Salthaven Town Gazetteer 1.2 Pages
Salthaven Town Gazetteer 1.2 Pages
Heraldry: Anchor with a flag and trident
Trade: Fishing, smuggling, herbs
Population: 500
Cold, damp, windy, stormy,
foggy, rainy, salty, sullen,
dangerous, merciless, free,
smelly, pessimistic, isolated,
craggy, drunken, desperate
British Isles, The Old Man and the
Sea, Moby Dick, Wellerman
d6 Job Employer
1 Smuggling Audra Dunbar
2 Protection Elmer Butterworth
CREDITS 3 Retrieve item Ossian Kell
Written by Robin Fjärem (CC-BY-SA 4.0)
Cairn by Yochai Gal (CC-BY-SA 4.0) 4 Rescue Clancy Lane
Maps from 5 Investigate Talia of the Sea
6 Spy Werner von Geld
EVENTS Roll once for each column
2d6 What? Because of who? Why?
2 Sea monsters crawl up and attack the town Sea monster(s) Malice
3 Someone is abducted and pulled into an alley Pirate(s) Rage
4 A demonstration is about to turn ugly Fisher(s) Fear
5 Something is stolen and the thief is running Off-island visitor(s) Revenge
6 A vicious fight breaks out in the streets Town citizen(s) Power
7 The sewers flood the streets with dirty water Cultist(s) Money
8 A religious procession proclaiming doom Street thug(s) Desperation
9 Someone is chased, running for their life Noble(s) Fun
10 A public trial is held. Is the accused innocent? Wilderness folk(s) Family
11 A festival or party held in the streets Council member(s) Madness
12 A building explodes. Debris falls everywhere Important NPC(s) Love
It’s cold, damp, and windy here. Bypassers get Located precariously beneath razor sharp cliffs
washed in sea spray and it smells of saltwater with currents makes this wreck incredibly hard
and fish. The docks are separated in two parts: to reach. Legend says that the crew is still alive
Trading docks to the north and fishing docks to and their calls for help can be heard at full moon.
the south. It’s dangerous at night since nobody The truth is much more terrible: The crew has
patrols the docks and “accidents” often happen. been absorbed into the hull of the ship. They are
A huge ship belonging to the merchant baron now tormented ghosts with no way to escape.
Werner von Geld is currently docked.
2. DARKTIDE TAVERN As old as the town itself, this temple dedicated to
Run by the ex pirate Clancy Lane. This is a place the sea goddess Unda is carved from the cliffs of
full of scoundrels, thieves, smugglers, and scum. Salthaven. Priestess Talia of the Sea is in charge
You can't find better crew than at the Darktide. but has recently seen a decline in followers.
These fearless sailors will dare any peril if the
price is right. There is a hole in the cellar leading 8. TOWN HALL
to the docks, used for smuggling. The path goes The largest building in Salthaven. Has seen
through the town’s sewers. better days, in dire need of repair. The town
council officials Audra Dunbar, Elmer
CREW FOR HIRE Butterworth, and Ossian Kell work from here.
Name Type Skills
Ashby Smuggler Sneak, lie, sail
Not much of a town square, this muddy area is
Wilmot Cutthroat Fight, intimidate mostly used by religious zealots and people
protesting against the town leadership.
Slade Cultist Cannon fodder
Sometimes you will see people hawking their
Duarte Performer Music, tales wares. An eroded statue of Unda stands at the
Inez Thief Sneak, steal center, usually with a few seagulls on top.
Ember Witch Potions, curses 10. PORTHOLE INN
The pride of Salthaven and one of the few places
3. SEAGULL’S WATCH that don’t smell like tar or brine. In this cozy inn,
This lighthouse is operated by a couple of chef Golnaz prepares delightful seafood dishes
tinkers who mainly keep to themselves. They while guests kick back with a pipe and ale. Very
are secretly working on a wooden submarine in expensive, most locals can’t afford to stay here.
the basement. It’s almost finished but they need Recently plagued by thugs from off-island.
someone to test run it before they take it to the
depths and get away from this island.
