BattleTech Universe
BattleTech Universe
PROJECT DEVELOPMENT INTERIOR ARTISTS BATTLETECH LINE DEVELOPER The Universe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 THE JIHAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
HISTORY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 The Word of Blake Jihad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Ray Arrastia Justin Adams Ray Arrastia
A Fifth Succession War? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Aaron Cahall Ray Arrastia THE STAR LEAGUE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Beating Back the Darkness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Geoff Swift Pablo Aschei ASSISTANT LINE DEVELOPER Ad Astra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Robert Atkinson
The Wars of Reaving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Aaron Cahall Age of War. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Shadow Wars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
WRITING Christopher Balaskas Terran Hegemony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Juan Barea The Inner Sphere and the Periphery . . . . . . . . . . 16 THE DARK AGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Ray Arrastia Marie Baumgarten BATTLETECH LINE EDITOR
Herbert A. Beas II The Great Houses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 End of the Republic Era. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Margarita Bourkova Aaron Cahall Interstellar Travel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Of Knights and Men. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Randall N. Bills Doug Chaffee
Aaron Cahall The BattleMech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 The House Lords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Brent Chumley CATALYST GAME LABS Myomers and Gyroscopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Chris Hartford Ken Coleman
ART DIRECTOR IndustrialMechs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 THE ILCLAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Mark Hayden Eldon Cowgur The Mackie: the First BattleMech. . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Ben Klinefelter The ilClan Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Liam Curtner Brent Evans Armor and Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Currency In the Inner Sphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Edward McEneely David Dryburgh BattleMech Proliferation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Wunji Lau Ted Galaday BATTLETECH ART DIRECTOR Technical Readout: BNC-1E Banshee. . . . . . . . . . 28 FACTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Joshua Perian Germán Galindo The MechWarrior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Luke Robertson Anthony Scroggins THE GREAT HOUSES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Mark Hayden The New Knighthood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Eric Salzman Neurohelmets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 House Davion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
David Hovey
Lance Scarinci Alex Iglesias PUBLISHER Typical BattleMech Cockpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 House Kurita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Geoff Swift Jason Juta Loren L. Coleman The Star League. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 House Liao. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
David Kegg Golden Age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 House Marik. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
EDITING Star League Defense Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
David Kerber CREATIVE DIRECTOR Amaris Coup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
House Steiner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Katherine Monasterio Chris Lewis Dissolution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Randall Mackey Randall N. Bills THE CLANS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Exodus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 The ilClan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Florian Mellies ASSISTANT CREATIVE DIRECTOR THE SUCCESSION WARS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Clan Wolf in-Exile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Aaron Cahall Alyssa Menold Bryn K. Bills ComStar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Clan Jade Falcon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Wunji Lau Aaron Miller The First Succession War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Clan Smoke Jaguar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Mark Riggleman Thomas Moor Military Organization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 The Rasalhague Dominion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
EXECUTIVE EDITOR Piracy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Victor Moreno Principality of Rasalhague
COVER ARTIST Will Nichols John Helfers The Second Succession War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 And the Free Rasalhague Republic. . . . . . . . . . . 228
Benjamin Parker The Rise of Neo-Feudalism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Marco Mazzoni A Sampling of Minor Houses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Clan Hell’s Horses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Marco Pennacchietti SHRAPNEL MAGAZINE Clan Sea Fox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Matt Plog Planetary Assaults. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
DESIGN & LAYOUT MANAGING EDITOR Mercenaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 The Raven Alliance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
A. Roberts
Ray Arrastia Neil Roberts Philip A. Lee The Games. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Outworlds Alliance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Mark Hayden Júlio Rocha The Third Succession War. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 The Scorpion Empire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
David Kerber Klaus Scherwinski MARKETING DIRECTOR Lostech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Deep Seekers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Karsten Schreurs Rem Alternis
Keeping the Wheels Turning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 The Lost Clans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
DESIGN Anthony Scroggins The House Lords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
THE PERIPHERY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Tan Ho Sim SENIOR GRAPHIC DESIGNER The Fourth Succession War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Dale Eadeh At the Helm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 The Periphery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
David Sondered
Natasha Sokulski
Florian Stitz Matt Heerdt The War of 3039. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 The Magistracy of Canopus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
Jessé Suursoo The Com Guards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 The Marian Hegemony. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
THE CLAN INVASION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Matt Alexander Alex Tooth Chris Callicoat Operation: Revival. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 & Calderon Protectorate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Ray Arrastia Jason Vargas Minor States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
Franz Vohwinkel The Children of Kerensky. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Øystein Tvedten WEBSTORE MANAGER Crusaders and Wardens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 The Barrens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
Eric Williams The Deep Periphery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Mark Zug Talon Coleman The Clans of Kerensky. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
FACT CHECKING & CONTINUITY Clan Military Organization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 THE MERCENARIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
Étienne Charron-Willard To all the fans and contributors of
Clan Trials and Zellbrigen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Wolf’s Dragoons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
TECHNICAL ILLUSTRATIONS Clan Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Stephen Frabartolo BattleTech past and present, thank you for Eridani Light Horse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Matt Frederiksen Eldon Cowgur all your love, support, and good times over OmniTech. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
the years. To all those fans and contributors Battle Armor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Kell Hounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Michael Miller David Dryburgh
yet to come, discovering BattleTech for the Technical Readout: Timber Wolf (Mad Cat). . . . 104 Gray Death Legion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Eric Salzman
first time: this book is for you. Technical Readout: Elemental Battle Armor. . . 106 Northwind Highlanders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Chris Wheeler Invasion Renewed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 21st Centauri Lancers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
The Battle of Tukayyid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Hansen’s Roughriders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
The Word of Blake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
The Truce Years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Notable Mercenaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
©2023 The Topps Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. BattleTech Universe, Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech, BattleMech and MechWarrior are registered trademarks and/or
trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries. No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any The Twilight of Smoke Jaguar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 INTERSTELLAR CARTOGRAPHY BY YEAR
form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the Copyright Owner, nor be otherwise circulated in any form other than that in which it is published. Catalyst
Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Productions, LLC. THE CIVIL WAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 2765 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 3063 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Printed in China. The Federated Commonwealth. . . . . . . . . . . 120 2786 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 3067 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Operation Guerrero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 2822 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 3081 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Published by Catalyst Game Labs • 5003 Main St. #110 • Tacoma, WA 98407
Other Conflicts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 2864 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 3130 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 (e-mail address for any BattleTech questions)
The FedCom Civil War. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 3025 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 3145 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 (official BattleTech web pages)
3050 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 3151. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
(Catalyst web pages)
(online ordering)
Interstellar Corporations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
3052 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
HISTORY OF THE FUTURE as we move into the truly new territory of the
ilClan Era and to celebrate BattleTech’s 40th
When BattleTech was created in the mid-1980s, anniversary, we wanted to provide a thorough
its first developers understood the importance overview of the history, characters, and
of building their game’s setting and infusing it conflicts that have come before.
FROM THE VERY FIRST BATTLETECH GAME A NEW PLAYER OPENS, with as much rich detail as they possibly could.
Decision at Thunder Rift, debuted in June 1986, A UNIVERSE OF POSSIBILITIES
EXPERIENCE—THEY’RE STEPPING INTO AN ENTIRE UNIVERSE. just a year after the Second Edition boxed set
cemented the BattleTech brand. The strong The creation of a truly comprehensive
OVER FOUR DECADES, THE BATTLETECH UNIVERSE HAS CONTINUALLY reception that novel enjoyed—and continues to encyclopedia of the BattleTech universe would
GROWN TO BECOME ONE OF THE RICHEST, MOST FULLY FLESHED-OUT enjoy—launched a novel line that is still going be an undertaking of staggering proportions. As
strong today. our unparalleled fact check team could tell you,
SPACE OPERA SETTINGS IN EXISTENCE. MAGNIFICENTLY DETAILED LORE just when you think you’ve explored every corner
FUELS THE GAMES THAT PLAYERS BRING TO THEIR TABLES AND TURNS But nowhere is the early dedication to of our universe and mastered its details, there’s
building the BattleTech setting clearer than one more canon source you hadn’t thought of,
the BattleTechnology magazine, published or another piece of lore you hadn’t considered.
CHAPTER OF THE BATTLETECH SAGA. between 1987 and 1995. Rather than publish a Trying to cover all those details would result in a
supplement offering game material from a real- book the size of a Monolith-class JumpShip!
TIME AND AGAIN, WE’VE HEARD BATTLETECH PLAYERS SHARE STORIES world perspective, like other wargame and role-
playing game periodicals of the time, Bill Keith Instead, BattleTech Universe takes a different
and the FASA team made BattleTechnology a
THAT: STORIES. DRAMATIC DICE ROLLS AND BRILLIANT TACTICAL dispatch from tomorrow, immersing readers coverage over depth, choosing to give space to
MANEUVERS ARE A PART OF ANY WAR GAME, BUT BATTLETECH PLAYERS in recruitment ads for mercenary companies, as many different elements of the BattleTech
reviews of amazing new future technology, and setting as we possibly could, rather than do
ARE ESPECIALLY EAGER TO SHARE THE UNITS, CHARACTERS, AND the like. Though BattleTechnology is not strictly a deep-dive into just a handful. Our intent is
CAMPAIGNS THEY’VE CAREFULLY WOVEN INTO THE FABRIC OF OUR a part of canon today, the intent of those issues to provide as wide a view of this universe as
UNIVERSE. FOR OUR PLAYERS, IT’S NOT ENOUGH TO PLAY OUT A GENERIC was clear. The people, factions, and events possible, so that everyone will find a faction,
of the BattleTech universe were not merely historical period, or prominent individual that
ASSAULT ON SOME NAMELESS PLANET—THEY NEED TO BE IMMERSED window dressing for tabletop games, they they want to learn more about.
IN THIS SPECIFIC BATTLE DURING THAT EXACT WAR AS A MEMBER OF A were the reason for those tabletop games to be
played at all! That’s important, because we truly believe
PRECISE UNIT, AND WE LOVE HEARING HOW THEY PUT THEIR OWN STAMP that BattleTech is a setting with something for
ON ESTABLISHED CANON. Through the years, that mission was upheld everyone. Whether you enjoy titanic battlefield
in nearly every BattleTech product, and by all clashes, high-stakes covert ops missions, cloak-
BUT THE SAME LORE THAT HAS SO those who have worked on the game. Today, and-dagger political intrigue, or any other kind
our sourcebooks open with a piece of fiction, of story, you’ll find it in the BattleTech universe.
ENTHRALLED GENERATIONS OF FANS are introduced as an in-universe document Even better, you’ll find plenty of room to
CAN ALSO BE INTIMIDATING FOR FIRST- of some kind, and are often as much about create your own such stories, allowing you to
TIMERS. THAT’S WHY WE’VE CREATED forwarding the overarching BattleTech story as springboard off published material and add an
they are about providing on-the-table content. all-new chapter in the BattleTech story.
THE BOOK YOU HOLD IN YOUR HANDS, Our fiction volumes include depictions of the
TO SERVE AS AN OVERVIEW TO THE BattleMechs featured within to connect them to All this rich lore you’ll find in BattleTech
Universe is wrapped in what we believe is the
BATTLETECH UNIVERSE AND FUEL YOUR their miniature counterparts, and the Shrapnel
most spectacular layout for any sourcebook in
magazine marries fiction and game content in
CURIOSITY FOR FURTHER EXPLORATIONS the finest tradition of BattleTechnology. Even BattleTech’s forty-year history. Our layout and
OF SOURCEBOOKS AND NOVELS. our ForcePacks include more than just plastic production team has truly outdone themselves,
miniatures—each comes with MechWarrior and each page offers a symphony of art and text
to fuel your imagination.
WE WANT THE BATTLETECH SETTING pilot cards to infuse every tabletop unit with an
individual name, personality, and life story.
TO CONTINUE TO BE AN ESSENTIAL With that, your DropShip is waiting to depart
and bring you into a universe of pulse-pounding
COMPONENT IN FUELING With every product we make, we’re excited
action and sweeping drama. It’s time to see
to add new chapters to the BattleTech saga
BATTLETECH GAMES—BECAUSE IT HAS and provide fuel for even more games. But what’s out there–the future awaits.
4 5
Hark children of the Clans,
To the wisdom of Kerensky and your forebears.
Know what has come before;
Remember it as you strive toward the future.
Wisdom is the power,
Unbroken by the future, stained by the past.
It is the way to heed;
Those who fail find their flame extinguished.
We, the Lords representative of the six Inner Realms of the Human Sphere,
in the name of Peace, free Commerce, and our people, do hereby enter the
Covenant to be henceforth be known as the Star League.
We pledge unto each other our Lives, our good Faith, and our Sacred Honor.
more than thirty light years from from civilization.
Terra. Hundreds of systems were
He was far from the last member of the McKennas
suddenly independent, whether
to write their name in the history books, but most came
they wanted to be or not.
to envy their ancestor’s peaceful twilight years.
Thomas Kearny and Takayoshi Fuchida Fuchida drives began soon after the settlement
published the academic paper “What Happened of New Earth. Despite the frequency of voyages,
to the Universe When Einstein Wasn’t JumpShip travel involved inherent risks. The
Looking” in 2018. Their theoretical predictions Liberator was the first JumpShip lost in a jump Fusion Engines
of hyperspace travel represented a bold, accident, but the potential threat deterred Fusion engines were developed by the Western Alliance early in the twenty-first century. Kearny
mathematically robust interpretation of physics. humanity not one iota. and Fuchida’s pioneering scientific work on what became the K-F drive was itself an outgrowth of
The pair expected fame and fortune—or at research into fusion power.
worst, notoriety. Humanity settled over a hundred worlds in
half a century. Asteroids were mined for ice to Fusion engines are sometimes called “miniature stars” because they generate immense power, even
They never expected it would make them export water to barren worlds. With a reliable though they can run for decades or longer on trivial amounts of normal hydrogen from convenient
laughingstocks, destroy their professional source of water, many barren worlds were water sources. Their peerless efficiency and lack of pollution make them the preferred method of
reputations, and ultimately end their academic opened for colonization. The metaphorical and power generation. Only the expense and difficulty of manufacturing them kept them from completely
careers. Neither man lived to see their ultimate literal floodgates had opened. All those who replacing other means of power generation. Miniaturization enabled fusion power’s portability.
vindication. What later became known as the could afford to leave Terra’s pollution, political As manufacturing matured, fusion engines came to be found not just in enormous power plants
Kearny-Fuchida drive was first successfully strife, and authoritarian rule did so. The greatest providing inexpensive, clean power to cities, but also on small vehicles.
tested in 2107. The following year, Captain exodus in history delivered humans far from the
Norm McKenna commanded the JumpShip world that spawned them. It is a common misbelief that a fusion engine can “overload” and explode like a fusion bomb. This
Pathfinder during the first crewed faster-than- is not the case, but this does not stop popular media from depicting it. In fact, fusion engines are
light trip to another solar system. Tensions between the wealthy haves and the far safer than most other sources of power. What appears to be a nuclear explosion is superheated
impoverished have-nots on Terra escalated into air escaping from the containment vessel. In some rare cases, this can damage objects in close
The Pathfinder spent the next two years terrorism and open warfare. Millions immigrated proximity.
exploring the systems surrounding Terra. to new planets to escape the violence. By the
Construction soon began on the first FTL colony end of the century, almost 400 worlds had been The scientists of the Western Alliance and its successors invested much effort into fusion engine
ship, the Ark. New Earth became the first planet settled. The Terran Alliance claimed authority development. Their many advantages compared to other power generation methods made them
outside of the solar system to be colonized over these far-flung outposts of humanity, but vital tools for colonizing the stars.
barely a century after McKenna’s first voyage. many colonists had departed Terra to escape the
Relatively low-cost mass-production of Kearny- chains of Alliance rule. Conflict was inevitable. The Terran Alliance discovered that fusion power would be ideal for warfare. It would provide
enough energy to power the most important weapons system ever developed.
10 11
(-12.52, 3.13, -3.5)
(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
AGE OF WAR TERRAN HEGEMONY The lone blemish on James McKenna’s time
as Director-General was his son. Konrad
The Terran Alliance retreated into isolationism McKenna was belligerent and incompetent,
after losing the war with its colonies. It collapsed leading Hegemony forces into a disastrous
The retrenchment of the Terran Alliance left found employment against the entirety of enemy into civil war in less than seven decades. War defeat. He resigned his office in disgrace and
a massive power vacuum in its wake. Before worlds, not just the opposing military forces on on Terra should have been catastrophic, given died soon after.
long, many ambitious nations tried to fill it. each side. the easy access to weapons of tremendous
power and the massive population. Without an obvious successor to
When the dust settled, new major powers had
This was unsustainable. Horrified by the Fortunately, it didn’t last long the post of Director-General,
emerged. Though far more massive than the
magnitude of civilian casualties and the enough to be devastating. the Hegemony threatened
small stellar nations that came before, none
widespread destruction, the great powers signed to dissolve into chaos.
were content with their borders. What is now
the Ares Convention, placing limits on how war James McKenna Michael Cameron won
known as the Age of War began at the very end
could be waged. commanded the Alliance the only contested
of the twenty-fourth century, when the Capellan
Navy, which was general election in the
Confederation invaded the Free Worlds League
This spared many civilians and many worlds, largely ignored by Hegemony’s history,
over a territorial dispute for control of the
but it had the unintended effect of making war Terran politicians until then created the neo-
Andurien system. Andurien would feature
an easy and inexpensive means of settling McKenna built it into a feudal system, which
significantly in interstellar politics for centuries
to come. disputes. With reduced risk to civilians and powerful military force. altered the nature of
vital infrastructure, war became an attractive The Navy’s WarShips society from bottom
The early portion of the Age of War was prospect. Fewer people were killed as the wars quickly put a stop to the to top. This was widely
characterized by extreme brutality. No raged on, but near-continuous conflict became fighting. The rest of the imitated throughout the
weapon was left unused. Combatants and the normal state of affairs for over a century. armed forces and the Terran Inner Sphere by the Great
noncombatants alike were cut down in the The fighting died down only after the successor populace rallied to McKenna’s Houses. Michael Cameron
devastating fighting. Refusal to capitulate on to the Terran Alliance brokered a settlement banner. McKenna swept into and his heirs consolidated
all sides led to escalation. Weapons of mass between the Confederation and League in the power as the first Director-General power, and House Cameron ruled
destruction were no longer used as deterrents, Treaty of Andurien. of the Terran Hegemony. the Hegemony exclusively.
but instead used actively. Strategic weapons
He was an energetic and aggressive leader for The Terran Hegemony grew powerful under
the new Hegemony. He launched “campaigns the Camerons. They jealously guarded the
of persuasion” to reassert Terran dominance Hegemony’s technological advances. The most
over wayward colonies. In turn, many worlds important advancement was the invention of
banded together to form their own interstellar the BattleMech. The armies of the other Great
nations. The Hegemony reclaimed many worlds Houses became obsolete overnight. It took
Ares Conventions: Rules of Warfare abandoned by the withdrawing Terran Alliance. the other nations of the Inner Sphere years to
The onset of the Age of War saw the widespread use of weapons of mass destruction. This The new states that coalesced after the Alliance’s duplicate these mighty weapons of war.
culminated in the use of nuclear weapons against civilian targets on Tintavel. Hundreds of thousands retreat contained the Hegemony’s expansion.
died, and the world was rendered barren. Capellan Confederation Chancellor Aleisha Liao was
horrified by the devastation. She made it her mission to reduce the brutality of war and worked hard
to bring the rulers of the Inner Sphere to the negotiating table. The result was the Ares Conventions. Lambrecht
SKYE Alkalurops Kervil Yance I
The Conventions banned the use of nuclear weapons on or near inhabited worlds. Chemical and
Zebebelgenubi Ko Telos IV
biological weapons were deemed abominable and banned outright. Rules were established to ensure Nusakan
Halstead Station
Muphrid Altair
to settle disagreements, provided one stayed within the new boundaries of “acceptable” warfare. Galatia III
Alioth Thorin Towne
Lipton Saffel Quentin
Rigil Helen
New Earth Ozawa
Capellan troops invaded the Taurian Concordat not long after Aleisha Liao’s death. Because the Milton
Taurians had refused to sign the Ares Conventions, Capellan forces did not observe them. During the
Alchiba Northwind C
Alula Australis
Phecda Denebola TERRA Addicks
Davion Civil War, the Conventions were again ignored. When the Star League went to war against Wyatt
Keid Small World A Ronel
the Periphery States, it abolished the Conventions outright. The Successor Lords did not observe the
14 15
Myths and legends abound in the great unknown beyond the Periphery realms, the space known as House Cameron established the Star League and became foremost of all the Great Houses.
the Deep Periphery. Fallen realms have left ruins that attract archaeologists and looters alike. Both Through manipulation, subterfuge, and assassination, Stefan Amaris of the Periphery nation the
groups seek the relics of bygone ages, the former for preservation and the latter for exploitation. Rim Worlds Republic eliminated House Cameron, leaving no clear successor to the throne of the
Star League. Nature abhors a vacuum, and the five remaining Great Houses began a struggle for
dominance that has lasted four centuries and counting. Since that time, the Great Houses have also
COREWARD been referred to as the Successor States.
Terran Hegemony Federated Suns Draconis Combine
Free Worlds League Lyran Commonwealth
Capellan Confederation
16 17
Humankind has always longed to explore the stars. In 2018, Professors Thomas Kearny and
Takayoshi Fuchida wrote a paper on the theory of warping space to travel over a dozen light years.
The professors were laughed out of academics. Almost one hundred years later, their obscure and
ridiculed paper led to the Deimos Project, the invention of the Kearny-Fuchida (K-F) drive, and the
first “jump” between the zenith and nadir points of the Sol System. This became the literal driving
force behind humankind’s ability to leave Terra and the Sol System to begin the colonization of the
Inner Sphere.
Germanium is the material that makes “jumping through space” possible. It is combined with
titanium, and then enclosed in a liquid helium jacket along with controls, initiators, tankage, and
associated equipment, to make up a K-F drive core. A K-F drive creates a limited distortion field
around itself that allows it to translocate up to thirty light years in one “jump” from a system to
another, or between two points within a system. The K-F drive is the heart of the JumpShip. The
JumpShip also possesses in-system maneuvering thrusters, recharging elements, and a small crew
to operate the vessel.
When a JumpShip moves from one star system to another, it expends all its stored power, and the
drive must recharge before its next jump. Almost all JumpShips require solar energy to recharge
their drives. This process varies by system, depending on the solar emissions of the local star and
the JumpShip’s distance from it, but recharging usually takes several days.
The Lithium-Fusion battery extends the capability of the K-F drive, allowing the JumpShip to make
two jumps in succession without stopping for a solar recharge. L-F batteries are quite expensive
and are typically found on WarShips and military JumpShips. After the second jump, the JumpShip
must undergo a standard recharge for both the K-F drive and the L-F battery. Thus, it will take such
a ship twice as long to recharge completely. L-F battery technology was another casualty of the
Succession Wars.
Traditionally, a JumpShip uses the zenith or nadir points within a star system as anchors to jump to
and from. These jump points are at the proximity limit of the star’s gravity well “above” and “below”
the system’s planetary ecliptic plane, but there exist other, non-standard points to enter and exit a
system. These “pirate points” are used for closer insertion into a system. Pirate points are near L1
Lagrange points, where gravity between bodies effectively cancels out. Such points are constantly
changing and challenging to calculate for JumpShip navigation, but using them can be beneficial to
those attempting to catch defenders off-guard.
Many JumpShip captains dislike jumping to uninhabited systems, given the fragility of their vessels.
There have been numerous incidents where a JumpShip became stranded in an uninhabited system
due to damage.
DropShips are the ferries between JumpShip and planet. They carry thousands of tons in personnel,
equipment, and cargo. Once a jump is complete, DropShips detach from the JumpShip and make
their way to the target planet. The distance from jump points to a planet determines DropShip transit
times. A JumpShip can carry multiple DropShips depending on its size and number of docking
collars. The smallest JumpShip carries no DropShips, while the largest can carry nine.
WarShips are to JumpShips as steel naval vessels were to wooden sailing ships. WarShips are
JumpShips armed with an array of naval-class weaponry and armored for space combat against
DropShips or other WarShips. WarShips can also carry DropShips and provide orbital fire support.
The Succession Wars destroyed much of the Inner Sphere’s JumpShip supply and the shipyards that
once manufactured them. Production continued at a handful of sites, both automated and human-
operated, that were a pale shadow of the Star League’s vast shipbuilding industry.
18 19
THE BATTLEMECH INDUSTRIALMECHS little difficulty, so homesteaders on remote
worlds relied on such improvised weapon
The first ’Mechs were built for industry rather platforms to defend themselves and their
than war. Conventional vehicles struggled property against pirates. But it was clear to the
Terran Hegemony that IndustrialMechs could be
MYOMERS AND and quadrupedal vehicles to support their own on many inhospitable worlds. The powerful
myomer muscles of IndustrialMechs gave developed further and made much larger. There
weight and perform locomotive operation.
would be few limits on the destructive power
humans maneuverable, strong vehicles able to
That was only the beginning. The Terran function anywhere a person could walk, and wielded by such machines, and few places they
Hegemony soon discovered myomer also allowed many places where humans might fear to tread. could not travel.
BattleMechs did not simply appear as a great
them to outperform more conventional machines. At first, IndustrialMechs were seen as a status
leap forward in military technology. As with most
symbol only for the most wealthy and successful
technological developments, the BattleMechs
The massive reaction wheels of a BattleMech’s corporations. Their obvious utility soon changed
came about via gradual, incremental successes
gyro enable a ’Mech to move like a person. They that. They spread throughout the Inner Sphere.
in various technological fields. Miniaturized
exert counterforces to keep a ’Mech upright and
fusion engines were one necessary component, The more IndustrialMechs were built, the
to allow it to move rapidly. Gyroscopes have
but the era of the BattleMech dawned because of cheaper they became. As prices dropped,
existed for over a thousand years, but it was the
myomers and gyros. it became possible to build more
scientists of the Terran Hegemony who realized
their potential to stabilize a walking war machine. and more specialized designs.
Myomer bundles were developed by Dr.
ForestryMechs penetrated deep
Gregory Atlas for the Terran Hegemony. An
The Hegemony’s weapon engineers realized how into forests that no wheeled or
electrical charge transmitted through a bundle
complementary these two technologies were in tracked logging vehicle could reach.
of synthetic fibers cause it to contract and
tandem. A vehicle that could move like a human AgroMechs enabled ranchers to
expand like a human muscle. Their use in
and carry more armor and weapons than a tank control their herds without risking
advanced prosthetics revolutionized medicine
would make a formidable weapon of war. life and limb. HarvesterMechs
and enabled amputees to resume full ability.
proved many times more efficient
They also allowed artificial duplication of human
than conventional farming machines.
musculature at a scale hitherto undreamt of.
Myomer was strong and efficient, and when Prior centuries taught humans that
wrapped around a “skeleton,” it allowed bipedal vehicles of all sorts, from ground
vehicles to naval vessels, from
aircraft to spacecraft, could be
modified to carry weapons.
IndustrialMechs were no
exception. IndustrialMech
owners discovered they
could mount weapons
on their walking vehicles with
20 21
On February 5, 24 39
, the firs t BattleMech
THE MACKIE: THE FIRST BATTLEMECH of steppes near the No received its baptism
rth American cit y of of fire on a desolate
Yakima. The BattleMe series
more than 20 of the ch, a joint effort by
best weapons manu
four ancient Merkava fac turers in the Hege
heav y tanks specially mony, was tes ted ag
fitted with remote co ainst
commander of the Ba ntrol devices. The
ttleMech and the firs
t MechWarrior was Co
lonel Charles Kincaid.
The few people allow
ed to witness the firs
What follows is a tra t combat run of the Ba
nscript of a verbal rep ttieMech were debri
ort filed by Professor Ht efed.
research scientis t for ov Gbarleman, chief
Karena’s Fiber Optic
sensor systems. s Inters tellar, manufac
turer of the BattleMe
Colonel Kincaid,
with his usual
and nearly rippe impatience, rush
d apart one of ed through the
hi s um bilical connectio pre-test warmup
As I began to m ns trying to ge
onitor the sens t the test starte
or output, I notic d.
feedback circui ed that the Battl
ts were faithfully eM ec h’s myomer-neura
echoing Colone l
almost as though l Kincaid’s brain
the ’Mech were wave patterns.
te ch ni ca lly al ive and Kincaid It w as ee rie
Colonel’s howl
of sheer pleasu was its spark of
re quickly cleare divinity. The
Mackie forward d my head of th
in a trot straight at notion. He pu
rolling hills. into the test ra shed the
nge where four
tanks waited am
ong low,
One of the tank
s opened fire. Its
hip. Everyone in shot was true an
the brightly lit bu d hit the ’Mech
nk er seemed to hold just above the rig
into snow at th his breath as al ht
e blast interfere l the readouts fu
nce. No damag zz ed
strengthened by e! A piece of steel
ARMOR AND WEAPONS density of armor and structural materials. As
these components became lighter and more
An autocannon is a rapid-firing, auto-loading weapon that fires
For a time, armor protection outpaced weapons effective, new and deadly applications loomed. high-speed streams of high-explosive, armor-piercing shells.
development. It gradually became almost Light autocannon range in caliber from 30 to 90mm, and heavy
impossible for a weapon to penetrate armor. Every new development sparked further
autocannon may be 80 to 120mm or larger.
Damaging the contents beneath the armor innovation. Much time and treasure were spent
required completely destroying the entire to maintain the Terran Hegemony’s technological
armor system. Weapon development moved superiority over the other Great Houses.
towards the brute-force ablation of armor plate.
Crude rifled cannons gave way to hypervelocity
The Terrans pursued what historians call “a Flamers
revolution in military affairs.” This was the idea The typical flame thrower carried by ’Mechs taps
autocannons. Chemical lasers were replaced
that a singular development would irrevocably into the heat generated by the fusion reactor to
with more powerful models that drew energy
alter the military landscape. All militaries would create a powerful but short-ranged burst of fire.
from immense capacitors or the limitless power
be compelled to adapt or face becoming obsolete.
of small fusion reactors. Missile racks enabled
It was not enough to improve the weapons and
fighting vehicles to lob massive salvos at their
armor of existing fighting vehicles. Instead, the
foes. New guidance systems made missiles more
accurate. Orbital manufacturing was developed
Hegemony needed to develop something entirely Gauss Rifle
new. This fighting vehicle would be a complex The Gauss rifle uses a series of magnets to propel a projectile
and matured. Fusion engines were made lighter
and sophisticated weapons system that rendered through the rifle barrel toward a target. While it requires a great
and more efficient. These facilities produced
obsolete all that preceded it. Antenna deal of power to operate, this weapon generates very little
superior materials using microgravity. These
Array heat and can achieve a muzzle velocity twice that of any
new materials improved strength and reduced
Myomer conventional weapon.
Sattelite Launcher
Sensor Laser
Block Laser is an acronym for “Light Amplification by
Armor LRM
Honeycomb Engine
Launcher Missile Launchers
Lattice Medium Missile launchers are devices used to deliver
Hip self-propelled and self-guided high-explosive
Composite Actuator munitions to inflict damage on a target. Long-
Endo-Skeletal Actuator range missile (LRM) racks fire indirect salvos at
Frame (Not Shown) distant targets, while short-range missile (SRM)
Heat racks are accurate only at ranges of less than 300
Sink Myomer meters, but are more powerful than LRMs.
Leg Bundles
Aligned-Crystal MechWarrior
Steel Outer Armor (For Scale)
24 25
BATTLEMECH for the technology, they relied on other means.
The Suns purchased copies of the Lyran
BattleMechs were now in the hands of every
major power in the Inner Sphere. Every other
The Great Houses spent so much building vast
armies of BattleMechs that any BattleMech left
Commonwealth’s stolen plans—at no small cost. type of armored fighting vehicle had been on the field was too valuable to be abandoned.
rendered obsolete by these walking vehicles of Wherever possible, they were salvaged and
This meant that the Draconis Combine’s destruction. A massive arms race began, and returned to action by the victor. This spread new
In 2443, when a lance of Terran Hegemony
two greatest enemies now had BattleMech every empire scrambled to outbuild its rivals. types of BattleMechs far and wide. When the
BattleMechs destroyed three times their
technology. House von Rohrs chose the most No nation could afford to fall behind; it would Houses exerted their will on the Periphery states,
number of Kuritan tanks on Styx, the genie
direct path: they sent their Draconis Elite Strike have been murder to send soldiers in tanks to BattleMechs found their way into the armies of
was freed from the bottle. The existence
Teams to raid the Hegemony’s BattleMech factory stop ’Mechs. The demand for raw materials even the smallest nations.
of these formidable vehicles of war quickly
on Coventry. DEST suffered heavy casualties, but skyrocketed with production. Fighting over
became known to every military in the Inner
claimed the precious prize they sought. resources became common. New ’Mech classes
Sphere. Subsequent combat conclusively
demonstrated the BattleMech’s superiority were developed and sent into the field carrying
When Captain-General Geralk Marik of the powerful, cutting-edge weapon systems.
over ground vehicles of all kinds. Many high
Free Worlds League was killed in battle by
commands had hoped that Styx was a fluke;
BattleMechs from House Steiner, the League’s
instead it was the dawn of the future of
morale plummeted. Their military was incapable
warfare, the “revolution in military affairs” that
of protecting even their head of state from
the Terrans doggedly pursued. But to leave
enemy ’Mechs. Despite their desire for revenge,
this development to the Terran Hegemony
the League proceeded methodically. Their
alone would have been to accept defeat and
agents infiltrated Lyran Commonwealth defense
de facto servitude. The proud House Lords
conglomerates over a period of years and
were unwilling to do either. They scrambled to
orchestrated the defection of a top engineer.
acquire BattleMech technology for themselves.
In one fell swoop, House Marik gained both
BattleMech technology and vital information
The Lyrans were the first to succeed; they
about the military readiness of their greatest foe.
launched a daring commando raid on Hesperus
II and recovered thousands of pages of technical
The Capellan Confederation was the last of
data. Despite this coup, it still took House
the major powers to acquire schematics
Steiner’s best military scientists years to reverse-
necessary to build their own BattleMechs.
engineer the technology.
