Vora 2003
Vora 2003
floor pan, but not beyond the perimeter of the vehicle Lambda sensor if any shall be positioned in such a w a y
w h e n viewed in plan. T h e direction of discharge must so that it is easily accessible for inspection and
be between the horizontal and 45 degrees downwards. replacement.
Vehicle noise level shall confirm to Indian notification System components shall be mounted with flexible
(Max. passby noise level 75, 77, 80 and 82 dB(A) for mounts on chassis. T h e system shall have resonant
cars, G V W upto 4t, upto 12t and above 12t respectively) frequencies that are separated by at least 1.5 H z . Heat
w h e n tested as per IS 3028: 1998. Stationary tail pipe shields shall have a dynamic stiffness such that a
noise level shall be tested as per IS 10399:1998 at 3-5 H z modal separation is maintained with engine fiiing
75 % of M a x power speed. For European countries, the frequency (during idling) to prevent excessive vibration,
norms are more stringent as per 7 0 / 1 5 7 / E E C w h e n squeak and rattle.
tested as per ISO 362.
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Symposium on International Automotive Technology 2003
F E M has been exploited as a powerful analytical tool F M E A . Both are equally important from exhaust system
[1, 14, 15, 16, 17] for optimization of flexible bellow, point of view, because a failure m a y take place due to
rubber isolators and hangers leading to durable layout of improper design or due to improper process. In spite of
exhaust system. Modal frequency response analysis is all the precautions taken during design, a system m a y
also conducted to analyze stresses especially under low fail, say due to improper welding. Hence, before starting
frequencies. F M E A , one has to list all the functions of exhaust
system and all the possible failures with the help of
FMEA AS A QUALITY TOOL exhaust system warranty claim analysis of similar
vehicle. A typical failure analysis of an exhaust system
A Failure M o d e and Effect Analysis ( F M E A ) is an is shown in Fig. 12.
engineering technique used to define, identify and
eliminate known and/or potential failures, problems,
errors, and so on from the system, design, process and/
or service before they reach the customer [18].
Downloaded from SAE International by American Univ of Beirut, Monday, July 30, 2018
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The authors would like to express their thanks to Optimization of Exhaust System for Utility Vehicle
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to publish this paper. Contribution from Sharda Motors, S G G S College of Engineering - Nanded, 2000.
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2. Davis, D . D . , et al., "Theoretical and Experimental
Dr. K. C . Vora, Sr. Manager (Engines & N V H )
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Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
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R & D Centre
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89, M I D C , Satpur, Nasik 422 005
3. Eriksson, L. J and Thawani, P. T . "Theory and
Tel. : 0253-808000, (Direct : 808140)
Practice in Exhaust System Design", S A E 850989,
Fax : 0253-352302
E-mail : vora.kamal@mahindra.com