100-Article Text-374-1-10-20210524
100-Article Text-374-1-10-20210524
Mfonobong Udoudom
Post Graduate Student (Philosophy), Faculty of Humanities,
Rhodes University, Drosty Rd, Grahamstown, 6139, South Africa.
Email: mfonobong.udoudom@unn.edu.ng
Utilitarianism regards pleasure, or the satisfaction of interest, desire, and preference as
the only intrinsic value. Therefore, Utilitarian’s believes that right actions are those
which produce the greatest pleasure for the greatest number of people. Ethical actions
are judged and determined by their consequences, as opposed to de-ontological, which
is concerned with rights and duties regardless of consequences. It focuses is on the
instrumental value of actions. However, in environmental ethics, instrumental value
also comprises the value of nature as a human resource. Ascribing the instrumental
value to nature had started with humans' use of natural resources for survival on earth.
Human use of natural resources soon turned into the exploitation of nature through a
rapidly changing process which includes the science and technological revolution. Thus,
the anthropocentric worldview was blamed for human reckless exploitation of nature.
Anthropocentricism; a dominant western worldview sees only human beings as having
independent moral status even to the detriment of other beings in the environment.
This theory prioritizes those attitudes, values, or practices which give preferences to
human interests rather than the interests of beings who are other than humans in the
environment. In this work, I will be discussing instrumental value. I will be discussing
the value of nature only as an instrument of human welfare for life support. I will be
preoccupied with some of the issues regarding whether nature has any interest or
significance as such independently of human concern.
Plants exist for the sake of animals… all other animals exist for the
sake of man, tame animals for the use he can make of them as well as
for the food they provide; and, as for wild animals most though not all
of these can be used for food and are useful in other ways; clothing and
tools can be made out of them. If we are right in believing that nature
makes nothing without some be end in view, nothing to no purpose, it
must be that nature has made all things for the sake of man (Rachels &
Rachels 1986, p. 60).
Aristotle develops and explicates the concept of teleology systematically.
The concept of teleology advocates that all natural phenomena are
determined by an overall design or purpose in nature. Teleology is thus
viewed as the study of ends, purposes, and goals. The ends of things or
processes are seen as providing the meaning for all that has happened or that
occurs. Aristotle’s thought is teleological, i.e., everything which is always
changing and moving has some goal or purpose (Chase 2011). This idea of
teleology can be expressed in the language of Newtonian physics which says
that everything has potentiality to be something and, therefore, it may be
actualized. For example, an acron is potentially an oak tree. The acron
undertakes a process of change and motion. In this process of change and
motion the acorn is directed to realize the potentiality of becoming an oak tree.
Therefore Aristotle believed that things in nature occur because they serve a
purpose. All living organisms and non living things develop as they do because
theyhave a natural goal or teleos in nature.
This tradition is called the teleological or natural law tradition. For
Aristotle, to understand a thing fully is to understand the causes for its
being and its nature. So Aristotle talks about the four causes of an object’s
existence. These are the material, formal, efficient and the final causes. The
material cause of an object is what an object is made of, that is, the stuff
out of which it has came. It thus refers to the matter. The formal cause is
how that matter is organized or structured so that this material is what it is.
For example a tree, and a table have the same material cause, i.e., wood.
Wood exists in two different forms. An efficient cause explains how
something comes to be what it is. A carpenter is the efficient cause for a
piece of wood, of becoming a table. The final cause is the purpose or
characteristic activity of the object. The final cause of the table is to
provide a place at which to sit and eat. Hence the final cause of a tree is
the activity which the tree does and which other living things do not. He
believed that all things do have a natural and distinctive activity. We
understand some object fully only when we understand its natural function or
Aristotle distinguishes two basic types of natural objects (Oderberg
2016). These are; living and non-living (Abakare 2020). The living things are
called, “the principle of life”, or “psyche” which is later translated as the
“soul”. Thus it has the “powers” or “fundamental activities of life”. These
are nutrition, sensation, and thinking. Plants are living things which
possess only nutritive soul. It means that their characteristic activities
include only the powers of nutrition, growth, and reproduction. Animals
Utilitarianism is a form of consequentialist ethic. Consequentialist ethics
identifies the goals or outcomes which each and every rational agent ought
to attain. Actions are considered right on the basis of the production of the
specific consequences. The actions are considered wrong when they do not
produce the specific consequences. Hence, utilitarianism is a form of
consequentialist ethics elaborated by Jeremy Bentham. According to
An ethical act is one which increases “utility”, utility being equivalent
to pleasure (happiness) or absence of pain. “Nature has placed
mankind under to sovereign masters, pleasure and pain. It is for them
alone to point out what we ought to do (Alder & Wilkinson 2016, p. 38).
This passage brings out explicitly the utilitarian standpoint on morality. In
the utilitarian account, morality is viewed essentially to be meant for
human beings. In its moral concern, utilitarianism thus does not have any
place for nature. The concern for nature is accordingly seen from an
utilitarian point of view, that is, the utility that it serves for human beings.
