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Induction Course For EDC

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Induction Course For EDC

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Induction Course for EDC

Course Program
• Module One:
- EDC’s History & Safety Policy.
- Exploring & drilling for oil & gas.
- Rig Components & Equipment.

• Module Two:
- Personal Protective Equipment.
- Electrical Safety.
- Manual Handling.
- Safety Signs.

• Module Three:
- H2S Awareness.
- Fire Fighting.
- Introduction to EDC’s SMS.
Module One

 Orientation to the oilfield, drilling industry & EDC’s


 Describing Oil & Gas Exploration & Drilling Process.

 Describing rig components.

EDC was formed in 1976

Egyptian General
Petroleum Corporation
A.P. Moller
EGPC Maersk Group
Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation EGPC

Overseeing oil and gas exploration, production, refining,

marketing and distribution within the country
A.P. Moller Maersk Group

It is the largest Danish corporation

It has lots of activities in:
• Shipping.

• Industry.

• Oil exploration and production.

The drilling division, Maersk Contractors,

is among the ten leading drilling contractors worldwide.
EDC began operation by acquiring a single
land drilling rig in November 1976.

Now EDC has 68 rigs.

EDC is one of the largest drilling companies in the

Middle East.

EDC has its rigs in Syria, Saudi Arabia and Libya.

On Shore Off Shore
Career Path in Drilling
Senior Tool Pusher

Night Tool Pusher

Day Tool Pusher


Assistant Driller

Derrick Man

Floor Man

Assistant Floor Man

Assistant Floor Man
Exploring and Drilling for Oil and
?What are Oil and Gas

 Oil and Gas are substances found within the

earth’s crust.

 They are thought to come from decomposed plant

and animal matter.

 Scientists believe the plants and animals died long

ago, and were slowly buried by thick layers of
sediments. Over a long period of time, and with
pressure and temperature, the organic materials
were converted into the oil and gas which are found
(For example, we know that present day garbage
dumps give off methane gas).
?What else do we know about oil and gas

Oil in it’s natural state can be thick

or thin, black or light colored.

When oil is refined, many products

can be obtained:

 Energy for power.

 Gasoline for cars. Many other materials also come from
 Diesel fuel for trucks and trains. petroleum:
 Hi-octane fuels for planes.
 Heating oil for houses.  Plastics.
 Materials for clothes (example:
polyester fabrics).
 Chemicals for everyday use.
 Paints.
?Where can we find Oil and Gas
Some people think that oil is in big pools underground

Actually, most oil is trapped in the tiny pore spaces between grains of
rock or sand. Most of these pores are too small to be seen with the naked
So, how do we find oil-bearing rocks?

 Oil and gas are found in natural traps

within the earth.

 These traps consist of domes or

faults. Impermeable rock above the
trap prevents the oil and gas from
migrating up to surface. An
“impermeable” rock is one that fluid
cannot pass through.

 Without traps, the oil and gas could

migrate all the way to the surface and
Here’s an example of a dome-shaped Oil reservoir.


Note the layer of impermeable rock which prevents the oil from migrating upwards.

Also, note the layer of water below which prevents the oil from escaping down.
Here’s an example of a Gas reservoir.



Again, note the impermeable layer of rock preventing the gas from
Here’s an example of an Oil reservoir with a Gas cap.


Why do you suppose the gas is on top?

?How do we find the oil reservoirs

 Geophysicists find reservoirs by bouncing sound waves off them, and

timing how long it takes for the sound to come back.

 Computers process the data to construct pictures of what the earth looks
like underground.

source t = 1.42 sec

t = 1.2 sec
t = 1 sec


?What do we do after we find a reservoir

! ! ! We Drill Into It
? What do we drill with
! A Drilling Rig

Here are a few different types of drilling rigs available:

Jackup Rig
Land Rig For drilling in water
depths from 15 ft
to +/- 350 ft.

For drilling on land.

Inland Barge
Drill Ship

Semi-Submersible Rig
For drilling in water depths Drill ships and semi-submersible rigs are for drilling in
from 8 to 30 ft. water depths from 100 to 5000+ ft.
? What’s a drilling rig
A Drilling Rig is

A package of special equipment put

together to enable us to drill into the

 A drilling rig has many different parts:

a derrick, a substructure, hoisting
equipment, engines for power, drill
pipe, steel tanks, pumps, solids
control equipment, and many other

 Did you know that some drilling rigs

can drill as deep as 6 miles? That’s
as deep as Mt. Everest is tall!
This picture shows the hoisting equipment on a rig.
This equipment is used to raise or lower the drillstring, which is
picked up in 30 foot long segments, or “joints”, of drill pipe.

