The Indian Institute of Architects (IIA)
The Indian Institute of Architects (IIA)
"To continue the work of the Bombay Architectural Association founded as the
Architectural Student's Association in 1917" and
"To encourage the study of Architecture, to elevate the standard of Architectural
Practice and by mutual support, to promote the interests of Architects
throughout India".
The Institute began its activities in the room of the Sohrab F. Bharoocha
Architectural Library, 7-10, Elphinston Circle, Bombay and this therefore was
the first permanent headquarters for the various activities of the Institute.
Later, as things improved, the Institute and Library moved into the new and
more convenient quarters which it at present occupies at Prospect
Chambers Annexe, Hornby Road, now Dr. Dadabhai Naoroji Road, Mumbai
- 400 001.
In 1929, the membership was 158. Today it has crossed the 12000 mark.
(a) To continue the work of the Bombay Architectural Association founded as the
Architectural Students' Association in 1917, and to take over from the
trustees or other person or persons all the property of the said Bombay
Architectural Association, which can legally be vested in the Institute, and to
assume the liabilities and obligations thereof with power, authority to sell,
alienate, discharge, vary or otherwise dispose of the said property or any
port thereof.
(b) To organize and unite in fellowship the architects in the Republic of India;
(c) To combine the effort of the Architects so as to promote aesthetic, scientific
and practical efficiency of the profession;
(d) To encourage the science and the art of planning and building the standards
of architectural education, training and practice, by making grants to
Technical Institutions, or by paying or assisting to pay the fees and expenses
of students or by providing and giving scholarships, prizes or other rewards
to such students, or by any or all such methods;
(e) To devise and impose the means for testing the qualifications of the
candidates for admission to membership of the Institute, by examination in
theory and in practice, or by any other tests, or to arrange with any technical
Institute or Institutions for the imposition of any such tests;
(f) To consider all questions, affecting the practice of architecture and to initiate
and watch over measures affecting, or likely to affect, the practice of
Architecture, and to procure such changes of, and amendments in the law
relating to or affecting the practice of Architecture;
(f) To consider all questions, affecting the practice of architecture and to initiate
and watch over measures affecting, or likely to affect, the practice of
Architecture, and to procure such changes of, and amendments in the law
relating to or affecting the practice of Architecture;
(g) To hold conferences or meetings for the discussion of, and the exchange of
news and matters affecting or relating to architecture, the reading of papers
and the delivery of lectures, and hold congresses or exhibitions (either jointly
with any other body or Institution or otherwise) for the exposition of any
matters affecting or relating to the theory or practice of Architecture or any
allied subject; and to award medals, certificates, prizes or diplomas in
connection therewith;
(h) To co-ordinate the activities of the building industry and of the Profession of
Architecture, and too amalgamate or combine or act temporarily or
otherwise, in conjunction with any other body or bodies, Institution or
Institutions, having like or similar objects;
(i) To purchase, lease, rent, hold and dispose of any land or property, and any
building or hall and to erect any such building or buildings to be used as
place of meeting for the members of the institute\, or as a college, school or
reading room or library for the advancement of the object of the institute, and
to provide accommodation for any meeting, conference, exhibition or
congress, whether promoted wholly or partly by the Institute or which, in the
opinion of the Council, may conduce to or assist in the carrying on with the
objects of the Institute or tend to do so;
(j) To form or acquire by purchase, donation, request or otherwise a library and
collection of models, drawings, designs or other materials, and to maintain,
extend and improve the same;
(k) To ascertain, formulate and notify the low and practice relating to
Architecture to members and the public, and to compile, collect,
collate, revise, print and publish statistics, professional records or
periodicals relating to any of the objects of the Institute;
(l) To issue appeals for funds in furtherance of the objects of the
Institute, to accept any gift, endowment or bequest mode to the
Institute, and to carry any trust attached to any such gift, endowment
or bequest, and to borrow moneys, if required for the purpose of the
Institute, provided such gifts, endowments, bequests or loans shall
be accepted if they are not accompanied by conditions inconsistent
or in conflict with the objects for which the Institute is established;
(m) To ensure the advancement of the living standards of our people
through their improved environment and to make the profession of
ever increasing service to Society;
(n) To constitute various classes of members including Honorary
(o) To do all such lawful things incidental or conducive to the attainment
of the above objects or any of them;
The following shall be the Byelaws of the Institute, until and unless such
times as the some shall be modified, altered or added in the manner
hereafter prescribed.
In these Bye-Laws unless there is something in the subject or context
inconsistent therewith:
THE INSTITUTE shall mean the Indian Institute of Architects.
THE COUNClIL shall mean members elected from time to time, which
include the President, Two Vice-Presidents, the Honorary Treasurer, and
two or more Jt. Honorary Secretaries, being the office-bearers, and other
members. This shall also include the Immediate Past-President. (ex officio
member), and the Chairmen of the Chapters.
BYE-LAWS shall mean these Bye-Laws and such other Bye-laws as shall,
for the time-being, be in force.