The same idea we have found while discussing Kant’s position on the value
of nature. Following this line of thinking our duty or obligation to nature
becomes indirect. Objects of indirect duty in nature are animals, plants, and
any other entity in nature. Therefore the direct objects of duty are only the
other human beings. The non- anthropocentric value of nature is unfit in
the utilitarian perspective. The utilitarian theory allocates moral value in
terms of the overall benefit of actions. It says that an action is right when it
maximizes the good for maximum number of people. This theory has two
important reasons for its contribution to the theory of environmental ethics.
The first reason is, it does justice to the fact that some of the remote
consequences or expected consequences do matter in moral thinking
(Akpan & Bassey 2020). The reason is any moral position must take into its
consideration of the account of the consequences of actions in its
assessment of their rightness. Therefore the utilitarian theory says that an
action is right when it maximizes the good for maximum number of people.
The second reason is more compelling than the first reason. The utilitarian
theory lends itself to the theoretical development in a way that other moral
Anthropocentrism is a stream of thought which is basically based on the
utilitarian theory of ethics. This theory is based on human wellbeing or human
rights. This theory is more like traditional ethical theories (Kopnina et al., 2018).
Its main justification to give primary value to human beings is that, human
beings are intrinsically more valuable than any other living and non-living
beings. It is because man is the sole bearer of values. It is due to this man
alone has the capacity to give value to everything including nature. Human
beings give value to nature because they need ecology for their survival. Nature
as such is outside the purview of ethical discourse because it is only physical or
objective. Hence the anthropocentric theory argues that ethics is not concerned
with the entities of nature. We cannot pass a moral judgment on the activities
of non-living beings and animals (Akpan et al., 2020). In view of its position the
anthropocentric ethical theory thus holds that nature should be preserved
because it is useful for human existence. The biotic entities like forests, rivers,
mountains, animals and the biospheric atmosphere are subservient to human
purpose. They are only the providers of basic needs and vital breath to human
beings. Accordingly the forests should be preserved because they provide many
products for human survival. The natural resources including both biotic and
abiotic are essential for human life. Human beings have greater capacity for all
kinds of experience. It is thus evident that the anthropocentric theory does not
extend its moral domain to other living and nonliving objects. Its moral
domain remains limited to human beings only. The fundamental
anthropocentric principle is that only human beings can have moral values.
We value all other natural things only in relation to human purposes and
goals. Nature is a resource to be conserved for to meet the requirements of
human welfare. The view that humans as masters of nature are popular
with policy makers. As human beings we owe moral duties to the rest of
the nature, because we h a v e s ocial and moral obligation towards other
fellow human beings. By conserving nature we are performing moral duty
towards nature which ultimately fulfills the obligation towards the welfare
of mankind. Anthropocentric theory can be said of two kinds according to
its orientation or presupposition. These two are strong anthropocentrism
and weak anthropocentrism.
Strong anthropocentrism says all and only humans have moral nature
possessing a set of intrinsic values (Norton 2017). Nonhumans are mere
instruments to human benefits and ends. Nature is only a resource. We
have no duties to nonhumans, but only duties to other human beings.
Our approach to non-humans is thus influenced by our moral concern for
human welfare. In this way strong anthropocentrism can give rise to a
particular conception of environmental ethics which does not assume the
fundamental moral value concerning respect or having care for other
creatures. It thus holds that it is important to protect the environment for
the sake of environment. It is due to this intsrumentalistic attitude
anthropocentrism does not give any thought over negative or destructive
consequences that human actions may have on nature. This stand of
anthropocentrism is sharply different from weak anthropocentrism or
stewardism. With this note we come to weak anthropocentrism.
Weak anthropocentrism is a liberal kind of anthropocentrism. As I have
already said, “anthropocentrism” literally means morality should be central to
humans. Weak anthropocentrism has peripheral moral concern for nonhuman
beings to the extent to which they are concerned with human beings (Norton
2017). However it does not deviate from its basics position which says that
humans are superior and they matter more than other beings and they are
the caretakers of nature. Humans are important but other creatures also
have value in themselves. Further it holds that nature exists for God and it
is the role of humans to look after God’s creation as His steward. As
stewards human beings should look after nature for the benefit of the future
generations. Considering this it appeals that nature should be conserved on
the basis of general description of weak anthropocentrism we will now go in
to some of the varieties of weak anthropocentrism.
Today many people do not accept the view that only humans have moral
status. The modern view says that at least some non-human animals must
be given moral status to some extent. Unconstrained anthropocentrism has
lead to the current environmental problems. So we can say that there is a
need for constrained anthropocentrism for the purpose of better
environmental management. This theory is called enlightened
anthropocentrism. Enlightened anthropocentrism is the view which holds
that humans should give moral consideration to nature but the
consideration it gives is always secondary to human needs. It is similar to
anthropocentrism because it takes into account the benefits of nature
towards human beings (Keulartz 2012). Nature provides number of benefits
to humans such as medicinal plants, recreational utility natural beauty etc.
