a formal product or solution and supplier evaluation and selection recommendation
report. Any evaluation process is liable to subjectivity in areas such as:
• The selection of the evaluation factors and the relative weights assigned
• The scores assigned to each product and vendor
Figure 137 – Core Elements of the Product and Service Evaluation And Selection Process
• Evaluation
Evaluation Team - Individuals with appropriate skills to be able to evaluate responses received from vendors
• Evaluation Process - Set of steps to be followed by the evaluation team to conduct an evaluation of the options
• Evaluation Factors - Set of factors by which the options will be assessed
• Evaluation Score - Objective assessment of the merits of a solution option based on the application of the evaluation
• Evaluation Report - Document describing the evaluation process and its results
A formal structured report provides an audit trail for the conclusions and recommendations. It should contain information
along the following lines:
1. Overview
a. Executive Summary
The high-level set of steps involved in performing a product/service and associated supplier selection are:
Figure 138 – High Level Steps of Product/Service Evaluation And Selection Process
Step Description
Start the Product The amount of effort involved in starting the product/service and supplier evaluation and
Evaluation and Selection selection activity depends on:
• How recently you made any scope and direction decisions on selection options and
• Whether the team has already been selected
• How familiar each team member is with the functional area within which the
application is to be deployed, and the systems currently in use
• How experienced the team is with product/service and supplier evaluation and
Confirm the Scope and Review previous decisions made about the scope of the project. Discuss any scope changes
Approach of the Product and adjust the work plan to reflect approved changes
Step Description
Evaluation and Selection
Process Consider the urgency of the need and determine how it impacts the selection strategy
Once you have established the evaluation and selection team, designate team members to
be the supplier contacts. These individuals represent the interests of the client and the
systems integrator, answer questions about the solution evaluation and selection process,
discuss details with the supplier, arrange supplier contact with other members of the team
and are empowered to make informal commitments
Next, designate a team administrator to administer the supplier scheduling, handle vendor
requests, record all vendor contact, obtain and distribute vendor materials and maintain a
recording system for supplier materials
Walk through the evaluation and selection activities with team members to familiarise
them with the general process. If the team is relatively inexperienced with solution
evaluation and selection, consider using a team-building exercise to preview the process
Discuss the objectives and principles of the evaluation and selection process with the team
to ensure that everyone has a consistent understanding
Compile and Agree Compiling evaluation factors when selecting a product/service involves:
Functional Evaluation
Factors • Developing or gathering evaluation factors appropriate to the evaluation method
• Avoiding too much precision
• Keeping the focus on business priorities
• Designing a scoring approach that facilitates getting and analysing supplier responses
• Incorporating the criteria into the scoring approach
Step Description
These evaluation factors will be taken from the request for information sent to the
In this step, define the functional evaluation factors - the requirements as seen from the
business user’s point of view. These requirements represent the business processes the
solution needs to accommodate
• Business processes
• Data
• External system interfaces
• Business performance measurement
These evaluation factors will be taken from the request information sent to the suppliers
Compile and Agree The buyer of a product/service is developing a medium to long-term relationship with the
General and Business supplier and will expect some, if not all, of the following:
Evaluation Factors
• Initial transition, configuration and implementation services
• Customisation, configuration and enhancement services
• Consulting services
• Future changes and releases
• Customer support and maintenance services, such as a support line, web portal and a
user group
General factors include supplier and other miscellaneous factors. These are factors that
influence the product/service purchase decision but are not functional or technical in
Concentrate on factors that would eliminate vendors from the short list. Consult with legal
and purchasing personnel to extract general criteria that can quickly narrow the solution
Add evaluation factors to ensure the team understands the vendor’s decision-making and
delivery processes, schedules and organisation before making a final product/service
selection and developing a delivery plan
With functional and technical factors, you are usually looking for a specific response. With
general factors questions, you are looking for potential risks and information needed for
Step Description
deployment and operation. Collect responses to these factors by asking the vendor directly,
by asking references who use the product/service and by conducting your own research
Define and Agree Scoring To narrow product/service options to a reasonable number, design an overall selection
Approach framework to communicate and summarise the results of the supplier reviews. Use
weightings to reflect the relative importance of the evaluation factors. Use scoring to
indicate how well a supplier’s product/service meets the requirements
Weighting and scoring are often represented numerically, giving the appearance of
objectivity. Keep in mind that these numbers are really just a quick means to communicate
subjective judgments. When making the product/service decision, check that the scoring
results are consistent with the conclusions of the team
Evaluate Supplier Provided The objective of this activity is to obtain and evaluate the information provided by
Information product/service suppliers that explain how their product/service meet the specific
requirements and at what estimated cost. The request for information sent to suppliers
should look for a formal and structured response. Suppliers are compared uniformly as to
how well they meet the requirements and present their product/service
Create Evaluation Scripts During the product/service meetings suppliers, the team needs to compare
products/services fairly and consistently, even though different products/services are being
proposed and discussed. This may be difficult for the team achieve if each supplier is
allowed to determine the meeting’s sequence, contents and focus. By prescribing that all
suppliers follow a planned sequence of requirements, or scripts, you:
You can also use this material when checking supplier references and making reference site
visits or contacts
Select Initial Supplier and Conduct a workshop to obtain team agreement on whether or not to proceed with
Product /Service Shortlist product/service evaluation and to reduce the list of suppliers under consideration to a
reasonable number such as three or fewer. Use the workshop approach for large
products/services or those with a high impact
Check Supplier References Checking supplier references as another way to confirm that the supplier’s product/service
and associated implementation services could meet the requirements.
Step Description
details about operating and using the product/service.
During the technical review, each team member updates the relevant factor scores. At the
end of the technical review, the team meets to reach agreement on the technical review
Contact/Visit References Decide whether to visit or contact supplier references
Plan the approach, contact or visit the sites and then consolidate the findings.
Perform Financial Analysis This activity is very important for confirming the supplier’s financial quotations
Ensure the supplier’s cost estimates are as accurate as possible by confirming the
preliminary cost estimates
Score Suppliers and Review and summarise the scores of all the shortlisted products/services and suppliers
Update the scores if necessary based on additional information and any clarification sought
from or provided by suppliers
Identify and Recommend The team is now in a position to select a product/service and supplier to recommend
Suitable Product/Service
Review the decision to confirm that the product/service approach should still be pursued
Assess the overall approval with the fulfilment with the evaluation work
The outcome of the product/service evaluation and selection exercise may cause changes in the expected solution costs and
Figure 139 – Steps Within Business Engagement Activity 7. Design Model Architecture
Design the architecture options for the product and service components to be implemented as part of the target architecture.
Architecture here includes technical, security and hardware, software, hosted service and communications infrastructure. It
does not at this stage include detailed solution architecture.
It will translate the information gathered in the following engagement steps into architecture options:
• Business Engagement Activity 4. Document Solutions, Applications And Functions – section on page 205
• Business Engagement Activity 6. Conduct Solution And Product Evaluation And Selection – section on
page 212
It may not be possible or desirable to define the detailed architecture at this stage. This will depend on the set of components
being implemented and whether they are based on available or packaged products/services or are being developed. There also
may be a single architecture option or there may be multiple options. The purpose of this activity is to document architecture
options to be included in the final business engagement output.
• Decide on those factors that affect the architecture options and designs
• Define the options available
• Review and identify the realistic and achievable target architecture options
• Perform a detailed evaluation of the selected realistic and achievable target architecture options
• Select the preferred target architecture
• Verify the implementability, operability, feasibility and affordability of the preferred target architecture
• Document the architecture
• Communications
• Infrastructure
• Data storage
• Infrastructural/management/administration applications
• Business applications
• Integration
• Security
Define and elaborate on those factors that affect the architecture options and designs, such as:
Determine the appropriateness and the importance of each of the factors and assign some form of weighting. Decide on the
approach to evaluating each of the factors.
Identify the set of options to be considered. Review each option with respect to the previously agreed factors that affect the
architecture options and designs. There may be multiple combinations of options for each major technical infrastructure
There may be existing technical infrastructure including systems, applications and data that need to be considered as part of
the future architecture. Evaluate the options for each element of the existing technical infrastructure in terms of four options:
1. Replace Partially Or Completely - Replace the existing technical infrastructure with new set. Note that this may require
data migration
2. Encapsulate - Encapsulate the existing technical infrastructure elements within the proposed new technical
3. Operate in Parallel - The new and existing technical infrastructure elements will operate in parallel with possibly some
form of integration or interface between them
4. Incorporate - Incorporate the existing new technical infrastructure elements into the new technical infrastructure
elements into a single infrastructure, ensuring the two sets of elements are mutually compatible
Analyse the longlist of possible options and create a shortlist based on those options that most closely match the key
architecture factors. Eliminate options that are not feasible or realistic or too expensive.
For each of the shortlisted options create a detailed design showing how it can be implemented, operated, supported, used
and its likely cost and time and resources required to implement. Evaluate the impact of the option against the six core
business domains and the extended domains, if relevant.
Determine how the solution components comply with the principles defined in Business Engagement Activity 2. Define
Vision, Business Principles And System Principles – see section on page 183.
Assess and score each of the short-listed architecture options. Where the scores of options are similar, recheck scores assigned
to ensure they are valid. Select the preferred architecture option based on the analysis and scoring. If there is no clear option,
then consider adding extra evaluation factors to further differentiate options.
Verify the implementability, operability, feasibility and affordability of the preferred target architecture along the three
dimensions of:
The xAbles are the solution quality factors identified in section on page 251, so called because they all invariably end in
“able”. These are very important operational requirements that may not be articulated by business users and stakeholders.
They are essential to the success of the set of solutions that comprise the target business architecture and its enduring
operation and use. Evaluate the solution set with respect to each of these factors.
Walk through the preferred solution with respect to the key processes and processing loads. If necessary, conduct trials on key
elements of the preferred target architecture. Consider implementing proof of concept prototypes to validate key design
Document the architecture design. Create summary presentation material. Present and review the architecture with the key
business representatives. Update and finalise the material based on feedback at these presentations.
The possible steps for activity Consolidate, Finalise And Review Design are:
Figure 142 – Steps Within Business Engagement Activity 8. Consolidate, Finalise And Review Design
The possible steps for activity Consolidate, Finalise And Review Design are:
This step brings all the information gathered in the previous activities to create a consolidated analysis with a set of
Finalise the application architecture based on the technical infrastructure design selected. Finalise the data model. Finalise the
list of interfaces. Complete the documentation agreed in Business Engagement Activity 0. Define And Agree Engagement
Scope contained in section on page 168.
Circulate with the engagement team for review and feedback and update accordingly
Validate and update the detailed cost model described in section on page 199 with any additional financial
information obtained since then such as costing details provided by suppliers in section on page 212.
You can use the solution and benefits validation approach described in section 4.11 on page 381.
Create a plan for the delivery of the solution defined during the architecture engagement. Create a work breakdown structure
for the delivery of the changes across the core and extended business domains. Use this work breakdown to create a realistic
project schedule.
Create a draft presentation of the final analysis and recommendations. Present the material to key business representatives.
Update and finalise based on feedback.
This describes a generalised solution design process that involves the following sequence of activities:
This solution design process demonstrates the importance of embedding the gathering of business requirements and solution
requirements (described in section 4.4 on page 124) in the solution design process rather than being a separate siloed process
handed-off to the solution architecture function.
This generalised process maps to the three engagement types shown below.
This solution design process can use some or all of the techniques and approaches contained in these engagement types as the
design progresses.
• Early Engagement – this is business consulting exercise designed to take a not very well describe problematic situation
and to define a set of solution options. It is described in section 4.6.4 on page 235. Early engagement starts with a broad
undefined situation and narrows it to a set of not formally systematised solutions.
• Rapid Solution Design – this is a quick solution scoping exercise. It is narrowly focussed. It is not designed to perform a
deep analysis of the problem. It is focussed on identifying systematic solutions. It is described in section 4.6.5 on page
• Detailed Design – this is a formal structured solution design process designed to create an information technology
solution design specification. It is described in section 4.6.6 on page 276.
The business engagement process described in detail in section 4.6.1 on page 161 does not map to the solution design process
as this is a different and more generalised type of solution architecture engagement.
This solution design process is a subset of the wider generalised solution delivery process that is described in section 4.3 on
page 112. This solution design process includes the activities involved in creating the design. It does not include the
management stream involved in the planning and allocation of resources and budget for the design activities.
Processes are good because they provide predictability in what has to be done, in how long the work will take and in the
resources required. They provide certainty that the work will include all the necessary activities to produce a usable output.
Methodologising the solution design process introduces repeatability into the work. However, these processes should be used
as an indicator of the work to be done and can be knowingly modified to suit the circumstances of each engagement.
The generalised solution delivery process has the four initial stages of:
1. Concept
2. Initiate
3. Plan
4. Design
The Concept, Initiate and Design stages of the solution delivery process map to this more detailed solution design process.
The business can do this work on its own. Solution architecture can assist by
offering a version of the early engagement process described in section 4.6.4
on page 235.
Initial Architecture Review and Options This uses the formal statement of need to create an initial high-level view of
the overall solution, its new and existing systems and applications
components, the required functionality, their interfaces, the required
processes and the business functions impacted. This provides a container for
the requirements and a vision for the solution.
The design process spans several organisation functions – business, solution architecture and business analysis – that do work
or are involved in work at different stages. There may be other functions that are also involved as the solution design is
refined such as the other architecture functions described in section 3.3.1 on page 75.
Figu re 145 – Function Involvement During Solution Design
The topic of the interface between the solution architecture function and the business analysis function is discussed in more
detail in section 4.4 on page 124.
Requirements documentation is one part of the solution design process. The subject of requirements gathering is analysed in
more detail in section 4.4 on page 124.
This proposed level and indicative schedule for the involvement of the teams involved in creating a solution design.
Within the solution design process, there is (or should be) a decision point after each stage where a decision is made if it is
worthwhile to proceed to the next stage.
Not all concepts make it all the way to implementation. Both the solution design process and the wider solution delivery
process need to allow for this through decision points and gates. However, by the end of the solution design process, the
solution design will (or should be) sufficiently elaborated and validated against business need and its overall deliverability to
allow it to move to solution delivery. Other business constraints such as resource or budget limitation or other business
priorities may stop this.
The general rule is to do as little as possible to achieve as much as possible to make an informed decision on whether and how
to proceed to the next stage in the solution journey.
Figure 147 – Solution Design Work Not Proceed With During the Design Process
The solution design activities can be iterated a number of times to different levels of detail.
These iterations can take place at any point in the process where the outcome of one activity leads to a decision to repeat that
activity or a number of prior activities to refine the work done or to respond to changes in circumstances or additional
So, the entire solution design process with iterated steps and decision points can be represented as follows:
• Analysis Looping – where analysis never finished and you never escape the analysis stage. Either or both of the analysis
and design function or the business do not want to let go and are always looking for perfection and want to retain
ownership. They fear that once analysis ends and delivery starts they will have lost control.
• Decision/Analysis Looping
Loop ing – where decision making is deferred because of requests for more analysis. The fear of
decision-making is masked by endless requests for more information, additional options and more clarification
You need to look for and address the issue of decision avoidance when gathering information and creating solution design
The solution architect needs to provide leadership in decision making during solution analysis and design. The solution
architect needs to focus business needs on solution options and lead the business through the decision-making process.
The architect should mediate between business and solution provider, either internal or external. This makes the transition
from problem/need to solution implementation and operation easier. The solution architect needs to engage with the
complexities of the problem at an early stage.
Section 4.6 on page 161 describes the various engagement types proposed in this book. These provide a structures approach
to solution design and thus to making decisions.
Within the context of the solution design process described above, this section describes three different approaches to
solution design and the way the solution architecture function engages with the business organisation:
1. Early Engagement – this is a consulting-type engagement where the problem to be resolved or the opportunity to be
addressed is uncertain. There is some overlap in this type of engagement and that of a business architecture engagement.
The latter is broader in that it is looking to design the structure of the business function (including any information
technology and solution landscape). The former is more focussed on addressing a specific but currently undefined
potential solution area.
2. Rapid Solution Design – this is concerned with providing a quick solution scoping result for a reasonably well-defined
solution requirement. This allows for an informed decision to be made quickly to proceed or not to proceed to a more
detailed solution design stage.
3. Structured
Structur ed Solution Design – this describes a formal structured approach for defining the detail of a solution.
Each of these types of engagement is suitable in different circumstances and at different stages in the solution acquisition
journey. These engagements are not mutually exclusive. The solution journey could encompass all three at different times. In
the context of the conceptual solution delivery processes detailed in section 4.3 on page 112, these three engagement types can
be mapped as follows.
Figure 152 – Solution Design Journey and Solution Architecture Engagement Types
The business engagement process does not map to the solution delivery process as it is a different type of solution
architecture engagement and occurs before specific solution design or delivery starts.
Early engagement starts at the earliest stage when the problem and its resolution options are least well-defined and least
understood. The early engagement process can be divided into two stages:
The rapid solution design engagement creates solution-on-a-page view of the solution options. It can occur after the early
engagement or instead of it, if the scope of the problem is reasonably well-defined and accepted by the business stakeholders.
The rapid solution design technique can be used as part of the early engagement process to systematise – create a solution
system specification – for the problem resolutions identified during early engagement.
Each of these engagements creates outputs or artefacts that perform two functions:
1. Describe the work done and provide an audit trail and a support for any conclusions or recommendations
The solution design artefact does not necessarily have to be a single monolithic specification that is frozen in time once
The core purpose of the solution design artefact that is to allows the work programme to create that solution to be defined
and to specify the work in sufficient detail. The solution design process is a journey and the solution design artefact is just one
step along that journey. The solution design artefact has to be appropriate for the subsequent solution delivery stages and no
more. The topic of solution design artefacts is described in more detail in section 4.10 on page 377. Introduction
The early engagement process39 in the solution design and implementation journey is intended to allow the exploration of an
as yet undefined solution that resolves a problem or addresses an opportunity. The work is done from both a business and
information technology perspective. The objective is to understand the scope, requirements, objectives, approach, options for
the resolution and to get a high-level understanding of the likely resources, timescale and cost required before starting the
solution implementation.
Early engagement is essentially about problem solving within a systems-thinking framework. However, it is not a generalised
approach to problem solving and systems thinking. The problem, its resolution and the translation of the resolution into a
systematised solution occurs within the context of an organisation and within the context of the at least tacit acceptance of the
need for a solution and indeed for an information technology solution. This adds a specificity to the nature of the problem-
solving work being done which narrows its scope and reduces some of the applicability of these more general techniques.
There is a great deal of material available on the related subjects of problem solving and systems thinking that can be applied
in the more general and wider context.
This section is derived from the Soft Systems Methodology originally developed by Peter Checkland. I have modified the approach and
extended it to the essentially systematising inherent in solution architecture. See Checkland, P 1999, Soft Systems Methodology in
Action. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, Chichester ISBN 978-0471986058.
In the following, what is being analysed can be termed a problematic situation. This is used to convey the level of doubt and
uncertainty about exactly what the problem is. Similarly, what solves this problematic situation is called a resolution rather
than a solution. In the context of this book and of solution architecture in general, solution means the systematised set of
components that deliverables an operational solution. Resolution involves moving from the as-is problematic situation to the
to-be resolved situation. The resolution is achieved through the creation of solution designs and their subsequent
There is no merit in identifying a problem if a resolution to that problem is not also identified.
In the context of solution architecture – the design of a specific solution or set of solutions – the early engagement process is
aimed at defining a solution that accomplishes a resolution that resolves a problematic situation. As mentioned above, the
early engagement process can be viewed as consisting of two stages:
1. Where the situation requiring a resolution is understood and resolution options or options are agreed by the situation
2. Where the resolution is then translated into a solution design with its various solution components
The resolution can be regarded as theoretical answer and the solution as its tangible actualisation in terms of technology and
other work and changes.
The problem and resolution analysis may require that the IT function and the solution architecture function in particular
look outside their core capabilities and their comfort zones to be able to perform the work.
The early engagement process is not a requirements gathering exercise. Traditional requirements gathering requires
substantial initial effort, resources and cost and for the business to commit without doubts, uncertainties and ambiguities
being known or resolved. The early engagement process is a problem solving and solution definition exercise. It defines and
validates resolution hypotheses at an early stage. This reduces (but not necessarily completely eliminates) doubts,
uncertainties and ambiguities in the problem and its resolution, thereby reduces the risk associated with any subsequent
solution implementation.
The early engagement process focusses on understanding the overall problem and determining realistic options for viable
resolutions. It seeks to address the end-to-end resolution experience.
The early engagement process involves taking a not necessarily well-defined request from the business organisation, defining
a resolution and then creating a sufficiently unambiguous set of solution options, including their delivery and operation,
quickly and accurately.
The solution design aspect of the engagement process involving aligning the resolution with the current and new or changed
organisation structure, processes and systems.
It is a consulting engagement performed by solution architecture. It focusses on understanding the overall problem and
determining realistic options for viable resolutions. To be effective, the solution architecture function must have the skills and
experience to perform such an engagement and must be trusted by the business to have those capabilities.
The engagement process involves acquiring knowledge and learning about the situation in order to:
There will be human dimensions to the early engagement process that cannot be ignored and that must be borne in mind
throughout the engagement. The engagement exists because a person or group of people have requested the engagement or
have been compelled to accept the engagement by their organisational superior. There may be resistance to the engagement.
There may be unwillingness to accept the engagement being conducted by the solution architecture function. There will be
direct participants – those involved in the engagement – and indirect participants – stakeholders who have delegated direct
participation but who will be involved in reviewing the output from the engagement and any recommendations. Each of the
parties involved in the engagement will have different motivations. Those leading the engagement process must be aware of
these personal aspects and a lack of awareness of them may cause the engagement to fail. The business engagement
participants will be involved in the current problem state. They will be affected by changes to the current state proposed by
the resolution. There may be conflicting views and opinions between the different participants, direct and indirect.
• It ensures that the business and IT invest in the right solutions in the right way and at the right time
• Assumptions about the problem to be resolved and the resolution options are validated early in the solution design
• The amount of problem and solution knowledge available will be increased
• It provides for evidence-based decision making
• Participants are brought together to gain a common understanding of and agreement about the situation requiring a
resolution and the resolution options
• The accuracy of the subsequent solution implementation planning and forecasting will be improved and any solution
delivery will be optimised
There are many principles that underpin the early engagement activities. The most important of these ae:
• Look to understand and tackle the entire problematic situation, from start to end
• Identify the participants, both internal and external, involved in the current operations
• Identify the business processes or, if they do not exist or are not well-defined, the modes and methods of usage and
interaction of participants with the current problematic situation
• Understand what participants need and are looking to achieve and experience
• Collect and use data to make decisions in order to make those decisions as evidence-based as possible
• Seek to maximise simplicity of resolution subject to the constraints of necessary complexity
• Keep the engagement team small, skilled, experienced and focussed
• Automate the components of the problematic situation resolution as much as possible
In any engagement, there will be two scopes that govern and define the extent of the work:
• Scope of the Engagement – who is involved, the number of participants, their expected involvement, how long it is
expected to take, what outputs are expected?
• Scope Of Situation To Be Resolved – what are we trying to resolve, what is the core problem or opportunity, what are
the secondary or extended or dependent problems or opportunities and are these in scope?
If the two scopes are uncertain or undefined or not agreed effort will be wasted in clarifying the scope. Uncertain scope tends
to indicate a lack of commitment by those looking for the engagement.
If the scope is too wide there will be too much work to be done that will take a long time before results can be obtained and
presented. If the scope is too narrow the underlying problematic situation may not be resolved. Getting the scope right means
understanding and accepting what the core problematic situation or opportunity to be resolved is and understanding and
accepting what needs to be done to arrive at a likely resolution and associated solution design.
The identification of resolution to the problematic solution can be difficult for a variety of reasons. There can be uncertain,
undefined or multiple mixed and contradictory objectives among the various stakeholders and the parties in the organisation
and outside the organisation that will be impacted by the changes associated with the resolution. There can be a lack of
coherence and clarity among stakeholders on what needs to be achieved. Some of the stakeholder needs may not be
articulated or expressed. This can be further complicated by factors affecting complexity such as a large number of parties
involved in problem and its resolution, large number of interactions and connections between these parties, undefined or
partially defined processes.
The challenges can be added to by opposition from some stakeholders and affected parties to the need for a resolution and its
associated change. There can be unpredictability and uncertainty in what the problematic situation being analysed and this
can change during the analysis. Finally, there can be time and cost constraints on the analysis and resolution definition
These difficulties represent obstacles to both defining the resolution and then implementing the solution to operationalise the
Many of these problems cannot be fixed during the engagement. They can represent quite fundamental differences of view.
At best they can only be mitigated through limited consensus. The solution architecture will be aware of the difficulties
during the early engagement exercise. He or she may not be able to resolve them. But the awareness of them will ensure that
they are taken account of when defining the resolution and solution options.
• Reduced probability of creating poor solution designs – components not included, solution not meeting the
requirements of the business function, solution complexity not understood, organisational impact of solution operation
not understood, solution implementation cost, time and resources unclear
• Improved business case for investment in solution implementation – greater detail, greater accuracy and greater
confidence in the stated costs and benefits
• Increase probability of effective design and reduced subsequent rework and change
• Increased likelihood user satisfaction with the solution that is ultimately delivered
Resolution options are scenarios of the to-be condition/situation/state that resolve or improve the initial problematic
situation. There will always be multiple resolution options, each of which will have a different solution component profile.
Each resolution option will have a different set of characteristics in terms of suitability, degree of improvement achieved,
scope, cost and complexity
All resolution options have impacts and will involve changes: people, organisation and its structure, processes, technology,
data and information technology infrastructure. The resolution changes do not necessarily need, or need to be limited to, IT
systems. While the achievement of a resolution will always consist of a solution the solution may not always have to consist of
IT systems and applications. Even if the solution has IT systems and applications components, these may not always be at the
core of the solution: they may be peripheral and exist to support organisation and process changes.
The resolution and its associated solution need to be a staged transition from the as-is situation to the to-be transformed
situation from where we are to where we want or need to be
The core early engagement process, after which resolution options are identified but solutions are not necessarily defined,
involves five main streams of activities that are performed in parallel. The focus moves between each stream as work
1. Investigation, Information Gathering – meeting with business function stakeholders to understand different views of
current problem state and desired/idealised future state – this activity is continuous through the engagement
2. Building Activity Models – describe views of as-is and desired or planned to-be actions and their sequence – this
activity starts after initial information gathering. As the models are built they are expanded on and updated as more
information becomes available
3. Questioning, Verification, Validation, Elaboration – review activity models with business function stakeholders
4. Defining Actions – define actions to implement target to-be activity model
5. Defining Implementation – define implementation activities to actualise target to-be activity model
There may be concerns about the nature of the problematic situation and the set of circumstances that cause it or give rise to
in the first place.
The perception that a problem or problematic situation exists may not be shared or agreed by all stakeholders and
participants in the early engagement process or in the stages that precede the acceptance that the early engagement process is
the correct approach to take.
The agreement that a problem exists and that its nature is certain may not be definite or unequivocal among this group.
It may be that the problem is such that it does not have a resolution. Or it may be that the set of circumstances that cause the
problematic situation can only at best be mitigated or partially circumvented rather than being resolved.
It may be that the problem determination and resolution process that is early engagement does not derive the best resolution.
It may be that the early engagement process focuses too quickly on one or a subset of potential resolutions to the exclusion of
better resolutions.
It may be that the early engagement process is not suitable because of the nature of the problem.
Before the resolution definition process can start, the problem has to be studied and agreed. We have to understand what
renders the situation problematic and then define the underlying problem.
It may be useful to categorise the problem to be resolved along the lines of:
• Simple – these are problems whose nature is agreed without difficulty, that are well-structured and whose resolution can
be identified quickly without needing significant effort.
• Intermediate – these are problems whose nature requires some time to agree but that can be agreed, that that are well-
structured and that a resolution can be identified after some time and after exploring a number of resolution options.
• Difficult – these are problems that take some time to agree before any resolution identification can take place, that are
poorly structured and ill-defined and that require significant effort and the analysis of multiple resolution options before
a not necessarily optimal resolution can be agreed.
• Highly Complex – these are problems where the causative factors are not known or understood or agreed so the nature
of the problem is itself problematic, very poorly structured and not defined and that requires significant effort and the
analysis of multiple resolution options and before a not necessarily optimal resolution can be agreed or where no real
resolution exists.
The act of categorising the problem may in itself be difficult and there may not be any agreement or consensus on how
difficult the problematic situation is. This lack of agreement by stakeholders and engagement participants may in itself be an
indicator of difficulty in the problem. Some people may not accept there is a problem or may over and underestimate its
severity or impact.
The relates to and overlaps with the topic of problem and solution knowledge and complexity and the approaches that have to
be adopted that is discussed in section 4.2 on page 95.
This describes a number of views or aspects that can be used to direct questions to engagement participants.
• Overall Perspective – what is the big picture of the problematic situation and its resolution?
• Proprietor – who is or are the real owners of and stakeholders in the problematic situation and its resolution?
• End Users – who are the recipients of the set of services or products being delivered?
• Actors and Entities – who is doing what and who is involved in the work to deliver the services or products, both within
the organisations and externally such as partners and suppliers?
• Relationships – what are the relationships between the stakeholders, entities and end users?
• Backdrop – what is the external environment and its constraints and limitations in which the operations occur?
These views are intended to act as a structure to elicit information. They are not fixed or absolute. They can be modified and
added to in order to gather more relevant details.
For each of these aspects of view, these are some questions to ask of participants in the engagement or to otherwise get
answers to in order to gather information in a structured manner or to prompt discussion. This is not an exhaustive or
prescriptive list.
What will be the core impact of any resolution? Will this impact be limited or far-reaching?
What will be the wider impact of any resolution? Will this impact be limited or far-
Proprietor Who are the primary owners of the problematic situation that may be changed as a
consequence of the engagement and its associated business functions and business
What are the relationships between the primary and secondary owners and stakeholders?
What can be done to get more positively engaged in the resolution definition and
agreement process?
How many different types or groups of users are there? What are the profiles of these end
Who are the more important and less important end users and why are they so classified?
Who will benefit and who will lose out as a consequence of the proposed changes?
Actors and Entities Who are the actors and entities, both internal and external, who are involved in creating
and delivering the product or service being supplied in the environment where the
problematic situation exists?
Why are the external actors involved in the way they are?
How will the actors and entities react to the proposed changes?
Which actors and entities will benefit and who will lose out as a consequence of the
proposed changes?
Relationships What are the relationships between stakeholders, actors and entities? Who are the
participants in the relationships?
What is the nature of these relationships such as are they permanent or temporary, direct
or indirect, strong or weak, collaborative or adversarial?
Which are the more important relationships in terms of operating the set of arrangements
that create and deliver the product or service?
How well do the relationships work? What are their problems and issues?
What changes are needed in the relationships to achieve or that will be caused by the
proposed changes?
What are the inputs to these processes? Who supplies the inputs? What issues and
problems exist with the supply of these inputs?
What are the products or services created by these processes? What issues and problems
exist with the creation of these products or services?
How well do the processes work? What are their problems and issues? What happens when
the processes fail? In what way do the current processes fail?
How are the processes managed? Who managed them? Are they optimised?
Where are we fixing the boundary to the problematic situation? Is this too confined or too
Are there different views on the problematic situation boundary? If so, how can we
reconcile these?
What is the extent of the problematic situation? Is this view too broad or too narrow?
In addition to the aspect questions, this is non-exhaustive list of other questions that can be asked of participants during
information gathering. Like the aspect related questions, the objective is to elicit information and to initiate discussions in
order to understand the problematic situation.
• What controls and affects the way in which information, work and resources flow through the situation? What affects do
these controls have on throughput and performance? Why are the controls in place? How did they arise? How did they
subsequently change?
• Are processes and performance monitored and managed? If so, where does process feedback and resulting actions take
place and by whom?
• What do we need to do and/or stop doing to have a positive effect on the problematic situation?
