SS 2024 Toolkit
SS 2024 Toolkit
Reduce Reuse Recycle
9th edition of world’s largest urban cleanliness survey
Year Theme No. of cities
2024 Reduce Reuse Recycle 4800+
2 ULBs formed after 31st Dec’22 may be included on formal request to MoHUA
from the respective State/UT.
Evaluation parameters
SS-2024 Total Marks 9,500
Service Level Progress parameters
SS 2023 (Total – 4830 marks) SS 2024 (Total – 5705 marks)
Legacy waste
Segregation, remediation
Collection & 4%
UWM & Transportation
Safaimitra 13%
Suraksha Segregated
27% collection Solid Waste
33% Management
Sanitation, Used
Processing & Visible Water Management &
disposal cleanliness Safaimitra Suraksha
40% 17% 22%
Key features and inclusions
7 ‘Yellow spots’ added as a new indicator to control ‘open urination’ in the cities.
SS 2024 - Assessment to be done in 4 phases
Assessment Total - 5,705 marks
Note: Ph-1 & 2 will be assessed on the basis of Service Level Progress indicators designed for SS-2023
Evaluation parameters
SS-2024 Total Marks 9,500
Visible cleanliness (970 marks, 17%)
1 Visible cleanliness Marks (970)
1.1 Sweeping in residential & commercial areas 60
1.2 Clean back lanes 60
1.3 No large storage bins (>100 litre size), no waste burning 20
1.4 No Garbage Vulnerable Points (GVP) 20
1.5 No 'Red spots' (spitting) in commercial & residential areas 60
1.6 No 'Yellow spots' (open urination) in commercial & residential areas 60
1.7 Cleanliness of storm water drains & nallahs 50
1.8 Cleanliness of water bodies 25
1.9 Aesthetics & city beautification 300
1.10 Cleanliness in Slums 100
1.11 Cleanliness of places of tourist interest, monuments and parks 140
1.12 Cleanliness in schools 75
1.1 Marks
Cleaning of Public Areas
-1.6 280
This parameter is to examine whether all the commercial areas and transportation hubs in the city are swept at least twice a day including
festivals and Sundays (with mandatory night sweeping , elimination of GVPs ), daily sweeping in all residential wards, and city is Bin-free city.
Scheme of Marking Marks
1.1 (a). Twice a day sweeping (including night sweeping) in all Public & commercial areas 30
roads and streets, and other relevant areas – cleanliness maintained.
1.1 (b). Once a day sweeping in all residential areas – cleanliness maintained. 30
1.2. All back lanes of Commercial/Residential areas are clean - no water logging, drainage 60
system not choked, no solid waste floating and walls properly maintained
1.3. No storage bins (>100 Litre size) in all wards, all empty plots are free from C&D/solid 20
waste dump and the waste is not burnt in any part of the city
Not clean
Back lanes of the residential area clean
Twin Bins are acceptable, even encouraged. Secondary Storage bin such as these are discouraged
Photograph of clean street Photograph of unclean street
Garbage Vulnerable Points (GVP) are those areas where the garbage gets piled
up because of the constant dumping of garbage by the local residents, travelers,
or passerby.
Photograph of GVP near residential area Photograph of GVP near commercial area
Red Spots
Red Spots are those areas where walls and roads of residential and commercial areas get stained red
due to the constant spitting of Gutka/Paan/Tobacco by the local residents, travelers, or passerbys.
No visible solid waste in and zero encroachment around - Marks
1.7 & 1. Storm Water Drains/Nallah * 75
1.8 2. Water bodies* (not limited to ponds, lakes, tanks, rivers etc.) (50+25)
Boundary wall Nallah Without Solid Waste Floating Nallah With Solid Waste Floating
Photograph screens on Nallahs
Water bodies include lakes, ponds, rivers, tanks, etc.
Photograph of water body with no visible/floating solids Photograph of water body with visible/floating solids
1.9.a. Prioritizing aesthetics in making city swachh & beautiful
Prioritizing aesthetics in making city Swachh & Beautiful - beautification of old city areas, flyovers, public places -
(1) Wall paintings/murals, (2)Covered drainage (tertiary and secondary) system with screens (3)*GVP to Selfie Point, (4)Street
Vendor Zones/ hawkers zones are well maintained - zero litter and well organized (5) No hanging banners (6) Public walls are
free from posters/bills (except government notices) (7) Treated used-water used in fountains at major intersections**
* Any work where waste was used to create Artefacts or any other form of art work Scheme of Marking Max Marks
**at least 5 intersections (roundabouts) in >10 L population cities, at least 4 in 3-10 L 150
population cities, at least 3 in 1-3 Lakh population cities, at least 2 in 50 K-1 Lakh Yes for all 7 above 150
population cities and at least 1 in upto 50K population cities
Methodology Yes for any 6 above 125
- City need to claim the above progress with location through Swachhatam portal.
- Assessors will visit all of the above-mentioned areas/establishments Yes for any 5 above 100
- Assessors will not interact with anyone. It will be purely their own assessment of the
situation Yes for any 3 above 75
- Assessors will click the pictures to support their observation/assessment
Yes for any 2 above 50
Note: Wall paintings/murals if not permitted or prohibited, by an official order, in any part or ward of the city, the same should be informed to the Ministry/
assessment agency with ward number(s) so that such ward(s) is/are kept out of the sampling exercise before on-field validation starts in the city.
Treated used-water used in fountains at major intersections: If there are no fountains at major intersections of the city, document supporting or an undertaking from
the Municipal Commissioner/Executive Officer stating that ‘treated wastewater is used to maintain the greenery/park at the intersections’ to be uploaded, to claim
1.9.b. Prioritizing aesthetics in making city swachh & beautiful
Scheme of Marking Max Marks
All roads and footpaths - without potholes & broken paver blocks 30
All construction areas (buildings) are covered to avoid dispersion of 30
particulate matter
*Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and self-governing local community bodies (LCBs),which include Resident Welfare Associations (RWAs), Housing Societies, Self-Help Groups (SHGs),
Special Interest Groups (SIGs), Common Interest Groups (CIGs), Jan Kalyan Samiti, Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and Slum Development Associations (SDAs)
- Assessors will randomly visit slums as per size of the sample
- Assessors may interact with citizens basis the progress claimed.
