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The Distinctive Advantage of Organizations
The Distinctive Advantage of Organizations

Mihai V. Putz
Apple Academic Press Inc. Apple Academic Press Inc.
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Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Title: The cube of strategic management : the distinctive advantage of organizations / Mihai V. Putz.
Names: Putz, Mihai V., author.
Description: Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: Canadiana (print) 20190127813 | Canadiana (ebook) 20190127864 | ISBN 9781771887755
   (hardcover) | ISBN 9780429397646 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Strategic planning.
Classification: LCC HD30.28 .P88 2019 | DDC 658.4/012—dc23
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Putz, Mihai V., author.
Title: The cube of strategic management : the distinctive advantage of organizations / Mihai V. Putz.
Description: 1st edition. | Palm Bay, Florida : Apple Academic Press, 2019. | Includes bibliographical
   references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2019026275 (print) | LCCN 2019026276 (ebook) | ISBN 9781771887755
   (hardback) | ISBN 9780429397646 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Strategic planning. | Management--Technological innovations.
Classification: LCC HD30.28 .P88 2019 (print) | LCC HD30.28 (ebook) | DDC 658.4/038--dc23
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To Katy and Ella:
The girls of my life!
About the Author

Mihai V. Putz, PhD, MBA, Dr.-Habil, is a

laureate in physics (1997), with a postgradua-
tion degree in spectroscopy (1999), and a PhD
degree in chemistry (2002); with Post-Docs in
chemistry (2002–2003) and in physics (2004,
2010, and 2011) at the University of Calabria,
Italy, and Free University of Berlin, Germany,
respectively. He is currently a Full Professor
of theoretical and computational physical-
chemistry at his alma mater, West University
of Timisoara, Romania. He has made valuable
contributions in computational, quantum, and
physical chemistry through seminal works that appeared in many international
journals. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Chemical
Modeling (NOVA Science, Inc.) and the New Frontiers in Chemistry (West
University of Timisoara). He is a member of many professional societies and
has received several national and international awards from the Romanian
National Authority of Scientific Research (2008), the German Academic
Exchange Service DAAD (2000, 2004, and 2011), and the Center of Interna-
tional Cooperation of Free University Berlin (2010). He is the leader of the
Laboratory of Computational and Structural Physical Chemistry for Nano-
sciences and QSAR at Biology-Chemistry Department of West University
of Timisoara, Romania, where he conducts research in the fundamental and
applicative fields of quantum physical-chemistry and QSAR. Among his
numerous awards, in 2010, Mihai V. Putz was declared, through a national
competition, the Best Researcher of Romania, while in 2013, he was recog-
nized among the first Dr.-Habil in chemistry in Romania. In 2014, he was
recognized by the Romanian Ministry of Research as Principal Investigator of
the first degree at the National Institute for Electrochemistry and Condensed
Matter (INCEMC), Timisoara, and was also granted full membership in the
International Academy of Mathematical Chemistry. Recently, Mihai V. Putz
expanded his interest to strategic management in general and to nanosciences
viii About the Author

and nanotechnology strategic management in particular; in this context,

between 2015 and 2017, he attended and completed as the promotion leader
an MBA on Strategic Management of Organizations—The Development of
the Business Space specialization program at West University of Timișoara,
the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, while in between
2016 and 2019, he was engaged in the doctoral school of the same faculty,
advancing new models of strategic management in the new economy based
on frontier scientific inclusive ecological knowledge.

About the Author........................................................................................vii

Introduction............................................................................................... xix
Acknowledgments..................................................................................... xxv
Postface: An Imaginary Dialogue on Cubic Strategic Management..... xxvii

1. Cross-Cultural Management by Eight-Fold Matrix of Social Versus

Personal Values: Lessons from Generation-X........................................... 1

2. The Strategic Cube of the Distinctive Advantage:

An Epistemological Approach.................................................................. 17

3. The Strategic Cube of the Distinctive Advantage:

Networks with Catastrophic Surfaces...................................................... 43