They obtained the information from their old
enemy, the Free Worlds League, in a complex
House Davion and their Federated Suns were
intelligence operation encouraging the defection
next. They failed to penetrate Terran security
of a FWL scientist.
surrounding the design, and in their desperation
Charles Kincaid
The first BattleMech pilot was, unsurprisingly, extremely well connected to the war industry.
Charles Kincaid’s wealthy family was closely involved in the production of weapons for
the Terran Hegemony, and he’d dreamed of fighting for the Hegemony from boyhood. His
family had no tradition of military service; his antecedents preferred the boardroom to the
battlefield. But this did not dissuade him. He rose to the rank of captain in the Hegemony
Armed Forces on merit alone. He only turned to his family ties for a chance to become part
of the Mackie test program, where he distinguished himself with innovative suggestions.
Kincaid piloted the prototype Mackie at its unveiling in a clear sign of Skobel MechWorks’
confidence in a successful test.
Kincaid had the honor of commanding the first regiment of the new BattleMechs once they
entered into service. This made him the first person to command ’Mechs in combat. Again, he
achieved success. This was only the first of many victories his ’Mechs won against the foes of
the Terran Hegemony.
Charles Kincaid retired a general after a lengthy and glorious career. He lived out his final
years on his family’s large estates on Thorin. The Kincaids became a respected military
family. Many went on to fight for the Hegemony and the Star League. Kincaid changed his
family’s legacy from business executives to military commanders.
26 27
Field Testing Summation: Original Banshee Primitive Chassis
Producer/Site: Hegemony Weapons Research, New Earth
Supervising Engineer: Irina Bendakov
Prototype Introduction Date: 2445
Non-Production Equipment Analysis:
Primitive Armor
Primitive Cockpit
Primitive Engine
Prototype PPC
After the Mackie was accepted into service, The appearance of a Hegemony Armed Forces
many of the contractors involved in the (HAF) Banshee, with its signature death’s head,
design and development of the Mackie began was often enough to cause panic in opposing
working on design proposals of their own. MechWarriors in the early years of ’Mech
Hegemony Weapons Research of New Earth combat, but the Banshee’s reputation ultimately
won the follow-on ’Mech design competition faded as more capable designs took to the
with their close assault Banshee. Five tons battlefield. Three decades after its introduction,
lighter than the Mackie, and with a similar Hegemony Weapons Research debuted the
primary weapons load-out—a PPC and a BNC-3E, an upgrade that significantly increased
medium autocannon—the hardy and easily the Banshee’s top speed, though at a cost of
maintained Banshee boasted heavier armor most of its close-range firepower.
protection as well as several lasers to provide
a better close-ranged damage profile than the The HAF immediately accepted this model,
Mackie. Just as significantly, the Banshee was which soon became the standard with over
a true anthropomorphic design, featuring fully 5,000 units produced over a ten-year span (not
articulated arms with hands—an important counting the countless more converted from
consideration as Hegemony MechWarriors -1E models). The Banshee’s heyday was already
over however; it was undergunned when
Hegemony government most, however, was sixth century, the Banshee had long been
the speed that the company could produce the removed from the HAF’s frontlines, though it
Banshee coupled with a significantly lower (and its clones, by way of salvage and corporate
cost per unit than the Mackie. espionage) remained in varying levels of service
with the five Great Houses throughout the Star
League era, and even into the Succession Wars.
28 29
Neurohelmets enable a MechWarrior’s brain to directly aid piloting with their ’Mech. Without a
neurohelmet, a ’Mech is capable of only the most basic movements—so they have the added benefit
of protecting ’Mechs from theft. A helmet can also be tuned to a pilot’s specific brainwaves to
prevent unauthorized use.
KNIGHTHOOD ID Patch Early neurohelmet models for IndustrialMechs were quite bulky and ungainly, and required a shorn
scalp to work properly. This particular necessity no longer exists, though many MechWarriors
The Ares Conventions made war into still proudly shave their heads as a mark of their status. The Star League developed advanced,
something of a formalized affair. Battles Armored
lightweight helmets that enabled pilots to control their ’Mechs more effectively. During the
rarely involved large armies; instead, the Gauntlet
Cooling Succession Wars, neurohelmets became prized treasures in their scarcity. Only the technological
invention of the BattleMech meant that a Leads recovery begun by the Helm Memory Core allowed the Inner Sphere to manufacture neurohelmets
single skilled pilot could spell the difference once again in mass quantities. Combat neurohelmets were developed to improve BattleMech pilots
between victory or defeat. But only an elite survivability, with features like their built-in air supply that keeps downed pilots alive in hostile
few could ever pilot BattleMechs. Even atmospheres. The Clans’ sophisticated neurohelmets combined the advanced technology of Star
the largest militaries represented a small Rigid League helmets with the protective features of the combat neurohelmet.
fraction of their state’s population. The Outer
competition to enter military academies Vest
Neurohelmets are unfortunately a two-way street. They enable pilots to push their ’Mechs to the
was fierce. Individual MechWarriors limit, but because the helmet both sends and receives information, a MechWarrior can be severely
became as famous as the aces of Terra’s injured or even killed by neural feedback when their ’Mech experiences catastrophic damage.
World Wars. Successful warriors were
showered with accolades, and the greatest Many MechWarriors like to decorate their helmets. Some do so to show their allegiance. Others, to
MechWarriors of all could expect to receive express their individuality. It is rare to see a neurohelmet that is not personalized in one way or another.
landholdings and noble titles. Some were
even gifted entire worlds. Coolant
They also became valuable propaganda
tools. MechWarriors gave far-off battles
a sympathetic human face. Civilians Medpack Standard Neurohelmet Star League Neurohelmet
noble when fought by heroic armored System House
Insignia Star League
volunteers instead of unwilling conscripts.
Even MechWarriors who did not distinguish Heat Short-Range
Neural Umbilical
themselves above their peers expected Resistant Radio
high status. Many were allowed to keep Outer Environmental Systems
their BattleMechs after leaving service. Garment Rebreather
Some used them to defend landholdings Airtight Seal
Cooling Short-Range
they had won. Others chose to become
Leads Radio
soldiers for hire. Even this was seen as Systems
romantic by the civilians of the Inner Rank
Sphere. Mercenaries were equated to the Flexible
wandering knights of the medieval era. Undergarment
ID Storage
MechWarriors existed in a peculiar societal
niche. They fought and killed like warriors
of old, but their service awarded them
financial windfalls and considerable
Heat Diagnostic Harness
esteem. These modern knights served their
Exchanging Interpretation Additional Ballistic Connectors
lieges in the field and at home, employing
Boots Computer Padding & Cooling
servants and working their lands to supply
troops and materiel and tax funds to Harness
continue the endless wars. Connectors
Additional Cooling
30 31
MechWarrior Medical
Readout Display Computer
Relay Display
Auxiliary Stellar/
Magnetic Compass
Battle Heads-Up
Computer Display Ammunition
Display Display
Auxiliary Weapons and
Auxiliary Power
System Arm Control
Throttle Conduit
Switches Grabbing and
and Pitch Manipulation
Control Emergency Gloves (Not Shown)
(Not Shown) Egress
System Ignition
Primary Throttle
THE STAR LEAGUE GOLDEN AGE The Star League adopted a common currency.
Interstellar trade flourished. The Inner Sphere
The era after the Reunification War is known became wealthier than ever before as economic
as “The Good Years.” Human development growth skyrocketed. Precious natural resources
reached new heights. The invention of flowed from the Periphery to the gargantuan
Ian Cameron conceived of a Star League that
the Hyperpulse Generator made near- factories of the Terran Hegemony.
would unite humankind. Every Inner Sphere
state would play a part. House Cameron and instantaneous communication possible over
great distances. Rulers could now send orders The outwardly peaceful appearance of the era
the Hegemony would be first among equals.
to every corner of their empires. No longer was at times a façade. Fierce battles were fought
There would be no need for war to secure
were messages limited to the speed of a between the Great Houses. Each House Lord
natural resources. The first mark of
JumpShip and its recharge rate. Virtually every dreamed of destroying their rivals. More secretly,
Cameron’s success came with
aspect of governance was affected. some of the Great House hoped someday to
the Treaty of Andurien, which
supplant the Camerons as rulers of the Star
ended the Age of War where it began.
Advanced water purification techniques League. The subjugated Periphery states came
It took years of diplomacy, but Cameron’s
made colonizing new planets almost risk-free. to resent the strip-mining of their worlds. They
dream became a reality in 2571. The Star
Terraforming advances soon made it possible hated the occupying Star League troops.
League was born.
to settle worlds whose natural atmospheres
were hostile to human life. Hundreds of Prosperity made House Cameron complacent.
But many of the major Periphery powers were
new worlds were settled by virtue of these It seemed impossible that anyone could
suspicious of the Inner Sphere Houses. They
technological advances. challenge the might of the Terran Hegemony
valued independence over membership in the
and the Star League. But this represented a poor
new Star League, which ostensibly wanted to
grasp of history, for all empires face existential
end all war by uniting all of humanity under
threats, both from within and without.
one banner. What followed was the first test of
Superior Terran Hegemony technology gave
the League. The Reunification War against the
House Cameron something to trade for the
Periphery was fought without the restrictions
valuable natural resources beyond its borders. But
of the Ares Convention as both sides relied on
the Hegemony was unwilling to remain dependent
weapons of mass destruction. Great House
on potential enemies for vital supplies. It was
militaries capitalized on the chaos of war by
stronger than any two Great Houses combined,
annexing Periphery worlds and consolidating
but even the mighty Hegemony couldn’t defeat the
these conquests.
majority of those Houses working together. Still,
House Cameron was surrounded by undeclared
There are two classes of HPG facility: A and B. Ratings were based on the planet’s size, position,
population, and importance, and could be changed as the world’s priority changed. Messages were
transmitted in bundles, typically every six hours from Class A stations and twice a day from Class B
stations. Sending via priority could ensure the message was immediately sent, but at considerable
cost. Messages were relayed from station to station until it reached its destination. Depending on
the priority level and the distance from sender to receiver, a message could arrive to close systems
in minutes. Conversely, a message sent to the farthest reaches of inhabited space could take months
to arrive. The cost of sending a message varies based on its size and how many stations it must be
transmitted through to reach the receiver.
34 35
STAR LEAGUE Each Star League member-state had an SLDF
Army Group assigned to it to ensure its territorial
SLDF primacy ultimately derived from numerical
and technological superiority more than
against the armed forces of the Periphery.
And, as in the Reunification War, the “pitiful”
DEFENSE FORCE integrity. These troops also ensured the Houses individual excellence. This was most evident Periphery troops put the powerful SLDF on
obeyed the strictures of Star League law. The when comparing SLDF troops to the warriors of its heels with unremitting, merciless warfare.
The Star League Defense Force (SLDF) was SLDF’s WarShip fleets and countless aerospace the Draconis Combine. Combine troops sought BattleMechs, WarShips, and fighters amounted
largest military force in history. With thousands fighters provided devastating support to ground to prove their exceptional skills by challenging to little against enemies willing to destroy
of WarShips and hundreds of thousands of forces. In battle, the Star League was inexorable. Star League MechWarriors to single combat. their own homes to eliminate the Star League
BattleMechs, it was also the most powerful. These duels showed that individually, Star presence. The best academies in the Inner
Service in the Star League Defense Force was League training was lacking. To avoid future Sphere had not prepared the SLDF for suicide
Thousands of bases were required to support
open to all inhabitants of the Inner Sphere. embarrassment, the SLDF began the famed attacks, in which a single individual might
the Star League’s mighty army. These ranged
Petty national loyalties were set aside in service Gunslinger Program. Intensive training in detonate a nuclear weapon and kill an entire
from small outposts
to all of humanity. The SLDF attracted the best individual combat skills gave the graduates of this battalion or regiment along with themselves.
to massive supply
and brightest from throughout the Star League. program comparable skills to Combine warriors.
depots to the nearly
Hundreds of training academies ensured the The SLDF had grown complacent, and it failed
SLDF’s soldiery was well-trained. Especially But even unparalleled numbers and the to learn from the lessons of history in which
Castles Brian.
prestigious were the Royal Divisions, which had vaunted individual skills of the Gunslingers smaller forces overcame the massive
access to the Hegemony’s most cutting-edge were no match for fanatics defending their armies of their foes. Small, dedicated
technology. “Royal” BattleMechs were more homeland. The Periphery militaries were forces fighting for their homelands
advanced and deadlier than those available crushed in the Reunification War, but crushing have repeatedly shown that
to the House Lords. The Terran Hegemony them took the Star League more than two having the largest military
took special care to protect this advanced decades. Even afterward, restive populations does not guarantee
technology, but even regular SLDF units were in the distant regions continued to resist Star a quick and easy
equipped to be more than a match for the League occupation. When simmering hostilities victory—or any
troops of the Great Houses. eventually boiled over, the vaunted Star League victory at all.
Defense Force found itself once again pitted
Lyran Commonwealth Syrstart
1 Tamar Pact
1) Trellshire
Far Reach
Apsalar C
Tamar Pact 2) Tamar Domains Tordenskjold
Paran Vannes
Protectorate of Donegal 5) Alarion Province Hirtshals Heidelburg
Taran's World
6) District of Donegal
5 8 Gorfynt
Gwynedd Damian Isfahan
9) Virginia Shire Salisberg
Ylemelke Lackhove
Thule Richmond Alfirk
Awyron Barcelona
Persistence Icar
Svelvik Balsta
New Sapporo
Gabenstad Melville Treeline New Caledonia The Edge Turtle Bay
St. John New Bergen Trondheim
Ferranil Almunge Virentofta Caracol
Salford Nowhere RIMWARD
Draconis Combine Nyasa Verthandi Hermagor Slaithwaite
Herbania Newtown Square Black Earth Derf Nykvarn Stapelfeld
Csesztreg Bruben 40 Sawyer Chapineria Leyland Brihuega
ague M
Kolovraty Mogyorod
Rasalhague Military District
Hot Springs Butler Dawn Polcenigo Lonaconing Ad Duwayd
Port Vail
1) Kagoshima Prefecture Rypful
Luanda Wypoute
Hood IV Pangkalan
Vipaava Jezersko
Sweet Water Vulcan Maldonado
Galedon Military District Adelaide Moritz Loysville
Oporto Anembo Manx Mkuranga Radstadt Soverzene Outer Volta
Sileste Howick Abiy Adi Hongor
Austerlitz Mandaoaaru Sevren Ningxia
15 14) Xinyang Prefecture Stonarboi Tamar Pesht Tuscarawas Linqing
Galedon Military District 6) Oshika Prefecture Canal Jorvikland Babaeski Dompaire Memmingen Kempten Itabaiana Teniente
Malaga Mahone Takata
Elba Strandfontein Deia Weingarten Vorarlberg Thessalonika Meinacos
Benjamin Military District Tsarahavana Laurent Juazeiro Ebensburg Kokpekty
15) Kajikazawa Prefecture
Miquelon Blumenort Colmar Kaesong
9 7) Matsuida Prefecture Edirne
Timehri Gatineau
Antares Graus Muswell Irece Nara Blueys
17 7 Jardangal Chita Cusset Thannhausen Tuat Caripare Sertar Fallry Taumaturgo
19 16
Helduza A Place
17) Irurzun Prefecture
Soul Salvende
Anatolia Windsor Beta Regulus II Hyperion Karston Alshain Hassi R'mel Wynn’s Roost
9) Kaznejoy Prefecture Derby Blair Atholl Biota Shaula Cyrenaica Ulsan Bossangoa
Khartoum Recife Yamarovka Grankum Vangburg Danli
Ma'anshan Tainjin Tinaca
Tangua Goetville Montmarault Oyevaina Zebuluraskai Las Tunas
18) Kuzuu Prefecture
Gorgon Sargasso Zanderij Esteros Wheel Hainfeld Tresspass Ceiba
Issaba Zwipadze Dustball Mualang Asgard Odawara Monywa Tottori Nerum
Kupang Rastaban Satalice Marawi Shimoda Charity Michtal Renorsal Gitarama
Nouasseur Kilmarnock Old Canton Linden
Findal Seven Lands New Capetown Bountiful Harvest Koniz Benfled Thun Port Arthur Aalzorg
Ellengurg Santana Halesowen Kagoshima Azur
19) Ashio Prefecture Farcry
Qanatir Suk II Galuzzo
Tarazed Avon Chatham
Johnson Koury Mizt
Feijo Alktral
Fjernet Prydain Domain Shardayne Shimonoseki New Samarkand
Zefri Niangol Abbadiyah Timkovichi Atocongo Graceland Ballynure La Grave Maule Luthien Pondicherry Joan’s Post Raetia
Biuque Setubal Miyada Dunklewälderdunklerflüssenschattenwelt Helland
Mayenne Caldarium New Exford Carse Kanowit Chirala Culmia Glitnir
Valabhi Wrociaw Nox Kiamba Quines
Sialkot Baryshevo Guatavita Sabhal Mòr Ostaig Pandora Diosd Baruun Urt Miyako Sighisoara Kazanka Tanz Shira Carmelita
Krung Thep Utrecht Eguilles Krenice Braunton Prinis Prime
Naco Arc-Royal Orkney Tanh Linh Leiston Devil’s Breath Hrafn
Qurayyat Crimond Quarell Altenmarkt Mizunami Tabayama Ulubis
Mannedorf Dumaring Worrell Osset Domeyko
Nito Rosetta Langhorne Kandersteg Lothan Bicester Hakkaido Koulen Crichton
Cilvituk Qarahta Krievci Rubigen Corsica Nueva Risin
Federated Suns
Xinyang Yumesta Ramgarh
Draconis March Loxley
Hamilton Tomans Ramsau Toffen Babuyan Mokpo Murmansk Milligan's World Bell Gaeri Blommestein
La Ligua
Chhaprauli Coventry Jabuka Meilen Omagh Ban Na San Zlatousi
1 3
Slewis Sappir Zetang
Bougie Mahrah Champadanga Caledea Najha Kiesen Paracale Chinmen Tao
Melilla Dukambia Rasalgethi Odabasi Dyfed Northsun Ammon
Draconis March Tukayyid Ogano Keihoku Zalaf Rushaven
Marisura Summit Borghese Fort Loudon Chandler Yardley Philadelphia Nexus Ri Mindrel
Storfors C.M.O. Conley's Patch Ueda Pilkhua Sunchon Braben’s Frontier
Beauvais Tsinan Sakai Quantraine Halla Loikaw Maripa
Grunwald Fefferfer Darius Midway Bad News
Kerman Cumbres Dover
1) Robinson Operational Area Valladolid Ceuta Amminadav Kelang Numki Arkab Coraines Schrim Achnoly Santa-Ana Pilon
Etiler Warrumbungle Kelenfold Karbala Dehgolan Brasha
Lyndon Surcin Qualip Iijima Voehn Mandeville
Jatznik Meacham Sanda Tiflis Sinope Boulsi
Ormstown Burnt Rock Upano Caldrea Silkeborg Isesaki Achton
2) Fairfax Operational Area Triesting Pobeda Blue Diamond Shirotori Simferopol Cerberus
Grumium Baldur Vinstra Ictus
4 Waypoint Sidon Tapihue Saravan Alma Alta Odessa Dove Havdhem Agematsu Eigerland Puttalam
Alekseyevka Eschenberg Sulafat Tok Do Shibukawa Peacock Muroto Nakaojo Sverdlovsk Calingasta Sorsk
Pasemah Stirling Garrison Belacruz Quiberas Kaldu Thazi
3) Woodbine Operational Area Viroflay Indrapurai Nuelson Minor Richvale Fatima Al Hillah Osmus Saar
Akfata Virtue Logres Otho Oshika Morthac Jordan Wais Flynn Ambatomainty
Janina Horneburg Westerstede Arcturus Camlann Glenlivet Sendai Galedon V Santiago
Ceram Ginestra Morningside Orestes Mersa Matruh Koumi Totness
Reese Station Pherkad Trolloc Prime Coyle
Crucis March Zawiercie Dnepropetrovsk Finse Wokha
Crucis March Solor Pocologan
Bayis II Forkas Cameron
Ganshoren Port Moseby
Aix-la-Chapelle Awano
Calish II
Quatre Belle Zumbo
Waini Point
Ferihegy Dalkeith Cosenza Budingen
Greenlaw Crevedia Vaajakoski Sakuranoki Dindatari Calish III
7 4) Markesan Operational Area
Meghy Timbuktu Kostinbrod Quilino Gibbs Minowa Schirmeck Rudolpho Baliggora
Minderoo Donegal Apostica Sakhalin Buckminster Chimpaw Tatsuno Onverwacht
Gingeria All Dawn Eutin Togura Alpheratz Dreadlord Halgrim
Malacca Kvistgard Helsingfors Hachiman Nadrin Shiri
Harlez Tharkad Hillerod Kockengen Breukelen Cadiz Handa Senorbi Ddraig
5) Minette Operational Area Vihtijarvi Symington Aubisson Falsterbo Kirei Na Niwa Delitzsch Lushann
Albion Accrington Alegro Mitchella
Parvan Wiltshire Sapienza Kaumberg
Duran Tetersen Auldhouse Kingtribel Gram
Kajikazawa Kawabe Valentina Raldamax Ejeda
Lintz Osumi Vanern Kaznejoy Ype-Jhu
Porrima Carstairs Hun Ho
Alarion Trimaldix
6) Chirikof Operational Area Kladnitsa Shimosuwa Saaremaa Rondon
Hunter's Paradise Otisberg Firenze Hegel Aur Eaglesham Phalan Shionoha Fukuroi Shaul Khala Weisau Praxton
Wingzar Calafell Veckholm Yed Prior Talisker Valmiera Ki Zoban Sevon Hergazil
Kirkcaldy Benjamin Annapolis Joshua
Shalaine Beckars Halifax Enzesfled Graz Kannon Matsuida Beta Mensae V Waldheim Kent
Abejorral Banori
Coldbrook Ferris
Capellan March Vendrell Corridan IV Cebalrai Apriki Loparri Sornath
Batajnica Callisto V Mesa Verde Sutama Monistrol Niles Kinkaid II
Edasich Yed Posterior Alnasi Ljugarn Igualada
Tsukude Hagiwawa Yufu Altdorf Vonja
Thuban Minakuchi Koping Chian Groveld III
Capellan March 7) Kathil Operational Area Zinal
Gillfillan's Gold Apinzel
Stanley Mercedes
Stardawn York
Colinas Svinngarn Eaton
New Wessex
Vega Altais
Rukbat Delacruz Medron Dralkig Jeppens
Lancaster Westfield Goldlure An Ting Crestoblus Ugland
Stellaris Gallery Enkoping Freedom Kimball II Tangerz Wittington
Whittington Grootfontein Umijiri Capra Kesai IV
8) Taygeta Operational Area
Jaumegarde Marfik Eltanin Ramora
Kitopler Aiguebelle Dagda Alya Irurzun Avranches
Hinckley Nekkar Konstance Kitalpha Arlington Bryceland
Merlynpede Turinge Halmyre Deans Izar Hildaman Huan Tellman IV
Rijeka Kaus Borealis Algedi Donenac Valasha
Heathville Zaprudy Laurieston Ryde Komephoros Waddesdon Gandy's Luck Tancredi IV Toten
Karkkila Rapla Chukchi III Zebeneschamali Kessel Shimonita Harpster Misery Oldsmith Périgueux Conroe Mishkadrill
Chiavenna Carlisle Bjornlunda Balkan Kaus Australis Aldrecht Reisling's Planet Marlowe's Rift Kennard
Ukunela Halfway Shitara Thestria
Venaria Mezzana Carnwath Kaus Media Dabih Piedmont New Aberdeen Cimeron
Vortalcoy Dresden Chaffee La Blon Alrakis Bergman's Planet
Viborg Florida Annwyn Junction Cassias Latexo Anguilla Lyceum Haynesville
Furillo Glengarry Albalii Ludwig Pajarito Pitkin
McKellan Ascella Chichibu Celebes Elidere IV McGehee Inner End
Lande 10 Morrigan Ciotat Dromini VI Nai-Stohl Galtor III Deshler Saumur
Gladius Elix New Sumatra Hazelhurst
2 Nichol's Rest Unukalhai Harrow's Sun Udibi Colia Brookeland
Urjala Kuzuu Cussar Wapakoneta Nouveau Toulouse Sturgis
Hiberius Trent Canonbie Moore Ashio Marduk Diboll Cork
Myrrdin Aristotle Alphecca Cussar Damevang
Enders Cluster Kurhah McComb
Haggard Premana Czarvowo Aquavita Seginus Kochab Skondia Sabik De Berry Bastrop Novo Franklin
Delos IV
Aberystwyth Duantia
Eidsfoss Laiaka Skye Lambrecht Miyazaki Yance I Tannil
New Mendham
Tripoli Lima Benet III Bremond Pascagoula
Capellan Confederation
Monthey Matar Glenmora Choudrant Broaddus
Ayacucho Rosice Medzev Zvolen Clinton Alkalurops Shinonoi Sterlington Pattison
Kervil Atria Lone Star Lapida II Paris Homam Kirbyville
Alkaid Halstead Station Tallmadge Brundage
New India Kitzingen Hesperus II Zebebelgenubi Chaville Crossing Rowe Fallon II
Soilihull Ko Fairfield Tishomingo Caerlaverock Beaumont
Radostov Sierpc Syrma Nusakan Telos IV Biham Sadalbari Scheat Royal Roscoff Kilbourne
1) Tikonov Commonality
Arganda Sadachbia
3 Fallen Stars Valloire Acrux Drosendorf Dyev Nashira Okaya Greeley
Carsphairn Lyons Pike IV Breed Melcher Ottumwa Milligan Stratford
Caledonia Galatea Ancha Hoff Arromanches Arnaudville
Huesta Buena Imbros III New Ivaarsen Sakhara V Swales
Hollabrunn Sarpsborg Lamon Summer Inglesmond Skat Cylene Fellanin II Proserpina Klathandu IV Fairfax Morrill Millray
2) Chesterton Commonality Menkent Rocky Athenry Al Na'ir Bothwell Farnsworth
Herzberg Alcor Ballentine Sun Prairie
4 Marsalle Vindemiatrix Murchison Adrian Kountze
Gypsum Mariefred Mizar Asta Styx Deneb Algedi Dobson Bettendorf Turkalia Carcassonne Princton Mica II
Algorab Zollikofen Yorii Dieron Markab Chanute Woodbine Winfield
Milvano Binyang Alnadal Boondock Mica V
3) Sarna Commonality
Cruz Alta Revivim Eilenburg Fianna Cor Caroli Nirasaki Quentin Pokhara David Dahar IV
Danxian Finsterwalde Gacrux Muphrid Le Blanc Urich
Helen Chaumont Mirage Mica VII
Armstrong Al Jafr Loburg Alioth Haddings Thorin Killbourn Altair Saffel Galatia III Mara Xhosa VII Waunakee Duxford
Sarikavak Bolan Dar-es-Salaam Towne Lucerne Verde Alta Vista Cohay
New Kyoto Lipton New Earth Franklin Josselin
4) Capella Commonality Rigil Kentarus Fomalhaut
Zwenkau Raman Maynard
6 Inchicore Ellijay Senftenberg Rahne Zaniah Alchiba Chara Doneval II
Milton Denebola Errai Ozawa Mallory's World Allerton Entalun Mayetta Sylvan Nagel Inman
Maisons Phecda Zavijava Northwind Lockdale Tallassee Rochester Courtney Protection Delacambre Bassfield
Nightwish Ilzra Kamenz Hyde Pardeau Shiloh Alula Australis Ronel Clovis
Afleir Small World Addicks Tarkio Junior Tantallon
5) Sian Commonality
Arcadia Solaris
Wing Wyatt Keid Ankaa New Florence Elbar Cartago Emporia Sauk City Altoona
Calvados Cardff Altoona Launam Zosma Oliver Graham IV New Stevens Deneb Kaitos Exeter Pattonsbrug Hickok Verdinge
Tatopani Alhena Dubhe Olancha Klamriz V Colchester Necedah Linneus Thibodaux Hivrannee
Tylarzka Pollux Procyon Epsilon Indi New Rhodes III Benedict
Marcus Robinson
6) St Ives Commonality
Shahr Kord Biloela Bobruisk Gienah Uhuru Rochelle New Home Bryant Ingress Kentares IV Declan II
Teyvareb Pressby Devil's Rock Hean Charleywood Potwin Savonburg
Rochers Chertan Callison Castor Sheratan Lexington Tangipahoa
Zdice Aigle Carver V Ruchbah Schedar Ulysses Rosepine
Chota Layover
Erdvynn Rajkot Dixie Gniezno Kalidasa New Dallas Tyrfing Epsilon Eridani Basalt Tybalt Mirach Waycross Johnsondale DeWitt Macomb Manksville Vibrunum Neosho Kentwood
7) Andurien Commonality Yidtall
Abramkovo Ilion Giausar
Alkes Aquileia
Dieudonne Bordon
Nopah Achernar
Caselton Edwards
Avawatz Cholame
Carnac Larned
Keytesville Sullivan
Palmyra Davisville
Hornir's Keep Loric New Hope Remulac Connaught Terra Firma Angol Rosamond Blandinsville Bogard Quincy
St. Robert Humansville Abbeville
Catroxx Van Diemen IV
Son Hoa Madiun Starshine Zuhbehr Malazan
Bella I Kolobrzeg Savannah
Capolla Acamar Bharat Hamal Yangtze Tikonov
Danais Barstow Sturganos Mermentau
Megrez Nathan Bex Alrescha Chenier
Choex Hall Chisholm Azha Marlette Saltural
Helbrent Khon Kaen Pencader Penobscot Cavanaugh II Alula Borealis McAffe Bondurant Tania Borealis Acubens Slocum Mira Kestrel Delphos Monroe Tsamma
Colfax Cascade Togwotee Adhafera Alphard New Hessen
Beecher New Valencia Imbrial III
Timbiqui Sheridan Hsien Nanking Arboris Mesartim Tawas Parma Gambier Hoyleton Bayeux Offerman
Nockatunga Thermopolis Stewart Irian Wasat Mandal Mauckport
Himmels Poulsbo Trellisane Miaplacidus Zurich Aldebaran Genoa Tedibyhr Wroxeter Batavia Saunemin Capac Andelys
Helm Kansu Almach Sanilac Sodus Bellevue
Epsilon Pingree Gannett Grobin Tall Trees Algol Kirklin Yamoussoukra
Iolas Hell's Paradise Szepes Merak Pliska Berenson Buchlau Acoma Petrolia Plymouth Mansfield Okefenokee
Tania Australis Saiph Chesterton Bristol Flushing Vandalia
Circinus Labouchere Rexburg Sterling Blue Sava Ningpo Ormal Vicente Shawnee
Millungera New Canton Liao Conwy Listowel Cahokia Zolfo
Preston Elbing Menkalinan Demeter Euclid
Galisteo Promised Land Bedeque Augustine Gan Singh Pleione Manteno Huron Cerulean
Gallatin Halloran V Ulan Batar Markesan Willowick
Green Stone Griffith Zortman Szombathely Marik Kristiandsund Streator Northfield Unkador Crofton Giverny
Autumn Wind Bhaktapur Algot Farwell Wedderborg Anjin Muerto
Achilles New Athens
Aosia Lacadon
Torrence Point Barrow
Dothan Molino
9 2
Harsefeld Vecchio Bamburgh
5) Stewart Confederation Loyalty Jászberény New Delos Ulan Bator Sakhalin Quimper Antietam
Tongatapu Phact Remshield Agmond
Gibraltar Chalouba Ashburton Old Kentucky Paches Memphis
Aylmer Hammer Hódmezovásárhely Emris IV Steeles
Schiedam Fuentes Kievanur Ramen II Tsinghai Quemoy Kaifeng Heligoland Kek Perkasie Dirk's Gulf El Dorado Hortense
6) Duchy of Graham-Marik Tchamba Tiber Chamdo Lee Covington Morven Bartrock
Oli Kathil Reisterstown Baxley
Thirty Weight Kyeinnisan Campertown
Ionus Köln Sarna Tsingtao Orbisonia
Tormentine Alterf Raballa Remagen Vereeniging
Hazeldean Wolof Gallitzin
7) Rim Commonality
Bora Vintru Bahl's Retreat Wetumpka
Bowang Vanra Hassad Truth Dol Bastian Hephzibah
Naissus Semenyih Capella Sarmaxa Salem Kenilworth
Sardis Cajamarca Avior Gorki Lesalles Minnacora Lhasa Fincastle Du Lac Wedgefield Vaucluse
Home Cammal Hurgh Monongahela Bonneau Valois
Illyria Lepaterique Atreus Aitutaki Carbonis Chengdu Ingersoll Ilmar
Manihiki Montcoal Ferrara
8) Regulan Free States
San Nicolas Gran Gahral Stockpoll Broken Wheel
Harmony Kiyev Matheran Staffin Noh-wan Hohm Moultrie
Trinidad Newcastle Chitwan Randar Andro
Panjang Bithinia Ares Lackland
Atzenbrugg Kogl New Praha Novaya Zemlya Branzoll Victoria Chakachamna Sabanillas
Valil'yevskiy Bandora Geifer No Return New Sagan Gulkana Waimalu
9) Principality of Gibson
Hellos Minor Marielund
Trondheimal Mohács Norfolk Daneshmand Les Halles Necromo Herat Waxell Filtvelt
Ibarra Aer Mejicanos
Lothario Regulus Muscida Elektrougli Propus Cordiagr Monhegan Bethel Turko
Nis Susulatna
Huntington Tuamotu Eom Masterson Capricorn III
Salur Aldertaine Relevow Skaslien Nunivak Sparrevohn Waipahu
Daniels Tatlawiksuk Zambezi
10) Abbey District Trasjkis Kutludugun Aconcagua Futuna Kohlman Brabent Skepptana
Ragusa Calloway VI Kashilla New Crete Alto Knutdor Kluane Frankson Merowinger Morgan's Holdfast
Cameron Dayr Khuna
Nashuar Alcyone Aggstein Dunkerque Notwina
Landfall Karakiraz Ngake Gei-Fu Brighton Dowles Khi Nahoni Colorado Lihue Eustatius Rennes
Reykavis Faleolo Loeches Stein's Folly Smythe
Kendall Stotzing Mackenzie Heart Fjord Jasmine Exedor Kurragin Helixmar
Clipperton Ovan Armaxa Adler Kotzebue
Sparta Fletcher Overton Sharpe Taga Redfield New Damascus Ulvskollen
Anegasaki Haerhbin New Port Royal
Melk Jubka Westover Jouques Maritgues Shoreham Jaboatao Gillingham Fugeres
Tapachula Preston Glasgow St. Ives Noatak Redondo
Gibson Oriente Calpaca Rhodos Vestallas Namen Fortymile Gruyeres Semichi Ildrong
New Galicia Keeling Lukla Scituate Nogales Kaiyuh Zacatecoluca
Alta Zara Shuen Wan Kittery Laong Quittacas Mararn Fletcher's Feast
Lahti Turov Ankolika Shenwan Krin Sekulmun
Rzhishchev Pec Harbin Gurnet Ingenstrem
Prato Fujidera Hexare Harloc Milos Weekapaug Royalston Wappingers Grosvenor
Chagos Atsugi Pella II Bhykov Niquinohomo
Hednesford Ghaziabad Jiddah Lamu Maharet Nizina Chirikof Fuveau
Revel Dalton Sian Ogilvie Wernke Pula
Hongqiao Milnerton Ipswich Goodna Bentley Spica Blida Gurrnazovo
Camlann New Westin Denbar Mentasta Olindo Sodertalje
Corbeanca Carmacks Kaguyak Alsek Tortuga Prime
Ellsworth Olafsvik Sappho Imalda Quimper
Klayne Java Indicass St. Loris Zindao Haappajarvi Weiz Chillon Fetsund
Terran Hegemony
Karachi Isabela Fadiffolu Tintavel Nam Dinh Beid Cambiano
Goth Khakar Hustaing Atlas Hobbs Jodipur Adelson New Hati
Cree Chilung Frondas Mumbai Maladar
Romita Iknogoro Bogerth Ambergrist Kigamboni
Nullarbor Cronulla Fronde Castrovia Decus Corella Bodnath El Kerak Tiruchchirappalli
Hiratsuka Katlehong Kwamashu Tantara Baranda
Vikindu Mansu-ri Narellan Jenet Islamabad
Niops V Vosloorus Florarda Mordialloc
1) Alliance Core Niops VI
Niops VII Tohelet
New Troy
Claxton Carmen
Sendalor Ziliang Uravan
Oligar Texlos
Tallin Hadnall
Birmensdorf June
Great Gorge
New Gascony
Tematagi Barlaston Dalian Birqash Marodzi Hecheng
2) Lone Star Province
Izmir Lesnovo Wallacia Scarborough
Fieferana Antipolo Beenleigh Okains
El Giza Ito Immenstadt Gambarare Malagrotta
Mankova Hindmarsh Kupang Yàn-huì Teng
Negushevo Wilkes Kearny Westerhand Weatogue Avigait Belaire
Housekarle Crawford Oltepesi Basantapur
3) Lockdale Province
Marathon Furud Velhas Ikast Blandou Dhaulgiri Tegaldanas
Howrah Jaipur Kaitangata Kiserian
1 Al Jubaylah Mauripur Guangzho Mosiro Jungar Qi As Samik Jacobabad
Yanchep Homestead Ife Hobson
Cerignola Hudeiba Konopiste
4 Palladaine Sumy Kafr Silim Safe Port Chouli Pietermaritzburg Enchi Vackisujfalu
4) Tyrfing Province Campoleone Sharqah Karlstejn Bacum New Syrtis Agliana
Stettin Wright Tetschner Drienfontein Naka Pabni
Cole Harbour Shiro III Latice Belamor Manapire Panpour Csomad
Gatchina Ayn Tarma Cotocallao Taygeta
Bayindir Glevakha Wisconsin Bogrib Deschenes Dì-fang Jonzac Aucara
5) Terra Firma Province Conquista Grand Base Pentvar Firgrove Weippe Songgang
Kalmar Betelgeuse Brest Holloway Wantorill Verlo Yongd Mandaree Hè-shì Sanurcha Die Moot Tentativa
Rohinjan Ullieri Abruzzi Armington
Tellman's Mistake Nihal Pleiades Cluster Estuan
Skvorec Cap Rouge Sigma Mare Braum Ashley
Saonara Kanata Tengil Raphael Xieng Khouang Sirdar Courcellete Kautokeino Pierce
Kasdach Ridgebrook Keuterville Anaheim
Meadowvale Dansur 100
Payvand Nukus Kirkvåg Gardnaus Glentworth Cohagen
Ildlandet Andurien Primus Electra Traussin
Ceará Ruschegg Ryerson Aomen Mazdru Zalzangor Warren
Granera Borka Shaunavon Maia
Dicon Merope Caldwell Verdigreis Dumassas
Scheuerheck Pernik Lopez Prix Shaun Madras Mitchel Lochmantle Wrentham
Brusett Hawktor
Cranston Flintoft Montour
Xanthe III Lurgatan Shiba Menke Daol
Rosendal Pell Frazer Victralla
Obrenovac Watermael Lucknow Sindalin Weitinger Mendham Mavegh
Ingonish Katla Amu Darya Decatur Diefenbaker
Cyrton Althea's Choice Lorkdal
Restitution Niomede Robsart Sartu Celentaro
Eleusis Buenos Aires Werfer
Sadurni Krakatau Lindsay Organo Badlands Cluster
Leyda Columbine Jacson Hyalite 50
Bass Banfora Villanueva Cursa
Principia Victoria Yuris
Carmichael Brockway Norman's World
Vakarel Athna Kurvasa Bellatrix Hanseta
Booker Gouderak Mattisskogen Barras Vard Alexandria Horsham Desolate Plains Logan's Land Badlands
Bethonolog Maldive Perdition Angra
Manaus Piriapolis Quimberton Mithron Amber Grove
Umka Naryn Calseraigne Ordino Hansii Centavido
Fagerholm Kazu Zanzibar Midale Masterton Baltar
Marantha Non Diz Merlin Grossbach Famdo
Afarsin Turin New Vallis
Mangor Claybrooke Drozan Borden Egress Valdives Bromhead Jansen's Hold Dicallus
5 Thraxa Butzfleth Itica Chennai Atreus Prime Amber Simone Klenkar
Pilpala Sax Bergtatt Corodiz New Ganymede
Midthun Rollis Leh
Gallis Aspropirgos Thurrock Antias Andarmax Murris Pojos Parian Samantha
Gambilon Viribium Muridox Flatspin
Lindenmarle Jacomarle Gunthar Merdal Kern MacLeod's Land Ishtar Jamestown
The Periphery
Vixen Ina Euschelus Cadela San Carlos
Zathras Espia Cavalor Larsha Pinard Taurus Tirabad Serenity
Royal Foxx Salardion Hurik Laconis Illiushin
Fanardir Repulse Megaris Luderitz
Tarol IV New Roland Renown Fjaldr Brisbane Landmark Menion
Zelmag III Canopus IV Camadeierre
1) Magistracy of Canopus Hastur Aquagea Sunnywood Ichlangis Zangul Flannagan's Nebula
Ward Sterope
Segerica Ghorepani Payia Brinton New Vandenburg
Palladix Adrar Bringdam Enkra Woogi Fiery Plains Sebha
Megarez Borgan's Rift Hibuarius Kimi Weldry
2) Taurian Concordat
Luxani Candiear Shaobuon Thamel Ryans Fate
Adherlwin Arn Burton
Linhauiguan Umgard
Kleinwelt Zhaomaon Untran Lyreton Girondas Mas
3) Outworlds Alliance Schmitt
Techne's Revenge
Early Dawn
Herotitus Panzyr
Mechdur Smithon Zelski II
Lockton Paf
4) Illyrian Palatinate
Durabon Wildwood Krimari Qalzi
Harminous Itrom Tyrlon
5) Rim Worlds Republic
Herrmaz Brixtana Bonavista
Joyz Katinka
Coopertown New Abilene Sacromonte
Cate's Hold Gangtok
Kossandra's Memory Tetski
Cresson Rockwellawan
Dainmar Majoris Heliat
Don’t Wheeler
Bye's Ship Novo Tressida
Chaadan Portland
Crawford's Delight Shipton Itzehoe Addasar
Gettorf Modesto
Eagle Rest
Kerensky, often absent, it was easy for He hoped that General Kerensky would obey
in the Terran Hegemony were
Amaris to drip poison into Richard’s his commands. Once word of his coup reached
stripped bare to reinforce
ears, convincing him to take actions that Kerensky, however, the SLDF halted its offensive
those reeling in defeat. Those
inflamed the Periphery and alienated the garrisons were replaced by in the Periphery. A hasty treaty ended the war
Great Houses. Rim Worlds troops loaned with the Taurian Concordat. Kerensky then
by Richard Cameron’s trusted moved to occupy Aramis’ Rim Worlds Republic.
