ICT Lounge - Section 8.3 - Hacking
ICT Lounge - Section 8.3 - Hacking
Section 8.3:
Security of Data against Hacking
We often use computers to store data that could be used for identity
fraud purposes. Data such as bank details, passwords, private Key Concepts of this section:
medical records etc. should all be secured against the possibly of
theft. # Understand what is meant by Hacking.
# Know why it is important to protect data against
This section discusses the different methods we can use to protect hackers.
our private data against hackers. # Be able to describe the measures that can be taken to
protect data against hackers.
# Hacking is where people access computer systems without permission. These people
are known as 'hackers'. Examples:
# Most of the time, hackers will try to access the computer system using the internet.
# Hackers will usually try to break into the system by simply guessing the password or by
using a key logger.
A key logger is a special type of software that is secretly sent to a computer system
and then 'logs' every key press that users of the system make.
Hacking is accessing computer systems without
The key press log is sent back to the hacker who then looks through the log for permission.
usernames and passwords which they can then use to hack into the system.
Identity theft Names, addresses, social security numbers etc. can all
be stored on computers and, if stolen, can be used to
commit identity fraud.
Hackers will steal personal data.
Theft of money If hackers manage to obtain bank and credit card details,
they can use them to steal cash.
Stealing email If email addresses are stolen, they could be used for
addresses spamming purposes.
Loss of Sometimes hackers break into computers just to cause Hackers will look for and gather millions of email
important havoc. This can involve them deleting any information addresses in order to send spam.
information that looks important.
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IGCSE ICT - Security of Data against Hacking https://www.ictlounge.com/html/data_security.htm
Some videos:
# Here are some links to videos that contain more information about hacking and
# There are various methods you can use to help stop hackers from accessing your
computer files and data. Examples:
# The best method is to just check that a person accessing a computer system or a
network is allowed to do so.
# Each of these authorisation techniques will be discussed in detail below: Data can be protected and locked against hackers.
# One of the best ways to prevent unauthorised access to a computer system or a network
is to use user-id's and passwords. Examples:
# If the correct user (correct user-id) enters the correct password, they would be given
access to the computer network.
Any errors would mean they are denied access because they are
unauthorised users.
User Id's:
# A user-Id is usually a word or a number that identifies particular users as they log onto User-Id's and passwords protect systems against
a computer system or a network. unauthorised access.
User-Id's are unique and no two users will have the same Id.
This makes it possible for a network manager to to keep track of what each person
does whilst logged on.
# User-Id's give people access to certain areas or files within the computer.
For example:
Students cannot access the Teacher shared area on school networks but staff can.
User-Id's give different access levels within a system.
# Passwords should be combinations of letters, numbers and symbols.
# To help keep passwords secret, input masks are used to hide them whilst being
Input masks usually make each character of a password look like a star (*).
Input masks hide your real password with stars.
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IGCSE ICT - Security of Data against Hacking https://www.ictlounge.com/html/data_security.htm
For example: If my password was 1234, the input mask would make this look like
**** to anyone trying to take a peak.
Some videos:
# Here are some links to videos that contain more information about user-id's and
Biometric Authorisation
# This method of security is where users are authenticated using one of their body parts.
# Common biometric authorisation methods include:
Face scans
Iris scans
Fingerprint scans.
For example:
In order to access a computer system or network, a user would prove they are
authorised to use the system by having their thumbprint scanned into the system.
Eye scans can be used to authen cate users.
If their thumbprint matched the authorised thumbprint, the user would be given
# With biometric authorisation, the user's body parts replace a user-id and password.
For example:
It is possible to guess someone's password but you cannot forge their
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3. It is also possible to write a password down and leave it somewhere for
someone to find and use. This cannot happen with body parts as they are
with you always.
Some videos:
Here are some links to videos that contain more information about biometric authentication:
Securing Data against Hackers - Research Sheet
Click the above task and answer the questions about Data Security.