4. Strategic Innovating Paths for the Distinctive Advantage:

The Changing Management Faraway from Equilibrium...................... 57

5. Scientific Entrepreneurship by the Strategic Double Cube of

Competitiveness: Knowledge Transfer.................................................... 75

6. Business Strategies by the Multinodal Logistics within the

Cubic Network of Distinctive Advantage............................................... 105

7. Risk Management in Nanotechnology Projects

Toward Eight-Fold Ws............................................................................ 121

8. Clustering in and out Strategies of the Prisoner Dilemma

in the Cube of Distinctive Advantage..................................................... 149

9. Strategic Innovation in the Organization Governance:

The Eight-Folding of the Mission Balance............................................ 183
x Contents

10. Global Strategies in the Knowledge Economy:

The Case of R&D Sustainability in the European Union..................... 203

11. Cubic Management of Inclusive Scientific Change.............................. 237

Index.................................................................................................................. 255

8D 8-dimensional
BS business space
CSR competitive, sustainable, and regenerative
DD democracy-to-democracy
DQD double quantum dots
FDI foreign direct investment
GCI global competitiveness index
GDP gross domestic product
IIA international investment agreements
IPBES intergovernmental platform for biodiversity and ecosystem
NIRD National Institute of Research and Development
QD quantum dots
QKGR quantitative knowledge–globalization relationship
QSAR quantitative structure–activity relationships
R&D research and developing index
RDI research, development, and innovation
SDGs sustainable development goals
SWOT strengths–weaknesses–opportunities–threats
WIR World Investment Report

In modern economy, management, and marketing, the customer/client/

individual satisfaction, coupled with organization income, comes first, no
matter the environmental costs and social consequences. Then, currently,
during postmodern times, while networks took advantage, social emerging
rights and emancipation were continuously raised too, so social innova-
tion takes preeminence, and the economy/management/marketing is thus
re-oriented to comply with the needs, values, and society satisfaction as
a whole—as a dynamic complex system, eventually featuring durability.
However, only recently has serious consideration for the rare resources of
environment, for example, in terms of renewable energy, species, weather,
and even time, at both the global and local (GLocal) levels, appeared to
be a serious issue. As a consequence, the proximity evolution (after post-
modernism age, viz., “the future is here—yet not evenly distributed”) in
economy/management/marketing will be—highly probably—oriented to
the environmental satisfaction as a whole, complex, inclusive, and sustain-
able GLocal system, instead.
In this context, the current top management, or the strategic management,
has to shift so as to include the science and technology, not only as a
support or adjuvant or object of business administration, but also to include
it as an inherent part of the strategy building and of the Total Business
Model. In other terms, the political economy (the management of welfare
from/through organizations within and for nations) should be re-opened,
re-defined to a bigger level, eventually to the ecological economy—to
the benefit of holistic ecosystems. The ever-growing production and
profitability goals of organizations should and probably will be replaced
by recycling, renaissance, relaunching, remarketing, and reorganizing of
any business, with the aim of the development of equilibrium to become
the new main target, even starting far away from equilibrium or passing
turbulent economic reality. The inclusive management and economy will
nevertheless behave in a scientific manner; that means, it is evolving from
its actual social science nature to the sum of interactions (the market)
of individuals, producers, corporations, and nations; and all of which
xiv Preface

