The tales of an honourable thief, fighting against tyrannical Prince John with his loyal band of
thieves while living in Sherwood Forest are well known. However, many people have also grown
curious as to whether he ever actually existed. Historians have scoured a variety of documents
and court records, using the legends as their guide, to find the man behind the myth.
The most elaborate early tale of Robin Hood is ‘The The earliest use of the name was
Gest (a tale of adventures) of Robyn Hode’ and most found in a court record entry
historians believe it dates back to around 1460. in 1225. A fugitive called Robert
Surprisingly, Robin actually lives in a forest near Hod or Hood was fined for owing
Barnsdale in Yorkshire in the story, which is about 50 money to the Sheriff of Yorkshire.
miles away from Nottingham.
The first written story about Robin
In the story, Robin is a yeoman (a landowner but not Hood dates back to 1450 and is
a nobleman) and a talented archer. He captures a poor called ‘Robin Hood and the Monk’.
knight who owes a debt to an evil monk at St Mary’s Taking place mostly around St.
in Nottingham. After hearing of his misfortune, Robin Mary’s Church in Nottingham and
helps the knight pay his debt and then proceeds to rob Sherwood Forest, it describes how
the monk afterwards. Later on, Robin meets with an two of Robin’s men, Little John
unspecified King Edward, who offers him a job. and Much the Miller's Son rescue
Robin from the clutches of the
Sheriff of Nottingham.
Robin works for him for over a year and then leaves
because he’s homesick. It also features several
archery contests and other recognisable plot lines.
Again, some familiar characters from the story as
we know it appear: the Sheriff of Nottingham, Little
John, Will Scarlet and Much the Miller's Son.
1. Which familiar character is in the earliest tales? Tick one.
Maid Marian
Will Scarlet
Little John
King Richard
6. What was the most interesting thing you learnt about Robin Hood? Explain your answer.
8. Why do you think Robin Hood has fascinated generations of people from all walks of life?
Explain your answer.
9. Do you agree with historians that the story of Robin Hood is actually based on several
different men? Explain your answer.
10. Tick one box in each row to show whether each statement is true or false.
True False
Historians have actually found out who the real Robin Hood was.