By Russell Brunson
Copyright 2011 ©
All Rights Reserved
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Set Script:
INTRO: ____, This is _____ calling from Russell Brunson’s office. (Pause) I’m calling regarding
the internet marketing information that you purchased.
Russell assigned me to a few files this week, I wanted to get in touch with you to see what I
can do to help you, and find out what it is that you are looking to accomplish online right now.
Why did you order the information in the first place? I mean what is it that you are looking to
accomplish online right now?
QUESTIONS: (Ask find out questions based on answers for example: why is that? How do
you mean? Anything else? Why would that make a difference to you?)
1. So is this something you’re serious about learning and using to make money with?
2. Have you ever made money with an online business before? Ever sold anything on EBay
or set up a website?
3. How long have you been thinking about making money online for?
4. What are you hoping that you can do with this business? Are you hoping you can
replace your income? Maybe supplement it? Pay off some debts? Build a better
5. Obviously you can’t walk away from what’s paying the bills right now, but if this business
were to take off for you, and you could replace your income, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind
working from home running an internet business right?
6. You have been thinking about doing something online for the last ___________. What
do you feel has held you back from making money online?
7. So if you knew what you were doing is building an online business something that you
would be serious about doing right now?
BLAST: Well ___ , maybe I can help. I work in a dept. called Business Development. In the
information that you have they refer to as the success team, we’re the group that’s in charge
of generating success stories and testimonials, like the ones you saw in the infomercial, and
then we use those to promote and market, do you remember seeing those?
Now, what I do is go through and qualify a few people that get to work with Russell Brunson
and his group of experts over the next 12 months one-on-one, that way we KNOW they’re
doing the right things to run a business, because we’re helping them, and in return we get
a success story that we can use to promote what we do. Do you follow that? Do you see the
benefit in working with an expert side by side as opposed to tackling this thing on your own?
(Ask find out questions get them to say an expert is the next best thing to sliced bread).
Posture: Now ______ I need you to understand, that we have about 8000-12,000 people
every month that order this program; obviously we can’t create that many success stories. And
that’s why I have to go through this qualification process, because if we only have a limited
amount of help that we can give we REALLY need to make sure the help is going to the right
folks. Does that make sense?
The way I qualify someone is by filling out a profile with you (and spouse) to get an idea as
to where you’re starting from, or what I call Point A, and then compare that to where you’d like
to be, what goals you want to accomplish & what changes you’d like to make to get to, Point B.
I need you to understand I am not the one that makes the decisions on who we work with
and who we don’t. If sounds like you will fit in with what we’re looking for then I’ll set up an
appointment for (the two of) you to speak with my Senior Consultant. He’s the one that would
help you structure the business and make any business decisions that need to be made, and in
the end he’ll have the final say on who gets a coach and who doesn’t. That part isn’t up to me
ultimately, but if I do make a recommendation on your behalf it carries a lot of weight.
First of all I need you to grab a pen and a piece of paper and we’ll get started. Alright, let
me make sure you have my contact information: my name is _____, and my phone number is
PROBE: It’s important that this information is accurate, starting off with your age. Alright,
married or single? What’s the highest level of education that you’ve been able to complete?
_____, most of our Success Stories start out the same way, if you’d like to jot these three
things down with me and we’ll take a look: Number One is Debt-Free. (while they’re writing)
Most of the students we work with use the first money they make to pay-off whatever debts
they had. Two is Retirement. The financial magazines tell you that you’ll need between $1
to 2 million to be able to retire, so we’ll see where you are there, (or retirement isn’t an AGE
it’s a DOLLAR-FIGURE) and Three is Financial Freedom, or Financial Independence. This is
something I hear from everyone I talk to, but it means different things to different people.
So, let’s say, if we were to help you become completely debt-free, what are we looking at
there—I mean, for starters do you rent or do you own? Okay, do you own that outright, or
is there a mortgage? Okay, so if we could write you a check today to pay the house off, what
would it take? Now I know a lot of our students struggle to get vehicles paid off, or credit
cards, medical bills—mostly consumer debt, from what I see. Do you have any vehicles we
could help you pay off? What would that take? Okay, anything else—any medical bills, student
loans? Alright, anything else? Oh, credit card debt? How much there? —OR— Do you keep
the cards paid off every month?
FINDING CREDIT: One of the first things that we teach our Success Team students—in
fact, whether you work with us or not, it’s smart to do this—is to designate one credit card for
business use only. That way, come tax time, everything’s separate, business and personal—
have you ever heard of doing that? (How many major cards do you work with, one or two, or
quite a few?) In fact, what most of our students will do is designate their highest limit card
for their business—like a 10-15k card. Not that they’re going to ever use that much credit—
they probably won’t. But it just gives them more options to run a business than say a $1000
card would. Do you follow that? What kinds of limits have they granted you here?