are re-projected into the economy driven by the interaction with the
environment. Without exaggerating, one can step also toward forecasting
the interaction with the cosmos too, namely, cosmoeconomy by the
long-term planned Mars colonization, with aims of explorations—first,
but then, passing to exploitation. However, the possibility of using solar
energy from the universe, hydrogen from the universe, the gravitational
force of the Moon, the Sun, etc., are currently implemented on a large
social scale, either on the medium term, or shorter term from now. Such
a new perspective requires new paradigms to be gradually introduced in
both strategic management and business brand new planning.
This book is about to step in such direction. It advances the idea that
eight-fold matrices (in 2D representations) and cubic realizations in 3D
conceptualizations may offer a sufficiently complex model allowing in
filling any conceptual market/space with a consistent degree of freedom,
yet with symmetrical transformations and anticipative features. The eight-
fold is a kind of magic algorithm, in strategy in general (think of a chess
game, for instance, as an 8 × 8 strategic table) and also in management. Just
remember the eight rules of management according to Peter Drucker’s vision,
that is, market standing, innovation, productivity, physical and financial
resources, profitability, managerial performance and development, worker
performance and attitude, and public responsibility. Equally, the eight-fold
features make the search for excellence the true objective to be achieved by
organizations, as projected by Peters and Waterman, needed is, a bias for
action-active decision-making, being close to the customer/client, practicing
autonomy and entrepreneurship, promoting productivity through people,
practicing value-driven management, “sticking to the knitting,” leaning the
staff, and simultaneously having a loose-tight staff. Even needed personal
development relating to efficient management, Stephen Covey identified
firstly the seven good habits (i.e., proactivity, planning with the end/aim
in mind, considering first things as coming first, implementing a win–win
approach, understanding before being understood, synergizing—viz.,
competition, and refining all the personal and social capabilities—“sharpen
the saw”), to which he then added the eighth step: the greatness (the inner
voice inspiring others by leadership and personal significance model).
The eight-fold paradigm crosses practically all intellectual fields, from the
octave in music, to the octet in electronic occupancy in atomic elements,
down to the chemistry periodic system, to the eight fundamental quarks,
to the eight identified humankind dangers for the (post) modern age (i.e.,
Preface xv

the overpopulation—viz., competition, devastation of environment, man’s

race against himself, entropy of feeling—viz., moral hazard, the genetic
decay, the break with tradition, indoctrinability, and nuclear weapons)—as
identified by the Nobelist Konrad Lorenz for our evolving (ethological)
With such illustrious precedence, the present research imparts and
advances the idea of Cubic Strategic Management: it basically consists
of combining the triple point of competitive-sustainable and regenerative
advantage into their +/− realizations, that is, the pros and cons as the driving
force of the contemporary postmodern market: for example, features like
competitive versus noncompetitive, sustainable versus nonsustainable,
and regenerative versus nonregenerative. On the other hand, while passing
from plane to space, on a 3D orthogonal referential, one deals with the
self-producing of the cubic cell of eight strategies, at their turn identified
according with the triplet of signs, in the simplified triple main actors of a
business, that is, as the supplier, the producer, and the customer, which can
be also rotated in their roles, respectively as (see also the figure below):

• (+1+1–1): Wise (including Ethical and Ecological) Business

• (–1+1+1): Underground (Parallel) Business
• (+1–1+1): Blue Ocean Business (Competitive Business)
• (+1+1–1): Smart (Win–Win–Lose) Business
• (–1–1+1): Perverted Spirits (Corrupted Business)
• (–1+1–1): Outsourcing (Lose–Win–Lose Business)
• (+1–1–1): Polemocracy (Win–Lose–Lose)
• (–1–1–1): Animal Spirits (Red Ocean or Lose–Lose–Lose Business)

Within the present cubic framework, essential and special manage-

ment issues are approached (see the descriptions of the chapter below) and
unfolded while new interesting features are found since reshaping many
of the classical strategic management techniques. For instance, Michael
Porter’s five-forces competition model for organizations, as well as the
Porter’s (political) competition diamond for clusters/nations, is enhanced
with new features, determinants, and analytical predictions for various
organizations/clusters/ecosystems’ cubic path’s evolutions. This is because
the cubic symmetry allows, for instance, rotations, mirroring operations,
inversions, and translations—all of these being appropriately reinter-
preted in the light of brand new forsaken economy/business planning and
xvi Preface

management. The strategic management in a cube idea appears generous,

being here for the first time advanced, and with a great potential in devel-
oping both special and general strategies. The cubic paradigm allows, inter
alia, working with fractional or interstitial features, deforming the cubes,
intercalating networks by adjacent cubes, formulating various min/max
paths, as well as “dramatically” organizing changes through performing
symmetrical operations centered on specific elements (vertices—for
firms, edges—for alliances, and faces—for clusters). The research here
is entirely original, and it is a unique opportunity to publish it as a single
flowing corpus instead of fragmenting it into various chapters and articles.

