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Farm Management


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Farm Management


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Lecture 1

Production Economics-Meaning & Definition, Nature and

Scope of Agricultural Production Economics

Agricultural Economics
As a separate discipline, agricultural economics started only in the beginning of 20th
century when economic issues pertaining to agriculture aroused interest at several
educational centres. The depression of 1890s that wrecked havoc in agriculture at many
places forced organized farmers groups to take keen interest in farm management
problems. The study and teaching of agricultural economics was started at Harvard
University (USA) in 1903 by Professor Thomas Nixon Carver. Agricultural economics
may be defined as the application of principles and methods of economics to study the
problems of agriculture to get maximum output and profits from the use of resources that
are limited for the well being of the society in general and farming industry in particular.

Nature and Scope of Agricultural Economics

Agriculture sector has undergone a sea change over time from being subsistence in
nature in early stages to the present day online high-tech agribusiness. It is no more
confined to production at the farm level. The storage, processing and distribution of
agricultural products involve an array of agribusiness industries. Initially, agricultural
economics studied the cost and returns for farm enterprises and emphasized the study of
management problems on farms. But now it encompasses a host of activities related to
farm management, agricultural marketing, agricultural finance and accounting,
agricultural trade and laws, contract farming, etc.

Both microeconomics and macroeconomics have applications in agriculture. The

production problems on individual farms are important. But agriculture is not
independent of other sectors of the economy. The logic of economics is at the core of
agricultural economics but it is not the whole of agricultural economics. To effectively
apply economic principles to agriculture, the economist must understand the biological
nature of agricultural production. Thus, agricultural economics involves the unique blend
of abstract logic of economics with the practical management problems of modern day

The widely accepted goal of agricultural economics is to increase efficiency in

agriculture. This means to produce the needed food, fodder, fuel and fibre without
wasting resources. To meet this goal, the required output must be produced with the
smallest amount of scarce resources, or maximum possible output must be obtained from
a given amount of resources.

Definition: Production economics is the application of the principles of microeconomics

in production. Based on the theory of firm, these principles explain various cost
concepts, output response to inputs and the use of inputs/resources to maximize profits
and/ or minimize costs. Production economics, thus provides a framework for decision
making at the level of a firm for increasing efficiency and profits.

Why study production process

The study of production economics is important in answering the following questions:

1. What is efficient production?

2. How is most profitable amount of inputs determined?
3. How the production will respond to a change in the price of output?
4. What enterprise combinations will maximize profits?
5. What should a manager do when he is uncertain about yield response?
6. How will technical change affect output?

Agricultural Production Economics

It is a sub-discipline within the broad subject of agricultural economics and is concerned
with the selection of production patterns and resource use efficiency so as to optimize the
objective function of farming community or the nation within a framework of limited
resources. It may be defined as an applied field of science wherein principles of
economic choice are applied to the use of resources of land, labour, capital and
management in the farming industry.
Goals of Production Economics
The following are the goals of agricultural production economics:
1. Assist farm managers in determining the best use of resources, given the changing
needs, values and goals of the society.
2. Assist policy makers in determining the consequences of alternative public
policies on output, profits and resource use on farms.
3. Evaluate the uses of theory of firm for improving farm management and
understanding the behaviour of the farm as a profit maximizing entity.
4. Evaluate the effects of technical and institutional changes on agricultural
production and resource use.
5. Determine individual farm and aggregated regional farm adjustments in output
supply and resource use to changes in economic variables in the economy.

Subject Matter of Agricultural Production Economics

Agricultural production economics involves analysis of production relationships and

principles of rational decision making to optimize the use of farm resources on individual
farms as well as to rationalize the use of farm inputs from the point of view of the entire
economy. The primary interest is in applying economic logic to problems that occur in
agriculture. Agricultural production economics is concerned with the productivity of farm
inputs. As such it deals with resource allocation, resource combinations, resource use
efficiency, resource management and resource administration. The subject matter of
agricultural production economics involves the study of factor-product, factor-factor and
product-product relationships, the size of the farm, returns to scale, credit and risk and
uncertainty, etc. Therefore, any problem of farmers that falls under the scope of resource
allocation and marginal productivity analysis is the subject matter of agricultural
production economics.

1. To determine and outline the conditions that give the optimum use of capital,
labour, land and management resources in the production of crops, livestock and
allied enterprises.
2. To determine the extent to which the existing use of resources deviates from the
optimum use.
3. To analyse the forces which condition the existing production pattern and
resource use.
4. To explain the means and methods in getting from the existing use to optimum
use of resources.
Lecture 2
Agricultural Production Economics: Basic Concepts

