Modal Question
Modal Question
What is the density of the liquid and the mass flow rate of the liquid being pumped if
a pump is discharging the liquid into a drum with a diameter of 1.50 m and a length of
4.20 m, and the drum has a capacity of 3000 kg, with a discharge rate of 0.032 m3/s
2. Calculate the heat needed to raise the temperature of 0.5 kg of a gas initially at 65 kPa
and 200°C in a closed, rigid container to 400°C, given that the internal energy of the
gas at 200°C and 400°C is 26.6 kJ/kg and 37.8 kJ/kg, respectively.
3. Using a barometer reading of 760 mmHg as a reference, convert the given pressure
readings to kilopascals (kPa).
4. Calculate the amount of heat transferred from the compressor to the surroundings, given
that an air compressor necessitates 200 kJ of shaft work per kilogram of air, the
compression process raises the enthalpy of air by 100 kJ per kilogram of air, and the
cooling water used to cool the compressor absorbs 90 kJ per kilogram of air.
5. How much heat needs to be extracted to cool 680 kg of fish from 5°C to -12°C, taking
into account the specific heat of fish above the freezing point (3.182 kJ/kg K) and below
the freezing point (1.717 kJ/kg K)? The freezing point of the fish is -2°C, and the latent
heat of fusion is 234.5 kJ/kg. Also, what percentage of this heat removal constitutes
latent heat?
6. Calculate the overall work performed by a gas system during an expansion process
illustrated in the provided Figure below.
7. At the start of the compression stroke in a two-cylinder internal combustion engine, the
air is initially at a pressure of 101.325 kPa. During compression, the volume decreases
to 1/5 of its original size, and the compression process follows the law described by the
equation pv1.2 = constant. Given that each cylinder in the engine has a bore of 0.15 m
and a stroke of 0.25 m, find the power absorbed in kilowatts (kW) during the
compression strokes when the engine operates at a speed where each cylinder undergoes
500 compression strokes per minute.
8. A steam turbine propels a ship's propeller using an 8:1 reduction gear. The average
resistance force exerted by the water on the propeller is 750 × 103 millinewtons (mN),
and the turbine supplies 15 megawatts (MW) of shaft power to the reduction gear. The
turbine operates at a speed of 1450 revolutions per minute (rpm). Calculate (a) the
torque produced by the turbine, (b) the power transmitted to the propeller shaft, and (c)
the net rate of work done by the reduction gear.
9. Find the rate of heat extraction required to cool 50 kg/hr of carbon dioxide, flowing
steadily at a constant pressure, from 800°C to 50°C. The specific heat capacity is given
as cp = 1.08 kJ/kg K.
10. A gas enclosed in a cylinder undergoes compression from an initial state of 1 MPa and
0.05 m3 to a final state of 2 MPa. The compression process follows the relationship
pV^1.4 = constant. The internal energy of the gas is described by the equation U =
7.5pV - 425 kJ, where p is the pressure in kPa and V is the volume in m3. We need to
determine the heat, work, and change in internal energy for this quasi-static
compression process. Additionally, we'll calculate the work interaction if 180 kJ of heat
is transferred to the system between the same initial and final states and explain why
it's different from the first scenario. Please calculate the heat, work, and change in
internal energy using the provided information, and I can help you explain the
differences between the two scenarios afterward.
11. In a gas turbine system, air undergoes a series of processes. First, the air is heated in a
heat exchanger from an initial ambient temperature of 27°C to a final temperature of
750°C. The hot air then enters the gas turbine at a velocity of 50 m/s and exits at 600°C.
Subsequently, the air leaving the turbine goes into a nozzle with a velocity of 60 m/s
and exits the nozzle at a temperature of 500°C. For a unit mass flow rate of air,
determine the following, assuming adiabatic expansion in both the turbine and the
(a) Calculate the heat transferred to the air in the heat exchanger.
13. A 2 m³ cylinder contains air at a pressure of 0.5 MPa and a temperature of 375 K. The
air is discharged into the atmosphere through a cylinder valve to operate a frictionless
turbine. Determine the work output from the turbine, assuming no heat loss and
complete conversion of kinetic energy for turbine operation. The specific heat at
constant pressure (Cp) for air is 1.003 kJ/kg·K, the specific heat at constant volume
(Cv) is 0.716 kJ/kg·K, and the gas constant for air (Rair) is 0.287 kJ/kg·K.