Seems like you’re a pretty organized person… right? Ok good, let’s do this….. take a minute
and grab some recent statements for these cards, that way we can get an accurate idea as to
how much you owe, (so we can help you pay them off) but more importantly we can see what
kind of limits, and interests rates they’ve given you, and then we just simply won’t have to
guess on the best way to help you. I’ll just hold the line, take your time and let me know when
you’re ready. (Mute)
So the one you owe the most on, what was the balance on that? What’s the interest rate
that they’re charging you for that money? Okay, and the limit.
As far as RETIREMENT, would you say that you’re on schedule, ahead of schedule, or behind
schedule? Have you been able to set aside anything?
So, if you had to choose one to work on first, (Debt free, Retirement, Financial Freedom) would
you say that being debt-free or establishing retirement is more pressing for you at this stage?
GOALS: I think I have a pretty good idea where you are now, but let’s shift gears and talk
about where you’d like to be. If we were to work with you at this level, what are you looking to
accomplish here? What’s going to make a Success Story to you? (Click your mute switch and
keep quiet while they talk). “I’m here, I’m just writing.... Go ahead...”
Find more pain. If needed spend time here (everyone has pain it’s your job to find it)
COMMITMENTS: Well, _____, if you’re really as serious about this as you sound, I think that
we can work with you. Unfortunately that’s not my decision to make, so what I want to do is
cover four commitments with you that we ask from everyone. And if these sound like things that
you can do, then we’ll talk about getting you that appointment with a consultant. Fair enough?
The first commitment we need from you is a time commitment, ok, now it definitely takes
time to build and grow an income or a business, but we want to show you how to do that as
effectively as possible, so we say 7-10 hours a week as a minimum. We encourage you to do
more if you can, but at least 7-10. Can you handle that okay?
The second commitment is being open-minded and teachable, now I don’t think we’d be on
the phone right now if you weren’t, but at the same time it’s important for us to find people that
can really embrace a student/teacher relationship, do you feel like that’s a good fit for you?
For the 3rd commitment: I want you to write down INVESTMENT, next to that jot down
OPM. Now I’m sure you’ve heard lots of times in building any business that it takes money to
make money—right? With that being said, the key is to do that as effectively as possible and
making sure there is a good return on any investment that you make. In business terms, when
someone says OPM, or Others Peoples Money, does that ring a bell? (Doesn’t surprise me if
you’ve heard of it). It’s a very sound business strategy. What the majority of our students will
do is use some of their available credit short term, that way they’re using the banks money—
again, short-term—to provide their business with the tools and knowledge they would need
to turn this into a great income, and then just use a portion of that income to pay your credit
cards back, that way you haven’t used any money out of your own pocket, and it allows the
business to pay for itself. Does that make sense? I realize it’s just a hypothetical question right
now, because you don’t have the all the details yet, but do you feel like that is an investing
strategy you would be willing to use, as long as the details make good sense?
Soft Bracket: Well.... To clarify, it looks like you have about _____ in available credit. Now I
don’t know if it’s going to be a large portion of that... it MIGHT be. That’ll be up to you, (pause)
and the senior business consultant to decide based on what he knows works, my using your
credit, something you’d be willing, and capable to do... As long as the details make sense and
you see that the returns will be there?
The fourth commitment, write down decision-maker(s). We really want to avoid all the
procrastinators out there, they just seem to get more and more behind, so we’re looking for
people who are ready to move forward with us. What my senior consultant would want to do
with you is break down all the nuts, and bolts, and details to you, explain where every dollar
of an investment would go, and how we can really help you, and once he’s done all that, he
would just simply ask you to make a decision and say... Yes, this is great, this is exciting, I really
think this is going to help me, let’s get this going, or on the flip-side... No it doesn’t make sense,
and if it doesn’t make sense, we can just part as friends and try to find someone else we can
help, but do (the two of) you feel like you can make a decision one way or the other, once you
have all of the details in front of you?
Everything looks good on those commitments. I feel like you’re in a good position to
hopefully get the help that you need. Like I said before I’m not the one who make the final
decision on who we work with. So what I need to do is see if my Senior Consultant has some
time to speak with you I don’t know what his schedule looks like right now. He is very busy
person, I would like to see when he is available? I am going to put you on hold and check with
his Secretary one moment please (put on hold)
Okay, guys he has some time to speak with you here in the next _____mins. So let me have
you write this gentleman’s name down. It’s Mr. _________. Now guys, Mr. ________ has
helped a lot of people build online businesses so you’re really going to enjoy speaking with
him, but at the same time he is very selective on whom he brings aboard this Success Team. So
don’t be afraid to let him know what you would like to change about your situation.
Best of luck with that interview—hopefully we’ll get a Success Story across my desk really
soon... (Don’t thank them for their time, get them to thank you for your time)