• What are the factors and variables affect performance and what impact does each variable have?
• How can these variables and factors be controlled? How linked are these variables?
• What happens if the proposed resolution does not happen or is only partially implemented?
• What assumptions are being made about the analysis? How valid are these assumptions?
• What assumptions are being made about the resolution? How valid are these assumptions?
• Who makes decisions? What controls do we have over these decision makers? What decisions do we need them to make?
• What interventions will affect the problematic situation? What effects will then have? How can these interventions be
• What can stop us achieving a resolution? What can be done to prevent these?
• How does strategy development and policy-making task take place in the organisation of the function that is the subject
of the engagement? What influence do we need from strategy development and policy-making to achieve a resolution?
• What is needed to ensure that the resolution is successful in solving the problematic situation? What control and
influence do we have over their achievement?
• Are the right resources available to the right people at the right time to enable processes to work? If not, what are the
problems and how can they be resolved?
• What stresses and circumstances will affect the resolution and cause it to fail or perform sub-optimally? How can we
avoid or limit the impact of these circumstances?
The early engagement process is not about asking a long list of questions of participants. It is not an interrogation. It is
concerned with gathering information to achieve an objective of defining and agreeing a resolution and a solution design to
achieve that resolution. The questions are just a means to that ultimate goal. They are a guide to gathering evidence and
stimulating discussion and getting participants to contribute and make their knowledge available.
The activity involves the definition of initial high-level as-is and to-be activity models. These are generic model consists of
three sets of concentric activities:
• Operational – what gets done, in what sequence, with what dependencies, with what resources
• Monitoring, Management, Administration, Control – control of flow, allocation and reallocation, reporting on
throughput, respond to change
• Improvement, Optimisation – ensure activities are fit for purpose, delivering benefits, achieving expected outcomes,
activity modification and enhancement
Start initially with the as-is activity models to understand the current problematic situation and identify where problems are
occurring. These are not and nor are they intended to be detailed process maps.
Activity models are not full business process (re)designs at this stage. The intention at this stage is just capture, initially at a
high-level and in more detail as the analysis proceeds, the key activities and their flows.
The operational activity model will define the activities that are performed, their flow and the sequence in which they are
performed based on the outcome of previous activities.
There will be layers of activity models as detail is expanded on and high-level activities are decomposed into lower level
activities. This is similar to identifying sub-processes with a process. Initially, keep the activity model definition at a high-
level. Detail and refinements can be added later.
The activity models derived from investigations can be used to create a structured set of questions to allow activity details be
elaborated, explored, understood and refined. Use the model as a framework to ask informed questions and gather
Activity Trigger(s) Dependencies Required Expected Next Expected Who and What Skills How How Quality
Input(s) Output(s) Step(s) Outcome(s) How Required Monitored Maintained
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity 6
Different resolution participants may have different views of the activity models of the current as-is and desired to-be
This ambiguity is to be expected. Different participants will have different levels of knowledge of the complexity and the
nuances of current activities. Similarly, they will have different views of what the desired to-be set of activities are to resolve
the problem.
Live with this ambiguity at the early stages of the analysis and look to create a consensus during later stages. You may need to
create several activity models initially and combine them later.
Models are essentially simplifications of the underlying real-world situation and the interactions between participants. This
simplification is necessary to capture information. Complexity can be added during refinement and enhancement performed
as the engagement proceeds.
The next stage in the engagement involves the creation of rich pictures, initially of the as-is situation and then of the to-be
resolution option or options. These pictures are used to explore, validate and improve the view of the as-in situation.
Rich pictures can be viewed as conceptual or hybrid models of situations combining different views in a single picture.
Models are invariably simplifications of the real-world situation they represent. They do not capture all the complexity of the
situation. As such these models are wrong. It is important they are not too wrong. Errors relating to not enough detail are
tolerable. Fundamental errors relating to entities and their interactions are not tolerable.
These are detailed visualisations that represent information considerably more effectively than lengthy narrative text. The
show relationships and interactions between entities. The visual format provides a more concise illustration of the situation. It
is a far better tool to elicit information from engagement participants than a text description. Gaps, errors and omissions are
more easily identified. Participants can be walked through the situation and its activities and interactions. It assists informed
and involved discussions.
Rich pictures can be viewed as a form of organisation and problematic situation mindmap.
Rich pictures can be developed on whiteboards or flipcharts. They should be converted to a printed form that can be
accommodated on a page size such as A3.
You can evolve and refine the rich picture representations of as-in and to-be situations throughout the engagement exercise.
You cannot expect to capture every piece of information. It is important to focus on the important elements and the key
entities and their interactions.
The rich picture can include some or all of the following elements:
Element Description
Actor Persons or groups within the organisation or externally providing services to the
organisation involved in the delivery of the overall service and their roles
Constraints, Limitations Any actual or perceived constraints and limitations relating to the provision and
operation of the service
Consumer Persons or groups at whom the service is being directed or who use the service
Core Issues and Owners Issues relating to the core service objectives
Core Objective(s) Brief statement of the core purpose(s) of the situation where there is perceived to
be a problem – what the associated service is looking to achieve
Entities, Types and Roles Functional collections of persons or groups within the organisation or external to
the organisation providing services or participating in the service delivery
Interactions Dealings, linkages and interactions between entities, actors and consumers
Locations and Facilities Locations or interaction points where consumers avail of or are provided with
Obligations Obligations of actors and entities, relating to the core service objectives
Options Options relating to the core service objectives
Processes Processes that are used to deliver service or support its delivery
Questions Outstanding questions relating to the core service objectives
Relationships and Dependencies Relationships and dependencies between other elements of the rich picture
This could include details on the nature of the relationship such as permanent or
temporary, direct or indirect, strong or weak, collaborative or adversarial
Requirements Requirements of actors and entities, relating to the core service objectives
Rules Rules apply to the delivery or provision of the service and to whom the rules apply
Viewpoints Views or opinions of actors on the provision and operation of the service
A formal tool such as Archimate (see section on page 518) could be used to create rich pictures. This would require
all parties to be familiar with the Archimate symbol vocabulary.
There is no solution, system or application element in this list. You are not looking at solutions, systems or applications at this
stage. There may be some solutions, systems or applications involved in the current problematic situation. They are just
enablers of interactions and activities. These solutions may also be contributing to the problem. Introducing solutions and
systems now may lead to restricting the resolution to improvements in the operations of these systems. Taking a solutions
and systems view will means that interactions will be described in an organised way. We want to understand disorganised
connections during this early stage of information gathering and analysis.
Rich pictures do not have a time dimension. The pictures are time-independent representations and show all activities and
interactions happening at the same time.
The rich picture can be built-up over time as knowledge is acquired and uncertainty resolved. The key elements to start with
are the consumers, actors, entities and relationships.
There can be multiple rich pictures representing the views of different participants. These differences can help understanding
and expressing differences in perspective among participants. This in turn can help in clarifying and prioritising
The following shows a very simplistic example of a logical rich picture. It can be made far more visual than this simple
example. The elements can be replaced with icons that more closely represent them.
In this very simple example, the constraints, processes and issues are listed in a key to the picture.
Rich pictures that represent resolution options are not systematised views of the solution at this stage of the analysis. They do
not contain system-related components such as IT applications, infrastructure and data flows at this stage. They link entities,
relationships, activities and interactions. Resist the temptation to include systematic parts at the investigation stage and pre-
judge options for resolution and transformation. Jumping to conclusions at this stage will limit the scope of information
gathered. Rich pictures are information gathering and validation and consensus building tools at this stage.
• Degree of Automation – how automated should the overall solution be and how much manual intervention and how
many manual workarounds can be tolerated?
• Sourcing Options – what are the options for sourcing components of the solution?
• Resources and their Availability – what internal and external resources are required to implement the solution and
how available are they?
• Timescale and Urgency of Solution – when is the solution required?
• Cost and Available Finance – what is the likely cost of the solution and where will the money come from?
• Likely Duration of Solution – how long will the solution last, how long are we architecting the solution for?
• Organisational Impact – what is the resolution’s impact on the organisation in terms of organisation change: personnel
and structure changes, new and existing locations, new business process and changes to existing business processes
• Solution Quality Factors – the quality factors include:
o Accessible – is the solution accessible across the proposed user domain – locations, languages and abilities?
o Adaptable – can the solution be applied in different ways and to different areas of the organisation easily and
quickly and at low or no cost?
o Affordable – can we afford to implement and operate the solution?
o Auditable – does the solution maintain information to allow its operation be audited?
o Available – can the solution delivery the required availability through resilience and continuity?
o Capable – can the solution accomplish what is intended without additional effort?
o Deliverable – can the solution be delivered for the expected cost using the planned resources and in the planned
o Flexible – can the solution be changed easily and quickly or is the solution rigid and inflexible?
o Learnable – can knowledge about how to use the solution be acquired easily and quickly without unnecessary
training and documentation?
o Maintainable – can the solution be maintained, changes and new releases and upgrades applied without
requiring significant effort or time?
o Manageable – can the system be managed and administered where user, configuration and reference data
changes can be made easily and quickly?
o Operable – can the solution be operated without complex and resource-intensive interventions? How
automated will its operation be?
o Recoverable – in the event of failure, can the solution be recovered easily, quickly and with the minimum of
o Reliable – will the solution operate reliably, without errors, maintaining quality and generating consistent
results without requiring rework?
o Scalable – can the solution accommodate changes in workload, numbers of users, numbers of transactions
without significant redesign or change? Is scalability incorporated into the solution?
o Securable – can the solution be secured across all its operations from access to data?
o Stable – is the solution inherently stable or is it fragile so unintended uses or small unallowed for event cause
o Suitable – is the solution fit for its proposed purpose?
o Supportable – can the solution be supported without requiring substantial resources and effort?
o Testable
Testable – can the operation of the solution and the results generated from inputs be tested and validated?
o Upgradeable – can the solution be upgraded and enhanced in the future?
o Usable – can the solution be used easily?
Again, these factors can be used as a checklist to assess each resolution option.
The engagement needs to consider both the resolution and the options for its achievement.
Solutions introduce change into organisations. While the management of organisation change is outside the role of the
solution architect, the architect should nonetheless be aware of the change implications of the solution options. Resistance to
the changes required to operate a solution are a frequent cause of solution delivery being challenged. Similarly, failure to
make the necessary organisation changes to allow the solution to operate is also a cause of such problems. In a strict sense the
solution may be correct but it may not work or being allowed to work because of lack of involvement or interest in the
business solution consumers or hostility to the solution or lack of knowledge in how to use the solution effectively.
• The middle-management layer within the business solution consumer population may view the solution as a threat to
their role as, for example, it may automate their roles or move decision-making abilities. This group may seek to sabotage
the solution or interfere with its introduction and operation.
• The solution can simply be ignored and the previous approach or solution may continue to be used.
• The solution may not be usable – see section 4.7 on page 311 for more details in solution usability.
New solutions can introduce different types of change into the organisation, such as:
• The solution may introduce a rigidity and lack of flexibility that was present in the operations the solution replaces in
areas such as work allocation and the application of rules relating to work processing. This greater rule-based operations
may not be accepted. Similarly, the solution can introduce checks and controls that were previously not present or were
present to a lesser extent.
• The solution can introduce greater concentration of responsibilities and the removal of previously present local
responsibility and decision-making.
• The solution may require more and different data to be entered and to be processed differently.
• The solution can be perceived as introducing more monitoring than was present previously and lead to resistance from
the affected workforce.
• There may be a reallocation of work within the affected business teams with some team members being asked to handle
greater volumes of work or different types of work.
• There can be changes in roles and in the overall role profile of the business teams.
• Staff may be redeployed or lost from the business teams because of factors such as greater automation. This can lead to
fear among the remaining personnel.
• The solution may require different skills to operate effectively. Without the necessary transition and support
arrangement and structures this can lead to staff frustration.
As part the overall solution view this book advocates, the architect should understand the types of changes the solution
introduces and the risks these changes may give rise to.
The required organisation changes can only happen when there is a perception of and an acceptance that there is a problem
or challenge or opportunity that can only be resolved by a change. Organisation and business functions impacted must be
willing and able to accept change. The organisation’s management must support change. The engagement process must be
aware of the culture and politics of the organisation and the impacted business functions. Identifying issues around and
resistance to change needs to be a part of the engagement process.
Each resolution option will have a different organisation change profile. The implementation of any resolution will depend on
the ability of the organisation to change.
There are six dimensions of internal organisation change divided into two groups:
These are internal dimensions of organisation change. If the resolution involves external parties, then they may also
experience change. While the organisation has control over changes within its own boundaries, it has much less control, if
any, outside these confines. Within the context of externally facing solutions aimed at a consumer population outside the
direct control of the organisation, the solution can be rejected, ignored or bypassed. If the external parties who are
experiencing changes are entities such as partners or suppliers, then you have some control. If the parties are customers, then
you have no real control over how they react to changes.
Figure 165 – Different Profiles of Organisation Changes for Different Resolution Options
Every resolution that solves a problem also causes new problems, however small. The resolution value equation is that the
value and savings delivered by the resolution and the value of resolving the problem must be greater than the cost of the
changes plus the cost of the solution components plus the cost of operating the solution.
Ultimately, the success of the resolution can be measured by three fundamental factors:
The early engagement process is not just about gathering information. The output must be a set of resolution options and
how they can be implemented.
The resolutions must exist within a real-world context with all its constraints, limitations and boundaries. Where the
resolution includes IT changes, in addition to solution options there will be organisation IT restrictions based on the
organisation’s enterprise architecture standards. The output from the early engagement process must include delivery and
operation options to allow informed decision to be made on the true scope of the resolution.
The various constraints describe in the previous sections - resolution qualities, resolution attributes, resolution paths to
implementation, resolution organisation change profile and the organisation’s enterprise architecture – will reduce the
number of resolution options.
Figure 168 – Superset Of Constraints Sets Will Narrow Range Of Available, Realistic And Achievable Resolution Options
The goal of the engagement process is to describe the resolved situation and the options for achieving the transformation.
Ultimately the resolution needs to be translated into an implementable and operable solution. The engagement process
should present systematised solutions options that can form the basis for decisions.
The rapid solution design process described later can be used to translate the resolution into a solution design. Introduction
The journey from initial business concept to operational solution is rarely simple. Not all business concepts progress to
solution delivery projects and not all solution delivery projects advance to a completed operational solution. There is always
an inevitable and necessary attrition during the process. There are many reasons why this should and could happen. Business
and organisation needs and the operational environment both change. The allocation of budgets and resources are prioritised
elsewhere. The delivery of other solutions on which this solution is dependent is late. The scope of the solution has changed
such that it will not be cost-effective to justify.
The cancelation of solutions during their development is not always bad. Solutions that will not deliver business value or that
do not address a business need should be cancelled or at least deferred while the business justification is re-evaluated.
The solution design and delivery journey involves making decisions. Progress is achieved through decision making. A
solution journey that is not moving towards a resolution is in some form of analysis/decision loop.
• Low cost
• Low impact and few negative and serious consequences
• High level of comfort with decision context and background – comfort zone
• High level of confidence in the outcome
Easy decisions are easy to make and have few negative consequences. Hard decisions are not easy to make and have
potentially greater negative consequences.
Effective decision-making in the solution design process requires knowledge, both about the problem and the solution. (This
is covered in section 4.2.1 on page 95.)
In this light, there is a need for a rapid solution concept development process that generates results quickly. There is a need to
identify feasible, worthwhile, justifiable concepts that merit proceeding to implementation and to eliminate those that are not
cost-effective. The solution architecture function plays an important role in identifying solutions worth implementing and in
providing sufficient information to allow an informed decision to be made. This involves creating initial high-level solution
architecture that can be expanded on if the solution is being proceeded with. This approach minimises the work done and the
effort expended obtained while maximising the information gathered and processed and results and knowledge obtained.
The objective here is to quickly create a solution overview that is sufficiently comprehensive to allow the cost and resources
required to out the solution into operation with sufficient accuracy as these estimates are realistic.
The key elements of this initial rapid solution scope and design are:
• Systems/Applications – these are existing systems and applications that will participate in the operation of the solution
and which may need to be changed and new systems and applications that will have to be delivered as part of the solution
• System Interfaces – these are links between systems for the transfer and exchange of data
• Actors – these are individuals, groups or business functions who will be involved in the operation and use of the solution
• Actor-
Actor-System Interactions – interactions between Actors and Systems/Applications
• Actor-
Actor-Actor Interactions
Interactions – interactions between Actors
• Functions – these are activities that are performed by actors using facilities and functionality provided by systems
• Processes – business processes required to operate the solution and the business processes enabled by the solution,
including new business processes and changes to existing business processes
• Journey – standard journey through processes/functions and exceptions/deviations from “happy path”
This set of information combines to provide a comprehensive view of the potential solution at an early stage.
This information is divided into two sets: a core and an extended set.
It provides a worklist or a table of contents of further work if decision to continue is made. Only sufficient work is done at
this initial stage to allow a well-informed decision to be made.
The first step in the rapid solution scoping exercise is to identify the main existing business processes that will be used in the
operation of the solution and any new business processes. Existing business may be able to be used without modification.
Others may require modification.
Determining the business processes will require the solution design team to engage with the business function that are
looking to have the new solution implemented. Processes are important because they reflect and represent what the
organisation does and how it does it.
The goal here is not to document the existing business processes or to define the new processes in detail. That work will come
later. At this stage it is the inventory of processes and a brief description of their purpose, scope, operation and use that needs
to be created and agreed.
Describe the current process landscape in enough detail to allow business rules to be understood and for the issues, problems
and improvements required to operate the proposed solution to be identified
Identify and (re)design the theoretical minimum set of core processes required to achieve the required outcomes and results
using the proposed new solution assuming there are no constraints.
The second step is to identify the functions, abilities and facilities required to enable and operate the processes. These
functions represent specific activities that are performed within business processes.
The following is an example of how functions relate to processes. It shows a sample process to buy a product or service. The
process can be decomposed into multiple levels and the individual activities.
Figure 174 – Sample Process and Function Breakdown – Buy a Product or Service
In this example, the level 1 process Buy Product/Service is broken down into six level 2 steps. The level 2 step Provide
Quotation is broken down into five level 3 steps.
This level of detail is not required at this stage of the solution design process. The objective is to identify the significant
functions. They can also be documented at the level of detail required for a detailed solution design later. Their presence in
the list of processes and functions will act as a high-level task list for more detailed analysis and design during subsequent
This third step involves identifying actors who will use functions and participate in processes.
Identify the roles - individuals, groups or business functions - required for the target (existing unchanged, existing changed or
new) processes. The list of roles can be used to design the target organisation structure. In the follow-on analysis the skills,
experience, education, training and competencies of the actors will be identified.
The fourth step is to identify the new systems or applications and changes to existing systems or applications required to
provide the previously identified functions.
This view needs to identify the major solution system components, both new and existing systems that either to continue to
operate unchanged or that will require changes. This can be a logical view of what is required that may be different from the
final set of system components implemented. It is important to identify the conceptual systems required needed as part of the
overall solution. These conceptual systems can be translated later into actual solution
The information accompanying the solution view should identify the business processes each system component enables the
operation of and the functions each system component provides. This information could be represented graphically but it
might add too much clutter and detail to the diagram that might confuse rather than assisting understanding.
This following shows examples of levels of detail of system components. In the first System List Showing Existing
Intermediate Data Transfer Component, the intermediate data exchange infrastructural component (such as SFTP or
managed file transfer or message queueing facility) is explicitly shown. This is an existing component that is being used as
part of the solution. This level of detail is not necessary at the overview design stage. It can be included. But as long as the
interfaces between the two functional components are known, its inclusion does not really add much value.
In the second System List Showing Logical Data Transfer Between Applications Without Intermediate Data Transfer
Component , the existing intermediate data exchange infrastructural component is not shown. The interfaces between the
systems ae shown.
In the third System List Showing New Intermediate Data Transfer Component , the new intermediate data exchange
infrastructural component is explicitly shown. This is useful because this represents a new component that is being
implemented as part of the solution.
The systems can be internal within the organisation or externally hosted. The reason for including external systems is to allow
interfaces and integration points be identified.
This conceptual systems view can be refined and expanded on during later more detailed analysis. For a rapid view of the
likely scope of the solution that is being produced at this early stage, it is necessary to know what system developments are
likely to be needed so the likely time, resources and cost can be estimated. Each of these system components will require
infrastructure on which to operate. Each will require a development, testing and deployment landscape. These costs can be
quantified that will feed into a wider solution cost and resource model that will be realistic.
The fifth step involves the specification of the integrations and data exchanges between the system components that will take
place as part of the operation of the solution. Each system to system interface should be identified.
Figure 178 – Step 5 – List Interfaces and Data Exchanges Between System Components
Quantifying data exchanges is valuable because these represent work to be done. For each interface, describe the nature of the
interface: frequency, batch or realtime, security and use of encryption, direction, protocol, volume and method of interface
and exchange. Detail the data that is exchanged in sufficient detail so the effort to implement with new systems can be
accurately estimated.
One output of this step is an inventory of data exchanges involved in the new solution. Data interfaces and exchanges give rise
to many problems during solution implementation, testing and cutover to production. Their complexity is frequently
overlooked during solution design. Also, the need for interfaces and their monitoring, administration and management and
the consequent impact on service management is all too commonly disregarded.
Interfaces give rise to data that must be validated, errors handled, data quality maintained and loaded into a data store. If the
data volumes (frequency or amount of both) are large, then this can give rise to performance and throughput problems. A
poorly designed data store and data loading can mean that while the data interface works functionality, it is not scalable. Data
quality needs to start at the earliest stage of the data pipeline. This means the data interface must include data validation
against data rules and reference and master data.
This sixth step consists of listing interactions actors have with systems and applications that will take place as part of the
operation of the solution. Each actor to system interaction should be identified.
This step should describe each system or application component each actor accesses or interfaces with, the system functions
performed and the information accessed.
The types of interactions should be listed with details on expected or proposed number and frequency.
The seventh step consists of listing interactions actors have with other actor that will take place as part of the operation of the
solution. Each actor to actor interaction should be coded.
The purpose of this step is to identify new roles and organisation structures required to operate the solution and to list any
external users to whom the solution is being presented, if applicable.
The nature of the interactions should be listed with details on expected or proposed number and frequency. Steps 1-
1 -7 – Solution on a Page
When you bring the results of steps one to seven together the result is a solution view that represents a S olution on a Page .
This lists all the key solution components and their interactions Steps 8 and 9 – Identify Data Sets, Data Impacts and Data Movements
Steps 8 and 9 consists of creating the logical data view. This lists the possible data impacts to existing and new systems and
data exchanges between systems.
The information on the data aspects of solution architecture contained in section 4.8 on page 321 can be used here.
This view expands on and extends the system interaction view described in step 5. The data impacts on existing and new
systems relate to potentially new information that must be generated and/or stored. Some of the data elements will already be
catered for in existing systems. They are listed here to ensure they are not omitted from detailed analysis, design and
planning. The data exchanges relate to transfers of data between systems. Some of the data exchanges will already exist for
existing types of data that are being used to implement the new solution.
Step 8 lists the data impacts. These are sets or groups of related data that will be used within the operation of the solution. At
this stage, the individual data fields and their content and format need not be described. It is enough to identify the data sets.
New system components may reuse data that already exists or may create and use new sets of data.
Step 9 shows the data exchanges and movements between systems in the context of the data sets identified in step 8.
Step 10 is concerned with creating an inventory of solution usage journeys and documenting them. The journey is the set of
steps performed by the user from initiation to completion. This journey is the external representation of the tasks and actions
performed by the systems and actors. This step should look at primary solution usage journeys, that it, those that are initiated
and performed by primary solution users. A primary solution will give rise to activities that are assigned to and performed by
other solution users. These secondary usage journeys are not the major concern of this step.
The solution usage journeys may be regarded as solution use cases but they are intended to be more comprehensive. They
describe the entire solution usage experience rather than just a specific set of activities.
Having an inventory of solution usage journeys is valuable as it enables the solution to be validated against the way it is
intended to be used. They can be used to discover potential problems with the solution and the interactions between
components that occur during the journeys.
Internally, from a solution component and business process view, the journey steps may cross several internal business
processes and the work done at those individual steps may be performed by separate business functions using different
For every solution there will be one or more “happy paths” – standard paths through the solution without
exception/problem/deviation handling. Exceptions may occur at each step in these happy paths. This high-level solution
design should identify solution usage journeys and their possible exceptions.
The following shows the possible set of steps involved in the customer journey of buying and using a product or service that is
billed based on usage. This is the external representation of the journey that is experienced by the customer.
13. Account Close and Reconciliation and Final Payment/Refund Handling/Equipment Return
This external journey maps to a set of internal business processes such as those contained in the business process breakdown
described in Figure 174 on page 263. The external journey represents a cross-functional view of the flow of the solution.
These internal business processes will be performed by different organisation functions. So, the external customer cross-
functional journey will map to multiple internal business processes and business functions.
The sample solution usage journey listed above could be modified and enhanced with the addition of exceptions along the
following lines. Summary
This rapid solution scoping approach creates potentially three deliverables, depending on whether all the steps have been
1. Solution Business Processes, Functions, Actors and Systems and Interfaces view
2. Data Impact and Exchanges view
3. Solution Usage Journeys view
Together these comprise a substantial amount of information about the proposed solution that can be assembled reasonably
quickly and that provide a complete high-level view of the components of and operation and use of the solution. This will
allow the solution to be validated, alternatives explored, issues uncovered, evidence-based decisions made and for the cost,
time and resources that will be required to implement the solution to be estimated.
The information can be presented visually and graphically so it can be easily comprehended. There is supporting narrative.
There is a minimum of documentation and a maximum of amount usable and informative material. Introduction
The objective of a structured and detailed approach to developing a thorough solution design is to ensure consistency in
solution designs and in the solution design process. A structured process allows expectations to be managed in terms of the
scope and content of the solution design effort and artefacts and in the time, effort and approach to create that design.
This is a very comprehensive engagement that can take some time and can generate a large amount of documentation and
artefacts. You may therefore look to use this as a template for a design process and engagement that can be adapted to specific
circumstances and business needs.
This detailed approach provides a checklist that can be used to validate that the solution design option or options are
This approach to solution design is based on using six views as a structure to gather information and to create the design.
These six views are divided into two groups:
• Core Solution Architecture Views – concerned with the kernel of the solution:
• Business
• Functional
• Data
• Extended Solution Architecture Views – concerned with solution implementation and operation:
• Technical
• Implementation
• Management and Operation
These solution design dimensions or views are structured sets of requirements, conditions, specifications, provisions,
concerns and fundamental principles for each dimension of the overall solution. The views are used to walk through the view-
specific aspects of the solution design.
The documentation of these views may contain repeated information. But this engagement is concerned with creating
detailed design specifications.
The core dimensions/views define what the solution must do, how it must operate and the results expected. The extended
dimensions/views define how the solution must or should be implemented, managed and operated. They describe factors that
affect, drive and support decisions made during the solution design process. Many of these factors will have been defined as
requirements of the solution and so their delivery will be included in the solution design.
Together these core and extended views describe the end-to-end solution design comprehensively.
The Data View describes the range of data being handled and processed and the processing being performed.
The Business and Process View describes the organisation or business function and the business processes implemented by
the solution.
The Functional and Results View describes the functions being performed and the results they generate.
The information collected and described in each of the solution views can be summarised as follows.
These are the outputs created from this engagement. For each of these outputs there will be a corresponding information
gathering and analysis activity.
This is a potentially very comprehensive set of information. Not all this may be required in all cases. For a new solution
design engagement with a new organisation, the information is useful. For an existing organisation with an existing portfolio
of solutions that are been expanded and extended, some of the information such as that contained in the business view need
not be described.
This structure can then be used as a checklist to validate that the solution design is complete and that the level of detail in the
design is sufficient to meet the needs of the solution implementation project.
Elements of the structured solution design process described here can be mapped to the TOGAF40 enterprise architecture
Using the existing TOGAF framework allows the existing information collection and analysis structure and approach to be
suitably reused to add value to the solution design process and to improve the quality of the deliverables.
TOGAF is a substantial framework that is focussed on enterprise architecture engagements. Its use for solution architecture
and design engagements will require adjustment. The amount of the TOGAF framework to be applied will depend on the size
and complexity of the target solution, the extent and type of engagement deliverables required and the amount of time and
resources available for the engagement.
1. B: Business Architecture
2. C: Information Systems Architecture
3. D: Technology Architecture
that can be mapped to the solution design views. In the following I have divided the TOGAF ADM Phase C: Information
Systems Architecture into two sub-phases:
Figure 195 – Mapping TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM) Phases to Solution Design Views
This mapping allows parts of the TOGAF architecture framework to be used to create the structured set of activities involved
in gathering and analysing information and to create the structured set of deliverables for these views of the solution design
The TOGAF ADM framework does not have either an Implementation or a Management and Operation View. However, the
same structure that exists for the other four views can be adapted for these.
The TOGAF ADM framework has a common set of steps for each of the architecture phases. These can be adapted for use
during the solution design process.
Analyse the solution from the viewpoints of business or technical areas such as
operations, management, technology and finance, support, operations.
Agree on the approach to capturing information, its level of detail and granularity
and on the tools and techniques to be used.
Determine the building blocks of the solution with respect to the specific view.
Describe the entities involved in the solution with respect to the specific view and
their relationships.
2. Develop baseline architecture Describe the current solution or individual solution component with respect to the
description specific view, if there is an existing solution or if the new solution will involve
existing solution components in as much detail as is useful to define the target
3. Develop target architecture Describe the solution from the viewpoint of the solution design view in sufficient
description detail to allow the solution and its components that are relevant to the view to be
4. Perform gap analysis Pinpoint any gaps that exist between the baseline and target architecture
descriptions previously created, if relevant.
5. Define roadmap components Create a plan of activities based on the previously created baseline, target and gap
6. Understand and resolve Analyse the impact of the solution design with respect to the specific view on the
impacts across the solution architecture, identify any conflicts and determine the approach to their
architecture landscape resolution.
7. Conduct formal stakeholder Review the results of the analysis with the relevant stakeholders.
8. Finalise the architecture Define the standards to be applied and used for each relevant solution component
design with respect to the specific view.
Document each relevant solution component design with respect to the specific
Ensure that the requirements of the solution and traceable to the solution design.
Validate that the solution component design meets the previously agreed goals and
9. Create architecture definition Document the view-specific solution design elements.
Table 52 – Mapping TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM) Steps to Solution Design
The specific adaptations of each of the TOGAF ADM phases and their activities to the solution design business views are
included in the sections on those views. This information is provided so it can contribute to the development of a solution
design workplan and to provide visibility to the stakeholders of the solution design process and the level of detail that is being
The following sections describe the information to be collected for each of the six solution views.
This view contains business-level information on the approach being taken to address the requirements of the business
drivers for the solution.
This view will work through various viewpoint scenarios to analysis the business and process interactions with the solution to
elaborate its design.
The structure of the information collected and analysed within the Business View is:
This will describe the overall stability of the solution and its
constituent components and their interoperation.
Ease of Implementation This will define the attributes of the solution in terms of how it
will be tested, validated, implemented, data migrated and
loaded and the processes that will be used to accomplish these
Suitability and Efficiency This will describe how the solution addresses the business
need, how efficient its operation and use will be. It also details
how accurate the solution’s operation will be, how it will be
accepted by the population of users, how complete it is and
what external and manual work will be required and its overall
Performance, Capacity and This will describe the performance characteristics of the
Throughput solution across all the processing and capacity dimensions:
active users, number of units of work, volume of data. This will
include all areas where the solution performs work. It will
describe the time taken to perform that work.
Reliability This will detail the attributes of the solution in terms of its
consistency of operation and use, how bad quality data will be
identified and handled and the repeatability of outputs. It will
identify any potential weaknesses in the operation of the
solution. The approach to logging and auditing of solution use
will be described.
