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Q2 - LE - TLE 7 - Lesson 4 - Week 2

Lesson Exemplar Q2 Week 2 Lesson 4 Agriculture and Fishery Arts
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Q2 - LE - TLE 7 - Lesson 4 - Week 2

Lesson Exemplar Q2 Week 2 Lesson 4 Agriculture and Fishery Arts
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Quarter 2
Lesson Exemplar Lesson

for TLE 4


Lesson Exemplar for TLE Grade 7
Quarter 2: Lesson 4 (Week 2)
SY 2024-2025

This material is intended exclusively for the use of teachers participating in the implementation of the MATATAG K to 10 Curriculum during the School
Year 2024-2025. It aims to assist in delivering the curriculum content, standards, and lesson competencies. Any unauthorized reproduction, distribution,
modification, or utilization of this material beyond the designated scope is strictly prohibited and may result in appropriate legal actions and disciplinary measures.

Borrowed content included in this material are owned by their respective copyright holders. Every effort has been made to locate and obtain permission
to use these materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and development team do not represent nor claim ownership over them.

Development Team

• Jeffrey C. Ginez (Philippine Normal University – Manila)
• Victor S. Rosales, PhD (Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of

Management Team
Philippine Normal University
Research Institute for Teacher Quality
SiMERR National Research Centre

Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this material. For inquiries or feedback, please write or call the Office
of the Director of the Bureau of Learning Resources via telephone numbers (02) 8634-1072 and 8631-6922 or by email at blr.od@deped.gov.ph.

A. Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and skills in agri-crops.

B. Performance The learners perform agricultural practices in crop production based on industry standards.

C. Learning Learning Competencies

Competencies • Discuss care and maintenance of crops;
and Objectives • Discuss harvesting and post-harvesting practices; and
• Perform agricultural practices in crop production.
Learning Objectives
1. Determine the different practices in caring and maintaining the various crops; and
2. Determine the various harvest and post-harvesting practices.

D. Content • Crop Care and Maintenance

• Harvesting and Post-Harvesting Practices

E. Integration SDG 1: No Poverty, SDG 2: Zero Hunger, SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being, SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and
Communities, SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, SDG 13: Climate Action


Bituin, A., et al. (nd) Learning Modules in Agri-fishery Arts.Batangas State University-Balayan Campus.
Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (2023). Care of crops during growth. Encyclopædia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/vegetable-
GeeksforGeeks. (2022). Basic practices of crop production - soil preparation, irrigation. GeeksforGeeks. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/basic-
GeeksforGeeks. (2023). Types of crops and factors affecting crop production. GeeksforGeeks. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/types-of-crops/
Walia, M. K. (2021). Basics of crop management - University of Nevada, Reno. https://naes.agnt.unr.edu/PMS/Pubs/2021-4103.pdf


A. Activating Prior Day 3 Lesson 2.2-3 may extend one

Knowledge more session from the
1. Short Review
succeeding week.
Diagnostic Test: Students will take the 10-item diagnostic test about various
practices on crop care and maintenance.
The 10-item diagnostic test can
1. Which of the followings factors helps the plants to produce their own food be used to help students recall
through photosynthesis? their knowledge on the crop care
a. Water c. Seed/Seedlings and maintenance taken during
b. Sunlight d. temperature their elementary days.
2. This factor influence the growth of the plant by irrigation to maintaining the This activity can measure the
moisture in the soil. students’ previous learning
a. Water c. Seed/Seedlings experience that will give
b. Sunlight d. temperature feedback on how the teacher
delivers the lesson.
3. Providing the primary needs of the plants such as cultivation, fertilizer, The teacher may use google
irrigation, application of pesticides, weed control, provision of support is form, kahoot app, quizziz app or
generally referred to as _________________. any assessment forms that is
a. Harvesting c. Crop care and maintenance easy and accessible to use.
b. Post harvesting d. Pre-production The teacher may follow the
4. Providing trellis to the crawling and climbing plants is a way of _____________. suggested guided inquiry
a. Provision of support c. Application of pesticides technique as a form of review.
b. Application of fertilizer d. Weed control
Answer Key:
5. This crop care and maintenance helps loosens the hardened soil around the 1. b
plant. Large acres of farms use mechanical aids in plowing and harrowing. 2. a
a. Weed control c. Pests and Diseases Control 3. c
b. Cultivation d. Irrigation 4. a
6. This practice is being carried out if the soil is deprived of nutrients. 5. b
a. Storage c. Fertilizer Application 6. c
b. Harvesting d. Pests and Diseases Control 7. b
8. d
7. _______________ is done when crops reach maturity and it influences the 9. a
quality of produce. 10. d
a. Post harvesting c. Storage
b. Harvesting d. temperature
8. This postharvest practice classifies the produce according to their size, shape,
color and ripeness.
a. Selling c. Packaging
b. Harvesting d. Grading
9. When produce are sold through retail or whole sale, this postharvest practice
is called ___________.
a. Selling c. Packaging
b. Harvesting d. Grading
10. To ensure proper moisture of the seeds sown, the depth should be
a. 0.5- to 1-inch c. 2- to 2.5-inch
b. 1- to 1.5-inch d. 1.5- to 2-inch