Amaris played the fool in public, The general planned his masterwork: the
advisor, Stefan Amaris.
and the Council Lords and Kerensky liberation of the Terran Hegemony from the
underestimated him, realizing their Finally, in 2766, Amaris struck. forces of Amaris the Usurper.
mistake too late. Amaris’ murder of He murdered Richard Cameron
Richard set in motion the largest and in the First Lord’s throne room. The House Lords again did nothing. They
bloodiest war in history, culminating in The Black Watch, the First Lord’s refused to fight for either Kerensky’s SLDF or for
Amaris’ capture and execution by the personal bodyguard, was wiped Amaris. General Kerensky’s soldiers, badly worn
SLDF. The war gutted the Star League out with a nuclear weapon. Rim down by years of combat, carried the burden of
and left the institution so fragile that it Worlds troops seized control of the fighting Amaris alone. After years of ferocious
disbanded. Amaris never saw himself as Terran Hegemony with few shots battle, the SLDF reached Terra. In the final battle,
a destroyer, but rather as a liberator who fired, since the SLDF troops had General Kerensky’s Orion kicked down the gates
freed the Inner Sphere and Periphery from departed for the Periphery. Amaris of Stefan Amaris’ stolen palace. SLDF forces held
the mismanagement of the Camerons and slew every member of the Cameron the Usurper until the full extent of his crimes
the tyranny of the Star League. family that he could get his hands were uncovered. Then, Amaris and his entire
on. He had planned long and well, family line were executed.
40 41
DISSOLUTION Whichever House replaced the Camerons would
be elevated far above their peers. The House
After the Liberation of Terra, it became apparent Lords soon stripped an exasperated General
that House Cameron was no more. Amaris Aleksandr Kerensky of his title as Protector of
had done his work well; there was no known the Star League, resenting his obstinate refusal
Cameron left alive to place on the throne of to support any ruler for the First Lordship. They
the First Lord. The Star League Council was hoped with Kerensky out of the way that it would
reconvened to find a solution, but the House be easier for one of their number to secure the
Lords fell prey to their personal ambitions. support needed to become First Lord.
Rather than try to find some accommodation that
might preserve the League that allowed the Inner But even with Kerensky removed from the
Sphere to flourish during the Good Years, they Council, the House Lords were unable to come
chose the path of selfishness and avarice. to an agreement. Each was too proud to yield to
another’s claim. They decided they would rather
Each House Lord felt themselves to be the natural destroy the Star League than see a rival rule it.
successor to House Cameron. Control of the Star The Star League Council dissolved the League in
League represented control of all of humanity. 2781 and began preparing for war.
Jerome Blake
Jerome Blake was a child prodigy who graduated university at age 15 with a specialization
in Hyperspatial Mathematics and Applied Physics. This led to a career in the Star League’s
Department of Communication. Blake rose rapidly through the ranks. He survived the early
ravages of the Amaris Civil War and volunteered his services to Kerensky’s forces, developing
work-arounds so the SLDF and Great Houses could continue using the HPG network despite
Amaris’ control of the First Circuit stations.
Blake was badly wounded on Dieron and medevacked to Kerensky’s flagship, the McKenna’s
Pride. A friendship developed between the socially awkward Blake and General Kerensky. Both
wanted to save the Star League.
After Amaris was defeated, the Great Houses bickered over the fate of the Star League, but
named Blake Minister of Communications and tasked him with rebuilding the communications
infrastructure. He was Director-General of the Hegemony in all but name. Blake was among
the first to learn of Kerensky’s plans to leave the Inner Sphere. He negotiated a number of
military units that declined to join the Exodus to fall under his authority. With the soon-to-be
Successor States nibbling away at the fringes of the Terran Hegemony, Blake convinced the
Great Houses to respect the neutrality of the Communications Ministry, which he renamed
ComStar. Blake gave up control of the Hegemony as a whole and instead staged a military
takeover of Terra in the name of ComStar.
Blake’s oversight of ComStar was cold and dispassionate. He limited the access of outsiders
to technology, and established ROM as a security agency to protect its secrets. ComStar
prospered, but Blake’s wounds from Dieron never fully healed. He suffered repeated health
issues, which were not helped by his workaholic tendencies. He fell ill at a First Circuit meeting
and passed away in 2819. Blake’s successor, Conrad Toyama, oversaw the transformation of
ComStar into a pseudo-religious sect, but records indicate that many of ComStar’s mystic
trappings originated with Blake himself.
Many later histories portrayed the “Word of Blake” as a Toyama invention, but contemporary
records support claims that Toyama was enacting Blake’s will. However, while Blake wanted to
reforge ComStar as a church to hold back a new dark age, he could not have foreseen the zeal
some ComStar fundamentalists would unleash in the late thirty-first century.
42 43
EXODUS General Kerensky was disinterested in playing
kingmaker and disgusted by the House Lords,
The SLDF stockpiled massive amounts of supplies
in secret. The vast majority of the SLDF agreed to
On 8 July 2784, Aleksandr Kerensky transmitted
a single word, “Exodus,” to the SLDF and put his
The House Lords saw control of the SLDF as whose political machinations dissolved the Star follow Kerensky out of the Inner Sphere, beyond plan in motion. In the following months, a massive
one of the greatest spoils to be had after the fall League Council and thus the League itself. His the Periphery, and into uncharted space. Kerensky fleet assembled at New Samarkand in the Draconis
of the Star League. The Star League Defense troops had died in service to a dream that the could not prevent the destructive wars he saw Combine, and on 5 November, the enormous fleet
Force took massive losses liberating the Terran Great Houses had simply cast aside. The House looming over the Inner Sphere, but he could deny winked out of existence, ship by ship, for parts
Hegemony and overthrowing the Usurper, but it Lords began to suborn the SLDF’s soldiers the House Lords his army. unknown. The greatest army ever known left the
was still the most powerful military force in the instead. Kerensky was unwilling to see the Star House Lords alone to destroy themselves.
Inner Sphere. There was no general among the League’s army used to destroy all it had fought
House militaries who could match the genius to preserve. Stripped of his title and shunted It would be many generations before the
and charisma of Aleksandr Kerensky. The House aside, he settled upon a bold plan. SLDF returned.
Lords sought his support for their claims to the
throne of the Star League. Whoever Kerensky’s
SLDF supported was certain to triumph.
…I am a descendant of Shiro Kurita, who seized the right of rule and forged
the Draconis Combine. In my veins runs the blood of the Emperors of
Japan, whose Imperial House of Yamoto is the oldest continuous hereditary
monarchy of ancient Terra. What’s more, my House alone tested the SLDF
and showed the rot within the Star League.
By what right do we rule? By the right of a heritage which spans three
hundred centuries. By the right of might that conquers and expands the
glory of the realm. By the Dictum Honorium that elevates and enobles all of
the peoples under the Dragon.
Join that heritage. Join that legacy. Join that glory. And the Star League
shall shine brighter than ever, for millennia to come. This I swear.
…As of this day, the Coordinator of the Draconis Combine shall also be
addressed as First Lord of the Star League.
—Minoru Kurita, excerpts from personal address, 31 December, 2786
Even during the most hopeless days of the Succession Wars, one light still shone. The beacon of
ComStar ensured that no matter how brutal the wars grew, humankind would never lose contact
with itself. What came to be known as the Blessed Order by its adherents began as the Star League’s
Department of Communications. During the Succession Wars, ComStar grew into a mystical sect
whose members worshiped the very technology they operated and maintained. ComStar remained
officially neutral in interstellar affairs, with services offered equally to all. Only ComStar adepts could
operate the complex Hyperpulse Generators that allowed communication among the stars. No House
Lord dared challenge that monopoly, lest their realm fall under interdiction and go silent in the void.
Though maintaining a mask of neutrality, ComStar followed an agenda all its own. As servicing HPGs
morphed into a religion, a nefarious dogma crept into the prayers of ComStar’s acolytes. ComStar
began to see itself as the savior of humanity, and would fulfill that role even if it meant accelerating
humanity’s decline. With every communication flowing through ComStar’s machines, no secret was
safe. The Succession Wars may have ended far sooner, but for the manipulation and machinations of
those who wished the sole light to be their own.
Lyran Commonwealth
and the STAR LEAGUE ARCHIVES on Terra.
6) District of Donegal Battaraigi
5 8 Cryfder Alfirk
7) Furillo Province
Paulus Prime
Ambrose Tovetin Constance Idlewind Tarnby
Dark Outpost Schwartz Gravenhage
Bone-Norman New Sarum
Machapuchre Nebula Steelton Susquehanna Altona
Vulture’s Nest Jarett New Sapporo
Ubangi Renren Persistence Icar Ouagadougou Wonju
Awyron Barcelona Svelvik Balsta Kiruna
Gabenstad Melville Wotan
Treeline New Caledonia The Edge Leoben Trondheim Turtle Bay
Bjarred Hartshill RIMWARD
Chateau St. John New Bergen Salford Nowhere
Golandrinas Rodigo Ferranil Almunge Virentofta
Draconis Combine
Nyasa Verthandi Hermagor Slaithwaite
Herbania Newtown Square Black Earth Derf Nykvarn Stapelfeld Sawyer Chapineria Leyland
Mogyorod Malibu
Rasalhague Military District
Kolovraty Hot Springs Butler Dawn Polcenigo Lonaconing Ad Duwayd
1) Kagoshima Prefecture Rypful Delagoa
Port Vail Luanda Wypoute
Hood IV Pangkalan
Roadside Seiduts
Vipaava Jezersko
4) Pusht-i-rud Prefecture 12) Tinaca Prefecture Trentham Arluna Pleasure Pit Alyina Apolakkia
Leskovik Svarstaad Basiliano Kufstein
Casere McAlister Macksburg Espakeh
19 16
17) Irurzun Prefecture
A Place Soul Salvende
Anatolia Hyperion Karston Alshain Hassi R'mel Wynn’s Roost
9) Kaznejoy Prefecture Derby Windsor Beta Regulus II Blair Atholl Shaula Cyrenaica Bossangoa
Biota Ulsan Grankum Danli
Tainjin Khartoum Recife Tinaca Yamarovka Vangburg
Ma'anshan Tangua Goetville Montmarault Oyevaina Zebuluraskai Las Tunas
18) Kuzuu Prefecture Gorgon
Seven Lands
New Capetown
Sargasso Zanderij Esteros
Bountiful Harvest
Koniz Benfled
Wheel Hainfeld
Satalice Marawi Mualang Asgard
Port Arthur
Shimoda Charity
Old Canton
Tottori Tresspass
Michtal Nerum Renorsal Gitarama
Findal Ellengurg Thun Aalzorg
19) Ashio Prefecture Santana Halesowen Kagoshima Azur
Qanatir Suk II Galuzzo Sternwerde Greypearl
Lost Suianheer Johnson
Synsstad Skandia Tarazed Koury Mizt Feijo Alktral
Farcry Ardoz Avon Chatham Dneiper Zalt
Fjernet Prydain Domain
Shardayne Shimonoseki New Samarkand
Zefri Niangol Abbadiyah Timkovichi Atocongo Graceland Ballynure La Grave Maule Luthien Pondicherry Joan’s Post Raetia
Biuque Setubal Miyada Dunklewälderdunklerflüssenschattenwelt Helland
Mayenne Caldarium New Exford Carse Culmia Glitnir
Sialkot Valabhi Baryshevo Wrociaw Pandora Diosd Nox Kiamba Kanowit Baruun Urt Braunton Miyako Sighisoara
Guatavita Sabhal Mòr Ostaig Utrecht Eguilles Krenice Kazanka Prinis Prime Tanz Shira Carmelita
Krung Thep Orkney Tanh Linh Leiston Devil’s Breath
Naco Qurayyat Arc-Royal Crimond Quarell Tabayama Hrafn
Altenmarkt Mannedorf Dumaring Mizunami Osset Ulubis Domeyko
Hakkaido Worrell Koulen
Nito Cilvituk Rosetta Langhorne Qarahta Krievci Kandersteg Lothan Bicester Corsica Nueva Crichton
Federated Suns
Rubigen Xinyang Yumesta Risin
Draconis March Loxley
Hamilton Tomans Ramsau Toffen Babuyan Mokpo Murmansk Ramgarh
Milligan's World Bell Blommestein
La Ligua
1 3
Slewis Sappir Jabuka Meilen Omagh Zlatousi Zetang
Bougie Mahrah Champadanga Caledea Najha Kiesen Paracale Chinmen Tao
Melilla Dukambia Rasalgethi Odabasi Dyfed Northsun Ammon
Draconis March Tukayyid Ogano Keihoku Zalaf Rushaven
Marisura Summit Borghese Fort Loudon Chandler Yardley Philadelphia Nexus Ri Mindrel
Storfors C.M.O. 26 Conley's Patch Ueda Pilkhua Sunchon Braben’s Frontier
Beauvais Tsinan Sakai Quantraine Halla Loikaw Maripa
Grunwald Fefferfer Darius Midway Bad News
1) Robinson Operational Area Valladolid Ceuta Kelang Cumbres Numki Arkab Dover Coraines Schrim Achnoly Santa-Ana Pilon
Amminadav Etiler Warrumbungle Dehgolan
Surcin Qualip Kelenfold Karbala Brasha Voehn Mandeville
Jatznik Lyndon Meacham Iijima Sanda Tiflis Sinope
Ormstown Burnt Rock Caldrea Silkeborg Isesaki Boulsi
Upano Beils Achton
2) Fairfax Operational Area Triesting Pobeda Blue Diamond Shirotori
Baldur Simferopol Cerberus Vinstra Ictus
4 Sidon Tapihue Saravan Alma Alta Odessa Grumium Dove Havdhem Agematsu Eigerland Puttalam
Waypoint Alekseyevka Sulafat Tok Do Shibukawa Peacock Nakaojo Sverdlovsk Calingasta Sorsk
Pasemah Eschenberg Muroto Quiberas Kaldu Thazi
3) Woodbine Operational Area Viroflay Stirling Nuelson Minor Richvale Vorzel Garrison Fatima Al Hillah Belacruz
Indrapurai Logres Otho Osmus Saar Oshika Morthac Jordan Wais Flynn
Janina Akfata Virtue Westerstede Glenlivet Ambatomainty
Horneburg Arcturus
5 Ceram Morningside Orestes Camlann Sendai Koumi Galedon V Santiago Totness
Crucis March Reese Station Pherkad Ginestra Trolloc Prime Mersa Matruh Coyle
Crucis March Solor Pocologan
Ferihegy Vermezzo
Bayis II Forkas Cameron
Port Moseby
Aix-la-Chapelle Awano
Dalmantia Zawiercie Dnepropetrovsk
Calish II
Quatre Belle
Waini Point
Capellan Confederation
Uzhgorod Matar Glenmora Choudrant Broaddus
Monthey Ayacucho Rosice Medzev Zvolen Clinton Shinonoi Sterlington Pattison
Alkalurops Atria Lone Star Kervil Lapida II Homam Paris Kirbyville
Alkaid Halstead Station Tallmadge Brundage
New India Kitzingen Hesperus II Zebebelgenubi Chaville Crossing Rowe Fallon II
Soilihull Ko Telos IV Biham Fairfield Tishomingo Caerlaverock Beaumont
Radostov Sierpc Nusakan Scheat Royal Roscoff Kilbourne
1) Tikonov Commonality
Syrma Sadalbari
3 Acrux Drosendorf Arganda Dyev Nashira Sadachbia Okaya
Valloire Carsphairn Lyons Pike IV Breed Ottumwa Greeley Milligan Stratford
Fallen Stars Caledonia Galatea Melcher Arromanches
Huesta Buena Imbros III Ancha Hoff Arnaudville
Hollabrunn Sarpsborg Lamon Summer Inglesmond Skat Cylene Fellanin II Proserpina Klathandu IV
New Ivaarsen Sakhara V Swales
2) Chesterton Commonality Menkent Rocky Athenry Al Na'ir Fairfax Morrill Bothwell Farnsworth Millray
Herzberg Ballentine
Alcor Murchison Sun Prairie Adrian
Marsalle Gypsum Mariefred Vindemiatrix Mizar Asta Styx Deneb Algedi Dobson Bettendorf Turkalia Carcassonne Princton Kountze
Milvano Zollikofen Chanute Woodbine Winfield Mica II
Algorab Yorii Dieron Markab
3) Sarna Commonality Cruz Alta Binyang Fianna Cor Caroli Nirasaki David Alnadal Dahar IV Boondock Mica V
Revivim Finsterwalde Eilenburg Gacrux Muphrid Quentin Pokhara Le Blanc Urich
Danxian Helen Chaumont Mica VII
Alioth Haddings Waunakee Mirage
Armstrong Sarikavak Al Jafr Loburg Dar-es-Salaam
New Kyoto
Thorin Killbourn Altair Saffel Towne Galatia III Mara Xhosa VII Lucerne Verde Josselin Alta Vista Duxford
4) Capella Commonality
Lipton New Earth Fomalhaut Franklin Maynard
6 Ellijay Zwenkau Rahne Zaniah Alchiba Chara Rigil Kentarus Raman Doneval II
Inchicore Senftenberg Milton Denebola Errai Allerton Mayetta Nagel Inman
Phecda Zavijava Ozawa Mallory's World Tallassee Courtney Entalun Sylvan Protection Delacambre Bassfield
Nightwish Maisons Bolan Northwind Lockdale Clovis Rochester
Ilzra Kamenz Hyde Pardeau Shiloh Afleir Alula Australis Terra Caph Ronel Junior Tantallon
5) Sian Commonality Arcadia Solaris Sirius Small World Addicks Tarkio
Shahr Kord Wing Wyatt Keid Ankaa New Florence Elbar Cartago Emporia Sauk City Altoona
Calvados Cardff Altoona Launam Zosma Oliver Graham IV New Stevens Deneb Kaitos Exeter Pattonsbrug Hickok Verdinge
Tatopani Alhena Dubhe Olancha Klamriz V Robinson Colchester Necedah Linneus Thibodaux Hivrannee
Tylarzka Pollux Procyon Epsilon Indi New Rhodes III Benedict
6) St Ives Commonality Bobruisk Uhuru Marcus New Home Bryant Ingress Kentares IV Declan II
Biloela Pressby Gienah Rochelle
Teyvareb Devil's Rock Sheratan Hean Charleywood Potwin Savonburg
Zdice Rochers
Aigle Chertan Callison Castor Carver V Ruchbah Schedar Lexington
Ulysses Rosepine Tangipahoa
7 Chota Layover
Gniezno Kalidasa New Dallas Tyrfing Epsilon Eridani Tybalt Waycross Johnsondale Macomb Vibrunum Kentwood
7) Andurien Commonality
Erdvynn Rajkot Dixie Fletcher Basalt Mirach Carnac DeWitt Larned Manksville Neosho
Yidtall Stantsiya Tigress Peabody Mokane
Althastan Giausar Nestor Alkes Dieudonne Bordon Brownsville Caselton Palmyra Kublenz
Ilion Concord Aquileia Outreach Kawich Edwards Davisville
Abramkovo Ford Talitha Woodstock Nopah Achernar Rio Avawatz
Amity Cholame Newton Keytesville Sullivan
Hornir's Keep Loric New Hope Remulac Connaught Terra Firma Angol Rosamond Blandinsville Bogard Quincy
St. Robert Humansville Abbeville
Catroxx Van Diemen IV
Son Hoa Madiun Starshine Zuhbehr Malazan
Bella I Kolobrzeg Savannah
Capolla Acamar Bharat Hamal Yangtze Tikonov
Danais Barstow Sturganos Mermentau
Megrez Nathan Bex Alrescha Chenier
Choex Hall Chisholm Azha Marlette Saltural
Helbrent Khon Kaen Pencader Penobscot Cavanaugh II Alula Borealis McAffe Bondurant Tania Borealis Acubens Slocum Mira Kestrel Delphos Monroe Tsamma
Colfax Cascade Togwotee Adhafera Alphard New Hessen
Beecher New Valencia Imbrial III
Timbiqui Sheridan Hsien Nanking Arboris Mesartim Tawas Parma Gambier Hoyleton Kaufermann Offerman
Nockatunga Stewart Irian Mauckport
Trellisane Thermopolis Miaplacidus Wasat Mandal Zurich Aldebaran Genoa Tedibyhr Wroxeter Batavia
Himmels Poulsbo Saunemin Capac Bellevue Andelys
Helm Almach Sodus
Epsilon Pingree Gannett Grobin Pliska
Tall Trees Algol Kansu Sanilac
Kirklin Yamoussoukra
Iolas Hell's Paradise Szepes Merak Berenson Buchlau Chesterton Petrolia Plymouth Mansfield Okefenokee
Sterling Tania Australis Saiph Bristol Flushing Vandalia Shawnee
Circinus Labouchere Rexburg Blue Sava Ningpo Ormal Vicente
Millungera New Canton Liao Conwy Listowel Cahokia Zolfo
Preston Elbing Menkalinan Demeter Euclid
Galisteo Promised Land Bedeque Augustine Gan Singh Pleione Manteno Huron Cerulean
Gallatin Halloran V Ulan Batar Markesan Willowick
Green Stone Griffith Zortman Szombathely Marik Kristiandsund Streator Northfield Unkador Crofton Giverny
Bhaktapur Algot Wedderborg Anjin Muerto
The Periphery
Vixen Ina Euschelus Cadela San Carlos
Zathras Espia Cavalor Larsha Pinard
Canopus IV Taurus Tirabad Serenity
Royal Foxx Salardion Hurik Laconis Illiushin
Fanardir Repulse Megaris Luderitz
Tarol IV New Roland Renown Fjaldr Brisbane Landmark Menion Camadeierre
Zelmag III
1) Magistracy of Canopus
Mondra Hastur Sunnywood Ichlangis Zangul Flannagan's Nebula
Aquagea Ward
Segerica Ghorepani Payia New Vandenburg Sterope
Palladix Brinton Woogi
Megarez Borgan's Rift Hibuarius Adrar Kimi Bringdam Enkra Fiery Plains Sebha
2) Taurian Concordat Luxani Candiear Adherlwin Arn
Thamel Ryans Fate
Kleinwelt Untran Lyreton Girondas
3) Outworlds Alliance
Zhaomaon Mas Zelski II
Techne's Revenge Huanghuadian Mechdur Smithon
Schmitt Nobel
Early Dawn Panzyr
Lockton Herotitus Paf
Cate's Hold Gangtok
Kossandra's Memory
8) Oberon Confederation Tetski
1 Cresson Rockwellawan
Dainmar Majoris Heliat
Bye's Ship Novo Tressida
Chaadan Portland
Crawford's Delight Shipton Itzehoe Addasar
Gettorf Modesto
to technological regression.
million civilians died in the slaughter. At one
point, Coordinator Jinjiro forbade his troops
from using weapons other than their katanas.
Many DCMS soldiers died by seppuku to atone
for their dishonorable part in the massacre.
Footage of the genocide leaked throughout
the Inner Sphere thanks to the local ComStar
precentor, whose personnel were also murdered
by the DCMS.
52 53
A standard battalion consists of three companies (36
Most Great House militaries organize their forces along the Star League model described below. BattleMechs or combat vehicles) commanded by a colonel or
Irregular forces such as mercenary commands and Periphery armies often use organization schemes major. Battalions may include a command lance that provides
designed to maximize their limited resources, integrating their BattleMech forces with vehicles and/ mobile command and logistical support. Some battalions
or infantry. organize attached aerospace lances as separate companies
or squadrons. Star League organization included a command
Lance lance at the battalion level, and many Inner Sphere militaries
A lance consists of four BattleMechs or combat vehicles commanded by a follow this practice. A battalion of aerospace squadrons is
lieutenant. The standard aerospace lance (commonly called a flight) consists of often referred to as a wing and consists of three squadrons
two fighters. The infantry equivalent is a platoon, which can consist of between (eighteen fighters), often with an attached command flight.
eight and 28 men depending on infantry type. An infantry battalion consists of three companies, often
with an attached command squad.
The standard company consists of three lances (twelve BattleMechs or combat Regiment
vehicles) commanded by a captain. A fourth lance of aerospace fighters may be A standard regiment consists of three to five battalions (108 to 180 BattleMechs and/or combat
assigned to the company to support the primary BattleMech force. A company vehicles) commanded by a general or colonel. DropShips or JumpShips are usually attached to
of aerospace fighters is often referred to as a squadron and consists of three regiments, as are support battalions such as infantry or tank forces. A regiment of aerospace
flights (six fighters). An infantry company consists of three platoons, often with fighters consists of two to three wings, with an attached command flight. An infantry regiment
an attached command squad. consists of three to four battalions, often with an attached command squad.
Larger Formations
A regimental combat team (RCT), pioneered by House Davion, consists of one BattleMech regiment,
three regiments of combat vehicles, five infantry regiments, one artillery battalion and two
aerospace fighter wings.
During the Succession Wars and later, a brigade represents any and all forces—whether a single
regiment or multiple regiments—that fall under the same administrative chain of command and
share heritage and naming scheme, such as the Davion Brigade of Guards, House Kurita’s Sword of
Light or the Marik Militias.
The Star League Defense Force fielded even larger formations; a brigade was formed from three or
more regiments, usually of a similar composition. A division was made up of two or more brigades.
A corps was composed of five to ten divisions, and finally an army consisted of three to five corps.
54 55
After centuries of holodramas, mythology, and rumors, pirates are seldom portrayed realistically. At
their heart, pirates are simply thieves. What makes them unique (and for the romantics, interesting)
is that they ply their trade with heavy, military-grade hardware. This means they require a certain
degree of skill, education, and organization beyond that of a local pickpocket.
Pirate bands form in power vacuums, typically coalescing around the remains of a military unit cast
adrift from its parent. Vance Rezak was a betrayed DCMS sho-sa. Hendrik Grimm led a mutinous
LCAF regiment. In the wake of a failed military operation, there are always adrift MechWarriors,
pilots, and technicians with valuable skills looking for leadership.
