Fibre Reinforced Concrete
Fibre Reinforced Concrete
B .Dhakshasri
civil 4/4
What is fiber reinforced concrete
• Fiber reinforced concrete is mixture of cement ,water ,fine and coarse
aggregate along with discrete fiber.
• These fibers can be made from natural material or manufactured
product such as glass , carbon , steel and polymer.
Why we need fiber reinforced concrete
• Fiber increases the structural integrity.
• They can provide high tensile strength to plain concrete.
• Greater reduction in permeability of concrete.
• More resistance to impact load.
Types of fiber reinforced concrete
• Steel
• Plastic
Polyester, polypropylene , polyethylene.
• Glass.
• Natural materials
Wooden cellulose ,bamboo , elephant grass
• Carbon fibers
• Compressive strength : the presence of fibers may alter the failure
mode of structures , but the fiber effect will be minor on
improvement of compressive strength values (0-15%)
• Modulus of elasticity : it increases with increases in fiber content.
It found that 1% increase in fiber there is an increase in 3% in
modulus of elasticity .
• Impact resistance : the impact strength for fibrous concrete is
generally 5-10 times that of plain concrete depending on the volume
of fiber used .
Properties of frc
• Splitting tensile strength ( IS 456): It is method of determining
the tensile strength of concrete . The presence of 3 % fiber by volume
is reported to increase the splitting tensile strength of mortar about
2.5 times that of unreinforced .
• Flexure strength : the flexural strength was reported to be
increased by 2.5 times using 4% fibers.
Factors affecting properties of frc
• Volume of fiber
• Aspect ratio
• Orientation of fiber
• workability and compaction of concrete
• Size of coarse aggregate
• Mixing of fiber reinforced concrete
Volume of fibers
• The strength and toughness of the fiber and cement composite are depended upon the volume of
the fibers used, the relation is generally linear, means a form of fibers increases the strength and
toughness of the composite also increases. The drawbacks of the large value of fiber cause
segregation of concrete and mortar.
Aspect ratio
• The aspect ratio is ratio of its length to its diameter (l/d) of the fiber
is one of the important properties. Its value is in the range of 30 to
150. The properties and behavior of the fiber composite are also
dependent upon the aspect ratio. According to research the relation
between aspect ratio and ultimate strength of the composite is linear
up to an aspect ratio of 75. But more than 75 of the aspect ratio
relative strength and toughness is reduced. As shown in the table
Workability and compaction of concrete