Product Presentation
Product Presentation
Packaging Proposal
The restaurant industry is a direct reflection of the changes in the society in which they operate.
Society has changed to a more advanced and more complicated social order that involves a
movement away from mass food to food produced for the masses because the demands of users
have changed. The way we eat has changed over time, since every day people think more about
their health and the selection of food is based on this concept. This is why a new style of
consumption is beginning to develop based on HEALTHY food, increasingly made with fresher and
organic products. In the modern world, people look more for what pleases them and gives them
enjoyment, such as good food. Going out to eat or have lunch became everyday, it was no longer
something to celebrate. In the country's big cities, people work far from their homes and find
restaurants a space to socialize and do business.
The desire for personal and family well-being has generated that in homes both parents work to be
able to achieve the goals proposed as a couple; in families from stratum 3 onwards, generally, both
parents work, which has caused good eating practices are lost, and the nutritional education of their
children is left to third parties, almost completely disappearing the time to eat as a family and it is in
this space that good eating habits are generated since children learn more from what they see than
from what they see. what they are told, early childhood being the stage in which human beings
develop tastes, preferences and eating habits, in a more accentuated way, it is here where good
example becomes imperative to generate good practices.
The health problem caused by poor eating practices has been growing in the world, overweight is
one of these problems. According to the National Survey of Nutritional Situation of Colombia in
2005, the Body Mass Index (BMI) was used to calculate overweight in young people between 10
and 17 years old. According to this measurement, 10.3% of children and young people in that age
range are overweight. These data are higher in the urban area.
The lack of time, stress and the dynamics of everyday life make people choose to buy ready-to-eat
food, opening a large market to cover the physiological need for food without taking into account
the deterioration that food causes to their health. prepared with saturated fats, excess seasonings and
unhealthy ingredients that end up unbalancing the nutrition of the family in general.
To clearly face the task of IM, it is necessary to take into account different concepts taken from
various authors, in order to reference the understanding of the subject in an expanded manner:
“MI is the gathering, recording and analysis of all the facts about problems related to the
transfer and sale of goods and services from the producer to the consumer” (Body &
Westfal, 1978)
“A systemic and objective approach to the development and provision of information
applicable to the decision-making process in market management” (Kinnear & Taylor,
“Systematic analysis of problems, construction of models and findings of facts that allow
improving decision-making and control in the market of goods and services” (Kotler &
Keller, 2006)
An Environmental Management System is a cyclical process where the procedures and actions
carried out by an organization (the MinCIT) are planned, implemented, reviewed and improved to
carry out its activities, guaranteeing compliance with the environmental policy, goals and
environmental objectives. (, 2016)
In other words, the Environmental Management System is the part of the management system that
the MinCIT uses to develop and implement environmental policy, based on pollution prevention
and continuous improvement of environmental behavior. This Environmental Management system
is built under the model or cycle: "Plan, Do, Check and Act" (PHVA). (,
Environmental competitiveness.
The relationship between man and the environment is historical. The capitalist nature of the
economy, consumption models, production schemes based on dirty technology, among
others, have accelerated the degradation of the environment. (foladori, 2006)
“Environmental competitiveness” is the ability of agents to value their environment,
making it a “distinctive” element of their territory, while guaranteeing the conservation and
renewal of natural and heritage resources (LEADER European Observatory)
Environmental competitiveness establishes high quality standards, which generates a
positive aspect for the development of countries since their products will be more widely
accepted internationally. In this way, a nation's income improves and compensates for the
costs involved in the introduction of clean technologies.
Environmental management plan.
“Environmental Management Plan: It is the detailed set of activities, which, as a result of an
environmental evaluation, are aimed at preventing, mitigating, correcting or compensating
for the environmental impacts and effects caused by the development of a project, work or
activity. It includes follow-up, monitoring, contingency, and abandonment plans according
to the nature of the project, work or activity. (DECREE NUMBER 1220 OF DECEMBER
The PMA Environmental Management Plan seeks to eliminate or mitigate, progressively in
rational terms, the negative environmental impacts caused by an activity in development,
applying pollution prevention activities as a priority.