Piracy typically takes two forms: attacking a JumpShip or raiding a planet. The mechanics of
interplanetary travel make it nearly impossible to capture a DropShip in transit; instead, it is far
easier to wait at a jump point and waylay JumpShips as they arrive. Given that merchant captains
would rather carry additional cargo than a defensive escort, this is a relatively safe operation for
pirates. Riskier but more profitable is raiding a planet. A flashy and violent raid can net more loot,
and more specific items of value, than picking off random JumpShips.
But few targets generate massive income. This forces pirates to take any resources they can capture,
including a town’s food supply or even its populace. A pirate leader must be ruthlessly pragmatic, as
must their crew. Life as a pirate is ruled by force, guile, or negotiation. The strong make and enforce
the rules, drawing many who are too unstable, violent, or broken for life in the Inner Sphere.
Larger pirate bands have greater capabilities, but also greater running costs. A typical pirate band may
consist of a single lance of ’Mechs and supporting assets. Pirates who grow beyond this find they need
the supporting infrastructure only real estate provides. These groups evolve into bandit kingdoms, such
The Minnesota Tribe
In the three centuries since their brief appearance, little primary evidence
and no further sightings of the Minnesota Tribe have come to light.
Historians have largely been left with the same few puzzle pieces to
endlessly reorganize, argue over, and bend to fit their own theories.
Like the mysterious disappearance of the ancient Roanoke
colony on Terra’s North American continent, it seems unlikely
a conclusive explanation of the Tribe’s origins, intentions,
56 57
Lyran Commonwealth
1 Tamar Pact
Far Reach
1) Trellshire Vannes Region capital District capital National capital
Tamar Pact 2) Tamar Domains Tordenskjold
5 8 6) District of Donegal
Botany Bay
Paulus Prime
and the STAR LEAGUE ARCHIVES on Terra.
7) Furillo Province Várri Blackstone Sigurd
Last Chance Crellacor
Federation of Skye
Zanbasa Butte Hold
8) Kannon Shire
tion of Gwynedd Damian Isfahan
10 9) Virginia Shire
New Ålborg Cabanatuan
Machapuchre Awyron Nebula Susquehanna Altona
Jarett New Sapporo
Ubangi Vulture’s Nest Renren Persistence Icar Ouagadougou Wonju
Barcelona Svelvik Balsta Kiruna
Wotan Alleghe Bjarred
Melville Treeline The Edge Turtle Bay Hartshill
Gabenstad New Caledonia Leoben Trondheim
Chateau St. John New Bergen Salford Nowhere
Herbania Golandrinas Rodigo
Ferranil Almunge Virentofta Caracol RIMWARD
Derf Verthandi Slaithwaite
Newtown Square Black Earth Nykvarn Stapelfeld
Maxie's Planet
Csesztreg Lovinac Bruben 40 Sawyer Chapineria Leyland Brihuega
Arlanda Beta VII Last Frontier Brailsford
Mogabouti Trell I New Oslo Rasalhague
Montsegur Biegga Harvest Kirchbach Coudoux
Quelimane Garstedt Brocchi's Cluster
Kolovraty Mogyorod Malibu Romulus Radlje Chupadero Algate Chorley
Hot Springs Butler Dawn Polcenigo Lonaconing Ad Duwayd
Port Vail
Draconis Combine Luanda Planting
Wypoute Hood IV Pangkalan Seiduts Vipaava Jezersko Kabah Echo
Rypful Roadside
11 Kowloon Kikuyu Schuyler Jeanette
5 Baggville Pasig Goito Hyner Herndon Sikkim
Elume Bucklands Medellin Dell Skokie Bushmill
3) Bjarred Prefecture 12) Tinaca Prefecture
Zoetermeer Marshdale
Swartklip Cheriton Multan Land's End
Lushun Abushiri Clearfield
14 5) Ningxia Prefecture 13) Baldur Prefecture Canal Mahone Babaeski Dompaire Weingarten Kempten Itabaiana Teniente Pesht
Malaga Takata
Elba Strandfontein Deia Vorarlberg Thessalonika Meinacos
Tsarahavana Laurent Juazeiro Ebensburg Kokpekty
Miquelon Colmar Kaesong
Blumenort Volders
Galedon Military District 14) Xinyang Prefecture Timehri Gatineau Antares Graus Irece Nara Blueys
Edirne Mississauga
Jardangal Cusset Thannhausen Tuat Caripare Sertar Fallry
Moriguchi Gunzburg Sheliak Huaide
15 Aboukir Kwangjong-ni Australia Yeguas Sudeten Maestu Enif
Great X
6) Oshika Prefecture 15) Kajikazawa Prefecture
Ewanrigg Unity
Galedon Military District Millerton Brooloo
Deweidewd Bessarabia
Heiligendreuz Kanto
Antallos (Port Krin) Barahona
Benjamin Military District Helduza
Windsor Beta Regulus II
A Place
Perrot Hyperion Karston Alshain Cyrenaica Hassi R'mel Soul Wynn’s Roost
Suk II Sternwerde
19 Dieron Military District
9) Kaznejoy Prefecture
Galuzzo Suianheer
Lost Skandia Johnson Koury Mizt
Farcry Synsstad Tarazed Avon Chatham Dneiper Feijo
Fjernet Prydain Domain Ardoz Luthien Shimonoseki New Samarkand Zalt
20 Niangol Abbadiyah Timkovichi Graceland Ballynure La Grave Shardayne Pondicherry Joan’s Post Raetia
Zefri Biuque Atocongo Maule Miyada
18) Kuzuu Prefecture
Sialkot Baryshevo Guatavita Sabhal Mòr Ostaig Diosd Baruun Urt Braunton Miyako Sighisoara Kazanka Tanz
Krung Thep Utrecht Eguilles Krenice Prinis Prime
Naco Orkney Tanh Linh Leiston Devil’s Breath
19) Ashio Prefecture Qurayyat Arc-Royal Crimond Quarell Tabayama Hrafn
Altenmarkt Mizunami Ulubis Domeyko
Langhorne Kandersteg Lothan Mannedorf Dumaring Bicester Hakkaido Worrell Koulen Osset
Cilvituk Rosetta Qarahta Krievci Corsica Nueva Risin
Loxley Toffen Xinyang Yumesta Ramgarh
Meilen Babuyan
20) Lone Star Prefecture Hamilton Tomans Ramsau Rubigen Mokpo Murmansk Milligan's World Bell Blommestein
Chhaprauli Coventry Jabuka Ban Na San Zlatousi Gaeri
Slewis Sappir Omagh Zetang
Mahrah Champadanga Caledea Najha Kiesen Paracale Chinmen Tao
Melilla Dukambia Rasalgethi Odabasi Dyfed Northsun
21) Addicks Prefecture Tukayyid Ogano Keihoku Zalaf Rushaven
Marisura Summit Borghese Fort Loudon Chandler Yardley Philadelphia Nexus Ri Mindrel
Storfors C.M.O. 26 Conley's Patch Ueda Sunchon Braben’s Frontier
Beauvais Tsinan Pilkhua Sakai Quantraine Halla Loikaw
Grunwald Fefferfer Darius Midway Bad News Maripa
Ceuta Kerman Kelang Cumbres Numki Arkab Dover Coraines Schrim Achnoly
Valladolid Amminadav Etiler Warrumbungle Dehgolan
Surcin Qualip Kelenfold Karbala Brasha Voehn
Jatznik Lyndon Meacham Iijima Sanda Tiflis Sinope
Ormstown Upano Caldrea Silkeborg Isesaki Achton
Triesting Pobeda Blue Diamond Shirotori Simferopol Cerberus
Baldur Vinstra Ictus
Draconis March Grumium Havdhem
Federated Suns Waypoint Sidon Tapihue Saravan Alma Alta Odessa Sulafat Agematsu Eigerland Puttalam
Alekseyevka Eschenberg Tok Do Shibukawa Peacock Muroto Nakaojo Sverdlovsk Calingasta
Stirling Garrison Glenlivet Belacruz Quiberas Kaldu
Viroflay Nuelson Minor Fatima Al Hillah
Richvale Osmus Saar
Akfata Virtue Otho Oshika Morthac Jordan Wais Flynn Ambatomainty
Draconis March
Janina Horneburg Westerstede Arcturus Santiago
Ceram Ginestra Morningside Orestes Camlann Mersa Matruh Koumi Galedon V
Reese Station Pherkad Trolloc Prime Coyle
Bayis II Forkas Cameron Leganes Dalmantia Dnepropetrovsk Calish II Finse
Pocologan Ciampino Ganshoren Port Moseby Tamsalu Goubellat Waini Point
1) Robinson Operational Area Tiruppur Lucianca Aix-la-Chapelle Awano Quatre Belle Zumbo
Ferihegy Vermezzo Dalkeith Cosenza Budingen
Greenlaw Crevedia Vaajakoski Sakuranoki Dindatari Calish III
Meghy Timbuktu Kostinbrod Quilino Gibbs Donegal Minowa Schirmeck Rudolpho Baliggora
Minderoo Apostica Sakhalin Buckminster Chimpaw Tatsuno Onverwacht
All Dawn Halgrim
2) Woodbine Operational Area Malacca Kvistgard Helsingfors Togura Hachiman Nadrin Alpheratz Dreadlord
Tharkad Hillerod Kockengen Breukelen Senorbi Shiri
Harlez Noisiel Symington Cadiz Falsterbo Handa
Vihtijarvi Aubisson Kirei Na Niwa Delitzsch Lushann Mitchella
Albion Accrington Alegro
Wiltshire Sapienza Kaumberg Duran Tetersen Auldhouse Kingtribel Gram
Crucis March Parvan Nuneaton Kajikazawa Kawabe Valentina Raldamax
Lintz Osumi Vanern Kaznejoy
Porrima Carstairs Hun Ho
Alarion Saaremaa Trimaldix
Kladnitsa Firenze Aur Eaglesham Phalan Shionoha Shimosuwa Fukuroi Weisau
Hunter's Paradise Otisberg Calafell Benjamin Shaul Khala Sevon Praxton
3) Markesan Operational Area
Veckholm Yed Prior Talisker Valmiera Ki Zoban
Crucis March Shalaine Wingzar Halifax
Vendrell Abejorral
Corridan IV
Kannon Annapolis
Matsuida Beta Mensae V Waldheim Banori Loparri Ferris
Batajnica Callisto V Mesa Verde Cebalrai Sutama Monistrol Niles Kinkaid II
4) Minette Operational Area Edasich Yed Posterior Alnasi Tsukude Hagiwawa Ljugarn Yufu Altdorf Vonja
6 Zinal Gillfillan's Gold Mercedes
Stardawn York
Colinas Svinngarn Eaton
New Wessex
Minakuchi Koping Chian
Groveld III
Medron Dralkig Jeppens
La Blon Alrakis
Kaus Media
Dabih Piedmont
Reisling's Planet Marlowe's Rift
Bergman's Planet
New Aberdeen
Latexo Lyceum
Weekapaug Royalston
Ogilvie Wernke
Nizina Chirikof
Hongqiao Camlann Milnerton Ipswich Goodna Bentley New Westin Mentasta Blida Gurrnazovo Tortuga Prime
Corbeanca Denbar Kaguyak Olindo Sodertalje
4) Duchy of Andurien
Carmacks Alsek Quimper
Ellsworth Olafsvik Sappho Imalda
Isabela Fadiffolu Tintavel Klayne Java Indicass St. Loris Zindao Haappajarvi Chillon Cambiano Fetsund
Goth Khakar Karachi Nam Dinh Hustaing Beid Atlas Hobbs Jodipur New Hati
Paulinus Adelson
Chilung Maladar
5) Stewart Confederation Romita Iknogoro Frondas Mumbai Bogerth Ambergrist Kigamboni
Nullarbor Cronulla Fronde Castrovia Decus Corella Bodnath El Kerak Tiruchchirappalli
Hiratsuka Katlehong Tantara Baranda
Vikindu Mansu-ri Narellan Jenet Islamabad
Niops V Vosloorus Diass Florarda Mordialloc
Warlock Macintosh
6) Duchy of Graham-Marik Niops VI Lengkong Kwamashu New Troy Purvo Fathepur Great Gorge
Altorra Patan Tazaraki Gronholt New Gascony
Cirebon Claxton Tallin Hadnall Darwendale Birmensdorf
3 Sendalor Ziliang Uravan
Niops VII Tohelet Bismarck Kujari Carmen Oligar Texlos Kumqwat Cumberland June Hoonaar
Izmir Lesnovo Tematagi Barlaston El Giza Dalian Scarborough Birqash Marodzi Hecheng
7) Rim Commonality
Fieferana Antipolo Beenleigh Okains
8 Hindmarsh Ito Immenstadt Teng Gambarare Malagrotta
Mankova Wilkes Kupang Yàn-huì
Negushevo Kearny Weatogue Belaire
Westerhand Avigait Crawford Basantapur
Marathon Housekarle Ikast Dhaulgiri Oltepesi
Howrah Furud Velhas Blandou Kiserian Tegaldanas
8) Regulan Free States Guangzho Mosiro Jungar Qi Jaipur Kaitangata
Al Jubaylah Mauripur Yanchep Sumy Homestead Hobson As Samik Jacobabad
Cerignola Hudeiba Konopiste
Sharqah Palladaine Zanzor Kafr Silim Safe Port Chouli Enchi Vackisujfalu
Campoleone Karlstejn Bacum New Syrtis Agliana
9) Principality of Gibson Wright Drienfontein
Stettin Cole Harbour Shiro III Tetschner Panpour Naka Pabni Csomad
Ayn Tarma Latice Manapire Cotocallao
Gatchina Bayindir Glevakha Wisconsin Bogrib Dì-fang Aucara Taygeta
Deschenes Dili Jonzac
Conquista Grand Base Pentvar Firgrove Weippe Songgang
10) Abbey District Tellman's Mistake
Skvorec Cap Rouge Kanata
Sigma Mare
Holloway Wantorill Verlo Yongd
Sirdar Courcellete
Mandaree Hè-shì Sanurcha
Pleiades Cluster
Die Moot Tentativa
Tengil Xieng Khouang Pierce
11) Duchy of Orloff Kasdach Ridgebrook Keuterville Anaheim
Meadowvale Dansur 100
Payvand Andurien Nukus Toch Zu Cohagen
Ildlandet Glentworth Electra Traussin
Ceará Ruschegg Ryerson Primus Mazdru Warren Dumassas
Granera Borka Aomen Shaunavon Maia
Dicon Madras Merope Caldwell Verdigreis
Lochmantle Wrentham
Cranston Scheuerheck Pernik Lopez Prix Burl Mitchel Flintoft Brusett Montour
Xanthe III Lurgatan Shiba Menke
Rosendal Pell Frazer Victralla
Obrenovac Watermael Lucknow Sindalin Weitinger Mendham Mavegh
Ingonish Katla Amu Darya Decatur Diefenbaker
Cyrton Althea's Choice Lorkdal
Restitution Niomede Robsart Sartu Celentaro
Eleusis Buenos Aires Werfer
Sadurni Lindsay Organo Badlands Cluster
Leyda Columbine Jacson Hyalite 50
Bass Banfora Villanueva Cursa
Principia Victoria Yuris
Carmichael Brockway Norman's World
Vakarel Athna Kurvasa Bellatrix Hanseta
Booker Gouderak Mattisskogen Barras Vard Alexandria Horsham Logan's Land
Bethonolog Maldive Perdition Angra
Piriapolis Calseraigne Ordino Quimberton Mithron Amber Grove
Umka Naryn Turin Itsbur Centavido
Fagerholm Kazu Zanzibar Midale Masterton Baltar
Marantha Non Diz Merlin Grossbach Famdo
Afarsin New Vallis
Mangor Claybrooke Drozan Borden Egress Bromhead Jansen's Hold Dicallus
Thraxa Butzfleth Itica Chennai Atreus Prime Amber Simone Klenkar
Pilpala Sax Bergtatt Corodiz New Ganymede
Rollis Leh
Gallis Aspropirgos Thurrock Antias Andarmax Kalindam Pojos Parian Samantha
Gambilon Viribium Muridox Flatspin
Lindenmarle Jacomarle Gunthar Kern MacLeod's Land Ishtar Jamestown
Vixen Renfield Euschelus Cadela San Carlos
Espia Cavalor Ina
Zathras Larsha Pinard Taurus
Royal Foxx Canopus IV Hurik Laconis Illiushin Tirabad Serenity
Fanardir Salardion Repulse Megaris Luderitz
Fjaldr Landmark Menion
The Periphery
Tarol IV New Roland Renown Brisbane Camadeierre
Mondra Zelmag III
Hastur Aquagea Flannagan's Nebula
Ward Sterope
Segerica Ghorepani Payia New Vandenburg
Brinton Woogi
1) Magistracy of Canopus
Palladix Adrar Bringdam Enkra Fiery Plains Sebha
Megarez Borgan's Rift Hibuarius Flaum
Luxani Candiear Shaobuon Thamel Ryans Fate
Adherlwin Arn Burton
2) Taurian Concordat Lyreton Umgard Girondas
Kleinwelt Zhaomaon Mas
Techne's Revenge Mechdur Smithon Zelski II
Schmitt Nobel
Early Dawn Amnesty
3) Outworlds Alliance Durabon Wildwood Krimari
Lockton Herotitus Panzyr
4) Illyrian Palatinate
Herrmaz Harminous Brixtana Bonavista Nuncavoy Tyrlon
Joyz Katinka
Alloway Detroit Eliat
5) Lothian League Coopertown
New Abilene Sacromonte
Trznadel Cluster Adhara Palm Bellerophon Coromodir
Cate's Hold Gangtok
Kossandra's Memory Tetski
Balawat Hellespont
Chaadan Portland
Crawford's Delight Shipton Itzehoe Addasar
Gettorf Modesto
Eagle Rest
own agenda from the shadows. The secret Acts of extreme villainy became normalized during
order instigated the second war by fanning the the Succession Wars. No Great House was exempt.
smoldering embers of the first. The Second They answered violence with an even more violent
Succession War began after less than a decade retribution. Heroes of legendary proportion rose to
of peace and was nearly as destructive as its repel their oppressors. Names like the Stealths and
predecessor. The last WarShips in the Inner Snow Fire are immortalized in innumerable holovid
Sphere disappeared. Scientific and dramas. The last battle of the LCS Invincible was still
industrial centers were targeted romanticized even after its return during the Jihad.
for wholesale destruction.
Educated minds may Even less territory changed hands during the
have staved off the Second Succession War. No Successor Lord was
any closer to being recognized as First Lord by the
others. Nothing had been gained for all
the lives lost. The Successor States
again settled into a tense
period of peace
on Terra,
separate from
the conflict.
60 61
One side effect of the wars was a weakening of central authority in the Successor States. Democracy
was a long-failed ideal that did not hold in the vast distances between stars. Communications were
maintained through ComStar. Projecting force across the realm presented a different problem.
The further one traveled from the House Lords’ seats of power, the more they found their control
slipping. A new system—or perhaps a very old one—was needed to maintain order
The concept of feudalism began under the Terran Hegemony and took hold throughout Inner Sphere.
House Lords bestowed loyal lieutenants with ancient titles like “duke” or “baron.” These minor
nobles were given free rein over a portion of the House Lord’s territory. Some ruled a single world.
The most powerful controlled vast stretches of space. Common people could gain hereditary titles
through service to the realm. The BattleMech already held the top tier on the battlefield, but their
increasing scarcity gave them almost mythical regard in some places, and MechWarriors became the
House Bey House Bradford House Brewer House Cherenkoff
most valued of all combat troops. BattleMech ownership guaranteed a family a landholding. Warriors
thus invested fought more loyally when their liege lord called. They rose to the top tier in all nations
as all societies stratified. They were the chivalric knights of their age.
The system was not without its difficulties. Some MechWarriors were more loyal to regional lords
than to a distant Successor Lord. Trouble could arise if that regional noble harbored ideas above their
station. Eventually, every Great House had almost as many powerful enemies within as without.
House Kell House Kelswa House McKinnon House Orloff
D +1 Day
The BattleMech regiment begins advancing against enemy positions. Light BattieMech units are
detached to make lightning-quick raids against the planetary garrison's supply points, repair facilities
and surviving aerospace fighter bases. The rest of the regiment advances behind a screen of light
AN and medium BattleMechs.
TR D +2 Days and Beyond
AN The main invasion force makes contact with the defending planetary garrison. The defending
BattleMechs probably will have occupied positions in and around water sources such as lakes,
ST TRANSIT DISTANCE streams and shallow rivers. The side that controls the water has an obvious tactical advantage, and
CE most of the fighting will take place around those positions. The garrison will have to hold out for at
least six weeks before it can expect to receive any reinforcements. If they are badly outnumbered,
the defenders may split up into small units (usually lances) and operate as a guerrilla force, harassing
the invaders but refusing to engage in pitched battles.
64 65
MERCENARIES sought to make a living as independent contractors
in the employ of the Great Houses. Eridani Light
The Third Succession War, especially in its later
stages during the thirty-first century, saw perhaps
mercenaries seeking employment. Other worlds
long served as regional markets for mercenaries,
Soldiers of fortune. Heroes for hire. Lucre Horse, Blue Star Irregulars, Northwind Highlanders, the greatest changes to the mercenary industry. from Herotitus to Westerhand, Noisiel to Solaris
warriors. Hired guns. Security contractors. and the Stealths are just some examples of The arrival of Wolf’s Dragoons, whose mysterious VII, Kandersteg to Son Hoa, and others. These
Cannon fodder…and more. Mercenaries came mercenaries who went on to find great renown. origins captured the public’s imagination, put worlds and many others host hiring halls
into being long before humanity left the confines mercenaries in the limelight. The Dragoons served where soldiers of fortune can seek contracts
of Terra’s atmosphere. From the Carians Employers have long questioned the loyalty of such one House after the other, completing their secret, from employers ranging from House nobles to
and Ionians of Ancient Greece, to the French troops. This concern is exacerbated by commands original mission for their distant Clan leaders. corporations to wealthy landowners.
routiers of the Middle Ages, to the Hessians of whose loyalty only lasts as long as their contract— They were not the only such command to rise to
the American Revolution, mercenaries sought or worse yet, until a better offer comes along. Such prominence in this time. The Kell Hounds had ties The centuries since the fall of the Star League
fortune through bloody conflict. That tradition mercenaries often find themselves branded as to the Lyran throne, and their participation in high- exhibited cases of mercenaries rising to the highest
spread from Terra along with humanity. cowards, traitors, or war criminals. They stand in profile actions aided their rising fame. From saving of honorable performance and wallowing in the
contrast to mercenary commands of great repute, the Archon’s heir to recovering a First Prince’s depths of debasement, for every noble sacrifice
Mercenaries took part in all conflicts during the whose diehard commitment to their employers remains, the Kell Hounds exhibited the highest was matched with a horrific atrocity. The post-
colonization of the Inner Sphere and beyond, but often extends to the sacrifice of their lives. These ideals of the profession. The Gray Death Legion not Jihad abhorrence for war depleted House armies
it was the Succession Wars that gave rise to the commands may choose to remain distinct from only distinguished itself in battle, but also salvaged and mercenary ranks alike. Even so, mercenaries
mercenary trade that continues to this day. The fall House armies while fighting for the same House a Star League library core, leading to technological continued to ply their trade in various conflicts
of the Star League and subsequent outbreak of the for centuries. The Lexington Combat Group is recovery for the entire Inner Sphere. large and small. The Blackout once again increased
First Succession War created an insatiable demand one such command, whose SLDF forebears mercenary fortunes, as did all wars of the Inner
for troops. Many veterans of prior conflicts, or SLDF chose to serve House Davion. Likewise, respected War profiteers often flock to worlds whose Sphere, even as they were a curse to civilian
troops who chose not to join Kerensky’s Exodus, commands such as the Fourth Tau Ceti Rangers, rulers open their doors to mercenaries. populations. Callous though it might seem to those
Fifteenth Dracon, and McCarron’s Armored Cavalry For generations, Galatea was known as caught in the crossfire, one thing is certain during
served House Liao loyally for centuries. the Mercenary’s Star, becoming a hub for such uncertain times: business is good.
66 67
Since the dawn of civilization, humans have used combat to settle grievances, build their strength,
and even to entertain one another. Untold years later, the first bet was placed, and thousands of
years later, humanity is still doing the same thing—this time, with gigantic, high-tech engines of war.
The biggest revenue makers in the thirty-second century are the ’Mech games of the sports
entertainment industry. The early days of the ’Mech pitfighting traces its history to the Star League.
Rival BattleMech manufacturers tested their products in front of prospective buyers. Enterprising
individuals began to broadcast the combat trials. Spectators placed bets on the outcomes, and the
sport was born.
Most games take place in arenas (or pits, depending on the world) where crowds can cheer for
events from no-contact ’Mech races over obstacle courses, to solo or team duels to the death in
varying environments. Bets can be placed on opposing forces in the arenas of every world that hosts
them. Most combatants are independent individuals trying to make a name for themselves.
Some fighters lack the necessary equipment to compete, and that’s where managers
come in. Managers have connections in the entertainment industry,
and are out to make their names by riding the coattails of
strong fighters. Most managers try to hedge their
bets by hiring a group of individuals
and building a stable.
Then they can
’Mech combat games take place on a number of worlds, including Antallos, Galatea,
Astrokaszy, Noisiel, Hardcore, New Hessen, and Westerhand. Some are legitimate staples
of income and attraction for a planet; others operate in the dark voids of government or are
overlooked by government entities. But the gold standard in entertainment for centuries
has been Solaris VII, the Game World. Everyone in the Inner Sphere knows of the Game
World. Solaris ’Mech fights are legendary, and play on every trivid set and holo screen on
every world. People travel from all nations to witness the spectacle of the games. Many
save money their entire lives to make a single trip to the mecca of gaming and witness
these fights live. Even the wealthy are not immune to the charms of the sport. Some go so
far as to become benefactors or stable owners so they can associate with these icons of the
entertainment industry.
Some say the fights are fake, scripted just to make money. That competitors are injured or
die in the arena does little to dissuade the disbelievers. But almost everyone agrees on one
thing: that it is the greatest spectacle in entertainment.
68 69
INNER SPHERE - 2864 Vannes
Lyran Commonwealth
1 Tamar Pact Sentarus Manaringaine 120 LIGHT YEARS OR 36.8 PARSECS C
1) Trellshire Von Strang’s World
Region capital District capital National capital
Tamar Pact
2) Tamar Domains Mearra
8 6) District of Donegal
Zertarum Butte Hold
Damian and the STAR LEAGUE ARCHIVES on Terra. A S
5 7) Furillo Province
Thule Richmond Alfirk
Erewhon Iron Land Holmsbu
Windhoek Here Bensinger Glabach
7 Skye
Federation of Skye Anywhere
Skallevoll New Ceylon
Apollo Star's End
8) Kannon Shire
Toland Pinnacle
tion of
Ambrose Constance Idlewind Tarnby
9) Virginia Shire
Machapuchre Awyron Nebula Susquehanna Altona
Maxie's Planet Verthandi Hermagor Slaithwaite
Newtown Square Black Earth Derf Nykvarn Stapelfeld
Csesztreg Lovinac Bruben 40 Sawyer Chapineria Leyland Brihuega
Arlanda Beta VII Rasalhague Last Frontier Brailsford
Mogabouti Trell I New Oslo
Montsegur Biegga Harvest Kirchbach Coudoux
Garstedt Brocchi's Cluster
Kolovraty Mogyorod Malibu Romulus Radlje Chupadero Algate Chorley RIMWARD
Hot Springs Butler Dawn Polcenigo Lonaconing Ad Duwayd
Wypoute Hood IV Pangkalan Seiduts Vipaava Jezersko Kabah Echo
Rypful Roadside Jeanette
Kowloon Kikuyu Christiania Schuyler
rict Twycross
Military Dist
Blackjack Unzmarkt Hanover Korramabad
Mozirje Feltre Pomme De Terre
Delagoa Clermont Seuta Bimyeong Kamarod
Annunziata Waldorff Qandahar
Jerangle Evciler Savinsville Duxfort
Engadine Goat Path Ferleiten Predlitz Courchevel Bangor
Hohenems Matamoras
Draconis Combine
Main Street Winter Chapultepec Vantaa Ridderkerk Luzerne
Jesenice Blue Hole Denizli Jeronimo Pusht-i-rud
Viluisk Willunga Melissia Kookens
11 Trentham Apolakkia Basiliano Spittal Casere McAlister Emar
Arluna Pleasure Pit Alyina Leskovik Svarstaad Kufstein Macksburg Espakeh
Neerabup Kwangchowwang Chahar
Cusset Thannhausen Gunzburg Sheliak
Tuat Caripare
Irece Nara
Australia Yeguas
5) Ningxia Prefecture
13) Dehgolan Prefecture Aboukir Ewanrigg Great X Maestu Unity Enif
Morges Kobe Thimphu
13 8
Millerton Brooloo Bessarabia Kanto Antallos (Port Krin)
Ludwigshafen Heiligendreuz
Helduza A Place
Galedon Military District 14) Baldur Prefecture Anatolia
Khartoum Recife
Windsor Beta Regulus II Blair Atholl Biota Perrot Hyperion Karston Alshain
Tinaca Yamarovka
Cyrenaica Ulsan
Hassi R'mel Soul
Wynn’s Roost
16 Ma'anshan Tainjin Tangua Goetville Montmarault
Marawi Mualang Asgard
Shimoda Charity
Old Canton
New Capetown Bountiful Harvest Koniz Benfled Thun Port Arthur
16) Kajikazawa Prefecture
9 7) Matsuida Prefecture Qanatir Santana Halesowen Kagoshima Azur
Suk II
Galuzzo Sternwerde
Lost Suianheer
y Distri
Skandia Mizt
19 18
Tarazed Avon Koury Feijo
8) New Samarkand Prefecture17) Proserpina Prefecture Prydain Domain Ardoz Luthien Shimonoseki New Samarkand
Niangol Abbadiyah Timkovichi Graceland Ballynure La Grave Shardayne Pondicherry
Zefri Biuque Atocongo Maule Miyada
17 Caldarium New Exford Carse Setubal Dneiper Glitnir
Kiamba Kanowit
Valabhi Wrociaw Nox Chirala
9) Kaznejoy Prefecture 18) Irurzun Prefecture Sialkot Baryshevo Pandora
Guatavita Sabhal Mòr Ostaig Diosd Eguilles Krenice Baruun Urt Braunton Sighisoara Kazanka Prinis Prime
Krung Thep Orkney Utrecht Leiston
Arc-Royal Tanh Linh Tabayama
Crimond Quarell Altenmarkt Mizunami
Dumaring Worrell
Dieron Military District Langhorne Kandersteg Lothan Mannedorf Bicester Koulen
Rosetta Qarahta Krievci Corsica Nueva Risin
Toffen Xinyang Yumesta Ramgarh
Federated Suns
Greenlaw Crevedia Dalkeith Sakuranoki Dindatari Calish III
Draconis March Meghy Timbuktu Kostinbrod Quilino
Minderoo Eutin
Gibbs Donegal Apostica Sakhalin Buckminster Chimpaw Minowa
Tatsuno Schirmeck Rudolpho Baliggora
All Dawn Helsingfors Togura Nadrin Dreadlord Halgrim
1 2
Kvistgard Tharkad Hachiman Alpheratz Shiri
Hillerod Kockengen Breukelen Cadiz Handa Senorbi
Draconis March Vihtijarvi Symington Aubisson Falsterbo Kirei Na Niwa Delitzsch Lushann
Albion Accrington Alegro Mitchella
Wiltshire Sapienza Kaumberg
Duran Tetersen Auldhouse Kingtribel Gram Kajikazawa Kawabe Valentina Raldamax
Shionoha Vanern Kaznejoy
Porrima Carstairs Hun Ho
1) Robinson Operational Area Kladnitsa Alarion Saaremaa Trimaldix
Firenze Aur Eaglesham Phalan Shimosuwa Fukuroi Weisau Praxton
Calafell Veckholm Kannon Benjamin Valmiera Shaul Khala Ki Zoban Sevon
Wingzar Kirkcaldy Yed Prior Annapolis
Shalaine Halifax Enzesfled Graz Corridan IV Matsuida Beta Mensae V Waldheim Kent
3 2) Woodbine Operational Area Coldbrook Abejorral Banori Loparri Ferris
Batajnica Vendrell Cebalrai Apriki Kinkaid II Vonja
Callisto V Mesa Verde Sutama Monistrol Niles
Edasich Yed Posterior Alnasi Tsukude Ljugarn Igualada
Hagiwawa Altdorf
Crucis March
Thuban Minakuchi Koping Chian Groveld III
Novara York Svinngarn Alexandria New Wessex
Gillfillan's Gold Stardawn Colinas Eaton Baxter Rukbat Delacruz Jeppens
Mercedes Vega
Stanley Lancaster Smolnik Altais Goldlure An Ting Crestoblus Ugland Waitur
Gallery Enkoping Westfield
3) Markesan Operational Area
Freedom Kimball II Wittington
Crucis March Merlynpede Jaumegarde Whittington Marfik Eltanin Grootfontein Umijiri Capra Kesai IV
6 Kitopler Aiguebelle Dagda Alya Irurzun
Hinckley Nekkar Konstance Kitalpha Arlington Bryceland
Halmyre Deans Hildaman Huan Tellman IV
4) Minette Operational Area Turinge Izar Kaus Borealis Tancredi IV Valasha
Rijeka Algedi Donenac Toten
Zaprudy Laurieston Ryde Komephoros Kessel Waddesdon Gandy's Luck
Karkkila Rapla Chukchi III Zebeneschamali Shimonita Harpster Misery Oldsmith Périgueux Conroe Mishkadrill
Chiavenna Carlisle Bjornlunda Balkan Kaus Australis Reisling's Planet Marlowe's Rift Kennard
5) Chirikof Operational Area Viborg
Venaria Mezzana
Ukunela Halfway
Chaffee Carnwath
La Blon Alrakis
Kaus Media
Dabih Piedmont
Bergman's Planet
New Aberdeen
Cimeron Latexo
5 Florida Furillo Albalii Junction Cassias McGehee Anguilla Haynesville
Capellan March Lande 10
Morrigan Ciotat
Kochab Unukalhai
Dromini VI
Chichibu Celebes
New Sumatra
Galtor III Deshler
Harrow's Sun
Elidere IV
Colia Brookeland
Pajarito Pitkin
Inner End
Capellan Confederation
Rajkot Dixie Fletcher Basalt Mirach Carnac DeWitt Larned Neosho
Stantsiya Tigress Peabody Mokane
Giausar Nestor Alkes Dieudonne Bordon Brownsville Caselton Palmyra Kublenz
Althastan Concord Aquileia Outreach Kawich Edwards Davisville
Abramkovo Ford Talitha Woodstock Rio Avawatz
Loric Amity Remulac Nopah Achernar Cholame Newton Keytesville Sullivan St. Robert Abbeville
New Hope Connaught Terra Firma Angol Rosamond Blandinsville Bogard Quincy Humansville
3 1) Tikonov Commonality Son Hoa Madiun Starshine Zuhbehr Malazan
Bella I
Megrez Danais Savannah
Van Diemen IV Capolla Acamar Bharat
Hamal Yangtze
Sturganos Mermentau
Hall Chisholm Azha Marlette Saltural
2) Chesterton Commonality Pencader Penobscot Cavanaugh II Alula Borealis McAffe Bondurant Tania Borealis Delphos Monroe Tsamma Bayeux
Khon Kaen Acubens Slocum Mira Kestrel Rosiclare
Colfax Cascade Togwotee Adhafera Alphard New Hessen
Beecher New Valencia Imbrial III
Timbiqui Mesartim Tawas
Sheridan Stewart Hsien Nanking Arboris Parma Gambier Hoyleton Offerman
Nockatunga Mauckport
3) Sarna Commonality Trellisane Thermopolis Miaplacidus Irian Wasat Mandal Zurich Genoa Wroxeter Batavia
Poulsbo Saunemin Capac Bellevue Andelys
Helm Almach Sodus
Baltazar III Epsilon Pingree Gannett Grobin Pliska
Blue Sava Tall Trees Aldebaran Algol Kansu Sanilac Kirklin
Iolas Hell's Paradise Merak Berenson Buchlau Chesterton Petrolia Plymouth Mansfield Okefenokee
4) Capella Commonality Tania Australis Bristol Flushing Vandalia
6 Circinus Labouchere Rexburg Sterling Ningpo Ormal Vicente Shawnee
Millungera New Canton Liao Conwy Listowel Cahokia Zolfo
Preston Elbing Menkalinan Demeter Euclid
Galisteo Promised Land Gallatin Bedeque Augustine Gan Singh Pleione Manteno Huron Cerulean
Halloran V Ulan Batar
5) Sian Commonality Bainsville Belluevue Markesan Streator Northfield Willowick
Griffith Zortman Marik Kristiandsund Unkador Crofton
Niihau Autumn Wind Bhaktapur
Poznan Algot Tianamon Farwell Bluford
Wedderborg Anjin Muerto
Cerillos Avellaneda Hamilton O'Fallon
Saltillo Tamarind Angell II Zion New Aragon Des Arc
6) St Ives Commonality Alorton Schererville
Kosciusko Lancaster
St Gall Bernardo Kyrkbacken Manennaia
Valexa Goshen
Amiga McHenry
Coloma Meinrad
Ibstock Asuncion Sichuan Foot Fall Ashkum Hahira
Edmondson Washburn Reinhardstein Chebanse
Maderas Keystone Oceana
Bell Axton Tecumseh Beten Kaitos Leipsic
Mundrabilla Ilmachna Suzano Tsitsang Numenor
Loongana Coriscana Asellus Australis Park Place Shipka Argyle Andalusia Minette
Sierra Midkiff Campbelton Dickinson August Pavia Second Try Wei New Avalon
Merton Maxwell Ling Ohrensen New Macao Sylvester Perdido
Kilarney Ventabren Palos Emerson
Eromanga Asellus Borealis Highspire Freisland Galax Teylingen Sherwood
Curaumilla Yunnah Zaurak Lynchburg Brockton Arundel
Escobas Kirkenlaard Drusibacken Lungdo Sorunda Manassas Jesup
Kakada Mandate Acala Talcott Belladonna Shubuta
Manotick Paradise Laureles Gomeisa Elnath
Sackville Shui-pào Menkib Moravian
Silver Albert Falls New Olympia McKenna Second Chance Achilles New Athens Smolensk Torrence Point Barrow Hoensbroek Ebro
Conakry Zempoatlepetl Sophie's World Wazan Gravensteen
Nova Roma Harsefeld Corey Matsu Aosia Boeotia Dothan Molino
Loyalty Jászberény New Delos Ulan Bator Sakhalin Quimper Antietam
Tongatapu Fuentes Phact Remshield Agmond
Gibraltar Chalouba Ashburton Old Kentucky Paches Memphis
Aylmer Hammer Hódmezovásárhely Emris IV Steeles
Schiedam Quemoy Kaifeng Heligoland Kek Perkasie Dirk's Gulf El Dorado Hortense
Tsinghai Morven
Tchamba Tiber Ramen II Chamdo Lee Kathil Covington
Kyeinnisan Reisterstown Baxley
Tormentine Ionus Köln Hassad Tsingtao Orbisonia
Alterf Raballa Sarna Gallitzin Remagen Vereeniging
Hazeldean Wolof Bora Vintru Bahl's Retreat Wetumpka
Bowang Semenyih Vanra Campertown Truth Dol Bastian Hephzibah
Naissus Sarmaxa Minnacora Salem Kenilworth
Sardis Cajamarca Avior Lesalles Lhasa Fincastle Du Lac Wedgefield Vaucluse
Home Atreus Cammal Monongahela Bonneau Valois
Lepaterique Manihiki Aitutaki Carbonis Chitwan Montcoal Ferrara
Illyria San Nicolas Chengdu Randar Gahral Stockpoll Broken Wheel
Harmony Kiyev Matheran Ingersoll Staffin Moultrie
Lordinax Trinidad Newcastle Capella Andro
Panjang Ares Lackland
Atzenbrugg Kogl New Praha Bithinia Novaya Zemlya Branzoll Victoria Chakachamna Sabanillas
Claxton Carmen Sendalor Ziliang Uravan
Oligar Texlos
Tallin Hadnall Kumqwat
Birqash Marodzi
Birmensdorf June
Hoonaar Cooperland
New Gascony
Avigait Crawford Oltepesi
The Periphery
Afarsin New Vallis
Mangor Claybrooke Drozan Borden Egress Bromhead Jansen's Hold Dicallus
Thraxa Butzfleth Itica Chennai Atreus Prime Amber Klenkar
Pilpala Sax Bergtatt Corodiz Rollis New Ganymede
Aspropirgos Pojos Leh
Gallis Thurrock Samantha
1) Magistracy of Canopus Vixen
Viribium Jacomarle Gunthar
Muridox Kern MacLeod's Land Ishtar Jamestown
Euschelus Cadela San Carlos
Zathras Espia Larsha Pinard
2) Taurian Concordat Tarol IV
Royal Foxx Canopus IV
Fanardir Salardion
New Roland
Brisbane Landmark
Zelmag III
3) Outworlds Alliance Mondra
Hastur Aquagea
Segerica Ghorepani Payia
New Vandenburg
Flannagan's Nebula
Megarez Borgan's Rift Bringdam Enkra Fiery Plains
4) Illyrian Palatinate
Hibuarius Flaum
4 Luxani Candiear Adherlwin Arn Linhauiguan
Ryans Fate
Umgard Burton
The ink on the treaties ending the Second able to build or repair them. Should they be lost,
Succession War had barely dried before the humanity would be forever consigned to isolated
Third began. This war would not be like the islands throughout space. The Succession Wars
previous two; too much had been lost to had brought humanity to its nadir.