The hoisting equipment

consists of: derrick

a crown block,
a traveling block,
drilling line,
and a drawworks to
This shows a 30 foot section
pull the drilling line up of drill pipe being added to
or down. the drill pipe already in the


Drill string
spare drill pipe
Drill bit
Rig Equipment

RIG equip ment can be div id ed in to fo ur main parts


Here’s a picture of the drill bit drilling the rock.

Drilling mud is
The drill string is turned at pumped down the
surface, which turns the inside of the drill pipe,
bit through jet nozzles in
at the bottom of the hole. the bit, and into the
“annulus”. This is the
space between the
sides of the hole and
the drill pipe.

The teeth on the drill bit

grind the rock into The mud lifts the
fragments, or “cuttings”. cuttings and circulates
them back to surface
where they are
The Drilling Mud Cycle
1) Clean drilling mud is taken from the steel
mud tanks and pumped down the inside of the
drill pipe.

4) the mixture is
circulated across
screens at surface
3) the mixture of drilling mud and
drill cuttings are circulated up the
6) Clean mud falls annulus
screens through the screens
and is returned to the

mud pump
2) the mud is circulated through the drill bit into the
annulus, lifting the cuttings removed by the drill
5) the drill cuttings are removed, and bit.
form a cuttings pile. This can be
hauled off and disposed of.
Here’s a sequence showing how holes are drilled,
First, a large drill bit is used to Then, steel casing is run and
drill a short interval of hole. cemented on the outside to keep the
hole from collapsing.



a smaller bit is
run inside the
Then, this
first casing. new hole is
also cased off
This bit drills and cemented.
out the bottom
of the casing,
and drills new 200’

Again, a smaller
hole is drilled
and smaller
casing is run
to keep the
hole from
falling in.
In this way, the hole is drilled in stages, until the target reservoir rock is
penetrated. At this point, the geologists must figure out if there is oil or gas in it.
How do Geologists tell if the reservoir has oil or gas?
They do this by running logs across the zone. Logs are tools run on electric cable (“wireline”)
which record the physical properties in the rock such as resistivity, porosity, density, radioactivit
and pore pressure.
Here’s an example of what a log looks like. Geologists look at logs to decide
whether or not to complete a well (if there is oil), or abandon it (if there’s no oil).
Gamma Electrical Porosity
Radiation Resistivity

Sand good
Shale resistivity,
Siltstone water

Dolomite 500’


good porosity
Looks may have
like oil or gas poor
good porosity
quality poor
resistivity, good
probably porosity
Can you tell where the geologist would complete this well?

Gamma Electrical Porosity

Radiation Resistivity

good porosity

resistivity, poor porosity

good porosity

500’ poor porosity

good porosity
}Right here! This shows a clean sand,
may have oil
or gas with good porosity and resistivity.
good poor
sand porosity
resistivity, good porosity
probably water

If the well looks good on the logs, we run a final string
of casing across the production zone, and cement it in place.
Then, we run perforating guns in the hole and perforate
(shoot holes ) in the casing across the productive zone.
Production tubing is run, with a packer to isolate the
produced zone from the casing above.

Finally, the well is produced into
a pipeline, which takes it to
production facilities on surface.
The production facilities on surface separate out Produced Gas
the gas, oil, and water into their separate phases.


Production Separator
From there, the oil and gas
may be refined further before
being ready to market.

Produced Gas

Storage Tanks


Production Separator Oil Refinery

Produced Water
Finally, the gas and oil can be
sold to power cars and heat
And That’s Where Oil and Gas Come
Module Two


 Kinds of accidents.
 Identifying PPE & their specifications.
 Familiarization with basic electrical safety.
 Identifying safe manual handling procedures.
 Identifying different safety signs.
?Why We Should Be Careful At Work

• Responsibility to ourselves.

• Responsibility to our

• Responsibility to our co-


• Responsibility to our
How Can We Measure The EDC Safety

No. Of L.T . A
Frequency Rate   1000,000
Total Man Hours
Accident & Near Miss

• Accident is any undesired,

unplanned event arising out of
employment which results in
physical injury or damage to

• Near miss situations must

also be addressed - events
which did not result in injury
or damage but had the
potential to do so.
Incident Categories

• Near Miss.
• First Aid.
• Medical Treatment
• Lost Time Accident.
• Restricted Work Case.
• Fatality.
Personal Protective Equipment
What are Personal Protective
 Safety glasses, Goggles and
Face Shields.
 Hard Hat.
 Safety Shoes.
 Gloves.
 Safety Belt and Harnesses.
 Ear Plugs and Ear Muffs.
 Respirators.
 Aprons and Body Protection.
Before using PPE you must

Identify the Potential Hazards

Associated with the Workplace (Hazard
Employees must be trained to know
 When PPE is necessary.

