APH Lucano Housman
APH Lucano Housman
Schema dei soggetti: Letteratura > Letteratura, Generalità > Storia della ricezione
Trasmissione dei testi > Edizione di testi
Autori antichi e ai testi: Lucanus (M. Annaeus) [view text in LLT-A] [view article in DPhA] > Réception et survie
Non-ancient person: Housman, Alfred Edward (philologue et poète britannique ; 1859-1936)
Secolo: 1
Pubblicazione/i collegata/e
Cf 01-01525: Belli civilis libri decem
Autori antichi e ai testi: Vergilius Maro (P.) [view text in LLT-A] [view article in DPhA] > Outils
Non-ancient person: Housman, Alfred Edward (philologue et poète britannique ; 1859-1936)
Secolo: 1 BC
Sommario (vol. 67-): III. - Transmission des textes > C. - Histoire des textes, critique textuelle et technique de l'édition > Études
Schema dei soggetti: Trasmissione dei testi
Autori antichi e ai testi: Isaeus > Études
Non-ancient person: Housman, Alfred Edward (philologue et poète britannique ; 1859-1936)
Bentley, Richard (philologue et théologien britannique ; 1662-1742)
Secolo: 4 BC
Documento 4 di 29 S-F-X Google To cite this record Riferimento: APh 86-16061 (a1089609)
Tipologia: Article in book
Autore: Butterfield, David J. [Mostra profilo autore]
Titolo dell'articolo: Housman and W. M. Lindsay
Titolo della publicazione: A. E. Housman: classical scholar / ed. by David J. Butterfield and Christopher A. Stray. Ed. Butterfield, David J. & Stray, Christopher A., London : Duckworth, 2009. X-288 p.
Lingua: English
Pages: 193-216
Abstract: No close or cooperative relationship was ever forged between A. E. Housman and W. M. Lindsay. Notwithstanding their similarities, Housman's refusal to accept Lindsay's field of
excellence (the study of manuscript culture), and Lindsay's refusal of Housman's field (textual criticism) served to keep the two distant in scholarship, sometimes needlessly. The
differences in their approaches had the result that, whereas Housman was intimately familiar with the works of earlier Latinists, whom he regarded as the great fathers of scholarship,
Lindsay's primary interests in the factual study of metrics, philology, paleography, and related fields led him to admire his contemporaries.
Sommario (vol. 67-): IX. - Les études classiques > A. - Histoire et tradition des études > Études
Schema dei soggetti: Linguistica > Ambiti linguistici > Metrica
Studi classici > Storia e tradizione degli studi
Trasmissione dei testi > Paleografia, codicologia, storia del libro manoscritto e delle biblioteche
Non-ancient person: Housman, Alfred Edward (philologue et poète britannique ; 1859-1936)
Lindsay, Wallace Martin (philologue britannique ; 1858-1937)
Documento 5 di 29 S-F-X Google To cite this record Riferimento: APh 86-08847 (a1087558)
Tipologia: Article in book
Autore: Butterfield, David J. [Mostra profilo autore]
Titolo dell'articolo: Housman on metre and prosody
Titolo della publicazione: A. E. Housman: classical scholar / ed. by David J. Butterfield and Christopher A. Stray. Ed. Butterfield, David J. & Stray, Christopher A., London : Duckworth, 2009. X-288 p.
Lingua: English
Pages: 117-137
Abstract: One of the scientific fields in which Housman left his mark was the study of ancient meter. Throughout his career he repeatedly demonstrated his conviction that a deep knowledge of
Latin and Greek metrics, applied with common sense, is a necessary tool for any textual critic of poetic texts. Yet, unlike many of his contemporaries (and predecessors), Housman never
explicitly formulated in positive terms his wider views on ancient meter and poets' individual compositional strictures. This study examines the primary areas in which Housman
contributed to our understanding of ancient meter and prosody.
