Information Communication Technology
Information Communication Technology
What is Computer?
A Computer is an electronic device which take an input “data”
Process on that and gives output “information”
Is an electronic machine which convert data into information
A computer is an electronic device that:
Accepts input (data),
Processes (data)
Stores (information),
Produces output (information).
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The word Data is take from Latin word Datum
Data is plural form of datum
The collection of fact and figures OR any thing in raw form in called data.
– Meaning full.
– Can be used for decision making.
2+2 2+2= 4
Computer System
Data Information
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+923159472487 CIT2020 COMPUTER 11
Chapter No 2
YouTube/Computer IT
Introduction to Computer
The Word Computer is taken from Latin Word “Compute” which
means to calculate.
A Computer is an electronic device that accepts input data and instructions
with help of input device, store them until needed processes it and then
produced the output as the result with the help of output devices
Computer is compose of CPU, Input Devices, Output Devices, Storage
Devices & Communication Devices.
CPU is the Main Component of the Computer that Interpret and Execute the
History Of Computing
The term computing device is used for all machines that can
perform calculation.
Early Computing Devices
- The abacus which was developed in Asia 5000 Years ago and
this machine is still using , maybe consider the first computer.
- In the Year 1694 a German Mathematician and philosopher,
Gottfried wilhem Von Leibniz Created a computing
machine that could add, subtract & multiply
History Of Computing
- In the year 1822 the English Professor of mathematics, Charles
Babbage developed a machine differential equation called
Difference Engine.
- After working for 10 year Charles Babbage suddenly inspire
and begin work first general Purpose Computer, which was
called Analytical Engine.
- 1889 American Inventor developed Tabulating Machine, and
its tasks was to find faster way to compute.
- Vannevar Bush developed Calculator in the year 1931 that
solved all complex differentials.
History Of Computing
- In the year 1941 a German Engineer Konrad Zuse had
developed a computer the Z3.
- 1944 the IBM Produced Mark I electronic Calculator, perform
basic and complex Calculation.
- ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)
Developed by John Presper & John W.Mauchly, Speed was
1000 times faster than Mark I
- Von Neumann designed the electronic discrete Variable
Automatic Computer (EDVAC) in 1945
- 1951 the UNIVAC-I Universal Automatic Computer
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History Of Computing
1. Charles Babbage is the Father of Computer
2. 1842 Charles Babbage (Calculating Machine)
3. 1890 Punch Card ( Use as a storage devices)
4. 1942 ABC Computer (John Atanasoff & Clifford Berry)
5. 1946 ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer)
6. 1958 The integrated Circuit also called chip
7. 1970 Intel 1103 Computer Memory (RAM)
Types of Computer
■ According to Work
– Digital
– Analog
– Hybrid
■ According to Size
– Super Computer
– Mainframe Computer
– Mini Computer
– Micro Computer
■ According to Purpose
– General Purpose Computer
– Special Purpose Computer
Digital Computer
Is a Computer which can work on Digital Data.
The input data is represented by numbers. These are used for
the logical and arithmetic operations.
based on digit.
0,1 (0 for off,1 for on).
Show result in digit form.
high speed.
PC,IBM series ,PDA, laptop, handheld, smartphone…..
Super Computers
Super Computers are the most Powerful and most expensive
Computer design for the scientific, engineering and business
- This computer can process a billion of instructions per second
- Usage includes weather forecasting, weapon research, stock
analysis, automobile Design, Movies special effects.
- High computing speed and high memory capacity for storing
data, faster primary memory and faster secondary memory
Mainframe Computer
Mainframe computers are the second powerful computer and
expensive after super computer.
■ Mainframe computers are used by large organizations for critical
■ These computer has powerful processor and large memories to process
large amount of data at very high speed.
■ These computer used as super-server for large client server networks.
■ Mainly these are used by Airline companies, Government Departments,
Bank and insurance companies. ATM (Automated Teller Machine) is the
example of it.