Nevertheless, the present research insight on cubic strategic manage-

ment leads to the opening of a new area of research, say, the geometriza-
tion of strategic management with the “power/potential of the cube”; it
also ensures the complex compactness as well as dispersion energies (viz.,
information vs. entropy in economy) of capabilities, resources, products,
and services; it eventually allows the efficiency control and prediction
(in terms of energy [kcal] and knowledge [bits]) by computation of each
considered strategy as a min/max path within and between the cubes linked
in a sustainable continuum (viz., the cubic chain value) of “coopetition”
Preface xvii

(common values + competitive goods). It is an insight toward the holistic

equilibrium (including the cyclic renaissance) for the current-future global
society, with the belief that the coopetition between economy and environ-
ment can be foreseen, achieved, and endured!

—Mihai V. Putz
Timișoara, 2019


Drucker, P. F. (1954, reissued ed. 2006) The Practice of Management; Harper Business:
New York.
Peters, T. J.; Waterman, R. H. In Search of Excellence - Lessons from America’s Best-Run
Companies; HarperCollins Publishers: London, 1982.
Covey, S. R. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, FranklinCovey et co., Salt Lake
City, 1989, 2004.
Lorentz, K. Civilized Man's Eight Deadly Sins (originally in German as: Die acht Todsünden
der zivilisierten Menschheit), Piper Verlag GmbH: Muenchen, 1973, 1974.

Management may be seen, nowadays, as the last resort in saving the world!
The 21st century society last solution! This, because after the fail of ever-
increasing industrialization, capitalization, society, economy, and ecology
crisis, is a step to the corner! The diplomacy appears to be weakened by
the competitive (often in a lose–lose game) strategy; the economy and
international business appear to be driven by finance empowerment and
gradual poverty as a counter-reaction; the military, “force keeping the
peace,” appears to use the technology against national natural developments;
some regions clusterize; others go in fringes; the chaos is at the horizon, and
the equilibrium is far away from the future present! Paradoxically, the only
discipline, transdisciplinary, able to integrate all these dispersive tendencies,
contrasting forces, and complex-often-chaotic reality is a management!
Management may be seen as the new practical philosophy: the sociology
without management is just doctrine (propaganda), while the management
without the ecology (from individual to groups to nations) is just an
illusion—susceptible to be dismantled at the first next disequilibrium! So,
integrative management is the way, the new management, the scientific
management built from algorithms that more and more drives our society:
from production, to design, to artificial intelligence, life, comfort, and
eternity! As a consequence, no effort is enough to imagine new management
algorithm(s) able to integrate as much as of present life and being able to
emulate the future challenges such as: to replicate itself and to multiply, to
be close and open, to be local and global, central, and peripheral, simple and
complex, punctual and circular, and so on, in dual opposites (and synergetic
forces). As a whole, one may welcome the META-ECONOMY field as the
thesis-antithesis [post-economy] synthesis in a Hegelian type construct; all
of these for “bringing to society” the meta-economy in the same way as the
triple perfect (trifecta) point mind–body–soul once dominated meta-physics!
The search for triple perfect management (to be competitive in the business
branch, to be sustainable to the environment, and to be regenerative in time)
is the main goal of the new postmodern management project, to which the
present book is also dedicated.
xx Introduction

The book presents a complex and spanning fundamental, theoretical, and

advancing new management model, responding to the current and to further
21st synergic interconnection needs in addressing the main societal, and
humankind challenges, therefore, the information and communication, the
renewable resources and energies, and the better and longer life (welfare).
Academia and open market researchers in management and marketing
postmodern strategies are the main intended audiences; however, the book
may be used also to:

• complement advanced university courses in environmental sciences

and engineering (for Master and PhD courses) by addressing the
frontier subject of management of sustainable strategies for the
nanoscience and nanotechnology in the inclusive business model
for a sustainable society and environment of 21st century;
• project a sustainable (inclusive) business model for scalable orga-
nizations (firms, companies, industries, clusters) while applying the
compactness and variational principles in various markets (multi-
dimensional space of values);
• model with the aid of the strategic cube of coopetitions (i.e., the
cooperation in uphill and competition in downhill of the research-
developing-innovation of a competitive product’s life-cycles) the (post)
modern economy/management of rare resources (energy, competence,
and time), beyond the degenerative rivalry in meta-economy.