Manageability and Ease of This will cover the solution attributes relating to the operation
Operation and control of the solution, how it is administered and
managed, what administration and management functions
and activities are required, how it is maintained and serviced,
how problems are identified and resolved and the overall
stability of the solution.
Linkage to Other Systems This will describe the interfaces to and the integrations with
other operational systems, the information, including its
format and content, being exchanged and the frequency and
direction of the exchanges.
Scalability This will describe the approach to scaling the solution in
response to changes in workload across all solution
Security This will detail the approach to security across all the
solution’s components and operations including
authentication and nonrepudiation, access controls, audit Adapting TOGAF Business Phase to the Business and Process View
TOGAF ADM Business Adaptation to Business and Process View Solution Design Process
Architecture Phase Step
1. Select reference models, Select the set of business viewpoints or aspects such as operations, financial,
viewpoints and tools management or business user that will form the basis for the business and process
Select the set of business functions that will be involved in the business and process
view based on the proposed scope of the target solution.
Define the business processes and their steps and functions to be included in this
Define the level of detail and granularity for the viewpoints analysis.
• Details of the organisation structure, functions and their actors and roles
• Use cases and user journeys
• Details on business drivers, goals and objectives
• Details of processes, triggering events, process flows
• Details on products and services provided by processes
• Details on metrics and measures currently used
• Data structures and flows
TOGAF ADM Business Adaptation to Business and Process View Solution Design Process
Architecture Phase Step
Gather information on the current architecture only insofar as it will add value to
the definition of the target solution.
Include details on the problems and issues being experienced with the base line
Perform this information collection and analysis to the extent that the information
collected is needed to define the target solution and how much of the existing
solutions will be reused by or integrated into the target solution.
3. Develop target architecture Describe the business and process view of the how the target solution should
description operate using the structures defined in step 1.
4. Perform gap analysis Compare the baseline and target sets of information to identify gaps between what
is currently happening and what will happen using the target solution.
Identify the causes of the gaps and differences between the baseline and target
business and process views, especially where the target view does not include
elements that are in the baseline view and may indicate current items that will be
missing from the target.
Validate that the target is complete from a business and process view.
5. Define roadmap components Define the set of business activities that will be required to move from the baseline
to the target solutions.
6. Understand and resolve Assess the business and process operations of the target solution against the wider
impacts across the solution and business landscapes.
architecture landscape
Determine if there are been any changes in either the solution and business
landscapes that will impact on the target solution.
Determine if there are any initiatives planned or in progress in the wider solution
and business landscapes that will impact on the target solution or be impacted by or
that can be leveraged by the target solution.
7. Conduct formal stakeholder Review the target business and process solution design to establish if it meets the
review original stated needs.
Present the business and process view of the target solution to business
Analyse and explain any differences between the target business and process view of
the solution and the feedback provided by stakeholders.
TOGAF ADM Business Adaptation to Business and Process View Solution Design Process
Architecture Phase Step
Consider updating the target business and process solution design if the differences
cannot be resolved.
8. Finalise the architecture Complete the business and process solution aspect of the design.
Document the control, accountability and responsibility aspects of the business and
process solution aspect of the design.
Table 54 – Adapting TOGAF Business Phase to the Business and Process View
This view contains information on the core capabilities of the solution that will address the business drivers, goals and
The structure of the information collected and analysed within the Functional View is:
Select the set of business functions that will be involved in the functional view based
on the proposed scope of the target solution.
Define the functional components and their steps and processing to be included in
this view.
Define the level of detail and granularity for the viewpoints analysis.
Gather information on the current architecture only insofar as it will add value to
the definition of the target solution.
Include details on the problems and issues being experienced with the functionality
of the baseline solution.
Perform this information collection and analysis to the extent that the information
collected is needed to define the target solution and how much of the existing
solutions will be reused by or integrated into the target solution.
3. Develop target architecture Describe the functionality of the target solution using the structures defined in step
description 1.
Include in this description references on the data architecture of the target solution
and how the business and processes will interact with and use the functionality.
Identify any existing function components in the baseline solution that are being
reused and incorporated into the target solution and any changes planned for them.
4. Perform gap analysis Compare the functionality of the current baseline, if relevant and applicable, with
that envisaged by the target solution design and identify and explain any gaps or
develop an approach for their resolution.
Analyse the target functional solution design to ensure it accurately reflects and
delivers on the functional requirements and identify and explain any gaps or
develop an approach for their resolution.
Create an inventory of solution functional component classifying those that are new
and those that are being reused and any changes that are included in the design.
5. Define roadmap components Define the sequence of activities require to implement the solution functional
6. Understand and resolve Assess the functionality and functional components of the target solution against
impacts across the the wider solution and business landscapes to determine if there are any conflicts.
architecture landscape
Determine if there are been any changes in either the solution functional landscape
that will impact on the target solution.
Determine if there are any initiatives planned or in progress in the wider solution
functional landscape that will impact on the target solution or be impacted by or
that can be leveraged by the target solution.
7. Conduct formal stakeholder Review the target functionality and functional components of the solution design to
review establish if it meets the original stated needs.
Present the functional view of the target solution with other IT architecture
stakeholders to understand if it impacts on or its impacted by application and data
Identify any impact the solution design will have on the infrastructure architecture.
Analyse and explain any differences between the target functional view of the
solution and the feedback provided by stakeholders.
Consider updating the target functional solution design if the differences cannot be
8. Finalise the functional Complete the functional solution aspect of the design.
This view contains information on the data aspects of the solution. The information on the data aspects of solution
architecture contained in section 4.8 on page 321 can be used here.
The structure of the information collected and analysed within the Data View is: Adapting TOGAF Information Systems Architecture Phase to the Data View
Select the set of business functions that will be involved in the data view based on
the proposed scope of the target solution.
Define the data components across the viewpoints listed above and their steps and
processing to be included in this view.
Define the level of detail and granularity for the viewpoints analysis.
Define the data-oriented requirements to be collected that will govern the solution
to be designed and implemented, including:
If there is no current set of solutions being upgraded or replaced describe how the
data is currently being handled that comprises the scope of the target solution and
define this as the baseline.
If the proposed solution is entirely new, describe the data-related aspects of the
problem or challenge it addresses, the data that is required and define this as the
Gather information on the current architecture only insofar as it will add value to
the definition of the target solution.
Include details on the problems and issues being experienced with the data of the
baseline solution.
Perform this information collection and analysis to the extent that the information
collected is needed to define the target solution and how much of the existing
solutions will be reused by or integrated into the target solution.
3. Develop target architecture Describe the data aspects of the target solution using the structures and viewpoints
description defined in step 1.
Include in this description references on the data architecture of the target solution
and how the business and processes will interact with and use the data.
Identify any existing data components in the baseline solution that are being reused
and incorporated into the target solution and any changes planned for them.
4. Perform gap analysis Compare the data aspects of the current baseline, if relevant and applicable, with
that envisaged by the target solution design and identify and explain any gaps or
develop an approach for their resolution.
Analyse the target data aspects of the solution design to ensure it accurately reflects
and delivers on the data requirements and identify and explain any gaps or develop
an approach for their resolution.
Create an inventory of solution data components classifying those that are new and
those that are being reused and any changes that are included in the design.
5. Define roadmap components Define the sequence of activities require to implement the solution data
6. Understand and resolve Assess the data components of the target solution against the wider solution and
impacts across the business landscapes to determine if there are any conflicts.
architecture landscape
Determine if there are been any changes in either the solution data landscape that
will impact on the target solution.
Determine if there are any initiatives planned or in progress in the wider solution
data landscape that will impact on the target solution or be impacted by or that can
be leveraged by the target solution.
7. Conduct formal stakeholder Review the target data components of the solution design to establish if it meets the
review original stated needs.
Present the data view of the target solution with other IT architecture stakeholders
to understand if it impacts on or its impacted by application and data architectures.
Identify any impact the solution design will have on the infrastructure architecture.
Analyse and explain any differences between the target data view of the solution and
the feedback provided by stakeholders.
Consider updating the target data solution design if the differences cannot be
8. Finalise the data architecture Complete the data solution aspect of the design.
This view typically defines how to structure the solution and its components and defines the key application components,
data, technical hardware and software infrastructure, constraints and limitations, interfaces, standards and development and
operation toolsets used. This information will be provided for each software component of the overall solution, including new
custom developed software, changes to existing custom developed software and existing or new products that are configured
or customised.
The structure of the information collected and analysed within the Technical View is:
Select the set of technical viewpoints or aspects such as hardware and software
infrastructure, communications, external hosting, access devices and service
management that will form the basis for the technology views and that will be used
to work through the technical design aspects of the solution.
Select the set of information technology functions that will be involved in the
technology view based on the proposed scope of the target solution.
Define the technical components and their location, configuration and interactions
to be included in this view.
Define the level of detail and granularity for the viewpoints analysis.
Gather information on the current technical architecture only insofar as it will add
value to the definition of the target solution.
Perform this information collection and analysis to the extent that the information
collected is needed to define the target solution and how much of the existing
solutions will be reused by or integrated into the target solution.
3. Develop target architecture Describe the technology components of the target solution using the structures
description defined in step 1.
Identify any existing technical components in the baseline solution that are being
reused and incorporated into the target solution and any changes planned for them.
4. Perform gap analysis Compare the technical components of the current baseline, if relevant and
applicable, with that envisaged by the target solution design and identify and
explain any gaps or develop an approach for their resolution.
Analyse the target technical solution design to ensure it accurately reflects and
delivers on the technical and operational requirements and identify and explain any
gaps or develop an approach for their resolution.
Create an inventory of solution technical component classifying those that are new
and those that are being reused and any changes that are included in the design.
5. Define roadmap components Define the sequence of activities require to implement the solution technical
6. Understand and resolve Assess the technology and technical components of the target solution against the
impacts across the wider solution and business landscapes to determine if there are any conflicts.
architecture landscape
Determine if there are been any changes in either the solution technical landscape
that will impact on the target solution.
Determine if there are any initiatives planned or in progress in the wider solution
technical landscape that will impact on the target solution or be impacted by or that
can be leveraged by the target solution.
7. Conduct formal stakeholder Review the target technology and technical components of the solution design to
review establish if it meets the original stated needs.
Present the technical view of the target solution with other IT architecture
stakeholders to understand if it impacts on or its impacted by application and data
Identify any impact the solution design will have on the infrastructure architecture.
Analyse and explain any differences between the target technical view of the
solution and the feedback provided by stakeholders.
This view focuses on the specifics of the implementation of customised software and configured or customised software
products and on the environments, products, processes, people, and plan required to create the solution.
The structure of the information collected and analysed within the Implementation View is:
TOGAF does not have an implementation view. However, the structure for the other views can be used.
Select the set of information technology functions that will be involved in the
implementation view based on the proposed scope of the target solution.
Define the level of detail and granularity for the viewpoints analysis.
Gather information on the current technical architecture only insofar as it will add
value to the definition of the target solution.
Include details on the problems and issues being experienced with the
implementation aspects of the baseline solution.
Perform this information collection and analysis to the extent that the information
collected is needed to define the target solution and how much of the existing
solutions will be reused by or integrated into the target solution.
3. Develop target architecture Describe the implementation components of the target solution using the structures
description defined in step 1.
Identify any existing implementation components in the baseline solution that are
being reused and incorporated into the target solution and any changes planned for
4. Perform gap analysis Compare the implementation components of the current baseline, if relevant and
applicable, with that envisaged by the target solution design and identify and
explain any gaps or develop an approach for their resolution.
Determine if there are any initiatives planned or in progress in the wider solution
implementation landscape that will impact on the target solution or be impacted by
or that can be leveraged by the target solution.
7. Conduct formal stakeholder Review the target implementation components of the solution design to establish if
review it meets the original stated needs.
Present the implementation view of the target solution with other IT architecture
stakeholders to understand if it impacts on or its impacted by application and data
Identify any impact the solution design will have on the infrastructure architecture.
Analyse and explain any differences between the target implementation view of the
solution and the feedback provided by stakeholders.
This view defines the structures needed to operate the solution after it has been transition to the support function.
The structure of the information collected and analysed within the Management and Operations View is:
• Service Strategy
o Service Portfolio Management
o Financial Management
• Service Design
o Service Catalogue Management
o Service Level Management
o Risk Management
o Capacity Management
o Availability Management
o IT Service Continuity Management
o IT Security Management
o Compliance Management
o IT Architecture Management
You can use an information technology service management framework such as ITIL41 to define the structure of the specific
service management elements of the management and operations view.
While there are criticisms of ITIL in its pure service management viewpoint such as:
• It is very comprehensive which results in many partial implementations and usages that focus on just the areas of
incident, problem and change management
• It does not easily fit into a vendor management framework where components of solutions are outsourced or delivered
through XaaS models
• It does not expand its viewpoint take into account how the solution components are designed and implemented to make
transition to service management easier
• It is poor at handling the end of the life of services and solutions and their transition to new solutions or suppliers
it is still a structure that allows the serviceability (in its widest meaning) of a solution to be assessed.
TOGAF does not have a Management and Operations view. However, the structure for the other views can be used.
TOGAF ADM Business Adaptation to Management and Operations View Solution Design Process
Architecture Phase Step
1. Select reference models, Define the central solution design principles, at the target solution level, at the
viewpoints and tools overall solution architecture level and at the enterprise architecture level.
Select the set of management and operations viewpoints or aspects such as service
management across all its important dimensions including monitoring and alerting,
recovery and availability, capacity planning and management and others that will
form the basis for the technology views and that will be used to work through the
TOGAF ADM Business Adaptation to Management and Operations View Solution Design Process
Architecture Phase Step
management and operations design aspects of the solution.
Select the set of information technology functions that will be involved in the
management and operations view based on the proposed scope of the target
Define the level of detail and granularity for the viewpoints analysis.
Include details on the problems and issues being experienced with the management
and operations of the baseline solution.
Perform this information collection and analysis to the extent that the information
collected is needed to define the target solution and how much of the existing
TOGAF ADM Business Adaptation to Management and Operations View Solution Design Process
Architecture Phase Step
solutions will be reused by or integrated into the target solution.
3. Develop target architecture Describe the management and operations components of the target solution using
description the structures defined in step 1.
Determine if there are any initiatives planned or in progress in the wider solution
management and operations landscape that will impact on the target solution or be
impacted by or that can be leveraged by the target solution.
7. Conduct formal stakeholder Review the target management and operations components of the solution design to
review establish if it meets the original stated needs.
Present the management and operations view of the target solution with other IT
architecture stakeholders to understand if it impacts on or its impacted by
application and data architectures
Identify any impact the solution design will have on the infrastructure architecture.
Present the management and operations view of the target solution to information
technology stakeholders.
Analyse and explain any differences between the target management and operations
view of the solution and the feedback provided by stakeholders.
Consider updating the target management and operations solution design if the
differences cannot be resolved.
8. Finalise the technical Complete the management and operations solution aspect of the design.
TOGAF ADM Business Adaptation to Management and Operations View Solution Design Process
Architecture Phase Step
Itemise the management and operations components of the solution and describe
Table 64 – Adapting TOGAF Business Phase to the Management and Operations View
The solutions designed by the solution architecture must have a number of quality attributes such as those listed in section on page 251, one of which is that the solution must be usable by and useful to the solution consumers. Solution
usability across the solution components takes different forms and has different characteristics. The broader view of usability
is greater than the appearance and navigation of the user interface software components of the solution. It encompasses
solution quality and accuracy, reliability, consistency of performance and availability.
Section 2.4 on page 33 introduced the concept of a solution as being the sum of a set of components across a range of
component types.
Solution consumers experience the complete operational solution across its entire scope and experience both its functional
and quality properties. Without the complete solution view there will be gaps in the usability of the solution.
Consumers are part of the solution. The solution design should match the consumers’ knowledge understanding,
expectations and view how the solution should work. One aspect of solution design is the Principle of Least Astonishment .
This means that the solution should flow and operate as consumers expect it to without unusual behaviours or sudden
changes in format, content or sequence.
The solution architect should be an advocate for solution usability. The solution architect should include an evaluation of a
solution’s usability and the expected experience of the solution consumer in any solution design. The creation of an inventory
of solution usage journeys is described in section on page 272.
Solution usability increases the likelihood of solution success. The act of paying attention to usability during solution design
means the solution architecture will be aware of the consumer experience and will take action to ensure it is effective. The
solution architect therefore needs to take account of user experience as part of the overall solution design process. People are
always part of the operation and use of a solution. Solution consumers will interact with the solution in many ways, directly
and indirectly. The nature of these interactions should be understood. This is why the rapid solution design engagement
described in section 4.6.5 on page 257 includes identifying the solution actors and their interactions with solution
components. The solution design needs to deliver on (realistic and fulfillable) consumer expectations and provide an
experience that matches these. Solution architects need to be aware of the people and experience aspects of solutions.
Driving business value from information technology solutions depends on matching the technology to the identified solution
consumer work practices the solution supports and enables. Solution usability aims to achieve this.
Solution usability is not concerned with promoting form over function. It is about form and function working together.
The consumer experience of a solution is the sum of the experiences across all dimensions of the solutions and the
consumer’s interaction with it, including both functionality and quality attributes:
• Accuracy
• Ease of interpretation
• Usability
• Utility
• Interoperability
• Integration
• Automation
• Performance
• Consistency
• Reliability
• Availability
• Appearance and navigation
Not all solution usage experiences can be observed directly or are based on experience of consumer-accessed solution
functional components. For example, factors such as integration and interoperability are largely hidden from solution
consumers but play a part in the usability of the solution and thus the consumer’s experience.
Solution usability is related to the underlying business processes the solution implements and the business operates. The
importance of business processes to solution design is addressed in section 4.4.2 on page 134. If the underlying business
processes are not efficiently defined and especially if the processes are aligned to vertical organisation silos rather than taking
a cross-functional end-to-end view, this will affect the overall usability of the solution.
Solution usability is all the more important in the context of digital solutions that are exposed to a population of consumers
outside the organisation. See Chapter 5 on page 391 for more details on solution architecture and digital transformation.
In the consumer’s use of a solution, there can be two gulfs – gaps between what the consumer wants and when is provided:
1. Gulf of Execution – This is the gap between the desired or required goal of using the solution and the activities and steps
required to achieve goal. Execution gulfs can correspond to the multiple steps needed within an application or the need
to use multiple applications. They can also be caused by organisational silos and the need for handoffs and a lack of an
end-to-end cross-functional application that delivers the associated cross-functional process.
2. Gulf of Evaluation – This is the gap between the solution’s results and the user’s interpretation of or ability to interpret
and understand those results. It may not be easy for the consumer to comprehend or evaluate what has happened. The
consumer may be unsure if they have been provided with the right information or uncertain if the solution has worked.
To these two gulfs, a third more recent gulf could be added. This is the gap between the experience consumers and
organisation employees experience when using social media and other public applications.
Figure 205 – Gulf Between Corporate and Social Media and Other Consumer Applications
Business organisations tend to be poor at solution usability and design. They also tend to be poor at recognising the existence
of these gulfs. The internal IT functions of those businesses tend to view consumer-oriented applications with suspicion and
believe that they create risks and costs that must be managed and controlled.
Bridging the experience and expectation gulfs requires attention throughout the solution design and delivery function.
This solution usability hierarchy is as follows, with each level adding to the usability provided by the previous one:
• Basic, Serviceable And Functional, Limited Attention To Usability – the solution works. It can be used. It
incorporates the required functionality. It provides the right results.
• Efficient, Consistent, Available, Dependable And Reliable, Error Detection And Correction, Error Tolerance And
Handling – the solution handles data and other consumer errors. It delivers consistent performance and response times.
It provides guaranteed availability during the agreed usage intervals.
• Intuitive And Easy To Use And Understand, Searchable, Navigable, Learnable – the solution has a natural interface
that is easy to learn. Results are presented in a format that is easy to comprehend. Information held in the solution can be
searched and results are presented in a usable format. The solution is easy to control and to move through its functions.
There is sufficient training and help material available to allow the application to be learned. There are consistent
appearance and navigation standards applied throughout the solution.
• Flexible And Adaptable – the solution provides facilities to allow it to be used in a variety of ways by consumers. The
solution can be adapted to be used in different ways.
• Common, Shared And Integrated, Guiding, Predicting – the solution understands the needs of its consumers and
navigates them through it. The solution anticipates the needs of consumers and reacts appropriately. The solution
operates within a wider solution landscape and provides a consistent experience across this.
The solution design process should include the following characteristics and activities to ensure that solution usability is
considered when designing the solution
• Evaluation feedback prioritised and used to define usability for not just current solution but also potential future
• Users are included in design team
• Design team include cognitive frameworks in the solution design process
• Prototyping techniques used widely including prototyping of conceptual and physical design
• Prototyping techniques used to ensure complexity and issues around usability are identified during solution design
• Components of Overall Solution – the solution consumer will experience directly or indirectly all the components of
the solution. For example, with the new data load and existing data migration components, the solution will be pre-
loaded with existing data making it more usable. Without any such data load and migration, the solution consumer will
not see existing data. So, while the solution will be functionally usable, it actual usability will be diminished.
• Functional Components of Solution – solution consumers interact directly with the functional components through
their user interfaces. This directly affects the solution usability and impacts the solution consumer’s experience.
• Quality Properties – the quality properties of a solution (listed in section on page 251) affect its usability
Solutions can be viewed the windows into the underlying business processes. Solutions cannot, in themselves, resolve
problems with underlying business processes without a process redesign component. The topic of the importance of business
processes in solution design is covered in section 4.4.2 on page 134.
Taking an end-to-end solution view and understanding how internal solution component interactions impact usability and
experience will assist with designing usable solution.
Solution interaction paths will correspond to business processes. Business processes will be (partially) implemented or
supported by solutions. There will be many organisation interaction paths with your organisation, depending on:
Creating an inventory of interaction journeys and walking through these solution journeys allows you to understand how
solution consumers interact with and experience the organisation’s solutions:
• Experience and Experience Management – constructing overall set of interactions, their aggregation into an overall
experience and defining framework to manage these
• Customer Relationship Management Processes and Systems – applications and processes to manage operational
customer interactions
• Customer Facing Operational Systems and Processes – operational systems and their associated processes that
support organisation delivery with which customer direct interacts
• Internal Operational Systems and Processes – internal systems and their associated processes that support
organisation delivery with which customer indirect interacts through interactions with employees and agents
• Data Collection, Analysis and Action – framework for gathering information on usage, perform analysis, identifying
problems, generating feedback and ensuring actions are taken
Ideally, the solution architecture function should be able to inherit and reuse a solution usability and experience framework
already defined and implemented by the organisation.
The organisation’s enterprise architecture function needs to define standards and associated frameworks for:
Each of these needs to include measurement and analysis framework. The solution architecture needs to incorporate both
these standards into solution designs:
In the absence of a top-down set of such standards, the solution architecture function should look to develop and roll-out its
own. It should embed usability and experience into solution architecture and design.
The set of experiences of the customers of the organisation comprises three main areas:
2. The indirect experience through dealing with organisation employees who are consumers of internal applications
High level of employee satisfaction contributes to higher levels of customer satisfaction. Good user experience of internal
solutions contributes to good external user experience.
Solution architecture has no influence over the third area. But it can impact the first two.
Design and Usability and Experience represent two sides of the same coin. Design and usability drives experience. Poor
usability and experience negatively influence outcomes:
Poor solution usability and experience are very difficult to resolve after the solution has been implemented. Retrofitting the
necessary usability features is time-consuming and expensive. Organisations almost always do not include user experience in
solution architecture and design. They lack the understanding or appreciation of what solution usability is, its relationship to
experience and the impact of poor solution usability. This can be caused by factors such as:
• Fear of the scope of usability and its impact on solution design and delivery schedule and cost
• The focus of solution architecture is on meeting stated business requirements and not perceived intangibles such as
Lack of solution consumer satisfaction increases cost along the spectrum of solution operation and solution usage outcomes.
This leads to greater support, slowness of usage, bypassing systems, rework and abandonment by external users who go
elsewhere. Poor usability is not a support issue: by then it is too late.
Section on page 505 discusses the impact of Conway’s Law on the solution architecture function. There is, I believe, a
corollary to Conway’s Law relating to solution usability:
Externally presented solutions and experiences tend replicate siloed internal organisation processes, limitations,
constraints and structures. Solution usability and solution experience of external solutions replicates the
designs of internal solutions.
This means that organisations tend to be prisoners of their own corporate experiences and structures. That experience
constrains choices and produces limitations. Good solution usability and overall experience is frequently outside the
knowledge and understanding of organisations.
There are tangible and measurable benefits to good solution usability in terms of:
• Increased productivity
• Reduced results errors and reduced effort to resolve
• Reduced costs on training
• Reduced reliance on help desks
• Decreased data errors, reduced effort to resolve and improved data quality
• Increased conversion rate (for external solution consumers)
There are (too) many standards and approaches application usability. The following is a partial list. Many of these are old,
partially developed, incomplete and are no longer being maintained, supported or enhanced. Like many such attempts at
standards they arise from an academic context. They all largely focus on software application usability rather than looking at
the end-to-end solution. This information is presented here without any comments on its applicability or validity in the
context of solution architecture.
• Agile and User Centred Design Integration (AUCDI) – this is not a fully developed framework. For further
information, see documents such as and
• DATech Standard Usability Test – the development of this was funded by the German Federal Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA - Startseite - Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin The original handbook is available in German at
• HCD-
HCD - PCM Visioning HCD-
PCM-V – the Human Centred Design-Process Capability Model (this was developed
jointly by Mitsubishi Research Institute, NTT and Otaru University of Commerce in 2002.
• Humanware Process Improvement (HPI) Framework - This dates from 1996 – see and .
As an example see:$125-million-sap-
project/d/d-id/1113061. Avon Products halted on a four-year, $125 million SAP ERP implementation after a test of the system revealed that
it was so burdensome and complex to use that many sales representatives quit the company.
• Quality Attribute-
Attribute -oriented Software ARchitecture design method (QASAR) – This is documented in J. Bosch,
Design and Use of Software Architectures: Adopting and Evolving a Product Line Approach, Pearson Education
(Addison-Wesley and ACM Press).
• Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM) – see
The detail of the data aspects of solution design is often neglected by the solution architecture function during the solution
design process. Data breathes life into a solution. The solution is intrinsically concerned with processing data of potentially
many different types and in different ways and generating different data outputs.
Solutions that cannot handle the expected data types, data volumes, data integrations and exchanges, data throughputs or that
fail to maintain data quality will inevitably fail. These problems will have to be resolved through rework or additional external
activities that become part of the operational solution, often manual, processing or both.
The organisation will (or should) have a data architecture function that defines data management, governance, technology
and data processing standards that individual solution designs can inherit without have to perform these basic data design
activities from the start for each solution.
Similarly, the organisation will (or should) have implemented infrastructural and backbone data technology solutions – the
organisation data plumbing – across the data landscape that solution designs can include, use and reuse without having to
implement them for each new solution design.
The Data Management Book of Knowledge (DMBOK)43 can be a useful data architecture and management framework to
assist with getting the data aspects of the solution right. There are other data architecture frameworks that can assist such as
TOGAF where Phase C: Information Systems Architectures — Data Architecture of the Architecture Development Method
covers the topic of data. This is covered in more detail in section on page 291. COBIT (Control Objectives for
Information and Related Technologies)44 can be used to develop information governance and controls but is less useful in the
solution architecture domain.
The following diagram illustrates the data management scope of these three frameworks:
Figure 214 – Data Management Scope of DMBOK, TOGAF and COBIT Frameworks
The DMBOK framework is the more comprehensive and therefore the most useful when analysing the data aspects of
solution design.
This data framework can be used to validate that the solution is complete with respect to data processing.
Figure 216 – Using the DMBOK Framework to Ensure the Data Completeness of the Solution Design
The solution design considerations across these data management subject areas are listed in the following table. As stated
above, the organisation should have standards across all these areas that the solution has to comply with rather than the
solution having to develop and implement them.
Agree what data management standards and policies apply to the data assets
Specify data management policies for data housekeeping activities such as backup
and recovery
Define how the solution complies with data privacy regulations such as GDPR
(General Data Privacy Regulation)45 , local jurisdiction-specific data privacy and
protection legislation, ePrivacy Regulation46 and any other industry-specific
legislation specific to the solution
Data Quality Specify the approach to data quality including data error identification, handling
and notification
This should occur at the points where data enters the solution
Data Integration and Specify the data integrations for the solution across all types: message queue,
Table 67 – Data Management Book of Knowledge (DMBOK) Subject Areas Solution Design Considerations
Every solution design will have a data landscape across which data is generated or acquired, transferred, processed, stored,
managed and ultimately deleted. These components of the solution design may use or reuse existing infrastructural data
solutions or new facilities may be required.
The following shows a conceptual view of this solution data landscape in terms of data component types. Not all solutions
will require all these components. This conceptual view can be used as a checklist to elaborate and validate the solution design
and to understand the work that is required to complete the total solution design.
This is a generic and perhaps clumsy and cluttered way of representing all the data sources and targets that can exist for a
solution. It can be even more complex and tangled in that there can be several instances of many of these data component
types. There can be multiple applications in the solution, both internal and external, each with one or more operational data
stores. The solution can interface with several other applications and their data stores. There can be several data exchanges
and transfers.
This view does not show any data storage infrastructure. I have assumed that specifying details on physical data infrastructure
is outside the scope of solution architecture. The solution architect should state operational requirements for data
infrastructure and leave its provision up to the data and infrastructure architecture teams to translate these into physical
infrastructure components.
The components of the conceptual solution design data landscape and their solution design considerations are:
The high-level linkages and flows between these data landscape components are listed below. These interfaces can be one-way
or two-way. This list is not exhaustive.
One simple classification of data components is to look at the data-related actions they perform:
1. Data Generation – it can act as a source for new data that enters the data landscape
2. Data Transportation – it moves data from one location to another, perhaps performing data transformation on the way
3. Data Processing – it operates on or processes data according. This may also give rise to new data.
4. Data Retention – it accepts data for storage and provides data in response to requests for existing stored data
As mentioned above, not all solution designs will include all the components in the theoretical data landscape. The following
shows the components for a fairly conventional solution deployed within the organisation without any externally hosted
In this example, the solution design only needs to include the data components:
I am briefly referring to the topic of data quality separately because of its importance. Solutions processes data – receive it, use
it, transform it, generate derived data. Data is strategic organisation resource that needs to be managed. So, the data has to be
of a consistently high quality. Such high-quality data is necessary for regulatory compliance. It is also essential for business
intelligence, reporting and analysis functions.
Data is effectively the foundation of the organisation. It penetrates and infiltrates into every aspect of organisation operation.
Good quality data is needed to achieve and maintain operational excellence.
Data quality begins with the originating solution. If poor quality data is allowed to enter the organisation’s data landscape,
that poor quality data will persist and cause problems thereafter. So, the application needs to be concerned with enforcing
data quality rules.
Data quality is not just a matter of data cleanliness. It is also not about fixing poor quality data. It is concerned with data
consistency across the organisation’s data landscape to ensure that data is stored once and used everywhere thereafter.
Data quality is related to the subjects of reference and master data management. These golden data values represent the most
accurate, current, and relevant data values for data types. Reference data is concerned with the classification or categorisation
of other data. Traditionally, reference data is stored in tables that are linked via foreign keys to other database tables. The
referential integrity functionality of the database management system ensures only valid values from these reference tables are
used in these other tables.
Master data is data about the business entities – such as customers, suppliers, partners, products, locations and finance - that
provide context for business transactions. These are entities that are referenced repeatedly by the organisation as it transacts
business. They can be used by many applications. Master data needs to be the authoritative and most accurate data available
about these business entities. It is used to establish the context for subsequent transactions that concern or reference those
entities. Master data needs to be stored once, centrally with no data redundancy. Data standards need to be defined and
maintained for reference and master data.
