Heaven's Mandate and Man's Des
Heaven's Mandate and Man's Des
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Reader' s
A dissertation entitled
Heaven’s Mandate and Man’s Destiny in Early Medieval China:
The Role of Prophecy in Politics
Zongli Lu
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Zongli Lu
Doctor o f Philosophy
at the
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© Copyright by Zongli Lu 1995
All Rights Reserved
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committee members not only for their valuable advice on this dissertation, but also
for all the help and kindness I have received from them over the past five years at
Without Professor Joseph S. M. Lau's help, I would never have been able to
begin my doctoral studies at the university five years ago, at which time I had no
to finally achieve my goal From Professors William H. Nienhauser, Jr. and Robert
Joe Cutter, I have learned the great traditions o f western Sinology, and have
moreover benefited from the model o f careful and intelligent scholarship they gave
me. Their help over these years is one o f the happiest memories I have o f Madison.
from him not only Chinese intellectual history but also important traditions in
Western thought.
o f the traditional Chinese gentleman. Without his help and attention in various ways,
I would not have been able to overcome the difficulties and challenges I faced
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during these years. This dissertation has greatly benefited from his careful review
The lectureship the department provided me during the five years I was in Madison
My thanks are also due to Diane Howard and Robert Reynolds, whose
comments and suggestions on this dissertation were very helpful in the revision.
Help from other friends and classmates at Madison was immeasurable. I offer my
Michael Loewe, David R. Knechtges, Jurii L. Kroll, Paul W. Kroll, Victor Mair, E.
consult his unpublished article presented at the 1995 Annual Meeting o f the
Going further back, I also have debts from the beginning o f my study o f
Chinese literature and history twenty years ago at East China Normal University,
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into the riches o f China’s great cultural treasures. I then studied and worked in the
Institute o f History at the Chinese Academy o f Social Sciences, Beijing, from 1978
who guided me step by step on a long and fascinating march, the study o f
Qin and Han history and culture. There I also benefited from studying and
& §1, Lin Ganquan Xie Guozhen I t [U tJf, Xiong Deji f g H , Wang
Liu Qiyu §IJ ^ i f , and Zhong Zhaopeng M H Bl- My thanks are also due to
whose long-term kindness and friendship made my study at Madison possible at the
first place.
other publications have been important contributions to the study o f the Han
apocryphal texts.
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In the Spring o f 1995, I was granted a travel grant from the Eastern Asian
Library, the University o f Michigan. Its rich collections o f Chinese studies were
I feel fortunate that I had the opportunities to study and associate with
numerous erudite scholars in China, Taiwan and the United States. Some o f them
have been mentioned above. I also "study and associate" with more scholars
impersonally through reading their works, which are mentioned in the Selected
Bibliography. Without all these previous and various studies and without all the help
and guidance I have received, this dissertation and my future career would have
been impossible.
Finally, I am most grateful to my parents, who not only gave birth to a son
but also brought him up as a man; to my homeland, the beautiful and sorrowful
country which has the mountains, waters, people and culture I cannot cease loving.
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2. 1 Later Zhao 37
2. 2 Former Qin 39
6) General Observation 69
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prophetic collections 89
3. 1 Northern Qi 95
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1) Introduction
2. 1 The Jin
2. 2 Former Zhao
2. 3 Former Liang
3 ) Summary
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2 . 3 Chen prophecy by f a n qie spelling 173
2. 5 Summary 176
3. 4 Summary 189
be revived." 201
2. 3 "A great fish in the Eastern Sea changes into a dragon." 203
2. 6 "A Son o f Heaven will arise from the east o f the city." 205
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Texts 258
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which began early in Chinese history, yet still exists today. Chen refers to portentous
words which are later proven to be true. Chinese commonly believe that some oral
or written portentous words revealed Heaven's will and mandate, which determined
man's (i. e., a political figure or group) destiny. Although it is impossible to trace its
origin through extant sources, we know that its first occurrence in Chinese historical
portentous words and were obviously influenced by the Western Han N ew Text
canonical school. These texts were called chen wei in the Eastern Han dynasty
(25-220). The philosophical view expressed in these texts was prevalent throughout
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Portentous words and chen wei texts were banned from early medieval China
through the last Chinese dynasty, the Qing (1644-1911). The texts are no longer
extant except for a few fragments. Partly because o f the lack o f sources, the
significant role o f chen wei in Chinese history has long been ignored and
therefore attempts to examine the role and significance o f chen in Chinese culture
Repeated bans o f chen wei texts have attracted the attentions o f scholars
who work on early medieval Chinese history, religion and culture. But the actual
causes, background, and failure o f the bans are far from well studied. In Chapter I,
an examination o f the political background to the bans during this period will show
how the bans were instituted, why the rulers o f the time issued them, and why the
The bans and their failure were not an isolated and simple phenomenon.
Chapters II and III examine the attitudes towards chen wei texts o f the rulers,
officials, and scholars, the elite social groups o f the period. Scholarly interest and
belief in chen enabled chen to play a significant role in political struggles for a long
The writing o f chen was not a privilege o f the ruling class. Chapter IV
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many person, place or building names, reign titles and poems by people o f all walks
were believed to reveal the future. This belief was prevalent among all social
Even more interesting, folk and children's rhymes were also recognized as
chen and influenced political events o f the time. Chapter V examines this new
bases for the pervasive power and influence o f chen in Chinese politics.
points that:
2. Chinese, including those who issued the bans, believed in chen prophecy.
preliminary study o f the field, however, I intend to concentrate myself to the above
issues, and leave a more theoretical and detailed discussion o f Chinese belief in
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In the summer o f 1991,a great flood inundated East China, the bountiful
valley o f the lower reaches o f the Jiang £E, or Yangzi River. A rumor began
circulating that people should have had expected the flood to occur, because a
heavenly warning had long been revealed through the new leader's name: Jiang
This was not a political joke. It is an example o f the traditional belief in chen
that has affected Chinese culture and society for millennia, and is still alive in
Although the earliest textual instance scholars have found o f the character
[Grand Scribe's Records],1 this does not necessarily mean that this belief began only
in the early Western Han.2 In early Chinese sources, chen is defined as meaning yaw
1 See Sj, 1786-1787. The details o f the story shall be discussed below.
2 Jack L. Dull thinks that there is a considerable evidence that the rise of chen (which he
calls prognostication) is closely associated with the state o f Qin f | | . The evidence appears
in the Zuo zhuan 515 B. C. (the twelfth month o f the 26th year of Duke Zhao Hp of
Lu ). In this section a chen which originated in the Qin and prophesied the decline of the
Zhou Jq| house is recorded. See his "A Historical Introduction to the Apocryphal (Ch'an-wei)
Texts o f the Han Dynasty," (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University o f Washington,
1966; hereafter, "Apocryphal Texts"), 11. The key to reading this prophecy or
prognostication is the translation o f the first line of the passage: |j| A $1 0- Following
James Legge's translation o f The Ch'un Ts'ew with the Tso chen, 717, vol. V in The Chinese
Classics (Hong Kong: University o f Hong Kong Press, 1960), Dull reads: "There came
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sum, chen are subtle, esoteric and portentous words foretelling future events; they
Chen usually foretell future political events, either directly or obscurely and
knowledge, or inferences from facts or experience. Although there were many ways
in ancient China for one to divine or prognosticate the fiiture, such as astrology,
reading the patterns o f cracks made by heat on the surfaces o f animal bones or turtle
shells, casting the stalks o f the yarrow plant,6 and observing various unusual natural
down among the people in Ch'in these ominous utterances." He thus takes the word yao
which Legge translates as ominous utterances, to be basically the same as prognostication.
Yao if c , however, is not necessarily the same as yao yan ijfc H ominous utterances. I read
jian g ya o as "possessed by a spirit," and read the line as: "Possessed by a spirit, a Qin
individual (possibly a shaman) said." Although this dissertation makes no attempt to discuss
shamanism, belief in chen, in the early period only, could be associated with a sort of
4 Shi ming & £ , , b y Liu Xi §lj , a late Eastern Han scholar, quoted in Jiang Qingyi
Wei xue yuan liu xingfei kao (preface dated 1897) 7.
5 San cang H S ( a text book for children in the Han), quoted in ibid.
6 See Michael Loewe and Carmen Blacker, eds. Oracles and Divination (Boulder:
Shambhala, 1981), 3 8.
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revelations which are not replies to pre-existing questions, and require no deliberate
search by man for answers, no artificial production o f signs for a specific purpose,
and need no trained diviners to formulate questions (important when answers would
As for its form, chen often comes in rhymes and riddles, sometimes uttered by
inspired persons but mostly written or spoken by anonymous authors. This idea is
form, but contains a subtle message revealing the fortune o f a public figure or the
future o f an institution.
Chen could come from many sources. As I mentioned above, the earliest use
o f chen can be found in the Shi ji. The passage describes an oracle inspired by the
Supreme Deity (ti ^?) in a dream. Once Duke Mu H? o f Qin #f!(r. 659-621 B. C.)
remained unconscious for seven days. When he finally came to his senses, the duke
told his servants that he had been with the Supreme Deity who has revealed that the
state o f Jin If- was about to suffer a great disorder that would last for five
generations. After that [its lord] would have the hegemony, and would die before he
reached old age. The son o f the hegemon would further debauch Qin's people. All o f
this was later proven true.8 Interestingly, Sima Qian places this story in his "Zhao,
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Hereditary House" chapter instead o f the "Qin benji" [Qin, Basic Annals], in
Bian Que Jjf| fj§, a legendary physician o f the time, came to examine the patient. Bian
Que referred to the record o f this inspired oracle Qin chen f p e it.10 Sima Qian seems
to regard the story as legendary rather than a historical account suitable for his
"Basic Annals." Nevertheless, the fact that this kind o f record circulated among the
people o f the Warring States and Western Han periods shows that belief in oracles
school could be an inspired person and his writings were read as chen. At the end o f
9 Zhao Yang j |§ |£ , a minister of the state of Jin during the late Spring and Autumn period
(770-476 B. C.).
10 The same story, as Dull has pointed out in his "Apocryphal Texts," is quoted no less than
three times in the Shi ji (11-12). The other two references are in the "Feng shan shu" fif
H [Treatise on the Sacrificial Ritual], 1360; and "Bian Que Cong Gong liezhuan" H §§
£*^01$ [Bian Que and the Grand Cang, Memoir], 2786-2787. The version in the memoir on
Bian Que is identical to the version in the "Zhao Hereditary House" except that ce Iff
[bamboo slip] is used in place of chen. Another instance of ce replacing chen is found in the
memoir on Jia Yi J f H “i the Shi ji. In the "Funiao fu" |$} [Rhapsody on Owl], Jia Yi
says: "I opened the book to prognosticate, and the slips told what it omened"
’ U t i l ■(2497) In the paralleled memoir in the Han shu $§ ^ [Han History], chen
is used in place o f ce (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1964), 2226. Dull thinks the substitution is
of no consequence since ce means both to divine and also the slip of wood on which the
divination text was written. ("Apocryphal Texts," 17, note 16) In fact, ce were slips of wood
or bamboo on which any kind o f text can be written or which can be used to calculate or
divine. In these cases, ce refers to the slips of the book, and chen refers to the content of the
book. These two words were not interchangeable, and no divination was ever performed in
these two stories.
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the Qin dynasty, Fan Zeng yQift (277-204 B. C.), later the principal advisor o f the
great general Xiang Yu J|f 33 (232-202 B. C.), first went to see Xiang Liang Jjj a
former Chu ^ noble, early leader o f the anti Qin forces, and Xiang Yu's uncle. In
persuading Xiang Liang to enthrone a descendant o f the former Chu royal house as
the symbol o f their enterprise, Fan quoted a prophecy by Master Nan j^[ £*•, a
legendary figure from Chu in the Warring States period who was a master o f the
Yinyang school: "Even if Ch'u has but three households left, it will be Ch'u that
destroys Ch'in" 3itS §jE P 1 ’ t >§t. 11 A work with the title o f M aster Nan
Classics and Literature], the bibliographical chapter o f the Han History. M aster Nan
There were other collections o f chen o f that era either without authorship
given or with a forged attribution. In the thirty-second year o f the First Emperor o f
the Qin (215 B. C.), a Scholar Lu ]j£, returning from a mission seeking immortals
f§I U , which, according to Chen Pan ^ , was the legendary He tu ?pJ [gj [River
11 See William H. Nienhauser, Jr. , ed. The Grand Scribe's Records (Bloomington: Indiana
University Press, 1994), vol. 1, 183. Some read this san hu H P [three households] as the
three royal clans of Chu (Zhao H§, Qu Hg, and Jing ft-), or as a place name Sanhu jin H P
^ (Three Households Ferry) where Hsiang Yu indeed later defeated the Qin general Zhang
Han . See ibid, note 50 for more information.
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ch art].12 The heavenly message for the emperor in this work was: "The one who
will destroy Ch'in is a 'Hu'" £ iH # 13 The First Emperor then had General
Meng Tian § | set forth with a troop o f 300,000 men to assault the barbarian
tribes in the north, since Hu could mean barbarian.14 The catch in this chen,
as one reason for the collapse o f the Qin dynasty. There is a long standing dispute
12 See Chen Pan, "Lun zaoqi chen wei ji qi yu Zou Yan shushuo zhi guanxi,"
^ f i r ! ! ! £ ; £ . HE in Zhongyangyanjiuyuan lishi yuyan yanjiusuo jikan
20:1 (1948): 159-187. For the River chart, see Anna Seidel,
"Imperial Treasures and Taoist Sacraments—Taoist Roots in the Apocrypha," (hereafter,
"Taoist Sacraments") in Tantric and Taoist Studies, vol. 2, ed. by Michel Strickmann
(Institute Beige des Hautes Etudes Chinoises, 1983), 308; Michael Saso, "What is the Ho-
t'u," History o f Religions 17:1 (August 1977): 399-416.
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over what the original R iver chart was, which will not be discussed here. The lesson
w e learn from this story is that by the time o f the First Emperor o f Qin, the River
messages from mysterious emissaries. Again from the "Ch'in, Basic Annals," w e
learn that "in the 36th year (211 B. C.), Mars stayed in the Heart Constellation. A
read: "After the First Emperor dies, his territory will be divided" ffO
5> .15 In the fall o f the same year, when an imperial emissaiy was on his way back
from the east at night, "a man with a jade disc in his hand stopped the emissary and
15 Ibid, 150. This story is another incident Bodde has doubts about (see note 14). This time,
besides the "inherent improbability," (97) Bodde provides better textual evidence: this Shi ji
passage violates the principle that during the lifetime of the First Emperor, his title was used
only by himself, never in the statements or writings o f others. This principle is based on
Kurihara Tomonobu's Ijl fff study in the Shin Kan shi no kenkyu ifi 60 W 3^
(Tokyo: Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 1960). No attempt will be made to reexamine this principle
in this dissertation. However, there are two additional factors which should be taken into
consideration. The first is that the title "First Emperor," designed by the emperor himself,
was actually more like a "temple title." It was not supposed to be used in official speech or
writing when the emperor was still alive. However, there was no ways to prevent it from
being used in non-public utterances and writings, as is the case in this story. The second is
that although Sima Qian and his lather depended on the Qin official documents a great deal
when they wrote the chapters on Qin history, this does not necessarily mean that they used
the original Qin documents exclusively. And even if they copied the Qin documents, chances
are great that they reworded the records. In reference to rewording, a related and interesting
phenomenon is noteworthy: the Grand Scribe’s Records in early accounts often refers to
persons with their later noble titles. This kind of wording certainly is not copied from the
original official documents. This being the case, the chen in this citation is an indirect
quotation. I intend to provide a detailed discussion o f this principle o f wording in a future
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said: 'Give this to the Lord o f Hao Pond $3 fq for me.' The disk was inscribed:
'This year the primal dragon will d i e ' ^ ^ f i l f i t ^ E . The emissary tried to question
him, whereupon he suddenly disappeared, leaving his jade disc behind."16 The
Emperor.17 One may say that the chen on the meteor was inscribed by men rather
than by Heaven. W e will examine this issue later, but a full discussion must be
In later times, w e will see that chen came in the form o f folk and children's
rhymes. In other words, unlike divination and prognostication, which are done by a
few inspired individuals, a chen can come from inspired or common people. Anyone
As can be seen, chen are portentous words, coming from various sources,
composed by people in various states o f mind, and written in various forms. The
language o f a chen can be straightforward and thus easily understood, or subtle and
second reading o f the chen. It is partially in this sense that chen are regarded as
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H istory o f Chinese Philosophy and was adopted by Jack L. Dull.18 However, Bodde
later calls the Qin chen I mentioned above "prophecy."19 Anna Seidel uses both
"prophetic" and "prognostic texts" for chen, and "apocryphal texts" for the Han
chen and wei texts.20 Writing about Han texts, Tjan Tjoe Som recognizes that there
was originally a distinction between chen and wei, but still treats chen-wei as a
romanization—"ch'an-wei literature"— yet defines chen as the term for "oracles" and
19 See Twitchett and Loewe The Cambridge History o f China, vol. 1,, 97.
21 See Tjan, Po hu t'ung: The Comprehensive Discussions in the White Tiger Hall
(hereafter, Po hu t'ung. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1949), 100-120.
22 See The Cambridge History o f China, vol. 1, 759-764. Paul Demieville also regards chen
as oracular prognostication; see his "Philosophy and Religion from Han to Sui," in The
Cambridge History o f China, vol. 1, 809.
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prognostication, and oracles here. To "prognosticate" means "to know or tell o f (an
divination."24 Michael Loewe has pointed out a feature that differentiates oracles
from divination: "Oracles included questions that were put to signs already inherent
in nature and recognizable to those gifted with certain faculties."25 Although such
divination, oracles, and prognostications did occur in the Han chen wei texts, they
differ from chen in four principal ways: 1) divination, oracles, and prognostication
request supernatural powers or observe present signs to seek answers. Chen are
interpretations o f present signs. Chen themselves are specifically the words which
23 The Compact Edition o f the Oxford English Dictionary (Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1971), vol. 1, 387.
24 The New Encyclopaedia Britannica (Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. 1994), vol.
8, 974.
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reveal the messages from Heaven; 3) divination, oracles, and prognostication serve
both state and individual requests. Chen in its early stages only dealt with state
affairs, in other words, with national politics; 4) neither divination nor oracles nor
prognostication can occur without a medium w ho delivers and interprets the divine
messages. Chen, while sometimes transmitted through such an individual, can occur
and be disseminated without any particular medium. It can fly without wings; it can
transmitted to the people by prophets, shares some features with chen. Both
generally deal with similar issues and often present views critical o f the existing
political order and authorities; both prophesy future events with the aid o f divine or
concerning future events which later com e to pass. However, while prophecy in
Western cultures appears in many shapes and forms, none occurs without a
prophet.26 In the Chinese case, however, even though we may find a few Chinese
26 In the entry "Prophecy" in The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. 9, 426, for instance,
the types o f prophecy are classified on the basis o f types o f prophets: divinatory prophets
include seers, oracle givers, soothsayers, and diviners, all o f whom prophesy the future or
reveal the divine will in oracular statements by means o f instruments, dreams, visions
received while they were in an ecstatic state; cult prophets or priest-prophets who pronounce
the word o f the deity under cultic mandate; missionaries or apostolic prophets who maintain
that the religious truth revealed to them is unique to themselves alone, and may lead them to
found a new religion; reformative or revolutionary prophets such as those of the Old
Testament classical prophets and Muhammad.
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historical figures who are similar or even comparable with the Western classical
prophets, as the efforts o f H. H. Rowley and Wm. Theodore de Bary try to show,27
the chen I discuss in this dissertation are not like the Western classical prophecies
appearing in The O ld Testament. In fact, chen are more comparable with the
It is true that many chen o f the Han dynasty were contained in the
collections o f well-known authors. For instances, the wei texts, which I will discuss
collections o f chen were often attributed to Lao Zi Yao §!§, or Liu Xiang
|bJ. Later there was Tui bei tu ^ ® [Pushing the Back: A Book with
Illustrations], a collection that first appeared no earlier than the late Tang (618-907)
tw o well known astrologers o f the early Tang; Qian kun wan nian
[The Songs o f the History o f the Eternal Universe] "by" Jiang Tai Gong a
27 In his Prophecy and Religion in Ancient China and Israel (New York: Harper &
Brothers, 1956; hereafter, Prophecy and Religion), H. H. Rowley attempts to illustrate the
similarity between Chinese Sages, such as Confucius, Mencius and Mo Tzu, and the
Hebrew prophets, especially in their morals and sense of mission.
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minister and lord o f the early Western Zhou (11th century-771 B. C.), also
famous for his divinatory abilities; M a qian ke ,1| i t HI [The Divination in the Front
o f the Horse] "by" Zhuge Liang jHf 3S ^ (181-234), a statesman o f the state o f Shu
ID (221-263), also famous for his legendary wisdom which included divination; M ei
h u ash i [The Poems on Plum Blossom] "by" Shao Yong § |5 $ I(1 0 1 1-1077),
a Neo-Confucian philosopher also well known for his divining skills; and Shao bing
ge 'JH IJf 1ft [Pancake Baking Songs] "by" Liu Ji ^Ij H (1311-1375), a principal
Ming BJ§ (1368-1644) dynasty. All o f these attributions o f authorship are spurious.
There may have been some chen collections which originally published with their
real compilers' names, but, because o f their obscurity, the names were soon lost.
authority and power o f prophecy in the west originates from the personal connection
between prophet and deity. A prophet, o f course, does not speak for himself but for
his deity.28 N o one but the prophet can speak for the deity. In the case o f chen, its
authority and power originate from public acceptance, because a real chen can be
completed only after its public selection and circulation. Spurious attribution to a
28 Or, as Hilda Ellis Davidson mentions in "The Germanic World" (Loewe and Blacker,
Oracles and Divination, 115), an Icelandic quotation, spa er spaks geta, should read:
"Prophecy is the wise man's guess," or, "The wise man's guess reveals hidden truth." Still, it
was the uniqueness of a prophet or, a wise man, that gave the prophecy life.
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well-known author may reinforce the popularity o f a chen yet not make it more
occasions) is chosen to translate H in this dissertation because first, chen does have
prophecy in English has a wider meaning than the other terms I have discussed.
One might question why chen, Chinese prophecy, does not require a
prophet. This question ultimately leads to the more central issue o f why in Chinese
religion and thought Heaven is not a personified God. This subject is beyond the
scope o f this dissertation, and will be touched upon only briefly in the conclusion.
from ancient to modem times. China is no exception. But since early ancient
Chinese documents preserve many types and forms o f magic and divination, why
was so little o f chen prophecy? My assumptions are that: a) early chen prophecies
mostly among the common people; b) these chen prophecies were random,
unpredictable and unsystematic, so that they were difficult for rulers to control.
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Consequently, after a chen prophecy had run its due course, it was soon forgotten
by most people.
It is generally held that the beginning o f the Qin dynasty was the turning
point in the development o f belief in chen prophecy. This view has arisen because
o f the supposedly close connection between chen prophecy and Zou Yan's $jJJ5
(305-240 B. C.) theory o f the Rotational Changes o f the Five Natures 3 £ ^ ! £ $ p ,29
officially adopted as one o f the ideological foundations o f his new dynasty. The
connection between Zou Yan’s theories and chen prophecy, however, is not
necessarily that close. Zou Yan's theory later became the basis o f some political
philosophical writings in the chen wei [prophetic-apocryphal] texts, but his work
originated from a different tradition, the Yinyang and Wuxing 31 f j [Five Agents]
schools.30 Furthermore, it is noteworthy that once Zou Yan's views were officially
29 The historicity of the account that the First Emperor of the Qin adopted Zou Yan's theory
has been challenged by Kurihara, Shin Kan shi no kenkyu , 45-91, and Kamada Shigeo £jfc
B3 f i W i, Shin Kan seiji seido no kenkyu (Tokyo: Nihon
Gakujutsu Shinkokai, 1962), 42-93. However, as Bodde points out, their arguments cannot
be convincingly substantiated and remain only an attractive possibility ("Adoption of the
element water in 221," see note 14).
30 The "Five Agents," or wuxing, is also translated as five phases or five elements; and wude
31 W: is translated as five powers, five virtues or five essences by scholars. In this
dissertation, wuxing is translated as five agents, and wude is specified as five natures. For
general information on the Yinyang and Wuxing schools, see Fung, A History o f Chinese
Philosophy, vol. I, 159-169; vol. II, 88-132. For further information, see Li Han-san ^
H , Xian Oin Liang Han zhi yinyang wuxing xueshuo
(Taibei: Zhongding wenhua chuban gongsi, 1967; hereafter, Yinyang wuxing xueshuo).
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adopted, belief in chen prophecy grew and developed into an anti-imperial sentiment
The merging o f the Yinyang and Wuxing schools and belief in chen prophecy
into apocryphal thought took place in the late Western Han, during a time when
This ideology’s goals were to maintain social justice and balance and protect
rulers' misbehavior and displayed auspicious portents as rewards for their good
deeds. Within a century, this ideology had gained prominence with support from
31 Fangshi has been translated as magicians, necromancers, recipe man, and thaumaturgist.
No lengthy review o f these translations will be made here, except to say none of then is
acceptable. Fangshu A ^ includes a much wider variety o f technologies than just magic,
necromancy, or thaumaturgy. And to read fang as that in yao fang |j£ A (recipe) is a total
misunderstanding. Fang is the name o f the lesser version o f Dao jj|, as can be seen in the
compound word fangshu, which is parallel to daoshu jj| In short, fang, fa Dao were
synonyms, and all became the labels o f schools of teaching. Those who practiced Dao have
been called Taoists in English. Following this suit, Tsai Fa Cheng coins this word Fangists
to name those who practiced fangshu.
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23), a powerful royal relative and contender for the Han throne. Later, with the aid
o f "auspicious portents," and numerous chen prophecies that the Han House would
lose the mandate o f Heaven, Wang Mang finally ascended the throne and established
In A. D. 25, after defeating Wang Mang and other contenders for imperial
power, Liu Xiu ^§r, a distant member o f the former Han house, established the
Eastern Han ?J| dynasty, with the aid o f powerful Confucian-bureaucrat families
and again favorable chen prophecies. The role o f chen prophecy in political
struggles increased dramatically from the end o f the Western Han to the beginning
o f the Eastern Han. During this period, a large number o f new texts were produced.
These texts, which purported to be the work o f Confucius, were a mixture o f the
learning o f the N ew Text school, the Yinyang and Wuxing schools, Taoism,
astrology, geography, numerology, ancient legends, folk beliefs, the occult, various
Confucian canon. The Chinese word for canon, Jing $£, means "warp" as well as
"canonical text." Thus these new texts, as supplements to the canon, were called wei
$$, meaning "weft."32 These weft texts were widespread during the Eastern Han.
32 See Tjan, 100 and 107. Tjan and Seidel ("Taoist Sacraments," 309), claim that the weft
texts were unrelated to the classics they claimed to complement. In fact, no less than forty
percent o f the existing fragments of weft texts are related to New Text learning in the
Western Han. See Lu Zongli, "Wei shu yu Xi Han jinwen jing xue,"
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D ue to the mystical nature o f the texts, they were called the "mi jing" (Esoteric
Canon) or "nei dian" (Internal Classics). Although chen prophecies were not a
major part o f this corpus, the term "chen wei" (prophecy-weft), because o f the
significant role o f chen prophecy during the Eastern Han, and the high regard it was
held in, came to refer to the entire corpus o f these texts at that time, and is still
widely used by modem scholars. In fact, during the Eastern Han period, there was
no clear distinction between chen, wei, and chen-wei. They all referred to the same
thing: the prophetic weft texts. Since chen were regarded as originating from the
R iver Chart, and since some o f these texts were illustrated, the terms Tu wei [g| $$
(chart and weft; or illustrated weft) and Tu chen Hj (chart and chen prophecy; or
o f the prophetic-weft texts during this period. Thus an important distinction between
belief in chen prophecy and study o f the prophetic-weft texts is often ignored, to
wit: ignoring the fact that belief in chen prophecy had a long history, even before
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the prophetic-weft texts o f the Eastern Han appeared, and long after the decline o f
The most popular translation for the "weft texts" in the West is "apocrypha"
and early Christian literature, apocrypha, meaning "hidden esoteric secrets," referred
to the extracanonical writings o f Jews during the Hellenistic and Roman periods,
which were very influential but later were excluded from the biblical canon, first by
Jewish and then by Christian authorities.35 In the sense that the weft texts were
recognized as secret extracanonical writings during the Eastern Han and later
translation for wei, or weft. The problem is that in Western languages, by the fourth
century A. D., the term apocrypha no longer denoted "hidden esoteric secrets."36 It
became synonymous with spurious canons, or pseudepigrapha, while the word wei
33 See Tjan, Po Hu T’ung, 100; Fung, A History o f Chinese Philosophy, vol. II, 88. Paul
Demieville says: "Western sinologists refer to both types o f texts [chen and we/]as Han
apocrypha" ("Philosophy and religion from Han to Sui," 809).
34 Robert P. Kramers has pointed out in "The Development o f the Confucian Schools" : "In
Western literature the wei are usually referred to as apocryphal books, although the analogy
is somewhat remote" (The Cambridge History o f China, vol. 1, 759).
35 Mircea Eliade, ed. The Encyclopedia o f Religion (New York: Macmillan Publishing
Company, 1986) , vol. 2, 173.
36 Ibid.
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meaning and usage o f the word apocrypha, "hidden esoteric secrets" and
extracanonical writings, this dissertation will translate wei as apocryphal texts and
The golden age o f the prophetic-apocryphal texts was Eastern Han and the
following Three States period37 After this period these texts gradually lost their
standing and, consequently, most o f them disappear. This process took place in early
medieval China over the course o f several centuries. After the Sui dynasty (589-
618) complete texts were no longer extant, but a few fragments and eight
during the Qianlong ^ reign period (1736-1795). The reasons for the loss o f the
o f the prophetic-apocryphal texts were published in the Ming Bf] and Qing yjf
dynasties. The most famous collections are: Gu wei shu ^ ^ ^ [The Ancient
Subtle Books] by the Ming scholar Sun Jue 1$; Oi wei -fc [The Seven Weft
Works] by the Qing scholar Zhao Zaihan and Wei Jun ^ ^ [C o lle c tio n s o f
37 For detailed information, such as titles, contents, political roles and historical background,
o f the learning o f the prophetic-apocryphal texts during this golden age, see Zhong, Chen
wei lun l(le; Dull, "Apocryphal Texts;" Carl Leban, "Managing Heaven's Mandate: Coded
Communications in the Accession o f Ts'ao P'ei, A. D. 220" (hereafter "Managing Heaven's
Mandate") in David T. Roy and Tsuen-hsuin Tsien eds. , Ancient China: Studies in Early
Civilization, (Hong Kong: Chinese University o f Hong Kong Press, 1978), 315-341.
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Weft Texts] by the Qing scholar Qiao Songnian The most comprehensive
Collection o f the Apocryphal Texts] by two modem Japanese scholars, Yasui Kozan
38 For further information on the collections o f the weft texts, see Zhong, Chen wei lun lile,
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Despite the publication o f some noteworthy articles in Japan and the W est, 1
the role o f chen prophecy and prophetic-apocryphal texts in early medieval China
has generally been ignored and misunderstood. The most common impression o f the
prophetic-apocryphal texts Chinese and Western scholars have is that they were
proscribed and no longer influential. Thus most discussions o f this period have
instead centered around the rise and dominance o f Buddhism and Taoism, the
popularity and meaning o f Metaphysical Learning ^P) and Pure Discourse (?jf
aristocratic families, and the ethnic battles and cultural diversity o f this period.
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found, simply because most scholars believe that the texts were no longer studied
It is not without reason, however, that scholars are impressed by the bans
during the period. It is a fact that the great bulk o f these texts, which played such a
predominant ideological role throughout the Eastern Han and Three States period,
were lost during the period from Western Jin to Sui,2 a period which coincided with
repeated imperial bans on these texts. What better reason for the disappearance o f
the texts than the bans? However, a careful examination o f the bans on the
When did the first ban take place? How many bans were issued during this
period? For what reasons and on what ideological grounds were the bans
A Ming scholar, Wang Wei 3 i writes: "The first ban o f the prophetic-
apocryphal texts began with Song, no earlier than the Darning reign period (457-
464). At the end o f Sui (581-618), [Emperor Yang j^ ] sent messengers to go all
2 Actually a common perception among scholars of Chinese history and culture is that the
prophetic-apocryphal texts, other than a few fragments postdating early medieval China, no
longer exist since Emperor Yang o f Sui had them all burnt. However, this common
perception cannot explain how and why a Tang scholar, Li Shan (JI. 630-689), quoted
so many apocryphal texts in his famous commentary on the Wen xuan j|l [Selections of
Refined Literature], Neither does it explain the large number o f the apocryphal quotations
that survive in the Kaiyuan zhan jing |§ j c ^ |§ , a Tang astrological encyclopedia, and the
Tang commentaries on the Confucian canon.
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over the empire, to search for books which were related to the prophetic-apocryphal
texts and bum them all. After the time o f the Tang, the learning o f the prophetic-
■ 3 R o b eitP Kramers
holds a similar view: "The ch'an-wei literature has been preserved only in
fragmentary quotations, for the texts began to be prohibited in the fifth century, and
by the beginning o f the seventh century, during the reign o f Sui Yang-ti, they were
virtually destroyed."4 Wolfgang Bauer has more definite dates: "These books were
successful action, they were collected for a third time in 605, and apparently
and Books], the bibliographical chapter o f the Sui shu Plf Hr [Sui History]: "The first
ban o f the prophetic-apocryphal texts began no earlier than the Darning reign period
(457-464 ) o f Song. From the Tianjian reign period (502-519) o f Liang on, the
5 See Walfgang Bauer, China and the Search fo r Happiness (New York: Seabury, 1976),
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regulation became even stricter. When Gao zu rHj [o f Sui]6 took the throne which
[the Northern Zhou rulers] abdicated, he banned the texts even more fervently.
When Emperor Yang (r. 604-617) succeeded to the throne, he soon sent messengers
all over the empire to search for books which were related to the prophetic-
apocryphal texts and bum them all. Anyone indicated by functionaries [for failing to
then, this learning no longer exists. Most o f the imperial collections disappeared" 31
sfcfcE** xmgfcJ*
Although the authors o f the Sui H istory personally lived through the Sui
dynasty and would certainly have better access to the historical records o f this
texts, has reviewed the history o f the bans and he concludes that the first ban
occurred in 336.8 Jack L. Dull, who has done a remarkable job on this issue, points
out that the earliest evidence o f the proscription o f the prophetic-apocryphal texts
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occurred by the end o f Eastern Han. Ji Mao o ' a learned scholar and bibliophile
from a famous clan, was arrested when a relative rebelled in 217.9 He misunderstood
the real charge and so told his attendants: "I am charged with keeping those books"
What kind o f books would cause their owner to be arrested? The Wei I tie
[Wei Epitome] explains: "Earlier, the statutes proscribed esoteric learning and
term for the prophetic-apocryphal texts during the Eastern Han. Although the
incident took place at the end o f Eastern Han, w e can be sure that the ban was the
Cao family's idea, since it was in charge o f state affairs at that time.11 In addition to
this incident, Dull lists a total o f ten dated prohibitions in the millennium after Han:
267, 336, 369-379, 457-464, 486, 502-519, 589, 605, 767 and 1273. Besides the
last tw o dates, which fall outside the range o f this dissertation, all the others plus an
additional one in 444 are well within early medieval times. I will therefore provide
more precise dating and arrange the nine bans into five groups chronologically and
10 This story was not in Chen Shou's history but in the Wei Epitome quoted by Pei Songzhi.
SeeSgz, 23.660-661.