1. Production: The process through which some goods and services called inputs are
transformed into other goods called products or output.
2. Production function: A systematic and mathematical expression of the
relationship among various quantities of inputs or input services used in the
production of a commodity and the corresponding quantities of output is called a
production function.
3. Continuous production function: This function arises for those inputs which can
be divided into smaller doses. Continuous variables can be known from
measurement, for example, seeds and fertilizers, etc.
4. Discontinuous or discrete production function: This function arises for those
inputs or work units which cannot be divided into smaller units and hence are
used in whole numbers. For example, number of ploughings, weedings and
harvestings, etc.
5. Short run production period: The planning period during which one or more of
the resources are fixed while others are variable resources. The output can be
varied only by intensive use of fixed resources. It is written as
Y=f (X1, X2 / X3…..Xn) where Y is output, X1, X2 are variable
inputs and X3…..Xn are fixed inputs.
6. Long run production period: The planning period during which all the resources
can be varied. It is written as
Y=f (X1, X2 ,…..Xn)
7. Technical coefficient: The amount of input per unit of output is called technical
8. Resources: Anything that aids in production is called a resource. The resources
physically enter the production process.
9. Resource services: The work done by a person, machine or livestock is called a
resource service. Resources do not enter the production process physically.
10. Fixed resources: The resources that remain unchanged irrespective of the level of
production are called fixed resources. For example, land , building, machinery.
These resources exist only in short run. The costs associated with these resources
are called fixed costs.
11. Variable resources: The resources that vary with the level of production are
called variable resources. These resources exist both in short run and long run.
For example, seeds, fertilizers, chemicals, etc. The costs associated with these
resources are called variable costs.
12. Flow resources: The resources that cannot be stored and should be used as and
when these are available. For example, services of a labourer on a particular day.
13. Stock resources: The resources that can be stored for use later on. For example,
seeds. Defining an input as a flow or stock depends on the length of time under
consideration. For example, tractor with 10 years life is a stock resources if we
take the services of tractor for its entire useful life of 10 years. But it also
provides its service every day, therefore it is a flow resources.
14. Production period: It is the time period required for the transformation of
resources or inputs into products.
15. Farm entrepreneur: Farm entrepreneur is the person who organizes and operates
the farm business and bears the responsibility of the outcome of the business.
16. Farm business manager: Person appointed by the entrepreneur to manage and
supervise the farm business and is paid for the services rendered. He/she carries
out the instructions of the entrepreneur.
17. Productivity: Output per unit of inputs is called the productivity.
18. Technical efficiency: It is the ratio of the physical output to inputs used. It
implies the using of resources as effectively as possible without any wastages.
19. Economic efficiency: It is the expression of technical efficiency in monetary
terms through the prices. In other words, the ratio of value of output to value of
inputs is termed as economic efficiency. It implies maximization of profits per
unit of input.
20. Allocative efficiency: It occurs when no possible reorganization of
resources/production can make any combination higher yielding without making
other combination less yielding. It refers to resource use efficiency.
21. Optimality: It is an ideal condition or situation in which costs are minimum
and/or profits maximum.
22. Cost of cultivation: The expenditure incurred on all inputs and input services in
raising a crop on a unit area is called cost of cultivation. It is expressed as rupees
per hectare or rupees per acre.
23. Cost of production: The expenditure incurred in producing a unit quantity of
output is known as cost of production, for example, Rs./kg of Rs./quintal.
24. Independent variable: Variable whose value does not depend on other variables
and which influences the dependent variable, is termed as independent variable,
for example, land, labour and capital.
25. Dependent variable: Variable whose value depends on other variables is termed
as dependent variable, for example, crop output.
26. Slope of a line: It represents the rate of change in one variable that occurs when
another variable changes. Slope varies at different points on a curve but remains
same on all points on a given line. It is the rate of change in the variable on
vertical axis per unit change in the variable on horizontal axis and is expressed as
a number.
27. Total physical product: Total amount of output obtained by using different units
of inputs measured in physical units, for example, kg, tonnes, etc.
28. Average physical product (APP): Output per unit of input on an average is termed
as APP and is given by Y/X.
29. Marginal physical product: Addition to total output obtained by using the
marginal unit of input and is measured as ΔY/ΔX.
Lecture 3
Production Functions: Meaning and Types
The production function portrays an input-output relationship. It describes the rate at which
resources are transformed into products. There are numerous input-output relationships in
agriculture because the rates at which the inputs are transformed into outputs will vary among
soil types, animals, technologies, rainfall amount and so forth.
Definition: Production function is a technical and mathematical relationship describing the
manner and extent to which a particular product depends upon the quantities of inputs or services
of inputs, used at a given level of technology and in a given period of time. It shows the quantity
of output that can be produced using different levels of inputs.
A production function can be expressed in different ways: in written form, enumerating and
describing the inputs that have a bearing on the output; by listing inputs and the resulting outputs
numerically in a table; depicting in the form of a graph or a diagram; and in the form of an
algebraic equation. Symbolically, a production function can be written as
Y=f (X1, X2 , X3 ,…….., Xn) where Y is output, X1, X2 , X3….. Xn are inputs. It,
however, does not tell which inputs are fixed and which are the variable ones. Since in
production, fixed inputs play an important role, these are expressed as: Y=f (X1, X2 / X3…..Xn)
where Y is output, X1, X2 are variable inputs and X3…..Xn are fixed inputs.

Assumptions of Production Function Analysis

1. The production function is defined only for the non-negative values of inputs and outputs.
2. The production function presupposes technical efficiency. This means that every possible
combination of inputs is assumed to result in maximum level of output.
3. The input- output relationship or the production function is single valued and continuous.
4. The production function is characterized by i) decreasing marginal product for all factor-
product combinations; ii) decreasing rate of technical substitution between any two
factors; and iii) an increasing rate of product transformation between any two products.
5. The returns to scale are assumed to be decreasing.
6. All the factors of production and products are perfectly divisible.
7. The parameters determining the firm’s production function do not change over the time period
considered. Also, these parameters are not allowed to be random variables.
8. The exact nature of any production function is assumed to be determined by a set of technical
decisions taken by the producer.

Types of Production Functions

Several types of production functions used in agriculture are as follows:
i) Linear Production Function: Also known as first degree polynomial. It’s algebraic form is
given by
y  a0  bx

where a0 is the intercept and b is the slope of the function. It is not commonly used in
research because it violates the basic assumptions of characteristic functional analysis.

ii) Quadratic PF: Also known as second degree polynomial. This type of PF allows both
declining & negative marginal productivity thus embracing the second and third stage of
production simultaneously.
y  b0  b1 x1  b2 x12 where b0, b1 , & b2, are the parameters. Such PFs are quite common in
fertilizer response studies.

iii) Cobb-Douglas PF: It is also known as power production function. It is most widely used PF.
It accounts for only our stage of production at a time & cannot represent constant, increasing or
decreasing marginal productivity simultaneously.
Y = b0 x1b1 where b0 is efficiency parameters & b1 is elasticity of production
iv) Mitscherlich or Spillman function

v) Transcendental function

vi) Translog PF

vii) Constant elasticity of substitution (CES) function

viii) Resistance Function

ix) Square root PF: It represents a compromise between C-D & the quadratic PF.
y  a 0  a1 x  a2 x

This function gets rid of the limitations of field mix of inputs for producing different levels of
output inherent in the C-D production function & that of linear isoclines in quadratic function.
Thus, this function allows both a diminishing TP in the same way as QF does & for declining
MPs at a diminishing rate as the C-D function does.
Lecture 4
Laws of Returns: Increasing, Constant and Decreasing
In production one or a combination of the following relationships are commonly
1. Law of constant marginal returns (productivity),
2. Law of increasing marginal returns (productivity) and
3. Law of decreasing marginal returns (productivity)

1. Law of constant marginal returns (productivity): It is said to operate when each marginal
unit of variable input adds equal quantity of output to the total output. It is applicable over
limited range, e.g. one tractor (plus driver) will almost give same output, other things remaining

Fertilizer (X) Total Product (Y) Marginal Product (Returns)

(in kg) (in kg) (ΔY/Δ X)
0 1300 -
10 1350 5
20 1400 5
30 1450 5
40 1500 5
50 1550 5

Algebraically, ΔY1/ΔX1 = ΔY2/ΔX2 =……………..= ΔYn/ΔXn

2. Law of increasing marginal returns (productivity): It is said to operate when each marginal
unit of variable input adds more and more quantity of output to the total output. It is not common
in agriculture, e.g. small increase in seed input given the fixed inputs.

Seed (X) (in Total Product (Y) Marginal Product (Returns)

kg) (in kg) (ΔY/Δ X)
10 1000 -
15 1025 5
20 1075 10
25 1150 15
30 1250 20
35 1375 25
Algebraically, ΔY1/ΔX1 < ΔY2/ΔX2 <……………..< ΔYn/ΔXn

3. Law of decreasing marginal returns (productivity): It is said to operate when each

marginal unit of variable input adds less and less quantity of output to the total output. It is
widely applicable in agriculture.

Fertilizer (X) Total Product (Y) Marginal Product (Returns)

(in kg) (in kg) (ΔY/Δ X)
0 500 -
10 1400 90
20 2100 70
30 2600 50
40 3000 40
50 3300 30
60 3500 20

Algebraically, ΔY1/ΔX1 > ΔY2/ΔX2 >……………..> ΔYn/ΔXn

Lecture 5
Factor-Product Relationship
Determination of Optimum Input and Output

Law of diminishing returns and the three stages of production

The law of diminishing returns describes the relationship between output and the variable input
when other inputs are held constant.