Sommario (vol. 67-): II. - Linguistique > F. - Métrique > Études
Schema dei soggetti: Linguistica
> Ambiti linguistici > Metrica
> Linguistica, Generalità > Prosodia
Non-ancient person: Housman, Alfred Edward (philologue et poète britannique ; 1859-1936)
Documento 6 di 29 S-F-X Google To cite this record Riferimento: APh 80-14825 (p291822)
Tipologia: Miscellany
Autore: Butterfield, David J. [Mostra profilo autore]
Stray, Christopher A. [Mostra profilo autore]
Titolo della publicazione: A. E. Housman: classical scholar / ed. by David J. Butterfield and Christopher A. Stray
Lingua: English
Luogo: editore,anno: London: Duckworth, 2009
Descrizione: X-288 p. portr. 2 index
Sommario (vol. 67-): IX. - Les études classiques > A. - Histoire et tradition des études > Études
X. - Mélanges et recueils > A. - Actes de colloques et recueils
Schema dei soggetti: Studi classici > Storia e tradizione degli studi
Non-ancient person: Housman, Alfred Edward (philologue et poète britannique ; 1859-1936)
Briggs, Ward W., in: The Classical Journal, Recensio (2011) non paginé
Calder, William M., in: Classical Review N. S., 61.1 (2011) 321-322
Hardwick, Lorna, in: The Journal of Roman Studies, 101 (2011) 308-309
Harrison, Stephen J., in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review.3 (2010) non paginé
Horsfall, Nicholas, in: Quaderni di Storia, 36.71 (2010) 327-331
Liberman, Gauthier, in: Exemplaria Classica, 14 (2010) 465-475
Stenuit, Bernard, in: Latomus, 71.2 (2012) 614
Sutton, Darrell, in: International Journal of the Classical Tradition, 19.1 (2012) 8-30
Wenzel, Aaron Walter, in: The Classical Bulletin, 85.1 (2009) 135-137
Pubblicazione/i collegata/e
Cf 84-12195: A reader's notes and marginalia
Documento 7 di 29 S-F-X Google To cite this record Riferimento: APh 86-05298 (a1086580)
Tipologia: Article in book
Autore: Heyworth, Stephen J. [Mostra profilo autore]
Titolo dell'articolo: Housman and Propertius
Titolo della publicazione: A. E. Housman: classical scholar / ed. by David J. Butterfield and Christopher A. Stray. Ed. Butterfield, David J. & Stray, Christopher A., London : Duckworth, 2009. X-288 p.
Lingua: English
Pages: 11-28
Abstract: The « Journal of Philology » of 1887 opened with Housman's « Emendationes Propertianae ». The first half consists of textual suggestions on some 240 passages of Propertius
presented without comment. Besides verbal changes, Housman postulates lacunae, transpositions, and deletions. The second half is a detailed examination of the first elegy of the first
book, which displayed the learning, the sharp insight, and the power of argument that were to mark Housman's career as a critic of Latin poetry. This was the first public demonstration of
Housman's involvement with the text of Propertius. In 1892-1893, Housman published three papers laying out his view of « The Manuscripts of Propertius » in the « Journal of Philology »,
effectively ending his efforts to get an edition of Propertius published.
Note: Period covered estimated
Schema dei soggetti: Letteratura > Generi letterari > Poesia > Elegia
Autori antichi e ai testi: Propertius (Sex.) [view text in LLT-A] > Études
Non-ancient person: Housman, Alfred Edward (philologue et poète britannique ; 1859-1936)
Secolo: 1 BC
Documento 8 di 29 S-F-X Google To cite this record Riferimento: APh 86-16103 (a1089615)
Tipologia: Article in book
Autore: Hopkinson, Neil [Mostra profilo autore]
Titolo dell'articolo: Housman and J. P. Postgate
Titolo della publicazione: A. E. Housman: classical scholar / ed. by David J. Butterfield and Christopher A. Stray. Ed. Butterfield, David J. & Stray, Christopher A., London : Duckworth, 2009. X-288 p.
