Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Dr Alex Mogere
Consultant Physician
Environmental and dietary factors may play a role in prostate Ca growth and
High consumption of dietary fats, eg α-linoleic acid or the polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons that form when red meats are cooked, is believed to increase
The risk of prostate Ca in Asian men increases when they move to Western
Lower Vit D levels
Protective factors
No drugs or dietary supplements are approved by the U.S. FDA for prevention
of prostate Ca
5α-reductase inhibitors (5ARI) are the most likely therapy to reduce the
future risk of a prostate Ca diagnosis-finasteride, dutasteride
The clinical states model
TRUS is the imaging technique most frequently used to assess the primary
tumor, but its chief use is directing prostate biopsies, not staging.
CT lacks sensitivity and specificity to detect extraprostatic extension and is
inferior to MRI in visualization of LNs
In general, MRI performed with an endorectal coil is superior to CT to detect
cancer in the prostate and to assess local disease extent.
Radionuclide bone scans (bone scintigraphy) are used to evaluate spread to
osseous sites.
Tx of Prostate Ca
radical prostatectomy,
radiation therapy,
or active surveillance
After radical surgery to remove all prostate tissue, PSA should become
undetectable in the blood within 6 weeks.
If PSA remains or becomes detectable after radical prostatectomy, the patient
is considered to have persistent disease
After radiation therapy, in contrast, PSA does not become undetectable
because the remaining nonmalignant elements of the gland continue to
produce PSA even if all cancer cells have been eliminated
Cont. Clinically localized prostate Ca
The more advanced the disease, the lower the probability of local control and
the higher the probability of systemic relapse.
To better assess risk and guide TX selection, many groups have developed
prognostic models or nomograms that use a combination of the initial clinical
T stage, biopsy Gleason score, and baseline PSA.
Some use discrete cut points (PSA <10 or ≥10 ng/mL; Gleason score of ≤6, 7,
or ≥8); others employ nomograms that use PSA and Gleason score as
continuous variables
Tx related Adverse events
Surgical orchiectomy is the “gold standard” but is rarely used due to the
availability of effective medical therapies and the more widespread use of
hormones on an intermittent
Testosterone lowering agents
gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists/antagonists,
17,20-lyase inhibitors,
CYP17 inhibitors,
estrogens, and
progestational agents.
Cont. Testosterone lowering agents
Changes in lipids, obesity, and insulin resistance, along with an increased risk
of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, can also occur, mimicking the
metabolic syndrome
A decrease in bone density may also result that worsens over time and results
in an increased risk of clinical fractures
Anti androgens
sipuleucel-T- a biologic
Cabazitaxel- a taxane
abiraterone acetate- a CYP17 inhibitor
Enzalutamide- next generation antiandrogen
Alpharadin - an alpha-emitting bone-seeking radioisotope
Other bone-targeted agents: bisphosphonates and the RANK ligand inhibitor
Most men seek to avoid chemotx and are 1st treated with a biologic agent
and/or newer hormonal agent approved for this indication
Pain mx