The current situation of the Cartagenera population reflects the lack of a place to generate good
family moments, taking into account that sharing with the family is a treasure. That is why
Mangiare E Giocare was born, a space to share and satisfy the physiological need for food, eating as
a family strengthens emotional ties, improves communication, in this way it contributes to a good
family relationship, but focused on the satisfaction of the tastes and gastronomic preferences of
each member of the family, on many occasions it is a challenge to entertain the children while the
food is ordered and the order is received at the table, keeping a child seated without any
entertainment can be a true odyssey that ends to overshadow the good time you want to have, this is
why in addition to what has already been stated, we have an entertainment space for children that
provides fun and tranquility to the adults who visit us, which is then where an experience full of fun
is provided. satisfaction for each of the diners.
Design and evaluate several distribution channels and identify the efficient distribution channel for
Mangiare E Giocare, taking into account the market research, the environmental management plan
and environmental competitiveness that it requires.
MAGIARE E GIOCARE is a restaurant created for families from stratum 3 onwards, with the
objective of healthy eating for Cartagena families. It is a place that has fun spaces for our children,
allowing parents to enjoy a family moment where You will find food and a fun area, as we know
that our children are a little finicky when it comes to eating vegetables, within the menu we will
have as the house dish, pizza, which will be made with fresh products and whole wheat flour.
The history of pizza is linked to the consumption of bread by humanity. In ancient Egypt, upon
discovering yeast, they began to prepare a type of bread with the shape and color of the sun, with
flour, water and honey. In ancient Greece this bread evolved and they added fat, spices, garlic and
onion. In the time of Darius I the Great, Persian soldiers put melted cheese and dates on bread. In
Italy it was known as “pizza bianca” made with bread, fat, herbs, garlic, onion, olives… the
ingredients available in most humble homes, it was a dish within reach of the majority.
With the arrival of the tomato to Europe from America, this dish took an unexpected turn. It was in
Naples in the 16th century that tomatoes began to be consumed as food, while in the rest of Europe
they were not consumed until the 18th century.
At first the tomato was considered poisonous and was only used in gardening as a decoration, they
were not considered as food, until one day a Neapolitan peasant, due to his need to eat,
accompanied his bread with a tomato and he loved it. Upon surviving, he The word spread and from
then on the humble Neapolitan people began to eat the tomatoes with their dry breads. This
combination of bread with tomato has become a highly appreciated dish in the Naples region. Being
a dish consumed mainly by humble people, most did not have their own oven so they prepared the
dough at home and took it to the baker to bake it. Over time, due to its great demand, Neapolitan
pizza makers created their own guild, separate from the classic bakers, preparing the dough
themselves and baking it, becoming a very popular dish among people who took it home or He ate
it on the street, and street vendors selling this delicious dish also appeared.
It is in the 17th century in Italy, specifically in Naples, when pizza appears as a popular dish as we
know it today.
The first pizzeria opened in 1830, “Port' Alba”, for which little future was predicted and yet it
remains open to this day.
Word segmentation arises from the Latin word segmentum, from secare 'to cut'.
It serves this purpose in marketing. Market segmentation is carried out to "cut" heterogeneous
markets into more identifiable consumer groups.
According to Philip Kotler definition of "market segmentation is the subdivision of the market into
the homogeneous sub-set of customers, in any subset there is the possibility of being selected as a
marketing objective that was achieved with the different marketing mix"
Segmentation serves to determine the basic and general features that the consumer of the product
will have, taking into account that it is not aimed at all audiences, but rather at the target audience
identified as Consumer Portrait.
Criteria for Segmentation Although markets can be segmented in unlimited ways, the segmentation
approach must make sense in terms of at least the following 5 related criteria:
1. Identifiable and measurable : The characteristics of the segment members must be easily
2. Substantial : The segment must be large and profitable enough to make it valuable to the
4. Responsive: The segment must respond to the company's marketing efforts, including changes in
the marketing program over time.
5. Viable and sustainable: The segment must meet basic exchange criteria, including being ready,
willing and able to do business with the company.
