PDF The Cube of Strategic Management The Distinctive Advantage of Organizations 1st Edition Mihai V. Putz (Author) download
PDF The Cube of Strategic Management The Distinctive Advantage of Organizations 1st Edition Mihai V. Putz (Author) download
The Distinctive Advantage of Organizations
The Distinctive Advantage of Organizations
Mihai V. Putz
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Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Title: The cube of strategic management : the distinctive advantage of organizations / Mihai V. Putz.
Names: Putz, Mihai V., author.
Description: Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: Canadiana (print) 20190127813 | Canadiana (ebook) 20190127864 | ISBN 9781771887755
(hardcover) | ISBN 9780429397646 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Strategic planning.
Classification: LCC HD30.28 .P88 2019 | DDC 658.4/012—dc23
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Putz, Mihai V., author.
Title: The cube of strategic management : the distinctive advantage of organizations / Mihai V. Putz.
Description: 1st edition. | Palm Bay, Florida : Apple Academic Press, 2019. | Includes bibliographical
references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2019026275 (print) | LCCN 2019026276 (ebook) | ISBN 9781771887755
(hardback) | ISBN 9780429397646 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Strategic planning. | Management--Technological innovations.
Classification: LCC HD30.28 .P88 2019 (print) | LCC HD30.28 (ebook) | DDC 658.4/038--dc23
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To Katy and Ella:
The girls of my life!
About the Author
Index.................................................................................................................. 255
8D 8-dimensional
BS business space
CSR competitive, sustainable, and regenerative
DD democracy-to-democracy
DQD double quantum dots
FDI foreign direct investment
GCI global competitiveness index
GDP gross domestic product
IIA international investment agreements
IPBES intergovernmental platform for biodiversity and ecosystem
NIRD National Institute of Research and Development
QD quantum dots
QKGR quantitative knowledge–globalization relationship
QSAR quantitative structure–activity relationships
R&D research and developing index
RDI research, development, and innovation
SDGs sustainable development goals
SWOT strengths–weaknesses–opportunities–threats
WIR World Investment Report
are re-projected into the economy driven by the interaction with the
environment. Without exaggerating, one can step also toward forecasting
the interaction with the cosmos too, namely, cosmoeconomy by the
long-term planned Mars colonization, with aims of explorations—first,
but then, passing to exploitation. However, the possibility of using solar
energy from the universe, hydrogen from the universe, the gravitational
force of the Moon, the Sun, etc., are currently implemented on a large
social scale, either on the medium term, or shorter term from now. Such
a new perspective requires new paradigms to be gradually introduced in
both strategic management and business brand new planning.
This book is about to step in such direction. It advances the idea that
eight-fold matrices (in 2D representations) and cubic realizations in 3D
conceptualizations may offer a sufficiently complex model allowing in
filling any conceptual market/space with a consistent degree of freedom,
yet with symmetrical transformations and anticipative features. The eight-
fold is a kind of magic algorithm, in strategy in general (think of a chess
game, for instance, as an 8 × 8 strategic table) and also in management. Just
remember the eight rules of management according to Peter Drucker’s vision,
that is, market standing, innovation, productivity, physical and financial
resources, profitability, managerial performance and development, worker
performance and attitude, and public responsibility. Equally, the eight-fold
features make the search for excellence the true objective to be achieved by
organizations, as projected by Peters and Waterman, needed is, a bias for
action-active decision-making, being close to the customer/client, practicing
autonomy and entrepreneurship, promoting productivity through people,
practicing value-driven management, “sticking to the knitting,” leaning the
staff, and simultaneously having a loose-tight staff. Even needed personal
development relating to efficient management, Stephen Covey identified
firstly the seven good habits (i.e., proactivity, planning with the end/aim
in mind, considering first things as coming first, implementing a win–win
approach, understanding before being understood, synergizing—viz.,
competition, and refining all the personal and social capabilities—“sharpen
the saw”), to which he then added the eighth step: the greatness (the inner
voice inspiring others by leadership and personal significance model).
The eight-fold paradigm crosses practically all intellectual fields, from the
octave in music, to the octet in electronic occupancy in atomic elements,
down to the chemistry periodic system, to the eight fundamental quarks,
to the eight identified humankind dangers for the (post) modern age (i.e.,
Preface xv
—Mihai V. Putz
Timișoara, 2019
Drucker, P. F. (1954, reissued ed. 2006) The Practice of Management; Harper Business:
New York.
Peters, T. J.; Waterman, R. H. In Search of Excellence - Lessons from America’s Best-Run
Companies; HarperCollins Publishers: London, 1982.
Covey, S. R. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, FranklinCovey et co., Salt Lake
City, 1989, 2004.
Lorentz, K. Civilized Man's Eight Deadly Sins (originally in German as: Die acht Todsünden
der zivilisierten Menschheit), Piper Verlag GmbH: Muenchen, 1973, 1974.
Management may be seen, nowadays, as the last resort in saving the world!
