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Assignment of political science

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Assignment of political science

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Political science
 General definition
 Origination of word political
 Definitions of different scholars
 History
Scope of political science
 As a study of state
 As a study of government and institutions
 As a study of political theory
 As a study of power
 As a study of political behavior of people
 As a study of rights and liberties
 As a study of international relations
 A study of foreign policy
 As a study of national security
 A study of Political Dynamics
 As a Study of Individual with the State

Relation with other subjects

 Political science and history
 Political science and sociology
 Political science and psychology
 Political science and economics
 Political science and Law
 Political science and media/journalism
Political science
General definition:
Generally political science deals with state and its system of
government and political activities.
Origination of the word political
Political comes from Greek word Polis which means city or
state. In Greek era there were small cities and had their own
management and system to run affairs of people, with the
passage of time this concept developed and became political
Definition of different scholars
Different scholars have defined political science.

Professor G.E.G Catlin

He defines political science as the study of organized power in
all communities and control of the relations of human beings
such as social activities.
It states political science relates with the behavior of people in
community and how they got power and control other’s conduct
and lived in a society.
David Easton
He defines political science as the study of those actions which
are related to state and its affairs, it includes individual behavior
and conduct towards state or society.
He also prefers the behavior of an individual within society he
lives and dies.

Aristotle said in his famous book, ‘the Polities’, he first
developed a systematic study of political science as an
independent academic discipline. Aristotle is regarded as “the
father of Political Science”, because of his far-reaching and
permanent contribution in the field of political science
developed and now it is a vast concept.
History of political science
Political science do not developed at once but with passage of
time, it has a great remarkable history. Plato and Aristotle are
considered as originators of this field, in start there were no
government and proper management there were kings who used
to rule and made their own rules. People felt that there is need of
proper system who can protect their rights and interests so they
started to establish small institutions or associations and
assigned some officials who controlled their affairs this system
spread to the cities and then to states then it became government
system. Many scholars wrote books and gave the theories of
government and now it is totally different discipline.

Scope of political science

The scope of political science is very vast and divided in many
Sub discipline some of them as follows:

 As a study of state
Political science is mainly concern with state and its activities
and primarily studies the problems of the State. “The state is
defined as a group of people organized for law within
definite territory”. The State possesses four characteristics
Population, territory government and sovereignty. Political
Science studies the activities of the State and explains the aims
and objectives of the State and government.

 As a study of government and institutions

Government is an agent of state which is responsible to establish
proper management and organized community. Government’s
main work is to make laws and rules for its people and citizens
and to run their conduct and affairs in best possible way. There
are three main departments of government like Legislative,
executive and judiciary. These three are responsible to make
law, to interpret it, or to enforce it.
 As a study of political theory:
Political theory is a major branch of Political Science. On the
basis of the political ideas or thoughts of political thinkers,
political theory formulates definitions or concepts like
democracy, liberty, equality, grounds of political obligation, etc.
A student of Political Science must start his lessons with
political theory. Political theory explains the concepts of
Political Science.

 As a study of power:
Political science also studies power and its use like how a state
uses its power to protect its subject and to gain more power.
Power is most important thing for every state or person, power
can be positive or negative. If state use it to protect and for
welfare of people so it would be considered as positive power,
but if being used to harm any individual or community then it is
negative. Power has also two kinds soft and hard power which
includes weapon, force and any threat and culture, languages,
social media comes in soft power. Soft power is most influential
than hard.

 As a study of political behavior of people

The scope of political science also includes a study of
individual’s behavior and the State. It examines how man should
adjust himself with the society and behave politically because
Man is the root of politics. The process of adjustment and
behavior of men with the society is an important aspect of
Political Science. People’s behavior influence politics of state
and state determine how to control them.

 As a study of rights and liberties

Political science is also concerned with protection of rights and
liberties of people, rights and liberties are freedom and basic
need of people which is protected by state. Primary duty of the
state is to give rights and also stops the violation. Rights of
citizen are mentioned in the constitution of the state. Political
science deals with state and its activities so indirectly it deals
with rights and liberties. If every individual is getting his right it
means states political policies are well maintained and organized
if not that’s indicate the instability and disturbance in
government and in political policies.