Definition: If increasing amounts of one input are added to a production process while all other
inputs are held constant, the amount of output added per unit of variable input will eventually
decrease. It is also known as law of diminishing productivity or the law of variable proportions.
Application of the law of diminishing returns to the production concept can result in a production
function of classical type. It displays increasing marginal returns first and then decreasing
marginal returns.

The three stages of production

Ep  1
Ep  0

Ep  1

Input Congestion

Three stages of production

The classical production function can be divided into three regions or stages, each being
important from the standpoint of efficient resources use.

Stage-I occurs when marginal physical product (MPP) > average physical product (APP). APP
is increasing throughout this stage, indicating that the average rate at which X is transformed into
Y, increases until APP reaches its maximum at the end of Stage-I.

Stage-II occurs when MPP is decreasing and is less than APP but greater than zero. The physical
efficiency of the variable input reaches a peak at the beginning of Stage–II. On the other hand
physical efficiency of fixed input is greatest at the end of Stage-II. This is because the number of
fixed input is constant and therefore the output/ unit of fixed input must be the largest when the
total output from the production process is maximum.

Stage-III occurs when MPP is negative. Stage III occurs when excessive quantities of variable
input are combined with the fixed input, so much, that total physical product (TPP) begins to

Economic recommendations & production function analysis: Production function knowledge

and the input and output prices information can be used to know the most profitable input and
output levels. However, even when price information is not available, some recommendations
about the input use can be made from the production function itself.

1. If the product has any value at all, input use once begun, should be continued until Stage
–II is reached. That is because physical efficiency of variable resources, measured by
APP, increases throughout stage –I.
2. Even if input is free, it will not be used in stage III. Maximum output occurs when Stage
II closes. It is of no use applying variable input when TPP starts coming down.
3. Stage II defines the area of economic relevance. Variable input use must be somewhere
in stage-II, but exact input amount can be determined when choice indicators (input &
output prices) are known.

A. Relationship between TPP & MPP

1. Since MPP is a measure of rate of change, therefore

(i) when TPP is increasing, MPP will be +ve,

(ii) when TPP is constant MPP will be zero,

(iii) when TPP decreases, MPP will be –ve.

2. So long MPP moves upward, TPP increases at an increasing rate.

3. When MPP remains constant, TPP increases at a constant rate.

4. When MPP starts declining, TPP increases at a decreasing rate.

5. When MPP is zero, TPP will be at maximum.

B. Relationship between MPP & APP

1. When MPP is increasing, APP is also increasing. So long as MPP is above APP, the APP
keeps increasing.

2. When MPP curve goes below APP curve, APP starts declining, that is, when AP is decreasing
the MP is always less than APP.

3. When MP = AP, AP will be at maximum. Here MP curve must intersect AP curve from
above at its highest point.

So when MP > AP AP↑


MP = AP AP is at maximum.

Elasticity of production: The elasticity of production is a concept that measures the degree of
responsiveness between output and input. It is independent of the units of measurement.

% change in output
Ep 
% change in input

Y / Y Y / X MPP
Ep   
X / X Y/X APP
Ep > 1 in Stage I

0  Ep  1 stage II
is based on exact MPPs
E p is negative stage  III

The point of diminishing returns can be defined to occur when MPP =APP that is Ep= 1 (lower
boundary of stage II) & this is the minimum amount of variable input that will be used & it
occurs when the efficiency of variable input is at its maximum. At the other end, MPP is zero,
therefore Ep= 0. Thus the relevant production zone is when O ≤ Ep ≤ 1.

The optimum level of variable input is given by:

ΔX1.PX1 = ΔY. Py or ΔY/ ΔX1. =PX1/ Py

Marginal cost = marginal revenue.

Lecture 6
Factor – Factor Relationship
Factor-factor relationship is concerned with the possibilities of substituting one input/factor (X1)
for another input/factor (X2) for producing a given level of output. It answers the crucial question
of finding out the optimum or least cost combination of two or more resources in producing the
given amount of output. The two fold object of factor-factor relationship is

(i) Minimization of cost at a given level of output.

(ii) Optimization of output to the fixed factors through alternatives resources

The functional relationship is Y = f (X1, X2/X3---Xn)

what amounts of X1 & X2 should be used to give the lowest cost for producing fixed y0, when X3-
----- Xn are held constant.

Isoquant (Iso-product curve): It is defined as the locus of various combinations of two inputs
yielding the same level of output. Each point on an isoquant represents the maximum output that
can be attained with these input combinations. Isoquant is a convenient device for compressing
the 3-dimension picture of a production process into two dimensions. X1 = f (X2, Y0).

Isoquant map


Properties of isoquants
1. Isoquants have a negative slope,
2. Isoquants to right indicate higher output level,
3. Isoquants do not interest each other,
4. Isoquant are convex to origin showing diminishing MRTS.
Types of Factor-Factor Relationship: Many types of production surfaces are possible
depending upon the underlying production function. The shapes of the isoquants and production
surfaces will depend on the manner in which the variable inputs are combined to produce a
particular level of output. Broadly, these are three categories of such combinations of inputs.

(1) Fixed proportion combination of inputs,

(2) Constant rate of substitution
(3) Varying rates of substitution
(1) Fixed proportion combination
These represent such products that can be produced if inputs are added in fixed proportion at all
levels of production. In this case there is no substitution between inputs and thus there is strict
complementarily between the two inputs. Such an isoquant implies that one exact combination of
inputs will produce a particular level of output. The inputs which increase the output only when
combined in a fixed proportion are known as complementary inputs, e.g. One tractor and one
man (driver). No problem in economic decision working. Also called Leontief isoquants.



Substitutes: Two resources are said to be substitutes when change in price of one leads to a
change in demand for another (MRTS is –ve).
Complements: Resources used together in production. When Price of X1 increases the demand
for X2 decrease. (MRTS is zero).

2. Constant rate of substitution: Such type of a factor-factor relationship gives linear isoquants.
The substitution occurs at constant rate i.e. the amount of one input replaced by the other input
does not change as the added input increases.
X 21 X 22 X 2 n
= = -----------=
X11 X 12 X 1n


Assumes perfect substitutbility

Constant Substitution
X2 X1 ∆X2 ΔX1 X 2  MRTS 
 
Female labour Male labour X1  X1X 2 

10 1 2 1 2/1=2

8 2 2 1 2/1=2

6 3 2 1 2/1=2

4 4 2 1 2/1=2

2 5 2 1 2/1=2

e.g. Two labourers. Decision rule use either of the two depending on the relative prices.

3. Varying Rate of substitution: In this there can either be increasing rate or decreasing rate of
substitution. In this MRTSX1X2 varies over iso-product curve. It means that the amount of one
input (X1) required to substitute for one unit of another input (X2) at a given level of production
increases or decreases as the amount of X1 used increases. Substitution at decreasing rate is
common in agriculture (N& P or K & L)

X 21 X 22 X 2 n
> > -- -------->
X 11 X 12 X 1n

X1 X2 ΔX2 ΔX1 ΔX2/ΔX1

23 0

16 1 7 1 7

10 2 6 1 6

5 3 5 1 5

1 4 4 1 4

0 5 1 1 1



0 X1

Fodder & concentrates

These convex isoquants represent continuous substitution between the two inputs. These are easy
to handle mathematically (using calculus).