11 Ironically, in 220, only a few years later, Cao Pi U 55 and his associates arranged a
mandate-transfer performance with the aid of the prophetic-apocryphal texts; See below.
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In the twelfth month o f the third year o f the Taishi reign period (2 6 8)12
o f Emperor Wu o f Western Jin, the emperor issued a decree: "We proscribe the
Prior to this, the Cao family and its followers, having adopted the theory o f
the “Rotational Changes o f the Five Natures” as the basis for the legitimation o f
dynastic change, quoted a large number o f auspicious portents, and particularly the
power as nothing less than the transfer o f Heaven's mandate from the Han house to
the Wei ^ house. Following suit, Liu Bei (161-223) in Shu H) and Sun Quan
3 & ^ (182-252) in Wu all proclaimed their own mandates and, o f course, used
favorable chen prophecies and portents to serve their own causes.14 One important
way in which Shu and Wu were never able to surpass Wei, however, was that the
12 This decree is usually dated 267, yet the twelfth month of the third year o f Taishi fell in
14 For detailed discussion, see Leban, "Managing Heaven's Mandate;" Taira, "Gi no Buntei
to zui."
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latter was the legitimate recipient o f the abdication o f the Han emperor. When the
Sima WJ family replaced the Cao family, they imitated the model the Cao family
had set.
These precedents established the proper procedure for the transfer o f the
mandate o f Heaven, and with it imperial power. The Wei-Jin model influenced the
politics o f early medieval China for centuries. The Simas' adoption o f the Wei model
potential contenders for the throne from taking advantage o f astrology and the
It would be too simplistic, however, to assume that the use o f these texts and
functional nor effective without believers. And once an utterance has become a
public motto, meeting almost no opposition, this motto begins to constitute the
symbol o f public faith. If the motto has a religious overtone, even if it was fabricated
in the first place, it will still have its power. Those politicians who were either
such as the Cao family, banned them so that no one else could utilize them, but were
unable to resist making use o f it themselves. A more detailed discussion o f this point
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will be made in following chapters. In the rest o f this chapter, more examples will be
It was rumored that before the Sima’s took the throne from the Cao to
establish the Jin, there was already a negative chen prophecy that "the ox will
called Xuan shi tu ® [The Book o f the Black Stone with Illustrations]. Sima is
and ma ,H (horse). The surname actually came from an ancient official title and often
is referred to simply as ma, the horse. Thus Sima Yi W] ,H | $ ( 179-251), the leader
o f Sima family, dreaded anyone with the surname Niu 4 1 (° x) ft was said that he
even poisoned Niu Jin one o f his generals. What he could not know was that
approximately thirty years later (276), one o f his grandsons, Sima Jin W] J | | | , the
If had illicit intercourse with a low functionary with the surname Niu and gave
birth to a prince who was not o f pure royal blood. The bastard prince was Sima Rui
W] ^ |X , who later became the first emperor o f Eastern Jin (r. 317-322). Thus, the
chen prophecy came true.15 This kind o f story is obviously an imitation o f the story
o f the First Emperor o f Qin—that he was not o f royal blood but a bastard o f Lii
Buwei § ^ the chancellor o f the state o f Qin. While certainly not necessarily
15 See J i 6.157-158.
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historical, this view o f the patrimony o f the First Emperor was popular in the Jin
dynasty and people o f the time regarded it seriously. Throughout the history o f Jin,
w e can indeed see that the "horse" became a symbolic character for the Sima family
in many chen prophecies, and thus became a taboo o f the Jin house. The emperors
were extremely sensitive about any expression violating the taboo. N iu Jin, the
general who was alleged to have been poisoned, has no biography in the Jin History,
or in the R ecords o f the Three States. As early as 208, he was a general under Cao
Ren's 0 \Z command, a man who was a cousin and important commander o f Cao
Cao. He was sent to guard against Zhou Yu Jjf Jfo at Jiangling fX and later was
made hou jiangju n jjl (Rear General) .16 Twenty-three years later, in the fifth
year o f the Taihe fO reign period (231) o f Emperor Ming Bfj o f the Wei, he
Jin, as a important general in Sima Yi's command, fought against Zhuge Liang § # 3 !
^5 several times in battles from 231 to 238.17 Then Niu Jin disappears from the
poisoned at that time. Still, while there may be a few other examples o f such a
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brings to mind the purges o f 20th century figures from Soviet and Chinese history.
Given the attitude toward chen prophecy o f the Sima family, the decree to
pretty logical. One month after the ban, the newly issued Taishi lii # $p
practiced throughout both Western and Eastern Jin.19 B elief and interest in the
social strata as well, although w e shall see 1) that more and more Confiician
scholars focused on the doctrines o f the Old Text school, which had less connection
were prevalent among elite groups, and 3) that later advanced religions like
Buddhism and Taoism became more attractive. The remaining influence o f the
prophetic-apocryphal texts was particularly striking among the rulers and contenders
19 This dissertation will not deal with astrology, although astrology was often banned
together with the prophetic-apocryphal texts.
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for the throne, who had little interest in metaphysical thinking and serious
read, "the blessedness that Jin has enjoyed will be end at the time o f
Xiaowu, the third son o f Emptier Jianwen. r. 373-396] was still in his
"You will give birth to a boy. Style him Changming." At the time [Emperor
Xiaowu] was bom, dawn was just breaking. Thus they took [Changming] to
be the boy's name.20 Emperor Jianwen, becoming aware o f [the chen] later,
f • » a s • ° micw'ikm nig.®2'
Here, a hundred years after the ban by the first emperor o f Jin, Emperor Jianwen
was still able to read prophecies. D oes this suggest that the ban applied to only
20 The "name" refers to zi the style name. Emperor Xiaowu, named Sima Yao WJ MRU,
was styled Changming.
21 See Js, 9.242. In 396, Emperor Xiaowu was murdered by a consort. The empire soon was
involved in civil wars, revolts and court disputes. Twenty-four years later the Eastern Jin
house abdicated the throne to Song.
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Almost contemporary with Eastern Jin, both non-Han ethnic groups and a
few Han families established numerous states in North and West China. The
historical documents o f these states, especially the cultural and intellectual sources
that have come down to us, are so rare that the following incidents can only be
regarded as fragments o f history rather than the complete picture. Even so, w e are
" Not only did the leaders of the "five barbarians" who were under the influence of Chinese
culture for a long time believed in chen prophecy, some frontier tribe leaders did so as well.
According to the "Ruirui lu zhuan" j£j [Memoir on Ruirui Tribes] o f the Southern
Qi History, their Chancellor Xiliyin who was contemporary with the Song period,
knew the learning o f astrology and magic and understood both barbarian and Chinese
languages. He once mentioned that in the South there will be a person with name o f Qi who
will rise [as king]. By the time of the Jianyuan reign period (479-482) of Emperor Gao
of Southern Qi, the Chancellor of Ruirui, named Xingjiqiluohui JfPH $£ H M, presented a
memorial to the founder o f Southern Qi, Xiao Daocheng, which said: "Although your
servant [I] am a man living on the frontier, and have just started to browse among prophetic-
apocryphal texts...[I see that] the water nature has come to trouble while the wood nature
rises to power in accord with the changes... The chen by Jing Fang mentions: 'Mao and
metal at the number sixteen, cao (grass) plus su (solemn) shall be as the king.' The
prophetic-apocryphal texts I have read, although varying in predictions, all tell that the
blessing is focused on the Xiao family, and the state replacing Song will be Qi ’
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The second ban during early medieval era was not a nationwide one. It was
issued by Shi Hu (295-349), the third lord o f Later Zhao which was founded
by the Jie $ i people. Its first lord, Shi Le 5 W (274-333), although famous for his
military achievements, was a devotee o f Chinese elite culture. To justify his heavenly
mandate, he adopted the theory o f the Rotational Changes o f the Five Natures, and
disseminated favorable chen prophecies and myths regarding his birth. He treated
Fo Tudeng a Central Asian monk, respectfully because the monk was good
at predicting.23 When Shi Le passed away, his nephew Shi Hu killed Shi Le’s sons
As a usurper, Shi Hu stood in even more need o f aid from chen prophecy.
In an attempt to fulfill the chen prophecy which read "The [new] Son o f Heaven
shall come from the northeast" ^ I f- #£ jfC i t 5)5, 24 Shi Hu left his capital
Xiangguo H H j,25 went to the northeastern city o f Xindu fglflS, about hundred miles
away,26 then came back the capital from the northeast before formally taking the
24 This chen prophecy was circulated for generations and was mostly influential in North
and West China, and was traditionally believed to refer to the incident that the Murong
family o f Xianbei would enter the heartland o f China from Northeast China. See the
commentary o f Zztj by Hu Sanxing H Ha, 2999.
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throne. As a tyrannical usurper with numerous enemies, Shi Hu yearned for proof
palaces in the capital He placed female officers in the palaces, instructed palace
maids to learn martial arts so that they could serve in cavalry and infantry, and at the
astrologer to observe celestial omens as a check on the regular royal astrologer. His
suspicions regarding those around him w as doubtless based on his insecure grasp on
the throne, and the works which he judged the greatest threat to his power were
In the capital, particularly at court or in the palace, he could still manipulate the
predictions, and keep a firm grip on the study o f astrological and prophetic-
apocryphal texts.
27 Ibid, 2765. No specific date is given. The Zizhi tongjian (3007-3008) chronicles the
preceding accounts for the ban under the eleventh month o f the second year o f the Xiankang
f&M reign period (336) o f Emperor Cheng of Western Jin.
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2 .2 F o rm e rQ in fu ijl(351-394)
Former Qin was the only one among the sixteen (or twenty-four) states to
unite Northern China. The early leaders o f this Di J3; -Tibetan state, especially Fu
his "Qian Qin shi" fu f j | [History o f the Former Qin] as follows: "Among the
numerous minority mlers, [Fu Jian was] one o f the first who successfully tried to
sinify the state and encourage the national diversity. With his broad vision and
political honesty, Fu Jian made Former Qin the most vigorous, efficient and
Fu, the ruling family, is said to have originally been sumamed Pu fjf. The
family changed its name in 350, during Pu Hong |jf $£, or Fu Hong's reign.
The reason for changing it, according to historical records, was to fulfill a chen
prophecy.29 The chen, according to the Jin H istory and the Annals o f the Sixteen
States, said: "It is the time for the Grassy Fu (without the grass radical) to rule as
king" fvf fig 3 :. These texts also claim said that a grandson o f Pu Hong, named
28 See Jiang Fuya, Qian Oin shi gij (Beijing: Beijing shifan xueyuan chubanshe,
1993), 1.
29 Ibid., 10. Jiang's view is supported by most historical records of this reign, such as the Jin
History, 2868 and Shiliu guo chunqiu comp. Tang Qiu (Shanghai:
Shangwu yinshuguan, 1958), 240.
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Jian, had veins like the words and on his back. Some one thus advised Pu
Hong to take the opportunity to proclaim himself the king. Hong then changed his
Whether or not the Fu family changed its surname to correspond to the chen
advisor named Wang Duo 3E IS who was learned in astrology and prophetic-
apocryphal texts. Wang told Fu: "The chen says a certain Fu shall be the king. It will
record, agreed with him.31 Wang Duo's career was not impaired despite his expertise
proclaimed himself emperor. Unfortunately, his Heir and eldest son, Fu Chang
jH, died before he did. In selecting a new heir, there was a palace dispute. His third
30 Ibid. Lii Simian S however, argues that the chen prophecy and the story of
changing their name were fabricated after Fu Jian took the throne in 357. His reason is that
Fu (with the grass radical) as a surname had been used among Di-Tibetan tribes for a
hundred years. See Lu Simian, Liang Jin Nanbeichao shi pjg H jfc 19 5& (Rpt. Taibei:
Taiwan Kaiming shudian, 1969), 172. Lii's point is valid but not conclusive: 1) the chen
prophecy and the story have been recorded in several sources by both northern and southern
contemporary authors. For the Han Chinese authors, there was no need to fabricate or
record a spurious chen prophecy for a barbarian lord. The chen prophecy could have been
circulated before 350. While the chen prophecy may be true, the specific instance of the
veins on Fu Jian's back seems suspicious; 2) the records do not say that the surname was a
new creation, but only that Pu was changed to Fu.
31 SeeJs, 112.2880.
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son Fu Sheng was well-known among the armies for his courage but was bom
with only one eye. H e could not win the support o f the royal house and influential
families. Even his mother, Qiang the empress, was partial to her youngest son Fu
Liu ^vjp Fu Jian finally picked Fu Sheng because o f a chen prophecy that said:
After Fu Sheng had been on the throne for only two years (355-357), his
cousin Fu Jian the most capable man o f the Fu family, usurped the throne. At
this point w e see some manipulation o f the Fu family chen prophecy: in the earlier
version recorded in the memoir on Fu Hong, Fu Jian had veins like the words -f+*
and f\f on his back which predicted simply the fate o f the Fu family. The later
version recorded in Fu Jian's memoir, however, became much more detailed: "There
were red veins on his back which, slightly protruding, composed characters which
read: Cao Fu Chen You Tu [characters that can be combined to form the characters
The suspicion o f fabricating the chen prophecy only means that Fu Jian or
his associates could have manipulated this story to suit himself. It does not
necessarily mean that he or his followers created a chen prophecy. The chen
33 SeeJs, 113.2883.
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prophecy already existed long before the manipulation. After having been publicly
accepted, the story also became a chen prophecy. The formation o f chen prophecy is
an interesting topic, regarding which I will provide a more detailed discussion later.
After having availed himself o f the chen prophecy to become the emperor, a
ban was then issued in 375, but it was not limited to chen prophecy and apocrypha:
"We proscribe the learning o f Lao Zi, Zhuang Zi and the prophetic-apocryphal
had nothing to do with the political struggles at that time. A possible reason for the
ban could be that Fu Jian, in issuing it, wished to show his sentiment for Wang
Meng J g a t the latter's death.35 Wang Meng, Fu's most faithful and valuable
Chinese advisor, was a well known legalist and realist. He had long held anti-Taoist
and anti-prophetic-apocryphal texts views. Fu Jian's issue o f the ban only after
Wang's death suggests that it was not necessarily a calculated political decision. The
later rehabilitation o f Wang Diao's 3EISI reputation can be argued in support o f such
a position.
34 Ibid, 2897. No specific date is given. The Zizhi tongjian (3269) chronicles the death of
Wang Meng under the seventh month of the third year o f the Ningkang JH reign period
(3 75) o f Emperor Xiaowu zjt ^ of Eastern Jin.
35 Jiang Fuya mistakes the timing of the ban. He says that the ban was made upon Wang
Meng's request when Wang Diao St presented a chen prophecy. (Oian Qin shi, 80; on
this incident, see below) Although Fu Jian did execute Wang Diao upon Wang Meng's
request, it took place around 357; the ban was issued eighteen years later, right after Wang
Meng's death.
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Wang Diao was an astrologer. When Fu Jian first took the throne,36 Wang
presented a favorable chen prophecy to the new Son o f Heaven and was thus
appointed taishi ling ^ (Head o f the Bureau o f Royal Astrology). This was
common during the period except in one respect—Wang did not simply present
conventional chen prophecy but provided new chen prophecy which could fit the
[Your servant ] has carefully examined the chen that says: "The progenies o f
the lao yu e (old moon) will throw the heartland o f China into chaos. The
flo o d s will occur widely and fo rcefu lly flow west ward. Only a virile man
will be able to pacify the eight provinces." This refers to the divine names o f
your three ancestors and Your Majesty. The chen further says: "There shall
be a Cao Fu Chen You Tu. He will exterminate the Eastern Yan and defeat
the white [Xianbei] tribesmen. The Di-[Tibetan] shall live in the heartland
text, Your Majesty shall exterminate Yan and pacify the six provinces. I ask
that you move all the Di-[Tibetan] living in Qian and Long37 into the capital
and settle the influential families living in the Three Qin area in the frontier
36 Fu Jian took the throne in 357. Wang Diao presented the chen prophecy around that time,
but the precise date is not known.
37 Qian and Long fH refer to the area around modem Long county in Shanxi .
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te x ts S * S iK : - # # »
• ' ttfiP Z S K T Z S # « Z 0 : •
± - - « S » • JS&'t > - ”j£ B S 2 £ - K T S
When Fu Jian consulted Wang Meng about Wang Diao's chen prophecy and
suggestion, Wang Meng's advised him to execute Wang Diao, possibly for his
that would cause great chaos—but certainly not for providing the favorable chen
prophecy. Although Fu Jian accepted Wang Meng's advice and executed Wang
Diao, about twenty-five years after Wang Diao's execution and seven years after the
ban, he gave an order to rehabilitate Wang Diao's reputation when his chen
There is more evidence that manifests Fu Jian's real attitude towards chen
prophecy. In 385, two years after Fu Jian was defeated by Eastern Jin at the Fei
38 See Js, 114.2910. The old and moon together compose a Chinese character hu meaning
"barbarian." The flood suggests Fu Hong's giving name Hong, forceful is Fu Jian's
giving name, and virile, Fu Xiong's given name, who was Fu Hong's another son and
Fu Jian's H father. Therefore, the names o f the three ancestors are hidden in the chen
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River,39 he was surrounded by the Western Yan army in his own capital, Chang'an.
Having lost his best commanders and soldiers, there seemed saw no way out.
Earlier, there was a folk rhyme that can be translated as: "When entering Mount
the Transference and Transaction o f the Ancient Tally], was circulating in Chang’an
at that time and a chen prophecy in the book said: "When the emperor goes out to
Wujiang, he will obtain a long [life]" ^ fct} 3£ JHF The Gu fit chuan ji a lu
has long since been lost. Still we can recognize from its title that it does not belong
chen prophecies were circulating at that time. The coincidental (or an intentional)
match o f the chen prophecy and the folk rhythm crucially influenced Fu Jian's
decision. He believed that it was a revelation from Heaven and told his heir Fu Hong
N ow I will leave you here to be in charge o f both military and administrative affairs,
but do not struggle for advantage with the bandits. I shall g o out through Long to
39 A tributary of the Huai River in modem Anhui. Michael C. Rogers argues that the
"battle of the Fei River" was a myth that never really took place. ("The Myth of the Battle of
the Fei River (A. D. 383)," T'oung Pao 54.1-3 (1968): 50-72.) His view of the battle is
arguable. Nevertheless, even Rogers has agreed that, "there is no reason to doubt that a Chin
counteoffensive in 383 dislodged a Ch'in force from Shou-ch'un" (which, according to
Rogers, took place at Luo Creek '$■ $3 and was commanded by Liu Laozhi glj ^ £ ) , and
Former Qin fell apart cataclysmically shortly after the event. (69)
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gather troops and transport f o o d to support you. It is possible that Heaven is going
« > m. He
then, accompanied by only a few hundred horseman, left the encircled city to go to
Mount Wujiang.40 Soon after Fu Jian arrived at Mount Wujiang, he was captured by
the army o f his enemy Yao Chang J |, a Qiang ^ T ib e ta n general, who had first
submitted to the Former Qin, but subsequently established his own state, Later Qin
£ £ § j|(3 8 4 -4 1 7 ). The trick o f the chen prophecy is that chang jH, which Fu Jian
read as "long," was a pun for Yao's given name Chang J |. Thus the chen prophecy
turns out to mean "when the emperor goes out to Mount Wujiang, he will be
The compilers o f the bibliographical chapters o f the Sui H istory claimed that
the prophetic-apocryphal texts were first banned in the Darning reign period o f
Song, and that the bans became stricter in the Tianjian reign period o f Liang. But w e
can not find these proscriptive decrees in the major sources for the period, such as
40 The mountain was either in the northwest of modem Qishan |lj£ ill county, or to the north
of Liquan g§ county, both in Shanxi (Jiang Fuya, Oian Oin shi, 253)
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the Song shu 5 )5 ^ [Song History], Liang shu ^ ( | [Liang History], Nan shi
Aid in Governing], Some Chinese scholars comment that, in comparison with the
Northern Dynasties, the bans o f the prophetic-apocryphal texts issued by Song and
Liang were less strict and often had little effect42 Following are the materials w e
have been able to find in these primary texts concerning bans o f prophetic-
The Song ban was issued during the Darning reign period (457-464) o f
Emperor Xiaowu ^ Je£, the fourth emperor o f Song. All the founders o f the
southern dynasties paid great attention to chen prophecy and apocrypha, a point that
I will discuss later. The founder o f Song, Liu Yu (363-422), was no exception.
From 404 on, Liu Yu gradually came to control the political and military power o f
the Eastern Jin. In the fourteenth year o f the Yixi | | SB reign period (418), he
Gong ^ Two years later, Liu Yu ordered Emperor Gong to abdicate and
proclaimed the transfer o f the mandate. This sort o f process was formulaic. What
was unique in Liu Yu's case was that he deliberately murdered one emperor to
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enthrone another, whom he then removed within two years. The Jin H istory says:
"Earlier, a chen mentioned 'there will be two more emperors after Changming.' Liu
Yu was going to proceed with the abdication [o f the Jin house], so he secretly had
Wang Shaozhi hang the emperor and enthroned Emperor Gong. By doing so he
Liu Yu's case, he not only formally adopted the formula o f the mandate-transfer but
also closely adhered to the events described in the chen prophecy, or at least its
practical effectiveness.
Liu Yu's successor Liu Yilong fglj fj| fit, Emperor Wen o f Song, was on
the throne for thirty years (424-453) providing a relatively efficient and stable
government. Nevertheless, he could not effectively prevent the factions and power
struggles among the princes. In 445, a coup was exposed. The plot involved a
was capable and formerly had been influential, being in charge o f the central
administration. However, the emperor later began to distrust him and exiled him
from the capital. His associates were arrested and executed. Kong Xixian JL $c,
w hose father had been under Yikang's protection when Yikang still enjoyed the
43 See Js, 10.267. O f the chen prophecy o f Changming, see section 1 o f this chapter.
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Emperor’s trust, initiated the plot in association with Fan Ye and others who
were favorable to Yikang. An important part o f the plot was to spread a chen
prophecy that "[the emperor] shall certainly pass away in an improper way. H e shall
be killed by his flesh and blood. The [new] Son o f Heaven shall come from
and the others were arrested and immediately executed. Yikang was executed two
years later. Nonetheless Kong's chen prophecy came true in that Emperor Wen was
murdered by his heir Liu Shao §IJ $)] in 453, eight years after Kong and Fan's
Liu Jun m m , a younger son o f Emperor Wen, killed his elder brother Liu
Shao and ultimately enthroned himself as Emperor Xiaowu. It was Xiaowu who
issued the Darning ban. Emperor Xiaowu was greatly suspicious, particularly o f the
princes and influential officials, since he himself had com e to power through bloody
plots and continuous struggles. The emperor had already taken advantage o f a chen
prophecy in reaching the throne, with the aid o f one o f his advisors, Yan Jun jfi
$£.48 N ow he used chen prophecy as a weapon to attack his brothers. In the fourth
45 The author o f the Hou Han shu [Later Han History], Dull thinks that Fan in his Later
Han History disapproved of the prophetic-apocryphal texts. ("Apocryphal Texts," 184)
However, Fan was involved in this plot with aid o f the prophetic-apocryphal texts.
47S e e * , 69.1820-1827.
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month o f the third year o f Darning reign period (459), the emperor's legal officials
accused the King o f Jingling ]=£ |§?,49 Liu Dan ^lj fJjE, o f the charge o f "secretly
the emperor had Yan Jun arrested and then executed. This ban was very likely
The founder o f Liang, Xiao Yan U£ ftj (464-549), better known as Emperor
founders o f the southern dynasties. In his youth, he was a promising scholar and
befriended poets and writers such as Shen Yue (441-513), Xie Tiao
(464-499), and Ren Fang ££ [#j (460-508). Naturally, he was versed in all the
51 Under the circumstances that power struggles during Song were often associated with the
use o f chen prophecy, the ban at that time had to be strict. Some Chinese scholars surmise
that the cause o f the ban during the Darning reign period was failure in military conflict
between Song and Northern Wei and thus the ban was not serious. (An and Zhang,
Zhongguo jin shu daguan, 24, 31.) I cannot agree.
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remarkable career in the military, yet still kept a great interest in culture and
China. There are a large number o f chen prophecies and apocryphal texts associated
with his enthronement and the mandate-transfer process which I will discuss in the
next chapter.
the prophetic-apocryphal texts and made it even stricter during the Tianjian reign
when, why and how the ban was issued and carried out, w e do find an indirect
o f prophetic and apocryphal texts, yet Ruan Xiaoxu collected both. Someone
advised Ruan to store them away. Ruan replied: 'In the past Liu D e regarded the
esoteric selections from Huainan as valuable and this caused nothing but trouble for
Gengsheng.53 Du Qiong said it would be better if one knows nothing o f the esoteric
53 Gengsheng was the style name o f Liu Xiang §lj |qj (Jl. 77-6 B. C.). His father Liu De §jlJ
, when participating in the trial o f the King of Huainan ^ j%during the reign o f Emperor
Wu jSi(r. 141-87 B. C.) o f Western Han, took some esoteric writings with him. Liu Xiang
read these writings in his youth. When Emperor Xuan j|[ was interested in the ways of
magic and longevity, Liu Xiang presented a prescription o f alchemy he learned from the
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learning. This is an excellent advice.’54 Someone asked to see his collections. Ruan
said: 'How could I shift trouble that I m yself do not want onto others?' H e thus
burned them" ’ M W )M 2. 0
'M m m w w ’ itt n m % ° ■ £
’SB : “ ° ” 7 5 K 2 SS
What w e learn through this story is first that it was true that Emperor Wu o f
apocryphal texts; second, although several bans had been issued previously, private
bibliophiles were still holding these texts; and third, the more iiite-.esting message in
the story is that some people at that time still read the texts in spite o f the repeated
Huainan writings. However, the prescription did not work and Liu Xiang was almost
executed. See Hs, 36.1928-1929.
54 Du Qiong (d. 250) was a master o f astrology and prophetic-apocryphal texts during the
end o f Eastern Han and the Shu. He successively served the lords o f the Shu as advisor, yet
refused to observe the celestial omen or discuss it with other scholars. Qiao Zhou H JU, who
later became the most influential master o f the prophetic-apocryphal texts o f the Shu, once
asked why Du did not want to observe celestial omen. Du said, knowing the astrology and
observing celestial phenomena was a real hard job, while one should stand in awe of
revealing heavenly message. "It would be better if one knows nothing o f [the esoteric
learning]." SeeSgz, 42.1022.
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emperor many times, and a Buddhist monk, Baozhi (418-514), who created
prophetic rhymes throughout the Tianjian reign period. Emperor Wu himself quoted
the prophetic-apocryphal texts when he discussed ritual matters with his ministers.56
Xiao Tong Hf the heir o f Emperor Wu who compiled the Wen xuan, was praised
as one who "contemplates on and probes into the finest subtlety, devoting himself to
safe to say that the Liang court and the emperors had no real antagonism towards
The Xianbei empire o f Northern Wei has a reputation for issuing strict
bans to "bum all the books and execute all the men who violate the statutes." These
bans applied not only to the prophetic-apocryphal texts, but to astrological and
Buddhist texts as well. Impressed by the sternness o f the language describing the
bans, some Chinese scholars have come to the conclusion that the bans in North
China were usually stricter than in South China.58 Looking into specific cases, we
find that this is an oversimplification. The reality was far more intriguing.
57 S e e ls, 8.170.
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386-408), Emperor Taiwu (r. 423-452) and Emperor Xiaowen (r. 471-
Emperor Daowu, whose name was Tuoba Gui jjj£ :££, was the founder o f
the Northern Wei dynasty. He studied Chinese culture and the Confucian Classics in
his youth with Yan Feng ^ UK, and Xu Qian two Chinese scholars who had
served Emperor Daowu's grandfather as his principal advisors in the early years o f
the Tuoba empire. They later assisted Emperor Daowu as well. Both o f these
Besides his old teachers, Emperor Daowu also selected his own Chinese
political advisors. Cui Hong ^ ^ ( d . 418), styled Xuanbo ;£Cf0, a northern Chinese
He first introduced the theory o f Rotational Changes o f the Five Natures and the
In his old age, Emperor Daowu seemed to have become unbalanced. The
causes o f his madness, in addition to illness and the toxic elixirs he took, may well
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have included palace disputes and warnings from astrologers and chen prophecies.60
Mingyuan jq (r. 409-423), another o f his sons, thought that the posthumous title
did not do justice to what his father had achieved. In 420 when the emperor had
"recently opened the illustrated apocryphal texts, for the first time he saw the
honorable title [for his father]. The will o f Heaven and man has been manifested
Thereupon he changed his father's title to Emperor Daowu.62 Through this instance
in his palace in order to learn the will o f Heaven and man, the source o f his power.
Emperor Taiwu, who conquered the states o f Xia 5 , Northern Yan i t ^ and
Northern Liang itW-* and reunited North China. It was he who issued the first strict
suppose that he personally disliked c/rawprophecy and apocrypha. Cui Hao H ^ (d.
450), the son o f the Cui Hong who was mentioned earlier, was Emperor Taiwu's
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closest advisor and perhaps the best astrologer in China at the time. Cui made
several famous divinations for Emperor Taiwu, all o f which later came true. Why,
The ban is recorded for the first month o f the fifth year o f the Taiping
The ignorant people are without insight. Believing in and being confused by
evil enchanters, they privately support magicians and mediums, keep and
hide writings on chen prophecy, the Yinyang school, apocrypha and various
Western barbarians, cause evildoers to arise. These are not the means by
which to keep policies and discipline consistent and to spread good deeds in
or lowly rank like ordinary people, anyone who privately supports Buddhist
monks, magicians and mediums, and craftsmen o f gold and silver vessels in
his household, must send them all to the offices concerned. It is not
permissible to harbor them. The deadline is the coming fifteenth day o f the
second month. If they are still being harbored past that date, the magicians
and mediums and Buddhist monks will be killed and the host will be
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im m °
i a ’ i i % n ® n m m R ± m j : r 5 Z A t E % m m >w i i w
W ’ I K ^ — £ + £ B » JB S S ^ fcB » SfPM» fc!>F1 #
*E > £ A F m 63
This ban, as w e can see, emphasized Buddhist monks, magicians and mediums rather
than students o f the prophetic-apocryphal texts. Since this was an early anti-
Buddhist case, it has drawn much attention from scholars o f the history o f Chinese
Taiwu under the influence o f tw o Taoists, Cui Hao, and Kou Qianzhi Lu
Simian views it as a political incident arising out o f Emperor Taiwu's shock when he
heard a report o f a Buddhist temple in the capital keeping weapons. The emperor
speculated about the possible connection between the Buddhist temple and a revolt
lead by Gai Wu whom he hated very much.65 In the other words, the ban was
based on not only the personal sentiments o f the emperor and a few court advisors,
but also on more practical political concerns. This hypothesis is more convincing
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than the simple assumption o f a Buddhist-Taoist conflict, yet it too is still not
without problems.
It has been pointed out by many scholars that the Tuoba rulers had for
how could he vent his anger towards a single temple on the entire Buddhist church?
Why did he ban the prophetic-apocryphal texts and harboring o f magicians and
craftsmen in the same decree? There were numerous revolts during the emperor's
reign, so one wonders what was special about that o f the revolt o f Gai Wu?
Harumoto Hideo believes that the critical reason for the ban was
a prophetic saying circulating earlier in the Northern Wei empire which went: "The
one who will exterminate the [Tuoba-Xianbei] caitiff is Wu" When Gai
Wu raised his revolt, his name corresponded to the prophetic saying. Thus, he and
his associates attracted the intense hatred and fear o f the emperor. A crucial flaw in
this hypothesis is the fact that the ban was issued in 444, but the Gai Wu revolt
occurred in 445, and the discovery o f the Buddhist temple case took place in 446.
Although the case might have added fuel to the Emperor’s fear, it cannot have been
Actually, as early 438, Emperor Taiwu had issued a decree to force Buddhist
monks under age o f fifty to resume secular life, in order to mobilize more military
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forces.66 Therefore, the rational behind prohibiting monks, magicians and craftsmen
may have been military and economic, as well as political and ideological. The
prophetic-apociyphal texts were banned all together, because he was alarmed by the
above mentioned prophetic saying, and might also have involved other political
The most directly related incident was Liu Jie's ^lj ^ case. Liu was a long
term associate o f Emperor Taiwu even before the emperor was enthroned. During
Emperor Taiwu's reign, Liu was appointed shangshu ling (p] H (Director o f the
against the Rouran $£, a northern barbarian tribe. Liu Jie disapproved, while Cui
Hao was in favor o f the expedition. The emperor finally approved Cui Hao's
proposal, thus making Liu angry. He then fabricated a decree to change the
Emperor Taiwu discovered this on his way back from a lost batter, he was greatly
angered and ordered the arrest o f Liu. The case became more complicated during
the progress o f a harsh investigation. It was reported that before Emperor Taiwu's
expedition, Liu Jie secretly told his family members: "If the expedition is
unsuccessful and His Majesty does not return, I will enthrone the Prince o f
66 See Lin Luzhi # ^ , Xianbei shi ^ (Hong Kong: Zhonghua wenhua shiye
gongsi, 1967), 374-375.
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that Liu Jie once had his assistant Zhang Song §f| ^ look for chert prophecies,
telling Zhang: "Liu family shall be kings and succeed the imperial house. D o my
surname and given name appear [in any chert]7' |?!JJS; jj| 3E. ’ SH rW
Zhang told him: "Your given name does not but the surname does" ^
The officers did find such prophetic texts in Liu's house after a search. Liu
and Zhang were later executed and their families were all implicated. Emperor
Taiwu maintained a great hatred for Liu for a long while.68 The details o f the case
are dubious since the "prophetic texts" and the coup were "exposed" only after Liu
had been put in prison. It is possible in this kind o f situation that he was framed.
Nevertheless, the case shows that any matter involving chert prophecy during this
period was very sensitive and carried serious political implications. Liu's case was
exposed in the twelfth month o f the fourth year o f the Taiping zhenjun reign period,
and the ban was issued in the next month, the first month o f the fifth year o f the
67 The Prince o f Leping, named Tuoba Pi #3 ■£. >was a half brother of Emperor Taiwu.
See JVs, 17.413-414.
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The second ban was issued in the first month o f the ninth year o f Emperor
The illustrated prophetic texts came to be by the end o f the three dynasties.
They have never been the canon for regulating the state, but were merely
used by evil enchanters. From now on all the texts o f illustrated chen
Esoteric Writings o f Confucius] must be burned. Those who keep them will
be sentenced to execution M W i Z M » 0 ’ W.
z • % % t k ± M m 69
Feng fg, and thus was very sinicized. He was fond o f reading and
studying the classics, history, and the writings o f the hundred schools, and was also
versed in Taoism and Buddhism. His most famous political achievements were the
reforms which transformed the Tuoba empire after the pattern o f Chinese culture.
The 485 ban was not his doing since the empress dowager was still in charge at that
69 SeefVs, 7.155.
70 Emperor Xiaowen was enthroned at the age of five. Empress Dowager Feng herself gave
audience in court and supervised state affairs. This situation continued to the fourteenth year
of the Taihe reign period when the empress dowager passed away. See m , 13.329.