Again, while the individual solution design cannot fix the wider organisational data quality, reference and master data
problems, the solution architect should not contribute to them. Solution designs should incorporate data quality into their
data processing specification. The solution needs to be aware of the reference and master data it uses and should source them
Data has a generalised lifecycle and passes through a series of stages throughout this lifecycle:
• Architect, Budget, Plan, Design and Specify - This relates to the design and specification of the data storage and
management and their supporting processes. This establishes the data management framework
• Implement Underlying Technology - This is concerned with implementing the data-related hardware and software
technology components. This relates to database components, data storage hardware, backup and recovery software,
monitoring and control software and other items
• Secure, Store, Replicate and Distribute – Data is stored with appropriate security and access controls including data
access and update audit. It may be replicated to other applications and distributed
• Present, Report, Analyse, Model – Concerned with the presentation of information, the generation of reports and
analysis and the created of derived information
• Preserve, Protect and Recover – Relates to the management of data in terms of backup, recovery and
• Archive and Recall – Where information that is no longer active but still required in archived to secondary data storage
platforms and from which the information can be recovered if required
• Delete/Remove – Concerned with the deletion of data that cannot or does not need to be retained any longer
• Define, Design, Implement, Measure, Manage, Monitor, Control, Staff, Train and Administer,
Administer, Standards,
Governance, Fund - This is not a single stage but a set of processes and procedures that cross all stages and is concerned
with ensuring that the processes associated with each of the lifestyle stages are operated correctly and that data assurance,
quality and governance procedures exist and are operated
Within an individual solution, data will pass through only a subset of these stages:
The solution may also be responsible for implementing these specific data technologies it requires rather than being able to
inherit these from existing information technology infrastructure.
Each data type and each instance of each data type created by the solution can have a different lifecycle.
A data asset lifecycle view for a solution can be useful in addressing the habitually unaddressed topics of data archival, data
retention and data deletion in solution design in particular and in data management in general. These aspects of data
management are becoming more important in the context of changing data privacy regulations – see section 4.9.2 on page
Each type of data input, created or used by the solution can be categorised using classification approach such as:
• Operational Data – this is the core data received and transmitted by the solution in various ways (input, import,
exchange, transfer, API)
• Master and Reference Data – this refers to shared data used to improve data quality and reduce data redundancy.
Components of the solution may update existing or create new master and reference data. This needs to be done in a
controlled manner as this data is shared between other solutions
• Analytic Data and Derived Data – this is data derived from operational data such as data extracts, reports, analyses and
data held in data warehouses and data marts
• Metadata – this refers to two separate types of data: names and meanings of information stored in operational data
stored and data attached to documents held in a document store
• Unstructured Data – this refers to document-type data containing either unstructured text or images of scanned
The solution can involve many instances of each of these data types.
Each operational system may have sets of data across each of these data types.
The solution design should include an inventory of data types for each solution component.
In the context of solution architecture and design, data integration has multiple meanings and multiple ways of being used
such as:
1. Integration in terms of migrating data from a source to a target system and/or loading data into a target system
2. Integration in terms of aggregating data from multiple sources and creating one source, with possibly date and time
dimensions added to the integrated data
3. Integration in terms of handling data transfers, exchanges, requests for information using a variety of information
movement technologies
4. Integration in terms of synchronising two data sources or regularly extracting data from one data sources to update a
The first four of these are pure data integration requirements. Service orientation can implicitly involve data integration as
the results of the service invocation may involve the generation of data results.
Data integration is (or should be) an enterprise-level capability that a solution design can (or should be able to) inherit. The
organisation’s data fabric should include infrastructural components that deliver these data integration facilities. The solution
should not have to create (additional) point-to-point custom integrations.
There may not be a single tool that provides all these functions.
The scope of data integration for migration can include the following data landscape components:
• Internal Operational Data Stores – the data stores associated with the data processing solution components may need
to be loaded with new data or existing data may need to be migrated
• External Operational Data Stores – the data stores associated with externally hosted data processing solution
components may need to be loaded with new data or existing data may need to be migrated
• External Data Interactions Data Stores – the data stores associated with the external interaction data processing
solution components may need to be loaded with new data or existing data may need to be migrated
The scope of data integration for data aggregation can include the following data landscape components:
• Internal Operational Data Stores – the data stores associated with the data processing solution components will be the
source for the data aggregation
• ETL – facilities to extract data from operational systems, operate on it if necessary and store the resulting transformed
data into the data warehouse may be needed
• Data Warehouse – an aggregated data schema will need to be created or expanded. The processes for extracting data
from operational data stores and combining it to populate the data warehouse will need to be defined
• Data Marts – subsets of aggregated data may be further processes into subject-oriented or business function-oriented
data marts
• Master Data – master data may be used when aggregating the operational data
• Reference Data – reference data may be used when aggregating the operational data
Data aggregation may also involve extracting and combining data from other data sources such as External Operational Data
Store, External Data Interactions Data Stores and others.
The scope of data integration for data transfers and exchanges can include the following data landscape components:
• Internal Operational Data Stores – data from the data stores may be extracted and transferred out of the solution or
data may be received and be stored
• Data Processing Solution Components – the data processing components will need to process data transmission and
receipt requests
• Integration/Service Bus – the service bus may be involved in mediating the exchanges
• Data Intake/Data Gateway – the data gateway may be involved in handling the transmission and receipt of data
• External Data Exchange Facility – the exchange facility will handle data transfers
• External Data Interactions Data Stores – data held in the data stores associated with the external interaction zone
applications may be extracted and transferred
• External Data Sources and Targets – data will be sent to and received from these external entities
• External Data Applications/ Interactions – external interaction zone applications may receive and transmit data
The scope of data integration for data synchronisation can include the following data landscape components:
• External Operational Data Stores – data held in the data stores associated with externally hosted applications may need
to be synchronised with internally held data
• Internal Operational Data Stores – internal data may need to be synchronised with external data
• External Data Interactions Data Stores – data held in the data stores associated with the external interaction zone
applications may need to be synchronised with internally held data
The solution architect must be aware of data integration requirements of the solution.
There are two related technology and business trends that are increasing the need for a comprehensive and joined-up
approach to data integration:
1. The movement of applications to cloud or hosted service providers and the adoption of a cloud-first principle by many
organisations mean that data integration becoming more important as data and applications are spread across multiple
data stores in multiple locations
2. Initiatives such as digital transformation mean that a unified view of data across multiple applications is needed to
produce the single view of the consumer needed which in turn leads to greater data integration requirements
Logically, data integrations consist of two data transmission or receipt halves: an incoming data extraction (PULL) or
provision (PUSH) half and an outgoing supply (PUSH) or draw-down (PULL) half. There may be a transformation between
the two halves where data is reformatted. This integration algebra approach can be used to create generic descriptions of the
data exchange requirements.
There are a number of data integration patterns that need to be accommodated by any data integration facility (or facilities).
At its most basic, the pattern is a combination a specification of the characteristics of the incoming and outgoing halves of the
transfer and the transfer type:
{<Integration Pattern>,
<Incoming Location>,
<Incoming Request>,
<Outgoing Location>,
<Outgoing Request>}
• MSG – information is exchanged using a messaging protocol (such as SMTP, AMQP, MSMQ or MQSeries)
This list can be extended to cover other data integration approaches such as SOAP and JMS or they can be included as
options for integration patterns such as HTTP or MSG.
The location portions of the integration specification will include a specification of access approach and access rights.
The following table summarises some of the possible extended integration patterns
FT External PULL Internal PUSH This specifies a file transfer data integration where a file is
retrieved from an external source and is then transmitted
onwards to an internal target or destination
FT External PUSH Internal PULL This specifies a file transfer data integration where a file is
sent from an external source and then remains there from
where it is retrieved by the internal target or destination
FT External PULL Internal PULL This specifies a file transfer data integration where a file is
sent from an external source and then then remains there
from where it is retrieved by the internal target or
API External PULL Internal PULL This specifies an API data integration where a data is
retrieved from an external source and then remains there
from where it is retrieved by the internal target or
API Internal PULL Internal PULL This specifies an API data integration where a data is
retrieved from an internal source and then remains there
from where it is retrieved by the internal target or
MSG External PULL Internal PULL This specifies a message-based data integration where a data
is retrieved from an external source and then remains there
from where it is retrieved by the internal target or
MSG Internal PULL Internal PULL This specifies a message-based data integration where a data
is retrieved from an internal source and then remains there
from where it is retrieved by the internal target or
MSG Internal PULL External PULL This specifies a message-based data integration where a data
is retrieved from an internal source and then remains there
from where it is retrieved by the external target or
ETL Internal PULL Internal PUSH This specifies an ETL data integration where a data is
retrieved from an internal source and is then transmitted
onwards to an internal target or destination
HTTP External PULL Internal PUSH This specifies a HTTP-based data integration where a data
is retrieved from an external source and is then transmitted
onwards to an internal target or destination
HTTP Internal PULL External PUSH This specifies a HTTP-based data integration where a data
is retrieved from an internal source and is then transmitted
onwards to an external target or destination
MSG Internal PULL This could specify a broadcast data integration where a
message is retrieved from an internal source then remains
there where is it is retrieved by any target
The following diagram illustrates the approach to high-level data integration specification:
This integration algebra approach can be extended by one or more of the following:
{<Integration Reference>,
<Incoming Integration Pattern>,
<Incoming Location>,
<Incoming Request>
<Incoming Data Type>
<Transformation Specification>
<Outgoing Integration Pattern>,
<Outgoing Location>,
<Outgoing Request>
<Outgoing Data Type>
The following table contains some examples of this extended integration specifications.
Reference Integratio Location Request D ata Transform Location Request Data Specification
n Pattern (Push or Type ation (Push or Type
Pull) Pull)
7 ,TRX007,
Reference Integratio Location Request D ata Transform Location Request Data Specification
n Pattern (Push or Type ation (Push or Type
Pull) Pull)
8 ,TRX008,
9 ,TRX009,
11 ,TRX011,
12 ,TRX012,
13 ,TRX013,
4 ,,
The message transformation can consist of multiple processing steps. These should be specified in the definition of the
Message transformations do not have to occur during data integration. The source data can be passed through as is to the
destination. Alternatively, the transformation can occur after the data has been passed through its destination.
It has been the traditional approach to have data transformation being performed during integration by the integration layer
or component. This has given rise to problems such as:
• Integration processing is added to and becomes very complex without being properly documented. Frequently it is all too
easy to change integration processing such as adding more steps without understanding their impact. The overall
application increases in complexity as the transformations defined in the integration layer becomes an extension to the
• The integration layer becomes a data store in its own right rather than just being an interim store-and-forward
mechanism. Very large amounts of integration data are stored leading to performance problems as well as increased
resource requirements.
• There is an expectation that integration data can be recovered from the integration layer as it persistently stores data.
This leads to support complexity.
This is not a primary concern of an individual solution design. The principles of and approaches to data integration and
transformation need to be define at the data architecture and enterprise architecture levels. But the solution architect needs to
be aware of the concerns associated with complex in-flight integration transformations.
The transferred data will generally require some form of transformation to make it usable by the recipient. The recipient
could perform this transformation (similar to the Extract, Load and Transform (ELT) approach to data transfer to a data
{<Integration Reference>,
<Incoming Integration Pattern>,
<Incoming Location>,
<Incoming Request>
<Incoming Data Type>
<Outgoing Integration Pattern>,
<Outgoing Location>,
<Outgoing Request>
<Outgoing Data Type>
The first is the more traditional where the data source to target format and structure transformation occurs in the integration
layer. This data transformation then becomes part of the overall solution.
The second integration pattern is where the data is passed through the integration layer unchanged and sent to the target
where it is then transformed.
Figure 230 – Data Integration with Preservation of the Original Data Format Content
The third integration pattern is where the data is passed through the integration layer unchanged and sent to the target where
it remains it is source format. Applications that require to access the data interact using a semantic layer that maps their
access requests to the source data, both the data instance and the data elements within the instance.
The organisation will define its integration standards, approaches and tools. The solution architect should adopt these when
creating solution designs. Unless absolutely necessary, the solution architect should avoid point-to-point integrations. The
solution architect should also avoid complex integration-layer data transformations. These add complexity to the solution
and its subsequent maintenance, support and enhancement. Also, once implemented, these transformations tend to accrete
complexity, frequently undocumented.
• Security and Authorisation – how is data integration authentication and security handled
• Validation and Error Handling – what validation should be performed and how should errors be handled and notified
The data integration facility will need to incorporate many other elements and sets of functionality such as:
• Key Store – this will hold keys used in authentication and access to data sources and targets
• Usage and Performance Management, Auditing – usage and performance information will be collected and made
available for reporting and analysis. A log of all data integrations will be maintained
• Management and Administration – there will be a facility to manage operation and use
• Release, Deployment and Version Management – new integrations can be tested, released and deployed to
production. Versions of integrations can be maintained and reverted to if necessary
• Data Store – there will be a data store to hold data integrations where the outgoing half is accessed by a PULL request
The information provided in the previous sections can be used to perform a solution data audit to evaluate the data
requirements of the solution. The objectives of the data audit are to understand the current and possibly new data
management components, systems, structures, infrastructural applications and processes required that are related to the
solution being designed. This will then feed into the development of the approach to managing the solution’s data and the
identification of gaps. The data audit creates a number of data views:
The purpose of the Data Landscape View is to describe the entities and functional units within and outside the organisation
with which the solution will interact and to describe the interactions in terms of data flows. This will show the participants in
data flows and the data that is passes. The entities can be business units, partners, service providers, regulators, external
interacting entitles and others. This is described in section 4.8.2 on page 326.
• Level 1 – Main Interactions - Main interactions and functions associated with the overall solution
• Level 2 – Data Exchanges - Specific data exchanges of the solution – this is described in section 4.8.5 on page 339
• Level 3 – Solution Components - What is done within each function as a series of activities
• Level 4 – Procedure - How each activity is carried out through a series of tasks
• Level 5 - Sub Procedure - Detailed steps which are carried out to complete a task
The data supply chain view looks at in-bound and out-bound data paths within and outside the organisations in terms of the
applications and the data that flows along the data paths. It can be a subset or an extension of the Data Landscape View.
The data model is a set of data specifications that reflect data requirements and designs and defines the critical data produced
and consumed across the components of the solution. The data model view quantifies the status of the development and
specification of the overall solution data model.
It can include:
When analysing data, what you are really analysing is the state of the processes around its lifecycle: how well defined those
processes are, how automated, how risks and controls are defined and managed and what happens data as it passes through
each stage of its life. This is discussed in section 4.8.4 on page 337.
1. Build a solution landscape view, including internal and external data-related components and third-parties from which
data may be obtained and to which data may be supplied. The solution landscape view can be supplemented with a
system and infrastructure view that shows the hardware and software components behind a solution component.
2. Layer onto this information capture, storage and flows: where and what types of information is maintained by
applications and that is passed between applications. An application is a collection of systems and infrastructure that
delivers an integrated set of functions. It may or may not be necessary to document the underlying infrastructure
associated with applications. This may be further complicated because the underlying infrastructure may not be isolated
but may itself be part of an application - this would be the case where the server infrastructure is virtualised and managed
by virtualisation manager.
3. Categorise information by a classification such as: Operational Data, Master and Reference Data, Analytic Data and
Unstructured Data.
5. View the information capture, storage and flows identified above across the stages of their lifecycle.
6. Identify how well the processes and their controls associated with the lifecycle stages are defined, documented and
operated. This will identify gaps to be remediated. This will then form the basis of a work plan to resolve any data-related
process gaps
Security is a pervasive concern for information technology solutions. This is increasing because of trends such as:
• Use of external sensors and edge devices to collect data that will be part of a solution
The solution architect cannot take responsibility for implementing the organisation’s information technology. But the
solution architect cannot assume that the solution will inherit a perfect set of security standards across all aspects of the
solution. The solution architect must take responsibility for and validate the security of the solution being designed across its
full extent.
Security functions are frequently divided into a security architecture role and a security operations role. Security architecture
defines and maintains overall security standards and policies and the organisation’s security tools. The security operations
function implements the security tools and security infrastructure and monitors the operation of the organisation’s
information technology security, identifying and responding to security events and incidents.
At an organisational level, there will be security infrastructure to prevent security incidents such as denial of service attacks.
This section will not cover this level of detail.
This section is not intended to be a detailed review of security standards, tools, technologies, principles and standards. The
objective of this section is to describe the set of principles the solution architect should apply when designing the security of
the solution and to provide checklists for controls that should apply across the solution landscape. The solution architect can
verify that the controls exist and are applied by consulting the appropriate IT architecture function such as security
architecture, service architecture and infrastructure architecture. The purpose is to ensure that the solution architect explicitly
considers security concerns and issues when designing the solution.
The solution architect cannot take it for granted that the solution being designed will operate in a secure environment. The
solution architect must perform a due diligence on solution security. Section 4.8 on page 321 refers to the data lifecycle and in
particular to the end-of-life stages involving the definition of data retention and data deletion standards. In the context of
increasing data privacy standards and regulation, these definitions are important for personal data.
Most organisations will have a separate information technology security function that operates in parallel to other related IT
architecture such as enterprise architecture and service architecture.
In designing a solution, the solution architect must incorporate security considerations into the solution design from the
start. The solution architect must not either assume that the solution will be deployed in a secure environment and will
inherit the all the necessary security facilities provided by the set of security infrastructural applications and services or that
security can be included in the design at a later stage.
The solution architect cannot assume that someone else in the organisation is responsible for solution security.
Frequently, there will be few business requirements relating to security. Those security requirements that are specified will be
basic and generic and relate to areas such as restricted access, user authentication, confidentiality of information, role-based
access and separation of duties. The business stakeholders will assume that security is provided as standard. The solution
architect cannot assume that few security explicit security requirements means limited need for security. The solution
architect must be proactive in including comprehensive security features and in validating the security of the solution design.
One approach to solution security is to create a set of solution security templates that can be used to confirm the security of a
solution design.
The solution should incorporate security checks and controls in the following areas:
2. Access and Authority Controls – these relate to enforcing application and data access standards
4. Change,
Change, Configuration and Maintenance Controls – these relate to controls on changes that can be made to the
solution landscape and its components
5. Management and Audit Controls – these relate to the collection, storage and processing of solution access and usage
audit event data
6. Acquisition Controls – these relate to standards and controls applied to the acquisition of products and services from
third-party service providers
7. Integrity Controls – these relate to ensuring the integrity of data as it is stored, accessed, updated and transferred
8. Communications and Network Controls – these relate to controls applied to the network over which the solution
operates and through which it is accessed
1. Core Infrastructure – this represents the central infrastructure that enable systems and applications to run and include
servers and data storage
2. Data – this represents the data assets used by and generated by the applications
4. Systems and Applications – these are the sets of applications, both running on the organisation’s infrastructure and
those hosted externally
5. Solution Consumers – this represents the set of consumers of the applications and data, including individuals within
and outside the organisation and applications
6. Perimeter Infrastructure – this consists of the set of network infrastructure enabling both internal and external access
and includes local and global load balancers, routers and firewalls from this layered view of solution security controls and
There is a seventh solution domain – the organisation’s facilities, offices and locations – that is not included in this list. While
identifying organisation changes should be part of the overall solution scope, the security issues relating to them are not really
part of the security scope of the solution unless the purpose of the solution is to implement these controls. At some stage, the
scope of the solution design and in particular, its security elements, needs to stop and other parts of the organisation need to
take responsibility. Physical security for organisation facilities is an example of this.
1. Identity Controls – these apply to the Solution Consumers, Systems and Applications, Integration and Transfer and
Exchange and Data domains.
3. Physical Controls – these apply to the Perimeter Infrastructure, Solution Consumers, Systems and Applications,
Integration, Transfer and Exchange, Data and Central Infrastructure domains.
4. Change, Configuration
Configuration and Maintenance Controls – these apply to the Perimeter Infrastructure, Solution Consumers,
Systems and Applications, Integration, Transfer and Exchange, Data and Central Infrastructure domains.
5. Management and Audit Controls – these apply to the Perimeter Infrastructure, Solution Consumers, Systems and
Applications, Integration, Transfer and Exchange, Data and Central Infrastructure domains.
6. Acquisition
Acq uisition Controls – these apply to the Perimeter Infrastructure, Solution Consumers and Systems and Applications,
7. Integrity Controls – these apply to the Systems and Applications, Integration and Transfer and Exchange, Data and
Central Infrastructure domains.
Within each of the six securable domains of the solution discussed here, there can be multiple separate individual
• Data can be stored in multiple locations, both within and outside the organisation
• Data can be transferred between external locations and internal locations, between internal and external data stores and
between internal and external applications
• Systems and applications can run on infrastructure both within and outside the organisation
The security of the solution should be validated with respect to each of these components, especially where the components
are located outside the organisation such a provided by a cloud or hosting provider.
The following lists individual checks and controls for each of the areas listed above. This list is not exhaustive but using it
should allow the security of the solution to be validated to a sufficient level. The organisation security architecture function
may have an existing set of control checks that can be used.
The check and controls can then be mapped to solution landscape templates such as:
The following is an example of mapping various access checks and controls on an internal and external solution consumer
The following is an example of mapping various access checks and controls on an internal and external data exchange,
transfer or integration.
Figure 234 – Security Control Checks for Data Exchange, Transfer or Integration
The following is an example of mapping various access checks and controls where applications are hosted externally.
Figure 235 – Security Control Checks for Cloud or Hosted Application Assess
There is a large amount of material on the topic of security and security controls. Many are these are related to or are derived
from the catalogue of security controls contained in the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Special
Publication 800-53 - Assessing Security and Privacy Controls in Federal Information Systems and Organizations. The NIST
set of security standards have become the accepted best practice for information technology security.
The solution architect does not have to be an expert in security technologies. But he or she must maintain a current awareness
of security standards that apply to or have an impact on solution design.
AICPA Trust Services Criteria for
Security, Availability, Processing yservices/downloadabledocuments/trust-services-criteria.pdf
Integrity, Confidentiality, and Privacy
Cloud Security Alliance Cloud Controls
Matrix V3.0.1, September 16, 2014
CNSSI 1253, March 2014
Government of Canada CSE
(Communications Security approach-itsg-33
Establishment) ITSG-33 (Information
Technology Security Guidance) Generic
Security Control Profiles
FedRAMP (Federal Risk and
Authorization Program) Tailored
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Information
technology -- Security techniques --
Information security management
systems – Requirements
ISO/IEC 27002:2013 Information
technology -- Security techniques -- Code
of practice for information security Overview
The most recent and substantial impact on the topic of solution data privacy have been the European Community’s GDPR
(General Data Privacy Regulation)47 and the ePrivacy Regulation48. I have included material on this here because the
processing of personal data is central to many solutions, especially digital solutions (see Chapter 5 on page 391). The solution
architect needs to be aware of the growing complexity around data privacy and the processing of personal data.
The data privacy principles that should be incorporated into any solution and its data management processes are:
• Lawfulness, Fairness and Transparency - personal data shall be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner
in relation to the data subject
• Specified, Explicit and Legitimate Purpose - Personal data must only be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate
purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes
• Adequate, Relevant and Limited - Personal data shall be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation
to the purposes for which the data is processed
• Pseudonymisation/Storage Limits - Personal data shall be kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects
for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data is processed
• Security - Personal data shall be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of personal data, including
protection against unauthorised or unauthorised processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using
appropriate technical or organisational measures
The operational principle of Privacy By Design and By Default requires that data privacy and protection measures are
designed and incorporated into the design of business processes and information technology solutions. The solution architect
must look to incorporate this principle into the solution design process and into solution designs created.
1. Solutions must ensure that personal data held and processed is identified so it can be managed
2. The solution must allow the set of GDPR-related processes relating to accessing and updating personal data to be easily
This section is not designed to cover the compete topic of GDPR. It is intended to outline the impact this will have on
solution design and the resulting changes that will have to be incorporated into solution designs.
Organisations should have a wider response to data privacy initiatives such as GDPR that the solution architect can inherit
and use in solution designs. But, as with other topics such as security, the solution architect cannot take such compliance for
granted but must perform a due diligence on such conformity.
‘Personal data’ means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an
identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an
identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors
specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural
• Owned by a person
• About a person
• Directed towards a person
• Sent or posted or communicated by a person
• Experienced by a person
• Relevant to a person
The definition of what is personal data is broad and includes all of the following:
The definition of personal data is very important. It does not just include information a person explicitly supplies. It includes
implicit information such as browsing history.
GDPR identifies special categories of personal data for which processing is subject to additional constraints. Processing of
personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union
membership and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data
concerning health or data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation shall be prohibited.
GDPR requires that organisations implement a number of personal data-related processes. Solutions must track data that is
deemed to be personal to allow these processes to be easily and simply operated. The solution architecture function should
assist with the development of common responses to these common organisation requirements.
Solution designs should be aware of the set of personal data-related processes they must support and enable.
For each item of personal data collected and held in a solution or stored outside IT systems, there is a need to maintain a set
of GDPR-related metadata. The set of metadata will depend on the approach to handling the GDPR compliance processes. It
can include some or all of:
The purpose of hold this metadata is to allow personal data held by individual solutions be easily identified. This enables the
GDPR processes listed above to be operated.
There are two options with the design of the solution that handles personal data:
1. The solution can store the GDPR related metadata that identifies fields as containing personal data and holds the
additional GDPR tracking information such as retention details, consent details and deletion details. This is potentially
expensive and time consuming. Each solution would handle its personal data tracking separately. If the data processing
components of the solution are sourced from third-parties these organisations may over time update their systems to
allow the additional GDPR-related information to be stored.
2. Implement a separate solution that integrates personal data from the operational systems and that creates or maps a
single consolidated data store or view of personal data across these operational systems using some form of federated
data store. This reduces the impact on existing legacy solutions. This involves developing or sourcing a software system
to provide this consolidated personal data management functionality. One of the issues with having a separate system is
that changes that occur in the underlying operational systems have to be reflected in it. This is shown below.
The design of the solution may be subject to a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA). The solution architect should
understand in advance of any formal DPIA being performed of the likely need for such an assessment. If a DPIA is needed
the solution architect should design the solution in order that it passes the assessment. The assessment should not be
performed and the solution then redesigned to accommodate its findings and requirements.
The use of Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) was developed outside the EU, with the UK being the first supervisory
authority in the EU to adopt the use of PIAs. In the UK, PIAs have been mandatory for Government departments for several
years, as well as being widely used in the privacy sector. The GDPR, in Article 35, introduces mandatory Data Protection
Impact Assessments (DPIAs) in respect of high-risk processing, that is, processing that poses a high risk to the rights and
freedoms of natural persons.
Article 35(3) of the GDPR designates three specific types of processing as high-risk so that a DPIA is required where one or
more of the following is being performed:
1. Processing, including profiling, and on which decisions are based that produce legal effects concerning the natural
person or similarly significantly affect the natural person
2. Processing on a large scale of special categories of data referred to in Article 9(1) of the GDPR, or of personal data
relating to criminal convictions and offences referred to in Article 10 of the GDPR
In addition to these three cases in which a DPIA is mandatory, there is a general obligation to conduct a DPIA where there
processing is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons as stated in Article 35(1) of the GDPR.
Under Article 35(4) of the GDPR, the supervisory authority is required to make public a list of the kind of processing
operations that are subject to the requirement for a DPIA under Article 35(1) and will communicate the list to the European
Data Protection Board (EDPB)49. The supervisory authority may also establish and make public a list of the kind of
processing operations for which no data protection impact assessment is required and will communicate that list to the EDPB
as stated in Article 35(5) of the GDPR.
• A systematic description of the envisaged processing operations – this should include the flow of personal data through
the systems and business processes as business activities are performed
• The purpose of the processing (including, where applicable, the legitimate interest pursued by the controller)
• An assessment of why the processing is being performed and how this is proportional to the underlying need
• An assessment of the risks to the rights and freedoms of the persons affected
• The measures envisaged to address the risks, including safeguards, security measures and mechanisms to ensure the
protection of personal data and to demonstrate compliance with GDPR, taking into account the rights and legitimate
interests of data subjects concerned
Where the DPIA indicates that the processing remains high risk despite the application of measures to mitigate that risk, the
controller must consult the supervisory authority before processing as specified in Article 36(1) of the GDPR. Member States
must similarly consult the supervisory authority where they are preparing a proposal for a legislative measure to be adopted
by the national parliament or for a regulatory measure based on legislation as specified in Article 36(4) of the GDPR.
As a means of enhancing protection in case of further use of data for research and statistics51
The application of pseudonymisation to personal data can reduce the risks to the data subjects concerned and
help controllers and processors to meet their data-protection obligations. The explicit introduction of
‘pseudonymisation’ in this Regulation is not intended to preclude any other measures of data protection.54
Pseudonymisation is not anonymisation. Anonymisation means data cannot be attributed to a person. Pseudonymisation
means data can be attributed to a person using additional information. It just makes identifying persons from data more
difficult, time-consuming and expensive. Pseudonymisation is not a mandatory GDPR requirement. It covered her for
Most database tools include an encryption option as standard. Data is transparently encrypted as it is written to and
decrypted when it is read from the database, sometimes called Transparent Data Encryption (TDE). The solution can use this
feature of the underlying solution database(s) to provide personal data pseudonymisation. This reduces the solution design
impact. The solution architect still needs to be aware of the approach being taken, if any, to data encryption.
Pseudonymisation means removing the direct link between data and its attribution to a specific individual. Direct data access
is replaced with indirect data access that requires some form of key, held separately from the personal data, to translate
The Article 29 Working Party - Working Party on the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data, the
forerunner of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) produced guidance on DIPAs - Guidelines on Data Protection Impact
Assessment (DPIA) and determining whether processing is “likely to result in a high risk” for the purposes of Regulation 2016/679
Article 89 (1) of GDPR
Article 6 (4) of GDPR
Article 25 of GDPR
Recital 28 of GDPR
personal data into a usable format by the accessing application in real time. It adds a layer of complexity, time and expense to
person identification. There is still an indirect link so the data is usable. Pseudonymisation provides an extra layer of security.
It does not in itself stop personal data being lost. It just reduces the likelihood that lost or leaked personal data can be read –
both the encrypted data and the means to decrypt it must be lost or leaked.
Pseudonymisation can encrypt data using approach such as PKI keys, either a single key pair or two key pairs. Each data
sender (application) and data receiver (store) gets a pair of keys: Public Key and Private Key. The public keys are published
and the private keys are kept secret. Communications between the data sender and the data received involves only public keys
and no private key is ever transmitted or shared. Data can be encrypted with the public key. Data can be decrypted with the
private key.
With a single key pair, the encryption facility encrypts data using public key and decrypts using private key.
With two key pairs, data is encrypted twice. The encryption facility encrypts data using public key of data store and the
private key of data application and decrypts using private keys.
Figure 238 – Reading and Writing Data Using Single Public/Private Key Pair
With two pair encryption, the solution component writing the data encrypts the data with both the public key of the data
storage component and its private key.
The data is decrypted for reading on request by the data store decrypting the requested data using the public key of the
application that wrote the data and its private key.
Figure 239 – Reading and Writing Data Using Two Key Pairs
Where data is being read by an application different from the one that originally wrote the data, that second application must
be able to know the writing application and thus specify that its public key must be used for data retrieval.
Where keys exist at the application level, then all data can be decrypted using the one key. This provides no granularity of
data security. Record (or even field) level encryption requires individual keys down to the level of granularity.
In this case, when the record is being written it is encrypted with the public key of the record and then the private key of the
application. This needs a separate set of key pairs, one for each record and a way of linking the person to the key that is not
simple. This lessens the impact of a data breach but at the cost of complex key management.
The encrypted data can be decrypted using the private key of the record and the applications public key.
Externally hosted applications and cloud-based services represent a change in the way information technology services are
delivered to the business. The information technology function needs to be ready, capable and prepared to take advantage this
solution delivery model suitably and appropriately. This is an example of the IT function acting a lens, focussing business
needs on solutions that are acquired or developed that was discussed in section 2.6 on page 50.
The nature of externally hosted applications and cloud computing services results in the organisation having a different and
reduced measure control over its data assets.
