Assignment VIII
Assignment VIII
10. Consider an ideal air-standard Brayton cycle in which the air into the compressor is at 100
kPa, 20oC, and the pressure ratio across the compressor is 12:1. The maximum
temperature in the cycle is 1100oC, and the air flow rate is 10 kg/s. Assume constant
specific heat for the air. Determine the compressor work, the turbine work, and the
thermal efficiency of the cycle.
11. The gas-turbine cycle shown is used as an automotive engine. In the first turbine, the gas
expands to pressure P5, just low enough for this turbine to drive the compressor. The gas
is then expanded through the second turbine connected to the drive wheels. The data for
the engine are shown in the figure, and assume that all processes are ideal. Determine
the intermediate pressure P5, the net specific work output of the engine, and the mass
flow rate through the engine. Find also the air temperature entering the burner T3 and
the thermal efficiency of the engine.
Figure 4
12. Consider an ideal air-standard cycle for a gas turbine, jet propulsion unit, such as that
shown in the figure below. The pressure and temperature entering the compressor are
90 kPa and 290 K. The pressure ratio across the compressor is 14:1, and the turbine inlet
temperature is 1500 K. When the air leaves the turbine, it enters the nozzle and expands
to 90 kPa. Determine the pressure at the nozzle inlet and the velocity of the air leaving
the nozzle.