 What type is necessary.

 How it is to be worn.

 What its limitations are.

 Proper care, maintenance, useful life and disposal.

Job Hazards

 Noise.
 Chemicals.
 Accidental Impact.
 Sharp Objects.
 Flying Particles.
 Dust and Mist.
 Bright Light.
 Vibration.
Head Protection
Head Protection

 Required when employees exposed to possible danger

of head injury from:
– Impact.
– Falling objects or flying objects.
– Electrical shock and burns.
The three classes of Hard Hats

G – General – General service limited voltage

protection – protects your head up to 2,200 volts.

E – Electrical – Utility service high voltage protection –

protects your head up to 20,000 volts.

C – Conductive – Special service – no voltage protection.

Head Protection
Replace your helmet if there is
 Cracking.

 Tearing or fraying.

 Painting.

 The suspension system no longer holds the shell from

1 to 1 ¼ inches away from the head.
Proper suspension system
Eye & Face Protection
Eye & Face hazards
 Flying particles.

 Molten metals.

 Chemical splashes.

 Intense of ultra violet light.

Protectors must meet the following
minimum requirements
• Provide adequate protection against the particular hazards for which they are

• Be reasonably comfortable when worn under the designated conditions.

• Fit snugly without interfering with the movements or vision of the wearer.

• Be durable.

• Be capable of being disinfected.

• Be easily cleanable and kept clean and in good repair.

Types of Eye and Face Protection
Safety Glasses
Safety Goggles

Vented Non-vented
Welding Eye & Face Protection

Welding Face Shield Laser Eye Protection

Filter Lens Shade Number Guide
Welding Operation Shade Number
Shield Metal Arc Welding up to 4 mm electrode 10
Shield Metal Arc Welding (4.8 to 6.4 mm) electrodes 12
Shield Metal Arc Welding (6.4 mm) electrode 14
Gas Metal Arc Welding (Nonferrous) 11
Gas Metal Arc Welding (ferrous) 12
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 12
Carbon Arc Welding 14 – 10
Torch Soldering 2
Torch Brazing or 4 3
Light cutting up to 25 mm or 4 3
Medium cutting 25 to 150 mm or 5 4
Heavy cutting over 150 mm or 6 5
Gas welding (light) up to 3.2 or 5 4
Gas welding (medium) 3.2 to 12.7 or 6 5
Gas welding (heavy) over 12.7 or 8 6
Face Protection

Face Shield
Hearing Protection
Hearing Protection
 Exposure to high noise levels (more than 90 decibel) can
cause hearing loss or impairment. It can create physical
and psychological stress. There is no cure for noise-
induced hearing loss, so the prevention of excessive
noise exposure is the only way to avoid hearing damage.
Sound Measurements
 Sound pressure levels are measured in Decibels
(commonly abbreviated to dB) which is a logarithmic
measure of sound pressure levels. It is a scale of ratio
and not units of measurements.

 OSHA identifies 90 decibels based on an eight-hour time

weighted average (TWA) as the absolute “safe” level of
noise exposure. 85 dB is considered as the action level.
Permissible Noise Exposures
Sound Level dB Duration Per Day (Hours)

dB 90 hour 8

dB 95 hour 4

dB 100 hour 2

dB 105 hour 1

dB 110 hour ½

dB 115 hour ¼
Noise Levels on the Rig
Types of Hearing Protectors
 Hearing protectors shall be made available and shall be
worn by all employees exposed to an 8-hour TWA of 85
dB or greater.

• Ear Muffs.

• Ear Plugs.

• Canal Caps.
Respiratory Protection
Respiratory protective devices fall into
three classes
1. Air purifying devices.

2. Air supplying devices.

3. Combination of air purifying and air supplying devices.

Air purifying devices
• The air-purifying devices clean the contaminated atmosphere.
Chemicals can be used to remove specific gases and vapors and
mechanical filters can remove particulate matters.