X 2
X 1
Marginal rate of technical substitution (MRTS or MRS): MRTS is defined as the negative of
the slope of the isoquant at any point. It is the rate at which two factors of production can be
exchanged at a particular level of output and consequently that of the levels of inputs used.

X 2 for (replaced ) MP1

Slope of isoquant= MRTSX1X2 = =
X 1 of (added ) MP 2

Dy Dy
dy = .dx1+ .dX2
DX 1 DX 2

dy =0 on an isoquant

dX 2 DX 1 = MP1
- =
dX 1 Dy MP 2
DX 2

Iso-cost line: Locus of all possible combination of two inputs which can be purchased with a
given outlay or budget.

P x 2 (X 2 )
T=PX1.X1+Px2.X2 or X1= ( T -
P x1) P x1



P X2 becomes PX1 increase &
Costlier & PX2 Decreases
P X1 decreases



Two important points regarding iso-cost line are:

(i) It prices are same and only outlay changes then iso-cost lines will be parallel to each
(ii) Changes in prices of inputs will change the slope of iso-cost line.
Computing Least cost combination: Three methods

(1) Arithmetical Method: output = 85 units

Sr. X1 X2 Cost of X1@ Rs3.00/unit Cost of X2 @ Rs4.00/unit Total outlay

1 8 2 24 16 32

2 6 3 18 12 30

3 5 4 15 16 31

4 4.5 5 13.50 20 33.5

5 3.5 7 10.50 28 38.5

(2) Algebraic Method:

X 2 PX 1
MRSX1X2 = Price ratio =
X 1 PX 2

PX1 (ΔX1) = PX2 (ΔX2)

If PX1 (ΔX1) > PX2 (ΔX2)  Increase X2

If PX1 (ΔX1) < PX2 (ΔX2)  Increase X1

(3) Graphic Method:

Slope of isoquant = slope of iso-cost line


X0 1 X1

Iso-cline: A line or curve connecting the least cost combinations of inputs for all output levels is
known as isocline. Isocline passes through all isoquants at points where they have same slope. It
shows how the relative proportion of the factors changes as the output is increased. It shows that
resources should be used along this line as long as MVP> MC of resources used.

Ridge lines: Represent the points of maximum output from each input, given a fixed amount of
the other input. On the ridge lines MPP is zero. Ridge lines represent the economic relevance
within the ridge lines MPPs of both the inputs is positive but decreasing.

For X2
(Ridge line
For X1)

Expansion Path: - There can be numerous isoclines for different possible combinations of input
prices. All these sets of prices of inputs do not prevail at any particular given time. A farm
manager has to be consider only one set of input prices that is most appropriate for the planning
period. The isoclines depending upon this set of prices (most appropriate) is called expansion
path. At any particular time there is only our expansion path possible.

Thus, the line or curve connecting the points of least cost combination for different levels of
output is called expansion path. Expansion path is an isocline on which slope of isoquant
(MRTS) equals the slopes of isocost line (price ratio). The expansion path indicates the best way
of producing the different levels of output given the input prices & the technology. If expansion
path is a straight line through origin, it means inputs will be used in the same proportion at all
output levels and hence it is called scale line. It is curved; it implies the inputs will be used in
various proportions.


Lecture 7
Product-Product Relationship
Product-product relationship: The farmers have limited resources and have a number of
enterprises/or enterprise combinations of crops and livestock to choose from. So the question is:
How much of what to produce and with what technology. In other words, what combination of
enterprises should be produced?

Algebraically, y1 = f (y2)

Basic Relationship: The basic product-product relationships are

(i) Joint Products: Joint products result from the same production process and the
production of one without the other is not possible. For instance, cotton lint & seed,
wheat & straw. In such cases the quantity of one product produced decides the
quantity of other product. For production decisions, joint products can be treated as
one product. Changes in product combinations are possible in long run only (through

Y2 B


(ii) Complementary Products: Complementarity between two enterprises exists when

with a change in the level of one, the other also changes in the same direction. e.g.
Maize after barseem.
M ·
O H Y1

(iii) Supplementary products: Exists when increase or decrease in one product does not
affect the production level of the other product. All supplementary relationships
should be taken advantage of by producing both products to the point where the
products become competitive.



O D Y2

(iv) Competitiveness: This relationship holds when increase or decrease in the production
of one product affects the production of other commodity inversely. Competitive
enterprises compete for farm resources & substitute for each other. When two
products are competitive, some amount of one product must be given up to increase
the level of other product. MRPS between products is negative. When two products
are competitive, they may substitute at constant rate, increasing rate or decreasing
(a) Constant Rate of Substitution: It means that a unit change in one product is
throughout accompanied by the same unit opposite change in the other product
e.g. wheat & gram for land.


O ΔY1 Y1

y1 y12 y1N

= = ------= . This is normally a short run relationship. When this relationship
y 2 y 22 y 2 N
exists it will be economical to produce only one of the products depending upon the relative

(b) Increasing Rate of Substitution: In this each unit increase in the level of one
product is accompanied by larger and larger decrease in the level of other product.
e.g. wheat & gram will substitute at increasing rate for capital and labour.
y 21 y 22 y 2n
< < ---- <
y11 y12 y1n

Y2 ΔY2

ΔY1 Y1

Here profit is maximum when physical rate of substitution is equal to product price ratio.

y 21 y 22 y 2 N
> > ----- >
y11 y12 y1N
c) Decreasing Rate of Substitution: In this case a unit increase in the level of one product is
accompanied by lesser & lesser decrease in the level of other product e.g. dairy & crops. Rare in
agriculture. If this exists it will be economical to produce only one of the products. Price line will
be tangent at only one of the end points of the curve.

y 2 y 2
Summary: > zero – complementary; < zero – competitive MRPS y1 y2
y1 y1

y 2
=zero – supplementary
Lecture 8
Returns to Scale

It refers to the change in output as a result of a given proportionate change in all the factors of
production simultaneously. Returns to scale is a long run concept as all the variables are varied
in quantity. Returns to scale are increasing, constant or decreasing depending on whether
proportionate simultaneous increase of input factors results in an increasing in output by a
greater, same or smaller proportion.
Hypothetical example of returns to scale
Labour Capital Output Change in output (Δ Y) Nature of returns to scale
0 0 0
1 1 8 8 Increasing
2 2 17 9
3 3 28 11
4 4 38 10 Constant
5 5 38 10
6 6 58 10
7 7 68 10
8 8 76 8 Decreasing
9 9 82 6
10 10 84 4