- Assessors will click the pictures to support their observation/assessment
1.11. Cleanliness of places of tourist interest, monuments and parks
All places of tourist interest, monuments and parks* to be cleaned-up. (*under the jurisdiction of the ULB)
Services of NCC cadets/NYKS/NSS/citizens/citizens group etc. may be used for the same
Cities are expected to engage citizens/citizen groups etc. proactively to ensure all places of tourist interest, monuments and parks are clean & well maintained. All
awareness campaigns/meetings, cleanliness drives related pictures to be uploaded on Swachh Survekshan-2024 portal and associated social media channel,
Swachhatam Portal and Face Book page of the ULB by 31st December 2023. (City name and ULB Code mandatory for entries)
Scheme of Marks for Cleanliness Marks Scheme of Marks for Maintenance Marks
100% Monuments/Parks are clean 70 100% Monuments/Parks well maintained 70
75% Monuments/Parks are clean 60 75% Monuments/Parks well maintained 60
50% Monuments/Parks are clean 50 50% Monuments/Parks well maintained 50
25% Monuments/Parks are clean 40 25% Monuments/Parks well maintained 40
Does the school provide SEPARATE bins in each classroom, kitchen area, and at other
appropriate toilets locations for collection of DRY waste and WET waste separately?
2. Segregation, Collection & Transportation
(750 marks, 13%)
2 Collection & Transportation Marks (750)
2.1 Door-to-door collection 300
2.2 Source segregation 300
2.3 C&T cost covered by user charges 150
2.1 %age of wards covered with 100% door-to-door waste collection 300
(Coverage of wards means every unit of household/gates , commercial establishment and shops in the ward).
This parameter examines whether ULB has a system in place for door-to-door collection of waste.
Questions related to Segregated Collection of waste and the frequency of collection by the ULBs will be
asked to citizens and validated accordingly.
On Field assessors will visit households/shops randomly and conduct the independent citizen validation.
What percentage of the operational cost (Collection & Transportation) of Solid Waste
Management is covered by ONLY USER CHARGES (for SWM related services) collected
2.3 directly or user charges collected through Property Tax/Water/Electricity Bill etc. ( SWM
sub head)?
Salary expenses to Daily wagers, contractual or outsourced staff through service
providers( against vacant posts) will be added along with cost
Expenses related to sweeping of public/commercial areas and expenses related to
processing of waste & disposal are NOT covered.
At least 60% 75
< 60% 0
Composting Technologies:
• windrow composting
• aerated static pile composting
• in-vessel composting
• decentralised composting (bin and box composting)
• vermicomposting.
Windrow Composting Aerated Stack Pile Composting
Pit Composting
Composting Facility
Electricity Bill
Photograph of Composting facility Photograph of crate composting facility
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Composting Facilities
Bio-methanation is the anaerobic (in the absence of free oxygen) fermentation of biodegradable matter in an
enclosed space under controlled conditions of temperature, moisture, pH, etc.
Biogas Plants
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Whether capacity of dry waste processing facility/facilities in the city is Marks
3.3 matching with the total dry waste generated in the city? 155
The indicator would assess whether a city has adequate facility/infrastructure to process the
total dry waste generated.
Processing capacity of functional
100% 155
At least 60% 75
< 60% 0
Geo coordinates (GIS details) in terms of ULB boundaries, ward number, ward boundaries, landmark etc of all Dry Waste
Processing Plants to be mapped and updated on SBM portal as per the prescribed details (to be given by MoHUA) to qualify for
Linearity to Circularity
3.4 Dry waste being processed out of total dry waste generated (excluding sanitary and domestic hazardous
waste) through MRF, RDF or Waste To Energy plants etc. (ULBs are encouraged to engage Informal Waste
Pickers/Women/SHGs/Transgenders in MRF Centres)
This indicator assesses the extent of decentralized and centralized management of dry waste generated. Is the dry waste of the city being recycled or reused? Dry
waste sold to cement plants, used for road construction and other use of non-recyclable dry waste should be explained. ULBs need to ensure that in MRFs – (a) Dry
Waste is further segregated (b) Recyclables are sold to recyclers or scrap dealers, and (c) Records are maintained for quantity of waste received, segregated,
recycled/ processed, sold, disposed at landfill and revenue generated by sale of recyclables (dry waste directly collected by scrap dealers or informal workers)
At least 50% 75
< 50% 0
At least 50% 60
At least 25% 40
< 25% 0
Methodology 1. The assessor will visit all plant(s)/processing facilities updated in the MIS.
for Validation 2. To ascertain the progress, the assessor will also interact with the officials in the plant
3. The assessor will ask for the electricity bill and see other activities in the plant to verify the
functionality of the facility. The assessor will also see if any hazardous waste is dumped/stored within
the facility – should be treated separately.
100% 4. On the basis of observation and verification of log book and electricity bills Senior assessors at the
Direct back end will arrive at the efficiency level of the plant(s) and indicator wise marks will be given.
3.3, 3.4, 3.5 Validation Methodology
Direct Observation
To ascertain the progress, the assessor will interact with the officials in the plant. The assessor will check
the electricity bill and monitor other activities in the plant to ascertain the functionality of the plant.
He will also check the output/sent to dumpsite (including process rejects) on the basis of the input received
(10% variation acceptable)
On the basis of observation and verification of log book and electricity bills Senior assessors at the back end
will arrive at the efficiency level of the plant(s) and indicator wise marks will be given. The agency may
further seek clarification from the ULB by asking documents maintained by the ULB.
In case of sale of finished products /used by the horticulture or other departments, sale receipts required -
free distribution is not encouraged (e.g. farmers/citizens)
A facility where non-combustible solid waste can be temporarily stored by the urban local body or any
person authorized by the urban local body to facilitate segregation, sorting and recovery of various
components of waste by informal sector of waste pickers or any other work force engaged for the purpose
before the waste is delivered or taken up for its processing or disposal.
Material Recovery Facility (MRF)
Material Recovery Facility Compartments for dry waste
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Segregated combustible fraction of solid waste other than chlorinated plastics in the form of pellets or
fluff produced by drying, shredding, dehydrating and compacting combustible components of solid
waste that can be used as fuel.
Waste collection & Segregation RDF Briquette Machine RDF
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Solid Liquid Resource Management (SLRM) centres
Waste To Energy (WtE) refers to the process of generating energy in the form of heat or
electricity from municipal solid waste.
WtE Plants
Waste storage in the plant Conveyor belt Dry waste segregation
E.g. Discarded paint drums, pesticide cans, CFL bulbs, tube lights,
expired medicines, broken mercury thermometers, used
batteries, used needles and syringes and contaminated gauge.