Lingua: English
Pages: 175-191
Abstract: The bitter dispute between Postgate and Housman over the textual tradition of Propertius entertained and offended readers of the « Classical Review ». Later researchers have confirmed
that Postgate's view of the manuscript is more likely to have been right that that of Housman, and Housman may himself have come to recognize this. Housman's edition of Propertius's
text, which he had probably already completed, remained unpublished, and after his death it was destroyed. Except for reviews, Housman subsequently published on Propertius only one
brief article. Nevertheless, this dispute with Postgate was probably the catalyst for Housman's best-known poetic work, « A Shropshire lad ».
Note: Period covered estimated
Sommario (vol. 67-): IX. - Les études classiques > A. - Histoire et tradition des études > Études
Schema dei soggetti: Studi classici > Storia e tradizione degli studi
Autori antichi e ai testi: Propertius (Sex.) [view text in LLT-A] > Études
Non-ancient person: Housman, Alfred Edward (philologue et poète britannique ; 1859-1936)
Postgate, John Percival (latiniste britannique ; 1853-1926)
Secolo: 1 BC
Documento 9 di 29 S-F-X Google To cite this record Riferimento: APh 86-17920 (a1089677)
Tipologia: Article in book
Autore: Kenney, Edward John [Mostra profilo autore]
Titolo dell'articolo: « For we are also his offspring »
Titolo della publicazione: A. E. Housman: classical scholar / ed. by David J. Butterfield and Christopher A. Stray. Ed. Butterfield, David J. & Stray, Christopher A., London : Duckworth, 2009. X-288 p.
Lingua: English
Pages: 255-260
Abstract: Exactitude was the keynote of Housman's entire life as it was of his scholarship. Whether on literature, architecture, or scenery, his opinions were precise, firmly held, and securely based.
Perhaps the most familiar and best-documented of his extraprofessional interests was his love and knowledge of food and drink. In plain cooking, as in scholarship, accuracy for
Housman was a duty, not a virtue.
Sommario (vol. 67-): X. - Mélanges et recueils > D. - Personalia
Non-ancient person: Housman, Alfred Edward (philologue et poète britannique ; 1859-1936)
Personalia et festschrift: Housman, Alfred E.
Documento 10 di 29 S-F-X Google To cite this record Riferimento: APh 86-16117 (a1089621)
Tipologia: Article in book
Autore: Leach, J. [Mostra profilo autore]
Titolo dell'articolo: Classical scholarship in Housman's correspondence
Titolo della publicazione: A. E. Housman: classical scholar / ed. by David J. Butterfield and Christopher A. Stray. Ed. Butterfield, David J. & Stray, Christopher A., London : Duckworth, 2009. X-288 p.
Lingua: English
Pages: 229-243
Abstract: An examination of Housman's correspondence yields rather little about the scholar that is new. Although Housman is frequently found to be answering, with exemplary care, questions
from his interlocutors, an unfortunate feature of this substantial body of correspondence is that he initiates correspondence only rarely. There is the implication that he wrote to A. C. Clark
more than once seeking information, but nothing survives. He also on occasion applied to specialists for expert advice in areas where he could not claim expert knowledge. A tentative
conclusion is that Housman was a scholar so confident in his own abilities that he felt no need to rely upon others, a conclusion his publications support.
Sommario (vol. 67-): IX. - Les études classiques > A. - Histoire et tradition des études > Études
Schema dei soggetti: Studi classici > Storia e tradizione degli studi
Non-ancient person: Housman, Alfred Edward (philologue et poète britannique ; 1859-1936)
Documento 11 di 29 S-F-X Google To cite this record Riferimento: APh 86-16119 (a1089623)
Tipologia: Article in book
Autore: Lehnus, Luigi [Mostra profilo autore]
Titolo dell'articolo: Housman and A. S. Hunt
Titolo della publicazione: A. E. Housman: classical scholar / ed. by David J. Butterfield and Christopher A. Stray. Ed. Butterfield, David J. & Stray, Christopher A., London : Duckworth, 2009. X-288 p.
