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 Objective
 Abstract
 Introduction
 Existing System
 Proposed System
 System Architecture
 Modules
 System requirements
 URL diagrams
 Conclusion
 Future Enhancement
 References

▶ The primary goal of movie recommendation system is to filter and predict only those movies that
a corresponding user is most likely to want to watch.

▶ Provide users with accurate movie recommendation.

▶ User preference known as content based filtering or the preference of similar user known as
collaborative filter.

▶ Improve the quality of the movie recommendation system.

▶ Improving the scalability and enhancing the user experience.

A movie recommendation is important in our social life due to its strength in providing enhanced entertainment.
Such a system can suggest a set of movies to users based on their interest, or the popularities of the movies. Although,
a set of movie recommendation systems have been proposed, most of these either cannot recommend a movie to the
existing users efficiently or to a new user by any means. In this paper we propose a movie recommendation system that
has the ability to recommend movies to a new user as well as the others. It mines movie databases to collect all the
important information, such as, popularity and attractiveness, required for recommendation. It generates movie swarms
not only convenient for movie producer to plan a new movie but also useful for movie recommendation. Experimental
studies on the real data reveal the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed system.

A recommendation system is a system that provides suggestions to users for certain resources like books,
movies, songs, etc. Based on some dataset. Movie recommendation system usually predict what movies a
user will like based on the attributes present in previously like movies .

A recommendation system or recommendation engine is a model used for information filtering where it tries
to predict the preferences of a user and provide suggests based on these preferences. These systems have
become increasingly popular nowadays and are widely used today in areas such as movies, music, books,
videos, clothing, restaurants, food, places and other utilities. These systems collect information about a user's
preferences and behaviour, and then use this information to improve their suggestions in the future. Movies are
a part and parcel of life. There are different types of movies like some for entertainment, some for educational
purposes, some are animated movies for children, and some are horror movies or action films. Movies can be
easily differentiated through their genres like comedy, thriller, animation, action etc. Other way to distinguish
among movies can be either by releasing year, language, director etc. Watching movies online, there are a
number of movies to search in our most liked movies . Movie Recommendation Systems helps us to search our
preferred movies among all of these different types of movies and hence reduce the trouble of spending a lot of
time searching our favourable movies. So, it requires that the movie recommendation system.
Existing System:

▶ A system that provides suggestions to users for certain resources like books, movies,
songs, etc.

▶ Movie recommendation systems usually predict what movies a user will like based on the
attributes present in movies .

▶ The existing system works on individual users rating and on the genre of the show.

▶ Clustering model and matrix factorization are familiar techniques that have gained.
Proposed System:

▶ The movie recommendation system is based on the abstract maximal clique method.

▶ The Matrix factorization is a class of collaborative filtering algorithms used in

recommendation systems.

▶ The present work improve these approaches by taking the movies content
information into account during the item similarity calculations.

▶The primary objective is to suggest a recommended list through singular value

decomposition collaborative filtering and cosine similarity.
Movie recommendation systems use a set of different filtration strategies and algorithms to help users find the most
relevant films. The most popular categories of the ML algorithms used for movie recommendations include content-
based filtering and collaborative filtering systems.
Content-Based Filtering :

1) It uses attributes such as genre, director, description, actors, etc. for movies, to make suggestions for the users.

2) The intuition behind this sort of recommendation system is that if a user liked a particular movie or show, he/she
might like a movie or a show similar to it.

3) In collaborative filtering, we consider only user-item-preferences and build the recommender systems. Though this
approach is accurate, it makes more sense if we consider user properties and item properties while building
recommendation engines.

4) As the name indicates, a content-based recommender system uses the content information of the items for
building the recommendation model.

5) Recommendations are based on information on the content of items rather than on other users opinions.
Uses a machine learning algorithm to
induce a profile of the users
preferences from examples based on a
featural description of content.
Some previous applications:

- Newsweeder (Lang, 1995)

- Syskill and Webert (Pazzani et al.,
Collaborative Filtering :

1) Maintain a database of many users’ ratings of a variety of items.

2) For a given user, find other similar users whose ratings strongly correlate with the current user.

3) Recommend items rated highly by these similar users, but not rated by the current user.
Almost all existing commercial recommenders use this approach (e.g. Amazon)

There are two types of collaborative filtering recommender

1.User-based collaborative filtering
2. Item-based collaborative filtering
1. User-based collaborative filtering:

In user-based collaborative filtering, recommendations are

generated by considering the preferences in the user's
neighborhood. User- based collaborative filtering is done in two
Identify similar users based on similar user preferences.
Recommend new items to an active user based on the rating
given by similar users on the items not rated by the active user.

Select a user with the movies the user has watched. Add movieIds to
the movies watched by the user for easy recommendation. Based on
his rating to movies
2. Item-based collaborative filtering:
In item-based collaborative filtering, the recommendations are
generated using the neighbourhood of items. Unlike user-based
collaborative filtering, we first find similarities between items and then
recommend non- rated items which are similar to the items the active
user has rated in past. Item-based recommender systems are
constructed in two steps:
Calculate the item similarity based on the item preferences.
Find the top similar items to the non-rated items by active user and
recommend them

Item based collaborative filtering uses the patterns of users who

liked the same movie as me to recommend me a movie.
System Requirements :

Software Requirements :

A software requirements specification (SRS) is a document that describes what the software will do and how it will be
expected to perform. It also describes the functionality the product needs to fulfill the needs of all stakeholders.

Hardware Requirements :

The hardware requirements are the requirements of a hardware device. Most hardware only has operating system
requirements or compatibility. For example, a printer may be compatible with Windows XP but not compatible with
newer versions of Windows like Windows 10, Linux, or the Apple macOS.

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