• This type of respirator is limited in its use to those environments

where the air contaminant level is within the specified concentration
limitation of the device. These devices do not protect against
oxygen deficiency (Percentage of oxygen by volume is less than
19.5 percent oxygen).
Various types of Air-Purifying Devices

 Mechanical-filter cartridge.
 Chemical-cartridge.
 Combination mechanical-filter/chemical-cartridge.
 Gas Masks.
 Powered Air-Purifying Respirators (PAPR).
Air supplying devices
 Air-supplying devices are the class of respirators that
provide a respirable atmosphere to the wearer,
independent of the ambient air. Air-supplying
respirators fall into three groups:

1. Supplied-air respirators.
2. Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).
3. Combination-SCBA and supplied-air respirators.
Air supplying devices
• Supplied-air respirators:
Deliver breathing air through a
supply hose connected to the
wearer’s face piece or enclosure.
The air delivered must be free of
contaminants and must be from
source located in clean air.
Supplied-air respirators should
only be used in non-IDLH
Air supplying devices
• Self-contained breathing
apparatus (SCBA):
Provide complete respiratory
protection against toxic gases
and an oxygen deficiency. The
wearer is independent of the
surrounding atmosphere
because he or she is breathing
with a system that is portable
and admits no outside air.
Air supplying devices
 Combination air-purifying and
air-supplying devices:
It is a device that is a combination
of an air-line respirator with an
auxiliary air-purifying attachment,
which protection in the event the
air supply fails.
Proper Selection for Respiratory

Respirators shall be selected on the basis of hazards to which the

worker is exposed. In selecting the correct respirator for a given
circumstance, many factors must be taken into consideration:

 The nature of the hazard.

 Location of the hazardous area.
 Employee’s health.
 Work activity.
 Respirator characteristics, capabilities, and limitations.
Hand Protection
Your hands are your most important
 Over 16 million people suffer hand injuries per

 Over a quarter million of those are serious &

often disabling injuries each year.

 25% of all industrial injuries involve the hand.

 The most common type of hand injury is a crushing or compression

 Men are 9 times more likely to receive a hand injury than women.

 Most hand injuries involve a lack of adequate personal protective


 30,000 persons are injured annually using hammers.

 25,000 using standard blade screwdrivers & crescent wrenches.

Common Causes
 Use of unprotected or faulty machinery or equipment.

 Wearing jewelry, gloves, or loose-fitting clothing around moving

parts can also lead to injury.

 Chemicals, corrosives & other irritating substances can cause burns

& skin inflammation unless appropriate hand protection is used.

 Improper use or maintenance of the hand tool.

 Lack of protective gloves or not using the appropriate accessories

for the tool.
Hand hazards
 Absorption of harmful

 Severe cuts or lacerations.

 Severe abrasion.

 Thermal and chemical burns.

 Harmful temperature extreme

No Guards on Machine
Unguarded Grinder
Ring Amputation (Ring Finger)
3rd Degree burns to welder involved in a
flash fire
Guidelines for Hand Safety
 Be alert to potential hand hazards before an accident can happen.

 Be alert to possible unguarded pinch points.

 Always use guards, shields & other protective devices when


 Do not remove guards.

 Use brushes to wipe away debris.

 Inspect equipment & machinery before & after tasks to make sure that
it is in good operating condition.
Guidelines for Hand Safety
 Disconnect power & follow established lock-out procedures before
repairing or cleaning machinery.

 Never wear gloves, jewelry, or loose clothing when working with

moving machine parts.

 Use the appropriate personal protective equipment.

 When wearing gloves, be sure they fit properly & are rated for the
specific task you are performing.
Hand Protection

 Not all gloves are created equal…. Ensure the glove you use will
protect your hands from the specific hazards of the job.

 Chemical gloves do not last forever… understand the chemical and

“break-through” characteristics of your specific glove.
Types of Gloves
Types of Gloves
Types of Rubber Gloves

 Nitrile protects against solvents,

harsh chemicals, fats and
petroleum products and also
provides excellent resistance to
cuts and abrasions.

 Butyl provides the highest

permeation resistance to gas or
water vapors.
Other Types of Gloves

 Kevlar protects against cuts,

slashes, and abrasion.

 Stainless steel mesh protects

against cuts and lacerations.
Before Using Gloves

 Use the proper glove for the task.

 Do not wear gloves if they can be caught in machinery.

 Check gloves for wear and damage.

Body protection
Body protection
 Coverall.

 Apron.

 Safety belt.

 Fall protection.
Fall Protection
Foot Protection
Foot Protection
 Statistics showed that most of the workers in selected
occupations who suffered foot injuries were not
wearing protective foot-ware.

 Required when employees exposed to dropping

heavy objects on feet or rolling objects.
Foot hazards
 Falling or rolling objects.

 Sharp objects.

 Molten metals.

 Hot surfaces.

 Wet or slippery surfaces.

Classes of Foot Protection
Class 75 – Protection from a force of 75 foot-pounds
Compression of 2,500 pounds.