Domestic Hazardous Waste (DHW)
Protected & isolated area Incinerator
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C&D waste management
3.6 Marks 120
Total Marks
Scheme of Marking
Availability of Mobile collection unit for citizens. (on call basis C&D waste
collection facility)
>50% C&D waste either processed in the facility by making products or raw-material re-used – sold (with sale receipt) 60
40% -50% C&D waste either processed in the facility by making products or raw-material re-used – sold (with sale receipt) 50
30% -39% C&D waste either processed in the facility by making products or raw-material re-used – sold (with sale receipt) 40
20% -29% C&D waste either processed in the facility by making products or raw-material re-used – sold (with sale receipt) 30
10% -19% C&D waste either processed in the facility by making products or raw-material re-used – sold (with sale receipt) 20
<10% C&D waste either processed in the facility by making products or raw-material re-used – sold (with sale receipt) 0
3.6 Validation Methodology
The assessor will visit collections points and all plant(s) and processing facilities updated in the MIS.
To ascertain the progress, the assessor will also interact with the officials in the plant
The assessor will ask for the electricity bill and see other activities in the collection centre/ processing
plant to verify the functionality of the facility.
Assessor will also observe if C&D waste is kept segregated in 5 categories
On the basis of observation and verification of log book/electricity bills Senior assessors at the back end
will arrive at the efficiency level of the plant(s) and sub-indicator wise marks will be given.
Construction and Demolition Waste:
Cement and concrete, bricks, cement plaster, steel (from reinforced concrete, door or window
frames, roofing support, railings of staircase, etc.), rubble, stone, timber or wood Minor
components. pipes (GI, iron, plastic, panels (wooden, laminated), glazed tiles, glass panes,
C&D Waste Plant
Weigh Station Crushed bricks C&D Waste Processing
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3.7 Is the landfill in the city a sanitary landfill? Marks
A (ULBs with >1 Lakh population) 150
This parameter assesses whether the landfill site of the ULB is scientific/ planned in nature or in
WHY accordance with SWM 2016 rules. Inerts can be used in low lying areas, road construction etc.
Scheme of Marking Marks
Geo coordinates (GIS details) in terms of ULB boundaries, ward number, ward boundaries, landmark etc of all Sanitary
Landfills to be mapped and updated on SBM portal as per the prescribed details (to be given by MoHUA) to qualify for marks.
3.7 Is the landfill in the city a sanitary landfill? Marks
B (ULBs with <1 Lakh population) 150
This parameter assesses whether the landfill site of the ULB is scientific/ planned in nature or in
WHY accordance with SWM 2016 rules. Inerts can be used in low lying areas, road construction etc.
Scheme of Marking Marks
Geo coordinates (GIS details) in terms of ULB boundaries, ward number, ward boundaries, landmark etc of all Sanitary
Landfills to be mapped and updated on SBM portal as per the prescribed details (to be given by MoHUA) to qualify for marks.
3.7 Is the landfill in the city a sanitary landfill?
Methodology for
The assessor will visit the landfill site(s) to check if the landfill is a sanitary landfill
100% Direct
Sanitary Landfill
Feature Dumpsite
(also known as Landfill)
City has to make sure that all waste generated should be processed. Only process rejects should go to the sanitary landfill. Unprocessed
waste should only be sent to the sanitary landfill if city doesn’t have processing capacity matching the total wet/dry waste collected.
> 45% 0
Geo coordinates (GIS details) in terms of ULB boundaries, ward number, ward boundaries, landmark etc of all
Sanitary Landfills to be mapped and updated on SBM portal as per the prescribed details (to be given by MoHUA)
to qualify for marks
Percent (%) of total waste generated (process rejects/unprocessed) going to the
3.8 sanitary landfill
Methodology 1. The assessor will visit the sanitary landfill site(s) as updated in the MIS.
for Validation 2. To ascertain the progress, the assessor will also interact with the officials on the site
3. ULB will have log-book/register capturing at least last 3 month’s record ready and available for the agency to check
the daily entry of the trucks (with waste load) entered inside the site
4. He will report the progress verified basis documents provided by the ULB to the agency.
100% Direct 5. The senior assessor will also derive the total waste generated Vs processed in the city and try to reconcile the waste
Observation sent daily to the landfill
The final and safe disposal of residual solid waste and inert wastes on land in a facility designed with
protective measures against pollution of ground water, surface water and fugitive air dust, wind-blown litter, bad
odour, fire hazard, animal menace, bird menace, pests or rodents, greenhouse gas emissions, persistent
organic pollutants slope instability and erosion.
Sanitary Landfill
Ban notified
Assessor will observe whether Single Use Plastics or Daily disposable Plastics are being used or not
Bulk Waste Generators (i) doing onsite processing of wet waste generated, including kitchen
and garden waste or organic waste or getting wet waste collected and processed by private Marks
3.10 parties authorized by ULB. (ii) Handing over segregated dry waste to authorized waste 100
pickers or waste collectors.
• A BWG will be considered as one that generates more than 100 kg of total waste per day (or as defined by ULB/state) for
more than 15 days a month
• Community Hall/Function Hall/Marriage Hall/Public gathering waste generators shall be considered as BWG if the holding
capacity is more than 200 pax
Scheme of Marking Marks
100% 100
At least 80% 80
Methodology 1. On-field assessor will randomly visit the housing societies/RWAs/vendors in wards claimed under on-site processing of
for Validation wet waste – sample size will follow as per the population.
2. Question will be asked and personally observed if on-site processing being practiced
3. On the basis of on-field verification, Independent Validation Matrix (IVM) will be applied and final
100% Direct
marks given). Final marks = Marks claimed – marks adjusted as per IVM
As per Solid Waste Management Rules 2016, “Bulk Waste Generator” means and includes buildings occupied by the
Central Government Departments or Undertakings, State Government Departments or Undertakings, Local Bodies, Public
Sector Undertakings or Private Companies, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Schools, Colleges, Universities, other Educational
Institutions, Hostels, Hotels, Commercial Establishments, Markets, Places of Worship, Stadia and Sports Complexes etc
having an average waste generation rate exceeding 100 kg per day (of all waste streams put together).
Restaurant Hostel
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Hospital, railway station, Airport, Sport complex, Club, shopping mall, etc.
Pit composting Drum composting Onsite Bio-methanation
Khamba composting Drum composting Onsite Bio-methanation
3.11 Safe disposal of wet & dry waste in schools 25
Does the school segregate wet waste (bio-degradable waste) and dry waste (non-
Does the school compost its own biodegradable waste (wet waste)? 15
4. Legacy waste remediation
(230 marks, 4%)
4 Legacy waste remediation Marks (230)
4.1 Remediation of all identified dumpsites 230
Remediation of all identified dumpsites
Condition Marks Marks
4.1 Legacy Waste Dumpsites Remediation Action Plan (Module-2) submitted on 50 230
Swachhatam Portal (170+50+10)
Methodology for
Validation The assessor will visit the legacy dumpsite(s) in the city and check whether remediation work
has completed as per the claim made by the city in the MIS. The reference point during the
validation will the progress made from the progress claimed in SS-2023.