Difference between the law of variable proportions and returns to scale

Sr. No. Law of variable proportions Returns to Scale
1 Describes the behaviour of output when Examine the behaviour of output when all
one input is varied. inputs are varied at the same time.
2 Some factors of production are constant. All factors are varied.
3 The proportion among factors varies. The proportion among factors remains
4 It is a short run production function. It is a long run production function.
5 Here increasing constant or decreasing Here increasing constant or decreasing
returns to a factor are observed. returns to scale are observed.
6 Increasing returns are due to the efficient Increasing returns to scale are due to scale
utilization of fixed resources as a result economies of production.
of application of sufficient quantity of
variable resource.
7 Optimum output is the result of best The optimum output is the result of
proportion among fixed & variable optimum size of plant.
8 Diminishing returns are due to over Diminishing returns to scale are due to the
exploitation of fixed factor. operation of diseconomies of scale.
9 Y = f(X1 / X2 , X3….,Xn) Y = f(X1, X2 , ….,Xn)
10 It is a reality. It is myth.
Lecture 9
Farm Management: Definition, Scope and Importance
Farm Management: Farm management comprises of two words: ‘farm’ and ‘management’.
Literally ‘farm’ means a piece of land where crops and livestock enterprises are taken up under a
common management and has specific boundaries. ‘Management’ means the act or art


 Farm management is defined as the science that deals with organization and operation of
the farm in the context of efficiency and continuous profits (J.N. Efferson).
 Farm management is defined as the science of organization and management of the farm
enterprises for the purpose of securing greatest continuous profits (G.F. Warren).
 Farm management is defined as the art of managing a farm successfully as measured by
the test of profitableness (Gray).
 Farm management is defined as the art of applying business and scientific principles to
the organization and operation of the farm (Andrew Boss).
 Farm management is the decision-making process whereby limited resources are
allocated to a number of production alternatives to organize and operate the business in
such a way to attain some objectives (Ronald D. Kay).
 Farm management is a branch of agricultural economics, which deals with wealth earning
and wealth spending activities of farmer in relation to the organization and operation of
the individual farm unit for securing the maximum possible net income (Bradford and
 Farm management, as the sub-division of economics, which considers the allocation of
limited resources within the individual farm, is a science of choice and decision-making
and thus a field requiring studied judgment (Heady and Jensen).

Thus in simple words, farm management can be defined as a science which deals with
judicious decisions on the use of scarce farm resources, having alternative uses to obtain the
maximum profit and family satisfaction on a continuous basis from the farm as a whole and
under sound farming programmes. In other words, farm management seeks to help the farmer
in deciding problems like what to produce, how much to produce, how to produce and when to
buy and sell and in organization and managerial problems relating to these decisions.

Scope and importance of farm management

Farm Management is generally considered to fall in the field of microeconomics. It deals with
the allocation of resources at the level of an individual farm. While in a way concerned with the
problems of resource allocation in the agricultural sector, and even in the economy as a whole,
the primary concern of farm management is the farm as a unit.

It covers aspects of farm business which have a bearing on the economic efficiency of the farm.
thus, the types of enterprises to be combined, the kind of crops and varieties to be grown, the
dosage of fertilizers to be applied, the implements to be used, the way the farm functions are to
be performed, all these fall within the purview of the subject of farm management. The subject of
farm management includes; farm management research, training and extension.

Farm Management Research

a) delineation of homogeneous type-of farming-areas in various regions of the country,
b) generation of input-output coefficients and working out comparative economics of
various farm enterprises,
c) formulation of standard farm plans and optimum cropping patterns for different areas and
types of farming,
d) developing suitable models of mechanization and modernization; and
e) evaluation of agricultural policies having a bearing on development and growth of the
Agricultural Production Economics vis-a-vis Farm Management

Following are the differences between agricultural production economics and farm management.

Sr. No. Agricultural Production Economics Farm Management

1 It is a science in which the principles It is a science of organization and operation
of choice are applied to use of land, of farm with a view to earn continuous
capital, labour and management of profits.
resources in the farming industry.
2 Agricultural production economics is It is an integral part of agricultural
a specialized branch of agricultural production economics.
3 It is microeconomic in its scope as it It is microeconomic in its scope as it is
deals with the problems of farming concerned with the problems of individual
industry. farm.
4 It deals with allocative efficiency of It deals with economics efficiency at the farm
the use of resources in agriculture. level.
5 It is an inter-farm study. It is an intra-farm study.
Lecture 10
Typical Farm Management Decisions
As farm management is the science which concerns with making decisions and choices about
combining different enterprises and optimal utilization of resources available, it is necessary to
understand the typical farming decisions. Decisions can be classified into organizational
management decisions, administrative management decisions and marketing management
decisions which are discussed as below:

1. Organizational management decisions: These are further sub-divided into operational

management decisions and strategic management decisions.
i) Operational management decisions: Those decisions, which involve less investment and are
made more frequently, are called operational management decisions. The effect of these
decisions is short lived. These decisions can be reversed without incurring a cost or with less
cost. These decisions are what, how and how much to produce.
a) What to produce?
Every farmer has to decide at the beginning of the every crop season about the type of farm
commodities to produce with the resources available on the farm. It means whether to produce
crops alone or livestock enterprises alone or a combination of crops and livestock enterprises.
While selecting the enterprises and their combinations, the farmer always aims at profit
b) How to produce?
Once the decision about the enterprises and their combinations to produce is made, the next
immediate operational management decision to be made is with regard to the manner in which
resources are combined or the production technology to be chosen. In the selection of resources
and their combinations, farmer is concerned with the cost minimization.
c) How much to produce?
After having made the above two decisions, now the farmer has to decide about the amount of
output to achieve in the production of farm commodities. This implies deciding upon the
quantities of various inputs to be used in production as the level of production depends on
amount of inputs used.
ii) Strategic management decisions
These decisions involve heavy investment and are made less frequently. The effect of these
decisions is long lasting. These decisions cannot be altered. However, in the case of reversal of
these decisions farmer has to incur high cost. These decisions are also known as basic decisions.
Size of the farm, machinery and labour programme, construction of farm buildings, permanent
improvements on the farm like development of irrigation facilities, soil conservation,
reclamation, etc. are some of the examples of strategic management decisions.
a) Size of the farm
This decision assumes greater relevance to the farmer because of slow and low rate of capital
turnover, but it is very difficult to decide on the most appropriate size of the farm to be operated,
as it is influenced by several factors viz., availability of financial resources, state laws,
managerial abilities, climate, type of farming, etc. There are advantages and limitations in
operating the farm business on different scales. Large farms enjoy low cost of production,
whereas productivity is high on small farms. The advantages and disadvantages of operating
enterprises on different scales must be ascertained, while making decision on the size of the

b) Machinery and labour programme

One of the important management problems is to choose appropriate resources and their
combinations to produce output with minimum cost. Machinery and labour are substitutes. The
availability and requirement of labour, the size of the farm, the financial resources, etc., are
important factors in deciding the combination of labour and machinery.

c) Construction of farm buildings

This decision involves huge capital requirements. Here the decisions are made on construction of
farm sheds, poultry sheds, dairy sheds, storage buildings, etc. Once the decision is taken about
the design of a farm building and implemented then it cannot be reversed, for it involves high

d) Irrigation, conservation and reclamation programmes

All these programmes help in improving soil productivity. Adaptation of these programmes will
have long lasting effect on the organization of the farm business. Size of the farm, availability of
funds, availability of ground water, etc, influence the decision on development of irrigation
facilities. Mulching, bunding, contouring, strip cropping, etc., are the various alternative
measures of soil conservation. Chemical and cultural practices are adapted for soil reclamation.
The farmer should choose most appropriate and economical method of conservation and
reclamation programmes.