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The immediate reason for Empress Dowager Feng reissuing the ban is not
known. Earlier, in the fifth year o f the Taihe reign period (481), the court issued a
decree for the execution o f the Buddhist monk Faxiu "Faxiu was evil and
portents. The lan taiyu shi (Imperial Inspector at Lan tai), Zhang Qiu, and more than
j|tf.71 Faxiu was a heretical Buddhist monk who knew magic, divination and
prophetic learning. It was common for Buddhist and Taoist monks in early medieval
China to be proficient in portents and chen prophecy. Some o f them were well
known for such skills. The revolt o f Faxiu would not have been the only or major
reason for the empress dowager to reissue the ban. Some o f these bans contain new
This work, o f course, has long since been lost. Nonetheless, a description
Shichong] in the Sui History. At the end o f the Sui dynasty, Wang Shichong (d.
621), a Sui governor who later proclaimed himself chancellor, intended to usurp the
throne. Huan Fasi ^ |ij, a Taoist monk who claimed to be versed in prophetic
learning and was trusted by Wang on this account, showed the Kong Zi bi fa n g j i to
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Wang. There was a picture showing a man who herded sheep with a pole. Huan
then interpreted for Wang: '"Sheep' refers to the surname o f the Sui house.72 'One'
and 'pole' compose the character 'king.'73 His standing behind sheep illustrates that
Your Chancellor shall be the next in order to become emperor and replace Sui"
#> ° T - # - W f g B f t W S f f t e . 74
This illustrated text was a new prophetic writing rather than one o f the
then, that there were contemporarily produced chen prophecies circulating among
the people at that time. The K ong Zi bi fa n g j i was not the only example, as I will
show later. However, there may have been chen prophecies unfavorable to Northern
Wei contained in the text which caused the ban during the Taihe reign period.
It is interesting that this was the only ban which mentions an academic and
ideological reason as its basis. The first proposal to proscribe the prophetic-
Han scientist and thinker, was based on academic and scholarly reasons. Yet
practically all the other bans issued by rulers later were based on political concerns
72 In Chinese, yang (sheep) is homophonic with Yang, the surname o f the Sui house.
73 The characters yi — (one) and gan (pole) together can form the character pronounced
wang 3E (king). This is an orthographic riddle.
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sense.75 Nevertheless, the emphasis here is still political. "Merely used by evil
They would not have banned chen prophecy if it could have been used exclusively
by them. Chen prophecy had never been "merely used by evil enchanters" because
even those rulers who issued bans themselves made use o f such texts. Otherwise the
be burned, this treatment very likely did not apply to imperial collections. During the
reign o f Emperor Xuanwu Hf jit (r. 499-515), the successor o f Emperor Xiaowen,
his Chinese teacher Sun Huiwei M M jif asked an expansion o f the imperial library
collections because "the Six Classics, the writings o f the hundred schools, and the
illustrated texts and esoteric books, are the proper arts for serving Heaven and the
lEftr» tfpA £ jit 1676 The illustrated texts and esoteric books, o f course, could
be general terms for the imperial collections. Still, it was a convention from Eastern
Han times to use these terms to refer to the prophetic-apocryphal texts. I later will
75 Note that the bans of Buddhists during early medieval China often mention their
ideological grounds.
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show more evidence that such texts were in imperial collections during these
Sui was the period in which the prophetic-apocryphal texts were most
strictly banned, while, at the same time, belief in chen prophecy and apocrypha
remained very active. This is not difficult to understand. The standard procedure for
abdication and transfer o f the mandate, in southern and northern dynasties alike, was
to first build up individual or family’s forces and influence over a period o f decades
or even generations, reducing the emperor to a figurehead, while the powerful man
or family behind the throne controlled all state affairs through military force. Then
favorable myths, portents and chen prophecies were prepared, and when the time
was ripe, the abdication and transfer o f the mandate were announced. However, the
case o f Emperor Wen (whose real name was Yang Jian $f§ §?, r. 581-605), the
founder o f Sui, was somewhat different. He was a high official and the father-in-law
o f Emperor Xuan l|E(r. 578-580) o f Northern Zhou. When the emperor suddenly
passed away, his successor, Yang's grandson, was only an eight-year old boy. Yang
Jian took the opportunity to seize power. He built up his forces, defeated his
competitors and prepared for his enthronement only ten months after he actually
usurped the throne. Since his accession was virtually a palace coup, he was more
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than ever in need o f religious, ritual and ideological aids that could justify the
important role in this process. In his court, the ministers and advisors freely quoted
prophetic-apocryphal texts to support his move. One o f his major advisors, Niu
Hong at the very beginning o f the new dynasty, convinced Emperor Wen to
collect all the books which had been lost in the endless battles o f this period,
The relationship between the Sui emperors and Wang Shao 3E HI5 (/7. 543-
608) reveals the real attitude o f the Sui rulers toward the prophetic-apocryphal
texts. Wang was a book-worm. He loved to read books, any books available,
apocryphal texts and new chen prophecies to Emperor Wen. The emperor was
between Heaven and Man for the Great Sui]. Emperor Wen then published the
collection nationwide.78 It was beyond doubt that the emperor first intended to take
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advantage o f the favorable chen prophecies, yet soon after he issued his ban. No
matter what the emperor had done, he and the later Emperor Yang seemed to
actually have had good personal relationships with Wang Shao. Thus the
In the second month o f the thirteen year o f the Kaihuang j f| reign period
His Majesty decrees that no private house is allow to keep the prophetic-
Again, the ban applied to no imperial collections. In the next year (594), Xiao Ji H
^ (fl. 604), a well known scholar o f the Yinyang school, in a memorial quoted
some prophetic-apocryphal texts which so pleased the emperor that Xiao was
remained in this position during emperor Yang's reign, even though the emperor
tried to distance himself from most o f his father's advisors.80 In 596 a "divine bird"
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Emperor Yang is also well known for his strict ban o f prophetic-apocryphal
texts. However, as discussed earlier, the statement quoted above: " he soon sent
messengers to go all over the empire to search for books which related to prophetic-
apocryphal texts and to burn them all. Anyone indicated by functionaries [for failing
Since then, the learning no longer existed. Even the bulk o f the imperial collections
the ban took place, a historical account might be able to reveal the psychology
behind it. For centuries a chen prophecy that "The Li family will rule as king" had
these periods had been wary o f people with the surname Li. Yet no one went as far
as Emperor Yang did. He considered killing everyone with the surname Li in the
empire—a huge number o f people since Li is one o f the most common surnames in
China.83 This bit o f insanity betrayed Emperor Yang's fanatic belief in chen
84 The dynasty which succeeded Sui was the Tang, founded by Li Yuan ^ $ j j , a Sui general
who was encouraged by the chen prophecy in his revolt (See Zztj, 5732).
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6) General Observation
Examining the nine recorded bans (six o f them with recorded decrees) o f
prophetic-apocryphal texts from Western Jin to Sui, there are several common
features which are worthy o f our attention. First, the bans applied to no imperial
collections, but rather to provincial and private collections. Among the six recorded
proscriptive decrees, three definitely specify that the bans applied to provincial and
individual collections (Later Zhao decree in 336), the common people's circulation
(the Taiping zhenjun reign period decree o f Northern Wei in 4 4 4 ) , and private
houses (the Kaihuang reign period decree o f Sui in 593). The bans in the Taihe
reign period o f Northern Wei and the Daye reign period o f Sui seem to be absolute,
At the beginning o f Eastern Jin (317), Xun Song Ifl ^ (262-ca. 329), an
aristocratic scholar-official who had escaped from the north, requested Emperor
Western Jin, who issued the first ban o f the learning o f the prophetic-apocryphal
texts. Owing to him, the emperor then honored canonical learning and encouraged
the development o f the Confucian schools, and "the River Charts, esoteric writings
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and other imperial collections were stored in the western and eastern wings o f the
At the end o f Western Jin, when the remaining members o f the royal house,
together with the northern aristocratic families and the Confiician-bureaucrats fled
south from the flames o f war, they perhaps would not have been able to take the
bulk o f the imperial collections with them. This was one reason why Xun Song
southern scholar, in presenting a memorial earlier on the same matter, mourned that
in the chaos "literary writings, being trampled on by barbarian horses, were lost in
wars; and not even a kernel o f the prophetic-apocryphal texts has been preserved for
shown earlier, Emperor Jianwen had access to prophetic texts in his palace.
transfer took place, the out-going emperor would formally issue a decree o f
abdication; the ministers, generals, governors and warlords would then submit their
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the new authority and show their loyalty or submission to their new master. The
decrees and memorials were full o f quotations o f auspicious portents and prophetic-
apocryphal texts, particularly the memorials presented by the heads o f the Bureau o f
Royal Astrology, despite the various bans that had been issued. H ow could such
materials be available? It is possible that all the heads o f the Bureau o f Royal
Astrology, since they had served the imperial houses as professionals for
generations, had their own family collections. At any rate, the major source o f this
kind o f "esoteric text" would still have to be the imperial collections. The "Xiang rui
"The divine chapters and esoteric charts are certainly to be held in the Metal Bound
B ox and stored in the Stone R oom .87 The cases o f publicizing the esoteric writings
and displaying the astrological and apocryphal texts have never been recorded in the
The northern rulers were originally "barbarians" and the proscription o f the
prophetic-apocryphal texts in the north was even stricter than in the south. Northern
87 Jin gui ^ (metal bound box) and Shi shi (stone house) usually refer to special
storage in imperial libraries. It first occurred in the Shang shu jnj ^ [Classic o f Documents]
as a chapter title Jin teng meaning "the metal bound." See Shi san jing zhu shu - p H
M (Rpt. Taibei: Yiwen yinshuguan, 1960), 1: 185; Legge, The Chinese Classics, vol.
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Wei, the first northern dynasty, did not follow the Wei-Jin model o f a legitimate
"mandate-transfer," yet this did not reduce their zeal in seeking proof o f the sanction
o f the mandate o f Heaven. Although the Northern Wei emperors were notorious for
their harsh proscriptions, Emperors Daowu and Xuanwu did try to gather missing
books from all around the empire, including the astrological texts, chen prophecy
and apocrypha.
very beginning o f Sui and Wang Shao had access to the prophetic-apocryphal texts
throughout the reigns o f Emperor Wen and Emperor Yang. The modem scholar Lii
Simian, when discussing the causes o f the loss o f the prophetic-apocryphal texts,
points out:
The loss o f books was mainly due to frequent disorders, while printing
technology was yet to develop so that the copies in circulation were very
limited. It had very little to do with the political proscriptions. Qin did not
books handed down to later generations are no more numerous than the
Classics and the learning o f the hundred schools. This is a clear indication [o f
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% ftft0 h
caused by warfare, large scale migrations, and changes in the dominant style o f
China, w as actually to prevent the study o f such texts from being disseminated to
pretenders and rebels. Therefore, the targets o f the bans were princes, nobles,
generals, warlords, magicians, radical monks, religious zealots, and the common
M ost bans at that time would have prohibited both collection and study o f
the prophetic-apocryphal texts. The "study" here actually emphasizes "the act o f
study" rather than study as knowledge and scholarship. Pure scholarly interest was
never prohibited. Thus w e can explain why, in spite o f the bans, many scholar-
writings in their debates and discussions on ritual, music, astronomy, and ancient
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history, in court or in public. This kind o f knowledge had no ill effects but could
pure scholarship. In comparison with other Confucian schools, it was both practical
and political. However, among the scholastic Confucians and scholar-officials, its
political functions were usually twofold: justifying the legitimacy o f the present
functions would help rulers o f vision to establish a stable and balanced social order
The learning also could be "used by evil enchanters," and its destructive
power towards the present order would be released if it were broadly taught and
diffused. The paradox was thus that the versatile and knowledgeable scholars who
classics. They often had hundreds, even thousands, o f disciples and followers. Many
had private schools far away from political centers. There was no way to prohibit
teaching and learning between the masters and their followers. One way or another,
Third, the emphasis o f the bans during this periods, seems to be on chen
prophecy rather than on the apocryphal texts. In its golden age, Eastern Han and
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Three States period, belief in chen prophecy and the study o f apocryphal texts were
mixed together, although we still can distinguish one from the other according to
certain features. The apocryphal parts generally dealt with ancient history or legend,
rituals, and Classics; chen prophecy generally dealt with state affairs, the mandate o f
Heaven, and rulers' behavior and misbehavior, all o f which influenced the fate o f
texts. This tradition was inherited by early medieval scholars. Thus, in the bans chen
However, since the bans were basically political, the apocrypha, which
interpreted and completed the meanings o f the Confucian classics, were not their
target. We know that scholars argued ritual or ideological issues on the basis o f the
apocryphal texts in court or in public throughout this period, even as the rulers were
issuing strict bans. The Tang lii f t [Tang Statutes], a modified version o f the
90 According to the Tang Statutes, anyone who violated the regulation that proscribed
private collection of astrological and the prophetic texts, as well as military writings, would
be sentenced. However, "the apocrypha to the Classics and the prophecies attached to the
Analects are excused from the proscription" See The Tang
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Kaihuang Statutes obviously absorb the essence and content o f the statutes o f the
northern and southern dynasties. Although I make no attempt to conclude that this
policy was inherited from the early medieval statutes, it is worth further
Moreover, in the early medieval era, the traditional chen prophecies quoted
needs, but in general they were out-of-date. The systematic theories o f the
become too complicated to the common people, who were the essential links o f the
Fourth, it is also interesting that, despite being the targets o f repeated bans,
the period. A s I mentioned earlier and will discuss in detail later, a large number o f
scholars during these times continued to study and teach the prophetic-apocryphal
texts in private, which strongly suggests that these scholars and their students
probably had their own collections. I have mentioned that the distinguished
bibliographer and bibliophile Ruan Xiaoxu o f the Liang dynasty had quite a good
lii shu yi interpreted by Zhangsun Wuji (d. 659) and issued in 653,
(Rpt. Taibei: Shangwu yinshuguan, 1956), vol. 2, 18.82.
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he listed thirty-two texts concerning chen prophecy and apocrypha in 254 juan.
texts could survive down to his time in spite o f bans, conflagrations, migrations and
other disasters. It is quite safe to suppose that Ruan was not the only private
Fifth, there were new developments in chen prophecy. During the Eastern
Han and Three States period, as the orthodox ideology, the teachings o f prophetic-
apocryphal texts were encouraged by the authorities while, at the same time, kept
under their control. Chen prophecies became set. The only versions allowed to
circulate had undergone imperial examination and qualification. When the prophetic-
apocryphal texts lost their orthodox position and official protection after the
Western Jin, the authorities lost control o f them. Thereupon, although the bulk o f
the Han prophetic-apocryphal texts were gradually lost, new chen prophecies and
new collections arose, sometimes in new forms, such as the Gu f it chuan gu lu lii,
K ong Zi bi fa n g j i , Jin ci shi jNf [Poems o f the Golden Female], Jin xiong j i ^
Zinian], Lao Zi he luo chen ^ ?Rj [The Chen prophecy in the River Chart
and Luo Writings by Lao Zi], Liu X ian g chen fn] [The Chen prophecy by Liu
Xiang] and so forth. A few legendary prophets arose, such as Guo Pu (276-324),
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Cui Hao, Wang Zinian,91 and certain monks. Thus the traditional and systematic
writings were gradually lost while new and fortuitous chen prophecies spring up.
This new tendency led belief in chen prophecy in a new direction which gave the
birth to the Tui bei tu, Shao bing ge, and the esoteric canons o f the later secret
91 The author of the Shi y i ji f£ is usually known as Wang Jia 3E. Zinian was his
style name. According to his memoir in the Jin History, he was a hermit during the late
Western Jin and the Sixteen States periods. He was famous for his ability to predict things.
Many officials and noblemen went to him for advice. The emperor of Former Qin, Fu Jian,
and the founder o f Later Qin, Yao Chang, both treated him as an advisor. "He was fond of
drawing analogies while seeming to make jokes. When he mentioned future events, his words
were like the prophetic writings: no one would understand the real meaning yet the words
would all come true when the events eventually happened." "[The chen prophecies in] the
Oian san ge chen [The Chen prophecy in the Related Three Sons] he created all
came true when the events eventually happened. They were circulated for generations."
(95.2496-2497) The prophetic songs recorded here may be quoted from the missing book
The Chen Prophecy in the Related Three Songs.
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the subtle, ambiguous, or even ill-formed phrases in which they are expressed, chen
prophecies have been frequent and influential among Chinese rulers, intellectuals,
and common folk for thousands o f years. There are social, political, cultural and
psychological reasons for this, and these reasons will be discussed in a more detailed
manner in the conclusion o f this study. Here relevant historical accounts from early
While there was serious political reason for early medieval rulers to ban the
prophetic-apocryphal texts, the bans were never successful because the rulers never
really enforced them. This contradiction is understandable since belief in the texts
and contemporary chen prophecies was a double-edge sword which was both usable
by and directed at the rulers, as described in the previous chapter. What requires
more explanation is whether the bans were simply based on practical and secular
concerns, as many scholars would say, or on the fear o f and belief in chen prophecy.
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Han on created a unique and attractive ritual system justifying the legitimacy o f the
mandate o f Heaven. This system includes the theory o f the Rotational Changes o f
the Five Natures, corresponding alterations in color, the calendar, birth myths based
its entirety, was adopted and utilized by both the Eastern Han dynasty and the Three
States which succeeded the Eastern Han, as the basis for the legitimation o f dynastic
change. The subsequent ruling houses o f the Jin, Sixteen States, and Southern and
1A theory inspired by ancient myths and legends and developed through the learning o f the
prophetic-apocryphal texts in which each o f the five heavenly deities in turn comes from
Heaven and leaves his semi-divine successor through a human mother. The successor thus
becomes the Son o f Heaven and the founder of the new dynasty. His family will inherit the
position until the time for the next heavenly deity. See Lu Zongli, "Dong Han beike yu
chenwei shenxue" in Yanjiusheng lunwen xuanji 5ft % zfc Iw
s l $ ! (Nanjing: Jiangsu guji chubanshe, 1984), 73-74.
2Ibid. 74.
3 For detailed discussion o f these ritual symbols, see Sun Guangde J|f "Wo guo
zhengshi zhong de zhengzhi shenhua" Weiyun
Wang Shounan 3 : H ffjj, Wang Deyi 3 i ^ tx and Li Yunhan ^ eds. Zhongguo
shixue lunwen xuanji, 4 3ls i5 £ ^ lir a 3 ta lllil (Taibei: Youshi wenhua shiye gongsi, 1986),
vol. 6, 51-125; Wang Yuqing 3 i ^ t j f , "Liyun yu f u s e " M l H l f e in Bao Zunpeng
xiansheng jinian lunwen j i Q ^ £ iSS ^ Ira HI (Taibei: Guoli lishi bowugaun,
Guoli zhongyang tushuguan and Meiguo Sheng ruowang daxue yazhou yanjiu zhongxin,
1971), 1-35.
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Northern dynasties closely observing this pattern, all claimed to have received
This system was an indispensable part o f dynastic transitions for over one
thousand years. However, the role o f belief in chen prophecy in this ritual system
alterations in color, and the calendar was well systematized by the time o f Eastern
Han and Three States. Because o f this degree o f formalization, there was little room
for competitors for the throne to tailor these theories to their own purposes. Birth
myths based on the theory o f Gansheng di and an individual's portentous looks were
more subjective, leaving more room for dynastic founders and pretenders to the
throne to maneuver. Portents and chen prophecy were even more adaptable to these
situations and thus even more useful to political contenders in early medieval times.
apocryphal texts were based on the theory that every imperial house had its own
destiny, which corresponded to the movement o f the Five Natures. This theory was
widely accepted in early medieval China. The question was when the mandate-
transfer would take place and who would receive it. Chen prophecy thus was
generally believed to be the revelation o f Heaven's will in this regard. From the
Three States period on, quoting numerous favorable chen prophecies became a
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necessary step on the way to the throne. Clearly chen prophecy played a significant
and even essential role in the legitimation o f dynastic change and was banned by
In 317, one hundred eighty high officials o f the Western Jin who had moved
south o f the Yangzi River lead by the situ WJ (Minister o f the Masses) Liu Kun f?lj
submitted a memorial to Sima Rui, Prince o f Langya, who held charge o f the
middle and lower areas o f Yangzi River, urging him to take the throne.
[Your ascending the throne will allow you] to correspond with the tide4 o f
the world’s mandate and inherit the destiny o f a thousand years. What the
auspicious portents have manifested, in the heavens and among men, are
signs indicating this. The omens o f the resurgence [o f Jin] have been
» m m m m .5
Sima Rui soon became the first emperor o f Eastern Jin, Emperor Yuan.
4 "Tide" is chosen to translate qi $8 in this study. Some scholars think the notion of "tide"
might have been influenced by a Buddhist belief, kalpa. In my opinion, "tide" was a yinyang
and wuxing notion which was inspired by natural season changes. It also has its origin in
Confucius' notion o f shi The earliest application of this notion can be found in the
Classic o f Changes.
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When Emperor Gong H (r. 418-420), the last emperor o f Eastern Jin,
"abdicated," he issued his final edict to Liu Yu, King o f Song 5|$, the powerful
chancellor and pretender to the throne. The edict which, o f course, had been drawn
up by one o f Liu's followers,6 praised Liu, saying that "It has come about that
Heaven has issued portents and the four divine creatures have occurred as
auspicious signs.7 Both revelations in chert prophecies have been obvious and the
6 Earlier, in the first month o f the first year o f the Yuanxi j c EB reign period (419) of
Emperor Gong, Liu Yu was prepared to make the emperor abdicate yet had difficulty saying
so outright. Setting up wine for court colleagues, he told them while drinking that he had
achieved great merit for the imperial house; now he was getting old and his post and honors
were already so high that difficult for him to maintain the situation too long; it would be
better to retire. His colleagues failed to understand his real meaning and simply praised his
virtue and achievement, except for zhongshu ling 4 1!lF "tj (Director of the Secretariat) Fu
Xuan ft§ ^ . In the sixth month o f the year Fu suggested that the emperor abdicate and drew
up the edict for the emperor. The emperor then copied the edict on his own. See Zztj, 3732-
7 The appearance of the four divine creatures was traditionally believed to be an auspicious
portent. In the "Li yun fU^g" chapter of the Li j i H fiJ [Records of Social Norms], the four
divine creatures are defined as the lin |$ o r qilin H H , a mythical creature that is supreme
beast; the feng or feng huang M I L a mythical bird that is the supreme bird; the tortoise
that is the supreme among creatures with shells; and the dragon that is the chief of all
creatures with scales. See Wang Mengou 3E W H » Li ji jin zhu jin yi |£ ^ M
(Taibei: The Taiwan Commercial Press, 1970), 304-305. In the prophetic-apocryphal texts
of Eastern Han, the four divine creatures refer to the dark blue dragon ]if f t , white tiger g
j^, scarlet bird ^ c^ a n d black tortoise
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Emperor Gong even sent Liu a letter impressed with the imperial seal to
validate Liu's ascension o f the throne: "The auspicious portents and chen prophecies
are apparent. In addition, with [Liu's] noble look which is prominent and his gifted
extraordinary carriage, his appearance o f a natural ruler is as brilliant as the sun and
m n u s 9
In addition to the blessings o f the out-going emperor, Liu also received from
the Head Royal Astrologer at that time, Luo Da jit, dozens o f examples o f
auspicious celestial portents and favorable chen prophecies.10 Here w e will examine
on his deathbed: "The Grand Deity o f the [Holy] Mount Song told me that a certain
General Liu living east o f the Yangzi River, who is a descendant o f the Han house,
shall receive the mandate o f Heaven. I shall leave thirty-two jade disks and a gold
ingot as tokens for the general. The reason for leaving thirty-two jade disks is to
9 Ibid, 48.
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» mmmmm » ° = + - a » > m w
H about this. Later, Fayi, as expected, found the thirty-two jade disks and gold
ingot underneath a stone altar in the temple o f the deity o f Mount Song. The number
"thirty-two" was actually to foretell the years instead o f the generations o f the ruling
house. Rather than thirty-two, the chen prophecy meant two thirties, namely sixty.
The Song dynasty, from the time it received the mandate through the Eastern Jin
says: "When two mouths both lift their pole-axes, they cannot be equal. When [the
blades] o f tw o m etal [weapons] clash, a divine p oin t issues forth. When an vacated
cave has no host, a stranger will occupy it. A fem ale stands alone then finds her
match again" ~ ■*
11 See Ss, 27.784. This nonsensical rhyme is an ideographic riddle based on a play on
characters with the solution being Liu Yu's name. The first and second lines suggest the
surname Liu. Since the end o f Wang Mang's 3E I? (r. 9-23) reign, Liu §[) had been the
answer to a popular prophetic riddle "mao jin dao Jjp ^ 73" (Mao pp, the fourth of the
twelve Earthly Branches; jin gold or metal; and dao JJ, knife). The three component
radicals for the character Liu §lj. The "two mouths" P P indicate Mao Jjp that was
occasionally written as P P . The "metal" is the second part o f Liu. The "divine point"
suggests the last part, the dao J). The third and fourth lines suggest Liu Yu's childhood
name Jinu Hr WL- The "vacated cave" 3? 'pi shares the same radical with ji Hr. When the
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D a often quoted new chen prophecies and folk rhymes. Some new chen prophecies
were included in anonymous collections, like the Golden Female and the Chen
prophecy by Liu X ia n g 12 It seems that the new chen prophecies were more
In 479, Emperor Shun fl[ff o f the Song was forced to abdicate. The
Song issued his final edict to Xiao Daocheng (427-482), the King o f Qi who had
also served as chancellor, and became the founder o f the Southern Qi: "The
illustrated chen prophecy shines radiantly; it manifests that [a new dynasty will]
acting Head Royal Astrologer Chen Wenjian ^ > H and his colleagues submitted
proofs o f auspicious celestial portents and favorable chen prophecies. In the "Gao di
ji" ^ 15 [Basic Annals o f Emperor Gao], the author o f the H istory o f the
Southern Q iu points out: "His Majesty's name, physical characteristics as well as the
"cave" is vacated, qi l?f ("stranger") takes the position of xue's 7 \ host and results in the
character A "female" stands alone indicates the left part of the character nu while
"again," the character you X , suggests the right part.
13 SeeNQs, 1.21.
14 Xiao Zixian (A- 489-537), a grandson of Emperor Gao Xiao Daocheng and later
a high official o f the Liang dynasty. The special relationship between the author and the
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tide, destiny, and the order o f succession all correspond with dozens, nearly one
hundred, earlier chen prophecies. N o preceding dynasty can match this. His servants
compiled them for His Highness, yet His Highness restrained them from revealing
m ’
W e are unable to judge whether or not the favorable chen prophecies for
Southern Qi were more than those for any other dynasty. However, it is true that the
favorable chen prophecies for the Southern Qi which are recorded in the Southern
O i H istory and the Southern Qi section o f the Southern Histories outnumber those
The principal sources o f the favorable chen prophecies for Southern Qi are
and the "Qi benji" [Basic Annals o f Southern Qi] in the Southern Histories.
There are five types o f references to chen prophecy recorded in the two sources
with slight variations between the two histories. The following quotations are based
founder o f Southern Qi might be one o f the reasons why the history preserves so many
favorable portents and prophecies for the imperial house.
15 SeeNQs, 2.39.
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in the "Basic Annals o f Southern Qi" o f the Southern Histories are noted in
2. 3 Chen prophecies quoted from the traditional Eastern Han and Three States
prophetic-apocryphal texts
apocrypha to the Classic o f Documents reads: "A benevolent man will appear in an
impressive manner. With the appearance o f holding a chart, his surname will be Jiao
Moreover, there is xiao guan [vertical bamboo flute] among the eight musical
Gou m ingju e $fjj pp goes: "Who will rise? Look for the one with the name
16 An aristocrat, general and governor o f the Song, who was a supporter of Xiao Daocheng.
He wrote the Xiao taiwei j i S t Hf ffi [The Records of Supreme Commander Xiao] with
Qiu Juyuan ji# $=LM to praise Xiao's merits. As soon as Xiao Daocheng proclaimed himself
ruler, Su presented the Sheng huang ruiming j i H? M iffij np 15 [The Records of the
Flourishing Destiny of the Sagacious Emperor], It is safe to suppose that Su's writing is an
important source of many favorable portents and chen prophecies preserved in the "Treatise
on the Auspicious Portents" in the Southern Oi History. See NQs, 28.527-529.
17 See NQs, 18.350. The author o f the Southern Qi History disagrees with Su's
interpretation. He argues that two Jin historians, He Zhen f5J and Wang Yin 31 in
interpreting this chen prophecy both read the fusion form o f zhi and yu as Cao | f , the
surname o f the Wei house in the Three States period. There is no ground to support Su's
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m 18
The Chen Prophecies in the R iver Chart and Luo Writings by L ao Zi says:
"When the years have passed seven and seven then water shall exterminate the
continuity; Wind and cloud shall rise together while a dragon spreads its scales" ^
Chen prophecies in the R iver Chart a n d Luo Writings says: 'After seventy years,
water shall exterminate the continuity. Wind and cloud shall rise together while
18 Ibid. Xiao Daocheng's childhood name was Dou jiang H }}§. See NOs, 1.1.
19 See NOs, 18.349. The author o f the Southern Qi History explains that: "Seven and seven"
means seventy-seven years, exactly the length o f the Song period. This interpretation,
however, counts not only the Song period (420-479) but also an additional sixteen years,
the Yixi m m reign period (405-418) o f Emperor An f^and the Yuanxi j c reign period
(418-420) o f Emperor Gong o f Eastern Jin, because Liu Yu was in actual power from 405.
The last year o f the Yuanxi reign period (420) o f Eastern Jin and the first year o f the
Yongchu tR $ ] reign period (420-422) o f Emperor Wu of Song overlapped. The Yongguang
reign period tR i t (465) of Liu Ziye §IJ ^ ^ (the earlier dethroned emperor) and the first
year o f the Taishi reign period (465-471) o f Emperor Ming 0$ o f Song overlapped.
Thus the actual duration of the ruling period o f the Song house is seventy-four years. Water
was the nature o f the Song dynasty according to the theory o f the Rotational Changes o f the
Five Natures. The wind and cloud, traditionally the symbols o f dragon and tiger, all refer to
the rise of important persons.
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purportedly created between 349 and 386 reads: "A M eta l Knife regulates the world
yet [the world] later will suffer. The sovereigns will be fatuous and misbehave while
the heavenly deities will be angered. Calamity will repeatedly occur to alarm the
rulers. The territory will be reduced two-thirds by revolts. Three kings will rise from
Jiujiang while one more will occupy the Wu area. The remaining princes will all be
too young and be orphaned at an early age. Two rulers and one state is what Heaven
c o m m a n d s " ^ ! ) S .'jt
~ 3 £ £ iH 'i± -
The Songs further state: "The three grains are delicate while w oods are
flourishing. A metal knife with sharp blade will cut them equally"
^ # ZJ f (1fJ W M 22 "Wish to know the surname [of the new ruling house]?
20 SeeNs, 4.115.
21 See NOs, 18.351. According to the author's interpretation, the "metal knife" refers to Liu,
the surname of the Song house; the last line suggests that Xiao Daocheng will share the
empire with the Song emperor; the remaining lines all foretell the political situation that
actually took place during the Song dynasty.
22 Ibid. The word qi ^(equally) is also the name o f the future dynasty.
23 Ibid. The character su (still) plus a grass radical forms Xiao, the surname of the
Southern Qi rulers.
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Some quotations which appear in the Southern Qi H istory are cited without
mention o f their sources. These sources are sometimes mentioned in the Southern
Histories. For example, the Southern Q i H istory mentions a chen prophecy: "Dike
up the river weirs, block the dragon pool. Get rid o f the blood and draw the
H istories supplies the reference: "The Chen in the River Chart a n d Luo Writings by
Confucius says: 'Dike the river weirs, block the dragon spring. Get rid o f the blood
Southern Qi H istory which again does not mention their sources: "When Xiao
"Why does the Son o f Heaven sleep amidst o f grass" ^ ffT & 4 1?lf?27
24 Ibid, 350. The inundation here suggests the Song house, for its term was the water nature,
while the weirs and dams suggest Xiao Daocheng's given name (Daocheng could be
understood as "accomplishing roads." Weirs and dams are roads as well).
26 See NQs, 18.350. The characters ershi Z ld r (doubled-knight), according to the author of
the Southern Qi History, could be combined to form the character zhu ^(ruler, master).
27 Ibid. This prophecy reveals the new Son o f Heaven's surname: Su fU (to sleep) is
pronounced similar to su 0 . Su 0 and the radical grass combine to form Xiao I f.
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It is very possible that the stone inscription chen prophecies examined below
are forgeries. Nonetheless, the early medieval Chinese must have believed in the
magic o f words, as the power o f the chen prophecies depends on public acceptance
There were three prophetic inscriptions found in Shan county $!J o f Guiji
commandery ^ f j |.28 The inscription on one said: "The star o f the Yellow Heaven,
its surname is Xiao and its given name is so-and-so. He will have capable
Sill ’ ' 29 (The Southern Histories quotation is almost identical except for
the second line. From it w e learn the exact name o f the new ruler: "His surname will
Cui Lingyun fj| jlf, an aristocrat from the famous Cui H family o f Qinghe
yjf fpj commandery,31 and a canjun 0 j|E (assistant administrator) to a high office,
28 Its seat was located to the southwest o f modem Sheng county in Zhejiang.
30 Ns, 4.115.
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said that a heavenly deity once spoke to him in a dream: "Xiao Daocheng is my
nineteenth son. I granted the post o f the Son o f Heaven to him last year" Iff i l ||
The chen cited above are only a small pan o f the chen prophecies circulating
around the end o f the Song and beginning o f the Southern Qi. A noteworthy
existence at court and among the scholars and common people. Some o f the new
chen prophecies seemed to have been influenced by Taoism, while some show the
influence o f the folk rhyme style. Such features reflected the transition o f chen
However, the traditional texts still important as late as Southern Qi. The
In 502, Emperor HefQ, the last emperor o f the Southern Qi, announced his
abdication, opening the way to the throne for Xiao Yan, who was King o f Liang and
also a powerful and ambitious chancellor. Emperor He’s formal edict reads: "The
portents for the mandate-transfer have been revealed among the rivers and on sacred
32 See NQs, 18.353. The author o f the Southern Oi History thinks that since the Three
Emperors and Five Sovereigns, there had been nineteen emperors by the time o f Southern
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In 557, Emperor Jing|&, the last ruler o f Liang, under pressure from Chen
formal edict: "The celestial signs have manifested the removal o f the old house; the
texts" »f t n ^ ^ i i .35
essential for legitimizing mandate-transfers, from the Three States to the end o f the
Southern Dynasties. As for the north, although the first dynasty o f the Northern
Dynasties, Northern Wei, also adopted the theory o f the Rotational Changes o f the
Five Natures and claimed itself as a link chain o f legitimacy, it did not succeed to the
throne following an abdication, but rather through military victory. Therefore, its
33 SeeLs, 1.26.
34 Ibid, 29.
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with the Southern Dynasties, the Northern Dynasties were much less likely to quote
many chen prophecies as proof o f their legitimacy. However, this is not to deny the
3. 1 Northern Qi
Northern Wei ruled North China through 534, when it split into the Eastern
and Western Wei. The powerful Gao family controlled the Eastern Wei, while the
Yuwen family controlled the Western Wei. The Gaos and Yuwens faced situations
Gao Huan raj and his elder son Gao Cheng rfj spent more than ten
years preparing the transfer o f the mandate, spreading numerous myths and
prophetic sayings and rhymes, yet did not succeed in their lifetimes. This was partly
because the last emperor o f Northern Wei, Emperor Xiaowu ^ j t , who was
enthroned by Gao Huan, could not stand Gao's grip on power and fled to the west
where he took refuge with the Yuwen family. Although Gao Huan soon enthroned
another prince o f the W ei house, moved the capital from Luoyang to Ye, and had
commanded over much richer territory and stronger military forces than the Western
36 For example, in the Zizhi tongjian Sima Guang treats the Wei-Jin-Southem Dynasties as
the legitimate succession chain, while regarding all the Northern Dynasties except Sui as
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Wei, the Gaos were afraid o f a possible attack on the legitimacy o f their authority.
