frozen 2
frozen 2
Insta @katezabrodska
Vocabulary Bank
Insta @katezabrodska
Permafrost мерзлоты Rematch Реванш Mist туман Candles Свечи
Savior Спаситель
Insta @katezabrodska
agFrile __________________
Mtalor __________________
Ueenfrze __________________
Cmstaircunce __________________
Initnsay __________________
aOth __________________
Popo __________________
Insta @katezabrodska
1. Match the characters with their names
Meet the main characters! Oh, do you already know them? Can’t believe it!
Please, tell me their names!
_________________________ ________________________________________
_________________________________ ________________________________
Insta @katezabrodska
_______________________________ _______________________ _____________________
2. Who said what? Please, match the character name with the
We only trust
nature. When You don’t want me
nature speaks, But look, there’s a fifth
to follow you into
we listen. spirit. Said to be a bridge
fire, then don’t run
between us and the
into fire.
magic of nature.
“You do the best
voices, like when
you pretend to be “Because when you're I promise you, I will
older, absolutely free this forest, and
everything makes restore Arendelle.
Insta @katezabrodska
3. Let’s work with film scenes!
Look at the pictures and describe the situation depicted (at least 3 sentences!)
Insta @katezabrodska
Insta @katezabrodska
a secret power a monster
a beautiful ability reserved
younger sister Anna
2. Draw an Insta
profile photo of
your favourite
Insta @katezabrodska
Insta @katezabrodska
1. Questions for discussion:
2. Colouring pages
Choose the picture to colour and present it to the class,
covering the following points:
Who is there?
What do they wear?
What is their appearance?
Where are they?
What colours prevail?
Insta @katezabrodska
Insta @katezabrodska
Insta @katezabrodska