Movie at
Movie at
• ·User-based collaborative filtering: In this model, products are recommended to a user based on the fact that the products have
been liked by users similar to the user. For example, if Derrick and Dennis like the same movies and a new movie come out
that Derick like, then we can recommend that movie to Dennis because Derrick and Dennis seem to like the same movies.
• Item-based collaborative filtering: These systems identify similar items based on users’ previous ratings. For example, if users
A, B, and C gave a 5-star rating to books X and Y then when a user D buys book Y they also get a recommendation to
purchase book X because the system identifies book X and Y as similar based on the ratings of users A, B, and C.
based on viewed information of the users' preferences.
• This systems makes uses of information filtering techniques to process information and
provide the user with potentially more relevant items.
• The main aim of our project is to provide a highly accurate recommendation with a clean
and a decent UI design making it feasible for any user to use without any hassles.
• Our goal is to find a new way to understand how classification works and improve the
requirement of improving content-based recommender systems.
Literature Review
• Recommendation System is a vast area which is used everywhere in
every field.
• People use recommendations as it saves time, so it plays a vital role
in various areas. It is used in many real life applications like
Entertainment, E-Commerce, Services, Social Media etc.
• Main goal of recommendation system is to forecast the rating which a
specific user gives to an item.
• It helps the user to find the optimum recommendation from the
available list of items.
In order to achieve the goal of the project,
• The first process is to do enough background study, so the literature study was conducted.
• The whole project is based on a big amount of movie data so that we choose quantitative
research.Researching and choosing data which is highly relevant to our model is the utmost
important thing and should be done carefully.
• In Some previous Existing System due to less validation of data Null Values or irrelevant values
appear in major case which fails the system.
• Many existing movie recommendation systems are developed based on different algorithms. Thus,
it is crucial to understand the state-of-the-art developments of these systems, their advantages and
disadvantages as well as areas which require more research.
• We conducted a literature review on the existing solutions for movie recommender systems,
describe and compare them based on various features, and present future research directions.This
gave us a breif idea of how to start
Problem Statement
• To build an effective recommender system is also a
challenge because user’s preference keeps on changing
with time it's uncertain .
• Proposed system should be have a constant accuracy and
Minimal false suggestions.
• To have a clean UI which makes it easy for the user to
get used to it
Block Diagram
Algorithm for Proposed System
Step 1 : Search for Dataset relevant to your choice of System.
Step 2: Remove Unwanted and Nullified Values from the dataset for better
Step 3: Choose the Appropriate tags highly relevant to your system.
Step 4: Create a concatenated String of Tags & convert them all to lower
Step 5: Perform text vectorization over that Concatenated Strings
Step 6: Evaluate cosine similarity and generate a Similarity Matrix and sort it in
decreasing order of the similarity
Step 7 : Extract the top 5 movies relevant to the selected movie and provide it
to the pickle object
Step 8 : Search for the movie and display top 5 relevant movies using Streamlit
Flow Chart
Text Vectorization: Bag of Words
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