The 21st century society last solution! This, because after the fail of ever-
increasing industrialization, capitalization, society, economy, and ecology
crisis, is a step to the corner! The diplomacy appears to be weakened by
the competitive (often in a lose–lose game) strategy; the economy and
international business appear to be driven by finance empowerment and
gradual poverty as a counter-reaction; the military, “force keeping the
peace,” appears to use the technology against national natural developments;
some regions clusterize; others go in fringes; the chaos is at the horizon, and
the equilibrium is far away from the future present! Paradoxically, the only
discipline, transdisciplinary, able to integrate all these dispersive tendencies,
contrasting forces, and complex-often-chaotic reality is a management!
Management may be seen as the new practical philosophy: the sociology
without management is just doctrine (propaganda), while the management
without the ecology (from individual to groups to nations) is just an
illusion—susceptible to be dismantled at the first next disequilibrium! So,
integrative management is the way, the new management, the scientific
management built from algorithms that more and more drives our society:
from production, to design, to artificial intelligence, life, comfort, and
eternity! As a consequence, no effort is enough to imagine new management
algorithm(s) able to integrate as much as of present life and being able to
emulate the future challenges such as: to replicate itself and to multiply, to
be close and open, to be local and global, central, and peripheral, simple and
complex, punctual and circular, and so on, in dual opposites (and synergetic
forces). As a whole, one may welcome the META-ECONOMY field as the
thesis-antithesis [post-economy] synthesis in a Hegelian type construct; all
of these for “bringing to society” the meta-economy in the same way as the
triple perfect (trifecta) point mind–body–soul once dominated meta-physics!
The search for triple perfect management (to be competitive in the business
branch, to be sustainable to the environment, and to be regenerative in time)
is the main goal of the new postmodern management project, to which the
present book is also dedicated.
xx Introduction
• Cross-Cultural Management
• Competitive Advantage of Organizations and Nations
• Strategic Cube of the Distinctive Advantage
• Extended Hamming Space
• Entropy and Information in Business Space/Marketing
• Maximum Path Principle in Technovation Management
• Contractors, Suppliers, and Logistics
• Game Theory and Postmodern Business Plan
• Industrial Districts and Clusters’ Management
• Adjacency Matrix and Corporate Governance
• Composite Global Indices of Competitiveness (KOF, WIR, GCI, etc.)
• Change Management
Introduction xxi
The Cube encloses and opens the space, the movement, the order!
The Cube inscribes and describes the evolution by paradigm,
gives the distinctive advantage, and sustainable progress!
The Cube is proactive: full and amply alike, compact,
and disruptive, 3D and projective!
The Cube is strategic: bureaucracy by repetitiveness,
democratic by symmetry, and meritocratic by selecting its path!
The Cube is pragmatic (economic), it is scientific (universal),
and it is artistic (social)!
The Cube has no beginning and ending (it is undulatory),
it is big and small alike (it is scalable),
and it is dissipative-conservative (it is applicative)!
The Cube is analogical (reproductive) and digital (unique),
it is natural and artificial, it is singular and multiple!
The Cube has no center and no periphery!
At the last but not at least important, the author thanks the Apple
Academic Press team for embracing the project from its incipient phase
through all revisions and in-house processing toward a top publication
product, susceptible to becoming a referential one (and with possible
forthcoming new editions and/or developments) in the new-management
international literature of the 21st century! Long life to eco-ecolo-systems
by GLocal-sustainability!
—Mihai V. Putz
Timișoara, 2019
cubic model and symmetry is interesting, but there are few, if any, refer-
ences and citations to confirm its validity to the variety of applications that
the authors are attempting to apply this model to. It is a classic example of
a dogma applied to forcing a fit with a theory that may be suspected.
The Progressist: The basic education in the physics, known to us
from Einstein’s quotes, states that: “when the theory is not confirmed by
the experiment, change the experimental set-up!” So, again, despite the
apparent disconnection between the traditionalist (inductive) and progressist
(deductive) approach of what should be the postmodern management, all
“classical” theories of strategic management should be moved to face the
new challenges and types of competitiveness existing in the 21st century.
The cubic theory therefore augments the dynamic strategic management,
while the cubic symmetries allow a rationale in aligning or moving the
forces of competiveness. The cubic management is therefore oriented to
what is called the strategic intent, rather than to classical strategic dynamics
(which includes the diagnosis, scenarios, and deployment of a particular
strategy). Nowadays, the strategies are diversified, combining, superposing,
simulating, and dissimulating all competitive forces—once clearly distin-
guished (see the post-truth concept, so the post-strategy intent, and so
on). The cubic theory has therefore the potential of opening a new way of
thinking and understanding the strategic management, through symmetries
and their dynamics, for which the “cube” is the first rational benchmark.
On a later phase, it can, itself, be de-structured into various polyhedra, to
the fractal seizure, the touch of the complexity systems, and social behavior
being contained, in this way; but this would require a separate study. By the
way, the “acentric” feature is also a very postmodern approach, which the
reviewer maybe, nondeliberately, recognized to the book itself. Indeed, the
postmodern age gives more weight “to the periphery than to the center,”
since the periphery dynamics may influence the “center of gravity,” changing
the entire strategy from periphery to the center (also, in relation with the
chaos theory—equally asserting that a small modification, far away from
the equilibrium center, may, eventually, change the systems’ equilibrium)!
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