In this context externally hosted applications and cloud computing services are different. Cloud computing service providers
(CSPs) are typically hyper-scale providers with globally deployed service assets. While the option generally exists to have data
located a specific region close to the organisation, the organisation has typically has much less control over the service.
Providers of hosted applications can be smaller than CSPs and therefore can be more amenable and flexible to service
deployment and provision options.
These service deployment and operation models present a number of data–related challenges spanning data control, data
protection and data privacy. There are three overlapping core areas of data concern that need to be examined in any solution
design that incorporates these service elements
1. Data Security
Security – when data is moved to a cloud or hosted service of application, either directly using external data storage
or indirectly where the data is being managed by a specific application, the responsibility for data security is shared
between the organisation and the service provider. The service provider is (more or less) responsibility for data security
when it resides on their platform. The organisation is (more or less) responsible for data security when it moved to and
from the platform.
2. D ata Residency – where data resides governs the laws that apply to that data. Organisation should be careful that their
data is not stored in locations where it is subject to legal frameworks that may have potential undesirable consequences
such as authorities in those jurisdictions being able to access it.
3. D ata Sovereignty – irrespective of the physical location of the data storage within the CSP’s infrastructure, that stored
data may be subject to the laws of other jurisdictions. The CSP with operating entities in other jurisdictions may be
obliged to comply with a court order enforcing a data access request. This means that the organisation cannot fully
guarantee sovereignty over data held in the cloud. This should govern the sensitivity of the data stored in the cloud.
In the context of data privacy, the ultimate responsibility lies with organisation relying on these third parties.
There are existing standards and approaches that can be adopted for use with data privacy and security compliance. There is
no need to develop new standards and approaches. These existing, detailed, well-defined and well-proven frameworks and
approaches can and should be used.
Service Organisation Controls (SOC) originally related to auditing of financial transactions performed by third-parties and
the controls in place. Over time, these have been extended to cover the operation of the service and its compliance with
security, availability, reliability, confidentiality and privacy. This evolution consisted of:
These standards have been developed by American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA - and International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB - While
they originated from an auditing background, they are more widely and generally applicable.
The material can be reused and applied when drafting service agreements with third-party suppliers and in defining the
controls to be applied and audited.
The privacy principle addresses the system’s collection, use, retention, disclosure, and disposal of personal information in
conformity with the commitments in the entity’s privacy notice and with criteria set forth in generally accepted privacy
principles (GAPP). This closely mirrors the privacy principles of GDPR.
• Management - The entity defines documents, communicates, and assigns accountability for its privacy policies and
• Notice - The entity provides notice about its privacy policies and procedures and identifies the purposes for which
personal information is collected, used, retained, and disclosed.
• Choice and Consent - The entity describes the choices available to the individual and obtains implicit or explicit consent
with respect to the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information.
• Collection - The entity collects personal information only for the purposes identified in the notice.
• Use and Retention - The entity limits the use of personal information to the purposes identified in the notice and for
which the individual has provided implicit or explicit consent. The entity retains personal information for only as long as
necessary to fulfil the stated purposes or as required by law or regulations and thereafter appropriately disposes of such
• Access - The entity provides individuals with access to their personal information for re-view and update.
• Disclosure to Third Parties - The entity discloses personal information to third parties only for the purposes identified
in the notice and with the implicit or explicit consent of the individual.
• Security for Privacy - The entity protects personal information against unauthorised access (both physical and logical).
• Quality - The entity maintains accurate, complete, and relevant personal information for the purposes identified in the
• Monitoring and Enforcement - The entity monitors compliance with its privacy policies and procedures and has
procedures to address privacy-related complaints and disputes.
The IAASB55 (International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board) principles and essential procedures for performing
assurance engagements can be found in section INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ON ASSURANCE ENGAGEMENTS 3000
The detailed Trust Services Principles and Criteria for Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, and Privacy
document can be found at:
The Service Organisation Controls (SOC) report is a formal review of the operation of these principles. More details on the
SOC report covering Report on Controls at a Service Organisation Relevant to Security, Availability, Processing Integrity,
Confidentiality and Privacy can be found at:
Figure 242 – Relationship Between Data Privacy and Data Security Compliance and Verification Standards
The central output from the solution design process is the set of solution design documentation. This can be a single artefact
or a set of artefacts. The solution design can be a detailed implementation and operation blueprint or it can exist at higher
levels of abstraction. In addition to this final artefact there are potentially many artefacts that are created during the stages of
the design process.
Solution design interim artefacts are created for to act as a record of the information gathered, analysis performed, work done
and to be available to be used in subsequent solution delivery phases. The act of creating the formal record that is the artefact
requires that the information it contains should be organised and correct. This imposes a discipline and a rigour on the
creation of the artefacts. This rigour eliminates ambiguity. Creating the artefact requires that the information it contains be
organised and articulated clearly.
The artefacts are the basis for an agreement between the solution acquirer and those delivering the solution on what exactly it
will do. The complete description of the functions to be performed by the solution detailed in the solution design can be used
by the solution acquirer to determine if the solution specified meets their needs.
Artefacts can be used in the delivery estimation process to determine cost, resources required and schedule.
Artefacts are useful as an historical record. Artefacts should only be created when they add value to future stages of solution
delivery or when they are needed to act as a proof or record of work done. The artefacts can be useful after the solution is
transitions to production for support, maintenance and enhancement purposes. The amount of detail contained in the
artefact should only be what is necessary.
Artefacts will allow to solution to be transferred to another service provider or function or for the solution to be
reimplemented using different underlying tools and components.
The following is a sample table of contents for a generic idealised solution design document:
This represents the maximum set of information that the solution design should contain. The design document describes the
design that has been selected and is complete. The steps that lead to this design, such as the evaluation of other options and
alternatives, are best documented elsewhere. The sample table of contents contains information of the service management
and service introduction aspects of the solution design. These could be moved to a separate artefact.
This sample table of contents does not include details on approaches to solution implementation or estimates for solution
delivery. These can be included in the document but are probably best included elsewhere.
The creation of these artefacts is not an end in itself. The artefacts are created to add value, act as a record or to generate a
benefit. If the artefact is not required, it should not be generated.
Artefact creation can go from one extreme to another: from no artefacts, which tends to be associated with agile-type software
development, to a large library of artefacts. Artefact creation is not an end in itself. It is a means to an end, which is to deliver
operable, usable and supportable solutions and to record work done.
The solution design can be a living artefact that is updated as solution delivery takes place to act as a record of design changes
made in response to changes or delivery issues. But at some stage, the design document needs to be closed-off.
The solution architecture function does not exist to create solution design documents and other artefacts. It exists to design
solutions that deliver value to the business.
Two of the (many) functions of the Solution Architecture Centre of Excellence described in section 8.3 on page 487 is to
develop and maintain a set of artefact templates and to manage solution knowledge generated through maintaining a library
of solution artefacts.
• Solution design and delivery artefacts listed in the solution delivery process – see section 4.3 on page 112
• Benefits Validation Review – Validating that the solution design is capable to achieving the stated benefits
• Overall Solution Design Review – Validating that the solution is fit for purpose
• Architectural Compliance Review – Validating that the solution complies with architectural standards across key
architectural areas
• Implementation Review – Validating that the solution can be implemented and is affordable
These reviews can be combined. The formality and level of detail of the review effort depend on the size and complexity (see
section 4.2.2 on page 100) of the solution. Small, simple solutions do not merit lengthy and time-consuming validations.
The overall solution design should be the subject of a review to validate its suitability for the situation being addressed. The
solution design may have evolved during the design process and may have strayed from its original intended use. A review
ensures that design decisions are subject to justification and confirmation.
Validating the solution is an important due diligence to perform before implementation starts. It avoids failures.
Solution validation is commonly limited to a form of requirements traceability. This involves verifying that the solution
design incorporates the stated requirements. However, this validation can be illusory. As stated in section 4.4 on page 124,
requirements tend to be sparse and disconnected and are representations of specific points of functionality that do not
aggregate into a defined solution. Verifying that the solution design includes the requirements does not validate the solution.
The solution has a cost to design, implement and operate. In turn, the solution will be expected to achieve benefits in terms of
direct explicitly quantifiable benefits often called tangible or hard and other indeterminate or non-quantifiable benefits, often
called intangible or soft. There may be a third set of benefits that can be grouped as strategy realisation and process
simplification though these can be included in the second set.
The actual benefits delivered by the solution will only really be known once the solution has been implemented and is
operational. But the expected benefits should be stated before the implementation starts. The solution’s potential to achieve
this can be assessed.
Frequently these benefits are stated in terms of the some or all of the following:
There is overlap between some of these benefits. For example, Staff Reduction , Productivity Improvement and Improved
Resource Utilisation are all related, though not identical. Benefits should not be counted twice.
In the same way that solution delivery failure can be classified as less for more to some extent (see section 3.1 on page 57),
the net benefit of a solution should be determined by more for less – how much more will be done for how much less than at
present, if the solution replaces one or more existing solutions rather than being completely new.
The solution should be walked through with the inventory of solution usage journeys or uses cases such as described in
section on page 272.
Defining the approach to benefits realisation assessment is outside the scope of this book. This topic is covered in greater
detail elsewhere. It should be part of the organisation’s overall solution delivery methodology.
4.11.2 Solution
Solution Design Review
The overall solution design should be the subject of a review to validate its suitability for the situation being addressed. The
solution design may have evolved during the design process and may have strayed from its original intended use. A review
ensures that design decisions are subject to justification and confirmation.
The ISO/IEC 25010 Quality Model56 provides a good starting point for the structure of such as review. It can be used to create
a structured checklist to assess that the solution is fit for purpose.
While ISO/IEC 25010 is aimed at evaluating the properties of an individual software product, it can be adapted for more
general solution design review purposes where the solution consists of multiple components that must operate together.
Usability Appropriateness Can solution consumers recognise and understand whether a solution
Recognisability component is appropriate and suitable for their needs?
Learnability How easily, quickly and reliably can solution consumers learn how to
use the solution components effectively, efficiently, without errors
and satisfactorily to perform their work?
Operability Do the design characteristics and attributes of the solution
components make them easy to operate and control?
User Error Protection Do the solution components protect solution consumers against
making errors and against the consequences of those errors?
User Interface Aesthetics Are the solution consumer interfaces of those user-facing
components attractive and satisfying interaction for the user?
Accessibility Can the solution be used by consumers with the widest range of
characteristics and capabilities to achieve the target solution
Reliability Maturity Do the solution components comply with the reliability targets under
standard operation and use?
Availability Are the solution components operational, accessible and available for
when needed?
Fault Tolerance To what extent can the solution and its components continue to
operate as intended despite the presence of hardware or software
Recoverability In the event of an interruption, error or a failure, in what way and
how quickly can the data directly affected be recovered and how
quickly will the solution be operational and available?
Security Confidentiality Does the solution ensure that its functions and data are accessible
only to those authorised and how granular is the access control?
Integrity Does the solution prevent unauthorised access to or modification of
solution components or their data?
Non-repudiation Does the solution ensure that actions or events can be proven to have
occurred in order to prevent their subsequent repudiation?
Accountability Can the solution trace the actions of a consumer or entity can be
traced uniquely to that consumer or entity?
Authenticity Can the solution ensure that the identity claimed by a consumer,
entity or resource can be proved to be the one asserted?
Maintainability Modularity To what extent is the solution composed of separate and distinct
components so that change made to one component has little or no
impact on the other components?
Reusability To what extent can elements or services contained in one solution
component can be reused in other systems?
Analysability How easily can the impact of potential changes made to one solution
component on other solution components be identified and analysed?
The solution architectural review should determine the goodness of fit of the solution design to the organisations architecture
principles and standards across the architecture domains described in 3.3 on page 75.
• Enterprise Architecture – is the solution compliant with the organisation’s information technology standards, policies,
principles and direction within which the organisation’s IT systems are sourced, implemented and operates?
• Information and Data Architecture – is the solution compliant with the organisation’s standards for the management
of data and data-related technologies across the organisation across data types and sources including data management
and governance, data quality, data operations and reference and master data management and through its lifecycle?
• Application Architecture – is the solution compliant with organisation’s approach to information technology
applications, their integrations, interactions and data exchanges between applications and the flow of data into and out of
• Service Architecture – is the solution compliant with the organisation’s service management and service operations
framework for the operational information technology applications and infrastructure including support, new releases
and changes, capacity and performance, events and alerts, service levels, continuity, resilience and availability?
• Security Architecture – is the solution compliant with organisation’s information technology security standards
including hardware, software and data assets from attacks, threats and vulnerabilities that can lead to theft, damage and
disruption, both from within and from outside the organisation?
The last two of these factors is outside the control of the solution architect. The architect can seek to influence the
composition of the solution implementation team to maximise its ability to implement the solution. This can be difficult
when the team largely consists of external suppliers and outsourced service providers.
The organisation may look to partially implement the solution, omitting components because of cost, time and resource
pressures. As mentioned in section 2.4 on page 33, this descoping removes functionality that is needed for the solution to
work fully. The implementation of these components is deferred to (a sometimes non-specific or even non-existent) future
stage. The result is a partially completed solution with manual workarounds and with a backlog of rework. Again the solution
architect can seek to influence the approach to solution delivery and can work to minimise the impact of such decisions.
The level 3 and 4 solution component breakdown referred to in section 2.4 on page 33 can be used as a checklist to validate
that the solution is capable of being implemented.
In the context of solution architecture, the topic of estimation arises in two main areas:
1. Estimating the effort required to perform the pure solution architecture business engagement exercises listed in section
4.6 on page 161 and in generating solution designs using the solution design process listed in section 4.6.2 on page 226
2. Assisting with the creation of estimates for the delivery of the designed solution – this can be further divided into two
a) Creating the initial solution delivery estimate using the solution component breakdown created in the solution
b) Modifying the initial solution delivery estimate based on an assessment of the solution’s complexity
The solution architect must develop a capability in creating accurate and realistic estimates for pure solution design work and
in assisting with producing estimates for the wider solution delivery project.
In the first of these areas, the estimate can be produced by using the work programme activities and tasks as a work
breakdown structure that can be used as a basis to assess the effort. The accuracy of these estimates will improve through
experience. They can be validated by reference to previous similar engagements.
The effort to perform a solution design engagement will differ for each organisation, based on factors such as:
• The complexity of the organisation structure and ease or otherwise of performing solution design work
• Level of review and approval that must take place of any work done and solution designs created
• The availability of business resources to participate in the design process
• The structure of the IT function and the number of groups that must be consulted as part of the design process
• The IT architectural standards that must be complied with
The duration and therefore the effort to perform an engagement can be limited in advance in order to guarantee delivery
within a defined and agreed interval.
You will know the constraints of you organisation and the impact these have on performing work and creating design
deliverable results.
In the second of these estimation areas, the solution architect is just one of many roles that will be involved in creating
solution delivery estimates. The individual solution component estimates will be the responsibility of those teams who will be
responsible for performing the work. Based on the solution design work, the solution architect should know the scope of the
required delivery work and the dependencies that exist between them.
The solution component type breakdown described in section 2.4.2 on page 33 can be used as the basis for a solution scope
breakdown (as well as a delivery plan) that is turn can be used to create a structure for solution delivery estimates. This
component breakdown is just one example of a work breakdown structure. It is not necessarily the only one. The following
table contains a sample breakdown of the components of a solution based on this component type classification.
These individual components will be delivered at different stages of the project. The solution architect can assist in identifying
dependencies between the solution components.
Each of the components to be delivered as part of the overall solution will require individual implementation and testing. The
estimation breakdown structure can broken-down into further levels of details, depending on the accuracy required of the
Using the solution component type structure provides a basis for accurate and traceable estimates. They can be initially
produced at a high-level and refined subsequently to greater levels of granularity.
The solution complexity assessment approach described in section 4.2.2 on page 100 can then be used to determine what
uplift, if any, should be applied to the initial delivery estimates.
Chapter 5. Solution
Solution Architecture and Digital Transformation
5.1 Introduction
As with other topics, a detailed description of digital strategy and transformation is not within the scope of this book.
However, the move by organisations to implement digital solutions affects the role of the solution architect in a number of
• It will require the design of solutions of a potentially different type to more conventional solutions
• Digital solutions must operate in a different operational solution framework requiring different design standards and
• More components of digital solutions are more likely to consist of XaaS-deployed applications and services, imposing
greater application and data integration requirements and the need for greater solution acquisition due diligence
• The volume and type of data being used and generated by digital solutions in greater than more conventional ones,
requiring greater attention to the data architecture aspects of solution design
• Components of digital solutions are more likely to be used by external solution consumers over multiple different access
channels and devices requiring greater attention to solution usability and the underlying business processes
• Digital solutions are more likely to process personal data requiring greater attention to data privacy in solution design
This material provides a context for digital solutions the solution architect must design.
The solution architect must be aware of and be able to respond proactively and positively to this digital trend. The solution
architect must be aware of its implications and consequences. The architect must be able to add value to and be proactive in
the design of the digital solution framework, digital initiatives and to get involved earlier rather than just responding to
However, the terms digital strategy, digital transformation and digital solutions have no consistent definition. They are
catch-all terms that have very different meanings to different people. The terms are used with no agreement on their
substance, content and purpose.
At its most basic, digitalisation involves the conversion of information and process that are currently in a non-digital format
into digital form. This is effectively computerising what is currently manual, introducing technology-lead change into the
organisation, its processes and the way it operates and interacts with external parties.
Frequently digital strategy is used to mean organisation transformation. This involve designing and implementing new
organisation structures, processes and supporting and enabling solutions and technologies in order to change the way the
organisation operates and interacts with its consumers, suppliers and partners over digital channels. Organisations want to
move from just being providers of products to the providers of utility and subscription services. The desired characteristics of
the new operating model include differentiated set of services, responsive to the needs of consumers, consumer-centric,
greater consumer self-service, flexible operations and subscription model pricing.
Achieving this digital transformation requires a set of changes underpinned and enabled by solutions contained in the digital
reference architecture described below. The changes include:
Digital strategy is the application of digital technologies – such as the handling and processing large volumes of data, data
analysis, and mobile technologies - to the organisation to create new business capabilities. A digital strategy aims to maximise
the value and benefits the business derives from its data assets through technology.
So the digital strategy is a statement about the organisation’s digital positioning, competitors and customers and collaborators
needs and behaviour to achieve a direction for innovation, communication, transaction and promotion.
Digital transformation is concerned with adopting these new technologies and their application. In particular it means
extending and exposing business processes to specific parties over specific channels outside the organisation along the
dimensions of:
• External Parties Participating in Digital Interaction/Collaboration – who of the many parties in your organisation
landscape do you interact with digitally
• Numbers and Types of Interactions/ Collaborations and Business Processes Included in Digital Strategy – which
types of interactions and associated business processes do you digitally implement
• Channels Included in Digital Strategy – what digital channels do you interact over
A key aspect of implementing a digital strategy is the extension of internal processes to specific parties over specific channels
outside the organisation. This can involve allowing external parties – customers, partners, and suppliers – interact directly
with the organisation using, for example, mobile devices.
Digital has become an all-encompassing term for many different technology applications:
Each person’s view of what digital strategy, architecture and transformation means will emphasise a subset of these. It is
similar to the parable of the wise men feeling in the dark and identifying an elephant differently based on the just one part of
the animal.
So digital is not so much one or more technologies or one of more applications of those technologies in specific areas.
Digital needs to be a platform to allow digital solutions to be designed, implemented and operated. This requires a digital
strategy, a digital architecture and a digital operating framework.
The effective use of information technology and an effective information technology function are fundamental to successful
digital transformation. This is one area where solution architecture can contribute to the success of digital initiatives.
The fallacies of distributed computing are assumptions made by developers of distributed applications that were identified by
Peter Deutsch when working at Sun Microsystems.
The fallacies are assumptions that are false, the consequences of making them include some or all of system failure, increased
costs, project delays, reduction in scope or substantial redesign and rework.
These fallacies apply equally to digital initiatives. The solution architect, when involved in designing digital solutions should
bear these in mind.
The organisation context of digital strategy and digital architecture in terms of the solution architecture context described in
section 4.1 on page 91 is:
• The organisation will have an overall IT strategy to accomplish the organisation strategy and associated objectives
• The IT function will then need its own internal IT strategy that will structure the function in order to ensure that it can
deliver on the wider organisation strategy
• The enterprise digital strategy is connected to the overall IT strategy, the enterprise architecture and the internal IT
• The enterprise digital strategy will be implemented and operated through a digital architecture that is part of the overall
enterprise architecture
• This context is important in ensuring that the enterprise digital strategy fits into the overall IT and wider organisational
• The enterprise digital strategy exists to ultimately deliver a business benefit and contribute to the achievement of the
business strategy
• The strategy must be translated into an operational framework to enable the strategy to be actualised
Like all major organisation transformation programmes, implementing digital initiatives and associated solution will involve
changes to the organisation:
The domains of change model described throughout this book can be used to identify organisational change impacts.
1. Be able to deliver digital initiatives that comprise and achieve the digital strategy
2. Be able to change itself to enable the implementation and operation of digital initiatives
3. Be able to operate digital initiatives
Figure 252 – Digital Strategy And Business Processes – Extending The Organisation’s Boundaries
This extension of solutions and their associated business processes outside the organisation means the organisation should
implement a digital architecture to allow this to take place easily, quickly, consistently and securely. The importance of
business processes to solution design is discussed in section 4.4.2 on page 134.
This extension of solutions exposes the organisation to risks. When you deploy solution outside the organisation, this results
in a reduction in the expected and tolerated latency and the asynchronicity of communications between the organisation and
external parties. Put simply, this population of external solution consumers expect an always-on and immediate service.
This affects the way solutions are designed. The solution architect needs to mediate these expectations between solution
• Communicate that the expectations exist and that the solution design needs to incorporate them
• Articulate the impact on solution design of meeting these expectations
• Identify the additional solution components needed to deliver on the expectations
In order to design, implement and operate digital solutions, the organisation and its IT architecture functions needs to
develop a digital target architecture. This section describes the digital platform that must exist (in some form) to enable the
organisation to achieve its digital strategy.
The digital platform represents the framework that the solution architecture must be able to use to design (integrated) digital
solutions. These are common building blocks that ensure that digital solution can be deployed and can operate securely and
consistently. This allows for reuse of these common components, allowing the focus to be shifted from the solution delivering
infrastructural components to concentrating on the functional essence of the solution. This is similar to the data landscape
and its constituent components described in section 4.8 on page 321.
Individual digital point solutions represent a waste of resources in their design, implementation and operation.
The complexity of the information technology landscape will increase with the deployment of digital solutions. Unmanaged
complexity must be avoided. This leads to greater cost and less flexibility. Some of the issues that can arise include lack of
standards, redundant applications, multiple platforms, and inconsistent data. The complexity hinders the organisation's
ability to respond to business and economic changes and other external factors. This in turn defeats the reason for
implementing a digital strategy in the first place. IT architecture need to define and implement the necessary digital plumbing
and infrastructure to allow digital solutions to be provisioned simply, quickly and at low cost.
Solution architecture should not passively accept this digital enablement platform. It needs to contribute to its design and
implementation to ensure that solutions designed to operate within it are implementable, operable, supportable and usable.
This will make sure that the resulting platform provides a suitable framework for designing solutions and for running those
solutions when implemented.
This digital target reference architecture defines a solution template for the underlying and enabling technology solutions and
components required. It defines the target end-state architecture and the set of interim transitional phases required to enable
the delivery of a digital strategy and associated roadmap. It needs to reside within the context of the organisation’s Enterprise
Architecture and other related architectures.
The digital target reference architecture will not exist in isolation. The organisation will have a suite of legacy applications
that will need to continue to be operated and may need to the digitally enabled using tools provided by the integration
component in the digital target reference architecture.
The level 1 components of this digital platform can include some or all the following groups of components:
• External Party Interaction Zones, Channels and Facilities – the set of facilities and applications that are presented to
those external parties being interacted with and the channels used – this is the window to the set of products and services
offered by the organisation and to the business processes
• Security, Identity, Access and Profile Management – internal and external security tools and processes
• Digital Specific
Specific Applications and Tools – the portfolio of specific tools acquired to deliver and operate digital functions
• Internal Interaction Management – the set of internal applications that are used to manage external party interactions
• Integration – the data, service and process integration layer and associated APIs, including integration catalogue
• Applications Delivery and Management Tools and Frameworks – set of tools used to deliver and manage digital
• Operational and Business Systems – the existing and new organisation operational and business systems
This is a generalised and indicative view of a digital platform that will enable an organisation design, develop, deploy and
operate a range of digital solutions. This can be adapted to the specific needs of the organisation. It can be used to validate
that the organisation has the necessary technology facilities in place to facilitate the implementation of a digital strategy. It
will allow gaps to be identified and for decisions to be made on exactly what will be implemented.
Many companies have already achieved the status of a platform organisation. Their entire business model is defined around a
(logical) information technology platform through which all their products are services are accessed and supplied.
Many other traditional organisations are seeking to transform themselves into platform companies. A banking and financial
services organisation becomes a banking platform through which all their financial service-related products and services are
delivered. Telecommunications companies are similarly looking to transform themselves into platform companies where
there offer an integrated range of services implemented by their telecommunications infrastructure and accessed through a
digital platform.
The digital target architecture described above represents an integrated IT platform for the delivery of the organisation’s
products and services through digital channels. The platform becomes the means for managing interactions between external
parties and the organisation. The platform is the logical representation of the organisation as an integrated set of business
processes and associated and supporting IT business systems. The platform virtualises legacy applications and business
processes. The platform becomes the means to deploy new solutions and to make available new services. The platform is the
windows into the organisation.
This digital platform defines the target end-state architecture and the set of interim transitional phases required to enable the
delivery of the digital strategy and associated roadmap.
The digital platform defines the overall IT architecture. Solutions must be delivered within this context. Solution architecture
must design solutions to fit within this framework. While not all of these framework components need to be in place to
implement digital solutions, the framework enables these solutions to be designed and deployed in an integrated manner.
This digital platform is more than a reference architecture. It represents a set of individual infrastructural solutions that must
be designed and implemented in order to allow subsequent business solutions to be designed and deployed. It represents the
logical (and physical) framework within which solutions must be designed to operate. The platform represents both a set of
constraints and a set of standards for solution design.
The reality of the “platform” may be very different from its representation. The platform can (and will be) a mix of existing
and new applications. The platform is virtualised view of the digital architecture and the associated digital strategy.
Across all the component groups, this entire logical platform view consists of a large number of individual components. In
this model, there are 82 such logical parts of the platform. These are shown below. There could be more as, for example, the
existing set of business systems is represented by groups of application types. Not all organisations will need to implement all
components. The decision on what to implement and when to implement it is the role of the digital strategy. From a solution
architecture perspective there are two areas of concern:
1. These represent a large number of individual solutions or solution capabilities that must be designed. This represents a
considerable workload.
2. The individual solutions must work together closely to create the form of a logical platform. This requires both co-
ordination and standards across solution design activities as well as the implementation of infrastructural or plumbing or
enabling solutions on which others can be constructed more easily and more quickly.
The actualisation of such a platform requires significant solution design and delivery leadership and capability.
These groups are not precise. Some of the components represent processes or organisational structures or capabilities rather
than technology.
The individual components and their constituent elements represent an integrated whole that must operate together. The
linkages between the components will be:
The level 2 elements of the level 1 component group External Party Interaction Zones, Channels and Facilities can include
some or all of the following items:
Figure 258 – Level 2 Elements of Level 1 Component Group External Party Interaction Zones, Channels and Facilities
These level 2 elements of External Party Interaction Zones, Channels and Facilities are:
Table 79 – Level 2 Elements of Level 1 Component Group External Party Interaction Zones, Channels and Facilities
The level 2 elements of the level 1 component group Security, Identity, Access and Profile Management will be:
Figure 259 – Level 2 Elements of Level 1 Component Group Security, Identity, Access and Profile Management
These level 2 elements of Security, Identity, Access and Profile Management are:
Table 80 – Level 2 Elements of Level 1 Component Group Security, Identity, Access and Profile Management
The level 2 elements of the level 1 component group Digital Specific Applications and Tools will be:
Figure 260 – Level 2 Elements of Level 1 Component Group Digital Specific Applications and Tools
Table 81 – Level 2 Elements of Level 1 Component Group Digital Specific Applications and Tools
The level 2 elements of the level 1 component group Responsive Infrastructure will be:
The level 2 elements of the level 1 component group Internal Interaction Management will be:
The level 2 elements of the level 1 component group Integration will be:
The level 2 elements of the level 1 component group Integration will be:
The level 2 elements of the level 1 component group Operational and Business Systems will be:
Figure 264 – Level 2 Elements of Level 1 Component Operational and Business Systems
The level 2 elements of the level 1 component group Operational and Business Systems will be:
The level 2 elements of the level 1 component group Applications Delivery and Management Tools and Frameworks will be:
Figure 265 – Level 2 Elements of Level 1 Component Applications Delivery and Management Tools and Frameworks
These describe a set of common processes that should already exist within the organisation. They are listed here as their
successful operation and use is required to design, implement and operate the digital platform.
The level 2 elements of the level 1 component group Applications Delivery and Management Tools and Frameworks will be:
Table 86 – Level 2 Elements of Level 1 Component Applications Delivery and Management Tools and Frameworks
The level 2 elements of the level 1 component group System Development, Deployment and Management
will be:
Figure 266 – Level 2 Elements of Level 1 Component System Development, Deployment and Management
The level 2 elements of the level 1 component group System Development, Deployment and Management will be:
Table 87 – Level 2 Elements of Level 1 Component System Development, Deployment and Management
As part of the organisation’s move to a more digital stance, the solution architecture function needs to design solutions that
fit into the target digital architecture framework, if this framework exists. This requires:
• Solution architecture team operating in an integrated manner designing solutions to a set of common standards and that
run on the platform
• Solution architecture team leadership ensuring solutions conform to the common standards
• Solution architecture technical leadership to develop and maintain common solution design standards
• Solution architecture updates the digital reference architecture based on solution design experience
The solution architecture function needs to work with the other IT architecture functions to design a set of common
infrastructural plumbing solutions that enable the digital business solutions to be designed.
A set of solution architecture standards and their implementation become more important in a digital solution context. These
solutions need to encompass common set of standards in areas such as:
• Service orientation
• Microservices
• API service catalogue and API broker
• Cloud and distributed architectures
• Automation
• Standardised data collection and analysis
• Standardised data integration
• Federated security
Solution architecture leadership and management are more important in this operating environment. Solution identification
and acquisition skills may need to be improved as many of the solutions will be acquired rather than developed. The speed of
solution design or acquisition may need to be improved in order to deploy an operational digital framework quickly. Solution
architecture in the context of digital architecture requires greater solution architecture effort.
Integration is the keyword for successful digital transformation and digital solution design, implementation and operation. It
requires the necessary technical integration infrastructure to be in place to enable application, access and data integration.
This triad of integration requirements are quite extensive. They are also interrelated. Access integration means a common
identification, validation and authentication foundation. Access rights granted control all subject resource accesses including
applications and data. Application integration means individual solutions provide common access to their functionality
subject to access rights. This might include a common API and service structure. Data integration means data is integrated
across all data sources and generation and creation functions. Data is then commonly accessible including descriptive
In addition to this functional integration across access, applications and data, digital transformation also means a wider
integration across solution designs and integration across architecture and implementation teams.