Accordingly, the main (indexing) keywords and concepts treated under

the present advanced new management model refer to:

• Cross-Cultural Management
• Competitive Advantage of Organizations and Nations
• Strategic Cube of the Distinctive Advantage
• Extended Hamming Space
• Entropy and Information in Business Space/Marketing
• Maximum Path Principle in Technovation Management
• Contractors, Suppliers, and Logistics
• Game Theory and Postmodern Business Plan
• Industrial Districts and Clusters’ Management
• Adjacency Matrix and Corporate Governance
• Composite Global Indices of Competitiveness (KOF, WIR, GCI, etc.)
• Change Management
Introduction xxi

They are, however, respectively, organized in 11 chapters, shortly

described below:
Chapter 1 (Cross-Cultural Management by Eight-fold Matrix of Social
versus. Personal Values: Lessons from Generation-X): The 8-dimensional
space for the triple capabilities (triple perfect = trifecta points) are introduced.
The context of cross-cultural management stands as an opening overture
of the entire cubic theory in the book study; this way, the anthropologic-
societal model for an organization, from Hofstede to Meyer, is considered
toward the aim of the total management of quality. It provides the general-
izing/reformulating possibilities of the individual-psychological profiles to
the generational (sociological) ones; however, Generation X, for individuals
and groups is taken as a case study with emphasis on the difference between
organizational and societal responses on their actions thereof.
Chapter 2 (The Strategic Cube of the Distinctive Advantage: An
Epistemological Approach): The competitive advantage is combined with
sustainable advantage and with the regenerative advantage by the aid of the
cubic algebraic transformations. This way, the reciprocal transformation
and evolution are allowed due to the acquired cubic symmetries; moreover,
one may unitarily comprehend the management of the Blue Ocean strategy
in relation to the Red Ocean strategy, while re-inventing the strengths–
weaknesses–opportunities–threats (SWOT) model and generalizing the
generic Porter’s forces of strategic management.
Chapter 3 (The Strategic Cube of the Distinctive Advantage: Networks
with Catastrophic Surfaces): One takes the postmodern way of management, as
based on the strategic cube developing distinctive advantage; the “concerted”
network is orchestrated in three-dimensional space of competition. At this
point, one further explores the cubic topological potentials while superposing
them with the wave forms of (Thom’s) universal catastrophes.
Chapter 4 (Strategic Innovating Paths for the Distinctive Advantage:
The Changing Management Faraway from Equilibrium): One uses the
strategic cube of distinctive advantage to make it applicable with the
aid of the extended Hamming (-Putz) space. In such abstract space, the
step-transformation or the econo-bits contribute to the maximum path or
to the minimum entropy of the distinctive advantage, with special focus
on innovation. This procedure allows for searching and enhancing of the
negentropical hierarchy (also as a chain of econo-wave-transforming
behavior, i.e., from “animal spirits” to “wise business”) within the post-
modern (far way from equilibrium), strategic, and meta-management.
xxii Introduction