14. A thermally isolated and inflexible tank with a volume of 1 m³ is partitioned into two
equal-volume chambers, each containing air at initial conditions of 0.5 MPa and 27°C,
and 1 MPa and 500 K. Find the final pressure and temperature after removing the
15. A compressed air bottle of volume 0.15 m3 contains air at 40 bar and 27°C. It is used
to drive a turbine which exhausts to atmosphere at 1 bar. If the pressure in the bottle is
allowed to fall to 2 bar, determine the amount of work that could be delivered by the
16. 0.5 kg of air executes a Carnot power cycle having a thermal efficiency of 50%. The
heat transfer to the air during isothermal expansion is 40 kJ. At the beginning of the
isothermal expansion the pressure is 7 bar and the volume is 0.12 m3. Determine the
maximum and minimum temperatures for the cycle in Kelvin, the volume at the end of
isothermal expansion in m3, and the work and heat transfer for each of the four
processes in kJ. For air cP = 1.008 kJ/kg . K, cv= 0.721 kJ/kg. K.\
17. A heat pump working on a reversed Carnot cycle takes in energy from a reservoir
maintained at 3ºC and delivers it to another reservoir where temperature is 77ºC. The
heat pump drives power for it's operation from a reversible engine operating within the
higher and lower temperature limits of 1077ºC and 77ºC. For 100 kJ/s of energy
supplied to the reservoir at 77ºC, estimate the energy taken from the reservoir at 1077ºC.
18. A reversible heat engine operates between a hot reservoir at T1 and a radiating surface
at T2. Heat radiated from the surface is proportional to the surface area and temperature
of surface raised to power 4. Determine the condition for minimum surface area for a
given work output.
19. A cold body is to be maintained at low temperature T2 when the temperature of
surrounding is T3. A source is available at high temperature T1. Obtain the expression
for minimum theoretical ratio of heat supplied from source to heat absorbed from cold
20. A heat pump is run by a reversible heat engine operating between reservoirs at 800°C
and 50°C. The heat pump working on Carnot cycle picks up 15 kW heat from reservoir
at 10°C and delivers it to a reservoir at 50°C. The reversible engine also runs a machine
that needs 25 kW. Determine the heat received from highest temperature reservoir and
heat rejected to reservoir at 50°C.
21. A house is to be maintained at 21ºC from inside during winter season and at 26ºC during
summer. Heat leakage through the walls, windows and roof is about 3 × 103 kJ/hr per
degree temperature difference between the interior of house and environment
temperature. A reversible heat pump is proposed for realizing the desired
heating/cooling. What minimum power shall be required to run the heat pump in
reversed cycle if outside temperature during summer is 36ºC? Also find the lowest
environment temperature during winter for which the inside of house can be maintained
at 21ºC.
22. Three heat engines working on carnot cycle produce work output in proportion of 5: 4:
3 when operating in series between two reservoirs at 727°C and 27°C. Determine the
temperature of intermediate reservoirs.
23. A refrigerator is used to maintain temperature of 243K when ambient temperature is
303K. A heat engine working between high temperature reservoir of 200°C and ambient
temperature is used to run this refrigerator. Considering all processes to be reversible,
determine the ratio of heat transferred from high temperature reservoir to heat
transferred from refrigerated space.
24. Calculate the change in entropy of air, if it is throttled from 5 bar, 27ºC to 2 bar
adiabatically. Find the change in entropy of steam generated at 400ºC from 5 kg of
water at 27ºC and atmospheric pressure. Take specific heat of water to be 4.2 kJ/kg.K,
heat of vaporization at 100ºC as 2260 kJ/kg and specific heat for steam given by; cp =
R (3.5 + 1.2T + 0.14T2), J/kg.K.
25. Determine change in entropy of universe if a copper block of 1 kg at 27ºC is dropped
from a height of 200 m in the sea water at 27ºC. (Heat capacity for copper= 0.393
26. Determine entropy change of universe, if two copper blocks of 1 kg & 0.5 kg at 150ºC
and 0ºC are joined together. Specific heats for copper at 150ºC and 0ºC are 0.393 kJ/kg
K and 0.381 kJ/kg K respectively.
27. A cool body at temperature T1 is brought in contact with high temperature reservoir at
temperature T2. Body comes in equilibrium with reservoir at constant pressure.
Considering heat capacity of body as C, show that entropy change of universe can be
given as;
28. Determine the rate of power loss due to irreversibility in a heat engine operating
between temperatures of 1800 K and 300 K. Engine delivers 2 MW of power when heat
is added at the rate of 5 MW.