As a matter o f fact, Yuwen Tai could not get along with Emperor Xiaowu either,
finally murdering him and enthroning another prince. Yet most Tuoba nobles still
thought o f the Gaos as the usurpers, since they had driven Emperor Xiaowu to flee
in the first place. As late as Gao Yang's reign,37 the Empress Dowager Lou
and most influential officials still preferred to maintain the status quo and preserve
the puppet Wei emperor, though the Gao family was firmly in charge o f the empire.
shilang f t flp JtP (palace attendant at Yellow Gate),38 incited Gao Yang to
proceed with the transfer o f the mandate. When Gao Yang discussed this with his
mother, Empress Dowager Lou, she rebuked him: "Your father was like a dragon,
and your elder brother was like a tiger, yet still they ended their days as subjects.
How can you presume to do as Shun and Yu? This cannot not be your idea but is
37 In 549, Gao Cheng was killed by a slave captured from the south. His younger brother
Gao Yang succeeded to his position. In the next year Gao Yang made the Eastern Wei
emperor abdicate and proclaimed himself the emperor of Northern Qi.
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Du Bi an advisor serving both Gao Huan and Gao Cheng, help the
Secretariat and zhangshi (chief clerk) o f Gao Yang. He too admonished Gao:
"The land West o f the Pass39 is a formidable competitor for Your Highness. If we
now receive the mandate from the Wei house, I am afraid that they will raise a 'force
o f righteousness' in the name o f the Son o f Heaven and march eastward [on us].
Then by what means could Your Highness deal with them" $ 8 t e Isj
and Song Jingye 5(5 M M , were very effective in reinforcing his decision and helping
him to pick the specific moment. We can easily understand Gao Dezheng's eagerness
to see Gao Yang's enthronement. Yet without the ideological basis and supernatural
proofs provided by Xu and Song, whether Gao Yang would have made up his mind
child prodigy in classical studies. He first served King Yuzhang f^ lp i o f Liang, Xiao
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captured by the Northern Wei army. Later, through Xiao Zong’s recommendation,
Xu was recognized for his ability in medicine, intelligence in debate, and knowledge
o f the classics and history. At the end o f Gao Huan's reign (546), he was given the
post o f mishu jiart H Hi (Supervisor o f the Imperial Library). Still later, when
Gao Yang took over, he was removed from this position because he was a
Song Jingye {/I. 550), who had been a governor during the late Northern Wei, was
divination and interpretation o f chen prophecy and portents were introduced to Gao
Yang. Responding to Du's opposition, Xu argued that: "The one who contends for
the world with our Highness intends to be emperor as well. It is like people chasing
a hare around the market place; when one person gets it, the others will calm down.
42 Xiao Zong was the second son o f Xiao Yan. He believed a rumor that he was actually a
son of the last emperor o f Southern Qi. (His mother had been a palace woman o f the
Southern Qi emperor, then was favored by Xiao Yan.) In 525, he turned his back on Liang
and surrendered to Northern Wei. See Ls, 55.823-824.
43 Seefl0s, 33.444-445.
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N ow if w e succeed to Wei's line first, those West o f the Pass [i. e. , the Yuwen]
should naturally give up the idea altogether. Even if they still want to parade their
superiority, the best they will be able to do is to proclaim the emperorship after us.
W e should be aware o f the opportunity and awake first. We cannot allow ourselves
.- a nz - > h
Du Bi could find no words to respond.45
reality, Xu incited Gao Yang using divination and chen prophecy. He and Song
having checked the signs, both good and ill, reckoned that there had to be a change
in the wu year, and the closest wu year would be the next year—g en g wu H
(550). They thus presented chen prophecies to Gao Yang through Gao Dezheng.46
Despite the Empress Dowager's objections, Xu interpreted a new chen prophecy for
Gao Yang:
46 Ibid, 445.
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It is exactly because Your Highness is nowhere near the equal o f his father
and elder brother that he needs to ascend the throne quickly. I f he does not,
the ambitions o f others will be encouraged. Besides, the chen has said:
'When a ram drinks w ater at Meng-ford, its horn props up the sky.' Meng-
ford refers to water. A ram drinking water suggests Your Highness' name.47
o in
^ o - n # > o 48
The chapter "Ji lan tu" o f the A pocrypha to the Classic o f Change goes:
"Ding [the Caldron],49 in the fifth month, a sage will be the ruler. Heaven
will prolong his life. In water at the northeast, a commoner will rule as king.
'High' will obtain it."501 humbly note that "the water at the northeast" means
Bohai;51 That "High will obtain it" makes clear that the Gao family will
47 The given name o f Gao Yang, Yang 'f£, is a ram plus a water radical.
49 The fiftieth hexagram. See Richard Wilhelm, trans. , The I Ching, rendered into English
by Cary F. Baynes (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990), 193.
50 These two lines can also be punctuated as: "A commoner named Wang Gao will obtain it"
A 3 E i§i = 1 wonder whether or not there was a commoner Wang Gao who claimed
that he was the future of the mandate.
51 A commandery was centered to the northeast o f modem Nanpi $3 County in Hebei. The
Gao family was from there.
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% -ffi » JlCtt** » I A I » °- ;M
% Z > 0 ^ i f ^ # A m 53
Although many powerful nobles and influential officials disapproved, Gao Yang
finally determined to proceed with the mandate-transfer in the fifth month o f the
gen g wu year. O f course, there were other reasons for Gao Yang to consider, but
Gao Yang's enthronement was not the only case in which belief in chen
prophecy played a significant role in Northern Qi politics. During the reign o f Gao
Yin Hi J§5 (r. 559-560), Gao Yang's successor, a powerful chancellor and imperial
uncle, Gao Yan Hi $ f, was actually in charge o f the government. Soon "people
throughout the world all took pleasure in lauding [Gao Yan], songs and rhymes
chen prophecies. In the eighth month o f the second year o f Gao Yin's reign (560),
Gao Yan murdered his nephew and enthroned himself. This was Emperor Xiaozhao
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The transfer o f the mandate from the Western Wei empire to the Northern
Zhou took place in 557, five years after the Eastern Wei. According to the theory o f
Rotational Changes o f the Five Natures, the Northern Zhou should have been under
the influence o f wood, with dark blue as its symbolic color, since the Wei was
associated with water and the color black. However, in proceeding with the transfer
some court officials made the following suggestion: "Since King Wen55 was bom
with the auspicious portents o f the black aeromantic sign,56 and there has been a
chen prophecy o f a 'Black River,' the proper color should be black" fg[ 3: H
The formal transfer o f the mandate from the Northern Zhou to the Sui was
basically similar. The Sui H istory tells us that after serving as the chancellor in
charge o f imperial affairs, Yang Jian wanted to show the world auspicious portents
in order to prepare for the transfer. A Taoist priest, Zhang Bin was greatly
55 Referring to Yuwen Tai ^ ^ , the first powerful chancellor o f Western Wei who
actually set the power base of the Yuwen family and thus was recognized as the founder of
Northern Zhou. His first posthumous title was Wen wang I (King Wen), later he was
promoted to Wen Huangdi SCM ^ (Emperor Wen).
58 SeeRs, 9.331.
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favored by Yang because he spoke highly o f the signs o f the change o f mandate.59
When Yang first enthroned himself, in order to dispel the doubts concerning his
legitimacy among the common people, he revealed that there had been a large
number o f auspicious portents and chen prophecies in his favor. "The number o f
those who presented fabricated [portents and 'chen prophecies'] was beyond
flourishing o f chen prophecy in this case was at least as great as that o f the Southern
Dynasties. Even Li Delin (530-590), a learned scholar and one o f the major
advisers o f Emperor Wen, wrote the essay "Tian ming lun" ^ pp jj$i [Discourse on
the Mandate o f Heaven] to justify the legitimacy o f Sui and win over competitors
from both the south and north. In his essay he writes: "[The emperor accepted the
throne only after] all the ministers in court and governors all over the empire
[submitted sincerely and loyally] in accordance with the writings in the prophetic-
S tt ’ £ ■ * £ :* : > I f . 61
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emperor naturally was done in order to manipulate public opinion. But the point
here is not whether or not chen prophecy was fabricated. The point here is why chen
prophecy was the only means o f ensuring a peaceful power transition. Was this a
matter o f folk belief or o f deliberate deception? The usual answer has been the
were issued, the prophetic-apociyphal texts were not eradicated in this period. The
reason, w e suggested, was that belief in chen prophecy still played a significant role
in political struggles.
Niu Jin to avoid an evil fate revealed in a chen prophecy, while Emperor Jianwen o f
Eastern Jin wept when he found out that the style name o f his heir was mentioned in
another unfavorable chen prophecy. These two stories may be legendary. The
following accounts are historical: Shi Hu, the ruler o f Later Zhac, left his capital for
a northeast city, then came back before the enthronement took place, simply to
correspond with a traditional chen prophecy; Fu Jian, the emperor o f Former Qin,
seriously believed in chen prophecy even at the risk o f his life; Liu Yu murdered an
emperor o f the Eastern Jin and enthroned another soon before he proceeded with
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the mandate-transfer because o f the chen prophecy "there will be two more
emperors after Changming;" Emperor Yang o f Sui intended to kill everyone with the
surname Li. Additional accounts o f this kind can be found in the historical records
Emperor Gong, the last emperor o f the Eastern Jin, was fond o f a game
when he w as still a prince: he had good archers shoot at horses just for fun. Later
some one warned him: "Ma (horse) is the surname o f the imperial house, yet you
Emperor Ming Bfj (r. 465-472) o f Song "in his later years was interested in
ghosts and deities, and shunned numerous things as taboo. In both spoken and
Anyone who violated the taboo would be charged and executed without fail" 7}^ ^
’ m m x w >
for his intrepid and warlike nature, once lost an eye and his horse in a battle with
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10 6
Western Wei in 535. H e killed a Wei cavalier and took his horse, then raced back to
his lines. During the reign o f Emperor Yuan % (r. 552-554) o f Liang, the emperor
suspected him because o f a chen prophecy that went: "There will be a blind Son o f
Yi was going to re-bury his grandfather and father.65 The emperor ordered the
inauspicious way. In the next year Du Yi died.66 The Du family was powerful in the
military, and Emperor Yuan may have been quite happy to see Du Yi's death for
practical concerns. The fact that Du Yi's brothers and nephews continued to serve
the Liang house as commanders after his death suggests that what Emperor Yuan
disliked was connected with the chen and Du's loss o f one eye, for otherwise he
would have executed or removed all members o f the Du clan from the military.
65 A possible reason to do so was that he wanted to have a new site with betterfengsui 10,
(geomantic position) for his family graves.
66 See Ns, 64.1557. This mysterious story only exists in the Southern Histories' "Du Ze
zhuan" ifcfcMO& [Memoir on Du Ze], a younger brother o f Du Yi, and is not in the parallel
memoir in the Liang History. This could mean that it was added by the compilers o f the
Southern Histories.
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Chen Baxian, the founder o f the Chen dynasty, who came from a lower
social background, was also fond o f reading texts on history and warfare and
Starting from Gao Huan, the leaders o f the Gao family, the ruling house o f
Northern Qi, tried to avoid Buddhist monks when they went out because a magician
had foretold that "someone wearing black clothing will destroy Gao" £ pt) ^3 Jit
35c,68 and Buddhist monks usually wore black at that time. But Gao Yang, Emperor
thing is the darkest?" They replied, "Nothing can be darker than [black] qi ^
executed the Prince o f Shangdang _h M ,69 his younger brother and the seventh son
o f his father. Looking into the incident, w e cannot rule out the possibility that Gao
Yang intended to use chen as an excuse to eliminate his brother, a potential rival for
the throne. However, we cannot simply conclude that the avoidance o f Buddhist
monks by the leaders o f the Gao family over a long period o f time was merely to
manipulate or deceive someone. It must have been genuine that made them so.
67 See "Chen benji" ^ ^ [Basic Annals o f Chen], in the Southern Histories, 257. This
account does not exist in the parallel basic annals in the Chen History.
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Earlier, Emperor Wenxuan had Xing Shao70 name his Heir. As it turned out,
[the Heir] was named Yin71 and styled Zhengdao. Emperor Wenxuan soon
blamed Xing: "Within the Yin house [o f Shang], a younger brother would
succeed to the throne [when his elder brother died]. In addition, the
My son will be unable to have the throne after me." Xing Shao was
frightened and asked permission to rename [the boy]. Emperor Wenxuan did
not allow this and said: "It is Heaven's will." He thus told his younger
brother Gao Yan: "If you have to take [the throne], take it; but be sure not
• - 35* • WrSt#° -0 :- • * H !S « «
B : - * 72
It so happened that less than one year after Gao Yin succeeded his father, his uncle
Gao Yan usurped the throne and soon murdered him. The Northern Oi H istory
anecdote at first looks suspect. Since Gao Yang killed many family members to
72 See 5 0 s , 5.76.
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protect his Heir from potential usurpers, how could he possibly not have recognized
the threat to the Heir from Gao Yan and disposed o f him? But as a matter o f fact, in
the later years o f Emperor Wenxuan's reign, Gao Yan was indeed in an extremely
dangerous position and was distrusted by his brother, the emperor. He escaped
death because o f his skill as an administrator which made him useful to the emperor,
and because he was under the protection o f the powerful Empress Dowager Lou,
zheng with y i and zhi. This way o f thinking was prevalent during early medieval
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1) Introduction
B elief in chert prophecy among the rulers o f early medieval China was not an
isolated social phenomenon. During this period, members o f many social strata
chapter, I will describe the continuous line o f learning and transmission o f the
prophetic-apocryphal texts among canonical scholars, who were the most influential
early medieval Chinese intellectuals was the school o f Metaphysical Learning, which
studied the Classic o f Changes, Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, while the most widely
accepted school in canonical studies was the Old Text School. At the same time,
newly developed forms o f Taoism and Buddhism were favored by many intellectuals
and scholars. The prophetic-apocryphal texts, which were closely related to the N ew
Texts School, declined in popularity, first among intellectuals and scholars, then
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This view o f early medieval Chinese scholarship holds true only to a certain
extent. Cultural phenomena are complex. If a cultural tradition does not suddenly
disappear simply because o f a ban, as seen in the last chapter, it would certainly not
o f the prophetic-apocryphal texts had indeed passed their golden age and soon
became an object o f criticism by serious scholars. Yet the study and transmission o f
this school o f thought was not seriously disrupted during these three and half
centuries and was passed on until the Sui via many influential Confucian scholars.
scholar-officials, such as Wang Duo in Fu Hong's reign, Su Kan in the Southern Qi,
Shen Yue, Ren Fang and Ruan Xiaoxu in the Liang, Yan Feng and Xu Qian in the
Northern Wei, Xu Zhicai and Song Jingye in the Northern Qi, Cui Zhongfang, Niu
Hong, Wang Shao, Xiao Ji and Xu Shanxin in the Sui, all studied the prophetic-
apocryphal texts and publicly quoted the texts in court debates about politics and
Canonical Learning], defines the Western and Eastern Han as "The Heyday o f
Canonical Learning;" the Three States, the Western and Eastern Jin
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|£f f t and the Southern and Northern Dynasties as "The Period o f Factionalization
period, although it contributed quite a few great poets and writers and numerous
remarkable philosophical and religious thinkers, was indeed not a period in which
while it is not easy to make a fair comparison o f the situation o f canonical learning
between the Han or the Three States and Western Jin, since both periods possessed
that canonical learning during the later period underwent greater changes and
The N ew Text school did decline when the Jin court moved to the south.3
Having been through endless battles and chaos, central and local schools for the
most part closed, and canonical learning went into decline during the Southern and
completely severed and numerous learned scholars preserved the tradition quite
2 See Ma Zonghuo, Zhongguo jing xue shi cf3 Ssl M. ^ (Taibei: Shangwu yinshuguan,
1966), 68.
3Ibid, 69.
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well. These scholars prepared a solid foundation for the development o f canonical
learning during the Tang dynasty.4 In other words, early medieval China was not
merely a period o f transition between the Han and Tang dynasties. It also made its
during early medieval China was distinguished from Han studies by its focus.5
although creative and innovative ideas and thoughts often lie behind such
annotations and interpretations. While the focus o f Han canonical scholars was the
canonical texts themselves and Han commentaries interpreted jin g , the classics, early
medieval scholars aimed at reinterpreting the Han commentaries. Since at that time
complement to the classics, it was very natural for the early medieval canonical
scholars to be attracted to such texts. They also attracted historians, astrologers and
Most writings o f this era have not come down to us in their entirety. Rather
they are preserved as fragments quoted in the Tang annotations on the classics. This
4 Ibid, 75-88.
5 Ibid, 85.
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texts in early medieval canonical learning based on, first, memoirs on canonical
scholars in the official histories and second, the Qing collections o f the fragments o f
Zhang Hua jrHiji (232-300), the best known and most versatile scholar o f his
time and a faithful advisor o f Emperor Wu and Emperor Hui o f Jin, was, according
to his memoir, "excellent and erudite in studies. His writing was mellow and
beautiful, and his open view was free o f obstruction. H e closely read all the
Wu during Emperor Wu's reign. Before Jin's conquest o f Wu, there was a purple
aeromantic sign between the Dou if* and Niu 4 1 constellations. Zhang heard that Lei
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invited Lei Huan over to stay with him, so that they "could observe the celestial
family.10 His father, Xiahou Zhuang J f $£, was the Governor o f Huainan
commandery11 o f Wei. Zhan himself was well known for his literary talent. His
contemporaries called Zhan and Pan Yue jgf £5 (247-300), a talented writer o f the
Western Jin, the "linked jade disks" a H # . 12 Xiahou Zhan wrote the "Kundi gao" _§-
Zhuang: "From the San Jen, Wu dian, Ba suo and Jin qiu n down to prophetic-
10 It is said that Cao Cao's father was originally named Xiahou. Cao Cao and Xiahou Dun
were cousins. Dun later served as a commander and was greatly trusted by Cao
Cao. Xiahou Zhan's great grandfather, Xiahou Yuan g ^ , was also Cao Cao's cousin
and married Cao Cao's sister-in-law. See Sgz, 9.272 .
11 The commandery was centered in modem Shou county in Anhui which included the
central part o f modem Anhui.
13 San fen H if t Wu dian £ , JftL, Ba suo J \ and Jiu qiu f i J i , are archaic writings that
have been long lost. During Western Jin, they became a general term referring to archaic
writings. In his explanation of the texts in Zuo Zhuan, 530 B. C. (the twelfth year of Duke
Zhao o f Lu), "He is able to read San fen , Wu dian , Ba suo and Jiu qiu" J e g t fit ’
£ ifit » } \ ^ jx , Du Yu 51 (222-284), the famous commentator of Western Jin,
simply annotates: "All are titles o f archaic writings" j l f Y a n g Bojun % f£j , the
modem commentator comments: "There are many interpretations from ancient times to
present. Since these books had long been lost without even a single character left, there
could be no definite readings." See Chunqiu Zuo zhuan zhu # ^ ^ j i (Beijing:
Zhonghua shuju, 1980), 1340-1341.
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apocryphal texts and the Six Classics, as well as the writings o f hundred schools and
various teachings, there was nothing he did not probe into to explore its hidden
secrets and search out its subtlety and profundity" ' 3 l jSj- ' A ^ ' fi
family that was "well known for its canonical learning for generations, and a
read extensively in the classics and the writings o f the hundred schools and studied
Wen Li SC vT (d. 342), a native o f Ba E commandery, 17 specialized in the
Classic o f Poetry o f the Mao school and the San li H H [Three Classics o f Rites].18
He, Chen Shou ^ 1 ^ ( 2 3 3 - 2 9 7 ) ,19 Li Qian ^ j g a n d Luo Xian H % (d. 270)20 all
18 The Mao school was a branch o f the Old Text school. This suggests that although the
learning o f the prophetic-apocryphal texts had been closely associated with the New Text
school, which had declined during the Three States and Wei-Jin period, scholars o f the Old
Text school maintained an interest in the prophetic-apocryphal texts.
19 The author o f the Records o f the Three States. See his biography in Js, 82.2137-2138.
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studied with and were recognized as the best students o f Qiao Zhou M jH5 (201-
270),21 who was a great master o f the learning o f the prophetic-apocryphal texts at
the end o f the Eastern Han and who had large numbers o f disciples in the Ba and
Shu regions. He was a legendary figure in this region for his mystical ability to
predict the future. His favorite students would very likely have been taught the
prophetic-apocryphal texts.
Chen Xun ^ |/l| (fl. 244-324), served Sun Hao (r. 264-280), the last
emperor o f Wu, as a diviner and astrologer. During the Western and Eastern Jin he
retired from public service and acted as a private consultant for many officials. He
"was fond o f esoteric learning in his youth, and mastered all the arts o f astrology,
apocryphal texts.
Gan Bao -p f ? (/7. 320), a well-known historian and writer o f the Eastern
Jin,23 was a commentator on the Confucian classics as well. He annotated the Zuo
20 Luo Xian was the Governor of Badong E ^ commandery (was centered in modem
Pengshui 0 tK County in Sichuan) of Shu and effectively fought back Wei and Wu's
invaders. He later became a governor o f Western Jin. See his biography in Js, 57.1551-
23 Gan Bao wrote a history o f Western Jin that is longer extant. His Sou shen j i fS [In
Search of the Supernatural] is the best known work among the Wei-Jin zhiguai literature.
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Commentary, Classic o f Changes, and Zhou guan Jn} 'j=f [Zhou Official
Institutions].24 His annotations on the classics no longer exist except for a few
fragments collected in the Yuhan sh anfangji y i shu. In his annotations on the "Tuan
Classic o f Change, he says "If chaos and darkness prevail while heaven is creating,
’ J[ M ffO'f' ^ , 25 Gan Bao notes, "The spell o f water was about to end, and
the nature o f wood was about to begin. This was the occasion o f the transition
"Judgment" on the forty-eighth hexagram, Jing # , "Or the jug breaks, it brings
misfortune" JjSR] ^ |® l^ l, Gan states, "Water was the nature o f Yin, and w ood was
the nature o f Zhou. The jin g (well) is the foundation o f the [water] nature" 7fcf$ IS
the fourth place f i 0 , Gan writes, "It was the auspicious sign that the water nature
annotates: "Zhou possessed the w ood nature, which is the proper image o f the
However, the extant text of the Sou shen j i is not necessarily the original writing by Gan
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comments, "The length o f time that the essence o f dark blue26 received its mandate
Wang Yanqi $9, another Eastern Jin scholar, in his work Gongyang
on the Spring a n d Autumn Annals by Wang Menzi], in annotating the section o f the
first year o f Duke Yin H* (722 B. C.) o f the G ongyang Commentary wrote "who
does the 'king' refer to? It means King Wen [o f the Western Zhou]" 5 ’ IS
H e thinks that "When the Spring a n d Autumn Annals sets up the model o f
'King Wen,' it refers to Confucius rather than Chang o f the Zhou" ) $(] ~SC
apocryphal texts that Confucius was a su wang ^ 3 i ( a king without the throne). He
was a son o f the heavenly deity o f water nature yet came to the earth in terms o f fire
nature. The reason for him coming at the "wrong time" was that he was responsible
for formulating the statutes for the Han, the future dynasty.
28 Ibid, 52. Chang was the given name o f King Wen o f the Zhou.
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his youth specialized in the learning o f the Jing school o f the C lassic o f Changes.
observation o f winds, and the learning o f six and seven-tenth days" 'p $ ( jS.K;
P . 30 The emperor o f Earlier Zhao, Liu Yao, regarded him as a political advisor and
(Grand Master o f Remonstrance), and ling taishi ling fjj| jfcj £ (Acting Head o f
the Bureau o f Royal Astrology). "Later, what he had prognosticated all came true.
Liu Yao thus valued him even more. His position reached that o f taizi shao shi
'p (Junior Master o f the Heir), and he was granted the noble title Marquis o f
30 See/s, 95.2503. The "six and seven-tenth day," also known as the learning o f guaqi
(hexagram-^/), is a term for the learning o f the Jing school that arranges the sixty-four
hexagrams corresponding to seasons, nodes Iff M, and days, in order to prognosticate future
events through the changes of weather and phenology.
31 SeeJs, 95.2503.
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commandery.32 During the reign o f Zhang Zuo jjrHt^r. 354), he was compelled to
serve as taizi tai fu A"?* A f € ( Senior Tutor o f the Heir). He therefore refused to
eat and soon died. He "understood the classics and the prophetic-apocryphal texts
clearly. The disciples who studied with him numbered more than three thousand"
his disciples there were some who were skilled in the prophetic-apocryphal texts.
versed in the Spring an d Autumn Annals and the Classic o f Filial Piety. His
students numbered more than a thousand. He wrote the X iao jin g cuo wei
34 Ibid, 2454.
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he attended the commandery school and studied with the Governor Fan Ning
(f l . 365-374).36 "After few years at the school, he understood all the five classics, as
later studied the Lao Zi and Classic o f Changes, and entered Mount Lu flS ill to
the "Three Hermits o f Xunyang H ^§,"38 associated with Liu Yimin §IJ ££ (fl.
important scholar in the Eastern Jin and Song, yet his master, Governor Fan Ning, is
more interesting for our purposes. Fan Ning was also from a northern immigrant
Annotations on the Guliang Commentary on the S prin g and Autumn Annals] is one
o f the few canonical studies o f the Southern and Northern Dynasties handed down
36 See Liu Rulin Dong Jin nan bei chao xueshu biannian
^ (Rpt. Shanghai: Shanghai shudian, 1992), 65, 75.
37 See Ss, 93.2280. Ma Zonghuo regards Zhou Xuzhi as one of the great experts on classical
ritual during the Southern Dynasties. (Zhongguo jing xue shi, 79) The Southern Histories
has a slight variation: "He understood all the five classics and five apocrypha, that were
referred to as the 'ten classics.' " (75.1865) It is interesting that by the time of Song the
apocryphal texts were still referred as "classics."
39 A hermit of the Eastern Jin. Originally named Liu Chengzhi §jlJ $§? , he was fond o f
Buddhism and studied with Huiyuan. See Liu, Dong Jin nan bei chao xueshu biannian ,
104, 137-138.
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to us. As a learned Old Texts scholar, he was famous for promoting both canonical
learning and social reform, and also for his rejection o f divination and
promoted Confucian schools and supported students. The author o f the "Fan Ning
zhuan" [Memoir on Fan Ning] o f the Jin H istory writes: "There has never
been a person, since the resurgence o f the Jin, who could compare with Fan Ning in
% -tfJ,41 It is understandable that there is not a single word mentioning that Fan
energy on promoting Confucian schools. Students came not only from within the
commandery but also from more distant districts. Zhou Xuzhi, at the age o f barely
twelve, mastered both canonical and apocryphal texts in just a few years. Although
he must have been gifted, w e would have to assume that his teachers were well
versed in the prophetic-apocryphal texts. According to the tradition at that time, Fan
Ning himself should have been the principal teacher in the commandery school, and
must have been responsible for the teaching o f the prophetic-apocryphal texts in the
school. This reminds us that, in addition to these scholar who are explicitly recorded
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Commander) o f Song, in discussing the section "Da siyue" if] ^ [Senior Director
o f Musicians] o f the Zhou li Jj|J $f| [Zhou Official Institutions], quoted from the
prophetic-apocryphal texts to interpret the classical texts: "Note that the Apocrypha
to the C lassic o f F ilial P iety mentions that the music during Fu Xi's reign was
named Shu xu. Furthermore, the A pocrypha to the Classic o f M usic says the music
during Zhuan Xu's reign was named Wu jin g, while the music during Emperor Ku's
On a fragment o f his annotation to the "Wang zhi" f t $1] chapter, on the sentence
"The Son o f Heaven will go out to perform the Lei sacrifice to the Supreme Deity"
Five Natures, or the five deities o f Taiwei, who correspond to the Five Agents. Each
o f the Five Agents has its nature, thus they are called the deities o f the Five Natures”
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» &
i f 43
the Wang family o f Langya 3$ JlflS. His mother was a princess o f the Song house. He
himself succeeded to the title o f marquis before the age o f ten, and later married
another Song princess. When Xiao Daocheng, the founder o f the Southern Qi,
proceeded with the mandate-transfer, Wang Jian was one o f Xiao's important
advisor to the first two emperors, Emperor Gao and Emperor Wu, Wang
successively served as shangshu puye jnj H and shangshu ling jpj H ^ (Vice
Director and Director o f the Department o f State Affairs), and had long been in
status and reputation and powerful government position, Wang added acumen in
addition, he was an expert on court ritual and canonical teachings on ritual and
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learning, regards Wang as one o f the key court figures promoting canonical learning
In the first year o f the Southern Qi (479), the Department o f State Affairs
and academicians jointly formulated the ritual procedures for the jia o j i £(S ^
(Suburban Sacrifice)45 and M ing tang HJ] ^ (the Bright Hall).46 As the Vice Director
o f the Department o f State Affairs, Wang Jian quoted from the "Ji ming zheng"
which reads "every three years [one should] perform the xia ^ sa crifice,47 and every
order to complement the explanation in the Li ji . He further quoted from the chapter
"Yuan shen qi" ^ o f the Apocrypha to the Classic o f Filial Piety. "The Bright
Hall has five rooms. On the first day o f every month, staying in one o f the rooms
44 See Ma, Zhongguo jing xue shi, 79-80. The key figure promoting canonical learning
outside the court, according to Ma, was Liu Yan (434-489). He was the most famous
master of canonical learning among Southern Qi scholars. See NQs, 39.677-680.
46 A hall where emperor held grand sacrifices and other ceremonies. The problems on how
the suburban sacrifice should be practiced and what the correct shape of the Ming tang
should be were extensively debated during the Southern Dynasties. Many scholars, officials,
and emperors were involved. It was not simply a scholarly debate but a political issue as
well. This might explain why the study o f ritual procedure was so prevalent during the
Southern Dynasties.
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appropriate to the month, the Son o f Heaven supervises the administration and
issues his instructions, offers sacrifices to the spirits o f the five heavenly deities, with
Wu, a court debate on the suburban sacrifice and the Bright Hall again took place.
As the Director o f the Department o f State Affairs at the time, Wang Jian quoted
from the "Chunqiu gan jing fii" ??F50 which reads "Kings regard Heaven
as father and the earth as mother" H i # fife, in order to justify his point that
the sacrifice performed in the northern suburb should take place before those
He Yin foj jK, (446-531), Although from an aristocratic family related to the
empress, and despite having held such high positions as shangshu jqj H (Secretary
o f the Department o f State Affairs) and later Secretariat Director, was personally
fond o f scholarship and Metaphysical Learning. For this reason his memoir was
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studied with Liu Huan, the most influential master o f canonical learning during the
writings.52 The memoir on He Yin does not mention whether he also knew the
Annals] to explain who Emperor Yan w as:53 "The Interpretation o f the Spring
an d Autumn Annals mentions that Emperor Yan, styled with the clan name Dating,
came down [to the earth] to became the earthly emperor. He created farm tools,
such as plowshares, and planted various grains. Thus he was called the Divine
F a r m e r " # !* !^ * ’ i l # » 0 #
52 See Ls, 51.735-739. His works are no longer extant except for few fragments.
53 Emperor Yan is a legendary culture-hero. See Nienhauser etal. , "The Five Emperors,
Basic Annals 1," in The Grand Scribe's Records,
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very learned. He studied all the five classics, and was especially good at the Three
C lassics o f R ites and the three commentaries on the Spring a n d Autumn Annals. He
Imperial Ceremonies). In 514 he left the north for the south. Emperor Wu o f Liang
both N ew Text and Old Text traditions and had written many books on the Classic
Rites, and the Zuo, Gongyang, and Guliang commentaries.56 Nonetheless, his
memoir never mentions the prophetic-apocryphal texts. Fortunately, there are few
With regard to the "Qu Ji" f t $ f |57 chapter o f the Records o f Social Norms
and the sentence "[At the death o f the Son o f Heaven], fit means the Son o f
Heaven have returned" 0 Cui notes, "By fit, one called back [the
spirit o f the deceased] Son o f Heaven. All kings were begotten by the [heavenly]
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deities o f the five essences [o f the Natures], thus they were the Sons o f Heaven.
N ow when a heavenly king passed away, his essential qi returned to the supreme
deities. To call the Son o f Heaven back is to call him back to live again" U fllf
^ Z m m Si > ’ J ig fifM
the theory o f Gan sheng d i in the prophetic-apocryphal texts. He annotates the term
san wei H W. (three subtleties) in the passage "The Xia Hou clan esteems black" |E
fB&Z (r] H , ("Tan gong" ^ ^ chapter)58 as follows: "The 'Qian zao du1 H
things]. Right at this moment, Heaven and earth come into contact with each other,
$ - s u b l e t . > mm i m .59
ancient and canonical traditions, was called "the bookcase o f canon and histories" $£
5£i ftj by his contemporaries. At the beginning o f the Liang, there was a suggestion
that the emperor should perform the fe n g shan ^ ceremony on Guiji H and
58 The term san wei, however, is no longer extant in the present edition o f the Li ji.
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Guoshan !£j |1|.60 Xu Mao disagreed and criticized the whole idea o f fe n g shan
but not the common idea in the orthodox classics" { t b ^ H /£. E&1$ ’
learning o f Eastern Han, someone who was “unable to search for answers from the
This incident illustrates two points. First, there were scholars who followed the
and second, scholars good at the study o f the prophetic-apocryphal texts were then
60 Mount Guiji is in modem Zhejiang. Mount Guoshan, also known as Mount Lili |$£ J i l_L|,
is located to the southwest of modem Yixing ]l£ J | City in Jiangsu.
61 SeeLs, 40.575-577.
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understood the minute details o f the subtle words and profound meaning [o f
Metaphysics Learning], the Jiu zhang [The Nine Chapters] and q i y a o [The Seven
visited every accomplished Confucian and great scholar to discuss difficult questions
with" - !» » r c s r * .“
keeping a tradition o f canonical learning tradition. His father, Shen Jun l^ , was
brought up in a farmer's family, but he was fond o f learning. He studied first with a
clansman, then visited various private institutes to learn the classics. In the end he
became knowledgeable in the five classics and an expert on the Three C lassics o f
Rites. He was made wu jin g boshi J L M t lllb (Academician o f the Five Classics) by
the Liang.65 His son, Wen E, studied with his grand uncle Taishi Shuming ^
0f} (475-547) and uncle Wang Huixing 3E ^§JP|, both o f whom were also fond o f
63 Jiu zhang refers to a Han mathematics work, the Jiu zhang suanshu This
sentence qualifies Gu Yue as being good at mathematics and astronomy.
64 See Ns, 71.1752. No mention o f this can be found in the paralleled biography in the Chen
65 SeeLs, 48.678-679.
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canonical learning and used to study with Shen Jun. A s a result, W en E, combining
all the schools o f canonical learning and establishing his own interpretative theory,
became an influential master o f the Three C lassics o f R ites and the three
and Chen, and was in charge o f formulating ritual procedure66 Nothing is mentioned
A passage in the Zuo Commentary, the fifth year o f Duke Yin PH4a (718 B.