This kind of anthropocentric theory appeals to the human self- interest for
exploiting nature. At the same time it is also moderated by the fear of
inviting natural destruction for humans through their own activities.
Human beings get cautioned by the nature’s disasters. Enlightened
anthropocentrism facilitates the protection of natural entities from
excessive human intervention. It is due to this particular kind of
characteristic enlightened anthropocentrism is found to be widely accepted
among liberal governments. Our day-to-day human concern with nature is
guided by enlightened anthropocentrism in practice. For example, we
make laws to protect nature for human use and by protecting nature we
indirectly protect wild animals. There are two other kinds of enlightened
anthropocentric theories that are not despotic or exploitative. Such theories
go into the discussion on the relationship between environmental
protection and non-material human concerns. These theories emphasize
that we are parts of nature and as parts of nature human beings should
respect nature for its existence as such and as a ground for resources. But we
should do it in our own interest as a part of nature.
Utilitarianism claims that, maximizing human happiness and
minimizing pain is the ultimate principle of morality. In the context of
human happiness environment has an important role to play. Human
happiness requires the maintenance of an environmental life-support
system. Apart from the basic necessities of human existence human
happiness is dependent on medicine, economic benefits, aesthetic
experiences and other instrumental values possessed by nature.
According to J.S. Mill, human beings develop more intellectual or virtuous
kinds of happiness, when they come in contact with wild nature. This kind
of view is also reflected in G.E. Moore’s ideal utilitarianism. It is well
known that Moore defines the ethical principle of good not in any utilitarian
term such as happiness. For him “good” is an irreducible non-natural
property that cannot be further analyzed (Shaver 2018). “Good” is not
composed of any other properties such as happiness. He says “beauty” is the
most important form of “good”. Therefore, we have a moral obligation to act
in such a way so that we can make the world beautiful. Hargrove has
extended this principle further. He argues that we should preserve the
The theories which we have discussed in this research are supporters of
the use value or resource value of nature. Nature is valuable on the basis of
its use value. Environmental philosophers call this kind of value as
instrumental value (Baard 2019). The word “instrumental” is derived from
the Latin word instrumenterm, which means tool or equipment (Kaufman
1980). In this respect the approaches or the theories they have suggests that,
the nonhuman world is having instrumental value and therefore, all are
human-centered expressing an anthropocentric approach. The
instrumental approach does not necessarily mean that it is a destructive
approach or an exploitative approach. Here we make three kinds of
instrumental value approaches. These are as follows.
1. Unrestrained exploitation and expansionism.
2. Resource conservationism and development.
3. Resource preservation.
In the first two approaches the non-human world is considered
valuable only in so far as it is of instrumental value to humans. The
particular instrumental value in these two kinds of approaches is the
physical transformation of the non human world. That value is called the
economic value. The economic value is realized by physically
transforming the non-human nature by adopting (such as, damming,
farming and mining) measures through which natural resources are utilized
for the purpose of earning profits. The point where the first two approaches
differ is that the first approach, i.e., the unrestricted exploitation and
expansionism does not recognize that there are limits to the material
growth and limits to resource exploitation. The second approach i.e.,
resource conservation and development, on the other hand, does
recognize the limitations of the use of natural resources and says that there
are limits to the material growth.
The third approach i.e., the resource conservation approach
suggests that the non human world should be preserved. We should
preserve it on account of its instrumental value to humans. Environmental
philosophers like, William Grey and George Sessions, have given nine
arguments in support of the resource preservation approach. These are as
1. The life support system argument states that we ought to preserve all
aspects of the non-human world because it is vital to our physical
wellbeing. We should preserve natural plants and species because we can
do research on them for medicine. Almost all drugs we use are made
either from plants or from animals. When a new drug is made we first
The value of nature is instrumental. It can be used as we have discussed
above, as an instrument for human welfare in various ways. The
instrumental perspective of anthropocentric theories show that nature is
irrational and it does not have interests like human beings have. Further
anthropocentric theories hold that it is only human interests and not nature
that should be given priority. Started from Aristotle and Kant nature is
meant for the use of human beings.
Everything in nature has a purpose and therefore nature is only
teleological. According to the purpose that the individual entities have
Aristotle made a hierarchy in which human beings are placed on the top of
the scale. But it is not true that all anthropocentric theories give prima facie
importance to human beings. This will be found from the claims made by
theories like enlightened anthropocentrism, extended anthropocentrism
and shallow ecology where the idea of human beings having the duties to
taker care of nature is prominently found. However in spite of their revised
or enlightened stand, these theories confirm to their ultimate
instrumentalistic position. That is, the concern for nature is ultimately for
the benefits of human beings of future generation. Man is thus conceived as
steward or caretaker whose supreme duty to take care of all the values
(recognized as instrumental values) that nature exhibits which are vital for
human beings. Taking care of these values is thus meant to be indispensable
for the survival of human beings. Hence serving nature for them will thus
mean serving the future generation of mankind.
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