Types of Segmentation
Various types of segmentation or classification of potential clients have been proposed based on
different types of variables. A common segmentation is to use the following seven types of
2. Demographic: They are divided by age, life cycle stage and gender.
3. Psychographic : It is divided according to social class, lifestyle, personality and
1. Geographic variables : Region of the world or country, size of the country, climate , city,
region, country.
2. Demographic variables : Age , gender , sexual orientation , family size, family life cycle ,
family income, profession , educational level , socio-economic status , religion ,
nationality , cultures , race , generation.
4. Behavioral variables : Search for benefit, product utilization rate, brand loyalty , final
product utilization, ready-to-consume level, decision-making unit.
When many variables are combined to provide deep insight into the segment, it is known as deep
segmentation. When enough information is given to create a clear picture of the typical segment
member, it is called a buyer profile. A statistical technique commonly used to determine a profile is
cluster analysis . (
To carry out the geographical segmentation, the data from the census carried out by DANE in the
city of Cartagena in 2005 with a growth projection for the year 2016, taking only the population
data of the neighborhoods Antwerp, Brussels, Barrio España, Piedra de Bolívar and El Prado,
belonging to locality 1 Historic and North, community unit 9, which are the subject of study, since
these neighborhoods are those included in the geographical segmentation, from this information it is
obtained that in the mentioned neighborhoods there is a total population of 27,625 people, on the
other hand this survey indicates that 28% of this population belong to social strata 3 and above,
yielding a figure of 7,735 people, being clear about the market volume according to geographical
segmentation and a psychographic variable, it is proceeds to do the demographic and behavioral
segmentation and the rest of the psychographic variables determined for this market study, with this
information the sample is calculated, to which a survey will be applied as an instrument to calculate
the other study variables.
How many people should be surveyed to know market preferences at a 99% confidence level with a
5% margin of error and a known population of 7,735 potential buyers.
Q 0,5
From a population of 7,735 people from the aforementioned neighborhoods that correspond to those
located in stratum 3 onwards, the survey must be applied to 666 people to determine our market
volume, which corresponds to people located between 2 and 70 years old, which showed a volume
in this age range, and with this same survey the aim is to know the tastes and preferences of the
target market.
For the collection of information used in carrying out geographical segmentation and other
variables analyzed in this research, secondary sources will be used, such as the 2005 DANE survey
with growth projection to 2016 and other consultation documents. On the other hand, used
secondary sources by contacting clients using the survey detailed below as an instrument.
Age Stratum
Would you visit a restaurant in the area that had a children's play area and healthy food, including
vegetarian food?
Yes maybe
Are there people in your family with preferences for a vegetarian diet?
If there was a pizza low in fat and flour that tasted good, would you buy it?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
How many times a week do you take your children to have fun?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
What variables do you take into account when going out with your children:
A marketing plan is also made, taking into account the analysis of the environment. Healthy eating
in Colombia presents exponential growth, the market has been changing since consumers are
willing to pay more for these products, they prefer to take care of their health. According to the
Nielsen survey, 71% of Colombians are concerned about the impact that what artificial ingredients
can do to their long-term health, 67% pay close attention to the ingredients of the drinks and foods
they consume, 70% prefer 100% natural products, 58% low in fat or fat-free, 59% low in sugar or
no sugar, 52% free of artificial colors, 50% organic, 43% of Colombians surveyed stated that their
nutritional needs are fully satisfied by the current offer, 50% expressed that they are partially
satisfied and 6% not at all satisfied.
Consumers: Mainly families from stratum three and above who live in the Antwerp,
Brussels, El Prado, Piedra de Bolívar or Barrio España neighborhoods, with children over
two years of age, who think about taking care of their health through free healthy eating. of
preservatives and artificial colors.
Consumer profile: The analysis of purchasing and use habits is carried out, through
knowledge of the information on tastes and preferences of our target customer, answering
the questions: What?, How?, When?, Where? And whom? Buy.
Who makes the purchase: In 78% of the families in the target market for this project, the
purchase is made by the parents who are in an age range between 26 and 40 years old,
making them part of the consumers called Millennials.