Class 50 – Protection from a force of 50 foot-pounds

Compression of 1,750 pounds.

Class 30 – Protection from a force of 30 foot-pounds

Compression of 1,000 pounds.

*Foot-pounds = weight of an object multiplied by the

height at which it is dropped
Protect Yourself
 Use the right PPE for the

 Inspect your PPE before using.

 Replace damaged or worn PPE.

 Store your PPE properly so it

will be ready for the next use.

 Keep your PPE clean.

 Notify your supervisor if you

need new PPE.
Electrical Safety
Electrical Energy

• You cannot hear it.

• You cannot smell it.

• You cannot see it.

• You cannot taste it.


.Make one error around it and it can kill or severely hurt you
Many Deaths And Injuries Arise From

• Use of poorly maintained

electrical equipment.

• Working near overhead power


• Contact with underground

power cables during
excavation work.

• Mains electricity supplies.

• Use of unsuitable electrical

equipment in explosive areas.
…Learning from the past

Trinidad Fatality
Photograph of the scene where a
36 year old Electrician was
electrocuted while fitting out an
Upstream office building in
Trinidad in 2000

Near Miss
A very serious near miss occurred during project work at a
field construction site. The 480 volt conductors were taped
off and the associated breaker was opened and tagged (not
locked out). During work later in the week the worker
completed an initial hazard assessment and found that the
20 amp breaker was in the closed position (live). This near
480 volt / 20 amp service cable miss may have resulted in a much more serious outcome.

• Insulated tools and test equipment.

• Electrical quality insulating gloves.

• Face protection.

• Insulated barriers and Mats.

Although Important; PPE is the last barrier

Energy Isolation

The electrical system must be:

• Isolated
• De-energized
• Locked-out

Any maintenance or
repair on an electrical
appliance or system
MUST be done by a
competent, authorized
The Golden Rule for Energy Isolation

• Any isolation of energy systems; mechanical, electrical, process,

hydraulic and others, cannot proceed unless:
 The method of isolation and discharge of
stored energy are agreed and executed by a
competent person(s).
 Any stored energy is discharged.
 A system of locks and tags is utilised at
isolation points.
 A test is conducted to ensure the isolation is
 Isolation effectiveness is periodically
Manual Handling
(Safe Lifting)
The Five Leading Back Injury Factors

 Poor Posture.
 Poor Physical condition.
 Improper Body Mechanics.
 Incorrect Lifting.
 Jobs That Require High Energy.
Safe Lifting

Lever effect -- can

magnify weight by factor
of up to 10

(200 lbs.)

(40 lbs.)
lbs. 10
lbs. Maximum Safe
Lifting Weight = 51
National Safety Council
The Spine’s Basic Functions

.Providing Support 

.Protecting the Spinal Cord 

Providing Flexibility to Allow Bending and 

Stretch Often & Shift Positions

1. Change (Shift) Your Posture Often.

2. Stretch Frequently Throughout the Day.

3. Keep Your Body Flexible (Not Rigid or


4. Don’t Force Your Body to Conform to Its

Lift With Common Sense

 Assess the Situation.

 Is the Load Big, Bulky, Heavy?

 Do You Need Help?

 Remember: No Single Technique Will

Work in All Circumstances.
Push-- Don’t Pull

Can You Slide It Instead of

?Lifting It
?Do You Need Equipment To Help Move It

 Use Proper Equipment

- Hand Trucks.
- Forklifts.
- Dollies.

 Readjust the Load or Your Position

Before You Lift.
-- Get Help!
When You Lift

 Plant Your Feet Firmly- Get a Stable

 Bend at Your Knees- Not Your Waist.

 Tighten Your Abdominal Muscles to

Support Your Spine.

 Get a Good Grip- Use Both Hands.

When You Lift


 Keep the Load Close to Your Body.

 Use Your Leg Muscles As You Lift.

 Keep Your Back Upright, Keep It in

Its Natural Posture.

 Lift Steadily and Smoothly Without

When You Lift

Do Not

 Lift From the Floor.

 Twist and Lift.

 Lift With One Hand (Unbalanced).

 Lift Loads Across Obstacles.

When You Lift

Do Not

 Lift While Reaching or Stretching.

 Lift From an Uncomfortable Posture.

 Don’t Fight to Recover a Dropped Object.

Safety Signs
Module Three


• H2S gas awareness.

• Basic firefighting awareness.

• Introduction to EDC's SMS.

?Where can we find H2S
? How is H2S formed

• H2S is a combination of hydrogen and

sulphur atoms.