continue fighting on the same scale. The Third
Succession War was an unending series of Many worlds changed hands during the wars.
small-scale raids and the occasional major The Capellan Confederation saw half of its
offensive, altogether lasting far longer than the worlds gobbled up by the Free Worlds League
previous wars. Mission objectives shifted from and Federated Suns. The Lyran Commonwealth
destruction to theft. Resources were targeted absorbed much of the defunct Rim Worlds
and carried off. The technology necessary Republic. The Draconis Combine seized many
to maintain life became more valuable than worlds from the Commonwealth.
military assets. Raids were often conducted for
spoils as simple as potable water. JumpShips
became sacrosanct, with so few facilities still
72 73
A new word crept into the common lexicon as the wars raged on. Lostech, or lost technology, referred to
Star League era technology that could no longer be manufactured, or even understood in some cases.
BattleMechs became less deadly as they devolved. The Successor States’ vast WarShip fleets
disappeared. Factory outputs slowed to a trickle. Entire industries ground to a halt. Equipment
broke down and stayed that way. No one knew how to fix it. Functional shipyards were reduced to
minimal operation. JumpShip production barely kept up with attrition losses due to age and wear.
Losing more to combat would ensure that humanity never traveled the stars again. A tacit agreement
between all Houses blossomed that protected JumpShips from destruction.
The decline affected every world differently. The most fortunate lost only their most high-tech
gadgets. Less habitable planets found themselves in dire straits. Air and water purifiers became
more valuable than gold or jewels. If replacement parts could not be found, the world often died.
Some worlds collapsed into complete anarchy. Many regressed to a scavenger economy. Nothing
could be had unless it was found by chance or taken from a foe. Lostech prospectors roamed the
stars on battered JumpShips. Desperate souls made a living by scouring centuries-old battlefields.
Hidden Star League depots were occasionally uncovered. Their contents could change life for the
better. A cache of old BattleMechs would make the finder rich.
With the advent of advanced Terran Hegemony—Star League—technology, the Thunderbolt saw
an upgrade in the mid-twenty-sixth century. Designated TDR-5Sb, it was built from the ground up,
with a lighter chassis of endo steel, allowing it to mount heavier weapons and equipment. The large
laser was replaced by an extended-range particle projection cannon, an Artemis fire control system
was added to the long-range missiles, the short-range missiles were replaced with a Streak missile
launcher (which would not fire without an absolute target lock), the machine guns were replaced by
far-deadlier small pule lasers, and finally a small laser was mounted above the cockpit. In addition
the Thunderbolt ’s heat sinks were replaced by fourteen “double” heat sinks, allowing the -5Sb to run
as cool as the -5S despite the higher heat buildup.
The Succession Wars (and ComStar’s Operation Holy Shroud) took a heavy toll on industry. By the
twenty-ninth century the Thunderbolt’s lighter endo steel frame could no longer be manufactured, and
the technology behind much of its other advanced equipment was lost. The TDL-5L was built on the older,
heavier, skeleton, and necessitated the replacement of the extended-range particle projection cannon with
an extended-range large laser, as well as the removal of the small laser and one double heat sink.
Within three short decades of the introduction of the -5L, -5LS debuted, which replaced the advanced
long- and short-range missile packs with their original, pre-Star League counterparts. Furthermore,
fifteen standard heat sinks once more took the place of double heat sinks.
The next century would see the production of extended-range and pulse laser come to an end, thus
leaving only the old Thunderbolt TDR-5S viable for manufacture, maintenance, and repair. Many
’Mechs, such as the Crusader and Phoenix Hawk, suffered a similar fate, while others—introduced at
the zentih of the Star League—such as the Marauder and Black Knight, were downgraded to remain
viable. And then there are those ’Mechs that simply vanished from both the field and from memory.
74 75
Primitive Neurohelmet Primitive Side Torso and
Left Arm from a
Neurohelmet FrankenMechs Head from a
Archer ARC-2R
The scavenger nature of warfare Phoenix Hawk PXH-1
during the Third Succession War
Face Plate House gave rise to the FrankenMech.
Insignia Coolant
Vest Desperate techs and logisticians
would jury-rig anything and
Short-Range everything salvaged from the
Radio battlefield to keep their war
machines operational. “Unable to
Padded repair this ’Mech’s PPC? Yank it
Helmet out and replace it with autocannon
Supports Cooling and ammo bin, and pull out a
System couple now-unnecessary heat
sinks while you're at it, they can Torso and
be used elsewhere.” In extreme Legs arom a
cases, entire limbs or parts of Rifleman RFL-2N
torsos were cobbled together
Harness resulting in an unidentifiable
Connectors mashup of a machine that
stymie recognition by
enemy warbooks.
Right Arm from a
Shorts Warhammer WHM-6R
Cooling Socket
Boots A Matter of Scale
After scrounging for
hours, this thirsty
Wilson’s Hussars Atlas BattleMech Overlord
MechWarrior finds 100 tons Visigoth OmniFighter DropShip
a few drops 60 tons 9,700 tons
of "lostech."
Schrek PPC Carrier
80 tons 12m
With the scarcity of the Succession
Wars, controlling the battlefield was
76 77
78 79
Lyran Commonwealth
Tamar Pact
1 1) Trellshire
2) Tamar Domains
Protectorate of Donegal
Tamar Pact
3) Coventry Province Von Strang’s World
8) Rahneshire Lackhove
Thule Richmond
ky Anywhere
f Somerset Toland Star's End
8 atio
Bone-Norman Dark
Constance Idlewind
Nebula 40 Susquehanna Altona
Svelvik Rockland
Persistence Icar
Brocchi's Cluster
Treeline The Edge Turtle Bay Hartshill
New Caledonia Leoben Trondheim
St. John New Bergen Salford Nowhere
Golandrinas Chateau Rodigo Almunge Virentofta
11 19) Proserpina Prefecture
4) Qandahar Prefecture Trentham Pleasure Pit Alyina Apolakkia McAlister Macksburg Espakeh
Arluna Kwangchowwang Chahar Leskovik Svarstaad Kufstein
Neerabup Machida
Inarcs Engadin Byesville Wolcott
5) Ningxia Prefecture 20) Irurzun Prefecture Elume Bucklands Medellin
Dell Skokie
Goito Hyner Herndon
ague M
13 1
Howick Radstadt
Tamar Abiy Adi
21) Vega Prefecture
Sevren Ningxia
6) Oshika Prefecture
Mandaoaaru Tuscarawas
Memmingen Pesht Linqing
Dompaire Kempten Teniente
Canal Mahone Babaeski Itabaiana
Strandfontein Deia Weingarten Vorarlberg Thessalonika
7 11) Radstadt Prefecture Skandia Ardoz
Tarazed Avon Chatham Dneiper
24 Niangol Abbadiyah Biuque Timkovichi Atocongo Graceland Ballynure La Grave Domain
Setubal Luthien
New Samarkand
23 20 12) Trondheim Prefecture
Caldarium New Exford Kanowit Chirala
Baryshevo Wrociaw Pandora Nox Kiamba
Guatavita Diosd Eguilles Krenice Baruun Urt Braunton Sighisoara Kazanka Prinis Prime
Krung Thep Orkney Utrecht
Tanh Linh Leiston
Qurayyat Arc-Royal Quarell Tabayama
13) Alshain Prefecture
Crimond Altenmarkt Mannedorf Mizunami
Dumaring Worrell Koulen
Langhorne Qarahta Coventry Krievci Kandersteg Lothan Bicester Corsica Nueva
Xinyang Yumesta Ramgarh Risin
Loxley Ramsau Babuyan
14) Kirchbach Prefecture
Hamilton Toffen Milligan's World
trict Chhaprauli Jabuka Meilen Omagh Ban Na San Zlatousi
litary Dis
Slewis Sappir Rubigen
Champadanga Caledea Najha Kiesen Paracale Chinmen Tao
Dieron Mi
Incukalns Dukambia Rasalgethi Tukayyid Odabasi Dyfed
Keihoku Zalaf
15) Rubigen Prefecture Storfors C.M.O. 26 Tsinan
Borghese Fort Loudon Ueda
Dehgolan Pilkhua
Yardley Philadelphia
Midway Bad News Quantraine
Federated Suns
Vorzel Garrison Quiberas
Richvale Fatima Al Hillah
Draconis March Akfata Virtue
Horneburg Westerstede
Morningside Camlann
Otho Osmus Saar
Galedon V
Morthac Jordan Wais
Reese Station Pherkad Ginestra Orestes Trolloc Prime Mersa Matruh
Timbuktu Crevedia Sakuranoki Dindatari Calish III
Kostinbrod Dalkeith Baliggora
1) Robinson Operational Area
Quilino Gibbs Donegal Apostica Minowa Schirmeck Rudolpho
Minderoo Eutin Sakhalin Buckminster Tatsuno
All Dawn Kvistgard Helsingfors Togura Hachiman Nadrin
Kockengen Breukelen Symington Senorbi Alpheratz
Noisiel Hillerod Accrington Cadiz Handa
Tharkad Falsterbo
2) Tancredi IV Operational Area Wiltshire Sapienza Kaumberg
Duran Tetersen
Lintz Porrima Carstairs
Kajikazawa Vanern Kawabe
Hun Ho
Kirei Na Niwa Delitzsch
Kaznejoy Valentina
Lushann Mitchella
3 Crucis March
Alarion Saaremaa Trimaldix
Kladnitsa Firenze Aur Eaglesham Shionoha Shimosuwa Fukuroi Weisau
Hunter's Paradise Otisberg Calafell Benjamin Shaul Khala Sevon Praxton
Veckholm Kirkcaldy Annapolis Valmiera
Halifax Enzesfled Yed Prior Corridan IV Matsuida Beta Mensae V Waldheim
3) Markesan Operational Area
Coldbrook Vendrell Abejorral Tsukude Loparri Ferris
Batajnica Mesa Verde Cebalrai Sutama Apriki Kinkaid II
Callisto V Monistrol Niles
Crucis March 10 Alexandria Igualada
Edasich Yed Posterior Alnasi Hagiwawa Ljugarn Delacruz
Thuban Altdorf
Groveld III
4) Minette Operational Area Novara New Wessex Minakuchi Koping Chian
Gillfillan's Gold York Colinas Svinngarn Baxter
Enders Cluster Mercedes Eaton Rukbat
Stanley Lancaster Smolnik Vega Altais An Ting Crestoblus
Gallery Enkoping Arlington
Freedom Kimball II Eltanin
5) Chirikof Operational Area Jaumegarde Whittington Marfik Umijiri Capra Kesai IV Dormandaine
Konstance Irurzun Ramora
Aiguebelle Nekkar Alya Gandy's Luck
Hinckley Kitalpha Huan Bryceland Tellman IV
Turinge Izar
Capellan March Rijeka Komephoros Kaus Borealis Shitara Algedi Donenac Marlowe's Rift Valasha
Halmyre Deans
Zaprudy Laurieston Ryde Waddesdon Cimeron Tancredi IV
Karkkila Rapla Chukchi III Zebeneschamali Balkan Kessel Shimonita Misery Conroe Mishkadrill
Chiavenna Carlisle Bjornlunda Kaus Australis Reisling's Planet Kennard
Halfway Thestria
6) Kathil Operational Area Viborg Florida
Venaria Mezzana
La Blon
Kaus Media Dabih
Galtor III
Harpster New Aberdeen
Bergman's Planet Cassias
Latexo Anguilla Lyceum Haynesville
Pajarito Pitkin
Ascella Cussar Elidere IV
7) Taygeta Operational Area Ciotat Dromini VI Chichibu Deshler Inner End
Gladius Unukalhai Moore New Harrow's Sun Damevang Hazelhurst
Urjala Wapakoneta Udibi Colia Brookeland
Canonbie Alphecca Kuzuu Marduk Sturgis Diboll
Trent Ashio New Mendham
Aristotle Barlow’s End De Berry
Enders Cluster Kurhah McComb
Premana Czarvowo Rosice Seginus Kochab Skondia Sabik Shinonoi Tripoli
Delos IV
Novo Franklin
Aberystwyth Eidsfoss Laiaka Skye Lambrecht Tannil Lima Benet III Bremond Pascagoula
Uzhgorod Glenmora Choudrant
Capellan March Ayacucho Medzev Zvolen Clinton
Alkalurops Atria Yance I Kervil Lapida II Homam
Sterlington Pattison
Zebebelgenubi Dyev Halstead Tallmadge Rowe Fallon II Brundage
New India Kitzingen Soilihull Hesperus II Ko Crossing
Nusakan Telos IV Biham Station Scheat Royal Fairfield Tishomingo Greeley Kilbourne Beaumont
Radostov Sierpc Syrma Sadalbari
Acrux Drosendorf Arganda NashiraImbros III
Valloire Carsphairn Lyons
Pike IV Sadachbia Breed Melcher Ottumwa Milligan Stratford
Caledonia Galatea Ancha Hoff Arnaudville
Buena New Ivaarsen
Hollabrunn Sarpsborg Lamon Summer Athenry
Skat Cylene Fellanin II Proserpina Klathandu IV Dobson Sakhara V
Morrill Adrian Farnsworth Millray
Herzberg Menkent Al Na'ir Fairfax
Alcor Yorii Styx Deneb Algedi Sun Prairie
Gypsum Mariefred Vindemiatrix Mizar Asta Murchison Markab Bettendorf Princton Kountze
Zollikofen Dieron Chanute Woodbine Winfield Mica II
Cruz Alta Binyang Fianna Algorab Cor Caroli Haddings Altair Nirasaki Pokhara Boondock Mica V
Revivim Finsterwalde Eilenburg Muphrid David Lucerne Dahar IV Urich
Danxian Gacrux Galatia III Le Blanc Franklin Mica VII
Alioth Rigel Helen Towne Waunakee Mirage
Sarikavak Al Jafr Loburg Dar-es-Salaam Chara Thorin Kentarus
Saffel Quentin Mara Xhosa VII
Verde Alta Vista
New Kyoto Lipton Cohay
Zwenkau Rahne Alchiba New Earth Fomalhaut Ozawa Raman Doneval II Maynard
Inchicore Ellijay Senftenberg Zaniah Milton Errai Rochester Allerton Tarkio Mayetta Inman
Phecda Denebola Zavijava Mallory's World Sylvan Protection Nagel Bassfield
Maisons Bolan Terra Northwind Clovis Delacambre
Ilzra Kamenz Hyde Caph Addicks Olancha Junior
Capellan Confederation
Arcadia Solaris Wyatt Alulua
Zosma Sirius Deneb Ankaa Ronel Cartago
Shahr Kord Launam Shiloh Australis Keid Bryant
Small Emporia Sauk City Hickok Altoona
Wing Oliver World Kaitos Kentares IV Exeter Pattonsbrug Hivrannee
Rochelle New Elbar Robinson Colchester Necedah Linneus Thibodaux
Alhena Marcus Procyon Ingress Benedict
Biloela Bobruisk Gienah Uhuru New Home Epsilon Tybalt Rhodes III Declan II
1) Tikonov Commonality
Pressby Graham IV
Teyvareb Chertan Callison Castor Indi Sheratan Ruchbah Hean Charleywood Potwin Savonburg
3 Azha Yangtze
Pencader Cavanaugh II Cascade Bondurant Tania Borealis Hall Chisholm Nanking Alrescha Marlette Saltural Monroe Tsamma
4) Sian Commonality Andiron Khon Kaen Acubens Mira Kestrel Delphos Rosiclare
Nockatunga Trellisane Colfax Togwotee Alphard Goderich
Adhafera Arboris New Hessen Tawas Beecher New Valencia Imbrial III
Baltazar III Timbiqui Sheridan Slocum Mesartim Parma Gambier Hoyleton Kaufermann Offerman
Alula Borealis Thermopolis Stewart Irian Wasat Hsien Kansu Mauckport
Zurich Genoa Wroxeter Batavia
5) St Ives Commonality
Poulsbo Epsilon Miaplacidus Saunemin Capac Bellevue Andelys
Helm Almach Sanilac Sodus
Pingree Gannett Tall Trees Aldebaran Algol Buchlau Acoma
Kirklin Yamoussoukra
Diedre's Den Merak Berenson Chesterton Petrolia Plymouth Mansfield Okefenokee
Promised Land Sterling Tania Australis Marik Saiph Bristol Flushing Vandalia Shawnee
Labouchere Rexburg Ningpo Ormal Vicente
New Listowel Cahokia
5 Circinus Liao Demeter Zolfo
Galisteo Millungera Preston Bedeque Augustine Menkalinan Canton Manteno Huron Euclid
Gallatin Poznan Halloran V Ulan Batar Willowick Cerulean
4 Griffith Zortman Streator Northfield Unkador Crofton
Tamarind Autumn Wind Gan Singh Pleione Algot Farwell Wedderborg Anjin Muerto
Clayborne II Cerillos Niihau Bainsville Hamilton Zion New Aragon Versailles Bluford
Thadora's Land Saltillo Avellaneda O'Fallon Des Arc
Schererville Angell II Menkar Amiga McHenry Coloma Meinrad McRae
Alorton Kosciusko Bernardo Shensi Valexa Goshen Delavan
Lancaster Kyrkbacken Arcadia Saginaw Xenia Steinhatchee
Everett Tiskilwa Strawn Leamington
Hardisey's Haven Rasalas Hunan Jonathan Weldon
Abadan Scudder Paulding Symsonia
Ideyld Ibstock Asuncion Styk Foochow Odell Ipava Saltville Metter Rentz
Dalcour Diamantina Simpson Desert Shasta Ariel St. Andre Muskegon Augusta Korvitz Bayeux
Ashkum Hahira
Edmondson Washburn Holt Foot Fall Tecumseh Reinhardstein Chebanse Leipsic
New St. Andrews Maderas Keystone Oceana Suzano
Zorn's Keep Tsitsang Bell Numenor Defiance St. Cyr
Loongana Mundrabilla Coriscana Asellus Australis Shipka Beten Kaitos Argyle Andalusia Minette
Sierra Midkiff Campbelton Dickinson Park Place Wei Maison
Merton Maxwell Asellus Borealis Ling Second Try New Highspire Axton New Avalon Sylvester Perdido
Kilarney Drusibacken Sorunda Ventabren Palos Macao Emerson Simancas
Blantleff Eromanga Escobas Freisland Galax Teylingen Sherwood
Curaumilla Laureles Lungdo Zaurak Lynchburg Brockton
Kirkenlaard Ohrensen Yunnah Manassas Jesup
Sophie's World Gomeisa Acala Talcott Shubuta
Kakada Albert Falls Paradise Mandate Belladonna
Maximillian Manotick Elnath Menkib Moravian
Sackville Silver New Olympia Second Chance Smolensk Point Barrow Hoensbroek Ebro
Conakry McKenna Ulan Bator Matsu Torrence
Nova Roma Phact Gravensteen Dothan Summerstide
Corey Vecchio Molino
Loyalty Tongatapu New Delos Sakhalin Quimper Antietam
Gibraltar Ashburton Wazan Remshield Agmond
Aylmer Hammer Chalouba Harsefeld Steeles Memphis
Kyeinnisan Old Kentucky Quemoy Kaifeng Heligoland Perkasie Dirk's Gulf Hortense
Schiedam Fuentes Meinhof El Dorado
Tchamba Alterf Tiber Lee Orbisonia Kathil Covington Morven
Emris IV Chamdo Reisterstown Baxley
Ionus Hassad Tsinghai
Tormentine Sarna Tsingtao Remagen Vereeniging
Hazeldean Wolof Raballa Bora Truth Gallitzin
Panjang Sagan Chakachamna Lackland
Atzenbrugg Kogl No Return Novaya Zemlya Victoria Sabanillas
Valil'yevskiy Hellos Minor Elektrougli Propus Gulkana Waimalu Marielund
Trondheimal Norfolk Daneshmand Geifer Necromo Bethel Waxell Filtvelt
Ibarra Regulus Muscida Mejicanos
2) Federation of Oriente Lothario Trasjkis
Kutludugun Aconcagua
Salur Les Halles
Cordiagr Aldertaine Gei-Fu
Relevow Capricorn III
Nis Susulatna
Nunivak Sparrevohn
Tatlawiksuk Zambezi
Calloway VI Kluane
3) Principality of Regulus Wallis Boardwalk Kashilla Brighton Nashuar Morgan's Holdfast
Cameron Dayr Khuna
Alcyone Dunkerque Notwina
Karakiraz Ngake Loeches Nahoni Colorado Lihue Eustatius Rennes
Stein's Folly
Reykavis Kendall Stotzing Mackenzie Faleolo Jasmine Exedor Kurragin Overton
Rzhishchev Ankolika Shenwan Fujidera Krin Milos Kittery Ingenstrem
6) Duchy of Graham-Marik Harloc Royalston Wappingers Grosvenor
Prato Hexare
Chagos Atsugi Pella II Denbar Gurnet Niquinohomo
Logan Prime Hednesford Ghaziabad Jiddah Milnerton Nizina Chirikof Fuveau
Dalton Ogilvie Wernke
Hongqiao Spica Gurrnazovo
Camlann PleiadesIpswich Bentley Sian Mentasta Haappajarvi
7) Rim Commonality Corbeanca Cluster New Westin Kaguyak Olindo Sodertalje
St. Loris Carmacks Alsek Quimper Tortuga Prime
Ellsworth Olafsvik Goodna Imalda
100 Frondas Maladar Cambiano Fetsund
Karachi Isabela Fadiffolu Nullarbor Hustaing Beid Corella Atlas Hobbs
8) Regulan Free States Paulinus Goth Khakar Indicass Jodipur Adelson New Hati
Romita Chilung Kigamboni
Cronulla Ambergrist Tiruchchirappalli
Katlehong Kwamashu Fronde Castrovia Decus Purvo Tantara Baranda
Hiratsuka Mansu-ri Narellan Islamabad
9) Principality of Gibson Niops V
Niops VI Lengkong
Vosloorus Diass
Kujari Altorra
Carmen Warlock
Tallin Hadnall
Birmensdorf Gronholt
Great Gorge New Gascony
Niops VII Tohelet Bismarck Ziliang Uravan Cumberland June Hoonaar
10) Abbey District
Texlos Hecheng
Lesnovo Tematagi Barlaston Sendalor Birqash
Fieferana Antipolo El Giza Scarborough Westerhand Teng Pirates haven Beenleigh Okains
Mankova Hindmarsh Immenstadt 50 Gambarare Malagrotta
Negushevo Wilkes Kearny Ito Weatogue Avigait Marodzi Belaire
Housekarle Ikast Hobson Oltepesi Kiserian Basantapur
Howrah Mosiro Furud Palladaine Velhas Jaipur Kaitangata Tegaldanas
Al Jubaylah Mauripur Yanchep Hudeiba 30 LIGHT YEARS
Homestead As Samik Jacobabad
Campoleone Sharqah Kafr Silim Safe Port Bacum
New Syrtis Enchi
Addhara Siendou Wright Drienfontein Naka Pabni
Cole Harbour Panpour Csomad
New Venice Ayn Tarma Shiro III Manapire Cotocallao
Gatchina Bayindir Glevakha Wisconsin Jonzac Aucara Taygeta
Deschenes Grand Base Holloway Firgrove
Betelgeuse Weippe Songgang
Alphard Verlo Mandaree Die Moot Tentativa
Rohinjan Nihal Abruzzi Armington
Stafford Tellman's Mistake Andurien Conquista Sigma Mare Kasdach Estuan
Skvorec Cap Rouge Kanata Ashley Pleiades Cluster
Saonara Xieng Khouang Sirdar Courcellete Pierce
Astrokaszy Raphael Keuterville Anaheim
Meadowvale 100
Suetonius Payvand Ridgebrook Cohagen
Primus Glentworth Electra Traussin
Pompey Ruschegg Ryerson Warren
Granera Shaunavon Caldwell Verdigreis
Dicon Madras Wrentham Merope Maia
The Periphery
Scheuerheck Lopez Prix Mitchel Flintoft Brusett Montour
Xanthe III Lurgatan Shiba Menke
Obrenovac Buenos Aires Frazer
Baccalieu Watermael Ingonish Decatur Mendham Lothair Althea's Choice
Leyda Robsart Diefenbaker Cyrton
Mithron Amber Grove
Umka Jansen's
3) Outworlds Alliance Islington
Sax Turin
Drozan Borden Egress
New Vallis
Butzfleth Atreus Prime
4) Marian Hegemony
60 Thraxa New Ganymede
Thurrock Muridox Corodiz
Gallis Aspropirgos Andarmax Pojos
Algenib Gambilon Rollis
Trznadel Cluster Jacomarle Ishtar Jamestown
5) Lothian League Lindenmarle Gunthar
Antias Laconis Euschelus
Zathras Viribium Cavalor Larsha Pinard Taurus
Canopus IV Espia Repulse
Royal Foxx Hurik Illiushin
6) Illyrian Palatinate Fanardir Salardion New Roland Renown
Tarol IV Landmark
Brisbane Camadeierre
Hastur Ichlangis Flannagan's Nebulea
Aquagea Ward Zangul
7) Circinus Federation
Ghorepani Fjaldr New MacLeod's Land Sterope
Palladix Segerica Adrar Payia
Megarez Borgan's Rift Cassilda Hibuarius Kimi Bringdam Enkra Vandenburg
Wyeth’s Glory Brinton Flaum
Liu’s Memory
Umgard Girondas Burton
Joppa Tinculanas Mangzhangdian Smithon
Krimari Itrom Qalzi Paf
1 2 Harminous
Bonavista Nuncavoy
Tyrlon Pyrrhus
Alloway Detroit
New Abilene Katinka
60 Coromodir
Appian Guldra Artru
Trznadel Cluster Adhara Ur Cruinne Gangtok Carthage
Hardcore Bellerophon
Cate's Hold
Dainmar Majoris Heliat Fairuza Argos
Novo Tressida
Luxen Highwater
Cygnus Gaucin Mystras
Balawat Peratallada
Tiverton Portland Ahlat
Chandan Tarragona
Fronc Hellespont
Addasar McEvan’s Sacrifice
A Capellan attempt to replace Hanse with a She returned a year later and found the Katrina Steiner
double stoked tensions with the Confederation Archon—her uncle—had weakened the Lyran Duchess of Tharkard,
Archon of the
and shaped the objectives of the Fourth Commonwealth with his foolish “concentrated
Lyran Commonwealth
Succession War. After Hanse married Katrina’s weakness” strategy. Katrina led a successful
daughter Melissa, the might of the Federated coup and took the throne. The skilled warrior
Maximillion Liao Janos Marik
Suns fell on House Liao while the Lyran military and strategist hoped to end the Succession Duke of Sian, Duke of Atreus,
engaged the mighty Draconis Combine. The Wars diplomatically. She made some inroads Chancellor of the Captain-General of the
Steiner-Davion alliance dominated Inner Sphere with First Prince Ian Davion of the Federated Capellan Confederation Free Worlds League
politics for the next twenty years, though Hanse Suns, but his death in combat scuttled that
streak of successes against House Kurita in 3039, effort. In 3020, Katrina proposed a peace to
in part due to ComStar’s support of the Combine. the other Successor States, but only First
Prince Hanse Davion’s response suited her. An
The Clan invasion was the last campaign for the alliance treaty was signed between the two
Maximilian Liao Janos Marik
In the late thirtieth century, the As a cadet at the Princefield Academy,
Fox. His strategic efforts limited losses of Lyran states, and in 3028, Katrina’s daughter, Melissa,
Capellan Confederation was in a poor Janos Marik was naive and optimistic.
worlds, and he even shored up the Combine married Hanse. The wedding kicked off the
state. Young Maximilian decided to His outspoken views led to multiple honor
by sending mercenaries to defend Luthien. He Fourth Succession War and set in motion the
take charge, and he unseated his father. duels. A succession of personal tragedies
suffered a heart attack shortly after the Clan formation of the Federated Commonwealth.