 As a study of International Relations

The scope of Political Science includes a study of international
relations which has become important since the first of the 20th
century. It covers a wide range and includes international
politics, international law, international organizations like the
United Nations, etc. The States are the subjects of international
law. International relation has assumed greater importance in
recent times because it is impossible to live in isolation in global
world for any state. International relations are really important
because it includes economic and trading schemes which
determine the success of a country because economic power is
the main goal of every state. It also forms the relationship
between states, when different states come together they made
strong associations and protect their rights at global world.

 As a study of foreign policy

Foreign policy is that guide the activities and relationships of
one state in its interactions with other states. The development
of foreign policy is influenced by political policies or behavior
of other states. Political science helps in shaping foreign
policy. Diplomacy is the tool of foreign policy, and war,
alliances, and international trade and other features which helps
in building healthy relation among states.
 As a study of Political Dynamics:
The study of political dynamics has become significant in the
20th century. It means the current forces at work in government
and politics. It covers a wide range and includes the study of
political parties, public opinion, pressure groups, lobbies, etc. A
scientific study of the working of these political dynamics helps
to explain the political behavior of individuals and different
groups. The study in this field is often done in collaboration with
other social sciences like sociology,, anthropology and

 As a Study of Individual with the State:

The scope of political science also includes a study of the nature
of relationship between the individual and the State. It examines
how man should adjust himself with the society. Man is the root
of politics. The process of adjustment of men with the society is
an important aspect of Political Science. Because both state and
public go hand in hand so political science try to build good and
cordial relation between state and individual.
Relation with other subjects
Political science is not only a subject which deal with particular
things like state and government but it has deep and great
relation with other subjects, it analysis subject of political
science through different aspects.

 Political science and history

The relationship between Political Science and History is very
close and intimate. The relation between Political Science and
History is explained like:
 “History without Political Science has no fruit”
 “Political Science without history has no root.”
History is full of political policies and conflict and gives us
broad view of politics of history. The wars, empires, kingdom
all are based on politics so with the help of history we can know
about political policies of past really well and which also helps
us to form good and effective policies for today. Without the
consent of history we cannot study political science.

 Political science and sociology

Sociology is the study of society and interactions of people with
each other and political science also studies behaviors of people
in society. Political science and sociology is interrelated to each
other. We cannot study political science without understanding
the behaviors of people and sociology helps us to understand the
behaviors and attitudes of people in society. Sociology plays an
important role in political science because political science deals
with state and its features, weather sociology deals with society
and the interactions. State is a kind of society where people live
and try to protect their rights and interests. Sociology can help
us to understand the interests of people in society and we can
make political policies accordingly.

 Political science and psychology

Psychology is the study of human nature and how they react
accordingly, psychology also discuss behavior and impacts of
surrounding on people. We cannot study political science
without consulting psychology. For instance democracy is form
of government that is decided by people’s choice and opinion
and opinion of people can only understand by studying
psychology. Psychology tells us what are the demands of people
and what they want to fulfill them. Studying psychology can
help us to form political policies according to the wish and
requirements of people.

 Political science and economics:

Now days economics is very important subject in academic
disciplines. It deals with the production and consumption of
goods and services. Economic plays an important role in any
state because now days everyone is trying hard to be strong
economically and political science also study how to make a
state stable and strong economically. Economy is considered as
the primary goal of every state. With the help of economics we
can plan better policies to grow the economy of country which is
the goal of political science in modern world.
 Political science and LAW:
Law is a subject deals with the rules and regulations of state and
affairs of people. Without law no state can run even a single day,
law tells us duties and rights of people. Political science also
guide us how to make laws for benefit of the people and it
should be imposed. Political science deals with government and
the main task of government is to make law and to enforce it.
Without studying law we cannot establish a politically organized
society or state so law and political science go hand in hand.

 Law and media or journalism:

Media and journalism are also interrelated to each other. Social
media is playing an important role now days. People got every
information through these sources and they are aware of politics
of state. Media is the biggest source to transfer and news related
to politics to people.

 Conclusion:
In the last I conclude that political science is one of the most
important discipline to understand state and its features. Political
science deals with state and government. The scope of political
science is very vast and study every single aspect of today’s
world. It studies behaviors, activities and conduct of people in
political environment and also guide us what should be an ideal
state and its features. The scope is not limited to only state and
its features but it also includes the institutions and
administration system. Political science has also deep relation
with other subjects like history, sociology, psychology, law and
media etc. without these subjects we cannot thoroughly study
and understand political science.

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