Chapter 5 (Scientific Entrepreneurship by the Strategic Double

Cube of Competitiveness: Knowledge Transfer): One advocates on how
science and technology may be reconciled in the light of the strategic
management, with the aid of the strategic cubic management model. As
such, the scientific entrepreneurship models combine with the knowl-
edge-transfer activities, toward complementing the “sacral” feature of
science and “profane” use of technology in a new [meta-]economy and
open society.
Chapter 6 (Business Strategies by the Multi-nodal Logistics Within
the Cubic Network of Distinctive Advantage): Strategic management is
employed by the hierarchy of a decisional tree, by which the vicinity
culture and the networking logic are integrated into a strategic cube. This
methodology builds a superior inclusive reality and post[/meta]-economy
paradigm; in this context, the coupled uni-, bi-, and multi-nodal strategies
may correspond with the cubic junctions, for instance, by their reciprocal
vertices, edges, and faces, respectively; accordingly, the strategic thinking
is this way enriched with new algorithms of the strategic cubic couplings.
Chapter 7 (Risks Management in Nanotechnology Projects Toward
Eight-fold Ws): Risk analysis is specialized on the risk management level
by combining the project management with a nanotechnological applica-
tion. One may thus emphasize competitive, sustainable, and regenerative
advantage by the eight-fold question marks (Ws) of a generalized and
inclusive cubic strategic management thinking.
Chapter 8 (Clustering in and out Strategies of the Prisoner Dilemma in
the Cube of Distinctive Advantage): One may be grounded on the (Italian)
industrial district to introduce the dynamic clusters as a postmodern form
of networking. Once the main players of a dynamical cluster as the (central)
contractor and (chain) supplier are identified, game theory may be applied
to decide on the prisoner’s dilemma strategies. The resulting strategies
widely integrate in the strategic cube of the distinctive advantage, while
being qualitatively described by the adjacency matrix and quantitatively
modulated by the information in the business space (and finally with the
quantum attributes, in the sense of wave transforming).
Chapter 9 (Strategic Innovation in the Organization Governance: The
Eight-folding of the Mission Balance): One advocates on the way in which
the organization’s governance should change its strategic mission, such that
to be merely oriented to the third sector (the social services, including post-
societal, including the environmental ones). As a result, the sustainability
Introduction xxiii

and regeneration are enhanced by post[meta]-economical [f]acts and prod-

ucts. At the same time, the informational energy becomes the strategic asset
in the cube of the distinctive advantage, rather than the fashioned capital,
through its localization/delocalization investments’ dynamics.
Chapter 10 (Global Strategies in the Knowledge Economy: The Case
of R & D Sustainability in the European Union): The ecopolitical–social
index productivity index in the sociopolitic context, along with the invest-
ments index the world investment report index and competitiveness index
global competitiveness index, are presented and described as suitable
indicators in modeling the knowledge–globalization relationships (KGR)
nowadays. However, on the quantitative level, the knowledge-global
relationships appear as multilinear models so evolving from 1D to 2D to
3D orthogonally spaces. The output stands as the so-called Spectral-KGR
deployment: it follows the principle of maximum path–minimum entropy
in developing the organizations and business space within the strategic
cube of the distinctive advantage.
Chapter 11 (Cubic Management of Inclusive Scientific Change):
Change management is here modeled by identifying the axes of the change
management: what to change? for the competitive axis, how to change?;
for the sustainability axis, and when to change?; for the regenerative axis,
respectively. Accordingly, the change management treats the change as
an opportunity inscribed in the cubic management: one identifies eight
successive steps in organizational, business, or general economical project
deployment. Remarkably, the research–development–innovation organiza-
tion is the first beneficiary of such construct; this is because they exploit
the highest potential of changing. At this point, the fashioned hierarchical
model of organization, while being further transformed into the Kotter’s
dual model of organization, may be turned into the present ultimate cubic
model of organization, and 3D-change management thereof.
However, the main leap and lesson of this monograph will hopefully
bring a new perspective in treating the interconnected intra- and extraor-
ganization, from micro to macro management, from local to global, and
from center to periphery.
All of these, since, the cube, after all, may be seen in a postmodern
eight-fold faces, multiplied by three capabilities on each, further connected,
synergistically, and beyond, toward renewable, regenerative business and
way of life, way of living, and way of future:
xxiv Introduction

The Cube encloses and opens the space, the movement, the order!
The Cube inscribes and describes the evolution by paradigm,
gives the distinctive advantage, and sustainable progress!
The Cube is proactive: full and amply alike, compact,
and disruptive, 3D and projective!
The Cube is strategic: bureaucracy by repetitiveness,
democratic by symmetry, and meritocratic by selecting its path!
The Cube is pragmatic (economic), it is scientific (universal),
and it is artistic (social)!
The Cube has no beginning and ending (it is undulatory),
it is big and small alike (it is scalable),
and it is dissipative-conservative (it is applicative)!
The Cube is analogical (reproductive) and digital (unique),
it is natural and artificial, it is singular and multiple!
The Cube has no center and no periphery!