100% Direct
Module 2: Legacy Waste Dumpsites Remediation Action Plan
M2.1 ULB’s Dumpsite Remediation Plan (applicable only if ULB has an existing dumpsite(s))
M2.2 State/ UT– Consolidated Financial Action Plan for Dumpsite Remediation:Financials in Rs. Crore
approved by State TOTAL
Mission Director. ( equal to SBM 2.O allocation for dumpsite
remediation for the State / UT)
Action Plan
All ULBs in the State/ UT
All ULBs in the State/
UT to complete remedi-
ation by 31.3.2024
Remediation of Dumpsite
Remediation facility for Legacy waste Remediation in process
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5. Sanitation, Used Water Management &
Safaimitra Suraksha
(1245 marks, 22%)
5 Sanitation Marks (1245)
5.1 Connection to sewerage, septic tank, twin pit, etc. 50
5.2 Cleanliness of CT, PT, Urinals & feedback 100
5.3 Availability of separate functional & clean toilets in schools for boys & girls 50
5.4 FSTP/STP capacity 100
5.5 Faecal sludge & sewage treatment 170
5.6 Safe disposal of liquid waste in schools 25
5.7 Safaimitra Suraksha - Adequate machines & equipment 220
5.8 Safaimitra Suraksha - Adequate workforce 100
5.9 Safaimitra Suraksha - Notifications & complaint resolution 180
5.10 Safaimitra Suraksha - 24X7 helpline & awareness campaigns
5.11 Safaimitra Suraksha - Capacity building, safety & welfare 170
What percentage of Households, Commercial Institutions, Establishments and Marks
5.1 Public area CTs/PTs are connected to a closed system such as sewerage, septic 50
tank + soak pit, twin-pit system etc. (no open system/connection/flow/discharge)
This indicator will ascertain whether the city has adequate coverage of sewerage network or septic tanks
Scheme of Marking Marks
>95 % households/commercial establishment /CT&PT are 50
connected to sewerage system or have septic tanks + Soak Pit
Note: City to also confirm if areas where households are not connected to a
closed system having sewerage system in place
What percentage of Households, Commercial Institutions, Establishments and Public area
5.1 CTs/PTs are connected to a closed system such as sewerage, septic tank + soak pit, twin-pit
system etc. (no open system/connection/flow/discharge)
for Validation 1. The on-field assessor will randomly visit the different parts of the city, as per coverage claimed, to
check if there is any open discharge
2. On the field observation, Independent Validation Matrix (IVM) will be applied and final marks given).
100% Direct Final marks = Marks claimed – marks adjusted as per IVM
Connected with septic tank (with no overflow) or with
sewer network - no open drainage/ No Open Discharge
Safe Disposal
Are Public Toilets, Urinals and Community Toilets clean and user friendly - each Marks
5.2 performance indicator to be answered with either YES or NO. 250
This indicator would assess the functionality of the CT/PTs/Urinals in the city with number of features in place to ensure that the citizens are comfortable for using
the toilet. Yes will get full marks and No will get zero marks provided for each sample.
Public Toilet (PT) Community Toilet (CT) Urinal
Scheme of Marking Marks Scheme of Marking Marks Scheme of Marking5 Marks
Separate section for Men & Women 10 Separate section for Men & Women 10 Dry and clean 10
Dry and clean 10 Dry and clean 10 Running water for flushing 10
Running water – Tap & Flush working 10 Running water – Tap & Flush working 10 Well lit – natural light and if covered – 5
Well lit – electric/natural light 5 electric light
Well lit – electric/natural light 5
Functional bolting on all doors 5 Institutional arrangements in place for 5
Functional bolting on all doors 5
*Caretaker is present for maintenance 5 Institutional arrangements in place for 5
maintenance/cleaning User friendly for differently able people 30
Open between 6am – 10pm 5
24 Hours Open 5
User friendly for differently able people 30
User friendly for differently able people 30
Sanitary napkin dispensing system in place 5
Sanitary napkin dispensing system in place 5
1. On the basis of the claim, the assessor will visit the selected CT/PT/Urinals as per sample to validate
Methodology the claim made. He will also randomly talk to the citizens and ascertain whether citizens are satisfied
for Validation with functionality of the Community/Public Toilets and Urinals
To be validated in 2. The assessor will only ask this question to citizens using Community/Public Toilets and Urinals
Ph-3 also 3. During on field validation, this question will be asked only to citizens seen using Community/Public
100% Direct
toilets and urinals.
Observation 4. On the basis of observation and interaction with citizens/plant official, Independent Validation Matrix
(IVM) will be applied and final marks given). Final marks = Marks claimed – marks adjusted as per IVM
• Public toilets (PT) is a facility provided for the floating population / general public in places
such as markets, train stations or other public areas.
• Public Toilets have an official time which may vary city to city.(6 A.M. - 10 P.M.)
Community toilets (CT) facility is a shared facility provided for a defined group of residents or an
entire settlement / community.
It is normally located in or near the community area and used by almost community members.
A urinal is a sanitary plumbing fixture for urination only.
Separate section for men & women NO separate section for men & women
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No bolting arrangement Urinal not clean Toilet floor is not clean
Caretaker Bolting arrangement Running Water or flush
Lighting & Switches User friendly for the differently abled Running tap
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Photograph of community toilet Photograph of SBM Message
Assessor will visit Public and Community toilets of the ULB to assess the presence of SBM Messaging and
Feedback Mechanism present in the ULB
Photograph of Public toilet Photograph of SBM Message & toilet timing
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5.3 Availability of separate functional & clean toilets in schools for boys & girls 50
Does the school have separate toilets for boys and girls in working condition? 10
Do all the toilets in the school have roof and proper ventilation for natural light and air and
have secure door with latch
Does the school have separate dustbins with lid and with specific colours for disposal of
menstrual waste?
Whether capacity* of FSTP and STP in the city is matching with the total faecal sludge and Marks
5.4 sewage which is collected/generated in the city? 100
* Capacity under cluster approach will be considered provided the distance upto 50 km from the city boundary (90+10)
This indicator would assess whether the infrastructure to treat entire faecal sludge and sewage generated in
the city is available or on cluster basis (upto 50 km)
Scheme of Marking Marks
At least 50% 80
At least 25% 60
<25% 0
Grey water: Wastewater generated from bathing, kitchen and all other household activities except toilets.