• The process of combination takes

place in several ways by either:
• Bacteria.
• Chemical reactions.
• The decomposition or decaying
process of organic matter such as
vegetation etc.
H2S Gas Key Points

• Extremely toxic.
• Colourless.
• Heavier than air.
• Readily disperses by the wind.
• Smells like rotten eggs in small
• Highly corrosive to certain materials.
• Burns with a blue flame and produces SO2.
• Ignition temperature 260 deg. C.
• Soluble.

• The toxicity of the gas was responsible

for the deaths of 26 men in Wyoming
and West Texas between 1974 & 1976.

• In Saudi Arabia 19 people were killed

in one incident due to H2S poisoning
in 1980.
?How does H2S affect individuals
• Breathing cycle:
H2S goes to the lungs and into the
bloodstream & gets dissolved

• Defence System:
The body’s defence system operates. It
oxidizes/breaks down H2S as rapidly as
possible into a harmless compound.

With higher doses of H2S, the body’s

defence system will weaken. H2S settles
in the blood and the individual becomes
Symptoms of exposure to H2S

• Giddiness (dizziness), vomiting sensation

(Nausea), severe coughing, irritation in
nose & throat, beginnings of loss of

• Nerve centre in the brain is paralysed.

• Breathing stops.

• Unconsciousness, Asphyxiation -
The effect of H2S depends on 4 factors

• Duration.

• Frequency.

• Intensity.

• Individual susceptibility.
Other H2S gas potential industries

• Animal fat & food processing.

• Fishing vessels.

• Livestock farming.

• Mining.

• Natural gas production.

• Septic tanks & sewage plants.

• Tunnel construction.
Potential exposure to H2S in the Petroleum Industry

• Drilling operations.

• Field maintenance of wells.

• Entry into confined spaces.

• Leaks in pumps, valves, lines &


• Gas injection.
Locations Where H2s Can Be Found On This Site

• Rig floor.

• Shale shaker.

• Bell nipple.

• Cellar.

• Mud tanks and mud troughs.

• Closed storage tanks.

H2S Gas Measurement
ppm = parts per million
1 ppm corresponds to 1 mm

in 1 kilometre
1 second in 11 d 13 h 46 m 40 s

• 1 PPM = 0.0001%
• 20 PPM = 0.002%
• 1000 PPM = 0.1%
H2S - gas effect on individuals

• 0.13 ppm Minimum perceptible odour.

• 10 ppm Beginning eye irritation.

• 100 ppm Loss of sense of smell coughing.

• 500 ppm Loss of consciousness.

• 700 ppm Rapid loss of consciousness and respiration.

• 1000 ppm Unconscious & Death at once.

TLV - Time Weighted Average
• This value is the maximum concentration of
toxic gas that a worker can be exposed to day
after day without suffering health problems.

• This TLV is an average taken over an 8 hour

day or a 40 hour week.

• TLV - Threshold Limit Value.

• TWA - Time Weighted Average.

• Threshold Limit Value-Time Weighted Average

is normally abbreviated as TLV-TWA.

• H2S has a TLV of 10 PPM.

Threshold Limit Value Short Term Exposure Limit (TLV-STEL)

• This is a higher TLV which defines the

maximum concentration that a person
may be exposed to for a maximum of 10

• There should be no more than four such

exposures per day, with at least 1 hour
between exposures.
Threshold Limit Ceiling (TLV-C)

This is the concentration level beyond which

workers must never be exposed- even for
! an instant
H2S - gas explosive range

1 - 1.2% DIESEL


5 - 15% METHANE

4 - 46% H2S GAS

? What is the drilling fluid pH

• pH is the negative logarithm (base 10) of the hydrogen-

ion concentration.

• pH is an expression (a number) that gives a liquids

relative acidity, or alkalinity.

• pH-units will decrease with increasing acidity.

Acid Neutral Alkaline

Low pH pH = 7 High pH
!! Maintain High pH

By mixing caustic soda into the drilling fluid the pH is increased

H2S + NaOH NaHS + H2O

• The chemical balance forms H2S when the pH drops below 7.

• In the pH range between 7-12, the chemical balance forms NaHs
and water.
• When H2S enters the drilling fluid it is important to maintain the
pH above 10.0.
Maintain High pH !!

Scavengers (Zinc carbonate)

Alkaline drilling fluid system:
H2S + NaOH NaHS + H2O
Adding scavenger :
ZnCO3 + NaHS NaHCO3 + ZnS
The Zinc sulphide product is very stable and does not
regenerate the H2S - even when pH drops to 3.5.
H2S - Gas Detectors
Never trust your smelling sense to detect H2S
Detector systems :

• Fixed systems.