At the last but not at least important, the author thanks the Apple
Academic Press team for embracing the project from its incipient phase
through all revisions and in-house processing toward a top publication
product, susceptible to becoming a referential one (and with possible
forthcoming new editions and/or developments) in the new-management
international literature of the 21st century! Long life to eco-ecolo-systems
by GLocal-sustainability!

—Mihai V. Putz
Timișoara, 2019

To Professor Ecaterina Putz, PhD, for the classical and rational

concerns in econo-mathematical and econo-physics calling the
econo-chemistry frameworks!
To Professor Ioan Petrisor, PhD, for the inspirational debates
“On the Heights of Despair” in the universal undulation of
conceptual, trans-economic, and meta-management values!
To the National Institute of Research and Development for
Electrochemistry and Condensed Matter—Timișoara
(INCEMC—Timisoara, Romania), and to the developing
National Research grant PN- PN-18-36-02-01/2018.
To the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research,
Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI—Romania)
for supporting the developing National Research grant
PED 123/2017
Postface: An Imaginary Dialogue on
Cubic Strategic Management


The Traditionalist: The cubic theory of strategic management assumes a

very deductive approach and has applied an approach that has little empirical
evidence to support. The literature review, of what exists, is very focused on
establishing the credibility of the “cube” approach and the assumptions do not
appear to be derived from the literature; it is rather a philosophical view held by
the author. The kernel of the cubic theory has a place in the literature; perhaps,
as an alternative to traditional approaches and for courses that are looking for
unifying theories, it may have a place in higher education curricula.
The Progressist: The cubic strategic management is a cognitive research,
a philosophical challenge on management, not induced by practical data,
but deduced from the universal principles. Therefore, it should find its
own place not only in postmodern management research and literature,
but also in the higher educational level as such (from PhD probation and
above). In any case, the time and further applicative research in strategic
management will show where and when the “ethereal” contents of the
book will find the “terrestrial” concepts of management.


The Traditionalist: There are competing rhetorical viewpoints that have

tried to apply a unifying theoretical perspective to the social–technical
systems and the complexities, which might add to complexity and chaos
theories. The author basically assumes a preferred/existing approach
and through conceptual/subjective analyses, applies it in a very acentric
way. By applying the rules of cubic symmetry, the authors suggest that
a proper alignment can be obtained through realignment of global forces
of competitiveness. Assuming that this symmetry has any validity, what
would those forces be like and how will they be properly managed? The
xxviii Postface

cubic model and symmetry is interesting, but there are few, if any, refer-
ences and citations to confirm its validity to the variety of applications that
the authors are attempting to apply this model to. It is a classic example of
a dogma applied to forcing a fit with a theory that may be suspected.
The Progressist: The basic education in the physics, known to us
from Einstein’s quotes, states that: “when the theory is not confirmed by
the experiment, change the experimental set-up!” So, again, despite the
apparent disconnection between the traditionalist (inductive) and progressist
(deductive) approach of what should be the postmodern management, all
“classical” theories of strategic management should be moved to face the
new challenges and types of competitiveness existing in the 21st century.
The cubic theory therefore augments the dynamic strategic management,
while the cubic symmetries allow a rationale in aligning or moving the
forces of competiveness. The cubic management is therefore oriented to
what is called the strategic intent, rather than to classical strategic dynamics
(which includes the diagnosis, scenarios, and deployment of a particular
strategy). Nowadays, the strategies are diversified, combining, superposing,
simulating, and dissimulating all competitive forces—once clearly distin-
guished (see the post-truth concept, so the post-strategy intent, and so
on). The cubic theory has therefore the potential of opening a new way of
thinking and understanding the strategic management, through symmetries
and their dynamics, for which the “cube” is the first rational benchmark.
On a later phase, it can, itself, be de-structured into various polyhedra, to
the fractal seizure, the touch of the complexity systems, and social behavior
being contained, in this way; but this would require a separate study. By the
way, the “acentric” feature is also a very postmodern approach, which the
reviewer maybe, nondeliberately, recognized to the book itself. Indeed, the
postmodern age gives more weight “to the periphery than to the center,”
since the periphery dynamics may influence the “center of gravity,” changing
the entire strategy from periphery to the center (also, in relation with the
chaos theory—equally asserting that a small modification, far away from
the equilibrium center, may, eventually, change the systems’ equilibrium)!