Faecal Sludge : The accumulated semi-solid or solid portion that settled at the bottom of the septic tank which
comprises 20% - 50% of the total septic tank volume is termed as faecal sludge.
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a) Waste Stabilisation Ponds (WSP)
roprietary information and may not be disclosed or reproduced without the prior written consent of Ipsos..”
uary 2022 | Version 1 | Client and Internal use only
Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)
Pumping station Screens
Photograph of Signage of STP plant Photograph of inlet sewage
Photograph of STP plant Photograph of STP plant
Photograph of grit or sludge from STP Photograph of outlet treated wastewater
Photograph of Test Report maintained at the plant Photograph of Test certificate issued from CPCB/SPCB
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Photograph of logbook maintained at the plant Photograph of electricity bill of STP plant
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Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant (FSTP)
Sump well/ MPS
FSTP Facility
Drying Bed
Does the school follow safe mechanism for disposal of toilet waste / faecal sludge and sanitary waste? 25
750 Marks
Mandatory conditions to Claim 750 Marks under Safaimitra Suraksha Indicators
(i) RSA and SRU notified and operations and (ii) Valid ODF+ Certificate
Adequate machines & equipment
5.7 Core Marks
5.8 Adequate workforce
• Capacity Building (In-house/private trained desludging 170
5.11 Building & operators/staff – following CPHEEO Manual) Marks
Total Marks 750
Sanitation Response Unit
Emergency Response Sanitation Unit
Emergency Response Sanitation Unit/
Sanitation Response Unit (SRU)
Why Needed
Government of India is committed to ensure that no person needs to enter any sewer or
septic tank, unless absolutely inescapable in interest of greater public hygiene.
More than 50% of households in Urban India dependent on privately owned septic
tanks. (80-100% in smaller towns)
Local Municipal Authorities do not take responsibility for construction standard/
periodic maintenance/ emergency repairs of these Private structures
Private Septic tank owners are left to deal with unorganised private service providers
Exploitation of workers from extreme vulnerable community – Poorly trained and
Emergency Response Sanitation Unit/
Sanitation Response Unit (SRU)
Why Needed
The Private owner of a septic tank (if the designated “employer” under PEMSR
Rules, 2013)- may not be in position to assume responsibilities listed under the
- With regards to equipping, making safety arrangements and training of
Private Owner can only be expected to make a reasonable payment of fees.
There is a need to combine “Responsibility with Authority” and enforcement
of the Act to stop exploitation of poor.
Professionally trained, motivated and equipped sewermen and necessary entry
equipment needs to be made available at location of a Sewer or Septic Tank
emergency within a reasonable timeframe .
Salient Features
An Organisation headed by a nominated Responsible Sanitation Authority (RSA)
Sanitation Response Units (SRU)/ ERSU Located in HQ towns of Each District
Scaled at 1 SRU per District - Responsible for Sanitation Emergencies in all ULBs
and Panchayats within the district.
Additional SRU for need of each Municipal Corp. in District
Generally based on structure of the Fire Services/ Fire Brigade
5 digit toll free helpline RTN
Special Mobile Response System (SHRAVAN)
Organisation of the Sanitation Response Unit
On lines of Fire Services
Approved by Empowered Group of Ministers
Scaled at One per Distt + one for each MC in Distt
S. Officer/ Staff Mechanism of Appointment Nature of Appt.
1 Responsible Nomination through State Gazette Notification Additional Role
Sanitation Authority Disst Collector or Equivalent
2 Officer In-charge of Through Municipal or Distt Office Order Additional Role
ERSU Executive Engineer or Eq
AEE or Eq for ULBs < 2 Lakh
4 Duty/ Entry Through Municipal or Distt Office Order Additional Role
Supervisor Junior Engineer or Sanitary Inspector
5 Administrative Through Municipal or Distt Office Order Full Time
Supervisor Junior Engineer or Sanitary Inspector or Eq
6 Call centre Attendant Through Municipal or Distt Office Order Full Time/
7 Sewer Entry Through Municipal or Distt Office Order Additional Role
Professionals (Sewer 7% of Municipal sewer men/ beldars or sewer
Commandos) men of parastatal/ PHED or Empanelled PSSO
5.7 Equipment Requirement - Marks Distribution
Equipment Requirement If Meeting If Meeting above 50% If < 50% of
Norm fully Norm (Pro rata) Norm
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Core Equipment (110)
HydroVac (Jetting and Suction 40 Down to 20 NIL
Vehicle for Sewers)
Machine Hole Dredger 30 Down to 15 NIL
Gully Emptier- (Septic Tank 40 Down to 20 NIL
Desludging Vehicles)
Sewermen 40 20 NIL
Detailed list of equipment sheds in the ULB where Liquid waste Management related vehicles
1 (Core and Special Equipment) Safety Gears etc are kept and maintained. (Name of the Area,
Address, Landmark, Name, Number of equipment and Registration number of vehicles kept in
the shed)
Core Equipments & Special/other Equipments: List of documents to be submitted by the ULB for desktop Safety Gears: List of documents to be submitted by the ULB for desktop assessment.
Procurement details of all the Safety Gears claimed by the ULB.
Photographs of distinct vehicle/equipment along with the registration number (wherever applicable) of all
vehicle/equipment claimed by the ULB.
Procurement details of Safety Gears owned by the ULB.
Procurement details of vehicle/equipment owned by the ULB. 1. Tender document of the procurement.
2. Purchase order/ Tax invoice.
1. Tender document of the procurement.
2. Purchase order/ Tax invoice.
If Outsourced, provide copy of the agreement mentioning the details of the Safety Gears.
If Outsourced, provide copy of agreement mentioning the details of the vehicle/equipment.
If the sewage management is carried out by Parastatal Body/ PHED/ State department then provide the If the sewage management is carried out by Parastatal Body/ PHED/ State department then provide the
documents of procurement details/outsourced details accordingly. documents of procurement details/outsourced details accordingly.
If special equipment shared on the cluster basis, then provide the declaration for that from the Responsible If Safety Gears shared on the cluster basis, then provide the declaration for that from the Responsible
Sanitation Authority mentioning ULB code and ULB name. Sanitation Authority mentioning ULB code and ULB name.