Lingua: English
Pages: 217-227
Abstract: It was already apparent that A. S. Hunt had been corresponding with A. E. Housman from Hunt's prefaces to volumes 15 and 17 of the Oxyrhynchus series. Six letters, four annotated
sheets, and one postcard addressed by Housman to Hunt have now resurfaced from among Hunt's uncatalogued papers that had been bequeathed by his widow to the Ashmolean
Museum Library, now Sackler Library, Oxford. All but one of these new documents come from the period shortly before or immediately after the publication of P.Oxy. vol. 17, and show that
Hunt had sought Housman's advice on Callimachus's « Aetia Prologue », P. Oxy. 17, 2079.
Sommario (vol. 67-): IX. - Les études classiques > A. - Histoire et tradition des études > Études
Schema dei soggetti: Studi classici > Storia e tradizione degli studi
Non-ancient person: Housman, Alfred Edward (philologue et poète britannique ; 1859-1936)
Hunt, Arthur Surridge (papyrologue britannique ; 1871-1934)
Documento 12 di 29 S-F-X Google To cite this record Riferimento: APh 86-16142 (a1089631)
Tipologia: Article in book
Autore: Oakley, Stephen P. [Mostra profilo autore]
Titolo dell'articolo: Housman, Lucan, and Fraenkel
Titolo della publicazione: A. E. Housman: classical scholar / ed. by David J. Butterfield and Christopher A. Stray. Ed. Butterfield, David J. & Stray, Christopher A., London : Duckworth, 2009. X-288 p.
Lingua: English
Pages: 65-94
Abstract: A. E. Housman and Eduard Fraenkel, both prodigiously learned and hard-working men, invite comparison with each other : colleagues briefly at Trinity College, and linked by the
correspondence discussed in this essay, the one was indisputably the most important scholar to have held the chair of Latin in Cambridge, the other in Oxford. Housman was by far the
superior textual critic. His edition of Lucan advanced knowledge further and is still today the edition in which many people choose to read the poet. Textual criticism, however, was only
one of Fraenkel's interests. He drew his strength from the great German tradition in which classical philology embraced also the study of history and culture. It is probably fair to say that
Housman had the more penetrating intellect, but Fraenkel could bring Lucan to life in a manner that Housman could not.
Note: Period covered estimated
Sommario (vol. 67-): IX. - Les études classiques > A. - Histoire et tradition des études > Études
Schema dei soggetti: Studi classici > Storia e tradizione degli studi
Autori antichi e ai testi: Lucanus (M. Annaeus) [view text in LLT-A] [view article in DPhA] > Études
Non-ancient person: Housman, Alfred Edward (philologue et poète britannique ; 1859-1936)
Fraenkel, Eduard (philologue allemand ; 1888-1970)
Secolo: 1
Autori antichi e ai testi: Lucanus (M. Annaeus) [view text in LLT-A] [view article in DPhA] > Études
Citations: Lucanus (M. Annaeus) > Bellum ciuile [view text in LLT-A]
> 1 > 225 [CWKB Resolver]
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Non-ancient person: Housman, Alfred Edward (philologue et poète britannique ; 1859-1936)
Secolo: 1
Documento 14 di 29 S-F-X Google To cite this record Riferimento: APh 79-16013 (p288666)
Tipologia: Monograph
Autore: Housman, Alfred E. [Mostra profilo autore]
Pollard, Alfred William [Mostra profilo autore]
Woudhuysen, H. R. [Mostra profilo autore]
Titolo della publicazione: A. E. H., A. W. P. :: a classical friendship / [ Alfred E. Housman, Alfred William Pollard ; ed. by H. R. Woudhuysen]
Lingua: English
Luogo: editore,anno: Turnbridge Wells (Kent): The Foundling Pr., 2006
Descrizione: 68 p. + 1 fac-sim.