Who influences the purchasing process: The purchasing process is influenced by the
opinions of children since the main objective of Mangiare e Giocare is to feed the family
healthily and for children to have fun learning good eating habits.
By 2020, healthy lines are expected to account for 10% of the grocery product market, according to
a study published in the newspaper El Tiempo, in an article titled “Appetite for healthy foods is
growing,” taking into account that the main buyers in our market target are millennials, it should be
noted that this group has a dynamic lifestyle that makes them one of the generations of on-the-go
consumers par excellence, since for them, food on the go is a way of life and therefore They are
more likely to eat outside the home than any other generational group.
51% of this consumer group avoids fast food even though they lead a dynamic lifestyle, while 63%
seek to improve their health through the food and drinks they consume.
- Social and Cultural Factor.
In the 21st century, one of the biggest problems is lack of time, due to this inconveniences, diseases
such as stress, overweight, hypertension, sugar and many others related to bad eating habits have
been generated due to the accelerated and dynamic pace of life.
This project is located in the consumer market, in the group of beverages and foods in a growing
segment called healthy foods, which experts define as a segment in accelerated growth due to the
aforementioned social problems in addition to the inclination for health care of the group of
millennial consumers who understand that a good diet is the best way to take care of your health.
- Demographic Factors.
It is the statistical study of the human population, in terms of its size, density, location, age, sex,
race and occupation, its distribution involves all the people who constitute the markets.
For this project, the strata are taken into account; 3 onwards, the main market objective being the
population of the Antwerp, Brussels, Piedra de Bolívar and España neighborhoods, with average
ages between 2 and 70 years,
Regarding the demographic factor, it can be said that it is favorable, since being a family area, the
majority of parents work during the day, therefore, the preparation of meals takes a back seat, with
MANGIARE E GIOCARE being the healthy option. , fast and close to meet this need.
- Economic factors.
It refers to all those factors that measure general conditions and trends in the progress of the
economy, which are relevant to the organization's activities. It consists of factors that influence the
purchasing power and spending pattern of consumers.
Taking into account that MANGIARE E GIOCARE will be located in an area whose economic
stratum is 3 and 4, where the salary is higher than 2 minimum wages. It can be said that the
purchasing power is medium high, which is why it is considered an optimistic factor for the
Target market
Geographical segmentation.
CITY Cartagena POPULATION 1.1755
Antwerp POPULATION 3.936
Brussels POPULATION 7.173
Spain POPULATION 5.578
Bolivar Stone POPULATION 6.963
BARIES The meadow POPULATION 3.975
(Antwerp, Brussels, Spain, Piedra de Bolívar, and the Prado)
AGE 2 – 70 years.
FAMILY SIZE Average of 5 people
7.735 For this project, three
different distribution
Psychographics channels are investigated
SOCIAL CLASS High average under the criteria of product
LIFESTYLE presentation, assortment,
For all those people who lead control of the POS of the
a hectic lifestyle product in order to choose
With the aim of explaining the essence of the business as a whole, we built a model
based on 5 factors.
MAGIARE E GIOCARE was born out of the need to not have a place where families find
everything in one place, that is why we provide a restaurant and entertainment area for our
children, with the slogan WHERE EATING HEALTHY IS FUN.
cardboard box with a non-stick surface, which can be cleaned and can be reused to package new
We satisfy the needs of our clients and consumers in an accurate and fast way, serving more than
1,000 families. the best chains in the country. Aware of our responsibility, we guarantee the good
quality of our product, with all this, we make our contribution to the country to guarantee the
generation of development opportunities for our workers, suppliers, and the community in general
why at MANGIARE E GIOCARE, we know what It's good to grow.
As an advertising tool, we will have; guidelines in stations, brochures and digital
The Guide to good practices for the design of containers and packaging in the distribution of
products will allow companies to know the advantages of applying eco-design in containers and
packaging in the distribution stage to increase the innovation and competitiveness of their products.