Guided Inquiry: Students are asked with the following questions.

1. Can you name factors that influence the growth of the plants? What are those?
2. What should be considered in crop production? Can you name pre-production,
production, and postharvest practices?
3. Which of these practices have you observed done by your parents or farmers in
your community, or done in your own backyard garden or field?
4. Why should a farmer be knowledgeable on the various practices in crop

2. Feedback (Optional)

B. Establishing 1. Lesson Purpose: Picture Talk The teacher may use the
Lesson Purpose Direction: Show the following pictures to the students. Let them share their suggested activities to activate
insights on the proper care and maintenance of the agricultural crops. their critical and creative
thinking skills based on their
observation on the illustrations

https://images.app.goo.gl/7KqreK6v12QpTGUU8 https://images.app.goo.gl/6q2hcdLquQPtnrLQ7

https://images.app.goo.gl/5Eeycc1tehAQbahi9 https://images.app.goo.gl/7cAXoeqLWCH3HoJZA

https://images.app.goo.gl/qz91kwKApAfjDbPp9 https://images.app.goo.gl/MBhPZxMUhRJ4FwVt5

2. Unlocking Content Vocabulary

The following terms are used in the entire lesson. Defining them will guide the
students to better understand the lesson.
• Crops- These are plants or plant-produce that can be raised, cultivated and
harvested for subsistence or profit. They may be classified as food crops,
cash crops, forage crops, oil crops, industrial crops, fiber crops, and
ornamental crops.
• Pesticides- These may be natural/organic or commercial products that
control the widespread of pests and diseases in the agricultural field.
• Irrigation- It is the process of maintaining the moisture and water content
of soil needed for the plant growth.
• Herbicides- These may be natural/organic or commercial products that
control the widespread of weeds in the field.
• Cultivation- This is the process of loosening the hardened soil through
plowing or harrowing. It is believed to control weeds and pests in the farm.
• Fertilizer - These may be natural/organic or commercial products applied
to increase the nutrients into the soil.
• Trellis- These may be made from wood or metal that serves as support for
climbing and crawling crops.

C. Developing and SUB-TOPIC 1: Crop Care and Maintenance The teacher will utilize the video
Deepening clip watching as a strategy to
1. Explicitation
Understanding benchmark gardens or farms
Farm Benchmarking: Students will watch video clips on the proper care and that observes proper care and
maintenance of crops. After which, each student will find a learning buddy and maintenance of crops. In the
will answer the guide questions that follow. event that the video is too long,
the teacher will skip some parts
to highlight the main idea of the

The expert group session may be

done in order to allow students
Crop Care and Crop Care and Tomato Crop Care and to walk around from one station
Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance to another to learn from various
https://www.youtub https://www.youtube.c https://www.youtube.c experts. The experts from each
e.com/watch?v=4qE om/watch?v=- om/watch?v=BSwPovTa group will have a final and
fSQqDy1M 8TgRilpXh4 yxw general presentation of output to
conclude the activity.

