Part 5-1 - Meteorological Base of Atmospheric Pollution

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What is Air Modeling?

• Modeling  an effort to mimic the nature’s process by using: 1) formula equation, 2)

miniature of a process (experiment
• Air Modeling  Understanding the process of air properties via a series of: a) formula
equation (deterministic, numerical, stochastic), b) experimentation (box model to
investigate the dispersion of emission)
• In one of the application of air modeling:
1. Finding the concentration of pollutants in a location where there is no measurement
2. Predicting the concentration of pollutants in the future
• Factors that affect model
• Receptors: a) distance from source
• Atmosphere condition: meteorological aspects
• Sources: a) height, b) duration, c) location, d) concentrations being emitted
• At times ventilation is low
• Minimum of air movement
• Weak pressure gradient and Warm core
Little air movement (stagnation)
• Winds are very light and cloudless
Clear skies promote instability  unstable layer (mixing height)  limited of height
1. Dry Deposition
deposition velocity has been used to account for removal due to impaction with vegetation near the
surface or for chemical reactions with the surface
2. Wet Deposition
Pembersihan (scavenging) partikel atau gas dapat terjadi:
• di awan oleh droplet awan (rainout) atau
• di bawah awan (washout)
• Nilai tipikal koefisien washout
Semakin besar rainfall rate  semakin besar ukuran partikel  semakin besar koefisien washout
Effects of Pollution to the Atmosphere
• Increased particulate matter (turbidity)
• Increased gaseous pollutant concentrations
• Fogs
• Particulates  degrades visibility
• Gaseous pollutants -> increase surface temperatures because they absorb long wave radiation
• Fogs  increase in humidity  the presence of many nucleis in the atmosphere that builds small droplets proportional
• Humidity is also high when vegetation and rapid runoff of rainwater are also high
• Human health effect
Removal Mechanisms
• most airborne pollutants are eventually removed from the atmosphere:
1. Sedimentation
2. reaction,
3. Dry
4. wet deposition
Exception :
5. Fine particulate matter (0.2 µm or less)
6. gases such as carbon monoxide, which do not react readily
>> They may remain airborne for long periods of time,
• The first 10–15 km
• The decreasing temperature with increasing height is due to the pressure gradient
• For most air pollution processes this is the relevant layer
• The next 30–40 km is the stratosphere.
• There is a temperature inversion due to the ultraviolet light absorbed by ozone and by ozone-forming reactions
• Most of the ozone in the atmosphere is located in the stratosphere
• Very stable layer
• This is where the coldest temperatures occur
• The highest temperatures occur (>1000 °C)  because of photodissociation of O 2and N2
• The lowest layers of the troposphere are the relevant ones for air pollution
• Several slightly overlapping concepts can be defined here:
1. the planetary boundary layer, 2
2. the mixing layer, and
Planetary Boundary Layer (pbl)
• The layer of the atmosphere that is influenced by Earth’s surface
• It is usually 1–4 km thick during the day and about 400 m thick at night (although
there is a layer above 400 m at night that is still influenced by effects that occurred
the day before)
• “Boundary layer” meteorology is the study of this layer
Mixing Layer or Mixed Layer
• The layer that has enough turbulence to allow complete mixing
• It usually takes up almost the entire PBL (sometimes less than PBL)
• The height of the mixing layer is the mixing height, hmix
Surface Layer
• The bottom part of the mixing layer (first 10% of the mixed layer)
• It has a wind speed that is mainly influenced by the surface
• It is usually 100–400 m thick.
• The part of the PBL above the surface layer has a constant wind speed
• Sometimes, during nighttime a wind speed that decreases with height is observed
above the surface layer  noctural jet  In regions conducive to nocturnal jets, they
occur in up to 30% of the nights
Air Parcel
• This developing cloud can be visualized as a large single air parcel
• An air parcel is an imaginary volume of air used by meteorologists to conceptualize
the thermodynamic fluid motions of the atmosphere for use in weather forecasting
• For mathematical simplicity, an air parcel is usually considered a rigid cube which 3 has
The internal energy is related to the enthalpy, H, as
U = H - pv
Differentiation leads to
dU = d(H – pV) = dH - p dV - V dp
Entalphy = total heat content of a system (kandungan panas dalam sebuah sistem) The enthalpy change with
temperature at constant pressure is the definition of the heat capacity at constant pressure:
dH = mcp,air dt
m is the mass of the air parcel (kg)
Cp,air is the specific heat of air dalam unit Joule/(kg.K)
t is the absolute temperature (K)
As an air parcel moves up or down, its internal pressure equalizes with the pressure of the surrounding air
The surrounding air exerts (use) compression work on the air parcel:
dw = -p dv
The minus sign indicates that the work exerted on the air
parcel is positive when the air parcel volume decreases
(compression) and negative when the volume increases
dU = -p dv
dU = dH - p dV - V dp  (slide 49)
dH = mcp,air dt  (slide 50)
-p dV = mcp,air dT - p dV - V dp