Ulteriori informazioni: Briefwechsel zwischen A. E. Housman und A. W. Pollard
Sommario (vol. 67-): IX. - Les études classiques > A. - Histoire et tradition des études > Études
Schema dei soggetti: Studi classici > Storia e tradizione degli studi
Non-ancient person: Housman, Alfred Edward (philologue et poète britannique ; 1859-1936)
Pollard, Alfred William (bibliographe britannique ; 1859-1944)
Calder, William M., in: Gnomon, 80.3 (2008) 271-272
Sommario (vol. 67-): IX. - Les études classiques > A. - Histoire et tradition des études > Études
Schema dei soggetti: Studi classici > Storia e tradizione degli studi
Non-ancient person: Housman, Alfred Edward (philologue et poète britannique ; 1859-1936)
Fraenkel, Eduard (philologue allemand ; 1888-1970)
Pasquali, Giorgio (philologue italien ; 1885-1952)
Timpanaro, Sebastiano (philologue italien ; 1923-2000)
Pubblicazione/i collegata/e
Cf 49-06005: Contributi di filologia e di storia della lingua latina
Cf 78-15466: Μηδεν ἄγαν
Autori antichi e ai testi: Lucanus (M. Annaeus) [view text in LLT-A] [view article in DPhA] > Études
Non-ancient person: Housman, Alfred Edward (philologue et poète britannique ; 1859-1936)
Secolo: 1
Documento 17 di 29 S-F-X Google To cite this record Riferimento: APh 87-14471 (a1091651)
Tipologia: Article in book
Autore: Brink, C. O. [Mostra profilo autore]
Titolo dell'articolo: « Historical reflections on Bentley, Porson and Housman »: controversy and reconsideration
Titolo della publicazione: Aspects of nineteenth-century British classical scholarship: eleven essays / ed. by Henry David Jocelyn. Ed. Jocelyn, Henry David (Liverpool Classical Papers, 5), Liverpool : Liverpool
Classical Monthly, 1996. 166 p.
Lingua: English
Pages: 1-11, ill.
Abstract: Response to reviews of C. O. Brink (=> 57-12717).
Sommario (vol. 67-): IX. - Les études classiques > A. - Histoire et tradition des études > Études
Schema dei soggetti: Studi classici > Storia e tradizione degli studi
Non-ancient person: Housman, Alfred Edward (philologue et poète britannique ; 1859-1936)
Bentley, Richard (philologue et théologien britannique ; 1662-1742)
Porson, Richard (helléniste britannique ; 1759-1808)
Pubblicazione/i collegata/e
Cf 57-12717: English classical scholarship. Historical reflections on Bentley, Porson, and Housman
Documento 18 di 29 S-F-X Google To cite this record Riferimento: APh 44-10886 (p178883)
Tipologia: Miscellany
Autore: Housman, Alfred E. [Mostra profilo autore]
Titolo della publicazione: The classical papers of A. E. Housman / coll. & ed. by Diggle J.& Goodyear F. R. D.
Lingua: English
Luogo: editore,anno: London: Cambridge University Pr., 1972
Descrizione: XV & 1318 p. en 3 vol.
Sommario (vol. 1-67): X. Mélanges et recueils > Recueils et Index de travaux personnels, Biographies, Nécrologies
Le Bonniec, in: Revue des Études Latines, LI (1973) 509-510
Verity, in: Greece and Rome, XX (1973) 203-204
TLS LXXII 1973 N° 3701 137-138
Documento 19 di 29 S-F-X Google To cite this record Riferimento: APh 43-12460 (p174955)
Tipologia: Miscellany
Autore: Housman, Alfred E. [Mostra profilo autore]
Editore: Diggle, James [Mostra profilo autore]
Goodyear, Francis Richard David [Mostra profilo autore]
Titolo della publicazione: The classical papers of A. E. Housman / ed. by J. Diggle and F. R. D. Goodyear
Lingua: English
Luogo: editore,anno: London: Bentley, 1972
Descrizione: 3 vol. (1318 p.)