He then instituted a series of reforms. His hardened his heart as the Captain-General of
invaders were defeated on Tukayyid and died in Katrina died of cancer in 3040, a year after
82 83
Exhaustion and the communications interdiction FedCom. Maximilian Liao suffered a mental
took its toll. The Federated Suns sued for breakdown. A new nation was recognized in
peace after only two years. Hanse Davion had Candace Liao’s breakaway St. Ives Compact.
accomplished what he had set out to do. The The Draconis Combine was embarrassed. Only
Federated Commonwealth stretched from one the Free Worlds League escaped relatively
Two visionary leaders arose at the tail end of It was the largest military operation in over a
end of the Sphere to the other. The Capellan unscathed. The Fourth Succession War was
the Third Succession War: Katrina Steiner and century. The Fourth Succession War began.
Confederation lost half of its territory to the the briefest of the Succession Wars, but it
Hanse Davion.
Lyran generals had long been seen as inept. nevertheless altered the face of the Inner Sphere
Katrina Steiner of the Lyran Commonwealth Years of training under Davion officers changed more than any of its predecessors.
made a proposal unheard of in the long years that. Lyran regiments struck the Draconis
of fighting: live and let live as neighbors. The Combine border in concert with the Davion
Succession Wars, she pointed out, had done offensive. They were to keep the Combine
terrible harm for little to no gain, and the Great from exploiting Davion’s focus on Liao. They
Houses couldn’t crown a new First Lord of succeeded beyond anyone’s wildest imagination.
the Star League by treaty or force. That didn’t The Lyrans seized over fifty worlds from the
mean they had to keep trying. They could—and Combine. Their reputation as bungling social
should—have peace. generals seemed at an end.
The lords of Houses Marik, Kurita and Liao, The vaunted armies of the Draconis Combine
84 85
The waning years of the Third Succession War brought unexpected change. One of the biggest was
the arrival of Wolf’s Dragoons.
The House Lords were desperate for troops, and the arrival of five elite BattleMech regiments from
the periphery seemed too good to be true. The Dragoons fought for and against each House in turn.
They were perhaps the best mercenaries ever. Their appearance raised endless suspicion, but the
Dragoons guarded their origins closely. No Successor State ever penetrated Dragoon security.
Another, much smaller, mercenary unit had an even more profound effect on the Inner Sphere: the
Gray Death Legion, which discovered a priceless treasure on the world of Helm in 3028. It was an
intact Star League Library Core containing more knowledge than a single human could absorb in one
lifetime. Its secrets contained the technological knowledge humanity needed to reshape the destiny
of the Inner Sphere and pull it out of its dark age.
Not everyone wished for such an outcome. ComStar covertly tried to destroy the Helm Core.
Grayson Carlyle—leader of the Gray Death Legion—was forced to make a deal with an enemy to
survive, and disseminated copies of the Helm Core throughout the Inner Sphere. Even so, it took
decades of study before the Helm Core gave up all of its secrets.
The Helm Core accelerated a technological renaissance that had already begun with the recovery
of a library on Halstead Station fourteen years earlier. First Prince Hanse Davion used the contents
to establish the New Avalon Institute of Science. Great minds began to halt the backslide. In some
cases, they reversed it. They created the Inner Sphere’s first new BattleMech in a century with the
Hatchetman. With both the Halstead Station library and the Helm Core recovered, advances in both
military and civilian technology seeped back into everyday life.
86 87
The War of 3039 was an aftershock of the Theodore’s greatest accomplishment was As the Succession
Fourth Succession War. Hanse Davion was a clandestine deal with ComStar to acquire Wars wound to a
determined to finish the job of extinguishing BattleMechs. The Combine built new close, ComStar
one of his realm’s ancient enemies: the Capellan regiments with these ’Mechs. The Federated felt the time had
Confederation. But Candace Liao discouraged Commonwealth Alliance ran into these come to unveil its
this, promising that her St. Ives Compact would unexpected regiments, and the attack faltered secret army, the
declare war on the Federated Suns if it tried due to the surprise. Theodore then executed a Com Guards. These
to bulldoze her homeland completely. Davion bold bluff: he counterattacked into the Federated Com Guards were to be
relented; the Capellans were no longer a threat. Suns. The Dragon stared down its greatest foe. stationed on every world with
He turned instead to the Draconis Combine. an HPG to “protect ComStar’s
Hanse Davion blinked first. He called off his war. assets.” In reality, these troops
Coordinator Takashi Kurita’s fixation on Wolf’s The final conflict of the Succession Wars ended represented a dagger held to the
Dragoons cost the Combine in the Fourth with a whimper. throat of the Great Houses. The House
Succession War. Theodore Kurita had all but Lords had no choice but to accept the
deposed his father in the wake of that dishonor. The Inner Sphere took some years off from Com Guards onto their worlds, or lose
Theodore’s reforms allowed the Combine fighting. They unlocked more secrets from the their ability to communicate.
to recover quickly, and he negotiated the Helm Core. They prepared themselves for the next
secession of the Rasalhague Military District. inevitable war. None could have predicted who The Clan Invasion brought a new purpose to the
The new Free Rasalhague Republic removed their enemies in that war would turn out to be. Com Guards. When the Clans revealed that their
rebellious elements from the Combine and ultimate objective was the conquest of Terra, the
created a buffer state between the Com Guard rose to defend humanity’s cradle. On
Combine and the Lyran Commonwealth. the proxy world of Tukayyid, the largest battle of
Theodore Kurita the Invasion played out. Facing the might of seven
Theodore had a difficult relationship with his Clans, the Com Guard stood as a blinding-white
father, Coordinator Takashi Kurita. Takashi was shield, protecting Terra from the ravaging horde.
cold and distant, so Theodore formed other In the years following Tukayyid and the schism of
relationships, notably becoming friends with ISF ComStar, the Com Guards proudly stood sentinel
with his father came to an impasse, and he was with blood at Tukayyid would one day end, and
banished to command the Legion of Vega. when it did, the Com Guards would be ready to
defend mother Terra again.
Theodore resented the assignment, though
he used it as an opportunity to reform
DCMS doctrines. He fared well in the Fourth
Succession War, blunting the Lyran assault and
counterattacking. Theodore’s success and prestige
forced Takashi to cede him military power.
Com Guard Force Structure
Theodore was named Deputy for Military Affairs ComStar forces diverge from the Star League-originated system of lances, companies, and so forth.
(Gunji-no-Kanrei), and his alliance with ComStar Instead, they use a system based on multiples of six that offers enormous flexibility for deployments.
gave the DCMS access to Star League-era
BattleMechs. These, combined with Theodore’s The smallest formation is a Level I, which comprises a single BattleMech, fighter, tank or infantry
reforms, allowed the Combine to counter the platoon. Such forces are the building blocks of ComStar armies. The next formation, a Level II,
FedCom invasion of 3039. contains six Level Is. Level II may contain combined-arms (mixed-type) forces at this level.
Takashi and Theodore reconciled, though A Level III, contains six Level II formations and is the ComStar equivalent of a battalion (and is
Theodore retained a solid grip on the DCMS. He frequently referred to as such). Level IIIs are almost all combined-arms formations, and are usually
became Coordinator following his father’s death, the largest formation to operate together on a regular basis.
and he was later elected First Lord of the Second
Level IV formations, also known as divisions, contain six Level III formations, making them equivalent
Star League. Theodore suffered a stroke early in
to two regiments. Divisions form the backbone of the administrative network. The Level V or army
the Blakist Jihad and died a few years later.
contains between four and six divisions. Though principally administrative, Level V formations can
form field commands, as demonstrated on Tukayyid in 3052.
88 89
1 Federated Commonwealth - Lyran Commonwealth
Tamar March Tamarind March Manaringaine
2) Benfled Operational Area 9) Soilihull Operational Area
3 The Rock
Periphery March Skye March
Placida Drask's Den Paulus Prime
5 3) Tsarahavana Operational Area10) Ryde Operational Area Botany Bay Blackstone Elissa
Santander V
Last Chance Crellacor Porthos
4) Venaria Operational Area 11) Alcor Operational Area Oberon VI
Donegal March Sarna March
Dark Damian
Anywhere Skallevoll
Region capital District capital National capital
7) Pherkad Operational Area Somerset Apollo Toland Star's End Pinnacle
Constance Idlewind Tarnby
40 Outpost Schwartz Gravenhage
Bone-Norman Dark
Nebula Steelton Susquehanna Altona
New Bergen
Leoben Trondheim
Turtle Bay Bjarred Hartshill
Salford Nowhere
9 Draconis March Golandrinas Chateau
Rodigo Almunge Virentofta
Black Earth Derf Verthandi Nykvarn
Map compiled by COMSTAR.
Skye March
Newtown Square Stapelfeld Sawyer Leyland
Beta VII
Trell I
Maxie's Planet
Csesztreg Lovinac
Bruben Last Frontier
40 Chapineria
From information provided by the COMSTAR EXPLORER Brailsford
New Oslo Rasalhague Garstedt
8 14 Mogyorod Malibu Romulus Harvest
Liezen Radlje Brocchi's Cluster Coudoux
and the STAR LEAGUE ARCHIVES on Terra.
Chupadero Algate Chorley
ch Hot Springs Butler Dawn Vipaava Polcenigo
ind Mar
The Rack Lonaconing Ad Duwayd
Hood IV Pangkalan Roadside Seiduts Echo
Kowloon Kikuyu Schuyler Jeanette
Blackjack Twycross Planting Unzmarkt Pomme De Terre Korramabad
Savinsville Albiero Hanover
12 Engadine Jerangle
Goat Path
Mozirje Feltre
Ferleiten Predlitz
19) Chirikof Operational Area
Galuzzo Skandia Avon Chatham New Samarkand Dneiper
Graceland Domain Sternwerde Shimonoseki Suianheer
Niangol Abbadiyah Timkovichi Atocongo Ballynure La Grave Maule Luthien
Baryshevo Biuque New Exford Carse Setubal Miyada
Caldarium Kanowit Pondicherry Prinis Prime
20) Minette Operational Area
Wrociaw Nox Kiamba Chirala
Guatavita Pandora Diosd Krenice Baruun Urt Braunton Sighisoara Kazanka
Krung Thep Utrecht
Qarahta Arc-Royal Orkney Tanh Linh Leiston Tabayama
Qurayyat Crimond Quarell Eguilles Mizunami
Altenmarkt Mannedorf Dumaring Worrell
Langhorne Kandersteg Toffen Bicester Koulen Risin
Krievci Corsica Nueva
Loxley Meilen Babuyan Xinyang Yumesta Ramgarh
Hamilton Tomans Ramsau Milligan's World
Coventry Jabuka Lothan Ban Na San
Draconis Combine
Slewis Sappir Chhaprauli Rubigen Omagh Zlatousi
Champadanga Kiesen Paracale Chinmen Tao
Incukalns Dukambia Rasalgethi Najha Chandler Odabasi Dyfed Rushaven
13 C.M.O. 26
Summit Grunwald
Borghese Fort Loudon Ueda
Ogano Yardley Philadelphia
Keihoku Zalaf
Pesht Military District Benjamin Military District
Tsinan Darius Sakai
Cumbres Midway Bad News
Kelang Storfors Numki Arkab Dover Coraines
Amminadav Etiler Kelenfold Karbala Dehgolan Brasha
2 3 1) Kagoshima Prefecture 14) Baldur Prefecture Ormstown Jatznik Upano
Lyndon Surcin Meacham
Caldrea Silkeborg
Isesaki Sanda Tiflis Sinope
Triesting Pobeda Blue Diamond Shirotori Simferopol
Grumium Baldur
Hunter's Paradise Akfata Virtue Westerstede Otho Oshika Quiberas Jordan Weis
3) Bjarred Prefecture 16) Benjamin Prefecture Horneburg Arcturus Dante Morthac
Pherkad Morningside Orestes Camlann Trolloc Prime Mersa Matruh Koumi Galedon V Goubellat
Ferihegy Reese Station
Dnepropetrovsk Calish II
Halifax Abejorral Matsuida Beta Mensae V Banori
Coldbrook Ferris
Vendrell Yed Prior Corridan IV
Cebalrai Apriki Loparri
Batajnica Monistrol
7) Vega Prefecture
Kinkaid II
20) Matsuida Prefecture
Gillfillan's Gold Callisto V Sutama Niles
Mesa Verde Edasich Yed Posterior
Alnasi Tsukude Ljugarn Delacruz
Galedon Smolnik Thuban Altdorf
Novara Alexandria New Wessex Minakuchi Koping Chian Groveld III
16 Military 8) Algedi Prefecture 21) New Samarkand Prefecture Stanley Mercedes Lancaster
Gallery Colinas
Halmyre Whittington
Freedom Kimball II
Altais Rukbat
An Ting
Capra Kesai IV
Enders Cluster Marfik Ramora
District 9) Ashio Prefecture 22) Kaznejov Prefecture Hinckley
Aiguebelle Turinge
Izar Konstance
Arlington Huan Bryceland
Tellman IV
Benjamin Rijeka Kaus Borealis Shitara Algedi Valasha
Laurieston Waddesdon Tancredi IV
22 10) Al Na'ir Prefecture 23) Tabayama Prefecture
Zaprudy Ryde Komephoros Gandy's Luck Conroe
Karkkila Rapla Chukchi III Bjornlunda Zebeneschamali Kaus Australis Shimonita Donenac Harpster Misery Mishkadrill
Chiavenna Carlisle
Military Kessel Marlowe's Rift Thestria Kennard
Mezzana Halfway Kaus Media Dabih Albalii Piedmont Cimeron
Venaria Carnwath Reisling's Planet Elidere IV
20 Alshain Military District
Chaffee Alrakis
Viborg La Blon New Aberdeen Cassias Latexo Lyceum
Anguilla Haynesville
Florida Furillo Glengarry Junction Pajarito Pitkin
Ascella Ludwig Bergman's Planet
Chichibu McGehee Inner End
18 10 Ciotat Canonbie Dromini VI Galtor III Deshler Brookeland
Aristotle Seginus Kurhah Marduk Damevang
Enders Cluster Alphecca McComb Barlow's End De Berry
12) Rubigen Prefecture Premana Czarvowo Skondia Sabik Glenmora Bastrop Novo Franklin
Shinonoi New Mendham Delos IV
Aberystwyth Eidsfoss Laiaka Lambrecht Tannil Tripoli Benet III Choudrant Bremond Pascagoula
Rosice Uzhgorod Skye Matar Broaddus Pattison
Ayacucho Medzev Zvolen Clinton Hesperus II Alkalurops Atria Yance I Lima Sterlington
13) Garstedt Prefecture Halstead Station Lapida II Homam Kirbyville
Sierpc Alkaid Paris Brundage
Military New India Kitzingen Zebebelgenubi Crossing Rowe Fallon II
Soilihull Ko Telos IV Biham Fairfield Tishomingo Beaumont
Radostov Arganda Syrma Nusakan Royal Kilbourne
Drosendorf Sadalbari Scheat Tallmadge
Acrux Lamon Dyev Pike IV Sadachbia Greeley
Valloire Carsphairn Galatea Lyons Breed Melcher Ottumwa Milligan Stratford
Buena Caledonia Ancha Hoff Arnaudville
Hollabrunn Summer Imbros III
Athenry Nashira Fellanin II Proserpina Dobson New Ivaarsen Sakhara V
Sarpsborg Al Na'ir Cylene Klathandu IV Fairfax Morrill Adrian Farnsworth Millray
Alcor Skat Sun Prairie
13 Protection Nagel
Zaniah Zavijava Errai Mallory's World Sylvan Delacambre Bassfield
Maisons Kamenz Northwind Addicks Clovis Rochester
Ilzra Hyde Alchiba Alula Australis Terra Caph
2) Principality of Regulus 12) Abbey District Arcadia Launam
Shiloh Wing
Wyatt Zosma Oliver Graham IV
New Home
Deneb Ankaa
Small World Kaitos
Ronel Elbar Cartago
Olancha Exeter Robinson
Sauk City
Junior Hickok
Linneus Altoona
Bobruisk Dubhe Epsilon Indi Colchester Necedah Thibodaux
3) Duchy of Oriente 13) Duchy of Tamarind Procyon New Rhodes III
Shahr Kord Marcus Pollux Ingress Benedict
Biloela Gienah Uhuru Rochelle Bryant Tybalt Kentares IV
Teyvareb Alhena Chertan Callison Devil's Rock Sheratan Hean Potwin
12 Schedar Ulysses Savonburg Tangipahoa
Zdice Castor
4) Duchy of Andurien 14) Zion Province Stantsiya
Rajkot Dixie Ford
Alkes Dieudonne
Carver V Epsilon Eridani
Fletcher Kawich Basalt Tigress
Johnsondale Layover
DeWitt Larned Lexington Peabody Macomb
Rosepine Kentwood
Althastan Giausar Edwards Davisville
Abramkovo Concord Bordon
5) Duchy of Graham-Marik 15) Ohren Province Amity Talitha Woodstock Caselton Avawatz Newton Keytesville
Loric Nopah Achernar Angol Cholame Bogard Sullivan St. Robert Humansville
Son Hoa New Hope Connaught Van Diemen IV Outreach Terra Firma Rosamond Quincy
Madiun Logandale Evansville
Remulac Acamar Corydon Ramona Chenier
2 6) Stewart Commonality 16) Rim Commonality Danais Capolla Bharat Yangtze Tikonov Mermentau Abbeville
Bella I Colfax Megrez Sonnia Barstow
Cavanaugh II Adhafera Nathan Hall Arboris Azha Hamal Marlette Monroe Tsamma
Andiron Savannah New Valencia
3 Khon Kaen Penobscot Alula Borealis McAffe Bondurant Acubens Elgin Alrescha Kestrel Delphos
Cascade Togwotee Mira Goderich Rosiclare
Trellisane Alphard New Hessen Imbrial III
7) The Protectorate 17) Silver Hawk Coalition Baltazar III
Pencader Timbiqui Nockatunga Thermopolis
Stewart Tania Borealis
Irian Wasat
Hsien Nanking
Zurich Genoa Kansu
Slocum Mesartim
Batavia Saunemin
Capac Bellevue
Parma Gambier Mauckport Hoyleton Offerman
Capellan Confederation
Reisterstown Baxley
Tsinghai Orbisonia
Alterf Sarna Tsingtao Gallitzin Remagen
Wolof Semenyih Campertown Raballa Wetumpka
Tormentine Bowang Vanra Hassad Bora Truth
San Nicolas Sarmaxa Salem Montcoal Bastian Hephzibah
Cajamarca Vaucluse
1) Capellan Commonality Home Avior Lesalles Fincastle Wedgefield
Illyria Hazeldean Lepaterique Aitutaki Minnacora Cammal Monongahela Bonneau Broken Wheel Lackland
Manihiki Atreus Randar
Harmony Kiyev Matheran Bithinia Ingersoll Moultrie
Lordinax Trinidad
2) Sian Commonality Carbonis Capella Ares Andro Chakachamna
Atzenbrugg Kogl Propus Bandora No Return New Sagan Victoria Gulkana Sabanillas
Trondheimal Valil'yevskiy Norfolk Newcastle Hellos Minor Geifer Waxell Waimalu Marielund
Panjang Ibarra Regulus Muscida Daneshmand Les Halles Necromo Mejicanos Filtvet
Lothario Elektrougli Masterson Monhegan Bethel Novaya Zemlya
3 Baccalieu
Granera Xanthe III Lopez Lurgatan Shiba
Frazer Flintoft
Brusett Montour
Decatur Lothair
Ingonish Robsart Diefenbaker Althea's Choice Randis IV
Horatius Eleusis Buenos Aires Celentaro
Sadurni Niomede Columbine Mendham Lindsay
Cyrton Pirates haven
Leyda Jacson Hyalite Norman's World Organo 50
Bass Villanueva Cursa Victoria Carmichael Brockway
Vakarel Flannagan's Nebula Principia Kurvasa Bellatrix Yuris
Marius's Tears Ballalaba Booker Gouderak Barras Vard Horsham Perdition Logan's Land
Bethonolog MacLeod's Land Midale
Piriapolis Calseraigne Quimberton Mithron Amber Grove
Umka Fagerholm Jansen's Hold
Marantha Zanzibar Grossbach
Afarsin Turin New Vallis
Islington Claybrooke Drozan Borden Egress Bromhead
Butzfleth Atreus Prime Dicallus
Thraxa Pilpala Sax Corodiz New Gangemede
Gallis Aspropirgos Thurrock Pojos Samantha
Algenib Gambilon Muridox
Royal Foxx Canopus IV Espia Repulse Illiushin
Salardion New Roland Renown
1) Magistracy of Canopus Tarol IV
Hastur Ward
Brisbane Landmark
Flannagan's Nebula
Camadeierre Orkney
30 LIGHT YEARS Sterope
2) Taurian Concordat
New Vandenburg MacLeod's Land
Megarez Borgan's Rift Kimi
Wyeth’s Glory Brinton Flaum
Trznadel Cluster Liu’s Memory
3 3) Outworlds Alliance Techne's Revenge
Candiear Adherlwin Weldry
Mechdur Aea
6 8 7) Illyrian Palatinate
Coromodir Gant
Ballad II Guldra Artru Carthage Diik
Trznadel Cluster Palm
Novo Tressida
Luxen Highwater Colchis
Dunianshire Erod's Escape
Tiverton Portland
Weistheimer Crawford's Delight Addasar
from the Inner Sphere after Vlad of the like Thomas Marik had to be persuaded into
before the Clans. Worlds in their path began to
Wards captured him on The Rock at the agreement. Some believed that the descendants
dread the arrival of unknown JumpShips.
start of the Clan Invasion. Clan life suited of General Aleksandr Kerensky and the Star
Phelan. He was brash and hot-headed, League Defense Force still shielded the Inner
The Clans practiced a different form of warfare
but highly skilled in combat. Khan Ulric Sphere, and would return to save them.
than the Inner Sphere. They opened every
Kerensky saw promise in the fiery young
attack with a “batchall,” a battle challenge. They
man and mentored him for leadership.
requested that defending forces provide their
Phelan overcame every obstacle and bias
numbers and choose a place of battle. The Clan
set against him. He won a Bloodname and
commanders would then bid among themselves
eventually rose to Khan—unprecedented
for the right to take the world. Bidding was
feats for a freeborn.
intended to reduce waste by using the smallest
force possible to achieve victory. Honor was
Phelan Kell and Vlad Ward became mirrors
paramount to the Clansmen. Inner Sphere units
of each other. Vlad rose to command the
exploited the strange Clan sense of honor to their
Crusader Wolves after the Refusal War
own advantage. Soon the Clans began treating
shattered Clan Wolf. Phelan led the Warden
their Inner Sphere foes as dishonorable. The
Wolves into exile. His ties to the Lyran
fighting grew more destructive.
Commonwealth through his father Morgan
Kell gave these exiles a home. Phelan
Victor Steiner-Davion fought Clan Jade Falcon
worked with the Inner Sphere to oppose
early in the invasion, and his losses helped
the Crusader cause without threatening
him develop effective counter tactics. Victor’s
the core of Clan society. He was one of
cousin Phelan Kell of the Kell Hounds mercenary
a select few who walked in both worlds.
command was captured by Clan Wolf during
Allies valued his counsel and martial skill.
their conquest of Periphery worlds. Phelan
Detractors called him a traitor to both
proved himself as a warrior and was adopted
societies. All respected his abilities.
into the Clan. Hohiro Kurita was captured by
Clan Smoke Jaguar. His subsequent escape and
94 95
The early years of the Clans saw the demise of Bloodnamed Trueborns led each Clan and decided
two Clans and the death of ilKhan Kerensky. The its future, while freeborns were rarely skilled or
Golden Century that followed allowed technology fortunate enough to join the warrior caste at all.
advances exceeding those of the Star League.
Selective breeding programs strove to perfect the
Jaime Wolf shattered that illusion. These Star League-in-Exile. Outright war erupted upon
ideal warrior. Warrior phenotypes were specialized
invaders, so alien in their culture, were the General Kerensky’s death, at times eclipsing
to particular branches of service. Intensive training
children of Kerensky. The SLDF had returned. the Succession Wars in its brutality. Aleksandr
from a young age ensured the Clans created the
Kerensky’s son Nicholas fled the madness by
General Aleksandr Kerensky foresaw the best warriors possible. The average Clan warrior
enacting a second exodus, leading a million Centuries of focus on warfare generated two
devastating wars for control of the Inner Sphere could defeat their Inner Sphere counterpart in
others deeper into the Periphery. opposing philosophies within the Clans. The
and developed a plan to preserve the Star most fights. MechWarriors, aerospace pilots, and
Warden faction sought to preserve the Inner
League in exile. Operation Exodus gathered loyal On Strana Mechty, Nicholas built a new society armored infantry known as Elementals held equal
Sphere from outside threats. The aggressive
SLDF troops—with less than 20 percent of the based on merit and ability, obliterating all prior status in the warrior caste. Warriors past their
Crusaders wished to conquer it and rule the
League military choosing to remain in the Inner national and familial identities (even abolishing prime (approaching middle age by Inner Sphere
Great Houses by establishing a new Star League
Sphere—and departed the Inner Sphere. surnames) and formed his people into twenty reckoning) were known as solahma, and considered
under their auspices. Decades of butting heads
Clans. Each Clan would have its own identity of no use besides caretakers and cannon fodder.
deeply divided these factions, with the Crusader
The Exodus was not kind to Kerensky’s people. and traditions, but all adhered to a caste system slowly gaining advantage.
The SLDF consisted of many diverse heritages, Clan warriors aspired to win a Bloodname—an
dominated by warriors. 800 warriors, forty per
all settled on five worlds in neighboring systems honorary surname derived from one of the original
Clan, became the pinnacle of Nicholas’ new The incidental arrival of the Outbound Light, a
known as the Pentagon Cluster. Divisions formed 800 Clan warriors. Only Bloodnamed warriors
society. Conflict became a ritualized series of ComStar exploratory vessel, over the Smoke
between different factions of troops due to the sat on Clan councils or could be elected Khan or
Trials designed to minimize collateral damage. Jaguar world of Huntress changed that. The
stress of colonizing the harsh worlds Kerensky ilKhan. Most Clan warriors were born through an in
This preserved the limited resources and nascent Crusaders used the threat of an Inner Sphere
had led them to. Order in the colonies began to vitro fertilization eugenics program. Artificial iron
civilization in the region. Each Clan dedicated invasion as a pretext to launch their own. Operation
wombs birthed dozens of warriors from one pair
96 97
We must eradicate all vestiges of the tainted past so that we can forge ourselves into a people
worthy of our destiny. We must kill the traditions that blinded and crippled us for so long, for the old Point, Star, and Nova
ways are like shackles that hinder our true strength. We are a new people, reborn in the fire, and we A Point is comprised of one of the following: One
must follow new ways. ’Mech or OmniMech, two aerospace fighters, five
battle-armored Elementals, or two vehicles. Five Points
Henceforth, our eight hundred warriors will be divided into twenty Clans. And they will no longer form a Star and follow the orders of a Star Commander.
fight as lances, companies, battalions or regiments. Instead, they will enter battle in Points, Stars,
Binaries, Clusters and Galaxies. A Star of OmniMechs and a Star of Elementals Binary Trinary
together form a Nova. Each OmniMech will carry
—Excerpted from the papers of Nicholas Kerensky a Point of Elementals into battle.
Two Stars forms a Binary. Three form a Trinary.
Star Captains command these forces. Nova pairs are
Supernova Binaries, and three form a Supernova Supernova
Fire Mandrill Ghost Bear Goliath Scorpion Hell’s Horses Clan Castes
Warrior Caste: A Clan’s touman (their military arm) is comprised of the warrior caste, which rules and
protects the Clan. They are usually the only caste allowed to vote in Clan councils. Subcastes exist
for MechWarriors, aerospace fighter pilots, and Elementals. Infantry, paramilitary police, Watch (Clan
intelligence organizations) officers, WarShip command staff, and vehicle crews are also considered
warriors. Freeborns who pass Trials of Position achieve warrior status as well.
Scientist Caste: The scientist caste exists to drive technological development, education, and
medical care. Subcastes include physicians and teachers. The caste’s most important role is to
Ice Hellion Jade Falcon Mongoose Nova Cat oversee the Clan’s eugenics program, which allows the scientist caste to overrule the warrior caste in
certain circumstances.
Technician Caste: The technician caste maintains machinery, weapons, computers, and vehicles.
They make up the non-combat crew of spaceships and other large vessels.
Merchant Caste: The merchant caste acquires or manufactures materials and goods a Clan needs.
They encompass various professions from machinists to artisans, though the traders are most
Sea Fox Smoke Jaguar Snow Raven Star Adder famed. Merchants operate their own trading fleets and have greater freedom than other non-
warrior castes.
Laborer Caste: The vast majority of the Clan population belongs to this caste. Laborers include
builders, farmers, miners, and more. They are highly skilled but poorly educated. Despite their lowly
status, they are vital for the functioning of the Clans.
Dark Caste: The completely unofficial Dark Caste consists of those who cannot or will not fit into Clan
society. They eke out a semi-nomadic living in the Homeworlds, somewhere between piracy and
Steel Viper Widowmaker Wolf Wolverine subsistence, ever fearful of attacks by Clan pirate hunters.
98 99
CLAN TRIALS Trial of Possession: Used to settle disputes of
ownership between individuals and Clans, this
Zellbrigen refers to Clan ritualized warfare. It was first practiced by Clan Coyote during Operation
Trial can be fought over territory, machinery, KLONDIKE, after which it spread to the other Clans and was later formalized by Nicholas Kerensky.
factories, intellectual property, genetic legacies,
When forming the Clans, Nicholas Kerensky or populations. Trials of Possession effectively Zellbrigen describes ideal behavior for dueling between warriors. It need not be applied when engaging
implemented six combat rituals. These duels allow wars between Clans while limiting collateral with combat vehicles or conventional infantry. Under zellbrigen, Elementals and ProtoMechs consist of
lessen collateral damage, maintain fairness, damage and the military hardware required. a single Point. Larger units, like a DropShip or WarShip, or even a BattleMech attacking Elementals, may
and regulate fighting between the Clans. Trials choose to disable weapon systems in order to have a more balanced, honorable fight.
Trial of Refusal: Used when an individual or
take place between members of the same
Clan wishes to challenge a decision made Each warrior in a unit issues a challenge to an opponent, with any unchallenged warriors waiting
caste. Inter-caste disputes are usually arbitrated
by a Clan or Grand Council. The balance of until an opponent becomes free. A warrior can challenge multiple opponents at once, and will
by Clan Councils. Most trials begin with a
forces is determined by the difference in the be attacked by anyone challenged. A warrior has the right to refuse any challenge they consider
challenger issuing a batchall, a formal battle
votes between the winning and losing sides. A frivolous or underhanded. If an opponent performs too many dezgra (dishonorable) actions, the duel
challenge. Trials may be fought augmented (in
subordinate may also declare a Trial of Refusal may be rendered void and the entire unit is likely to engage in a free-for-all. Though not a tenet of
a military vehicle) or unaugmented, likewise
against a superior if they wish to refuse an order. zellbrigen, a warrior is expected not to retreat, nor to engage in melee combat.
armed or unarmed.
The following trials have evolved since the time Each Clan has its own interpretation of zellbrigen, which may change over time. Some apply it strictly
Trials have infrequently been resolved through
of Nicholas Kerensky: at all times. Others, when facing dezgra opponents like pirates or mercenaries, apply zellbrigen
nonviolent contests, and non-warrior castes have
adopted contests in their specialties to resolve selectively. At the dawn of the ilClan, most Inner Sphere Clans employ a strict interpretation of
Trial of Abjuration: Abjuration ensures a zellbrigen only against other Clans, and refuse to extend the honor to non-Clan opponents.
their own trials. Such Trials have run the gamut
Bloodname is erased from all Clan records.
from bake-offs, football, ski races, quarterly quota
Though originally intended to eliminate all
surpluses, feats of gastronomical endurance, and
related genetic material, this Trial has evolved
on at least one occasion, a coin flip.
to see the abjured party exiled rather than
Annihilated. Compare the annihilated Clan
Trial of Annihilation: Used to eliminate a warrior
Wolverine with the Abjured Clan Nova Cat.
and remove their genetic legacy from the
breeding program. This is the most extreme
Trial of Absorption: This combination of a Trial
punishment in the Clans, and can target a group
of Possession and a Trial of Refusal occurs when
or even an entire Clan. It requires authorization
the Grand Council seeks to eliminate a Clan
by a unanimous vote from a Clan Council or the
without annihilating it. After a unanimous vote,
Grand Council, as appropriate.
the Grand Council selects a Clan to absorb the
target Clan into its ranks. That Clan may face
Trial of Bloodright: A Trueborn descendant of a
Trials of Refusal from rival Clans seeking the
Bloodnamed warrior may participate in a Trial
honor for themselves. The selected Clan then
of Bloodright to use that name as their own.
attacks the Clan to be absorbed. If the target to
Each Bloodname typically has twenty-five active
be absorbed repulses the attacker, it is treated as
warriors, so there is great competition when a
exceptional freeborn lines to create new
between individuals. Parties can either take their
Bloodhouses, infusing the Clan breeding
case to the Clan Council for binding arbitration
program with new genetic material.
or they can declare a Trial of Grievance to quickly
resolve the issue, usually through combat. Non-
Trial of Propagation: Just as a Blood Heritage
combat contests can be arranged for disputes
may be Reaved, it may be expanded based
involving non-warriors. Trials of Grievance are
on the advice of the scientist caste. A Trial of
often impromptu and informal.