Item Cost
4. THE RUMSHACK Spicy Seaweed Soup 2
A dilapidated shack run by a crusty old bum
named Raeburn. Rum is served in dirty mugs
Tangy Pickled Herring 5
and packs a real punch. Mostly visited by Herb-filled Crab Cakes 7
vagrants and others down on their luck. Word Charcoal Seared Flounder 15
on the street says that Raeburn is psychic and
can talk with ghosts. It’s probably just the rum.
5. FISHING GUILD The second oldest building in Salthaven. This
Fishermen from Salthaven are required to be mansion was built by Audra Dunbar’s ancestors
members and pay taxes to the guild. Every and it’s showing its age. Faded tapestries and
morning fish auctions are held outside the guild, slowly decaying luxuries of old. Some parts
even attracting buyers from off-island. There’s a closed off to save on firewood for heating. The
feud between two prominent fishing families library contains town records. There is a secret
that’s about to turn ugly if it’s not stopped. exit leading to the town’s sewers that exits in the
docks (area 1) and the Temple of Unda (area 7).
1 Passed out drunk sailor 35 Oar broken in half 69 Jaw harp and a tooth
2 Jar of pickled herring 36 Pile of oyster shells 70 6 silver coins
3 Dog chewing on wood 37 Dull mariner's knife 71 Cork fishing float
4 Rusty fishing hook 38 Broken fishing rods 72 Flag with fish emblem
5 Bottle of dark rum 39 Rats feasting on bread 73 Shark tooth on a string
6 Fisherman's oilskin hat 40 Bucket of rainwater 74 Bag of moldy rye flour
7 Fish head 41 Map of the near sea 75 Stack of flat rocks
8 Broken brass compass 42 Dented brass badge 76 Rusty cannonball
9 3 copper coins 43 Crying child 77 Runaway pig
10 Slimy lump of seaweed 44 Brass bullseye lantern 78 Old block and tackle
11 Pouch of wet tobacco 45 Tarred hemp rope 79 Wooden fisher figure
12 Dried out starfish 46 Stacked mussel shells 80 Ghost story book
13 Used handkerchief 47 Sea goddess pendant 81 Itchy wool sweater
14 Raven feather quill pen 48 Stranded fish 82 Squirming worms
15 Thick golden earring 49 Fishing calendar scroll 83 Letter of debt
16 Bundle of sailcloth 50 Curved bloody dagger 84 Thorn bramble pendant
17 Silver snuff box 51 One-eyed mermaid doll 85 Deck of cards
18 Thistles 52 Anchor-engraved button 86 Dented wooden cudgel
19 Barnacle-covered anchor 53 Rain-filled leather boot 87 Green sea urchin shell
20 Jar of old grease 54 Tiny box of sea salt 88 Dirty sailor's hammock
21 Folk song sheet music 55 Sweat-stained linen shirt 89 Pouch with 9 gold coins
22 120 ft worn fishing line 56 Greasy boat hook 90 Pieces of dried pike
23 Codfish medallion 57 Crab walking diagonally 91 Sharp fist-sized rock
24 Rusty iron sextant 58 Mariner's hatchet 92 Drunken sailors singing
25 Broken round spectacles 59 Sand-filled leather pouch 93 Beat up brass spyglass
26 Rat-nibbled hardtack 60 Whale bone needle 94 Impeccably tied knots
27 Seagull carrying fish 61 Box of wet blackpowder 95 Set of bone dice
28 Lost wedding band 62 Charred tree stump 96 Wet firewood
29 Tangled up fishing net 63 Bucket of smelly tar 97 24 gold coins
30 Tin flask of decent rum 64 Thief safehouse mark 98 Black candle stumps
31 Broken pegleg 65 Cult pamphlet 99 Tankard of foul grog
32 Muddy seashell horn 66 Faded love letter 100 Smuggler's cache
33 Silver belt buckle 67 Rough emerald gemstone
34 Bucket of waste 68 Clay jar of cod roe