Guide Questions: The teacher will use a scoring

1. What are the different practices in caring and maintaining of crops shown rubric to assess the students’
in the video? Enumerate each from pre-production to harvesting if outputs. The holistic rubric given
necessary. may be used by the teacher or

2. Why is it significant for farmers to be knowledgeable in the proper care and may opt to use ana-holistic
maintenance of crops? rubric for a more specific
determination of components to
2. Worked Example be evaluated.
Expert Farmer’s Group. This is a follow up activity from the previous one. From
the sharing of the learning buddies, students now shift to expert farmer’s group. In the lesson activity, the teacher
They will form their own group to discuss the various proper care and will inform the students in
maintenance of crops. The teacher will assign each group a particular crop care advance the output they will
and maintenance practice. (E.g. G1: Seedbed preparation, G2: Weed Control, have to produce at the end of the
etc.) Each member of each group will be given time to share what s/he learned lesson.
from the learning buddy session.
To assess the outputs of the
Then, each group will select two experts. These two experts will summarize what students, the teacher will use a
will transpire in the discussion. All experts will convene and discuss with other scoring rubric to objectively
experts their assigned task while the members prepare the materials for evaluate the garden and
presentation. Afterwards, the two experts from each group will stay on their own portfolio, audio-visual
station as they wait from other groups’ members to visit their station. As soon presentation.
as there are visitors, the experts will explain the crop care and maintenance. The
members will go around to the different stations.
The teacher will assess the students
based on the following criteria: Criteria Percentage
Content 30%
Organization 30%
Presentation 30%
Overall Impact 10%
Total 100%

Reading Resources
Types of Crops
There are six categories of crops: food crops, feed crops, fiber crops, oil, crops,
ornamental crops, and industrial crops.

Type of Crops Description

Food Crops This is primarily raised, cultured, and harvested for human
consumption. It may be classified as field crops or root

Field crops are grown on a large scale for commercial
purposes. This includes fruits and vegetables, wheat, rice,
corn, sugarcane.
Root crops are underground plant parts for human
E.g. carrot, sugar beet, turnip, potato, peanut, radish, etc.
Cash Crops This type of crops is sold for profit. It can be exported to
other countries as well.
E.g. coffee, cocoa, sugarcane, and other exportable crops
Feed/Forage This type of plant is usually raised, cultured, and harvested
Crops for livestock consumption.
E.g. corn, pasture grasses
Fiber Crops This type of plant is usually raised, cultured, and harvested
for its fibers to be used as a raw material.
E.g. cotton, abaca, banana/pineapple fiber
Oil Crops This type of plant is usually raised, cultured, and harvested
for production of oil.
E.g. sugarcane, palm tree, coconut, etc.
Ornamental Crops This type of plant is usually raised, cultured, and harvested
for decorations in the garden and landscape projects.
E.g. orchids, rubber tree, bougainvillea, rose
Industrial Crops This type of plant is usually raised, cultured, harvested,
and processed by industries for the production of non-
edible materials. E.g. tobacco

Crops are also classified according to growth habits: This includes herb, vine,
liana, shrub, tree, evergreen, and deciduous. In addition, these crops may be
considered as annual, biennial, or perennial crops.

There are many variables that influence crop production. These include water,
soil, wind, temperature, sunlight, seed selection, knowledge, and crop care and
maintenance. It is deemed important to consider these factors as they affect the
growth of the plant and as well as the produce/harvest.

Crop production is a process because it involves several steps wherein farmers
should take precautionary measures at each step. The farmers should also
consider the external conditions and factors to achieve bountiful harvest. Thus,
farmers should have sufficient knowledge in crop care and maintenance.

The practices of crop care and maintenance are as follows:

1. Cultivation. This is the first stage of crop production. Cultivation refers to
the stirring the soil through plowing or harrowing. Cultivating the soil is one of
the most effective way to control weeds and pests. Cultivating the soil loosens
the soil around the plant which provides air for the root of the plants. This
technique is called conventional tillage. Reduced or no-tillage can lead to
accumulation of soil carbon, consequently benefitting soil health and improving
crop yields.
2. Seed sowing/Planting seedlings. Good quality and healthy seeds and
seedlings should be considered prior to sowing, and planting, respectively.
Correct depth of soil of 1.5 to 2 inches deep is important for sowing seeds to
ensure proper moisture. In sowing the seeds or planting the seedlings, farmers
should consider the proper spacing to allow plants on its optimal growth.
3. Irrigation. Crops require water because water prevents crops from drying out
especially during drought. However, the amount of water differs from each
variety of crops. There are various ways in which farmers irrigate the crops:
manual, drip, and sprinkler irrigation. Manual irrigation is labor-intensive and
time-consuming method which uses laborers to irrigate water using water cans.
Drip irrigation is the most effective way to supply water and nutrients to crops.
It provides water and nutrients directly to the zone of plants in proper amount
and proper time. Sprinkler irrigation uses pipes and spray to irrigate the whole
field. Pipelines may be used when water is scarce to eliminate water losses.
Finally, soil and plant factors determine the irrigation requirements of the crops.
4. Fertilizer Application. If the soil is deprived of nutrients, it requires
management of nutrient such as application of fertilizers, manures, and compost
to enrich the soil content. There are methods of fertilizer application: scattering
and mixing with the soil before planting.