The Traditionalist: Even deep machine learning principles assume the

underlying principles of a system once they are discovered, and do not
force an unrelated or proved approach on the data relational elements.
Another Random Scribd Document
with Unrelated Content
from her weaker neighbours. For instance, a little assistance from us
would soon enable Circassia, and other countries to the south of
Russia, to give ample employment to her overgrown armies. Poland,
if fully assured of aid, from France especially (for France is as much
interested in Russia being kept in check as we are), could be easily
roused at the same time to assert her freedom, and to revenge her
wrongs. It could not be very difficult to form, under the powerful
protection of Great Britain, a coalition of the Northern States, whose
frontiers are now bounded by Russia, and which only exist as
kingdoms through Russian sufferance, with the view of insuring their
independence. Wars thus created, through her ambition, by
exhausting her resources, would effectually put an end to her power
of subjugating other nations; and if the standard of a war arising out
of opinions, which such measures would most likely produce, was
once unfurled in that extensive empire, in which the lofty ideas of a
proud, turbulent and wealthy nobility would to a certainty come into
contact with the hitherto suppressed feelings of millions of enslaved
serfs, there is no possibility of calculating in what such a war might
terminate, for there is no middle class in Russia which could act as a
check to both.
A few of the steam expeditions, which were before alluded to, would
quickly settle such questions, and curtail the deliberations of
diplomatists, and convince the world—that it is both dangerous and
impolitic to rouse Great Britain, or to give her cause of alarm about
the superiority of her navy upon the ocean. "Ships, colonies and
commerce," ought to be inscribed upon the banner of Britain, and
our chief efforts and views, should at all times be directed to these,
to us as a nation, important objects, whilst at the same time every
possible encouragement should be given to our own agriculture; for
we must never depend upon the continent of Europe, or upon any
other part of the world, for bread—if we are ever obliged to do so, we
must no more talk or even think of war.
I do not, like some men, look upon history to be as worthless as an
old almanack, for by it we are taught many useful lessons; and
whatever their opinions may be of history, popery, or even of
prophecy, I avow myself to be one of those who attach some
importance to what is handed down to us, especially in Scripture.
Yet, without almost touching upon such subjects, we may find, that a
great maritime power will seemingly soon be required, to act a most
prominent part in the world, when events will undoubtedly occur to
command the attention and excite the fears of mankind in general.
As to what power may be intended to perform this conspicuous part,
it would be most presumptuous and even impious to conjecture; and
such is the rapid fall and rise of nations, that all calculations in this
respect must be as vain as unprofitable.
The grand object which ought never for a moment to be lost sight of,
is to have Great Britain ready for coming events. Let her vast
resources be, as far as necessary, called forth in time. Let the
attention of Government be wisely directed to providing such a
number of steamers of all classes, as to render competition on the
part of other countries hopeless; and why might not engagements be
entered into with wealthy companies and individuals, so as to induce
them to employ, in mercantile and other pursuits, steam vessels of
such a construction, that they could, in cases of emergency, be
instantly fitted up and armed with guns of long range for war; for very
few, of those now in use, can be made efficient in this respect. To
accomplish this could not be attended with any great expense to the
country, especially if advantages, as to exemption of vessels so
constructed from various charges, to which all are now liable, are
held out to the owners; and this would make it unnecessary at once
to provide such a number of war-steamers as might otherwise be
requisite; and thus Government could, at any moment, know where
to find ships of all classes fit for immediate service, on board of
which, crews, such as I have ventured to speak of, could be
employed with every advantage to the country. Lastly, let our army
be also perfectly organized, and in all respects prepared for a new
and more rapid mode of warfare; and, under Providence, we may not
only be still the most powerful of maritime nations, but also the
means of promoting the tranquillity and happiness of the world in

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