Documents to be submitted by the ULB for evaluation: 3.6 Documents to be submitted by the ULB for Documents to be submitted by the
Notification for Ban on Manual hazardous entry(without
evaluation: 3.7 ULB for evaluation 3.8
safety gear) Photographs of the IEC campaigns conducted Photographs of the sanitary workers (involved in liquid
waste management) working using the PPE kits provide
Notification for levying User Charges for desludging around availability of 24X7 Helpline 14420 to to them
Services help citizens in all queries/complaints around List of the sanitary workers (involved in liquid waste
Notification mandating the compulsory Registration ofall cleaning of septic tanks and sewer lines management) who have been awarded with monthly
Private Sanitation Services Providers whose equipment/ recognition in the months of November, December
(machine hole)/ stormwater drains or any and January (Phase 3)
manpower is being projected to meet therequirement under otherservices provided by the ULB Document specifying the schemes that the sanitary
norms. workers have been linked to and the number of the
Notification regarding imposing fines against persons Photographs of the IEC campaigns conducted sanitary workers (involved in liquid waste
management) enrolled with each scheme.
/ de-sludging operators dumping untreated faecalsludge to disseminate the messages around Photographs of 30% of all Sewermen and Sanitary Beldars
in drains and / or open areas scheduled cleaning (oncein every 3 years) of (In-house/Private Operator supplied workforce) who have
been provided a certified training on safety measures and
septic tanks? legal norms, in past 12 Months, related to
Notification regarding compliance of all Septic Tanks Photographs of the IEC campaigns to 1)Occupational Health and Safety
Constructed after 01 January 2021 are as per IS 2470 disseminate the messages around penal actions
(Parts 1 & 2) 2)Mechanized cleaning of septic tanks, sewer lines,
for non-compliance under ‘The Prohibition of stormwater drains and machine holes
ULB should submit the detailed statement maintained by it Employment as Manual Scavengers andtheir
3)Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and
showing the total operational cost incurred and the revenue Rehabilitation Act (PEMSRA) 2013’ their Rehabilitation Act, 2013.
generated for providing de-sludging services/ Sewerage
Photographs of the IEC campaigns to
disseminate the messages around Document with the list of the Sewer Entry Personnel
Please provide sample copies of proof of payment made at engagement of ONLY licensed operatorsin all who have been given the minimum 10% monthly
hazardous allowance with salary or risk allowance.
the treatment plant after off-loading the waste at the plant wards and 100% De-sludging Vehicles The details like Name, Phone Number, and amount
for treatment, by the de-sludging operator provided in the last three months should be provided.
carrying IEC messages.
Please provide sample challans/fine receipts for
dumping faecal sludge in drains/ open areas
Validation Methodology
Please provide list of septic tanks which are geo-tagged. Also
provide screen shots of the tracking and monitoring system in
place. Direct Observation
A location where vehicles/equipments used by the ULB for sewer/septic tank cleaning
would be available/parked.
Assessor will Visit Equipment sheds of the ULB and assess the availability of following Vehicles, equipment and Safety Gears.
HydroVac Machine
It consists of a grab bucket on a wire rope, which is lowered into the manhole in an open condition
with the help of a crane and pulley. On reaching the bottom of the manhole, the segments are
closed, and the accumulated silt is picked up
Desludging Vehicle
Septic tanks are required to be periodically desludged (cleaned) using vacuum loaders with a blow
back arrangement (suction) to ensure complete evacuation of the faecal matter from the septic
Safety Gears
Safety Gear for entering into manhole/septic tank to avoid hazards of gases and ensure safety of life
Gas Monitor Blower with Air Compressor Safety Body Harness Airline Breathing Apparatus Breathing Apparatus
Safety Tripod Set Nylon Rope Ladder Full Body Wader Suit Gas Mask
Sewer Inspection Camera Apparatus
Used for inspection of sewer lines for assessing the condition of sewer and planning it cleaning.
Hydro Jetting Machine
Directs high velocities of water against pipe walls.
Removes debris and grease build-up, clears blockages, and cuts roots within small diameter
Power Bucket Machine
Jaws of the power bucket machine open and scrape off the material and deposit it in the bucket. It
Partially removes large deposits of silt, sand, gravel, and some types of solid waste
Hydraulic Sewer Root Cutter
Sewer Root Cutters quickly cuts and clear roots and debris from sewer lines. These cutters are
worked back and forth in the pipe until the obstruction is cleared.
Other Special Machine
Bandicoot Robot
5.9 Eco-System Parameters - 180 Marks
Scheme of Marks Max
(a) Notifications 30
1. Ban on Manual hazardous entry (without safety gear) 5
2. User Charges for providing at least the O&M for sewerage and septic tank desludging 5
4. Whether ULB has notified fines against persons / de-sludging operators dumping 5
untreated faecal sludge in drains and / or open areas
5. All Septic Tanks Constructed after 01 January 2021 are as per IS 2470 (Parts 1 & 2) 5
6. Is there a designated STP/FSTP/area identified and notified for disposal of faecal sludge ? 5
5.9 Eco-System Parameters - 180 Marks
Scheme of Marks Max
(b) Enforcement 80
1 Manual hazardous entry (without safety gear) banned in the city – Enforced 100% 16
2 More than 75% operational cost in providing sewerage and septic tank de-sludging 16
services recovered from user charges – direct or as part of Utility bill.
3 Private Sanitation Services Providers are registered* (10 vehicles/ 20 Workers) 16
4 Fines being collected from persons dumping faecal sludge in drains/ open areas 16
5 Septic tank systems being construction as per provision of IS 2470 16
(c) Whether Zero incident of Sanitation Related Fatality in the ULB during past 12 20
Calendar months (Yes/No)
(d) Greater than 80% complaints registered through 14420 Helpline have been 20
resolved satisfactorily
(Pro-rata marks down to 50% of objective)
(e) Whether >50% Septic tanks are geo-tagged for scheduled cleaning? 40
(Prorata marks down to 50% of objective)
5.10 Citizen Empowerment Measures (IEC)- 80 Marks
Scheme of Marking Max
(a) IEC messages around availability of 24X7 Helpline 14420 to help citizens 20
in all queries/complaints around cleaning of septic tanks and sewer lines
(machinehole)/ stormwater drains or any other services provided by the
ULB. The helpline should also address Safaimitra’s grievances
100% Sanitation Vehicles (Municipal, Private enrolled and parastatal/ State Department
to carry these IEC messages
5.11 Mechanical cleaning – Soft Measures (CB, Safety and Welfare)- 170 Marks
Scheme of Marking Marks
Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) released to 100% Sanitation Workers engaged in liquid waste
(a) 20
management – including new uniform as advised by MoHUA,
(b) Monthly recognition being given to best performing workers (Male and Female separately where > 10 work 20
Whether all Enumerated Skilled Sewer Entry Professionals are given minimum additional 10% monthly
(c) 20
hazardous allowance with monthly salary or a lumpsum Risk Grant for each confined space entry.