5. Weed Control. Weeds lead to the reduction of crop yield, increased
production costs, and increased incidence of pests and diseases. To control
weeds, methods employed including: hand weeding, mechanical cultivation,
application of pesticides. Manual weeding/hand weeding is time-consuming
and labor-intensive method. Laborers uses their hands and or sickle/scythe to
remove weeds. Mechanical weeding uses machineries to remove weeds such
as cono-weeder, power tiller, basket hoe. Chemical weeding uses herbicides to
remove seeds. They may be considered selective or non-selective herbicides.
Selective herbicides aim the weeds only with effect to the crops while non-
selective herbicides harm both main crops and the weeds. Thus, skill is needed
to applying this kind of herbicide.
6. Pests and Diseases Control. To drive away pests, farmers apply pesticides.
There are different varieties of pesticides and each of them has a particular
function. This includes herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, molluscicides, and
rodenticides. However, farmers are encouraged to employ eco-safe and eco-
friendly ways to control pests and diseases. This may include production of
organic pesticides and encouragement on the presence of organisms that kills
7. Support for Climbing plants. There is a need to provide support for climbing
and crawling plants such as bitter gourd, squash, string beans. Trellis may be
made or wood or metal.

3. Lesson Activity
Making a Garden: Students will create their own garden. Subject to the
availability of space, students may opt to use recycled containers such as old
pails, basins, and other available containers at home to create a containerized
garden. Students may also wish to explore hydroponics if the teacher or the
parents have sufficient knowledge on this type of crop production. If the school
garden is available, it is better to utilize it as a laboratory room for this lesson.

Students will document the various practices they will employ on the proper care
and maintenance of crops. At the end of this long term activity, the students will
submit a portfolio of their own garden that narrates what they have done. The
portfolio contains the following:
a. Narrative Report (Introduction, Body, and Conclusion), and

b. Photo documentations and captions

Day 3
SUB-TOPIC 2: Harvesting and Post-harvesting Practices
1. Explicitation
Farm Benchmarking 2: Students will watch video clips about some practices
on harvesting and post-harvesting crops.


Harvesting Fruits and Vegetables containerized Garden

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z
VWu673D6jw 3XgVoUu98E

Harvesting, Postharvesting & Storage

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B Banana Post-harvesting
prFCEEVxvs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x
Guide Questions
1. Based on the video watched, what are the criteria that indicates plants are
ready to harvest?
2. What are the some of the practices in harvesting crops?
3. What are some of the practices in post-harvesting crops?
4. Why do we need to process the crops after harvest?

2. Worked Example
Based on the previous activity, students will present their outputs. The teacher
will ask follow-up questions if necessary.
Reading resources
Harvesting and Preservation. Farmers harvest when crops reach maturity.
Farmers have various ways to gather and harvest crops such as traditional
technique and modern ways. This stage of the development of vegetables when
harvested influences the quality of produce. There are factors that determine the
harvest date of the crops such as genetic composition of the vegetable variety,
planting date, and environmental conditions.

Manual harvesting is employed through the use of mechanical tools such as

sickle/scythe for broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower. Some vegetables are
mechanically harvested.
Changes in the post-harvest are influenced by various factors such as kind of
crop, temperature, oxygen and carbon dioxide content, relative humidity, and
disease-incitant organisms. Storing the produce contributes price stabilization.
It also contributes to the preservation of the produce.
Vegetable storage should consider the following parameters: free from
mechanical, insect, and disease injury, and matured crops.
There are changes that occur on the produce such as water loss, conversion of
starch and sugar, flavor changes, color changes, toughening/ softening, vitamin
gain/loss, sprouting, rooting, and decay. These deteriorates the quality of
produce. So, proper storage is needed.
Common (unrefrigerated storage) and cold (refrigerated storage) are
methods to store vegetables. There is a lack of precise control of temperature
and humidity in common storage. This uses insulated storage houses, outdoor
cellars, or mounds. Cold storage, on the other hand, allows precise regulation of
temperature and humidity, and maintenance of constant conditions with the
use of refrigeration.
Premarketing operations and selling. This stage involves washing, trimming,
waxing, precooling, grading, prepackaging, and packaging.