Sommario (vol. 1-67): X. Mélanges et recueils > Recueils et Index de travaux personnels, Biographies, Nécrologies
Clausen, in: Classical World, LXVIII (1975) 398-399
Widdows, in: Classical Philology, LXXI (1976) 368-370
Documento 20 di 29 S-F-X Google To cite this record Riferimento: APh 45-10681a (p182632)
Tipologia: Miscellany
Autore: Housman, Alfred E. [Mostra profilo autore]
Titolo della publicazione: The classical papers of A. E. Housman, I: 1882-1897 / coll. and ed. by Diggle J.& Goodyear F. R. D.
Lingua: English
Luogo: editore,anno: Cambridge: Cambridge University Pr., 1972
Descrizione: XVI & 422 p.
Sommario (vol. 1-67): X. Mélanges et recueils > Recueils et Index de travaux personnels, Biographies, Nécrologies
Brannan, in: Classical Folia, XXVIII (1974) 112-114
Fordyce, in: Classical Review, XXIV (1974) 149
Frécaut, in: Revue des Études Anciennes, LXXV (1973) 341-342
Momigliano, in: Athenaeum, LII (1974) 368-371
van Looy, in: L’Antiquité Classique, XLIII (1974) 674-676
Documento 21 di 29 S-F-X Google To cite this record Riferimento: APh 45-10681b (p182633)
Tipologia: Miscellany
Autore: Housman, Alfred E. [Mostra profilo autore]
Titolo della publicazione: The classical papers of A. E. Housman, II: 1897-1914 / coll. and ed. by Diggle J.& Goodyear F. R. D.
Lingua: English
Luogo: editore,anno: Cambridge: Cambridge University Pr., 1972
Descrizione: VI & 479 p.
Sommario (vol. 1-67): X. Mélanges et recueils > Recueils et Index de travaux personnels, Biographies, Nécrologies
Brannan, in: Classical Folia, XXVIII (1974) 112-114
Fordyce, in: Classical Review, XXIV (1974) 149
Frécaut, in: Revue des Études Anciennes, LXXV (1973) 341-342
Momigliano, in: Athenaeum, LII (1974) 368-371
van Looy, in: L’Antiquité Classique, XLIII (1974) 674-676
Documento 22 di 29 S-F-X Google To cite this record Riferimento: APh 45-10681c (p182634)
Tipologia: Miscellany
Autore: Housman, Alfred E. [Mostra profilo autore]
Titolo della publicazione: The classical papers of A. E. Housman, III: 1915-1936 / coll. and ed. by Diggle J.& Goodyear F. R. D.
Lingua: English
Luogo: editore,anno: Cambridge: Cambridge University Pr., 1972
Descrizione: VIII & 415 p.
Sommario (vol. 1-67): X. Mélanges et recueils > Recueils et Index de travaux personnels, Biographies, Nécrologies
Brannan, in: Classical Folia, XXVIII (1974) 112-114
Fordyce, in: Classical Review, XXIV (1974) 149
Frécaut, in: Revue des Études Anciennes, LXXV (1973) 341-342
Momigliano, in: Athenaeum, LII (1974) 368-371
van Looy, in: L’Antiquité Classique, XLIII (1974) 674-676
Documento 23 di 29 S-F-X Google To cite this record Riferimento: APh 41-04595 (p164211)
Tipologia: Monograph
Autore: Housman, Alfred E. [Mostra profilo autore]
Titolo della publicazione: The confines of criticism / the complete text with notes by Carter J.
Lingua: English
Luogo: editore,anno: Cambridge: Cambridge University Pr., 1969
Descrizione: 54 p.
