Claimform 092617 Fillable
Claimform 092617 Fillable
Claimform 092617 Fillable
General Instructions
Claimant Information
Claim Details
Actual Damage Details
Reminder Checklist
Alternative name(s) (any additional name that might also appear on your credit report)
American Samoa
Email Address
Note: If you submitted a claim in the 2009 Proposed Settlement and do not wish to change your contact
information or claim a different benefit, you do not need to submit this Claim Form. All claims submitted in the
2009 Proposed Settlement and not amended will be deemed submitted in this settlement. If you are unsure
whether you submitted a claim in the 2009 Proposed Settlement or unsure whether your claim was accepted,
please complete this form.
Indicate below whether you wish to receive a Non-Monetary Award, consisting of a free file disclosure and two
free VantageScore credit scores or a Monetary Award – either a Convenience Award or an Actual Damages
If you elected to receive a Monetary Award, select ONE AND ONLY ONE of the options below:
Option 1 (Convenience Award): I cannot make the certification required for Option 2, but I wish to
receive a Convenience Award which is estimated to be, but may be more or less than, $15–20,
depending on how many people choose this Option.
Option 2 (Actual Damages Award): I hereby CERTIFY that I believe I have been damaged by an
error in my credit report regarding debts discharged in bankruptcy with respect to one or more of the
transactions listed in the next section and wish to receive an Actual Damage Award, which will be $150,
$500, or $750, depending on the transaction involved.
NOTE: If you request a Monetary Award but do not choose one of the Options above, your claim will only be
considered for a Convenience Award. If you do not return this Claim Form and supporting documentation, as
required, postmarked by November 13, 2017, and you did not submit an approved claim in the 2009 Proposed
Settlement, you will get nothing from the settlement and—unless you exercise your right to opt out of the
settlement as detailed in the Class Notice—you will lose your right to damages based on the alleged practices
that are the subject of the settlement.
A. Documentation of Harm
Indicate the type(s) of harm you believe you have suffered and provide the requested information in each case.
Note that this settlement covers credit reports issued from March 15, 2002 to May 11, 2009 (or, for California
residents in the case of TransUnion, from May 12, 2001 to May 11, 2009.) In order to qualify for an Actual
Damage Award, the information you provide must relate to this time period. You must provide this information
about the transaction so that your claim can be verified. If you do not do so, your Actual Damages Claim will be
rejected, and your claim will be converted into a Convenience Claim.
Indicate below what supporting documentation you have included with your claim. Attach only copies of
supporting documentation as these documents will not be returned to you.
All Types of Claims
Notice or letter of an Adverse Action from a prospective creditor, employer, landlord, etc.
Employment Claims
Letter/other correspondence from prospective employer or employment agency
Affidavit from prospective employer or employment agency that an employment inquiry occurred
Other: (explain)
Other: (explain)
Creditor Claims
Letter/other correspondence from any prospective lender, such as a bank, credit union, department
store, or auto dealership/lender
Other: (explain)
If the Claimant is not the person completing this form, the following also must be provided:
Capacity of person signing on behalf of Claimant, if other than an individual, e.g., executor, president, trustee,
guardian, custodian, etc. (must provide evidence of authority to act on behalf of Claimant).
Please do not highlight any portion of the Claim Form or any supporting
Keep copies of the completed Claim Form and documentation for your own
If your address changes in the future, or if this Claim Form was sent to an
old or incorrect address, please send the Settlement Administrator written
notification of your new address. If you change your name, please inform
the Settlement Administrator.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your claim, please contact
the Settlement Administrator at the address below, by toll-free phone at
(866) 237-3432, by email at [email protected], or
you may visit Please DO NOT
call the Defendants or their Counsel with questions regarding your
Hernandez Settlement Administrator
c/o JND Legal Administration
P.O. Box 91306
Seattle, WA 98111
A Claim Form received by the Settlement Administrator shall be deemed to have been submitted when posted,
if a postmark date on or before November 13, 2017 is indicated on the envelope and it is mailed First Class,
and addressed in accordance with the above instructions. In all other cases, a Claim Form shall be deemed to
have been submitted when actually received by the Settlement Administrator.
You should be aware that it will take a significant amount of time to fully process all of the Claim Forms. Please
be patient and notify the Settlement Administrator of any change of address.