• Precooling involves rapid removal of heat from freshly harvested vegetables,

slows natural deterioration of the produce, slows the growth of decay, and
retards water loss. This includes: hydrocooling, contact icing, vacuum
cooling, cooling, and air cooling. Hydrocooling is done by cooling the produce

by direct contact with cold water flowing through the packed containers.
Contact icing uses crushed ice placed in the package or spread over a stack
of packages to precool the contents. Vacuum cooling produces rapid
evaporation of small quantity of water that lowers the temperature of the
crops. Air cooling is done through exposure of vegetables to cold air.

• Grading ensures that the crops are classified according to their size, shape,
color, and ripeness. This establishes a good trade.
• Packaging. The products are placed in bags, trays, cartons, crates, and
hampers of various kinds and sizes. This furnishes a convenient means for
transport, loading, and stacking with security and economy space.
• Selling. Farmers sell their produce through retail or wholesale. Retail sales
are done when consumers buy produce often though roadside stands.
Wholesale marketing is made when produce is sold to retailers, commercial,
institutional or other large-scale owners.
Other additional practices to increase crop productivity and farm profitability
1. Increase crop diversity
2. Enhance beneficial pollinators population
3. Employ more eco-friendly weed control measures
4. Improve soil quality
5. Manage labor and input costs
6. Keep track of all the records including expenses and profit
7. Involve in creative marketing

3. Lesson Activity
Learning from the Expert Farmers: The students will interview at least three
farmers about harvesting and post-harvesting methods employed. After which,
the students will create a 5-6-minute video that summarizes the farmers’
practices on harvesting and post-harvesting.
(To apply what the students learned during the lesson, an additional
activity will be given. See worksheet # 1 for the activity which students
will accomplish.)

D. Making Day 4 The teacher will facilitate how
Generalizations the students will accomplish this
1. Learners’ Takeaways Crop Production Roadmap section. The teacher will ensure
Students will accomplish the
that students will determine the
roadmap to show the various
major farm activities and briefly
processes in crop production from
describe each. The teacher
pre-production to post-harvesting.
ensures to integrate the SDG
After which, the students will
concepts: SDG 1: No Poverty,
explain their outputs.
SDG 2: Zero Hunger, SDG 3:
Good Health and Well-being,
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and
Communities, SDG 12:
WEEKLY REFLECTION LOG Responsible Consumption and
2. Reflection on Learning My most favorite
This week I learned:
activity this week was: Next week I want to
Production, SDG 13: Climate
The students will accomplish this improve on:
weekly reflection log.

This week, I am
As the students reflects on their
proud of: learning for this week, the
students will accomplish the
weekly learning log.


A. Evaluating 1. Formative Assessment

Learning The students will accomplish beautify the plant The teacher will ensure that
by supplying with various practices from pre- Crop Care and
students will target the
production to post-harvest. On the petal, they will maintenance objectives of the lesson. The
write down the practices on proper care and students will present how they
maintenance. On the leaves, students will list take care the plants until it is
down the practices on harvesting and post- ready to harvest and market.
harvesting. They may add additional petals and
leaves if necessary.

2. Homework (Optional)

B. Teacher’s Note observations on The teacher may take note of

Remarks any of the following Effective Practices Problems Encountered some observations related to the
areas: effective practices and problems
encountered after utilizing the
strategies explored different strategies, materials
used, learner engagement and
materials used other related stuff.
learner engagement/
Teachers may also suggest ways
to improve the different activities
others explored/ lesson exemplar.

C. Teacher’s Reflection guide or prompt can be on: Teacher’s reflection in every

Reflection ▪ principles behind the teaching lesson conducted/ facilitated is
What principles and beliefs informed my lesson? essential and necessary to
Why did I teach the lesson the way I did? improve practice. You may also
consider this as an input for the
▪ students LAC/Collab sessions.
What roles did my students play in my lesson?
What did my students learn? How did they learn?

▪ ways forward
What could I have done differently?
What can I explore in the next lesson?


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