2. Administrative management decisions

Besides organizational management decisions, the farmer also makes several administrative
decisions like financing the farm business, supervision, accounting and adjusting his farm
business according to government policies.

a) Financing the farm business: Majority of the Indian farmers are capital starved, hence they
have to depend on borrowed capital. For borrowing, the farmer has to examine the decisions like
from whom to borrow, when to borrow and how much to borrow.

b) Supervision: To get the desired results on the farm, farmers should keep a close watch on all
the activities performed in the production of crop and livestock enterprises.

c) Accounting: Farmer should make a decision about the time and money to be allocated for the
maintenance of farm records. Farm records provide control over the farm business.

d) Adjusting the farm production programme: The decision of allocating farm resources in
the production of farm products should be consistent with the price policies of the government.
The government as a welfare state exercises its control over production and marketing of farm
commodities according to the situation.

3. Marketing management decisions

Marketing decisions are the most important under the changing environment of agriculture.
These decisions include buying and selling.

a) Buying: Every farmer makes an attempt to purchase necessary inputs at the least cost. In
buying resources, a farmer has to decide the agency, the timing and the quantity to be purchased.

b) Selling: Though farm product prices are not under the control of the farmers, yet by adjusting
the timing of sales, farmers can obtain better prices. What to sell, where to sell, whom to sell,
when to sell and how to sell are the important selling decisions that are to be made by the farmer.

Production and Strategic Decisions (involve heavy investment and have long lasting effects)
Organization 1. Size of the farm.
Problem Decisions 2. Machinery and livestock programme
3. Construction of buildings.
4. Irrigation, conservation and reclamation programmes.
Operational Decisions (more frequent & involve relatively small investments)
1. What to produce – Selection of enterprises
2. How much to produce-(enterprise mix & production processes.)
Farm 3. How to produce – Selection of least cost method.
Problems 4. When to produce – Timing of production.
decisions of
the farmer 1. Financing the farm business
(a) Optimum utilization of funds.
Administrative (b) Acquisition of funds- proper agency and time.
Problem 2. Supervision of work –operational timing.
Decisions 3. Accounting and book-keeping.
4. Adjustment of farming business to government programmes and policies.

What to buy
Marketing When to buy
Problem From whom to buy
Decisions How to buy

What to sell
When to sell
Where to sell
How to sell
Lecture 11
Cost Concepts in Farm Management

Fixed cost (FC): Fixed costs are those costs which do not change in magnitude as the amount of
output produced changes and are incurred even when production is not undertaken. These are
also called sunk costs. These could be fixed cash costs such as land taxes, interest, insurance
premiums, permanently hired labour, etc. Non-cash fixed costs include depreciation on
buildings, machinery interest on capital investment, cost of family labour & management, etc.
Variable costs (VC): The costs that are incurred on variable inputs and hence vary with the level
of production are called variable costs. Higher the production more will be VC and vice-versa.
Expenses on fertilizer, seed, chemical fuel consumption, etc.

Total costs = FC+VC

Total costs (TC) are required to compute net revenue (NR)


Opportunity cost: Farm resources are limited but these can be put to different uses. When these
are used in our product, some alternative usage is always forgone. The opportunity cost is the
value of best alternative forgone.

Cost Function: Cost function (or TC curves) represents the functional relationship between
output and total cost. That is what happens to cost structure when different quantities of a
commodity are produced. The cost function can be represented by (i) arithmetically (tabular
form), (ii) Geometrically or (iii) Algebraically. Exact nature (curvature) of cost function depends
on the corresponding production function provided the prices for inputs do not change with the
quality of inputs purchased.
30 TP1





O 5 10 15 20 25 X





1. Total fixed cost (TFC): The costs incurred on all fixed inputs used in production are known
as TFC. These do not change with the output levels & hence represented by a straight line
parallel to X axis.

2. Total variable cost (TVC): Refers to the costs of variable input used in production & is
computed by multiplying the amount of variable input by the price/ unit of input.

TVC = Px·X

Shape of TVC depends on shape of production function.

3. Total cost (TC): TC are the sum of TVC & TFC and are obtained by adding TVC & TFC for
different output levels. When no variable input in used (TVC=0) TC = TFC. Shape of TVC &
TC are same & depend upon the production function.

TC = TFC = TVC or TC = TFC + Px (X)




4. Average fixed cost (AFC): It is the fixed cost per unit of output & is computed by dividing
TFC by the amount of output at that particular level of output. AFC varies for each level of
output and as the output increases, AFC decreases. When output is zero, AFC = TFC. AFC
always slopes downward regardless of production function. AFC curve declines continuously &
never shows upward movement because after maximum product is achieved, input use beyond
this becomes irrational.

5. Average variable cost (AVC): AVC is given by  AVC  x 

AVC varies with the levels of production & its shape depends on production function. The
height of AVC depends upon the unit cost of the variable input. Like AFC, AVC cannot be
computed when output is zero. AVC is inversely related to APP. AVC falls first due to
economies of large scale production & then rises due to diseconomies of scale in production.
AVC (like APP) measures the efficiency of variable input: when AVC is decreasing, efficiency
of variable input is increasing; it is at maximum when AVC is at minimum & it is decreasing
when AVC is increasing. As the production expands, the AVC declines initially, reaches a
lowest point & then bends upwards.

6. Average Total Cost (ATC) = Y or AFC +AVC; shape of ATC depends upon shape of

production function. ATC decreases as output increases, attains a minimum and increases
thereafter. ATC is often referred to as ‘unit cost’ of production – the cost of producing the unit of
output. The initial decrease in ATC is caused by the spreading of FC among an increasing
number of units of output and the increasing efficiency with which the variable input is used. As
output increases further, ATC attains a minimum & begins to increase, as increase in AVC can
no longer be offset by decrease in AFC. ATC curve has the same slope as AVC. Difference is
that the lowest point in case of AVC reaches earlier as compared to ATC.

7. Marginal Cost (MC): May be defined as the change in TC in response to a unit change in
output. That is it is the cost of producing an additional unit of output & is given by .
Actually a change in TC is always equal to change in VC at a given level of FC. So MC must be
worked out by dividing the change in VC by the change in output.
Lectures 12 &13
Economic Principles applied to the Organization of Farm Business

1. Cost Principle


Net Revenue = TR –TC

(A) In the short run: Gross revenue (GR) must cover the VC. Maximum net revenue is
obtained when MC = MR. If GR < TC but > VC, guiding principle should be to keep
increasing production as long as MR > MC.
In the short run, MC = MR point may be at a level of input use that may involve a loss
instead of profit. Yet at this point loss will be minimized. This situation of operating the
farms when MR is > AVC but < ATC is common in agriculture. This explains why
farmers keep on doing farming even when they run into losses.

