Entrepreneurship Reviewer (G12)
Entrepreneurship Reviewer (G12)
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Adaptability and Flexibility 7. Computer Competency
• Must learn how to be a highly flexible and • Must be competent in the use of basic
adaptable often deal very well with a unique computer hardware and software.
ability to choose actions even without all
necessary information. 8. Workplace Competencies
• Entrepreneurs are innovative and creative, • The application of knowledge, skills, attitudes,
often developing novel solutions to values, and behaviors in the workplace.
complicated problems. • Many successful entrepreneurs place great
value on their industry experiences prior to
Willingness to Take Risks launching their own venture, as workplace
• Not only are successful learners willing to competencies.
take consequences, they can also identify
and calculate risk. 9. High Growth, High Value Entrepreneurship
• Entrepreneurs take evaluated risks and learn • Entrepreneurs typically offer incentive
from past failures. compensations, manage business operations,
build a strong entrepreneurial culture around
Interpersonal Skills determination and high work ethic, and form
• There are very insightful with regards to the effective boards of directors and advisors.
behavior of others-understanding motives
and actions, quickly aware of strong 10. Innovation & Creation
relationships, and both verbal and non- • Apply their creativity to the formulation of
verbal behaviors. inventive systems and products.
• They have strong interpersonal skills have • They have an "opportunity orientation"-
the skill of working well with people from assessing changes in trends, identifying small
different backgrounds. niche or group of markets, and seeking out
opportunities to improve services and products.
Industry Wide Competencies Work Competencies
11. Marketing
1. Networking/ Collaboration/ Interpersonal • Competent in both executing strategies that
Relationship promote their products and establish client/
• Ability to build professional relationship. customer relationships.
• Perceived as trustworthy. • They conduct market analysis, set pricing
• Can negotiate with competitors, & identify objects and customer objections into sales
mutual goals. acceptance.
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L2 - Business Plan
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SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats) c. Product Cost
• Production cost is the price
• SWOT Analysis is the opportunities carries with it some determinants.
risk involved and this should be look into carefully. • Entrepreneur cannot make
• The strength and weaknesses are internal factors to maximum profitability on products
the entrepreneur while the opportunities and threats whose production cost cannot
are external factors. survive market competitions.
➢ The product must be evaluated along the following d. Supply and Demand
areas: • Intermittent supply to the market
will make customers shift to other
1. Product Strength in the Market must have the products.
following: • The supply chain management must
be put in place to make the products
a. Availability Technology in Product available to valued customers.
• Technology is an important e. Weak Production Management
component in producing the product • Weak management is created when
as the economies of scale people at the top of the organization
determines the price index. fail to sustain a vigorous effort for
expansion and growth when
b. The source of Raw Materials must be management sets on his initial
Abundant and at Lower Price laurels and ventured on vices and
• The constant supply of raw materials other extra activities that will lose
is an important factors in the his total investment.
production of the product.
3. Sustainable Product Opportunities in the
c. Skilled Workers must be Available Market :
• Technology must have component of
skilled workers that shall operate the a. Product Demand
machineries and other equipment • Product demand is the greatest
but starting with small capital should opportunity of the entrepreneur.
generate profitable operation. • Demand is the essence of profit and
this must be sustained by the
d. Capital Investment in Machinery and entrepreneur before wide
Operating Expenditures competition appeared in the
• A starting venture may have little marketplace.
investment in terms of machinery
and equipment but starting with b. Presence of Poor Quality in the Market
small capital should generate • The presence of poor quality
profitable operation. product in the market place is an
opportunity for the entrepreneur.
e. Expertise and Technical Skills of the
Management Team c. Government Policies and Support
• A good product is the making of a • The government support to local
well-conceived ideas of the entrepreneur is an opportunity for
management team. greater expansion.
• The government should support the
2. Characteristics of Weak Products and Weak local entrepreneur in terms of taxes
Management: and government incentives.
a. Poor quality and High price d. Liberal Credit Terms and Interest Rates
• The entrepreneur should not launch • Liberal credit terms by banks and
a poor product in the market as it other government institution will
will surely fail to advance in the sales generate expansion for local
and profit. entrepreneur.
• Banks and financing institutions
b. Product design and appeal serve as conduit of business in their
• Product design should appeal with expansion program.
no technical make maximum
profitability on products whose 4. Threats to product Profitability and Market
production cost cannot survive. Expansions:
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a. Entrance Competition b. Demand Analysis
• The entrance of many competitors in 1. Projected consumption in the first year of
the marketplace will give problem to operation, then five years, and ten years'
the entrepreneur. operation.