C.) reads: "Dancing is to keep the eight instruments in rhythm and make the wind
sentence as follows:
instrument is the Xun,69 Zhen is in charge o f the Vernal Equinox, and its
68 This and the following terms are the names o f trigrams o f the Classic o f Changes. The
translations o f the names o f the trigram is based on Wilhelm, The 1 Ching. Kan could also
refer to the north, Gen, the northeast, Zhen, the southeast, Sun, the northwest, Li, the south,
Kun, the east, Dui, the southwest, Qian, the west. See Zhu Xi's H Yi ben y i H ^ |§
(Taibei: Shijie shu ju, reprinted, 1979), 7.
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o f the Summer Solstice, and its corresponding instruments are strings; Kun is
Winter, and its corresponding instruments are the zhu and y u lx" ^ ^ ^
» >m m m ; »m m m ;
Liu Fang ^Ij ^ (453-513) was a descendent o f the former Han house. He
was knowledgeable in both the N ew Text and Old Text schools. In addition, he was
good at philology and phonology so that he was skillful in interpreting and analyzing
the canonical texts. Contemporary scholars thus called him "Liu o f the Stone
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Canons" JEi M .J3 and recognized him as a master o f canonical learning.74 Emperor
Xiaowen thought highly o f Liu Fang and made him guo zi jijiu HH Ik
(Chancellor o f the National Academy) and taichang qing 'fis Wb (Minister o f the
Suburban Sacrifice had deviated that o f the ancient times, submitted a memorial to
correct the existing ones. In his arguments, he extensively quoted from various
annotation to the "Han wen jia" itT H? chapter o f the Apocrypha to the Ritual an d
Social Norms. In the fourth year o f the Yongping zk reign period o f Emperor
Xuanwu 1l[ jit (511), the Northern Wei court held a debate on the social norm
concerning how long a mourning period a grandson should observe for his
grandmother. Liu Fang, based on the Records o f Social Norms and the "Ji ming
73 Because o f the endless debate on the textual and editorial problems among various schools
of canonical learning, starting in the fourth year o f the Xiping reign period o f Emperor
Ling & o f Eastern Han (175), and based on the famous scholar and calligrapher Cai Yong's
HI handwriting, the government erected stones with the inscriptions of thr* Confucian
classics in order to provide a standard version for canonical learning; thus the classics of
this version have been called the Xiping Stone Canons. Later, during the reign period o f the
Zhengshi IE$pof Cao Fang Hf^yofWei (240-243), another version o f stone inscriptions of
the classics were made, which version has been called the Zhengshi Stone Canons. Thus the
term "stone canons" meant standard canonical versions.
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Fang Jingxian (476-518) was bom to a poor family and could not
afford to study with a master. His mother taught him the C lassic o f Poetry with
M a o ’s Commentary and the "Qu li" chapter o f the Records o f Social Norms in his
youth. During the Taihe reign period (477-499) o f Emperor Xiaowu, he was made
learning, such as Liu Fang, the Minister o f the Imperial Ceremonies, and Cui Guang
the sh izh o n g ffitfi (Director o f the Chancellery), admired his proficiency and
is no longer extant. However, few pieces o f it are preserved in his biography in the
Wei History. For example, he answered the question what was the meaning o f "a
king will receive the mandate [o f Heaven] when the w ood [nature] generates the fir e
[nature]" |n 3 3 i% '^ a p » ^ A ;ttl! zfc, by explaining that "The five essences beget
each other in turn, those who inherit the divine nature [o f the new-born essence] will
texts, but prophetic-apocryphal texts. Fang's answer was based on these texts, too.
Liu Lan {fl. 477-514) first got a chance to enter an elementary school
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only in his thirties. Although he was slow to start, he was quick to learn the Spring
an d Autumn Annals, Classic o f Poetry, and the Three Classics o f Rites. His family
was poor and could not afford to pay his tuition. He had to farm and study at same
time. Three years later, Liu opened his own school and gathered two-hundred
students. Soon he was brought to the attention o f the rulers. Within his life, Liu
taught several thousand students. In his lectures Liu "examined the reasons why the
classics and early exegetic texts [have said so], traced the sources o f the [Han]
etail"mmmzfe» » mxnmRVtmw»sums.77
Diao Chong (fl. 512-519), a native o f Bohai commandery, was from a
powerful noble family. Both his great grandfathers, Diao Yong $j| (paternal) and
Gao Yun jf|[ (maternal), were well known ministers in the early Northern Wei.
Diao Chong himself was greatly fond o f scholarship. He "studied well the entire
canon, and was partial to Zheng Xuan's commentary. He was interested in and
texts, mathematics, astrology and the observation o f winds and aeromantic signs.
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|1| . 78 Every year several hundred students came to study with him. In addition to
canonical learning, there must have been some among them who also studied the
JJjlp (Minister o f Justice), and weiwei qing % jj^JJ (Minister o f the Palace
Garrison). In the famous court debate on the institution o f the Bright Hall, he
submitted a memorial to the emperor, supporting the theory o f "five rooms," on the
basis o f the Zhou Official Institutions, R ecords o f Social Norms, C lassic o f Poetry,
M encius, and the "Yuan shen qi" chapter o f the A pocrypha to the C lassic o f F ilial
Emperor Xiaoming's reign. At the beginning o f the Shengui H. reign period (518-
519), the powerful Empress Dowager Hu S9 81 personally supervised the court. She
therefore was able to confer a noble title on her father posthumously and bury him
78 Ibid, 1858.
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with especially honorable ritual. When she further decided to build five temples for
him, voices in opposition rose from the scholars.82 Wang Yanye was one o f the
opposition. He quoted Zheng Xuan's commentary and the Apocrypha to the Ritual
a n d S ocial Norms, as well as the precedent o f Jin house, to oppose the Empress
position, also on the basis o f the apocryphal texts.84 In the end, the influential Prince
o f Qinghe yjf ?Rl, Yuan Yi j t & , supported Wang Yanye's standpoint because "As
for the ancient references, we shall refer to what the Apocrypha to the R itual an d
Social Norms and numerous canonical scholars have said, and for the more recent
Feng Weibo (492-527) was versatile and talented. He held the post
82 In Imperial China, the rank of mourning and sacrificial ritual was a very serious political
issue, because it would sometimes cause the breaking off of the proper legitimate line of
royal succession. Particularly in the cases in which an empress dowager personally
supervised the court or the emperor was not a legitimate successor due to that the late
emperor did not have a direct heir, Confucian scholars and court ministers would be very
vigilant to which for any signs of improper and excessive ritual.
84Ibid, 2768-2770.
85 Ibid, 2770-2771.
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discussions in his teens. During the Northern Wei, the shape and institution o f the
Bright Hall was continuously debated among canonical scholars without any
conclusion being reached. "Weibo thus collected and examined the canonical and
prophetic-apocryphal texts [which concerning the Bright Hall], and submitted the
M in g tang tu shuo [A Illustrated Interpretation o f the Bright Hall] in six juan" f${£j
T b tS W ^ ’ ±
serving Emperor Xiaoming ^ BJ (r. 515-528), was fond o f history and canonical
learning as well. "He had read many o f the astrological, mathematical, calendaric,
was from a family with a tradition o f canonical learning. He himself studied with Xu
He would select the best masters to study with and choose the best classical editions
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to work on, favoring no specific schools. He soon established his own scholarly
classics during the Northern Dynasties essentially began with Xu. Many o f his
Xu was little known and his students were few, so that a contemporary scholar and
Xu's early disciples, helped his master to establish his reputation by baffling Xianyu
with questions on the Zuo Commentary. All o f Xianyu's students thus turned their
backs on him and went to Xu's school. From that point Xu became more and more
Wei H istory does not mention that Xu knew prophetic-apociyphal texts, several
well known disciples o f his were skilled in them, including Li Yexing and Xiong
observation o f winds, astrology and divination, and was particularly famous for
mathematics and making calendar. Scholars admired his erudition" ' JH^j '
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When the Northern Wei split into tw o empires, Li served the eastern empire, the one
under the Gao family's control. In the fourth year o f Tianping reign period o f
During this time o f peace, debating between North and South were
fashionable. Thus an envoy had to be both versatile and eloquent. At that time, the
southern courts had adopted Wang Su's theory as the basis o f its suburban-sacrifice
ritual, while the northern courts had adopted Zheng Xuan's theory. When Li arrived
at the Liang court, he began a debate on the ritual procedures with Zhu Yi a
Cavalier Attendant-in-ordinary o f the Liang. Li criticized the fact that the shape o f
Liang's Bright Hall was a square hall with four pillars; the proper shape, according
to Li, should be a square hall with a round roof. Zhu Yi argued: "The theory o f 'a
square hall with a round roof does not appear in the classics; why should you think
reference to 'a square hall with a round roof is easily found, you simply do not want
93 Ibid.
94 Zhu Yi (482-548), well learned in his teens, was favored by Emperor Wu of Liang for his
intelligence and eloquence. He was the one who incited Emperor Wu to receive Hou Jing, the
northern betrayer. Zhu later was blamed to be responsible for the chaos caused by Hou. See
Ls, 38.537-540.
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to see it. I have read the lectures on the M eaning o f the Classic o f F ilial P iety by
the lord o f Liang,95 recorded by you sir, which also speak o f 'a square hall with a
< # £ « >
it is so" Zhu Y i said, "exactly in which classic can the reference of'square hall
with round roof be found" g ] fct} f S J " I t is mentioned in the 'Yuan shen qi'
replied. Zhu refuted: "How can one believe the words in prophetic-apocryphal texts"
H" ’ fn jffifstb ,? Li answered: "If you, sir, do not believe in [the prophetic-
apocryphal texts], then, do you believe in [the deities] which also have no reference
in canonical texts, such as Ling wei yang and Yi guang ji, '
Ling wei yang and Yi guang ji are the names o f two o f the "five heavenly
deities"96 mentioned in the prophetic-apocryphal texts. The founders o f the Wei, Jin
and Southern and Northern Dynasties all claimed that they were the legitimate sons
o f the five heavenly deities so that they were qualified to rule the empire in turns.
They were the divine basis for the legitimacy o f these ruling houses. N o wonder Zhu
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Since Zhu Yi could not baffle Li Yexing, Emperor Wu o f Liang, who was
meanings o f the C lassic o f Changes, Classic o f Documents, and the Three Classics
o f Rites. When the emperor asked, in the chapter "Shun Dian" ^ [Canon o f
Shun] o f the C lassic o f Documents, "what kind o f the first month is this" libJifR jIE
in reference to the sentence "On the first day o f the first month, [Shun] received the
replied: "This is the first month o f the Xia calendar" lit Je J t IE El • The emperor
asked how he knew this, and Li replied: "Note that the 'Yun xing pian' jig f f H
chapter o f the Shang shu zhong hou jnj ^ rf3 ]ij|97 says: 'The sun and moon began to
revolve.' I therefore know that it is the first month o f the Xia calendar" % ( H
■t'M* ^ B
El ’ & & X E -98 This entire story is mentioned in
the Wei H istory but not in the Liang History. The Wei H istory has a bad reputation
for exaggeration. Even if this story has been overstated, w e can still observe the
attitude toward prophetic-apocryphal texts among scholars and emperors during this
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powerful noble family. Living in such a chaotic age, he had no political ambitions
but "was very skilled in the learning o iy in ya n g and the prophetic-apocryphal texts.
Once he told someone: 'Whenever I observe the field allocation100 o f the [Northern]
Qi, [I see that] it will not have much fortune. The blessedness to the empire and the
eight, and this was the number o f years the Northern Qi dynasty lasted.
(Academician o f Five Classics). Later he served Xiao Cha Hf ^ (r. 555-561), the
ruler o f the Later Liang, a dependency o f the Northern Zhou, as du guan shangshu
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Confucian learning, invited Shen Zhong to the capital to lecture on the classics in
court and to teach the Heir. Shen was appointed as biaoqi d a jiangjun Hf fz
Imperial Academy o f the Lu Gate). At the end o f the Jiande ^ reign period
(572-577), Shen retired from the Zhou court and returned to the south. He died in
the early Sui. Shen Zhong, basically an Old Text scholar, was versed in the Classic
[the books] including yinyang and prophetic-apocryphal texts, as well as Taoist and
Northern Zhou, was a native o f the north. Xu Zunming was the most famous o f his
masters. Although he was an expert in all the classics as his teacher was, Xiong
devoted himself to the Three Classics o f Rites. He first served the Eastern Wei and
103 A honorific title. See Charles 0 . Hucker, A Dictionary o f Official Titles in Imperial
China (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1985) 275; Lu Zongli ed. Zhongguo lidai guan
zhi da cidian f^ W ^ J^ i^ A fB eijin g: Beijing chubanshe, 1994), 91.
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well known by the Northern Zhou emperor. When Emperor Wu o f the Northern
Zhou conquered the Northern Qi and entered the capital o f Ye, Xiong had his
servants to clean up the entrance o f the house. His family, puzzled, asked him why
he did so. Xiong replied: "The emperor o f Zhou honors the Way and Confucianism.
H e will certainly come to see me" # fit ’ 'J&}}€ M 105 After a while
[Xiong] not to prostrate himself, the emperor held Xiong's hands and lead Xiong to
a house, grain, silk and other gifts. He was later appointed Academician at the
Imperial Academy o f the Lu Gate. As a well known master in the north, Xiong
attracted more than a thousand students, some o f whom came from long distances
to study with him. Many o f them later became masters themselves. At the beginning
o f the Sui, most academicians in the court and at the Imperial Academy were
Xiong's students. I will bring them up later. In lecturing on ritual, Xiong "discussed
points which earlier masters never understood" 7b fit fra ® W ’ M S frU fa ! ’ 7*ciM
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R ecords o f Social Norms and Classic o f F ilial Piety, w e can see he did adopt
opinions from various apocryphal texts. For the term San huang Wu d i H M £
(the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors) , 108 Xiong quotes from various
apocryphal texts and their annotations in his argument. For instance, the "Yun dou
shu" j j i i f ' f l i chapter o f the Apocrypha to the Spring an d Autumn Annals regards
"Zhen yao du" chapter o f the Apocrypha to the Classic o f Documents takes
texts. For instance, after quoting Song Jun's 5fc # J 109 annotation to the "Han shen
wu" chapter o f the Apocrypha to the Classic o f Poetry, which reads "The
great heavenly sovereign at the North Pole begets humans with his essence" ;[t
fit A , Xiong comments, "If this is so, then all those who
107Ibid, 812.
108 In Xiong's Li j i y i shu M f 2 H 5ft [The Interpretations and Explanations o f the Records
o f Social Norms]. The work is no longer extant, however, fragments o f it are in Ma, Yuhan
shanfangji y i shu. The fragments I use here are quoted from 1052 to 1077.
109 He was an Eastern Han governor and died in 76. His authorship o f the commentaries to
the prophetic-apocryphal texts has been controversial. See Tjan, Po-hu T'ung, 23.
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proclaim themselves sovereigns have received the q i from the heavenly sovereign"
from the "Kun ling tu" S ® chapter o f A pocrypha to the Spring a n d Autumn
Annals, "The one whose deeds are compatible to those o f Heaven and earth, and are
0 From "Wo he ji" g #2 chapter o f the Zhong hou cjd M apocrypha to the
C lassic o f Documents, he quotes the line "A sovereign should embody the Way and
distinction between the Three Sovereigns and the Five Emperors is that the
sovereigns carried out the Way while the emperors practiced good deeds"
fT S t ’ S t f f r f c ’
In some cases, his reading really clarifies problems. For example, in the "Qu
traditionally read as: "One at the age o f fifty is called 'aged.' He shall serve in an
the chapters "Yun heng" jj! and "Zun xian zhe" ^ o f the Zhong hou
But som e times, his clarification only makes it more difficult to understand.
For example, in the interpretation o f the sentence "If [a noble man and his
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descendants] have left their home state for three generations, neither their ranks nor
their salaries remain in file in the court, and they receive no orders from the king o f
their home state in regard to their leaving or coming, then they should obey the
statutes o f the new state [where they take residence] at the time they begin to work"
Xiong quotes from the "Gou ming jue" $jj pp ^ chapter o f the Apocrypha to the
Classic o f F ilial P iety the line: "The supreme [Confucius] was the lord who
formulated statutes; dark red and green will not go against112 dark blue and
yellow.113 The Sage114 specially formulates the statutes [for the Han dynasty], which
lA im iJ a - W M lim
112 In a paralleled fragment collected in the "Gou ming jue" chapter (see Yasui and
Nakamura, Jushin Isho Shusei, 5.69), dai (to replace) is used in place o f fa {% (to
113 In the Five Natures system, the color o f wood and east is either green, blue or dark blue,
but can not be both. The colors Xiong mentions here should refer to the colors o f stars.
Traditional Chinese astrology thought that each o f the five planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars,
Jupiter and Saturn) could manifest itself as different colors-green or blue, red, white, yellow
and black (meaning dark red)— according to its circumstances. Each color of the stars
reveals a certain portentous sign. (See Jiang Xiaoyuan Bj§ Hi. Xing zhan xue yu
chuantong wenhua JI £ Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 1992. 98-
101) The prophetic-apocryphal texts adopt this theory and extend it to comets as well. (See
Song Jun's commentary to the "Gou ming jue" chapter of the Apocrypha to the Classic o f
Filial Piety, Yasui and Nakamura, Jushin Isho Shusei, 5 • 69) Still, the relationship between
these colors here is beyond my knowledge.
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Li Delin was a principal advisor o f Emperor Wen o f the Sui. In his youth, "at
the age o f fifteen, he could recite several thousand words o f the five classics and the
writings o f ancient and contemporary authors per day. Soon he understood the
classics, and could read all the yinyang and prophetic-apocryphal texts" ^ -f- >
^ ns
positions as mishu jia n ilr Ini (Supervisor o f the Imperial Library), // bu shangshu
charge o f formulating the ritual procedures and regulating the ceremonial music for
the new empire. He was a leading figure o f such scholarship in the Sui court.
Although his biography does not mention whether or not he studied prophetic-
apocryphal texts, in the third year o f the Kaihuang reign period (583), he asked that
a Bright Hall be built according to the "ancient standard" ^ $lj. The "ancient
standard" he arrived at, was based on the "Di ming yan" pp ^ chapter o f the
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A pocrypha to the Classic o f Documents, and the "Yuan shen qi" chapter o f the
Ma Guang M tib {ft- 510-590) was a disciple o f Xiong Ansheng. "Since his
youth, M a had been fond o f studying. He studied with masters for several decades,
day and night, never relaxing. He had read through with all prophetic-apocryphal
texts. He comprehended the Three Classics o f R ites especially well, and was highly
important teacher o f the Three C lassics o f R ites after Xiong Ansheng. His students
numbered more than a thousand. At the beginning o f the Sui, Emperor Wen
most o f them from the east, previously the territory o f the Northern Qi, to come to
the capital, Chang'an. Six o f these masters were appointed academicians at the
Imperial Academy and thus were called "the six masters." Ma Guang was among the
six. The other five were Zhang Zhongrang Kong Long J i f f , D ou Shirong
8? i t HI, Zhang Heinu j[f| | l | and Liu Zuren ^Ij fH Their typical northern
simple style did not appeal to the emperor or the court and all but Ma Guang soon
lost their positions. The official records pay little attention to them so that w e do not
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know much about them. However, from Ma Guang's memoir w e learn that four o f
the six were disciples o f Xiong Ansheng. They were Ma Guang, Kong Long, Zhang
Heinu and Dou Shirong. Ma was familiar with the prophetic-apocryphal texts as was
mentioned above. It would be safe to suppose that the other three were also good at
these texts. Zhang Zhongrang soon retired but often talked about celestial omens to
people. He was finally executed. This suggests that the prophetic-apocryphal texts
should not be foreign to him. Thus, the reason these people were chosen to the
Academy at the beginning o f the Sui must be either Emperor Wen had mindfully
texts, he made his living through teaching. His students often numbered over a
thousand, some coming from great distances to study with him. During the Sui, he
Academy, and the National Academy. Minister o f the Imperial Ceremonies Niu
118 The commandery was centered to the south of modem Zhengding IE/Ei in Hebei.
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royal house, was not only a learned canonical scholar but also the best known civil
and architectural engineer. The new palaces in Luoyang, the eastern capital, were
designed and built by him during Emperor Yang's reign. At the beginning o f the Sui,
the court intended to rebuild the Bright Hall. Yuwen, as an architect, provided a
design which was based on the description o f the Hall in the "Di ming yan" chapter
writings during the period, for instance, w e can find a great deal o f influence from
120Ibid, 68.1589.
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3) Summary
First, there is continuity. As mentioned before, this period was not only a
difficult time for the prophetic-apocryphal texts, but for canonical learning as well.
Besides the endless battles and disorder, rulers paid much less attention to canonical
learning than the Han rulers had. As Pi Xirui has pointed out, the southern emperors
not even a "Memoir on Confucian Scholars" in the Song H istory and Southern Qi
History. The Liang dynasty was an exception because Emperor Wu himself used to
be a canonical scholar.121 Ma Zonghuo also thinks that, after the Jin house moved to
the south, the southern rulers faced so many troubles that they had no time to
promote canonical learning.122 Even by the time o f Song and Southern Qi, the
Imperial Academy and the National Academy were only occasionally open.
Provincial and private schools were also rare. Most o f the nobles and ministers had
no expertise in the classics, while the few masters o f canonical studies in courts
122 Most emperors during early medieval China died from unnatural causes.
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was a golden era for canonical learning due to the emperor's support. He promoted
the classics and classical study throughout his reign o f almost fifty years. However
in his old age he became interested in Buddhism and his reign ended with Hou Jing's
devastating revolt. Thus canonical learning in South China in the early medieval age
to canonical learning. The Northern Wei emperors reopened schools at both the
central and provincial levels. However, after 525 the imperial house was under
political struggles and the empire soon declined. Most schools closed again. One o f
masters. Nevertheless, in its National Academy the posts o f academicians were but
nominal, with only a few dozen students. At the local level, teachers and students
became servants o f the local officials. Emperor Wu o f the Northern Zhou, on the
contrary, intended to promote canonical learning and many well known masters
to repeated bans and exclusion from the mainstream o f scholarship. Thus the
absence o f historical records concerning these texts and the loss o f most o f the texts
during this period is to be expected. Nonetheless, w e have seen that the line o f study
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period. Cases o f teaching and studying these texts can be found in every dynasty
during early medieval times.124 This indicates that even in the post-golden age, the
ritual, calendar, and other political issues among emperors and officials, without any
misgivings. This phenomenon supports my view that the emphasis o f the bans was
only to limit the negative influence but not to root out all the ideas o f the prophetic-
apociyphal texts.
Third, the above point can be further supported by the following argument.
Regardless o f the imperial bans and the criticism and rejection by many scholars and
intellectuals, we find that, in reading the memoirs on those who knew the prophetic-
apocryphal texts, those who understood these texts in early medieval China were
those who understood the texts, there were quite a few aristocrats, ministers and
124 As the matter o f fact, I cited only about half of the cases concerning prophetic-
apocryphal learning.
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texts not for practical and political purposes, but out o f scholarly interest. For these
scholars the examination o f such texts was serious scholarship. Therefore, some
hermits with no connection to either the court or politics were interested in these
texts. This illustrates that such texts were regarded as a legitimate field o f
intellectual endeavor.
still a very common and widespread cultural tradition. Besides politicians and
canonical scholars, we can also find historians, poets and literary writers, religious
figures, hermits, scientists and engineers and others, who, either living in the South
or in the North, either leading a public life or a private life, were interested in
studying and prophetic-apocryphal texts. These figures all had teachers, and would
very like have transmitted it down to their students as well. Some o f them were
more influential that they had thousands o f students. Thus, although we are unable
to estimate the number o f those who knew the prophetic-apocryphal texts during the
period, the real number would have to be much higher than w e can gather from the
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While the prophetic-apocryphal texts with their systematic ideology held the
continued to attract believers not only from rulers and pretenders as mentioned in
Chapter II, but also from the lower strata o f early medieval Chinese society. Belief
in chen prophecy, as a part o f Chinese folk religion, had deep roots in the society o f
this period. This is one reason for the continuation o f this belief long after it had lost
its intellectual currency. In arguing for this, I have shown that official bans were not
see that in the case o f simple chen prophecy, the bans did not work either.
The chen prophecies I will discuss here are not confined to the traditional
political chen prophecies that were incorporated into the prophetic-apocryphal texts.
It is true that the traditional chen prophecies still circulated during the period.
However, there were also a large number o f contemporary political chen prophecies
that arose and were disseminated among people. Only a few o f them were recorded
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in the extant official histories. These will be referred to as new chen prophecies in
this study.
The largest group o f new chen prophecies was "prophetic folk and children’s
rhymes," which will be discussed in the next chapter. In this section I will examine a
type o f prophecy which took the form o f ideographic riddles based on the Chinese
writing system.
It is widely accepted that there are six principles underlying the formation o f
Chinese characters. These are called Liu shu A H (The Six Principles o f Writing),
and include the following:1 xiang xing {$. (depictive), zhi shi $§ sjl (indicative),
I f a character consists o f more than one radical, then the combined meaning o f its
radicals can be either philosophized or codified into riddles. A well known example
is in the section o f the twelfth year o f Duke Xuan W o f the Lu (597) in the Zuo
Commentary, "[the Lord o f the Chu said:] 'To be martial means to stop using
1 This theory has been attributed to an Eastern Han philologist, Xu Shen f^t^(/7. 58-147),
who compiled the first extensive Chinese dictionary, Shuo wen jie zi It was
further developed by Chinese philologists over the course o f generations.
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weapon' " i h ^ ^ j E ^-3 Another good example is the following story in the Sou shen
j i o f Gan Bao: a lady o f Song during the Warring States period was so beautiful that
the king o f Song jailed her husband and forced her to be his court consort. She did
not consent to serve him. Instead, she sent husband a message, "
V (The
sun rises right above my heart) meaning she "had made up her mind to kill herself
within a few days." This message is decoded by reading chu fct} above xin '\j* as the
It goes without saying that larger linguistic units, such as words, phrases,
sentences, can also be read as mottoes containing codified messages. This kind o f
during the Han and Three States period to become chen prophecy by mottoes.
3 See Yang, Chun qiu Zuo zhuan zhu, 744. The character wu J£ (martial) is composed with
two parts, zhi i t (to stop) and ge J t (spear). However, as Yang points out, the form o f zhi
in the oracle bones was a hand. According to the semantic aggregate principle, wu originally
meant "to hold a weapon." The people during the Spring and Autumn period, gave a new
philosophical and symbolic meaning to the character in spite or forgetting its original
philological meaning.
4 See Lin Yiian-huei, "The Weight o f Mt. T'ai: Patterns o f Suicide in Traditional Chinese
History and Culture" (Unpublished Ph. D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin, 1990), 59.
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ideographic riddle used as a chen prophecy widely circulated. This was to analyze
the character Liu f?lj into tw o or three radicals, namely: m ao £)p, jin and dao J ),
to imply that the Former Han house will rise again.5 A warlord o f the period,
Gongsun Shu jjjt (d. 36), w as a competitor o f Liu Xiu §lj ^ (6 B. C. -57 A.
D .), the founder o f Later Han. Gongsun controlled the area o f modem Sichuan at
the end o f the Wang Mang reign. In a dream, he heard some one tell him: Ba si zi xi
si together form gon g while zi and xi together com pose sun The second line
means "the [ruling] term will be twelve." D oes it mean twelve years or twelve
Gongsun Shu and his wife to finally decide to contend for the throne.
6 SeeHHs, 13.535.
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chapters, ideographic prophecies can occur in dreams, or may be some words whose
minds. N o matter how they come about, once they have taken root in popular
In the seventh month o f the fifth year o f the Xiankang ij£ reign period
(339) o f Emperor Cheng Jj£(r. 325-342) o f Eastern Jin, Chancellor Wang Dao
(276-339) died. His long term rivals, the Yu JH family, an aristocratic family related
to the imperial house by marriage, controlled the administration and military from
the capital to the provinces. While Yu Liang ^ (289-340) held the most
important military position in the middle Yangzi basin, his younger brother Yu Bing
Jt^| (296-344) was made the Supervisor o f the Secretariat in charge o f the central
government and the lower basin o f the Yangzi River. In 342, Emperor Cheng fell ill
and soon passed away. Yu Bing, for the Yu family's own good, did not enthrone the
late emperor's sons, but instead chose the late emperor's younger brother, Sima Yue,
who was known as Emperor Kang gjf (r. 342-344). But Yu Bing remained in charge.
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period title. "After a while, a certain person told Yu: 'You must not have known a
chen prophecy when you made the reign period title. The chen says: "At the end o f
Jianyuanthe qiu shan [hill and mountain] will collapse." Qiu and shan together make
the character Yue,8 [the given name o f Emperor Kang.]' Yu Bing was startled. After
a long while, he sighed and said: 'If there will be evil luck, there is no way to prevent
3) From 548 to 552, Liang was thrown into chaos by Hou Jing, a former
Eastern Wei general. The central government collapsed. Imprisoning Emperor Wu,
who soon passed away, Hou Jing first enthroned then dethroned the puppet Liang
emperors at will. In the seventh month o f the second year o f the Dabao 7c H reign
period (551) o f Emperor Jianwen fUj Hou dethroned the emperor, enthroned an
8 The upper radical o f the character jwe ^ is a qiu J t, and the lower radical is a shan |JL|.
9 See fVs, 96.2099-2100. The Jin History (7.187)also records this account with some
differences: "Someone told Bing: 'A prophecy by Guo Pu (276-324) goes: 'At the time
o f li shi (to initiate), qiu and shan will collapse." Li means the same as jian (to
establish), shi means the same as yuan (the beginning); while qiu and shan were the name of
the emperor.' Yu Bing was startled. After a long while, he sighed and said: 'If there will be
an evil luck, there is no way to prevent it by changing[the title]?' At this time (444) the
prophecy consequently came true" 0 • “ ‘ 3Z$pi£.^rcInlilftS ° ’
’ 7C : £ 0 J ’ IHfe ° - » IEM1H0 : - ’
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imprisoned prince, Xiao Dong f £ and picked a new reign-period title, Tianzheng
5^IE (Heavenly Proper). In the next year, Hou was defeated by Liang's army. Xiao
Dong and his brothers were killed in the battle. When another prince, the Prince o f
Wulin Xiao Ji Uf who controlled the area o f modem Sichuan, heard that
both o f Emperor Wu and his Heir had died, he proclaimed himself emperor in 552.
His reign period title was Tianzheng as well. Some wise persons observed that tian
composed o f y i — (one) and zhi _[h (to stop). They predicted that these tw o princes,
Xiao Dong and Xiao Ji would each last no longer than one year on the throne. Xiao
governor, told his associates: "In the past Huan Xuan's reign period title was
Daheng. Wise persons called it 'finished by the second month,' and Huan Xuan was
indeed defeated in the second month. N ow the reign period title is called Tianzheng.
[The character Zheng] is written a sy i and zhi (one and to stop). It will not last long"
■Z H T > " 4 -#
11 SeeAfe, 53.1329.
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4) Gao Yang, the first emperor o f the Northern Qi, picked Tianbao A
(Heaven Protects) (550-559) as his reign title. Some wise scholars said: "The
characters tian and bao are formed by the radicals^/ (one), da (great), ren (person),
zhi (only) and shi (ten). The emperor will last no longer than ten years" A ^ £
The following stories are recorded in the "Treatise on the Five Agents" in
5) "In the seventh year o f the Wuping W' reign period (576), the Later
Lord [o f Northern Qi] was defeated by the Zhou troops. He fled to Ye.
Proclaiming himself Emperor Emeritus, 13 he passed the throne to the Heir [Gao]
Heng t S .14 The title o f the reign period was changed to Longhua (Flourishing
and Reforming) (576). Contemporaries removed the last stroke o f the first character
and attached it to the top o f the second character and read it as xiang si (surrender
and die). [The Youthful Lord] eventually surrendered to the Zhou and died" ^
14 The eldest son o f Gao Wei pt5|§, the Later Lord. As the matter o f fact, Gao Heng iSj fS
(570-578), the Youthful Lord ih A . was only six years old when his father enthroned him.
The Later Lord was greatly frustrated after the defeat. Believing in a prognostication that
the Qi should make some changes, Gao Wei took this formal step, while being still in charge
o f the empire, o f course. See BQs, 8.97, 110-111.
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•t* M 5 7 6 ) > a m ) m t
n '& m m K '5
(578), Emperor Wu o f Northern Zhou (r. 560-578) changed his reign period title to
dependent lord o f Northern Zhou, rearranged the radicals and/or strokes o f the two
characters into four characters "Yuwen (the surname o f Zhou house) wang (die) ri
(in days)" ^ jC £ H • In the six month o f the new reign period, Emperor Wu o f
The emperor's behavior was unconventional and unpredictable. He cursed the late
emperor and executed important officials w ho were favored by his father. He first
changed the reign period title to Dacheng (Great Achievement) (579), and a
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month later changed the title again. The new reign period title was Daxiang ^ ^
(Great Heavens). The emperor then announced his abdication and put his Heir, a
six- year-old boy named Yuwen Chan ^ ~£ ^ (573-581), on the throne. H e was
known as Emperor Jing jiff, and was the last emperor o f Northern Zhou. Emperor
Xuan styled himself the Tianyuan ^ 7c (Heavenly and the First) Emperor. Thus he
could enjoy everything as an emperor while being responsible for nothing. Xiao Kui,
the lord o f Later Liang, again rearranged the radicals o f the characters o f the new
reign period title, d a xiang, into three characters: "Tian zi ^ (Son o f Heaven)
zhong (tomb)."18 In the next year Emperor Xuan died suddenly and left the seven
year old emperor in Yang Jian’s care. Taking advantage o f the situation, Yang soon
8) In the early Kaihuang reign period o f the Sui, Xiao Zong (r. 585-
587), successor o f Xiao Kui and the third lord o f Later Liang, changed his reign
period title to Guangyun j|f jjf in 586. The elders o f the Later Liang state said to
each other: "The character yim j ||, is written with ju n zou (army flees). D oes
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Zong to the court and confined him to the capital; soon after Later Liang was
(Great Enterprise) as the title o f his reign period. Some wise men disliked the title,
saying: "These two characters can be rearranged into 'da ku wei ^ 7^ (great
10) In 402, Huan Xuan actually took over the Eastern Jin court. He had the
emperor change the reign period title from Longan |H (397-402) to Daheng
^ . People all over the empire said: "Er yue liao H £j 7 [Finish by the second
month]."22 As it happened, the Jin expedition against Huan Xuan began in the
second month o f the next year, 403, and Huan was defeated in 404.
M ottoes can have second readings mainly due to their ambiguity. Let's
22 The lower part o f the character heng is liao, meaning to finish. The middle part is similar
to yue (month). The upper part in an alternative form o f the character, can be written as er,
meaning two.
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was appointed Che q i jiangjun i|L®f { ^ Iji (General o f Chariots and Cavalry),23 and
granted the title o f Marquis o f Linjin (§§ I f 24 by the emperor. "[A wise man
commented:] 'The father o f the empress was granted his first fief with the title
government.27 Empress Jia J f had Sima Wei W] J§ the Prince o f Chu kill
Yang Jun. The great chaos which finally caused the decline o f Western Jin was
revealed at the moment when Emperor Wu, by granting the title Marquis o f Linjin,
23 One o f the most powerful and honorable titles for a general during the period.
27 Since Emperor Hui was an incompetent ruler, Yang, as tai (Senior Tutor) and da
dudu H (Commander-in-Chief), was actually in charge o f the central government.