(B) In the long Run: GR should be > VC + FC=TC. For taking production decision in such a
situation, one should go on using resources as long as added returns remain greater than
added total costs. Here, the object is to maximize profits instead of minimizing the losses.
2. Law of Equi- Marginal Returns (Special case of substitution)
When resources are unlimited, farmer can produce all products under the rule,

Added returns > Added costs

But resources are limited, expansion of one enterprise requires contraction of other. The big
question is which enterprise combination will give the greatest income? Such an optimum choice
of enterprises is made based on the principle of equi-marginal return or the opportunity cost
principle. Profit will be the greatest if each unit of labour, capital and land is used where it adds
the most to the returns. In other words, this principle lays down: the best combination of
enterprises or practices will be where limited resources are allocated in a manner that one cannot
change the use of a simple unit without reducing the income. Thus, the resources should be used
where they give not the highest average returns but the greatest marginal returns. Thus, the best
combination of enterprises is obtained not when we select profitable crops but most profitable
crops. The profitability of an enterprise depends on the price of the product, the direct costs
attached to it & the amount of product sacrificed as one enterprise gets replaced with other.
Budgeting & programming techniques take this principle into account for working out an
optimum plan.

Example: A farmer has Rs 5000 to invest on crops, dairy or poultry. What amount of capital he
should invest on each enterprise to get highest profit?

Marginal Return to capital on these enterprises are

Marginal Return (MR) (Rs)

Capital used (Rs) Crops Dairy Poultry
1000 1300 1400 1500
2000 1300 1200 1250
3000 1200 1100 1100
4000 1200 900 1000
5000 1100 800 900
Total Return 6100 5400 5750
from Rs
Net Returns 1100 400 750
Av. Returns 1.22 1.08 1.15

The marginal return will however dictate spending as

Amt Enterprises Add Return
1 1000 Poultry 1500
2nd 1000 Dairy 1400
3 1000 Crops 1300
4 1000 Crops 1300
5th 1000 1250
TR from 5000 6750

4. Opportunity Cost Principle:

When resources are limited and there are more than one enterprise where farmer can invest.
When recourses are used in one product some alternative is always forgone. The opportunity cost
is the value of next best alternative forgone. The value of one enterprises sacrificed is the cost of
producing another enterprise. This principle thus refers to the advantages (returns) which might
have been obtained from any factor if it had net been used in producing that commodity, but
would have been used for other next best purpose. Thus, it is the cost equivalent to the returns
from next best alternative forgone.

5. Time Comparison Principle

There are two types of investments: (1) Investments on operating inputs & (2) Investment on
capital assets (land, farm building, machinery, equipment, etc). Analysis of these investments
involves not only the comparison of costs and returns associated with it, but also the timings of
occurrence of costs & returns. The costs & returns from investments in operating resources occur
with a production period of a year or less. The marginal principles are used to determine the
optimum level of operating resources & there is no need to bring in time element here. But in
case of capital assets where the costs & returns are in different time periods and also capital
expenditure involves costs & returns over time (orchards). Some expenditure may be recurring &
some non- recurring. To examine the profitability of these investments it requires the recognition
of time value of money. Money has time value for the following reasons.

(1) Earning power of money: represented by opportunity cost of money (rate of interest )
(2) Inflation – purchasing power of money varies inversely with the price level. A rupee
earned a year from now is less valuable than a rupee earned today.
(3) Uncertainty: Investment deals with future & future is uncertain. Investments are made
with the expectation of receiving a stream of benefits in the future.
Thus, farm management involves dynamic adjustments in the organization & operation of farm
business by taking into account (a) time element in the valuation of present value of future
incomes by discounting future returns.

For discounting one needs to know the future & the capital position of the farmer. This implies
the exact future income / cost should be known. Capital position of the farmer affects the interest
rate to be used for discounting and the (b) risks & uncertainties in farm operations over time
(natural calamities, price fluctuations, technical changes). Two aspects of the problem are
considered under such situations: (a) Growth of a cash outlay over time i.e. compounding & (b)
Discounting of future incomes.
(1) Compounding: Compounding is the procedure to find the future value of a present sum,
given the earning power (interest rate) of money & the frequency of compounding. e.g.
Rs 100 @ 10% interest rate after 4 years.
1 year – 100+10 =110; 2nd – 110@10% = 110+11=121; 3rd year- 121@10@ = 121+12.10 =

133.10 4th: 133.10@ 10% = 133.10+13.31 = 146.41

S = P (1+i) n = 100 (1+0.10)4 =100*1.4464=146.4

(2) Discounting: is the procedure where the present value of the future income is determined.

PV  ; P is the amount to be received in future, PV is the present value e.g. Rs 5000 to
(1  i )n
be received after 3 years i =10%

5000 5000
PV    3756.57
(1  .10)3 1.331

For unlimited capital use market rate of interest. And for limited capital use the r that capital may
fetch for the farmer. Law of diminishing returns applies to agriculture in general but its operation
can be postponed under the following conditions: (i) Improved technology (2) New soils & (3)
Scarcity of Capital (as on stage I) – all lead to the produce of increasing returns.

Reasons for law of diminishing returns in agriculture: (1) Excessive dependence on weather, (2)
less scope for division of labour, farmer is the labour manager & capitalist (3) Less scope of
machinery (4) cultivation of inferior/ marginal lands (5) Continuous cultivation leading to
fertility loss.

Example: Analysis of time value of money in purchasing a tractor: A farmer wants to purchase a
tractor he has two options (1) purchase a new tractor 2,50,000 that will last 10 years & (2)
purchase an old tractor worth 1,50,000 & replace it after 5 years with another old tractor worth

(A) Farmer with unlimited capital : Has the opportunity of lending money @ 5%
PV   1,17,600
So 2, 50,000 V/S D 15000 + 117600 = 2, 67,600

(B) With limited capital: Has on opportunity of investing in poultry & earning 15% a year.
The opportunity cost of not using money for poultry is
PV   74550

So his comprises is 150000 + 74550 =224550

New tractor: 2, 50,000

Lecture 14
Types and Systems of Farming
Classification of farming

The ‘types of farming’ and the ‘systems of farming’ are two different terms. Some western farm
economists have used the terms, type and system interchangeably. Though the distinction
between the two is not very clear, yet some experts have tried to differentiate these. The ‘system
of farming’ is generally used to denote the ownership of land, farm resource management and
other managerial decisions. It may be cooperative farming, or tenant farming or the state
farming, etc. The ‘types of farming’ refers to the methods of farming and to different practices
that are used in carrying out farming operations. Johnson defined it as ‘when farms in a group are
quite similar in the kinds and proportions of the crops and the livestock that are produced and in
the methods and practices followed in production, the group is described as a ‘type of farming’’.
The flow chart given below details out various types and systems of farming.


Types Systems

1. Diversified including marginal 1. Co-operative

2. Specialised 2. Peasant

3. Mixed 3. State

4. Ranching 4. Capitalistic

5. Dry
A. Types of farming
Natural, economic and to some extent social factors determine the type of farming in an
area. Within the restraining influence of natural factors, economic factors- relative prices of farm
products, resources of the farmer, transport facility, farm size, land value and technological
developments influence the type of farming practiced in a region and set the proportion of area
under each enterprises. Religious beliefs and social background also play some part in following
the type of farming on the farm.