29. A system at 500 K and a heat reservoir at 300 K are available for designing a work
producing device. Estimate the maximum work that can be produced by the device if
heat capacity of system is given as;
30. Determine the change in enthalpy and entropy if air undergoes reversible adiabatic
expansion from 3MPa, 0.05 m3 to 0.3 m3.
31. During a free expansion 2 kg air expands from 1 m3 to 10m3 volume in an insulated
vessel. Determine entropy change of (a) the air (b) the surroundings (c) the universe.
32. Determine the change in entropy of 0.5 kg of air compressed polytropically from 1.013
× 105Pa to 0.8 MPa and 800 K following index 1.2. Take Cv = 0.71 kJ/kg . K.
33. A heat engine operates between source at 600 K and sink at 300 K. Heat supplied by
source is 500kcal/s. Evaluate feasibility of engine and nature of cycle for the following
conditions. (i) Heat rejected being 200 kcal/s, (ii) Heat rejected being 400 kcal/s (iii)
Heat rejected being 250 kcal/s.
34. An ideal gas is heated from temperature T1 to T2 by keeping its volume constant. The
gas is expanded back to it's initial temperature according to the law pvn = constant. If
the entropy change in the two processes are equal, find the value of ‘n’ in terms of
adiabatic index γ.
35. A closed system executed a reversible cycle 1–2–3–4–5–6–1 consisting of six
processes. During processes 1–2 and 3–4 the system receives 1000 kJ and 800 kJ of
heat, respectively at constant temperatures of 500 K and 400 K, respectively. Processes
2–3 and 4–5 are adiabatic expansions in which the steam temperature is reduced from
500 K to 400 K and from 400 K to 300 K respectively. During process 5–6 the system
rejects heat at a temperature of 300 K. Process 6–1 is an adiabatic compression process.
Determine the work done by the system during the cycle and thermal efficiency of the
36. A reversible heat engine has heat interaction from three reservoirs at 600 K, 700 K and
800 K. The engine rejects 10 kJ/s to the sink at 320 K after doing 20 kW of work. The
heat supplied by reservoir at 800 K is 70% of the heat supplied by reservoir at 700 K
then determine the exact amount of heat interaction with each high temperature
37. Three tanks of equal volume of 4m3 each are connected to each other through tubes of
negligible volume and valves in between. Tank A contains air at 6 bar, 90°C, tank B has
air at 3 bar, 200oC and tank C contains nitrogen at 12 bar, 50oC. Considering adiabatic
mixing determine (i) the entropy change when valve between tank A and B is opened
until equilibrium, (ii) the entropy change when valves between tank C; tank A and tank
B are opened until equilibrium. Consider RAir = 0.287 kJ/kg.K, gAir =1.4, RNitrogen =
0.297 kJ/kg. K and gNitrogen = 1.4.
38. Determine the change in entropy in each of the processes of a thermodynamic cycle
having following processes; (i) Constant pressure cooling from 1 to 2, P1 = 0.5 MPa,
V1 = 0.01 m3 (ii) Isothermal heating from 2 to 3, P3 = 0.1 MPa, T3 = 25ºC, V3 = 0.01
m3 (iii) Constant volume heating from 3 to 1. Take Cp = 1 kJ/kg . K for perfect gas as
39. Air expands reversibly in a piston-cylinder arrangement isothermally at temperature of
260°C while its volume becomes twice of original. Subsequently heat is rejected
isobarically till volume is similar to original. Considering mass of air as 1 kg and
process to be reversible determine net heat interaction and total change in entropy. Also
show processes on T-s diagram.
40. Two insulated tanks containing 1 kg air at 200 kPa, 50°C and 0.5 kg air at 100 kPa,
80°C are connected through pipe with valve. Valve is opened to allow mixing till the
equilibrium. Calculate the amount of entropy produced.
41. Throttling calorimeter has steam entering to it at 10 MPa and coming out of it at 0.05
MPa and 100°C. Determine dryness fraction of steam.
42. Determine entropy of 5 kg of steam at 2 MPa and 300°C. Take specific heat of super
heated steam as 2.1 kJ/kg.K.
43. Determine slope of an isobar at 2 MPa and 500°C on mollier diagram.
44. Determine enthalpy, specific volume, entropy for mixture of 10% quality at 0.15 MPa.
45. In a piston-cylinder arrangement the steam at 1.0 MPa, 80% dryness fraction, and 0.05
m3 volume is heated to increase its volume to 0.2 m3. Determine the heat added.
