Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)
Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)
• What is MCB
• Types Of MCB
• Working Principal
• Read printed Nameplate rating
MCB| What is MCB
• An Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) is
an automatically operated electrical
Switching :
switch used to protect low voltage • On/ OFF
electrical circuits. Protection:
• Overload
• It safeguards against damage caused
• Short circuit
by excess current from overloads or
short circuits.
• MCBs are typically rated 2 to 125 A.
MCB| Types
Based on the Number of Poles
Single Pole MCB
Double pole MCB
Triple Pole MCB
Four Poles
Three poles with a neutral
Based on amps Ratings
2A, 6A, 10A, 16A, 20A, 25A, 32A, 45A, 50A, 63A, 80A,
100A, 125A
MCB| Types
Based on their Trip Curves
Type Tripping Current Operating time
Type B 3 To 5 times the full load 0.04 To 13 Sec
Type C 5 To 10 times the full load 0.04 To 5 Sec
Type D 10 To 20 times the full load 0.04 To 3 Sec
Type K 8 To 12 times the full load <0.1 Sec
Type Z 2 To 3 times the full load <0.1 Sec
MCB| Working Principal
Current Flow Path
It starts from up side power terminal,
then passes through a bimetallic strip,
a current coil (or trip coil),
a moving contact,
a fixed contact,
and finally reaches the down side
power terminal.
MCB| Working Principal
Overload Protection
If the circuit is overloaded for a prolonged period, the bimetallic strip becomes
overheated and deformed. This deformation causes a displacement of the latch