Figure 269 – Wider Integration Across Solution Designs and Other Architecture Teams
Without the necessary technical and business integration and the underlying enabling technology and leadership and
organisational support, digital transformation will be just one more failed and abandoned or at best partially successful
Digital transformation involves designing and implementing solutions across a wide range of application and system areas
within the context of the digital architecture framework. Two general types of solution will be required:
1. Business function solutions, deployed either as externally facing applications or as operational business systems
2. Internal applications that support the operation of the business systems
In terms of the digital framework described on page 400, the business function solutions can be divided as follows:
• User Facing Applications in the External Party Interaction Zones, Channels and Facilities group – these are the set
of business applications exposed to external parties
• Analytic and Content Management Applications in the Digital Specific Applications and Tools group – these
applications provide a range of data management, reporting and analysis facilities to manage data made available to
(external) consumers, collect interaction and usage data and enable its reporting and analysis
• Workflow and Customer Management Applications in the Internal Interaction Management group – these
manage solution consumer interactions
• Data Processing Applications in the Integration group – these enable the range of data across the platform to be
• Business Applications in the Operational and Business Systems group – these are the line of business applications
that operate the core business processes
The drivers for digital must be reflected in the approach to solution design and delivery:
• Agility
• Technology
• Response to complexity
• Security
• Need for simplification and automation
• User experience
These are common requirements, characteristics and design principles that need to be included in the design of all solutions.
The solution architecture leadership must incorporate these drivers into the of the solution architecture delivery team.
These digital solution common requirements, characteristics and design principles are
Digital Solution Common Digital Solution Common Requirement, Characteristic and Design Principle
Characteristics Group
Agility Design, implement and deploy solutions that offer complex services quickly.
Scale-up or scale-down resources quickly and cheaply to meet changes in demand.
React quickly and cheaply to internal and external market and other changes.
Technology Scaling of numbers of users, customers, device types and interactions with other
Demands for new products and services enabled by new technologies.
Need for and expectation of automation and integrated operation.
Cloud services and application deployment and management models.
Interoperability requirements across multiple applications on dispersed platforms.
Need to analyse and utilise large amounts of interaction data.
Need for integrated and federated security across applications.
Response to complexity Fragmented market with multiple separated specialist service providers with
multiple business interactions.
Expectations of user experience, speed of service delivery.
Greater regulation.
Dispersed application landscape.
Security Federated and integrated security requirements for dispersed application landscape.
Greater security and privacy regulation.
Increased range of threats.
Need for simplification and Automate as much as possible to reduce cost, improve accuracy and speed and
automation consistency of service delivery.
Minimise interactions.
Consistent management across service boundaries.
Need to deliver on user and customer expectations.
Digital Solution Common Digital Solution Common Requirement, Characteristic and Design Principle
Characteristics Group
User experience Feature-rich and intuitive service access, browse and navigation.
End-to-end product and service lifecycle view.
In the context of designing solutions for digital transformation and the logical digital platform, the solution architecture
function needs to ensure that common functional and operational requirements, characteristics and design principles are
applied in the solution design process.
In working to deliver the set of solutions that comprise the overall digital framework, the solution architecture function needs
to interact with other IT architecture disciplines. These interactions are all the more important in the context of delivering the
integrated set of digital solutions that actualise the digital architecture.
• Enterprise Architecture – the solutions are designed to be deployed and operated on a coherent and functional digital
architecture designed by the enterprise architecture function and for which a set of standards must be defined. The
solution architecture function must interface with enterprise architecture to understand the structure of the platform as
well as providing feedback on its design and usability.
• Information and Data Architecture – the set of digital solutions will generate potentially large amounts of data and
data access transactions for which an appropriate data infrastructure will be required. The solution architecture function
must understand and be able to specify the data requirements across the data landscape and processing pipeline and
work with the information architecture function to ensure its suitability for the data requirements.
• Application Architecture – where solutions are developed rather than acquired, there needs to be set of application
development standards. The solution architecture function must understand these standards and ensure that those
solution components are designed to comply with them.
• Business Architecture – the organisation will require business structures, solutions and process changes that will be
designed in conjunction with the business architecture function. The solution architecture function must work with the
business architecture function to understand the solution requirements and to design those solutions.
• Technical Architecture – the set of solutions that comprise the overall digital platform will require a set of infrastructure
on which to operate. The solution architecture function must understand and be able to specify the infrastructure
requirements and work with the technical architecture function to ensure its suitability for the solution requirements.
• Service Architecture – the solutions must be managed, supported, operated and maintained. The solution architecture
function must work with the service architecture function to ensure that the designed solution can be transitioned to
• Security Architecture – the solutions, especially those used by external consumers, and their data must be highly secure.
The solution architecture function must ensure that solutions comply with security and privacy requirements.
Digital solution design requires greater discipline to create an integrated set of solutions that operate within the rigour of the
digital architecture framework. The solution architecture function must interact with other IT architecture disciplines to
ensure the set of solutions that implement the digital framework operates together. This requires greater solution architecture
team leadership. This needs to be supplemented and supported by a well-defined set of digital solution design standards.
6.1 Introduction
Intro duction
The topic of solution delivery has already been discussed briefly in section 4.3 on page 112. This section looks at the use of
agile solution delivery processes and how they can be applied to the delivery of a solution or some of its constituent
components. Section 4.3 on page 112 described the set of components that comprise the complete operational solution. These
components are delivered through activities that occur in phases. These phases do not have to occur sequentially. Do not get
confused between the what of the solution and the how of its delivery.
Section 4.6.4 on page 235 and section 4.6.5 on page 257 describe a solution architecture early engagement and rapid
engagement processes respectively. These can be regarded as a form of responsive solution architecture approach that
provides results quickly. These engagements can form part of and be used in an agile delivery process – see sections 6.7.1 on
page 437 and 6.7.2 on page 438.
The solution architect can determine if the solution or components of it are suitable for an agile delivery approach. The
solution architect is best-place to make this assessment.
As I mentioned earlier in this book, the solution architecture function must provide solution leadership and solution subject
matter expertise as the solution and its individual components are implemented and integrated. This includes working on the
approach to solution delivery and validating that the delivery approach will work. Design guidance is needed throughout the
solution delivery and implementation process. The solution architect should take on the role of solution subject matter expert
during solution delivery.
Organisations need to deliver projects to the business in shorter timescales in response to internal and external demands and
changes that are occurring more frequently. Solution delivery processes need to be flexible, responsive and agile in order to
deliver what the organisation needs when it needs it. Traditionally solutions are delivered in a series of sequential phases
designed to create certainty around the solution being delivered. This sequential approach has drawbacks, such as:
• Not sufficiently flexible to accommodate changes in requirements without incurring large costs
• Resources are wasted building features that will not be used or whose actual use has not been validated
• The opportunity to provide feedback is limited until a large part of the solution is delivered
• Solution delivery can take a long time, by when the underlying problematic situation or opportunity being addressed
may have changed
An agile approach to solution delivery looks to reduce the risks associated with a sequential solution delivery approach
through activities such as:
• Multiple iterations/releases
• Sets of smaller deliveries
• Prioritised requirements
• Greater user involvement
In doing this, it looks to reduce the overall solution delivery cost and accelerate solution delivery and availability. An agile
approach tends to be good for projects with inherent uncertainty and volatility such as:
Figure 274 – Classification of Projects and Their Suitability for an Agile Delivery Approach
The fundamental assumption of agile approach to solution delivery is that nothing is built perfectly first time. It is based on
the general concept and assumption that of the order of 80% of the solution can be implemented in of the order of 20% of the
time that it would take to produce the total solution. The precise percentages are not defined, not the same for all solutions
and can be argued over. All deliverables from previous solution delivery project steps can potentially be revisited as part of the
iterative approach. Only enough of the current step needs be completed to move to the next step. The approach is designed to
address the current and immediate needs of the business. It focuses on the deliver simpler solutions more quickly that are
intended to be fit for purpose and easier to maintain and modify after their initial implementation.
Agile has become fashionable without an understanding of the level of effort involved. Agile is all too frequently seen as a
magic bullet to resolve solution delivery problems. It is not. Agile is hard. Agile requires commitment, involvement and can
be intense and demanding. If you have current solution delivery problems, agile is probably not the solution. You need to fix
the underlying organisational issues first.
These mainly focus on the narrow aspect of software development. As has been stated many times in the book (see section
2.4.2 on page 33), the complete solution required is rarely, if ever, just a collection of custom-developed software components.
Also, the greater acquisition of XaaS components within a solution reduces the need for custom software development. An
agile approach suited to software development may be applicable to those custom software components of the solution but
not necessarily for the entire solution.
If the entire solution delivery is to be agile, there is a need a more generalised agile approach that can be applied. The
remaining sections of this chapter describe an approach. They look to reuse and apply the engagement approaches previously
covered in section 4.6 on page 161.
The following approach is based on the DSDM (Dynamic Systems Development Method) approach.57 It describes a general
approach to agile delivery of a solution and its components. This can be applied to the entire solution or to specific
The use and applicability of a generalised approach to agile iterative solution delivery consists of four pillars:
The elements in these pillars must be applied and used together for successful agile solution delivery.
6.4 Agile Solution Delivery Pillar One - Solution Delivery Selection and Validation
The elements of the first pillar Solution Delivery Selection and Validation consists of four interrelated checks.
The Agile Approach Suitability Checklist check involves getting realistic and truthful answers the following questions:
1. Do the sponsor and management understand and accept the agile philosophy as their buy-in is essential?
2. Will the team members be empowered to make decisions?
3. Is there senior user commitment to provide end user involvement?
4. Can the organisation accommodate the frequent delivery of increments?
5. Will it be possible for the project team to have access to the users throughout the project?
6. Will the project team remain the same throughout the project as stability of the team including the user representatives is
7. Will the project team have the appropriate skills including technical skills, knowledge of the business area?
8. Will the individual project teams consist of six people or less?
9. Will the project use technology suitable for prototyping?
10. Is there a highly demonstrable user interface?
11. Is there clear ownership?
12. Will the solution development be computationally non-complex as the more complex the development the greater the
risks involved?
13. Can the solution be implemented in increments if required?
14. Has the development a fixed timescale?
15. Can the requirements be prioritised with a mix of Must Haves, Should Haves, Could Haves and Want to Have but Won't
Have This Time (MoSCoW rules)?
16. Are the requirements not too detailed and fixed so users can define requirements interactively?
The Solutions and Projects When to Use Agile check is characterised as follows:
Solution where requirements are • In periods of rapid change, it may be difficult to specify the requirements in
unclear or subject to frequent detail at the outset of the project making traditional approaches unsuitable
change • Agile approach is designed specifically to deal with requirements that change
and evolve during a project
• Applications that are difficult to specify in advance because the users do not
know exactly what is needed at the outset
There are also solutions where agile is not suitable, such as:
Agile Project Team Must Be • Project teams must be mixed and consist of both IT personnel and users
Allowed Make Decisions • Project teams must be able to make decisions as requirements are refined and
possibly changed
• Project teams must be able to agree that defined levels of functionality,
usability, etc. are acceptable without frequent need to refer to higher-level
Focus Is On Frequent Delivery Of • A product-based approach is more flexible than an activity-based one
Products o Products include interim development products, not just delivered
• Work of a project team is concentrated on products that can be delivered in an
agreed period of time
• Enables the team to select the best approach to achieving the products required
in the time available
• By keeping each period of time short, the team can easily decide which
activities are necessary and sufficient to achieve the right products
Fitness For Business Purpose Is • Focus of agile is on delivering the necessary functionality at the required time
The Essential Measure For • Traditional project focus has been on satisfying the contents of a requirements
Acceptance Of Deliverables document and conforming to previous deliverables, even though the
requirements are often inaccurate, the previous deliverables may be flawed and
the business needs may have changed since the start of the project
• Solution can be more rigorously engineered subsequently if such an approach is
Iterative And Incremental • Agile iterative approach allows systems to grow incrementally
Development Is Necessary To • Therefore the project team can make full use of feedback from the users
Converge On An Accurate • Partial solutions can be delivered to satisfy immediate business needs
Business Solution • Agile approach uses iteration to continuously improve the solution being
• When rework is not explicitly recognised in a project lifecycle, the return to
previously completed work is surrounded by controlling procedures that slow
development down
• Rework is built into the agile iterative approach process, the solution can
proceed more quickly during iteration
All Changes During Solution • To control the evolution of all products (documents, software, test products,
Implementation Are Reversible etc.), everything must be in a known state at all times
• Configuration management must be all-encompassing
• Backtracking is a feature of agile iterative approach
• Sometimes it may be easier to reconstruct than to backtrack depending on the
nature of the change and the environment in which it was made
Requirements Are Baselined At A • Baselining high-level requirements involves freezing them and agreeing the
High Level purpose and scope of the system at a level that allows for detailed investigation
of what the requirements imply
• More detailed baselines can be established later in the project
• The scope should not change significantly
• Changing the scope defined in the baselined high-level requirements generally
requires escalation
Testing Is Integrated And • Testing is not treated as a separate activity
Performed Throughout The • As the solution is developed incrementally, it is also tested and reviewed by
Lifecycle both the project team and users incrementally
• Ensures that the project is moving forward not only in the right business
direction but is also technically sound
• Early in project lifecycle, the testing focus is on validation against the business
needs and priorities
• Towards the end of the project, the focus is on verifying that the whole system
operates effectively – system and integration testing
The solution and the delivery function must pass these checks for an agile approach to be considered.
6.5 Agile Solution Delivery Pillar Two - Control Components of Agile Process
The contents of the second pillar Control Components of Agile Process are:
Control Details
Components of
Agile Process
Timeboxing • This is a very important aspect of agile iterative process and its use for solution delivery
• It involves achieving defined objectives at a pre-determined and fixed date through
continuous prioritisation and changing of requirements using the MoSCoW control rule
• The timebox is a fixed interval of time - typically between two and six weeks in length
• Without the control of timeboxing, project teams can lose their focus and run out of control
• A timebox must have an agreed scope and clear objectives based on a subset of the prioritised
requirements list
• The objective of a timebox is to make a product - produce something tangible in order for
progress and quality to be assessed
• The team working in the timebox must agree the objectives and must themselves estimate the
time required
• If it appears that deadlines could be missed, the deliverable should be de-scoped dropping the
lower priority items
• The detailed planning of a subsequent timebox containing dependent work cannot be started
before the current timebox is complete
• During each timebox, the team working on the timebox should meet daily to review their
progress and to raise issues
o Provides the team with evidence regarding their progress and the problems they face
o Highlight risks as they occur
o Each daily meeting should be limited at 30 minutes and ideally lasts no longer than
15 minutes
o All team members attend
• The topics to be covered are:
o What work has been completed for this timebox since the last daily meeting?
o What (if anything) got in the way of completing the planned work?
o What work will be done between now and the next daily meeting?
MoSCoW • Must Have
Prioritisation of o Requirements that are fundamental to the system
Requirements o Without them the system will be unworkable and useless
o Must Haves define the minimum usable subset
o Agile project guarantees to satisfy all the minimum usable subset
• Should Have
o Important requirements for which there is a workaround in the short-term and
which would normally be classed as mandatory in less time-constrained
development, but the system will be useful and usable without them
• Could Have
o Requirements that can more easily be left out of the increment under development
• Want to Have but Won't Have This Time
o Requirements that can wait till later development takes place - the Waiting List
Estimation • Estimation provides the information that is required for two main purposes:
o Assess project feasibility by evaluating costs and benefits
o Use in project planning, scheduling and control
• Estimates should be tight from the outset with frequent deliverables
• Estimates that are based on outline business functions provide the closest match with the
agile iterative process
o The starting point for estimating should be the expected functionality of the end
products rather than the activities used to deliver those products
• The estimate is a conditional forecast based on the information available at the time
o An extrapolation from past and current knowledge to the future
o Cannot be done with complete certainty because the future is unknown, therefore
the actual effort or cost to deliver will almost always be different to the estimate
o Better the quality of the information available for estimating, the closer the estimate
is likely to be to the actual figures
• Estimation must be based on a defined process so that it is rigorous and repeatable
o Whatever process is used, the core information required to estimate is the scope of
what is to be delivered and the delivery capability
• Contingency must be included in any estimate in order for it to be realistic
o Estimates are conditional forecasts that will be affected by future events both internal
and external to the project
o Events cannot be known with certainty and the estimate must make reasonable
allowance for them
o Solution development itself is not an exact science
o The size of the contingency in an estimate must reflect the degree of uncertainty
Project • The aim of project management is to deliver the right solution on time and on budget using
Management And the available resources wisely
Project Planning • The management of traditional projects is about control
o Preventing drift from the signed off specification, controlling resources, etc.
• Managing an agile project is about enabling constant change while continuously correcting
the course of the project in order to maintain its aim at the target - a fixed delivery date for a
usable system
• To be successful with agile iterative approach, the organisation may have to change
organisational and technical elements at the same time
• For tradition projects, the project manager has a detailed plan against which to monitor and
control activities
• In an agile and iterative project, there are typically more activities going on in parallel
o Project Manager has a number of distinctive responsibilities to ensure that the
project is under control in each phase
• Speed of progress can pose some difficulties for managers from a traditional background in
IT project management
o If problems arise during a timebox then it is often tempting for the traditional
manager to renegotiate the end date as that is what they would normally do
o In an agile project, the timebox deadline is fixed usually because it is set by the
business need
o Consequently, the approach is to renegotiate the content of the timebox rather than
its duration
• In the agile iterative collaborative approach, there is a great deal of interaction between users
and implementers in task completion
• It is important that communication is clear and concise if rapid development is to be achieved
• Agile projects should have an informal but planned communication process
• As each timebox is completed, it is the responsibility of the Project Manager to ensure that
there is a clear understanding about what is to be delivered in the following timeboxes and to
ensure that the relevant requirements are established in detail
Table 92 – Agile Solution Delivery Pillar Two - Control Components of Agile Process
6.6 Agile Solution Delivery Pillar Three - Agile Tools and Techniques
Models and • Modelling helps the project team gain a good understanding of a business problem, issue or
Modelling process
• Accurate models reflect the realities of the business world
• Understanding can be gained by analysing the problem from different viewpoints
o Business View - uses a selection of techniques to understand and interpret the
business need and to model the business from a future perspective
o Processing View - models the system as a set of business processes, or activities, that
transform input data items to output data items
Processes can be either combined to form higher level processes, which in
turn can be combined again to form yet higher-level processes, or
decomposed into their constituent sub-processes
o Data View - models the business information as a set of objects, or entities, and the
relationships that exist between these objects
o Behavioural View - models the behavioural characteristics of the system in terms of
a set of events and states, where events cause changes in the states of the system.
Events may be generated within or external to the system
o User Interface View - models the interactions and interfaces between the system
user and the system itself
Prototypes • Prototypes provide a means to allow users ensure that the detail of the requirements is correct
• Demonstration of a prototype broadens the users' awareness of the possibilities for the new
system and assists them in giving feedback to the project team
• Accelerates the development process and increases confidence that the right system is being
• There are various types of prototype:
o Business - demonstrating the business processes and the algorithms being
implemented or automated
o Usability - investigating aspects of the user interface that do not affect functionality
o Performance and Capacity - ensuring that the system will be able to handle full
workloads successfully
o Capability/Technique – testing a particular design approach or proving a concept
Testing • In agile projects testing takes place throughout the project lifecycle and consists of:
o Validation - check that a system is fit for business purpose
o Benefit-
Benefit-Directed Testing - testing the parts of the solution that deliver the key
business benefits is the highest priority
o Error-
Error -Centric Testing
Te sting - objective of designing and running a test is to find an error
o Testing Throughout the Lifecycle - performed on all products at all stages of the
o Independent Testing - a product should be tested by someone other than its creator
o Repeatable Testing - tests must be repeatable
Configuration • The dynamic nature of agile projects means good configuration management is required
Management • Many activities are happening at once and products are being delivered at a very fast pace
• The configuration management strategy and approach must be decided and documented in
the Development/Implementation Plan before leaving the Business Study phase
Table 93 – Agile
Agile Solution Delivery Pillar Three - Agile Tools and Techniques
6.7 Agile Solution Delivery Pillar Four - Agile Solution Delivery Phases
• Users see work under construction, review and comment on it and request changes during the development of an
• Agile approach provides a generic framework for iterative solution delivery
1. Pre-Project
2. Feasibility Analysis and Study
3. Business Analysis and Study
4. Functional Model Iteration
5. Design and Build Iteration
6. Implementation
7. Post-Project
Within each of the iterated phases, there repeated cycles of four activities:
Figure 279 – Increments Delivered Within Agile Delivery Process Iterated Phases
The objective of this phase is to ensure that only the right solution delivery projects are selected for this implementation
approach. The solution delivery framework is established to maximise the likelihood of success.
The business problem to be addressed is defined. An approach such as the early engagement one described in section 4.6.4 on
page 235 or a modified and reduced version of it can be used here to ensure that the business problematic situation is defined
to an appropriate extent.
The business problem analysis should be reviewed in order to make a decision to proceed with the delivery of the solution.
Then project housekeeping activities such as governance approach and standards can be created and the project management
team assigned.
This phase assesses the feasibility of the solution to the problem. An approach such as the rapid engagement one detailed in
section 4.6.5 on page 257 or a modified and reduced version of this that creates a high-level solution design could be used
here. The feasibility analysis and study work should last 2-4 weeks. The proposed solution can then be assessed against the
agile appropriateness checklists listed in section 6.4 on page 427. The output from this step in the Feasibility Report.
You may consider developing one or more feasibility prototypes for different solution components during this phase. These
can be used to validate the approach or demonstrate the solution interfaces.
Finally, an outline implementation approach should be created during the feasibility phase. This needs to define initial
deadlines and milestones for various major phases of work and key deliverables, particularly incremental delivery dates.
These deadlines become the major control points and milestones around which the subsequent more detailed lower level
plans will be developed.
• To provide business management with initial estimates of the financial and resource requirements of the solution
delivery project team and business involvement
• Provide a basis for agreement of timescales for the proposed solution component implementation activities
• Define the high-level acceptance criteria for the proposed deliverables
• Define and agree the approach to the business study phase
• Identify the facilities which the project team will require
• Define the expected path through the agile framework for the solution delivery project
• Identify any currently known issues surrounding the implementation of the solution such a data migration and solution
transition to production
Once the initial plan has been developed, it should be validated using the following list of questions:
1. Are the estimates for effort realistic in the light of the details within the feasibility analysis?
2. Are the estimated timescales consistent with the business needs of the solution and its delivery project?
3. Have the business needs been addressed in terms of what is delivered and when?
4. Is business management able to commit to the level of business resources required for the business study and to ongoing
user involvement for the proposed duration of the project?
5. Is development management able to commit to the level of development resources required for the business study and to
ongoing involvement for the proposed duration of the solution delivery project?
6. Will all necessary facilities be available?
7. Is it clear what the decision factors for acceptance are and are they rigorous enough to define the quality of deliverables
while allowing the requirements to vary during development?
8. Are all the currently identified standards and guidelines available and for those that are not yet available, are there
sufficient resources to enable their development or procurement?
The focus is of the business study phase on the business processes affected by the solution and their information and
processing needs. The importance of business processes to solution design has been covered already in section 4.4.2 on page
Elements of the business engagement process described in section 4.6.1 on page 161 can be used to perform specific activities
during this phase.
To be successful, this phase has to be collaborative. It should use workshops that are attended by knowledgeable and
experienced business and solution architecture personnel who can quickly combine their knowledge and gain agreement
regarding the priorities of the solution implementation.
The key workshop output is the Business Area Definition. This identifies the business processes and associated information
and the groups and types of users who will be affected in any way by the introduction of the solution. The users who will be
involved in the implementation of the solution will be identified and agreement reached with their management regarding
their involvement.
• Development/Implementation Plan
• Solution Architecture Definition
• Solution Risk Log should be updated
The Business Area Definition needs to contain a high-level view of the business processes, people and information to be
supported by the proposed solution. This developed into the Functional Model during the various iterations of the Functional
Model creation. The definition must have sufficient detail to enable to creation of both the implementation plan and a
realistic business case.
The approach described in section on page 183 for defining the vision, business and system principles can be applied
in creating the Business Area Definition.
The business process analysis performed in this phase can use the method outlined in section on page 190 for
documenting business processes, entity model, capacity planning and defining the solution approach.
It needs to identify the business needs that should be supported by the proposed solution. It should refine and extend the
previously created business case to include benefits, risks, costs and impact analyses. It should outline the information
requirements of the business processes that will be supported. It should name the classes of users impacted by the
development and introduction of the proposed system. It should define the business processes and business scenarios that
need to change. It should determine all the interfaces, interactions and exchanges with other systems. It should then validate
that the proposed solution is still suitable for development using an agile iterative approach.
Generating the Prioritised Requirements List involves reviewing and prioritising the requirements identified during the
Feasibility and Business Studies so that the most important features will be implemented in preference to fewer necessary
ones that can be added later, if required and if time and resources are available. This prioritisation will be led by business
needs but will also needs to take into account the technical constraints that may cause some requirement to be fulfilled first
even though they may be less important in business terms. Operational requirements, such as security, privacy and
performance, will affect the prioritisation.
The Development/Implementation Plan can specify the plans and controls for the whole solution delivery project or just for
the next implementation increment. If the latter applies, the plan for the next increment will need added as soon as the
current increment is completed. The plan should include the schedule of timeboxes but not their details. Its objectives are:
• Refine and extend the previously create outline plan to provide a more detailed plan for activities within the solution
delivery iterations in the next phases
• Provide the development team with an overall approach for implementation
• Define the approach to any proposed prototyping activities and prioritise them
• Define the prototypes that will be developed and when
• Specify how it will be decided when a given prototyping activity should terminate
• Identify the people who will take on the various roles and responsibilities on next phases
• Identify which items are to be subject to configuration management and to outline how and what configuration controls
are to be applied
• Define the approach to be taken to testing such as what types of tests are to be run, how they are to be specified and
1. Are the timescales consistent with the business objectives in the Feasibility Report and the Business Area Definition?
2. Does the order of activities within the Development/Implementation Plan reflect the priorities and dependencies in the
Prioritised Requirements List?
3. Is the timebox schedule realistic in terms of currently estimated effort and the flow of products?
4. Does the timebox schedule reflect the need to address areas of risk at appropriate times?
5. Are all affected users identified in the Development/Implementation Plan?
6. Is the proposed user effort consistent with the needs of both the existing business processes and the development?
7. Will the necessary effort from all personnel be available when required?
8. Is the selection of the categories of prototypes feasible within the expected implementation environment?
The Solution Architecture Definition describes the solution in terms of its constituent components and their interactions. It
aims to provide a common understanding of the technical architectures to be used during solution component development,
implementation and integration. It contains a description of the any software architectures included in components of the
solution such as the major software objects or components and their interactions.
This phase consists of refining the business-based aspects of the solution and its components, building on the high-level
processing and information requirements identified during the Business Study phase.
Figure 280 – Agile Solution Delivery Phase 4 - Functional Model Iteration Phase
This phase defines what the solution will do without going into the detail of how non-functional/operational aspects. It
develops from and expands and refines the Business Area Definition created during the Business Study phase. It evolves over
the life of the solution delivery project expanding in scope and deepening in content with each pass through Functional
Model Iteration phase within an increment and with each increment. The artefacts created consist of both documents and
tangible deliverables. It provides a concrete demonstration that the functionality and data requirements to be met including
all currently known constraints. It demonstrates the feasibility of achieving the non-functional/operational requirements.
The work done during this phase can be validated using the following checklist:
1. Does the Functional Model match the needs of the business as documented during discussions and prototyping sessions?
2. Is it within the scope of the development as defined in the Business Area Definition?
3. Are all parts of the Functional Model mutually consistent?
4. Does the model contain the minimum usable subset?
5. Are all essential aspects of integrity and security contained within the Functional Model?
6. Are the requirements for system administration and management visible?
7. Are all static models (such as data storage models) consistent with the Functional Prototype(s) and vice versa?
8. Does the model give confidence that the right levels of security, privacy, performance, capacity and maintainability will
be achievable?
9. Is any necessary supporting documentation available and to an adequate standard?
6.7.5 Agile Solution Delivery Phase 5 - Design and Build Iteration Phase
In this phase, the solution is implemented to a sufficiently high standard so that it can be made available to business users
with confidence that it can be used. The previously implemented prototypes are refined to meet operational and service
management requirements.
Operational characteristics of a solution have been covered elsewhere in this book such as section on page 251. These
operational and service requirements have significant impact on the degree to which quality controls are applied to solution
components. The requirements relating to performance, reliability, security, privacy and maintainability are of particular
importance in projects that are trying to deliver a solution quickly. Decisions have to be made by the business as early as
possible in the project about what has to be done now and what can be left until later. While functional requirements can be
deferred with relative ease, operational requirements tend to be integral to the architecture of the solution and are very
difficult to resolve later in solution delivery.
Figure 283 – Iterations During Design and Build Iteration Phase
The work done during this phase can be validated using the following checklist:
1. Are all the operational and service requirements sufficiently quantified and defined?
2. Where operational and service requirements have already been addressed by a Functional Prototype, are these noted as
such in the list of operational and service requirements?
3. Have all areas identified in the high-level constraints in the Feasibility Report been considered?
4. Is the set of operational and service requirements complete and consistent both within itself and with the Functional
5. Do all the operational and service requirements add value to the business?
6. Are the operational and service requirements realistic and achievable?
1. To define the detail of how the increment being currently developed will become operational
2. To define the costs and effort in more detail, enabling management to reassess the costs and benefits of the development
This phase defines the activities needed to move the current system increment from the development environment to full
operational use. It includes not only the migration of the system itself but also the Training Strategy to ensure that the
operational system is used effectively.
The scope of a fully operational system is not just its technical components. Data must be migrated. Users must be trained.
A support model must be defined. There may be an initial hypercare period. The implementation increment must be
reviewed as soon as possible after delivery of the previous design and build phase so that the next phase of development can
be planned and started with as little delay as possible.
The work done during this phase can be validated using the following checklist:
1. Are the plans agreed with the people who will support the increment in operation?
2. Does the schedule still fit in with business needs?
3. Do the cost and effort estimates (both implementation team and user) look realistic for achieving delivery of the
4. Are the necessary resources (both implementation team and user) available to meet this plan?
5. If relevant, are the procedures for handover to maintenance and support staff clear?
6. If relevant, have the requirements for data take-on and/or system cutover been adequately considered?
7. Is the Training Strategy appropriate?
8. Have all changes to the physical environment been adequately considered?
9. Have issues relating to third parties been considered?
10. Has communication (e.g. within the organisation and external solution consumers) been considered?
This takes place after the solution has been delivered. It includes support and maintenance activities and, if necessary, a post-
implementation review to assess how the solution is being used and how it works. The objectives of this phase include:
• To ensure that the solution is and can be kept operational and to review the way it is actually being used
• To determine whether or not the proposed benefits of the solution as stated during its initial phases have been achieved
• To identify possible improvements is the solution delivery process
The post-implementation review gathers lessons learnt about the system is being used and assesses the benefits achieved.
• User documentation
• Handover documents
• Data load and migration
• Support model
• Hypercare period
• Support guide
• Operating procedures
• Backup and recovery procedures
• Disaster recovery procedures
• Build procedures
• Install procedures
• Help desk scripts
• Design documentation (taken from system architecture definition)
• Business procedures
• Service level agreements
• Training documentation
Maintenance, enhancement and solution evolution is a fact of life since business needs change. Although maintenance is
necessarily included in the Post-Project phase, it has to be considered from the very beginning of the solution delivery. Poor
solution maintainability can be risk to the business. A new solution could rapidly become a problematic, unmaintainable
legacy solution. This could then give rise to requests for it to be replaced. Maintainability and the ability to deliver quickly
should be considered together. Poor maintainability means solutions will inevitably take more resources and cost more to
maintain, take longer to change and are more likely to introduce further errors with those change and thus become
increasingly more unreliable over time.
The work done during this phase can be validated using the following checklist:
7.1 Introduction
The complete solution as described in section 2.4 on page 33 may consist of a number of acquired components. The
proportion of acquired components in solutions is growing because of a number of factors including:
• The desire by organisations to avoid custom software development and to acquire products that deliver the necessary
functionality through configuration and customisation though product customisation is not without risks – see section
3.2 on page 71
• The move to more cloud-based services and hosted applications where the hosted application is configured and
customised to suit the needs of the organisation
• Greater outsourcing of services
In its role as the creator of the complete end-to-end solution, the solution architecture function should provide leadership in
acquisition process. The solution architect needs to validate that the acquired components will work with the other solution
components to deliver a complete solution. The solution architect is not exclusively responsible for the acquisition process.