MEMBERS OF THE INSTITUTE" means any person who has been
admitted to the Membership of the Institute, whether a Fellow, Associate,
Licentiate, or Hon. Member, all of whom may hereafter be referring to as
Members. The Institute may also have attached to it Students and
Subscribers who shall not be entitled to the privileges of Membership except
as defined in the Bye-Laws.
STATE OR UNION TERRITORY" shall mean a State or Union Territory
within the Republic of India.
The Headquarters of the Institute shall be situated in Bombay. The
Headquarters may be shifted to any other place as may be decided by threefourths majority of members voting by ballot.
Any person who at the time of the formation of this Institute is an Associate
Member of the Bombay Architectural Association, and possesses the
qualification which entitles him under the Constitution to become either a
Fellow or on Associate of the Indian Institute of Architects shall be registered
as such on signing the necessary declaration form.
Every candidate for election as a Fellow of the Institute shall have attained
the age of thirty-six years and shall be elected if:
He is an associate of the Institute and has been engaged as a Principal for
at least seven successive years in the practice of architecture after qualifying
as an associate. OR
He has been a fellow of an Architectural Institution recognized by the council
from time to time. OR
He is an associate of the institute who has been engaged in a responsible
capacity as the head of a Department of Architecture for a period of 7 years
after qualifying as an Associate. OR
He has been engaged in a professional activity in a responsible position for
a period of at least 14 years , and has, in the opinion of the Council made a
significant contribution in some capacity to the advancement of Architecture.
Every candidate for the election as an Associate shall be at least 21 years of
age and shall be elected if:
he has been an ordinary member of the Bombay Architectural Association at
the time of formation of the Indian Institute of Architects. OR
he has passed the examination of the Institute at least one year after
passing the qualifying examination if any recognized by the Institute. OR
he has passed the Government of Bombay Advanced Examination in
Architecture between the years of 1909 and 1922. OR
He has passed the examination of the Institute at least one year after
qualifying from Institutions recognized by the Institute for exemption from
the qualifying examination of the Institute.
A licentiate shall be at least 31 years of age, and shall have passed on
examination recognized by the Council from time to time, and has been a
Principal for at least seven years in the practice of architecture, at the time
the Architects Registration Act '72 was passed by the Parliament.
The Council may from time to time elect as Honorary Fellow any
distinguished person who has taken a special interest in Architecture, and
who by means of either his position or his experience in matters relating to
Architecture appears to the Council to be able to render assistance in
promoting the objects of the Institute. This election is not subject to the
acceptance of the General Body.
Students shall be persons studying architecture with a view to enter the profession of
Architecture and shall be studying in an architectural institute approved by the
A subscriber shall be either a person who was a member of the Bombay Architectural
Association at the time of adoption of the original Constitution of the Institute, now
amended or a person who in the opinion of the Council is likely to render assistance
in promoting the objects of the Institute.
Any fellow, Associate or Licentiate who has reached the age of 55, and has retired
from practice may, if he so desires subject to the approval of the Council, be
transferred without election to the Class of "Retired Fellow", "Retired Associate", or
"Retired licentiate", as the case may be, but in such case his Interest on, or claim
against Property of the Institute shall cease. A "Retired Fellow", "Retired Associate",
or "Retired licentiate" shall not engage in any vocation, which in the opinion of the
Council is inconsistent with that of Architecture.
Retired Members desirous of resuming Practice shall inform the Council and pay the
active Members' subscription from that date onwards.
Any person qualified under Byelaw 4(b) and desirous of becoming an
Associate shall forward his application to the Council on the prescribed form,
duly endorsed by one Fellow and two Associates of the Institute, and
accompanied by the form of Declaration, the prescribed Entrance Fee and
the current year's Subscription, which will be returned in case of non election.
Any person qualified under Bye-Law 4 (c) desirous of becoming a Licentiate,
shall forward his application to the Council on the prescribed form, duly
endorsed by one Fellow and two Associates of the Institute, and
accompanied by the form of Declaration, the prescribed Entrance Fee, and
the current year's Subscription, which will be returned in case of non election.
Any person qualified under Bye- Law 5, and desirous of becoming a student
member shall forward his application to Student Counselor of the Institute on
the prescribed form, duly endorsed by two Members of the Institute and
accompanied by the current year's Subscription, which will be returned in
case of non-election.
Any person qualified under Bye-Law No.6 and desirous of becoming a
Subscriber shall forward his application to the Council, duly endorsed by one
Fellow and two Associates of the Institute, and accompanied by the
prescribed Entrance Fee and the current year's Subscription, which amounts
will be returned in case of non election.
The annual subscription of all classes of members, students and subscribers
shall be payable in advance and shall become due on 1st April, each year in
view of change in official financial year.
If a member shall permit a subscription to remain in arrears for a period
exceeding two years, the council may suspend mailing journal, newsletters,
etc., without prejudice to the right of council to remove any member after due
A member shall be liable for the payment of his subscription until he has either
ceased to be a member under bylaw 15, 19 and 20 or has signified his intention
to resign, by notice in writing, delivered to the joint honorary secretary.