Propagation pits those who want to expand the
Bloodname against those who disagree.
Trial of Position: Part of the training trials in
sibkos and in the Blooding, the Trial of Position
Trial of Reaving: Reaving is the practice of
is the final trial for candidates to earn a position
reducing the number of Blood Heritages
and rank as a warrior in the Clan. Warriors may be
associated with a Bloodname from the maximum
required annually to prove themselves still worthy
of twenty-five. As only Bloodnamed warriors
of their status through Trials of Position, both by
vote in Clan Councils, this has become a political
challenging superiors for their position and by
weapon. This is technically a Trial of Refusal, but
defending one’s own position from challengers.
applied to a Reaving.
100 101
The Clans employed OmniMechs exclusively
in the initial Invasion. In the Clans, OmniMechs
were considered superior to standard One of the Clans’ most terrifying assets was their
BattleMechs in a social sense. OmniMechs massive Elementals. Elementals are walking walls
brought prestige to the warriors who piloted
Many factors contributed to the aura of fear of muscle, selectively bred to be the ultimate foot
them. Standard BattleMechs were used in the soldier. They regularly stand well over two meters
and invincibility the Clans generated during the
Clans’ second-line forces. Lower-quality troops, in height. Carrying these giant warriors into battle
earliest days of the invasion of the Inner Sphere. One of the Clans’ greatest advantages is the solahma, and freeborns tended to pilot standard was a technology the Inner Sphere had never
However, no single factor did as much to cement advancement known as Omni technology. BattleMechs. A Trueborn warrior would usually fully developed: suits of powered combat armor
their reputation as an unstoppable force as their OmniMechs are built with a series of modular consider a standard BattleMech assignment a that wrapped the Elemental in an intimidating,
technological edge. If the BattleMech was the hard points instead of fixed components. slight on their honor. weaponized shell. The combination of warrior and
projection of mankind’s power on the battlefield, Technicians can swap out damaged equipment
Clan ’Mechs represented the superhuman. battle armor revolutionized the role of infantry on
and return an OmniMech to the field in The Great Houses made acquiring and the battlefield.
a fraction of the time needed to repair a copying OmniTech a high priority. House
standard BattleMech. Configurable pods allow Kurita captured several intact OmniMechs at Clan Elementals worked in groups of five called
Clan MechWarrior Suit MechWarriors to customize their ’Mechs for Wolcott, and shipped them to Luthien Armor a Point, with five Elemental points forming an
a given mission or per their preferred mode Works for dissection and reverse engineering. Elemental Star. A well-trained Point of Elementals
of combat. An OmniMech can provide fire Clan weapons were more advanced than could take down a BattleMech with precise
support to chase an opponent from the field, the Inner Sphere’s, but the principles behind strikes against its actuators and other critical
then be outfitted for urban combat in under an Omni technology proved simple to master. components. OmniMechs were designed with
hour. All Clan ’Mechs and aerospace fighters in The Draconis Combine began to deploy its special mounting points to carry battle armor with
the initial stages of the invasion were Omnis. own OmniMechs within a few short years. no loss of mobility. OmniMechs and Elementals
This technology alone accounted for much of The detente between the Successor States
Unit Insignia were sometimes organized into a formation called
the stunning pace of their advance into the ensured that these a Nova, mating a Star of
Inner Sphere. designs spread to each into a single combat
Synthetic the other Great
Coolant element. These deadly
Impact-Resistant Houses. The Inner combos could defeat
Packets Molded Polymer Sphere took its an Inner Sphere force
Armor first step towards twice their size.
technological parity
"Clan Copper"
Shoulder Bulk Armor Federated Commonwealth
Glove Hookup Construction were bulky and inefficient.
Capability Weapon Controls
Successive generations of
Highly armor incorporated new
Constructed for Anti-’Mech
Sensitive Modular technological advances.
Biofeedback Weapon The capabilities of Inner
Cabling Mount Sphere battle armor
Medical Sensor Short-Range
Output Radio began to outstrip their
Systems Clan counterparts. The
Clans responded in
kind. The Elemental
High-Shock Rebreather
Emergency Elemental Phenotype Pilot was alone in its class
Survival Knee Armor at the beginning of the
Airtight Seal Anti-
Pouch Unit Insignia
Personnel Invasion. By the end
Knee Joint Modular of the decade, nearly
Weapon two dozen varieties of
Mount battle armor roamed
Jump Jet Nozzle
Insulated Reinforced the fields of war.
Rubber Boots Battle
Recharging Port
Harness Pedal Controls
Dura-Tread Soles
102 103
Mass: 75 tons Contact with Inner Sphere tactics prompted the
Chassis: Type W3 Endo-steel development of Configuration S. Geared for urban
Power Plant: Starfire 375 XL combat and dealing with conventional infantry, this
Cruising Speed: 54 kph version is becoming a common sight in the Clan
Maximum Speed: 86 kph Occupation Zone.
Jump Jets: None The OmniMech’s unique strengths allow for
Jump Capacity: None rapid adoption of new technology. The E and H
Armor: Composite A-2 Ferro-Fibrous configurations are variants of the prime that have
Armament: been modified to incorporate ATM and heavy laser
27.5 tons of pod space available technology respectively. Faced with the realities of
Manufacturer: Wolf Clan Site #2, Wolf Clan Site 1 modern warfare, the Jade Falcons have adopted new
Primary Factory: Strana Mechty, Arc-Royal anti-personnel weapons on their Mad Cats. Mounting
Communications System: Khan Series (Type 2c) three of the new anti-personnel Gauss rifles, the F
Targeting and Tracking System: Series III OPT configuration is equally efficient against battle armor
as it is against conventional infantry.
The first OmniMech the Inner Sphere DEPLOYMENT
encountered, the Mad Cat was so named by Clan Wolf introduced the Mad Cat in 2945 to help
ComStar analysts for its resemblance to both replace the aging Woodsman OmniMech. Debuting
the Marauder and Catapult. Built by Clan Wolf, with the Fourth Wolf Guard, the Mad Cat was a
the Timber Wolf has proven to be a near-perfect nasty surprise for the Sea Foxes (now Clan Diamond
blending of advanced Clan technologies in a single Shark). Fast and powerful, two Trinaries composed
lethal machine. primarily of the new OmniMech rolled over the
configuration is a well-balanced mix of lasers and own Mad Cats, other Clans must fall back on
missiles, equally deadly at short and long-range. battlefield salvage or trade to acquire the design.
The B configuration is something of a compromise Consequently the other Clans field only a modest
in order to fit a Gauss rifle, and it remains relatively number of Mad Cats.
uncommon. Configuration C has a weapon mix Much of the credit for the Wolves’ success during
better suited to combat at intermediate ranges and Operation Revival must be laid at the feet of the
is a popular choice for dueling. With its rear-firing Mad Cat. Inner Sphere MechWarriors found their
missile packs, configuration D is well suited to the equipment woefully inferior to the deadly OmniMech.
kind of infighting seen in a Bloodname Grand Melee, It is little wonder that the Mad Cat quickly came to
or in use against Inner Sphere opponents. symbolize the Clans’ technical superiority.
104 105
Type: Elemental Nova Cat troops who faced the Wolves’ creation.
Manufacturer: Clan Wolf, Other Clans Later that year, the Wolves faced off against Clan
Primary Factory: Strana Mechty (Wolf), Hell’s Horses in a series of Trials. Hell’s Horses had
Various (Other Clans) been breeding genetically enhanced conventional
Chassis Type: Humanoid infantry troops—what later came to be called
Weight Class: Medium Elementals. After the Trials concluded, the Horses
Maximum Weight: 1,000kg had obtained battle-armor technology and the
Wolves had obtained the knowledge needed to
MechWarriors of the Inner Sphere were baffled create their own Elementals. Almost immediately,
when they first encountered Clan Elementals in the two Clans initiated the tradition of matching
3050. Awestruck, the Inner Sphere MechWarriors Elemental troops with battle armor, giving rise
watched as battle-armored Elementals withstood to the tradition of also calling the battle armor
machine gun fire and even direct laser hits from Elementals. Soon the other Clans were deploying
BattleMech weapons, bounding about the battlefield their own Elemental troops.
swarming ’Mechs, and even firing support-sized Clan Wolf initially experimented with several
missiles. Indeed, the capabilities of Clan battle suits, each tailored to specific environments (these
armor were so far beyond anytning that Inner environment-specific suits would later form the basis of
Sphere MechWarriors had ever seen,that many the Gnome, Salamander, Sylph, and Undine designs).
believed the Clan Elementals were some type of Ultimately the Wolves opted for a general-purpose
alien life form. battle armor suited to most battlefield conditions.
The origins of modern battle armor can be traced Modern Clan Elemental suits differ little from
the high pressures of deep-sea work. Clan Wolf was an Elemental carries an arm-mounted small laser,
quick to realize their combat potential. Consequently, flamer, or machine gun. Backing this up are an arm-
the Wolves obtained a few of the suits and set about mounted anti-personnel machine gun and a back-
adding armor, weapons, and jump jets to adept them mounted detachable short-range missile launcher
for combat. Their new battle armor could travel on with ammunition for two salvos. This mix of weapons
the exterior of the OmniMechs, thus freeing them enables an Elemental to deal with targets large and
from dependence on conventional APCs. small. The impressive firepower of Elementals, along
The Wolves first deployed their new battle armor with the maneuverability provided by their jump jets,
in 2868 with devastating results for the Star of light gives them the ability to destroy a ’Mech.
106 107
INVASION RENEWED The Clans began to choose their targets wisely.
Clans Smoke Jaguar and Nova Cat assaulted ComStar triumphed, but at great cost. Primus
The Clans renewed their invasion with new the Draconis Combine capital, Luthien. In a Waterly launched Operation Scorpion—an ill-
ilKhan Ulric Kerensky of Clan Wolf. Kerensky remarkable show of solidarity, First Prince Hanse advised attempt to seize control of the Inner
accelerated the pace of conquest, activating Davion sent his mercenaries, Wolf’s Dragoons Sphere through treachery during the battle. Her
three reserve Clans—Steel Viper, Nova Cat, and and the Kell Hounds, to defend Luthien. They spectacular failure caused a schism in ComStar.
Diamond Shark—to facilitate this. Meanwhile, proved critical in Luthien’s successful defense. Precentor Martial Focht opened ComStar’s
The Battle of Tukayyid was the largest
the Federated Commonwealth and Draconis Luthien held, as did the alliance. records to all. Centuries of secrets were laid
engagement in centuries. ComStar bid its entire
Combine reached a tentative state of alliance, army against the might of all seven invading bare. Those within the Order who found his
and their elite military commands hastily Primus Myndo Waterly of ComStar sought to acts heretical fled to the Free Worlds League to
manipulate the Clans to her advantage, but Clans. IlKhan Kerensky warned the Clans not to
redeployed from their shared border to the Clan underestimate the Com Guards. The Crusader continue their secretive religion.
front. The Free Worlds League lent its industrial Waterly’s tune changed when ilKhan Ulric
revealed that the Clans’ ultimate goal was the Khans mocked his caution as cowardly. The
might to supply war materiel to them and to the Precentor Martial dragged their folly through the
faltering Free Rasalhague Republic. conquest of Terra and to reestablish the Star
League in their image. ComStar’s perceived mud of Tukayyid, and beat them with it. Several
neutrality evaporated. Precentor Martial of Clans suffered humiliating defeats to the Com
ComStar Anastasius Focht proposed a proxy Guard before Kerensky’s Wolves even landed.
battle on the world of Tukayyid. If the Clans won,
ComStar would surrender Terra to them. If the
Com Guards prevailed, the Clans would place a
fifteen-year hold on the invasion.
108 109
The Clans’ goal was to claim Terra. From the recognized their error and made up for it by
cradle of humanity, they would reestablish capturing several Com Guard supply depots. The
the Star League in their image. ComStar had Com Guards initiated a massive push to keep
controlled a neutral Terra for centuries, which the Cats off balance. The inexorable advance
survived the Succession Wars unscathed shattered the Nova Cats, who suffered the most
Tukayyid. To the Clans, its name reverberates
because of this neutrality. Dozens more worlds devastating losses of any Clan on Tukayyid.
through history like an echo of shame and failure.
would be ravaged if the invasion were to
It is as much a curse among the Clans as any
proceed as planned, along with the catastrophic The Prezno River halted Clan Jade Falcon’s
other profanity.
devastation of the battle for Terra itself. advance. ComStar sappers destroyed all
crossings, grinding the Clan’s advance to a
ComStar Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht halt. The Falcons who did cross fell victim to an
used his knowledge of Clan ways to limit the elaborate ruse. ComStar built an exact duplicate
violence. He proposed to ilKhan Ulric Kerensky of the Falcon’s objective town of Olalla. The
a Trial of Possession for Terra. A proxy world prepared ambush within forced the Clan to
was chosen to keep Terra’s sacred soil free of retreat, but the Falcons were awarded a draw
bloodshed. The unassuming planet of Tukayyid due to the sheer amount of damage they inflicted
in the Free Rasalhague Republic would play on the defenders.
host to this greatest of Trials. Ulric called off
any further Clan engagements and ordered Clan Steel Viper did not properly scout
the invading Khans to begin their bidding. At the terrain around their objectives. Their
the same time, ComStar performed a logistical Galaxies were drawn into the Devil’s Bath, a
miracle by moving all fifty divisions of its Com volcanic morass of mud pits and sulfur fumes.
Guards to Tukayyid to prepare. OmniMechs disappeared under the mud as
hidden Com Guards sniped at them. Ammunition
All seven Invading Clans would take part in the shortages left Viper ’Mechs with no option but
Grundge right edge
understand the depths of trickery that Inner called off the Ghost Bear campaign when he saw
Sphere forces could unleash. The Jaguars that their remaining forces could not take their
split their forces to attack their two targets second objective. The Bears were awarded a
simultaneously. ComStar hit them with artillery, marginal victory for taking Spanac. They were
ambushes, and hit-and-run attacks. When the only Clan besides the Wolves to claim victory
both of their Khans fell, the ilKhan ordered the on Tukayyid.
Jaguars to withdraw. The resulting animosity
raged between the Jaguars and the Wolves until Clan Diamond Shark never fought Inner Sphere
the Jaguars’ annihilation in 3060. troops before Tukayyid. They derisively ignored
ilKhan Kerensky’s advice. ComStar easily preyed
The Nova Cats relied on ammo-dependent upon the Sharks’ drawn-out supply lines. The
configurations for their OmniMechs. ComStar Sharks’ retaliation destroyed a full division of
lured them into prepared battle sites that Com Guards, but it was too little, too late. Com
dragged out the conflict and quickly exhausted Guard reinforcements overwhelmed and routed
that ammo. The Cats nevertheless made the Sharks before they came within sight of their
decent progress towards their objectives. They objectives. The best Diamond Shark warriors had
110 111
to be rescued by freeborn second-line troops. coordination would violate zellbrigen, the The Word of Blake
The humiliating defeat would change the entire Clan honor system that governed combat for Tukayyid and Primus Myndo Waterly’s failed Operation
course of the Shark’s future, as thereafter they them. The Com Guards, by contrast, fought Scorpion rent ComStar in two. Those who remained in
began to question the idea of martial prowess as as one coherent unit. Each army group moved ComStar shed their mystical trappings for openness and
the primary tool of conquest. to reinforce the others as needed. The defeat technology sharing. Those who held to the ComStar religion
of one Clan led to assets being redeployed that evolved through the Succession Wars retreated into the
Ulric Kerensky’s own Clan Wolf achieved against those still fighting, and it led to Free Worlds League, calling themselves the Word of Blake.
success. The Wolf Khans heeded his advice and ComStar’s victory. While ComStar focused on halting the Clan threat, the Word
outfitted their OmniMechs for a long campaign.
of Blake schemed like the ComStar of old.
Being the last to land allowed them to observe Tukayyid proved once and for all that the
the Com Guards’ tactics. Proper preparation led Clans could be beaten. The Com Guard victory The Word of Blake seized Terra from ComStar and began a
them to victory. The Wolves achieved both of provided the spark of hope that the invincible foe secret military buildup that led to the bloodiest conflict since
their objectives despite heavy resistance, and could be brought to heel. The Inner Sphere had the First Succession War. The dust had barely settled on the
the defeated Clans cried foul. They credited fifteen years to rearm and prepare. In the end, it FedCom Civil War when the Word began their Jihad. None
the Wolves’ victory to everything but superior was more than they needed. were safe from the wrath of the technologically advanced,
planning and skill. Ulric Kerensky would feel their fanatical cult bent on enslaving the Inner Sphere, or burning
anger in the years to come. it to ash. It took the combined might of the Great Houses,
and even allies among the Clans, to extinguish the Word’s
On Tukayyid, each Clan fought as individual
flame. Decades later, at the ilClan’s dawn, the shadow of the
entities; they did not coordinate with each
Word of Blake still hovered over the Inner Sphere.
other or cooperate to defeat their foes. That Anastasius Focht
Anastasius Focht was a man who
died and was reborn. He was born
Frederick Steiner, a cousin to the Lyran
Commonwealth’s Archon Katrina Steiner.
to ruin his career. Ulric turned it to his unveiled army. Frederick adopted his new
advantage for as long as possible. name to distance himself from his old
life. He was a much wiser man in his new
He set himself apart from the average Clan identity. He rose above petty politics and
warrior by planning for the long-term. was a compassionate warrior . Even his
He thought of the future, and the future opponents’ lives were precious to him. He
beyond that. His was a liberal mind in a limited the bloodshed of the Clan Invasion
society growing more fascist every year. through the Tukayyid proxy battle.
He mentored Phelan Kell to succeed Ulric
as leader of the Warden faction. Ulric Focht opened the libraries of ComStar to
sought always for the Wolves to be the all the Inner Sphere. This caused a schism
leaders of the Clans. If the Clans must one that created the Word of Blake. His desire
day return to Terra, Ulric ensured that the to see the best in humankind blinded him
Clan of Kerensky had the best chance of to its worst. Focht retired after the Great
being first. Refusal ended the Clan Invasion.
112 113
INNER SPHERE - April 3052
Federated Commonwealth - Lyran Commonwealth
Tamar March Tamarind March C
1 1) Pasig Operational Area 8) Bolan Operational Area
3 2) Pandora Operational Area 9) Soilihull Operational Area
Periphery March Skye March
5 3) Tsarahavana Operational Area10) Ryde Operational Area Von Strang's World
Donegal March Sarna March
Dark Drask's Den Paulus Prime
Santander V
5) Coventry Operational Area 12) Terra Firma Operational Area Region capital District capital National capital
Last Chance Crellacor Porthos
Donegal March 6) Alarion Operational Area 13) Palos Operational Area
Oberon VI
7) Pherkad Operational Area Butte Hold
CNC / CSJ joint rule CSV / CJF joint rule
6 Lackhove
40 Thule Richmond
Anywhere Skallevoll
Somerset Apollo Toland Star's End Pinnacle Constance Idlewind
9 Draconis March Outpost Schwartz Tarnby
Bone-Norman Dark
Nebula Steelton Altona
Skye March
Map compiled by COMSTAR. Rimward
Persistence Icar
8 11
Svelvik Balsta
Wotan The Edge
Alleghe Turtle Bay Bjarred From information provided byHartshill
Winfield New Caledonia Leoben Trondheim
and the STAR LEAGUE ARCHIVES on Terra.
Chateau St. John New Bergen Salford Nowhere
Golandrinas Virentofta
Verthandi Hermagor Nykvarn Slaithwaite
Ta Newtown Square Black Earth Derf
Csesztreg Lovinac Rasalhague 40 Stapelfeld Sawyer Chapineria Leyland Brihuega
Beta VII Maxie's Planet Bruben Last Frontier Brailsford
Trell I New Oslo
Kirchbach Radlje Garstedt Brocchi's Cluster Coudoux
Romulus Liezen Algate Chorley
Mogyorod Hot Springs Polcenigo
The Rack Butler Dawn Vipaava Lonaconing Ad Duwayd
Waldorff Evciler
Engadine Jerangle Ferleiten Predlitz
Crucis March
Pain Main Street Goat Path Vantaa Ridderkerk Hohenems Luzerne Matamoras
Winter Blue Hole Denizli Bangor Pusht-i-rud
14) Robinson Operational Area 13
Jesenice Melissia Kookens
Willunga Trentham Spittal Casere Jeronimo
Chapultepec Pleasure Pit Apolakkia Courchevel McAlister Espakeh Rezak's Hole
Neerabup Kwangchowwang Chahar Alyina Leskovik Basiliano Kufstein Macksburg
Svarstaad Wolcott
15) Woodbine Operational Area
Inarcs Machida
Engadin Byesville Hyner
Arluna Medellin Pasig Devin Goito Herndon
Elume Bucklands Zoetermeer Dell Skokie Marshdale Multan
Swartklip Cheriton
Capellan March
Baker 3 Moritz Stanzach Radstadt Labrea
Zhongshan Kandis Abagnar
Parakoila Vulcan Maldonado Loysville Land's End
Anembo Adelaide Mkuranga Soverzene Outer Volta
16) Kathil Operational Area Howick
Mandaoaaru Sevren
Vorarlberg Tuscarawas
Ningxia Abiy Adi Hongor
Graus Meinacos
Crucis March Moriguchi
Great X Yeguas
Gunzburg Sheliak Caripare
Huaide Enif
Millerton Heiligendreuz
18) Markesan Operational Area Kwangjong-ni Brooloo Antallos (Port Krin)
Windsor Ludwigshafen Bessarabia
17 A Place Blair Atholl Soul
Biota Hyperion Karston Alshain Hassi R'mel
Khartoum Tinaca Yamarovka
19) Chirikof Operational Area Ma'anshan Tainjin Tangua Recife Shaula Cyrenaica
Goetville Montmarault
Sargasso Esteros Wheel Hainfeld
Issaba Zwipadze Zanderij Dustball Asgard Monywa
Rastaban Marawi Mualang Charity
20) Minette Operational Area Nouasseur Bountiful Harvest Port Arthur Kilmarnock
Ellengurg New Capetown Koniz Benfled Thun Satalice Halesowen
Qanatir Santana Avon Kagoshima
Suk II Sternwerde
Lost Ardoz Tarazed
Galuzzo Skandia
Domain Chatham New Samarkand Dneiper
Niangol Graceland La Grave Kanowit Luthien Shimonoseki Suianheer
Abbadiyah Biuque Timkovichi Atocongo Ballynure Maule Miyada
Baryshevo New Exford Carse Setubal
Caldarium Chirala Pondicherry Prinis Prime
Wrociaw Pandora Nox Kiamba
Guatavita Diosd Utrecht Krenice Baruun Urt Braunton Sighisoara Kazanka
Krung Thep Qarahta Orkney Leiston
Qurayyat Arc-Royal Crimond Quarell Eguilles Tanh Linh Tabayama
Altenmarkt Dumaring Mizunami
Toffen Mannedorf Bicester Worrell Koulen Risin
Langhorne Krievci Kandersteg Corsica Nueva
Loxley Rubigen Meilen Babuyan Xinyang Yumesta Ramgarh
Draconis Combine
Hamilton Tomans Jabuka Lothan Ban Na San Milligan's World
Slewis Sappir Chhaprauli Coventry Omagh Zlatousi
Champadanga Kiesen Paracale Chinmen Tao
Incukalns Dukambia Rasalgethi Najha Chandler Odabasi Dyfed Rushaven
Grunwald Tukayyid Ogano Keihoku Zalaf
Summit Borghese Fort Loudon Yardley Philadelphia
Ueda Quantraine
Pesht Military District Benjamin Military District
C.M.O. 26 Tsinan Pilkhua Sakai
Cumbres Midway Bad News
Kelang Storfors Numki Arkab Dover Coraines
Amminadav Etiler Kelenfold Karbala Dehgolan Brasha
1) Kagoshima Prefecture 19) Baldur Prefecture
Hunter's Paradise Lyndon Surcin Meacham Iijima Tiflis Sinope
Ormstown Silkeborg Isesaki Sanda
Galedon Novara New Wessex Minakuchi Koping Chian Groveld III
York Svinngarn Baxter Igualada
Mercedes Eaton
8) Ashio Prefecture 17) New Samarkand Prefecture
Stanley Lancaster Enkoping Vega Altais Rukbat An Ting Crestoblus
Gallery Colinas
12 Military Aiguebelle Turinge
Halmyre Whittington
Kimball II Eltanin
Capra Kesai IV
Dormandaine Ramora
Genoa Kansu
4) Duchy of Andurien 14) Zion Province Miaplacidus Zurich Wroxeter Batavia Saunemin Capac
Baltazar III Helm Aldebaran Sanilac Sodus Bellevue
Epsilon Pingree Gannett Tall Trees Algol Buchlau Kirklin
Diedre's Den Poulsbo Merak Almach Plymouth Mansfield Okefenokee
8 Tania Australis Berenson Saiph Bristol Flushing Petrolia Vandalia
Sterling Vicente Shawnee
5) Duchy of Graham-Marik 15) Ohren Province Labouchere New Canton Ningpo Listowel Cahokia
Circinus Millungera Preston Rexburg Augustine Menkalinan Liao Demeter Chesterton Zolfo
Galisteo Promised Land Manteno Huron Euclid
Bedeque Pleione Halloran V Streator
Gallatin Ulan Batar Markesan Northfield Willowick
2 6) Stewart Commonality 16) Rim Commonality Clayborne II Griffith Zortman Cerulean Crofton
10 Niihau Gan Singh Poznan Algot Farwell Anjin Muerto
Cerillos Saltillo Autumn Wind Bluford
Thadora's Land Avellaneda Hamilton New O'Fallon
Tamarind Bainsville Angell II Zion Menkar Amiga McHenry Des Arc McRae
Alorton Kosciusko Aragon Coloma Meinrad
Nova Roma Corey Dothan Molino
Sakhalin Antietam
Gibraltar Ashburton New Delos Harsefeld Wazan Remshield
Aylmer Hammer Chalouba Tongatapu Emris IV Old Kentucky Steeles Cogdell Memphis
Schiedam Loyalty Kyeinnisan Quemoy Kaifeng Heligoland Perkasie Hortense
Fuentes El Dorado
Tchamba Tiber Chamdo Lee Kathil Covington Morven
Reisterstown Baxley
Tsinghai Orbisonia
Alterf Sarna Tsingtao Gallitzin Remagen
Wolof Semenyih Campertown Raballa Bora Wetumpka
Tormentine Bowang Vanra Hassad Truth Bastian Hephzibah
San Nicolas Atreus Sarmaxa Salem Montcoal
Cajamarca Avior Lesalles Fincastle Wedgefield Vaucluse
Hazeldean Home Minnacora Cammal
Illyria Lepaterique Aitutaki Monongahela Bonneau Broken Wheel Lackland
Manihiki Randar
Harmony Kiyev Matheran Bithinia Ingersoll Moultrie
Lordinax Trinidad Carbonis Andro
Capella Ares Chakachamna
Atzenbrugg Kogl Propus Bandora No Return New Sagan Victoria Gulkana Sabanillas
Trondheimal Valil'yevskiy Norfolk Newcastle Hellos Minor Geifer Waxell Waimalu Marielund
Panjang Ibarra Regulus Muscida Daneshmand Les Halles Necromo Mejicanos Filtvet
Elektrougli Masterson Monhegan Bethel Novaya Zemlya
Tuamotu Eom Capricorn III Susulatna
Lothario Huntington Relevow Nunivak Sparrevohn Waipahu
Kutludugun Aconcagua Futuna Cordiagr Aldertaine Daniels Tatlawiksuk Skepptana
Trasjkis Wallis Salur Boardwalk Kashilla Morgan's Holdfast
Molokai Nashuar Notwina
Cameron Dayr Khuna Armaxa Alcyone
Reykavis Landfall Karakiraz Ngake Loeches Calloway VI Gei-Fu Brighton Kluane Nahoni Colorado Lihue Eustatius
Kendall Stotzing Mackenzie Faleolo Jasmine Exedor Kurragin Stein's Folly
Lummatii Clipperton Taga Killarney
Fletcher Preston Ovan New Damascus Kotzebue
Leximon Anegasaki Overton St. Ives New Port Royal
Jubka Westover Gibson Jouques Redfield Jaboatao Gillingham
Tapachula Maritgues Oriente Glasgow Vestallas Noatak Redondo
Lindassa Calpaca Fortymile Semichi
Keeling Scituate Shoreham Kaiyuh
Shuen Fletcher's Feast
Capellan Confederation
Lahti Quittacas Sekulmun Mararn
Rzhishchev Ankolika Shenwan Krin Kittery Ingenstrem
Wan Harloc Royalston Wappingers Grosvenor
Prato Chagos Fujidera Pella II Hexare Milos Gurnet Weekapaug Niquinohomo Fuveau
Logan Prime Hednesford Dalton Ogilvie Nizina
Milnerton Bentley Sian Spica Wernke
Hongqiao Ipswich Gurrnazovo
1) Capellan Commonality
Camlann New Westin Mentasta Chirikof Olindo
Corbeanca Jiddah Denbar Carmacks Kaguyak Alsek Sodertalje
Ghaziabad Olafsvik Tortuga Prime
Ellsworth Goodna Imalda Haappajarvi Fetsund
Karachi Isabela Fadiffolu Frondas Indicass St. Loris Maladar Cambiano
2) Sian Commonality
Goth Khakar Hustaing Atlas Hobbs Neukirchen Adelson New Hati
Paulinus Nullarbor Chilung
Romita Iknogoro Kigamboni
Katlehong Vosloorus Cronulla Fronde Castrovia Decus Purvo Tantara Corella Baranda
Hiratsuka Mansu-ri Pleiades Cluster Narellan Islamabad
Niops V Ambergrist Mordialloc
10 Islington
Claybrooke Turin
Drozan Borden
New Vallis
Butzfleth Atreus Prime
Thraxa Pilpala Sax Corodiz New Gangemede
Gallis Aspropirgos Thurrock Pojos Samantha
Algenib Gambilon Muridox
The Periphery The Clan Occupation Zones Lindenmarle Jacomarle Gunthar Rollis Ishtar Jamestown Renfield
Vixen Andarmax Cavalor Euschelus
Larsha Laconis Pinard Charleston
Canopus IV Espia Repulse Taurus
Royal Foxx New Roland Renown Illiushin
9 2) Taurian Concordat 11) Clan Wolf Trznadel Cluster
Megarez Borgan's Rift
New Vandenburg MacLeod's Land
4) Marian Hegemony 13) Clan Smoke Jaguar / Clan Nova Cat Herotitus Spitz
Early Dawn Panzyr
Lockton Smithon Micros III
Itrom Lastpost
5 5) Circinus Federation Wildwood Krimari
Regis Roost Davetal II
Harminous Mandalas
Joyz Tyrlon Davetal III
New Abilene
6) Lothian League Brixtana Detroit Belle Isle oscar
Coromodir Gant
8) Tortuga Dominions
Trip Cate's Hold
Kossandra's Memory Mirfak
9) Rim Collection
Argos Celano
Dainmar Majoris
Spencer Heliat Tyrrhenia Gaul
Novo Tressida
Luxen Colchis
Dunianshire Erod's Escape
Weistheimer Crawford's Delight Addasar
Exiles were Abjured and branded as outlaws. not outshine Marthe’s own star. She The other Clans took this new
reached her position without relying on war in stride. Newly elected
The Federated Commonwealth suffered its
politicking or devious plans. Her goals ilKhan Lincoln Osis did not call the Clans to aid
most grievous wound from within. Victor
were met without ever sacrificing her his Smoke Jaguars, nor did those Clans offer
Steiner-Davion proved a poorer politician than
personal honor. The Refusal War left Clan aid themselves. Clan Ghost Bear abandoned the
general. His missteps led to the sundering of
Jade Falcon fractured and vulnerable. Crusader cause and the Clan Homeworlds. They
the great realm. The alliance forged by his
Marthe’s leadership stabilized the Clan and declared their new nation within the Inner Sphere
parents collapsed. Victor’s sister Katherine
reminded all comers what it would mean the Ghost Bear Dominion, and began a closer
declared herself Archon of a new Lyran Alliance.
to challenge the Jade Falcons. integration with the Rasalhagian people. Clan
Victor chose not to oppose her while the Clans
threatened the Inner Sphere. Nova Cat outright defected from Clan society
Marthe was often seen as cold and aloof.
and joined the new Star League. Theodore Kurita
She did not pursue options past the point
Sun-Tzu Liao succeeded his mother Romano as gifted them worlds within the Draconis Combine
of failure, nor did she dwell on failure, but
Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation after for their service.
honor did not bind Marthe to tradition. She
her assassination. The new Chancellor proved
allowed Aidan’s freeborn daughter Diana Clan Smoke Jaguar crumbled under the might of the
to be as cunning as his namesake. He instituted
to compete for the Pryde Bloodname. new Star League. Their annihilation was completed
programs to inspire national pride in the beaten
Marthe rolled with the tides of change in months. Victor Steiner-Davion then led a coalition
Capellan people and forged a tentative alliance
instead of stubbornly opposing them. force to the Clan capital of Strana Mechty, where
with Captain-General Thomas Marik of the Free
She moved her Clan to the Inner Sphere they engaged the Crusader Clans in a series of Trials
Worlds League. Their nations coordinated an
without hesitation or regret when the Wars known as the Great Refusal to overturn Operation
attack on former Confederation and League
of Reaving broke out. She was the Jade Revival and put a stop to the Clan Invasion.
territory conquered in the Fourth Succession
Falcon exemplar of her generation.
War. The Capellan Confederation once again
rose as a strong Successor State. The Star League triumphed. The Clan Invasion
formally ended.
116 117
None of us wishes to see more conflict, but we can no longer ignore
the problems plaguing us. Now we must live with the results,
however painful, as we acknowledge the irreconcilable difierences
that continue to divide my sister from me. It is no longer possible
for me to stand back in the interest of peace. The time has come, my
people, where no other choice remains.
None but war.
—Broadcast made by Victor Steiner-Davion, December 8, 3062, to the
people of the former Federated Commonwealtll
The Federated Commonwealth was a great
experiment in unity after centuries of ceaseless
war. It began as a peace proposal by Archon
Katrina Steiner of the Lyran Commonwealth.
