@spring Core Annotations
@spring Core Annotations
Spring Annotations
Spring DI
1. Overview
We can leverage the capabilities of Spring DI engine using the annotations in
the org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation and org.springframework.context.annotati
on packages.
We often call these “Spring core annotations” and we’ll review them in this tutorial.
2. DI-Related Annotations
2.1. @Autowired
We can use the @Autowired to mark a dependency which Spring is going to resolve and
inject. We can use this annotation with a constructor, setter, or field injection.
Constructor injection:
class Car {
Engine engine;
Car(Engine engine) {
this.engine = engine;
Setter injection:
class Car {
Engine engine;
void setEngine(Engine engine) {
this.engine = engine;
Field injection:
class Car {
Engine engine;
@Autowired has a boolean argument called required with a default value of true. It tunes
Spring’s behavior when it doesn’t find a suitable bean to wire. When true, an exception is
thrown, otherwise, nothing is wired.
Note, that if we use constructor injection, all constructor arguments are mandatory.
Starting with version 4.3, we don’t need to annotate constructors with @Autowired explicitly
unless we declare at least two constructors.
For more details visit our articles about @Autowired and constructor injection.
2.2. @Bean
@Bean marks a factory method which instantiates a Spring bean:
Engine engine() {
return new Engine();
Spring calls these methods when a new instance of the return type is required.
The resulting bean has the same name as the factory method. If we want to name it
differently, we can do so with the name or the value arguments of this annotation (the
argument value is an alias for the argument name):
Engine getEngine() {
return new Engine();
Note, that all methods annotated with @Bean must be in @Configuration classes.
2.3. @Qualifier
We use @Qualifier along with @Autowired to provide the bean id or bean name we want
to use in ambiguous situations.
For example, the following two beans implement the same interface:
class Bike implements Vehicle {}
2.5. @Value
We can use @Value for injecting property values into beans. It’s compatible with constructor,
setter, and field injection.
Constructor injection:
Engine(@Value("8") int cylinderCount) {
this.cylinderCount = cylinderCount;
Setter injection:
void setCylinderCount(@Value("8") int cylinderCount) {
this.cylinderCount = cylinderCount;
void setCylinderCount(int cylinderCount) {
this.cylinderCount = cylinderCount;
Field injection:
int cylinderCount;Copy
Of course, injecting static values isn’t useful. Therefore, we can use placeholder
strings in @Value to wire values defined in external sources, for example,
in .properties or .yaml files.
Let’s assume the following .properties file:
We can inject the value of engine.fuelType with the following:
String fuelType;Copy
We can use @Value even with SpEL. More advanced examples can be found in our article
about @Value.
2.6. @DependsOn
We can use this annotation to make Spring initialize other beans before the annotated one.
Usually, this behavior is automatic, based on the explicit dependencies between beans.
We only need this annotation when the dependencies are implicit, for example, JDBC driver
loading or static variable initialization.
We can use @DependsOn on the dependent class specifying the names of the dependency
beans. The annotation’s value argument needs an array containing the dependency bean
class Car implements Vehicle {}Copy
Alternatively, if we define a bean with the @Bean annotation, the factory method should be
annotated with @DependsOn:
Engine engine() {
return new Engine();
2.7. @Lazy
We use @Lazy when we want to initialize our bean lazily. By default, Spring creates all
singleton beans eagerly at the startup/bootstrapping of the application context.
However, there are cases when we need to create a bean when we request it, not at
application startup.
This annotation behaves differently depending on where we exactly place it. We can put it on:
a @Bean annotated bean factory method, to delay the method call (hence the bean
a @Configuration class and all contained @Bean methods will be affected
a @Component class, which is not a @Configuration class, this bean will be
initialized lazily
an @Autowired constructor, setter, or field, to load the dependency itself lazily (via
This annotation has an argument named value with the default value of true. It is useful to
override the default behavior.
For example, marking beans to be eagerly loaded when the global setting is lazy, or configure
specific @Bean methods to eager loading in a @Configuration class marked with @Lazy:
class VehicleFactoryConfig {
Engine engine() {
return new Engine();
For further reading, please visit this article.
2.8. @Lookup
A method annotated with @Lookup tells Spring to return an instance of the method’s return
type when we invoke it.
Detailed information about the annotation can be found in this article.
2.9. @Primary
Sometimes we need to define multiple beans of the same type. In these cases, the injection
will be unsuccessful because Spring has no clue which bean we need.
We already saw an option to deal with this scenario: marking all the wiring points
with @Qualifier and specify the name of the required bean.
However, most of the time we need a specific bean and rarely the others. We can
use @Primary to simplify this case: if we mark the most frequently used bean
with @Primary it will be chosen on unqualified injection points:
class Car implements Vehicle {}
class Bike implements Vehicle {}
class Driver {
Vehicle vehicle;
class Biker {
Vehicle vehicle;
In the previous example Car is the primary vehicle. Therefore, in the Driver class, Spring
injects a Car bean. Of course, in the Biker bean, the value of the field vehicle will be
a Bike object because it’s qualified.
2.10. @Scope
We use @Scope to define the scope of a @Component class or a @Bean definition. It can be
either singleton, prototype, request, session, globalSession or some custom scope.
For example:
class Engine {}Copy
3.1. @Profile
If we want Spring to use a @Component class or a @Bean method only when a specific
profile is active, we can mark it with @Profile. We can configure the name of the profile
with the value argument of the annotation:
class Bike implements Vehicle {}Copy
You can read more about profiles in this article.
3.2. @Import
We can use specific @Configuration classes without component scanning with this
annotation. We can provide those classes with @Import‘s value argument:
class VehicleFactoryConfig {}Copy
3.3. @ImportResource
We can import XML configurations with this annotation. We can specify the XML file
locations with the locations argument, or with its alias, the value argument:
class VehicleFactoryConfig {}Copy
3.4. @PropertySource
With this annotation, we can define property files for application settings:
class VehicleFactoryConfig {}Copy
@PropertySource leverages the Java 8 repeating annotations feature, which means we can
mark a class with it multiple times:
class VehicleFactoryConfig {}Copy
3.5. @PropertySources
We can use this annotation to specify multiple @PropertySource configurations:
class VehicleFactoryConfig {}Copy
Note, that since Java 8 we can achieve the same with the repeating annotations feature as
described above.
4. Conclusion
In this article, we saw an overview of the most common Spring core annotations. We saw
how to configure bean wiring and application context, and how to mark classes for component