Every fellow, associate, Licentiate and Honorary Member, shall, when elected,
be entitled to receive a certificate of membership of such form and design as
the council may from time to time prescribe. Such certificate shall be the
property of institute and in the event of termination of membership shall be
returned to the council.
All students and the subscribers shall have the right to participate in all the
privileges of the institute except that of being elected in the council or voting on
any other matter.
If any member shall be expelled, suspended, censured, or any decision taken
against him as aforesaid, the Chairman at the next general body meeting of the
institute shall announce such expulsion against him.
All affairs of the institute shall be managed by the council, but shall be
subject to the control by the general body of the institute. The council shall
hold office for a period of 2 official years.
Council shall consist of :
2 Vice President
Hon. treasurer
2 or more Joint Secretaries
The immediate past President
Chairman of 5 regional committees
Chairman of all chapters
The Hon. Editor of the Journal.
The council may from time to time appoint Boards for such purpose or purposes as
the Council may deem necessary, and may also delegate any of its duties to the
Boards and define their terms of reference
The Chairman of such Boards shall be appointed by the Council from amongst the
Council Members. The Boards may appoint Committees with approval of the Council
PRESIDENT: The president shall be the fellow of the institute and shall not hold
office for more than 2 consecutive terms. He shall have power to convene meetings
of the council at any time when he considers it necessary.
VICE PRESIDENT: Their shall be 2 Vice Presidents designated the senior V.P. and
the junior V.P. respectively. The senior V.P. shall be nationally elected along with the
President and the other council members. He shall be a fellow of institute, shall not
hold office for more than 2 consecutive terms. The junior V.P. shall be one of the
chapter chairman and shall be elected by a secret ballet by the council members
from the nominations received from the various chapters at the first meeting of the
council. He shall look after the activities of the various chapter and centres. He shall
not hold office for more than 2 consecutive terms.
HONORARY TREASURER: Honorary treasurer shall not hold office for more tha 2
consecutive terms and shall be responsible to the council. It shall be his
responsibility to direct the collection of subscription and the preparation of accounts.
It shall be his responsibility to receive all money payable to the institute. He shall
keep particular account of all such receipts and payments and render a report to the
council when required. He shall present annual account to the council before 15th of
June in each year and accounts shall be duly signed and certified as corrected by
the auditor.
JOINT HONORARY SECRETARIES: He shall not hold office for more than 2
consecutive terms. It shall be the responsibilities of the Jt. Honorary
Secretaries under the direction of the Council, to conduct correspondence of
the institute, to attend al the General Body and Special General Body Meetings
of the Institute and the Council, to take minutes of the proceedings of such
AUDITOR: The council of the institute shall appoint an Auditor for a term of two
years, who shall have access, at all reasonable times, to the accounts and
securities. He shall examine the securities and annual accounts before the
latter are submitted to the First General Body Meeting, and shall report thereon
to the Institute.
23. THE VACANCY IN THE COUNCIL: The council shall fill up by co- option any
casual vacancy in the council which may occur during its terms as well as any
vacancies left upon at the election. Any member so co-opted shal retire along
with the council.
24. MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL: The council shall meet at least once in two
months, and eight days notice shall be given of such meeting by the Jt. Hon.
Secretaries. The quorum of such meetings shall be six. If the required number
of members is not present the meeting shall stand adjourned for 10 minutes
and held as an adjourned meeting not requiring a quorum. Any member of the
council who, except with the permission of the council, shall absent himself
from three consecutive council meetings, shall Ipso-facto cease to be a
member of the council, except if he is granted leave of absence, if so
requested in writing. At any emergent meeting of the council called by the
President the quorum shall also be six.
25. ELECTION OF THE COUNCIL: At the end of every 2 year term after the
last general body meeting the member of the council shall retire from the
office and every such retiring member shall be eligible for re election unless
stated otherwise in the bylaws. Every member offering himself as the
member of the council of eligible shall be nominated in writing by at least 2
members of the institute. No member shall be eligible for the office bearer
unless he has previously served on the council for one full term of 2 years
26. GENERAL BODY MEETING: the council shall fix the dates for general
body meetings and intimation containing dates of meetings shall be
forwarded to every member.
27. VOTING AT MEETINGS: Every fellow, licentiate and associate shall have
one vote. Two scrutinizers elected from amongst the members shall have
the ballet and the decision shall be final.
28. PUBLICATIONS: Every paper map plan drawing model presented to the
institute shall be the property of the institute unless there shall have been
previous arrangement to the contrary and the council may reproduce or
publish the same in any way and any time they think proper.
29. JOURNAL: Institute shall publish journal at least once in every 3 months. It
shall be managed by editorial board appointed by the council for a term of 2
years. At the end of every year, that is before 31st March, the editorial board
shall submit the report to the council with the statement of account.