There will (or may) be a procurement function that can handle the mechanics of acquisition.
There are three broad types of acquisition that can be involved in solution architecture and solution design:
1. Acquisition of a product component of the solution that is installed on the organisation’s technology infrastructure
2. Acquisition of an externally hosted or cloud-based application or service component of the solution
3. Acquisition of an outsourced service component of the solution
Acquisition types 2 and 3 may be perceived as representing a loss of control by the information technology function.
Solutions that were previously developed by the information technology function and run and managed on its technology
infrastructure are now sourced elsewhere. However, the trend towards greater use of externally hosted or cloud-based
applications and services is a reality. Ignoring it will not make it go away. Rather it may give rise to greater shadow IT as
discussed in section 3.3.1 on page 75.
The growth in the use of externally hosted or cloud-based services requires a greater understanding of and emphasis on the
acquisition aspects of solution design. This growth requires a methodological approach underpinned by well-defined and
accepted principles. The organisation is now relying on an external service to operate its business processes. The nature of
that service, what is and is not included and what is possible must be recognised.
The challenges the organisation confronts in the face of this growth in the use externally hosted or cloud-based services are:
Many of these challenges are not new. But the dynamic of the information technology product and service supply relationship
is changing.
Organisations may find themselves forced to use externally hosted or cloud-based services because on-premises product-
based options may simply cease to exist for some solution types.
Most organisations will have an existing procurement function that is responsible for the acquisition of products and services.
The purpose of this section is not to define approach to overall solution component sourcing competence or supplier
governance competence. The objective is to define the role of solution architecture in the design of solutions where one or
more components will be delivered through acquired products installed on the organisation’s infrastructure or hosted
applications or cloud-based services. The procurement function will handle the general housekeeping activities associated
with acquisition. The solution architect will deal with the detailed specifics relating to the solution and its functionality and
operation and use.
Competence in solution sourcing is a core skill of the IT function. As mentioned previously in section 2.6 on page 50 the IT
function needs to be a lens focussing business needs on solutions. Given that the sourcing activity generally occurs during
solution design, it is a key skill of solution architecture. Vendor assessment and validation during the life of the sourcing
arrangement is also important. Sourcing should not be a “fire and forget” activity.
Product and service procurement activities will be very different for private sector and public sector organisations. The public
sector will be governed by various public procurement rules. The private sector can be more flexible and agile though it
should still follow a structured approach to ensure that the correct service is procured. Remember that procurement is a
means to an end rather than being an end in itself.
Many of the concerns relating to using hosted or cloud-based services are similar across service types: access control, data
security, data privacy, data management and data integration. Taking a strategic approach and implementing framework
approaches and solution to these common concerns makes the adoption of individual services and the transition from one
service provider to another easier and faster.
The solution architect must be able to identify potential options for product and service-based solution components and
evaluate their suitability and make recommendations accordingly. The solution architect is in a position to provide the
leadership that is necessary in these circumstances. The role of the solution architect can include some or all of the following
Section on page 212 already discussed the functional aspects, that is, what the product or service does rather than
how it is delivered, of procurement in the context of the business architecture engagement. The information issued to
potential suppliers is effectively a functional specification describing what the product or service is required to provide. This
specification must be created by the solution architect.
The procurement of externally hosted services and cloud-based services involves, among other issues, data security and
privacy concerns. These are referred to in section 4.9.3 on page 374. These relate to the how the service delivery.
It is important to remember that every product and service provision engagement comes to an end. It may happen sooner or
later. But it will happen. Ultimately, the product will be replaced or its use will be discontinued. The service will be
transitioned to a new service provider. So, every acquisition activity needs to include within it an acknowledgement of and an
ability to handle this inevitable termination.
This section is concerned with service acquisition and supplier validation and governance in the context of solution
architecture and design. This covers both the analysis and design of the service and assessing the supplier. The amount of
effort that should be spent on validating the operation of the service and the suppliers and service providers should be based
on the size, cost, importance and type of service being provided. More complex, costly, lengthy solutions/services require
greater governance.
As part of the overall solution design the solution architect needs to ascertain the viability of the acquired product or service
and to define how it interoperates with the other solution components. There are two overlapping sets of assessment and
validation services to be performed:
1. The definition of the service and its onboarding and the transfer of organisation data to it.
2. The assessment of the service provider, especially across the areas of security, availability, processing integrity,
confidentiality and privacy. This is especially important for an external service where the organisation relies on a service
hosted outside its infrastructure and where organisation data is held outside its boundaries.
There are a number of frameworks that can assist with the structured evaluation of a supplier and of a service and of the
onboarding and service transition to that supplier. Their use reduces the effort associated with and improves the quality of
such assessments. These include:
• ITIL58 – this is a service delivery management framework that can be used to assess the service framework of the product
or service supplier. ITIL is concerned with the set of processes that may be implemented by the service provider to
deliver the contracted services. In the context of service provision, ITIL should be used by the service provider and not by
the acquiring organisation.
• Service Organisation Controls60 – this is an audit approach to supplier and service provider validation. This directly
assesses the readiness and ability of the product or service supplier.
• ISPL (Information Services Procurement Library) 62 – this is a discontinued development of a set of practices for the
management of the acquisition of information technology products and services. It is mentioned here for the sake of
The solution architect should seek to reuse existing methodologies, approaches and established and proven best practices to
reduce the effort associated with performing any given area of work as well as improving quality.
The current version of COBIT is version 5 – see COBIT 2019 is being introduced –
See: This is also discussed in section
4.9.3 on page 285.
ISPL was the main deliverable from the EU SPRITE-S2 (S upport and Guidance to the PRocurement of Information and
TE lecommunication S ystems and S ervices) programme – see For more details in ISPL see:
These aspects affect how the supplier/service provided should be validated. They are effectively a set of risk factors that dictate
the level of supplier governance necessary.
• Split Between Product And Service – mix between pure product and services
• Extent Of Configuration and Customisation
Customisation – the amount of configuration and customisation changes needed to the
base solution or service to make it usable by the organisation
• Type Of Engagement – consulting/ analysis/ implementation and mix of services of these types
• Expected Duration Of Business
Busine ss Relationship – how long with the service be provided for or is contracted for
• Importance of Product/ Service – sensitivity and importance of product/service to the organisation
• Expected/ Contracted Cost – how much the product/service is expected to cost or the contracted cost
• Size/ Extent Of Product/ Service – the amount of effort and the number of parties and stakeholders involved in or
affected by the product/service
• Experience And Proven Ability Of Supplier – how experienced is the supplier in successfully delivering the
• Novelty Of Product/ Service – how new or well-proven is the underlying technology and approach of the
• Complexity Of Product/ Service – how complex is the product/service – its number of components and interfaces
• Security, Performance, Reliability, Availability Requirements Of Product/ Service – are there specific requirements
of the product/service in these areas
• Implementation/ Transition Effort And Time – what is the estimated or expected effort and time to implement or
transition to the product/service
• Availability Of Skills And Experience With Product/ Service – how readily available are skills within the organisation
The complexity model discussed in section 4.2.2 on page 100 can be applied here to evaluate the service. These factors can be
scored to derive some form of assessment of the riskiness of the service.
While this assessment is inevitably subjective and the importance of each factor is not identical, this can be used as an
indicator of the level of governance to be applied to the service.
The approach and sets of activities described in this section is based on the CMMI eSourcing Capability Model for Client
Organisations described above.
Having an accurate common understanding of the service being provided to the organisation is essential to the successful
operation and use of that service.
The solution and supplier sourcing process consists of five major phases. In the context of a specific solution design, the
solution architect should only be involved in phases two to four. The solution architect will not be exclusively involved in
these phases. There will be a wider team of which the architect will be a part. The solution architect may be involved in the
other phases.
1. Analysis and Identification – This is concerned with analysing operations and functions to identify those services,
processes, or functions that could potentially be provided by an externally hosted product or service. This defines the
general principles for this use of this type of service provision and delivery. This phase includes the following activities:
• Identifying the relevant criteria for selecting externally hosted product or service opportunities
• Identifying externally hosted product or service opportunities to meet the objectives and criteria
• Organising options for externally hosted products or services
• Developing and validating the business case for each externally hosted product or service option
• Identifying the externally hosted product or service approach and governance model for the proposed service
• Performing impact and risk analyses of the proposed externally hosted product or service action
• Making the decision whether or not to implement hosted product or service actions
2. Initiation/Transition – This is concerned with preparation for and initiation of an externally hosted product or service.
This phase includes the following activities:
• Preparing for service selection by developing the service specification and the factors for selection
• Soliciting and evaluating potential service providers
• Preparing for negotiation by having an organisational position on cost, quality and other service aspects that need to
be negotiated
• Defining the formal service level agreements and service provider performance measures
• Understanding service provider’s capabilities by gathering information about the service provider and confirming
the assumptions that impact commitments
• Establishing a formal agreement with the service provider that clearly defines the responsibilities and commitments
of the organisation and the and service provider
• Managing the effective transfer of resources needed for service delivery
3. Service Delivery – This is concerned with defining the arrangement for and then monitoring the service provider’s
service delivery capabilities, including the ongoing monitoring of service provider performance to verify that
commitments are being met, monitoring changes, management of the finances and agreements associated with the
service provision, fostering realistic expectations and performing value analysis. This phase includes the following
• Planning and tracking the externally hosted product or service management activities
• Ensuring that services are delivered according to the agreed commitments
• Managing the finances associated with the service delivery
• Identifying and controlling modifications to the services being provided or to the associated service commitments
• Facilitating problem resolution for problems that impact the service delivery
• Reconciling performance against expectations and ensuring that the service provision returns value to the
4. Service Delivery Management and Governance – This is concerned with the management functions that need to be
performed during the entire service provision lifecycle. This phase includes the following activities:
• Measure and review the organisation’s use of the service and take action to improve it
• Manage information and knowledge systems so that personnel have access to the knowledge needed to effectively
perform their work
• Measure the delivery of the service and the compliance with the operational and service level agreement
• Managing service change, enhancement and improvement
• Managing reporting and communications
• Identify and control threats to the organisation’s ability to meet its objectives and the requirements of its consumers
• Manage the technology, systems and applications infrastructure used to support delivery of service
5. Completion – This is concerned with closing down the engagement at the end of the service provision lifecycle and
either moving to a new service provider, renewing with the existing service provider or bringing the service within the
boundaries of the organisation. This phase includes the following activities:
• Planning for closing down the service and managing the agreement during the close-down period including
managing the agreement during termination proceedings, during renewal or during normal completion
• Managing the transfer of resources to the new service provider, whether it is to back to the organisation or to
another service provider including the potential transfer of people, technology infrastructure and intellectual
• Ensuring service continuity during the transfer of responsibilities for service provision
• Identifying and transferring the knowledge capital critical for the delivery of service
These represent general activities to be performed for externally provided services including hosted applications, cloud-based
services and outsourcing. They should be used as a starting point to derive a specific set of activities to be performed for a
given sourcing action.
In the following, I have separated phases two – Initiation/Transition - and three – Service Delivery - into one group and phase
four – Service Delivery Management and Governance - into a separate group. This is because phase four represents an
ongoing set of activities performed throughout service delivery. The involvement of the solution architect in this phase can be
The activities for the Initiation and Transition and Service Delivery phases are:
Figure 289 – Possible Solution Architecture Activities During Initiation/Transition and Service Delivery Phases
These are the high-level, indicative and generalised set of activities to be performed for each step. These steps can be applied
to all types of service provision. This can be used as a checklist to create a detailed set of service-specific tasks.
As referred to above, the ongoing phase represents a set of activities that can be performed during the life of the service
arrangement. The potential work for the solution architect in this phase is:
1. Identify the scope of the work and defining the approach to its performance as part of the solution design
2. Assisting in performing some of the work
One of the principles underpinning this approach is that the information technology should seek to get ahead of the curve in
establishing a framework for adopting hosted and cloud services rather than having the business function bypass it.
1. Governance Focussed – these are concerned with how the organisation approaches and implements information
technology services that are provided externally
2. Competency and Change Focussed – these are concerned with how the organisation changes itself to accommodate the
external mode of service provision
3. Operations Focussed – these are concerned with the ongoing operation of the service
Figure 290 – Possible Solution Architecture Activities During Ongoing Service Phase
This section expands on the use of the Service Organisation Controls approach described above for supplier assessment and
validation. These are a set of checks to be applied across the areas of the supplier, security, availability, processing integrity,
confidentiality and privacy. There are currently 53 controls in total across all topics. This is a generalised and detailed set of
checks that can be adapted for each service provision arrangement.
The detail of the controls across these topics is listed in the table below. This can be used as a checklist to gauge the service
supplier and to identify potential gaps during supplier selection and evaluation. The same validation process can be repeated
if necessary during the life of the service supply arrangement.
8.1 Introduction
This section looks at the topics of the solution architect and the skills, capabilities, personal characteristics and experience
they should have and of the solution architecture function. It describes a solution architect competency model and identifies
existing learning and skills frameworks that could be used to assess and improve solution architects.
It introduces the concept of a Solution Architecture Centre of Excellence in the context of the structure of the solution
architecture function.
It identifies a range of solution architecture frameworks that can be used to assist in the delivery of services.
The following is an idealised set of skills, capabilities and experience the solution architect should possess in order to perform
the role and deliver value to the information technology function and the wider business.
This is a both a broad and deep set of skills. Many of these skills are not unique to solution architecture. Many are basic skills
required to work effectively in an organisation. The individual architect may not possess all these skills. The gaps can be
identified and filled-in over time. The wider solution architecture function should have access to all these skills.
This is an informal solution architect capability model. Some of these skills will be more important than others. Each
organisation will require different sets of skills from its solution architects depending on their roles, the work to be done, the
profile of the organisation, the expected programme of work and the area in which the organisation operates. The
organisation can use this general capabilities model as a basis for deriving one that is specific to their needs.
1. Technical Skills – these are skills, knowledge and experience in the application and use of technologies and their
incorporation into solution designs
2. Analytical Thinking and Resolution Identification – these are skills in the areas of applying knowledge and experience
to situations and information and applying creativity to the identification and assessment of solution options
3. Behavioural Characteristics – these are personal characteristics, ways of performing work, interacting with others and
conducting oneself
4. Business Knowledge – these relate to knowledge about the organisation, the specific area in which it operates, partners,
suppliers and competitors and the regulatory landscape as well as the wider business environment and business operating
5. Collaboration Skills – these are skills in working with others, both within the solution architecture function and with
the wider business organisation and handling and resolving issues
6. Communication Skills – these relate to the way in which the solution architect communicates and presents ideas
7. Tools and Techniques – these are skills in various tools, methodologies, approaches and standards the solution architect
will use in performing the role
This capability model can be used to assess the skill levels of member of the solution architecture team in order to create
training and development plans. It can be used to identify high-performing individuals and team members with aptitudes in
particular areas.
The solution architect can use this model to define a programme to develop their skills. The solution architect can use this
framework to discuss their career progression with their manager.
• Knowledge of integration-
related security
Business Solution architects must This requires knowledge of • Knowledge of business
Architecture understand how to analyse business function operations architecture principles
the operation of an existing including business function
business function or entire structure, business processes, • Knowledge of organisation
organisation with a view to technologies and applications and and business function
improving its operations or systems used and information and structures
developing a new business data generated and used. Solution
function, with a strong architects must be able to design • Knowledge of organisation
focus on processes and solutions to accommodate and business function
technology in order to business architecture changes. business processes
incorporate these
components into solution • Knowledge of organisation
design. and business function
systems and technology
• Knowledge of organisation
and business function
information and data
Enterprise Solution architects must This requires a knowledge of • Knowledge of enterprise
Architecture understand the principles enterprise architecture principles architecture principles and
of enterprise architecture and standards and how they affect standards and its application
in order to design solutions
the design of solutions. The to and influence on solution
that incorporate enterprisesolution architect must work with design
architecture standards and enterprise architecture to comply
principles. with standards and to develop and
enhance those standards.
Security Solution architects must This requires a knowledge of the • Knowledge of information
Architecture understand security across security landscape as it affects the technology security principles
the solution landscape operation and use of solutions and standards across all
including identity and from authentication and access aspects of solution design and
access control, data control, role-based access rights, operation
security and privacy, data storage and movement
integration, transfer and security and encryption. The • Knowledge of security risks
exchange, infrastructure, solution architect must work with associated with solution
audit, management and the security architecture function designs
administration security in to understand security standards
Table 100 – Solution Architect Analytical Thinking and Resolution Identification Skills
As discussed in section 3.3.2 on page 80 the size and importance of solution architecture function depends on the size and
proportion of the Change the Business function to the organisation. Solution architecture is concerned about designing
problem resolutions and solutions to meet the needs of the business. If the desired, required and expected rate of change of
the organisation is low then the size of the solution architecture function will be correspondingly low.
Section 4.1 on page 91 described the organisational context of the Solution Architecture function and the organisational
components and their linkages needed to make sure than the business gets solutions that meet their needs in order to achieve
business and information technology alignment.
This is the context within which the Solution Architecture function needs to operate. The Solution Architecture function does
not operate in isolation. There is no merit is having a high-performing function if other parts of the information technology
function do not demonstrate the same degree of performance. The Solution Architecture function is part of a wider team who
all must work together to achieve results and objectives.
Section 3.3.1 on page 75 discussed the linkages that exist between the Solution Architecture function and the other
information technology functions and the business functions where the need for problem resolutions and solutions arise.
The solution architecture function should be the glue that joins all these elements together – business, business analysis, other
IT architecture disciplines and the teams involved in the delivery of the various solution components – to create usable and
used solutions designs that are translated into operable and usable solutions.
Solution architecture both works directly with the business organisation and the business analysis function to understand the
requirements for and the background of the desired solution. Solution architecture then incorporates the standards developed
by the other architecture areas into the solution design. Solution architecture works with the solution delivery and
implementation teams as the solution design is translated into reality.
The six core domain business function model introduced in section 2.4 on page 33 can be used as a framework to design the
target structure of the solution architecture function
• Strategic and Business Planning – the function needs to understand the overall business
strategy, the organisation’s information technology strategy and design its own internal
vision, strategy and business plans based on enabling the delivery of these.
• Accounting, Funding, Financing, Budgeting and Planning – the solution needs to deliver
business value. This means that it must understand its costs and understand and be able to
demonstrate the value it creates. Overall business value means some or all of achieving
efficiencies, realising cost savings, increasing consumer satisfaction, reducing time-to-market,
increasing revenue and profit and increasing competitive advantage.
• Demand and Supply Management, Capacity Forecasting and Planning – the function
• Relationship Management – the function must establish and maintain relationships with
business functions and other information technology functions.
• Business Engagement – the function must develop, maintain and enhance various business
engagement approaches such as those described in section 4.6 on page 161 that can be used
during the solution design process.
• Solution Design – the function must be able to create well-constructed and validated
solution designs.
• User Experience Design – the function must be able to create solutions that are usable.
• Quality Assurance – the function must assess and verify the quality of work to ensure it
maintains a consistent high standard.
• Benefits Assessment and Realisation – the function must be able to identify the benefits
that a solution will enable and validate that those benefits have been achieved.
• Change and Change Management – the function must be able to handle change during
business engagement and solution design.
• Service Provisioning, Service Delivery and Service Management – the function must work
with the service management function to ensure that solutions are operable, supportable and
maintainable can be transitioned to production.
• Innovation and Research – the function must constantly keep current with technology,
business and regulatory changes that will impact its workload or provide new options for
business solutions. The function must devote a portion of its effort to research to maintain
this currency.
Organisation and The function must manage resources, team structures and composition, roles and skills, reporting
Structure and management.
• Leadership and Governance – the management of the function must be able to offer
solution architecture leadership, both internally to the team and externally to the information
technology function and the wider business organisation.
• Organisation Design and Planning – the function must be structured and organised to
perform the required workload and deliver the required results.
• People Asset Management – the function must manage the team of solution architects,
recruit new staff, manage their careers, manage talent and succession, training and mentoring
• Capability Model – the function must develop and use a capability model such as the one
described in section 8.2 on page 472 to identify gaps in skills and experience and prepare
development plans accordingly.
Technology, The function must maintain an understanding of the organisation’s information technology,
Infrastructure and infrastructure and communications landscape including security, constraints, standards,
Communications technology trends, characteristics, performance requirements and any changes that are made to it.
Applications and The function must maintain an understanding of the organisation’s systems and applications
Systems landscape including underlying technology, data, operational processes, support and maintenance
and any changes that are made to them.
The function must also implement processes to manage its own data including knowledge assets.
Table 106 – Applying the Business Function Domain Model to the Solution Architecture Function
The management of the Solution Architecture function will involve mediating between three views:
1. External – making the skills and capabilities of the function known to the wider business, handling requests from
business functions for consulting and solution design engagement, understanding the scope of the work, scheduling
work, managing expectations, managing the progress and the quality of the work done and any deliverables created,
handling and resolving issues and establishing and maintaining relationships. The management must understand the
business strategy and objectives and issues facing the business. The management can also advertise the work and ability
of the function and conduct regular showcase events where new technologies and technical capabilities are demonstrated
to the business.
2. Internal – developing and managing the team, allocating work, overseeing quality reviews, providing assistance with
business engagement, recruiting, training and mentoring the team and managing talent and succession.
3. Information Technology – developing and maintaining relationships with information technology management to
understand and contribute to the development of the information technology strategy, ensuring that the services
provided comply with the overall approach agreed by the information technology management. The management must
work with other information architecture disciplines such as enterprise, security and data architecture to both
understand the standards they are evolving to ensure solutions comply with them and to assist with the development of
those standards. The management must also develop and maintain relationships with the solution delivery and service
management functions to ensure that there is continuity between design solutions and their subsequent implementation
and transition to operation and that the solution architecture function is actively involved during this work.
The solution architecture function should aspire to be a Solution Architecture Centre Of Excellence (SACOE). This is
concerned with developing a mature function that is highly-skilled at solution architecture and design and provides solution
and consulting leadership to the organisation.
Developing an SACOE requires vision and resources of both the solution architecture function and information technology
The solution architecture function has the capability to develop both the business insight and solution and technology
expertise to act as the business/technology authority and be the bridge between the business and technology domains of the
organisation. The function can thus enable the organisation achieve value and consequences such as:
• Understand, respond to and where appropriate, anticipate external business changes that will affect the organisation
• Enable the organisation to change in response to external demands and trends
• Understand the potential of new technology initiatives and capabilities and determine how the organisation can use these
to its advantage
• Ensure that solutions are aligned to the achievement of the business strategy and objectives
• Break the cycle of challenged solution delivery projects
• Differentiate the organisation and enable it to achieve operational and competitive advantage
• Ensure that value flows through the organisation to the consumer
• A solution architecture function structure along the lines of that described in section 8.3.2 on page 489
• A solution architect capability model such as that described in section 8.2 on page 472 to measure the capabilities of the
team and to create training and development plans
• A plan for its implementation and operation and the ongoing measurement of its functioning
The purpose of the SACOE is to deliver value to the organisation, both to the information technology function and to the
wider business. Value is derived from the successful delivery of solution architecture services and the impact they have on
business operation in terms of greater solution delivery success. But the delivery of solution architecture services in
themselves is not a measure of value generated. Services are a necessary but not a sufficient measure of value. Measurements
of solution architecture value cannot not be about just the number of engagements completed and the solution designs
created. However, to be held accountable and responsible for the creation of business value, the SACOE must have the
authority to create that value. Some of the issues and limitations around the design of the solution architecture function are
discussed in section 8.3.4 on page 504. The issue of solution failure is examined in section 3.1 on page 57. The solution
architecture value proposition has to work and continue to work.
The SACOE is clearly not responsible for generating all the value that the business derives from the solution. The value is
generated by the entire delivery team, from the initial business stakeholder involvement to the business using the solution and
being supported and operated by the service management and support function and the solution being maintained by the
information technology function.
Function Elements
Vision and Strategy • Vision for Solution Architecture within the Organisation
• Business Strategy, Information Technology Strategy and Solution Architecture
• Solution Architecture Principles
• Leadership
• Organisation Structure and Design
• Business Engagement Models
• Value Measurement
• Linkage to Architecture Disciplines
• Linkage to Business Analysis and Business Process Analysis
• Linkage to Solution Implementation and Delivery
• Linkage to Service Management
• Supplier Management
People Asset • Capability Model and Assessments
Management • Development and Training
• Mentoring
• Career Development and Progression
• Talent Management
• Succession Planning
• Capacity Planning and Demand Management
• Staff Augmentation
Services • Business Engagement Types
• Consulting Services
• Solution Design
• Business Case Development
• Benefits Management
• Solution Implementation and Operation Support
Function Elements
• Technology Evaluation and Recommendation
• Research and Development
• Innovation
Governance and Quality • Quality Assurance and Control
• Knowledge Management
• Artefact Development and Maintenance
• Value Measurement
• Innovation and Research
Methodologies, Tools, • Tool Selection and Use
Standards • Methodology Development and Use
• Standards Selection/Development and Use
• Standardisation – Define and adhere to standards and research and adopt proven practices that work for other
• Value for Money – Ensure that the solution architecture function delivers business value
• Integration – Ensure solutions and their components and operations integrate and interoperate
Much is made of maturity models and their ability to assess the experience and development of a function or practices.
Maturity models do not measure outputs, deliverables, achievements, value realised, outcomes generated or influenced. The
maturity model can be regarded as an indirect proxy for these results as the underlying function or practice has to be mature
to attain these or there is a correlation between maturity and achievement. However maturity and value are not identical.
Most maturity models lack rigour. There is little of any formal research into the assignment of maturity levels and the
correlation of that level to value and benefits achieved.
The following illustrates a simple example of a possible solution architecture maturity model:
There are other proven knowledge and skills frameworks that can be applied to both assess the current state of solution
architecture within the organisation. The following looks at two of these:
1. Bloom’s Taxonomy of Knowledge – the describes an approach the acquisition of knowledge across different types of
knowledge and how this could be used to both measure and improve the solution architecture function
2. Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) – this contain role definitions and skill levels and characteristics for
different levels of solution architect roles
The revised Bloom’s Taxonomy of Knowledge63 defines six levels of knowledge and its use:
1. Remember
a. Recognising
b. Recalling
2. Understand
a. Interpreting
b. Exemplifying
c. Classifying
d. Summarising
e. Inferring
f. Comparing
g. Explaining
3. Apply
a. Executing
b. Implementing
4. Analyse
a. Differentiating
b. Organising
c. Attributing
5. Evaluate
a. Checking
b. Critiquing
6. Create
a. Generating
b. Planning
c. Producing
1. Factual Knowledge
a. Knowledge of terminology
b. Knowledge of specific details and elements
2. Conceptual Knowledge
a. Knowledge of classifications and categories
This refers to the knowledge model defined in A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing: a revision of Bloom's taxonomy of
educational objectives Anderson, Lorin W.; Krathwohl, David R.; Bloom, Benjamin S . ISBN 0321084055. Information on this
knowledge model is widely available. For an example, see:
While Bloom’s Taxonomy of Knowledge is designed for use in the area of education, it can be more widely applied. It is
underpinned by substantial academic research.
This results in a 24-cell knowledge application process and knowledge type matrix.
This framework could be adapted to assess the state of the solution architecture function and of individual team members.
The four knowledge types as applied to solution architecture could be as follows:
This approach could be used to assess the current state of knowledge within the solution architecture team and to identify
gaps that need to be filled.
One other skills framework that could be adapted to assess the state of the solution architecture function and of individual
team members and to develop a plan to address any gaps is the Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA)64. This is
an information technology specific skills and competency framework. It aims to describe the skills and competencies required
by information technology professionals across a variety of roles in the areas of:
The SFIA is free to use for individual organisations. It is a very broad model and so is not very detailed for specific skills.
The model can be used in a number of organisational roles at various levels. At the organisation level, it can be used to
determine current and future strategic capability planning and for aligning organisational capabilities to information
technology and business strategies.
At the business function level, it can be used for measuring current skill levels and planning for future capacity requirements,
creating role specifications, managing and deploying resources and identifying risks related to teams and developing people
management plans.
1. Follow
2. Assist
3. Apply
4. Enable
5. Ensure, Advise
6. Initiate, Influence
7. Set Strategy, Inspire, Mobilise
1. Autonomy
2. Influence
3. Complexity
4. Knowledge
5. Business Skills
Skill L evel Autonomy Influence Complexity Knowledge Business Skills
1. Follow
2. Assist
3. Apply
4. Enable
5. Ensure, Advise
6. Initiate, Influence
7. Set Strategy, Inspire, Mobilise
Within the SFIA the Solution Architecture skill belongs in the Technical Strategy And Planning sub-category within the
Strategy And Architecture category. So the SFIA framework takes quite a narrow view of solution architecture rather than
the broader view this book advocates.
It assigns skill levels 4 to 6 to solution architecture with level 4 representing the most junior of the solution architect roles and
level 6 representing the most senior in the SFIA skills framework.
The characteristics and behaviour of each of the solution architect skill levels is defined in terms of:
• Autonomy
• Influence
• Complexity
• Knowledge
• Business Skills
The following table defines the characteristics of the level 4 or junior solution architect:
Attribute Characteristics
Autonomy • Works under general direction within a clear framework of accountability
• Exercises substantial personal responsibility and autonomy Plans own work to meet given
objectives and processes
Influence • Influences customers, suppliers and partners at account level
• May have some responsibility for the work of others and for the allocation of resources
Participates in external activities related to own specialism
• Makes decisions which influence the success of projects and team objectives
• Collaborates regularly with team members, users and customers
• Engages to ensure that user needs are being met throughout
Complexity • Work includes a broad range of complex technical or professional activities, in a variety of
• Investigates, defines and resolves complex issues
Knowledge • Has a thorough understanding of recognised generic industry bodies of knowledge and
specialist bodies of knowledge as necessary
• Has gained a thorough knowledge of the domain of the organisation
• Is able to apply the knowledge effectively in unfamiliar situations and actively maintains own
knowledge and contributes to the development of others
• Rapidly absorbs new information and applies it effectively
Attribute Characteristics
• Maintains an awareness of developing practices and their application and takes responsibility
for driving own development
Business Skills • Communicates fluently, orally and in writing, and can present complex information to both
technical and non-technical audiences
• Plans, schedules and monitors work to meet time and quality targets
• Facilitates collaboration between stakeholders who share common objectives
• Selects appropriately from applicable standards, methods, tools and applications
• Fully understands the importance of security to own work and the operation of the
• Seeks specialist security knowledge or advice when required to support own work or work of
immediate colleagues
Table 114 – SFIA Skill Attributes for Solution Architecture Skill Level 4
The following table defines the characteristics of the level 5 or mid-range solution architect:
Attribute Characteristics
Autonomy • Works under broad direction
• Work is often self-initiated
• Is fully responsible for meeting allocated technical and/or project/supervisory objectives
• Establishes milestones and has a significant role in the assignment of tasks and/or
Influence • Influences organisation, customers, suppliers, partners and peers on the contribution of
own specialism
• Builds appropriate and effective business relationships
• Makes decisions which impact the success of assigned work, i.e. results, deadlines and budget
• Has significant influence over the allocation and management of resources appropriate to
given assignments
• Leads on user/customer collaboration throughout all stages of work
• Ensures users’ needs are met consistently through each work stage.
Complexity • Performs an extensive range and variety of complex technical and/or professional work
• Undertakes work which requires the application of fundamental principles in a wide and
often unpredictable range of contexts
• Understands the relationship between own specialism and wider customer/organisational
Knowledge • Is fully familiar with recognised industry bodies of knowledge both generic and specific
• Actively seeks out new knowledge for own personal development and the mentoring or
coaching of others
• Develops a wider breadth of knowledge across the industry or business
• Applies knowledge to help to define the standards which others will apply.