This situation caused conflict between the families of the two empresses, the Yang and Jia,
which soon rapidly intensified.
28 Traditionally the "evil" Empress Jia was blamed for all the disasters that happened to the
court and Sima family. However, the competition between the Jia and Yang families was at
most the fuse to the time bomb that had been ticking for a long time and which was much
more complicated that a palace dispute. Nevertheless, it is true that the great chaos did start
from the struggle between the Yang and Jia families.
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The noble title o f Linjin was approved by Emperor Wu himself. He read the
title as it would usually mean, without knowing that its second reading was
inauspicious. This suggests that the second reading o f words which meant that the
opposite o f the current situation would become true. These portentous words were
collected this type o f revelation under the section o f "Yan zhi bu cong" f | ^ #£
[Inconsistent Words]29 (i. e. , not consistent with the intent o f the speaker).
1) When Liu Chan §IJ (r. 223-263) succeeded to the throne o f Shu, the
legendary seer Qiao Zhou30 observed: "The Former Lord's given name was Bei,
which means completion; and the Later Lord's given name is Chan, which means to
give away.31 It seems to say that the Liu family has completed [its mission], and will
29 The title o f this section is adopted from the "Memoir on the Five Agents" o f the Han
History (1376). Liu Xiang §lj [q], whose work is the original version o f the memoir, explains
that It is saying that when the orders from the superior disagreed with the common people's
will, the ruler then would be unable to regulate his empire.
31 Chan can mean "abdication." The term "the Last Lord" suggests that this story, as well as
those stories related to a certain "the Last Lord" in this chapter, was recorded after the fall
o f his kingship.
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"Shu consequently declined. This is an example of'Inconsistent Words’" f|} Jpcljl »
to him is unknown. However, the inconsistency between the names o f the tw o rulers
and the anticipated result was noted by the people from the time o f Shu's decline and
o f Eastern Jin, "fluffing the hair on the temples with wispy knots hanging down was
and w as not an every day coiffure. Therefore, women prepared wigs with wispy
knots in advance, keeping them on a piece o f wood, which was called 'mock-head.'
When someone wanted to borrow one, she would say she 'borrows the head.' Finally
this expression was prevailed everywhere. Since that time, many accidents have
occurred. Some lost their heads, and were buried with mock heads made o f grass or
w ood. The saying of'borrowing the head' was an omen [o f this later development]"
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to his brother, the Prince o f Guiji ^ Sima Daozi If] JS S i "?■ (364-402). Later
Daozi ordered an artificial hill built next to his residence compound and named it
Hill o f Lingxiu I f ill (Divine and Beautiful Hill). In 399, Sun En (d. 402), a
Taoist leader, raised a revolt. He twice occupied Guiji, the fief o f Daozi. Sun's style
name was Lingxiu.35 Thus this hill was meant to be Lingxiu's Hill.
4) When Huan Xuan controlled the middle basin o f the Yangzi River, he
named his studio Panlong (Curling Dragon). In 404 Huan was defeated by the
Eastern Jin army.36 One o f the Eastern Jin generals w ho defeated Huan, Liu Yi <$!] Wt
(d. 412), took over the use o f the room, and his style name was Panlong.37
o f Eastern Jin, a hall w as built inside the palace and was named O ing shu (Cool
36 It was lead by Liu Yi and other leaders o f the Bei fu jfc (the Northern Headquarters)
army group including Liu Yu, who later became the founder o f the Song dynasty.
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"Qing shu, in fa n qie spelling,38 would be 'Chu sheng (grievous voice, or the voice
was a grievous voice. Another person disagreed with this interpretation. He said:
"According to a chen, the Chu will replace Jin. This message must be encoded in
when Huan Xuan | h j£ (3 6 9 -4 0 4 )40 usurped the throne, he named his "dynasty" Chu
H istories records a comment on the last Chen emperor’s name: "Someone said, the
Last Lord's name Shubao ^ (r. 582-589),41 in fa n qie spelling, would be shao
38 Fan qie -0J spelling is a traditional Chinese method o f indicating the pronunciation o f a
character by using two other Chinese characters, the first having the same initial as the
character been glossed and the second having the same final and tone.
39 Here the interpreter reads tjf % (ching shu) as the phonetic gloss for (chu), and H tjf
(shu ching) as that for (shing). Due to phonetic changes through the history, I have
slightly modified the modem pronunciation o f these four characters in order to show how
this method worked in ancient times.
40 The son of Huan Wen. He established the Chu in 403 yet soon was defeated by Jin army.
41 Chen Shubao (553-604), the last emperor o f Chen, was famous for his poetic
writing. In the third year of the Zhenming reign period (589), the Sui conquered Chen. Chen
Shubao was captured.
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(lack of) f u (fortune). It was indeed the sign o f his failure" £& m
g§ M ' P 1 8 »
o f the Southern Qi, the common people were allowed to tour it. Someone
commented: "Chan means to give away, and ling is not a good name, either.44 His
^ ^ X -45 In 493, Emperor Wu's grandson succeeded to the throne, yet soon
was killed by his uncle Xiao Luan Hf who later became Emperor Ming 0^. Ming,
as can be seen from the following interpretation, can be synonymous with ling. So
this prophecy means "to give to Ming Bfj." Another source says: "Earlier, Emperor
Wu built the Chanling Temple at the capital. People at the time all thought it was a
great spectacle. Yet the heavenly will was revealed: 'Chan means to abdicate, and
42 See Ns, 10.310. Here again ^ (shu bao) is read as the phonetic gloss for 'fz (shao),
and (bao shu) as that for (bu, which is now pronounced as f u due to phonetic
43 Chan in Buddhism means Zen, a suitable name for a Buddhist temple. It is a pun here.
45 SeeNQs, 19.381-382.
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ling is the other word for deities.'46 When Emperor Wu passed away, the enterprise
f i ’
During Emperor Ming's five-year reign (494-498), he killed almost all o f his
nineteen brothers (the sons o f Emperor Gao) and twenty-three nephews (sons o f
2. 5 Summary
prophecies. The noteworthy point is that these chen prophecies circulated during the
period and were accepted as real revelations. It is in this sense that these stories, as
That the early medieval Chinese paid so much attention to important persons'
names, or the titles o f imperial buildings and reign periods was not without reasons.
These names and titles historically antedated the related events. Ironically, all these
names and titles were supposed be good and auspicious, because naming in general
46 Sheng ming usually means divinity. But its second reading can mean the divine
Ming, referring to Emperor Ming.
48 See Wang, Wei Jin Nanbeichao Sui Chu Tang shi, 266.
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has been a channel to express one's wish. Nevertheless, these "auspicious" names
and titles, through their second reading, turned out to be the revelations o f evil and
functional: first, the "wise men" or the interpreters who first pointed out the
connections between the characters or the mottoes and the future events. Without
interpreters, people would have no idea how to decipher the hidden message. And in
case o f ideographic riddles, without the unique features o f the Chinese writing
system, no second reading would be possible. Or if we may, we can say that even if
the Chinese writing system is phonetic, people still could read a word
unconventionally, e.g. , through folk etymology, and make it into a chen prophecy.
B elief in chen prophecy is actually the notivation behind this seemingly artificial
Through the instances above, w e can see that every single Chinese character
spelling, punning, and ambiguity. Given all these approaches, one is able to decode a
desired revelation with almost any Chinese character or phrase. Xiao Kui, the gifted
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were simply word games played as the "wise men" pleased, how could the people at
that time believe them to be heavenly revelations? Since there are so many ways to
play the word game, there must have been more than one interpretation o f a single
title. Why, then, was only a certain interpretation recorded? Were these
interpretations lucky guesses made by the "wise men" beforehand, or were they
First, we must realize that early medieval Chinese believed in the mystic
power o f words as did people o f many other cultures. N o matter how words acquire
their mystic power, this belief is a fundamental reason for belief in chen prophecy. In
the Chinese case, as I have pointed out, the portentous power o f words comes from
manipulate public opinion, can stir up a nationwide movement and turn into the a
mandate o f the people, a quasi -chen can stir up a nationwide movement and turn
We surmise that there would certainly be many quasi -chen in the stories
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a single quasi-c/tew, and people believe in a particular interpretation which they want
to believe in most. This interpretation, then, becomes the "revelation." I will expand
Another prevalent form o f new chen prophecies which used word games
during early medieval China was the shi chen §# I t (poetic chen prophecy), or shi
yao (poetic portent).51 Although many traditional chen prophecies o f Han and
Three States were already in the form o f verse or rhyme,52 the early medieval poetic
chen prophecy or poetic portent differs from the traditional prophetic rhymes.
containing word games, were intended to prophesy the future. In the other words,
the authors o f the traditional prophetic rhymes used word magic as prophetic tool.
50 The ideographic and orthographic riddles later developed into another direction-as a form
of prognostication, ce zi $0 or glyphomancy. For further information on this
development, see Wolfgang Bauer, "Chinese Glyphomancy (ch'ai-tzu) and Its Uses in
Present-day Taiwan," 71-96. (In Allan and Cohen, Legend)
51 Prophetic folk and children's rhyme is another kind o f poetic revelation. Since the next
chapter will deal with those prophetic rhymes, this section will only discuss the poems which
were written by officials and intellectuals.
521 prefer to call the traditional prophecies with rhyme "rhymes." They were closer to folk
rhymes in style and language.
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In the case o f the early medieval poetic portents, most authors (usually known) did
not intend to write a prophetic poem or play a word-magic game, yet unknowingly
the poem revealed the future.53 It is in this sense that this type is similar to the reign
issues, particularly the future o f a state, ruling house, emperor or lord, or important
political figures, while those o f the later poetic portents could be personal or private
affairs. This latter type became fully developed from the Tang to present time. It has
person's future fate could be unknowingly revealed through a poetic line he wrote
beforehand. Early medieval China was a transition period for this kind o f belief or
superstition, in that the poetic revelations during the period dealt with both political
while the language o f the later poetic portents were more beautiful as they were
53 There are exceptions. Some prophets, including well known Buddhist or Taoist monks,
and some magicians, did write prophetic poems or rhymes to prophesy the future, which
were also included as "poetic portents" in the Treatises on the Five Agents o f the early
medieval histories. They will be brought up below.
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intended to be poetic in the first place.54 Followings are examples o f the poetic
Liu Bing §tlj fH (434-478), a member o f the Song imperial house, served
Emperor Shun Jljj| (r. 477-479) as the Director o f the Department o f State Affairs
time Xiao Daocheng, the chancellor, and, later, King o f Qi, held the actual power
and already aspired to the throne. Liu Bing and his two sons, in the company o f
other generals, plotted against Xiao. When the plot leaked, Liu and his sons were
arrested and executed. Earlier, one o f his sons, Liu Yu wrote a poem: "Grass
growing on the city wall have their roots place up above all. What they shall regret
fp-.55 This poem was regarded as a portent by contemporaries, foretelling the fate o f
54 However, since early medieval China was a transition period for this kind of writing, we
can also find some poetic portents written in a coarse style.
55 See Ns, 13.356. Considering the hatred for Xiao which the Lius held, and that many
prophecies were circulated at that time which said someone's name with a grass radical as
the new Son o f Heaven (see Chapter II), it is possible that Liu Yu's original intention was to
curse Xiao Daocheng.
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Southern Qi, Liu Changmao $$(458-493), the Heir Wenhui ~$CM, imitating an
ancient poem, wrote a line: "Tall is the Jade Mount, it will collapse into pieces" H
the poem, he said: "This is a chen" jfcb jj$ i f fh,.56 Soon the Heir died. By that
autumn (493) Emperor Wu passed away. The emperor's successors, his grandsons,
were successively dethroned and murdered by their grand uncle Xiao Luan, who
After Xiao Tong I f ;££ (501-531), the famous Zhaoming Heir 0g B£3
passed away, Emperor Wu o f Liang selected Xiao Gang H I ® (503-551), his third
son, to be the new Heir. The new Heir was fond o f literature as well and was
famous for his “palace-style poetry.” In a poem with the title "The Cold Evening" Its
*7 he wrote: "Snow flower57 is without a calyx, and the ice mirror is n ot secured to
the chaos caused by Hou Jing, Xiao Gang was first a hostage o f Hou, then
57 The term xue hua M t t , literally "snow flower," is the Chinese word for snowflake.
58 SeeAfr, 80.2007.
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year Hou murdered him. Later, people decided that the poems were poetic portents.
"without an emperor." The palace and central government o f Liang was located in
Tai City ea J$c, a district o f the capital. Thus bu an t a i / f ^ - ^ , instead o f "being not
secured to any stand," could be read as "being not secure in Tai City." As for "a
wheel moving without a track," the comment in the Southern H istory goes: "[It is
saying that] the Prince o f Shaoling § P ^ , 59 with a given name Lun $g,60 promised in
In the "Treatise on the Five Agents" o f the Sui History, poems o f this type
are arranged under the title "Poetic Portents." Below are some more examples.
At the beginning o f the Zhenming fjl reign period (587-589), "the Last
Lord o f Chen composed a new song. The language o f the song was extremely
melancholy. He had the beauties in the inner palace practice and sing the song. The
words o f the song read: 'The jade trees are in blossom in the backyard; The
blossoms will fall before long.' The contemporaries regarded the song as a chen.
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This was the revelation that [the dynasty] would fall before long" ^ %FrSfc »
0 : “
X • - B S A & M I » I f c ^ A ^ f e i f e . 62
Emperor Xuan o f Northern Zhou,63 when he danced with his palace women
at midnight, sang: "Knowing that life is short, we play at night under candle light"
111 £Q # dp { £ ’ ifB iBf ^ ?T W -M In the third year o f his reign (579) the emperor
died suddenly.65
(In the eleventh year o f the Daye reign period (615), Emperor Yang o f the
Sui) left the capital66 for the Eastern capital67 After having arrived at the
Changle Palace fUj^'jlT, the emperor had a wine party and was very drunk.
poem reads: "Although having the intention to fly back, no more strength
left to avail myself o f the wind." He had the beauties repeatedly chant the
63 He was the successor of Emperor Wu and was famous for his debauched behavior. See
Wang, Wei Jin Nanbeichao Sui Chu Tang shi, 463.
66 Chang'an.
67 Luoyang.
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poem, while the emperor himself wept with tears wetting his handkerchief.
The attendants all sobbed themselves. Then the emperor visited Jiangdu,68
going home, yet I am unable to leave. I have really made myself enchanted
by spring. The voices o f birds urge me to drink more cups, while plum
three months later. This corresponds to the line 'be enchanted by the spring'
im * m > s m i i
S : “ ° - * if a r m
68 The commandery was centered at modem Yangzhou Jf§ ^*l‘l in Jiangsu. Emperor Yang
paid several visits there and used it as an alternate capital. In 615, the Sui empire was
already involved in disorder. Revolts took place everywhere. In 616, Emperor Yang fled for
Jiangdu and never returned. "His last days in Chiang-tu were melancholy." (Twitchett and
Fairbank, 148) In 618, the emperor was murdered in Jiangdu. The poem he wrote in Jiangdu
would certainly date to his last days.
69 The last two lines, however, can also be read as: "Surrounded by bird songs, I am urged to
drink more cups. Where plum trees are in blossom, with smiling faces people are killing."
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A s mentioned earlier, the "Treatise on the Five Agents" in the Sui H istory
also arranged prophetic rhymes under the title "Poetic Portents." For example:
On the eighth day o f the sixth month, the third year o f the Tianjian reign
period (504), Emperor Wu o f Liang was giving a lecture at the Hall o f Chongyun J l
f | jjg;. Bao Zhi, a Buddhist monk who was famous for his ability to prophesy the
future, suddenly went into an ecstatic trance. He first danced and sung, then wept.
H ow happy it has been for more than thirty years, and how sad it will be
within fifty years! N ote the number eight-thirteen, portentous signs will arise
words, [keep in mind that] a Hou rebel will raise at the time o f dragon. Even
72 Zi, according to the Five Agents system, corresponds with water and north.
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The author o f the "Treatise on the Five Agents" gives us his interpretation o f this
prophetic rhyme. The Liang empire was peaceful from the beginning o f the Tianjian
reign period (502) to the beginning o f the Datong reign period (535), for a total o f
more than thirty years. However, the capital o f Liang was destroyed by Hou Jing in
548 and Emperor Wu was starved to death in 549, almost fifty years from when the
emperor took the throne. The number "eight-thirteen" refers to the thirteenth day o f
the eighth month o f the first year o f the Taiqing reign period (547). It was the day
Hou Jing surrendered to Liang, an incident that soon caused Liang to disintegrate
into chaos. Hou Jing came from the north, the "zi region." The emperor approved
Zhu Yi's suggestion o f accepting Hou's surrender, so the chen prophecy said
"sycophantic servants will deceive their lord." The year Hou Jing rebelled was a wu
chen f% jg| year, which was a year o f dragon. By 550, Emperor Jianwen was
More prophetic rhymes and poems are recorded in the treatise under the
names o f authors such as Bao Zhi and a well known Taoist leader Tao Hongjing. It
it is quite safe to say that these poetic chen prophecies circulated widely after the
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and Northern Qi reigns, was good at magic and fond o f Buddhism as well. He used
to be an ascetic hermit. During the Hou Jing chaos, he led the southern tribes to
protect themselves from the chaos, and defeated Hou's army. Lu himself took over
the command o f the Yingzhou i|5 •III province.75 In the sixth year o f the Tianbao
reign period (555) o f Northern Qi, he submitted to Northern Qi with his territory.
basin o f the Yangzi River.76 The "Treatise on the Five Agents" o f the Sui H istory
Having entered the capital, Lu Fahe wrote on the wall o f his residence (in
Ye, the Northern Qi capital) : "To be a Son o f Heaven for ten years will be
pressing as [a house] on fire. And to be a Son o f Heaven for one year will be
replaced." At that time, Emperor Wenxuan possessed the empire for ten
75 Centered in modem Wuchang ji£ H in Hubei, it included the south and southeast o f
modem Hubei, and the north of modem Hunan.
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succeeded to the throne for about hundred days, then he was forced down.
Emperor Xiaozhao passed away only one year after he took the throne. Thus
r o w - - f f l s s s e - f t *
* flr ”
The same story can also be found with more details in the Northern Q i History. For
instance, there it says that Fahe first wrote on the wall o f his residence then daubed
something over it. When Fahe died and the daubed layer peeled off, the poetic
3. 4 Summary
In form, some poetic portents look like riddles, prophesying the future, as
did the traditional prophetic rhymes; some were actually poems revealing the
authors' personal sentiments, but turned out to reveal a different message concerning
the future.
mentioned above were not written with the intention o f revealing the future. The
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heavenly revelations were hidden behind the secular words through men's creative
(natural portents).
Chinese believe are the revelation o f the will o f Heaven, warning the rulers o f the
time o f their misconduct. They include unusual celestial phenomena, earth quakes,
or any abnormal happenings to the living beings. These can not be manipulated at all
by people, and, in this sense, they are the revelation o f the will o f Heaven if they
convey any messages at all. Yet without an interpreter and the subsequent
The poetic portents and other types o f Chinese chen prophecy alike are a
form o f linguistic phenomena. They could be strikingly different from normal speech
ordinary as a cloud in the sky when viewed with a naked eye but as portentous as a
divine halo to a religious person. In other words, poetic portents, as well as other
forms o f chen prophecy, are kinds o f linguistic phenomena unusual in their context,
just as za i y i are natural phenomena unusual in the world, at least to the Chinese
people. Again, the unusualness in most cases com e from a second reading o f a
motto which is otherwise very normal. The second reading is unusual, because it is
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not consistent with the current situation, but portends a will-be-situation which is by
beliefs in general. Those who hold that chen prophecy is all man-made fabrication,
they obviously have overlooked the fact that the "Poetic Portents" are recorded
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Yao was originally a kind o f folk song, similar to the songs known as fe n g JH,
[airs], such as were collected in the Classic o f Poetry. Later it also came to refer to
such poems were not even sung, but rather chanted, read aloud, or declaimed in
Several English words have been used to translate yao. "Ballad" and "ditty"
are the most popular. However, rhyme is preferred here because the prophetic ya o
were basically not meant for singing but for chanting aloud; in addition, in historical
1 Liu Yusong §!] Stl (f. 1861) believes that Chinese folk rhymes were basically oral,
spontaneous, and straight-forward expressions o f people's mind and heart. As sounds of
nature, or wind passing across water, they are formed without affectation. See the "preface"
to Du Wenlan e d ., Gu Yao Yan (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1958), 1.
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For thousands o f years, people have created folk and children's rhymes, not
only for enjoyment, but to unburden themselves as well.3 In most cases, the rhymes
are not simply literary creations, but function to express popular sentiments as well
Revolution. This is clearly a living tradition among the Chinese people today. Many
o f these modem rhymes are sharp, satirical and incendiary. These rhymes have
recently attracted attention from scholars, who are starting to collect folk rhymes
from the Cultural Revolution, which often can compare favorably with political
How long has this tradition been a part o f Chinese popular culture? It is
impossible to give a precise answer, just as it is impossible to answer who first made
such rhymes, because the folk and children's rhymes were and are collective
creations, and supposedly have existed since very early times. It is generally held
that the "Guo Feng" m JH [Airs by Areas] section in the Classic o f Poetry is an
anthology o f early folk songs, dating from Western Zhou to the Spring and Autumn
period. According to traditional accounts, the reason for the collection and
preservation o f these folk songs lay in the government’s desire to learn popular
sayings indeed share certain features, such as circulating among people, with rumors and
chen prophecies.
3 It seems that folk rhymes refer to the rhymes which are created by adults, while children's
rhymes refer to rhymes which are created for/by children. In the historical records, however,
the distinction is not that clear-cut.
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opinion through popular creations. This tradition o f song collection was inherited by
the Han rulers. Although w e do not know the details o f the institutions established
for collecting folk songs and rhymes, it is safe to suppose that this policy was
preserved throughout Western and Eastern Han dynasties,4 and continued during
Since tradition held that Chinese government should consciously survey the
common people's opinion and their reaction towards political policies through the
collection o f folk rhymes, folk and children's rhymes were a double-edged tool in the
politics o f the time. On the one hand, rulers relied on them to gauge the people's
sentiments. On the other, rulers would try to prevent folk and children's rhymes
from spreading too broadly or rapidly among the people. The rhymes not only
revealed the people's will but also molded the people's ideals and were believed to be
4 "Fang shu lie zhuan" [Memoir on Fangists], in the Later Han History reads:
"When Emperor He (88-105) first succeeded the throne, he sent envoys, all in mufti without
attendants, to different provinces and counties, in order to survey local customs and collect
folk rhymes" ’ W ftft !l* P f f ’ # M j'H M ££ M, M-
(82a.2717) "Yang Xu z h u a n " i ^ [ Me mo i r on Yang Xu], HHs: In 186, "Yang Xu (142-
189) was appointed governor of Nanyang commandary. Before entering the border o f the
commandary, Yang, being in disguise and taking a side road, traveled around all the
counties and towns in company with a young servant, in order to survey local customs and
collect folk rhymes. After then he moved on" W M M W W b A T ? 0 # A HP ’ 7b M. 8$.
mn » ’$&$k.7bM- (7.298)
5 See Zhu Jiefan A i t A , Zhongguo ge yao lun cfn |U 1$ H (Taibei: Taiwan Zhonghua
shuju, 1974), 218.
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heavenly revelations. Thus Chinese folk and children's rhymes developed into chen
A speech by Fan X ie yjj Viscount Wen, the leader o f the Fan clan o f Jin
during the Spring and Autumn Period, is recorded in section six o f the chapter "Jin
said that the ancient sage kings, while having brought about the benevolent
government, still wanted to hear the reactions and criticisms o f the people. Thus the
kings would "collect hearsay from market places, and reckon portentous and
the earliest expressions o f the belief that folk rhymes could have prophetic functions.
Zuozhuan under the eighth month o f the fifth year (655 B. C.) o f Duke Xi fj| o f Lu:
something?" Yan replied. "You will conquer it." "When?" The duke inquired
again. Yan said: "A children's rhyme goes: 'At daybreak on a bing zi p^f ^
8 This was within Guo's territory, located to the south o f modem Shan ^ county in
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into hiding in the conjunction o f the sun and moon. Those in black military
uniforms10 will prevail in number, and will capture Guo's colors. When the
Quail Fire constellation is bright, the Tiance star is faint. When the Quail Fire
appears high on the south, the army in black uniforms shall regroup into
formation, and Duke o f Guo shall flee.1 The victory will take place at the
» b : “ : • n z m mvtm m m m »wmzm
» t > °
m z n n > » m m • m a x # • •
sense o f misgiving, composed some playing words when they played together, as if
they were possessed. Their words sometimes came true, and sometimes did not.
Both erudite scholars and those who are fearful and prudent recorded these words,
taking them to be a mirror and a means for future examination. They are good for
9 1 follow Yang Bojun's reading here. (Chunqiu Zuo zhuan zhu, 310)
11 See Yang, Chunqiu Zuo zhuan zhu, 310-311. This is the time when the Wei constellation
comes to the conjunction o f the sun and the moon.
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zm o ° w r a + s s ° t w £ ± » nm&ZA • a r n ^
"As if' o f course implies that "it in fact may be not." But we have to
understand that Kong was a Confucian scholar. Following the tradition o f Confiician
attitude toward ghosts, Confucian scholars do not pass judgment on whether there
are supernatural deities. A s Confucius put it: "Ji shen ru shen zai" iU (In
worshipping deities one should be as reverant as if they are there).13 The words "as
if' are carefully chosen when dealing with this subject. For those who did not follow
this teaching, however, it was inevitable that they would positions as to whether or
Lampoons and prophetic rhymes were well developed during Western and
Eastern Han period. The "Treatise on the Five Agents" in the Han H istory and Later
Han H istory both set aside special sections for poetic portents or folk rhymes. These
the corrupt government and bureaucrats. A typical Han explanation o f the origin o f
the folk lampoon rhymes found in the "Treatise on the Five Agents" o f the Han
12 See Shi san jing zhu s t e - f H S t t l S (Taibei: Yiwen yinshuguan, 1960), 6: 208.
13Ibid, 8: 28.
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Inconformity], well applies to poetic portents. It says: "When a lord is too harsh and
treats people tyrannically, and his subjects keep their mouths shut for fear o f
punishment, the people's grievances and complaints will be aired through folk songs
The manifestation o f the Han folk rhymes were similar to the early medieval
poetic portents. They also played ideographic riddles. For example, near the end o f
the Eastern Han, in 189, Dong Zhuo Ifr^ l (d. 192), a northwestern warlord, entered
the capital Luoyang with his forces, dethroned and enthroned emperors at will, and
held control o f the central government until he was killed in 192. With his
connivance, soldiers looted and destroyed the capital. A children's rhyme thus
circulated around the capital: "Weeds grow in the field o f thousand square li. How
could them grow so luxuriantly? Divination on the tenth day, [says] they will be no
^[thousand], li M ,16 and cao (the grass radical o f j^l) together form dong, the
warlord's surname, while shi -(-(ten), ri B (day) and bu p (to divine) together form
14 S e e /* , 27.1377.
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z h u o , his given name. This was certainly a revelation o f the peoples' will. According
to the interpretation o f the author o f the treatise,*7 the regular way to versify the
radicals o f a character was to arrange them according to the stroke order, from the
top to the bottom. However, this rhyme goes against the natural order and begins
with the bottom and moves to the top. This suggests that Dong Zhuo was a usurper
The symbolic and prophetic function o f folk and children's rhymes was well
developed and played an even more significant role in early medieval Chinese
Examples o f this type in early medieval China are too numerous to list
2. 1 "Under the pressure o f a great stone, it will not be able to stretch itself."
Shi Bao % (d. 272), a general and governor o f Wei, was a supporter o f
the Sima family. He was instrumental in the transfer o f the mandate between Wei
18 SeeHHs, 13.3285.
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and Jin,. Because o f this, when Western Jin w as first established, Shi Bao was
appointed as Grand Marshal and granted the title o f duke, garrisoning Huainan j^)
[south o f Huai River].19 As a frontier area facing the hostile state o f Wu, Huainan
commandery was a strategic area with a well trained and powerful army. Wang
Chen 32ji, the Army Supervisor north o f the Huai River, who had long looked
down on Shi Bao for his humble personal background,20 heard a children's rhyme
which went: "The stallion in the palace is used almost as a donkey, under the
about this, accusing Shi Bao o f associating him self with the state o f Wu. Earlier, the
emperor had learned from a diviner watching aeromantic signs that a great battle
would occur in the southeast o f the empire. Since Wu and Huainan are in the
southeast o f Jin, the emperor became suspicious o f Shi. Later he removed Shi from
21 The horse was pun for the Jin house. Stone is the pun for the surname of Shi Bao.
22 See Js, 1002. Shi Bao later was appointed as si tu W] (Minister of the Masses).
However, Shi was never entrusted with a military duty again.
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former Wu area. Some o f them are recorded in the "Treatise on the Five Agents" in
A children's rhyme circulating south o f the Yangzi River went: "A piece o f
meat is small and cowardly,23 knitting [the brow above] the horizontal eyes
(mu |! ) . 24 [You will know that] the central state25 will decline while Wu will
be revived." Others went: "The pillars at the palace entrance will rot.26 Wu
will be revived thirty years later." "When a cock crows, it does not need to
flap its wings. When Wu is revived, it does not need to use great effort." At
that time the people o f the former Wu state all thought [the prophetic
rhymes] would come true for the descendants o f the Wu royal house.
Therefore, those who presumptuously arose in revolt followed one after the
other. However, note that the horizontal eye ( @) actually is a character for
four (EH). From the conquest o f Wu to the time Emperor Yuan’s rise, was
23 The piece of meat suggests both the small territory o f Eastern Jin in the future and the
narrow-mindedness and cowardice o f the future founder o f Eastern Jin, Emperor Yuan.
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nearly forty years.27 Emperor Yuan rose to power on the east o f the Yangzi
River (the territory o f the former Wu) and the result was as the children's
” X 0 : -
° > a s e s T c a ii*
the former state o f Wu natives were continuous after the Jin conquest.29 There were,
o f course, many social, political, economic and cultural reasons which caused
revealed the native sentiment on one hand, and encouraged a hostile attitude on the
28 SeeJs, 28.844.
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Fu Jian, the great emperor o f Former Qin, was a usurper. After a coup and
the murder o f his cousin Fu Sheng, the legitimate emperor, he enthroned himself.
Earlier, Fu Sheng saw a great fish eating a piece o f cattail in his dream.30 In
addition, a rhyme was circulated in the Chang'an area: "A great fish in the
female she will be a duchess. If you want to know where you can find it, go
to the east o f the Luo Gate." Donghai [Eastern Sea] was Fu Jian's
General with his residence compound east o f the Luo Gate. However, failing
his dream and the rhyme, executed Yu Zun 3^ , 32 the Palace Attendant,
Grand Master and Overseer o f the Department o f State Affairs, and his
seven sons and ten grandsons %J] > QLW’ j'zM s'& W > • “
30 This is a pun for the original surname o f the Fu family, Pu , means cattail.
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m 33
Zhang Mao ffl (r. 320-324) was the successor o f Zhang Shi |P , the
founder o f the Former Liang j§u #£,34 one o f the Sixteen States. His uncle Jia Mo J f
^E, a younger brother o f the Queen Dowager, was from a powerful native family o f
Liang province, the base o f Former Liang. Thus Jia became the most influential man
after Zhang Shi's death. A rhyme earlier circulated: "With one's hand touching his
head,35 [he] is plotting for the Liang province" ’ BI^jU'H-36 Zhang Mao
34 Its territory was the area to west o f the Yellow River in modem Gansu.
35 This is a ideographic riddle. Mo the given name o f Jia, means to touch. Here it is
dissected into two radicals, shou ^ [hand] and mo H [don't].
36 See Js, 86.2232. The paralleled biography in the Wei History goes slighttly differently:
"Jia Mo and his brothers, who were Zhang Mao's brother-in-law, planned to murder Zhang
Mao. Zhang thus killed them" (99.2194) "To
plan to kill Zhang Mao" and "to plot for the Liang province" are paraphrases.
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saying went "A Son o f Heaven will emerge from Qiantang" & ^ - f ‘ 37 The
emperor accordingly placed a garrison station there to ward o ff the potential threat.
However, during a bloody struggle for the throne after Emperor Wen was murdered
by his own heir, Emperor Xiaowu eventually took the throne at the Chan tang $P
[Zen Hall] o f the Xinting Temple Qian tangis but a pun for chan tang.
2. 6 "A Son o f Heaven will arise from the east o f the city"
"During the Taishi ^ reign period (465-471) o f the Song, a children's saying
went, 'A Son o f Heaven will arise from the Eastern City.'39 Therefore, Emperor
39 Jiangkang f t , the capital of the Six Dynasties, in modem Nanjing, could be divided
into three parts. The central part was called Tai City [Terrace City], where the palace and
the central government compounds were located. The western part was Shitou City [Rocky
City], where the imperial guards were stationed. The eastern part, the Eastern City, was the
residence compounds usually given to the chancellor, supervisor o f the Department of State
Affairs, and the inspector of Yangzhou province (a powerful person often held all these
posts at same time). See Wang, Wei Jin Nanbeichao Sui Chu Tang shi, 315.
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The Southern H istories has a more detailed account. It tells us that the
rhyme occurred earlier before Xiuren moved his residence to the compounds in the
east o f the capital in keeping with his office. Emperor Ming was alarmed by the
everybody. Later, when Emperor Ming's successor, Liu Yu §$} Jl. (r. 472-476), was
murdered by Xiao Daocheng's associates, another son o f Emperor Ming, Liu Zun §jlJ
regarded as the one the rhyme revealed. N o one really realized the revelation in the
rhyme until Xiao Daocheng took over and established Southern Qi. Xiao's
These accounts, as a part o f the official histories, should not overstate the
role o f rhymes in the political struggles during the reign o f Emperor Ming o f Song.
But the killing o f Xiuren can be understood from the political behaviors o f the rulers
Liu Xiuren (443-471), the Prince o f Jianan, and Emperor Ming were both
the sons o f Emperor Wen. Even when Emperor Wen was still on the throne, he
could not effectively repress the factions and power struggles among the princes. He
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himself was murdered by the Heir, his eldest son Liu Shao in 453. This was revealed
in Kong Xixian's chen prophecy which is mentioned in Chapter I. Liu Jun, the third
son o f Emperor Wen and later Emperor Xiaowu (r. 454-464), killed not only the
murderer Liu Shao and his four sons, but also the entire family o f Emperor Wen's
second son. Still later Emperor Xiaowu killed his other four younger brothers.43 A
contemporary rhyme went: "Gazing at Jiankang’s city wall from afar, little rivers
spiral against the current. Earlier we see that a son killed his father, later w e see that
5E,44 Emperor Xiaowu's successor, Liu Ziye $ ] (r. 465), was even more
brutal. He killed his own brothers, grand uncle and uncles. Finally he himself was
murdered by his officials. His uncle, Liu Yu was then enthroned. This was Emperor
Ming. Emperor Ming was not a legitimate successor because his mother was not the
principal wife o f Emperor Wen. The power struggles stopped in his reign but the
emperor lacked confidence in his right to the throne. He killed not only all the fifteen
sons o f Emperor Xiaowu, but his own remaining brothers, too. Xiuren was one o f
Among all the brothers, cousins, and nephews, Xiuren was the closest to
Emperor Ming. Their friendship began in their youth. When Liu Yu ascended to the
43 See Wang, Wei Jin Nanbeichao Sui Chu Tang shi, 264.
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reign, the princes and other contenders for the throne led their troops to the capital
to fight against the new emperor. Xiuren, at that time, being in charge o f all the
military and administrative affairs, pacified the situation. Thus he achieved great
merits for the emperor and he himself rose in prestige and fame. In his old age,
Emperor Ming became even more suspicious. He set up a list o f taboo words.