(1) Diversified or General farm

A farm on which no single product or source of income equals as much as 50% of the
total receipt is called a diversified or general farm. On such a farm, the farmer depends on
several sources of income.
Sources of Income grain



Advantages of Diversified farming

1. Better use of resources. Better use of land through adoption of crop rotations, steady
employment of farm and family labour and more profitable use of equipment are
obtained in diversified farming.
2. Business risk is reduced due to crop failure or unfavorable market prices.
3. Regular and quicker returns are obtained from various enterprises.

Disadvantages of Diversified Farming

1. Marketable produce is insufficient unless the producers arrange for the sale of their
produce on co-operative basis.
2. Because of varied jobs in diversified farming, a farmer can effectively supervise only
limited number of workers.
3. Better equipping of the farm is not possible because it is not economical to have
expensive implements and machinery for each enterprise.
4. There are chances when some of the leaks in farm business may remain undetected
due to diversity of operations.
Under Indian conditions, the advantages of diversified farming far outweigh any
consideration for specialized farming. As a rule, crop-dairy type of diversified
farming is followed, because it offers more economical use of land, labour and capital
and permits safest possible way to withstand adverse weather conditions or violent
price fluctuations. Very often complementary relationships are observed among
enterprises, which contribute to increased farm production and profitability.
(2) Specialised farming
A specialized farm is one on which 50% or more receipts are derived from one enterprise.
Income is sale plus produce used at home.

Conditions for Specialization

(i) Where there are special market outlets,
(ii) Where economic conditions are fairly uniform for a long period,
(iii) Where an enterprise is not much affected by abnormal weather conditions,
e.g., poultry farm.
Advantages of Specialised Farming
1. Better use of land - It is more profitable to grow a crop on a land best suited to it. For
example, jute cultivation on a swampy land.
2. Better Marketing – Specialization allows better assembling grading, processing, storing,
transporting and financing of the produce.
3. Better management – The fewer enterprises on the farm are liable to be less neglected
and sources of wastage can easily be detected.
4. Less equipment and labour are needed - A fruit farmer needs only special machinery and
comparatively less labour for raising fruits.
5. Costly and efficient machinery can be kept – A wheat harvester and combine can be
maintained in a highly specialized wheat farm.
6. Efficiency and skill are increased - Specialization allows a man to be more efficient and
expert at doing a few things.
Disadvantages of Specialized Farming
1. There is greater risk – Failure of crop and market together may ruin the farmer.
2. Productive resources-Land, labour and capital are not fully utilised.
3. Fertility of soil cannot properly be maintained for lack of suitable rotations.
4. By-products may not be fully utilized for lack of sufficient livestock on the farm.
5. Farm returns in each are not generally received more than once a year.
6. General knowledge of farm enterprises becomes limited.
(3) Mixed Farming
Mixed farming is a type of farming under which crop production is combined with
livestock raising. The livestock enterprise is complementary to crop production so as to provide a
balanced productive system of farming. When the livestock begin to complete with crops for the
same resources, the relationship between the two enterprises changes from complementary phase
to competitive nature.
In India mixed farming offers the following advantages:
1. Milch cattle provide draught animals for crop production and rural transport.
2. Mixed farming helps in the maintenance of soil fertility. Crops cannot be grown
successfully without the use of manure. The most readily available supply of plant
food is farmyard manure. But unfortunately, a large part of this used as a fuel
resulting from pressure of population on the land.
3. It tends to give a balanced labour load throughout the year for the farmer and his
4. It permits proper use of the farm by-products.
5. It provides greater chances for intensive cultivation.
6. It offers higher returns on farm business.
(4) Ranching
A ranch differs from other type of crop and livestock farming in that the livestock grazes
the natural vegetation. Ranches are not utilized for tilling or raising crops. The ranchers have no
land of their own and make use of the public grazing land. A ranch occupies most of the time of
one or more operator. Ranching is followed in Australia, Tibet and in certain parts of India. An
average Australian sheep farm covers an area of about 100 square miles and there are some
farms as large as 1,000 square miles.
(5) Dry Farming
Farmers in dry and precarious tracts, which receive 50 cm or less of annual rainfall,
struggle for livelihood. The major farm management problem in these tracts, where crops
entirely depends upon rainfall, is the conservation of soil moisture.

B. Systems of Farming
Conditions determining the system of farming: Farm tenancy, farm ownership, group
farming, economic use of land, and incentives to co-operate are some of the conditions
conducive to the adoption of system of farming. An analysis of the system of farming shows
that it is closely associated with the type of farming in so far as the type of crops and
livestock raising are concerned.
1.Co-operative farming: Co-operative farming is divided into two classes: i) Co-operative
joint farming & ii) Co-operative collective farming.
Meaning of Co-operative Farming: Co-operative farming means a system under which all
agricultural operations or part of them are carried on jointly by the farmers on a voluntary basis,
each farmer retaining right in his own land. The farmer would pool their land, labour and capital.
The land would be treated as one unit and cultivated jointly under the direction of an elected
management. A part of a profit would be distributed in proportion to the land contributed by each
farmer and the rest of the profit would be contributed in proportion to the wages earned by each
farmer. If the farmers are not willing to have a full scale co-operative farming, they can secure
some of the economics by joining a particular form of co-operative organization namely, co-
operative purchasing, co-operative better farming, co-operative selling, etc.
(i) Co-operative joint farming Society: The ownership is retained by the individuals,
but the land is cultivated jointly.
(ii) Co-operative Collective farming: In collective farming, the members of collectives
surrender their land, livestock and head stock to the society. The collectives cannot
refuse to admit other members of required qualification. The members work
together under a management committee elected by themselves. The committee
directs farm management in matter of allocation of work, distribution of income and
marketing surpluses and put all members into labour to see that the work is done
efficiently. The payment to the workers is in terms of "work day units". A standard
quota for each kind of farm operation is fixed in relation to one working day and the
amount of work done by each farmer in a day is calculated accordingly, both in
respect of quality and quantity. An unskilled worker has to put in more hours than
the skilled one to fill his quota of work day. In India, the co-operative collective
farming societies are ordinary societies of landless labourers to whom government
land is given for cultivation. In this type, the labourers have no land of their own
which they can pool, they primarily pool their labour.
(2) Peasant Farming:
Peasant farming is concerned with peasant relation to land. The Zamindari Abolition Act
of government has given the right of ownership to practically all the peasant-operators in the
country. Peasant farming has given them opportunities to organize and operate their farms in
their own way and get due reward for their labour and capital. Besides, peasant farming
encourages them to maintain and develop the fertility in the occupation of land with social
prestige attached to the ownership.
(3) State farming:
Under this system of farming, the farms are managed by government. The agricultural
labourers are paid wages on weekly or monthly basis in accordance with the wages fixed under
Minimum Wages Act.
(4) Capitalistic farming:
The capitalistic farming is based on the capital provided by the owner of the farm in
carrying out of farm operations. Such type of farming is practiced where landlordism exists as in
England or the U.S.A. In India, this type of farming is seen in sugarcane area where factory
owners have their own farms. On these farms, five factors of productions namely, land, labour,
capital, management and entrepreneurship are in evidence. The manager is a salaried person and
the entrepreneur takes risk and gets profit or may sustain loss.

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