Business Skills • Demonstrates leadership
• Communicates effectively, both formally and informally
• Facilitates collaboration between stakeholders who have diverse objectives
• Analyses, designs, plans, executes and evaluates work to time, cost and quality targets
• Analyses requirements and advises on scope and options for continuous operational
• Takes all requirements into account when making proposals
• Demonstrates creativity, innovation and ethical thinking in applying solutions for the benefit
of the customer/stakeholder
• Advises on the available standards, methods, tools and applications relevant to own
specialism and can make appropriate choices from alternatives
• Maintains an awareness of developments in the industry
• Takes initiative to keep skills up to date
Attribute Characteristics
• Mentors colleagues
• Assesses and evaluates risk.
• Proactively ensures security is appropriately addressed within their area by self and others
• Engages or works with security specialists as necessary
• Contributes to the security culture of the organisation
Table 115 – SFIA Skill Attributes for Solution Architecture Skill Level 5
The following table defines the characteristics of the level 6 or senior solution architect:
Attribute Characteristics
Autonomy • Has defined authority and accountability for actions and decisions within a significant area
of work, including technical, financial and quality aspects
• Establishes organisational objectives and assigns responsibilities
Influence • Influences policy and strategy formation. Initiates influential relationships with internal and
external customers, suppliers and partners at senior management level, including industry
• Makes decisions which impact the work of employing organisations, achievement of
organisational objectives and financial performance
Complexity • Has a broad business understanding and deep understanding of own specialism(s)
• Performs highly complex work activities covering technical, financial and quality aspects.
Contributes to the implementation of policy and strategy
• Creatively applies a wide range of technical and/or management principles.
Knowledge • Promotes the application of generic and specific bodies of knowledge in own organisation
• Has developed business knowledge of the activities and practices of own organisation and
those of suppliers, partners, competitors and clients.
Business Skills • Demonstrates clear leadership
• Communicates effectively at all levels to both technical and non-technical audiences
• Understands the implications of new technologies
• Understands and communicates industry developments, and the role and impact of
technology in the employing organisation
• Absorbs complex information
• Promotes compliance with relevant legislation and the need for services, products and
working practices to provide equal access and equal opportunity to people with diverse
• Takes the initiative to keep both own and colleagues' skills up to date
• Manages and mitigates risk
• Takes a leading role in promoting security throughout own area of responsibilities and
collectively in the organisations
Table 116 – SFIA Skill Attributes for Solution Architecture Skill Level 6
The SFIA framework can be adapted for use in measuring the capabilities of individual solution architects and of the wider
solution architecture function.
This section examines some negative issues that can arise with the design and structure of the solution architecture function
and how they can be identified and their impact minimised.
As I mentioned earlier, the work of the solution architecture function has to be measured by the value it creates rather than
the services it provides and the outputs it produces or contributes to. The former is a direct measure. The latter are at best
indirect measures and can give rise to artificial incentives to do unnecessary work.
Dr Melvin Conway wrote a short article in April 196865 on the subject of systems design. Over 50 years later it is still as
insightful as when it was originally written. It stands as a warning to the solution architecture function on how its designs
solutions and how it structures itself. The article gave rise to the concept of Conway’s Law:
The basic thesis of this article is that organizations which design systems (in the broad sense used here) are
constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these
organizations We have seen that this fact has important implications for the management of system design.
Primarily, we have found a criterion for the structuring of design organizations: a design effort should be
organized according to the need for communication.
The core concept is that because many different people in an organisation are involved in the design of a (complex) solution
and its components, the structure of the system and the interfaces between its components reflects the way the individuals
involved in the design communicate. That communication occurs along the lines of the structure of the organisation.
• Design By Committee – where the solution is designed by a group where individuals are advocating different
viewpoints and where the design incorporates compromises aimed at pacifying individuals rather than for pure solution
technical need. It is frequently an example of Parkinson's Law of Triviality66 where a disproportionate effort is
expended on minor design elements.
• Scope or Feature Creep – where additional features are added to the solution not because they are needed or desirable
but are included as a result of compromise.
The article contained some other observations on the solution design process and on the operation of the solution design
Parkinson's Law67 plays an important role in the overassignment of design effort. As long as the manager's
prestige and power are tied to the size of his budget, he will be motivated to expand his organization. This is an
inappropriate motive in the management of a system design activity. Once the organization exists, of course, it
will be used. Probably the greatest single common factor behind many poorly designed systems now in
existence has been the availability of a design organization in need of work.
A solution architecture function grows in size. There is greater prestige to being the manager of a large function. It then must
justify its size by producing overcomplicated designs and implementing design processes that are intrinsically time-
consuming and not value-adding. The structure of the wider organisation ensures the design function is incentivised to
become large. The large design function then creates work for itself to justify its size and existence. Conway’s response to this
Ways must be found to reward design managers for keeping their organizations lean and flexible. There is need
for a philosophy of system design management which is not based on the assumption that adding manpower
simply adds to productivity. The development of such a philosophy promises to unearth basic questions about
How Do Committees Invent? - Design Organization Criteria
“The time spent on any item of the agenda will be in inverse proportion to the sum involved.” Parkinson's Law, and Other Studies in
Administration Cyril Northcote Parkinson and Robert Osborn ISBN 978-8087888919 Houghton Mifflin, 1957.
“Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion... The importance of Parkinson's Law lies in the fact that it is a law of
growth based upon an analysis of the factors by which that growth is controlled.” Parkinson's Law, and Other Studies in Administration
Cyril Northcote Parkinson and Robert Osborn ISBN 978-8087888919 Houghton Mifflin, 1957.
value of resources and techniques of communication which will need to be answered before our system-
building technology can proceed with confidence.
The solution design process Conway describes in his article and where organisational problems arise can be described as
Conway’s Law is a warning rather than a prediction. It provides an insight into the solution design problems that can occur if
the solution architecture function, the solution design structures, processes and function are not optimised (and continually
re-optimised). What it describes does not have to happen, but all too frequently does.
The main result of this paper provides conditions under which, in the limit, a random group of intelligent
problem solvers will outperform a group of the best problem solvers.
solvers Our result provides insights into the
trade-off between diversity and ability. An ideal group would contain high-ability problem solvers who are
Our result has implications for organizational forms and management styles, especially for problem-solving
firms and organizations. In an environment where competition depends on continuous innovation and
introduction of new products, firms with organizational forms that take advantage of the power of functional
diversity should perform well. The research we cited earlier by computer scientists and organizational theorists
who explore how to best exploit functional diversity becomes even more relevant. Most importantly, though,
our result suggests that diversity in perspective and heuristic space should be encouraged. We should do more
Groups of diverse problem solvers can outperform groups of high-
high- ability problem solvers Lu Hong and Scott E. Page
See also: Teams Solve Problems Faster When They’re More Cognitively Diverse by Alison Reynolds David Lewis
than just exploit our existing diversity. We may want to encourage even greater functional diversity, given its
One important aspect of solution architecture is problem-solving and the identification of optimum solutions to problems.
The concept of cognitive diversity as a contributing factor to solution design can be illustrated using the concept that
solutions to problems can be represented as minima on a graph.
When you are on the graph, how do you know that the minimum value you have found represents the absolute lowest value
or just a local minimum without navigating through the entire graph?
Where the team has a narrowly focussed set of skills, they will tend to focus on the same (perhaps sub-optimal) solution.
Figure 303 – Solution Identification Where the Team Has a Narrowly Focussed Set of Skills
1. Knowledge/Experience/Skills – “tangible” diversity – measure of specific skills that are not directly relevant to the
domain of the organisation
2. Mindset/Viewpoint/Attitude/Frame
Mindset/Viewpoint/Attitude /Frame Of Reference – “intangible” diversity – measure of creativity/ originality/
3. Extent Of Cognitive Diversity – Need to find an appropriate level/amount for the organisation to balance benefits and
The abilities of individuals grow slowly over time. Collective organisation diversity can grow more quickly.
It is common for organisations, when hiring, to look for people with specific skills in the domain or industry in which the
organisation operates: banks look for people with banking skills, pharmaceutical companies look for pharmaceutical skills
and experience and so on. This bias also occurs across the dimensions of age, gender, race and ethnicity.
Organisations and those in them who hire new staff tend to look for people with similar skills and experience, reinforcing bias
and ensuring similarity. This is an example of an organisation’s comfort zone – where the organisation remains and repeats
what it is familiar and comfortable with. Organisations reproduce themselves through unconscious reinforcement and bias.
Organisations consequently have difficulty in reacting to change, introducing innovations and achieving necessary
transformation. New organisations with new structures perform well initially and overtake established ones until they too
become affected by embedded lack of cognitive diversity and are themselves overtaken.
The business processes of most organisations can be generalised into three common groups:
1. Core Operational Processes – drive and operate the organisation, deliver value, support external party interactions
2. Management and Support Processes – internal processes and associated business functions that enable the operation
and delivery of the core operational processes
3. Vision,
Vision, Strategy, Business Management – processes that measure, control and optimise the operational and support
processes and set the direction of the organisation
Instead of looking for domain-specific skills, organisation can (and should) look for excellence in those process areas that are
common to all organisations. This is similar to benchmarking69 where organisations seek to compare their business processes
and performance metrics to industry bests and best practices from other companies and learn from those who achieve
superior performance.
Cognitive diversity in the solution architecture function is an enabler of innovation and more effective problem resolution.
However, there is a balance to be struck with cognitive diversity. Too little can result in:
But too much diversity can also have negative consequences such as:
There are no simple and objective cognitive diversity metrics. There are attempts to develop complex measures based on
cognitive distance of members of the group and to quantify the cognitive synergy of the group70. These measures can be quite
subjective. Any subjective measure of cognitive diversity may itself be biased and may not represent actual and effective
cognitive diversity that delivers successful outcomes.
The right balance of cognitive diversity for any solution architecture function involves a balance of the three factors listed
1. Knowledge/Experience/Skills
Know ledge/Experience/Skills – “tangible” diversity – measure of specific skills that are not directly relevant to the
domain of the organisation
3. Extent Of Cognitive Diversity – Need to find an appropriate level/amount for the organisation to balance benefits and
The value of cognitive diversity to organisations is greatest in the thinking areas such as solution architecture. Achieving
cognitive diversity can be painful and challenging. Managing diverse teams can be difficult.
For an example, see Cognitive Distance, Absorptive Capacity and Group Rationality: A Simulation Study
Petru Lucian Curşeu, Oleh Krehel, Joep H. M. Evers, Adrian Muntean
Solution architecture tools and techniques can be useful in increasing productivity, expanding reuse of previous work and
introducing precision and rigour into the solution design and business engagement processes and the subsequent solution
implementation. Tools can augment the solution design process and assist with the creation of business value.
• Other tools and techniques that can be useful to the solution architecture in the solution design process
The use of tools has a cost in terms overhead, training, enforcement of standards, building-up a repository of solutions to
make the tool usable and management of the environment. The tools should delivery benefits that exceed their usage costs.
There is a tendency to see the tool as a panacea that will resolve all problems. The reality is that a tool offers some benefits but
imposes operating constraints, overheads, burdens and requirements that make the benefits of the use less than clear-cut.
Repository-based tools generally require more, in some cases, considerably more input effort. In return they give you the
ability to generate more outputs, views and reports. They also make long-term maintenance of the input information easier.
But they also require that the information repository is kept current which involves a maintenance effort.
The tool is ultimately only as good and as useful as the people using it and the effort expended in become fluent in its use. The
value from a tool is derived from its continued and widespread use. Expecting a tool to magically solve all your problems is
simply irrational.
Tools also tend to incorporate their own representation and display language. This must be learned both by the users of the
tool and the consumers of the outputs of the tool. If the language is complex this may not offer any benefits. The use of
representation languages is covered in other sections – Archimate in section on page 518 and BPMN in section on page 151.
There are two competing sets of requirements of any solution representational language or approach relating to simplicity
and complexity. Simplicity is good for communication where a simple message can be expressed and understood quickly.
Complexity is needed to include all the solution detail needed both to understand the scope of the solution to create accurate
resource estimates and then to itemise the work to be done. The ideal approach supports both and can easily move from one
to the other.
The representational language or approach needs to enable participation and sharing between the solution designers, the
business solution stakeholders and the delivery and service introduction functions. This ensures that the business knows what
the solution will do and how it will operate, eliminating surprises during later solution delivery.
• The approach allows the solution to be represented at different levels of complexity. Solutions that are complex consist of
multiple interacting components. So, the understanding the entire scope (its breadth) of the solution is more important
than understanding the detail (its depth). The representation approach needs to be able to handle complexity to enable
the solution and its components and options to be analysed. The decomposition of the solution to different levels of
detail allows information appropriate to that level to be considered. The analysis of lower levels of detail can be deferred.
• The approach needs to handle to analysis of data and the processing or functional elements of the solution. As I
mentioned throughout this book, data breathes life into a solution and cannot be ignored in all its states – creation,
transportation, processing and retention - during solution design. Data is not a consideration after the solution has been
designed. It is a principal solution design factor.
• The approach should include at its heart a visualisation and graphical representation of solution structure and its
constituent parts, solution boundaries, component relationships, interactions and integrations, data flows and processing
with drill-down and drill-up to the levels of solution design complexity referred to above. Pictures communicate
understanding and meaning with far greater ease than long sections of narrative. The approach can include a formal
graphical notation but this must be easy to create and to understand. The requirement to use separate tools to create the
representation or to learn the representation notation militates against its usability and utility.
• The approach should emphasise simplicity over complexity. Complexity is acceptable when information is being
exchanged between technical staff. Ease of understanding and use is more important when communicating concepts to
business stakeholders and non-technical solution design participants.
• The approach should allow related sets of functions to be partitioned and examined separate from other solution
components. This allows the areas of concern of different sets of business solution stakeholders to be isolated and
analysed without reference to the complexity of the entire solution.
A common and consistent approach allows all participants to become fluent in its use and to derive value.
• Solution entities and elements are created once and can be maintained thereafter so information is consistent. This
means the tool includes some form of entity data store. Entities should be uniquely identified and this identification
should appear of all .
• The tool should maintain a library of entities and interaction types with pre-defined characteristics.
• The tools should allow the creation of solution implementation detailed outputs that can be passed to the delivery team.
• Create multiple solution design options to allow their differences to be analysed to understand the optimum solution.
• Support simulation of solution operation and use to analyse and validate performance, throughput and usage.
• To make the solution design process easier, faster, more repeatable, to ensure quality, to enforce standards and to allow
sharing and reuse.
• To enable better management of the solution design process across all solution designs and across the solution
architecture function.
• To allow the unambiguous communication of solution designs to solution stakeholders: consumers, implementers,
delivery managers.
The tools should embody a solution design engagement process that allows their application as designs are being evolved.
Ideally there would be a standard solution architecture description language (SADL) that could be used across the solution
design and delivery process. In reality, there are a large number of partially developed SADLs. As with the solution usability
standards listed in section 4.7 on page 311 many of these are old, partially developed, incomplete and are no longer being
enhanced. Many arose from an academic context and never transitioned to be being used in a commercial environment. They
also tend to focus largely on software development rather than on wider solution design. The state of solution architecture
description language development and use is poor.
The following table lists a small subset of the available SADL and related toolsets. There are far too many to list here. Such a
list would largely pointless. There is a longer list available from
Architectural Description
Description Links Status
AADL Architecture Analysis and Design Language Not being
currentsite/ developed actively
It is aimed at the design of real-time performance-
critical distributed computer systems, There is a commercial tool This is not suitable
called STOOD that for general solution
This was developed by the SAE International implements AADL - design activities
(initially the Society of Automotive Engineers - roducts/stood/
Architectural Description
Description Links Status
byADL Build Your ADL Not being
This is aimed at developing ADLs for use in
software rather than solution architecture
ISO/IEC/ IEEE Systems and software engineering - Architecture Current
42010 description rd/50508.html
Architectural Description
Description Links Status
full UML description of a software product is
USL Universal Systems Language Current
SSADM belongs to the era of systems analysis and the systems analyst role as discussed in section 2.3 on page 30. While it is a
very old methodology and design technique, its principles can be easily applied to solution architecture. There is much to
recommend in the SSADM approach to solution design.
As it was designed and used, SSADM took a very sequential (waterfall) approach to solution design and placed substantial
emphasis on the creation of documentation. However, the approach can be used without adhering rigidly to these usage
SSADM involves the application of a sequence of analysis, documentation and system design tasks. It uses a combination of
narrative and diagrams throughout the life cycle of the design of a system from the initial design idea to its actual physical
SSADM uses a combination of three core solution design and operation techniques:
• Logical Data Modelling – This is the static view of the solution. This involves identifying, modelling and describing the
data elements and requirements of the system under design. This is described in an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD).
The output is a data model containing entities (units about which the solution needs to hold information), attributes
(data characteristics of the entities) and relationships (links between entities).
• Data Flow Modelling – This is the dynamic view of the solution. This involves identifying, modelling and describing
how data flows around the system. This is described in a Data Flow Diagram (DFD). Data Flow Modeling involves
defining the following data elements
• Data Processes – these tasks and activities that transform source data to target data
• Data Stores – this is where data is held with differing degrees of persistence
• External Data Source/Target Entities –these are entities that transmit data to the system or receive data from the
• Entity Life History (ELH) – This is a time-oriented view of the solution. This shows the solution from the viewpoint of
how the entities and data in the solution changes over time. The ELH aims to show the complete full set of changes that
can occur to the entities and data with the context of each change. An ELH is a diagrammatic representation of the life of
a single entity, from its creation to its deletion. The life is expressed as the permitted sequence of events that can cause the
entity to change. An event may be thought of as whatever brings a process into action to change entities, so although it is
a process that changes the entity, it is the event that is the cause of the change.
The flaws in the current solution with respect to the business requirements will be identified.
The objectives and constraints of the proposed new solution will be defined.
This step will also determine the feasibility of the solution. A set of high-level solution options will be identified and analysed
in terms of their:
• Financial feasibility – how much will the solution cost and what benefits will it generate?
• Technical feasibility – can the solution be implemented and can the operational requirements be delivered?
• Service feasibility – can the solution be introduced into the organisation and can it be operated and used? Can the
required organisation changes be achieved?
There are other types of solution feasibility headings such as Legal/Regulatory/Compliance and Security.
The output from this step is a solution feasibility report that covers:
The processes implemented by the current solution are described. The data used by and created by the processes are
described. The performance of the processes is described. Solution
Solution Construction and Implementation
The solution is implemented. This can include:
• Component acquisition
• Component development
• Unit, integration and system testing
• User acceptance testing
• Data migration and load
• Solution documentation and training
• Transition to production and support Archimate
I am including a separate brief section on the Archimate visual model representation format because it can be of use in
solution architecture engagements where business-level and high-level solution and technical capabilities and associated
processes are to be described visually. It is not meant to be used for detailed modelling.
Even though Archimate is intended to be applied in an enterprise architecture context, it can be just as easily applied to
solution architecture.
Archimate is a model representation language. It has its own set of symbols, grammar and syntax. It has the potential to
provide a common language between IT and business to describe in a (reasonably) unambiguous and rigorous way. However,
to be useful, both parties must understand the language and trust that it can be used to represent their needs.
Archimate can be viewed as an inflected entity relationship representational language where language elements are
represented by adding symbols to the basic entity. The successful use of Archimate depends on all those involved knowing the
vocabulary of inflections.
Like any other descriptive approach, Archimate is only useful if it can generate value, that is, if the cost of adopting and using
it is less than the benefits it creates. There are many tools including open source ones71 that implement Archimate. Once the
organisation and architecture information is entered into the model, it can be viewed graphically.
The horizontal bars represent layers of the Archimate representation language. They are levels at which the organisation can
be modelled or described.
Layers Description
Layers Description
Strategy Establish high-level business goals, architecture principles and initial business requirements
Business Describes the business architecture of an enterprise - structure and interaction between the
business strategy, organisation, functions, business processes and information needs
Application Describes the information systems architectures of the enterprise - structure and interaction of the
Technology Describes the technology architecture of the enterprise - structure and interaction of the platform
services and logical and physical technology components
Physical Describes physical facilities and equipment, distribution networks and materials
Implementation Describes the support of implementation and migration through the opportunities and solutions
and Migration identification, migration planning and implementation governance
The vertical bars represent aspects. These represent characteristics related to the concerns of different stakeholders.
Aspect Description
Active Structure Active structure elements are the subjects that can perform behaviour
• Internal active structure element - represents entities that are capable of performing
behaviour - business actors, application components and nodes
• External active structure element - represents a point of access where one or more services
are provided to the environment and the interfaces that expose this behaviour to the
environment. The interface provides an external view of the service and hides its internal
Passive Structure
Structure Passive structure elements are accessed by behaviour elements. They are frequently information or
data objects but can also represent physical objects
Behaviour Behaviour elements represent the dynamic aspects of the enterprise:
• Internal behaviour
behaviour element - unit of activity performed by one or more active structure
The intersections of the horizontal aspects and the vertical layers contain elements that describe the constituent parts of the
architecture and their set of characteristics. These elements are components that are used to construct the architecture model.
Not all intersections contain elements.
Business Role Responsibility for performing specific behaviour, to which an actor can be
assigned, or the part an actor plays in a particular action or event
Business Process A sequence of business behaviours that achieves a specific outcome such as a
defined set of products or business services
Business Function Collection of business behaviours based on a chosen set of criteria (typically
required business resources and/or competencies), closely aligned to an
organisation, but not necessarily explicitly governed by the organisation
Business Unit of collective business behaviour performed by (a collaboration of) two
Interaction or more business roles
Business Event Business behaviour element that denotes an organisational state change that
may originate from and be resolved inside or outside the organisation
Business Service An explicitly defined exposed business behaviour
Meaning Knowledge or expertise present in, or the interpretation given to, a core
element in a particular context
Value Relative worth, utility, or importance of a core element or an outcome
Simplistically, the Solution on a Page representation described in section Steps 1-7 – Solution on a Page on page 270 could be
represented in Archimate as follows:
The data integration options described in section 4.8.5 on page 339 could be represented in Archimate as:
Figure 318 – Archimate Representation of Sample Data Integration and Exchange Options
The solution data landscape described in section 4.8.2 on page 326 could be represented in Archimate as:
Clearly there is greater rigour in formal representations of solution designs. This is achieved at the expense of greater
complexity. I will leave the reader to decide if this approach has merit.
The following table lists some information technology architecture - encompassing some or all of enterprise architecture,
business architecture and solution architecture - methodologies, languages, tools, frameworks and approaches. Some of these
can be adapted to be used for solution architecture and the solution design process.
Business The TM Forum is a telecommunications industry Proprietary and
Process association. Its Frameworx Architecture includes business-process- current
Framework Application (TAM), Business Process (eTOM) and framework/
(eTOM)/ Information (SID) frameworks. While aimed at
Frameworx telecommunications companies, it can be more
widely applied to other utility-type organisations. collaboration/frameworx-
Common Archived
Approach to
Federal es/omb/assets/egov_docs/c
Enterprise ommon_approach_to_fede
Architecture ral_ea.pdf
CORA Model CORA describes a Common Reference Architecture Current
for IT for implementing solutions, managing complexity m/
Application and risk and introducing innovation.
Data This is aimed at data architectures. It is described in Current
Management more details in section 4.8 on page 321. tent/body-knowledge
Book of
Department of Department of National Defence / Canadian Armed Current
National Forces Architecture Framework (DNDAF). /about-policies-
Defence/Canad standards/
ian Armed This describes an enterprise architecture lifecycle
Forces management approach that includes governance,
Architecture design, building, analysis and change management.
Dragon1 This is a visualisation tool for representing and Current
analysing an organisation’s enterprise architecture. enterprise-architecture-
1. Infrastructure architecture
2. Software architecture
3. Business architecture
4. Governance IT governance,
5. Principles about the development of
architectural principles
EAM Pattern This is a library of Enterprise Architecture Current
Catalog Management pattern. It aims to describe possible
solutions for recurring problems. These can be hvpv2y2/Enterprise-
adapted to a specific enterprise context. Architecture-
Enterprise This aims to be a reference of ready-to-use Current
Architecture knowledge concerning enterprise architecture.
Body of
ESS Enterprise This is the European Statistical System Enterprise Archived
Architecture Architecture Reference Framework (ESS EARF). at/cros/content/ess-
Reference More information is available from: enterprise-architecture-
Framework reference-framework_en
Essential This relates to the Essential enterprise architecture Current
Architecture tool. This is a commercial product.
European Space ESA-AF aims to describe a basis for enterprise Current
Agency architecture and systems of systems engineering by esa-architecture-
Architecture defining a common architecture definition language framework
Framework and processes. It is tailored to ESA’s needs but can
be applied elsewhere.
Extreme This is based on the book Handbook of Enterprise Current
Architecture Systems Architecture in Practice. /post/extreme-
Framework architecture-framework-a-
Gartner’s Gartner acquired this when the acquired the Meta Archived
Enterprise Group in 2005. It is not being developed. oc/486650/gartners-
Architecture enterprise-architecture-
Framework process-framework
IASA Information Technology Architecture Body of Current
Knowledge (ITABoK) 3.0 Global Business k3_0/
Technology Architecture contains a range of tools
and resources aimed at IT architects.
Leading This is a commercially available set of Enterprise Current
Enterprise Architecture Standards.
Architecture standards/enterprise-
Development architecture/
( LEAD)ing
MEGAF MEGAF is a generic meta model for software Archived
architecture meta models that aims to provide
• Business Architecture
• Information Architecture
• Technology Architecture
• Solution Architecture
• Capability Viewpoint
• Data and Information Viewpoint
• Operational Viewpoint
• Project Viewpoint
• Services Viewpoint
• Standards Viewpoint
• Systems Viewpoint
The topic of innovation is covered in greater detail in other publications. The purpose of this brief section is to discuss
innovation within the context of the solution architecture function and the contribution it can make.
The word Innovation is being used and misused pervasively without a clear definition, meaning or understanding of what is
really meant. Innovation is not just about having ideas. Innovation is about driving the generation of good ideas and ensuring
their appropriate adoption. Innovation is about generating business value: an idea without implementation has little merit.
Given the potentially large number of innovation ideas, organisations can waste resources and effort in evaluating ideas that
will have little business impact. The innovation process needs to link innovation ideas to business objectives so their potential
business impact and value can be assessed quickly.
Innovation can involve a new idea or an existing idea or process that is improved or an existing idea or process that is
implemented or applied elsewhere in the organisation. Innovation extends creativity to the implementation of ideas and the
generation of value.
Figure 322 – Types of Innovation
• Radical Innovation - Fundamental Change Or Fundamentally New Categories Of System, Process, Concept, Device,
Disruptive, Radical, Discontinuous
• Innovation By Reapplication - Application Of Existing System, Process, Concept, Device In A New Domain
Some regard Innovation By Reapplication as a business as usual function rather than pure innovation.
Innovation is not necessarily one big idea. It can be a small idea or a combination of smaller ideas. Greater value sometimes
can be obtained more quickly by the application of smaller changes.
To be good at innovation means to be good at change. Innovation implies and requires change. It exposes an organisation to
change. Successful innovation means welcoming change and being able to successfully deliver change. Simply put, if you
cannot change, you cannot innovate. This tends to be a forgotten dimension of innovation. However, once the organisation
becomes good at innovation and change, this reinforces the culture of innovation, creating a virtuous circle .
Section 3.3.1 on page 75 referred to the ways in which the IT architecture disciplines should and can contribute to the success
of the business:
1. By taking the needs of the business for business solutions and supporting and enabling technologies into an information
technology infrastructure and a portfolio of business solutions
2. By identifying potential uses for new technologies to enable the business to operate more effectively
This is a two-way model of innovation where the information technology function is well-placed to offer innovation services,
skills and expertise to the business organisation. Most business innovations will have a technology dimension or will require
technology to being achieved. However, for the information technology function to do this, it must be able to offer these
services and must be regarded by the business as a credible supplier of those services.
The topic of innovation was examined briefly in the topic on digital architecture and organisation transformation in Chapter
5 on page 391. Digital architecture is implicitly concerned with changing the way the organisation interacts with its
consumers, suppliers and partners using information technology. This means there is a need to innovate in order to
successfully implement initiatives such as digital transformation. However, digital transformation is not synonymous with
innovation. Innovation is a much more general organisational capability.
Section 3.3.2 on page 80 referred to the run-the-business/change-the-business profile of the organisation. Innovation needs to
be balanced against run-the-business activities. Too much innovation and associated organisation change can be disruptive
and inefficient. Within the information technology function, solution architecture and the solution designs it creates are the
primary means by which information technology solution changes are introduced into to the organisation. So just as the
information technology function is well-placed to offer innovation services, the solution architecture function within
information technology is best-placed to offer these services.
Any innovation process needs to include a fast, light-touch stage for validating and filtering innovation concepts, including
their rejection if there is not sufficient value. The engagement section of this book (section 4.6 on page 161) describes a
number of different engagement types that can be used as part of the innovation process to quickly evaluate the solution-
related aspects of a business problem or challenge:
• The early engagement process (section 4.6.4 on page 235) can be used to explore the innovation concept in a structured
• The rapid solution design process (section 4.6.5 on page 257) can be applied to define the specific of the solution required
to achieve the innovation to allow the innovation concept to be assessed
An effective innovation process also requires greater openness, sponsoring of research and development initiatives including
the allocation of time and resources to do this work and tolerance of the ambiguity intrinsic in this work.
To this end, the solution architecture function should include within its resource allocation and work programme a defined
amount of time for each team member to research, explore and experiment with new technologies and capabilities. This
research can be incorporated into a Technology Radar view of the potential impact the technology could have on the
organisation and a view of its current usage by other organisations, its maturity and an estimate of its cost to implement. The
impact could be rated on a scale of:
• Adopt/Implement – the technology is worth adopting by the organisation as it will deliver definite benefits
• Trial/Pilot – the organisation should invest more resources in installing the technology to determine its usefulness
• Assess/Research – the organisation should invest more resources in further research on the technology
• Hold/Watch – the organisation should maintain an awareness of the technology but not pursue it any further
Innovation can be found across all parts of the organisation. Opportunities for innovation can exist everywhere.
Delivery Brand How Do You Communicate Your Core Products And Services?
How Do Consumers Feel When They Interact With Your
Customer Experience
Organisation And Your Products And Services?
Traditional research and development areas have tended to dominate innovation resources. Innovation investment is
typically skewed in favour of products.
The following chart illustrates the typical innovation investment profile across the innovation areas listed above.
Innovation within the areas of processes and business models is limited while product and service investment is considerably
The following chart profiles the return on investment achieved in the same areas of innovation.
The following chart overlays the investment and return on investment profiles in the innovation areas, highlighting the
Figure 329 – Comparison of Investment and Return on Investment In Innovation Across Innovation Areas
There are large gaps in returns across innovation areas. Small investments in non-traditional areas yield significant returns.
Large investments in traditional research and development areas yield small returns. This is the concept of the breakthrough
innovation which seems very attractive but which can be very difficult to achieve.
Product and service investment can give a poor return. Investment is these areas is risky with a high reward potential but with
a corresponding high risk. Product and service innovation can be seductive. It can be seen by managers in those areas as a
source of prestige (see section on page 505 that discusses Conway’s Law and on the greater prestige that attaches to
being the manager of a large function). But it can take a long time. Many product and service developments fail or are
cancelled before delivery.
It may be that there is a failure in the innovation process in relation to products and services. Too much time and money may
be spent without reaching a conclusion quickly.
Frequently simpler innovation in the areas of processes and business models can generate much better returns and do so
more quickly with lower risk and greater certainty. Some of this can be explained by sustained pattern of investment in
traditional research and development and history of low investment in improvements outside these areas. So latent available
improvements can be achieved more easily and quickly in the areas of processes and business models.
Nonetheless this demonstrates that innovation can be successfully applied outside traditional product and service-oriented
areas to yield value to the organisation. At best the organisation needs a balanced approach to innovation. The solution
architecture function should be enabled to offer innovation services as part of its wider portfolio of business engagement and
solution design services. The function needs to be capable of offering these services.