All semi skilled sewermen and beldars (on municipal rolls) have been facilitated to link with at least three
(d) eligible government welfare schemes e.g. Ayushman Bharat, Life/Accident Insurance, Education, providing 20
Ration Cards for subsidized food grain etc. (Additional: Quarterly health Check-up is mandatory)
All semi skilled sewermen and beldars (on municipal rolls) as well as registered erstwhile manual scavengers
enumerated by MoSJE, have been provided with livelihood opportunities – e.g. employment as sewermen/
(e) 30
beldars, engagement as CT/PT caretakers or supported entrepreneurship model through access to subsidized
loan (Loan Mela) and assured engagement of their equipment.
Whether 30% of all Sewermen and Sanitary Beldars (In-house/Private Operator supplied workforce) have gone 36
through a certified training on safety measures and legal norms, in past 12 Months, related to -
Occupational Health and Safety
• Mechanized cleaning of septic tanks, sewer lines, stormwater drains and machine holes
• Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act, 2013.
Record maintained for all trainings conducted and attended digitally linked with SBM Portal 4
Digital record being maintained of all Sewermen and Sanitary Beldar including private engaged personnel –
(g) 20
Name, Address, Contact Numbers, Gender, any special need etc.
6. Nudge indicators
(805 marks, 14%)
8 Nudge elements Marks (805)
Indicator Marks
2 Is there a regular collection mechanism for sourcing items in the RRR center 20
3 Does the RRR center have segregation mechanism for the items being collected 20
Does the RRR center have forward linkages established for disposal, reuse,
4 20
recycling, repair of items collected
6.1 Validation Methodology
The complete address along with geolocation of the permanent RRR center to be uploaded on Swachhatam
Direct observation of the RRR center in the ULB by the Assessor.
Citizen validation by the Assessor about awareness regarding RRR centers.
Waste to Wonder Park: ULBs to develop ‘waste to wonder’ park and/or Marks
installation of ‘waste to art’ sculptures 100
sculptures installed in at least one location within the ULB and geotagged picture
uploaded on the Swachhatam Portal (IEC module)
6.2 Validation Methodology
In ULBs/Wards/Areas where there is lack of space and/or prohibition orders for constructing a park cities
can install sculptures from waste material at any location within the ULB
Direct observation by the Assessor.
The address along with geotagged picture of Waste to Wonder park or Waste to Wonder sculpture to be
uploaded on Swachhatam Portal.
Zero Waste Events/Weddings/Social or Religious Functions : City/citizen is/are expected to Marks
6.3 manage at least ONE Zero Waste Functions in each month between April 2023-May 2024
with zero waste coming out of the Venue. 90
Note: All events should be conducted as per the SOP for zero waste event available on the Swachhatam Portal
1. List of awareness campaign, showing coverage and date of campaign to be uploaded on SBM Portal,
Swachhatam Portal and ULB’s Facebook page
2. Detail of RWAs/Ward Committee engaged in this exercise
3. This list will also be used for on-field validation 50% Observation and 50% Citizens
4. Direct observation and random interaction with citizens will be conducted to ascertain the claim.
*Ward will cover all RWAs and other colonies where RWAs are not available
6.5 Promoting youth participation – Swachh Tulip
score: 75
The Urban Learning Internship Programme
The youth (graduates and above by qualification) can be engaged as interns by the ULBs and the State
departments for supporting implementation of campaigns, citizen centric behavior change and IEC
initiatives, monitoring of sanitation and waste management facilities, grievance redressal, adoption of IT
solutions or other fields as defined by the ULB, falling under the mandate of the Mission.
Population category of ULB Criteria
1 < 50K At least 1 intern
Cities may also refer some of the following interventions. However, Innovation areas are Scheme of Marking Max.
not limited to following interventions only - Marks
1. Care & Support System to families/individuals affected by Covid-19
2. Sustainable Solutions
3. Public Private Partnership Implementation 20
4. Convergence across other flagship missions of the Government
5. IEC & Behaviour Change Novelty (Is your idea original or unique?) 10
6. Community Engagement
7. Sale of by-products of processing
Scalability 10
8. Menstrual Waste Management
9. Robust faecal sludge management system
Financial Sustainability 15
10.User friendly Community and Public Toilets
11.Gender-specific solutions – with focus on women and transgenders Impact 20
1. All cities are requested to submit one such project under this indicator. Comprehensive documentation with pictures/video clips for your project or initative will
make a stronger case for your city. Further such innovation/best practice to be promoted in the city - to help city during on-field validation
2. Any initiative introduced under 3R and claimed under Indicator 1.6 (under Service Level Progress) or under Indicator No.4 (under Citizen’s Engagement) ‘Swachh
Technology Challenge’ will not be considered under ‘Innovation & Best Practices’
6.7 SBM-U and NULM convergence
score: 125
Indicator Marks
No. of new SHGs formed in last 1 year in Sanitation & Waste Management. The
1 125
SHGs should have received the revolving fund.
6.8 Benefits to workers
score: 130
Benefits extended to sanitary workers and informal waste pickers.
Complete details of all sanitary workers and informal waste pickers updated
4 10 10
in Swachhatam Portal MIS
Indicator Marks
1 Training of Sanitary workers conducted by ULB on subject related to their area of work 30
Workshops and/or Seminar conducted by ULB on the subject of Solid Waste Management,
2 Used Water Management, Safaimitra Suraksha, Legacy waste remediation and other areas 30
related to sanitation and waste management.
Peer visit conducted by ULB to learn from other cities in areas of sanitation and waste
3 20
Evaluation parameters
SS-2024 Total Marks 9,500
7. Certification
(2500 marks, 26%)
7 Jan andolan Marks (2500)
CERTIFICATION: 2,500 / 9,500 Marks
7.1 Certified GFC Star Rating Status 7.2 Certified ODF Status
(as on 31.03.2024) (as on 31.03.2024)
Scheme of Ranking Marks Scheme of Ranking Marks
Note: All cities, with valid certificate, will be eligible for marks.
Evaluation parameters
SS-2024 Total Marks 9,500
8. Jan andolan
(1295 marks, 14%)
8 Jan andolan Marks (1295)
8.4 Single use plastic clean up drives conducted in the city and water bodies 50
Are you aware that you can find the nearest Community/ Public Toilet (CT/PT) on digital
1. List of people and contact details with photos and a brief note (max 50 words) describing the work done to be
uploaded on the Swachhatam Portal and ULB’s Social Media page
2. These entries will also be used for on-call validation. On the basis of contact details these people will be called to
understand whether the details provided is matching.