It is Also Called Mid-range Computer are similar to Mainframes, they are
used by business and government to process large amounts of information.
- Minicomputers are mainly multi-users systems where more than one user
Micro Computer
Also known as PC’s, are smaller and less powerful than the others. They are
used in homes, schools, and small businesses. These computer were
designed only for individual users, but nowadays these computer become
very powerful and can be used anywhere and can serve more than one user.
Micro Computer by itself has different types
• Desktop Computers
• Laptop Computers / Notebook Computer
• Handheld computers
5.Communication:-Most computers today have the capability of
communicating with other computer. We can connect two or more computer
by communication device such as modem, NIC card (Network Interface Card).
6.Versatile:- A computer can perform different type of task. We can use
computer in hospital, bank. Office or at home etc.
7.Cost reduction We can perform a difficult task in less time and less cost.
For example we have hire many people to handle an office. The same work can
be performed by a single person.
Output device
Output device
Input device
Input device
Types of Mouse
Trackball Mouse
Mechanical Mouse
Optical Mouse
Wireless Mouse
Microphones are used to input audio
Two main types of microphones are
- Desktop microphones
- Headsets
Web cam is a video camera that can be used to take images for uploading
to the Web
Light Pen
Light Pen is a pointing device which is similar to a
pen. It is used to select a displayed menu item or draw
pictures on the monitor screen.
- Laser Printer: The most expansive and quality bearer printers are the
Laser printers, which produce high-quality printout
and are used for desktop publishing and graphics.
- Inkjet Printer: It prints character and graphics by spraying tins drops
of liquid, ink on paper.
Two-device set speakers
Surround sound speakers
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Storage Devices (Memory)
Bits 0 or 1
Bytes Groups of 8 bits Petabyte(PB) = 1024(TB) (250 bytes)
Kilobyte (KB) 1024 bytes (220 Exa Byte (EB) = 1024(PB) (260 bytes)
Zetta Byte (ZB) = 1024(EB)(270 bytes)
Megabyte (MB) = 1024(KB) (220 bytes)
Yotta Byte (YB) = 1024(ZB) (280
Gigabyte (GB) = 1024 (MB) (230 bytes)
Bronta Byte (BB) =1024(YB) (290 bytes)
Terabyte (TB) = 1024 (GB) (240 bytes)
Primary Memory
Memory Types YouTube/Computer IT
Primary Memory
Also called internal memory.
online to the processor.
composed of RAM and ROM.
Secondary Memory
Also called external memory (store).
Also called auxiliary or mass memory.
Store data permanently.
Offline to the processor.
Ex: Hard disk, floppy disk, magmatic tape.
This type of ROM can be programmed only once and with the
use of special equipment.
Once the information can store into PROM can not be change
Just can be read
Magnetic Tape
Magnetic tape is a medium for magnetic recording, made of a thin,
magnetizable coating on a long, narrow strip of plastic film. It was
developed in Germany in 1928, based on magnetic wire recording.
What is a software YouTube/Computer IT
Language Translators
Converts assembly and high-level language into machine language. Such
that 0 and 1 form.
Converts Assembly Language code into binary code or Machine code
Converts a high-level language code into binary code or we can say machine code.
Work same as compiler but Interpreter Converts and executes one instruction at a
Chernobyl Virus
RedLof Virus
Trojan Horse
Logic Bomb
1) It is the virus that is activated on the basis of a logical condition.
RedLof Virus
1) The Polymorphic virus written in VB Script. It infect the folder
.htt file which is the part of windows active desktop.
2) It appends itself to other infected files on the hard disk &
causes destruction.
A cracker is someone who breaks into someone
else's computer system, often on a network; bypasses
passwords or licenses in computer programs; or in other
ways intentionally breaches computer security.
Crackers, also known as "malicious hackers" and "black-
hat hackers", are different because although they have the same
skills as a hacker, they use their power to commit criminal acts. For
example, crackers can send viruses, steal personal information and
commit other crimes using just their skills and a home computer.