• Portable detectors.

• Personal detectors.
H2S Detection & Alarms

Rig H2S detection system

uses the following items:

• Main control panel.

• Sensor assemblies located in

hazardous areas.

• Audio and visual alarms

are located at the top of the

• Alarms activated at
10ppm with light/horn.
H2S Detection & Alarms

Personal Monitors
• Assigned to work in all restricted areas.

• Sounds alarm if H2S reaches 10ppm with an

audio & visual display.

• Test unit each day for functioning.

Not a measuring device Just a warning device!

Personal Protection Equipment
• Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
± 30 min duration from air cylinder 6 litre 200 bar or from cascade

• Work & escape unit (Drager Colt)

± 10 min duration from air cylinder 2 litre 200 bar or from cascade

• Escape unit (Elsa go Rapid air)

± 10 min OR ± 15 min duration from 2 litre or 3 litre air cylinder 200
Self Contained Breathing Apparatus
?How Can You Measure Time For Air Bottle

.Normal air use 40 L/min for personnel

:Example: If we have a bottle as follows

liter * 200 bar = 1200 (Volume) 6

.min 30 = 1200/40
Personal Protection Equipment

Panorama Nova face

Personal Protective Equipment

Approximately 10 min
or 15 min supply from the
Cascade Breathing Air System

B auer
Wind Indicators And Dispersion

• Knowing the direction of the wind is very


• Location of wind socks & streamers:

Rig floor, mud tanks, cement unit, rig
Routes Of Egress (Escape)

Most important point is to escape

from area as quickly as possible!

• Locate wind indicator.

• Determine route of escape before

commencing work assignments.

• Never move to rig floor or shale


Never assume the shortest route is

safest route always use the safest
Method Of Response To Alarm

• Stop breathing holding breath w/o inhaling for second


• Turn face into the upwind direction.

• If breathing device available-don it and remove to

designated safe area. If no breathing device available,
continue to hold breath and remove self to designated
safe area.

• Look for anyone in distress-do not attempt rescue.

• Remain at safe area for further instructions.

Emergency Assembly Areas

There are two designated safe assembly areas

located on the rig each is designated by a green

• They are located on the most upwind side of the

location and are as primary and secondary

• Always know the primary by the current wind

Stepwise First Aid To An Unconscious Person

Check if the
victim is

If the victim is breathing and looks well, put him in

recovery position.
Stepwise First Aid To An Unconscious Person

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) consists of
mouth-to-mouth respiration and chest
Fire Fighting

Eng. Ahmad Magdy


Fire is defined as the rapid oxidation of fuel with rapid

combustion resulting in fire.

• The complex chemical reaction of organic materials with

oxygen or other oxidizing agents.

• Organic materials are substances containing carbon such as all

plant and animal material.

• Combustion is defined as the rapid oxidation

(resulting in fire).

• Oxidation is not always rapid. It may be slow,

or it may be instantaneous.

- Slow oxidation- rust.
- Rapid oxidation (combustion) – can occur in
two forms: smoldering fires and steady state
or free-burning fires.
Fire Triangle

• The surface, or smoldering mode of combustion is represented

by the fire triangle (fuel, heat and oxygen).

• Normal air contains 21 % oxygen, approximately 16% is required

for the fire triangle.

• A heat source must also be present.

• A fuel source of a gas, liquid or solid must be present.

Fire Triangle

Smoldering mode
Fire Tetrahedron

The flaming mode of combustion, such as the burning of

logs in a fireplace, is represented by the fire tetrahedron
fuel, heat, oxygen, and the uninhibited chemical chain(
Fire Tetrahedron

Flaming mode
Material (Fuel)

Fuel may be found in any of three states of matter: solid,

liquid, or gas. Only gases burn. The initiation of combustion of
a liquid or solid fuel requires its conversion into a gaseous state by

• Categories Of Heat Energy:

- Chemical.

- Electrical.

- Mechanical.

- Nuclear.

- Solar.

• Methods of Heat Transfer:

- Conduction.

- Convection.

- Radiation.
?What Are The Four Basic Products Of Combustion

• Flame.

• Smoke.

• Fire gases.

• Heat.

Flame is the visible, luminous body

of burning gas.
When a burning gas is mixed with
the proper amount of oxygen, the
flame becomes hotter and less
luminous. The loss of luminosity is
caused by a more complete
combustion of carbon.