To this end, the main stages of the design and development of a packaging system are described,
including environmental parameters. The purpose of the Guide is to become a useful tool with
which to develop packaging solutions for the problems and risks that arise in the product
distribution stage (packaging engineering), integrating the environmental factor into the design. of
containers and packaging (ecodesign). With the application of this design methodology, the aim is
to reduce the losses that may arise from this stage, achieving higher levels of efficiency and lower
environmental impacts associated with the distribution stage, especially those associated with the
packaging system, thus obtaining greater profit margins and therefore a better positioning of the
company in the market compared to the competition
· Physical characteristics. The nature of the product to be packaged and how it is presented
· Dimensions (provided)
Line of
Legislation and
Transportation and
Point of sale
· Fragility or conservation
· Verticality
· Product life
· Dangerousness
· Product value
packaging line
· Use containers and/or packaging made of one or two easily recyclable materials
· Etc
· Dangerous goods
· Environmental legislation
· Technical standards
- Competing Market
Taking into account the selection criteria in the previous table, it was determined that the most
suitable channel for the distribution of MANGIARE E GIOCARE is the Direct PV, since this
allows the final consumer to enjoy not only the menu, but also the being able to have some fun time
as a family.
3.3Distribution Plan
- Strategies are designed for each channel investigated in this project, which are
described below.
- Distribution strategy function and management in the logistics network.
The logistical process is described for each channel under investigation in this project.
For the selection of intermediaries and types of distribution channels, the main objective was to
integrate intermediaries who were committed to taking care of the product and its physical qualities
in order to take care of the brand and for the product to reach the target market in the best way in
the quantity. adequate in the expected time, taking care of the costs of the distribution process, it is
worth clarifying that the reduction of intermediaries gives the brand greater control over the product
and the customer experience, also reducing distribution costs.
- Strategies are designed for each channel investigated in this project, which are
described below.
3.5 Sales forecast
The previous proposal is made taking into account the importance of; contribute to the environment,
through food packaging and containers that play a vitally important role when analyzing the critical
points of their respective production processes. The freshness and safety of food, protecting
products from contamination, the environment, allowing their transportation and storage, preserving
product characteristics, among others, are decisive points when selecting packaging.
The food packaging market maintains a growing demand for quality, functionality, great visual
appeal and, especially, the ability to preserve the original characteristics of the products for longer.
In recent years, other attributes such as consumer convenience, cost reduction and differentiation at
the point of sale have gained special relevance. Therefore, every day companies worry not only
about having an innovative product but also about paying greater attention to packaging, which is a
central element of the consumer experience.
In order to preserve the environment, MANGIARE EGIOCARE will work as a locavore, having as
the first supplier of fruits and vegetables those found in local markets or directly to farmers, since in
this way less fuel would be used to transport products, thus reducing CO2 emissions into the
atmosphere. With the aim of being an environmentally friendly company, we choose to use the
dishwasher in our kitchen. The dishwasher, whenever it is used at full load, generates less
consumption of drinking water than washing dishes manually. It is also not essential to thoroughly
clean the dishes before putting them in the machine, in addition to not exposing your hands to
various detergents, you will save about 30 liters of water per washing cycle, according to a study by
'Canal de Isabel II' and 'BSH El Appartements Spain ', aiming at energy savings, energy-saving
lights with motion sensors will be used to avoid energy consumption in places where there are no
restaurant staff or customers.
Strategic planning models are important phases of the planning process, defining the mission and
vision of the organization, diagnosing the environment and internal conditions to identify strengths,
weaknesses, threats and opportunities, and specifying strategies. corresponding.
All of the above allows establishing the organization's objectives and, based on this strategic
planning framework, defining detailed goals and plans, budgeting and, finally, organizing periodic
information systems and monitoring the performance of assigned responsibilities. . (burbano,
presupuestos-enfoque-de-gestic3b3n.pdf, 2015)
Greater access to information and a good image of healthy food, complemented by a family space
where you can enjoy it as a family, and a space for the little ones.
It leads to a greater approach on the part of consumers to demand food products that are truly
beneficial for their bodies, preventing the obesity epidemic that threatens human life from
continuing to spread around the world.