Report Sts
Report Sts
Science and Technology
during the Following Periods
A. Ancient Times
B. Middle Ages
C. Renaissance (17th century)
D. S & T from the 17th century to the early 19th century
E. S & T in the 19h century
F. S & T in the 20th century
A. Ancient Times
Sumerian Civilization
• 3,500 BC
• Mesopotamia
a place in Western wherein the first ancient times
civilization started.
• Cuneiform
first writing process or system wherein a set of word
pictures represented in symbols made of triangular
• Livelihood primarily agricultural in nature.
(a) irrigating their fields by constructing dikes and canals.
(b) plant crops and raised some livestock for their own
family consumption and for trade.
• 3,500 BC – 500 BC
• located in the border of the famous
Euphrates and Tigris river in Iraq.
• 2 prominent leaders:
(a) Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC)
(b) Nebuchadnezzar II (604-562 BC)
• 5000-3100 BC
• Egypt
desert areas predominantly cover the country but the
presence of the Nile river provide Egypt the necessary
water requirements to support agricultural activities.
• agriculturally inclined and craftsmen.
• shelter: construct their houses using reeds and airdye
• Earliest Egyptian
• Golden Age
• Period of New Kingdom (1567-1085 BC)
• Thales (624-547 BC)
reasoned that matter was composed of/
convertible to water.
• Hippocrates (400BC)
-Greek wise men pioneered in regarding
medicine as a science apart from religion.
He taught that diseases and illness have
natural causes and the human body is capable
of healing or providing vital body mechanisms
to repair itself.
-credited for the oath prescribing physician’s
ethical responsibility.
• Aristotle (384-322)
his part was involved in different areas of
scientific work ranging from gathering
information on the structure and behavior of
plants and animals to their identification,
description, and classification.
• Pythagoras
-Greek mathematician perfected geometry
as a single logical process/ system.
• Ptolemy (100AD)
-greatest astronomers of the ancient times.
• Constantinople
-landmark of big buildings and trade centers, residential
areas andchurches with decorations of marbles, mosaic
and silver.
-protected from enemy from high & thick walls.
-1435, conquered by Ottoman Turks & declared as their
capital, Istanbul.
• Sung Dynasty
-paper currency and printing of
Confucian classic spread.
-Bigger boats and ships for traveling the
high seas.
• Andreas Versalius
-surgeon & anatomist laid out in detail the first
scientifically accurate description of human anatomy
“On the fabric of the Human Body”.
-recognized as the father of modern medicine.
D. S & T from the 17th century to the early 19th century
Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution
• labor and other activities are done by human hands, either directly or with
the aid of tools/implements held by hands/with animals guided by man.
• Simple machines (pulley)
• -steam engine which was invented in the late 1600s was improved by
James Watt (1765) a Scottish engineer by inventing the condensing steam
Industrial Revolution
• Joseph Black
the discoverer of latent heat in thermodynamics
• 1825
-British engineers constructed the first passenger railway transport.
-within the decade, travelers n Europe & North America used railways.
• Francis Bacon
-through the useful utilization and application of knowledge, the material pursuit and
welfare of society can be advanced and improved.
• Benjamin Franklin
contribution to science was his experiment on electricity.
he invented the lightning rod, device that prevents houses from burning when struck by a
• Alessandro Volta
experiments on metals ended up to his invention of the electric battery in 1800.
The unit of electromagnetic force which drives current called “volts” was derived from his
Industrial Revolution
• Michael Faraday
-conducted experimental work on electromagnetism paving the way for his invention of
electromagnetic conduction.
• Oersted
-revealed that electric current that flowed on wire and deflected the needle of a magnetic
• Andre Ampere
-explained the magnetic effects in terms of electric currents flowing in small loops and he
deduced the if the flow of electricity produced magnetism, the magnetism should be able
to generate electric current.
• Joseph Henry
-middle of 19th century, he used power electromagnets for lifting heavy loads.
• Samuel Morse
-developed the first practical telegraph
-1835, he developed Morse Code, system of signals composed of dots and dashes combined
to represent letters of the alphabets used in wire telegraph.
Industrial Revolution
• Thomas Alva Edison
- invented the electric bulb
• Heinrich Hertz
-physicist who was able to produce and visualize electromagnetic waves.
• Guglielmo Marconi
-Italian physicist who developed the wireless telegraph apparatus which was
patented in 1990. In his contribution, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1909.
E. S& T in the 19th century
E. S& T in the 19th century