This reduces to

m dt = V dp
Case 1  Λ < Γ (subadiabatic)
• When the air parcel moves, its temperature changes more strongly than the
surrounding air because the parcel follows the adiabatic temperature profile
• If the parcel rises, it becomes colder than the surrounding air and denser  will
have a tendency to sink back to its original location
• If the parcel sinks, it will heat up more than the surrounding air  makes the air
parcel hotter and less dense than the surrounding air, giving it a tendency to rise
back to its original location  This is called a stable atmosphere:
Case 2  Λ > Γ (subadiabatic)
• Temperature of a moving air parcel changes less than the surrounding air
• When the parcel moves up, it becomes hotter and lighter than the surrounding
air  causing it to prolong its upward movement
Case 3  Λ = Γ (neutral)
• An air parcel at the same temperature as the surrounding air stays at the same
temperature as the surrounding air when it moves and has no tendency to
continue or reverse any movement
• The atmosphere is neither stable nor unstable.

Stability Parameter
The stability parameter (s) can be defined as the tendency of an air
parcel to accelerate against a given vertical movement (i.e., to slow it
down) per meter of that movement.
Friction is neglected
The acceleration is the result of gravitation and buoyancy  If the
parcel moves up and tends to accelerate down, then s > 0
The acceleration of an air parcel in the absence of friction is the effect of
gravity, Archimedes’ law (describing the buoyant forces), and Newton’s
law (relating force to acceleration)

Diurnal cycle of the temperature profile of the atmosphere

Typical example of the temperature profile in the atmosphere during 6
Heat definition
• Sensible heat: heat transfer driven by a temperature gradient
• Latent heat: heat carried by water vapor
• In urban areas anthropogenic heat flux can be added to the left-hand side of
equation above most of the urban heat island effect is included in other terms
• Calculate the sensible heat flux q on a cloudless day when the solar elevation is
60° above the horizon. The terrain is rural, and an albedo r of 0.2 can be
assumed, a CG value of 0.1, and a Bowen ratio of 0.5. How does the sensible heat
flux change during a severe draught, when Brises to 1.5?
• With n = 0 and sin ϕ = 30.5/2, a value of 827.4 Wm2 is obtained. A value of 524.0
W m–2 is obtained. With B = 0.5, a value of 157.2 W m–2 is obtained.
• With B = 1.5, a value of 282.9 W m–2 is obtained. Dry conditions increase the
sensible heat flux because less heat is transported in water vapor.
• For instance, the nighttime Bowen ratio can differ substantially from the daytime
value and can even become negative. Hence, a different approach is needed.
However, we need to understand temperature profiles in non-neutral conditions
before we can approach the nocturnal heat balance

Typical calculated diurnal variation of q: (a) in summer and
winter, (b) on sunny and cloudy days, (c) on dry and wet soils,
and (d) for different albedos

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