Ulteriori informazioni: The Cambridge Inaug. 1911
Sommario (vol. 1-67): I. Histoire littéraire > Histoire littéraire. Généralités
Goold, in: Phoenix, XXIV (1970) 369-370
Gow, in: Classical Review, XX (1970) 394-395
Herrmann, in: Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire = Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, XLIX (1971) 163
Sewter, in: Greece and Rome, XVII (1970) 107
AUMLA No. 35 1971 118-121 Colmer
Documento 24 di 29 S-F-X Google To cite this record Riferimento: APh 22-01142 (p88885)
Tipologia: Edition
Autore: Housman, Alfred E. [Mostra profilo autore]
Titolo della publicazione: Belli civilis libri decem / editorum in usum ed. Housman A. E. (2. ed.)
Luogo: editore,anno: Oxford: Blackwell, 1950
Descrizione: XXXVI & 342 p. 12,6 Sh.
Note: Period covered estimated
Autori antichi e ai testi: Lucanus (M. Annaeus) [view text in LLT-A] [view article in DPhA] > Études
Secolo: 1
Herrmann, in: Latomus, X (1951) 66
Thomas, in: Revue de Philologie, de Littérature et d’Histoire Anciennes, XXVI (1952) 126
Documento 25 di 29 S-F-X Google To cite this record Riferimento: APh 21-01029 (p86057)
Tipologia: Edition
Autore: Housman, Alfred E. [Mostra profilo autore]
Titolo della publicazione: Belli civilis libri X / ed. A. E. Housman (new ed.)
Luogo: editore,anno: Oxford: Blackwell, 1950
Descrizione: XXVI & 342 p. 12,6 Sh.
Note: Period covered estimated
Autori antichi e ai testi: Lucanus (M. Annaeus) [view text in LLT-A] [view article in DPhA] > Études
Secolo: 1
Autori antichi e ai testi: Lucanus (M. Annaeus) [view text in LLT-A] [view article in DPhA] > Études
Secolo: 1
Link esterni
https://doi.org/10.1017/S0009840X00059096 (Full text)
http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?aid=3704148 (Full text)
http://www.jstor.org/stable/698156 (Full text)
Autori antichi e ai testi: Lucretius Carus (T.) [view text in LLT-A] [view text in LLT-A] [view article in DPhA] > Études
Secolo: 1 BC
Link esterni
https://doi.org/10.1017/S0009840X00037173 (Full text)
http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?aid=3631656 (Full text)
http://www.jstor.org/stable/700586 (Full text)
Documento 28 di 29 S-F-X Google To cite this record Riferimento: APh 01-01525 (p28140)
Tipologia: Edition
Autore: Housman, Alfred E. [Mostra profilo autore]
Titolo della publicazione: Belli civilis libri decem / ed. Housman A. E.
Luogo: editore,anno: Oxford: Blackwell, 1926
Descrizione: XXXVI & 342 p.
Note: Period covered estimated
Autori antichi e ai testi: Lucanus (M. Annaeus) [view text in LLT-A] [view article in DPhA] > Études
Secolo: 1
Ernout, in: Rivista della Colonie (1926) 272
Mustard, in: American Journal of Philology (1926) 201
Samse, in: Philologische Wochenschrift (1926) 1109-1114
Pubblicazione/i collegata/e
Cf 87-05095: Su alcuni mutamenti e variazioni nella storia della ricezione di Lucano
Documento 29 di 29 S-F-X Google To cite this record Riferimento: APh 02-01200 (p31512)
Tipologia: Edition
Autore: Housman, Alfred E. [Mostra profilo autore]
Titolo della publicazione: Belli civilis libri decem / edidit Housman A.
Luogo: editore,anno: Oxford: Blackwell, 1926
Descrizione: XXXVI & 342 p. 12 sh. 6 d.
Note: Period covered estimated
Autori antichi e ai testi: Lucanus (M. Annaeus) [view text in LLT-A] [view article in DPhA] > Études
Secolo: 1
Andersen, in: Classical Review (1927) 26-33
Arnim, in: Literarisches Zentralblatt für Deutschland (1924) 1826
Damsté, in: Museum, XXXIV (1927) 146
Fraenkel, in: Gnomon (1926) 493-502
Souter, in: The Journal of Roman Studies (1925) 291
Ath IV 124