Ssa 44
Ssa 44
You may use this form if you received a notice that your monthly Medicare Part B (medical
insurance) or prescription drug coverage premiums include an income-related monthly
adjustment amount (IRMAA) and you experienced a life-changing event that may reduce your
IRMAA. To decide your IRMAA, we asked the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) about your
adjusted gross income plus certain tax-exempt income which we call "modified adjusted gross
income" or MAGI from the Federal income tax return you filed for tax year 2020. If that was not
available, we asked for your tax return information for 2019. We took this information and used
the table below to decide your income-related monthly adjustment amount.
The table below shows the income-related monthly adjustment amounts for Medicare
premiums based on your tax filing status and income. If your MAGI was lower than $91,000.01
(or lower than $182,000.01 if you filed your taxes with the filing status of married, filing jointly)
in your most recent filed tax return, you do not have to pay any income-related monthly
adjustment amount. If you do not have to pay an income-related monthly adjustment amount,
you should not fill out this form even if you experienced a life-changing event.
Your prescription
Your Part B
drug coverage
If you filed your taxes as: And your MAGI was: monthly
adjustment is:
adjustment is:
-Head of household, $ 91,000.01 - $114,000.00 $ 68.00 $ 12.40
-Qualifying widow(er) with dependent $114,000.01 - $142,000.00 $170.10 $ 32.10
$142,000.01 - $170,000.00 $272.20 $ 51.70
child, or
$170,000.01 - $499,999.99 $374.20 $ 71.30
-Married filing separately (and you did $408.20 $ 77.90
More than $499,999.99
not live with your spouse in tax year)*
STEP 4: Documentation
Provide evidence of your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) and your life-changing event.
You can either:
1. Attach the required evidence and we will mail your original documents or certified copies
back to you;
2. Show your original documents or certified copies of evidence of your life-changing event
and modified adjusted gross income to an SSA employee.
Note: You must sign in Step 5 and attach all required evidence. Make sure that you provide
your current address and a phone number so that we can contact you if we have any
questions about your request.
STEP 5: Signature
I understand that the Social Security Administration (SSA) will check my statements with
records from the Internal Revenue Service to make sure the determination is correct.
I declare under penalty of perjury that I have examined the information on this form and it
is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that signing this form does not constitute a request for SSA to use more
recent tax year information unless it is accompanied by:
• Evidence that I have had the life-changing event indicated on this form;
• A copy of my Federal tax return; or
• Other evidence of the more recent tax year's modified adjusted gross income.
We are required by sections 1839(i) and 1860D-13 of the Social Security Act to ask you to give
us the information on this form. This information is needed to determine if you qualify for a
reduction in your monthly Medicare Part B and/or prescription drug coverage income-related
monthly adjustment amount (IRMAA). In order for us to determine if you qualify, we need to
evaluate information that you provide to us about your modified adjusted gross income.
Although the responses are voluntary, if you do not provide the requested information we will
not be able to consider a reduction in your IRMAA.
We rarely use the information you supply for any purpose other than for determining a potential
reduction in IRMAA. However, the law sometimes requires us to give out the facts on this form
without your consent. We may release this information to another Federal, State, or local
government agency to assist us in determining your eligibility for a reduction in your IRMAA, if
Federal law requires that we do so, or to do the research and audits needed to administer or
improve our efforts for the Medicare program.
We may also use the information you provide in computer matching programs. Matching
programs compare our records with records kept by other Federal, state or local government
agencies. We will also compare the information you give us to your tax return records
maintained by the IRS. The law allows us to do this even if you do not agree to it. Information
from these matching programs can be used to establish or verify a person’s eligibility for
Federally funded or administered benefit programs and for repayment of payments or
delinquent debts under these programs.
Explanations about these and other reasons why information you provide us may be used or
given out are available in Systems of Records Notice 60-0321 (Medicare Database File). The
Notice, additional information about this form, and any other information regarding our systems
and programs, are available on-line at or at your local Social
Security office.
