Assignment of political science
Assignment of political science
Political science
General definition
Origination of word political
Definitions of different scholars
Scope of political science
As a study of state
As a study of government and institutions
As a study of political theory
As a study of power
As a study of political behavior of people
As a study of rights and liberties
As a study of international relations
A study of foreign policy
As a study of national security
A study of Political Dynamics
As a Study of Individual with the State
Aristotle said in his famous book, ‘the Polities’, he first
developed a systematic study of political science as an
independent academic discipline. Aristotle is regarded as “the
father of Political Science”, because of his far-reaching and
permanent contribution in the field of political science
developed and now it is a vast concept.
History of political science
Political science do not developed at once but with passage of
time, it has a great remarkable history. Plato and Aristotle are
considered as originators of this field, in start there were no
government and proper management there were kings who used
to rule and made their own rules. People felt that there is need of
proper system who can protect their rights and interests so they
started to establish small institutions or associations and
assigned some officials who controlled their affairs this system
spread to the cities and then to states then it became government
system. Many scholars wrote books and gave the theories of
government and now it is totally different discipline.
As a study of state
Political science is mainly concern with state and its activities
and primarily studies the problems of the State. “The state is
defined as a group of people organized for law within
definite territory”. The State possesses four characteristics
Population, territory government and sovereignty. Political
Science studies the activities of the State and explains the aims
and objectives of the State and government.
As a study of power:
Political science also studies power and its use like how a state
uses its power to protect its subject and to gain more power.
Power is most important thing for every state or person, power
can be positive or negative. If state use it to protect and for
welfare of people so it would be considered as positive power,
but if being used to harm any individual or community then it is
negative. Power has also two kinds soft and hard power which
includes weapon, force and any threat and culture, languages,
social media comes in soft power. Soft power is most influential
than hard.
In the last I conclude that political science is one of the most
important discipline to understand state and its features. Political
science deals with state and government. The scope of political
science is very vast and study every single aspect of today’s
world. It studies behaviors, activities and conduct of people in
political environment and also guide us what should be an ideal
state and its features. The scope is not limited to only state and
its features but it also includes the institutions and
administration system. Political science has also deep relation
with other subjects like history, sociology, psychology, law and
media etc. without these subjects we cannot thoroughly study
and understand political science.