Only First Prince Hanse Davion of the
Federated Suns responded with an acceptable
counterproposal. The two nations shared
many beliefs and enemies. Talks grew beyond
a simple alliance into a full union of the
two realms. The military competence of the
Federated Suns complemented the economic
might of the Lyrans. Cooperation between
scientists hastened the recovery of data from
the Helm Memory Core. The FedCom seemed
poised to dominate the whole of the
Inner Sphere.
120 121
Joshua Marik, son of Captain-General Thomas
Marik, was diagnosed with leukemia at a
young age. First Prince Hanse Davion arranged
treatments for Joshua at the New Avalon Institute
of Science in return for military equipment from
the Free Worlds League. When the young Marik
died on New Avalon during his treatments, Victor
Steiner-Davion, on advice of his counselors,
authorized the replacement of the dead boy with
a doppelganger to ensure continued delivery of
materiel to the Federated Commonwealth.
Sarna March. This provided a fertile breeding
ground for discontent that the Word of Blake
later exploited. The Capellan Confederation’s
gains provided impetus to Sun-Tzu’s Xin Sheng
movement and the resurgence of House Liao after
the disastrous Fourth Succession War.
The rest of the Inner Sphere did not sit idly
by as the FedCom nations tore themselves to
shreds. The illusion of alliance kept the other
122 123
Xin Sheng
Xin Sheng (“New Birth”) is a cultural movement instigated in 3060 by Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao of
the Capellan Confederation to restore national pride in the people he ruled. The Confederation lost
significant territory in the Fourth Succession War and struggled during the Clan Invasion. Xin Sheng
unified the disparate cultures and heritages of the Confederation under the banner of Chinese Han
culture. This included reorganizing the Capellan Confederation Armed Forces (CCAF), renaming all
ranks with Chinese equivalents, and nationalizing mercenaries with long standing service to the
Confederation (most notably, McCarron’s Armored Cavalry). Efforts were made to retake worlds
lost during the Succession Wars, like the St. Ives Compact and the Tikonov region. The movement
brought a surge in productivity across the Confederation, spurring economic growth and helping to
stabilize the hemorrhaging Capellan economy. Xin Sheng brought the Capellan people together by
focusing not on the ethnicity of individuals or regions, but on the fact that they were all Capellans.
Sun-Tzu Liao
Sun-Tzu Liao was arguably the most dynamic House Lord of the late thirty-first century. The
Capellan Confederation he inherited from his paranoid, unstable mother was on the verge of
collapse. Sun-Tzu leveraged his innate political acumen and extraordinarily cunning mind to
rebuild his nation into a true power of the Inner Sphere. All of Sun-Tzu’s actions served his
ultimate goal of bettering the Capellan state and its citizens. He was as grand a strategist as
his namesake. His elegant machinations unfurled in ways that benefited him no matter the
outcome. Pride, prosperity, and a good deal of lost territory returned to the Confederation
through his policies.
Sun-Tzu’s distrust of outsiders led him to undervalue foreign alliances; his allies served a
purpose and were then discarded. Only the Magistracy of Canopus could forge a lasting
Sun-Tzu’s death in 3113 remains shrouded in mystery. Capellan citizens believe that Sun-Tzu
ascended to godhood. Rumors persist that he never actually died, and will return to lead the
Confederation to even greater glory.
124 125
Lyran Alliance
11 1) Coventry Province Manaringaine
1 2) Melissia Theater
Von Strang's World
3) Alarion Province The Rock
Drask's Den Paulus Prime
Santander V
Botany Bay Elissa 30 LIGHT YEARS
5) Bolan Province Blackstone
Last Chance Crellacor Porthos
Oberon VI
8) Freedom Theater
Region capital District capital National capital Farstar
Erewhon Here Bensinger
Persistence Icar Cluster
Brocchi's Svelvik Balsta
Wotan Alleghe Turtle Bay Bjarred Map compiled by COMSTAR.
The Edge Hartshill
New Caledonia
St. John New Bergen
Leoben Trondheim From information provided by the COMSTARSalford
Rodigo Hermagor Nykvarn
Almunge Virentofta and the STAR LEAGUE ARCHIVES on Terra.
Newtown Square Black Earth Derf
Csesztreg Lovinac 40 Stapelfeld Sawyer
© 3077Chapineria
Beta VII Maxie's Planet Bruben Rasalhague Last Frontier Brailsford
Trell I New Oslo
Kirchbach Radlje Garstedt Brocchi's Cluster Coudoux
Romulus Liezen Chupadero Algate Chorley
Mogyorod Malibu Harvest
Hot Springs Butler Dawn Vipaava Polcenigo Lonaconing Ad Duwayd
The Rack Kolovraty
Draconis March Hood IV Roadside Seiduts Jezersko Kabah Echo
2 Kowloon Pangkalan Schuyler
Kikuyu Blackjack Planting Unzmarkt Pomme De Terre Jeanette
Twycross Savinsville Albiero Hanover Korramabad
Mozirje Feltre
Annunziata Kamarod
Waldorff Qandahar
1 Jerangle Evciler
Engadine Clermont Ferleiten Predlitz
Pain Main Street Goat Path Vantaa Ridderkerk Hohenems Luzerne Matamoras
Winter Blue Hole Denizli Bangor
Jesenice Pusht-i-rud
Federated Suns
Willunga Melissia Kookens
Trentham Chapultepec Apolakkia Spittal Casere Courchevel Jeronimo
Pleasure Pit Basiliano Kufstein McAlister Macksburg Espakeh Rezak's Hole
Neerabup Kwangchowwang Chahar Alyina Leskovik
Inarcs Machida Svarstaad Wolcott
Engadin Byesville Hyner
Arluna Devin Goito
Draconis March Elume
Swartklip Bucklands
Medellin Pasig Zoetermeer Dell Skokie Marshdale
Cheriton Clearfield
Outer Volta
Maldonado Loysville
Land's End
Howick Anembo Mkuranga
Tamar Abiy Adi Hongor
Mandaoaaru Sevren Ningxia
7 1) Woodbine Operational Area Canal Mahone Babaeski Dompaire Memmingen
Itabaiana Teniente
Pesht Tuscarawas Linqing
Great X Yeguas
Sudeten Maestu
Gunzburg Sheliak Caripare
Unity Thimphu
Huaide Enif
Antallos (Port Krin)
Ludwigshafen Bessarabia
4) Taygeta Operational Area A Place Blair Atholl Soul
Biota Hyperion Karston Alshain Hassi R'mel
Tainjin Khartoum Recife Tinaca Yamarovka
Ma'anshan Tangua Goetville Montmarault Shaula Cyrenaica
5) Markesan Operational Area Ellengurg Santana Benfled Thun Halesowen Avon Kagoshima
Qanatir Suk II Sternwerde
Lost Ardoz Tarazed
Galuzzo Skandia
Chatham Dneiper
6) Chirikof Operational Area Domain Shimonoseki New Samarkand
Niangol Abbadiyah Timkovichi Graceland Ballynure La Grave Maule Kanowit Luthien Suianheer
Biuque Atocongo Setubal Miyada
Baryshevo New Exford Carse Pondicherry
Wrociaw Nox Kiamba Chirala Prinis Prime
7) Minette Operational Area
Guatavita Pandora Diosd Krenice Baruun Urt Braunton Sighisoara Kazanka
Krung Thep Utrecht
Qarahta Arc-Royal Orkney Tanh Linh Leiston Tabayama
Qurayyat Crimond Quarell Eguilles Mizunami
Altenmarkt Dumaring Worrell
Langhorne Kandersteg Toffen Mannedorf Bicester Koulen Risin
Krievci Corsica Nueva
Loxley Rubigen Meilen Babuyan Xinyang Yumesta Ramgarh
Hamilton Tomans Ramsau Milligan's World
Chhaprauli Coventry Jabuka Lothan Ban Na San Zlatousi
Slewis Sappir Omagh
Champadanga Kiesen Paracale Chinmen Tao
Incukalns Dukambia Rasalgethi Najha Chandler Odabasi Dyfed Rushaven
Grunwald Tukayyid Ogano Keihoku Zalaf
Storfors Summit Borghese Fort Loudon Yardley Philadelphia
Gulf Breeze Tsinan Ueda Pilkhua Quantraine
Darius Sakai
Cumbres Midway Bad News
Kelang Numki Arkab Dover Coraines
Amminadav Etiler Kelenfold Karbala Dehgolan Brasha
Lyndon Surcin Meacham Iijima Sanda Tiflis Sinope
Ormstown Caldrea Silkeborg Isesaki
Draconis Combine
Jatznik Upano
Triesting Pobeda Blue Diamond Shirotori Cerberus
Grumium Baldur Simferopol
Waypoint Tapihue Saravan Alma Alta Odessa Sulafat Havdhem Agematsu
Alekseyevka Tok Do Shibukawa Peacock Nakaojo Sverdlovsk
Richvale Vorzel Garrison Fatima Al Hillah
Westerstede Osmus Saar Quiberas
Pesht Military District Benjamin Military District Akfata Virtue Otho Oshika Jordan Weis
Horneburg Arcturus Dante Morthac
Pherkad Morningside Orestes Camlann Trolloc Prime Mersa Matruh Koumi Galedon V Goubellat
Ferihegy Reese Station
Hunter's Paradise Dnepropetrovsk
Ciampino Forkas Cameron Calish II
1) Kagoshima Prefecture 12) Buckminster Prefecture Pocologan
Tiruppur Ginestra Lucianca Ganshoren
Tamsalu Quatre Belle
Vermezzo Dalkeith Aix-la-Chapelle Awano Cosenza Budingen
Greenlaw Crevedia Leganes Moseby Sakuranoki Dindatari Calish III
Timbuktu Kostinbrod Quilino Gibbs Donegal Minowa Rudolpho Baliggora
2) Irece Prefecture 13) Xinyang Prefecture Minderoo Apostica Sakhalin Buckminster Tatsuno
All Dawn Tharkad Helsingfors Togura Nadrin
Kvistgard Eutin Hachiman Alpheratz
Kockengen Breukelen Cadiz Senorbi
Vihtijarvi Noisiel Symington Aubisson Falsterbo Handa Kirei Na Niwa Delitzsch
Venaria Carnwath Reisling's Planet Elidere IV
8) Vega Prefecture 19) New Samarkand Prefecture
Chaffee Alrakis
Viborg La Blon New Aberdeen Cassias Latexo Lyceum
Anguilla Haynesville
Florida Furillo Glengarry Junction Pajarito Pitkin
Ascella Ludwig Bergman's Planet
Ciotat Canonbie Chichibu Deshler McGehee Brookeland Inner End
10 Dromini VI Galtor III
District 9) Algedi Prefecture 20) Kaznejov Prefecture Urjala
Kochab Unukalhai Moore
Kuzuu Ashio Barlow's Folly Wapakoneta
Harrow's Sun
Udibi Colia Sturgis Diboll
10) Ashio Prefecture 21) Tabayama Prefecture Aberystwyth
Premana Czarvowo
Medzev Zvolen
Hesperus II
Yance I
Tannil Matar
New Mendham
Benet III
Choudrant Bremond Pascagoula Broaddus
Delos IV
Hunan Foochow Paulding Symsonia
Simpson Desert Ideyld Abadan Styk Scudder Odell Kettering Metter
Diamantina Ariel Muskegon Augusta Rentz
Dalcour Shasta
4) Duchy of Andurien 14) Zion Province New St. Andrews Zorn's Keep
Edmondson Washburn
Keystone Oceana Holt
Ibstock Asuncion
St. Andre
Foot Fall
Ashkum Tecumseh Chebanse
Blantleff Mundrabilla Asellus Australis Beten Kaitos Argyle Numenor
Loongana Coriscana Andalusia Minette
5) Duchy of Graham-Marik 15) Ohren Province Sierra Maderas Midkiff Park Place Wei Shipka
Campbelton Dickinson Asellus Borealis Axton Perdido
Maxwell Second Try New Macao New Avalon Sylvester
Kilarney Ohrensen Highspire Emerson
Merton Curaumilla Eromanga Laureles Kirkenlaard Drusibacken Freisland Galax Brockton Sherwood
6) Stewart Commonality 16) Rim Commonality
Sorunda Zaurak Jesup
Ventabren Talcott Belladonna Manassas Shubuta
Kakada Albert Falls Paradise Sophie's World Gomeisa Palos Mandate Acala
Maximillian Manotick Escobas
Elnath Yunnah Menkib
Sackville Silver New Olympia Second Chance Smolensk Point Barrow Ebro
McKenna Torrence
7) The Protectorate 17) Silver Hawk Coalition Conakry Phact Ulan Bator Matsu Moravian
Nova Roma Corey Sakhalin Dothan Molino
Gibraltar Ashburton New Delos Harsefeld Wazan Remshield
Chalouba Tongatapu Cogdell Memphis
9 8) Duchy of Orloff 18) Border Protectorate
Aylmer Hammer Kyeinnisan Emris IV Old Kentucky Steeles
Schiedam Loyalty Fuentes Quemoy Kaifeng Heligoland Perkasie El Dorado Hortense
Tchamba Tiber Chamdo Lee Kathil Covington Morven
Reisterstown Baxley
9) Regulan Free States 19) Sirian Concordat Ionus Tsinghai
16 Alterf Sarna Tsingtao Remagen
Campertown Raballa Gallitzin
Wolof Semenyih Bora Wetumpka
Tormentine Bowang Atreus Vanra Hassad Truth Bastian Hephzibah
San Nicolas Sarmaxa Salem Montcoal
10) Principality of Gibson Home Cajamarca Avior Lesalles Fincastle Wedgefield
Hazeldean Lepaterique Aitutaki Minnacora Cammal Monongahela Bonneau Broken Wheel Lackland
Manihiki Randar
Illyria Harmony Matheran Bithinia Ingersoll Moultrie
Lordinax Trinidad Kiyev Andro
Carbonis Capella Ares Chakachamna
Atzenbrugg Kogl Propus New Sagan Victoria Sabanillas
4 Valil'yevskiy Bandora Geifer No Return Gulkana Waimalu
Trondheimal Norfolk Newcastle Hellos Minor Regulus Muscida Daneshmand Les Halles Necromo Waxell Marielund
Panjang Ibarra Bethel Mejicanos Filtvet
Lothario Elektrougli Eom Masterson Monhegan Novaya Zemlya
Huntington Tuamotu Capricorn III Susulatna
Relevow Nunivak Sparrevohn Waipahu
Kutludugun Aconcagua Futuna Cordiagr Aldertaine Daniels Tatlawiksuk Skepptana
Trasjkis Wallis Salur Boardwalk Kashilla Morgan's Holdfast
Molokai Nashuar Notwina
Cameron Dayr Khuna Alcyone
Reykavis Landfall Karakiraz Ngake Loeches Calloway VI Gei-Fu Brighton Kluane Nahoni Colorado Lihue Eustatius
Kendall Stotzing Mackenzie Faleolo Jasmine Exedor Kurragin Stein's Folly
Lummatii Clipperton Armaxa Killarney
Fletcher Preston Ovan Taga New Damascus Kotzebue
Leximon Anegasaki Overton New Port Royal
Jubka Westover Gibson Jouques St. Ives Redfield Jaboatao Gillingham
Tapachula Maritgues Oriente Glasgow Vestallas Noatak Redondo
Lindassa Calpaca Fortymile Semichi
Keeling Scituate Shoreham Kaiyuh Fletcher's Feast
Shuen Quittacas Sekulmun Mararn
Lahti Rzhishchev Ankolika Shenwan Krin Kittery Ingenstrem
Wan Harloc Royalston Wappingers Grosvenor
Prato Chagos Fujidera Pella II Hexare Milos Gurnet Weekapaug Niquinohomo Fuveau
Logan Prime Hednesford Atsugi Nizina
Dalton Ogilvie Wernke
Hongqiao Milnerton Ipswich Bentley Sian Spica Gurrnazovo
Camlann New Westin Mentasta Chirikof Olindo
Corbeanca Jiddah Denbar Carmacks Kaguyak Alsek Sodertalje Tortuga Prime
Ghaziabad Olafsvik
Ellsworth Goodna Imalda Haappajarvi Fetsund
Frondas Indicass St. Loris Maladar Cambiano
Capellan Confederation
Karachi Isabela Fadiffolu
Goth Khakar Hustaing Beid Atlas Hobbs Neukirchen Adelson New Hati
Paulinus Nullarbor Chilung
Romita Iknogoro Kigamboni
Katlehong Vosloorus Cronulla Fronde Castrovia Decus Purvo Tantara Corella Baranda
Hiratsuka Mansu-ri Narellan Islamabad
Niops V Ambergrist Mordialloc
7 1) Liao Commonality Diass Vikindu Kujari Warlock Macintosh Gronholt
Niops VI Lengkong Kwamashu Wallacia Tallin Great Gorge New Gascony
Niops VII Tohelet Cirebon Altorra Claxton Ziliang Uravan Hadnall Darwendale Birmensdorf June
Bismarck Carmen Texlos Cumberland Hoonaar
Tematagi Barlaston Birqash Hecheng
2) Capellan Commonality
Lesnovo Westerhand Sendalor
Fieferana Antipolo Teng Beenleigh Okains Gambarare
Mankova Hindmarsh El Giza Scarborough Ito Malagrotta
2 Negushevo Wilkes Kearny Weatogue Avigait Marodzi Belaire
Pleiades Cluster Housekarle Oltepesi
3) Sian Commonality Furud Velhas Immenstadt Basantapur
Howrah Guangzho Mosiro Safe Port Jaipur Kaitangata Kiserian Tegaldanas
Al Jubaylah Mauripur Yanchep Bacum
Hudeiba 100 Homestead Ikast Hobson
As Samik Vackisujfalu
Palladaine New Syrtis
4) St. Ives Commonality Campoleone Siendou Kafr Silim Enchi
4 Addhara Cole Harbour Wright Drienfontein Naka Pabni
New Venice Sharqah Shiro III Latice Manapire Cotocallao Panpour Csomad
Gatchina Ayn Tarma Taygeta
Bayindir Wisconsin Deschenes Jonzac Aucara
5) Victoria Commonality Betelgeuse Grand Base Abruzzi Firgrove Songgang
Alphard Glevakha Rohinjan Holloway Verlo Die Moot Tentativa Armington
Stafford Tellman's Mistake Conquista Sigma Mare Nihal Pleiades Cluster Weippe Estuan
Skvorec Cap Rouge Kanata Ashley Mandaree
6) Styk Protectorate
Kasdach Sirdar Pierce
Raphael Xieng Khouang Courcellete Ridgebrook Keuterville Anaheim
Astrokaszy Saonara Pirates haven
Andurien 50 Cohagen
Suetonius Payvand Glentworth
7) Sarna Protectorate Pompey Ruschegg Meadowvale Ryerson
Shaunavon Wrentham
Caldwell Verdigreis
Scheuerheck Prix Mitchel Montour
Granera Xanthe III Lopez Lurgatan Shiba Menke
Obrenovac Frazer Flintoft
Baccalieu Watermael Decatur Lothair
Ingonish Robsart Diefenbaker Althea's Choice Randis IV
Horatius Eleusis Buenos Aires Celentaro
Sadurni Niomede Columbine Mendham Lindsay
Cyrton Pirates haven
Leyda Jacson Hyalite Norman's World Organo 50
Vixen Andarmax Cavalor Euschelus
Larsha Laconis Pinard Charleston
Repulse Taurus
Royal Foxx Canopus IV New Roland Illiushin
Fanardir Renown
Tarol IV Hurik Brisbane Landmark Orkney
12 Palladix
Megarez Borgan's Rift
Mechdur Aea
Trznadel Cluster
30 LIGHT YEARS Carvajal
3) Outworlds Alliance 11) Clan Ghost Bear Krimari Itrom Lastpost
Regis Roost Davetal II
Joyz Davetal III
4) Marian Hegemony 12) Clan Hell’s Horses New Abilene Tyrlon
Brixtana Detroit Belle Isle oscar
6 Fronc
1 2
128 129
in a terrorist bombing, Victor finally reached so much death. He instead resumed his post as
his breaking point. The embers that had long Precentor Martial of ComStar. The people of the
simmered at last erupted into flame. now fully sundered Federated Commonwealth
nations would be ruled by Peter Steiner-Davion
The resulting war touched nearly every world in the Lyran Alliance, and a wiser Yvonne Steiner-
under the FedCom aegis. It was not a conflict Davion in the Federated Suns. Katherine was later
constrained by borders. Victor and Katherine surrended to Khan Vlad Ward of Clan Wolf, who
both had supporters on every world in the was besotted with her. Vlad threatened to renew
FedCom. As tensions grew, clashes became aggression with the Lyran Commonwealth unless
frequent. Neighbors argued, classmates Katherine was released to his custody.
bickered, and old friends found themselves
at odds. For four long years, the Federated The cost of the war in lives, industry, and morale
Commonwealth ground itself out of existence. had barely begun to be counted when the next
horror descended.
In the end, Victor defeated his sister. Katherine
shadows cast by his parents spurred bumbling warrior whose only solution
Victor to achieve more than most. His to a problem was to stomp it with his
sense of justice guided most of his actions. BattleMech. She believed that her ability
He excelled as a general,a but his political to bend people to her will with a smile
missteps were often as damaging as his and polite word made her more fit to rule.
military victories were impressive. Victor Katherine hid a devious mind behind a
became a polarizing figure. His comrades smile beloved by the media. Her legendary
appreciated his candor and dedication. His beauty was matched only by her ruthless
opponents saw him as inheriting the worst thirst for power.
of his father’s militaristic tendencies. After
his mother’s assassination, he finally Katherine tolerated no criticism. She
ascended to the dual thrones. He was was prone to fits of rage, and she harshly
the first and last Archon-Prince of the punished those who failed her. She
Federated Commonwealth. commanded loyalty through fear and
manipulation. Paranoia and uncertainty
Victor spent his life opposing tyranny were common among sycophants during
across all human space. His crusade her illegitimate reign over the
stretched from Strana Mechty in the Federated Commonwealth.
Clan Homeworlds to New Avalon and the
defeat of his usurping sister, and to Terra She remained influential even in defeat.
and the downfall of the Word of Blake. Khan Vlad Ward claimed her for Clan Wolf
He later recognized the divisiveness of and used her as an adviser. She remained
his presence and stepped back from powerful within the Clan after Vlad’s
leadership to aid Devlin Stone in building death. Her greatest coup was raising and
the Republic of the Sphere. Victor fought training her offspring, Alaric. Alaric proved
for freedom until the end of his life, himself his mother’s son by murdering her
helping expose a conspiracy to overthrow to eliminate a potential rival. He was well
the Republic government. He was on his way to fulfilling her dreams of total
assassinated by the conspirators. dominion over humanity.
130 131
INNER SPHERE - October 3067
Von Strang's World
13 Nyserta
The Rock
Blackstone Sigurd Paulus Prime
Last Chance
2) Clan Jade Falcon 8) Taurian Concordat
Oberon VI
3) Ghost Bear Dominion 9) Fronc Reaches
12 Damian
4) Clan Wolf 10) Magistry of Canopus
Thule Richmond
Erewhon Farstar
5) Outworlds Alliance 11) Marian Hegemony
Here Bensinger Skallevoll
Dark Anywhere
6) Tortuga Dominions 12) Circinus Federation Nebula Apollo Star's End Pinnacle Coreward
6 Bone-Norman Somerset Outpost
Constance Idlewind
12) Rim Collection
Nebula Steelton Altona
Susquehanna Rockland
Wotan Bjarred Hartshill
Persistence New Caledonia The Edge Alleghe Leoben Trondheim Turtle Bay
40 Chateau New Bergen Salford Nowhere
Newtown Square Golandrinas St. John Almunge Virentofta
Maxie's Planet Verthandi Hermagor Nykvarn Slaithwaite RIMWARD
8 Black Earth Derf Brocchi's Cluster Rodigo
40 Stapelfeld Sawyer 120 LIGHT YEARS OR 36,8
Chapineria PARSECS
Csesztreg Lovinac Rasalhague Brailsford
Beta VII Bruben
Trell I New Oslo Last Frontier Region capital District capital National capital
Kirchbach Garstedt Brocchi's Cluster Coudoux
9 Romulus Liezen Radlje Chupadero Chorley
Mogyorod Hot Springs
Butler Harvest Dawn Polcenigo Lonaconing
Dead or Dying Algate
world Ad Duwayd
The Rack Kolovraty
Hood IV Seiduts Vipaava Jezersko Kabah Echo
Kowloon Roadside Schuyler Jeanette
Pangkalan Kikuyu Blackjack Planting Unzmarkt Hanover MAXIMUM JUMP: APPROXIMATELY 30 LIGHT YEARS Korramabad
Engadine Twycross Pomme De Terre Albiero
Mozirje Feltre
Annunziata Clermont Waldorff Kamarod
Blue Hole Evciler Qandahar
Jerangle Goat Path Savinsville
Ferleiten Predlitz
Draconis Combine
Hohenems Matamoras
Pain Main Street Winter Jesenice Kookens Denizli
Vantaa Ridderkerk Luzerne
Bangor © 3081 COMSTAR CARTOGRAPHIC CORPS Pusht-i-rud
Willunga Melissia Pleasure Pit Spittal Courchevel Rimward
Trentham Chapultepec Apolakkia Casere McAlister
Chahar Alyina Leskovik Basiliano Kufstein Jeronimo Macksburg Espakeh
4) Ningxia Prefecture 15) Proserpina Prefecture Timehri Gatineau Antares Graus Maestu Gunzburg Irece
Mississauga Great X
4 Moriguchi Australia Yeguas Sudeten
Volders Thannhausen
Sheliak Caripare Sertar
Huaide Enif
6 5 5) Kagoshima Prefecture 16) Iruzun Prefecture Kwangjong-ni
A Place
Kobe Heiligendreuz Unity Thimphu
13 New Capetown Bountiful Harvest Benfled Thun Satalice Port Arthur
Ellengurg Koniz Halesowen
Santana Suk II Kagoshima
7) Oshika Prefecture 18) Kessel Prefecture
Qanatir Sternwerde
12 14 Galedon Lost
New Exford
La Grave Domain
Tarazed Avon Chatham
Shimonoseki New Samarkand Suianheer
8) New Samarkand Prefecture 19) Al Na’ir Prefecture
Niangol Abbadiyah Biuque Timkovichi Atocongo Ballynure Maule Luthien Miyada
Military Setubal Dneiper
Pandora Kanowit Pondicherry
Wroclaw Carse Nox Kiamba Chirala
Guatavita Diosd Eguilles Krenice Baruun Urt Braunton Sighisoara Kazanka
9) Tabayama Prefecture 20) Algedi Prefecture Caldarium Krung Thep Baryshevo Orkney Utrecht Tanh Linh Leiston Prinis Prime
Arc-Royal Tabayama
Crimond Quarell Altenmarkt Mannedorf Dumaring Mizunami
17 11 Ramsau Worrell Koulen Risin
Langhorne Qarahta Krievci Kandersteg Jabuka Xinyang Bicester Corsica Nueva
Dieron District 10) Matsuida Prefecture 21) Ashio Prefecture Qurayyat Loxley
Hamilton Tomans Babuyan
Yumesta Ramgarh
Milligan's World
20 Chhaprauli Coventry Rasalgethi Lothan Rubigen Meilen Omagh Ban Na San Zlatousi
Slewis Champadanga Sappir Najha Kiesen
16 11) Kaznejoy Prefecture Odabasi Paracale Chinmen Tao Rushaven
Incukalns Dukambia Dyfed
Military 18
Grunwald Tukayyid Ogano Keihoku Zalaf
Storfors Summit Fort Loudon Chandler Yardley Philadelphia
21 15 Tsinan Borghese Ueda Pilkhua Quantraine
Darius Sakai
Gulf Breeze Midway Bad News
District Kelang Cumbres Numki Arkab Dover Coraines
Amminadav Etiler Kelenfold Dehgolan
Karbala Brasha
Jatznik Lyndon Surcin Meacham Iijima Sanda Tiflis Sinope
Ormstown Upano Caldrea Silkeborg Isesaki
Triesting Pobeda Blue Diamond Shirotori Cerberus
Grumium Baldur Simferopol
Waypoint Tapihue Saravan Alma Alta Odessa Havdhem Agematsu
Alekseyevka Sulafat Tok Do Shibukawa Peacock Nakaojo Sverdlovsk
Richvale Vorzel Garrison Fatima Al Hillah Dante
Akfata Virtue Otho Oshika Morthac Quiberas Jordan Wais
Horneburg Arcturus Osmus Saar
Reese Station Morningside Camlann Trolloc Prime Koumi Galedon V
Westerstede Pherkad Orestes Goubellat
Mersa Matruh Dnepropetrovsk
Federated Suns
Pocologan Ciampino Cameron Calish II
Ganshoren Tamsalu Cosenza Quatre Belle
Ferihegy Vermezzo Tiruppur Ginestra Lucianca Apostica Awano Budingen
Forkas Crevedia Dalkeith Port Moseby Dindatari
Draconis March
Greenlaw Leganes Aix-la-Chapelle Sakuranoki Calish III
Kostinbrod Quilino Gibbs Donegal Minowa Schirmeck Rudolpho Baliggora
Draconis March
All Dawn Timbuktu Minderoo Buckminster Tatsuno Togura
Kvistgard Eutin Tharkad Helsingfors Hachiman Nadrin
Kockengen Breukelen Cadiz Handa Senorbi Alpheratz
Noisiel Auldhouse Symington Accrington Falsterbo Kirei Na Niwa Delitzsch Lushann
Vihtijarvi Aubisson Alegro
1) Robinson Operational Area
Sapienza Kaumberg Duran Tetersen Gram Mitchella
Wiltshire Nuneaton Hillerod Phalan Kajikazawa Raldamax
Vanern Valentina
Porrima Carstairs Eaglesham Hun Ho
Hunter's Paradise Kladnitsa Alarion Shionoha Saaremaa Kawabe Trimaldix
2) Woodbine Operational Area Otisberg
Veckholm Kirkcaldy Yed Prior
Fukuroi Benjamin
Annapolis Valmiera Shaul Khala
Beta Mensae V Waldheim
Weisau Sevon
Coldbrook Vendrell Corridan IV Loparri
Capellan March Gillfillan's Gold Batajnica
Callisto V
Mesa Verde Edasich
Yed Posterior
Altais Minakuchi
Apriki Ljugarn Altdorf
Groveld III
Kinkaid II
Marfik Kimball II
Vega Rukbat
An Ting
Capra Kesai IV
Crucis March Crucis March Zaprudy Laurieston Shitara Gandy's Luck Tancredi IV
10 Karkkila Rapla Chukchi III Zebeneschamali Ryde Komephoros Kaus Australis Dabih Donenac Misery Conroe
Chiavenna Carlisle Bjornlunda Shimonita Kennard Mishkadrill
Chaffee Albalii Marlowe's Rift Thestria
Mezzana Halfway Kessel Harpster
5) Markesan Operational Area
Venaria Carnwath New Aberdeen Elidere IV Cimeron
Enders Cluster Viborg La Blon Alrakis Kaus Media Reisling's Planet Cassias Latexo Anguilla Lyceum Haynesville
Florida Furillo Piedmont Junction Ludwig Pajarito Pitkin
3 Ciotat Ascella Chichibu Galtor III Deshler Bergman's Planet McGehee Inner End
6) Chirikof Operational Area 10
Aristotle Trent Canonbie
Gladius Unukalhai
Dromini VI
Kuzuu Ashio Barlow's Folly Marduk
Wapakoneta Harrow's Sun Udibi Colia Sturgis
Kurhah Damevang
7) Minette Operational Area
Enders Cluster
Alphecca McComb Barlow's End
Premana Czarvowo Seginus Kochab Skondia Sabik Tannil
New Mendham Tripoli
De Berry Bastrop Delos IV
Novo Franklin
Capellan Confederation
Abramkovo Concord Basalt Davisville
Amity Nopah Achernar Avawatz Newton Keytesville Sullivan
Loric New Hope Remulac Bordon Connaught Talitha Terra Firma Angol Cholame Bogard St. Robert Humansville
Outreach Woodstock Tikonov Logandale Rosamond Quincy
Son Hoa Madiun Capolla Acamar Bharat Yangtze Evansville
Savannah Corydon Ramona Mermentau Chenier Abbeville
Bella I Colfax Megrez Danais Nathan Van Diemen IV Sonnia Barstow
Cavanaugh II Elgin Hamal Marlette
1) Liao Commonality
Arboris Azha
Andiron Penobscot McAffe Bondurant Adhafera Hall Nanking Alrescha Delphos Monroe Tsamma
Khon Kaen Alula Borealis Cascade Acubens Mira Kestrel Rosiclare
Togwotee Alphard Slocum Goderich Beecher Imbrial III
Sheridan New Valencia
Pencader Timbiqui Nockatunga
Stewart Tania Borealis
Hsien Genoa Kansu Mesartim Parma Gambier Mauckport Hoyleton Offerman
2) Capellan Commonality Poulsbo Trellisane Wasat Zurich Tawas Wroxeter Batavia
Baltazar III Thermopolis Miaplacidus Irian New Hessen Saunemin Capac Bellevue
Epsilon Pingree Helm Tall Trees Algol Almach Sanilac Kirklin Sodus
Gannett Plymouth
Diedre's Den Merak Buchlau Mansfield Vicente Okefenokee
Berenson Saiph Aldebaran Petrolia
3) Sian Commonality Circinus
Promised Land
Preston Rexburg Sterling
Tania Australis
Augustine Menkalinan New
Liao Ningpo
Demeter Chesterton
Bristol Flushing
Huron Euclid
Ulan Batar
4) St Ives Commonality
Gallatin Bedeque Marik Halloran V Markesan Streator Northfield Willowick
Griffith Zortman Crofton Anjin Muerto
Clayborne II Saltillo Niihau Gan Singh Poznan New Aragon Algot Farwell Bluford
Thadora's Land Cerillos Avellaneda Hamilton O'Fallon
Tamarind Bainsville Angell II Zion Amiga McHenry Des Arc
5) Victoria Commonality Alorton Schererville Menkar Goshen Coloma Meinrad McRae
Kosciusko Autumn Wind Lancaster Valexa Delavan
Kyrkbacken Tiskilwa Strawn Saginaw Xenia Steinhatchee
Hardisey's Haven Shensi Jonathan Leamington Weldon
Rasalas Bernardo Paulding
3 6) Tikonov Dalcour
Simpson Desert
Ibstock Asuncion
St. Andre
Foot Fall Ashkum
Odell Ipava Augusta