Anyone who violated the taboo would be charged and executed.45 His concern was
over potential threats to his young Heir, and under the influence o f the chen
became routine for emperors to kill powerful princes in order to prevent potential
threats to their heirs, for Emperor Ming to kill Xiuren was too much a psychological
burden. He issued several edicts to excuse himself, and told someone: "The matter
was so pressing that I could do nothing but eliminate him. I cannot help missing him
Thus, although the rhyme might not have been not the primary cause o f
Xiuren's execution, it was the spark that set o ff the incident. The biography o f
Xiuren further says: "The emperor w as once very ill. Everyone in court or outside
46 See Ss, 72.1873. The "Ming di ji" [Basic Annals o f Emperor Ming] said Xiuren
ws allowed to kill himself.
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the court anticipated Xiuren would succeed to the throne. All the functionaries
lower than zhu shu I f [scribe] visited the Eastern Residence Compounds [o f
* # - >
fij In There is no smoke without fire. The rhyme thus occurred and the
2. 7 "Riding on a white horse with dark blue silk reins, someone comes from
The revolt o f Hou Jing, which lasted from 548 to 552, was the turning point
for the Liang dynasty. Earlier, a children's rhyme circulated during the Datong reign
white horse with dark blue silk reins, one com es from Shouyang" ]lf
5(5.49 In 547, Hou Jing betrayed Eastern Wei. He was defeated by the pursuing
army o f Eastern Wei and fled to Shouyang within Liang's territory.50 The next year,
Hou Jing rose in revolt from Shouyang. With dark blue clothes which the Liang
48 The memoir on Hou Jing in the Liang History dates this rhyme in the Putong 3S reign
period, from 502 to 527, twenty years before the Hou Jing incident.
50 There were several places named Shouyang during early medieval China. This Shouyang
actually was Shouchun ^ , located to the southwest of modem Shou county m? ^ in
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court had supplied to him, made into uniforms for his army, Hou Jing intentionally
rode a white horse with a dark blue silk bridle. By doing so he was acting in
accordance with the rhyme. This can be compared with the actions o f Shi Hu, who
left his capital for a northeastern city, then returned for his enthronement ceremony
Xiao Kui, the third lord o f Later Liang, a dependency o f Northern Zhou, was
seen in Chapter IV. In fact, this was simply a way o f venting his own grievances
against his suzerain. In 587, Sui annexed the Later Liang and kept its lord Xiao
Cong K | ^ ( r . 585-587), the successor o f Xiao Kui, in the capital. When Emperor
Yang succeeded to the throne, Xiao Cong was greatly trusted. He was appointed as
nei shi ling pkj 5^ ^ [Director o f the Secretariat], and was granted the title Duke o f
commander o f Sui. When Heruo offended Emperor Yang and was executed, Xiao
was also disgraced. In addition, a children's rhyme was circulating at that time. A
line o f the rhyme went: "Soughing is the wind, it shall rise again" Hf Hf U l f e . 51
51 See Bs, 93.3093. Xiao xiao f t is a pun for the surname Xiao If.
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Emperor Yang thus was suspicious o f Xiao Cong. Xiao was dismissed and was
prophetic rhymes in power struggles, fabricated political rhymes would occur and
3 .1 "A gentleman cannot be on intimate term with, and a long bow shoots people
The following story took place during the Song period. Again, it concerns
Emperor Ming, the overly suspicious ruler. During his reign, in addition to the most
obvious potential rivals for the throne, the princes, the emperor also killed numerous
powerful commanders because he thought they would not be loyal to his young son.
Nevertheless, there were two persons he spared simply because he had to rely on
were very close in their youth. During Emperor Ming's reign, Wang held several
important court positions such as the Vice Director o f the Department o f State
Affairs, zhongshu jia n cjd H i s (Supervisor o f the Secretariat), and taizi tai fit
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^ (Senior Tutor o f the Heir), while concurrently holding the most powerful
commandery and came from an influential aristocratic family. Zhang Yong earlier
music, technology and martial arts. Starting from 452, he was treated as a capable
governor and general. By the time o f Emperor Ming, he had been given court
positions several times, yet had not had a chance to assume the offices, because he
was too busy putting down rebellions throughout the empire. He suppressed all the
rebellions and held in succession the offices o f provincial governor, inspector and
Emperor Ming worried that Wang Yu, as a relative o f the emperor, was too
powerful and that Zhang Yong was too influential in the military, and was
suspicious that they might be unfaithful "in the future." He thus created a "folk
rhyme" himself. It went: "A gentleman cannot be on intimate term with, and the
52 Yangzhou was centered around the capital Jiankang, controlled the territory surrounding
the capital.
53 Ss, 85.2181. Jingwen was Wang Yu's style name. This is an ideographic riddle. Yi —
(one) and shi zh (gentleman) together form Wang 3L Wang Yu's surname. Gong ^ (bow)
plus chang ^ (long) together form Zhang <jri, Zhang Yong's surname.
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Ming was seriously ill. H e knew that he would not live long, so he sent a messenger
to give Wang Yu poison and had him commit suicide, telling Wang this was to
"protect your family from execution."54 Zhang Yong was luckier. He was in charge
o f the imperial guards and the garrisoning o f the capital at that time. The emperor
still had use for him. He died three years later because o f illness.
At the end o f Song, there were four officials who were trusted by Emperor
Ming and were entrusted to assist the young successor, Liu Yu (r. 472-477),55 to
run the central government after Emperor Ming's death. These four were called "the
four nobles" 0 jtf.They were Xiao Daocheng, who was in charge o f the imperial
guards at that time and later established the Southern Qi; Chu Yuan ^ (435-
482), a son-in-law o f Emperor Wen and a henchman o f Emperor Ming, the Vice
Director o f the Department o f State Affairs and later the Supervisor o f the
Secretariat; Liu Bin §?J fH (433-477), a member o f the imperial house, in charge o f
o f the Department o f State Affairs and later the Secretariat. O f the four, Xiao, who
controlled the military, was the most powerful. Chu was a good friend o f Xiao. Liu
54 Zztj, 4169.
55 He was murdered by his attendants who were bought over by Xiao Daocheng.
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and Yuan, recognizing Xiao as a contender for the throne, were alarmed. In 477,
an expedition against Xiao Daocheng. Taking advantage o f this, Liu Bing and Yuan
Can, in association with Wang Yun 3E $ t (d. 477),57 planned a palace coup against
Xiao. Consequently, the coup failed and all the people who had colluded in the plan
were killed.
Our story starts from here. Bian Bin i^ ft2 (d . 499 or 500), a literary writer
famous for his lampooning style,58 did not believe that Xiao and Chu would be
successful. He told Xiao Daocheng: "I recently learned a [children's]59 rhyme which
goes: 'Pitiable is that the impersonator in mourning60 still wearing the mourning
garments. The filia l son is absent, and the sun takes his place weeping. A panpipe
will be sounding only for a while, and when it stops to be, it will get its entire family
56 A famous commander. He used to get along with Xiao Daochen well. Xiao's daughter
married Shen's son. Shen, at the end o f Song, as the Commander-in-chief, with his seat at
Jingzhou province, controlled eight provinces, including the areas o f modem Hubei,
Hunan, Shanxi, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan provinces. See Zztj, 4201-4202; Ss,
59 In other references, for example, in Southern Oi History, 52.892, the "rhyme" is recorded
as "children's rhyme," tongyao M.Wr-
60 Shi originally meant the one who impersonates the dead to receive sacrifice. Usually a
son impersonates his parents.
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m > » m w f s m y t m m ° - &*w>p*Thejwto/sw»is
absent, and the sun takes his place weeping" is an ideographic riddle. If we remove
the character becomes zhe Zhe with a cloth radical61 results in Chu i^f, the
surname o f Chu Yuan. The pan pipe suggests Xiao Uf,62 the surname o f Xiao
Daocheng. Xiao Daocheng, having heard Bian's rhyme, was not pleased. When Bian
The story above is the Southern H istories version. The Southern Qi H istory
rendition is almost identical except for the ending: "When Bian Bin left, Xiao
Daocheng said with smile: 'Bian Bin made this up himself " $2 ^ 0 I
“ fij i'P Jib• ” 64 The author o f the Southern Oi History, Xiao Xixian, was a
understandable. If what Xiao Daocheng said was true, Bian Bin obviously used a
61 The cloth radical is from the earlier line, the mourning garments.
62 This character looks similar to the character xiao H [pipe] except for the uper radical.
63 See M , 72.1767.
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After almost forty years o f confrontation between the Gao and Yuwen
families in North China, 573 was a turning point. In the beginning, Eastern Wei,
which later became Northern Qi, was stronger than its opponents, first Western
Wei, then Northern Zhou. From 571 to 572, the contemporary southern dynasty,
Chen, allied with Northern Zhou. Seizing this opportunity, Emperor Xuan eT o f
Chen (r. 569-582) launched an expedition against Northern Qi. As a result, Chen
recovered all o f its lost territory between the Yangzi River and the Huai River. From
that time on Northern Qi was greatly crippled, while Northern Zhou started to look
A Chinese idiom goes: "An ice sheet three feet thick takes more than one
cold day to form." The decline o f Northern Qi took a long while and the historical
causes were complicated. However, briefly and from the political viewpoint, the
critical internal causes were: first, extreme corruption and ruthless power struggles
among the emperors and members o f the imperial house; second, factional fighting
among the ruling group; and, third, the emperors' jealousy and suspicion towards the
commanders which resulted in the executions o f many men with great merit and
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ability. The external cause was when Northern Zhou, taking advantage o f the
tensions and conflicts among the Northern Qi ruling group. This was the specific
There are three key figures in the case which deserve our special attention.
The first one is Wei Xiaokuan (509-580), the Northern Zhou strategist and
instigator o f this espionage battle. Wei's given name was actually Shuyu
Xiaokuan was his style name. However, his style name was so well known that the
historical records all refer him as Xiaokuan. H e was a native o f Jingzhao jff ^
commandery.66 His family was influential in the former central area o f the Han
inspectors and governors. Xiaokuan himself was well educated in the classics and
history, as were many aristocrats o f the time. He was once made an Academician at
the National Academy. However, Xiaokuan possessed a special talent for warfare.
In 546, Gao Huan, the Chancellor and actual ruler o f Eastern Wei, personally led an
expedition with his main forces towards the west. The first important strategic point
on his way west was Yubi 3L1£.67 With his forces spread out over dozens o f miles,
Gao Huan personally commanded the attack against the heavily fortified city, day
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and night, without a break. Xiaokuan, as garrison commander, held fast to his
position with remarkable stratagems for fifty days. Eastern Wei lost seventy-
thousand officers and soldiers. Exhausting his resources and physical strength and
falling ill, Gao Huan had no alternative but to withdrew his forces and return home.
Partly because o f his illness and partly because o f frustration,68 he passed away.69
frontier provinces and commanderies o f Western Wei and Northern Zhou for
decades. M ost o f the time, although the Eastern empire was more powerful
militarily,70 Xiaokuan w on many battles, defended his garrison areas, and allowed
his people to live in peace. An important factor in his success was his skill in using
stratagems and espionage. His memoir in the Zhou History comments: "Serving at
the frontier areas for many years, Xiaokuan warded o ff the strong enemies many
times. When he first laid his plans and operations out, no one could understand.
Only after the plan was successful would people be surprised and convinced" ^ j=[
68 Gao Huan himself was a talented strategist and one o f the great commanders o f his
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In the third year o f the Datong reign period (537) o f Western Wei,
opponents Duan Chen (fl. 550) and Yao Jie § s | (fl. 538), the commanders
o f Eastern Wei, had their subordinate Niu Daoheng attract the Western Wei
people in the frontier areas moving to the east. Niu's task must have been successful,
because Xiaokuan w as deeply worried about this. He had his spy get a sample o f
Niu's handwriting, then fabricated a letter from Niu to Xiaokuan. The letter, o f
course, was finally received by Duan Chen and Yao Jie. Taking advantage o f the
fact that Eastern Wei's commanders were suspicious o f one another, Xiaokuan made
an ingenious military m ove and captured the opponent's commanders. His garrison
area was thus free from military threats.73 Xiaokuan was not only skillful at
espionage, he was also good at manipulating his agents and winning their loyalty. All
his agents who were sent to Northern Qi remained loyal to him. There were Qi
citizens who worked for Xiaokuan for money as well. Therefore, every move in the
Qi court was soon known by Northern Zhou. Nevertheless, from 569 to 571 when
the front-line commander, encountered his military match. This was Hulti Guang,
72 It used to be the territory of Northern Qi, and was centered on modem Bozhou ^ j'H in
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the Senior Tutor o f the Heir o f Northern Qi, who later became the Chancellor. After
being defeated by Hulti, Xiaokuan sought for some means other than military ones
to crush Hulii.
was from an influential Xianbei noble family. His father Hulii Jin ^ ^ (4 8 8 -5 6 7 ),
served Northern Wei and Eastern Wei as a high official, and was greatly trusted by
the earlier leaders o f the Gao Family, Gao Huan, Gao Cheng and Gao Yang. In Gao
Yang's reign, he was granted the title o f Prince o f Xianyang £f§ commandery,76
and was made Chancellor. Among the daughters o f the Hulii family, one married an
emperor, and two married heirs. Among the sons o f the Hulii family, three married
Nevertheless, the Hulii family was not esteemed by the Northern Qi house
solely because o f this relationship. The male members o f Hulii family had been
known for their military talent, martial arts and courage for generations. Hulii
Guang, although his daughter was the empress o f Gao Wei J ^ |^ (r. 565-576), Later
Lord o f Northern Qi, won his influence and prestige by his own merit. He served as
warrior and commander in the military from the age o f seventeen. Throughout
countless battles, he was never defeated. Both the eastern and southern opponents
75 His given name means light, and the style name means bright moon.
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dreaded him. In addition to his military achievements, he was also loyal to the
emperor. In 571, Gao Yan jU fig, the emperor's younger brother, led a palace coup.
However, when he led his forces on the way back to the capital from the
victory in Yiyang, the emperor ordered him to dismiss them on the spot. Believing
that his officers and soldiers deserved a formal recognition and reward for their
outstanding performance in battle, Guang failed to follow the order and led the
returning forces to the capital instead. This incident displeased the emperor greatly.
Moreover, Guang offended Zu Ting, the Vice Director o f the Department o f State
Affairs, who thus became the third key figure in the espionage battle.
writer and capable official, but was also corrupt and sycophantic. At the end o f
the throne to his heir by quoting prophetic-apocryphal texts, but was later blinded by
Emperor Wucheng. When the Heir became the Later Lord, he remembered the favor
Zu had done him. When he came to power, he restored Zu to office. During the
Later Lord's reign, his wet nurse Lu Lingxuan ^ 1 | became the most influential
woman in the palace, while Lu's son Mu Tipo ^ H became the emperor’s
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favorite lackey.77 Zu got along well with Lu and Mu. Thus Zu became the most
powerful official in court. Hulii Guang, however, looked down on Zu because o f his
mean behavior and refused Mu Tipo's offer to marry his daughter. In addition,
Empress Hulti, the daughter o f Hulii Guang, was no longer favored by the emperor
at that time.
Making use o f this situation, Wei Xiaokuan had his subordinate, Qu Yan f t
£§c, fabricate "children's rhymes" which went: "One hundred liters fly to Heaven.
mountain will collapse itself without a push, while a Mongolian oak tree will grow
his agents disseminate the "rhymes" in Ye, the capital o f Northern Qi. The rhymes
soon became prevalent among the Ye children. They sang them on the streets.
would not let this great opportunity get away. He added two more lines to the
rhymes: "A blind aged man will feel a great ax on his back, while a garrulous aged
77 Note that the Later Lord was ten when he formally succeeded to the throne, and personally
supervised the court at fourteen. Thus his henchmen were his wet nurse or the associates
who used to play with him when he was the Heir.
79Zu Ting had used folk rhymes as political weapon before. In Emperor Wucheng's reign, he
decoded a folk rhyme for the emperor, which caused the prince Gao Xiaowan's M
execution. See BQs, 11.146.
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passed the rhymes to his mother. Lu Lingxuan thought the "garrulous aged woman"
must refer to her while the "blind aged man" would be Zu Ting. Thus they became
allies and, as the rumors increased, ultimately the emperor himself summoned the
two o f them to ask about the situation.81 Zu and Lu both verified the rhymes. Zu
further decoded the hidden message for the emperor: One hundred liters suggested
the first character o f Hulii's surname.82 The blind a g ed man indicated Zu Ting,
devoted servant o f the emperor. The garrulous a g ed woman suggested Lady Lu.
Members o f the Hulii family had been great commanders for generations, and Hulii
Guang's prestige was known even by the dynasty’s western opponents, while Hulii
Xian's83 majesty deterred the Turks. The Hulu daughter was empress while Hulu
80 Ibid.
82 The character hu §4 is a Chinese measure unit. One hundred Chinese liters are equivalent
to a hu. Thus "one hundred liters will fly to Heaven" suggests the Hulii family will reach the
highest position. The next line is a pun as well. The "bright moon" is the style name of Hulti
Guang. "Chang'an" is used as a common noun for the imperial capital. The "tall mountain"
implies the surname o f the imperial house, since Gao ft] in Chinese meaning tall or high.
The Mongolian oak tree #$is a pun for hu $4, the surname o f Hulti Guang.
83 Hulti Xian j§4 ^ (d- 572), Guang's younger brother, was also an great commander
garrisoning the northern frontier areas.
84 SeeZz/y, 5308.
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general amnesty to celebrate.86 In 575, as the Northern Zhou court prepared a great
expedition against its eastern and southern opponents, Emperor Wu asked Yilou
Qian M(fl- 581), the Excellency Unequaled in Honor, which opponent should
be the first target. Yilou replied, “The [emperor of] Qi is indulging in wine and
entertainment, and its great commander Hulii Mingyue has been killed by those
on Hulii Guang the titles o f duke and shang zhu guo f t M [Supreme Pillar o f
State].88 The emperor, pointing to the edict, said: "If this person were still alive,
This may overstate the effect o f the rhyme "The bright moon lights up
85 Wang Zhongluo treats this incident as a conflict between the Han officials and aristocrats
and Xianbei nobles and generals within the Northern Qi ruling group.(W?/ Jin Nanbeichao
Sui Chu Tang shi, 446-447) I cannot agree with Wang at this point.
88 A highly honorific title. See Hucker, A Dictionary o f Official Titles in Imperial China,
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Nevertheless, there is no doubt that the execution o f the Hulii family crippled its
regarded the role o f the prophetic rhymes or even the bulk o f early medieval Chinese
folk rhymes simply as fabrications for political gains. First, the fabricated rhymes
were only a small part o f the large number o f the prophetic rhymes recorded in the
histories. Second, one o f the reasons that the fabricated rhymes worked was because
the prophetic rhymes did play an important role during early medieval China.
Without this background, the fabricated rhymes would have had no effect at all.
attracted the attention and belief o f the people, it becomes a chen prophecy.
Because o f the people's zeal, a chen prophecy will, one way or the other, bring
But there must be many such expressions which remain quasi -chen,
anxiety, and thus are totally forgotten, leaving no traces in history, or are identified
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as having prophetic value only after they come true. In other words, a quasi-chen
may be folly recognized as a chen prophecy only after the prophesied event is over.
Western Jin, it was fashionable for peasants and tradesmen to wear straw hats with
large brims.90 A children's rhyme went: "A tnsu grass hat shades one from sun and
covers one's two ears. We shall see a blind man become the Son o f Heaven" 9i M M
Empress Jia and usurped the throne. H e was blind in one eye.
90 It was called da zhang ri 0 (large enough to shade one from the sun) in Chinese.
91 This rhyme makes little sense. But, as we have become accustomed to the nonsensicial
children's rhymes now, we should have no problem to recognize it as a candidate of a chen
92 See Js, 28.845. The memoir on Sima Lun o f the Jin History, however, does not mention
Lun's blindness but "a tumor on his eye" instead. (59.1602)
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At the beginning o f the Taining reign period (323-325) o f Emperor Ming Hf]
o f the Eastern Jin, a children's rhyme went: "How sad it is to herd horses at the foot
o f a mountain. The stallion died, and the colt went hungry. The tall mountain
$1 0 ifj ill § fi&.93 In 325, Emperor Ming passed away. According to the
authors o f the Jin H istory, this was what was meant by the "the stallion died." The
"colt," his successor Emperor Cheng fj£, was then only five years old. A powerful
provincial commander, Su Jun (d. 328), could not get along with the officials
who were in charge o f the central government. In 327, he rose in revolt, and
captured the capital. The young emperor fled and was often short o f food. However,
Su Jun was defeated and killed in 329. This is what was meant by "the tall mountain
collapsed."94 Su Jun's younger brother, Su Shi, was killed by Eastern Jin army soon
after Su Jun's death. This was what the rhyme meant by "the rocks."95
the common people sang a song called "Ao nao ge" iH 1$ UK [Song o f Vexation],
The song went: "Weeds have grown long enough to tie a knot. Young girls can be
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usurped the throne. In the third month o f 404, Huan Xuan was defeated. When the
Jin army entered the capital, the remaining palace women and the women w hose
family members had served Huan's government were all taken as rewards for the
army. It was middle spring when Jin army entered the capital, a season in which
4 ) "By the next third month you will have your arms around barbarians'
circulated in the Luoyang area: "Girls in Y e97 don't be cocky and seductive. By the
next third month you will have your arms around barbarians' waists" 4 1£ H
girls. However, in the next year the barbarians rose in revolt and soon conquered the
5) "You see no one on the horse but yellow dust rising as a cloud."
this comment at the end o f the "Chen benji" [Basic Annals o f Chen]:
98 Du, Gu yao yan, 148. Du thinks this was a fragment o f the Jin History.
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[A children's rhyme current at the end o f Liang goes:] "How lovable is the
Sichuan horse which can run a thousand li a day." You see no one on the
horse but yellow dust rising as a cloud. Yellow dust dirties clothes; the
Chinese honey locust100 cleans it up." After Wang Sengbian was defeated,101
officials in the Liang court102 reported the rhyme to the court and decoded it:
Wang Sengbian, when he fought with Hou Jing, rode a horse from Ba.
"Someone on the horse" refers to the written character Wang.103 The dust
means Chen.104 However, they could not understand the meaning o f the
Chinese honey locust. When Chen was exterminated by Sui, some decoders
thought that in the East o f the Yangzi River area horn o f the black ram is
called zaojia (homonymous with the name o f Chinese honey locust), while
the surname o f the Sui imperial house was Yang. Yang is the same as ram
99 Ba refers to the eastern area of Sichuan. The horses produced in Sichuan are famous in
China because they are hardy, tenacious and good at running in mountains.
100 Zaojia ^ (Chinese honey locust) was traditionally used as soap in China.
101 Wang Sengbian 3 i fit M (d. 555), earlier served Northern Wei, then turned his back on
Wei and came to Liang. When Hou Jing raised his great revolt, Wang was one o f the
important commanders who defeated Hou. In 552, together with Chen Baxian, who later
became the founder o f Chen, he recovered Jiankang, the capital. In 555, Emperor Yuan of
Liang passed away and the conflict between Wang and Chen soon intensified. As a result
Wang was defeated and killed by Chen.
103 Wang is Wang Sengbian's surname. This is an ideographic riddle. The form 3 i can be
seen on the uper part o f the character $ |.
104 Chen JH (dust) is the pun for Chen the surname o f Chen Baxian.
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mm > »0 :
» w tm m m n m »
«• » a w « s . 106
This rhyme was not at the first glance political. Nevertheless, the officials in the
Liang court were able to recognize it as a chen prophecy, although they were not
In 531, a Northern Wei commander Gao Huan, who later became the
founder o f the Northern Qi imperial house, led an expedition against the Erzhu Uf 7^
family,107 and exterminated it the next year. Earlier, a rhyme circulated throughout
105 Again "Chinese honey locust" is the pun for zaojia, a dialected word for the black ram
107 The Erzhu family were hereditary chiefs o f a northwestern minority tribe. At the end of
Northern Wei, its chief Erzhu Rong fH ^£11 (493-530), extended his forces. Gao Huan and
Hou Jing, at the beginning o f their careers, were both supported by him. In 528, he
conquered the Wei capital, killed the empress dowager and the emperor, enthroned a puppet
emperor, and appointed himself the Commander-in-Chief o f the Empire and the Director of
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the empire: "From the end o f the third month, to the beginning o f the fourth month,
Another rhyme went: "Head leaves neck. Heels are side by side. Body reaches
108 In the beginning o f the fourth month o f 532, two cousins o f Erzhu Rong who had
escaped were caught.109 Their heads were cut o ff and hung on a tree for public
In 534, Emperor Xiaowu escaped from the capital Ye and sought Yuwen
Tai's protection. Gao Huan tried several times to bring the emperor back yet failed.
Finally, Gao Huan decided to enthrone a puppet emperor himself. The emperor was
Yuan Shanjian 7C H M (525-552), a nine-year-old boy and the heir o f the Prince o f
split into two empires. Earlier, a children's rhyme circulated in Northern Wei:
"Lovely is the baby green sparrow, it flies to Ye city. The wings are yet to be full-
the Department o f State Affairs. His family members occupied important positions in both
the court and the provinces. In 530, he was killed by Emperor Xiaozhuang, the puppet
emperor he enthroned. The Erzhu family was soon exterminated.
109 Zhu (pearl) is a pun for zhu ^ , a radical of Erzhu's surname. Searching for pearls
thus means to search for Erzhu.
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sparrow suggested the young emperor. He was the heir o f the Prince Qinghe, while
the character Qing ^ is a pun for qing ]if [green],The parrot indicated Gao Huan,
who picked and enthroned the emperor. Gao Huan's posthumous title was Shen wu
# [Divine and Majestic], The second character o f the title is pronounced the
In 547, Gao Huan, the powerful chancellor o f Eastern Wei, passed away.
Two years later, his successor Gao Cheng (521-549) was assassinated by his slave, a
son o f a southern general who had been captured by Eastern Wei army in a battle.111
This unusual death naturally attracted people's attention. Some thought that the
deaths had been revealed in a children's rhyme o f a slightly earlier era: "A tall
bamboo pole o f hundred feet shall be broken off. A lamp burning under water shall
Gao Huan's death because his surname meant "tall." The second line revealed the
111 This incident was introduced in Chapter II. The slave's name was Lan Jing jj@ (d.
549). His grandfather Lan Ziyun -?• S served Liang as a general and a provincial
inspector. His father, Lan Qin (Jl. 527), was an accomplished general and served as
Area Commander-in-Chief garrisoning the southern frontier areas for Liang.
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composed o f tw o parts, a water radical and a deng which in turn is deng jtj|
There is at least one thing in common among the folk rhymes quoted above:
as usual, they prophesied some future political events, but were not the cause o f any
political purge. The reason may be that they were not fully understood, or
prophesied the events which did not seem politically sensitive. They became publicly
decoded and the connections between these rhymes and certain historical incidents
lampoons. These lampooning rhymes often manifest common opinions and popular
sentiments o f the common people. They form an important and unique tradition o f
recognized as prophetic rhymes. Furthermore, since at the first glance they appear to
be purely political, their prophetic nature may be overlooked and thus cause no
political tension at first. In this section, I will examine some selected rhymes
113 Thus we get the idea o f "a lamp burning under water without fire."
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1) Pro-establishment sentiments
During Emperor Hui's reign (290-306), Empress Dowager Yang's family and
Empress Jia's family struggled for power at court. Most princes were later involved.
After Empress Jia defeated the Yang family, she could not get along well
with the Heir114 and decided to depose him. According to the historical records, the
populace was very unhappy with Empress Jia and sympathetic to the former Heir. In
299, a folk rhyme became popular: "Colt in the Eastern Palace,115 don't be deaf!
Approaching the twelfth month your mane will be knotted" jK ^ ,1§ -?■ H Wk ’
which was purported to have been written by the Heir which attacked the emperor.
114 Sima Yu WJ ^ (278-300). His posthumous title was the Heir Minhuai $ £ tf| • He was
not Empress Jia's son.
115 As mentioned before, the horse was a pun for the Jin house. The colt, of course, indicated
the Heir.
116 See the biography o f the Heir, Js, 53.1460. Another version in the "Treatise on the Five
Agents" (Js 28.844) goes: ""Colt in the Eastern Palace, don't whinny! Approaching the
twelfth month your mane will be knotted" One
o f the traditional views reads this as a curse on the Prince of Zhao.
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Another rhyme went: "The fast wind from the south beats the yellow sand.117
Looking at the Lu capital from a distance, the city wall looks magnificent.118
Approaching the time o f the coming third month it will destroy your family119" ^ JjS,
The Empress Jia’s murder o f the Heir was partly due to the Prince o f Zhao’s
attempts to sow dissension between the empress and the former Heir. He spread
rumors to the effect that the palace guards would get rid o f the empress and restore
the Heir. When Empress Jia killed the Heir, the Prince o f Zhao, on the pretext o f
avenging the Heir, led a palace coup and killed the empress.121 People soon
recognized the plot o f the Prince o f Zhao. A new rhyme occurred: "The fast wind
117 Empress Jia's given name was Nanfeng $3 US,, meaning the wind from the south. The
Heir's childhood name was Shamen , sha meaning sand.
118 It was centered in modem Qufii £&li|L in Shandong. It was the fief of Empress Jia's father
and later o f her nephew.
119 This means to exterminate the Jin imperial house. "You" refers to the Heir. There is
another reading which takes "you" to be the Prince of Zhao. (See Gao Dianshi iU ^ ,
Zhongguo lidai tongyao j i zhu Jinan: Shangdong daxue chubanshe,
1990. 53.) I think that the version recorded in the memoir on empresses and consorts
appeared before the coup by the Prince of Zhao took place, so "you" could not be the Prince
o f Zhao.
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from the south beats the white sand.122 Looking at the Lu capital from a distance,
the city wall looks magnificent. A thousand-year-old skull will grow teeth"
2) Curses tyrants
Eastern Jin empire suffered from serious internecine conflicts, in particular conflict
between the two major political, economic and military areas-Yangzhou j|jj
province, which include the capital and the Lower Yangzi River Valley, and
Jingzhou jJ'I'l province, the Middle Yangzi River Valley with its powerful military
forces and economic strength. This was basically a struggle between the court and
Emperor Ming, was appointed as Inspector o f Jingzhou and the Area Commander-
in-Chief o f the Middle Yangzi River Valley. From that time on, the Huan family
controlled this significant area and the main forces o f the Eastern Jin military. In
363, Huan Wen was made the Grand Marshal and the Commander-in-Chief o f the
122 The color change from yellow to white had symbolic significance. The fixed term of the
Jin house was metal power with the symbolic color white.
124 See Wang, Wei Jin Nanbeichao Sui Chu Tang shi, 210-211.
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Empire. The next year, he became the Inspector o f both Jingzhou and Yangzhou.
title to Longhe pHftj. A children's rhyme went: "A full sheng (liter) cannot fill up
a dou 4* (ten liters).125 H ow can Longhe last long?126 When the Excellency Huan
enters Shitou 5 M City, His Majesty will flee without shoes" ’ (UfO
inauspicious rhyme. The next year the reign period title was changed again. This
time the title was Xingning f | £g.127 People then circulated a new rhyme: "Even
J|12§£ » m UP 128 Three years later the emperor was dead. These two
Jiankang and enthroned himself as emperor. A children's rhyme said: "Weeds grow
long, reaching the trunk o f horses. Crows will peck Huan Xuan's eyes" ^
125 "A full liter" in Chinese was a pun for Shengping, the reign period title (357-361) o f the
late emperor, Emperor Mu ^ |. The reign period last less than ten years.
127 This still means "flourishing and peaceful," another synonym of Shengping.
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BE ’ M 8§^1l[3C @ 129 The next year, Huan Xuan was defeated and withdrew to
Jiangling, his old base. In the fifth month, he was killed. The timing was quite
When Huan Xuan was on the throne, a children's rhyme circulated: "The
Changgan Lane, the Lane Changgan. This year [Huan Xuan] killed the young
^ l l T j N f S 132 After one year on throne, Huan Xuan escaped from the capital. Most
Shi Le, the leader o f the Jie people who established Later Zhao, was famous
for his ferocity. A rhyme cursed him: "A cup o f food, with two spoons. When Shi
Le passed away in 333. His successor was murdered by Shi Le's nephew, Shi Hu.
When Shi Hu died, his sons slaughtered one another. Later Zhao fell in 352.
130 The character wu (crow) was a pun. On one hand it implied Huan Xuan's death
because a crow pecks dead bodies. On the other hand, wu is pronounced the same as wa £ .
(five), thus pointing to the fifith month. See Gao, Zhongguo lidai tongyao j i zhu, 74.
131 The young man referred to Sima Yuanxian WJ TCJSf (382-402), the son o f Sima Daozi
M (364-402), the Prince o f Guiji, who was actually in charge o f the central
administration before Huan Xuan entered the capital. These two royal members were
corrupt and caused many problems in their government.
133 SeeWang Yin ^ Jin shu in Tang, Jiu jia jiu jin shu j i ben, 201.
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Former Yan who escaped to Former Qin in 369 and helped Fu Jian to conquer his
old state in 370. When Former Qin was defeated by Eastern Jin, Murong, seizing the
opportunity, betrayed Former Qin and restored the Murong state, Later Yan, in 384.
The war between Later Yan and Former Qin raged for over a year, leaving very few
survivors in the area. A rhyme circulated in Later Yan state: "The Que o f
Youzhou134 shall die. If he does not die, people will be wiped out" ^ f|>| » zfela
Later Yan became one o f the mighty states o f the period. In 396, another Xianbei
state, Northern Wei, attacked Later Yan, and thoroughly defeated Yan's army.
Murong Chui fell ill due to humiliation and anger. He passed away the next year.
his own state, Later Liang (386-403), after Fu Jian's defeat. He made the
rhyme circulated: "Why are the northern horses so sorrowful? They are sad and miss
their homeland. Why do swallows and sparrows fly around? They wish to go back
134 A area including modem northern Hebei. This was the base o f the Murong family.
Murong Chui earlier had the given name Que §&. He later changed the name to Chui in
order to correspond with a chen prophecy. See Js, 123.3077.
136 It was centered to the southeast o f modem Ejina Banner M in the Inner Mongol
Autonomous Region.
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|j | . 137 This was not necessarily a curse, but manifested the grievances o f the
uprooted people. When the rhyme circulated among these migrants, such sentiments
were intensified. Finally Lti Guang moved them to tw o commanderies, Xihe 0 ?rJ
Hou Jing, the betrayer o f the North and the rebel against the South, who has
been mentioned several times in this dissertation, naturally attracted the people's
curses. After Hou occupied the capital o f Liang, almost destroying this important
city, he ordered the restoration o f the Tai City, the palace and central government
compounds, and the city gates, including the gates called Zhuque 7fc H (Vermilion
Bird) and Xuanyang jlT &§. Contemporary children's rhymes went: "White neck
138 A commandery was centered in modem Lishi i$| county in Shanxi LU 0 . It was far
away from Later Liang and was the territory of Later Yan. Xiping 0 - ^ commandery would
be more reasonable here because it was immediately to the west o f Ledu commandery.
