Formulating Statistical Mini Research
Formulating Statistical Mini Research
Define research and its purpose.
Explain the steps in formulating a
LEARNING statistical mini-research.
Enumerate the procedures in
conducting a statistical mini-research.
• The teacher decides to
excuse in succeeding test
those students in the top 10%
of the scores of their
classmates, what is the cut-
off score?
“Ang batang palatanong ay siyang
Chinese proverb:
“He who asks a question is a fool for
five minutes; he who does not ask a
question remains a fool forever.”
Research is a careful and detailed study into a
specific problem, concern, or issue using scientific
How have the numbers of school dropouts increased in the last three years?
To what extent and for what purpose do students access the internet?
Formulating a Statistical
Mini Research
Collecting Data
– this refers to the methods of gathering information needed for
instruments and participants
survey questionnaires
interview guide questions
PARTICIPANTS Sampling is the process of selecting the
participants from the target population to be
included in the study.
Target population is the entire group of Sample refers to the part of the population
people a researcher identifies to study and that is included in the study and where the
about which to draw conclusions. information in research comes from.
Simple Random Systematic Random Sampling – the method of
Sampling – also known selecting every kth element in the population list.
as the fish-bowl method
or the lottery method.
Stratified Sampling Sampling
– a sample is drawn from each – the sampling unit is the whole
sub-group known as strata. cluster (that is grouped based on
Slovin’s formula:
Analyzing Data
– It is the heart of the research work.
– It means transforming the data gathered into meaningful
information. You will use appropriate statistical method to interpret
research data.
Determine the percentiles for different heights and weights.
Formulating a Statistical
Mini Research
Interpreting Data
– when the findings of the data is organized, conclusions will be
Determine the percentiles for different heights and weights.
Suppose your friend is in the 75th percentile for height and the
25th percentile for weight. What does this mean?
a Statistical
Mini Research
Conducting a Statistical Mini Research
_______ Compute and interpret the gathered information.
_______ Determine the number of respondents through random sampling.
_______ Distribute the materials to your target participants to gather data.
_______ Draw conclusions and generalizations from the data you collected.
_______ Make sure to re-read and proofread your work before finalizing your paper.
_______ Prepare the materials that are to be used in research such as survey questionnaires and
interview guide questions.
_______ Present your research output to your Mathematics teacher. Discuss how measures of position
have been applied in the methods of arriving at conclusions and recommendations.
_______ Start making a written report of the results of the study.
_______ Think of a research topic that is timely and relevant. Note that the mini-research is quantifiable.
Conducting a Statistical Mini Research
1) Think of a research topic that is timely and relevant. Note that the mini-
research is quantifiable.
2) Prepare the materials that are to be used in research such as survey
questionnaires and interview guide questions.
3) Determine the number of respondents through random sampling.
4) Distribute the materials to your target participants to gather data.
5) Compute and interpret the gathered information.
6) Draw conclusions and generalizations from the data you collected.
Conducting a Statistical Mini Research