8.3 Participation of ULBs in MoHUA campaigns 200
Item Marks
Item Marks
Single use plastic clean up drives conducted in the city and water bodies 50
8.5 On-site wet waste processing by non-bulk waste generators -
Awareness generation by the ULBs about on-site wet waste processing (composting/bio- Marks
methanation). This may include individual homes (not part of RWAs), commercial and other waste 70
IEC campaign supported by proper handholding will help citizens to opt for on-site processing, thus taking
ownership of their wet waste.
Proposed Advisory for technical support by the Scheme of Marking Marks
ULB for on-site waste processing, covers -
• Creation of ward-level whatsapp group – one Awareness campaign conducted 70
active ULB staff should be part of this group to
address the concerns, resolve issue, share
his/her schedule of visits etc.
• Details of residents practicing on-site processing
• List of all facilities provided by the ULB
• At least once-in-a-month visit report by ULB staff
Community Composting • To ensure suitable mechanism for provision of To be moved to Citizen Voice
done by groups of bio-culture/dry leaves/coco pit and other
households at common necessary equipment to facilitate home
facility shall also be
considered as onsite wet
• Provide composters on payment basis or set-up
waste processing along
mart for home composting or any other
with home composting.
8.6 Grievance redressal by Swachhata App/Local App
Scheme of Scoring
Maximum score: 100
Percentage as calculated by the formula
What percentage of complaints are resolved within SLA (Service Level below will be applied on ‘Maximum score’
Agreement) time frame which will become the score for that
Note: The formula would be applicable only if a city has received a number of complaints equal to 0.05% of the population in
that month.
* Final Score of this indicator for Swachh Survekshan 2024 will be the average of every month score from 1st April 2023 till 31st March 2024
8.7 Swachh Ward ranking 320
Whether SWACHH WARD ranking conducted MONTHLY – covering all hotels, schools, hospitals (Healthcare facility),
RWAs/Mohallas, Government offices and market association etc. within the jurisdiction of each ward – results to be uploaded
on Swachhatam Portal and social media page of the ULB and Facebook page of the ULB by 31st March 2024. (City name and
ULB Code mandatory for entries). SOP for conducting SWACHH WARD ranking will be shared.
Mayor/Chairman of the City to be engaged in monitoring the Swachh Ward evaluation process. and handing over awards to
Wards in different Award categories. Please refer the Swachh Ward Ranking SOP designed by MoHUA (annexed)
1. List of top-3 wards to be uploaded on SBM portal, Swachhatam Portal and ULBs Facebook page,
photographs of the award ceremony to also be uploaded.
Improved Robustness of Assessment
Sampling Criteria
Independent Validation Matrix: Population wise respondents
Assessment Area
<50 K 50 K - 1 Lakh 1-3 Lakh 3-10 Lakh >10 Lakh
Sample respondent count
200 200 400 800 800
(On-Call for Ph-1 & 2)
Sample respondent count
200 200 400 800 800
(On-Field for Ph-3 & Ph-4)
Each indicator of the Service Level Progress is cross validated with the data retrieved
from a combination of all or few of the following :
Incorrect claims by ULB(s) in the SLP will invoke negative marking through Independent
Validation Matrix.
Points to Remember
• ULBs are advised to update their MIS/City Profile on the basis of electoral wards only – administrative wards will not
be considered. In all such cases, where electoral wards are not in place, administrative wards will be considered upon
approval by MoHUA
• A declaration (section wise) from the Executive Officers confirming the monthly progress ‘claimed’ will be considered
as a documentary support for first two phases for ULBs with >1 L population.
• The declaration from Administrator will be included if ULB has been dissolved and Administrator has been appointed
by the State (wherever applicable).
• Commercial area in residential areas under ‘Mixed-land Use’
• Commercial area is real estate intended for use by for-profit businesses, such as office complexes, shopping
malls, service stations and restaurants.
• Please note, number of shops (floor wise or in a row and either side or only one side of the road), as per
following criteria, in residential area shall be qualified as commercial area
• The final scores and ranking will be calculated based on the scoring of Ganga Towns (ULB’s
score in SS 2024) and the Ganga Ghats.
Indicators for Direct Observation : Ganga Ghats
1 Assessment Area Scheme of Marking Marks 5 Assessment Area Scheme of Marking Marks
0 spot 10 Availability of twin litter Bins (in 100% Ghats/Riverbanks 10
No. of Open dumpsites at 1-3 spots 6 every 50 meters) at each 75% - 99% Ghats 6
each Ghat or on the riverbank 4-10 spots 3 ghat/Riverbanks accessible to 50% - 74% Ghats 3
>10 spots 0 citizens <50% Ghats/Riverbanks 0
2 Assessment Area Scheme of Marking Marks 6 Assessment Area Scheme of Marking Marks
No. of Garbage Vulnerable 0 spot 10 100% Ghats/Riverbanks 10
Sweeping & Cleaning
Points (GVPs) at each Ghat or 1-3 spots 6 75% - 99% Ghats 6
arrangements – at least once a
on the riverbank 4-10 spots 3 50% - 74% Ghats 3
day sweeping/cleaning around all
>10 spots 0 Ghats/Riverbanks <50% Ghats/Riverbanks 0
3 Assessment Area Scheme of Marking Marks 7 Assessment Area Scheme of Marking Marks
No Solid Waste floating on the 0 10 10
1-3 location(s) 6 Availability of Screens at Yes, Screens available
river (passing through ULB’s
the discharge point of
jurisdiction) 4-10 locations 3
Nallahs near the Ghat No, Screen not available 0
>10 locations 0
Availability of Anti-Littering Yes 10 Cleaning & removal of All nallah screens clean 10
messages at each Ghat waste from Nallah
around Ghats/Riverbanks Screens
No 0
accessible to citizens (excl. those in STPs) Nallah screens found choked 0
• GHAT refers to a series of steps leading down to a body of water, particularly a river
• BANK riverbank is the land along the edge of a river
• GVPs - Garbage Vulnerable Points are those areas where the garbage gets piled up because of
the constant dropping of garbage by the local residents, travellers, or passerby, or these spots
must have had dustbins earlier
• SCREENS are used at the drains to stop the solid waste (plastic/clothes/trash/suspended
matter etc.) from entering river water
Is there any open dumpsite near the ghat(s) or on the riverbank
Open dumpsite
near water
No open
dumpsite near
water bodies
Is there any open dumpsite near the ghat(s) or on the riverbank
Is there any garbage vulnerable points near the ghat(s) or on the riverbank