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement - This information collection meets the requirements of
44 U.S.C. § 3507, as amended by section 2 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. You do
not need to answer these questions unless we display a valid Office of Management and
Budget control number. We estimate that it will take about 45 minutes to read the instructions,
gather the facts, and answer the questions. SEND OR BRING THE COMPLETED FORM TO
YOUR LOCAL SOCIAL SECURITY OFFICE. The office is listed under U. S. Government
agencies in your telephone directory or you may call Social Security at 1-800-772-1213
(TTY 1-800-325-0778). You may send comments on our time estimate above to: SSA, 6401
Security Blvd, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401. Send only comments relating to our time
estimate to this address, not the completed form.
Form SSA-44 (12-2021) Page 5 of 8
Identifying Information
Print your full name and your own Social Security Number as they appear on your Social
Security card. Your Social Security Number may be different from the number on your
Medicare card.
You should choose only one life-changing event on the list. If you experienced more than one
life-changing event, please call your local Social Security office at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY
1-800-325-0778). Fill in the date that the life-changing event occurred. The life-changing event
date must be in the same year or an earlier year than the tax year you ask us to use to decide
your income-related premium adjustment. For example, if we used your 2018 tax information to
determine your income-related monthly adjustment amount for 2020, you can request that we
use your 2019 tax information instead if you experienced a reduction in your income in 2018
due to a life-changing event that occurred in 2019 or an earlier year.
• Choose this year (the "premium year") - if your modified adjusted gross income is
lower this year than last year. For example, if you request that we adjust your
income-related premium for 2021, use your estimate of your 2020 MAGI if:
1. Your income was not reduced until 2022; or
2. Your income was reduced in 2021, but will be lower in 2022.
• Choose last year (the year before the "premium year," which is the year for which
you want us to adjust your IRMAA) - if your MAGI is not lower this year than last
year. For example, if you request that we adjust your 2022 income-related monthly
adjustment amounts and your income was reduced in 2020 by a life-changing event
AND will be no lower in 2022, use your tax information for 2021.
• Exception: If we used IRS information about your MAGI 3 years before the
premium year, you may ask us to use information from 2 years before the
premium year. For example, if we used your income tax return for 2019 to
decide your 2022 IRMAA, you can ask us to use your 2020 information.
• If you have any questions about what year you should use, you should call SSA.
Adjusted Gross Income
• Fill in your actual or estimated adjusted gross income for the year you wrote in the “tax
year” box. Adjusted gross income is the amount on line 11 of IRS form 1040. If you are
providing an estimate, your estimate should be what you expect to enter on your tax
return for that year.
Filing Status
• Check the box in front of your actual or expected tax filing status for the year you wrote in
the “tax year” box.
Form SSA-44 (12-2021) Page 7 of 8
Filing Status
• Check the box in front of your expected tax filing status for the year you wrote in the “tax
year” box.
Provide your required evidence of your MAGI and your life-changing event.
Read the information above the signature line, and sign the form. Fill in your phone number and
current mailing address. It is very important that we have this information so that we can contact you
if we have any questions about your request.
Important Facts
• When we use your estimated MAGI information to make a decision about your income-related
monthly adjustment amount, we will later check with the IRS to verify your report.
• If you provide an estimate of your MAGI rather than a copy of your Federal tax return, we will ask
you to provide a copy of your tax return when you file your taxes.
• If your estimate of your MAGI changes, or you amend your tax return for that reason, you will
need to contact us to update our records. If you do not contact us, we may have to make
corrections later including retroactive assessments or refunds.
• We will use your estimate provided in Step 2 to make a decision about the amount of your
income-related monthly adjustment amounts the following year until:
• IRS sends us your tax return information for the year used in Step 2; or
• You provide a signed copy of your filed Federal income tax return or amended Federal
income tax return with a different amount; or
• You provide an updated estimate.
• If we used information from IRS about a tax year when your filing status was Married filing
separately, but you lived apart from your spouse at all times during that year, you should contact
us at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) to explain that you lived apart from your spouse. Do
not use this form to report this change.