46. Steam at 800 kPa and 200°C in a rigid vessel is to be condensed by cooling. Determine
pressure and temperature corresponding to condensation.
47. Steam turbine expands steam reversibly and adiabatically from 4 MPa, 300°C to 50°C
at turbine exit. Determine the work output per kg of steam.
48. In a closed vessel the 100 kg of steam at 100 kPa, 0.5 dry is to be brought to a pressure
of 1000 kPa inside vessel. Determine the mass of dry saturated steam admitted at 2000
kPa for raising pressure. Also determine the final quality.
49. A piston-cylinder contains 3 kg of wet steam at 1.4 bar. The initial volume is 2.25 m3.
The steam is heated until its’ temperature reaches 400°C. The piston is free to move up
or down unless it reaches the stops at the top. When the piston is up against the stops
the cylinder volume is 4.65 m3. Determine the amounts of work and heat transfer to or
from steam.
50. Steam at 1.6 MPa, 300ºC enters a flow device with negligible velocity and leaves at 0.1
MPa, 150ºC with a velocity of 150 m/s. During the flow heat interaction occurs only
with the surroundings at 15ºC and steam mass flow rate is 2.5 kg/s. Estimate the
maximum possible output from the device.
51. Exhaust gases leave an internal combustion engine at 800ºC and 1 atmosphere, after
having done 1050 kJ of work per kg of gas in engine. (cp of gas = 1.1 kJ/kg · K). The
temperature of surrounding is 30ºC (i) How much available energy per kg of gas is lost
by throwing away the exhaust gases? (ii) What is the ratio of the lost available exhaust
gas energy to engine work?
52. 500 kJ of heat is removed from a constant temperature heat reservoir maintained at 835
K. Heat is received by a system at constant temperature of 720 K. Temperature of the
surroundings, the lowest available temperature is 280 K. Determine the net loss of
available energy as a result of this irreversible heat transfer.
53. A heat engine is working between 700º C and 30ºC. The temperature of surroundings
is 17ºC. Engine receives heat at the rate of 2×104 kJ/min and the measured output of
engine is 0.13 MW. Determine the availability, rate of irreversibility and second law
efficiency of engine.
54. A rigid tank contains air at 1.5 bar and 60ºC. The pressure of air is raised to 2.5 bar by
transfer of heat from a constant temperature reservoir at 400ºC. The temperature of
surroundings is 27ºC. Determine per kg of air, the loss of available energy due to heat
55. Determine the amount of heat that can be converted to the useful work if total heat at
1000 kJ is available at 500ºC. The temperature of environment is 17ºC.
56. An insulated vessel is divided into two compartments connected by a valve. Initially,
one compartment contains steam at 10 bar, 500°C, and the other is evacuated. The valve
is opened and the steam is allowed to fill the entire volume, achieving a final pressure
of 1 bar. Determine the final temperature, in °C, the percentage of the vessel volume
initially occupied by steam and the amount of entropy produced, in kJ/kg. K.
57. Determine the maximum work per kg of steam entering the turbine and the
irreversibility in a steam turbine receiving steam at 2.5 MPa, 350°C and rejecting steam
at 20 kPa, 0.92 dry. During the expansion the one-quarter of initial steam is bled at 30
kPa, 200°C. Consider the heat loss during expansion as 10kJ/s and atmospheric
temperature as 30°C parallel flow heat exchanger has hot water flowing at 95°C for
heating cold water at 15°C to 45°C. Hot water flows at the rate of 800 gm/sec and the
temperature of this hot water stream should not be less than 50°C at exit. Estimate the
second law efficiency and rate of exergy destruction considering dead state temperature
of 25°C.
58. Determine the pressure in a rigid vessel and volume of rigid vessel if it contains 500 kg
of water at 65°C.
59. Estimate the change in volume of water and the total heat required for its’ vaporization
in a boiler producing saturated steam at 75 kPa. One kg feed water is supplied to boiler
as saturated water.
60. Steam undergoes reversible adiabatic expansion in steam turbine from 500 kPa, 300°C
to 50 kPa. Determine the work output per kg of steam turbine and quality of steam
leaving steam turbine.
61. Determine the amount of heat that can be converted to the useful work if total heat at
1000 kJ is available at 500ºC. The temperature of environment is 17ºC.