Chemical Formula
Chemical Formula
Jessan D. Moradas
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B. Nitrite D. Bromide
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A. CuNO3 C. Cu(NO3)2
B. Cu2NO3 D. Cu2(NO3)2
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• O2 – oxygen gas
• H2O – water
• NaOH – sodium hydroxide (liquid Sosa)
• HCl – hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid)
Two Types Of Chemical Formulas
Molecular formula
Empirical formula
• Molecular formula – gives the composition
of the molecule, in terms of the actual number
of atoms present.
• Empirical formula – gives the composition
of the molecule, in terms of the smallest ratio
the number of atoms present.
• Molecular formula • Empirical formula
Binary compounds – made up of two elements.
Symbol Name
NaI sodium iodide
MgCl2 magnesium chloride
FeS iron (II) sulfide
K2O potassium oxide
Molecular Compounds
Symbol Name
HCl hydrogen chloride
CO2 carbon dioxide
SO3 sulfur trioxide
Ternary compounds – made up of three elements.
The naming of ternary compounds follows the same
rule as that of the binary ionic compound: the name of the cation
is given first, followed by the name of the anion.
Symbol Name
NaNO3 sodium nitrate
BaCrO4 barium chromate
K2SO4 potassium sulfate
If there is another acid with the same atoms, the suffix –ous is
used to denote the one with less number of atoms.
Naming Of Acids
Name = (root name of element) -ic (or –ous) + acid
Symbol Name
HNO3 nitric acid
HNO2 nitrous acid
H2SO4 sulfuric acid
H2SO3 sulfurous acid
H3PO4 phosphoric acid
Naming Of Acids
Writing the Formula of the Compound
Name Symbol
Silver nitrate AgNO3
Potassium iodide KI
Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Barium chloride BaCl2
Hydrobromic acid HBr