The smoke encountered in most fires

consists of a mixture of oxygen, nitrogen,
divided carbon particles and a
miscellaneous of products that have been
released from the material involved.
Fire Gases

Some of the fire gases found in the smoke are:

• Carbon monoxide.

• Carbon dioxide.

• Sulfur dioxide.

• Water vapor.

• Hydrogen cyanide.
Fire Terminology

• Flashpoint.
Temp oC
• Fire point.
• Auto-ignition temperature.

Fire Ignition
Flash source
Fire Terminology

• Flash Point:
– Temperature at which gas and
vapours will ignite momentarily by an
outside source of heat.

.Indication of hazard
Fire Terminology

• Fire Point:
- Temperature at which gas and
vapours will sustain a flame when
ignited by an outside source of

• Auto-ignition:
Temperature at which gas and -
vapours which will ignite without any
.external source of ignition
Fire Precautions
– Fire / smoke detection.

– Fire alarms.

– Means of escape.

– Means of fighting the fire.

– Emergency evacuation procedures.

– Limiting number of occupants.

Fire Detection

• Smoke detection
– Ionising detectors.
– Light scatter detectors.
– Obscuration detectors.

• Flame detection
– Photoelectric cells.

• Flammable gas detection.

• Heat Detection.
Fire Precautions

• Fire Alarms
– Hand operated gong, etc.
– Public address systems.
– Manually operated electrical systems

• Manual call points and detectors linked to an alarm


• Zones often sub-divide premises by floor area.

Fire Precautions
• Fire Alarms
– Phased evacuation.
• Alert signal before alarm sounds.
• Pre-planned evacuation.

– Warning signals
• Audible.
– May be linked to door release mechanisms, etc.
– Testing.
– Contact with emergency / rescue services.
Means of Escape
– Unobstructed
– Travel distances
– Fire exits
– Corridors
– Stairways
– Fire doors
– Notices
– Escape signage
– Emergency lighting
– Assembly point
Classification of Fires


C la ss A C la ss B C la ss C CLASS D

S olid L iq u id & G a ses E le ctrica l M e ta ls

W o od G a so lin M o to rs P o tassium
P lastic O il S w itch ge ar S o dium
P a p er G re a se H e a te rs A lu m in um
R a gs P a int O ffice E qu ip m e nt M a g ne sium
Extinguishment Triangle

Cooling Smothering

Extinguishment Materials

• Water.

• Dry powder.

• Carbon dioxide.

• Foam.
Fire Fighting Equipment

• Fixed Equipment
– Hose reels
– Flood systems
– Sprinkler systems
Portable Fire Fighting Equipment

• Siting of extinguishers
– Location
– Clearly visible
– Accessible, free from obstructions
– Suitable for fire hazards in the area
– Protected from the weather, etc.
– Signage
Maintenance and Testing

• Inspection:
– Monthly routine visual checks to ensure extinguishers are:
• In place
• Have not been discharged
• Have no obvious damage
• Maintenance:
– Extensive annual tests by a competent person to ensure:
• Integrity of the extinguisher
• Removal and replacement of faulty equipment
How to Operate an Extinguisher
How to Operate an Extinguisher
If You Catch Fire

• STOP where you are. Moving or

running feeds air to the flames and
worsens the fire.

• DROP to the floor. If you stand up,

the fire can burn your face. Fold your
arms high on your chest to protect
your face.

• ROLL slowly on the floor or ground,

or in a rug or blanket, if you can.

• COOL off as soon as possible with

water for first and second degree
burns. For third degree burns, seek
medical attention immediately.
If You Fight

Stay between the fire and the exit

You may not win the fight, and you will want to(
)…be able to leave in this case
Don’t Fight If

• You don’t know what is burning.

• You are inhaling toxic smoke.

• It’s spreading rapidly.

• Your instincts say NO.

? How To Secure the Workplace

• Detectors.

• Alarms.

• Equipment.

• Training.
Egyptian Drilling Company Safety Management System

• E.D.C. S.M.S. is a system of scheduled procedures to ensure that

any type of work is performed in a safe manner.

• Any incidents are reported and distributed on all rigs so as to know

the reasons and prevent recurrence.

• All procedures are filed to be audited from the head office so as to

keep in good performance and progress.
A Brief Of Some Procedures

• Pre-tour Safety Meeting.

• Work Permit.

• Isolation Certificate.

• Incident Report.

• Safe Job Analysis.

• Pre-Manriding Checklist.

• Weekly HSE Meeting.

Pre-tour Safety Meeting
Work Permit
Isolation Certificate
Incident Report
Safe Job Analysis
Pre-Manriding Checklist
Weekly HSE Meeting

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