140 This is a pun. First, the white neck swallow and vermilion bird formed a contrast.
Second, the vermilion bird refers to a Liang city gate (implying the Liang popular wish), and
the white neck swallow refers to Hou Jing. It was said that when Hou was enthroned he
wore a white hat and a dark blue robe. See Gao, Zhongguo lidai tongyao j i zhu, 102.
141 Wu here is a general term referring to the area south o f the lower reach o f the Yangzi
River. Hou was general from the middle reach of the River. "It" refers to the capital.
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> "Take o ff the dark blue robe, put on your straw sandals.142 The
(r. 561-565) and the Later Lord o f Northern Qi. He had illicit intercourse with the
powerful Empress Dowager Hu, who then granted him the title o f prince. Earlier, a
children's rhyme circulated in Ye, the capital: "He Shikai, he will enter the
highest position in the central government. But, in 571, Gao Yan, the Prince o f
Langya and younger brother o f the Later Lord, led a palace coup. A major aim o f
this coup was to kill He Shikai. At the sundown o f the geng wu f | day o f the
seventh month, soldiers escorted He to the south o f the Terrace City,147 and killed
142 As mentioned earlier, dark blue was Hou Jing's lucky color. "Putting on your straw
sandals" suggested that Hou should ran.
143 This refers to Xiao Yi, the Inspector of Jingzhou, who later became Emperor Yuan.
145 During the Jin and Southern Dynasties, the area including the palace and central
government residence compounds was called Tai City (Terrace City). Tai alone refers
to either Tai City or the Imperial Consorate.
147 This was the location of the Imperial Censorate. Gao Yan was in charge o f the Imperial
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him there. Another children's rhyme is recorded in the "Treatise on the Five Agents"
o f the Sui H istory . "He Shikai, on the thirtieth day o f the seventh month, we bring
you to the south o f the Terrace." When children finished chanting the rhyme, they
That folk and children's rhymes possessed prophetic power was commonly
commentary on the Records o f the Three States, made a very interesting comment on a
children's rhyme. The rhyme concerned Gongsun Zan 199), a warlord at the
end o f Eastern Han. It was recorded in a now lost work Yingxiongji UlStIB[Records
o f the Heroes] which Pei quoted .
Earlier, a children's rhyme went: "To the southern border o f Yan,149 to the
149This was the area including modem Beijing and the northeast o f Hebei.
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big as a whetstone. Only in this place can one escape from the [chaotic] world."
[Gongsun] Zan151 thought Y i152 was the place. He then built a walled city and
principles, refused to rescue him. He said: "If I rescued this one, it would cause
the other commanders to depend on rescue and not to fight hard later. This time
I refuse to rescue him, and the others later will remember to put forth their best
effort themselves." Because o f this, when Yuan Shao153 first attacked the
north,154 [the soldiers of] the detached camps garrisoning the southern border o f
[Gongsun] Zan, realizing themselves that they were unable to hold on their own,
and that they would certainly not be rescued, either killed their commanders, or
were defeated by Yuan Shao's troops. This resulted in Yuan Shao's army quickly
151 Gongsun Zan occupied Jizhou H ;l'|j province and Youzhou M jl'l'l province, including modem
Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, and parts of Liaoning and Korea, at the end of Eastern Han. He was one
of the famous military leaders who defeated the Yellow Turbans rebellion. Later he himself
appointed his subordinate generals to be the governors of the provinces he occupied, and
established local governments there. Being involved in long term warfare with Yuan Shao ^
and the other warlords, he feared that he could be crushed. He thus, in accordance with the rhyme,
built and reinforced a city wall at Yi. In the end he was defeated by Yuan Shao and committed
153 Yuan Shao (d. 202), a powerful warlord occupying a huge area in Northern China, was
crushed by Cao Cao in 200, and died two years later.
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tm • tiwifcb* rtm ° - wx&uz.» A U S T E N • w j w w
£Si&/?r®» °110 : - &-A ' ;
4 -^ ftJ tb »
»x * d c t ji& » f i ^ i ^ J N F d n > s
The message we leam from this story is that Gongsun Zan believed in the prophetic
power o f a children's rhyme and so made a strategic mistake. The more interesting
message is in Pei's comment: "Your servant Songzhi takes it to be that the words o f
children's rhymes always come true. Nevertheless, in the case o f this record, seemingly it
did not come true. But the purpose in composing this rhyme, was presumably meant to
make Zan guard Yi all the time rather than launch distant expeditions"
mzn t e r m • : s ^ n t t e - 1
a s i s - i i M -
a > S i t u s ' * Here Pei Songzhi was uneasy that this particular rhyme had failed to
come true. It is clear that, to him, all children's rhymes are prophetic, and every chen
What is the foundation o f the prophetic power o f folk and children's rhymes?
consciously surveyed the common people's will and their reaction towards political
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policies through folk rhymes. This survey, first o f all, was based on the view that
Chinese folk and children's rhymes were a manifestation o f popular sentiment. This
theory, needless to say, is universally true. In the way Han people put it, as can be
seen in the "Treatise on the Five Agents" o f the Han History, the folk lampoon
rhymes emerge "when a lord is too harsh and treats people tyrannically, and his
subjects keep their mouths shut because o f fear o f punishment, the people's
grievances and complaints will air themselves through folk songs and rhymes."
This view, in the words o f the early medieval Chinese scholars as quoted in
the "Treatise on the Five Agents" o f the Southern Qi H istory157 from a now lost
inferiors, suffering from the behavior o f their superiors and lords, and not daring to
speak out squarely for fear o f severe punishment, will then certainly air [their
S ’
Since the Confucian classics says that "Heaven sees with the eyes o f its
157 The author is Xiao Zixian Hf tP SI (fl- 489-537), a descendant of the Southern Qi
imperial house and official o f Liang.
158 This lost work seems to be a part o f a certain Wuxing zhuan £ . f j $ [Commentary on
the Five Agents],
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Us,160 it is in this sense that the will and sentiments revealed in these rhymes is
Heaven's will. Human beings are neither the instruments o f a supernatural entity nor
This view leads to a more fundamental reason for the survey, concerning the
theory that rhymes possess mystic power. An earlier explanation o f this theory
occurs in the "Treatise on the Five Agents" o f the Han History. This placement
already unmistakably suggests that the theory has something to do with the Five
Agents theory. When the author explains the origin o f the power o f folk and
children's rhymes, he concludes that the rhymes are poetic portents. In the "Treatise
on the Five Agents" o f the Southern Q i H istory the author also mentions that:
"Rhymes are the affairs o f the mouth. When the qi o f a mouth is obstructed, there
throw in lots o f remarks. Thus there will be faults o f mouth and tongue"
160 Mencius quoted these words from the "Tai shi" ^ chapter of the Classic o f
Documents. This chapter is no longer extant. (Yang BoJun, Meng Zi yi zhu
Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1984. 9.5.219; D. C. Lau, trans. , Mencius, London: Penguin
Classics, 1970.)
162Ibid, 383.
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The theory that the rhymes possess mystic power reached its peak in early
medieval China when a new explanation o f the supernatural origin o f the rhymes
occurred. This leads to the second theory different from the aforementioned
the five planets, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn have significant symbolic
meanings. O f the five, Mars163 attracted a great deal o f attention from astrologers
and imperial courts because it was believed to be the heavenly judge and164 law-
enforcing official. Mars expresses this function through its movement, position and
History, however,165 mentions that the essence o f the five planets could come to
earth,166 changing into human form. Jupiter would be in the form o f a high official.
Mars would be a child, chanting rhymes and playing with other children. Saturn
164 The "Tian guan shu" ^ 'g' ^ [Treatise on Heavenly Offices] in the Grand Scribe's
Records (1332, 1347) regards Mars as being in charge o f disasters (to issue disasters on
behalf o f Heaven when necessary). "Tianwen zhi" ^ [Treatise on Celestial
Phenomena] in the Han History (1281) adopts this view and calls Mars the Judge o f the Son
of Heaven (Tian zi li ^ - ? - 8 ) .
165 Although this treatise was written by a Tang astronomer, Li Chunfeng, the sources Li
based his work on were handed down from the early medieval period. The date o f the theory
can also be verified by many other references. Belief that the initial source o f folk and
children's rhymes was Mars was prevalent in early medieval China.
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would be an old woman. Venus would be a male adult. Mercury would be a woman.
These heavenly beings would reveal the good or evil signs o f the future to
Here we are especially interested in Mars. The "Treatise on the Five Agents"
in the Jin H istory records: "In the second year o f the Yongan reign period (259) o f
Sun Xiu o f the Wu, the hostages o f the generals and governors168 played together.
Unexpectedly, a strange child appeared and said: 'Three Dukes shall be rooted up,
Sima shall come.' He further said: 'I am not a human. I am Mars.' Having finished
this speech, he ascended. Looking up, it was like a trailing piece o f silk,169 which
’ W)J§*n o X B : S # A * °
it greatly reinforced the perception o f the prophetic power o f children's rhymes. Its
Cui Hao, a political advisor o f Northern Wei and the best known astrologer
168 During the Three States period, generals and governors had to present their sons to their
lords as hostages.
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emperors, with his psychic ability and skills in astrological divination. Once the
emperor171 and court officials were nervous, because they believed that Mars must
rhymes and issuing disasters. Cui Hao argued there was no need to be nervous.
Mars would enter the zone o f Later Qin ££jj|an d would not affect Northern W ei.172
All the other officials did not believe him and questioned him: a star is missing from
Heaven, how can a man possibly know where it would go? About eighty days later,
Mars appeared again and was clearly by the Eastern Well constellation, the zone o f
that f ie ld allocation173 corresponding with the area o f Later Qin. A great drought
took place there and numerous children's rhymes and rumors circulated in that state.
The next year (416), Yao Xing f | (r. 394-416), the Lord o f Later Qin passed
away. His two sons fought for power. Three years later, the state was
The essence o f Mars coming down to earth and showing its identity was one
o f the reasons for the initial energy and power o f the prophetic rhymes. Once such
172 The state was founded by Yao Chang in 384 and ended in 417.
173 Fen ye
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things were set in motion, Mars did not need to present itself all the time. I have
quoted Kong Yingda, the great Tang commentator on the classics at the beginning
o f this chapter. He thought that when children compose rhymes, they "were
possessed." Possessed by what? Here we have an answer: the essence o f Mars. Thus
no matter whether or not the "strange child" Mars was visible, the common people
would believe that the rhymes which touched their hearts were certainly the
commoners. Thus prophetic rhymes together with the traditional apocrypha and
early medieval China. At the end o f Southern Qi, Shen Yue, a brilliant literary
writer, suggested that Xiao Yan, the founder o f Liang, should proceed with the
mandate-transfer, quoting favorable chen prophecies to aid his argument. This was a
common formula in the period. In addition to the chen prophecies, Shen said: "Even
children and cowherds today all know that the blessedness o f the Qi has come to its
end. Every one is saying that Your Highness is the right person [for the throne]"
Popular opinion or
were the solid evidence o f the change o f heavenly mandate, and were convincing
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that, despite repeated bans, both traditional prophetic-apocryphal texts and various
new chen prophecies and prophetic folk and children's rhymes evidently continued
to be circulated and studied, and played a significant political role in this period. The
disregard for the bans at that time was not necessarily caused by the neglect o f
political authorities. As a matter o f fact, the rulers who issued the bans often ignored
them themselves. To solve this puzzle, w e need to know why rulers kept trying to
An Pingqiu and Zhang Peiheng think that the rulers were aiming at a unified
national ideology.1 Thus the bans were ideological measures to guarantee the
stability o f the empire. Anna Seidel points out that the main reason for the
authorities to forbid the texts was that anyone could use them to claim a divine
mission against those in power.2 That is to say, the bans were basically political
measures to maintain the stability o f the present political order. Yasui Kozan
suggests that certain Confiicians o f vision, when they realized the poisonous
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asked the authorities to ban the prophetic-apocryphal texts; while rulers, considering
that rebels and contenders for the throne often used the prophetic-apocryphal texts
as a political weapon, were only too ready to accept the Confucian scholars'
suggestion.3 In other words, the bans were based on both political and ideological
heterodoxy by Confucians scholars after the Three States and thus were eliminated
My view, however, is that the bans were basically political in intent, because
many scholars and intellectuals in early medieval China, despite frank criticism o f
religious activities in the period, w e do not have sufficient evidence to confirm that
4 For example, Seidel notes that "anyone at all familiar with Six Dynasties Taoist texts will
be struck, on reading through the apocrypha" that many archaic foreshadowings o f Taoist
lore already existed in the Han apocrypha, (see her "Taoist Sacraments," 294.) This
situation happens to the Six Dynasties Buddhist texts as well. On this issue, also see Taira
Hidemichi "Dokyo no seiritsu to shin'i shiso" b >Ryu
koku daigaku 355 (1957):29-44; "Hobokushi to shin'i"
| $ $$ , Ryukoku daigaku ronshu 368 (1961):68-85. The influence o f the prophetic-
apocryphal texts can be recognized all over the early medieval writings.
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is always a serious matter. The use o f the prophetic-apocryphal texts by rebels and
contenders was a danger and an unacceptable situation to the rulers. Why did the
rulers not ban them by all means? One might argue that it was the inefficiency o f the
administration during the period that hindered the success o f enforcing. I f this were
the case, then the rulers should have been able to enforce a strict ban at least within
their own courts and palaces. But as I have shown, this was not the case.
the surface. A simple event could be the tip o f an iceberg. In the case o f the
effective. Without the recognition and voluntary cooperation o f both elite and
common people, even under a totalitarian government such as that in China, a ban
will never be successful. An unpopular ban would only encourage people's curiosity
or increase people's need in searching for the banned materials,5 and this has been
the case in China. A s for the bans o f the prophetic-apocryphal texts in early
medieval China, no such consensus was reached. When most o f the rulers, elite and
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the common people at that time maintained the needs and belief in chen prophecy,
Before discussing the basis and reasons by which early medieval Chinese
needed and believed in chen prophecy, let us see what roles chen prophecy played
in the period.
human communities that it is hard to discover any sort o f historical government that
did not either enjoy widespread authentic recognition o f its existence or try to win
such recognition. "6 This is also true in Chinese history, although a medieval Chinese
general once bluntly commented: "There is no bom 'Son o f Heaven.' The one with
7 An Zhongrong $ f i ^ (d. 942), a warlord in the Five Dynasties period. He was killed
after he rose in a revolt against Later Jin (936-946). See Xwds, 51.5 83.
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Legitimacy helps one to stop disputes among equally matched opponents and to
In early medieval times, except for the Sixteen States and Northern Wei,
most power transfers between imperial houses followed the Wei-Jin model o f
"abdication," to legitimatize the new governments after they had used military force
to coerce the old houses to abdicate. In a period which suffered from frequent
dynastic change and endless struggles for power, restoration o f social order and
A s Hok-lam Chan has pointed out, the Chinese not only developed a concept
parallel to the Western notion o f legitimacy much earlier than the West, but also
formulated a set o f political theories for legitimating rulers and dynasties as far back
as the second century B. C.9 These theories matured with the formulation o f the
cyclical sequences o f historical changes in the Five Agents theory in Han.10 The
theory o f the Five Agents, and the Rotational Changes o f the Five Natures, were
theory in the prophetic-apocryphal texts. It was from this system that a formal
8 For traditional Chinese historians, legitimation in early medieval China was a problem
because China was divided into pieces and every regional ruling house claimed to be
legitimate. Nevertheless, for the people who lived in a certain area, it was not a problem as
long as the regional ruling house was locally legitimate.
10Ibid, x.
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procedure was derived for legitimate transfer o f imperial power. Among the symbols
o f this system, which included ritual, birth myths, portents, and portentous
appearance, chen prophecy played a very important role. This was discussed in
Chapter II.
Realizing the significant role o f chen prophecy in Chinese politics from the
end o f the Western Han to early medieval China, Anna Seidel concludes that the
initial and central concerns o f the prophetic-apocryphal texts were the religious and
authority.11 Her view is commonly shared by scholars o f Chinese culture and history,
in both China and the West, but with variations.12 To some o f them, the prophetic-
for justifying imperial authority,13 and are therefore "propaganda books."14 The
11 See Seidel, "Taoist Sacraments," 297, 307. Wm. Theodore de Bary, based on Ernest
Nicholson's theory, argues that "the crucial role o f the prophets o f Israel was to proclaim a
radically new view, superseding a theology of creation which had sanctified the existing
order and in particular had legitimated the rulers as the divinely appointed guardian o f the
establishment." (The Trouble with Confucianism. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
1991. 21.) Nevertheless, among the Western scholars, Israel prophecy was never defined
simply as functional and instrumental but as religious and transcendental.
12 For example, C. K. Yang, among others, is suspicious of whether or not the "educated
ruling class" in China actually believed in the prophetic-apocryphal texts. (See his Religion
in Chinese Society. Berkeley: University o f California Press, 1961. 143.)
13 For example, in his "Managing Heaven's Mandate," Carl Leban thinks that the chen
prophecies which occurred in the procedure o f the mandate-transfer between Eastern Han
and Wei were artificial products created for political purposes. This tendency is also shown
in the title o f his article.
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spiritual and psychological aspects o f Chinese chen prophecy and its position in
Prophecies as political propaganda in the West have a long history. "The art
o f manipulating opinion through carefully planted 'prophecies' was well known in the
Roman Empire," and "the mass o f political prophecies stem from the medieval
period onwards."15 However, as Michael Grant has pointed out, very often the
ancient Roman poets and historians who told the tales o f omens believed in them, as
In defining the roles o f chen prophecy in early medieval China, the following
points should be borne in mind: first, chen prophecy was an instrument for political
legitimation, yet also a sincere belief among the people; second, it could legitimatize
against a ruling house; third, it could occur after as well as before the fact; fourth,
the initial and central concern o f Chinese chen prophecy was nothing less than the
14 See Dull, Apocryphal Texts, 161. This viewpoint is even more prevalent among Chinese
15 See R. J. Stewart, The Elements o f Prophecy (Longmead: Elements Books, 1990), 106.
16 See Michael Grant, The Twelve Caesars (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1975), 5-6.
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concept has been manipulated for nonessential reasons in history so is this one. But
apocryphal Texts
great attention from scholars o f Chinese culture.17 However, its role and influence in
the prophetic-apocryphal texts and early medieval China's politics still need to be
equivalents, did not speak for themselves, their wills were believed to be revealed
through visible signs, which were usually obtained by means o f divination and
17 It is hard to find a work dealing with Chinese religion, thought, philosophy or intellectual
history without some mention or discussion o f the concept o f the Mandate o f Heaven. For
detailed information on its origin, history and development, see Robert Eno, The Confitcian
Creation o f Heaven (Albany: State University o f New York Press, 1990); Benjamin I.
Schwartz, The World o f Thought in Ancient China (Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
1985); Yang Huijie Tian ren guanxi l u n f i A (SI i t (Taibei: Dalin chubanshe,
1981); Lti Lizheng Tian, ren, shehui (Taibei: Taiwan Kaiming shudian, 1969.
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On top o f this general belief, some new elements were added during the Qin
and Han periods. Under the influence o f the Warring States thinker, Zou Yan, and
the theories o f yinyang and wuxing schools, a theory that a group o f five
cosmological agents each in turn would have charge o f the human world became
prevalent. This theory was adopted by the Qin and Han ruling houses and later was
authority and belief in the Mandate o f Heaven by providing visible political symbols.
Political symbols can reinforce the effects o f ideology,18 have the ability to unify an
audience around a common focal point,19 and may affect the process o f establishing,
myths, portentous appearances and words are all visible, tangible or audible symbols
and thereby easily understood and accepted by the common people. These concrete
symbols show the substantial connections between the supernatural and human
rulers. The coded messages from Heaven to man are thus discernible to or
decipherable by human.
19Ibid, 31.
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Second, the term "Son o f Heaven" was used by the Zhou kings to
legitimatize their hereditary rights.20 This term, as adopted by the Han emperors,
was still, by and large, a rather abstract title to describe an emperor o f good deeds
is endowed with a mystic quality. According to the theory o f Gansheng di, every
founder o f a dynasty was begotten by one o f the five heavenly deities. These
founders shared the essence o f the supreme divinities and therefore had substantial
blood lineage from Heaven.22 Although this theory occurred in the Han prophetic-
apocryphal texts, the imperial house did not then take it seriously. Nevertheless, in
the early medieval period the theory became orthodox teaching among Confiician
scholars23 and was believed as truth. For example, since every founding emperor
was the son o f one o f the five heavenly deities, he and his successors naturally
regarded this heavenly deity as their ancestor and would offer sacrifices to him as
regularly as they would to Heaven and Earth. In Chapter III w e saw a debate on
20 See Michael Loewe, "The Religious and Intellectual background" (Twitchett and Loewe,
eds. The Cambridge History o f China, Vol. 1), 710.
21 The ancient emperors of Japan claimed for themselves personal divinity. In ancient Egypt
kings were gods descended among men. In ancient Israel, a king was never a Son o f Heaven
by nature, despite the title o f Son of God. See Hans Kung and Julia Ching, Christianity and
Chinese Religions (New York: DoubleDay, 1989), 24, 35.
22 Each o f these five heavenly deities has a strange name and is in charge of one of the Five
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ritual between a northern envoy Li Yexing and a southern official Zhu Yi; Zhu Yi
was doubtful o f the authenticity o f the prophetic-apocryphal texts, but he did not
dare to criticize the G an sheng di theory because his lord, Emperor Wu o f Liang, as
with all the other rulers during the period, worshipped the heavenly deities. N ot only
the rulers, but most aristocratic families as well, claimed to have blood ties to the
divinities o f certain stars or holy mountains. This was an Eastern Han tradition and
Third is the notion o f qi yun jig , tide and destiny.24 The concept o f the
idea that the mandate bestowed by Heaven was conditional. The mandate could be
withdrawn or shifted if the ruling house did not maintain its good deeds. This idea
provided limited room for Chinese to maintain social balance and justice, to a certain
basis for justifying revolutionary social changes as when Tang M o f Yin overthrew
Xia M or King Wu o f Zhou subjugated Yin. The problem then was that dynastic
changes were always revolutionary and bloody. However, due to the concepts o f
tide and destiny, although military force was a significant factor in power struggles,
24Js, 52.1452 reads: "To be or not to be is decided by destiny, and to flourish or to languish
is determined by tide. He who Heaven forsakes is not supportable by man" 21 » Jl-
o > A 'T 't t Both destiny and tide, o f course, are predetermined by
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large scale civil wars in early medieval China sometimes were minimized in the
The notion o f tide and destiny originated in a Zhou idea that the Mandate o f
Heaven is not eternal. Robert Eno notes that at the time o f Mencius there was a
widespread belief that dynastic rule was a cyclical process that obeyed set rules o f
timing.25 Nevertheless, the notion o f tide and destiny was a typical Han apocryphal
theory which contributed certain new characteristics to the concept o f the Mandate
o f Heaven. According to the Gan sheng d i theory, the five heavenly deities were
equal in their powers and opportunities to take charge o f the human world. Thus,
each imperial house had its heavenly supporter, yet had to come to its end when the
next term began. When a ruling house came to its end it would be meaningless to
refuse to abdicate since the next house was also supported by one o f the five
heavenly powers. In this case, a timely mandate shifting became necessary. During
early medieval China, this notion was repeatedly expounded in courts, such as:
A T £ A T 26
26 See Js, 55.1513. This theory was traditional, but quoted extremely often during early
medieval China.
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Flourishing or languishing does not have a constant tide; and the succession
universally true for hundreds o f ruling houses, and has been so ever since
antiquity °
The Mandate o f Heaven is not eternal. The emperors and kings are not
This notion was influential not only among politicians and intellectuals but
the common people as well. A well known common saying went: "Taking turns to
corrupt rulers near the end o f every dynasty. The notion o f tide, therefore, provided
an ideological basis for fresh rulers to replace aged and corrupt ruling houses in a
timely fashion.
Fourth, among the numerous political symbolic systems, chen prophecy was
unique for its ability to reveal the future. Portents, chaos, corruption, and
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inefficiency o f the central government also could signal the decline o f an aged and
corrupt ruling house. But only chert prophecy could reveal its future in detail.
L. Dull notes that "the apocrypha were more than political weapons; they
constituted (in conjunction with the N ew Text classics) the medium through which
men expressed their faith. The ideas dealt with in these texts were not mere political
provided the beliefs by which men viewed the world around them and their place in
it."29 His observation is also valid for the texts in early medieval China.
supported this conventional symbolic system and cultivated belief in chert prophecy
and the Mandate o f Heaven in early medieval China. In a disordered and centrifugal
age, there is naturally more need for people to search for heavenly guidance. This
belief thus became a mean o f psychological adjustment. On one hand, such a belief
could help to maintain the social and political order and reintegrate the fragmentary
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pieces o f a disordered society with the aid o f supernatural power; but, on the other
hand, it also encouraged political conflict and change. Both its constructive and
destructive ability were used to create and maintain the social harmony and balance.
major critical period in Chinese history was not attended by the rise o f some form o f
prophecy. Typical o f a crisis were the mass psychological setting o f intense feelings
o f insecurity, the expectancy o f impending disaster, and the uncertainty o f what was
ahead."30 This kind o f mass psychology did occur in early medieval China. To a
certain degree, chen prophecy and prophetic rhymes helped people to ease their
intense feelings o f insecurity, keep a positive attitude and optimistic hope for the
future, relax the tension between winners and losers in power struggles, and provide
to keep their subjects obedient and submissive."31 In discussing the role o f belief in
chen prophecy in Chinese history, many scholars hold the view that the prophetic-
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apocryphal texts, the prophetic folk and children's rhymes and other chen prophecies
contenders for throne to guide public opinion. This view is one-sided and totally
part o f Chinese cosmological thought. In Chinese cosmology, the three major parts
o f the universe, Heaven (with all its celestial bodies), earth (with all beings and
things on earth except for humans), and humans, are tied together in an organic,
correlative, interactive, and harmonic unity. While harmony is the ultimate rule,
changes and interaction among beings and things are the eternal energy and
motivation o f Heaven. Every happening has its reason in Heaven. This is why there
were portentous signs. This thought was alive not only in classical doctrine and the
minds o f intellectuals o f the past, but also has roots in all aspects o f Chinese culture
and is now an inseparable part o f Chinese thinking. The problem is: Heaven does not
often speak.32 In this case, how could people recognize Heaven's will? In the West,
as in Israel, prophets were believed to be the mouth o f the God who could reveal
32 In the prophetic-apocryphal texts the five heavenly emperors were personified. They all
had names and the ability to beget sons, they still barely talked. In a few occasions, usually
in dreams, Chinese supreme divinities could talk. One such story is mentioned in the
introduction. Another famous example took place in the early part o f Northern Song
dynasty, when Emperor Zhen ]H ^ (r. 997-1022) pretended to meet a heavenly divinity in
his dream. Nevertheless, this kind of case is rare in Chinese history.
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Heaven's will. In China, generally speaking, the power o f chen prophecy was not
popular acceptance instead. Thus the visible symbols, such as portents and chen
professional training and knowledge, while chen prophecy and prophetic folk and
children's rhymes were easily understood and disseminated. They soon became
prevalent among all social strata especially in early medieval China. A question
requires further clarification: how these chen prophecies and folk and children's
one o f the indispensable criteria for Heaven's choice o f the ruler 'since Heaven sees
with the eyes o f its p eo p le.'1,34 In the examination o f the role o f chen prophecy in
early medieval China we find that chen prophecy was a mean by which people
expressed what they had seen about the political situation and what they wanted it
to be in future.
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Several scholars have pointed out that, whether or not chen or prophetic
folk and children's rhyme were authentic, Chinese chen prophecies and prophetic
rhymes are reliable reflections o f the current thought or conditions o f the time.35 My
own investigation has also found that the early medieval prophetic folk and
children's rhymes often reflected the social conditions and people's sentiments,
because the initial intention for the people to create and disseminate the rhymes was
to lampoon the authorities and to ventilate their will. The chen prophecies in the
prophetic ideographic riddles and poems discussed in Chapter IV, were not initiated
by the common people. Nevertheless, there was at least one thing in common
between the prophetic folk and children's rhymes and the chen prophecies in the
texts: they were circulated and disseminated through the same way-public
not literally store and retrieve information they read or hear in the media (or
anywhere else). Rather, they modify it in accordance with their beliefs and the
35 See Dull, "Apocryphal Texts," 206; Woodbridge Bingham, "The Rise of Li in a Ballad
Prophecy." Journal o f the American Oriental Society 61 (1954), 272.
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context in which it is received."36 People do not believe things because others tell or
want them to believe. People believe what they are ready to believe, what they
expect to happen, what they are willing to believe, what their friends, associates or
relatives believe. This principle can also be applied to the case o f Chinese chen
In early medieval China, there were always portentous words and rhymes
circulating, even without the guidance o f the authorities. Some were produced by
different groups for different purposes and interests; some occurred spontaneously
portentous words and rhymes were recognized as quasi -chen before they won
elimination. The wider portentous words or rhymes spread, the more prophetic
power it possessed. Only the most popular ones could survive after examination. In
or supplemented by people in the chain o f circulation. The ones which got through
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all these examinations became chen prophecies, and had a chance to be recorded by
The best known chen prophecies and rhymes were often no longer the initial
ones. They had accumulated layer upon layer o f messages. Thus they became
perfect objects for observing popular opinion and sentiment. I f one was able to
decode the messages in the deep layers, he would be able to read the people's will,
H. H. Rowley points out that the word o f a Israeli prophet "was not merely a
forecast o f the future. It was a living force which helped to mould the future."37
Robert Damton found that forbidden books which circulated among the pre-
Revolutionary French people expressed and shaped public opinion, while public
events but probably helped shape them."39 We are not sure how chen prophecy
helped shape future events. Nevertheless, w e are sure on at least one point, that
chen prophecies revealed popular wills and sentiments, which the traditional Chinese
37 See Rowley. Prophecy and Religion in Ancient China and Israel, 13.
39 See Wolfgang Bauer, China and the Search fo r Happiness (New York: The Seabury
Press, 1976), 74.
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political philosophy called min xin S'C .' (the people's heart or sentiments) or m in y i
people's sentiments and the people's wills were something they dared not to
transgress against in important cases. Xiao Daocheng, the founder o f the Southern
Qi dynasty, once asked an advisor after his enthronement: "I proceeded with the
mandate transfer to follow Heaven's guidance. What does public opinion think o f
Liang dynasty, "received" the throne from the last emperor o f Southern Qi, some o f
the former Qi officials refused to serve the new dynasty and went on a hunger strike
until they died. The new emperor said: "I simply followed Heaven's guidance and the
people's wills, what business is this o f all the gentlemen in the world " ^ #£
A » r a ^ T ± A A ^ ? 41
B elief in Heaven's Mandate and chen prophecy in early medieval China could
influence the fate o f the state as well as individual destiny. It was believed at that
time that all the significant events for a ruling house, a ruler, or even an official and
41 SeeLs, 50.727.
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Wing-tsit Chan describes five ancient Chinese theories about the Mandate o f
Heaven. The first w as fatalism: the Mandate o f Heaven is fixed and unchangeable.
The second was moral determinism: Heaven always encourages virtue and punishes
evil; one can determine his fate through his own deeds. The third was anti-fatalism,
advocated by the M oist School. The fourth was naturalistic fatalism. The fifth was a
Confucian theory o f "waiting for destiny," meaning a person should exert his utmost
in moral endeavor and leave whatever is beyond man's control to fate.44 The belief in
among scholars.
sentiment, or to actively reveal Heaven's will? I f it was the latter, then the course o f
history course is predetermined. Tui bei tu, the famous medieval prophetic work,
42 Due to the political nature o f the recorded materials, we cannot find any single chen
prophecy for a commoner. But as it still is now in China, a commoner's future could also be
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was believed to reveal historical events for hundreds o f years to come, and even to
novels, such as the prologues o f the Shui hu zhuan 7K ^ [Water Margin] and
H ong lou meng H ® [The Story o f the Stone, or The Dream o f the Red
prophecies or prophetic poems served to indicate the course o f the coming events
and the predetermined destiny o f the heroes and heroines in the novels. These
However, when looking into early medieval Chinese thought, we find that
although the Mandate o f Heaven was unchangeable, to achieve the mandate still
required human effort.45 While man's destiny was predetermined, it was not an
inevitable predestination.
N ow we see that there were three variations in regard to the notion o f the
Heavenly Mandate at this point: one that was held by the Old Text Confiicians,
whose view was closer to Wing-tsit Chan's second type; one that was held by
commoners, whose view was closer to Chan's first type; and one that was held by
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the N ew Text Confucians, whose view seems to have been a compromise between
When the centralized totalitarian empires, such as Qin and Han, were
thought, in which the relationship between Heaven and man was interactive. Heaven
played the supreme inspector, issuing rewards and punishments and immediately
responding to human rulers' deeds. Even if Heaven was angry and determined to
shift the mandate, there could still be ways to hui zhuan tian xin HO$$ A ' f r (make
Heaven relent o f its intention).46 This theory, named tian ren gan yin g AA IS
(interaction between Heaven and man), became prevalent from Han to early
medieval China. The central idea o f the theory was that in the face o f evil portents,
i.e. Heaven's punishments, a ruler could make Heaven relent o f its intentions by
cultivating good deeds and correcting his wrongdoing immediately. This kind o f
predestination was a feature o f medieval astrology and religion, it does not seem to
have played a great part in the operation o f inherent or inspired prophecy." "If we
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consider the Old Testament prophets," he says, "if the Children o f Israel returned to
aspect o f early medieval China and a link in the chain o f Chinese popular culture’s
tradition. Its influence can be seen throughout politics, religion, literature, customs
and daily life, in both traditional and present China. However, it has long been
neglected by the scholars o f Chinese history, religion and culture. This dissertation,
while attempting to re-examine and re-value the significant role o f this cultural
tradition in early medieval Chinese politics, makes no effort to devalue the important
role o f other cultural aspects, such as Buddhism, Taoism and Metaphysical Learning
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A P P F N n iY *
Based in Hebei
Former Yan fu (337-370)
Western Yan 0 ^ ( 3 8 4 - 3 9 4 )
Later Yan $5 (384-407)
Southern Yan (398-410)
Northern Yan ift 5^(407-436)
R e p ro d u c e d with perm ission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Based in Gansu
Former Liang §([$£(313-376)
Southern Liang ft) $£(397-414)
Later Liang (£ $ £ (3 8 6 -4 0 3 )
Western Liang (400-421)
Northern Liang ;((;#£ (397-439)
Southern Qi (479-502)
Emperor Gao tf!)® r. 479-482
Emperor Wu (it ® r. 482-493
King o f Yulin r. 493-494
King o f Hailing j l ^ J r . 494
Emperor Ming 0$ ® r. 494-498
Marquis Donghun r. 498-500
Emperor He f O ® r. 501 502
Liang ^ (502-557)
Emperor Wu ® r. 502-549
Emperor Jianwen fSJ^C® r- 549-550
King o f Yuzhang r. 551
King o f W u l i n g ^ p i r. 552
Emperor Yuan 7 G ® r. 552-554
Marquis o f Zhenyang j=f |^§ r. 555
Emperor Jing |& ® r. 555-557
Chen ^ (557-589)
Emperor Wu ^ ® r. 557-559
Emperor Wen ~X ® r. 559-566
The dethroned emperor j § ® r. 566-568
Emperor Xuan j|r ® r. 569-582
The Later Lord ( £ ^ r. 582-589
R e p ro d u c e d with perm ission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
6) Sui p g(581-618)
Emperor Wen r. 581 -604
Emperor Yang M r. 604-617
Emperor Gong r. 617-618
R e p ro d u c e d with perm ission of th e copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.