• Competition will reduce profitability 2. Major segment users of the product and
as the price has to be competitive with their location.
those in the marketplace
c. Supply Analysis
b. The Supply of raw materials 1. Source of Product Supply
• Will be limited as other competitors 2. Foreign Suppliers
will be getting the same supplier. 3. Local Suppliers
• Increased production cost means 4. Factors Analysis of the Past and Future
changes in product price. Supply Chain
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5. Channel of Distribution VI. Financial Studies
• The choices could be retailers,
wholesalers, dealership, franchise, or 1. Total project cost
direct marketing. 2. Capital investment required
3. Pre-operation cash flow and its relation to
6. Promotion and Advertising timetable
• Media networking, personal selling, 4. Projected financial estimates
billboard, or any media penetrate 5. Supporting schedules in financial statements and
strategy. income
V. Production
a. Product specification
• It talks about the product or service that the
entrepreneur will offer to its target market.
b. Product process
• It is detailed layout of the production
process as the products goes into the
production line indicating the flow process,
materials, and equipment to be used and
normal timetable that the product will be
e. Plant Location
• A drawing or plant location and the vicinity
map as to its accessibility to supply or raw
materials, and the transport of finished
product to the market.
f. Building Facilities
• It must describe the type of building that
will be constructed or sketch of the building
plan, electric plants, drainage, and other
g. Raw Materials
• It deals with the raw material requirements
and its specification, its source, cost and
terms of payment, availability, and the
possible long-term supply.
i. Production Cost
• This refers to the direct labor and
administrative cost in the processing the
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L3 - Product : Nature & Sustainability
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a. Attribute based shopping products New Product Development Process
• Provide customers with information ▪ The process consists of two sets:
and evaluated product features, ▪ Internal - looks at the company's objectives and
performance, options, warranties and resources.
other factors. ▪ External - looks at the customer's needs and
b. Priced based shopping products
• Enable customers to judge product Product Satisfying Features
attributes to be the same and look • Product patronage in the market is conditioned by the
around for the least expensive item. strategies and policies employed by the manufacturer
and the marketing organization on the product's
c. Unsought Goods - product not searched for attributes.
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L4 - Product : Best for Market Need
e. Surveys
• Getting feedback coming from the
customers and potential market.
2. Idea Screening
• Ideas which are unsuitable, unattractive,
or poor are junked.
• Ideas together with attributes are rated
on the basis of a rating from 1-10.
• Ideas are rated on the following: General,
marketing, and production characteristics.
3. Concept Testing
• Ideas which have passed the screening
Stages of Product Life Cycle stage will now require feedback from the
I. Product development • It measures consumer enthusiasm by
• The company must think of a new product. asking potential consumer to react a
• A new product is a modification, creation, and picture, statement or oral description.
innovation of an existing product which makes
product more meaningful to the customer. 4. Business Analysis
• Is a review of a market factors, revenues,
➢ The new product planning process involves a series of cost and trends.
a. Demand Projection
1. Ideas Generation • Sales potential; sales growth; rate
• Searching and looking for a new product or of purchase; distribution intensity.
business opportunities.
• The employees, channel members, b. Cost Projection
competitors, and customers can be a great • Per unit cost; raw materials cost;
source. cost of existing facilities and
resources; breakeven point.
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c. Competition III. Growth
• Market share of company and • The product gains wider consumer acceptance
competitors; strengths and weakness and the objective are to expand distribution and
of competitors; potential the range of available product alternatives.
competitors. • More firms enter the profitable and tested
d. Required Investment • Sales are Increasing at their Fastest Rate.
• Engineering patent search, product
development, testing, promotion, IV. Maturity
distribution. • The product's sales level and companies try to
maintain lower price, better product features for
e. Profitability a long as possible.
• Time to recover initial cost; per unit • Market is saturated, penetrated, and
profits, distribution intermediaries; competitions at its highest level.
control over price; return on • Sales are near their Highest. However, the Rate
investment. of Growth is Slowing Down.
b. Packaging
• Materials used in promotion or
storage; cost; size and colors.
c. Branding
• Choice of new or existing name,
exclusivity; trademark protection.
d. Product Positioning
• Selecting a market segment
6. Test Marketing
• Involves a selling of a fully developed
product in a selected city and observing the
actual on the spot performance under the
chosen marketing plan.
• Depending on the results, a firm can decide
to go ahead, modify the product or service,
modify the marketing plan or drop or delete
the product.
7. Commercialization
• This involves the actual marketing of the
product in the target market.
• The different activities to introduce the
product to the market must be presented.
II. Introduction
• A new product is introduced into the market
place and the objectives is to generate customer
• Researching, Developing, and then Launching the
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