Science Meetings

Explore below for details on both forthcoming and past events with an SKA focus.


June 2025


Advancing Astrophysics II: Preparing for Science with the SKAO, Görlitz


Further details of the 2025 SKAO General Science Meeting to follow.
Details on the updated SKAO Science Book and how to contribute available here.



Gorlitz 2025


July 2024


EAS 2024, Padova


"The Square Kilometre Array Observatory: pathway to science operations"

Details available here 
Presentation details (SS31) can be found here 


May 2024


Cosmic Magnetism in the SKA Era


Details available here
Cosmic Magnetism in the Pre-SKA Era
March 2024 Cosmology in the Alps logo
March 2024


Cosmology in the Alps


Details available here



July 2023


EAS2023, Krakow


SKA Lunch Session - "On the road to the SKAO - project update and summary of key science"

Details available here 
Presentation (LS12a) can be found here 
New Eyes on the Universe, 2023
May 2023


New Eyes on the Universe: SKAO & ngVLA


SKAO/ngVLA Science Meeting in Vancouver


Details available here
February/March 2023


ESO-SKAO - Coordinated Surveys of the Southern Sky


Details available here
June/July 2022


EAS2022, Valencia


SKA-ALMA Synergy Symposium - "Building bridges: The lifecycle of dust and gas in the Milky Way with ALMA and SKA"


Details available here
Presentations can be found here
March 2021


A Precursor View of the SKA Sky


SKA Science Conference (virtual) 


Details available here 
SKA Science Meeting 2021
October 2019


The World's Eye on the Sky


SKA-VLBI workshop @ SKAO Global HQ


Details available here


April 2019


New Science enabled by New Technologies in the SKA era


SKA Science Meeting and Key Science Workshop @ Alderley Park, UK


Details available here
Presentations can be found here
2019 SKA Science Poster
AAS 233
January 2019


AAS 233 - SKA Splinter Session


"The SKA - A transformational telescope for the next decade and beyond"


Presentations can be found here
June 2017


EWASS 2017


Symposium 15 - "Scientific Synergies enables by the SKA, CTA, and Athena"


Details available here
Presentations can be found here
Goa poster
November 2016


Science for the SKA Generation, GOA


Details available here
Presentations can be found here 
July 2016


EWASS 2016


SKA Special Session – "The Square Kilometre Array Observatory: Current Status and Science Program"


Presentations can be found here
ewass 2016
KSWorkshop poster
August 2015


Key Science Workshop #1 Stockholm


Details available here 
Presentations, slides and recording can be found here 
August 2015


IAU GA in Hawai'i


SKA Splinter Session


2015 IAU Hawaii
AAS Splinter session poster
January 2015


AAS 225


SKA Splinter Session - "The SKA Telescope: Global Project, Revolutionary Science, Extreme Computing Challenges"


Details available here
June 2014


Advancing Astrophysics with the SKA


Details available here
Individual chapters can be found here
2014 Advancing Astrophysics
Last modified on 07 August 2024